Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, June 13, 1878, Image 1

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    .r t . f
Farmer, Ilu.lue. Mau and Family Circle
Official Paper for Clackamas County.
Ollice : In .Enterprise Builtllusr,
One door South of Masonic Building, Main Street.
Terms of Ainberl2tiom :
SinRle Copy, one year, in advance $2 50
Single Copy, six months, in advance 1 50
Terms or Ad vertiwinsr :
Transient advertisements, including ail legal
notices, per square of twelve lines, one
week $ 2 60
For each subsequent insertion 1 00
One Column, one year 120 00
Half Column, one year to 00
Quarter Column, one year 40 00
Business Card, one square, one year 12 00
OREGON tOllGE, No. 3, I. O. O. F
aieeia every rnursday livening, ity-v .
1 o'clock, in Odd i ellows' Hall, fC'tnSf
Main Street. Members of the Order VTSlirt
By order of
N. G.
Members of the Degree are Invited to '
vr. u. t., metis at uud iellows' Hall on
the First and Thiid Tuesday of each month.
Patriarchs in good standing are invited to
n.. ji . a. m... noius its regular communi
cations on the First and Ti.ir.l sUf,,r.i.-
in each month, at 1 o'clock from iii. n,,.xJ'
of September to the 2uth of March - and
1 H o'clock from the 20th of March to th
2utu of September. Brethren in good standing are
invited to attend. By order of w. M.
I'lij siciasi and Surgeon,.
Graduate of the University of Pennsylvania.
Office at Cliff Hoi be.
IMiyKiciuii and Druggist.
"Prescriptions carefully filled at short notice.
Highest cash price paid for County Orders.
Special attention given to business in the U. S.
Land Office.
Ollice in Mver's Brick.
Will practice in all the Courts of the State.
Special attention given to cases in the United
States Land Office at Oregon City. 6apr'72-tf
Sale at tuisoihce. Justices pf the Peeace can
et anytuing in their line.
1. P. VfABD,
assortment of
Drugs uul Chemicals,
Prrfmiirrr, Soai,
Comb and Urnthri.
T"'. Mupporli,
ataonldrr Brare, fanvy and
Toilet Article.,
WtMii Oil. Lamp ll jnneT..
arm. heat and NiuiTi..
fci. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully com-
pounded, and all orders correctly answered.
SV Open at all hours of the night.
l& All accounts must be paid monthly.
uovl,ls75tf WARD & HARDING.
Estubllsliea si 11 00 -I t ,
One door North of Pope's Hall,
Aa assortment of Watches, Jewelry, and f"SL
Seth Thomas' Weieht Clurfea ll nr tcii.-h ?v
are warranted to be as represented. trut
cinug uaue ob snort notice; and thui ui
lor past pairouage.
Cali 1'aiil lor t'ouiily Order.
Oregon Crrr, Oeeqos.
yAt the Post Office, Main Street, west side.
novl, "75-tf
IMoiieer ISoolc Bindery
Plttock's Building, cor. of Stark and Front Stg.,
"13 lank books ecxed and bound to any
A3 desired pattern. Music Bocks, Magazines,
Aowspapers, etc., bound iu every variety of 6tyl
known to the trade. Orders from the country
promptly attended to. novl, '73-tf
Hvln8 purchased the above Brewery, 3E??l
.uiuim iuo puDiic mat mey are - --- --
,,J xuauuiaciure a iso. i
V??.d 'mC? obtU"l anywhere in the State
I." ' PF" ,lieets on the Second and fTT
1 ourth Tuesday Evenings of each month, h3J
at lit o clock, in th 0.1,1 i,.,.. ui. mftlm , S
.. au promptly mled.
Love Unsung.
Guide on, sweet purling stream,
And minglo with the sea;
Adown each glon thy wa:er3 gleam.
In merry dance and free.
Sing on, sweet bird; the blue expanse
Of heaven's vault is thine;
0 lap thy soul into a trance;
Pour forth thy song divine;
But I must not give forth my strain;
I love a maid, but lore in rain.
The blithesome bird that haunts the rale
Yfill bear but half her grief;
She floats her sorrow on the gale.
And gives her soul relief;
The meanest floweret on the field
Easks in the noon-day sun;
And every oreature hath a rest,
When daily toll is done;
1 to myself make bootless moan,
And bear my burden all alono.
A grief that links two hearts in bliss,
Is but a bidden treasure;
What's but a thorn when singly borne,
When shared becomes a pleasure;
The finer feelings of the soul
Are known by mutual union;
Each spirit hath its counterpart,
Tfith whom to hold communion;
But she is gone, and lea res with me
-The rest of the unsleeping sea.
The "Skeleton iu Armor."
The "Skeleton in Armor," unearthed
at iau luver some lorty-nve years or
more ajjo, continues to be a topic of
speculation and discussion amoDg anti
quaries, among those especially who have
desired to persuade themselves that it
was not the skeleton of a Norseman.
Many of the present generation, probably,
have never seen a description of it. It
was found in the year 1833, or earlier, by
men who were digging down a hill and
making excavations.
Iu 1837 it was described in a paper
published in the American Magazine,
Boston. The displacement of a large
mass of earth brought to view the top of
a human skull which proved to have be
longed to a body that was buried there
in a sitting posture. The following de
scription of it is taken from the American
Magazine :
" The surrounding earth was carefully
removed, and the body found to be en
veloped in a covering of coarse bark of a
dark color. Within this envelope were
found the remains of another of coarse
cloth, made of tine bark, and about the
texture of a Manilla coifee-bag. On the
breast was a plate of brass, thirteen
nches long, six broad at the upper end,
and live at the lower. Ibis plafe appears
to have been cast, and is from one-eighth
to three thirty-seconds of an inch in
thickness. It is so much corroded that
whether or not anything was engraved
upon it has not yet been ascertained. It
i3 oval in form, the edges being irregular,
apparently made so by corrosion. Below
the breastplate, and entirely encircling
the body, was a belt composed of brass
tubes, each four and a half inches in
lecgth, and three-sixteenths of on inch in
diameter, arranged longitudinally and
close together, the length of a tube being
the width of the belt. Ihe tubes are 01
thin brass cast upon hollow reeds, and
were fastened together by pieees of
inew. Near the right knee was a quiver
of arrows. The arrows are 01 brass, thin,
flat, aud triangular in shape, with a round
hole cut through near the base. The
shaft was fastened to the head by insert-
inr the latter in an opening at the end
of the wood, and then tying with
sinew through the round hole a mode of
constructing the weapon never practiced
by the Indians, not even with their ar
rows of thin shell. Parts of the shaft
still remain on some of them. When
first discovered the arrows were in a sort
of quiver of bark, which fell to pieces
when exposed to the air."
The attempts to explain this " skeleton
. IT il
in armor are numerous. v anoua theo
ries have been devised. The writer in
the American Magazine suggested several
explanations, but inclined most strongly
to the belier tnat tne siceieton was tDat or
a Phoenician from some 1'hcenician vessel
which had been driven to this coast by
stress of weather, whichnot beiDg very
reasonable, has not tound favor. It ap-
1 J I 1 . I T 1
pears to ue irue mat. me iasques were
accustomed to visit the North American
fishinjr-'rrounds loner before the time of
Columbus, and that they had communi
cation with the Indians along the coast ;
but they were fishermen, and not war-
riors ; ana nooouy uas veniureu 10 sug
gest that one of the old Basques was
buried at i all Kiver.
Longfellow's ballad on the skeleton
makes it say: "1 was a Viking old,"
and gives an imaginative history of this
old Viking. Many others believe that
the man buried in armor at Fall River
was a Norseman, and that the burial took
place at soma time after the year 1,000,
A. D., during the period ot the JNorse
trading and lumbering settlements in
Massachusetts and Rhode Island, which
existed more than three hundred years,
beginning early in the "eleventh century
and ending near the middle of the four
teenth. This theory has more supporters
than any other, and it is not improbable.
Danish antiquaries think the unearthed
skeleton was that cf Thorwald Erikson,
the only great Norse chief known to have
been buried in Vinland. lie was killed
there by Indians, in the year 1,003.
There are some who try to believe that
the Fall River skeleton was nothing more
than the skeleton of a regular New Eng
land Indian. They seek to explain the
armor and arrows by quoting certain
wonderful stories of Breretou, who wrote
an account of Gosuold's voyage to New
Eugland in 1G02. He wrote in the inter
est of a company that desired to secure
emigrants for settlement here. Of course
ne tola big stories. One ot them was
that the Indians iu the neighborhood of
Buzzard's Bay had " great store of cop
per, flax and other rich commodities ;'
also "flax-fields and copper mines.'
There were "none of them," Le said, who
did not wear " bandoliers of copper, and
other copper ornaments 10 great abun
dance. The Pilgrims who arrived ia New
England a few years later neither found
nor heard of anything to confirm or ex
cuse Brereton's big emigration stories.
He had tried to imitate Munchausen ;
that was all. Those who recall what the
New England Indians were in the colony
times will find it impossible to assume,
or even imagine, that these savages were
capable of working metals and flax, and
producing a "great store of rich, com
modities." But "great store of copper,"
if it had existed, could do nothing to ex
plain the Fall River skeleton ; for the
armor and arrows tound with it were
made of brass, not copper, and of brass
that " appears to have been cast." The
fct that the armor unearthed at Fall
River was made of brass has been settled
beyond the reach of doubt. A portion of
the breastplate was analyzed by the emi
nent Swedish chemist, Berzelius, with the
following result: 70 parts of it were cop
per, 28 parts zinc, and two parts tin, lead
and iron, the quantity of iron being very
small. At the same time he analyzed a
Danish brass article of the tenth century,
and found the composition almost precise
ly the same. For the rest, the breastplate
and other brass articles, were like those
used by the Norsemen in the tenth and
eleventh centuries.
There are full narratives of the earlier
Norse voyages to Vinland. These nar
ratives give accurate descriptions of the
American coast from the Straits of Belle
Isle to Narragansett Bay. There are also
records showing that communication be
tween Iceland, Greenland and Vinland
was continued from about 1,000, A. D., to
1,347, A. D. ; and also, that the first
Norse discovery of Vinland was made in
the year 980, A. D., very soon after the
beginning of the first settlement in
Greenland. A record copied at the Vati
can states that Pope Paschal II., in the
year 1,112, made Erik Upsi " Bishop of
Iceland, Greenland and Vinland ;" an
other record mentions that this Bishop
Erik went personally to Vinland, in 1,121 ;
an?, finally, Adam of Bremen appeuded
to one of his books, published in 1,073,
a geographical treatise " On the Position
of Denmark and Other Regions Beyond
Denmark," in which, after describing
Iceland and Greenland, he says : " Bo
sides these there is still another region
which has been visited by many, lying in
that ocean (the Atlantic) which is called
Adam, of Bremen, described Vinland,
and closed the description thus: "This
we know, not by fabulous conjecture,
but from positive statements of the
Danes." Danes with whom he conversed
had visited Vinland. The last voyage to
Vinland, mentioned in the Norse records,
took place in 1347, the year in which the
memorable "Black PUgue," or "Black
Death," began its terrible ravages iu
Europe. This awful pestilence raged
about four vears, extended to all the na
tions of Europe, and swept away more
than half the people of the Scandinavian
countries. Prof. Anderson, a Scandina
vian, says: "The ' Black Plague' reduced
the population of Norway alone from
2,000,000 to 3,000,000." He adds that it
reached Iceland, Greenland and Vinland,
and cut off communication between these
countries." The Greenland settlements
were nearly depopulated. Vinland was
abandoned ; and, a few years later, the
Greenland settlements disappeared.
Worcester Spy.
Costly Correspondence.
The jury in the case of Edgerly against
Smith returned a verdict for the plaintiff
yesterday for $3,000 damages. The cause
of action was an alleged libelous state
ment contained in letters written by Mrs.
Smith concerning the plaintiff, who is a
resident of Boston. It would be well for
letter writers to understand that when
they write injurious words about others
they are liable to be sued for damages.
It is not necessary that a libelous letter
should be read by more than one person;
the injury is the same m theeyeof the law,
as if it was published in the columns of
newspaper having a circulation of a
million copies. The trouble in this case
had its origin in a little family quarrel.
Sally Edgerly, daughter of the plaintiff,
is a cousin of Mr. Joseph E. Smith, the
defendant, and lived in his family for
ten years. She left quite suddenly and
got married, leaving behind a trunk con
taining a new sacque, to which article of
dress she was dovotedly attached. There
was some delay in forwarding the trunk
to her new house in Jerseyville, and Mrs.
Smith claimed the sacque because she had
purchased the material of which it was
made. The loss of her favorite sacque
made Sally very angry, and she wrote a
spiteful letter to Mrs. Smith, and told a
Mrs. Mitchell something that was not
complimentary to Mrs. S. Thereupon
Mrs. Smith became indignant, and wrote
some letters derogatory to the character
of Sally's mother, the plaintiff herein.
This and other letters fell into the hands
of Mrs. Edgerly, living near Bunker Hill
Monument, and she vowed vengeance
upon the whole Smith family. She se
lected Mr.Wm. F. Smith, attorney, as her
counsel, and he instituted four libel suits
against the Smiths, based on the letters.
The third of these suits was tried yester
day, with the result above named. Col.
Slayback defended the Smiths with his
usual vim, but his opponent was afoeman
worthy of hia steel, and the case for the
plaintiff was so clearly and forcibly pre
sented that tne jury gave a veraict lor a
pretty round sum, although a much larger
. j rrt -
account was ciaimeu. me instructions
of the Judge were satisfactory to both
sides, and the jury was possessed of more
than average intelligence. St. Louis
At our late Exhibition the admission
was fifty cents, and they were particular
how the fifty cents should be paid. Two
quarters, five dimes, or ten nickels would
not satisfy the man at the turnstile he
must have a fifty cent piece or nothing
At the French Exhibition the admission
is twenty cents, but the gate-keeper is
not allowed to take twenty cents ; he de
mands a ticket. The tickets are sold
almost everywhere in Paris, and so it
don't trouble the Parisians half so much
to get the ticket as it does to get the
twenty cents. Detroit Free Prctt.
An Aztec Prince's Wedding".
I must pass over a long period in the
life of Master M. with the mere remark
that he graduated in both his military
and religious classes with the highest
honors, and acquitted himself to the
most perfect satisfaction of both the al
falquis, or priests, and the teachcauhs,
which is nearly the same aa our word
Master M. had, for a long time, cher
ished a hope that some day he might
press the. throne as king of Mexico. So,
like the Yorkshire lad who begged salt
of a stranger eating eggs near him, so as
to have the salt ready in case any one
should ask him to accept an egg, he pre
pared himself fully for the possible
emergency, and became not only a mili
tary general, but a leading alfalqui.
And then he married. I have not room
to give you a detailed description of the
whole- ceremony, its crowds, and fuss,
and grandeur, but here is a glimpse of
the way it was done.
A lady whose position in society re
quired her to negotiate the match, hav
ing previously made all the necessary ar
rangements, one evening, hoisted tlje
happy damsel on her back, and accom
panied by four young women, each in ap
propriate costume, bearing a torch, head
ed the joyous procession and marched to
the house of Master M., where she
dropped her cargo of precious humanity.
Then the alfalqui asked them if they
were mutually agreed on matrimony, and,
of course, they said "yes," when he pro
ceeded to tie their clothes together. Then
two old patriarchs and two good old grand
mothers stepped forward in a very sol
emn manner, and delivered little sermons
suited to the occasion. The new couple
walked Beven times round a blazing fire,
partook of a feast with their friends,
heard a final sort of a "ninety-ninthly and
to conclude" parting word from the f ur
old people, and then, just as all married
people do, went to housekeeping, and
having their own way as much as possi
ble. One thing they could not do. There
was no law of divorce to appeal to then;
death was the only judge who could en
tertain the question of separation.
Master M. will now disappear, to re
appear as the Emperor. In the year "ten
rabbits," or A. D. 1502, the former mon
arch died, and the electors selected Mas
ter M. to supply his place. In the house
hold of each monarch there was an elec
toral boaid of four nobles, whose duty it
was, on the death of the ruler, to elect
his successor from among the sous and I
nephews of the crown. Having done
this, and so notified the successor, they
selected fouf nobles to fill their own
places, and vacated their electoral chairs. ,
Master M., when waited upon to bo no
tified ot his election to fill his uncle's
place, was very busy sweeping down the
stairs in the great temple dedicated to the
god of war. St. Nicholas.
The "Graphic" on Gardening. This
is the way the Graphic gives its readers
some "seasonable suggestions:"
Sow shirt buttons early in the morn
ing. Sow bird seed this month. The birds
will come up in June.
Cats do best in the night, in a very
light soil, well dug and raked.
Sardine cans, broken bottles, old shoes,
and tinware should be set out in the back
Prima donnas are lovely flowers, but
very difficult to raise. A gentleman en
deavored to raise the Rose last month,
but tailed entirely.
It you are a landlord and in any doubt
as to what product to raise raise the
rent. If you are not a landlord, try and
raise the wind.
Oysters should be set out with a top
dressing of bread crumbs and plenti
fully watered. The oyster withers if not
watered, although its fragrance is in
Olive branches should be set out around
the breakfast table. They need great care
and attention, however, to keep them
from running into the butter and mo
lasses. Wash them well once a day with
soap and water.
Photographing a Heart Beat. One
of the most remarkable applications of
photography is that by which it is now
made to register, and in the most accu
rate manner, the mechanical motion of
the heart. The device by which this re
sult is attained is indeed a triumph of in
vented skill. It consists ot a thin India
rubber bag, to which a short glass tube is
attached; sufficient mercury is poured
into the apparatus to fill the bag and a
portion ot the tube, and the instrument
is then placed over the heart of the per
son to be examined. Arranged in this
manner, every pulsation of the heart is
indicated by a corresponding movement
of the mercury of the tube, and, by suit
able photographic apparatus, provided
with a moving sensitive slip of paper, a
perfect registration of the extent and rate
of the pulsation is obtained. The inter
esting fact is made known by this process
that the fall of the pulse sometimes takes
place in successive horizontal lines, the
column reascending two or three times
before tailing altogether.
A paper in Syracuse, N. Y., wants
people to send in postal card petitions to
Congress m favor of postal savings banks
The cards are to have on them the sen
tence: "We, citizens, ask Congress to
legalize postal savings banks." The sender
also signs his name, and gets as many of
his neighbors as he can to sign it until
the card is full, and then off goes the
card to the unfortunate member of Con
gress that may be selected as a victim.
The petition is always ready to drop into
the postoffice the moment the last signa
ture is inscribed. This kind of petition
is what in slang phraseology might be
termed a "little one for a cent." Detroit
Free Press. .
John Anderson, colored, has been" ar
rested in Springfield, Mass.. on a charge
of shooting his wife's sister. The ball
struck on one of the steel springs of the
woman's corset, and, glancing off, did no
harm. But for the corset the wound would
have been mortal. Anderson claims that
the shooting was accidental.
Bookless Homes.
A dreary place is a bookless house, my
young friends; see that in founding a
home for yourselves you do not neglect
the household library. We rejoice in
pretty furniture and artistic pictures; but
we want to see a new book sandwiched
between every two purchases, and news
papers and magazines drifting around so
thickly that the very order of the sitting
room is imperilled. We never knew any
thing worse than intelligent sons and
daughters to grow out of such untidiness.
To go to housekeeping without a family
Bible and unabridged Dictionary ought
to be elected a criminal offense. Here
lies the beginning of wisdom. Then we
should add modern history to ancient,
poetry to science, Scott, Thackeray, Dick
ens, Hawthorne and Holmes to theology.
We should know the opinions of the best
minds of to-day, upon all questions of
social lite, of philosophy, of agriculture.
We have known famous business men,
keen financiers, to grow out of bookless
homes, but never "the great-hearted and
tender-souled. Si. parents, remembering
this, glance over your libraries to see if
there be not some vacancy to nil up with
a volume which will add to the cheer of
the windy winter nights. Get for the boy
a book of history or travels; for the girl
a copy of Tennyson, or Longfellow, or
Browning some sweet poet who sings
along the quiet vales of life in notes w?
all can understand! Win them to read
aloud around the evening lamp, and most
unconsciously their young souls will be
drawn out to follow after those who call
to follow, and eing, and be glad for
great is the power of influence.
Correcting Children in Anger.
There is another common error, which
may need to be noticed that of correct
ing a child hastily and harshly, and then,
feeling that injustice has been done, to
compensate him by some soothing sugar
plum or honied apology. It is not easy
to conceive of anything more likely to
degrade the parent in the eyes of his off
spring than such inconsiderate lolly:
nothing more sure to destroy his influence
over the mind, to harden the young heart
in rebellion, and make it grow bold in
sin. In proportion as the parent 6inks in
his esteem, self-conceit grows up in the
mind of the undutiful child. Young
people as well as old pay great respect
to consistency, and, on the contrary, de
spise those whose conduct is marked with
caprice. The sacred relation of parent
is no protection against this contempt.
Those, therefore, who would preserve
their influence over tkeir children, who
would keep hold of the reins that they
may guide them in periods of danger,
and save them from probable ruin, must
take care not to exhibit themselves as
governed by passion or whim, rather than
rixed principles of justice and duty.
Ccre for Sore Mouth. Steep raisin
stems in water and rinse the mouth with
that several times during the day. It is
almost a sure cure.
Cure for Hoarseness. The iuice and
pulp of" lemons, 6tirred thick with white
sugar, will relieve Hoarseness besides
being an agreeable remedy.
For Croup. A piece of lard as large
as a butternut, rubbed up with sugar,
and divided into three equal parts and
given at intervals of twenty minutes, will
often work well.
For Bronchitis. A residence in a
sugar-house from the first of August until
January, has been known to give relief.
To Remove Iron Rust. Wet the
cloth with a piece of lemon, lay in the
sua till dry, then wash in nice clean suds.
For Chilblains. Soak the feet a
short time in potato water as hot as can
be borne, tor two or three nights after
ward, repeat when necesFary. An im
provement may be expecttd at once.
To Core Corns. Take the skin of a
boiled potato and bind it on the corn,
putting the inside ot the skin next to the
corn. It is a gooa plan to lay on two or
three thicknesses to keep it moist. I have
never known it to lail.
For Cold Feet. Soak the feet in hot
water as hot as can be borne, until thor
oughly warmed, then turn a little cold
water over them and rub dry. Always
put not only the stockings, but the boots
on, before ntepping upon the floor, or
even the carpet. Simple remedies are
sometimes the very best; try the above.
Steamed Beef. For a family of six
or seven persons take four pounds of beef,
cross-rib is best; get a piece of suet the
size of your hand, cut in small pieces
and try out the fat; you must have a
large flat-bottomed iron pot; after the
suet i3 brown, take out the scraps and
put in the meat and two onious cut up;
when the meat has become a dark brown
on one side turn it over on the other and
"let that get the same; when onions and
meat are thoroughly brown, pour in a
pint of boiling water; whenever, the meat
gets dry add more water, but it must al
ways be boiling hot; throw in a handful
of salt, three bay-leaves, and half dozen
each of whole allspice and whole pepper;
cover with a close-htting cover and let it
cook for three hours; when almost done
thin a tablespoonful of flour with half a
cupful of water; stir this in the gravy.
taking care not to have any lumps in it.
when you wish to serve it, strain the gravy
tnrougu a sieve ana pour a lew spoonfuls
over the meat.
Cooking Turnips. Peel them, chop
fine in a chop ninsr-bowl, nut thfm in n
A CJ - 7 f -
kettle with water enough to cover, cook
until render, mey should be nearly dry
when done; then season as vou would rh.
bage, and I think you will pronounce
i i a:j
IUCU1 opieuuiu.
Fancy Pocjtd Cake. One cup sugar
one of butter, four
fuls of milk, one and one-half cups flour,
1 L.IC . , . . '
uuc nun uue-uau leaspooniuia oaaing
Macaroons. On nd nno.nnflrfpr
v . VUS
pounds powdered sugar, one pound sweet
aiinuuus Dieacnea ana pounded to
paste, whites of six eercr. orated Deel
two melons.
Benedetti, the Sword Swallower.
A servant brings a table on the stage,
and upon it places a box containing the
various swords to be swallowed. He then
retires and brings from behind the scenes
a musket. Upon its summit is placed a
formidable looking bayonet. All being
ready Mr. Benedetti appears with a very
bright sword in his hand. Arriving at
the front of the stage, he drives the point
of the sword into the floor, and the force
of the impaction of the sword into the
wood causes it to sway backward and
forward. Mr. Benedetti then goes to his
box and produces a sword made of a nn
lustrous metal. Holding it in the air,
between his two hands, he opens his
mouth and simply thrusts it down his
throat ia the same manner as a cavalry
soldier would replace his sword in the
sheath. This is feat No. 1.
Mr. Benedetti next takes up six or
eight of these swords, and having put
them one behind the other, he opens his
mouth again, and, presto 1 down goes the
lot into what is called by children the
"red lane." These swords being well
down into his throat, he then plucks them
out one by one and throws them on to
the stage, where they fall with a clash
that indicates to the commonest observer
that they really are metal. This done,
he rests a minute, and then comes the
musket and bayonet. He lifts up the
musket and holds it with bayonet down
ward above his head, and then slightly
steadying the weapon, he allows the
bayonet to gently glide down his throat.
Just at the moment when it seems doubt
ful whether he is not going to swallow
musket and all, it suddenly stops, and
then the bayonet is hidden all but the
part near where it joins on to the musket
itself. But this is not enough ; he leans
forward, and holding the bayonet hori
zontally between his teeth, turns round
and round, swinging the musket. He
concludes the performance by .a very
marvellous feat. He goes directly to the
sword that is still vibrating in the boards
of the stage and pulls it out with a jerk.
One cannot imagine what he is going to
do with it, as it appears to the eye that
the sword, from hilt to point, is larger
than the man's body. He then proceeds
to the mifldle of the stage ; back goes his I
head, and down his throat goes the 6word.
Several eminent medical men, among j
whom is Mr. Frank Buckland, vouch to
the fact that the sword measures thirty
inches in length and one and a half
across. Mr. Benedetti has been swallow
ing swords for fourteen years ; the stom
ach is consequently accustomed to their
reception. He is a singularly prepossess
ing man, and his mnnners are polished.
Demolition of Old Loudon Churches.
Four more London churches are to be
torn down. Last year witnessed the de
struction of the fine church of St. Mi
chael's, and of All Hallows, which bore
upon its walls the inscription stating that
Milton had been baptized there. St.
Dion's Backchurch, a remarkable build-
ng by Wren, is now in course of destruc
tion. Those for the removal of which a
commission has now been issued are as
follows : St. Margaret Pattons, Rood
Lane ; St. George, Botolph Lane ; St.
Matthew, Friday street, and St. Mildred,
Bread street, all works of Wren, and two
of them possessing spires of singularly
original aud beautiful design. The Secre
tary of the Society for the Protection of
Ancient Buildings argues that it is a
mistake to suppose that by preserving
St. Paul's Cathedral, that architect's great
masterpiece, enough will be left to illus
trate his views upon ecclesiastical archi
tecture. For, grand as St. Paul's un
doubtedly is, it is only one of a class of
buildings common enough on the Conti
nent imitations of St. Peter's, Rome. 1
n fact, St. Paul's can scarcely be looked
upon as an English design, but rather as :
an English rendering of the great Italian '
original, whereas the city churches are I
examples of pure English renaissance
architecture as applied to ecclesiastical
purposes, and illustrate a style peculiar
to London, and when they are destroyed
the phase of architecture which they ex
hibit will have ceased to exist, and
nothing will be left to iecord it.
Thhi Foolish Calf. A calf, with the
thoughtlessness of vealy youth, could not
abstain from insulting an honest hard
working ox that was toiling at the plow.
"Oxcuse m3," said the calf; "what a
fool you are to wear that heavy yoke np
on your neck, and go all day long draw
ing a plow at your heels to turn up the
ground for your master. Why don't you
exchange your yoke for a paper collar
and have some style about you ? See
what a jolly time I have of it ; nothing
to do but enjoy life. Knock off work.
old fellow, and let's have some fun." But
the ox kept right along about his busi
ness, saying to himself, "When .that
young chap gets as furrow 'long in life
as I have he will know more and won't
talk calf as much as he does now." That
evening, while the ox, whose day's work
was over, was at nia repast, he saw a
butcher s cart driving bv containing the
insolent calf, who was destined to be re
duced to cutlets, calves-head jelly and
material lor sewed boots before morning
An, my nne leliow," said the ox, " you
won't have an opportunity to insult hon
est labor for one while, yoke can bet
your lite."
Moral Never despise an ox because
he wears a heavy yoke. Cincinnati
Saturday Night.
Etpehteshb ia a stern teacher. The
nnthnritipa at thf Paris Exhibition do not
offer a prize for poetry this time. They
Uia in 100 1 . 1 Ucy wauieu a tauwui uu
hvmn tr Peace. Both came to hand.
The unfortunate judges listened to 222
. . ti t
fantatao and after tnrowiBcr awav o
poems for not complying with the con
ditions,there were left 630 hymns to read.
Th miaernhi inacescriea "ireace. peace.
but there was no peace," although there
hnndrpda of hvmns to it. The
French believe they have had enough of
peace poems to last them a century; but
if any one nas some verses w opnng u
w tn hp honed these few lines will not
deter the poet from forwarding them at
once to Jr am. jjeiron free srress.
Horse Distemper, or Epizootic.
I read a statementin the Chronicle of
Dec. 24th, taken from the Chico Record,
that Mr. Cone of Tehama county had lost
$10,000 worth of mules and horses from
glanders, which I am quite positive is a
mistake. There never has been one hun
dred cases of glanders in California.
Glanders is a disease that has two origins I
The first is, a horse may have farcy and
sores break out on the legs, generally one
at a time. The horse bites the sore, gets
the matter into his nostrils, snuffs it into
the glands and inoculates the disease into
the head and glands. Local treatment
being impossible, the disease goes on for
months, and maybe for years, before he
dies from it, and the only way that other
horses can take it from him is from get
ting the matter off the stalls or fence or
from smelling the diseased horse, thus
becoming inoculated. Distemper or epi
zootic has two forms: One form only af
fects the head and glands, is very con
tagious, and often fatal. The other at
tacks the whole system, is not so conta
gious nor so fatal, and seldom produces
death until the limbs become swollen and
break out with sores, and has much the
same appearance as glanders. This is
the disease Mr. Cone's animals have, and
it is raging to some extent all through
the Sacramento Valley. The Tide Land
and Reclamation Company at Union
Island have had the disease among their
horses, and many veterinaries and horse
men pronounce it glanders. They had
lost many, and several have been killed
to stop the disease from spreading. The
President, General Thomas H. Williams,
called on a horseman of practical experi
ence, who at once pronounced it distem
per, whereupon the General commenced
treating the disease for distemper, and
out of several hundred horses that have
had it he has lost only a few, and the
balance have got well. This is conclu
sive proof that the disease is not glanders,
as that disease is incurable, and no horse
ha3 ever been cured that had it. All
horsemen agree that it cannot be cured.
I hope vou will lav this much-needed
information before the public and obUge
all owners of horses. Horse Owner, tn
S. F. Chronicle.
What Poultry Pay the Best.
We have kept fowls of almost all the
different breeds, though we honestly con
fess we never exhibited any except on
one occasion in the selling class. Our
object has been to try which are the most
profitable. Many friends of our acquaint
ance say the non-sitters are the best pay
ing breeds, while others quite as Btoutly
maintain that the sitters are the best. We
first kept Black Spanish; our experience
of these is soon told: Early-hatched
birds commence laying early, and often
keep up during the winter, if not too se
vere; the cause of this is probably that
they are full feathered, but after their
first laying is over they often turn out
badly. Then we tried the Yellow Cochin.
So far as egg-production is concerned
and we must confess this is, after all, the
main thing they are equal to the Span
ish, but they are wretched table fowls.
As a pure breed, if we were compelled to
keep any, we should unanimously give
the preference to the Dorking; but, after
years of testing, we have fouud a mixed
breed of Spanish and Dorking the best
for all practical purposes; they are hardy,
at least sufficiently so for our farnvyards
they will realize high prices in the. mar
ket, and best of all, they are pplendid
layers in this respect they excel all
birds of which we have had any experi
ence. We advise all lovers of farm or
barn-door poultry never to keep the un
gainly B.rahmas, which are now coming
into fashion ; they are costly things. Let
your selection be either Spanish or Dor
king, and by all means a judicious cross
will pay better than any other birds, for
the eggs are fine, always salable at high
rates, whilst the plump, well-fed pullets
are favorites everywhere for table use.
12., in London Agricultural Gazette.
Sand for Bedding.-A correspondent
of the New England Farmer advocates
the use of dry -sand for bedding horses
and cattle. He thinks that it is the
cleanest substance which can be used,
and it is of great mechanical advantage
in dividing the manure. Horses and cat
tle tramp upon it and in that way cause
it to cut up the manure. Spread, under
hen roosts it acts to keep the floor clean,
and makes the manure easy to handle.
Then manure mixed with sand can be
kept in boxes and barrels without giving
off any unpleasant odors. It is an excel
lent compound to use for manuring in
the hill, aud is the very best -substance
to put in flower-pots or in beds where
hardy plants are grown. A mixture of
sand and muck is greatly superior to
muck alone for bedding purposes, as the
sand will divide the muck and thorough
ly mix in with the manure. Any manure
in which sand is mixed is easy to handle,
and may be spread with uniformity.
Soil for Roses. Good loam, such as
farmers prize for wheat growing, is suit
able for most kinds of roses, excepting,
perhaps, some of the more delicate of the
tea-scented kinds, which do better in
lighter soil. When preparing the ground
lor the reception of the roses a coating of
thoroughly rotten dung should be placed
over the surface and trenched in two
spades deep, and the manure is placed at
the bottom after the soil has been turned
over roughly. It acts as drainage, and
the roots of the plants will be sure to
fiud their way down to it. If the posi
tion is a wet and cold one drainage is in
dispensable where successful rose grow
ing is to be expected. In the process of
trenching, the ground should be well
broken with the spade and a level sur
face left ready for the plants.
When planted in very rich soil, toma
toes often produce much wood and little
fruit. The best crop of tomatoes I ever
saw was furnished by main stems as free
from side growth as a walking-stick. All
growths except the leaves and flowers at
tached to the principal stem had been
pinched off as they appeared.-TA Garden.
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