y. "if' ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE - o o e r o o v-'r.i ( .O AN r ? . . ' . 3 : . . j? iiEu?3i city, TiirnsuAY, :.iv 10. i: II. K. HIXES. of Union Coni.tv. v,.,, C. G. KEEIIAX, of Jackson Comity. For Hperctarj" of Statp, ii. r. eai ED. nn?i IV . Ii. CAKTEll, of B-ntou County, For Snp't Public Tnstiuetion, L. J. POWELL, of Linn County. For Prosecuting Attorney. HON. J. F. CAPLEB, Mult. Co. Senator, J. T. AI'I'EPSON. Ilepresentatives, CAPT. II. WTLL, E. FOniJEH. IJ. BIIADLFA". W. A. STARKWEATHER. County Judge, J. K. WAIT. Sheriff, JOHN G. PILSBURY. Clerk. W. IL II. FOUTS. Treasurer, F. S. DEMENT. Commissioners, .TACOli P.AUEIl. ALBERT WALLING. Assessor, , JOS. P.APtSTOW. School Superintendent, N. W. RANDALL. Surveyor, N. O. WALDEN. Coroner, w. c. greaye ;. The Fiital-: issue. P. Core anothe r issue of cur lap e:i -li oier will be called "upon o retri: - t-r his political or personal preference a1 thejpol's for the various olli-'os, Sta'e mid eonn3".by and through which t! t msehiiKU-y of onr crovernmeiit is'e-o:;-elicted. The Republican State, Cmii; ty a:il Legislative ticket contai:. lie uin:'-sof competent nominees for .1 i c Virions oillces assigned to each, and j there can be no possible, ivumju named why ti e: Democratic nomim e-.s should be preferred iustend, in any instance. j.l me i;ii-uiii.i-M.aiiii- uiio o. ii'- miuh- J 1 I . 1 . 1 ? . il . ...1 1 . i- .1. i T ! Ti : . n... : i . .. i .. l l . I .. .. ..t i l i ; cans u sianu uv tut; wno.o i.cut i ami not give ear to the insidious and under- ground attacks ot enemies or la-ilcon- ui:is, wiio nave ;'i.y perr.-;iia.i . . nan: - t (-j c.i t avenge. Jt is lik-Iy that the j a . i . ...t . t .. .1 . Dem.oei-.-its. knowing the decided He- p.ib-iean majority in this cor.ntv, will ; 1 onuravor to run i:i om fr two ru the i ! 1 lit to thosrj who'i.iav be UVide to feed ! t that their pirtienhir f iends are in per: ; , 1 1 ' , 1 ... 4 ... .11 1. 1 1 . . I , I. ... . .... I i.i i t asMarj a. 4 Muca iu:i. i.iet i no occasion t,- swap we are sure of the election of the v.holc ticket, if raeh 1? -publiea i will b-.t do his wlird ; duty, an.l wito the whole tie1.; -t. T',..1. l,x.,.,l i; r 1 1 . co mty has preserve I a piuv an-l eooii omi.'.il re.rortl, and tins present nuniiiv i es are of the stamp to preserve if. Under Ei niocratic rule the :;:? of '.he Sti.ti; "overnnie'iit have been reck- lessly mismanaged. This is eonfi-sr.d even by the Democrats, and they are ashamed of the record. Tho R 'publi can nominees me pledged to an over throw of the system under and by which these abuses of trust have; cn trencheel themselves at the Capita!'; im Democratic succession would under take to dislodge them, beiusn the wlmic machinery by which the abn-os were fastened upon us are incorporate.! in their ticket, and w.m'd continue to grind out a harvest of onerous taxes te supplement the already heavy burden the State staggers under. -3 Hi cirr 1111 r IHAIIT, of Multnomah Co. i vo' -om$)anyi;n better hnancai cou ii- j a nxeii .iwrnmatioa to e ioi a e.. , j tion in the worl.l thafl the North .-rn j tain man for the L nitod states nte. !: Ireisnrer, . ! T, ... ,ri , oa,,,.t;r i,,,,,,!,.,! I ni a.itbnnze.l to s y that Capta.n iUH.f.f Marion Cuuiitv. : V . 7 ' . ! AU)erson is entirely untramraeie.l m ; miles I i-iiroacl wbicli cost twenty tujs ,-espeet, bii1 proposes to remain so, l or I i-.nter. ! tni lions of dollars to Imihl. besides notviths!a!iIii;sr th prPT.mptious.inu- r T :..t..4: t rf : 1 lheir province as legislators is one which nearer affects the status of the party than any other nominees to be voted for in Juno. The equilibrium of the two parties are so nearly poised in Congress and the State Legislature (by reason of the hold-over Democrats), that n vote given to anv Democrat seri- ously imperils our chance tf regaining; control of either. A lb publicon Gov- j ernor, with a Democratic Legislature, i i i 4. . .. woiua utni a very lmmovalile stonewall ; in his way to resist any inquiry into 1 the ways and means.by which the State , coveru mpnt 1 itfr."! ? Til. i it nt (i.l rfl. ' . i ' "-"' Democrats are in league with the mo- 1 nopoiisis, whose lease of unrestraint d , exactions will come to an end with a ' Republican Legislature ; and we woald fl.nrr.iro nrntlv . -"--"j ""t- iani man who has the interest of tlie country at heart, to stand by the whede ticket T I. A A 7 ... & A. .v i;im;iihc uim luifcjrcs-i.uiai tiieir tiaci-, an.i seeK to seuil up a sofni ticket is one in wliich those who are J delegation in their interest from lUult trnly Republican can wholly confide, j nomah. Wo believo their intenti di uu t iu.gt-1 iiiue. eaiu jjeinocr.it ;c , Walla 11. R. who is a bigger exloition Etate Administration h.as saddled a debt ert.vo to one than the O S ('., of aliout .S717.0OO ontl'.e people, and and sliouhl be as ufterlv condemned that a partizan pet was permitted to and held up to common 'scorn as the (ke eiOO:; out of the treasury, wh eh other. In avoiding Scvlla Rro. Irelard wa, a direct violation of the Constitu- . has run square info Cha.-vbdis and tion, and might properly be called, steal- shipwiee'.-.ed that lovely "gem of tho ing. Is this the party you would 1 11- set. dorse at the polls next Monday? Republican votersmn,t examine their tickets next Monday, as it is said IKrn- oerats will have a "mixed" ticket ready for unsuspecting R public. ;ii. irTfC X. I. IJ. Arjain. A great many people arc led to be lieve from the tternal rant of Scott, that il:n Northern Fuciiic Railroad Cora- anv is a bank; ni;t tottering concern, : unable t: raise rioti' ;:! nobtmg up .its ..t'en.rmled hands to Congress ini- ! i!vi.wr fe- ommbK of favorable loir- ! .doring u few crumbs of favorable leg- : " i.. c. f.-..n ,,t,pnn, - , . , . , . . " , , I poverty, i.anKrnj.tcy, iu iumkui o4 wVieh the truth is, there is rot a rail- j soOU ton (,r t,veive millions of acres of t mviuM I:uus nnsoitl aiitl uotaiiu;Uiri of Donded indebtedness Tin ir net earnings for the year end- ii-rr .Time 'M)t, 1877 was .vT.:i .",0,S I ont of which thev built the miles of ,TT At road from lacomato uelkeson, i;p the ; I'nvalln Yalley, and into an immense : coal tract which belongs to thatjeom- I ........ i... f .i.:.,i, ,iii. n.u m.. ! . . .. . I safeto say that their net profits for the j ensuing ye ar will aggregate one mil lion of dollar, a sum that will pay six per cenr interest em sixteen millions of dollars, which, economically expended would build at least 800 miles of rail road, and close up the gap between Umatilla and Bismarck. The compauy is in condition to-day to build the road, and .all this cant about crippling the road aiul injuring an already bally worsted company, is is sheer nonsense, and won't stand a moment in the face of facts. Nothing but the intense desiro ef the land-grabbers and the subsidy sharps to remove the "terms" imposed by Sen ator Mitchell, so they can manipulate the terminus in Washington Territory, or strike Portland Tr a million elol lars of subsidy, stands in the way f the ir prese nt j.cci tance of t he Senate bill. We tl ink Senator Mitchell tleserves the heart fi;!t gratitud;! of every Or.-- ; goniau for the :-i;.i..I he has taksnj ! against the ;; p:: i'y t.f the Hillings' ring in the X. P. R. R. Co.. and the I .,,-,. :,,..,, v.., ...;,. f .r,. .,,. iteain --.a n Company. : jj: .. lf) jo;j ,.. ,,, (. j iJ(,,K,fjt ,f t! v :i .l for the against the knov t . s rail- road magnates to Territory ai our i-.-;: va a.siiin 'i on An ef.ort ui!i doulit'os be made by a ! few so re heed.-- and chronic grumblers to defeat. Captain Apper.s-in, i.et for any fault of hi.- o.v :i.: b it 1 it cause the rep- rese:;taties ol ti.e peop'e eemed to I'e.'-.a.m.i iiiin ove."v.-:.-.-im!u r: v i". Dreif-r- .1, . ...... 11 .. . .1 ence to anv oiht r .n tn j o.-.i:ion of t: ,frt ,, .. . t Siatc oenator. a ; o er.ive-u instinct f. ,f .,, ,(,V1 ... .,,1..,,,;, ! I his name to a co; ition. and being I .if ed lot be tiieii to join ti.e enemy, t.JO li ;0.K.y passe. i o r. It ivniii:.is one ol a , not be lied calf, ) i: it the .., .,, . , ..... liii, u .1.1. i.vjt W .i. A oil A ii t'.. . f5 , . . . i lit? j ; 1 1 l is vil'in. crow ei: i ue e;:e;i y . ine . , ;.- ! j,io Wi;o t. i denied his inasti r. Puuclict Arnold and ... i, . - , . . Aaron J.uii-. are Ms eoo.i . ;!!: ina.s , , . , ., , , and counterparts : but, huppdv. Cant. ' ' ' 11 ' ' ' Appers.-.u, from his u'teily fearless and independent manliiiess, is entirely uu tonc.htil by th;; veieita that has Lean wasietl against him. His reptita'ion is such that nssanlfs from sue'i Knnrcest will bring him vole's rathe r than drive them away. Whoever attempts to in jure a person through transparent ego tism and self-ii.t!a!ed god-almighfii.ess. poisons himsclt v. ith his efVii.sini-. of K'llb Hid does no harm to the one hi i seeks to injure, and this is a'i ti.e oppo sition the Captain' .has within his party. We have no fear of tho result of tin I contest as relates to Captain Apperson. I lis. election is assured In Porthiiid the Demoemey are joined with a few renegade Republicans, and all directed by tho (). S N. C . to de feat the regular Republican ticket. There is not a man on their hvbrid ticket but is o lackey and a puppet of that corporation. They scent the bat- j tie afar efr, anel know . that tho venge ance of a downtrodden people is on ..... . . wjU be frn-.trated, as the hand of the mover i so pia.u.y, inoicaTcu mar it , . .l' li' -.. lA. cannot succeeU. lt is known that this same monopoly would expend money to elect tho Democratic representative ticket from ih's eoni.tv. as A. Id Wait ! , - , ran be counted on to stand by their ! interests, and with the help of Ji,!m I fv-rs their either esoecial friend the I balance of ti e Legislative ticket would i je aH ,.tar ,"u tho Land of these two ! potters, so that the Clackamas delega- ' tion. 'if Democra; ic, would be a unit in i f.lvor uf anv direction of tho O. S. X. ' liompanv We fear Rro. Ireland u idle imbib- 1 ing too much prejudice against the (, ! X. Co. as th.. result of his four of .. . .... .. inspection throe-li eastern Oregon left the "'eatt s- t-jar " juM enongi, t) 1 tai-.e on an unacountabl ; alVeetioi. for Old Dak; r of the Wallula and Walla ! Would-be Senator. A. 12. Wait, after lra-t;siuo l ty jears. now ut- tem 0 t! e farm-rs how to farm, It is the ditty of everv eit.i'.en to vote next Monday. Tit at Letter fiom Clacliiiiuas. Editck ExTr.T:n:isE : PromptcJ by points given by a soured aspirant for office, I lie Ort'j n-i'iit. handy lr.an has put iii !ii.ip tin' incoherent mar. nil or infs "f the uf- !.-in a !.--Ut r dated a' Ciac.;,tinas. which, v hih' if spisi to ! I,ni 1,1 !i the importance f the "disan - ! pointo.1." (It solaces his egotism ami Dointod." fit solaces ln's rcrotiRin aul ! f"n for tho rost of us). lo,s an lai-tof injtislieo fo Cantain Aopotdou, onr t.aI,,li(;. to f(,.. !t vt,.lt, j,, ftsrib- j j to him, in tl;c event of Ms fleet on, j ' dnes and efforts of his enemies. This i a 4j.r tit tun. 11 - . ,.f j oilieial preference .-it the hand of the j people than the devil has of elevation to the. oth.er ihror.e. have no right to - . - .i j f " their puny embargo J fiat of a majoritv, as popularly expre-ss- C(i tIlH xvlloift .alJ()od!e of them might as well pack tlif mseivts ofT into the ther camp just as soon possible. nuPttKin-' 01 mem numerically 101 im I t , i - . i . -. . . n . r ' county, vrt onlv know of one. It wul take accessions from other counties, ns for instance, the X of Marion, and Scott, of Multnomah, to make a corpo ral's guard of them. Campbell, in a line which is as striking and nietaphor ic as others that will livo long in mem ory, writes of Tlie wolf's long howl from Ounala.ska's shore," And from the banks of onr lovely Clackamas we seem to hear the same sail, plaintive, hungry howl reverbera ting in the everglades of the Orfmti tn, meeting with a responsive echo from Scott, and between the two, officially speaking, a more famished junta could not be found. Let Multnomah answer back to Clackamas in a long howl over the degeneracy of the times. A tele phone would serve as a means of joint communication, for neither the breezes nor the people, will take up the refrain and pack it along until it melt" into sympathy the two stricken geniuses at the ends of the line. It is ad to see the brains of Cla'-Icamas and the paunch of Multnomah left oil" of any rejn-osep-tative position on the body p ;t: r. How such a nondescript can say, '"Mr Speaker" or wear pants with p. ckeis ; llitn fr 1 w i .A . f i v , -rn'rilis sill'-' S(.s A mvit;7-.stnndinJ of the t o. j hut so it is I air our Latin and say, j Yx Popnli Yox D.-i." for their con - i lenee, and e'eunmend th.e on to pass t hat. and the o'h r fo l: f :-! ( !e oasvove suggest withhid.ling froi.i i tha oi her s:v: ! occa.- ion w !'.en his in'.-hT. L re-'ire. I' te !el; a' d lulled by the "lorsg ,"." from Clack -ar.'ias, to :m uneasy s! umber caused by a suspicion thai he won't, vote the Re publican liekei in June a:iv war. Mav -2 1STS. ' 3-:r.ji!Ai-:i.. Our Legislative Ticket has r.'i '.vodli ier repreu'?; Satire th';:i W. A. Sfatk- Wl !h er. iie i s he an J. f.i; :i .ei as a deb;iier above anv other in';n on either ticket and v i 1 i be found an (- . c';e II- is leader in the ITonso S; abo e the diet tes of ring-" and dj i'.HS r.iui of l'ar.v vi:i -dwiys b moving sjr ig'.r ai-ea-l tor i legisl,:! ioi in ti e intercut of tii people at .1 his :. a l n-e m.d :.' i!if fits h:m for tl e ink. '!..-.-, -..fl., r :. too we'd k:iov n by t .he people of " . ', -mus'et.ni.ty ai .1 r joy s c'r i ; ::' : too lhe,rou';h!y to noil ae.y : . ". . ' e'i!o;,;niiis by u ", his eonspieu r;.-.ii makes It i -n a target' for ; me t'f the I tv groundiii"i.s, whom tho ni.'i'.'h ' destiny has h ft in tho lurch, an ! therefore la come? the duty of very man who respcc'.s 'a- indept-i.deiit R -publican and correspondingly detest.s'a ring named Democrat to' throw his voie and intluene;1 for Stavk wea! her at tho coming election; that eonddrnce in him will never be I etrayod, i:nd there is great need of such talent as he commands to fortnu'ate legislation in the ha'.ls of the House Unfonnde-d lies are very apt b ake wing against this or that candidate just before the day of election and we would warn the voter to iyt. rdil suehlno credence It is a mean at contemptible method of warfare, ar.d we do not believe any Republican n our ticket can be found to engage in it, but not having so much conlid.e::ce in the -heivonel e.f the Democrats, wo WOIlM 1Vftrn tho Totor a1.-nst jes ti,v mny attcnipt to set ai()at e00 j:J.H to p"0 refuted. It is said that "A lie will travel a thousand miles while Truth is putting on its boots," aud therefore we would caution the unsuspecting against falsehoods on the wing which are in tended to inflict the stincr beforo elec- ti cavin lhe a,lh",iote to restore the wouude-d after tiiat imj-inrfaut event. conn Pillsbury is a hard working in- dnstriotis anel liberal niee'i nnc: he doe. - n't hang on to the coaltails of some ullicr name to drag him-, throip'h the contest: but being straight-forward and "1 en-handed he submit ; . himself to y. ur ; p; voval for thej rtllico of " . . ... 5die i ih' pledged by every mstmt;t or Ins x.icime .o make an upTi-rhtJ fearless otTIcer if eh efed. and to do vyi?' whole i dr.ty free from the mibience tt- diree I thai ,,f anv olhcio of S "1 f eons! i t n ted t0(.. of oower behind the scene? The lime has been in the history of i ,i ,f-V administrations in C!ad;a- i .. ,. . , , ,.,-.s ce untv when t.Hseouiel not .' s.u.i, !i;itl tilC, Section of the Democratic: J r;,d.-.',t vi inevitabi v fasten the old or- a. - r of things upon as I ' 1,1 1 '" Growing ui through ho manure j heao of thrf Diimcratie legislative ticket, is the ge.-m which when tnatui- ed viiil stalk into the United States j Senate to shelter and protect a ImtI- . . .... , , 1 get of sonlliej n cliinns wiucn will lian.- nipt- the mitfon to assume; the solid ; south are a unit for it and northern ! tVnrdi faces are always Jonnd to "stand . . , . ... r .1 . , ra" with th majority of the party on ; any tpiesthm. A Democratic Set a'or f -o"i Or ": will be an adjunct an-.l aW-'.-sorv' to th soli.1 Soath in ail 1 Iieir .-che 'ii 'S of spoliali m. 1 COURTESY OF asIiiKglon Letter. AVa-siiixotox, (D. C.) Slay 10, '78. Hon. Edward MePherson, Snpt. of tho Government Bureau of Engraviji" mnl Printing, in his. irgi.raent before I f e CVu-nntti-o on Ranking and Curren y, hut February and March, resisting ; ttl .etlUl''s l' corporations to i "fiU0 vu'e ui Ujl-mIves a p i MriU0 '. . 'e a tiioniselves a portion of , :!Cndh of the pub- lie secmuies. points to the continuous inip'-ov-ements m onr eurrenev. mill the hma rank it lias ra;cen atuon fhe na tions, yet seareply led i13 to a full con ception of theeonsnmmate art displayed in tlie new .silver notes. "VC called up on him recently, an,1, it was witj, a jus'itiable pride lie exhibited the Po'H) and trl'JOt) notes, yet in proof. Since tlie world began no nation has given t us neopie as an insignia of its ndebt- i Mness as liiu a "promise to iVu- " -m.i iiii v. miim; iiei j' u mn iu 1 . . i , i .1 e pei mana-jce oi its institutions. As it y t some little time before the notes will appear, a shtnt description of the 500 denominations may not bo unin teresting to your readers. If there is any difference, this one, taken altogeth er, is perhaps the finest of tha two? As if to add that sense eif sreuritv which comes from looking on a great man, the embodiment of bold and mire principles the artist has set the face of Charles Sumner in the nppr right hand corner of the nofe, where it looks from a most perfect likoness into the depths of his own seriousness. Upon the extreme left coils .t beautiful oval "ccunt." tho work of the wonderful geometrical lathe, which so successfully defies the coun terfeiter. Embedded in the center of this aro tho figures "500" in fine artistic design, each of which has the appear ance of having a recess, in which myth ological characters have stationed them selves in the attitudes of the peculiar significations. In the lower center is a series of fivo joined geometrical lath "counters," in each of which appears a letter making the word "silver." Just above this, traverses the denomination al words "Five Hundred," which to tlie naked eye shows only an artistic blend ing of lights and shades, hut under a magnifying lense discloses in each let ter, the words "The United States of America." These, with th.e addition of necessary wording, repetitions of the "oOO," and handsome border made from woven flowers, vine and scrolls, make ip the face of the note, lint if the face be a constn-iiition of art and beautv, noi so is the bai'k. There tho attist, seeming to free himself from the re- sfrairt of n business eoetiaef faii-le ;... ,i. i . r ii. 'i -l-.i v wjhij .,. i.i ji..e. .s a;.': .. ; 1 4 !. .. 4 e . i , . . ne.-., aim me iaeirv 01 a i e u ; - ee; u re , and blends together in a horde I", twines i .!.. tl i - r l 1 .. , I ...... .. I. ti.e .ve ee.v- f.. .-f Tim, f ,-, n.44 ....! " silvt r " he takes the sound of c n'u. and '.ea.es, instead, the freshening !;iss of ie in ors, ;iiid iho eoiil shailes ef t win ing fob a;-", as across the no:.- from left I to ri,:-ht, mo.-t exipiisito c!:.'.s, te.e j e.in'.h' lloral lette rs. A bf;d of lloweis an I -fioils iiivite th cvi' to t lie no-.er 1 r. . -i n-;:i. pain co! !.( r. i" win :n is a sine whi :h is a shield !.(.., '"i ,t .,,.'!:, z .... i- .... .) ,;st .above this, and la df !!,' i a 'i to the! tot to !.,; 'ii!l"ey iof; t- ' f.:i; of ,h-ii' : ii: same ti. he c: I' leereial iii i -rest , is a Mou, '"."fid." Cm: in li ng t li i - :i"!.;eiii", s U, flu. li.-ht. h.n .1 eoriK-'i". in iniuiiMble. " eonit i-," or. SetitS ilM' llll!il"l'i:l "" 1. V smile iv. t!i mmovt m n -".i -h ! to f:.-1 h-t't i'. circles coctaiuing stilts, p. e i : ;: ; e i I Se,' ii; 'i .t-, .'. ft r.'t' . i . C.1 tnree ii" tri s. , , e-.'CK e-o, - oaen ;t;i niK i i : i .. e.u::! more ( eMail' r.!!'-- ::'. a e of wi ; kn 1 ' a I . se. 1 ,,5g est St;, - i a; a t . : : : i i -5 .-Mil oi .--Mil oi ly i-'Mi v I'.-i;.-1 :, r. i .-! c.i- erav i:.g li JV,i. io eh ar.". f '. W.C.s - o .,- .', i r ,, s:J".tr, is tae act '(eieit of the ;;- rean. in t!i IC"." IS Co ( let;-,- in cted the !h est sicill e: eii'r i it .ft, tie re.,tilt nanv ears of c ii r iin education. Tii is is one of the divisions id" public ai'i'airs not sitVected by jioliti cal cn.ieges. The passport here is tal euit which politicians Citnnot a.T'or.l fo to tamper with. Yen era. f ie. grey-haired men, and youthful faces alike, feel the ehi'iee i;f the visitor, which again sug gests the avenues to t he u pper round s of the ladder labor and g"i'ius O m of the.-o is a young man, -whose hv'm tude as an i-nu'invcr of heais as'einishes their older ai lists. Although but twenty-two je.irs of age, tlireo of hi; heads have been .-e;:t as a part et to.' xhii-.it of na'.ioii.il eurrenev to a'e.ri 4 .. o-. . 4 1 4 .. .. 1 : . ... r I'iii vt'itr, a ,;e 1:10s; mie: 'as lauii o.a 1 u 1 c 1 tif this dejMi t m t n t i ; I ho geometrical lathe, vhich is separated from the main room by a screen, and reepiires a nj.'.eeial permit to see. Jt would be useless to attempt a description of it in a letter. Su.iiee to say it is more simple than one would suppose, considering the work accomplished. ly referring to any piece of our present currency your readers will understand the nature of the work of this machine, by examining tho beautiful "counters" in which is tho do nominational numbers, made up of coils e.f line lines. When it is set in motion it wtirks out some beautiful pattern partially independnnt of the operator He can only give it a gen eral direction, and never can exactly reproduce a pattern. It is the wtirks of this machine that counterfeiters can not exactly imitate, and is looked upon .. , ', , - . i- 4i as the most vulnabio leature ot tlie bank-note encrravit.fr art. lliere is a I 2Ir. Cas--ietr, himself a fine engraer, combining with his art istic, rare e xeeu- .. . ... ., . tive ability. All the government en-: prravin"- is iirst designed and modeled ; Iiv him. Ib . , . . . oil! !'..-,n 111 T ir. ea'i- n IV I lor raanv vears, ami is larger. :"ir,i- . , -l . ? , ' mental in bringing it to its present pi r feetionA. Mr. Mci 'herson's stall" ccn- "1""? T1IJ,'ir-h' Assistant Super Ui- . ' - J7 , lIV,V 'IV LT '; ceil 11 l.'im , am I V . . bPSilll" ,.u;..'.,i tendeut of E.n.-raviu". Aral the elii-i eieney, economy, and the great success ; of his bureau is due to the large ami executive ability of his associates. n. n. F.mts lias givvin unbound- ! satisfaction in the first form of clerk- ' Uhi;, popular, ad'ublo n::;l aecommo- ' dating, there is no reason why he j - honbl not bo reinstated for another j term. It mat'er not to Henry wheth- 1 r yon are his political friend or enemy, ; he wiil do all that is possible to be- favor you, and that is why ; ha has such a strong bom em the at-' f . ? , PiirU Ciin-t 1 away with Henry, althongli he n,ay be : termed one who "fights the good Font a" - we believe this is the proper script- : nral quotation. i BANCROFT LIBRARY, ttu.ienev, as we stami watihlllg the ".',;: ,B" ' i r" announce u. i ne puuuc t nat in- . ru city as laid down uton the rt-crued machine weave its beautiful thoughts Eary. James oardian r U Voung heirs. ' jtisrVluolihdVaieV! I IS ?,ffh,!.,"orll:''tt THrS yi wi'-rS I" info the hard fcteel, to exalt It near to oi clai n I s-cs '' ami Is, township . s, r , the state, and is now prepared to att aid to block three :: ; lot 1 2 7 and K In l.l.K-k the level of .hose busy minds on the ru? Cairn, see 2. 2 j "Ur in v. n, uTXs:,T. j i?trTl!i W., nS.t irrro-TJr. I new to-day. j WILMHIT'S SODA fiPil!n5 VCH-HUII 3 OJjLJa C-rilittUC?. piIIS rOPULAH 8UMMKU IIKSOUT HAH J. just Oei-n ri'iilleil mid rcnui.lili'd, and is now op. ned to 111" public by NOBLE & MANN. f, this hotel the tables v.ill b spread with he bi-s- the market affords ned irirr iee lir pains will be taken to advance till- comfort of "-nesis in everv particular. e,,,,, rc win h'i ..vori-ihiL 0. 1 ....... ,.r Camp, rs, will had evorithin- n the way ef T'.iii.i... r -1 -1- . IA1H.H-, VTiotLllts, V ailllCll I 1 HIT, 1 rovisions, Etc., Ltcr In tlie Store. The BATH HOUSE H ten hands, and will he fur- 11 fort able manner. h of July there will be a Will be in com nishc.l in a com fori a hi the enir. I CKLKIIIMTIOX AT THE SPMIXCJS. eiiMd inns" will li in attendance, and a BALL AND SUPPEK In the evening". Tioard at t he JIoteT, p-T week $7 Ort "! als ami bed each 50 Cam; -age for tlie season 100 Horse feed, etc., on the ground. 1 tie various charges at the Springs u ill le very reasonable. May . .-tf HAS OPENF.D TUB BARLOW HOUSE 1H.VVE CIVEN THIS POPUIAU HOUSE a thorough renovation from cellar to irnr ref, and proms to make it a hous second to none In Ore-iron . this side of Portland. Everything will be done to ad vane" I he com fort of the guests. The Ilotis is iar,rg and commodious. 15 :-il mill I. (Irr'nfT pr woek S" OO !5-i;:i-i p-r wrek OO -H'-.-ilsaiKl I5e-M, intli a. !"r;' t':ir! tin.)d fi oro ihc tr'tel. T. A. 15 CON, IPropvie.or. Oregon City, May .;at isrs-tf. .DUIMSTilATOirs .-Tiirr. 7K"Ot:c!-: t:; tir;:i;??v ft V ic." TIAT has h ti in-. 1 oir,; 1 .1 .-.("iiiinistrator of Me-ecfafe 01' James 11. ilec:is"(l. I)v tb,. C,,..,,,., i;.,,rt of 1'laekamas County, iir- :m. AH p ts-.iis having epitms a rail st said est afar- not t,i -d to pr-s -tit th"iii wit - j proper vouchers (0 me at Iv. I,. Eastham's oilie". in ir '011 i.'ii v, in said county, within six months from'tli- date h . T'of. JOHN HAOI'.Y. '- I- E.sTHAr, att'yforad.-.Cr. May : 1. :.S7S-lw S. A i'i: oi" o--:i:.i ' o:-xtv I" 1. Vi-K V V. 1 ' titt: S;irr:i ' 1 1 s I , (!!-- I V ; i XV 'VI ' I V T ! k Uil' v 1 - ,,. .. ;.. ,,, i -.. i J !!.-goe.,N ami e':,t:e' . of f:e i!,.ij V if. I "lxri,lffiTlJ'l' 1 Ml T 'In . : . m . i. ii tax-n-t. sc. n:ii,-S t!vr ",fas i!l atiioiiut ii:'.', t).'i!-; h-.;r vi;!i 'i-'s and : 'ill' in.r e,v-ls ; :l:i i if n i,;-.;;i s.rot.ert v ! : r", line i. t u n n : ui t !i real iirnjii'iiv a--s' I i'. rl h in s t a v-1 i-;f , ,: s-.-i i . i ,: i t hcre- or as will s-.tisiy the la s . c'i A aiail due, with iiwls an I ei !! :. An I von i " re, j uieeil to pav over ui'"i"-s s-i IIeet.-.l...tt ,r i.ei".r.; the lii -t M ! v ' of.) 'i! v. t!i tori :-.M i:l!-e;- j '"UMitv. y foe ;; : r-e ! ( . this ! : '.".1 '.; nereT . i :.t ). 1 h iie- of .Ml v ' -" w. i:. ir. !' :'-:s C'UllltV lerk. ! !lv virtue of i levied u en t!i l" :i"n".-e v-i-'i'.! i' 1 ;:a ioP-evhi" -!. e! -in et.v: .'iTioon .-s-ititroay n: .r1 a oiv i-Ill-.te, A. ! '.' 7 s. I.(le"i til' ili'O--: c.i seems .o;n A. r. and f v. m. .e"siii iiv. at i of SeCiritV. ICo'.pt !I )'l-- " l!oe '. "pi ) . r ,:: t'i' '. ' '1 . - n:u is ' '::,-.: y, S; ,t ..:" l-er ei. I WM1 . pos.. I' e- s-' ! ' a 1 -II t ' i ' a ' ' i i "' e ! i I i. .i- ,..'..! i. , I -. 1 1 i :..!!.,,-; ,i . i. ..... ............ i . t""i i i) ); y.i r :i -a - i i; ii- a; oi i i r 'l'i-:-t '.iii-K' Will s;'i-'' I i 1 1 f P 77, s s ' ; . ' i : ' t ! i e 1 1 ! . H:f t f .' I ' ei- IV :: '. . . , v . ! 1 . I ' . ' nl , a ! i. ( : si s : ' J '. lUsiiM, Kran'-r. win' oirt e-' S:: j epti:.), i. and ti, "J ... r .1 e : Pa . ia-.--- t i i ter'.o i . fs ia-, heir p tt .-.f "-;"-. ' : 'ni'll'i, 1 s.:, ee; eo:itaimii; i acres, i e a .NJ , i a -c . s vi i ' i i-e. .I ii;' e '.; nfsw , ..i's"'-'0 l" I. e; epaputi'X .' 'teres. i.iv :.). I I I a owl. l-j, I iswi"M, 2 iloe'S in .N'e.Mll j 1 oi s adili' ion. i"t- si in. j ! tarry. 1'at. w ' . of ti w ' of sec ft, "J s, r j . e : ei i. i a in i ler :i''res. 1 .1 - - o. j P.ieV'letl, .I i'oii, o art of el aiai N i 4 1, Ti s. r J. e: eon' iiiiui r I ; n"i'is. lav : l. Eurton, '!'. s w l v of n e and o e 'i ot se 'i. of e I'd, ' s, r 1 c ; con lain hig so acres. T i- S2 L"h ilifkiici', J'i!ai, ti " 'i of s w '4 and s e ' i of n w 'a of sec 4, 5 s, r .'5 e; ; so acres. Tax s; r-n. Cahiil. hnis, p i' f of the s of Sphink eiai n: li'.t :e es. Tax S", I:. Clirisfv. Daniel, far! of Earc-er i-I iiei s"e:;i. Is. rle; codt lining in acres. Tax Ciniiuerninn. C!ias. e ' . rf e of s e 'i j fsee I "., is, r 1 w ; ceitaii:!Tivr fa acres. 1 Tax ? 1" ,,,. - ...,. run1.- c 1 ; . ,1 1 : . I 1 : . - ........ 1 , v ..... . w 1, ami n -,v 'x nt s ot seeL'U, ; ..... ...t.:. it . .. o ... 1114 i Ciiioe.lieP, T), part ef .loraiion elaim-il, I se,- - -j, r t e : nt acres, tax. :-s so. I ax ''--, It V,s U of s tv - i ofse-7t township it s. r 1 w ; so acres. Tax, ? 1 4a. Thinn. P.itt ii'k, s 'j of n w 'i of see; 2 s, r 4 e ; ,' O acres. Tax. S .44. Davis, Vv'illiam, n v of see 1, township 1 s. r te . Kin acres. Tax. SI. Douglas, J. D., ti 'i of n w hi of see 10, township : s, r4e: S'l acres; lax. SI. Matin, James, s w 'i of nt; 'i of s w 'i of sec :Vi, township 2 s, r 3 e; 12"') ticres. Tax. SI. Morfeit. Thotna, Orerjon City, lot 5 in l.locl- 17. Tax. SO in. ' P"mic, ti W. fra el i. nal s e i at sec 2 5 s, r I w : 7,1 acr-s Tax, 2 2 D'-mic, W 'f, part rf Een Rinip's ctalnt, S"c9 a s. r 1 e ; S acres. Tax, ?4 1 1. Pufli !d, Albert, s w ' of sec 21 5 s, r 1 O; 16 acr s. Tivx. iS S i. Eld.'t.T A, s e of s e S' of S"C -!t 1 s, r 2 e ; l'i ii'T.'S. lax J-",' .'. s V4 of s l.4 r 1 -'" ,0"'n ship 1 s, r .1 e ; la acr -s. Tax, .-7. .;v,.rst, i.yninn, s e '.; of s hihI s p of s-c townsiup s. r l : i m acres, lax..i. i l 1 1 1 a'tllll.t llfiri At k f 111! IV i 1 e'l'littl ; "leu: . ami -ji i s, r i w; s acr's. Tax, ?7 i. . .-,f!'.r 1 1 ' :1' r 's- !iK- ' Oal via, 1 homas Ilesf , s-c :i I s, r :i e ; SH acres t,,x, aa. Orovs. E ijafi. n s of s w V ai'd s w i-t of o i. .11 s"c c r ' . o Tie i n :i n i,1, c o - . . .- . - . v. 1 - . r. ' ' .' ol' S"C S ! c r 1 I ti SCO;, Tax, ' i a 1 ("i,ai' r, cuas, n i of u w ', of ii w oi n e ',. ! .- e :J2 li s, r - i -. ' ' a "rc s. :t fi. oos"r, II ai e oi n e '.. o. s -c IS ;ls, rle; i :t."i- s. i a x. lb;";b 'S .V,5,"1""--" u' 5 - ' ib","'. " '-b - 'l o! s e :4 , see ; -J, t o . I . s i : ; p s, r t e ; S er -s. la-., 2 2 . Ib;;;l; "-''O'. l i 2 s, r 1 e ; !; aer 's. 1 low. , James, part of sec !1 2 s. r 2 e ; 1 "Ja.r. s. Tax . si ! . j I la !l. R C, s e "4 of Ingram I'laini, 1:) 1 s, r 2 e i I'd re r s. Ta x. S ,s 1. ' lrY"'rY - 'ij'. - r's'1 l7'i"ii'"'" IrViT1 c",:,i,'!1. I.n.roi. Pit s w u of n ',". and 11 w or s Ta x , l in. ' ' ' ' 1 li s, r 2 e ; .S 1 t. r s. i.uirs? c 17' ' l,ri InuVahani. H-nry.'part of s e l-landi'i o-vn- ship 4 s, r .. e ; S, leres. lax.-vl H". Jewell, Isaac, frac tonal n 'j of n w u of s c Keiiog of. VaTof J"A "r7i, m s . i :, u..', nsiiin 2 s, r 1 e ; 2'j acr. Konib rg.-r, Je. y, s w - at1 e 0, nT Sw 'fof s-c )t, townsiii-) 2 . r s eo li" ae-rv. Tax. n ' K'vn- ' ';T" Ut' ?ot 8 ,n 2vii.g.. Jos-ph, n of n w V of sec 20 2 s, Jj -n T-!,,J 2 r . f, . 1G, n.-ivsTax, -s m. . . .1 ' lowMi rr i ii'i-tffcrc".i iiu-n cmn i u i t ........ . i i i i i T -irkii.s, Jnms a o i anl 8 e. U of w U and s ..se U, and nw '.,olsee t, township Is. ! IjV ' I H M C ' : ! Ja.,fJ. I-ivorty, A P, undivided half of w ?-i of sec 17, r 1 -n .i i t r r I !li t niT.'fi. T:tv. .-'1. ! Ionu;, lii-wis, pari ol dona: 1011 claim s-c 2f ami l', tov.-nsaip o s, r 1 w ; It acr.-s. Tax, ?ll '. ' 1-"l. A! rs 4I, part ol claim 11, ssManua, ' "'wmsihi. s, r 1 v ; Hhi acres, jax. si, 0 . : Jlillby, n 'i ol s e 'i ot sec a 1, township I s, r U I..'"' s' !U"r,'S- Tux , $: I'". ! jiil.ican, K, w U ol n e '4 of s-cSt.townshinls, r .i e : s nor -s. jax. l. I McCord, N i', c U ol s w li sec IJ, township I s, r if ; h acres. lnx,l. - Alakinster, Uorne.ius, s k of s o V 22, town snip is, r2, n w "4 of s w 'i sec township xi " 1 ; 1- acr.s. lax, M. Murphy. Jolin, w H ot se 'j.ande V of s w U .ot sec .1', township i s, r 5 e ; 10 t acres. ,.la.x' - , .. Alartm , J , n M n w of s"c 4, township s r .( o ; K 1 aer.s lax.tJM. .ii.irai. n, neirs. n.-irs ol .Marat donat ion claim s c -i, township o s, r 1 e ; 3-J.1 acres. ia, .-ti. acr -s!r:; a v "'.? W 4 S ' 21 - p. r5 '" I(i ' McCtirmack', Vijpart of sees a and 1 town- ship s, r .i e; it, acr. s. Tax, $11. NorLon, Mrs K. part of ilerron, lan claim sees 5 and , to.viisliip ;j s, r s e: :i.j acres! Tax.fll ss. Olds, ti. o, h-irs, part of f. Moor claim, sec 25 township 2 s, r x e ; ID acres. Tax, f v. Packer. I ohn, n e U of claim SSas, r l c ; 1B acres. Tax. f 11. Phil'p-, V ni.s S of n w M of s w of sec 2, to -, ,.s!, p ; s- r 1 e ; slu acres. Tax, js be. Pr !t, i m, fra. tion of 1'urns" claim ol Mult - nom xh City i s, r 2e ; Tax. $1 40. K-rter, fraction in shannon tlonatl. n e:K' acres. Tax. iH 60. 1 emirii . j , r 1 c.untu s,r;e: iw acres. i, 1 naveon misthp 1.5th tlay or Mav. 1S7S. Tax, ?H so. h vid upon all the right, title and interest of Uoliin. J I, fractional w 14 of s w If of sec f the atjove named Uefendaut, James M. Z s, r 3 e ; 70 (ICR's. Tax, $1 20. Moore, in and to t he following described real R-chey. Mrs.CC, ejjof n wli off" I J ;?.r :i . proiKTty to-wit : Richard. Isaac, l.rts 5 and 6 la blocks 6 iiil- : Clackamas county, Oregon, an laid off by th waukie. Tax. $1 !, i ate Hugh lUirns, with uli the teiiaments and Uiggley, Joseph, e J4 of s e !ol 'c 1:1s, r. ' ppurte-iiances thereunto in any wise uppcr- ; JKO acres. Tax, $2 2. t.iiniug, and on Russell, T S, agent of Crow heirs. jart of M.tr.lr, ll.r I..II1 ly of Jnnr, row calms 11 and 1-', towns hi p 2 s. r 1 e ; ,,,, . . . " '"00 acres. Jax, 52.'. ' At the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of sa d da v at Shanan.S J, e of Khanamfs donation ' "nrt l,,"so U'M'r ,ia "fgon ( ity, liacka- claim. sees 21 and iT 2 s, r le: I. acres. , ,n,ls JV'1' Oregon, I wil. sell at public aue Tax V -II ' I " all the right, title and int. rest of the Smn.ld'en heirs, n w S of thee M ofs-ciM, and ! "Ii Noi"!1'.1! d.-leiidant James M. Moore, in e'iofthesw U"! these 'i olsec2S-s,r4e; V? V V ' "'.""V , descnbid nal prop-ny to lt acres. Tax. $H H " I he lushest bidder tor cash to tne in !, and Swii"-.- nart of ue 1 1 of sec '"I ' s r 1 e- J1 i I,'l,1"' C-s- gold coin tosittisty the said -x-V, r -s ' T-!v "'- " ' 1 C1" i,,n w'tl1 interest, costs and aecruimr costs Sfa-r. Vs P 'wKU il e V part of n w H of sec tUl.?t "r l' "'?'k" 12s, rl-; hj acres. "Jax. fll. , n"'"-"- Sheriff of .ackamas Co., Ogn. Son? li wort ii, M M, n ol lJeluiV claim, s-cs la, ) and . ij s. r 4 c; ."1:2 acres. Jax. S7 ill. 1 ssiovr, Kli.tr", n Jj ot n e : of s -c 122s, r 1 e ; hi 1 acres- 'i i..l. ! Sheridan. Pat, s w 'i of s c :Vi : s, r 2 e ; acre-., l ax,: !) If), s'tewart. .i pail of (i P. -i'S' C.aiin, sec s, r 2 e - 1 ! ' miT's. 'l ax. 1 7. -i'li'. !-, I., a ol s w li and s e i of I n w.'i 'l s 'c 2i 4s. r 1 e -. SI acres. Tax J-i ul. J Pnlfnln rni.1 Inventors. Hr.i.vs r, ..rs M I-, part oi donatio 1 ciulm 1 We secure r.KTTFav Ptkvt on Ivvex- ".?"x. - S r 1 '' : "' !l"'" - T:,x ! TIonS. No attorney lees in advance in appii siailh Mrs I'avi.l, r- gon ity, 'v ot .ot 1 j c .lt ions l.r Patents in Cw t "i.itc.t Nnl.f. in .oc.v L. ; ioi . in hi. ea 1 1, lax, ... til. cnanT'-s unless the patent is granted. No sand r I'l ase.a.t , art of cla 1 111 r 2 e. 1 additional tees for oUnining and conduct i , lax II. , - i sl reh-ar-ng. S cial attention giv.-n to In- Sa.apsoii. If, 1 -art of Patterson claie. ; ! t..n.-r.ne I as-s beiore the p..e,,, i iflic.-. Ex s c ' os, r I e ; .JJ acr- s. 'i i., 1 ! tN. tensions hi !..r- o:i-r ss, I; lring.111.11t suits .o-.i-r 11. .s 1, s : ... .l-.i-i'i.i e.ai.u o,, ; in dor r-. it states, ami : lit i.v ion a-i-r-.-: c . ". s, r 2 e ; HnrLT'S. !.i.s-si. , ; -i , tl i ,i r 1 o ! n vn! ns or Pat eit s. Wc'nls rn- ami -rvor!. ki.. I'itfi 1, .; I.aied.i in s c , t.llr., i';,t.rits in tuna. ia and other ror.-i"ti ,.s-r V'.; ' r ,;iV'-,1"-. . i e -it nt ties. Send stamp tor I'iMiiphlet giving ' ' ' . f' A-! i . a , .v o; s U oi s -" 2S ; s, r j Itl!i instruction and terms. 1 e ; , 1 ; ; c j- . I L .-' Wy' ii, Si e ; u e of s".- '.." 1 s, r 2 e ; ! l s- Courts an:! Departments. s acr 's. la-;-- :', a. j CI i;m j-ros"citt"d in tli So r iii" Court of W'l .loier nby, I r. :ci- i,, ;i of s IS 2 s. r : e ; I - i a-. -. i a v, ;i VH in, i a a i !, and 2 , r 2 : Valla-.. .1 SC. Ira l .'.'., 1.1. W ! I . li a: 1 s " : in :i r s. 'I',, x. -rl. '-. ' i. : '. I' i' ' .eii. I ' I-, w ' I.;' cla I '1 -."), -Jl, a- r -s. l ax s I. ,:et .' .-- '.v ol s -e -.i : ' in' !1 ' ; II e ' ' j i 5j r 1 e ; M. .; s !! 1 .-, r 1 e : s ' li 7 s, r 2 e i, and e of t a -'-. s. l a x. s 1 1 Ol s . 11. ' r -s 'i a-:. : Vei Win. ti w ' ..f s i I :: -i. in, !'. . . i -fax, i .;; :. i 1 s, r i i(i ' rle; ', Mavi :, a : ii i e ' s, ei' i -r ! 1 ; i 11'.' ottt, L - j .i'e. tn: . ! - l se.' . a. 1, a . ' b-ir.iain - i ' all ai I s f ) h" ca 1 gi ,' ,v;i;i i. i L U 1' (JO .' ?, a 1 'r i . 1 - , LA hi 1ST A V G K 27 77V j-'U'ix:sii:s ; conns ri:RFUiIKi:Y, TARI-K CUTLERY, w 'I.-T-".-- fr i '--i-,- - ri CJ.Ut Koal, OJ.- e.V .11,1., i HARD WAR:"!, FARMING VI Ki'j.. A7V., j;rc . Ij S O GrssEi !S;ie!:s. AVuoI , ik. S ;C"k.S At;d many either articles Now is the ch-Hie-; for ho-as. k"ep"rs and others to lay in a a g.xid i toci; of TEAS. C'OFFKii antl n sn-p'y ci At small cost. r.vDEiiT.v icnii, rani.iji- a;:ii U;.?oit ."iliikiT. rgillE CNDEKSKINE D WO 17 E I ) RE- NOT FAIL to send for on Catalosme. It contains price an4let.criition I , of mot every article In ti- f r:il iwcitiio I vilklt(l A5Y ''M '" i ..... ..... ........I....... nil.' iirlirl l .'C- miiihI, t'aiiillT or Agricultural tine. liiivi- ilunr a lar-etrale I lie iat -a"oi lit lie rriniilr iiiirU ot'tlie 'rerritoriejj. a u.l liavr. ivllli rrw r ff i" . . ol the expectations or the .urrlaer, manv rlaimiiier to have made a . "inlnj ot III in (Ml jut ''it. WI'.. L'rL a. tll ...... kind at wlioleaifl pi'ieeM III uailllte to tm. Jrli-bt .National lianit, hh.-'. MnHTGSKIERY W?AR3 A CO., Original tiranjc Hopply IIoHe. 827 A 2S WauaaU Ave., CUicaso, HI. s 1 0,000, TO lA$A?i I g REAL ESTATE SECT III T Y , IN jr sums lo suit . B11IX ei ATiiliY, AtCysat Iiw. Or--gon City, May H, is7S.ini. 1 i "I BLANKS OF KVKKVhI'SriIin iXIOU! i sab-at t losofhe,'. Just ie-s of t l,.j i cace 1 can g'l anji iiiiik " 1 " -j . Then; is 110 humbug nlxaut tiiis. am tl"- j .. 1 hi o. .11.11, uu-niess iii.-iii -iii sixiy anys, iiiiks to a ost. Inini w ti K'li a doe wotm! Ixa.rs and consequently will give better Imrgains . S. 21 E, linJ;.s distant, a hemlock lars S than can be hail at a ny ol hr place. lion if I K. G.; links distant ; thence s 81 S K 011 do not wi da to purchas , c ill a tid s for J chains and .V) links lo a iHUtit - thenc" S 3ei yourselves P.. A. HCeiilES. j W. i chains and 2o links to a point ; t hence- N. May .... ls.ft.-2lf 1 s2 as" W. rl chains and -Ti links to a sf..L-.. .... GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. JT-OTICE IS IIFHKBY (JIVES' THAT UX- .i....,.i.l l.r -lrt..i if 1 i4en se a ml oriler nf duly iiiade and entered or record on ,it h ,i;iv r.f SIuv. lS. l.v ttat' lV.uiify Court in tlie mailer of Hie estate and . siiardianshlp ol" Augustus Edward KhlAn&-r, -hsv. i:iin- for and Ixmisti Ida J-."bbiii!r r, minor lieirs of Win. A. Ebbiii.-r, eloc-njwtl, 1 lie undersigned "rii.-irdiari oi said minors, will at at the lonrt ' House dHr in rep)ii e'ity, Clackaiiias Coun- ' ty, (ri-rin, on the .Jd elay of Jane, isrs, at. tlie hour ol 10 o'clock n. 111., sell at puuiic nue- lion to the Highest l.IUder lor jroiu coin, casn in hand, all and singular tlie following d . sen bed real proin-rty Ixlongirifr tosa id minors. '. t,Hv1t : The un.liv.ded lour-sevenths of the loiioM-iiiLf describei iKirc.-l of real estate, to- wit: Mcginning at a loint7.:W chains south and -Ml! clia ins i-ast ol the northeast comer ' of section 15, township i south, range 4 cast. runnuiv: thence west i.5l chains; thence i north 2".7a chains; thence vr.-st fa chains; limnw! north -n.M chniiis: t hence -ast S.) ! chains : t lience stmtli hi chains lo the place : a ieriiitiiiig; coniainining art.! acres. ' lieim; the donation land cloim .ii Kred.rick llali.-stein and wife, situate and Ix-in- in tli. cum! v of Clackamas. Stale rf en-iron. , i,.d toilnj made the expense of p-:r- chaser. " VM. H'.VDII.IMS, i eiuardjan of the estate of said minors. ! M;iy i.S-tw. G5,ni. OilCrilT S vl-'le. fY VIUTUK OK A HECHEE AND WRIT : J of execution issued out of the Circuit lourt of the ."State of Oregon lor the county ; of .-.ackamas, dated tlie 1st day of May, A. 1 . . IS.'S, and to 111- as .Sheriff directed in favor of j Aithur Warner and against James M. Mwre for the sum of Three Ilundre . jtnd p:ightjr , aviiwn Do lars in IT. S.gold coil with interest at : the rate of 12 per cent, p-r annum from th 31 day of April. A. i. 1S78. ' Now, 1 here-fore, for want of personal proper- a tine In Hlock One In MnUnmonh ritv KST.l HL.1S II KI 1 S;o. n. S. & A. P. LACY, ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW. 5ij Srvrnih Sim-!, Unshiu'Ion. D, r. ; t h ln it"d Stat es. Court, ol Claims, and ail of war ciiiims beior ; tn Executive 1 ' p.arl ments. Ai'r.ars of I'aj- mix. Ii.oit.tj-. I 'iii'.' 'r.i, SoMj.-rs ana Sailors of the If to '-:r, it tle ir h-'irs, aie in many cases i-n-t'Ml'd to money ironi th" iovirn iim'mI, of which t'e-y liav no kno-vledg-'. Write m 1 history of s rvii-', and state a mount f ; ay :,:;d i.ouaiy r. i vol. Enclose st i:ui p. and a fill! reply i.it-T cxaaii nation, wiii If- given von without ch-irg . fcfil.m. All e 'ri -"rs. Solilti-r-s and s.-iilors. at err" nr. j dli oil'd. how 'vi r slightlv. irmn wounds' i nipt nr' or .t h'-r in ;i,ri s. or d isea s re.-ei'd j ,,r ,..itt raei'd in ii lin t Onty in the Ir.to w.-r can o! .r: a tijoti. .i.-u.y now draw it. p.'iisi ns are nt it l"d to increase. c. . (iriH'ial l,:iiu? OiTI.-e. ' '. eit s' -.1 i.ii:i,l 1 "as s,! 'rivif I and 1 '1 aims, "i;e:i-r '.---i:i;t ,11, and omesieed as s ;-r -, leiiii'.' th' iii iv Mi l-aiai OiYicj a id i' i ariin-'lit il iii" lid' fi.'r. f.ait.t V,: ri-ii. ti i s. We ay sh "or I'oiiatv Land W; rrai.ts md Ad'-ai "iiiil I ! ...-.: -a'! er:!. V.'e i i'r ' ir- .-'.'i a-" aii pari as liav i ti :r any :- a.-d iv in'l and . vpl.ci; iiistrii.'- a-si.im ais ar- nap m -r. !'i-t our bnisifss :i S'ti Tin 'i --'Oi-, ii'ivirig tn r-in tlie assist a tit" of 1 i- 1 ;i ri- iic d l-i-.vy rs and . Ii rks, id 'i'v-'gcir ci.s -st .' r-ii;i:i supervision 10 r..' i 11 ;--.rt.-i:it p-i;. r pro at d in eacu I'r -fi;.!. s aft -t.t ion t :111s se.-i-.r- d to a i I j ,' ,-.! ,i t o 11 '. l.ia rii in-aar -a.-ails uiade w:Vu :d;orie.;s ; ::i,i:l i'l ii. 'aii I'li-iire s. Addr. ss I'. lVv.. YAnri v , V,t: !:'- V. i . ( W'..r-f r t-i II 1. M. 1;. Emorc. Pr -si-! .1 -nt 2d National i'.-.nif. W.-is!:i..r.n. ..; j '. K. Pr-allss, eis.j., add r l.eriiiai'i A in. j Aa'.i'.rial lank. Wnshimrtori. ! . '. ; lion. . ; Ii e . i'r --'. I! T. Villi, t lit 11 k , i ad : 7. hio : 1 ! I'i'i. 1 1. S-.-('.:.roii, V. Pr st. 1st Nail. Cann ; Hi!!m l-ii", .!ie!i.; .!. i:. lianiia.E s-p. i ndil. r Ciiv Null. : rial:, .'i-nv r, iol,:J. Ji. Knox, J INm-, i-in'i r, '!'o;h l;n, Kansas. I :l:?;;;;:x-ri?riv of il'.il Lsl;tl.-. j otie is hekei.v liiVKs- that i.y 1 1 1 vtrii! .,1 an ori r i-su d oul ol i I ', ..; 1.. it'' ar! ..: 1 ;, soio- o; Ore-on for t lie nllllv ""!:! II'. :i-i:i, 11 IT '1; April ."., s:s. ill tie? matt roi th-estat of too. . !j. rn-t h v. '. f.-as !. 'Mil horizitig in" to s- II t lie r--:l stale l-!'iiiri:i.'liith''ist.iti'ii! 1 be si. Id ! c. as. U I will, on ' ' Kat:r.?jiy. the 'Jd da j- ,,f .?t::.,., 7 a? fa-- !vo.:r of t--n o'.-I.H-k in th fop-noon. oiT r Tor sa I-. pnepc .aiiel ion to the i'i"h"t bid I, r, in fro t of bi" c,,i:r 1 1. .us ,7,r i n ilr. iroii' ity, lae -amas county, th- pillow ing d.'scriii.-d parcels ol real .-siate, ttwit : The east .'i.-.U of t be doaat ion land claim of '. AI.. ru' they deceased, and wife; also Tne eat hnf of fi; donation land claim of ..ohn M. I 'aeon and wife; aiso 12" a-r -s of land, art of I tie donation land claim of rzri Kish'-r, described as follow; negiiiniuirat. a j.ost (or I he northwest corner on Kzra Eislcr's land claim, T. 2 S U. 2 E from which a rirtrec Ix-nrs s.-M l-L. :." i i o k"s 1 tji lantan ash t re- Ivarssout h till w .one chain 6fl IHiKs distant : thene-. S.S't - R. :n chalnsai d K the west line on said claim ; and thence N 1 '. Itr.' V '.1IaI,.,U. 1,. ,,. . . , Also iM'giiiningnt n stak in the W. boun dary line of tciid claim 2Uehrln I'rom "the N W. corn-r; t hence S. is- v:.' K. chains a 11 2" links to a i.iiit.- thenc- S. :r W. eh:0n a U'l "-'a links to a point ; t hence north (5: .r7 W. 51 chains and 2" .inks to u stake in t h- W 1 ill" ot s.i id c!:. 1 111 anil 1 lienec nort h 1 S fc"i' V i l'l rim iff to t be place of Ix-gi titling. 4iso ine ion iwtng lots and EhK-ks in Or"- I in tilock .'is Also, all of Mock IS in McMillan's addition to the town oi e s ieri. AH of the above property being situated in ! he county ol Clack.'i mas, state of Oregon. Terms of sale ten p'-r cr-nt cash In hand. ',T1" '-'a i.a nee 01 s.tie uy ine t oun'y t v.urt. I'eedsto be mad at t he exi'ens" of purchaser. A N N I E AUERN El II V, Administratrix of. the estate of tieo. Abcr- . .i,..,.c,i 1 at -d .Mav 2;Jd. I7S-U. . ....... r.T . .. IIIR C T.M KAMA PACK I XI ; CO. it f aF-.-e qtmrif ity of Veiref nbles. Kiignr Cora in lhe. milk; St ring Hen ns. von n" a nil p. e ire.; ,. ,0. s an must ik jresh ind ...-. 1 .in, mi -nil r'li, mmi' (Uti'T Will lie re ceive.I. May !. 7H-lm. .......... ... ...... .1.. 1. ......... ........ ... ! if " i! m Id) (.i'f'i;in,t'unaUf'iiioiii'y. J V A A f 2 J J If von can't get jml.1 ou can ; fl greenbacks We need :t person In overv 1 town to take subscriptions for the largest i ch-api st and U-st, Illustrated rainilv pubjica- tion in the world. Any tine ca n become a suc ! cesslul 1 agent. The most eleeant works of art , given freeto.tbcrilH'rs. The price U mr, low ! t hat almi ever, IxkI.v subscrils. Oncagent I r- port s making ov r fl- in n wok. A ladv , agent r-ports taking over fan taibscribers In , en da vs. All who engage make nionev fast j you can devof all your time fo 1 he WshW.. , or only your s are time, y tic.a not!'. a .'.ay Imin home over t.l-ht. y,M, cn lo it r. ,,,r,",s,lri'". Elegant nn.. exw.nsiVe of- " "" .ou w-mi protiiaije work wnd tia our address at once. Ji c.M-ts nothing tn ... the business. No oJie' w7,o " wZtoUn W xrt - pay Address "The People ' T Journal "iiihiiii, .-laine. 1 . I '1 ' s ;li I 1 1 H i l J 5 ; ; 5 i .