Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, April 25, 1878, Image 1

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l J I 0 mr
NO. 27.
rrnr,Bliitu Mm fend Family 4'lrele
(a i'J'.V" ,R,V,RY (THURSDAY.
. Official Paper for . Clackamas County.
Oflf! In Enterprise RiiilrtfMg-,
door South of Masonic Building, Main Street.
i Tfridi ofKubMTiptloa :
x CiugieCopy, ou year, in advance
i, Kiagie Copy, aix month, iu advance. . . . .
si &o
1 so I
l. -Transitu I advertisements, including ail leual
.,. notices, per fquar ftt twelve lints, oa -- t
"ek $ a Do
for each subsequent insertion 100
Od Column, one jear 120 00
Self Column, one year 6U 00
Vuarter Cnlumn. one year 40 00
Business Card, one square, one year l i 00
Meets every Thursday Evening, at, ,
7!$ o'clock, in Odd Eellnws' Hall, C !r--.r i" ,",
Main Street. Members of the Order jftTjairflV
are invited, to attend.
Bj or.r (if x. G.
. iiif"! on ine second and
Fourth Tnedsy Eveniucsof each month
at 7V o'clock, in tl, rii.i iroii,., u.m'
Member of th 0tfr are invite 1 to
aL l fUU.
y- nieetn nt Odd Ftliowa' Hall on'
luinnnna inua 1 uesday of each mofith
. 2 in gooa standing are Invited to
r- holda its regular communi- a
eauone on the Firht and Third f-atunjaya - A
in each month, at 7 o'clock from the 20th"o'
ef September to the 2uth of March - and $e?j
H o clock from the.2i tb of March to the Y
20th of September. Brethren in good atandina are
invited to attend. By order i W. il.
PIi.Viciaii and Siiroou,
Graduate of the I'niversity of Pennsylvania.
Office at Ci.iff Hot Re.
rPreacriptio!ig carefully filled at abort notice.
Higlieat cash i rice pail for County OriWrs.
A T T OKX Y - A T - ff, A IV ,
Kpecial attsutic n given to busines in the I. S.
Land OrtW.
oftlce in Myei's Brick.
tVill practice ia all tbe CVnut of the Stat.
Special atte: ii. i .ien to oust- in the Knifed
fates Land OWce Ft Oregon City. Snpr"72-tf
JJ Sale at tniso?.ice. Ju-ucch of the Peao can
get anytnius in ttrtir line.
J. f. WAttD. l.EOKOE A. HAROISti.
Druggists ai ipttafies,
as.-crtr- ent -f
Irii.' anS Clit'iuirals.
PerfonifPT, Sonpo.
n t omb, mikI airnli-.
Trn.o. Siippurl.
Shniililfr Rrateo t nno and
1""1 Article.
Kerosene Oil. Lamp lirn ne, .
la". ! !-. I'Miiti,. oil.
l.-iriiih-t noil i.e Nnir.
6a. Physicians' Pies -iiptivin carefully com
peuBded, and all orders correctly anawtred.
IS Of en at all hears of the nijht.
Uk All accounts jnnt Is paid monthly.
noyl,l7.:.tf WARD & UARDJNG.
Established since
One il. .,r North of Pope s Hall.
X4I.N st.. i,i:i;o. t HY, ici:r;N.
An assorts nt r; TTitiiii-s, Jm-e'.rv, andrl?
Beth Thomas- Vrz CI m k, all flf 'which W1
are warrauted to 1 represented.
, "K,Piriug uone en sUnrt m tice: aud thuukiwl
for paat patroi::.-.
Cnsh lall l,r omity Onion.
OKFGON" Criv, OrtFiiOS.
W At the Pest 0:Ki e, M.-iin Siret-t. -ntt si.te.
novl, 'Tj-tf
fi.ioiieei' ISooIt ISinclei-
Pittook'a Building, cor. of Sterk and Front Sts.,
I'oitiLtvi), m:i:c.o.v.
I) lank books rllfd and bocsd to any
JLJ deaired patttra. Music Pocks. Magazines,
ewpaperi, etc., liound iu every variety of tvle
known to th trs ie. Ord-r from h'. country
promptly attended to. novl, '73-tf
Having purchsed the above Brewery, T
wiaiies to inform the public tnat they are.- L'.
" Tthrea tj u..;nuiacture a N 1 S-sJ
As good as oiD be obtained anrwhere in the State.
rees sohoited aod proitftly filled.
Wji i iti
WLere Ale VidJlk3 Buried?
"Tell rue, gray-haired sexton," I said,
"Where in this field are the wicked folk laid ?
I have wandered the qaietold churchyard thro',
And studied the epitaphs, old and new;
But on monument, obelisk, pillar or stone
I read of no evil that men have dons."
The old sexton stood by a grave newly made,
With hiii hand on hi chin, his hand on his
I knew by the gleam of his eloquent eye
Ilia heart was instructing his lipa to reply.
"Who is to judge when the soul takes iu
Who is to judge 't vixt tlie wrong and the
: j Which of us mortals shall dare to say.
That our neighbor vr,ig wicked who died to-day ?
"In our journey through life, the farther we
The better we learn that humanity's need
Is Charity's spirit, that prompts us to find
Ilather virtue than vice in the lives of our
"Therefore, good deeds we record on these
The evil men do, let it lie with their bones,
I have labored as sexton this many a year.
lint I never have buried a bad man here."
Poor Genevieve.
Shortly after the conclusion oi" the late
war, a gentleman, iustiu"Uiaheu as a
scholar and a politician, was proceeding
up the JiisSK-sippi. During the trip he
became indisposed, aud tinally so ill that,
at his own request, he was put oa shore
at one ot thoe little old French villages
between The mouth of the Ohio and St.
Louis. The agitation of ieinoval and the
heat of h summer day so aggravated his
disease, which was a oilyms fever, that
lie became delirious, aud tor a tune he
knew nothing of what transpired.
' His returning consciousness disclosed
to him a female, with a cap ucu as
French attendants generally wear, a
plain gown, and a biacic silk apron, with
a sweet, gentle and expressive face, ap
parently bearing the impression of deep
solicitude. -Perceiving him to be awake,
she inquired iu a voice of exquisite mel
ody, it lie wauted anything. Iustead of
answering the question, the tick man,
whom I shall call llartland, though that
was not his real name, asked two or three
other., in a low, feeble tone.
"Where am I aud who are you?"
"You are in St. Taud 1 am poor
Genevieve, your servant; can I do any
thing for you, sir?"
"Oli, a nurse they have provided for
me, I suppose,"' thought llartland, "I
shall, therefore, stand on no ceremony
with her. My good girl, 1 will thank
jou for a glass ot something to quench
my thirst I am burning up, I believe.'
CJeuevieve took his hand, and, after
holding it a little while, laid it softly
down on the bud, saying, as if to herself
"It does indeed burn like lire." The
touch of her hand was so soft that llart
land could tell that she pitied him with
all her heart. At this moment his phy
siei.ui came, and our traveler recognized
in him an old acquaintance, a senator
whom he had known at Washington, and
a very eminent mau in his profession.
He lelt extremely grateful at having
so gentle a nurse and ro able a physician.
Yet his recovery was so slow tnat it did
no great credit to nurse or doctor, for it
was nearly six weeks before his fever was
fairly broken.
Odo day while the doctor was with
him, it suddenly occurred to llartland
to inquire where he was, and how he
came there, aud, more especially, to
wlioMi kindness he was indebted for such
benevolent attentions.
"You are in the house of Mademoiselle
de F , a youDg lady of French ex
traction, a gieat heiress of 'lands, mines,
and what-not, extending no one knows
where; and withal a. most beautiful,
amiable, accomplished woman," replied
his friend. "She is a ward of mine, or
rather was, for she is now of age, and
might have married years ago, but for
a singular scruple which she encourages
at tiie risk of passing the remainder of
her life in singled blessedness."
"All !" rejoined llartland, who found
himself not a little interested about the
heiress; "ah, what may the scruple be?"
"She imagines, or rather fears, it U
her great possessions that attract so
many admirers wherever she goes; and
she once told me she never saw but one
man toward whom she felt almost irre
sistibly attracted, and he treated her as
if she was nobody."
"I should like to see her," answered
llartland, "for, independent of the ob
ligations I owe her, she must be some
thing of a curiosity. Such humanity is
not often coupled with wealth, beauty
and accomplishments. But you have
not yet told me how I came to be here."
"You were seen by a good old aunt
who resides with the young lady, and
who happened to be looking out of the
window as you were landed, in a state of
partial delirium. She apprised Made
moiselle de F of the circumstances,
who immediately gave directions to have
you brought here."'
j "Upon my word, I owe her obligations
J which I cau never repay."
"That is more than you know," said
; the doctor, smiling.
i The doctor thcu rose to depart when
S llartland, with a degree of hesitation,
; which surprised himself, and the color
rising in his pale cheek, asked:
"Hut, doctor, now I think of it, who is
: the gentle, kind, attentive nurse, to whom,
i I verily believe meaning no reflection
; on your skill I am indebted for my re
covery. I oe her much, and you must
; put me in some way of expressing my
"She is paid for her attendance," replied
the doctor, carelessly, "and will accept
ot nothing from you, except what you
: will not perhaps be willing to bestow on
"What do you mean by that, doctor?"
"Notiiinsr." answered he, as he de
parted with another significant smile.
llartland fell into a reverie, from
which he was roused ' by the steps of
j Genevieve", wa entered tbe room with
slow timidity, and asked, in trembling
accents, after his health.
"I am quite well, dear Genevieve,
thanks to your blessed kindness, which I
can never repay."
"My wages are already paid," an
swered she with apparent simplicity;
"and now that you are quite recovered, I
am going away. I came to bid you fare
well, to express my wishes for your hap
piness, and to ask of you sometimes to
remember poor Genevieve."
There was something exquisitely
touching in her voice, her look, and the
dewy luster of her eyes, as she pro
nounced these words, which entered the
very soul of llartland.
"Genevieve," said he, "sit down by me
and haar what I am going to say. Nay,
I insist upon your being seated, for you
have much to hear, ana it does not be
come one who owes his life to you, to be-
seated while you are standing.
"It does not become one like me ta be
seated in the presence of one like you,"
replied Genevieve in a :ow and thrilling
voice of deep humility, as llartland with
respecttul violence compelled her to
place herself by his side on the sofa.
"Genevieve," he said, "you have saved
my ale. I am not ungrateful. Do not
leave me with a load of obligation on
my heart that will weigh me down to the
earth with a sense ot absolute degrada
tion. My life will be comparatively
worthless, unless you permit me to con
secrate it to your happiness. I would
make you- my wife," cried llartland,
with a tone and expression that could
not be mistaken. "My dear, dear wife,
to live with me and be my love forever.'
"Are you really in earnest? faltered
she, with tears and trembling. "Wrhat.
poor Genevieve!"
"Yes, 'poor Genevieve,' I am in ear
nest serious and solemn as a man can
be at the moaient when the happiness
of his life hangs on the decision of a
His nurse rose to leave the room,
llartland sought to detain her a moment,
for her answer. But she only replied
with a look and accent he could not com
prehend. "You will receive it soon from
my mistress."
"Pshaw 1" exclaimed he, in a pet;
"what care I for your mistress?"
"But you must care for her, and love
her, too; she is far more worthy of your
heart than poor Genevieve.
"If 1 do may my . "
"Hush! do not swear, least you should
forswear yourself the next minute, lie
member what I say. In less than a quar
ter of an hour you will forsake poor
Genevieve. You will not acknowledge
your love for her in the presence of my
"Come!" cried Haitland, seizing her
band, "lead me at once to your mistress,
and put me to the test."
Genevieve did not reply, but led him
into a capacious apartment whose win
dows, reaching the floor, opened on a
terrace overlooking a little river that
skirted a green lawn, as it corsed its
way to eternal oblivion in the bosom of
the great father of waters. No one was
there to receive him, and Genevieve im
mediately left the room, merely saying,
I will tell my mistress you are here.
He remained a few minutes looking out
on the scene before him, but unconscious
of its loveliness, when he was roused by
the opening of a door, and turning round
perceived a female advancing with hesi
tating steps and head inclining toward
the earth. Her face was entirely hid by
thick, black vail, which descended be
low her waist, and prevented the con
tour of her figure from being seen.
Hartland advanced to pay his compli
ments and express his acknowledgments,
which he did with his usual grace and
fluency. But the lady made no reply,
and for a tew moments seemed greatly
agitated. At length she slowly put
aside her vail, and at once disclosed the
face of Genevieve, glowing with blushes
of modest apprehensive delicacy, her
eyes cast down and her bosom swelling
with emotion. In an instant he com
prehended all.
"Genevieve: he exclaimed. "Is it
"Yes, answered the well-remembered,
persuasive, gentle voice which had so
often soothed his pains, and quieted his
impatience in the hours of sickness.
les, once poor Genevieve, your nurse
now rich and happy Genevieve, for now
she has found in the man she would have
selected from all the world one who loves
her for herself alone. llartland, dear
Hartland, will you forgive me? It is
the last time that I will ever deceive
Hartland was not obdurate, and the
forgiveness was accorded by folding Gen
evieve in his arms, and imprinting on her
lips the first, sweetest kiss of love.
Sharp-Shootino at the Bar. There
has been a great improvement in our day
in the manners of tbe court room. There
is little brow-beating of witnesses, which
was once so common, and violations ot
courtesy between lawyers, or between the
bar and the beach, are rare, seventy
five, or even fifty years ago, lawyers were
accustomed to abuse each other, and
even to use rude words to the judges.
Some specimens of this sharp but vulgar
encounter of wit are given in the charm
ing "Life of Chief Justice Parsons," by
his son.
On one occasion when Parsons w as ar
guing an important case in court, and
was evidently carrying both bench and
jury with him, Gov. Sullivan, the oppos
ing counsel, wished to create a diversion.
Taking up Parsons' hat, which lay on
the table, he wrote on it with a bit of
chalk, "This is the hat of a rascal." He
showed this to the bar, and a smile,
deepening into an audible laugh, became
general. Parsons, looking round, saw
the hat, and took in the situation at a
glance. Turning to the judge, he said,
with a mock dignity, "May it please
your honor, I crave the protection of the
court. Brother Sullivan has been steal
ing my hat, and writing his name on it."
"Sallt," said a fellow to a girl with
red hair, "keep away from me, or you'll
set me on fire.'.' "Don't fear," she an
swered, "you're too green to barn."
Siftings From jhe Kitchen Fire.
"The cows keep up their milk well,"
said Willie, a3 with an air of pride he
brought in and strained the evening's
Supply. "And the butter i of a good
color, too," said one of the "girls," while
Willie added, "Oh yes, that is because
we leed them corn-straw. It is a good
thing to teach little boys to milk, and
our lad of ten can attend to two cows as
well as a man, aud understands the duty
ot rinsmg the pans, 6training caretuliy
aud putting into the milk-room without
troubling hissistersif they are otherwise
engageu. inis article or mine l think: is
not sufficiently appreciated by farmer?,
and I olten wonder to see so many half-
grown boys and gwls fsd of their cup
of tea, and owing to a disregard fo-nalk
from having too much of it, as the Scotch
would say, "Among their hands." Milk
is the type of all food, and one pint from
a good cow contains two drachms of
mineral salts, six drachms of sujrar, half
an ounce ot butter, six drachms of
cheese (caseine), and nearly fourteen
ounces of water. It is the only article
on which adult, as well as infant life, cau
be supported exclusively, unaided by auy
other aihjHat. For a dulicate stomach
it is also easy of digestion either hot or
cold, boiled milk requiring two, and raw
milk two and a quarter hours for that
purpose. As a supper for growing b ys
and girls nothing. is better than good,
wholesome bread scalded, but not boiled,
in plenty of sweet milk. While in daily
use but few people stop to think iu how
many ways this wonderful fluid is used,
aud if it were valued, and always upon
the table as a beverage or in some pleas
ant form of food, we should see far more
rosy cheek and bright eyes among our
pallid young people. A very nutritious
and easily prepared dish for lunch or tea
is as follows:
Milk Toast: Toast stale bread quickly
and a delicate brown; take oil the crust,
and dip each slice, while hot,into boiling
water; salt slightly and lay in a covered
dish. Boil some new milk in a sauce
pan, adding a little salt and a table
spoonful of sweet cream ; pour over the
toast and cover closely. It will be rea Jj
to serve by the time you are all seated
and ready to pas the first plate.
Hold Ox, j3ots. Hold on to your
tongue when you are just ready to swear,
tie, or speak harshly.
Hold on to your hand when you are
about to punch, scratch, steal, or do any
improper act.
Hold on to your loot when you are on
the point of kicking, running off from
study, or pursuing the path of error;
shame, or crime.
Hold on to your temper when you are
angry, excited, or imposed upon, or others
are angry with you.
Hold on to jour heart when evil asso
ciates seek your company, and invite you
to j )iu in their mirth, games, and revelry.
Hold on to your good name at all
times, for it is of more value than gold,
high places, or fasnionable attire.
Hold on to truth, for it will serve you
well, and do you good throughout
Hold on to virtue itis above all price
to you at all times and places.
Hold on to your good character, for it
is, and ever will be, your best wealth.
Warts. If they give jou no special
inconvenience, says IIall'$ Journal, let
them alone. But if it is of essential im
portance to get rid of them, purchase
half an ounce of muriatic acid, put in a
broad-bottomed vial, so that it will not
easily turn over; take a stick as large as
the end of a knitting-needle, dip it into
the acid, and touch the top of the wart
with whatever of the acid adheres to the
stick; then, with the end of the stick,
rub the acid into the top of the wart,
without allowing the acid to touch the
well skin. Do this night and morning,
aud a safe, painless aud effectual cure is
the result.
Cockroaches. Cockroaches, it ap
pears, have become exceedingly numer
ous in some parts of France. So griev
ous is the plague of these insects that the
people have adopted some singular ex
pedients for relief. Toads have been in
troduced into not only the gardens but
the dwellings, and ladies are said to have
even made bets of toads for the protec
tion they affjrd. But one of the best re
mits of the plague is that the people
have taken to the rearing of the night
ingales as an ally against the cock
roaches. Fruit Cake. One cup ot butter, two
cups of sugar, two-thirds of a cup of
warm water, one-half of a cup of mo
lasses, three cups of flour, live eggs, one
teaspoon of Boda, nutmeg, cinnamon,
6alt, cloves, etc., one pouud of raisins,
stoned and chopped, and two-thirds of a
cup of currants and one-quarter of a
pound of citron.
Graham Bread. To a pint bowl of
wheat sponge raised over night add
nearly a quart of warm water, half a cup
ful molasses, salt, and stir in as much
sifted Graham flour as you can with a
spoon. Do not knead It, but put each
loaf in a separate pan. When raised,
bake in a quick oven.
Minci Pies. One pound meat,chopped
fine, two quarts apples, one quart cider,
one pint molasses, one-half pound brown
sugar, one-quarter pound raisins, salt,
and all kinds of spice to taste; put on
the stove in a porcelain kettle, and let
boil slowly for half a day.
Buttermilk Muffins. One quart
buttermilk, two eggs, butter the "size of
an egg, two flat spoonfuls sod, mixed in
a little water, or one spoonful saleratus,
two tcaspoonfuls salt, flour to make a
thick batter. Bake in rings in a quick
Waffles. One pint sweet milk, four
eggs, one large cupful cold rice or hom
iny, a little salt, flour to make a stiff
batter, baking powder in the proportion
of three teaspoonfuls to a quart of flour.
To sweeten the breath, pour a few drops
of tincture of myrrh into a wine-glass of
water ana gargle the mouth thoroughly.
How Business is Done at London.
The slowness with which business
moves here is alwavs the subicct of
angry comment by Americans, and I have
heard various instances ot it recently
which seem rather amusing. A gentle
man from Rhode Island who is eugaged
in introducing an imoortant invention
here, says that he comes constantly upon
stumbling blocks in the shape of delays.
He is called up one morning by his
solicitor, who -wears a very grave and
injured expression. ',So, sir," says the
solicitor, "you go to see your patent law
yer without consulting me." The Amer
ican expresses his surprise at such a re
mark. "But you ought not to go to see
him in that manner. You should only
communicate with him through us." To
this the Americau rigidly objects. "Very
well; you can do as you like; but you
are trampling upon established customs."
And the solicitor goes away feeling in
jured. Nothing new can ever be accom
plished under two days, generally two
weeks. An American once anived in
London on a very important mission to a
prominent banker here. Tne business
which coucerned the bank was, in a
Yankee way of thinking, extremely pass
ing. The American went to the banker's
private office, and presented his letters as
soon as he reached England. The banker
said: "This is very important, aud I will
have the papers laid before my solicitors."
"And I suppose that I cau have an inter
view with you to-morrow, possibly ? ' in
terrupted brother Jonathan. "Well,
hardly worth while," answered John Bull.
"But this matter presses " "Yes, yes;
well, come aad dino with us a week from
to-morrow; by that time the solicitors
will have sent the papers back, and then
we can discuss the matter." There was
no alternative, and our American friend
waited a week, then repaired to the
banker's mansion. The house was filled
with company, and the banker, after the
important subject had been nervously
approached two or three times, said:
"Well, the solicitors are still busy with
those papers, I lelieve, but if you will
come into the office about the day after
to-morrow, I think we can begin to enter
into the subject." And it was not until
weeks had nowu away that anything like
an understanding was arrived at on au
affair which concerned the English bank
er's interest rather more than the Ameri
can's. As for trettintr work done, it is
next to impossible. Carpenters are weeks
over a small job which would be done in
a day iu many couutrie3. No workman
cau bo driven: arguments, reproach.
threats are all useless, and sometimes
bring new vexations on oue's head. I
hink the British workman takes a sturdy
pleasure in holdmg back the impetuous
Americau. Edward lingt ia Boston
Finding a "Wife at Churcli.
Many years ago a son of a Scotch lord,
travelling in this country, happened to
spena a bunday m Strattord, Uonu.
Finding the hours of the day long and
weary, he dropped into the parish church.
and soon became more interested in the
face and voice of a beautiful young lady
in ttie choir, than in the preacher s ser
mon. The impression made was a per
manent one. On inquiry, he found that
she belonged to a poor family, but was
highly esteemed for her noble personal
qualities. He made her acquaintance,
which ripened into respect and love. The
young lady was placed under the best
educational influences, and afterwards
taken to Scotland a3 the wife of the
young traveller. '
Plot. Beniamin billimau, of Yale Col
lege, who was born in Stratford, had often
heard the romantic story, but had never
learned the name of the Scotch lord.
When he visited Scotland, he met one
day at a dinner-table Lord Sterling and
his accomplished wife. He was charmed
with the courtly manners and the con
versational gifts of the lady, which rose
into positive pleasure when he found that
she was the heroine of the romantic story
so often told in his native town. He was
proud to know that an American lady, of
humble birth, was such an illustrious
ornamtmt to the Scottish peerage.
Amusement. Human nature needs
amusement, ihe finest crowth ot the
world is fed on mirth, and without humor
the race could not live. The buffers
which protect us from the jolts and shocks
of life which lubricate the wheels of oar
otherwise inflamed activities are the
jokes of the day; the sly raps we give
each other and the quiet nudges of fun
which tickle the ribs of our jollity. How
can such a large department of human
wit and humor supply be left unoccupied
by Christianity; yea, be entirely sur
rendered to the enemy? It could not be
under auy fair interpretation of its duties
and true application of its principles. I
maintain that Christianity should under
take the supply and direction of the
people's amusements, so that the mirth
loving clement of our population should
be fed in a way and under such circum
stances as to administer to the innocence
of character and the elevation of society
at large, and not to debauchery. It is a
shame that the members of our churches
have to seek their amusements and the
educat ion of their minds and their emo
tions in comedy and tragedy both, in
oratory and music alike, in flat disobedi
ence of an unwritten and imperative law
in their churches which bans without
discrimination the declamation of tbe
noblest poetry, and the vocalization of
the most perfect music of the world. W,
II. II. Murray.
Mr. Vanderbilt was asked one day
what was the secret of his success in his
UUB1UC33. oecreii mere is no secret
about it. All you have to do 19 to at
tend to your business and go ahead." At
another time he said: "The secret of my
success is this: I never tell what I am
going to do till I have done it." This
was nearer the mark. He kept his own
council and never betrayed his best friend
himself. This was the secret of the
railroad king's career.
It is said that an
an arrow escape.
Indian often raakeo
Rotation of Crops.
Among the essentials requisite to main
tain a high degree of success in cultiva
tion, a proper system of rotation of crops
occupies a prominent place. The advan
tages of rotation in farm crops are well
known; yet, in the garden, the practice
is very commou to grow the same kind
of crops for years on the same spot of
ground. It is, perhaps, within the bounds
of possibility to pursue this course suc-
oesstully, but to do so will require an an
nual return to the soil, in some form, of
the several ingredients extracted by the
plants. Our knowledge of the applica
tion of science will not warrant much
faith in this direction, even if chemists
were decided as to exact respective
amounts of the ingredients used by va
rious crops. But allowing it to be prac
tically attainable, aud looking at it in tbe
light of mere economy, a change of crop
is every way desirable; since by proper
care two dissimilar crops may be pro
duced on the same ground in the same
season; and, further, the operations neo-
essary for the cultivation of one kind of
crop are of a nature to form a good prep
aration for the succeeding one.
Those best informed upon the subject
do not altogether agree in their opinions
with reference to tlr principles upon
which the beneficial results attending
systematic change of crops are baaed.
Some supjxirt what may be termed the
repletion or excretory theory, which pro
ceeds on the supposition that the roots of
all plants during their growth give out
certain substances peculiar to themselves,
which iu time impregnate the soil to
such an extent as to render it unfit for the
growth of that particular plaut, but has
no deleterious effect upon the growth of
a different family of plants, if indeed they
are not rather to be considered as capable
of promoting growth and actiug as stimu
lants to such.
It i3 a well ascertained fact that cer
tain if not all plants do impart to the
soil, through their roots, a portion of
their juices. The soil around the roots of
the oak tree has been found impregnated
with tannin. The roots of the spurgre
laurel impart an acid, resinous matter.
The poppy exudes a substance analogous
to opium. The root of any plaut grow
ing in water will soon render it turbid,
but the quantity of such matters hitherto
detected has not been considered suffi
ciently important to account for the re
markable beneficial results which have
followed a rotative system of cropping.
The above theory has been supported
by very high authority, but it seems to be
giving way to the following, viz: that al
though plants are made up of the same
primary elements, yet different species
require them in widely varying propor
tions, so that each plant has a character
istic formation peculiar to itself. It
therefore follows, that if there is a lack
in the supply of these peculiar ingredi
ents of plant food, the plant will not be
maintained in healthy growth. From
this it appears that the reason why a
erop, if constantly grown upon the same
spot of ground, 6hows a yearly loss in
productiveness, doe3 not arise from a re
pletion of any substance, but rather from
exhaustion. In a practical view, it is evi
dent, from either of the above theories,
that a change of crop is necessary to suc
cessful cultivation.
In cultivating garden vegetables, great
facilities are presented for a frequent
change of crop, and there is, also, a wide
field lor experiment in order to ascertain
the kinds best suited to succeed one an
other in a regular system. For instance,
it has been asserted that melons will pro
duce best when grown on soil previously
occupied by tomatoes. In general, long,
tuberous rooting plants, as parsnips,
beets, carrots, etc., should be followed by
those that root near the surface; plants
that are cultivated for their seeds should
be followed by those grown for their foii
ago. The seeds of all plants contain a
larger amount of the mineral ingredients
than their leaves, so that plants grown
for their 6eeds will exhaust the inorganic
matter of the soil to a greater degree than
will be effected by plants grown only for
the use of their leaves.
In the arrangement of crops in the
field or garden, there are two methods
that may be adopted, either of which will
provide for rotation. In the first place, a
spot of ground is occupied wholly by
one crop, and when that is removed its
place is immediately occupied by anoth
er; or two or more crops are so planted
on the same piece of ground that the one
will be ready for removal before it inter
feres with the growth of the other. The
first method may be illustrated by plant
ing with early peas or potatoes, which
will be removed in time for planting in
cabbage or celery, or sowiog beets, tur
nips, or spinach. Early crops of carrots
and beets will bo removed in time for a
planting cf lato dwarf beans. Many
modifications will be suggested in prac
tice. It does not seem necessary to mul
tiply examples, as those who are inclined,
and will exercise due foresight, will tug
gest many expedients.
Much variety can be produced in even
a small garden by this method, and it af
fords great facilities for sheltering young
and tender crops by thoee of more ma
tured or robust growth. It may, how
ever, be remarked, that although most
plants are benefited by a little shade and
shelter when young aud delicate,it is high
ly injurious when long continued.
In conclusion, it is advisable, and from
a scientific standpoint actually necessary,
when the greatest success in the cultiva
tion of farm and garden products is de
sirable, to practice a judicious and sys
tematic rotation of crops.
"A little farm well tilled, a little
wife well willed," comes aptly to mind.
We never fancied large farms for those
of moderate means. The large farms are
not worked so thoroughly as tbe smaller,
generally speaking, and large farms are
not apt to contain more waste land, that
might be made available to ditching, or
clearing off stumps or rocks. Then on a
small iarm one can give more attention to
gardening, and to fruits, and by combin
ing, these interests would thrive securely
aud the men who hold farm mortgages
could not rob him of a moment's sleep
through fear cf foreclosures.
Self Tortures.
It is difficult to realize that there exists
in our enlightened Republican land a
people so barbarous, so saturated and
steeped in superstition and ignorance as
those Spanish residents of New Mexico,
of whom writers from time to time give
us such startling accounts, and whose
queer little villages dot tho whole length
of Cucharas valley. Here, during tho
penitential season, is enacted the real
tragedy, and not merely a theatrical rep
resentation of the Crucifixion with all its
attendiut horrors. The details of these
fanatical ceremonies are sickening. The
poor wretcho3 fast until they are scarcely
able to stand, lash their naked bodies
until they resemble raw beef, aud then,
having prolonged this torture for weeks,
upon the last great day, "Holy Friday,"
they take upon their backs heavy wooden
crosses, and, if their strength holds out,
stumble along, blind-folded, to "the sum
mit of an arduous hill." Some full ex
hausted from the loug season f fasting
and torture and the loss of blood before
the height is reached. There the moan
ing penitents are bound to upright
crosses, the strong cords burying them
selves into the mangled flesh. Tney
are left hanging here until life seems al
most extinct. Many, it is said, perish
under the torture, aud are secretly buried.
Mrs. Helen Hunt, resident at Colorado
Spring, and well known through the At
lantic, says: "In the spring of 1876 four
of these penitents, young men, died from
the effects of the tortures. One of them,
runniug for three days under the cactus
scourge, lay all Easter night naked upon
the threshold of a church. Easter morn
ing he was found there- dead." A cor
respondent has lately written the Phil.
Prts's a full account of their horrible
usages and customs. The Laramie Senti
nel, the Las Vegas Mail, and many other
Western papers corroborate the account.
But let us not be disturbed; let us con
tinue to spend and be spent in building
up fine churches to sit in ourselves at
home, and in sending missionaries to the
uttermost outposts of Africa as pabulum
with which to fatten the poor cannibals.
Those New Mexicans are too near home
to be interesting. Wretched relics of
mediteval Spain, they are a section of the
sixteenth century in the Old World trans
ported into the New, where tbev have
gone on sinking, under our indifference,
further and further into a squalid, igno-
raut and degraded state, as tbe centuries
pass by. They are nothing to us; we
would get no thanks for interference and,
of all things, "thanks" is such a laudable
reward to strive for. While these bar
barous customs have disappeared from
slow old Spain, they still live in our own
progressive country. Loui$vill4 Courier-
Quaint Old Town in Kingston.
At the foot of the world-renowned
Catskills is a quiet village of great an
tiquity. Founded by the earliest Dutch
settlers, itnaturaliy partook of the homes
they had left behind them on the low flat
lands of their mother country. It is here
tliat our much-loved American writer lo
cated the charming story of Rip Van
Winkle, which has been read with so
much interest by youth and old age. Rip
Van Winkle lias become historic, and the
scenes of his life are visited by thousands.
The great centennial held at this village
(sleeping beneath the ahades of the Cats
kills) was an event that was celebrated
with a great deal of enthusiasm, and at
tracted the attention of all who love to
visit localities that carry one back to
earlier times in our history. It was at
this place that the first constitution of the
State was framed, and here was tho first
meeting of tho State Senate. The old
town was burned by British soldiers, and
marks of their torch can still be traced in
a few buildings that were not wholly de
stroyed. Many of the deicendants of the
original settlers live in this fine old tovn,
and they have to tell the strangers of tha
privations and losses their ancestors en
dured for the cause of liberty and freedom.
The bell in the oldest church was sent
over from Holland, and is said to con
tain a large amount of silver, which gives
it a clearer and richer sound than the
neighboring bells. Not many years since
tbe common language was that of their
fathers. But now it has quite passed
away. Still the oldest inhabitants ad
dress each other in the Holland Dutch,
and the long pipes and mugs of cider and
short gowns and petticoats are not entire
ly discarded.
Am elephant got in the way of a rail
way train in India. "Tho brute turned
and fled on seeing the engine, but was
speedily caught. The buffer beams of
the engine being very low, tho beast's
hind legs were taken from under him,
and he was forced to sit down, as it were,
with his hindquarters against the smoke
house door, which was red-hot. Tbe poor
beast managed to keep his fore feet go
ing, though hustled along faster than ever
he had gone in his life before, and in a
few minutes the train came to a stand
still and he got away. He moved off the
line at tbe double, uprooted a clump of
bamboo, then wreaked dire vengeance on
a tree, and was last seen rushing through
the jungle, tearing and smashing every
thing in his path. He was sadly cut and
burned in the hindquarters, and will
probably never be of use again."
To have our hearts balanced on God as
their center, and so balanced that under
the ruder touches of temptation that they
may be moved to and fro like nicely
poised stones of the Druids, but like
these stones always return to their rest
that is to be blessed indeed to be blessed
like the psalmist who said after some
rough onset of Satan's, "I shall not bo
greatly moved." Lewitton.
The Army Medical Museum at Wash
ington has among its cuiiosi ties the with
ered and parched hand and arm of a man
who left it on the battlefield of Gettys
burg. A cannon ball carried it to the top
ot a high tree, where the wind and
shrivelled it to its present well-tan