, A Sag Brasb Sketcb, BY THOMAS FITCH. Among the old-time members of the Washoe bar; few possessed a readier wit tkan Tom C , and none -were more unsparing of an opponent. Tom lacked both the learning and the energy neces sary to achieve rank among the fore moat lawyers, but lie had a tongue of rarest malice, and he never lost an op portunity of using it to the discomfi ture of his more successful brethren. There once came up for trial an action in which an honest woodsman was plain tiff, and the Ophir Mining Company was defendant. The case was com menced during the early days of the Territory, had been continued from term to term, and the original counsel of record on both sides had passed to other fields of effort than the law, leav ing Tom sole representative of the plain tiff , and Judge "W alone for the de fendant. The Judge was then, as he is now, a leading and prosperous member of the Nevada bar, a keen and careful lawyer, a plausible and powerful speak er, and a genial and entertaining com panion.' His one weakness is a personal vanity, so 'overwhelming and complete that it renders him incapable of appre ciating the fun of any joke of which he may be the objective point. Tom was neither slow to perceive nor loth to as sail the soft spot of his adversary, and in his final address to the " twelve good niAn' and t-ma " irttk rrmar Woodna ' cocktail exterminator," as he sometimes called himself, thus assaulted his wmc- .xng adversary: " Gentlemen," said Tom, " this cause has been on the calendar for a long time. When it was commenced, the Ophir Company was a great corpora tion. From its plethoric coffers, was constructed, across the Ophir Slough, a causeway more costly than the Appian Way. Around its mill and residence property was erected a fence eighteen Zeet nigh, to exclude the gaze of the vulgar herd. Within that inclosure was built a mansion, where the trustees were accustomed to partake of wine dinners on Saturday afternoons. This great corporation had a United States District Judge, and a United States a -i a :i. 1 n l oeuitiuc lur lis lawjeru; ivt hi.uc& nuiu for four thousand dollars a foot; its dividends were one hundred and fifty dollars per month, and its stockholders walked along snuffing the stars. But now, gentlemen, alas! temporamuiantur; the decayed bridge across the slough is useful only as a shelter for young wild ducks while their pin feathers are grow ing. The eighteen foot fence has fallen , to the ground, and its once erect pal ings are the sport of every Washoe zephyr. The mansion is denuded, weather-beaten, and tenantless. Only the gurgle of Ophir creek is heard, where once the pop and fizzle of cham pagne made musical the night. No more wine dinners, no more jubilant trustees, no more happy stockholders, no more dividends, no mere high-toned ana costly counsel: "A lie stocs has fall en to a hundred dollars a foot, they have struck hot water and desert sand in the mine, and have come down to W for a lawyer." Of another sort than the last speaker was Judge H , of Austin. He was a lawyer ranking with the foremost, and carrying a tongue of rarest eloquence and wit; but when in his cups he was altogether oblivious of his surround ings, and very much inclined to be dis putatious. While in this condition he visited the theatre where Boucicault's play of " The Long Strike " was in pro cess of presentation. The hero was on trial for murder, and the dramatist had perpetuated some startling anachron ism in the way of a "ruling" of the judge presiding, that brought II to his feet in the parquette with an objec tion," which he proceeded to state and argue, to the discomfiture of the actors and the prolonged merriment of the au dience. May it please the court," said Judge H , on aaother occasion. " I do not wish to intimate that the learned coun sel who has just taken his seat is devoid of a proper share of intelligence. But I must remark that if the learned coun sel bad been a contemporary of Thomp son's colt, Thompson's colt would have lost its notoriety." Who that has ever been compelled to litigate for the possession of a silver mine but has prayed in his secret heart for deliverance from the " professional mining expert ? " To hear one of these gentry swear, it would seem as if the Mosaic account of the creation was im perfect, in that it failed to chronicle the presence of Professor as consult ing engineer. Occasionally a mining man could be found who added scien tific acquirements to practical knowl edge, and such were never over positive ma v -uui.o ui mo vein, wnile to the professor it was as plain as a high way. Often some empirical theorist as sumed the title of professor, and de manded aad recaived large sums for testifying to a mass of technical terms and unsupported conclusions. On the trial of the -pberhart and Richmond case, in White Tine county, one of these professors went down very suddenly, after a cross-examination, which was something as follows: . " What are you professor of? " Metallurgy, geology, and mathe matics." "Where did you tndy these sciences ?" At the Royal College of Mexico." "What text-books did you use in mathematics ? " "Daboll and Euclid." " Can you square the circle ? " " I can." " Indeed, you are advanced further than most of us. Please square it for us right here." "I have not mv instruments with mo " , T. S1 .HA .. 1 A -a aa r. n M , - ... " Where are your instruments? " 'At the hotel." " If that is the case, I will ask the court to take a recess, and send the Sher iff to the hotel for your instruments, that we may not miss the opportunity of having the circle squared." But His Honor spoiled the fun by or dering the witness to stand down, and suggesting to the. attorney for the oth er side that the testimony of the expert who offered, to square the circle had bet ter be blotted from the record. If there were curious professors, there were also singular jurors in those days, A oif 1 tqti vlin wna nnf afiTinna tr. aotnnA from duty, answered the district attor- ney's question as to his opinion regard ing capital punishment as follows: " Have you any conscientious scru ples?" J cbob interrupting "No, sir, none whatever." D. A." Not on any subject? " Juno None whatever." He waa permitted to depart. Argonaut. WIT AND HUMOR. Repair your dog muzzles. A stitch in time saves nine canine Worcester Press. Is rr not fortunate that the f urniice- fire always burns brighter when is is coaled. Hewers of wood and drawers of water" Wood engravers and marine painters. A soxo heard by a hive "Bee it ever so humble, there is no place like comb." AMnbury .News. The great question, "Does it hurt a man to hang him?" is thus answered: "It hurts his reputation." Ik regard to the weather, "If you don't see what you want, just ask for it." Wheeling Leader. If what Mr. Beecher says is true, we've been good all these long years for nothing. St. Louis Journal. Riches will never take wings and fly away, if you sprinkle a little economy on its tail. WhiUhall Times. When a blockhead falls and breaks his cranium the paragraphers term it an injury in the lumber region. A gbeen Christmas makes a fat goat, fnr flipn thft Rnocnlent old shoo and oyster can are not hidden beneath the snow. A modest young woman refused to wear the fashionable clocked hose until she ascertained that the clocks had no hands. Oysters are sold for twelve and one half cents apiece in Austin, Nev. We suppose that means they are ate for a dollar. Accobdino to Noah a dove was the first coo-rier. Herald P. I. Yes, it it earned the first green-uacK, you re member. Senior is questioned: "What is the name of that lady to whom you are en gaged?" Senior blandlv responds "Which one ?" "Reaching after the unattainable.' A man feeling up under the back of his vest for the end of his parted suspen der. Hawkeye. "Ma," said a little girl, "what is all this fuss about trade marks. Is it the trade marks that mako so many wrinkles in pa's forehead?" It is said that Victoria has asked the Czar to spare Turkey. Vic should have come in with her spare before the Czar had made hia strike. Josh Billings says he knows people who are so fond of argument thev will stop and "dispute a with guide-board about the distance to the next town. The last hit of the English conserva tives is the following: I should be my first, if I had my second to throw at my whole." And the answer is Gladstone. Providence is all wise, but it always piles the highest snow drifts in front of the house of the man who never shovels his sidewalks off. Rockland Courier "Tell vour mistress that I've torn the curtain," said a lodger to a female domestic. "Very well, sir; mistress will put it down in tke bill as extra rent." Josh Billings says: "The mewl is a larger burd than a goose or turkey. It has two legs to walk with, and two more to kick with, and wears its wings on the side of its head." The late King of Italy will be buried with imposing ceremonies, and an im posing stone will be erected over his grave. Any obliging printer will ex plain. Worcester Press. A widow once said to her daughter, "When you are my age it will be time enough to dream of a husband." "Yes, mamma," replied the thoughtless beauty, "for a second time." An organ-grinder struck the town yesterday with his organ draped in mourning for the dead king. His silent token of his grief was very touching until he began to grind out "The Mul ligan Guards." Oil City Derrick. Nothing makes the average tramp so mad as to find a bottle with a German label on it in the road. While ho is almost certain that the bottle contains whisky, there is a lingering suspicion that it is medicine for a sore toe, and between the two doubts he goes thirsty. Free Press. The man with the ulster occupies an equivocal position in society, but his legs are warm, and he is raised high above many ol the petty annoyances of ordinary humanity. He can wear his old trousers every day, and he docs not care if there is a patch on the knee and whole rear platform is worn off.-Puck. "Do you know," remarked a rather fast Newark youth the other day, to a stuttering friend to whom he was slight ly indebted, "do you know that I in tend to marry and settle down?" "I do-don't know anything about it," was the reply, "bu-but I think you had b-b-better stay single and set-settle up." Newark Call. How we learn. Colonel (to instruc tor in musketry). "But I should like to know if they understand anything about the theory of musketry." (Pri vate O'Grady is called out of the ranks). " What are the objects of position drill?" Trivatd O'Grady (after deep thought) . "Sure it's thim marks on the barrick wall, sir!" Punch. An English paper givpa the origin of the word "damn." It says the oath is a corruption of the French exclamation "dame." This may be so, but we al ways thought the word "damn" origin ated by a man going out into the yard an hour after sundown and being ab ruptly caught under the chin by a clothes-line. Norristown Herald. A young woman in Toledo, after re ceiving ten notes in as many hours from a lover whose address she had rejected sat down with fury in her eye to write an answer that would wipe out his love making as with a sponge. But the lit tle page with dimpled chin that never had known the barber's shears, softly touched the hem of her garment and whispered. "If you please mum, don't write anything that will scare him so he won't send anymore notes 'cause I'm making five cents every trip this bad weather." SrriiNQ Bull never perpetrated but one joke. That was one day last au tumn, when he sat down on a cluster of clover, in which there lingered the bumble bee of all bumble bees. The petulant insect prodded the warrior with a sting that marked one hundred and ninety degrees in the coolest place and with a mightly howl the chieftian rose up in the air and felt around for his tormentor. "Now is the winter of onr discontent," he said, holding the writhing beo up in his thumb and finger, -this is the Indian's hummer " Jklodiited Xiow-Neek, Dresses. We have to chronicle a very marked return to the regular old-fashioned low neck, which bids fair to hold its place after giving way so long to high .or square necks for dress occasions, A hey may be modified by fichus of tulle when too trying, but a few words said by a clever French woman may help to solve a doubt ofun felt by a woman as to whether she shall follow the dictates of fashion ; or choose for herself what is most becoming and desirable. This French woman has much to say about the cling style of dress now worn, and the disadvantage of every one's follow ing the same strict fashion. She would have every woman study her own style, and then follow out- some particular idea which shall always have in view her own advantage or disadvantages, so as to show them off or to hide them, as the case may be; and she adds that the art of wearing a low-neck dress is under stood by very few women, as tact alone will set a woman right in that respect, irrespective of her own innermost wishes. She gives one or two hints to be kept in sight by those who have no rules set down. High shoulders, she says, and a slightly rounding back, to gether with flat chests, exact a waist cut lower in front than at the back, while this rule may be reversed a little for an opposite built. Thin and high should ers should never be seen otherwise than covered by a square neck; while well rounded shoulders are never so beauti fully framed as in the oval of a low neck waist. In wearing ornaments around the throat, the lull and well-shaped throat is best left entirely uncovered, while a thin neck will require rows of pearls or stones in setting, or a pendant necklace, and a long slender throat is much enhanced by a velvet, or a ribbon with a single clasp, or a jewel in front. In the matter of sleeves, also, if the arm is short and fat the sleeves, would be replaced by a slight frill of lace; if it is long and thin a short full sleeve made like a puff, or a long sleeve is best; but if the arm is well proportioned it needs no adornment and it is best uncovered, as nothing is more rare, and, when found, more beautiful, than a perfectly rounded arm. Demands of Etiquette. Mrs. Robeson once told me that visit ing cards alone during a season cost her 40. As it is necossary to make calls in jjerson, not simply by card, a car riage is indispensable. Some of the cabinet families now use two carriages every afternoon, except Sundays, and their own reception days. Half of the family takes one carriage and the other half another, and each carriage load goes in a different direction, with a dif ferent list, and in this manner the two parties, by making briet calls, can sometimes discharge as many as sev enty obligations in an afternoon. This is necessary when it is remembered how many calls are made at the residences of the cabinet each "Wednesday. On the lGth of the present month 700 per sons called at the house of one member of the cabinet, and a3 I saw the same crowd at the other receptions that day, I take it for granted that all received as many visitors as the lady referred to. She said that the names and addresses of all calls to be returned (which ex cludes those of gentlemen) covered six teen pages in her visiting book pages about the size of foolscap paper. De ducting Sunday and Wednesday, their reception day, these ladies have butfive afternoons (calling hours being from about one to half-past live o'clock) in which to return calls, and if, even by dividing into two parties, seventy calls are the most which, under faborable circumstances, can be returned in an afternoon, only 350 can be returned be fore another Wednesday brings numer ous additions to the list, leaving 300 at Iaast over from the previous week. While as many as 700 calls are not made at every cabinet reception, still it is not unfrequently the case. Washington Correspondent. The First American Cutler. One Maugatuck's oldest and most rospected citizens, Lyman Bradley, is dead. He was the ostensible founder of a now ex tensive branch of American industry, having made the first pocket cutlery manufactured on this side of the Atlan tic. This is a positive fact, and the building, or rather shed, under whose roof the first pocket knife made in the United States was hammered out, still stands. JLyman Bradley was born May 25, 1798, and was consequently nearly eighty years old at the time of his death. He was born in what is now called Mid dlebury, but what was then the town of Waterbury. As soon as he reached the years of understanding he went from his native town and learned the cutlery business, and soon after removed to this town, where ho formed the idea of commencing the manufacture of pocket cutlery. In order to make this idea practicable it was necessary that he should import some mechanics from England, as Yankee ingenuity had not as yet captured that t ranch of mechanism. He advertised in Sheffield for some cut lers and set them at work. The enter prise was a success from the beginding, though some of Mr. Bradley's friends advised him against going into the en prise, arguing that he could not bell a a knife in the United States which had not the Sheffield stamp on it. Water bury (Cen?i.) American. It was in church.and the bright-eyed, restless little cherub would stand up on the seat and spill tho hymn-books, and keep up an incessant racket, while its mother frowned threateningly in the interests of good order. Cherub com mitted some particularly flagrant out rage,when the scandalized mother sud denly pointed a threatening forefinger at it after the manner of long suffering mothers under such circumstances, and the herub, after the manner of cherubs under such circumstances, jast opened its mouth, took that baleful finger in, and shut down on it with a pressure that made that mother groan out in the wrong place, "Oh! Ouch! Have mercy on us!" Burr Cox was one of the wickedest men in Elliston. Ohio. He was a drunk ard, a gambler and fighter, but he had a respectable family, whom he abused. A few days ago he went home half drunk, and, maddened by gambling losses, declared that he would kill his wife. He ground a hatchet for the pur pose, he said, of chopping her head off, but when he made the attempt his son, aged 15, bravely grappled with him. The woman fainted from fright, but the boy fought desperately, and finally killed his father by stabbing him with a knife. It's good slaving in Turkey. Tort n res that Xecd not be Eodorcd. People suffer a great deal of pain un necessarily. Among tortures that need not be endured are those inflicted with the rheuma tism and gout, since the acrid element in the blood which produces them by contact with the sensitive covering ot the muscles and joints may be eliminated by the use of that matchless depurent, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, before the inflammatory Rvmptoms are develoded to any great extent. "VVhen it is considered what excruciating tortures rheumatism inflicts, and what a tendency it has, when fullv developed, to attack the heart, the advisability of an early use of such a reliable antidote becomes at once apparent. The rheumatic virus is expelled from the blood by the increased action of the kidneys rhich act as strainers prodnced by the Bitters, and the sufferer will find, if he uses this supremo defensive agent, that he will be protected against a return of tins agonizing complaint. Dyspepsia, fever and ague, liver and bowel complaints and maladies, are alio cured by this admirable remedy. Front Ke.Tmor Thalrhrr, M . 1 of Har mon, X. V. "WisT-va's Balsam of Wild Chehky gives universal satisfaction. It seems to cure a cough by loosening and clearing the lungs, and allay ing irritation, thus removing the cause, in stead of drying up the congh and leaving the cause behind. I consider fie Balsam the best congh medicine with which I am acquainted." 50ceuts and? 1 a bottle. Sold by all druggists. Tliirty-Elglit." The person who cured one of the worst of coughs only took one bottle of 38 Covgu Mix tuiie and was cured at once. Let somebody get one of those coughs and they will find im mediate relief in 38 Cough Mixtcre It is sure cure. Use it once and you will have no other. Sold by all druggists, lthodea A Lewi?, pro prietors, San Joue Cal. Rheumatism nlrkly C'nreri. Parang's Rheumatic Remedy," the great Inter nnl U'dicine, will positively cure any case of rheu matism on the face of the earth. Price $1 a bottle. six bottles, $5. Sold by all Druggists. Send for circular to Helphenstine & Bentley, Druggists, Washington. D. C. Sold wholesale by Ii. C. Kibk k Co.. Sacramento. Cal. Wanted. A Good Agent in overy city town and villago in the United States to take subscriptions for the Commercial Advo cate, Good inducements will be ouVred. Writo for terms and full particulars. Address Com mercial Advocate, 526 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, c-al. f2 JN Catalogue free. Sadler Co., 116 Post St., 8. F, .TawAnt TCuvelMea fAt aelllnff- lowest nrices 31 -PAOK CATALOMUK FRKK TO AOKNT8- WiKTKBfc Co., 17 New Montgomery hc.H. K. 25 Fashionable CvBD9.no 2 alike, with uatnelOo post paid. Geo. I. Rekd A Co., Nassau, X. Y 25 V.r.FniWT 7 . ti n no two alike, with name. 10c. post paid. J. B. liusTKD. Nassau, N. Y. CJEWINO M ACHINE ATTACHMENTS. Needle KJ7 ami Oil. uay large pronts and sell quickly. Cat alogue free. Madlku A Co., 116 Pjst U. San FrV-o. 191 PORTA NT TO REAL KNTATK OWN era W invite owners of farms and city Drun erty to send us full description of any property for sate or excuange. ana we win aovemse me same in our cireular free of charge. C. C. CAM I'll ELL & Co. 5 Market Street, tjaa Francisco. CI lis 10riON COUNTRY PROPERTY O -I-JKJ J t J I will loan on mjrticaice on first-class country property as follows: In amounts from 2,500 to i7,5U), say ftJS.Oou: In amounts from $7,500 to 15,(XX. say i ii.000; ill amounts from llo.OoO upward, say f.'5UU0; none but nrst-r'uss security ac cepted. WKNItKT.I. K ASTON. 32 Montgomery auetii, c pposue i,ick nouse, nan r ranrwu. Bet Trusses and Shoulder Brace MADE AT J. II. A. FOLK CRM A RltOM., STROICAI, AI DKXTAI. 1ST Ml 1IUMKNT DEPOT. No. Ill Mont gomery -treet. adjoining Occidental Ho tel entrance. San Francisco. FIG BITTERS USE the Hlerajdcra or Fig Bitters, fores Fever and Ague, Biliousness. Constipation. Impure Blood, Kidney Weakness, Worms. Urinary Disor ders, Female Complaints, etc. Druggists have it. Agents. ItKDi.MiTOS A Co, Wholesale Druggists nan r rannsco. i;ai. OPIUM, MORPHINEor LAUDANUM Habit Cured! Without pain, prostration or loss of bUHlne&s. "all correspondence strictly confidential." Price from S to 820 per month money refunded if patient is dih reneveu. Adores lOCK nox 1014. or call up on K. p. lti'SHKi.L,SOa Mason St. Man Franc'sco. VfABAJIK I.A ROKK. TIIK 4JRF.AT AVl. t lairvoyaut, has arrived from the Km and U located at S HOH Howard street, near Fourth where she can be consulted on Business Affairs. Love. Marriage and Losses, Journeys, etr. She will eveu ten you tne names ot your Ii tends and ene mies, and the gentleman or lady you are to marry. All who have occasion to consult a reliable Clair voyant. should not fail to visit this truly wonderful Rifted woman. The madame has a valuable reme dy for uuhappinexs in famlles, and for bringing the iriw'auM logemer. umce uours, 9 a. u. to 9 p. M. R. THOMPSON, ATTOHXEY AT J A W, KOOM NO. 7 MONTGOMERY BLOCK, corcer of Montgomery and Washington streets. Francisco. P. O. Box,lU19. Special attention given 10 Sia.STBLriTJ TOY, And general practice in Tlio TJnrci wturoN CourtH RUPTURE t- IF KUPTUUED Send at once for I)r Iletce'H NEW Il lustrated Jlook. Add res', Maosktic Elastic Tkitss Co 609 Sairametito St., San r cu, CURED! JSOKTOXMLA. COTJ1VTY COLONIZATION" COMPANY. rilO LOCATE IN KAHTERN OREUON. JL Washiniftoa Territory. Important to all wish ing to become members. The locating Committee will leave on or about February 20th to secure our laratlon, and all names then on the books they will take and tile the same at the Land Office for hoaaesteads, as soon as said location Is secured commencing at said town site and locating in orde as received. For particulars apply too. M. IX)CKE General Agent, or W. 11. WKLD KN, ZIH Ke arn street, Saa Francisco. HLOOJECI BURBANK fc MYERS, Im porters and Breeders of Fancy Fowls, Pigeons, Kabbits, Dogs, etc. Also Eggs for hatching from the fllieHt rf Imnnptn,! Stock. Kggs and Fowlii at re duced prices. BURBANK 91 TERN. 43 and 41 California Market. X' a vjl. ui V n, . 111. . . streets s. F. Enclose stamp for Prick List. IJteate itatr. where you taut this Advertisement. 1 Boots and Shoes. JOHN ST I. LI VAN, JT. E. cor. Bat tery and Jackson Sts., Han Francisco, offers to make to order the best French Calf Leather BOOTS at from S to 9 00 California Leather Boots, - - - is 00 French Calf Oxford Ties, . - 4 00 California - - . is so Boys' and Children's Boots and Shoes made to order. Persons in the country ordering Boots and Shoes to the amount of $12 or more will be allowed a reduc tion of four percent., to make the express charge ilght. I sell Boots and Shoes of MY OWN MANU FACTURE ONLY. Boots and Shoes sent C O. I doeltivelv one trtr. HEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES! JL The Great British Remedy. There ts unques tioned v norther remedy so certal l In its effects. ASTHM. WINTER COUOH. BKONCHITIS and DISOKDES OF THE THROAT alike yield to its. Intl'ience. The highest medical testimony states no be'ter cure for these complaints exist (now proved by over half a century's experience). They contain no Opium. Morphia or any violent drug. K EATING'S COUOH LOZENGES, prepared by THOMAS KEATING, London. Britain, are wild by all druggists. Agents for the Pacific Coast. RED ING A CO. and CHARLES LANULEY A CO.. San Francisco. SPLENDID OVER 1200 Distinct FLOWERS Varieties d safely All Strong Plants, each labeled and delivered safel Wo have been m business 24 irjrcMt iijuortnirnt. Itvr prices, sam business 54 veam.anfl Guarantee tatvjacttan. jur stock of MT a sr comprises all desirabla9ari0.f lies, and contains none bnt mature plants, tasend purchaser's choirs ot tS for 8 1 , or 1 3 for 8 i Our new 7 UusirateJ 11 and-Book, sen t free, contain! name and description of each plant.witu instructions how tocniuvaieaaocessroiiy. Hoona, ubo. A Thomas " "" niLjj n tnr,Brr, west uhmtfr, Pa. 3T JKtrn'i W AMERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL, SAN FRANCISCO. rpiII3 old and popular hotel has for a quarter of a A. century catered to the wants cf the iMbI!c. Thos. Bryan, an old Califoruian and an experi enced gentleman, conducts the Louse, which is a fcufflcleut guarantee that Comfort, Oood Living. Clemullursa And the general wellfare of guests will be accorded to all. The table wtll be furnished with the bet the market affords. Gentleman- ami nhll&itiir clerks and careful waiter In attendance This house is the most centrally located of any In the city. Street can pass me aoor every two minutes. The hotel coa;h will carry passengers to and from the house iree oi cnarge. ntca from Vl.ao to per day. CASH MID U)W PRICES! If you want a SEWING MACHINE send to INkw Montoom my Stkkkt, Han Fbaxcihco, headquarters for the best and latest im proved machines. Tf von are not nrenareri to buy a lilgh-p Iced Ma- I II III Mftr UllD Ul L II gui.u (15 ones and pay for it, sav ing the annoyance of in stallment payments. SAMUEL HILL. Dealer In Hcwliiff 3Intlilnes4, AND OIL. STOVI1S. 9st, CALVERT'S T CARBOLIC Sheep Wasli. 25 ti UEAT It I U O T I C TV ! Attention Worklngmen! P0TRAITS 0F"0UR LEADERS. Kearney, AVelloolc fe 3viilfcrlt! CABINET PHOTOGRAPH COPIES OF CARL Browne's paintings of SIR. IX. KEARNY. President of the Worltingmeu's Party of CaUf jr-la NOW KEADY. Wholesale an 1 rUill. at MICHAEL HKA'f, Newsdealer, l Market street. Mingle copies 25 cents per dozen, '1..V. Kent to any address on rfc celpt of price. PostolU 'e or by Wells, Fargo A Co. Be sure to addreis MICHAEL BliKA. Newsdea -er, 815 Market stret. Knight and Wellock's will soon be ready. Send on your orders. EYE and EAR SPtt'I I.TY. REMOVAL. r j.PAidif.n.u. T w stl Clay nr. Treatui entof the Eye and Ear has been my specially for the last 27 years. CATARRH Positively cured by Consti tutional Treatment for the Blood, with the aid of my NASAL TUBES AND FLUID for the treatment of the Nostril. The Threat. Lungs. Liver. Dyspepsia. Scrofula and Skin Diseases: also disease of the Kidue.va atud Jet I lo-l'rt t wrv organs treated successfully. ELECTRICITY scientifically and successfully applied in all Nkkv ous Affki'Tiuns ana Kh kumatism. Medical and Murgical Treatment In all Diseases. Call or address W. J. PALUH. M. D., 681 Cliy Nireel. Kan Francisco. Cal. (over the Clay Klreet Savings Bank Rooms 1. 2 and 3i. N. B. A RTI FICIAL EYKS-large assortment al ways on hand. OREGON STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Tlw only Ulrret 3 nl I Lin to Iortlnd. R E IT L A R STEAMED TO .POltTL iM) from Kan Francisco every FIV'K DAYS uutil further notice Steamships City of Chester, Geo. W. Elder Ajax and Oregon, Connecting at Port'and, Oregon, w:th Steamers and Railroads and their connecting Stage lines for all points in Oregon, Washington and Idaho Ten t lories, Hritish Columh'a and Alaska, Tu's Company has the exclusive right of sel lng Thrt ugh Tickets at Keduced Kates over the Ore gon Central and Oregon and CaiHortita Railroads in Oregon, and of furnishing EMIGRANTS to Oregon with Certificates entitling them to travel at halt rate over these roads. CAUTION This is the only Una running NEW IRON S'l EAMKHIfS witn every modern improve ment for the comfort and safety of passengers. K. VAN OTERENDOKP. Agent. 10 Battery street. San Francisco. PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP CO. t'arrHnf the IT. M. yimH avnd too li p !-. Tho Kleirant Mlnamiin af thla at Company leave Broadway Wharf, San Iranuiaco, Evkbt Wkek for PORTLAND, OREGON, DIRECT, And for Santa Cruz, San Luis Obispo, Santa Bar bara, Ventura, Los Angeles, and Kan Diego and other ports about KVEKY THIRD DAY. Tickets sold to all the principal places on the Pa cilic Slope at Tin: lowest katj:m. Xn"t Rn.r Ticket by onv other Mar nntll yon c-mll al our Tlrkt Oltiro. Nstn rrancUro TirLet Ofllce XII Mont Komrr) fetrret. GOODALL, PERKINS 4 CO. General Agents, No. 10 Market Street, San Francisco. IWELEE'S Bath for Sheep A ClIKAT AND EFt'ECTlTIt Dip r.w SCAB, ANn am, OTHEB SUKUP Pl.SKASKP. We earnestly recom mend all Wool Growers to use IL CHRISTY fc WINK. 607 Front Street, San Francisco. Manufactured by xi. i. Avvii: ioi.i: ic: .fc c. Importers of Drugs and Chemicals. Agents and Managers of the Oolden City Chemical Works. Of fice 14 J Mon tgomery street. Kan Franc'sco THE DIOSPYROS EAEI Or Japanese Persimmon. Beautiful ia Color ! Delicious in Flavor ! Magnificent in Siae ! Grafted and Reliable Stock Only. FlttTIT O KXII IltlTIOW AND TREES, (Scions atnj .Seeds for sale by II. LOOM IS, at K. J. Trumbull's Heed Store, No. 41 Sansome street, an Francisco. Call or send for circular. SPECIFIC FOR WORMS VICTOR VERMICIDE A Mare Kstfe and Permanent Care. DPqtCI, 5 O CENTS. Sent on receipt of price. Boeiicke 6c Tafel, AGENTS, i 1 Kuttei- Street, SX FRANCISCO. avar llomKahle Itaoka mncf Medicines Cr Phyalelana n4 Fantlllea. Wholesale and Be-all. PRESCRIPTION FREE. FOK TH K NPEKDY CCREof Seminal Weak Mens. IjMt Uuilin...l a, .. 1 1 .... i , v . - by indiscretion or excess. Any druggiat has the In gredieuts. I. W jAQCtt 4 t tX? l W. Sl vHn.ii'uai, j it . 1 87 81 STRIDING ONWARD SUBSCRIPTIONS FLOWING IN AND Satisfactory Inducements ! To others to efive the (Uresat IPstmily Newspaper! THE SJUST FRASrCISCO Weekly CHiroiiiicle! THE PREFERENCE IN THEIR RENEWALS THE COMING YEAR O The Chronicle ia universally acknowledged to be the JIOST EXTEBPKIMIXG AXD lOJIPLETE NEWS PAPER OX THE PACIFIC1 COAST. :iIE HAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY CHRONICLE is the first papr on the coast 1 i It? in In the freshness and reliability f Ita news. Nothing that the world desires t J kn .w 1-4 oui ed fr ru its columns ITS TKI.EORAPniC REPORTS Are the latest and niott aeHable. Its Local Ntws the ful est and spiciest, and lta Editorials frtu the at.Vst pens in the country. .......... The Wkkkly Cueonicik has always been, and always will he. the rrlend ad CHAMPION OF THE PEOPLE As against combinations, cliques, corporations or oporession of any kind. It will be INDEPENDENT IN KVEKYTH1NO. Neutral In nothing; fair and Impartial to all parties, yet exposing corruption w hereper foil-id, and w rtt lng with fearless endeavor to promote and protect every Interest of the great public wtwiu It sei ve, ni on whom it depends for lis support. , . 1T" FORFION CORRESPONDENCE Embraces letters from Europe. China. Australia. Mexico and other parts of the w.r'd. It Literary Department is attended tow thcare. and has carefully prepared book reviews, admirable tales uj sketches and the finest poems. Jennie June, the best fashion writer in Ameri.-a. contributes reg ilarly Washington news ls.fucniahed by sallied writers, kept exclusively by lue Chkunicle at the National Cap.tol. TH K AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT Contains matter fr. m the peus of wii'.ers skilled In stock, iu vegetable produc-U and the best method .,t farming TnE FINANCIAL COLUMNS Contalu reMable quotations ot slocks, merchandi of all kinds, cereals and a 1 other articles which en ter Into the routine of trade. THE BOYS' AND GIRLS' DEPARTMENT. Which has proved so popular in the past, will be pushed with more than rdinary vior, and prizes The Wkkkly Chkoniclk supplies the Intellectual wants of all. the Farmer, the Laborer, the Ar. tl in. the Mf reliant, the JJlaer. the Old and Young. This GREAT FAMILY PA PER of six tr-t-.u . A , nvr. a irom time to time tnat wm give an tne nine Mre columns oi reading matter once a we it I in auvance, including postage. XOW IS THE TIME TO NIT1ISCKI KK OR TO GET UP A CLUB Aud securd a va'ub!e premium. Send for our lllustr.ueu Descriptive Cata'okue of va uabie Preml urns, which include fthot Guns. Hew ing Mai hi n . Gold watches, l-ibra'Ki-s. fccale- , plows etc. Air- Cupy U. the getter-up of a club f 5, at V- 50 per ear. SKXD JVR A SPECIMEN COPY. ALL POSTMASTERS ARK AU THOR IZ ED TO RECEIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS. 93- Seud money by postal order, registered letter or by express, addressed to CHAS. DE YOUNG & CO., San Francisco. TRADE Is the way lie mH is pronounced, and DAMIANA GREAT STOMACH REGULATOR, Restorative, Invigorator and Laxative. The only Wonderful Aphrodisiac and Special Tonic for the Sexual Organs of Both Sexes. A Positive Cure for Diseases of the Kidney and Bladder. All Wholesale DmggibU nd Liquor Houses iu San Francisco k.ep it. W. K. OHAMBKHLAIV. JK. THUS. lOBINSOV BUSINESS C0LLTGS, 520 Post Street, tis I'Rasrisco. OPPOSITR UNION HQUAKK. THK OLDEST and most complete Commercial College on the cRt- Klegant balls ; new fu-alture; thorough in struction; practical teachers: high standing with the public. Htudents can commence at any time. Dav and Kvenlng sessions. Circulars free on application. THE LAST BEST REMEDY U LTI MATU M FOB COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, CONSUMPTION, BKONCHITlS, ETC , ETC. IS A RICH AND HEAVY SYBCP. A L.UX VRY TO THE PALATE AND DEATH TO A COLD W. W. NEWELL, 516 Commercial St. Price, per 12-oz. battle, $1.00 Safety scat to any part ef the State oo roccljit of priow. Ir. SPINNEY fc CO., Jio. 11, KearnT Street, rpRKAT ALL CHBONIC AND HPtAl YOUNG MEX Who may be suffering from the effects of yonthtal follies or indescretlons. will do well to avail them selves of this the greatest boon ever laid at the altar of suffering humanity. DR. HPINNKY will guaran tee to forfeit Ave hundred dollars for every case of seminal weakness or private disease of any kind er character which he undertakes and tails to cure He woald therefore say to the unfortunate soTerm' who may read this notice, that yon are treading upon dangerous ground when vou longer delav In seeking the proper remedy for yonr complaint ou marks In the flist stage remember you are approaching the last. If yon are bordering npon the last and are suffering some of Jts evil effects, remember that tf you obstinately persist la pro- c.ri"."?D ,tne time mn,,t he moat skillful physician can render you bo amistanee when the door of hope will be closed against yo: when no angel or mercy can briag yon relief. In no case has the Doctor failed of aocaeea. Then ht not despair work Itself upon your Imagination, but Avail yourself of the beneficial results of Ma froat- fn'inti.mforVy,r caw! ,s 'TOnl th reaoh of med ical skill, or before grim death hnrrlea you to a ore mature grave. v 3IIDDLIAGEI) XUSSl .,Th.pr ?r'V"r.y of th f th,rty K ity who tf 1 roobled with too freqnent evacuation ot trie blander, often acoompanled by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and a weakening of the system in a manner to patient ranno a.ttiunt (or. There are many men who die r.f thl .-ilfficuuj, hmoraot of the cause, which Is the second . tage of semlna weaklier. Dr. H. A Co. will uar utee a perfect cure Is all such cases, aud a healthy restoration of the genito-urlnary organs. O Bee hours 10 to 4 and toi. Kutidavs from 10 to it a. m. OoanltoB Free Thorough Kxamlntlon and advice, is. all or address DK. MFINXKY A CO.. No. M Kearuv street. Haa t'ranvtuoo. -O- ones a cnanoe. r twelve' tuoutii is to ue nenc urm rurnisi.erl r,r MARK is the cMef ingredient ofjL popular BITTEEtS -THE- O TO TIIK AFFIalCTTEIK Dr. Wm. K. Doherty, IIIY8M'IAX AD SIKUEOX. MAY. BR CONFIDENTIALLY CON8CLTEW on every variety of Disease of the J.anics. Liver, Kidney. Digestive and (tenito-Trlnarv Or gans, Nervous and Physical Debility, and all special diseases resulting from Ignorance or folly. Twen ty years special practice in curing these dUeaaia lias developed a system ot treatment exclusively bis own by which be Is enabled to dispense with mineral and other poUons, and to warrant thorongh cures in quick time without Interruption to btul nees. Ladles suffering from Uterine Affections or any of the diseases peculiar to tbelr rex, promptly relieved. His large experience in female Com plaints guarantees successful treatment. Terms moderate. (xnsnltatiou free. OfUoe hoars from V a. Jtf. to r. M. Office 769 MARKET STREET, between Third and Fourth streets Patients In the country cured at home. Call or write for his pamph let on upeclal diseases. Kvery mau abould have a copy of this little work. Adilreas DR. "WM. K. DOHERTY. Post office Box 1373. Han Frncl DR. Ju. J. CZAPKAY'S Private Modlonl Institute. Jte"r,sL',t anclseo. Established ia YnS'T Aww, Vr of all AfcwrM on.1 Chronic fHseases as also all remote ConZlaiMU ok JDtseases of the A ervous tfystsm. i THK IMMENSK DESTRUCTION OF HUM AN lire annually from secret and chronk) diseanMS SSSSfli,.".!?tJffd. rr"tt.bl8. '"""lotion to bTsS " x unaueipnia, rein., in lsso, and after Wards In Han Crmnilu. .'.1 i -- . , iu i a private ai pensary, In order to afford the afflicted the beet med . . vit-bi.iut.iiw, ior me aoov and ail other affections and complaints. Cotwaltatioua al the Institute or by letter. FRKK. Pttyalratl and Healal Uebillty. Vital weakness, nervousness, low eplrlts. lawdted. weak newt of the limbs and back. Ir. r n,.,.,iur power, Indisposition and incapability for labor and study, a weak, ex hausted feeling, no energy or cour age, palpitation of the heart, dullness of appreben. sion.-ioHS of memory, aversion to society, love of Holitude, timidity, self-dlstrnsu loss of manhood, dia ainess, headache, pains iu the side, affection of the eye. pimples on the face, sexual or other Inarmlttc In man or woman, are cured b v the Instl y celebrated physician. J. I'ZAFKA V. M. D. His method of curing disease Is peculiarly hlaown (unknown to others) and hence the great aucceaa. Rheumatic affections, chronic catarrh, diseases ol the stomach and kidneys, liver complaints. et. successfully treated. DK. CZ APKA Y, one of the most successful medi cal practitioners on the Pacific coast, may be con sulted confidentially in reference to the above and ail other complaints at the Institute. No. 809 HK tH.W ST., Havn FraaelMw, !. 'he Doctor offers Free Consultations, and axka no remuneration unless he effects a cure. Charge moderate. Communications atrk-tly coafldentlal. Medicines sent by Kxprena. Address L J. .AJar. H. D.. Poatofbce Bex et. Han Franoisoo. BR. SAIiFIELD'S uvenato r rrE gtre JyjtEM-Rnv mR xcxr. sntw-sa rE- JL cullar to mehveures nenowood physical d puity and restores exhausted v'.tailty to strength of manhood and vigor ofWca ia front four o tU weeks with anfalTinreasaSHr: sore cure for kidney. JUS?!" iaddWTOmpiahai price, ft per bottle, ar five bp-files In a owo foKtl sent every, wnerer UAnarn. .j - u.iimu "TCUy-aWnfidentuU: consaltatlona btctter or 10 free. Call on or address DR. SiLmXS. af Sarny street. Baa franctaco. OfBco honraVC ua ajad tm et p. Mi - - -1 1 CO'JP.TESr OF BAMCR0FT LIBHAKC, IIXTVKRSITT OF CALTpTORNTA.