Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, February 21, 1878, Image 4

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    Tarka Sacking a Town.
We are in Elena after a sharp day's
fighting, characterized, I am glad to
say, by few of those acts of ferocity
which have disgraced so many Turkish
successes. There is not a sterner op
ponent to the Bashi-Bazouk system
than in Sulieman Pasha, but these
Turkish and Circassian free lances have
been raised by the central Government
into a situation quite beyond control,
and any attempt at suppression would
transform them into even less controll
able brigands. - We are in Elena, and
the sack of the place is now in full
swing. From the window of the houso
in which I have sought a few minutes
of quiet to jot down these notes, and
which overlooks the long main street of
this little town, I see the ruin progress
ing fast. To give an idea of the scene
in this street it needs to be photograph
ed in panorama and thus presented in
its ensemble. Word painting, gives but
a feeble notion of it because the simul
taneity of the incidents is lost. True,
if I say that the 13ashi-Bazouks and Cir
cassians are battering doors and shut
ters with the butt ends of their mus
kets, shattering window-frames to pieces
with their yataghans, blowing off locks
with their revolvers, throwing the con
tents of houses and shops into the
street, still it is only two or three
houses that the reader pictures to him
self, while what I want to describe is
going on on both sides of the way all
down the main street of Elena, which
is a good deal more than a mile long.
In the by-ways, too, so far as they lend
themselves to such work, the depreda
tors are at work, howling and hooting,
drunk with the joys of spoliation, and j
red-hot with the excitement of destruc
tion. It had been intended to take precau- j
tions to prevent the sack of the town
by the irregulars. Three comptiniGs
were to have been told off to protect
the spoil from the hands of those who
had done nothing to entitle them to
participation in the loot; but in the ex
citement of the victory it was not car
ried out, and thus the irregulars are se
curing for themselves, or recklesslv
wasting the great bulk of the booty. I
was in so soon after the troops that
when I went up the street it was com
paratively empty. On a little bridge
over a rivulet which crosses one end of
the town lay three Russians dead, and
the way was almost barred by a dead
horse lying still harnessed to a broken
fourgon; but as I went on, the Bashis
came rushing past, and soon tho street
was filled. Shop after shop was burst
opon. Now a grocer's, from which
skins and bladders filled with cheese
were thrown into the streets; here su
gar was the attraction, and the Bashis
thrust the white sugar lumps by hand
fulls into their breasts and into the
folds of their turbans, and when they
were stuffed scattered the rest about
the streets.
It must have been a Bulgarian feast
day yesterday, for in all the grocers'
and bakers' shops there was holiday
cake, upon which the Bashis pounced
with childish delight. Now a draper's
shop was tapped, and the yarns and
rougher goods were thrown out to be
trampled under foot, while the long
yarns of calico and cloths were dragged
forth, the pillagers chopping off with
their yataghans such lengths as they
could secure. From tho vintner the
casks of wino were rolled into the
streets and the heads stove in, bottles
were hurled into the air and came
smashing down among the crowd by the
B2ore. From time to times a troop of
n i : i i , .
euuruu pij wouiu come ruslnng mto
the street, hounded ot of their styes
by the side currents of the looters.
Then there was a shout and a chase,
and the poor beasts were bayoneted or
Bhot by rifles and revolvers" recklessly
drod amid tho crowd. Before a silk
store lay an old Bulgar. shot through
the chest, lying as he fell, and a little
further, laid out stiff and straight under
the projecting front of a cook's shop,
was the body of a Bussian, clad in shirt
and drawers, clean and fine of texture,
apparently the remains of some civil
functionary. London Times' Elena Let
ter. Fish as a TjEcjai. Tender. In some
pleasant reminiscences of tho early
Wisconsin bar, a writor in tho Milwau
kee Sentinel tells tho following anecdote
of Judge Frazier: In a case whero a
judgment had been obtained against a
party by the name of Lott Blanchard,
an application was made for a stav of
execution for one year under "the
statute then in force, which author
ized it to be done, where the debtor
could show that he had no property.
Blanchard appeared before the Judge
who questioned him as to his means to
pay the judgment, and the reply was
that he had no property. He was then
asked what his business was and he re
plied, a fisherman. II. N.Wells was tho
attorney for the creditor, and the Judge,
on finding that the debtor was willing
to pay the judgment in fish, addressed
Mr. Wells, and told him that he must
receive fish in payment, at tie same
time giving the dealer explicit orders
to deliver " good and not stinking fish."
Whether tho fish were paid or not, I
was never informed.
now to Select Flock. In selecting
flour firBt look to the color. If it is
white with a yellowish ftraw color tint,
buy it. If it is white with a bluish
cast, or with white specks in it, refuse
it. Next, examine its adhesiveness
wet and knead a little of it between
your fingers; If it works soft and
sticky, it is poor. Then throw a little
lump of dried flour against a smooth
surface; if it falls like powder it is bad.
Lastly squeezo some of the flour tightly
in your hand, if it retains the shape
given by the pressure, that, too, is a
good sign. It is safe to buy. flour that
will stand all of these tests. These
modes are given by all old flour dealers,
and they pertain to a matter that con
cerns everybody.
Gloves and Pin Money. Gloves
were introduced into England in the
tenth century, but were only- used by
the wealthy people, and were consid
ered very valuable. As New Year's
gifts they were quite popular, or some
times glove money " in place of them.
Pin-money " originated in somewhat
the same manner. Pins were so costly
that money spent or laid aside for them
was called "pin-money," and it be
came so important that it grew into the
name of dower, which was settled up
on the lady at her marriage.
" Thk Northwestern Traveling Men's
Association " has 1051 members.
Horses and The Horse Trade.
The number of horses in the United
States is estimated at 8,000,000, Illinois
ranking first in number of equines,
New York next, with over half a mil
lion, then Ohio, Missouri, Pennsylva
nia, Texas, Iowa, Indiana and Ken
tucky. The number of horses in the
New England States is estimated at
500,000, Maine having tho largest num
ber, Massachusetts next. The farm and
work-horses of Maine and Vermont are
noted throughout the land. Tho farm
er who breeds horses knows his own in
terest well enough to study the tastes of
the community, and to breed up to
them. Speed is, to bo sure, only one
of the many qualities which are essen
tial to a good roadster, and size, style,
action, temper, form, constitution, and
enduring qualities are equally impor
tant in making a general estimate of the
character of horses. The horses raised
in Maine are, generally speaking, line"
specimens of the equine race. So are
those imported from Vermont and Can
ada, the latter having peculiarities of
their own, quite distinct from tho thor
ough New England animal. The weight
of a good roadster may vary from S)50
to 1,100 pounds. For ordinary pur
poses on the road and for general work,
an old horse-dealer tells us that from
1,000 to 1,100 pounds is heavy enough.
A larger sized horse would not bo found
serviceable in horse-cars, omnibuses or
hacks, and certainly not in the buggy
or light carriage. A heavy horse will
not last so long over the hard pave
ments of the city, as a medium sized
one. The practico now conforms to
this rule, we believe, as strangers es
pecially will notice in all large cities
(in the East, at least) small, quick,
tough horses for most kinds of work.
A medium sized horse will range irom
lili to 15J hands in height. Uuntons
Character is so much moro than
wealth or knowledge, fame or power,
that it is the measure of the man.
When a man is placed in a prominent
position of any sort whatever, we say at
onco, " What is he worth ? " not " What
does he know ? " Vut " What sort of a
man is he ? " That is the momentous
question that involves all. All others
are secondary. Wealth, knowledge,
fame and power, are most desirable ac
cessions for a good man; but otherwise
they add strength in a wrong direction.
I wonder if the young men and boys in
our land realize that character is the
most important capital in any and all
business transactions. If a man of
large business is looking for a partner
or employee, what does he require first
and most of all? An honest man or
boy. Wealth and position, with this
first requisite, will be no detraction,
but nothing without it.
What pillars are to a building, what
the foundation is, and the corner-stones
thereof, so is a good character to a man
or woman, boy or girl. The wise man
said, A good name is rather to be
chosen than riches," and he had no lack
of wealth, liemember, boys and it
will harm none to remember that you
who are of infinite importance; while
what you have is finite in its value; its
end is the grave; while the former will
grow and enrich its possessor through
all the ages of immortality. Strive for
it as for your life, for life is naught
without it; if a man die for his house
he is an everlasting hero; while if ho
dies for his wealth, he is a sordid fool.
We honor it in death, if not in life.
" So teach us to number our days as to
apply our hearts unto wisdom."
Emigration Does not Affect Lan
guage. Judging from history, it would
scarcelv be too much to say that no
amount of known emigration has ever
been aufllcient to eradicate a language,
or even to destroy its grammatical an
atomy. The language of a people is too
deeply rooted in all its habits of
thonght and life to be driven out by
conquerors and invaders. Modification
it undoubtedly effects, but they are for
the most part superficial. Each country
digests its conquerors and changes their
language into its own. Tho invasion
of England by tho Normans, with all
their power and numbers, while it en
riched the vocabulary of the English,
did not vitally chango the structure of
their language. To this very day the
Welch speak their own language" and
Gaelic and Irish still exist, eomidetly
separated from English. The two
streams run along together, side by
side, but they scarcely mingle. Tho
enormous emigration of Ciermans m
America has failed to produce more
than the most trivial influence on the
English speech.- One of two results
always takes place : either the language
of the invader, or directly the contrary.
They would not mix and make a new
composite, except under the most ex
traordinary circumstances. Language
is like a living tree, which grows and
develops now forms; but it does not
change its vital structure and character.
North American Review.
The Foes of Industry and Content.
- -You can all enumerate for yourselves
the foes that prevent our industry from
filling the present and futuro with real
happiness. Why should not the laborer
exhaust upon to-day the wages of to
day, and upon to-morrow the wages of
to-morrow V The answer is plain. Life
has its Summer time, and, if not its
Winter, at least its fading autumn. The
hard toiling days should not cover all
of life up to its last hour. Work is in
deed, the condition of. success of both
body and mind, but noi a work which
amounts to a servitude like that of a
galley-slave. As silver hairs come, the
quantity of physical and mental strain
should be diminished, and life should
flow more careful as it approaches the
It is one of the painful scenes of the
the day to see industry struggling
against the despotism of almost resists
less fashion. Good men are leaping to
their toil as soldiers hurl themselves
against a parapet, driven not by the
natural and reasonable wants of society,
but by the temporary dreams of the
heart. Fashion slaughters its subjects
like a Dahomey king. In a rational
society it is thought that four hours of
labor would sustain life and that six
hours a day would provide for the fu
ture; but the sacred laws of production
ana provison are rudely broken by the
enormous appetite that wants all forms
of things and in the passing hour.
Thk annual income of the Church of
England is $33,000,000. The church
has 16,000 religious edifices, including
30 cathedrals, 10,000 glebe-houses, 31
Episcopal palaces, and 1,100,000 acres
of land, much of it in good condition
for tillage.
The Reliable Man.
Of all the qualities that combine to
form a good character, there is not one
more important than reliability. Most
emphatically is this true of the charact
er of a good business man. The word
itself embraces both truth and honesty,
and the reliable man must necessarily
be truthful an-1 honest. We see so
much all arouud us that exhibits tho ab
sence of this crowning quality that we
are tempted, in our bilious moods, to
deny its very existance. But there are,
nevertheless reliable men, men to be
depended upon, to be trusted, in whom
j'ou may resposo confidence, whose
word is as good as their bond and whose
promise is performance. If any one
of you know such a man make him your
friend. You can only do so, however,
by assimilating his character.
The reliable man is a man of good
judgment. He does not jump at con
clusions. He is not a rivolous man.
He is thoughtful. He turns over-a sub
ject in his mind and looks at it all
around. He is not partial or one-sided
man. He sees through a thing. He is
apt to be a very reticent man. no does
not have to talk a great deal. He is a
moderate man, not only in habits of
body, but also of mind. He is not a
passionato man, if so by nature, he has
overcome it by grace. He is a -sincere
man, not a plotter or schemer. He
does not promiso rashly. "What he says
may be relied on. He is a trustworthy
man. You feel safe with your property
or the administration of affairs in his
hands. He is a watchful, vigilant man.
You feel secure within his protection.
He is a bravo man, for his conclusions
are logically deduced from the sure ba
sis of truth, and he does not. fear to
maintain them. He is a good man, for
no one can be thoroughly honest and
truthful without being good. Is such
a quality attainable? Most assuredly
so. It is not borne, it is mado. Char
acter may be formed, of course then its
component parts may be molded to that
formation. Portland Price Current.
Fun fok Washington. A cheerful
view of Washington is given in a story
once told by Mrs. Madison to a little
girl, who now lepeats it in Lippincott.
"One day in Philadelphia," said Mis
tress Dolly Madison, "I was sitting in
mv parlor with a very dear friend, It.
B." Lee, when iu walked Payne Todd
(her son) dressed in my calico bed
gown. While we were laughing at the
figure he cut, the servant threw open
the door, and he annonnced General
and Mrs. Washington. What to do
with the dreadful boy I didn't know,
know. Ho could not face the President
in that. garb. Neither could he leave
the room without meeting them, for
tho door they were entering was the
only one. I made him crawl quickly
under a low, broad settee on which I
was sitting. I had just time to arrange
tho drapery when the Washingtons en
tered. After the courtly greeting and
the usual compliments of the season,
there came from under the settee a heavy
sigh, which evidently the General's
notice. However, I only talked and
laughed a little louder, hoping to divert
his attention, when oh, me, thero came
au outcry and a kick that could not be
ignored." So I stooped down and drag
ged, Payne out by the leg. General
Washington's dignity left him at once.
Laugh. Why, he fairly roared 1 He
nearly went into convulsions. The sight
of the boy in that gown, all so unex
pected, coming wrong end first from
under my seat, it was too much.
A Bkilliant Idea. The man who
goes into good American society much
must be impressed with the utter use
fulness of the ives of most of the young
women who move in it. Tho sentiment
of the wealthy class in our simple re
public is inflexibly against an unmar
ried woman doing anything to justify
her existence. Of the ladies under
twenty-five, whose fathers are rich, and
who go into society:
Not more than one in "00 can make a
dress for herself.
Not more than one in 1)00 can cook a
decent meal.
Not more than one in 200 can keep
household accounts.
Not moro than one in 100 knows any
thing of the care of children.
Of 500, 449 can play the piano after
a fashion.
Of 300, 200 can do faney-wOrk with
their needles.
Of 200, 150 can sing.
Of 100, 100 are willing to marry.
They have
Unlimited leisure.
A desire to do something useful.
Let them adopt babies.
Tho foundling and orphan asylums
are full of infants eligable for adoption,
and willing to be adopted.
The advantages of this new depart
ure would be
Practico in the profession of wife
hood. Development of the maternal in
stinct. Arational interest in life.
A soft thing for thousands of infants
who would otherwise die or live, and, in
either case go to the devil.
An unfailing theme for conversation
with gentlemen callers.
Arthur McEwen.
The" Blessing of Steam Power.
Thefaggregate steam-power in use in the
world is at present three and one-half
million horse-power employed in sta
tionary engines, and ten millions horse
power in locomotive engines. This
force is maintained without the con
sumption of animal food, except by the
miners who dig the coals, and the force
maintained in their muscles is to the
force generated by the product of their
labor about 1 to 1,080. This steam
power is equal to tho working force of
25 millions of horse consumes three
times as much food as one man. The
steam-power, therefore, is equivalent to
the saving of food for 75 millions of hu
man beings. Further, three power
looms, attended by one man, produce
of catton fabric, against four pieces
produced by one hand-loom, worked by
one man in the year 1800. A carpenter's
plaining machine does the work of
twenty men.
The moro quietly and peaceably we
get on the better tho better for our
neighbors. In nine cases out of ten
the wiseBt policy is, if a man cheats
you, quit dealing with him; if he is
abusive, quit his company; if he sland
ers you, take care to live so that nobody
will believe him; no matter who he is,
or how he misuses you, the wisest way
is to let him alone; for their is nothing
better than his calm, quiet way of deal
ing with the wrong we meet with.
Ro-Opeuing a Thoroughfare.
In order to guard against results ut-
tAt-iw ohI.omv. ..f l.Qoit). if ia nlianlntelv es
sential that the grand thoroughfare or avenue
et .1. , A u twin 1 il lw raiDoneu
as speedily as possible when they become ob-
sirucieu. it thev are not, uie duo as misdi
rected into the blood; the liver becomes torpid;
viuaM v.;il;n., naij irtrk tVirt a trim s f li
and produces indigestion; headaches ensue, and
oiuer symptoms are prouuecu, wuiuu u
lnnn-atiVin rf ihn tTi!n( caiiKA onlv tends to ag
gravate. The aberient properties of Hostetter's
otuiuacu J- liters consuiuio a uii uciua aui,
in overcoming constriction of tho bowels and
nittly super ior to the drastic cathartics fre
quently usca lor tlie purposo, since it uobbuui,
like them, act violently, but produces a natural,
minliiLia . A'. . . . e lx lrt 1 Aia Ti-f imlalV Till- 1 k 11 f
of the evacuatory organs, w hich it invigorates
instead 01 weaKemog. vi ne storuacii aim uvvi,
also, iudeod the enure system, i? strengthened
and regulated by it.
From t'lias. II. Colgate, Kj.
Of tho firm of Colgate A Co., Manufacturers 6
flavoring Extracts, 21 lilackstono St.,
Somorville, Mass., Dec. G, 187C.
Messrs. Seth W. 1'owle A Sous:
Gentlemen Last Spring my little daughter,
aged live, became very much emaciated with
loss of appetite, and great prostration of
strength, bo much so that we were obliged to
take her out cf school. This continued through
the Summer and caused us much anxiety. After
trying various remedies without deriving any
benelit, our family physiician reccommended
the use of 1'ebcvian Svklp. After using it one
week we saw a marked improvement in the
child's condition, and in a month she was rap
idly gaining in health and strength, her apre
tito being excellent. At this date she is per
fectly well, with round, plump cheeks, and
healthy color, and is again attending school
regularly. I consider hor restoration to health
entirely due to the Peruvian Syrup, and fe?
that I cannot too highly recommend it as a tonic.
Very gratefully yours, Ciias. 11 Colgate.
Sold by doalers generally.
:jh an. as-. :t.
This is a cough mixture that cures
Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung diseases. Give
it a trial and be no longer troubled. It is a sure
cure for all Throat and Lung troubles. Pre
pared bv lthodes & Lewis, San Jose, Cal., and sold
Ly all Druggists and dealers. Ask your Drug
gist for "38 Cough Mixture" and take no other.
KheimiatlMni 4(nlrkly Cured.
Durang's Rheumatic Kemedy," tlio great Inlrr
nitl JUtdicine, will potiitively cure any case of rheu
matiHni on tlio face of the earth. Price $1 a bottle,
six bottles, $3. Sold by all Druggists. Send for
circular to Uelphenstine & Ueiitley, Druggists,
Washington, D. C. Sold wholesale by H. C. Kiuk
t Co.. tiacrameuto. Cal.
Carl Browne, tho Open Letter artist,
has finished tine oil paintings of the Labor
Leaders. Messrs. Kearny, Wellock and Knight.
Photograph copies are ottered for sale. See
tlie advertisement in another column.
TKsf selling and Newest Novltles LowhsI
I iricps. t an. fro Sadler A Co. Uti PixtBt.. W. P.
WiksterA Co., 17 New Montgomery st..!S.F.
Fashionable Cards, no i alike, with nanio 10c
ltt paid. Oko. I. Kekd k Co., Xabxau, N. Y
Elegant Cauds, uo two alike, with name,
lOo.pobt paid. J. B. Husted, Nassau. N. Y.
and oil, pay large profits and sell qolckly. Cut
a'otii frp, waii.k A Co.. 1 1 Post nr., San FrVo.
Z) -L-fVv I will loan on mortgage on
nrat-olHss country property s followa; In amounts
from t-.500 to 7,5IX), y :r.A ); in amounts from
$7,500 to 1 15,(100, ay $'A,(i00: in amounts from 415.CUO
upward, sav JJ5 OHO: none but iintt -class sccnrilK ac
cepted. WKN DKLL K ASTON. :n Montgomery
street, rpposite Uck House.
Habit Cured!
Without pain, prostration or loso of biisinehs. "all
correspondence strictly coniidentlal." Price from
to sio ier uioiitn monev relnnded If patient
Is uot relieved. Address Iock l!ox I OH. or call up
on K. 1". Ki-ksici.l.50-4 Muhuii iSt. fan Franc'sco.
USE the Hierapicra or Fig Bitters. Cures Fever
and Ague, UiJiousiiess. Constipation, Impure
lllood. Kidney Weakness, Worms, Urinary Disor
ders, Female Complaints, eu Imivgists have it.
Agents. Kkiuvoton ft Co. Wholesale Druggists.
San Francisco. Cal.
U9, IF RUPTURED Ken 1 at
once for Dr. Pierce's NEW Il
lustrated JiiMk. Addres,
Maun ktic Ki.ah rir Turns Co
floy Ha rameiito M., San Kr-cj,
9 Coots ami Shoos.
JOMX Ml' I.I.I VAK. N. E. cor. Rat
tery and Jackson Nts., San Francisco,
offers to make to order the best French
Calf Leather BOOTS at from fs to tfl
California Leather Roots, - - - 00
French Calf Oxford Ties, - - t 00
California - . is 50
Hoys' and Children's Hoots and Shoes made to order.
Persons In the country ordering Hoots and Shoes to
the amount of fl'ior more will be allowed a reduc
tion of four percent., to make the express chanrn
light. I sell Boots and Shoes of M Y OWN MANU
FACTURE ONLY. Boots and Shoes sent C. O. D
positively one price.
Til OS.
320 Fost Street,
and most complete Commercial College on the
coast. Elegant halls ; new furniture: thorough tn
Rtruction; practical teachers; high standing with the
public, studeutscan commence at any time. Dav
and Evening sessions. Circulars free on application.
XV The Great British Remedy. There Is ungues
tionshly no other remedy so certain In Its effects.
J)ISR1ES OF THK THROAT alike yield to its.
influence,. The highest medical testimony states
uo be'ter cure for these complaints exist (now
proved by over half a century's experience). They
contain no Opium, Morphia or auv violent drtijr.
THOMAS KEATING, Loudon. Britain, are sold by
a'l druggists. Agents for the Pacific Coast. RED
Attention Workingmen!
Kcumey, Wclltx-lv fc JCiiIflit!
Browne's paintings of
President of the Worklngrnea's Party uf Ca'.if jr-da,
Wholesale anl retail, at MICH A Ef. SHEA'S
Newsdealer. I5 Market fctreet. Single copies 50
cents per Ouzen, it. 50 Sent to any address on re
ceipt of Price. PostolllPe Or by Wells, Fargo A Co.
Be sure to addreis M ICH A EL SfiE A . Newsdeal
er, 813 Market street. Knight and Wellock's will
soon be ready. Send on your orders.
If you wmt a SKWINCl
VAl'H I N E s nd to 1 N EW
MontoomkrvStrkkt, Sav
Francwo, headquarters
for the best and latest im
proved macLiues.
If you are not prepared
to buy a hlgh-p-fced Ma
chine, take one of the good
IS ones and pay for it. sav
ing the annovancB cf In
stallment payments.
Denier In SewlJitf Inolilno,
rnniS rid and popular hotel has for a quarter of a
L century c-tered to the wants f the pb':c
Tiros. Bbyav, an rid Californian and an P"
enced gentleman, conducts the house, which is a
fculHcleut guarantee that
Comfort. Good Llrlng. t'lrnullnf
And the general wellfare of guests will be accorded
to all The table will be furnished with the bet the
market fljrds. Oeiitlemany and oblieiug clerks
and careful waiters In attendance This house is the
most centrally located of any In the cly street
care pass the door every two minutes. Ihe hotel
coa-'h will carry passengers to and from the house
free of charge. Prices from 81. SO to 9-SO per day.
Tlie Farmer,
Tlac Slock Kaiser,
Tlie Gardener,
Tlie sillier.
Tho Weekly Post Contains more
Reading Matter than any other
Newspaper Published on
the Coast, Offered at
tha same priee.
a I'NEtTi. uirr to si:mi to Yoru
KAN I K Jt l ltlKMIH!
f Do not fail to read carerullv wr lilxiral I
list of Premiums to gutters-Hp of clubs.
- ; ?t it
ian fraui'mco is the
center for tbo eutira
trade of the popula
tion west of the ltocky
mouutaias. The tele
graph, railroad aid
steamship lines all
renter here; and all
laws of Importance is
known as early and
as fully in Sail Fran-
cisco as In Xw York
Tho proprietors of
the San Francisc
Weekly Post having
tha resources and or
ganization of a great
daily newspaper aro
determined to great
ly improve the week
ly edition and make
it the best weekly I
journal printed in Sau
Francisco. It will eon
tain the fullest and
frevhekt Information
relating to the Agri
cultural and Mining
interests of the Pacinu
Coast. The Commer
cial and Market He
ports will be as full
and reliable aa It is
passible to make
theia. The discus
fciou of questions of
great public interest
will be by the ablest
writers, and every
thing will be done to
make the San Fran
cisco Wkkkli Post
the uiobt complete
and uht family ami
geiieral weekly news
paper printed on the
l'acitic Coast. In in
curring large expense
to make the Wklkly
1'ost a welcome visit
or, and, if posKibl., a
necess.ty. 1 n every
household, we Khali
naturally look for
some appreciation of
oiir efforts by the
public; but at the
same time we mean
to pay for that effort
in a manner that
shall make it profit
able to all who send
us subscribers, and
to that end ofTar the
following induce
ments: to auv one
seudiBg us a club of 4
subscribers at $'2.2o
for each subscriber
for ouo 'ar, wo will
aend au extra copy
free; to any one scud
ii'g a club of 10 forene
year, at t'2.2'2 for each
subscriber, we will
send seeds to the value
of $5, to the sender of
the club to have the
option of naming the
kinds required; to
any ne sending us a
elub of 12 subscrib
ers for one year, at
$-'.25 for each sub
scriber, we will send
a first-class Fishing
Hod, of the value of
$10, or a pistol of like
value ; to any one
sending us a club of
15 subscribers for one
year at $2.25 for each
subscriber, we will
send a Boy's Suit of '
Clothes that will be
worth, $1'J iu this city, j
The boy having the
option of selecting the
best place in which to
Jjiiy in every in
stance; to any one
sending us a club of
20 for one year, at
$2.25 for each bub
scriber, we will send
a copy of Webster's
larue unabridged
Dictionary; to any
one sending us a club
of 25 subscribers for
one year at $2.25 for
each aubscriber, we
will send a first-class
Mexican Saddle, of
the value of $20; to
any one sending us
a club of M for one
year, and $2.25 for
each subscriber, we
will send a solid sil
ver American Watch,
of the value of $40
to anyone sendieg us
a club of 40 subscrib
ers for one year, at
$2.25 for each sub
scriber, we will send
a first quality Flor
ence Sewing Mi
ehine; to any one
sending us a club of
45 subscribers for
one year, at $2.25 for
each subscriber, we
will send a Winches
ter Rifle, of the value
of $(5! to any one
sending us a club of SO
aubsciibcrs for one
year, at $2.25 for each
subscriber, we will
give $50 00 iu Gold;
to any one sending us
club of 75 subscrib
ers for one year, at
$2.25 for each sub
scriber, we will send
a first quality Eu
reka Gang Plow, of
the value of $100.
The Postage jwill be
paid by the publish
ers in every case, ana
every article onereu
will be precisely as j
represented. It is not
necessary that clubs
should bo setit to one
poatotlice ; the purpose
ia to cuable those wuo
cannot get tip a club
large enough to entitle
them to a izivea pre
mium in their own lo
cality to compensate
tbera liberally to can
vass in the adjoining
towns. Clergymen,
school teachers, post
masters, and even in
telligent boys and
girls can earn a hand
some thing by getting
up clubs for the
San Fbascisc o
wkeklt post
I 7" The iuonermust accompany all ordeas
in every case. .No deviatlou from this rule.
it n tt
It) il Illanfru fchoala lie n t by Voat
elllee Money rdrr or by Welle. Korajo
Kiarea to aveld loaa to ibe Mender.
All orders and correspondence should ba ad
dressed to the
ft" Sample copies mailed free to any address
on application.
Is the way tlie mH is prononaccd. and is tiic chief ingreflient cf U& popular
Tnr -
Restorative, Jnvigoratoj and Laxative.
The only Wouderfr.l Aphrodisiac aju Special Tonic for the
Sexual Organs o: Both Sexes.
A Positive Cure for Diseases
All Whole alo InugRists P'n! I k nor
A Sttre Nf nuil t'eruiikitt-iit 'iare.
IR IR. I C IE , 50 G EUTS .
Sent on netiptof pii;e.
Boer i eke & Tafel,
VllomeiMilii Iliiok and Mrdiilnri
f.ir Plijtli-lani nnfl I'jt mi I ie.
Wbo'eanlp, und Keinil.
Having Jjst revelveil a lairge I.ivoifeof
There To "e lufoiins hit pnroni that he nil make
CLOTH I XG TO OilDr.t Kt the l.-jwest CASH
IMtM'i: for the i-e.-t Sis I., I . -s:
Business Suits to Order. - $25
Pants to Order. - - - $6
Dress Suits to Order $35 to $50
Commercial St., cor. Loidesdorff,
IVTo. Ci Xto,rca.y Stroot.
linnbe, Irving mill Decker I'ianos
l'riuee it nil Waters Oi-jfiuiM,
tf" Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere
eft? C2 O . .
Music Dealers, 733 Market street. Sun Francisco
The only DIreet 9lail Line to Porllant!.
Jlk-LX? riin-rr. . nh from San Francisco every
F1VK DAYS until further notice Steamships
City of Chester. Ceo. W. Elder
Ajax and Oregon,
Connect in t Port'and, orfon, w!th Steamer
ami Railroads and their connecting: Slaee 1ii 'r
all point In Oregon. Wasuiinrfn and Idaho Terri
tories, Uritlsh Columbia and Alaska.
Th's Company has the exclusive riftht of sel liK
Through Tickets at Reduced Kates over the Ore
gon Central nd Oregon and Caii ornia Kailroaiis j
In Oregon, una i jumiMuoi ...-- - -
Oregon with Certificates er titling them to travel
at hail rates over these roads.
CAUTION This Is the only line running N KM
IKON STKAMSHIr-H wltn every .ooderj improve
ment for the comfort and safety of passengers.
SiO Battery street. San Francisco.
Cmrrjlng the V.H.JIallaud tlie Expreaa.
The Elegant Strnmrri of this
j Company leave Jiroarway Wharf, San
FuciscoTevkrv Wkkk for
And for Santa Cruz. San Luis Obispo, Santa Bar
bara. Ventura. Los Angeles, and San Ttieeo ami
other ports about EVKRV THIRD DAY.
Tickets sold to all the principal places on the Pa-
cilic Slope at
on't lluy Ticket. Uw anT other l.ln
until you eall at our Ticket otliee.
Nam Franelaeo Tlrket Otliee. SI4 Mnni
Koaaiery Nil' eel.
General Agents, No. 10 Market Slret,
Sau Francisco.
"IVT J.P.4 trow. ..
.to to I CUV ST.
Treatnj entof the Eye and
Kar iian been my npecialty
for the last 27 years.
Positively cored by Consti
tutional Treatment for the
Blood, with the aid of mv
FI.UI D for the treatment of tiie Nostril. The Throat,
Lungs. IJver. DynpepHia.Scro'ulaaud Skin Diseases;
also disease of the Kid iter a and tJeti i ln-1'rl n
ary organs treated buccessfully. KLKt'TKll IT V
scientini-Rlly and successfully applied in all Nkkv
ot' ArK-ri(iNH and Rheumatism. Medical aud
Surgical Treatment In all Diseases.
Call or address W. J. PAICH. M. D., 2I ( lar
Jttreet, San Francisco, Cal. (over the nay street
Savings Bank Rooms 1. 2 and i.
N. B. ARTIFICIAL EYES I-fue assortment al
wpvs on hand.
FOB THE sPEEDYlTKEofSpmlmil Weak
nesa. Law l Manhood f Jd all disorders brought on
by Indiscretion or excess. Any druggist h-s thel
gredleuta. Da. XT. JAQUES A CO., 1J W. Nix 4
tree I, Cincinnati. Ohi .
of the Kidney and Bladder.
Ho-.-es in Sti Fi-T.cUo k'-ep it.
1 0 XV I KTT'S
a : AT OS
'oiM3iel, I'erlable, lai'nble. xntl
l-:t ( lirner than nit Iruu I'rrim.
Koinetbiiie new. 1 he bf-st thine v-t. It-
sure to sie it before purcbaMn, an iron r"s.
IHSaxsomk Steekt, - - iu 'ranc4sc
K.shis for S.- on I.'ber.-l erin.-..
-i-Cl"- A.-nis W.-n.'c".
Sheep Wash.(i
Water Pipe !
For descripi.ve hooks semi to
aa '3tli.orni Street. Snu F.-aiiriaen.
lfl ft V e M s&p& T 1
f pil R OIIKaSJ K M Kl i V FCtnA K N E"fJ I'K
A riiJiur to lin--urc titid phviici.1 tie
hiiity anil restores ctaJisviiality to strength ,j
iduii.'kmmi :ml visor ntzpnli in fion feur t nl
weeks with nnfailiTvt-rTSLjtv; aure-vre f.ir l:ii
ney, urinary ancliililer coiHUit's: pr'ee, fci tf
per bottle, or a hi ease luiHJo; sent fVery
vh"re neeiujif rom observatiou;Liutiicatioii9
itrietly wniilentuil; consultations l7?tterlor In
rersov"Tee. Call or uihlress DR. HALfcXTX 31
K'-rTV street, aii Francisco. Oiliee hoursto nil
T i I' .,11
Dr. Win. K. Dolierty,
imiysk i.w ami srit;i:ox,
on every variety of Di-'ase of ihe I.ui'ks,
Liver, Kid leys. Digestive and Oeuiht-Urinarv Or
gans, Nervous and Physical u in lty. am1 nil p cUl
diseises resulting from ignorance or folly. '1v-ii-ty
years special priictiof in curing these diseases
lias developed a nvsiem of treii ivi-nt e.xriusivel v
his own by which he is enaoi.d to divpeitse with
miners! and other poisons, and to warrant thorough
cures in quick lime without Interruption to busi
ness. Ladles (iUtrering Irom Uterine- Affections or
anv of tho diseases peculiar to their f ex. promptly
reJieved. His large expeiience in Female Com
plaints Ruaiantees success! u I treat. nci't. Terms
moderate, Consultation .ree. Oftico hours from W
a. M. to fc p. M. Oltico
between Third and Fourih streets Patients iu the
country cured at home. Cull or w rite for his pamph
let on special diseases. Every mati shou d liuv. u
copy of this little work. dress
Poatotlice Box 'JT. San Francis:).
Private 3IcclIol Institutes.
xO0 Krarur San Franciseo, Established in
1SVI, fur the. Jttnnnett Crre of all Sprctal ai
Chronic fi.raxr, a also all t'rnmle Comp'.aintM uu
Diseast tofthr, Servout System.
1 lite annually from secret and chronic diseases
caused this old and reliable institution to be estab
lisbed first in Philadelphia, IVn.i.. iu Isoi), and after
wards in San Francisco, Cal.. in ls.4. as n private d'H
nensai-y, in order to afford the r filleted the bst med
leal and surgical treatment, for the above aud all
other affections and complaint. Consultations at
tne iusututu or bv letter. FREE.
Pltyaieal ami 3Iext(ial Debility.
Vital weakness, nervousness, low spirits, lassitude,
weakness of the limbs and back, loss of muscular
power, Indisposition aud incapability tor labor end
study, a w eak, exhausted feeling, no energv or cour
age, palpitation of the heart, dullness of a'ppreh-ti-aion,
loss of memory. aversioi to societv. iovu of
solitude, timidity, self-distrust, loss of ujauhood, dn
ziness, headache, pains in the side, affections of the
eye, pimples on tlie face, sexual or other infirmities
In man or won. an. preenren bv trie Justly celebrated
physician. L. J.t'ZAI'K AV. M. 1.
H Is method of curing disease Is peculiarly his own
(unknown to offers) and hence the great success.
Rheumatic affections, chronic catarrh, diseases of
the stomach and kidney, liver e-oniphtiuta, eto.,
successfully treated.
DK. C'ZAPK A Y, one of the most successful medi
cal practitioners o.i the Pacific coast, ma v be con
sulted confidentially in reference to the above and
all other complaints at the institute.
No. al KKAK.W JT., Nad Frauelaea, t aal.
"The Doctor offers Free Consult lions, and asks
no remuneration unless he effects a cure. Charges
moderate. Communications Hrlctly coKfidentlal
Medicfnes sent by Express. Address L. J. Czapkay!
M. D.. Pustollice Box 64. San Fraocisco.
No. 11 Kearny Street,
JL. Diseases.
Who may besurreri.ifr from the eflectsot vouthfu I
follies or iideecretions. will do well to avail them
selves of this the greatest boon ever laid at the altar
of suffering humanity. DK. SPINNEY will guaran
tee to forfeit five hundred dollars for everv raw of
seminal weakness or private oisease of any kind or
character which iie undertakes and fails to cure.
He would therefore say to the unfortunate suffVret
who may read this notice, that you are treading
upon dangerous ground wheu vou locger delay in
seeking the proper remedy for your complaint.
You may be in the flist stage remember you r
approaching the last. If you are Itorderlng upon
the last and are suffcriiig some of its evil effect,
remember that if you obstinately persist In pro
crastination . the time must come wheu the most
skillful physician can render you uo assistance ;
when the door o( hope will be cloned against you;
when no nngel of mercy can bring you relief, lit
no case has the Doctor failed of suocew. Then le
not despair work itself upon your imagination, but
avail yourself of the beneficial results of his treat
ment before your case is beyond the reach of med
ics I skill, or before grim death hurries you to a pre
mature grave.
M 1 1 Jr.lASKI 3IKX !
There a,-e many of the age of thirty to sixty won
are troubled with too frequent evacuation t Uu
bladder, often accompanied by a slight smarting or
burning sensation, r.nd a weakening of the system
in a manner the patient canno . account for. Thero
are many meu who die of this difficulty, Ignorant
of the cause, which is the second staue of semlna
weakness. Dr. s. & Co. will guarantee a perfec;
cure in all such cases, e.nd a healthy restoration of
the genito-urinary organs. Otllca hours 10 to 4 ami
6to8. Sjndaysfrom 10 to II a. m. Consultation
Free Thorough Examintion and Advice i
Call or address DR. SPINNEY fe CO., No. 11
Kearny street. San Francisco,