i;E63X HIT, il?t USiilv, JAN. 17, 1-7 j The Wa:iiai; Crescent. The 1 .it est news from litr.opo throws a very sombre clan 1 over the waning Crescent. The Hussions Lure crossed the Balkans, have defeated tho Turks in a heavy engjrgt-mcnt, are but a hun dred milt's from the important city of Adrianople, and soon will be beating with their sabres against tho very walls of Constantinople. The Turks on the other hand are rent with fends, inde pendent of their defeats ' by" Russia, thousands of starving fugitives are hur rying to Constantinople only to find the Torte with depleted coffers and mined credit. Tho very fortifications around the Byzantine city are said to "be inadequate, and imperfect and weak. The Ottomans, furthermore, aro very mnch irritated at England's course. The Porte was induced to believe, that inasmuch as John Bull was pecuniarily interested in Turkey's success, he would if need bo aid in bringing about such a result. But the British lion after making ono or two feeble growls. which in do way frightened the Russian "bear, became suddenly conscious of the fact that "tho bloody serfs, you know," .would not scare worth a rouble, and forthwith look the high ground of paci fication and non-interrention. Eastern Press on Chinese. Tho stand that many Eastern papers take on tho Chinese question is not un- . like tbeir position on railroad subsidies. They have no nse for such things now; oil thoir needed railroads are built, and it is very simple to take high moral grounds against squandering the public domain. They have received, in other "words, all the pie they want, and now oppose the hungry ones of the Pacific : being fed with the same kind of diet. In rery much the same way they act on the Chinese question. There is no danger of the Mongolians ever becom ing so numerous as to interfere with Eastern people, and'eonsequently they insist upon a strict interpretation of the "Burlingame treaty. The ulcer does not biul them, and they insist upon our Injuring it, in order that our national honor may not bo blotted. It is very j commendable no doubt in our far away Eastern brothers taking this honorable position, but where we have to suffer o for the sake of enabling them to carry their noses aloft, wo naturally object, and seriously so too. "Why Croak T It seems to be the universal fashion to groan and lament over the hard times, debt, taxes, waste, expense and ruin, and one runs a risk of being con- . .sidered a heretic who dares to wear a -cheerful face and suggest that possibly the country is not going to "the demni ion bow-wows." But there is a brighter side to the situation, and in spite of many drawbacks national matters are not going on badly. Tho national debt is under a steady process of reduction, and most of the States are also able to reduce, from time to time the debts in curred, without being compelled to re sorting to the Tennessee "game' which costs more than it save3. Tho crops have been unusually good for three years; especially in Oregon; the farmers are paying off their debts and beginning . to feel themselves once more upon their feet, and the year 1S73 is probably des tined to mark tho revival of that pros- . perity for which v,o have waited so jiatiently. Repudiation. After Tennessee and Virginia shall Tiave gotten through with skinning their creditors in the interest of public morality, it will bo in order for them to propose au amendment to tho constitu tion which shall prevent the disgraco of repudiation by prohibiting any .State from going into debt beyond its means and from subsequently "going back pn" its obligations. The States rights people would naturally indulge in somo very tall swearing over an inova tion which had no other plea than hon esty to support it, but if the guardian ship of the financial honor and credit of the country is not safe in the Lands of the States i I should at once be put in bands whero it would be safe, all theories to the contrary not w ithstanding. jTheold "war horses" of the Demo cratic party are nosing about their armorial closets and are brushing np their battered helmets for another con ieet. Their organs are flooded with ad vice to "keep together," "bo not led off -by side shows," look out for indepen dent movements in the interest of Mitchell," "vote the Democratic ticket even if B. Ii. Zebnb is tho party nomi- nee" and all that well worn thunder But intelligent people have grown ac tually heartsick of hearing this Lifalu tin gush, invariably expressed in the tamo words, and are prepared to vote like sensible beings, how and for whom they choose without any gratuitous ad vice from ordinary editors. Tho press of Eastern Oregon, irre -Bpective of politics, is unanimous in its condemnation of the course pursued by tho Oregoniaii on the railroad question The "only paper" is fas losing its pres tige, and, if we mistake not, Scott will follow in tho footsteps of his Trede cessor. Geo. H. "Pendleton has been elected to succeed Stanley Matthews as Senator from Ohio.. Oresrou "Workingmcii, Attention. At the "Workhigiuen's Congress re CC'2 old, v.-c believe, i ii ts t. l-oui.s, its principal business upv-eared to be tspoiung jnemners v ho uei'c not real .rate they were worunvgmen. At me oinr it is calculated the whole paity will be expelled before the next election, n process luat ciunot be out apprehension, for IT: it rarded v.ith- may reacn Oregon. For workingmen we have the highest opinion and regard, but for their lead ers, ninety times out of a hundred, nothing but contempt. Cassius who attempted to force tho Agrarian lav up on Rome was a most plausible talker, and succeeded in sedueinpr the lower classes into the belief that he was a public benefactor, instead of the arch demagogue. Let the laboring classes of Oregou, before they sign their names to the roll of any ephemeral workingmen's organization, ask them selves who are the leaders of the only two clubs thus far formed in Oregou ? Mr. Liawson, an erratic lawyer, free lover and spiritualist, is tho President of the Salem club, and a San Francisco man, of whom no one knows anything except that he has just come out of St. Vincent's Hospital, is the President of the Portland organization. The real head, however, of -this latter society is that incorrigible infidel Jl. C. Edmonds a man who was hanged in effigy in Union county last year by an indignant people. He is kind of "advanced idea" man himself, being a cross be tween (in a mild form) Robert Dale Owen ond Theodore Tilton. He has changed his politics with every oppor tunity to make by it, and we actually believe that his sudden ardor in behalf of the workingmen is actuated by a do sire to build up his silly paper. This man at one time worked as a cabinet maker, but it was very uncongenial labor, and he has ever since been mak ing capital off it by having himself ad vertised as the "Portland Mechanic." We warn tho workingmen of Oregon against theso demagogues, and assure them that it is our belief that the move ment is started with sinister motives one of which is to make the leaders better off at the expense of their dupes, and another that these hard working officers will bo ready in tho coming political contest to sell out to the high est bidder. Workingmen real work ingmen, not incendiary idlers will be ware of such leaders. It is pretty safe to predict that in case of a general European war, Germany will practically annex Belgium. It is possible that she may do so even in times of peace, and do it with the con sent of the little kingdom herself. Bel gium is a very small territory, densely filled with people who are industrious and thrifty. Tho position it occupies would make it a great accession to the empire, and unusually good terms would bo accorded the Belgians if they would consent peaceably to become a part of the German Union. Recent utterances of King Leopold indicate the favor with which German protection is regarded. Heretofore, England has been tin guar dian of Belgium, and has guaranteed her independence. She will not be likely to forcibly oppose a union, pro vided the people of Belgium desired it, but such addition to German territory would be obnoxious to both Franco and England. In case of a general European struggle, the German policy would bo to march an army of occupa tion into Belgium, and take possession, following tho Russian example iu 1870, when she insisted upon a change in tho treaty of Paris. In the event of a ces sation of hostilities, and peace between Russia and Turkey, Bismarck w ill cither have to postpone the realization of his ambition or else accomplish it by purely peaceful negotiations. The tone of King Leopold s remarks indicate that ho is not averse to close relations with tho neighboring empire Sonator Edmunds has recently pub lished an open letter on the President's couro in appointments, and it is said to have so thoroughly concurred in his views with Mr. Hayes that ho will in the present session of Congress be looked upon as the leader of -the admin istration. If this be true, Mr. Conk ling will find a foemen worthy of his steel. Although an old man, Mr. Ed munds is one of the most astute reason crs, ready talkers aad incisive swords men in debate that has ever heard his voice reverberate through the Senate chamber at Washington. We congratu late President Hayes on the acquisition. mi w f a xue iemocraiic inuaiionists and re- pudiators of tho western states, Jknow- mg that they can control tho next national convention of their party, are announcing their purpose betimes T L 11 t 1 . ijubi year iuey uemanueu only the re peal of the resumption act. In 1880, according to the Cincinnati Enquirer, 1. jj ji ii. ... .. .ucjr mix uciuauu luo nomination oi a candidate who will promise, if elected, to sign a bill to make the bonds payable in paper. It is well to know this in season, -uong before that time the puono crouu ought to be put outside or party politics, and the peonle nnM.t to make it certain that no repudiator of any parry can ever le President. v. u.uriu w, onusueu witn as cribing to Clackamas county the honor of having Republicans fit for the office of Governor andState Treasurer thrusts another compliment upon us by recom- menuing iur. c. i Uhurch for the oince oi ecretary or state. Hayes will recommend Congress to open negatiations with the Chinese gov ernment with a view to fixing some lim itation to immigration to ihat country Edmunds' Amendment. Washington, Jan. Id. The following is the amendment to Matthews resolu tion offered in the Senate by Edmunds: j B- ii enacted. That all bonds of tho j United States issued or authorized to be issued under "the acts of Congress ; are payable, principal and interest, in gold coin or its equivalent, and that a:iy other payment, without the consent of the creditor, would be in violation of public faith and in derogation of his rights. Whereas, It appears from the recora of the mint that the total coinage of the silver dollar has been $8,01:3,838; and Wiikheas. The silver dollar of the United States has long been absolutely obsolete as any substantial part of the money of the country, and that which had been so coined was almost entirely converted into other forms of metal, and did not exist at the time of making any of tho existing loans of the United r. . . .1 "a. 1 , - btaies, or inoso irom wuicu existing loans have been refunded; and, Whkkeas. Bv the provisions of the coinage act of 1S73, passed on tho 12th of February of that year and the revised statutes enacted on the first day of that year, all provisions of law authorizing tho coinage of such buver Uoilar were repealed; and. Whereas, Since' the passage of said last mentioned acts, gold coin, which, by reason of the premises, has been the only existing lawful coin tender and standard of value for all payments above the sum of five dollars as it had teen the only one iu fact, of many years be fore; the United States borrowed in gold coin from the people of this and other countries the sum of not less than $592 900.700, at a rate of interest lower than that of any loan ever before made by the government and payable in cojn; ana, Whebeas, Holders of all government securities have a right to expect that, however much the United States may change its laws so as in fact to affect their interests favorably, it will never evade or repeal favorite legislation eith er for the purpose or with the effect to make money at tho expense of its cred itors; and. Whereas, Differing from a transac tion of affairs between private persons, public creditors have no means of en forcing tho payment of their loans, it is a duty of the highest obligation on the part of the United States to pay it debt in such a manner as to meet the expectations of its creditors, and to re frain from taking advantage of the cheapness of silver by reviving other obsolete coins, or obsolete or repealed coinago laws, in order to provide for payment in silver. Whereas, The substantial present value of silver in a -dollar of 412 grains being only 02 per centum of the value of a dollar gold, it would also be unjust for tho law making power bv new legislation to compel nil private creditors to receive from their debtors such silver dollar in payment of pre-ex isting ilcbts and equally unjust and even more cruel to compel tho great number of citizens of the united States who subsist on tho wages of their daily labor to receive payment for their work in money, either depreciated or debased. A Mysterious Aiiair. On last Saturday morning, Mr. D. G. Leonard, tho proprietor of the bridge property at the lower crossing of John Day river, in this county, was found lying in bed at his heme, in an uncon scious condition, with a hole in his head near the right temple, supposed to huvo been made with a bullet from a small pistol. The house was full of peo ple at the time and yet uo ono heard the discharge of any lire-amis or any other unusual distui banco Dr. Logan has been in attendance on the wounded man, but, we learn, has little hope of his recovery, although our last tidings were that he was some better. At the last term of tho district court, Mr. Leonard commenced suit for a divorce from his wife, and it seems they have not lived very happily together for some time. Under these circumstances she has been arrested on suspicion of hav ing committed the deed and brought to town by Sheriff Cros.scn and lodged in jail. Her examination is set for to-day when probably something moro may bo learned in relation to thio mysterious affair. Dalles Mou n ta'.n eer. Tho following are tho votes iu the Senate which are relied upon to furnish the twenty-six votes necessary to sus tain the President's veto of tho silver bill: Twelve from New England, two from New York, two from Delaware, one from Maryland (Dennis), ono from Georgia ( LTill ), ono from Mississippi (Lamar), ono from Michigan (Chris tiancy), one from California (Sargent), and ono from Oregon (Mitchell). These tweuty-two votes are.considered certain. The remaining four votes are looked for from the following six, classed as doubt ful: Booth of California, Windom of Minnesota, Eustis of Louisiana, Chaffee of Colorado, Paddock of Nebraska and Grover of Oregon. It is also hoped that the moral effect of the President's veto will give it one or two additional votes. Fish Ccxtche. The California Fish Commission state in their report that a quarter of a million of Sacramento sal mon were placed in the Truckee river about two years ago, and next summer will probably be found in Pyramid Lake, where there is an abundance of food. Since its organization the Commission has placed in the streams of this State 8,350,000 young salmon. From 6,000, 000 to 10,000.000 eggs are annually hatched on the McCloud river, at the United States fish hatches y. A correspondent of the Roseburg Plalndcaler says Dr. Souville Mathieu, who has been advertising extensively in Southern Oregon, and has gathered in several thousand dollars from the green horns, is a San Jose barber. All of the quacks on the coast are lleeciug the people of Oregon.and while other States have a law requiring practitioners to have a regular diploma, our Solons re fused to pass a similar act. Victor Emanuel, king of Italy, died on the 9th. nis son, Prince Humbert, will step in and take his seat as one of the crowned head of Europe. A fire at Honolulu destroyed 250,000 worth of property, on the 8th, in tho Explanade portion of the city. Telegraphic News. Kastem. Washington, Jan. 9. Luttrell and Page had an interview with the Presi dent yesterday in regard to Chinese immigration on tho Pacific coast. They preseuted the resolutions that were re cently passed by the California legisla ture on the subject, and tola the X'resi dent that both political parties in the State were united on this question. The President said tho snbject had been caretulJy considered by the Cabinet, and while he sympathized with the peo ple of California, yet the Chinese had treaty rights which this government must respect, lie would, however, call the attention of Congress to the subject that negotiatios might be opened with n view to fixing some limitation to im migration from that country. Nv ASHiNGTON. Jan. 13. Offices estab lishedClear creek, Columbia county, Oregon, n. D. S. Luther. P.M.; Dnfur, Wasco county, Oregon, C. A. Williams, Jr. Al.; V emouia, Columbia county, Ure gon, D.F.Baker, P.M.; Zena, Polk county, Oregon, P. F. Clark, P. M. Discontinued Mt.IIood.Wasco county. Oregon. Name changed Whittle's Fer ry, Lake county, Oregon, to Plevna. Postmasters appointed A.J.Wetherby, Express Ranch, Baker county, Oregon; Wni. n. Roberts, Plevna, Lake county, Oregon; Henry Tullis.Newaukuni.Lew is county, W. T. A formal application has been made at the general land office for survey of a portion of the old Fort Dearborn res ervation as public land still subject to entry, although it embraces all the bus iness portion of Chicago south of the river. Washtkotox, Jan. 14. Mitchell's bill for the protection of salmon fisheries prohibits the taking of salmon in the Columbia river and tributaries, by any means whatever, between July 26th and October 1st of each year, and imposes penalties of at least 1,000 for the first offense and 1,500 fine and 12 months' imprisonment for subsequent offenses. Minute regulations are prescribed con cerning the taking by gill nets, seines, wires and traps, between April 1st and July 2Cth, and similar heavy penalties are imposed for violation. Tho bill also prohibits throwing into the stream saw dust from mills or waste liquids from factories, tanneries, etc., between July 1st and December dlst o each year, ua der a penalty of $500 for each offence One half of the lines are to be paid to the informers and tho rest devoted to the propagation and preservation of fish under tho direction of the commissioner of fisheries New Era in ISushiess. Ono of the hopeful signs of a new era in tho business of Portland is tho ap pearance simultaneously in about forty papers of this State, of the advertise meut cf Messrs. Hodge, Davis & Co This is one of tho leading firms of tho Pacific coast, a consolidation of tho firms of T. A. Davis & Co., and nodge Snell and Co. It is a good omen of tho future, and we hopo the examp'o set by Messrs. Ilodgo, Davis & Co. will bo fol lowed by others of the leading mercan tile firms of our sister city. In no other State of this Union will you find the interior press ignored as they have been ignored by merchants in Portland. In no other State will you find a oommun ity of interior people, country store keepers, farmers, small traders, etc., so independent of the metropolitan dealer as t!oy are in Oregon. This is the nat ural result of the policy pursued by the metropolitans: Californians everywhere are proud f San I rarcisco, tho Mi i sourian is proud of St. Louis; the Illin oisan is proud of his Chicago; the Ken tnckian of Ids Louisville; tho Buckeye is proud of Toledo, Cleveland, Cincin nati etc., but hero in our own beautiful and prolific Oregon, none scareeW out side of Portland feel any pride in that city. For one we suall bo happy to see a change cf sentirneut, based upon more liberal ideas of business on tho part of the mercantile community of our sistt-r city, hence wo refer with pride to the stop in this direction made by Messrs. Hodgs, Davis & Co. Asforian. State t"ews. W. J. Barry Lns been appointed chief of police at Astoria. The Salem Record is tho greenbackers' organ. "What's the matter, Norton? Graham, who killed Ochiltree at Pass crock, has been held to await the action of the grand jury. The O. S. N. Co. will build several new steamboats for the Columbia river trade this season. The lead pipe game, in supposed 820 rolls, has just been intruduced into Marsh field, Coos Bay. A new paper called tho Independent has been started at Pendleton, Umatilla county, by Lot Livermoro & Co. It Gnakes a good appearance. On Birch creek, Umatilla county, diphtheria is very fatal. Twenty-four deaths within the last few weeks have occurred within a few miles of Pilot Rock. Al. Tlowland has been arrested at San Francisco, charged with the seduction of a daughter of B. H. Price, of Salem. Al. left Salem in a hurry last week, but he will have to come back aud face tho music. On the 24th nit. Samuel Dodge was shot and killed in Warner valley, Grant county, by Wm. Wallace. Both were wealthy stockmen. Full particulars are not received, but it is known that the affair grew out of an old feud. The Santiam Canal Company has been reorganized, under the name of the "Albany und Santiam Canal Compnny." It is the purpose of the company to en large the canal and place thereon a number of boats for the spring and summer trade. Territorial News. Tho coal mines of Tuyallup are said to have run out. John Bock was pretty badly frozen recently near Shoshone falls, Idaho. Somo of his fingers and toes may have to be amputated. Mr. John Van Woemer, mail carrier for tho Chehalis route near Olympia, and his father, were drowned in the Chehalis river last Wednesday. Tho bark Lady Lamp son ran on a rock near Esquimalt on the 0th. She is half full of water, with little proba bilitv of tretting her off. Cargo is near ly all ruined, chiefly merchandise from London, " ' News lor the People. If Ion visit Portland and wish to bnv a firm suit ot clothes .u n. low prion, call iit Ackorinan Pros., corner First aud Washing ton streets. A Grocer in Trouble. Pniffin was seen this morning in a ter- Mrs rible r; ae and tfving her grocer a piece of iter mind for sending her n box of poor Yeast r, thereby 8poilinfr a batch of flour. The 's hair stood on end, and just as soon ns his br.'Hth lie said, "Now, madam, if ill civo your tonirue a vacation I will Powdt proccr' Kt. you w presn t you with a box of Donnelly's Yeast l'owu r, ice oesi on uns coast. A Gentle Hint. In our stylo of climate, witb Us sudden changes of temperature, rain, wind and sun shine often intermingled in a single day, it is no wonder that our children, friends and relatives are so frequently taken from us by neglected colds, half the- deaths resulting direct ly from this cause. A bottle of Boschee's German Syrup kept about your home for im mediate use win prevent serious sickness, a larr doctor's bill, and probably death, by tho use of three or four doses. For curing Con sumption, Hemorrhages, Pneumonia, Severe Coughs, Croup or siny disease of the Throat or Idlings, its success is simply wonnertul. ns your druggist will tell yon. Clei man Syrup is now sold in every town and village on this continent. Sample bottles, tor trial, 10 cents ; regular size, 75 cents. MARRIED. At Salem. Jan. 0th, Mr. J. E. Mann and Mrs. ISelle A. Cox. Jan. 12. by Rev. T. II. Small. J. F. Nichol son, of Clackamas county, and Miss Altha K. llagadom, or Marion ccuruy. At the residence of Mr. Chas. T-ogas in this city, Jn. 10. by the Rev. John W. Sell wood, Kichard J. Monroe, or lewistori, idalio, ana Mrs. Kmraa Staender. of this city. SEW TO-DAY. E 7 GOODS . yVol:oi"iiiMxi Bros. Will romove to Dcmrnt'i CuIbllnT, (formerly occupied iy X. Selling) about the firatof February, and will ojeii oat with, the finest stoclc of jroods in tills city. ACXEBMAH E3C3. STRAYED OR STOLEN ! ONE YOKE OF rATTT.F. RTRAYFP FROM Oregon t ity alxtut the --'M ;f AuiruH. 1 he following is a description of the s.t.-ui-: On., brindle, horr.s stand uo; the other, pule rd, with white sxts on f.ice and h-icr;; Loth marked with undi-r bit :ind s.I;t i:i the -iir; hot h small six-'. I will give &50 to any one returning them to me at Oregon I 'it y, or h' for information of their whoreahoiit. Jan. 17, 187S-4t. JOHN WILSON. ftOTSC U. f. Lan d Okfick. Oregon City, 1 Or'gon, Jnmi.trv llth.lSTS. ( )M PI. I 7 !! A VI.V U ii K K.X EXT K It IC.D uigton county, Oregon, wn n a m hm- cnnc"ll:t ion of sitid entry: the s;iid vrtjes an; Ikt- hy summoned to appear nt hiso!liee on the l'll'h dav ot' February, lSTS, at 1J o'clock A. M., to respond and furnish test iniony con cerning said alleged abandonment. h. T. liAHIN, It. gister. T." Ii. HARRISON, Receiver. Jan. 17. ISTlt JOHft ORikm &CO GREAT GLEAR5HG SALE! THIS DA'Y. We will commence SWEEPIE3 CLEARANCE SALE I Preparatory to Mock taking. Tho ntn itiuluterf re.'.rnanl of t!e past year 1I1 !e offered at prices that trill sliow tlie public tliiit we mean business. In the fcllowinfr Irprtnieiila we 5ire laid out Iarje lots, wliic! we will sell 25 n.a CO wr cent, below rejfnlar prlcesi III !! Canluiieres, C'oloreil Cuslimcres, Dresa Goods, Wa terprtvafy, Li Junkets, Bltcetirtfjs, Towels, Tablo Une, Hosiery &nd L'aJerw Felt SKIrts, Shawls, IVliito Flunnaltt, Colore'.l Flannel, Umbrella, And Fancy Goods. JOHN GRAN & CO., J(a. 10. 73-tf. POBT1ASD, Offn. CITATION. In the County Court of Clackam County. State of Oregon. In tho matter of the estate of Austin G. Beebe, deceased, and the application to sell the real property of said estate. mo CHARLOTTE DEEBE, AND ALL I other persons unknown. Interested in said estate. In tho name of the State of Ore gon, you and each of you aro cited to be and appear-before this Court at a term thereof to be held on Saturday, January 2tith, 1878. at the hour of one o'clock P. M., to show cause. if any exist, why an order should not be maae by this Court to sell the following described real property belonging to said estate, to pay the debts thereof, to.wit : Tho West half of the E. M of sec. 8, and 45 acres off the W. side of the E. Ja of the E. X thereof in T. 5 S. R. 1 E. of tho Willamette Meridian, containing 205 acres, and situate in Clackamas countv, Oregon according to the petition of O. W. Fish, administ rator of said estate, filed In this Court. December 1st, 1877. Witness m v nann ana me seat oi said Court this 13th day of December A. I). 1877. W. II. II. FOUT8. dec20,77-4t. County Clerk. HEW LIKE OF STEAMSHIPS BETWEEN PORTLAND & SAN FRANCISCO. THE P. O. O. S. CO. IRT, HEREAFTER RUN A RTXE. OF steamers every five days between SAN FRANCISCO AND PORT LAN Oi Tassmgcr Accommodations rnsGrpp.sscd. Tickets for sale at J. M. Bacon's bookstore, Oregou City. For further particular! apply to J. HcCKACKEN ti CO.. Affents. rortland, Oct. JI, lS77-tf. THOMAS GHARfflAfi ESTABLISHED 185J. DF.SIRF.S TO INFORM THE CITIZENS O Oregon City and of the Willamette Val ley, that he is still on hand aud doiD ir h i- ness on the old motto, that A Kimble Six Pence is Better than a Slow Shilling I have just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased ono of the LARGEST AH3 BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS ever before offered in this city ; and consists in part, as follows : Boots and Slices, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Oils, Paints and Sash and Doors,: Chlnaware, Queensware, Stoneware, Crockery, Platedwre, Glassware, Jswelry of Vriou Qualities And Styles, Clocks aud Watches, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy No- Rope, Farming tlons of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper. it. Of lb fcbOT list, I can say my stock is ,tU MOST COMPLETE ever offered In this market, and was seleted with especial care for the Oregon City tradAU of which I now oiler for sale at tho Lowest EVIarEcct Rates. No uso for the ladieR, or any ono else, to think of fjoing to Portland to buy iods for I am Determined to Stll Cheap and uot to allow myseii to bo UNDERSOLD IN THE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask is a fair chanco and quick; pay ments, believing as 1 do that Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables me to know tho re quirements of the trade. Come one and all and see for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CIIARMAX can not be beaten in quality or price. It would be useless for me to tell you all t he advantages I can ofTer you in t he sale of poods, as every store that advertises does that, ami nroojibly you have been disappointed. Ail 1 wisa to say is Conie, ami S?c, and Examine fur Yonrstlvcs, for Ido not wish tomako any mistakes. My object is to tell all my old Irit-nds now that I am st ill a live, and desirous to sell poods cheap, for cash, or ii j on such terms ns agreed l?;.o;i. Thankltvr all for the liberal patronage hereto fore bestowed. THO. CIIARMAN, Main Street, Oregon Cify. Jx'fral Tenders and County Scrip taken at market rates. THOS. CIIARMAN. CVol'.OiiO lbs wool wanted by nov. 1. '7r-tf T1IOS. CIIARMAN. UVEtlV, FEED, AliD SALE milE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIETOR OF e th"Ijvery stabl- en Kifib street, Oregon City. Oregon, keeps constantly on hand nir;iee, ;C'u.rria-e3 and flatly. Butlule iisi-l Cu;;,y liorses. Prices Ilca.onaUle Oregon Cit3, Nov. 5, 1S75. Proprietor. 0. A. BRBISGHTGH, "7"OTTL,D INFORM THE CITIZENS OF V Oregon City and vicinity that he is pre pared to furnish Fir Cedar Lumber, Of every deecription, at low rates. AP?LEATa.XES. ALSO, Dry Flooring;, Ceilinjr, Iicistic, -Spruce, (for shelving), I:ilt5ce, Pit Ueis, ru;I l-'ciice-i'osls, Cedar, Co)iz!int!y on hand. Street and Sidewalk lumber furnished on the shortest notice, at as low rates as it can be purchased in the. St ate. Give me n cat 1 at t he OllliGOK CITY SA W MILLS. Oregon City, June 10. 1S75 :tf CLIFF HOUSE. O R EG ON G ITY, OR E G OS T. IY. RHODES, Proprietoi. Transient Hoard, !1 to SM per'' Djt) Stnirle ?Ienls ..50 fenK ltoarri !r We-k Hoard and L.ocIiinnr perweck "i'O CO The Table will be supplied with the best the JU.'irKCL 3(lIOrU5. Ball Suppers furnished on short notice, and Nov. 19. 1875 .-tf L. JACCARS, Dialer ix FLOUR, HAY, STRAW, UATS, POTATOES, WOOL, ETC., GRAIN SACKS AMD TWINE 7The highest market paid in cash for all kinds of produce . One door south mt Postoille, Oregon City, Sept. 13. 1877-if. jMVT "T"V Great chance to ma tee money. VCX ijJ If you can't get gold you can get greenbacks. We need a person Jn every town to take subscriptions for the largest, cheapest and bestTllustrated family publica tion in the world. Any one can become a suc cessful agent. The most elegant works of art given free to subscribers. The price is so low that almost everybody subscribes. One agent reports making over $VM in a week. A lady agent reports taking over fi)0 subscribers In en days. All who engage make money fast. You can devote all your time to the business, or only your spare time. You need not be away from home over night. You can do It as w'ell as other3. Full particulars, directions and terms free. Elegant and expensive Out fit free. If you want profitable work send us your address at once. It costs nothing to try the business. No one who engages falls to great pay. Address "The People's Journal," Portland, Maine. sib mm. & pahkep.'s Celebrated .. :.f..:.C. '4 YAs ES WHEEL! WALLACE, Agent' for Clackamas County, And the State Jn general. This Is one of the best wheels in use on t he Pacific t oast, and gives perfect satisfaction in every Instance. Any one purchasing a wheel which does not come up to the guarantee, if properly put iu, the money will be refunded and all damages paid. For further Information apply to W. M. Wallace, at Cutting's Mill, near Viola, Clackamas Co., or at this oflloe. Sept. 13, li7.-)mos. VAl NORTHWEST GRANGER Washing Machine.. gee tSais Itlsielaiiie Doforo Purchasing Elsewhcro. Pul!irt attent ion is called to this splendid Machine. It is an Oregon invention, ana took tho First Premium atithe LIST OREGON STATE FAIR- It will be MANUFACTURED AT HOME, By a responsible firm. It contains Tour cor rugated Rollers, equal to four wash-boards' working in unison : will not injure but tens or clot hes, and is the raostt useful and perfect? machine ever offered to the public. Patented October 18, r77. Being manufactured her. In case any of its parts are broken, such part can be replaced at a low figure without buy--ing the entire machine ; and such parts will De supplied free wnere mere was a aeieci in the machine sold. County and State rightw for sale. Address A. M. CORNELIUS, Patentee, dec.l3.77-tf. Oregon City, Ogn. A GARB AUD PROSPECTUS. Having opened a free Intelligence Office, for" -he purpose of assisting newcomers to our' State to all possible means at my command, where ase kept, files of all leading newspapers tory. I have also determined to establish a land journal, to be called THE OREGON AMD WASHINGTON LAND REGISTER. and Real Estate Agents into closer communi cation with the thousandsof Immigrants who are arriving in this city with a view to the ultimate purchase of lands. It will be printed ill l " .tiiti in n --('.ijn 'Fii.i, iiif i.'tr1 , -Ji i"' inches, and wilt in- devoted solely to the pur pose for wlii.'h it is established. The first edition of r,(i:K) co;ii"s wid le issued alout the linh of February, I$7S. and as olten there alter as t he influx of immigration demands. irt rin.iil.t, nuu'CTuiiui, tA,m r.nrlit tiqirn M tk 1" V. . .':im u: iitn:i- ititii uinn uui I i. ,!. sale wiil he condensed to occupy ten lines (TO words) r less, and will be charged for at the rate of one 1-Har ach. Jt is more I han probable that from twenty five t'.n.iis ml people will b" added to our population during i.tie spring and summer ol i7S. Near'y ali ini migrants who come to ! Orego?! .".nd Wahi'i-f.-m Territory land first at Portland, and wi'l recieve a copy of this paper, as it wilt I e distributed gratuitously. Ii will therefor" be ; best possible means of" 1. ringing lands ai;d other j r.jj-erty for sale to t heir not ice. I er ript ions of property for sale may be written out in full, givirg character, location,, price, t"rms of sale, and al! advantages oi" schools, churches, roads, etc., which will be editorially condensed to the required space, and the letter numbered to corres. ond with t he deseript ion, and tiled in lay otMce for re ference. No charge v.ill be made tor sales, arranged thrnuirh this ag'r:Cy the only fee required bejnc i'.i: dollar for each description inserted in tb" Land Ki oistfr, which must I forwarded with the description. It. maybe sent in silver by r gisu r.-d letter, or by po'staT order at my r;s!:. Correspondence on all subjects connected with the development of all port ions of t he State and Territory lespeel fully s.:ii it: d. I k"e;i a r-.gisHr in my oti c" in which ar entere.i nn- want s of al I pa .; ' . '. Hi" Mate and Territory for laborers, mec'in:-.;es. merchants,, etc., which Is wn tor the fre ins e: ion of licwoonvrs. Notice -.f s i.-ii Willi's resp-'Ct-lully solicited, AU matter intended U,r p:tb lieatlon in th ' land !vfiy-r must, be writ tot: oil one side oi" the paper only, and be in prior to the nrr-t of February. 17S. All d scrii tions of projw-rfy for .!.- will b" inserted in the er.br of their arrival those coming tirst ort t he outside pages. Relieving that t k's : ne: io it ;o:i will Lcirrea! ly to the fidvii ;i; age of bo'h bt.'er arai seller, I respect tu My solicit the pat r -a oi t he pub'ie. Address all coaitiiuhieat ioi.t. to meat Port land. Oregon. i. "?!'. STt:.vliNr. Portland, 0rn., Tuc. -Z, 177. ja Mf. G u a rd !anT3 Safe. "VOTICE LS HEREBY OIVK.V THAT IV Jjl pursuance- r.t i:n or-.h r of the t'ounty Court of Marion "county, -re iron, m.-mc on tllO ISIiniH ('Sl'lH'iii ,, .1. I', mi, 1 Hill i-.iei for sal.-" to ih" highest bidder, nil the riirht, tille ar.d interest oi 1 'iv V.'rignt, Orr Wright and Ella Wright, minor heirs of Joseph A. Wriirht, lec- aseu, of and in and to the follow ing described paiv- !s of land situate in I lack .unus count v, St-.l e of t'regon, to wit: Lot 3 of section I'.i'and the S. V. H of the S E. ?t, and 1-ot 1,?. Sand 4 of section -jm. all in T. 4 s., i:.iK. of the Willamette Miiitiiau, con taining lift acres more or less. The interest of said minors being each an undivided one third interest in said above described land. Said sale will take place at the Court Ilonse door in Oregon City, Clackamas county, Ore gon, at the hour of one o'clock I'. M. on 'l'nesday, tlie 29tli dnywf Jajuiary, A. i U7S. Terms of sale gold coin in hand. ii. i . i;.ji."mjx Guardian of said minors. Pec. 27. !S77-.t. Administrator's Safe. T Y VIRTI E OF AN ORDKH AXI) m.'- 5 creeof the ( oanty Court of the County of Clackamas and .-tate of regon, made and, entered on th. 4th day of ( H tobcr, ls?7, the, undersigned, administrator of the estate of the estate of John Gray, deceased, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder at tho Court House door of said county, on Saturday, January 19th, 1ST8, at the hour of 1 o'cIock-P. M. of said day, All the following described, real property, belong ing to said estate, and situate in the County aforesaid, to-wit : A certain lot of land, de scribed as follows : The N. K. of the S. E. fc of section 20, and the N. H of the S. W. and the N. W. of the s. E. of sec. 21, all in T. 4 S.. R. 2 E., of the Willamette Meridian, con tain ing lfio acres. And also the following de scribed tract, being in T. 4 S., R. 2 E.. of saldi Meridian: Beginning at a point 2 chains East and 20 chains South of the N. W. corner of sec. 21, in said township ; running thence South 20 chains; thence West 2H.75 chains; thence North 20 chains: thence East 29.75 chains to the place of beginning, containing 50 acres. Terms of sale : One-half of purchase money to be paid down In erold coin ; balance in ono year in like coin, with interest at 10 per cent. peranijum. r.acii tract to ik soiu sepaiaieiy. JOHN NOVER, Administrator. E. L. Eastiiam. Att'v for adm'r. dec20-4t. Notice. U. S. I.AS-n Office, Ohkoon City, Oregon, January 9, 1S7S. J CIOMPLAINT HAVING P.EEN ENTERED J at this oftice bv R. C. Patton. of Washing ton county, against A. E. Incraham for aban doning his homestead entry, No. lSH'.l, dated August 21. 1871. upon the nort h-east Quarter section 20. township 2 north, range 2 west, in Washington county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry: the said par ties are hereby summoned to appear at this oftice on the 7th day ot February, l7rt, nt 10 o'clock A. M., to respond and furnish testi mony concerning said abandonment. I,. T. HAH IN, Register, Jiilfl,7S-lt. T. R. HARRISON, Receiver. H9TIGE OF CDHSOLiDATIOH "VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE JJ the firms of T. A. Davw V Co. ;ind Hodge, Snell fc Co., heretofore engaged' in the wholesale Drug. Paint, oil andUlaKs busi ness, at Nos. 71 and 75 Front street, respective ly, have this day consolidated under the firm name of IIODCiEDAVIS fc CO:. and w "continue the business at No. 71 Front sireel Dlilfurther notice. CHAS. UOPfJE, 1 , A. DAVIS, GH' . W. SNET.Ii, F. K. ARNOLD. Portland, Ogn., January 1 IS7S. BE-ANKSOF EVERY DESCRIPTION FOR Sale at this office. Just ices of the Vaeq can g uDjthing tu their line.