J O O ! .4 ; ? T 3l)c (Smtcrptjsc. OREGON CITY, THLRSDA1. DEC. 20, IS77. UUhVlTIbS. M. E. Sociable at Win. Pope's to-night, j Start in with the New Year and take the county paper. The Atchi amateurs propose to give an other entertainment shortly. Mr. C" F. Beatie was appointed a notary l.ub'.ic by Guv. ChailwieK last Monday. The Wilton troupe and Sam well 'a dot; whow will i piar in this city the latter part of this week. Present yourself with the E.vteiipiusk for a year as a Christmas gift, and you will be happy and so will the printer. Rev. C. C. Stratton's residence in San Jose was recently destroyed by tire. It is supposed to be the work of an incendiary. Fights have been in order for for the past week, and three contributions were made for the oenetit ot tue city s nuances. The Portland I winks have too much inonev, anu decline to iv interest on deposits for the present. .Send some this way. McCorniick's almanac for 1S7S is just out, replete with valuableintormntion concern- inir Webfoot, and J. M. Itacon has thetn for ftale. A valuable cow belonging to Mr. J A. Humphrey, of the Oregon City Mills, was run over oy a freight tram last hundav and killed. A grand ball is announced to take place at liutteville Christmas evening, tlie U-jtli Excellent musi; has been seeiinul. and ; gixxl time may le expecttsl. Chas. Gaul, the Hammond convert who visited our city about a year ago ami gave hi " experience," has again been arrested for petit lirceny at Portland. Capt. J. C, Ainsworth and wife, of Port land, are visiting the far famed liukes of Killaruey in Ireland. They will s(end the winter in Italy and return home in April. Remember the entertainment at Pope's Hall to-morrow evening for the lienetitof Mrs. Anna L. Meeks, w ho is a cripple and wishes to receive treatment from the Sur gical Institute. The "Standard" says: Father Gibney was thrown from a hack in Yomhill txitintv last week and severely bruised by Am . Shadden's pounds of meat falling on him. Abel Eudej' gave a party at the resi dence of his parents last Friday evening, the occasion of his iJI.st birthday. Dancing Btid games of different kinds were indulg ed in, and the affair was "hugely "enjoyed by the largo number present. On the 1st of March next, Messrs Miller A Church, of this city, will commence the erection of a three-story brick building on their property on the corner of First and Morrison Streets, onjiosite the Occidental Hotel, Portland. The proposed structure has already been leased for a term of five years. Mr.Quinn.of Canemah, has just brought into bur otliee a goose egg just deposited by one of the ganders referred to by us a'few weeks since. It is rjuite an unusual occurrence to gather fruit of this kind at this time of year, and from this reason it is worthy of an item. Mr. Quiim is thor oughly posted oti the breeding of fowls, and taught us more in an hour than we sn digest in a year. Real Instate Trausters. The following are the transfers of real estate which have taken place since our issue of Dec. 13, compiled by Mr. Win. Whitlock, deputy county clerk : SUite of Oregon to E. Laeey. lots 9 and 10 , In .j-tiou p, T 4 S R 4 13, containing acres; consideration $-l 73. State ot Oregon to H. I. Darling, the N W '4 of section 20, T 1 S R '2 13, contain ing liiD acres ; consideration SJWi. Win. Atkinson and wife to Theo. Hag nberger, one half interest in the proporty known a the Kellogg block, Milwaukie, Oregon; consideration !fl:M). 1!. Itriod vnnd wife to 13. P. Hands, part of the N E of section &J T :i M It 2 E, containing Sf acres ; deed given to correct former de,d. ' Geo. Conner and wife to 13. I'. Rands. the K 4 of the N W and 1-5 acres oil" of the S end of the W 4 of the same quarter, bisection 1: also (15 acres on the, south side of the S V, of the N E of section 22, T :i S R .' E. containing 100 acres; consid eration $ 1, 2ro. Jas. Otlicer and wife to David Oflicer, the N of claim "o. being parts of sections Hi, 2t, 2!) and 30, T 4 S It 2 13, con taining l!f) acres ; coiiside-iation $I,(MK. Jas. OlHottr and wife to J. 13. Oilicer, the E of claim No. :VJ, being parts of sections U. 2, 41 and :$). T 4 S K 2 13, containing Mi acres; consideration $1,000. Jos. Parrott to F. N. Jameson A J. Bow ilen, irt of section 23 and claim No. 43, T 3S R l Kt containing 1! acres; considera tion (1. Thanks for Favors Itcstowetl. Oreoon CfTV, Dec. 17. 1S77. To the Mayor and City Council 4it-ntlcmen : The silvery notes of the new Ji re-be 11 of Columbia Hook A Ladder Co. No. 1, as it rang out on the still air at our last meeting, awakened us to the fact that e rc the recipients of another token of .your kind appreciation ot our services rendered in the past, and that vou are not jiiinunuiui that we may remier eiuciem rscrvice in time to come. "We accept it with pleasure, and shall strive in future to still im worthy vonr remembrance. We hope i to make such use of it that .tmid us be enlisted in a worthy cause, and that it may. in a ineasure.assist in destroy ing that element ho destructive to lives and property, and which alike concerns us all. We trust that each note, as it re- wuiratesalonz these cults, will kindle anew ?the name of curasro in every "hre-bov's" beurt to strive to protect the lives and -proerty or this city from that liend so fc-arful in his rage. "We trust should a lire occur in our midst to show our gratitude in a more expressive manner; but, for want of a better, we must ask you to ac "ept the thanks of the company. We have tUe honor, gentlemen, of subscribing our elve. Yours Respectfully, E. C. Hack ett, 1). .1. Slover, V Com. F. R. Charm an. ) oCivti, Service Reform. Under Stress of what the two Iemocrats of the Locks C-ommiMlon call "insistent demands of coiwtrtwenu" Mr.Conoway, the eUlcient secretary of the Imard, was compelled to resign last week, and Mr. V L White was chosen in his stead, if uCe "liU st! ent demands of constituents" were inm ii 1 Into, it would doubtless be founVAh"t few party hacks with an itching toVl, so in on all the loaves and ftshes.were deeply moved to agitato Messrs. Parker and Jen nings, whereby the aforesaid gentlemen werm tna4? .tejjteye ail Oregon was in ,aKao4i ,over tlie patter. They should umse ueeii piain.io confers thiit they waiU Democrat in the plaoe of Mr.Conoway feather .thaH to beat the bush for subte'ii uges to carer the infamy of -tlie trans action. It Is illustrative of just how far jrivU pervice reform has struck jn on two oll fo4sila, who would rather uphold the Ujdarl of party thati to evince oie particle ot the b pit St of true c4tizenship ,ut loose from trammels While we have ,nohing to ay Sq disparagement of the Ability of Yr.Wiritefto ser.ve as emciently, Aoa free ifO confess -that Mr. Couoway a jui Leou a verv ftcthfvH orccer ana was ;ilwkri Ut be faucd at liis post of duty. an(f we ndersuwid the cotuniissioners iiaye eertitjed a tuuefa in .tjelr minutes, andift was ot for4.be appeals," etc., etc,,. -wquJahave been glad to retain him in tfioe. ITne eotiimission have made Mr. Couoway a viet.m of political pro- Tcription and .that is the etid ciil4iniH he next turn of the cards. Repairs. Demenfs Inaldinjc, lately .occupied by I. Selling, s imdergoing re jirs. and wilt be fixed up in good style. The first etnrv will le raised three feet, and have ew eeiting ad fiocH aod when nnwheil will lie one of the fittest stores m the city. M r. AckerBja4i has leased 2l ror term of fire drears, and .will move 2!-?lil a pledld ocJs as eocui as the epsira are completed. Letter from Spring water. ORANGE OFFICERS HIGHLAND GRANGE WANTS THK COURT HOUSE ON THE BLUFF. Editor Enterprise: The following are the officers elect of this Grange for the ensuing year: W. M., C. T. Hickman ; W. O., J. W. Mack well; W. Sec'y, W. II. rarlow; w. 1., A. Harrington; . is., Or. Wallace; Ass tS., E. Harrington; W. I., W. E. Lvon; W.C.J. Harrimrton: Ass't C, Maggie Harrington; Pomona, Maggie Jones; Flora, Moria Harrington ; Ceres, C. T. Hickman ; W. G. K., T. It. Jones. l he following preamble and resolution was passed-: Whereas, Hie tax payers of Clackamas county are greatly agitated over the ques tion as to where "the court house shall be built, we, the patrons of this Grange, deem it well to publicly express our opinion: ltesolved, That it would be more to the interest of the tax payers of this county, and more to the advancement of Oregon City for the court house to be bullion the lot designated bv Dr. Mclaughlin on the hill. ours Respectfully, W. E. Lyon, rec'y. Milwaukie Items. Milwaukie is filling up, there being but one or two vacant houses in town. Piof Keck is running a very successful singing school here, having about twenty Jive scholars. School every Wednesday Mr.'Theo. Hagenberger is pushing his wharf to earlv completion. When com pleted it will" be 00x30 feet, with a small warehouse for the convenience of ship lers. A much needed improvement. The latest thing out in this place is, "Are you going to chew tobacco when -oii are married ?" We are contemplating grand times here Christmas. Tiiere will Iks a Christmas tree at the school house Christmas Eve., with interesting exercises. Christmas night, there will be a grand ball at Mil ler's Hall, given bv several young gen tlemen of Oregon City. Oit'AsioxAL Correspondent. Dec. 19th, 1877. A Great Wonder. Many years ago, says fhe "Astorian," Major Thomas Charman, of Oregon City, while passing over the route from Port land to his home in a buggy, saw distinct ly a double-headed snake, which great curiosity however, escaped him. The story ot tne snake was published, but was gen erally doubted. It will le seen by the following that one similar in apjearan;!e has lecn captured alive in California. The San Francisco Chronicle of the Sth says: "J. W. Linden, of Los Gatos, Santa Clara county, on Thursday discovered on the South" Pacific coast railroad a-small snake with two beads. It was captured alive and brought to this city, designedly tor Woodward's Gardens I'.x s ak) is 22 inches long, brown in color, and probably six months old. The heads are perfect, and each has its independent neck an inch long, set at an angle to the other of atout ten degrees. The reptilo is a strange won der, and sees with facility what transpires before and behind at the same time. Postmasters, Airovl A number of our subscribers complain of postmasters throughout the county allowing persons to come to the oflico and read the Enter prise lefore they get it, and it is often torn and soiled. One subscriber says "Please send my paper m a wrapper so that my ueighliors can't go to the office and read it before I call for it. It is iren erallv used up lie fore 1 get it. Those who are guilty of this meanness are better able to imv for the paiier than 1 am, out are always running it down and are the tirst it the office to read the paper paid for bv others. I think this is a little mean, and I want mv paper 'fixed' so that I will have the bene tit of it first." This is the complaint of a number of our iiatrons and we hoo tli-.t the postmasters will see in the future that they receive the paper without having if'torn and soiled." Please reniemlieriHs agent for Uncle S.miiiiy.that von havo no more riht to uive iVaners out to lie read tnnii you wonm wiiu letters ...... --- .. .... lna sMiiscrioer pavs lor ins paper ana exjiects to get the benefit of it. Enterta i n m ent. The entertainment given at Pope s Hall last Tuesday evening by the ladies of St. Paul's Guild, was a grand success. The display of articles for sale was not as lartro as usual , but they were rapidly disposed of to the apprecia tive audience. The refreshment tables spread with ice-cream and other delicacies were well patronized, and a handsome sum was netted the Guild. The musical nart of the entertainment, under thedirec- tion of Mr. Sell wood, was as usual of the best kind. 1 he songs were well rendered and encored to the echo. It would lie un necessary to discriminate, but it suffices to sav "that Oreiron City has musical talent of an unusual degree, who need not be shame faced I efore a more metro politan attendance. The reading and reci tative parts were duly Appreciated, and all in all it was the allair ol the season. Christmas Tree. There will be Christmas tree at the Episcopal church on Christmas Eve., with exercises appropri ate to the occasion, consisting of the sing inir of carols bv thechildren of the.Sundav School, and an address by t ho Hector, in which some of the evils resulting from the popular system of "self-training" of our Ixtvs and irirls will be brielly considered. Persons desiring to place gifts upon the tree for children or friends are requested to brinir them to the church as earlv on Monday as con venient.w here a committee will Ik in waiting to receive them. No orcsents of a doubtful character, or com ing from unknown persons, will be placed upon the tree. City Council. Special meeting 'held last Tuesday evening, the following mem bers present: L. T. Itarin, mayor ; Wm Whitlock. recorder: Council men Peter Panuct. It. Morton. Owen Wade, F. S Dement. The following bills were order ed paid ; Geo. Uroutrhton, lumlicr for side walk to cemetery , $-203 13; I. Selling, $7 70 On motion the billot Water Co., laid on the table at last meeting, was taken up Tt was then moved that the bill be paid which resulted in a tie two for and two against. The mayor not having any prece dent allowing him to vote in such, cases decided the motion lost. SUIT Dismissed. The case before the Polk county circuit court, wherein Miss Amelia Wolfarti. of this city, brought suit against Geo. H. Lambcrson for $3,000 dam ages, on til charge of seduction, has just lieen dismissed at the cost of the plaintiff. In conversation with her lawyers we learn that Lamlierson. being a financial wreck, they considered it folly to press the case, knowing that, should they succeed in procuring judgment against him, they could collect nothing, and the ease was therefore dismissed at their own request.- Guasoe Election. At the regular meoUng of ,0wego Grange, No. 173. the annual election of officers was held, which resulted as follows: A. R. Shi pie v, M.; V ,!IUmv'" J. M. Libbev, S. Y. ; C. a m rynfj'; F- For". I C. Ranger, w A - Kr,?e. J '. J- Hrodwell, G. K. ; w:C?.r,"Bn . Mrs. S. L. Haves. Ceres: MV "- ? Mrs. S. Ford. P. .. imuuii, X J. A. s. Mj.-d.P Thompson has s duch m JacksoB eounty nearly com pleted at a cost of abot $100 000 Wo understand that an English eomnanv havo three dollars for every oiie he bas spent ""'J. .k th 1 e wort heV 'I hoiK ivton ' " muuuicu illUllUCl (lull . r has refused ike Statesman. Christmas Tree. The Gongregal4oal Sunday School will have a Christmas Ire at the ?on2Tegational Church on Christ, mas Eve. They .cordially invite aM v bo wish to avail thenasetves of ih use ofthe tree in making presents to their friends Presents will be received by the commit tee at the church up to 4 Q'clock p v 0n Monday, Dec. 24th. - y Letter .List. The following is a list ol the letters remaining in the postofuce at Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, December 20th, 1877: IVecker, Casper 2. Imel. Arabell. Iturolich, Sig. Marco. Kelly, Col. J. Casteel.Kev Nelson-2. Moore, Itobert. Cowin, E. M. Spear, Frank. Fair, C. Tunnell, John. Hamilton, George. Whitlock, James. Harrison, aai au A. l eager, ueorge. If called for please say when advertised. J. M. BACON, P. M. Officers. At a regular meeting of Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. fc A. M., held last Saturday night, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Master, N. W. Randall; Senior Warden, W in. Lewthwait; Junior Warden, ltent. Davids; Treasurer, John Myers; Secre tary, Peter Paquet; Tyler, Chas Anderson. Installation takes place on the 27tli hist. Lost A gold ear-ring, between the resi dent of Mrs. Forles Barclay and Pope's Hall. A suitable reward will be give.i to any one ieturiiing the same to the ollice of "13. L. Eastham. Porcupine. We are informed that two orcupines have been killed recently in his county, one nt RmiCo Peint and an other near Horseheaven. Found.---A brown fur coilar, near the M. E. Church, two weeks ago last Friday. The owner can have the same by paying ior tins notice. News for the People. Notice. Just received a splendid assort ment of goods suitable for the Ilolldays.whtch win oe sohi at extremely low prices, at 1. Sel ling's. Call before purchasing elsewhere. Fellows A Hardin? will receive a lot of California fancy crackers by the next steamer. If Von visit Portland and wish to buv a fine suit of clothes at a low iirice. cnll tit. Ackerman Bros., corner First and Washing ton streets. Go to Fellows & Harding for vour Christmas Turkey. Notice. The undersigned wishes those in debted to him trtcall around and settle before New Years, 1878. I. SKI. LING. Holiday Goods at Fellows A Harding's, consisting of a large assortment of China and Ulass-ware, French Candies, elegant Cakes, and numerous other articles suitable for the occasion. Come around and look at our display, it will eclipse anything in this line ever brought to this city. Vuotion. I will sell at public auction on Saturday, lec. 22d, at 10 o'clock A. !., at my house, furniture consisting of bedsteads, mat tresses, chairs, bureau, stoves, wardrobe, car pets, stands, dishes, etc., not previously dis poed of at private sale. Terms cash. Telegraphic 'ews. I'asteru The Senate, on the Gth. confirmed Henry L. Dodge to be superintendent of the ban I rancisco mint. City of Mexico, Dec. 5. Mexican troops continue to march toward the Rio Graude4 More than one thousand cavalrv are between San Luis Potosi and Saltillo and others are following in the same direction. Several battallions of infantry are on the road to the same point, and one thousand infantry and some artillery will be sent bv sea from Vera Cruz to Matamoras. The troops are said to bo well onicered and armed with improved guns. .New Orleans, Dec. lo. The Galves ton 2etcs special reports that the E Paso trouble has broken out anew, and lighting between the State troops has been going on for two days. A dispatch received by the Governor from the sheriff of El Paso county states that there was fighting all day yesterday at San Luzartce between State troops and Mexicans from both sides of the river The Governor sent a dispatch to. the President asking the aid of the United States troops. On the 15th, Conkling called out to the Chair, "Go on with the calendar Hill objected to his giving orders to the Chair. Conkling said if Gordon insin uated that he had ordered the Chair, he tfaid that which was not true. Gordon said he would se' tie that outside Ru mors of a duel and rumors of reconcili ation havo freely crossed the wires. New York, Dec. 16. The World's Washington special says: The protocol of friendship made yesterday between lilaine and Conkling was fully carried out to day in the executive session of the Senate. Their seats are but a step from each other and both met face to face and simultaneously extended their hands, after the lapse of twelve years, The greeting lacked only the blue-cot ton umbrella to be perfectly touching Both sat down and they entered into a protracted conversation. Washington, Dec. 16. Postofficedis continued, Thurston, Lane county, Ore gon; name changed. Pine creek, Wasco county, Oregon, to Pownell Rock; post master appointed, Theo. Hal term, Sitka Alaska. Representative Mills this morning re ceived the following dispatch, datet last night, from Governor Hubbard, of Texas: "The Sheriff of EI Paso county tele graphs to-night that our State troops are surrounded, and all will oe massa cred unless relief can be had at once Ask the secretary of war to please order liis troops in New Mexico to make fore ed marches for their relief. They are American citizens. Answer. Representative Mills was at the war department this morning, and by au thority of the secretary of war replied to Gov. Hubbard as follows: "Troops are now moving under orders from here with all possible speed from Forts Bayard, Stanton, Davis and Santa Fe. Relief must soon be had." The war department has received in formation that the local difficulties in El Paso county, Texas, whieh grow out ofthe right and title to certain salt mines has assumed quite a threatening aspect. The few U. S. troops and State militia in the country have been sur rounded, and unless relieved soon it is feared they will fare badly. A dispatch from Gov. Kabbard asking assistance from the President was referred to the secretary of war and by him to Gen. Sherman, who telegraphed Gen. Sheri dan to send all the troops he could. The latter replied this morning that he had ordered all available troops from Fert Stanton, and they have already reached El Paso and will propably be able to relieve the troops now surround ed by tho mob. Troops from Bayard will no doubt reach San Elizario to morrow with those from Fort Stanton, which will be sufficient to keep the peace. The affair is purely local, and no serious complications are anticipated. Chicago, Dec. 17. Official informa tion received at military headquarters this afternoon shows that the mob con sists of about three hundred citizens of El Paso county, Texas; that no Mexi cans have crossed the river to take part in the trouble, and that the Mexican authorities have given positive orders that none of their citizens should cross. About 300 troops have been ordered from posts in Now Mexico to the scene .of the disturbances to aid the civil offt Tbia withdrawal of the troops 1 leaves the Indian frontiers exposed. All officers of the army in position to know anything about the existing troubles in Texas or the views of either government, are satisfied there are no possible grounds for warlike prepara tions Galveston, Dec. 18. The iWirs Austin special says A dispatch re- ceiveJ by the governor from the sheriff of El Paso county stated that tJte .state troops had surrendered to the Mexican mob at d 1 . M. yesterday. Their am munition was exhausted aud they were unable to bold out longer. After the surrender Howard, Atkinson aud Mc- Bride were shot to death by Mexicans Chicago, Dec, 18. The Tribune's Washington special says: Sheriff Ker- ber telegraphs that the balance of the Texan state troops, who were not mur dered after the surrender, will doubt- ess meet that fate unless rescued bv U. S. forces. We Lave information of arge bodies of Mexican citizens partici pating, in this massacre. It is not jrobable that the administration can take any additional steps fcr the preser vation ol peace, lhe troops already ordered are moving with all possible expedition. Vorelsii Russia is negotiating with Denmark with a view of putting Prince Waldeinar of Denmark or Prince John Gluckborg on the throne of Servia. The estimates for JS78 show a defi ciency iu Germany of 9,000,000. McMahOD has been compelled to ap point a Cabinet of Republicans. lhe bervians have declared war and are preparing to cross the Turkish border. There is now good skating on the Baker City slough. What do you think of Clackamas countv climate ? John Corcoran, formerly a member of the Portland police, was drowned at Astoria iast week. Hardety, the man who claimed to have been drugged and robbed at Al bany a short time since, has departed, leaving behind a number of creditorsto mourn his loss. M. P. Bull, formerly of the East Ore- gonuiii. is now a stalwart Granger on the Walla Walla river. It is stated that Hon. M. C. George and W. B. Higby will assist in the de- feuse of W. H. N. Stiles in his second trial, which will come off in about two months. The boom on Pudding river, at Davis Bros.' mill, was broken by high water recently and several thousand feet of ogs lost. "Hard-bargain" and "Fear-mo-not," two running horses, the property of John F. Miller, of Salem, were killed on Wednesday of last week by being run over by the cars, about three miles south of Salem. These animals rau during State fair week, and were con sidered excellent stock. MARRIEO. At the fia'ptisf. Church. Dec. 16. by Ilev. 1). B. way, la!n-lel F. Tackerbcry and Miss Lizzie t'alitf. A CiooUjWlfe always gets her husband to buy DonnoIIy's Yeast Powder, and a devoted husband always gets It for her. BOSCIIEE'S GERMAN SYRlTPcan now be purchased right at home. It is the most successful preparation ever introduced to our people, it works like a charm in ail cases or Consumption, 'neumonia. Hemorrhages, Asthma, severe coughs, croup ana all tuner Throat and Lung Diseases. No person has ever used this medicine without getting im mediate relief, yet there an- a great many iMjor, suffering, skeptical persons going about our streets with a suspicious cough, and the voice or consumption coming iroin their lungs, that will not try it. If you die, it is your own fault, as you can go to Ward & Harding and get a Sample Jioltle for 10 cents and try tt ; three doses will releive any case. Regular size only 75 cents. In III whole history of medicine, no preparation has ever performed such marvel ous cures, or maintained so ide a reputa tion, as Aysr's Cherky Pectoral, which Is recognized as the world's remedy for all dis eases of the throat and lungs. Its long-continued series of wonderful cures in all climates has made it universally known as a safe and reliable agent to employ. Against ordinary colds, which aro t he forerunners of more se rious disorders, it acts sfieedily and surely, always relieying suffering, and often saving life. The protection it aifords. by its timely use in the throat and lung disorders of chil dren, makes it an invaluable remedy to be kept always on hand in every home. Xo persdn can afforVl to be wlthont it, and those whohaveonee used ltnever will. From their knowledge of its composition and effects. Physicians use the Cherry Pectoral ex tensively In their practice, and Clefirymen recommend it. It Is absolutely certain In its remedial effect s, and will alvays cure where cv.reslare possible. For sale by' all dealefs A. CATfcD. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, Ac, I will 6end a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARtiE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. T. Jomf.pW Inman, Station D. Jtiblt House, A'cio fork. novl"-ly. ST"The National Gold Medal was awarded o Bradley dfc Rulofson for the best Photographs in the United States, and the Vienna Meda for the best In the world. 429 Montgomery St reet. San Francisco. PLBLIC EXAMINATION OF TEACHERS. ALL PERSONS DESIRING 'I'll rt taln certificates for teaching in the public schools of Clackamas countv will please present themselves for examination at the uregon city fseminary at o ciock a. 31 Saturday, December 2!h, 1877. JOHN W. SELLWOOD, Dec. 13, 1877-2t. Supt. of Schools. READ! READ!! READ!!! We call the attention of all who want to buy goods to give us a call and compare prices before buying elsewhere, as the rem nant of stock must be closed out in a short time. SECOND AND LAST CALL I Those who are indebted to us must make payment within thirty days, after that time accounts will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection. ACKERMAN BROS. Oregon City, Sept. 20, 1877. IMPORTANT TO WHOMilT MAY CONCERN T1EIXB DESIROUS IOP ADOPTING A 13 new rule of business, I would request those indebted to me to come ana Pay Up Immediately, And save inconvenience and expense, as have determined to collect what is due me. I have reduced the prices on Goods greatt and can assure all that 1 can give Bargains to Cash Buyers. Come and see for rour own satisfaction . A. LEVY. E.L. EASTHAM, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Oregon City, Obeoon. Special attention given to business in the JJ. 8 Land Office. Offloe UX Myers Brick. aug,77. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, GEORGE A.HARDIN G. WAED & HARDING, DRUGGISTS AND AFDTHECARIES, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON 1IAN1 A UEN eral assortment of Drills and Chemicals, Perfumery, Sov I'aralManil Brush,. TrtiMcit, iupjurter, liliauldvr Braces ftaary aed Toilet Article ALSO Kerosene Oil, Lump Chimneys, dux. Putty, Iuiut, Oil. Varuialivii unl ly Stuffs, PLRE WINES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. PATENT MEDICINES, ETC., ETC ""Physicians' Prescriptions carefully com pounded, and nil orders correctly answered. "OjM-n at all hours of the niht. All accounts must lc paid monthly. novl.lS7.itf WAKDA HAKOING. JOHN. S C S3 & A EY3 , Main St., Oregon City. MiXL'FlCTLREB AND IMPORTER OF Nn ild lea, Rarueiut, Mtdilery-llurl- Mr, ete etc. lirillCII HE OFFERS A3 CHEAP A3 V V can be had In the State, at YH0LECALE OR RETAIL. 9r warrant my goods as represented. JOHN SCHKAM, Saddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 1, lS7o-lf. FALL AND WINTER OPENING In Latest Styles of DnV GOODS, (LOTUI.Vt, IXDEHWEAR, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, CKOCCHIES, HAItD WAItK, CUTLERY, CROCKERY, ,PAIXTS, OILS, W1XDOWS, DOORS, BL1NIJS, ETC., Just Received and for Sale Low for Cash ! AT Produce Bougflit And Sold. Oregon City, Nov. 8. l877-4t. DR. W. R. JOTwES, DENTIST, "70ULI INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT T V lie hns located nt Oregon City, and is prepared to do all work pertaining to dentis try in the best manner. Full s.-ts of teeth $', other work in proiKirt ion and warranted, yoillce directly oiiosite Charman's store. Oregon City, Oct. 25, lST7-:iin. LA)f5) FO R S A Jj 12. IT'E HAVE THE FOLLOWING REAL Y V Estate for sale. No. 2. KiO Acres, good house, and barn full of hay; 8 acres in cultivation, orchard, gonl water: 11 miles irom Oregon City, l'rice fci.tO. halt' down. No. 4. 30 acres, '1 miles' from Graham's ferry on the iilamctte river, M acres in cultiva tion, 12 acres in an orchard of choice varie ties of fruit, 3 acres in wheat, 15) acres under fence, good houpe, barn and run ning water, 12 miles from Oregon City. Price f I.&jO, part down balance on time. No. 5. acres; 75 improved, a large, new. well finished frame dwelling, plum and apple orchards, living water, 18 aeies of fall wheat, tt miles irom Oregon City, on Molalla road, church and school house adjoining v Can be had for iiiiO, one-third down, balanceon time. No. 0. 2)1 acres II) miles, east cf Oregon City, 14 miles from Viola grist and saw mill and postofnc;35 acres in cultivation, UK) acres under fence, gofid frame house 13x31 "L" 10x22, 3 acres in fruit trees. IYice $l,ttt)U, half down. No. 7. 40 acres at Milwaukie; part beaver dam. Price, $1,000. No. 8. i6 acres ten miles eapof Oregon City, . nines infill .tmrsiuifiu laiiim ; m iicn'Hin cu It ival ion, 300 acres of level bottom land, good box house and frame barn, good run ning water for stock, good stock ranch, 700 bearing fruit trees. Price S4,3KJ. Will sell stock and crops to purchaser if he desires. No. 9. 100 acres 6 miles cast of Oregon Citv ; 00 acres in cultivation, 5 acres in orchard, good house and barn, remaining land easily cleared. Price $J,5tH), half down. No. 10. 10 acres, more or less, 11 miles from Oregon City, 13 li miles to Portland. 20 acres in cultivation, 100 more easily cleared, all under fence, good house, good land and plenty of wafer, schoo' house and church 1 mile away, 9 month hool in rear. Terms easy. $1,250. No. 11. 100 or 100 acres off of the north of the Fram's claim, 4 miles from Oregon City, open brush land, all easily cleared, living water, good mill lower, at $10 jieracre; terms easy. No. 12. Jacob Johnson's homestead, near Oregon Cit y : 120 acres. No. 13. The former residence of W. W. Buck and six lots -. $2,.T.H). No. 14. Wiley May's block, ail In cultivation, with house and barn ; $810. No. 15. J. P. Allison's farm, 220 acres, 75 in cultivation. 3 in orchard, good farm house, barn and out btiiidinirs: $1000. half down. No. 1. 100 acres, flat meadow land, 9 miles from Oregon City, 80 acres in cultivation. good house and barn, orchard, running water, price z-xmi. No. 17. 171 acres, 8 miles S of Oregon City, 40 acres in cultivation, 4 acres orchard, 10 tons old hay, log house, 2 barns, good a ter, team, wagon and harness, cow and calf, all farming implements, household furniture; price $1000, 1300 down. No. IS. 200 acres, all under fence, 12 miles miles from Oregon City, 40 in cultivation, 3 in orchard, good house and barn ; price fJUOO. No. 19. Orin Cutting farm, 300 acres. 120 in cultivation. 50 more ready to plow, good house and barn, 10 acres in orchard ; price fOiHJO. Also 105 acres, 25 in cultivation.no house or oarn.oo acres easily ciearetl : $1000, Ot her desirable bargains in Clackamas, the Dest county in t he tate. Any one having money to lend can have our services, free of charge, in managing the same and selecting securities. Persons wanting to borrow money can get favorable terms oy caning on us. JOHNSON & MtCOWN, and JOHNSON, MtCOWN & M.VfRtTM. Offices in Oregon City and Portland. Nov. 12. 1875 .If HEW LINE OF STEAMSHIPS BETWEEN PORTLAND & SAN FRANCISCO. THE P. C. S. S. CO. -VVT11 HEREAFTER RUN A LINE OF T Y steamers every nve days between SAII FRANCISCO AND PORT LAND. Passenger Accommodations Disnrpasscd. Tickets for sale at J. M. Bacon's bookstore iregon iny. For further particulars apply to J. McCKACKEN fc CO., Agents. Portland, Oct, 11, 1877-tf. FRESH OYSTERS! Stewed or Kaw, AT THE Pi-OUCH INN. FAMILIES SUPPLIED WITH THESE delicious bivalves, opened ready for use. at 7o cent s per hundred. Oct. 2,77-tf. J, TREMBATH. J. P. WARD. Bg I tr I vp,t m H and AS THE BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, Its competitors receiving only an award for come special feature of their machtacs.- He Vafflffinnd Wilson SMfle Mw MacMig Has Unlimited Capacity to 6 all kinds or Family Sewing and Manufacturing, ITS PATENT AUTOMATIC "CUT OFF" on tlie hand vfheel prevents the ma chine from running backwards, and obviates the necessity of taking the Trork from the machine to trind thread on the bobbins, trhich must be done fnth all other Sewing Machines, to the great annoyance of the operator, especially to tacking, hemming and raffling. It does one-third more work in a gircn length of time than any other Sewing machine. fTTTH ETERT MOTION of the FOOT the MACHINE MAKES SIX STITCHES. Btrii Wilson Hiciises Till io &s ml fork in one day 33 four otlsr Miset. It requires no special instructions to use it $ an Illustrated Direction Book is furnished with each machine. . IT CAO0T CIT OUT OF ORDER, AUD THE ADJUSTMENTS ARE ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. A properly executed Certificate is famished with each machine, guaranteeing ta keep it in repair, free of charge, for live years. Machines sold on easy terns of payment, and delivered, free of charge, at any Railroad Depot in the United States where we hare no Agents. Sead for XUnstrated Catalogue. Asata Wasted. For full particular addroas WlXSOtf SEWING MACHINE CO. B87 Broadway, SFW YOBIi 5EW OBLEANS, LA. CHICAGO, ILL. or 8 AN PBA1TCISC0, CAL. JOHN SCH RAM, Agent, Oregon City. Established 1855. G. W. WALLING & SDH, FP.OPRlETGnS, Oswego, Clsicltzimzis Co., Oregon AGENTS f. A. BACON C. T. HOWARD MACK HAMNUr, JU. All orders left with tho promptly filled. SEND FOR A CATALOGUE Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Fruits, Shrubs and Roses cultivated Bnt w tered J BKIDS SIMON. SPRINGKU So CO. Manufacturers and Dealers in , DOORS VIV1 SLITVDS, af a , Importers German, French and SASH WEIGHTS, 41 FUONT STREET, - decl3T7-ly. 7"Crders from tho Country protnpt'y" filled "'Cii NEW FIRM FELLOWS & HARDING, At The LiisrcoLisr bakery Dealers ix FIRST CLASS GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. PRODUCE TAKEN FROM FARMERS IN exchange for Ciroceries. SELECT TEAS, COFFEE AMD SPICES. A splendid assortment of Fresh Crackers and Cheese. FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS. And a full variety of poods usually kept In a tirst-class OJroccry Store. We invite the citizens of Oregon City, Cane mah and vicinity to cive us a call, and if Kd. don't frive you as many and as pood a quality of Roods for your money as you can obtain elsewhere, he will leave town. 3"Ve deliver Goods to all parts of the City auu vHufiiiHii iri oi cnarpre. Oregon City, March 1. lS77-tf. CHRIS. ZAUNER, DEPOT SALOON, Opposite the Rallroa d Depot, EEPSTHE BEST BEER ANDCIGARS JY in the City. Give him a call. Jy5-tf. -ECONOMIZE GRAND PRIZE iCDENUIAL EXPOSITION 187&. OKCGON CITY. ...UOWAMD'S MOLALLA. abovo namod persons w'll bo AND FiUCK LIST ! Evergreens, Grape Yines, Small and for sale at this Nursery. G. V. WALLING c SOX. "i t tv-t T-rrr.t!-in GnM TTatrh In the Karkot for Tmtflntf k ..a xjicxx. lo u cororOMtUii of other mt:a:.6( close y ro- ltclif.it-uit to aetect thediflr enre, exre, t by a r: emictil tut. cnti it Is tte ren Fi!;ir:t forffold k':i'wn. AVKU1CAN MJwMEiT. KXl'ANSloN KAKAM'E EAt mi i.l.Y ENtf ii AVEI or -G I N K "i 1 UM : D 11 1 N 1 1 N G t A f 1 4, an-1 f .UiU i i np'.rnunH o to COLO WATCH THAT COSTS from 1 50 ttf iv, lir Irnm $co to io. and If yoa iiih a airli for yi.r' n cfecrt n.uke ricury vu, tr y iriii. O ire fc cur Ur'-d ftiea, d AtecuablM(9 vlth an elecnt Chain attach- T:tcyau i.setl oti KiiriseHla. Mtrtm ei lit I:-.r.ufacio ief aud ottr j.i.ircfi v ;ipt accurale lino Is re?juirv ai d pivrn ?(neral pnt:faetioTi. W nJ. t!m by M;il or Fxrtrw. on receipt of $11. tomiT prxrt of theCountrr. or it will iwr.t ('.O T. whrn tho cupumw dfira rni'l rmit S3 on iirronrt. Tfc EJprti CHAINS weigh uNont Fiftr TennTweiKhts. aml :he sano pattern In pure polrt oall cost iioo. W wll tho0)itin at ftjoah. sell the Watch and Chain for ir. sent by MM1 In a Fackaire, pst-rii)d. loinv Pmt (tfTiro n the Tn!td Rtatea. We Sell the Watebr without Uio Cham for tlO. 6t CO., CUatoa f looe, & 'o. 11 SigfcUx Stxet JT.Tv and Jobbers of English Window Class, CORDS AND PULLEYS, PORTLAXD, OCX. CHANGE OF BASE ! REMOVED TO ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING! T. A. BACON, (Successor to ISARLOYV & FILLER), Deale- ii GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, SELECTED TEAS COFFEE, and SriCES, EUTTR AfiC CHEESE, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS, And a full variety of Goods usually kept in a first-class Grocery Store. Come one, come nil, and examine our stock. I can sell as cheap and furnish as good n article as any house in town. T. A. BACOX. Oregon City, August 25, 1376 Xf. WM. KNIGHT. EO. KNIGHT. KNiGHT BROS., CANBY, ORIGOK. Dkalers IT SBINGLnS, Cf.TVV II POSTS, GROfER. IE.i, CX.OT1II.VG, HOOTS. SUOES, HAIiUWARE, And eTerytbiRj; usually kept In m. conia try store. We invite tl piiblic to can and examine our stock before trotnf to- Oregon City or I'ort- land, as we ao- wllinj; us cheap as any houso in the State. Come and Rot our prices.- Those 1ndi'tt.ed tot he firm will please call and settle immediately, and safe costs. nov8-tf KNIGHT BROS. LUMBER M.UMBER!. Clms. O fitting-, "VTOUI-D INFORM THK PUBI-IO 7 AT t he has ptirchased Bisby t Cutti-p saw mill, eight miles east of Oregon City.ai ithat h is pn'pared to furnish FIR AND CEDAR LUMBER, . n r,.(iinr I.,ctirt Ufft Plr. FptW x r.imn .uiiuit aihoi.iv., -- -rt yjohii Mvers, agent in Oregon City, win keep a supplv of Lumber, Of all kindalwayB en hand. ut. i, $ i i i 'A