3l)c (Enterprise. OREGON CITY, TIlHiSliW, DEC. 20. 177. Merry Christmas. Next Tuesday the eig'nteeu hundred and seventy-seventh natal of Him "who washeth Jaway the sins of the world," will be celebrated. This is a day that is observed all over Christendom, from Norway to the Cape of Good Hope and from Brazil to Alaska. It is undoubt edly the greatest day in the Calendar, not only because of the momentous even J that it calls to mind bat also ou account of the unison with which A many millions of different people enter into its enjoyment and keep alive, with one accord, its great interest. Rightly enough Jesus Christ's birth day has been dedicated by custom, to little children; just as May, the month of flowers, has been given by the Catho lic Church, to the Virgin JIary. There is nothing pleasanter in life than to see the ruddy, smiling faces of the ex pectant little ones as they talk for weeks in advance of Santa Clau3 and his partiality for good boys and girls. How often in childhood have we all ' Been Santa Claus coming down the chimney seen through eyes opened wide by tales told at the fireside by our parents, or the recitation of something like that dear old poem of "The Night Before Christmas;" and we doubt if there is a person in the world who was not angered when ho became so old that the pleasant delusion of the good little toy-maker could no longer bo be lieved. These were oar happiest days days before the guile of ago and ex perience had made ns suspicions and practical, before we had learned the sad lesson of life's reality and its many adversities. Most cordially we wish all the little ones, into whose homes the Enterprise may go, a'l'the joys of this most joyful days, and hope that with each succeeding Christmas their parents may find them so increased in goodness that the Santa Claus who watches over the mothers and fathers may put it in their power to increase the value of their presents to their loved ones. In conclusion we wish to make an earnest appeal to the people of Clacka mas county to cowo forward and sup port us in our effort to supply them with a sterling county paper. We ask no other Chrijjlm.13 present than this. Every industry in t!ie county always finds us ready to champion it, and we feel that we have almost the right tode mand in return that we bo seconded by those for whom we battle. It is an old story about the necessity of people sup " porting their county paper, but it would, be a new one if they should act on the advice. Undoubtedly a poorer paper than we are now publishing would be better than none, andfor the reason that we cannot afford -.to run a paper- in the interest of Clackamas county if it be not supported, we call upon those interested at all in this part of Oregon to come to our relief and ; sustain us in our good work. No one, more gladly than we, praises our farm ers, their farms and their produce, can they do nothing for us in return ? Is it right that we should keep contin ually agitating subjects for their sole benefit when they will not so much as subscribe $2 50 a year to keep up the motion? "We hope that those who ob ject to the paper on account of its party predilections will take it for the good it will do the county, a3 the trials of public men and the principles of parties will always be of secondary importance to ns when compared with the interests of our county The year is now gasping on its death bod, and we hope with the birth of 1878, among the many good resolutions that the Clackamas county people will make, will be one to do all they can to keep alive the tla mo alive in the sanc tuary of the En-terpiush oflice. A merry Christmas to you all! The Oregoulan, full of devotion to the cause of its masters of the O. S. N. and collateral companies, is still yelp ing about Mitchell's bill, which threat ens to open out Eastern Oregon to the benefits of competitive transportation, rather than to seal it up for the op pressive exactions of the Northern Pa cific and O. S. N. Co. We believe tho Senator is on tho right track, nnd he should be sustained by all the honest. 1 moral sentiment of thoso not slaves and task-masters to tho corporations before named. Scott affirms a virtuous show of independence, but there r.ro ear marks on tho Fat Boy which go to prove on which side hi3 bread is butter ed, and the plea of conscientious journalism might as well be abandoned. Tho Oregonian. under Scott is apparent ly a panderer to the wishes ar.d desires of the O. S. N. Co., and the scaro it is attempting to make over the presumed exactions of Mitchell's bill, which the N. P. R. R. Co. will not accept as Scott affirms, dissolves into emptiness when it is to be remembered that tho simple fiat of tho Legislature of the State of ; substantial form the fact that the Ex Oregon can impose the same conditions, j terprise is the first paper (and the under the sovereign power of the jieople. j onb one) to nominate him for the U. We give these corporationists notice i enae- that they have different and less plastic j The Columbian has been resurrected material to work witli m Oregon than they found in Washington Territory ; and pets will be found in our Legislature to Dot lew minions, iicic-spntits nixi pup- olxiy the behests of their masters they did iu tho Washington Legisla tnre and so stifle the wishes of an over burdened and oppressed conttitucnev. ; , , n . . 1 ' i They da say as 'ow ' the majority of It is estimated that if locks were J "runners" and "strikers" for the Oppo built in the Yamhill river at Lafayette j eitiou Steamship line used to fill simi there would be shipped by the river ; lar positions on the C. P. road in San from McMinuville from S0O,OCO to i00,- ; Francisco. Such little straws show the 000 bushels of grain a year. i direction of tho wind. Our Financial Standing. In our article last week on the Presi dent's message it was impossible to give the different topics tiie attention they deserved, and in order to thor- ! oughly ventilate the condition of our national Treasury we skipped it entirely then so as to sift it thoroughly now. Tho report of the Secretary of the Treasury shows a condition of financial affairs which would be wholly satisfac tory if it were free from apprehension in the future. Year by year we have reduced our debt, have reduced our taxes, reformed and economized in the public service, increased the public credit, until.to-day the buiden of gov ernment falls more lightly on tho people of the United States (which we shall prove in an article next week) than in any of the nations of the civilized world, with the single exception of Russia. ! During the last fiscal year we paid only 209,000,000 into the Federal Treasury, which expended 3238000,000 for us. The receipts and expenses for the cur rent fiscal year will not vary very widely from this, and if Congress can be in duced to cut down the estimates, we may see our way'clear until June, 1879, with considerably reduced taxation and expenditures. The situation will bear closer inspec tion, as the decreased expenditures do not necessarily represent a mutilated public service. In the matter of inter est alone the funding operations of tho past year have reduced the annual in terest i?3,77.,000, which is a clear sav ing, and which is equivalent to a reduc tion of some $00,000,000 of capital. If tho funding operations can be con tinued, and if we can substitute 4 per cent, bonds for the SGGO.000,000 of G per cents now redeemable before 1881, we will save on the G per cents 13,200, 000 annually, and on Ihe whole amount 22,001', 205, or ten per cent on our whole annual expenditures. This would be a pleasant prospect and there is nothing to mar it. except the possibility of Congressional legisla tion in tho direction of national dis honor. Unfortunately Congress has already given evidence that it does not share in the sound opinions of the Secretary of the Treasury. The agita tion of the resumption repeal and of the legal-tender silver dollar has already put a stop to the refunding 'operations of the Treasury, and it is little less than a national disgrace to find a Secretary of the Treasury pleading that the bonds that Lave been issued since February, 1873, at least are free from any ques tion as to their payment in gold coin. There is neither honor nor profit in as suming that the word coiu at any means anything elso than gold coin at any place or time, and the Secretary's ex planation of his view of this question is both reasonable and honest, but the country needs some better guarantee than it now has, that tho Secretary's view wui xrevau. fcuouiu ouerman win, tue country is sate, otuerwise must be cautious. we The Colorado Congressman. Xliero seems to ue a crreat deal of un necessary spleen manifested by the different party papers on the seating of Patterson, of Colorado, as Congress man. The man'acted legally but dis honorably, and this is the whole case. Many a man can do a rascally thing with the lav.to sanction it, while a man ue a saint ana yet transgress many human rules. During tho State elec tion in Colorado in October Belford, Republican, ran against Patterson, Democrat, for Congress and defeated him, getting a considerable majority of the votes. Unfortunately for Belford there is a law which provides that mem bers of Congress must bo elected in i November, but Patterson told Belford that he would not take advantage of this quibblo as he (Belford) was the evident choice of the people, But he did not keep his word; and last month when tho legal time for the Con gressional election in Colorado ar riven, l'attersou was the only man in the Held, Belford disdaining to run As horse men sa-, it was a mere "walk over the track" for Patterson, and he was duly and legally elected; but we would rather bo Belford with our honor safe than to bo Congressman fifty times over by tho low chicanery that made Patterson a national law maker. A dreadful rumor comes from Wash ington that the "iron-clad oath is to be abolished. Before it finally disap pears forever we should like to hear of a single instance in which it ever ac complished anv thing worth attempting; and while on the subject, it would be well to inquire whether we might dis pense with all of the oatli3 which aro takeu about as regularly as cocktails, and with less snbseq uentresu.lt. Contrary to our most ex- pectations, Scotty has failed to appre- ciaie tue uonor we thrust upon him I last week; and up to the time of going j to press has failed to recognize in anv ; and savs it is the onlv - u journal on the Pacific Coast which is wholly original ' This announcement was entirely super fluous, for the fact was nnfnrtnn-itoW self-evident to every one who tried to read it. The Standard has the Rabies. The Standard with the characteristic wiles of a demagogue, spends a good deal of sound and fury on Senator Mitchell for the purpose of ringing the slogan of party in the ears of its follow ers, and rearing a red rag which it calls Mitchellism paws and dnorts around this overwrought creation of a fevered braia, as if the salvation of the country rlpnpndpd on its furious onslaught. The Standard is placed in a curious predica ment seeing many of its camp-follow ers are in that section of country mostly to be benefited by the exertions of Sena tor Mitchell it irf constrained to coun tenance him in the front, while for po- itical purposes it at the same time is engaged in planting puissant blows in the rear. "While Senator Mitchell is earnestly engaged in an encounter with the direst enemies ofEastern Oregon, where do we find the great Mogul of the Democracy whom the Standard bows down to as the great I Am of the party ? We moan Gov. Grover. He is as mute as an oyster, and it is very doubtful whether his support will be obtained for those measures which Senator Mitchell is throwing his untiring energies to ac complish for the benefit of the people of Eastern Oregon. That people would be recreant to the common instincts of humanity if it failed to reward Senator Mitchell for the persistent struggle he is maintaintng almost alone against the machinations of the N. P. R. R. Co. They would evince a spirit worse than Punic faith, if after his gaining the vic tory they turned to smite him.' No, no, Mr. Standard, the neoDle of Eeastern Oregon are not ingrates nor devoid of ' A. ictellect. If you would seek to turn the tide setting in Mitchell's favor, turn tue representative of your party to its zealous support, that the houcrs maybe divided. But it is almost certain that Grover is the tool of the O. S. N. Co and the Standard can do nothing of the kind. He will be found to be a weak vacillatiug, uncommittal Miss Nancy and will as usual justify the old Oregon adage with reference to him, that he is 'sexual mistake." There is aiso much said in the Standard against Senator Mitchell that he is part and parcel of the iniquities that it assumes has made Republieauisni notorious. While .we no defender of some of the acts of Sena tor Mitchell, there is no accusation ainst him so criminal, so dastardly and so unspeakably mean, as can be al leged against its great Oracle, the Gab ble of present Senatorial life who with bis minions sucked the stibstanco of the State of Oregon as dry a a codfish and then tried tolsteal tho Electoral College. It must turn away from the ranks of its own festering columns to discover some one at whom it cannot throw stones, and a: it persistentlv see no good in the Republican phalanx, its kingly eye must at lust light on that puri fied ideal of independent journalism, who having thrown away the temptations of this world and discarded the ways of the devil, but retaining the flesh, mounts the editorial t ripod of the Oregonian the Fat Boy. our candidate for tbo Senate, the immortal Scott, the puri fied, exalted and immaculate ex-collector; and so failing down the balmy seas of the Hereafter, the Standard and the Enterprise will at last lean on tho bosom of the one only free from guile, having found the pearl of great price af ter a long search for one pure man, not scotched with the iniquities oi modern politics. So shall the'era of peace begin. New Postal Kouto The following is a complete list of the new northwest Pacific post routes creat ed by tho post route bill: Oregon From Dexter to Big Prairie, Salem, via Perrydale to Sheridan; Prineville to Silver Wells; from Gardiner via Nor folk to Sulphur Springs; Grand Ronde to Oregon City; from Alsea reservation to Gardiner; Pilot Rock via Granite mining district to Robinsonville; Bake oven via Trout creek to Prineville; Stayton to Nehama; Kerby to Althouse; Gardiner to Empire City; Express Ranch via Marshall, Cook, to Conner creek; Canyonville to the mouth of Elk creek. Idaho From Franklin to Mink creek; from Grand Rondo and Lower Crossing to Wallowa, Oregon. Persons interested in having service placed on these routes, or upon any others heretofore established by Con gress but not now served, should lose no time in forwarding petitions or other evidence to show the necessity or advis ability of the desired service. We see by a late number of the Port-, land lice that we are set down among thoso llat-footedly favoring the Port land, Dalles and Salt Lake Railroad. Of course we are in favor of this route and so is every other paper in Oregon, with the exceptiou of the sheet that the O. S. N. Co. might pun by calling the "Organ-i-own." Baroness DeBussiere.daughterof Ben Holladay, died last Sunday in New York of pneumonia, aged 23 years, leaving one child four years old. The vexatious suit brought against her father by her surviving brother, Ben, Jr., and herself, under her husband's influence, is still pending, awaiting ju dicial decisiou on the preliminary mo tion. She was attached to the Roman Catholic faith. Her funeral took place last Tuesday from St. Ann's church. Senator Davis, Independent, voted to take the Butler case from the committee on elections because the State of South Carolina was entitled to a full represen tation and vote in the Senate; but he refused to vote one way or the other on the motion to seat and swear the hero of the Hamburg massacre. The Democratic Legislature of Cali fornia has selected James T. Farley, of Amador county, to succeed Senator Sargent Washington Letter. Washixgtox, D.C., Nov. 30, 1877. The ball goes on. Sinco my last the Senate has been the center of deepest and unflagging interest. Every nook and corner has been crowded through out the day's session with members of the House, government officials and the plebian, each one watching the play as intently as if life and death depended upon the issue, and to-day finds the Seuate hall as densely crowded as in the beginning of the fight, which seems as far from an end as on Monday last. Mr. Edmunda has proved himself, throughout, the old wheel horse, and we feel assured that his most admirable tactics will yet fetch us high and dry out of tho political mire we have gotten into through the death of Mr. Morton, and the absence of Mr. Sharon, even though he has a most uncertain factor in Mr. Conover as an allv. Conover seems to enjoy his anomalous position hugely, and bustles around tho Senate like a candidate for ofhee among his constituents at the polls. He is not at all backward, and bestows his gracious attentions without regard to party, as freely as a courtesan gives her favors to her promiscous followers. It is pretty hard to carry water on both shoulders, but he succeeds as nicely as the Demo cratic party when it used to cry, " Free Trade " in the South and " protection " in Pennsylvania. Neither Mr.Edmnnds or Mr. Thurman appear willing to trust him on the final vote, and both are looking apparently for some weak place on the other's side through which they may win rather than by risking the re sult upon Conover's single vote. Mr. Patterson sits in his seat in that helpless invalid manner characteristic of him in the past, and as much as we deplore the the position in which he has placed himself, yet we cannot help admiring his unperturbable doggedness in stick ing to his text. Mr. Conover's manner, which courts both Democrat and Re publican, has nothing of the desperate issue about it, and his fussiness among the Senators gives the spectator the im pression that he wants to sell out and is xerfectly indifferent as to whom the purchaser may be. He helped Mr. Ed munds win Wednesday's battle, but he is just as likely this afternoon to train his fire against Mr.Edmundsas for him, hence our recrardincr him as a most un certain individual. Ben Hill ranted and violated all of Hamlet's instructions to his players. But was most tellingly answered by Messrs. Hoar, Wadlcigh and McMillan, who, while as able as he in argument, are certainly his superiors in common courtesy. He constantly violated the rule which requires Sena tors to be alluded to in the third person, by addressing them in the second per son, and the query often arose, why did not the Vice President, who is a great strickler for etiquette, reprimand him. Mr. Blaine's friends now insist that he shall be released from his pair with Grover. He paired originally with Mr. Lamar, who insisted upon being releas ed when this Butler fight opened, thus compelling Mr. Blaine to accept a pair with GroveV. Now, as Mr. Sharon, like Mr. Grover, is on the Pacific coast, Mr. Blaine's f fiends insist that these two worthies shall pair and release Mr. Blaine. It's a poor rule that don't work both ways. The annual report of our board of health present. a strong confirmation of tue assertion that the coloreil race is rapidly decreasing, for it shows that there is nodiminution in the death rate of the negro, which is triple us great ns that of the whites. Of course this re port covers only this district and may not apply elsewhere. Yet, as there is far greater attention paid hero to sur rounding the colored people with prop er hygienic inlinerces than in other cities, we think the views of the board applicable elsewhere. Here, filthy quar ters are condemned and vacated, cess pools filled up, contaminated wells which carry typhoid fever closed, epid emics stamped ont summarily, medi cines gratuitously issued to all asking for them, and in every manner our board exercises its plenary power to improve the condition of our poor. Why, then, should the death rate of the colored people be so great? Out of 117 still births, 107 were colored. The same proportion holds good in the cases of infanticide reported, and without regard to age or sex or condition there seems a fearful disproportion of death against them. During the war, as shown by the Surgeon General'8 report, the color ed soldier suffered a percentage of sick ness and death just double that of the white, and that too in the Mississippi valley as well as in the higher latitudes and we can consistently ask. Has not the white in this country, tinder all cir cumstances, the greater vitality for re sisting disease? Is the black doomed to extinction ? Thanksgiving was generally observ ed. The departments and nearly all business houses were closed. All the churches held services, which were largely attended. The Foundry Church was handsomely decorated with flowers, among which was a large basket boquet contributed by Mrs. Hayes, who, with the President, was present to hear the sermon. The Metropolitan Church was crowded under the announcement that Dr. Newman would preach one of his patriotic sermons. The Doctor grew quite eloquent in his remarks, and was frequently interrupted with applause. The day was quiet ns Sunday through out the city and seems to have become as fixed an institution as that of devot ing New Years to calling upon friends. The flood did us immense damage in property, though but few lives were lost. Junius. James B. Pray, long a resident of Olympia, and known very widely for his generous qualities, died on the 12th inst. at that place. Both the Democratic and Republican committees have been called to meet at Seattle on the 22d to consider the man ner of nominating delegates to the con stitutional convention. Some snow has fallen in the Palonse country, and sleigning is reported. Weather not cold. A Portland hotel runner named Geo. V. Weldon was drowned at the head of Swan Island last Saturday afternoon, by the upsetting of a skiff that he was in, while attempting to get on board the steamer Alice. Chinamen have been arrested at Port land for violating the ordinance in re gard to health. In the long disputed "Wallowa valley there are now about sixty families. Many of these have gone there gince Joseph left. NEW TO-DAY. CHRISTMAS EVE BALL ! Prof. J. K. Halpruner WILL. GIVE A SELECT PARTY Ar HIS Academy Christmas Eve. Grand march will commence at 8 o'clock. Good music and good time for all. Tickets, $2. Oregon City, Dec. 20. 18777. CITATION- In the County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon. In th matter of tho estate of Austin O. Beebe, deceased, and the application to Bell the real property of said estate. TO CUARLOTTE BEEBE, AND AI.C other persons unknown, interested in said estate. In the name of the State of Ore gon, you and each of you are cited to be and appear before this Court at a term thereof to be held on Saturday, January 2titu, 1878. at the hour of one o'clock P. M., to show cause, if any exist, why an order should not be made by this Court to sell the following described real property belonging to said estate, to pay the debts thereof, to.wit : The West half of the E. H of sec.. 8, and 4o acres off the V. side of the E. 54 of the E. thereof in T. 5 S. R. 1 E. of the Willamette Meridian, containing 205 acres, and situate in Clackamas county. Oregon according to the petition of G. W. Fish, administrator of said estate, filed in this Court uecemoer isi, inn. Witness my nanu aim mc " said Court this 13th day of December A. D. 1877. W- H. II. FOUTS. dec20,TT-4t. County Clerk. Administrator's Sale. fY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER AXDDE- J cree or the County Court of the County of Clackamas and State of Oregon, made and rivwi rn Mm 4th l;iv of October. 1877. tho undersigned, administrator of the estate of the estate of John Gray, deceased, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder at the Court House door of said county, on Saturday, January lOtli, 1878, look P. M. of said day, all the following described real property, belong ing to said estate, anu suuaie III UW it ffrtjin lot of land, de scribed as follows : The NT. E. H of the S. E. H of sect ion 20, and the N. 54 of the S. W . H , and the N. W. H of the H. E. H of sec. 21, all in 1.4 S , It. '2 E.. of the Willamette Meridian, con taining 1U0 acres. And also the following de scribed tract, being in T. 4 S.. It. 2 E.. of said Meridian: Beginning at a point 20 chains East and 20 chains South of the NT. W . corner of sec. 21, in said township; running thence South 20 chains; thence West 29.75 chains; thence North 20 chains; thence East 2!.o chains to the place of beginning, containing 5954 acres. Terms of sale : One-half of purchase money to be paid down in gold coin : balance in one year In like coin, with interest at 10 per cent, per annum. Each tract to bo sold sonarateiy. MOUNT NOYER, Administrator. E. L. Eastiiam. Att'v for adm'r. dec!0-4t. THE NORTHWEST GRANGER Washing Machine. Sec litis Ttlsicliiiic Before;iurchasing Elsewhero. Public attention is called Machine. It is an Oregon to this splendid invention, and tok the First Premium atjhe LAST OREGON STATE FAIR. It will bo MANUFACTURED AT HOME, Hy a responsible firm. It contains four cor rugated Hollers, equal to four wash-boards working in unison: will not injure btitti.ns or clothes, and is the most useful and Mrfect machine ever offered to the public. Patented October lfi, 1S77. Deing manufactured here, in case any of its parts are broken, such part can be replaced at a low ligure without buy ing the entire machine : and such parts will be supplied free where there was a defect, in the machine sold. County and Statc rights for sale. Address A. M. CORNELIUS, Patentee, dec.3.77-tf. Oregon City, Ugn. Grand Removal Sale! VS WE INTEND TO REMOVE FROM the Store we now occupy TO THE NEW STORE, Now bi'ilding on the southwest CoenrriofSalmon nud Eirst Streets, On or about January 4, 1S78, and in order to Reduce Our Stock ...to... SAVE REMOVAL we will Sell All C3ools From now until January 1, at very much KKDUCliD KATES. Basket Cloth Dress Goods In all Colors, 35c per yard. Basket Cloth Dress Coods All wool, 50c per yard. A fine line of all the new shades In DEESS GOODS At 35c per ynril. All Wool 'Black Cashmeres At 75 cents, worth $1 00. All Wool Black Cashmeres At $1 20, worth $1 50. Colored Cashmere nnil Silks to Match! IilocK unit Coloreil Alpacas, anfl EnirM Cloth All Qualities at Uedticeu Rates. Waterproof ClonkinsTH, all styles, At Reduced I 'rices. FELT SKIRTS at 75c and upwards. Best American 15 Yards for 1 00. Prints. Large Size Honeycomb Bfdsprcads. 90c; 12-1 Heavy Marseilles Bedspreeds, $2 25. A Large Stock of all Qualtiies BEDSPREAD. BLANKETS, COMFORTERS, TOWELS, AM) TABLE LI.N'EXS, And all Domestic Goods at Clearance Prices, Zephyr Wools In all Colors Best Qualities at 12 He. A Full Line of GENTS FfRXIsniXG GOODS, liasiERY, EMBROIDERIES AND ALL FANCY GOODS. At Low I'rices. Call and Examine oar Stock, As we certainly offer better Inducements than aro offered elsewhere. J. F. D. WRINKLE & GO. - PORTLAND, OGX. "Orders by mall promptly filled. Samples eent on application, y 6cc. 13, 1 877-1 m. THOMAS CHARHAH ESTABLISHED 1867 TXESIRES TO INFORM Til E CITIZEN SO J D 0Sre?on CiTy and of the Willamette Va le, that he is still on hand and doiDg U 1 ness on the old motto, that A mmble Six Pence is Better than a Slow Shilling I have just returned from San Franclsc. where I purchased one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK Or GOODS ever before offered in this city ; and consist 1 part, as follows : Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description. Hardware. Groceries, Oils, Paints and Sash and Doors,' Cblnaware, Queensware, Stonewar, Crockery. Plated ware, Gluwr, Jewelry f Vriou Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines. Goods, Fancy No- Rope, Farming tions of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, iete. Of the above list, I can say my stock is the JJIOST COMPLETE ever offered in this market, and was seleted with especial care for the Oregon City tradAll of which I now offer for sale at the Lowest Market Rates. ii en fnriYf lmlfcs or nnv one else, to think of going to Portland to buy goods- for I am IMermini-l to Sell Cheap and not to allow myself to be UNDERSOLD IN THE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask is a fair chance and quick, pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables me to know the re quirements of the trade. Come one and all and see for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CHARMAX cannot be beaten in quality or price. It would be useless for me to tell you all the advantages I can offer you in the sale of (roods, as every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disapioiiited. All 1 wish to say is Come, anil See, and Examine for Ypnrirlvci, for Ido not wish to make any mistakes. My object is to tell all my old friends now that I am still alive, and desirous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or upon such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liberal patronage hereto fore bestowed. TIIOS. C1IARMAN, Main Street, Oregon City. Legal Tenders and County Scrip taken at market rates. TIIOS. CIIAIIMAN. yfiO.WX) lbs wool wanted by nov. 1. 15-it TIIOS. CnAEMAK. LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE STABLE. -o- THE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIETOR OF the Livery Stable on Fift h street, Oregon City. Oregon, keeps constantly on hand "iTfirles, "Carriages and Hacks. Saddle and Bujrjyy IIorr. Treasonable Iricet ET. B. CLEKIENTS, Oregon City, Not. 5. 1875. Proprietor. S. A. BROUGHTON, "liroiTLD INFORM THE CITIZENS OF Orejron City and vicinity that he is pre pared to furnish Fir & Cedar Lumber. Of every description, at low rates. APPLEANBOXES, ALSO, lry Flooring, Ceiliir, Rustic, Sprncr, (for shelving). Luttlre, Pickets, and Feuce-1'osts, Cedar, Constantly on hand. Street and Sidewnlk lumber furnished on the shortest notice, at as low rates as it can be purchased in the State. Give me a call at the orkoox virr sa if mills. Oregon City. June 10, 1S75 .-tf CLIFF HOUSE. OREGON CITY, OREGON. T. W. RHODES, irroprietor. TraiMlrnt Board. Single Meals 91 to 9 per' Djty. rents. , . 3. VU Board and Lodging, p-r frk -$e GO The Table will be supplied with the best the market affords. Ball Suppers furnished on short notice, and at reasonable terms. Nov. la. 1875 :tf iiouru per Week... L. JAGCARS, Dealer in FLOUR, HAY, STRAW, OATS, POTATOES, WOOL, ETC., GRAIN SACKS AND TWINE ?-Tlio h lRhest market paid In cash for all h Inds of produce . One door south t Posteillce. Oregon City, Sept. 13, 1877-if. C"JT T"V Greatchance to make money. ? V 1A XJ .If you can't jret jjold you can Ret creen backs. We need a person in everv town to take subscriptions for the largest cheapest and best Illustrated family publica tion in the world. Any one can become a suc cessful aKent. The most eleCant works of art plven free to subsorilers. The price is so low that almost everybody subscribes. One a-ent reports maklnjr over $1K) in a week, a fadv aprent remits taking over 4iM subscribers in en days. All who engage make monev fast. ou can devote all your time to the business or only your spare time. You need not t away from home over night. You can do it tltllJnrhers-'uU Particulars, directions m nY,free' Elogont and expensive Ou fit free If yon want profitable work send us '"r,ad,.,re" t nee. It costs nothing to try the business. No one who engage fails to PIaPTMS9 "Th P-plcf Journal;.' MOORE & PARKER S Celebrated TURBINE WATER WHEEL! M. WALLACE, Agent for Clackamas County, And the State in general. This is one of the best wheels in use on the Pacific Coast, and gives perfect satisfaction in every instance. Any one purchasing a wheel which does not come np to the guarantee, if properly put in, the money will be refunded and all darnagf paid. For further ipformation apply to w. SI. Wallace, at f Cutting's Mill, near Viola, Clackamas Co., or at this ofSoe. ' Sept. 13, 1877-6mos. Referee's Sale VTOTICE IS HEREBY' GIVEN Tn 1! by virtue of a decree and order ,T issued out of the Circuit Court of the s,. ,e" Oregon, for the county of Clackamas Lot partition suit pending, in which D w r side is plaintiff, and Arsinoe C LaW-turn" Harriet M. Larocque. George C. ljm)ue' Alphonse E.Larocque, Euet'ne S-LaroSSj J. X. Apperson and A. J. Ap, erson, &C, are defendants; which said d-cr. ' duly rendered and entered of record in Court on the 21st day of November V? fl? and by which decree and order Yrf Vio. ;!7' undersigned Heirree therein named isor L,-? and directed to sell the real proJrtv r'd tioned and described in said dome and T1" of sale, and of whicli real property the rJi ing is a description, to-wit : All those Drimil situated in the couuty of Clackamas in h" Jjtate of Orrgon, known and described as fni westerly boundary of Main If b . I.n-M 1 1. - IM')' 1 M II I llir Ck r n . : iieginning at a point in t Jary of Main stnL, i tho City (according to the plat thereof) whewT2a easterly extension of the north lint- (,f,k Imperial Mill building intersects wiid mJ5? boundary; running thence southerly uuVT the west boundary of said Main street aL?f .j i nnn, ur i) left South , r the point of intersection with an extension 2r the south line of said mill buildin- then at right angles westwardly by a line Varan? wit h the southern line of said mill buiM about ninety feet to a point where S erly extension of the west line of said mm building is intersected; thence atrUrht'1 gles northerly to and with the westerly Ua said mill building and a northerly exien.i thereor. ninety t'Ki) feet; thence easterly hv line parallel with the northerly line of i i mill building slxty-slx (Mi) feet ; thence sou?L erly at rij;ht angles, forty (40) feet to tt boJ,T erly line, of said building; thence ten, right angles about twenty (Ju) feet to th place of beginning, and the pimntiii! and water privileges, CTS I, Owen Hade, referee in said decree an order of sale named as aforesaid, win on Saturday, the 5tu day ofJanaar)-, A. D 1878, at the hour of one o'clock in the afte-" noon of said day at the Court lions' d(K.r in said Clackamas county. State of Or-gou soil the above described real property at ,'u,i auction tothe highest bidderfor cash in haml in gold coin. The said premises btinjr Wnow as the Imperial Mill property. a Dated this 3d day of Ievmer, A i ir OHEX WAUK,"' Dec. 6, ,.-5t. Kef-ret. Notice. TJ. S. I.AXB Office. Oregpn Cjtv i Oregon, lx-cember 5, 177. " CIOMPLAIXT HAVING BKKX KXTFR. j ed at this oflice by Wm. J. Hesse r Washington eotrnty, against John Sjj,0' 0f r .iMiiii-MMi uiuifi, ir auanonniiig h's homestead entry, No. dated ah;. 11 rd npontheIitsNo.4,5, 8, and 7 of Section"""' Township 2 South, Hange 2 West, in H'ash ington county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry: the said pani- aro hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 16lh day of January, 1K7k, at H' o'clock A. M to respond and furnish t-sti-raony concerning said alleged abandonmen' OlFKN H'ADE, Kegister decl3-tt. T. It. HAKHISOX, KeoeiW. PUBLIC LAND SAIeT U. S. Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. "rid, l.sTT ' "V'OTICE IS H Kit KU V tlVKX THAT IX J.1 pursuance of instructions from th Com missioner of the General Innd office, und-r authority vested in him by section 2. t' of the Revised Statutes of the United states, we uhall proceed to olfcr at public sale on' January 'Jth, A. I). 17, at this office, the following tracts of publie lands, to-wit : Ixrts numbered 1, 2 and 3 of s-r 32, T. S. K. 2 V lots numbered 12, 15 ami h of Sec. 2-t, arid lot S of Sec. 2fi. T. 1 S. It. 10 W, and lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Sec. 2, T. 5 s. of I;. 3 w7 All persons having pre-emption rights toanv portion of said lands are advied t ina" proof thereof and payment lefjr the tiav designated for s;id sale; otherwise thtrj rights will le forfeited. T. it. HAUKISON, OWEN' WADE, Jfov29w4 lieceiver. It-gist r. Johnson, pifCown Mrtcrnm, Atfji Adminis rator's Sale. VOTICE IS HKREBV GIVEN THAT ET virtue of an order of sale made and en tered ef record on the Kith day of August, and a further order directing a re-sale of Hi hereinatter described tract ef land mailt1 and entered of record the 1th day of in eemi r,i.-7T. in the County t ourt of the State (1f i.m-nn lor the County of Clackamas, in the matter of the estate of Iewis fj. Thomas, dece,':si, I will sell at public auction at the hour of one o'clock J". M., on Moiulay, tlie ?tli day of Jannajj, 17S At the Court House doir !n Oregon (it)-. Clackamas county. State of Oregon, the fol lowing described re:il estate tjo!nt:iiJg I" said estate, to-wit : t otumenring tn the 11. iil df the county road leading Irom silv.-nm to Oregon City, at or near au oak tn-e on the 1 section line between Section Hand I'!! T. S , It. 1 F. of the Willamette .Meridian, and running thence west a half miie: tiivnce north one-fourth a mile: thence east one fourth of a mile ; thence north one-fourtli off. mile; thence east three-fourths of a ti:i!: thence south one-fourth of a mile: tlinv west one-half of a m i le : t hence south oi: fourth of a mile to the place of -cinr.it-c. containing -IK) acres more or less, l-iiig a pri of the donation ciaim f Wm. M. Kewr, tinted in the county of Clackamas and Mt of Oregon. Terms V. S. gold coin ; one-half down, ba;- ince in six months. JOHN HOUk. Lec. 6. lS77.-ot AiimT. Johnson, Jlfiown k Marrnm. Alt'ys, Final Settlement. In the mnt:erofthe estate of W. W. Cw t, ii eon sod, VOW ON THIS HAY CAME FH K .TN W. Foster and Il-nry V.ke. Adnim trator's of the aliove emit W. estate and tupi their final leport and vouchers for final Sftt-e-mcnt, and moved the Court to set a day final hearing and examination of t he whereupon it was ordered and adjuni'iiM the Court that a term of this Court U- IvidM Monday, the 7lli day of January, A. D. 1S78, for the purpose of bearing objection t SHid final re:rt and account, and fortnentuj hearing of said matter, at which lime .M next of kin and all in rsons interested can ap pear and make objections to such Cna. : count and settlement thereof, if any tn' have. It is further ordered by the Court notice of this order be given by publisiiiBj copv thereof for four weeks succe the Oregon City Enterprise, a kljr "r pstper published the county of Clackaiuj- - . V. UAXDALL, County Judrf. Attest : W. H. H. Kovts. County Clerk. Oregon City, I-c. 5. bN-4t. Guardian's Sale. iVroncE is iiERF.nv givfn; that is 1 pursuance of an order of the tonne Court of Marion 'county. Oreiron, ' the 15th dflTofOctolKT, A. I. 's"-.I.,f'"' .",' he 15th da v of October, A. I. '.'"J ""V lr sale to the highest bidder, all he FVlt' itleand interest of lHe Wright, Orr rvyi nd F.lla WriKht, minor heirs of '' ! " ; for ! tit at nnd Lots I, 2. 3 and 4 of section 20. all In T. s" It. 2 F.. of' the Willnmette M;;rW talnlng 100 acres more or less. Ihe mu-r. said minors being each an urnlr d,d. third Interest in said above i, cri' Said sale will take place at the to" door in Oregon City. Clackamas von, at the hour of one o'clock P. 31. ou Friday, th 21st day r Ueccmbcr, A. 1S77. Terms of sale-gold ''"jsi-Y Guardian of'said minor. Nov. 20. 1877-it. - NOTICE. T AJOTICR IS HEREBY CI VEX IT; i my wife, Ixniise Bohna, has lctt id. and board without Just cause, ami -the public that I ill not W'?,"'. any debts contracted by n'roilVV Howard's Mill, Clackamas Co., li't-t." aOTICE of fish settlement- "VTOTICE I? HEREBY ,G,,V,fT j the undersigned. arfnlnls7'n0r,nlu? his tate of Robert Wilson, deceased has ni -final account as such adminis '"n; County Court of Clackamas bounty y, and that said Court has a Planned Mm the 7th day of January. A. 1- "oblee of one o'clock P. 51. fo the hcannij of tlons to said final account and the ' of t he same. . W rMstte. hoc 6. "77 4t. aniirr w Administratrix's Notice. VTOTICE IS HEREBY G1VEX THA of j have been appointed administratn fce the estate of John Kramien. deceaseii; ,v hon. County Court of Clackamas cou State of Oregon ; therefore all r-rsons n claims against said estate are notified 1 ' ufJ. sent them, with proper vouchers, to k. dersigned in Pleasant Hill PreciPCt, 1 1 mas county, Oregon, within six months the aaie 01 mis nonce. . ,rv LOVISrKBAMlEN. Pec.4.'l877-4t. Adm'xsaid BLANKS OF EVERY TJFCWrnONFOB Sale at this office. Justices of the 4i can get anything in their line. ing described parcels of land sitnafe in 1 m amas county, State of Oregon, 1' of section 10 nnd the S. V. hi of the :