Ni r1 o V X 12 1 i O 5 J ; v- I 11 Child Marian in Mischief. What golden days they were those early summer days in the Austrain Cap ital, and what sights we saw, and what adventures we had, and how lovely Ma rian grew in the bracing air, and how we loved her more and moro as the weeks went on ! Well, no, we didn't mind her mischief very much, because, you see. she neermeant to be mischiev ous, and that makes all the difference in the world. She generally thought sue was doing right and her little pranks were most always more errors of judgment. . fcue would never have cut off Har ry's long hair, but that she thought it would be more becoming and coruforta . ble short. She never would have pinned red strips to the shoulders of my dress coat which I wore to a court-reception, and wasn't aware they were there until a fellow-countryman asked me if they were a pair of young shoulder-straps. And I'm sure she didn't mean any harm when fche put a box of toilet-powder in to the hat of a distinguished States offi cer who came to call on us, and he, poor man, who was nothing if not dig nified, and not much if he was, felt very angry when hi3 red face, and bald head, and black coat received a white shower. We were very much mortified at this, and Aunt Elinor looked very severe and said: " Marian Marian, why did you do it? it was very naughty and thoughtless!" and the little lady replied that she had only hidden it there for a moment from Henry, and forgotten to tako it out; and sha continued: " I don't hurt him a bit, and it wasn't half as bad as Harry did for he stirred up our mucilage-pot with the old gen tleman's umbrella-handle, and didn't wipe it off again. Harry was just go ing to wi?e it off, when ho came ojt of the parlor so mad about the powder-box, and seized his umbrella right out ot Harry's hands before we could tell him ; and O my! didn't it stick to his gloves!" Aunt Elinor groaned, and no wonder. And I I looked very stern, and said: " Children, I'm surprised, when you know I charged you to be especially good while that gentleman whs here." "Well," said Marian, beginning to cry, "wo tried to bo good, and went down into the court-yard to keep out of mischief, and we would have staid there till he came down, only the pins gave out." Tins what do you mean?" asked Aunt Elinor. ' O, we had a paper of pins, and wo stuck them all into the carriage cush ions, and spelt words with tho heads; wo wrote 'old poy' with pin-heads way across the front seat, and it looked so well we left it for him to see." A IT, t - Auni.iiinor groaneii again. "And we made a cat on the back seat, and then Harry made a fence all round her to keep her in a lovely fence! We lifted up the linen cover of the seat, and stuck the pins point upwards and I do hope he noticed it before he sat down." I didn't wait to hear moro, but I seiz ed my hat and hurried off to the gentle man's house, and found him looking very flushed and angry, as if he misht be just on tho point" of striking our names off his visiting list. I did the best I could with an apology, but the old gentleman worked himself into a towering passion, and said: " It's outrageous, sir, outrageous. I shall not be able to sit down with com fort for a week." I told Marian ainl Henry what he said, and both children looked very sorry, but surely did the best they knew to mend the injury, for when, a few days after, I went to search for my court-pla&ter case, Marian looked guil ty, and said very beseechingly: "O don't be angry with me, dear Un cle Will, Isentitto Gen. with such a nice note. " O! O!! O!!!" I groaned and felt like . tearing my hair. " Don't feel so badly, dear Uncle Will, 'twas a very nice note, I have a copy of it here," and she produced a letter that read as follows: Dear General: We are very sorry that yon hurt you when you sat down. We send you some court-plaster, and hope it will do you good. We didn't mean to bo outrajns, and we don't think it was much trouble for you to get the powder out of your hair because you have so little hair on the top of vour head, and it will brush out of that little fringe 'round tho edges easy enough. Harry says he thinks your "head very pretty behind; it looks just like a o.s triches egg he saw in a museum. Did you see what he wrote on your carriage dishing while your cotehman was drinking beer with our porter? Please send the pins back again when when you get time. " Don't you think that is a prettv good note?" "Yes, Marian, it is well enough of itself, but you ought not to havo done it you are very naughty to do 6uch things without asking leave." - '"What do you suppose thinks?" said Elinor, hardlv the man knowing wueiner 10 cry or Uugh. "O," I said, trying to comfort her "ho thinks the children wrote it, and, I dare say, had a good laugh over it." " I don't think he did," said Marian. " Did what, said Marian?" "Did think we wrote it," said Marian. "Why not, dear?" " Because, Uncle Will, I thought he wouldn't think it much account if ho thought we wrote it and sol signed Aunt Elinor's name to it." " How could you how could you, Marian?" and Aunt Elinor for a'wo xuont thought she would cry a little," and she saw how funny it all was, and she laughed a 'little instead, and then it seemoJ rather awkward, and she turned to me and asked what she should do: " Do! why there is only ono thing to do, and that is to go to "the General's and apologize" which we proceeded to do forthwith, but not until Marian had promised never, whilo she was with ns, to send another note without telling us about it, and never, never to put any body's but her own name to her letters. WtUiam 31. I. Hound in Wirft? Aicule. The other evening a traveler endeav ored to walk into a hotel, temporarily closed for repairs in a town out West, but was unable to effect an entrance. " That house is closed, mister," said a pedestrian as he passed along. The traveler banged away on the door, and the pedestrian called out, "You there, the house is closed." The traveler twisted away at the knob, and once moro the pedestrian called out, " I say, that house is closed." " Don't you sup pose I know it, you iiliot?" roarod the traveler. "What I'm trying to do is to open it!" The lion is the king of beasts, but the cow is the boa. Caoutchouc Making on the Amazon. Narrow paths lead from the hut through the thick underbrush to the solitary trunks of the India rubber trees ; and as soon as the dry season allows, the woodman goes into tho seringal with a hatchet in. order to cut small holes in the bark, or rather in the wood of the caoutchouc tree, from which a milky white sap begins to flow through an earthenware spout fastened to the wound. Below is a piece of bamboo which is cut into the shape of a bucket. In this way he goes from tree to tree un til, upon his return, in order to carry the material more conveniently, he be gins to empty the bamboo buckets into a large calabash. The contents of this are poured into one of thoso great tur tle shells which on the Amazon are used for every kind of purpose. He at once sets to work on the smoking process, sines, if left to stand long, the gummy particles separate, and the quality of the India rubber is hurt. This consists in subjecting the sap, when spread out thin, to the smoke of the Urucury or Uauassa palm, which, strange to say, is the only thing that will turn it solid at once. An earthenware "bowl with out bottom," whoso neck has been drawn together like that of a bottle, forms a kind of chimney when placed over a heap of dry red-hot nuts so that the white smoke escapes from th-i top in thick clouds. The workman pours a small quantity of the white rich milk like liquid over a kind of light wooden shovel which he turns with quickness, in order to separate the sap & much as possible. Then he passes it quickly through the dense smoke above the little chimney, turns it about several times and at once perceives the milk take on a grayish yellow color and turn solid. In this way he lay3 on tkin after skin until the India rubber on euch side is two or three oentimetera thick and ho considers the plancha done. It is then cut upon one side, peeled off the shovel and hung up to dry. since much water has got in between the layers, which should drv out if possible. Tho cplor of tho plancha, which is at first a bright silver gray, becomns more and more yellow and at last turns into the brown of caoutchouc as it is known in commerce. A good workman can finish in this way five or six pounds an hour. The thicker, the moro even, and the freer from bubbles the whole mass is, so much the bettor is its quality and higher the price. Scribner for Decem ber. Tho Science of Naval Warfare. A correspondent writing of a recent reconnoisance of the Turkish fleet to ward Sebastopol, says: "Before con cluding I may say a few words respect ing the admirable manner in which the concentration of the enemy's fire was managed. They had evidently adopted the'Siemen'sand HalekeV stadiometer, an instrument by which the position of any vessel entering a harbor or the dis tance of any object in view can be as certained at a moment's notice. Two observers are required at the end of a base line, and they havj merely to fol low tho motions of the object, if mov ing, or bring it in the center of the field of their respective telescopes. The ob server at the one end has his telescope affixed to a table on which is spread a chart of the harbor mapped off into squares, each of which is numbered. The pedestal of his telescope carries a light pointer, either of glass or a light, open, narrow frame. At the other end of thi3 table is a similar pointer, at tached to machinery placed in a small box underneath, which is worked by currents cf 1 ctricity sett from an electro-magnetic battery at the other station. The moving of the telescope, in fact, causes the ictary motion neces sary for the induction of the electricity, and everything is so adjusted that the movements of this telescope and of tho pointer at the table shall always corres pond. When both the telescopos are pointed at the same.object the pointers cross, and the scale of the chart being in accordance with and in proportion to the base line, the point of intersec tion naturally shows the section of the I harbor in which the object is to be found. Similar maps being placed in r.ll the forts and batteries, it is very ea sy to communicate by flashing signals the number of the square in which an enemy's ship happens to be, and thus tho range at each point can be ascer tained, and the gnu laid accordingly. During the day, when the sun is shin ing, mirrors answer this purpose admir ably; end at night the Hashing of a lan tern will equally a3 well serve to tele graph the required information." C i: o m well 's Vigilance. Oliver Cromwell carried the system of espion agp to perfection. There was not the smallest accident that bef el King Charles the Second, in his exile, but Cromwell knew it perfectly well. A gentleman who had served tho unfortunate Charles the First, desired leave of Cromwell to travel, and obtained it on condition that he would not see Charles Stuart. On arriving at Cologne, however, the gentleman broke his promise, and sent a message to tho exiled King, request ing that he might wait on him in the night, which was granted. Having dis cussed fully on theaffairs of his mission. 1 . 1 la. m - - he reeeiveu a letter lrom tho Kins winch he concealed in the crown of his hat, and then took his leave. On his return to England, he waited on Crom well with confidence, and, being asked if he had punctually performed his promise, he said that'he had. "But," said Cromwell, "who was itthatputout the candles when you spoke to Charles Stuart?" This unexpected question startled him ; and Cromwell, proceeding asked him what he said to liim. To which the gentleman answered: "Noth ing at all." "But did he not send a letter by you?" replied the Protector The gentleman denying this also, Crom well took his hat frnm him, drew out tho letter, and had the unfortunate messenger committed to the Tower Hats. Hate not. It is not worth your while. Your life i3 not lono enough to mako itpav to cherish ill-will or hard thoughts. What if this man has cheated you, or that man played you false? What if your friend has for saken you in time of need, or that one having won your utmost confidence,' your -warmest love, has concluded that he prefers to consider and treat you as a stranger? Let it all pass. What dif ference will it make to you in a few years, when you go to the undiscovered country? A few more smiles, a few more pleasures, much pain, a little lon ger hurrying and worrying through the world, some hasty greetings, abrupt farewells, and our plav will be "plav ed out," the injured will be laid away and, ere long, forgotten. Is it worthy to hate each other? Discovery of a Statue bj Praxiteles. In the second week of May, 1877, there was found in the Olympian tem ple of Zenus, not far from the portrait statue of a Roman lady, a colossal mar ble statue of a nude youth. The lower portion of the legs and the right fore arm aro wanting. With the left elbow ho leaned upon the stem of a tree, sup porting on his arm a little boy. Of the latter figure, unfortunately only the lower part remains and the tiny hand that he had laid confidingly on tho shoulder of his bearer. Over the tree stem on which the arm that supports tho boy is rested falls the drapery in rich, deeply cut, and wonderfully work ed folds, affording to the arm asoftrest ing place, and gracefully hiding the support of the tree stem, which in thin position was technically necessary. The body of the youth rests 'with an easy negligence on the leit leg, so that the soft flesh of the right hip shows in manifold displacements, the play of the musoles of the blooming youthful form. The head is marked by the finest; most spiritualized youthful beauty, and some what resembles the heads we see on the Vatican Meleages or the Hermes of the Belvedere. The body, too, resembles those figures, only it is slenderer, soft er, more vivacious. At the first glance we are struck by the careless execution of the hair, which, in the parts that were usually unseen by the spectators, is only slightly indicated. The back of the statuo is also less thoroughly wrought. Now Fausanias reports that among the gifts of recent date was a marble Hermes carrying the boy Dionysins, and that it was a work of Praxiteles. The eavans who have eharge of the ex cavations have, therefore and, there is no doubt, correctly inferred that our statue is really the Hermes of Prax iteles, and that we now, for the first time, behold an original work of that great artist a work that is equal to the greatest treasure wo possess of ancient art, and which must ever remain a corner-stone of our knowledge of the his tory of Greek sculpture. London Ath enaeum. Which Aro The Best Oysters? As for comparative merit, that is a matter which rivals the oyster itself in delicacy. In Washington or Baltimore, the oyster dealer will generously admit that it is quite possiblo to find good oysters outside of Chesapeake Bay; but for a "perfect" oyster, he will tell you that it is useless to look to any other locality. The Philadelphian is equally sure that the estuary of the Delaware is the perfect oyster's only home, a local prejudice which the oyster-eater of New York attributes to a deplorable igno rance of what a first-rate oyster really is. Doctors differ; and the unpreju diced can only rejoice that anywhere be tween the parallels of 3G and 4.0 north , one may find oysters worthy of any human palate. Here in New York the favorites are, first and foremost, the Saddle Rocks, a variety which Jersey men insist has been exterminated these many years. They still remain, how ever, not only as direct descendants from the colony about the original Sad dle Rock, but in many other localities in Long Island Sound; for it was not a distinct variety that gave the name its fame, but only an exceptionally thrifty chance-sown bed of the common natives, a grade of oyster that artificial cul ture easily and constantly rivals. Next in rank may bo mentioned the Blue Points, coming chit-fly from Great South Bay, Long Island; the same as the former in stock, but bred under different con ditions, and so differing somewhat in flavor. The products of Shrewsbury River, N. J., probably come next; these were formerly transplanted natives of Newark Bay, improved by develop ment in the favorable waters of the Shrewsbury; but more recently, we aro informed, the seed is commonly brought from Long Island Sound. Scribner for December. ... A Tho Remains of a Crusader's Church Discovered in Palestine. On the road from the Mount of Olives to Bethany, the remains of a Crusader's chruch have recently been discovered. In his official report, which appear3 in the Athencritm, Lieutenant Kitchner states that tradition has long pointed out this spot as tho place where the Sa vior mounted tho ass for his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. In the ehapel, which dates from the twentieth or thir tieth century, there is an almost square block of masonry covered with paint ings, which are all well executed, but badly disfigured. On the south sido is represented the rising of Lazarus; on the north side the disciples fetching the ass; on the we3t there is a niche cover ed by an arch which was probably sup ported by two small columns; below the niche is a portion of an inscription still remaining. This square block is supposed to be either an altar, a shrine, or a portion of the rock cut out and or namented. The , walls of the small chamber to the south are also painted with a design of squares containing circles, aud the walls of the church are painted in a common pattern. The shield of Hamseh has been taken down from the mosque by the Pasha, and is now in the Serail. It appears to have been the cover of a baptismal font, or of some vessel, and is made of bronze, containinjr a great deal of silver. The work apjears to be Italian of the twelfth century, and is very beautiful. JLouis Napoleon's Ambition. When tho late Louis Napoleon was a candidate for the Presidency of tho French republic, in 1848, he called up on Victor "Hugo aad gave expression to the following sentiments: "I have come to have a talk with you, and set matters straight. People calumniate me. Look at me. Do I strike you as being insane? People suppose I mean to re-commence Napolean's career over again. There are two men whom a man. swayed by prreat ambition, might take as models Napoleon and Washington. One is a man of genius, the other a man of vir tue. It would be absurd for a man to say I shall be a genius, but he can say honestly I mean to be a man of virtue. It is not within a man's power to be a genius, but he can alwajs be an honest man. I could only imitate Napoleon in one thing a crime. I am not a great man I shall not copy Napoleon ; but I shall be an honest man, and imitate Washington. My name the name of Bonaparte will be inscribed on two pages of the history of France. On the one it will be associated with crime and glory on the second, with probity and honor; and the second will, perhaps, rank higher than the first. . Why? Be cause, if Napoleon is greater. Washing ton is better. Between a criminal Nero and a good citiaen, I choose the good citizen. Such is my ambition." COURTESY OF BAMCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOPJIIA, A Wretched Existence. Other conditions being equal, there is no reason why a healthy man or woman should not enjoy life ; and it may well be doubted whether advorse fortune has the power entire ly to destroy the happiness of one who sleeps soundly and whose digestion is good. But for the nervous, feeble, dyspeptic invalid there is no comfort in life. Ilia existence is indeed a wretched one. But he should not despair of relief. That benignant restorative, Hostettera Stomach Bitters, has imparted healthful vigor to many a self supposed incurable. It is an unequaled builder up of broken down phys iques, and is besides a'sovereign remedy for dys pepsia, nervousness, irregular habit of body, biliousness and kidney and bladder difficulties. It eliminates from the blood the acrid clement which gives rise to rheumatic ailments cheers and relieves the aged and infirm, aud may lie used Willi great advantage by ladies in feeble health. Its perfect purity also commends it to the use of invalids. Iron inl tbe Human Itlood. Iron, the oldest of all metals, is also the most widely dispersed throughout all na ture. There is "not a plant, nor an animal, nor an iota of the mineral kingdom, but what con tains its proportion of iron, and the human blood is indebted to iron for one of its largest component parts. Iron has been employed for ac' as a medi cine, but never have its virtues been so fully appreciated, nor has it ever been so universally demanded as at the present time. Our fathers of old were but little acquainted with therapeutics. If they were ailing, ' too much blooa" was the verdict, and they had re course to bleeding as a general panacea; while the church was constantly preaching abstinence and fasting. Tempora inutantur, et nos nxutamitr in illis. Our medical practitioners have well nigh for gotten tho free use of the lancet, and our churches, realizing the constantly growinv fhysical impoverishment of our race, have apsed in the enforcement of their command ments. Indeed, the results of our civilization with it crowded cities aud sedentary habits compels us to adopt an entirely different treatment. Instead of weakening our system by the barbarous practice of bleeding, it is our imperative duty in all cases to purify and en rich. Vie blood. The most powerful agent for this purpose is iron. The medical profession have no doubt of this. Iro determines the principal action of life and gives to the blood that necessary quan tity of red globules which constitutes the heal thy vitality of the individual. Its use quickly restore the appetite and renders to the gum plexion a healthy appearance, It is common to see persons, hitherto perfect images of death, acquire the health and ruddy glow of tho most robust. Bnt if iron produces such wonderful results in all cases of anemy, chlorosis, amenorrhea, impoverishment of the blood, general debility, premature exhaustion from whatever cause, the choice of the ferruginous preparation to be used must be nude with great care; some prepara tions being insolluble produce indigestion others, owing to certain salts, cause constipa tion or the opposite, slacken the appetite, blaek en the teeth, possess a disagreeable odor and many other inconveniences. There is now being introdmced into this coun try a .French preparation of Iron, known in France as liichetse du Sang here it is called Ked Blooh which we can recommend as pos sessing all the virtues of iron without any of the rile ingredients or bad effects of common preparations. It is indeed the invigorating tomo par excellence. C. Melqciond, 415 San some street, San Francisco, is the ngent for the United States. To be had of all tho principal chemists. I'noo, iii.lio. Bhenmatiin lnickly Cured. "Durang'a Rheumatic Remedy," the great Inter. nl Medicine, will positively cure any case of rheu matism on the face of the earth. Price $1 a bottle, six bottles, $5. Bold by all Druggists. Send for circular to Helphenstine k Bentley, Druggists. Washington, D. C. Sold wholesale by H. C Kirk k O., bacramento, CkI. Mrs. tieneral Sherman, Wife of the General of the United States Araiy, says: "I have frequently purchased Durang's Rheumatic Remedy for friends suffering with Rheumatism, and in every instance it worked like magic." Sond for circular to Helphenstine & Bentley, Druggists, Washington, 1). V. Cahds, $1 ; CabineU $2 per doz. People's Aet Oallebv, 34 Third street, San Francisco. no 25 Fashionable Cabd, no 2 alike, with name 10c post paid. Qro. I. Reed & Co., Nassau. N. Y 25 F.i.EOAST Cares, no two alike, with name, 10c. pot paid. J. B. IIustcd, Nassau. X. Y. Q1 -PAffE C ATA IXyfi V K FREE TO AfJENTS O -L Wikmtkr & Co., 17 New Montgomery KI..S.F. $3 IJFsT TIM(i ETEK OFEEtlVP! we ctn nJ you a 7 Shot Kkviilveb or a WATt II !y f.xprrw I r s ..(.'. te aii kwp a cuimiMe atiMk of' (AjcisS crT l'ack"!!.-. tc For lartirular aitilrr.4 . i.iis. .niv rTi .'i; iiiHimrri malum i.mUAN NoVelt Co., 11 la a. Ciark St.. C'UICAii:"). OPIUM OR MORPHINE HABIT KADir.tLLY ITHEDIXA FEW HAYS, without pain or publicity. No charge util a cuie Is completed. I'all at 319 itualt street, San Francleo. Cal., or send for pamphlet. MISS DEXTER'S COUGH AND BLOOD PURIFIER ! H AS a maclral effect in rurlAff Colds. Ooliichs or Consumption f lhe Blond ; is a I.lver Invigo mtor and Klood p.rlfier; pleasant in taste and purely vesctol: my remedy for Catarrh cures the worst cai-fs in a short lime. Ofllce, 3i and :I9 St Ann's building, corner Powell and Eddy. ConsnUu tiuus Free. BEST HOLIDAY GIFT For Parent, Chili. Teacher, Pastor, Friend- EYE and EAR REMOVAL. MI'IX'IAI.TT, TV J. PAi'flii, yt. 1).. 621 ('lav Kr Treatmentnf the Vv rA Ear has been my specially lor the last 27 years. CATARRH Positively cured brl'immi tntionail Treatment for the Blood, with the Kid of my NASA I. TUBES for the treatment of the Nostril. l he Throat, l.unn. T.ln-- er, DyepepiH. Hrrofula and Sfclri Dneasca; also dfs eaae of the Kltlmvy nnd ;rntlo-l'rlnry or- jfuns treated ouccesufnlly. tXKCTKK'ITV sci entifically and successfully applied in all Nkkvoits AffkctiuNs ana Khki'm tism. Medical and sur gical Treatment In all Diseases. Call or address V. J. rAUOH. M. T , l 'l.r Nlreel. San Francisco. Cal. (over the Clay Street Savings Bank Koouis t, 2 and Si. N. B. A KTI FICTAL EYES largo assortment al wavs on band. MENZO SPRING, , Manufacturer of ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. Office and address, fteary St., San ifrancisco. Tescrlptlv Circulars. Blanks for Measurement, with Instruc tions, and Price List free on ap plication T. W. TUCKER & CO., 131 Krarnr KtVr. - - Sax Francisco, Cal Watches, Jewelry and Silverware Sent C. O. D. to any part of the conntry. TjOOK! BURBANK fe MYERS, Im porters and Breeders of Fancy Fowls. Pigeons. Kat.hits. etc. Also Kggs for hatching from the finest cf Imported Slock. F.ggs and low U at re duced prices. Rl'RIIAsK & 31 YEItH. 43 and 41 California Market, Yards. cor. Lottand McAiliti.r streets V. Enclose stamp for PfticK List. itcaxe ttaU renrre you saw this Atlvr.rtinemmt.1 AMERICAN MACHINE AND MODEL WORKS. "IT'XPERIMEN'TAI. AND FINK SPECIAL MA JLrf chlnerv. Planing, Kear rut lr.g. Printing Press. Brass Band Instruments, nd general Machine Re palling. Ides, Taps, Punches, Kamers, aud other Tools made to oruer. Models and Patterns for In- entors promptly executed In Wood or Metals. 314 Commercial street, between Sansome and LtiJes docs', (Third Floor;, Baa Frteie. S3 09 Druggists' Sundries. TOILET ARTICLES. COLOGNE, HAIR OIL and Bmnade, Bottles, Halts, etc. New style EngliNh auTr French Perfumery. Cut Glass Toilet Seta, also Aa;en' Matei-HUs etc., etc.. for sale by JOHN TAYLOR & CO- 812 to SIS Waahingtoii Ht.. Man Frnel. How to Become X.enii ! OR the successful treatment of excessive fatness, without injury to the health, hv the use of CK. OKR'i ELIXIR OF "GULF WEED." which can be obtained of all respectable Druggists a'id at the Wholksale Depot, N. K. Cob. Post and Mason 8ts.. Kan Francisco. lrl--. S2.UO er bottle. Fie BITTERS USE the Hleraplera or Fig Bitters. Cures Fever and Ague, Biliousness. Constipation, Impure Blood, Kidney Weakness, Worms. Crlnury IiiKor ders, Female Complaints, etc. Kniggists have it. Agents. Hkdivdtun tfc Co, Wholesale lruggi-ts Mau Fraurtscr, CaJ. Information to Country Residents. The ST. GEORGE HOTEL, 812 Kearny SI. SAN FRANCrCO. New four-story brl k, con taining 1 OO beautiful light sunny rooms, newly furnished, to rent by the liay. Week or Month, lu suite or Mingle, at one-half the u.siisl mtes. enabling one to live In the citv in tine stvle for the small sum of Que Iollar per day. TRY IT. HOT BISCUIT EVKItV MORXISO. DOOLEY'S YEAST POWDER tVII.l. DO IT. K17V IT. SAFE DEPOSIT LOAN OFFICK, Ilrlek Building, 33ft Kearny Street, between Bun and Pine, Nan Francisco. Private Entrance on lielden Place, bet. Mont. KOtuery nnd Kearny, Ruth and Pine Streets. Emporium or Choice and KI.EUA9TT JEM'DLltY, alt ot recent uiannTaetnre and most artistic flni.sli and ,lei(;n. comprising: varieties to suit the most fastidious tastes. Money Loaned on Collateral Security and Unredeemed Pledgre lor sale. max tioi.m:i:nu. Water Pipe ! FOB CITIES, TOWNS. MINKS, RANCH KH AND ALL WATKR CULitSKiS. For descriptive boo lea send to AMERICAN PIPE CO., 83 California Street. San FranrlHHi. San Francisco, May 30, 1S77. We. lhe uuilrmienrd IVhoIranie Uru cer. take lra,nrr In remarking the in ereaaed dnuMDil for llawra'a Premium Yeant Powder, and of imllOlna: to the eeueral aallvftirUon fflveu by thla brand 8as Fbaxcisoo WELLMAN. PECK k CO., ROOT & 8ANDERSON, LEDDEN. WHIPPLE & CO.. HAAS BROS., TABER HARKER Is CO.. S. M. PIKE & CO.. J. A. FOLDER' CO., NEWTON BROS, k CO.. CASTLE BROS., KRUBE & ECLER, JONES k CO., M. EHRMAN & CO.. V. DANERI A- CO., M. & O. MANOELS. TILLMAN BEXDEL, ALBERT MAU & CO.. ' W. W. DODOE k CO. 8aCAamfkto ADAMS. McNElLI. & CO. MEBILS & CO., BOOTH & CO.. MILLIKEN BROS. A REVOLUTION SOAIMfsiSESS A itaa Fraiioisoo Manufacturing firm to the reader of the KtrssiAN Kiver lao : J" A DIES ANDUKNTLRMFN We address you ia the hoie that our Ktxteruent may renult In mutual advantage. In vast years the Soap bualiieHH on th in coast has been conducted la a way which attaoned more Importance to large manufacturing proflui than to honest weieht and good quality, ren dering competitiou In the Soap trade little lee than a rivalry in It A S C AIjITY. Boxes containing- Jess than eleven pounds of worse than worthless trash, ar boldly niarKed and sold as "lO Ilr IS founds,' and wretched combi nation of caustic soda and putrid urease, taken from lhe diseased carcases of (lend animals are unblilNU initly presfed upon the trade and the people aa "the bent family soups.'' and to supply the deficiency re HUliiu? from incompetence and the use of refuse materials, mineral substances of Lhe most hurtful character are added, and whiiesuch stun" may, after a fashion, supply the place of SEAL SOAP, It doe so at the expense of the fabrics, hands and health of those who use suck compooud. Menlcal men tell us that the Rkiu is a powerful ab sorbent, and poisoncii compounds In snaps have been known to spread lrom the hands over the en tire body. Just as a touch of poison oak in one place will be carried from head to foot ot the person poi soned, and many women who suffer constantly from a dry, htiri insr skin, and who find their per sonal appearance disfigured by discoloration, will frequently find the pred'sposinir cause of their mis fortune In the rompotinds which are made to sup ply the place of TK V K HOA.P for laundry, kitchen, bath and other household purposes. THINK OF IT. Think of tender Infant, children nnd delicate wo men bein; constantly swathed In garments, every thread of which Is permeated with the putrid poi sons of diseased fat and dangerous mineral Bub atances, which are taken up bj' perspiration and ab sorbed into t tie hkln and circulation, endangering health and the very life of all I Yes, think of this, and then decide whether you will pay a fair price for a PUKK AKT1CLK or ten times the value of an apparently cheap one, the use of which is ever at tended with actual loss aud danger to health and V"IUII k I Htich are the dancers to he apprehended in the use ! or the "cheap" so ps with winch the markets are I Hooded, but none theless davcerous are many which are heralded forth aud sold at even extravagant prices, under attractive names, leading people to believe that thev will vuh a.-oii i.k...., ki.i.. 1 in ice-cold water, or bleach clothing as white as snow by Tragical qualities, unknown to the science of soap. The very fact of soaps possessing these so-called magical qualities, is conclusive evidence that thev contain substances which are injurious to Clothing and dangerous to health, and should be avoided under all circumstances. To speak in , w PLAIN TERMH, t.ootl, honest, reliable soap can only be made from pure materials, combined after proper method, by those skilred in the art of soap-maVing. and we now rTer to consumers, through the trade, an article which we guarantee to be strictly pure and made only from the very best refined materials. Ask your Grocer for SJIITII, LICY & CO" Peerless Soap! And take no Other. Th lirt"a la Inw aa a nneo ar ticle Can be supplied for. and its use will always se cure the best results and remove all danger of con tamination. Ui.aUHlPiIUA I To guard purchasers against imposition, we des cribe our soap as follows : It Is a boiled soap, made on the most approved chemical principles, from the best refined materials. It Is of that rich light straw color, obtained onlv by the most skillful combina tion of the finest raw materials. It is well seasoned ano compactly pressed into cakes of J,' of a pound each, with "SMITH. LUCY fe CO., PKERI.ESS sAP." pressed into the cake on one side, and "SMITH. LUCY CO., FRONT ST., 8. P ou lhe other. Kach cake Is enclosed In a neat red wrapper, with appropriate printed matter thereon and every care has b-en taken to turn out an arti cle which cannot fail to give f 'ill satisfaction. To KNOW ITS VALUE, It must be used, so ask your Urocer for " Smith LjrcY fe Co'b Peerless Soap." and do not be pui off wlto othjers which are said to be as good. It can be retailed for ieM than the wholesale cost of East ern soaps of equal quality and weight, and as homt manufacturers we confidently e,p?ct that the trade 'cfiiiialnif public will give us their orders and hearty co-operation in our efforts to supply the n2,Lnd pttrest "oap for verv lewest possible Prlce- Respectfully, SMITH, LUCY fc CO., 403 FROXT HTRJEET. b. F. n!nr to th ftaaneUl afeundjuit rawurcM ml oar pricts we propoae Mill nro ua we wuJ Dt up wun n ail. 1 ol M an Any or the pren, v as IMPOKTAXT TO tOTSPAP PUBLISHERS. RUSSELL, GIBSON tte Co. Are now prepared to ofler extraordinary Indace meuta to Newspaper Publishers : OUTSIDE!, I ID V.H, fiV WLKM V.XTH. CFor Dailies, Semi-Weeklies or Weeklies), Or entire newspapers, printed with or without our Co . t.-rative Advertisements, ou more lavorable U i' . than ever before offered. inserted amiuis reading matter. so that patrons can always know how much they ubould becredHed with. Our selections of reading matter, together with our San Francisco Letter. Market Report and Weekly Compendium ot News, are acknowledged features, and give entire satisfaction. Xotwlthstaading the misrepresentations aad false hood of a certain party who has vainly attempted Ui lilacitmall r.9, our business has steadily lucreas- 1, and our list of papers Is now larger than ever befo ?. v irxfo v. Newspaper Fubli.-o- ers, in writing, should be careful not to be df ceived by ana jtrrson who shrewdly tries to mislead, by adopting a name. Address all your commuuwiations to Western STcwspapcr Unl SIS ( LAY ST., Nan Wmneint. RUSSELL. GIBSON CO.. Paopitf ttTORa. PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP CO. t'arr; ing thr I'. N. Mail and lhe I'.iprru. p-JiC The Elrcaut slesiom of t til Company leave Broadway Wharf, San fr'iaiit i.sco, Evkbv Wkkk for PORTLAND, OREGON. DIRECT, And for Santa Cruz, San Lnls Obispo, Santa Bar bara, Ventura. Los Angeles, and San Diego and other ports about EVKKY THIRD DAY. Tickets sold to all the piclpal places on the Pa cific slope at THE TOWIStT-i'X' KATEisi. IHin't II it y Ticket by any other Line nntil y ou rail at our Ticket Otlic-e. Kan Franelaeo Ticket OMlee 314 ?! ottl Coinrr; Ktrerl. GOOD ALL, PERKINS k CO. Oeneral Agents, No. 10 Market street. Sill Francisco. , OREGON STEAMSHIP COMPANY. ! The Only Direct Lino to Portland. Cabin I'sMar, SIO Steerage Iaaaa,ve. KKtiVLAK NTCAJIKBs TO ,rOltTL.iND leavlnz San Frbncisco ev ery HVli DAYS until further notice btt-amshlps City of Chester. George W. Elder and Ajax, Connecting with Steamers to SIl'KA and Pl'GKT Wll'K I, and O. and C K. R. Co. and Oregon and C K. R. Co. through Willamette. Impqua and Rogue River Valleys, Oregon. TICKETS TO ALL POIXTM ON THE . and C. U R. SOLO AT RKDUCKD RATIOS. K. VAX OTERKNDORP. Agent. StlO Battery blreet. Sau Fraiicirico. Y CHASIBK3M1.V, IK. THOK. A. KDIIINSOV. n BUSINESS CDLLZG2. 5 & 13 323 Tost Etroot, W SAX I E1 CIM O. OPPOSITK UNION SQUAKK, TIIK OLDEST and most complete Com mercial college on the coast. Klegant halls ; new furniture: ihoroincb jn. structloii; pi art leal teachers: high standing with the public, students can commence at any time. Liay and Kvenlng Circulars free on application. JOMX, N. K. cor. Bat tery and Jackson Ms., San Francisco, offers to make to order the best French Calf Leather BOOTS at from $S to O0 California Leather BiKits, - - is W French Call Oxford Ties. - - 4 HO California - . .t fto Boys' and Children's Boots and Phoes made to order. Persons in the country ordering Boots and Shoes to the amount of f 12 or more will be allowed a reduc tion of four percent., to make the express ehareee itght, I sell Boots and Shoes of MY OWN MANU FACTURE ONLY. Boots and tiboes sent C. O. f Positively one price. International Hotel, C24 and 826 KEARNY ST., KAN FRANCISCO. CAL K1.--VO Httll . ler lHJ, anal lent by I lie Week. rciacbes with the name of the Ktitei n bring Unests to the Hotel Free. Beware of other Coaches and Runners. H. C. PATRID G, Proprietor. GRAND REDUCTION IN PRICES. M. SHORT, Having Just received a Large I u voice of WEST OF ENGLAND GOODS, Therefore Informs his patrons that he will make CLOTHING TO ORDER at the Lowest CANII PRICK for the next Sixty Pays: Business Suits to Order. - S25 Pants to Order, - - - SB Dress Suits to Order. $35 to SSO Commercial St, , cor. Leideadorff, AMD XSLe.x-xxy street. HAN FRANCI-iOO. Dr. Mi's New Disco, eiy. THE OREATF.XT A IUtlTIO TO won. MEDKAL atIK.CK -pvR. TT- TO CCA R D, late or Europe, having de iM nny yani of atudy In the most cele brated hospitals ot Europe and America, and. hav ing gained an extensive reputation on botheonU KrJ.,0th 8Uccew,fu' treatment ot all kinds of PrK ate Diseases, now offers to the public tb- result of bis researches. He haa made an entirely new dl-coverv in the treatment .f tionnrrhiea. Kvphllis cure the most complicated cases In half thVtimere- ;or'ranvva?id.?',h0d'- " d'tlo'n. eitnt ;r d.lsf. Mt to any address on re ceipt of J0 and lull statement of case-a written ?, JILT. Jf.tccom.Ltt.nyln uPRPlne if desired. 300 I InJ 1 V b pald '"r ""y cas 'ne Dr. undertakes and falls tn rnre. The Dr's new mode of treating .ifrK0' ntur cn 08 Ponlued privateJv, and without .Interfering with the patient's, business. 1' 7 "l"S personal interview, can do so by communicating their desire by letter. Medicines packed secure from observation. Address, writing i?tl,Citr.'J?unty and State. IR 11. TOrjCARD P. O. Box 1703, San Francisco. Cal. PRESCJRIPTTO'M FR-RR FOR IH K N iS kUYl'VKEol Heminal Weak ness, Loet Manhood and all disorders brought on by Indiscretion or exoess. Any drufia-tst has the!" rueo. Da. W. JaQCE A CO treet, Clnotaoatl, Ohio. lav w , Btx i K Tl oa ff Ti -V- 0 POWLETT'S ATMOSPEEP.IC LETTEp COPYING PRESS Compart, Portable, DuraM- ' 1-3 Cheaper lhaa ma lra .' Bnmethlnsr nw 'I Vi. . ... ' " - - imi uuog , sure to see It before purchasin g an iron o HOPKINS. TAYLOR & nn 41 San-souk Street. - . San Franc ' Rights for Sale on Liberal Termj. ttFlrst-C!ass Agents Wanted. Copyrighted 1877. By tae FBAimra Jmui Co. GRAND EXTRAORDINARY OFFER. deDTMilon in thlt country ad EaroM w tr tow .b. I oamMil to tnaaafectare and Import frootU at wondrfU9 Dreaner co aew atrvci wiw cwm selling to uw at t uotckhuio i.miv . . mrc ail WXMClJf fca fgp. raJt'OtMl. we tier nuung troucr " - wik un Keeper lacfc 004 Kurm&te4 la perfect running order), cum made of eompoaitioa metal (tn bos ituilaiioa oT foid known). wiUi handaome efaain for 97. The iUoatratloa fi t, an exact repreaeotatioa of this watob and chain, exoept that the watch U larger than here shown, it bung fall Genu' alee. We alo oflcr a Ladles' H anting c eneva Watch, sane coca position cmaea, in perfect running order, with a ooaotlfui Matinee Opera chain attached, elide aet with pearla. handaomely engraTed, tor 4, complete. We ai have n quantity of ensea without work. Genu' die, wfck kVall Jewelled, together with the elegant vest chain ahown to the engraving, lor I genuine American vt aiuam z teste morement, ratent Lever opywrwiiiij to vuj rKm rvwi m pnon bttw oe core enertd. I anovo waicaee smi 07 mm in m re-isierea pacsage or by ex- f j' n vow iiuku duko, rci vt vumc, npon receipt eC IRmUS JSWKLKI CO.. 703 fcwttt St, ftil, P. 2f. R. If am moth illustrated catalogue, IPnatraUag every T t B-i " 3MEW ME RICA SEWING MACHINE H Tlireewiuarter Iash Friclion than , other Machine. THEM ALL: eir-njradli Khali lei Keif '-Tbreadik-Seedl Ugbleot, NtllleM NltupleM I Is fast be ro uii,, known a the In tin WORLD See It ! Try It ! Bu- It I WARKAVTEn TO titVK ENTIRK SATISFACTION AMERICAN SEWING MACHINE CO ti. R. WOOD, 9txnaer. FIFTH HTKKfcT, - - - SA.N PHAM'lMt, Ritllooil Agent Wanted Ih all an vers pied Territory. DU. GUM'S Aromatic Elixir BITTERS. rPHKOREAI KEMEDY FOR mSTIPiTi;,v ! .-I and a score of ill s arising from irregular arfrw I of the liver. These Bitters are pleat-ant m lh uq I anil siiouKi ne usei in ail case or !. epala. onmuillon. Ileadaehe. Dluiawim Lat i Appetite, ii u in or or iiik mood ui file. -- Ad'v yonr Druggist for them pod lake rjotkici elw. A. VAX AI.STI.M: ck to. Propriet rs and Manufacturers. H Ureiiuaai b -e the Plaz. San Francisco. Wan Fkancico, Aprl! lih ls?i M h. A. Va v A ijitin : Jtrar fiirhor years I troubled with Constipation, Indltrestion and Iijt pepsia, witti occasional ai tucks of vioieut Hi ache. I have been under meuical treatment W) times, but without success. About eight moous ngo I wa advised by mv friends to txv Di ti UN N'H BITTERS which I did very relucuatlj tor I had lost ail hopes of ever gettinr cured be a;n very happy to state that after tiding thrren ties of your Bitterx it cured me. and I am r a w ell as I evr was in my life. Yours very repectully. Lkopoi.din HKrjji. No 10 Nt Charles Plaive. , Bet. ValleJoaDd(r?ea DR. I.. J. CZAPKAY'S Private 3IedIonl IiiHtltuto. 809 Kearny Nt.. San Franclseo, Establlsbed ii: lml, or the, PermanriU Ci re of all &peciai ant Chronic Lrtjwatet, a alto all moie Complainti av Disease of Ute Seri'out fiyntem. THE IM M ESSE DESTRUCTION 6 P HUMAN life annually from secret and chronic di. caused this old and reliable institution to be estab lished first in Philadelphia, Penn.. fa 1850. and after wards in San Francisco, Cal., In as a pr.vat dis pensary , In order to afford the afflicted the best med ical and surgical treatment, for the above aDd other affections and complaints. CousultaUons st the institute or by letter. FRKE. Pbyaleal and Mental Debility. Vital weakness, nervousness, iow spirits, lassituiS. weakness of the limbs and back, loss of museum power, Indisposition and Incapability for labor i4 study, a weak, exhausted feellnc. no energy or cour age, palpitation of the heart, duiuiens of appruu won, loss of memory, aversion to society, lov ol solitude, timidity, self-distrust, loss of manhood. do ziness, headache, pains lu the side, arfecUona of tn eye, pimpies on the face, Bexual or other iDfirnilUK In man or woman, are curert bv the justly celetmlHl physician. L. J.t'ZAHKAY, 91. 1. Mis method of curing disease Is tieculiarly b!oD (unknown to others) and hence the great success Rheumatic affections, chronic catarrh, diseasr at the stomach aud kidneys, Uver c-ompla otn. etc.. eucceasful'y treatd. IR. CZAPKAV, one of the most suocesiul tunl: cal practitioners on the Pacific coast, may be cos suited coufldent'aily in reference to the thov nM all other complaints at the institute. Xo.J09KKAi:.V NT., Nan rranriMCial. WThe Ioctor offers Free Consultations, and s no remuneration unless he eflVcts a cure. Chargn imxierate. Communications "trictlv cotifideiitioi M felicities sent by Express. Address L. J. CzaFKV M. I1.. Postaftice Box 64. Sau Francisco. !r. SPDNEI & CO No. 11. Kearny Street rpHKAT AIX CnRONIC AND sPKClAi -aL lNeases. YOITXO MEX AVho may be suffering from the effects of youtaiuJ tollies or iodeecretions. will do well to avail them selves of this the greatest boon ever laid al thealtar of suffering humanity. IR. SPINNEY will guaran tee to forfeit five hundred dollars for every case t seminal weakness or private aisease of any kind or character which he undertakes and fails to enre He would therefore say to the unfortunate MiflVrw who may read this notice, that you are treading upon dangerous ground wben vou longer delay In seeking the Draper remedy for your complaint You may be in the flint stage remember yon are approaching the last. If you are bordering upon the last and are suffering some of its evil effect, remember that If you obstinately persist in pro crastination, the time must come when the most skllliul physician can render you no assistance; when the door of hope will be closed against yo; when no angel of mercy ran bring you relief. 1 no case has the Doctor failed of success. Theu let not despair work Itself upon vour lmaglnatin. but avail yourself of the beaeflcial rt-wuits at his treat ment before your case is beyond th reach of med ical skill, or before grim death hurries you toa pre mature grave. :?iiiii,k-ai:i There are manyoi the age of thirty to slxtrB are troubled with too frequent evacuation o tk bladder, of ten accompanied by a slight smarting oi burning sensation, end a weakening of lhe system in a manner the patientcanno acct.unl for. There are many men who die of this difficulty, ignorant of the cause, which Is the second stage of semloa weakness. Dr. S. A Co. will guarantee a porfec. cure in all such cases, and a healthy restoration ol the genito-urinary organs. Odjce hours-" a 6 to 8. Hundays from 10 to 11 a. m. Consultation Free Thorough Examintlon and advice. Call or address DR. KPINNEY A CO., - 11 Kearny street. San Francisco. PR I UPRT'S U UH U I fc.ll I w J aaaaaaaa". o Pi I C , CARBOLIC ii Sheep Wash.? 2? CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, hrnr re eelved from an Kat India rniaaionary the formula ol cimpie rentable remedy for speedy and pennac"; cure of roi.i-omw.ton. 6-ncAu, catarrh, a A ma. sua V throat and 1'iug arlections; alma cur. for nerroiwdc- bd.ty and alt nerrons rntnplatnta. after havuig, its enrntive powrrs in thousands of caws, has taltljZ. dntr ta m.kt it known f j hta auffMnn. fallows. Sez t ated by a denire to relieve; human sufficing, in? free to ell who desire it. this recipe in I .amian, X TTZf or Fnehsh, itlill diivctlons. Address, wii'V-" "VV'.W Sa&AiiUXPtfwcr,siiockJlocbestcr. 1 i I IT BEATS !