Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, November 01, 1877, Image 3

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County Court next Monday.
Considerable sickness around town.
Special term of the Circuit Court on tho
21st inst.
Thanksgiving and turkey will soon be
in order.
Jack Frost has been in town for several
days past.
How do yon stand on the location of the
court house ?
Work has-been commenced on tho side
walk to the cemetery.
Thursday, Xov. 29th, has been declared
a day of thanksgiving.
Union meeting at the Congregational
Church Sunday evening.
Bent. Davids returned last week from
a surveying trip in Utah.
oThe time for icy sidewalks and their
spread of Christianity is almost here.
Mrs. Wm. Whitlock has placed 113 un
der obligations for an elegant boquet.
Levi Iceland, the "Hermit of Oregon
City," lectured at San Jose, C&., recently.
Albright A Locus have put in a water
wheel at their shop to run tho sausage
grinder, o
Mr. W. M. McCown, of Needy, started
last week for a trip to Eastern Oregon and
Walla Walla.
Piscatorial sharps report good trout fish
ing at the mouth of Abernethy creek and
up the Clackamas.
Mr. J. W. Mcldrum started out last
week to finish up a surveying contract in
the vicinity of Camp Harney.
In the case of Parker vs. Monteith, se
duction, at Albanv, tho jurv returned a
verdict for the plaintitl" for $3,000.
Mr. J. M. Bacon, our worthy postmaster,
was the recipient of a surprise party last
Saturday evening, his 5Uh birthday.
The location of the court house is being
agitated throughout the county. Re
monstrances are being freely circulated.
Call and and pay your subscription, and
save us the trouble ami expense of send
ing vou a bill. It must be settled without
Quite a gathering of friends assembled
, the residence of Mr. W. C. Johnson last
Saturday evening to commemorate his 44th
The County Clerk has been doing a good
business in the matrimonial line during
the past month. Fourteen licenses have
been issued.
Miss Emma Harmon, a resident of this
citv some years ago, was married at the
Dalles last week to Dr. O. D. Doane, of
Polk county.
Mr. A.M. Patterson and his son Douglas
have disposed of their farms at Lower
Molallit, and left last Monday for the Pa
louse country.
Ned Pavne. a driver on the stage line
running up this valley in early times, is
' handling the ribbons" on the overland
line driving out of Boise CU3'.
Some person visited the shop of George
Willis a week ago last Sunday and bor
rowed a brace and bit, which the owner
would like to have returned, immediately.
Mrs. Ilbt. Pentland, of the Dalles, gave
birth mi Tuesday of last week to one son
and two daughters. One was stillborn,
and the other two lived a few days only.
Mr. Oven Wade, register at the land
cilice, has been aHlieted with a severe at
tack of neuralgia for some weeks past,
and liis little son, Harvey, is very sick
with typhoid fever.
The A. A. McCully broke some of her
wheel gearing about ten days ago, and
has leen tied up, undergoing'repairs and
receiving seme new machinery. She will
start out again to-day.
The "b-hovs" who thought thev would
run the Cancmnli dance last Saturday
night paid 515 apiece for their fun. They
gut oft verv cheap, and would do well to
retneinlier it in the future.
Mr. Samuels, of the West Shore, called
last week, lie is still drumming upsub-
smliersjtenii exjiects to have JU.iKH) by tlie
1st of January, when several improve
ments will lie made in the paper.
A burglar attempted to enter Mr. WVn
Whitlock's residence last Monday night.
but al irining the folks he got up and dust
ed. Mr. Whuiock and his son, Ed., gave
chase to the rascal, but he give them the
slip near the Congregational church.
The school cirls of Highland cnioy a
good j ike as well as the boys. Some time
since thev took a dislike to the teacher,
and concluded that a uood pelting with'
hen fruit, which had tho benefit of ripe
old aire, was what be needed, and they
gave hi, 11 a liberal supply. The teacher
shortly afterward tendered his resignation.
gentleman who returned from the
Pulouse recently says he will take Clack
amas count v for his abiding place. Dur
ing the week or so that he was there.it
rained, hailed and snowed, reminding one
very much of Iowa weather. He says the
soil is good, but the climate won't coni
.pare with that of the Willamette VsiJley.
We are under many obligations to the
kind-hearted Christian and honorable gen
tleman who is so well supplied with bul
lion, and has Kiieh a lilioral turn of mind,
fliat he offers to p;iv up tho subscription
.of auyone who is in arrears to the Enter
PRisKif he will stop his paper. (Jo right
along, old boy, keep sticking your nose
into our business; we expect to be able at
jio distant day to return tho favor with
Jteal restate Transfers.
The following are the transfers of real
estate which have taken place since our
issue of Oct. 25, compiled by Mr. Wm.
Whitlock, deputy county clerk :
United States to John C. Hackett and
wife, notification No. 1S5, descrilied as
follows: Lots 8 and 1) of section 13, the E
H of the S K l and lots 3,4 and 5of section
14; the N E 1, the E H of the N W 4 and
itho N W i of tho N W of section 23,
and lots 1 and 2 ot section 24, T 2 S U 2 E,
.containin.H i50.Sl acres.
State of Oregon to John CJrav. the X W
U of the S E H4 of section It), T 4 S K 2 E,
,contaiiung 40 acres ; consideration SoO.
Douglas Patterson arid wife to F. O. Mc
Cown, the undivided li of tho W 4 of the
.donation claim of Harrison Wright and
wife, being parts of sections 2S, 2U, 30. 31
and 32, T4SR2E; consideration "is 50.
Kock Island Storage Co. to Jos.-Parrott,
lots 4 and o in block 7, and lots 1, 2, 3 and 4
in block 1 in the town of New Era; con
iideration $1S7 50.
Marion Phillips and wife to Ewell Phil
dips and wite, the ss ' of the E of
section 32, T 1 S It 2 E, containing NO acres ;
consideration sow.
Polly Phillips to Ewell Phillips, pirt of
jSecthin 32, containing M acres, part of sec
lion 33. containing acres, and the s W 40
acres of the N V " of section 33. T1SR2
K : consideration 55.
Jay Phillips ana wite to Eweu I'liiinps.
parts of section S3, containion 10 acres, and
the S W corner of section 33, containing SO
rods, all in T 1 N R 2 E ; consideration $120.
Itock Island Storage Co. to John Zeeck.
lot 5 in block 2 in New Era ; considera
tion $1.
James L.. Swafford to Chas. C, Williams,
part of claim No. SS, T 3 S B 2 E, contain
ing 5 acres; consineration fiX.
M4J1JUED. Last Saturday our old friend
Geo. A. Harding and Miss Jennie iiarlovv
wertPuuited in matrimony. "The knot was
tied by the Rev. J. W. Scllwoovl. The
ceremony was performed at the residence
of the lode's father, Mr. J. L.. Harlow,
anj wa$ witnessetl by a larre nunilxT of
friends and relatives of the newly-married
couple, tieore and his fair younjx bride
iiassae the same afternoon on the
Oeo. W. Elder tor San Francisco. We, in
common with their manv friends, wish
' "II llirn llltlll V II II 111.', ' . j
Lew'VJTr1 an(1. ProsPerity in their!
o new relation.
A Had Policy.
The following extract from the Walla
Walla Statesman should be carefully read
by our property owners, and especially by
the owners of our magnificent water pow
er, lhat paper, however, is a little "oil
when it says that Oregon C ity "was killed
by the selrish policy." Our "city still has
considerable life, arid a brilliant future is
in store for it if a proper spirit is manifest
ed by the owners of the water power. The
policy of the owners of the water power
has been a great drawback to the place,
and has driven manufactures to other
points, and it is about time they were
opening their eyes to the fact. "We are
informed by a reliable party that several
of our mechanics would make use of the
water power, but that it is held at an ex
orbitant figure. Our city has many ad
vantages over points up the valley in re
gard to transtortation and neariiess to
market, but men starting new industries
which build up a town expect to receive
encouragement and aid from the citizens,
and not to pay fancy prices for water
jiower and building sites. With every
advantage possessed by any place on the
coast, our city is passed by, and manufac
turing industries are locating in places
less favored, simply because they receive
encouragement and substantial aid. The
Statesman says : "When strangers come
here with means 'and propose to engage
in business.eneourage thorn in all possilde
ways. If they desire a lot for building
purposes, sel Tit to them at a reasonable
rate. If they wish to establish a manufac
turing enterprise, and require water pow
or, don't ask them three times as much as
the privilege is worth. If you do, the
chance is that they will seek some other
locality, and leave you with unproductive
property or: your hands. Owing to want
of foresight the woolen mills were driven
to Dayton and in the end have been the
mean's of building up a formidable rival
to Walla Walla. Tho originators of that
enterprise desired to locato here, but find
ing that water power cotiUl only be had at
an enormous outlay, they accepted the
donation of a mill site from Jesse Dav.aud
built their factory at a town that then only
had an existence on paper. The surest
way to build up a town is to deal liberally
with strangers. In the early settlement
of the Northwest Coast, Oregon City had
the lead, and promised to 'be the chief
town in tho country. Holders of town
lots, taking the advantage of this, held
their property at extravagant figures. Tho
result was the location ot a town named
Portland, and Oregon City speculators
were left out in the cold. Like liegets like,
and if a selfish policy killed Oregon C.ty
it may prove injurious to other towns.
'Welcome the stranger within your gate'
is an old injunction, the wisdom of which
is just as apparent now as when first utter
ed. Let us welcome new comers, and in
all suitable ways make them feel that we
are joined with them in the bonds of a
common humanity."
Iv Broad Daylight. East Monday the
residence of Mr. George Marshall, near
Fourth and B streets, Portland, was enter
ed, and $50, which Mrs. Marshall had
placed on the sideboard to pay the mu.-ie
teacher, stolen. Two lino watches and a
lot of silverware, which lav in close prox
imity, were untouched. The women folks
occupied the house at the time, and heard
their visitor in his perambulations through
the various rooms up stairs. Uiey 11 rial ly
became suspicious, and giving the alarin,
frightened the fellow away. He was seen
leaving the house in a hurry, and escaped
before a pursuit wasorganr.ed.-LStandard
Letter List. The following is a listed
the letters remaining in the postofiice at
Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon,
November 1st, 1S77 :
Anderson, M. low, Fred W.
P.ejrner, Jos. MeJ'aulev, J. K.
Baker, Martha. Mulligan,' J. V.
ISarck, J. II. O'Keefe, John.
Hates, . tson. JV iidU-ton. Mrs. P.
Cann, Thonias. Hindi, J. W.
Fairchild, C. 11. Winters, G. M.
Harris, Miss Sarah K. Wintield, Harvey.
If called for please say when advertised.
J. M. HACON, P. M.
IIonsK-TjiiEVEs Cai-ciiit. C. Darling, a
delinquent subscriber to the Fnteii pkjsr,
who loft Tualatin recently without settling
with us, has met with a j;rst retribution.
He was arrested at Port hind last Monday
for stealing a horse at Osweso a few week's
ao. I) irlinjr took the horse to tho Fair,
and after runninz the animal in sever il
scrub races S"ld it. J. L. Itevnol Is, living
near IJridaeport, has leen arrested as an
assesorv. and admitted to bail in the sum
of $300. Karline has taken loduriiejrs in the
county jail. Thev were Ixith indicted for
the offense by the last grand jury.
The Lost is Found. Mr. Cassidv. of
Salem, it will be remembered, a few days
since lost a valuable horse, which, as he
supposed, was stolen. One man was fol
lowed to the Ialles and arrested under
the snnnosition that he had stolon the
animal, but was alterwam released, r mi
allv an advertisement appeared in the
Kvtfkpiiisf! of an animal taken up at
New Fra, in Clackamas county, that suited
tho description. Mr. C went down and
found it to bo his. and returned with the
animal Friday evening. J Mcreury.
Footpads. Last Friday night, as Capt
F.ass Miller, of Canemah.was going home,
he was stonned near the saw mill at the
Vim sin bv two kn'urhts of the road. They
nisiilp him hold ui) his hands while they
went through his jackets, but they only
found ten cents, which they were too
ll irh toned to take. Mr. Miller had 5GOO
A,rhi nerson the niirht leforo, and it is
iMi ?hur these fellows had erot trae
J.f it but they were too late, as he had
deposited it.
Land for Ai.T,.-lvui Newsome writes
til lilc oait.111 v t v.vt.1 j -
slono of the Cascade range P-'i'l fnmtlm
on riaekamas and Marion counties, Miere
. . . , .
are not less than 3.000 vacant quarter sec
tions of good JaiKf l ien sou, ure, trooi
water much of it easily cleared, mid the
finest timber in the world. Good farms
and excellent homes may be made on
these lands. Here is a tine opening for
large settlements, where men can work
lor tnemseives.
Bio Squash. Mr. Heman Lee. living
near Canby, has left at our office an im
mense squash, which weighs near fifty
pounds. It measures 5 feet in circumfer
ence the long way, and 3 feet S inches tne
other, vv ho says Clackamas county Hon l
leat the world 111 the fruit ami vegetable
line? And we won't take a baek seat in
the quality of our wheat, either.
Herman Ckkasy, Wiikrk are Yon?
Information is wanted of Herman Creasy,
says the Albany Democrat, who, when
last heard from (in June, 1S75), was near
Ft. Stevens, in this State. Any informa
tion wi.l Iw thrnkfullv received bv his
brother, John V. Creasv, Tulare. Cal.
Herman it will he greatly to your advant
age to be found just now.
Champion- Beached. The Champion,
while en route for Portland last Saturday
afternoon, came in collision with the dam
Ielow town and knocked a hole in her
hull, which made it neeesary to lx ch
her below ti.e mouth of the Clackamas.
The hole was temporarily patched upon
Mimlay, ami the boat proceeded on its
The First Ijot of Salmon. The first
direct step tovard replenishing the salmon
of the Columbia was taken by the Orcpjon
and Washington Fish Propa;r-t5r.'.f Co. on
Monday, Oct. 23d. arid consisted in the de
positing of five lot 3 of voting siltnon. esti
mated at 7j,0f;0, in the Cltekamas river
near the hatching station of that company.
Bia Yield. T. fi. Jones, of Highland,
claims the largest yield of side oats in
Clackamas county. lie had 96 bushels to
the acre. Next I
Fire Meetings. Regular meeting of
fWnnihiii II .t: T. f'o. Fri.lav eveninrr:
... . - .7 - - r-l I
Board of Delegates next Wednesday ev-
L,ecture. Mrs. D. F. Smith, of Port
land, favored an Oregon City audience
last Tuesday night, at Pope's Hall, with
an elocutionary entertainment. The au
dience was not as large as the lady merit
ed, but was an exceedingly appreciative
one, and we hear her effort well spoken
of 011 all sides. She proposes to get up a
class here in elocution, if she can. Noth
ing could be lielter suited to the real need
of many of our boys and girls, and she
conies well recommended for competency
as a teacher.
Badly BncisED. A correspondent from
Damascus says. "On the lSXli ult., Mr.
Chas. Stanard came near meeting with a
serious accident. While riding on the run
ning gear of a wagon, his foot was caught
lietween the brake and a stump, badly
bruising his foot and ancle, but fortunately
not breaking any bones."
The Best Machine. Mr. John Schram
is tho agent in this city for the celebrated
Wilson sewing machine which carried olF
the honors at the last State Fair. A 1st
premium for the best family sewing ma
chine; a 1st premium for the"hvst pleating
work, and 1st premium for the best em
broidery work.
HvMEN'iAii. Mr.N.O. Walden and Miss
Vinnio Kershaw were united in matri
mony at tho Congregational church Wed
nesday evening, by the Tlev. D. I?. Orav.
Mr. Walden ' has "sec mod an excellent
young lady for a helpmate, and they have
the best wishes of the entire community
for a happy and prosperous future.
Ohkoov City Okator.
(Cal.) County Fair, held
tho Ventura
v pre-
mium was offered for the
under 15 years of age, and v
best siieaker
ft are glad to
announce that the prize was awarded to
Shell v Byron Murray, son of our former
tow nsman, M r. Chas. Murray. Utah for
Oregon Citv talent!
Slate News.
Wm. Chance has
possmaster at Astoria
There are 101 pupils attending the
Willamette University at Salem.
According to the Astorlnn 18.000 im
migrants arrived in Oregon in 1S7G.
Daniel Chaplin has been appointed
receiver of public moneys at La Grande.
Wells, Fargo & Co.'s
at McMinnville has been
express office
A colony of Fins arrived at the Dalles
last week en route to settlo in tho Klick
itat country.
Capt. Powell, of Dayton, has paid out
over $SO,000 for wheat in Yamhill Co.,
so far this season.
W. G. Adams, the Salera'Mollar store
man, lias nnvie an assignment tor too
benefit of his creditors.
Dr. John Folkinan, of Kansas La.s
assumed editorial charge of the Or?jon
Deutsche Zcitun'j, published at Portland.
Many of the old settlers of Yamhill
county are setting out, says the Courier,
and leaving for east of the mountains.
The Ocean Wave Tin Mine, located
in Uoiigius county, was mcorpoi aieu
last week with a capital stock of 8-00,000.
The nomiatio'i of John C. Cartwright
for collector of internal revenue for
Oregon was conlimed by the Senate on
A Salem druggist saturated a rat with
carbolic acid last week and turned him
loose, and has not seen a rat around his
store since.
Ben ITavden thinks ho has been slan
dered 8",000 worth by J. H. Collins, of
Pold county, and intends to sue for
hat amount.
C. B. Mays, of Benton oounty, in 51
days, with a small sized machine thresh-
O OrWl liuchnla of vhe;it. find ') "TiT
bushels of oats.
The Salem Record man would do'well
to credit the Enteiu'EISk with a fev of
the local items which it appropriates
from its columns
Dr. Richardson, of Scio, who had the
fun of shooting at Dr. Foley a few davs
airo. was fined :300 and costs because
he missed his man.
The Oregon Christian Ministeria
Association is in session at Salem this
week, T. F. Campbell president and S.
C. Adams secretary.
lhere are IJ.J clnldren enrolled in
the imblii school at Lafayette. The
teachers are Prof. Morey and Miss Xel
lie Wygant, of Portland.
A fellow named Collins is under ar
rest at Ilarrisburg, charged with violat
ing the person of a little daughter o
Mr. Cunninghan, ot that place.
Rescue Engine Co. So. 2, of Astoria
has been presented with an alarm lel
which was used hundreds of jeara a.
in a cathedral in South America.
Tho Brownsville Woolen Mills have
commenced building a new dry house
The new building will be 100 feet long
and will be warmed by steam pipes.
The following postmasters have been
on.-oin ." I Jonathan L. Laker. Cole
Yallev I?png'J3 county; Wm. J. Wei
v0tPi:-)n. Washington county
Chas. T. Williaraso:', leauanu, xaui
bill countj.
Two footpads attempted to ?Ch a
of Mr. Wm. Savage, just outside of
Salem, the other evening, and strnck
him at the time with a club, but lie was
on horseback and spurred on out of
their reach.
MarshfieM & Monteith, of Albany, are
about to issue a directory of tLat city.
The book will contain 200 pages, and
will be embellished with a view of ti.e
court house and the portrait of the
mayor and common council.
Joha J. Cooper, a lad 17 years of age,
rode away from his father's hou in
Yamhill county last wwt on a gray
horse. Any information of him wiil
bo thaukfully received by his father,
Wm. Cooper, Wueatlaud, Oregon.
East Portland is afflicted with a case
of cnw. con. The wife of E l.KaalTman
an-1 one W. II. Diggles uro th guilty
parties. The husband retains possession
of their two children, and lias scut the
erring woman home to her people, who
reside ixi this souiity.
Gardiner, at the month of tliG Ump
qua river, is fist acquiring importance
as a shipping point. The saw nitlls
are turning cut a large amount of lum
ber and several canning establishments
are ia successful operation Consid
erable wheat is also being shipped from
there tbe present season.
Last reek 500 Celestials took passage
on the Al.len Besse for tho Flowery
Kingdom. This is a move in tho right
direction, and we hope all our China
population will follow 6dit. Just im
agine the difference it would make in
this city if the Chinese would get tip
and dust and white laborers should be
! employed in their places. We hooe
j that day is not far distant.
M. P. Bull, former editor of the Pen
dleton East Oregonlan, had a dilliculty
recently with one Bowiaan, a livery
stable 'keeper, and was seriously in
jured by a knife and club, and his srrt,
a lad" of 10 years, was dangerously
stabbed in the'neck. Bowman insulted
Bull's family, during bis absence.
The Gazette attacks tho finanarjcial
management of Union county. It says:
'We have been for the last ten years
paying into the county treasury about
$20,000 annually, for county purposes,
and what becomes of it all wo cannot
tell, and the county debt increasing
yearly, with, no public improvements
going on."
The board of directors of the Blue
Mountain and Columbia River Railroad
has authorized the seetetarv of the
company to order of Koapp, Burrell fc
Co., Portland, scrapers, plows, shovels,
picks, and to be shipped immediately
to Umatilla City, ready for use by the
10th of Nov. " Also, contracted for a
working crew of teams and men to start
from La Grande on the Cth inst. for the
Columbia river ready to commence
work od the road by the 10th.
News Tor the Icople.
Miss Rosa Fuehs has just received an
elegant stock of fall goods for the ladies.
Miss Fuehs has had considerable exper
ience in the millinery line, and only keeps
the most fashionable goods. You only
need to see the handsome display on the
shelves to be convinced of her excellent
taste in selecting, and you can rest assur
ed of getting suited as well as you could
at Portland. The ladies of Oregon City
are respectfully invited to call and see
for themselves.
If Vom visit, PortlanU anil wish to buy a
fiii. suit of riot lies at 11 low price, call at
AeU'Tinari Hros., corner I' irst and Wasti ing
tou streets.
F11H Oj'.niinjf nutl Wijiler Ciooilg at I.
h(-liinr's. latest Styles and Novelties in
Invss Goods, with trimmings to match. In
Gents' and J'oys' roods the lxst in the market
and at the lowst irics. fall a fid see for
oe.r'lf, I will s -11 you jiood lioods at Port
land prices, full early arid serurv harsralns nt.
I. N"llin's the place to jci-t the value ot your
Market Iloport.
Portland MarUi t.
Legal fend'-rs Hfi huyinir, 07 .sellinr.
Flour Kxtra. ft "; siiicrrlne, io 50.
Wle-at ID v cental.
Oats y)'d57.. $ hushel.
Rirli j l () i cental.
l'.iicon Sides 12c: tiums. ; shoulders,
Lard In kejrs, i:ic. ; in llilB tins, 14c.
liutt-r Fresh roll, :a fc:U He.
bruits lried apples in sacks, 4Hc.;keK3,
plums, pitiess, JJcv'.L'c. ; peac.ies, lie;
prun-s. 17o.
r.iT'rs- .vie.
Chickens-Villi drown. 2 00,$2 50 dozen.
Hi'! -s Iry, 17e. ; salted, oe. ; culls, oir.
Tallow V H.
Wool 'ivi2le.
Feed P.ran, 1S4J20 ton ; shorts. $27&30 ;
oil cake, Sri
Hay Haled. HVi12 V ton ; loose, $10.
Pitat.oes fxill et -fi'c. i bushel.
Onions I yr.il! V ft.
Mutton Sheep $2'fr2 50.
Oregon City MniVet.
Wheat SI 1" V hnsnei.
Outs feed, sacked, 474-!52? f bushel ; mill-
In !T, sacl?eI, S-'ie. hushel.
liiirley Choice orewin, h'c fi Dusnei; iej,
Potatoes :tV'i li)e. i bushel. Iu!l sale.
Onions lMi2e. ft.
Frour f'i rt"if7 (' V4 bhi.
Dried Fruits Api les.t'ivoc. V H. : plums, 11
i:utt -r -'.v-Vinc in.
f:tiiclrens lirown, $2(fV2 90 V dozen ; Pprinp,
S2i'i,2 So V doz.
Fir-.rs-.'5-ie. 'i dozen.
Hacon Si.l-s, lc. V lb ; hams 14c.
Lard 12.' He t 11..
Hay 10 i12 V ton.
Woo! 22(S2IC V ft-
HiilesDry, 1 1'-v 15c 3 lh : Kroen, 4we
Mil: feed Uran, JlSci20 t ton; shoris, f27
30 V ton.
Fr?n meats Beer.dressed.s'c IB; on roor
4C; dr.-ssed hotrs, (c: mutton sheep, ft TSi'J.
Appl"S Spit7.entnr, Baldwin, Northern
Spy, etc., from waon, 2&c hushel; m
Ikixcs ready lor sh loitirer. 4 -.)0c : lon-r Keep
ers, from wajjon, 40c, packed 4;YsH0c.
The Scawn of Iiitrrmittcnt.
All miasmatic complaints, In other words.
all disorders irenerated by unwholsonie ex
halations from hc earth or watci, are jireva
lent at t his season. In every sect ton subject
to the visitation of fever ami ajrue, or other
forms of Intermittent disease, the causes
which produce thess maladies are now ac
tively at work. This, therefore, is a period of
the year when the inhabitants of such dis
tricts should prepare theirsystems to meet the
unwholesome condition of the atmosphere by
a course of tonic and alterative treatment.
Foremost anion? the iovijjorants, recom
mended hylime and experience ns a means
of fortifying the svstem against all epidemic
and epidemic maladies, stands Hostetfer's
Stomach Hitters. P.y a timel use of the
Mitt.' rs. the feeblest resident of an unhealthy
soil may encape the sickness which, without
the aid of this potent allv of nature, will be
apt to overtake the strongest.
A Vine Thing for the Teeth.
Fragrant SOZOPONT Is a comiosition of
the pur.-st and choicest Ingredients of the
Oriental vegetable kinsrdom. Kverv insrrp
dient is w-ll known to have a beneficial elfect
on the teeth and pirns. Its embalming or
antiseptic property and aromatic frasjrstiice
makes if, toilet luxtirv. HOZOiMJNT re
moves all disagreeable odors from the brBtii
ojiuse.l by cararrli. bad teeth, A-c. It is en
t ireiy tree Irom the Injurious and acrid prop-
ert.fes of toHh pastes and fKwders which de
stroy ins enamel. One bottle laststx months.
in 111c witoir liisforj- of meillrlite, no
preparation linn ever erformed uct marvel
oim cnr?, or maintained so wide n reputa
tion, as Ater'i, CiiERRy Pectoral, which in
r"co;nij!ed as the world's remedy for all dis
eases of the thror.t and hin;-s. Its long-crjn-tinued
series of wonderful cures In all climates
has made it universally known as a safe and
reliable fluent to employ. Airainst ordinary
colds, v. hieh nre the fort-runners of more se
rious disorders, it fcts speedily nd surely,
always ri-lieyins si:ir-rin?, nd often waving
life. The protc-tlon it. affords, by Its timHy
--. jn ;'e throat and lun? disorders of chil
dren m:ik'' nn lnva"'uabf remedy to te
keot ah:' o find in every
home. No
.rc... ... ,,' o , ir J trt lie Hi! liont. It. and tho.?
whn t.-.v-on n; "d itn?vcr wl'.L From their
knnli-ilje of
it ornnoslti.?7 m
and efTrcts,
I'Uvviolans U3
. h fir-. TRY PBCORAt ex-
tensiveiy In thir pMetic;', liO'l C'ler-'nn
n vniiiii'iii it, it 1 uu'nUirij tjr- ill.1" - ..-
remedial otT 'd and will alvayB cur wfiere
cv.rosjaro jx,siblf. For sale by all dealers.
The T4-I-phen Warn Tested
The other d:iy over th" extraordinary dis
tance of 2S')iniI.-i. Donnolly'a Ycatt Powder
azent wns Rtandlnz'by nd remarketl, "one
million boxes of Jinnnlly' east iiwiPT
wor consumed dal:y. Tho paity on the
ot her end heard if ud rwi nriswer.1 "ther',s
millions in it." Iionnolly'sairent enquired do
you nifin thopnw.tror ihote-.phnne"Uttb"
ws the answer. Just thluk of It talking to
person HJ rniiea ar.
7"The NatfoTiaHioId Medal was awarded a
r.radtey .v Itulofson lor the h.'Bt l'botoraphs
In the ITnited states, arid the Vlenot Medi
for the le!M, in the world.
120 Montgomery street. San Francisco.
To a!1 vho ar sufTerlns from the error and
indiereilon of youth, nervona weakness,
early.leeav. loss of manhood. icH I will send
a recipe that will cure you, FREK OK
CIIAKGE. This trreat remedy was discovered
by a missionary in South America. Kend
a-lf-."ddresse.l enVPletmlolli" ItKV. T.J(Xrri(
Is.iax, Motion I). t7,r- Jlou.tr, yew York
Vou Haw N'a Kicuik.
Hijve y-Hi nr exense for suff'Tine with
in-snepsia or I.iver I'omplalat ? In there our
reason w hy yon shouM en on from nay todaV
complaining with so-.r Stomach. Kiefc !(ad-
nene, iiar.ituai i o.tivenss, rntpttatio.1 of the
Heart, Heart-bum, Water-hrash, ;na-ln"
and burninir yains at the pit of th? 8tnrnaeh
Yellow skin, Coatd Tonrrue and dl!i;recabl4
tsste In tho mouth. Coming tip of food after
eatinc. lio-r spirits, ac. No! It Is posttlvejv
your own fault If you do. tin to Ward A
Hardin and cet a bott'e of Orees'8 ArorsT
Flower for 75 cents and vour cure is certain
but if you doubt t hi. pet a Sample Rottle for
iu cents ana try it. xwo aoses win releive you
selection of the latest styles for the
Will open on Friday, Oct. Jyth, at lowest
pries. ;Irs. lic-yce is also agent lor
Miiimr. LVmorist's fii-Iiable. PatUTiis.
Call and see.
Oregon City. Oct. is, l!i77-3w.
On Main
Street, opposite
Ackerman Hros.
i.eral assortment of
and Chemical.-:,
Perfumery, Son its,
f 1IL UU(I fJl UlillCH, ,
Trux, Supporters,
Skuulilvr Unices r'aniy tl
TaUol Article
Keroxnie Oil, Lamp Cliimuej's,
till.-., I'uity, lkiiits, Oil,
Varnlihviiaiiil DjoSlu.Ts
ft"T'hys!einiis' Prescriptions carefully com
pounded, and all orders eorreetty answered.
KVOp"n at all hours of t he nilit.
S"A11 nerounts must he paid monthly.
novl.lSTotf WAIlOdt IfAliUIXO.
saw m.
in running: order on Cedar 'roek, -
iiiii- s trom (Jiv'oai City, and is j rej-Hrt-d to
Of any kind, undressed, to all who may favor
him wit h a en it.
Address, .1. 11. Jones, llingo's Point, ClacUa
mas 'ountv, iircpim
.'.(.ril 11, ih77-Cm
Msiiu St., Oirgoii i it .v.
SHtidlt-x, Hainpss,
watr, elf., fto.
V T can he had in the State, nt
warrant my goods as represented.
Raddle and Harness Maker.
Orepron City, Oregon, Nov. 1, l.5-if.
urecron t'ity and
pared to iuruieh
vicinity that he is pre-
Fir & Cedar Lurob
Of every description, at low rates.
Dry Flooring, O-llit-jr, Ifulic,
sjirai c, (tor sh.-i uifr). Lattice,
I'irLrit, stt l V.e-l-i, Cedar,
Street und Sidewalk lumber furnished on
the shortest notice, at as low rates as it can be
purchased m the Mate.
Oive mc a cvti 1 ai 1 ne
Oregon t'ity, June 10, 1ST5 :tf
tkixg nnsreors :of adopting a
I new rule of business, I would request those
indebted to me to come and
Pay Up Immediately,
And savp inconvenience and expense, as
have determined to collect what is due me.
1 have reduced the prices on Goods grcatl
and cau assure all that 1 can give
Bargains to Cash Duyers.
Come and see for vour own satisfaction.
1. theT.ivery stable on Fifth street, Oregon
City, Oregon, Keeps constantly on nana
B aggies, IC'arriugeu
and Hacks. Saddle
und linpffy Horses.
Prices Reasonable
Oregon City, Nov. 5, 1S75. Proprietor.
Opposite the Railro d Depot,
in the City. Give him a call.
Circuit Court Fourth Monday la April and
the hourt n Monday la tseptem ix'r.
County Court First Mondays In Jannary
April, July and Meptenihcr.
Count f!rrt Oregon Cityl
Counts Otters County Judcre. N. W. Ran
dall; liounly Clerlt, W. H. H. KouU ; Sheriff,
J. T. Arivrson ; Treasurer, J. I. Ward; School
Superintendent, J. V. Sllwood ; Assessor, M
Kamsby: Coroner. C. Koliht : Surveyor. S. I..
Camptiell; Commissioners, Jacob Bauer and
c. it. iiojrit.
iAin'jfert Johnson A McCown, Ij. T. Ilartn
,fd K. Ij. Fasttiam.
Pocijn . r.. Lavis, l'aui uoyce, and C.
rtrnti l--J. NVelcn
Jrutnit '.rd A Harding.
croo"ries : Ackerman Uros.. drv irixpu anI
irroc.-rlea ; 1. 8ellinr, dry trods and r-cerl
A. Ijpvy. dry ponds and gnxvnea; Fellows A
Harding, pr -carles ; T. A. Ba-eon, fjrocerica.
JfotelCHtt House.
Tirrr Saoon I'hris. Zaunr-r, at the depot.
Shoemaker J. H. Shepard.
Jcu-'ter V. 11. HiirhfteM.
Hook atvt fttntiorvri J. M. Hacon, postoflc?..
Pwiog: ytiil Miller nnd Church.
Jlrcu-crv IXiinilK'l ,t Madder.
(i-jar Factory ieo. I'uchR.
hmfii t 6aUdlcJnhn Schram.
taw Mill M. A. I'.roughton, city; J. H.
Jones. Cedar Crek.
Livery bUtbic K. It. Clements.
Th- follo.vini in th law as It atands in
reference to nevrst.apera and subcribcr "
1. Kuberiher who do nrt civ cxnreas
not tee io th contrarr, are considered wikhinz
to ctntinu iheir aulwcriiition.
Kec. 2 If auhscritn onler the diseontln-nnc-of
thtr rx riodieals, the nuhllshera mar
continue to tend them until all arrearn- i
ar paid.
Kec. X. If aubsirilera neglect or refus" tn
take th!r pendieaU from the offloe to w hlh
thv are dirrcted they ar? held reponaibl
until t hoy have a.jtled their bills and ordered
them discontinued. u
-.oiT4; 1,f,fil'b,rib(rsmoTPo other places
without Informing the publishers, and the
paters absent to the former direction, they
are held responsible.
Sec. 5. Tho Courts have decided that "re
fnslng to take periodicals from the offlee or
removinir and leaving them uncalled for. Is
prima facia evidence of intentional fraud "
HeC.. ny person who has received a news
E"d makes us of It, whether he has
ordered It or not, Is held In law to be a sub-
K X mzsm&gs r and
IU competiton receiving only tn award for aomo special feature of their machinist
Tlie Worli-reniiml Wilson Staltle Sewini MacMne
Has Unlimited Capacity to do all kinds of Family Sewing and Manufacturing,
ITS PATENT AUTOMATIC "CUT OFF" en the liana lrliccl prevents tho ma
chine from rnnning' backvrards, and obviates tho necessity of taking: the work
from tfee machine to wind thread 02 the bobbins, which must be done with all
other Sewing Machines, to the great annoyance of the operator, especially ia
tacking:, hemming and rnffiins'. It does one-third more work in a given length,
of time than any other Sc wins' machine.
Thrss Mfces fill ds &s m: ?s:k ia m d:j :s for ofter alic-iics,
It requires no special instructions to use it; an Illustrated Direction Book is
furnished with each machine.
A properly executed Certificate is furnished with each machine, gnaranteeing
to keep it in repair, free of charge, for live years. Machines sold oa easy
terms of payment, and delivered, free of charge, at any Railroad Depot in the
United States where wo have no Agents.
Send for Illustrated Catalogue. . 3 Agents Wanted.
Fop full particulars address .- '
J'OH SC?H ,4?ifl, Agznt, Oregon City.
! f
a A Zi 1 FOR
Estate for sale.
No. 2. Acres, cool houso. and barn fu'l
of liay; 8 acrfs in cultivation, orchard,
pool water: 15 miles from Oregon 'ily.
Wic t j00. half down.
No. 4. &.'o acres, 2 miles from Graham's ferry
on tlie Willamette river,.S'.mcrcs in cultiva
tion, 12 acres in an orchard of choice varie
.tks of fruit, :! acres in -w heat, acres
under fence, jrcod house, barn and run
niiiK water, 12 miles from Oregon City.
Price $l,SY, part down balance on time.
No. 5. ncr-s ; 75 improved, a lare, new,
well finished frame dwelling, pium and
apple orchards, living water, IS aeies of
fall wheat. 0 miles from Oregon City, on
Molalla road, church and school house
adjoining; can be had for Sf ,'SM), one-third
down, balance on time.
No. li. an acres 10 miles east of Oregon City,
15 miles from Viola rrist and saw mill
and postolflc; :i3 acres in cultivation, ltv.l
acres under fence, good frame house
"L" 1H.2, 3 acres in fruit trees. I'rice Ji.iilXl,
half down.
No. 7. 4.U acres at Milwnukio; part beaver
dam. Price, fl.lKHI.
No. 8. .'15 acres ten in iles easf of Oregon Cit j.
7 miles from Marshfield station ;7 acres in
cultivation, 3K) acres of level bottom land,
pood box house and frame barn, pood run
ninp water for stock, pood stock ranch, 700
bearing fruit trees, l'rice Sl,20. Will sell
stock and crops to purchaser if he desires.
No. 9. Mi'J acres h miles east of Oregon City ; '
: acres in cultivation, 5 acres in orchard,
rood house and barn, remaining land
easily cleared. Price half down,
No. 10. 150 acres, more or less, 11 miles
from Oregon City, J."l miles to Portland,:
20 acres in cultivation, 100 more easily
cleared, all under fence, good hiuse, pood
land and plenty of water, sehoo' house anil
church 1 mile away, 9 month hool in
year. Terms easy, $1,-J50.
No. 11. 100 or ItK) acres oif of the. north of the
Fram's claim, 4 miles from Oregon City,
ripen brush land, all easily cleared, living
water, pood mill ixiwer, at J10 per acre ;
tortus easy.
No. li. Jacob Johnson's homestead, near
Oregon City: IM acres.
No. IS.. The former residence of -V. AV. Duck
and six lots ; t ,&m.
No. H. Wiley May's block, all In cultivation,
villi house and barn ; ii0.
No. 15. J. P. Allison's farm, acres, 75 in
cultivation. H in orchard," p km! farm house,
barn and out buildings; $1S", half down.
No. Hi. lt0 acres, flat meadow land, 9 miles
from Oregon, City, ly) acres in cultivation,
. good house and barn, orchard, running
water, price (5)0U.
No. 17. 171 acres, 8 miles S of Oregon City, 40
acres in cultivation, 4 acres orchard, 10
tons old hay, log house, 2 barns, good wa
ter, team, wagon and harness, co and
calf, all tanning implements, household
furniture ; price Hio, i:tij down.
No. IS. 2" acres, nil undir ienee. II miles
miles from Oregon City, 40 in cultivation'.
in orcnaru, goou i.ouse anu uarn ; price
No. 19. Orin Cutting farm, ,'fiO acres, i:0 in
cuination. oo more ready to p;ow, good
house and barn. 10 acrs in orchanl i riee
fJO. Aisr. )ijo acres, ij in cultivation, no
'n'uw "i uarii,. acn s casil v Cienn-U ; JUKHi,
Other desirable bargains in Clackamas, th
ber.t county in the Htate.
Any one having money tolendean have our
services, iree ot charge, m managing the
same and select Inir securitiea
IVrsons wanting to borrow money can get
n-i ins u vaiuiig on u-.
Oittcea in Oregon City aud Portland.
Nov. 12. 1375 ii
4T" "T Great chance to make money,
x s mA you can't set gold you can
pet green i.aci:s. iicctl a rwrson in every
town to t:ti;e subner1t ions for the largest.
i, n ana resi iimstnttU inmllv T uoliea
tson in the world. Any one can become a sue-
cessiui agent, j no most elegant works of art
given tree to subscribers. The price is ro low
that almost every liody subscribes. One agent
reports making over 5130 in a week. A l.idy
ager.t reirts taking over 4'l sut)seri!jers
en davs. All who engage make money tast.,
Yon can devote all your time to the business,
or only your spare time. Yon need not Iv
away frm home uvrr night. You can do it
as well ms ot hers. Full particulars, direct ions
nil terms tree, idegarit and exiwnsive Out
fit, free. If you want profitable work send us
jour aunres at once. Jt costs not hing to try
the business. No one who engages f;iila to
prenf pny. Address "The People's Journal,
Portland, Maine.
JL tentlon to apply to the Hon. County Court
ot iiackama County, State of Oregon, at
special term thereof to be held at the Court
House In Oregon City. Oreiron. on the fift h
day of November, A. 1. 1877, to allow me to
resign my trust as one or the Executors of the
vill and Estate of George I.aRocoue, de
ceased. A. J. APFEKSON'.
Oregon City, Oct. 4, 1877-4t,
Mi El O
We are tio Nt ImttAtlon Cold Vatrh In tho Market torTndltig
Porpustiai. The uititaL Xs a cumiotiti(u of other metais,Bo closely t-
seniuunj; pom miu tne uef v joucts
tiid it di;;i-uit tuletect thodjfier
ne, exoovs by a c1.. em teal test,
niii it is the bi substitute foreotd
Viwi-n 1 Vl lMl' 1 V llflVrl"T
- t JT,
and euul nrpraratuce 10 a
COSTS from $150 to
$2CO. tells and uut. reaui
lv. lrr Iron ti0 to iioo. and If Ton.
wi!) a a tcit for jour own nee or Uf
make niuiiey on, tiytnia, U wing to
our ia: a fc-.cs, vo ai o enabled to
Tdncthe price of t!iem to $!2 each
with nn elegant Chain attach
eda Theyate um1 eti K an roads. Steal
ers, and in Manufactories, and other
I lure- whore accurate time Is require.!,
arid pive peneral satisfaction. Ve send,
tuem bv Mali or Express, on receipt of $12,
Jt j t any part of the Country, r U wfll bt
em i .w.i. vnen tne cu&imner
mid remits Jon acroimt. Theae Eleprant
CH AINS weii;h about Fiftr Pennyweights,
and :he same pattern In pare pold would
co.t lino. Wfttftll thMA rhnino at 13 each.
we sell the XTatch and Chain for $11. sent by Mail in a Ria
rit-najre, post-naia, vo any fosi (mic n tne nnen unea.
We Sell the Watch, without tho Chain for 10.
U CO., Cliatoa Place, & Ifo. 11 BigUth. Street, If. X-
- 1853
Oregon Cit y and of the Willamette Val
ley, that he is still on hand and doing b i
ness on t he old motto, that
A JCintble Six Pcnceis Better ttuxn a Slow SJiillinv
I have just returned from San Francisco,
where I purchased one of the
e ver berore offered in this city ; and consists in
part, as follows :
Boots and Shoes,
Clothing, Dry Goods,
Hats and Caps,
Hosiery of Every Inscription.
Hardware, Groceries,
Oils, Paints and
Sash and Doors.i
CMnaware, Queensware,
Stoneware, Crockery,
Platedwnre, Glassware,
Jewelry of Various Qualities
And Styles, Clocks and
Watches, Ladies and
Gents' Furnishing
Patent Medicines. Goods. Fancy No-
Ilope, Farming lions of Every
Implements of Description
All Kinds, Carpets,
iiattings, Oil
Cloth. Wall Paper. eta.
Of tho above list, I can say my stock la tho
ever ottered In this market, and was seleted
wit h especial care for the Oregon City trade.AH
of w hicn I now offer for sale at th
Lowest ftflarkct Rates.
wfk tlWP fnr Mm loliao r n - An a aI.a
think of point; to Portland to buy icoods for I
jMii(r.(i iwotii t uuu not 10 auow
myself to im
All I ask is a fair chance and Quick pav-
inents, believing as 1 do that
Twenty Years Experience
in Orcsron Citt- enables me to know the- re
quirements ol the trade. Come one and all
and see tor yourselves that the old stand of .
cannot be beaten in quality or price. It would
be useless for me to tell you all the advantages
1 can offer you in the sale of goods, as evory
store that advertises does that, and probably
yon have been disappointed. All I . wish to
say is
Cccic, and Sec, and Examine for Yourselves,
for Ido not wish to make any mistakes. My
object i3 to tell all my old friends now that I
am still alive, anddesirous tosell goods cheap,
for cash, or upon audi terms as agreed upon.
Thanking all for the liberal patronage hereto
fore bestowed.
Main Street, Oregon City.
Legal Tenders and County Scrip taken at
market rates. THOS. CHAKMAX.
ec7"fiO,0M) lbs wool wanted by
nov. 1. '7.-tf THOS. CIIAHMAX.
' The following named gentlemen will receive
subscriptions and advertisements for the
Portland - J. R. Goldsmith
Astoria . W. E. Iement
New Era Ir. J. Casto
Norton- Capt. Z. C. Norton
Roone's Ferry Chas. Wilson
Mo'alla Maxwell Kamsby ,Jr
Pleasant Hill J. E, McOonnell
Oswego G. W. Prosser
Damascus J. T. Cbltwood
Eagle Cretk ... -H. W. Lako