Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, September 13, 1877, Image 4

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    Two Strange Tales.
In the life of Mr. John Taylor, the
author of "Monsieur Tonson," and other
clever -whimsicalities, the following
strange tales are found. One is related
of a Mr. Donaldson, a literary man with
-whom Mr. Taylor was intimate in his
younger days:
"In order to attend the House of Com
mons, he had taken apartments in St.
Anne's Churchyard, Westminster. On
the evening when he took possession, he I
was struck with something that appeared
to him mysterious in tho manner of the
maid-servant, who looked like a man dis
guised; and he felt a very unpleasant
emotion. This feeling was strengthened
by a simular deportment in the mistress
of the house, who soon after entered his
room, and asked him if he wanted any
thing before he retired to rest. Disliking
her manner, he soon dismissed her, and
went to bed; but the disagreeable im
pression made on his mind by the maid
and the mistress kept him long awake; at
length, however, he fell asleep. Durinjr
his sleep he dreamed that the corpse of a
gentleman who had been murdered was
deposited in the cellar of the house.
This dream co-operating with the un-
favoraole, or rather repulsive counte
nances and demeanor of the two women,
precluded all hopes of renewed sleep;
and it being the summer season, he rose
about five in the morning, took his hat
and resolved to quit a house of such
alarm and terror.
"To his surprise, as he was leaving it,
he met the mistress in the entry, dressed
as if she had never gone to bed. She
seemed to be much agitated, she in
quired his reason for wishing to go out
so early in the morning. He hesitated
a moment with increased alarm, and
then told her that he expected a frienJ,
who was to arrive by a stage in Bishops
gate street, and that he was going to
meet him. He was suffered to go out
of the house, and when revived by tho
open air, he felt, as he afterward de
clared, as if relieved from impending
destruction. He stated that, in a few
hours after, he returned with a friend,
to whom he had told his dream, and the
impression made on him ly the maid
and mistress; he, however, only laughed
at him for his superstitious terrors; but
on entering the house they found that
it was deserted, and calling in a gentle
man who was accidentally passing, they
all descended to the cellar, and actually
found a corpse in the state which the
gentleman's dream had represented."
The other extraordinary story to
which we have alluded is as follows:
"Mrs. Brooke told me that she was
drinking tea one evening in Fleet Street,
where a medical gentleman was expect
ed but did not arrive till late. Apologiz
ing for his delay, he said he had attend
ed a lady who suffered under a contract
ed throat, which occasioned her great
difficulty in swallowing. She said that
she traced the cause to the following
circumstance: "When she was a young
woman, and in bed with her mother she
dreamed that she was on the roof of a
church struggling with a man who at
tempted to throw her over. He appear
ed in a carman's frock, and had red hair.
"Her mother rid iculed her terrors, and
bade her compose .herself to sleep again;
but the impression of her dream was so
strong that she could not comply. In the
evening of the following day she had
appointed to meet her lover at a bowling
green, from which he was to conduct her
bomi when the amusement was ended.
She had passed over one field in the
hopes of meeting the gentleman, and
sang as she tripped along; when she en
tered the second field, and accidentally
turning her head, she beheld in the cor
ner of the field just such a man as her
l . - -. .
ureara represented, dressed in
man's frock, with red hair and
ently approaching toward her.
a car-appar-
Her agitation was so great that she ran
with all her speed to the stile of the
third field, and with difficulty got over
it. Fatigued, however, with" running,
she sat on the stile to recover herself ;
and reflecting that the man might be
harmless, she was afraid that her flight
on seeing him might put evil and vindic
tive thought-, into his head. While in
this meditation the man had reached the
stile, and seizing her by the neck, he
dragged her over the stile, and she re
membered no more. It appeared that
he had pulled off her shawl, jacket, and
shoes, and thrown her into an adjoining
ditch. Fortunately a gentleman came
to the spot, and observing a body above
the water, he hailed others who were
approaching, and it was immediately
raised. It was evidently not dead, anil
some of the party, remarking that the
robber could not be far off, went in
pursuit of him, leaving others to guard
and endeavor to revive the body.
"The pursuers went different ways,
and some, at no great distance, saw a
man at a public house sitting with a
bundle before him. He seemed to be so
much alarmed at the sight of the gentle
man that they suspected him to bo the
culprit, and determined to examine the
bundle, in which they found the dress
of the lady which some mi them recog-'
nized. The man was, of course, im
mediately taken into custody, and was
to be brought to trial at the approaching
assizes. The lady, however, was too ill
to come into court; but appearances
were so strong against him that he was
kept in close custody, and when she was
able to give evidence, though he ap
peared at the trial with a different dress,
and with a wig on, she was struck with
terror at the sight of him, and fainted,
but gave evidence. The culprit was
convicted and executed. Tho medical
gendeman added that, when she had
finished her narrative, she declared that
she felt the pressure of the man's hand
on her neck while she related it, and
that her throat had gradually contract
ed from the time when the melancholy
event ocenred. At length her throat be
came so contracted that she was hardly
able to receive the least sustenance."
Goor Pie Crust. A quart of flour
will make two large pies. Sift the flour.
Take a spoon, and "stir into the flour
one-quarter of a pound of butter and a
teaspoonfnl of yeast powder; then
moisten with cold water (ice water, if
you have it) , using just as little as will
make the flour stick together. Sprinkle
some of the shortened flour on tho pie
board, and roll the crust large enough
for the pie-pan; do not try to make
smooth edges until you have put in the
filling and the upper crust: then wress
the edges firmly together, and cut off
lue rougn edges with a knife. Tho
secret of good, tender, plain pastry is
speeuy worn no working with warm
Tjik Philaderphia Star speaks of "the
. beautiful, passionate sea." When the
beautiful sea grabs a fellow up aud
slams all the gumption out of him
against an old bathing-house he is apt
xo recognize the passionate part of it.
The Procession of Iady Godiva at
In " Old Streets and Houses of Eng
land," Scribner for September, occurs
the following description of the proces
sion in honor of Lady Godiva, which is
still celebrated at Coventry:
The order of tho procession was as
follows: First came tho city guards, an
ancient, and in former times, an import
ant iody 01 men; next came a figure of
St. George, who. it will be remembered.
was a native of Coventry; then came the
city streamer bearing the arms of Coven
try, and the two city followers. The
next object of attraction was the re
nowned Lady Godiva, mounted on a
white horse with rich housings and trap
pings. The city crier rode on one side
of her and the beadle on the other. The
woman representing tho fair patroness
of Coventrv was usuallv dressed in a
white cambric dress," closely fitted to
the body. Sho wore also a profusion of
loner, ilowincr locks, adorned with a Hi
let or bandeau of flowers and a plume of
white feathers. The Coventry ' Herald,
in describing, the procession of 1818,
speaks of a Madame Warton's perform
ance ol Crodivaas "ingmy sa.ibiuuiui.) .
"She was attired," v.e are told, "in a
close-fitting, elastic silk dress, ol pin-kv-white
color, entire from tho neck to
the toes, excepting the arms, which were
uncovered; over this a simple white
satin tunic edged with gold fringe com
pleted her ridincr-habit. Her only iiead
dress was the perfectly unartiticial and
not very profuse supply of glossy black
hair simply braided in front, and hang
ing down slightly confined behind."
Mr. "Warton. her husband, rode a short
distance behind as Edward, the Black
rrincc. Queen Margaret, Sir John Fal
staff, Bobin Hood, Friar Tuck, William
and Adam Botoner (the celebrated may
ors of Coventry), Sir Thomas' White, its
great benefactor, and Sir W. Dugdale,
tho eminent local historian, were also
represented in the cavalcade. Last in
this procession was a sylvan bower bear
ing the shepherd and shepherdess, a
capacious platform furnished with flow
ers, fountains, and foreign birds in
golden cages. The "HdrahV contin
ues: "The fleecy lambs and faithful
dogs formed an object which attracted
all eyes, while the arbor of evergreens,
rising and tapering off to a height of
forty feet, formed a magnificent finish
to the cavalcade. This show concluded
at three o'clock." The shepherd and
shepherdess, lambs and dogs were ex
hibited by the wool-combers, one of the
societies which took part in the proces
sion. Though the town has generally
taken pride in this show there have al
ways been some to despise it and to say
with Queen Elizabeth:
" Ye men of Coventry,
Good lack, what fools je !.!"
Scaring Away the Eclipse. Soon
after my arrival at Bagdad, on the even
ing on the first day in May, as we were
dinning on the terrace, we were startled
by a most terrific din. Vie then notic
ed that there was nearly a total eclispe of
the moon, and upon consulting an Eng
lish almanac we found that it would be
"invisible at Greenwich, but a total
eclipse in Australia and somo parts of
Asia." The tumult increased, and soon
the whole population seemed to have
assembled on the house-tops, armed
with pots, pans, and kitchen utensils,
which they beat with a tremendous clat
ter, at the same time screaming and
howling at the top of their voices. Fre
quent reports of guns and pistols added
to the turmoil, which was kept up for
nearly an hour, until they had succeed
ed in frightening away the Jin, or evil
spirit, who had caught hold of the moon.
It was a most amusing scene, although
it interferred seriously with the success
of our dinner. Our own servants
caught the excitement, and deserted the
table without ceremony. Our hosttold
us the next day that they well-nigh
knocked the bottoms out from all his
kitchen utensils. It was, however, a
complete success, and when our ser
vants returned to their duty, the moon
was shining brightly as ever, and upon
their faces was an air of complacent sat
isfaction. Scribner.
Chilprkn's Stockings. The ques
tion of short socks instead of stockings
for children is, says a physician, I am
glad to see, being noticed; and I trust
the result will be that the custom of con
fining children's limbs in hot, and es
pecially in dark-colored stockings, will,
at least in summer, give way before the
pretty fashion now almost universal
in France, Italy, Belgium and Holland
of keeping boys and girls, especially
the latter, in socks. As a medical man,
I am convinced that, provided a child
is healthy, and otherwise warmly and
suitably clad, it is all the better at any
time of the year, for having its limbs
exposed. In summer thei-e is no doubt
about it. There is no finer health-giving
agent than fresh, warm air and
bright sunshine. Children carnot have
too much of either. Their limbs ought
to be bathed in both. Those who see
our little people wading on the seashore,
delighting to paddle for hours in the
waves, their scanty clothing tucked up
charmingly, know that children are
never so happy as when their arms and
legs are bare and free.
Declensions and Conjugations.
Miss S , an American heiress and
quite beautiful, has been exciting much
admiration in London during the pres
ent season, and is about to marry, it is
said, the son of a nobleman connected
with tho royal household. American
heiresses are by no means shunned
abroad; quite the contrary, for they are
generally as well educated and in every
way as presentauio as tiieir foreign sis
ters, and do not accept the first impe
cunious scion of nobility that has a
coronet about him. Some vears a"o
the daughter of an American minister
in London was much sought after by
patrician youngsters. She was one day
discovered writing letters, and observed,
X am writing my declensions. This
London is a good enough place for flir
tation, out x mean to conjunnle at
home." Kditor"s Urcnter in Iarneri
Magazine for September.
A Sweet Youth. The Allen town
(Penn.) Register exposes a youner man
in this remorseless way: "A mischiev
ous quack in Altoona City, Pennsylva
nia, advised a young man with more
hair than brains to use molasses water,
the theory being that after the water
evaporated the rebellions locks would
coalesce and keep in place. He made
his toilet of a Sunday morning, and,
taking a prominent pew, concentrated
tho attention, of all the flies in the
church, much to the relief and edifica
tion of the congregation. After strik
ing wildly about and damaging a palm
leaf in undue vehemence, he made a
break for the door, with the flies swarm
ing about his poll."
The Clergyman at Crooked Creek.
'Is this the liuglehorn office?'
marded ti tall. Macoupin woman
other day of the editor, whom she hap
nunwl tn fir.1 in liis KancttHD.
"Yes ma'am, this is the place," and lie
handed her a chair and prepared
himself for business
" Be you the man that runs the news
paper, mister?"
" I am tho editor of the paper, ma'am.
What can I do for yon?"
"When I havo told ifrto you I want
you to print it that's what I want.
And its all about a man that come into
the Crooked Creek settlement that's
whare I live a preachin.' He allowed
he had a call to speak, and we thought
inebbe he had."
" I have written that," after waiting for
her to go on with her story. "What
did ho do then?"
"Why ho preached. You jist write it
that lie preached; and he boarded with
me. Ho was sort of delicate like, and
he couldn't eat common doins like the
rest of ns. His stummick couldn't rel
ish nothing but fried chicken three
times a dav. Now, write that mister
"Well, I have described his delicate
" Next you might mention that he
wanted my Martha Ann to do most of
the cookin'. And the way he praised
1 1 1 .
ine gai a cooKin was calculated to give
her hopes that he was willing to enjoy
it always. Ho jist spilt that gal for
cookin' anything but fried chicken.
O, that man is a little the meanest, on
nory skunk I ever knowed here in Mac
"Didn't he pay his board?"'
"Yes, he paid; but he was so dread
ful close and stingy. You don't reckon
we re a gom to kill evev last chicken
on the place, and Martha Ann cookin'
herself mighty nigh to death jist for
the price of board, do you?"
"I really don't know what is custom
ary in such cases ma'am. Perhaps this
preacher ought to have given your
daughter a present or some token of
gratitude for her kindness."
" Now you are talking sense, mister;
I knew there was never such a fool as
I've been about that preacher. I ought
to have made him stick to corn bread
and meat till he was willing to marry
Martha Ann; or me, her mother. Then
he'd know that fried chicken was some
account. But he's gone up to banga-
mon county a preachin , and I want to
print it in the papers how mean he's
been here, so as no other women won't
be wastin' their fried chicken on him
How it Came About It is pretty-
well known that during Wm. H. Van
derbilt's youth his father, the Commo
dore, had very little confidence in his
sagacity or business ability. Against
the advice of some of his friends, he
persistently declined the young man s
co-operation, because he thought him
"stupid." A story is current on Staten
Island which goes to show how the
Commodore's eyes came to be opened
to the mistake into which he had allow
ed himself to fall concerning the eldest
boy. "William owned a farm near his
father's, and findiug that it required fer
tilization, ha applied to hira for some
" How much do you want?" inquired
the Commodore.
" Oh, about, a load." was the reply
" Certainly I can spave that," was the
When the Commodore visited the
place tho next week, he found that his
yards and stables were swept clean of
the erreat heaps of eonmost he had al
lowed to accumulate.
"Why, how is this?" he said to h
"Your son came and got it," was the
answer, 'lie said you
gave mm pcr-
The Commodore went fuming to Wil
liam, and said iu a bustling way, "See
here, young man, what have you been
about; how dared you to cart off all my
"You said I could havo it." was the
rejoinder. "You told me to take a
" A load! why, you have got every bit
there is."
" I only took a load, father a sloop
Tho old man's eyes were opened, and
he concluded to give his son a "slice"
of stock to operate with, and soon after
made him Vice President of the Cen
tral road.
A Narrow EstwrE. About eleven
jo 'clock yesterday forenoon, a man walk
ed up and down Griswold street for a
few minutes, carefully scrutinizing the
exterior of the several banks, and final
ly entered one of them and deposited
thirteen dollars. It was his verv first
dealings with a bank, and his hat slant
ed over a trifle more than usual when he
came out. About aquarter after twelve,
finding that he could deposit two or
three dollars more and Btill make his
purchases, the man came down town
again. The bank was closed, accord
ing to custom, and the usual sigh of
"Bank Shut" hung against the glass.
As the farmer pushed on the door he
saw the sign, aud he was only ten sec
onds growing as pale as death. As he
made another attempt to open the door
a boy cume along and called out:
"You can't get in there--she's shut
"Took my thirteen dollars and then
busted!" gasped the depositor, and he
backed oft and looked at the 6ign.
" She'll- be open again at two o'clock,"
said the boy as he passed along.
"I doubt it I doubt it!" muttered
the man as ho wiped off the perspira
tion, "but I'll wait and see."
He sat down on tho steps, knees weak
and chin trembling, and he didn't move
an inch till two o'clock. When the
bank opened lie -walked in, presented
his certificate of deposit and said:
" I'll be a thousand times obleeged if
vou'd let me draw out my thirteen dol
lars." It was handed out, and the man
braced up instantaneously. Counting
the money over twice, he put he bills
in his wallet, walked out, snd as he
reached the walk he paid:
"That's the closest escape I ever had
in mv life, and I won't make a fool of
myself again."
As you are kind and gentle toward
one another, be so likewise towards all
God's creatures, and instead of their
shrinking and trembling in affright
when you approach them, they will soon
manifest for von a verv pleasing1 affec
tion; and even the tiniest insects, if you
would but carefully watch them, would
teach you lessons of patient industry
all unknown to you before Rural
Several newspaper
swindled by the new
thousand dollar bill.
men have been
counterfeit five
Health on a Sure Basis.
In order to establish health on a sure
basis, the enfeebled system must acquiro adUi-
tioaal vigor. And yet, patent ks this fact is, and
widely known as it is, too many people neglect
this vital point in the self treatment or disease,
and physicians are very often equally remiss, re
sorting to the use of palliatives which affect
symptoms only, and fail to accomplish the chief
nd in view, which is. or should lie, invtnoratton.
The main reason whv Hostetter'a Stomach Hit
ters are so successful in overcoming disease is
that thev imnart vitality where it is deficient,
antl tlillii ImilH nn ft onneratnlftnre for exhaust
ed nature to recuperate upon. The liitters also
improve tho annetite. sootne the nervous system
wnen over-strained, ana are a geniai aim siCD
able medicinal stimulant, with a basis of pure
spirits holdine in solution botanic elements ot
the greatest eflicacy.
It id a common remark anions the visitors of
tho Pavilion that the display made by Mr. Po-
heim, merchant tador, is among tho hnest ever
met with in simdar exhibitions in the cistorj 01
our Stat.-- Tim fctKto dUnlav.-d in the selection
of goods, tho line perception in the blending of
Harmonious colors, the nicety 01 uicir ttiruuge
ment in tho stall, all show at once to tho practi
cal eve that a master hand is at the htlni, and
the mental decision of the beholder caunot but
be in favor of the tailor's ability in makiDg a
perfect lit for any customer, or number of cus
tomers, who lout shown sucn rare tabio aim
wrought such rich combinations in the display
if his work and Roods at our Industrial t air .
That the public appreciate his efforts in this re
gard is proven by tho crowds that linger iu won-
d -ring admiration in front of his stand. And.
although it is scarcely possible that he could
wish, his reputation as a first class ana lenaoie
tailor to bo more widespread than it now is, we
aro confident that, following this Industrial In
hibition, his name and fame will have become
household woids, and his tailoring parlors, 1U3
Third street, in this city, will bo more densely
crowded with customers than ever. 1 ue ex
tremely low prices charged by him have long
been a common remark amontr our citizens, aim
we doubt not that this in part is the secret of his
erreat sujeess. The largo stock, the variety and
durabUity of his goods need not to be spoken of,
as this is too well Known to can lor repetition.
Gentlemen about to purchase wearing apparel
would do well to pay lum a visit beiore purchas
ing elsewhere. . b . J'ost.
E. II. KrrrnEDOE & Co. ix Jsew (.carters.
A nunioer of business changes and removals
have occurred of late. With rare exceptions the
removal, are to larcer and more convenient and
better lighted premises, thus indicating that des
pite the hard times the commercial interests of
San rnciaco are auvancinsr. Among tne ri mo-
vals of late, we notice the extensive manufactur-
inr firm, in doors, windows and blinds, or .Mesrs.
E. H. Kittredge & Co., from 114 and 116 Market
street to Nos. 24. 26 and 28 California street. Uy
this change the house secures much better quar
ters, which is a great inducement in their case,
and equally convenient and as desirable in all
respects as the old one. They had the building
expressly fitkKl up lo suit their purposes ; it is
one of two stories and basement, 70x137 'i feet
iu dimensions.
Messrs. E. H. Kittredge V Co. aro the succes
sors to John L. Hall, who established the busi
ness hereinl858. The house underwent achange
some two years ago, when the present proprie
tors came in possession, bringing widi them in
creased vigor and life, ard doing as large a busi
ness to-dav as any similar house on the coast.
Eor the better convenience of buvers the house
havo prepared an xtensive price-list and cata
logue, which contains the sizes, widths, lengths,
descriptions and prices. These can be had on
application, aid to it we must refer tho render
for information. Tho house has every facility
for furnishing articles in their line at the short
est possib'e notice. They give employment to
many thonmgh-going workmm, according to the
season, and the proprietors themselves are gen
tlemen whoso long experience enables tiiem to
practicallv supervise their business and mahe
' assurances doubly sure " that everything pro
duced is faithfully constructed and thoroughly
finished ; and consequently wherever their man
ufactures go they are c r tain to prove satisfactory
to tho purchaser. What the firm of John L.
Hall, of Boston, has done in years gone by, this
firm will continue to do as its worthy successor.
Their goods are generally acknowledged to 1?
among tho most substantially constructed and
altogether satisfactory in tho market. Those in
the business will do well to correspond with the
manufacturers in regard to this matter, or, if
convenient, call and see their numerous styles
and designs.
The foregoing will convey to the reader's mind
some idea of the large manu'acturing establish
ment of the Messrs. E. II. Kittrodgo fc Co., acd
we confidently place them in the category of our
most enterprising, honorable, straightforward
manufacturers and business men, who are resol
ved to achieve success bv deserving it. .S. f.
Tilt: FIRE
One of the exhibits at the Pavilion,
r.eec s I'atent Compound t ire Ixtinguisht'r, is
the only known compound which fights fire with
lire. It is tlie invention of a Uerman chemist,
is a dry, solid mass put up in boxes varying from
ti vo to thirty pounds in weight, reached by a fuse
from the outside, which can be instantaneously
ignited by a match, burning coal or cigar, and
when thrown into a burning room or any place
wholly or partially confined will almost instan
lieously and with absolute certainly extinguish
the flames. A nunioer of the J.uropcan tatate
and municipal authorities and private corpora
tions have adopied it and make its use compul
sory, i.n infinite number of public and private
tests nave oeen maue ; stieus have Deen erected
and smeared on the inside with tar and oil, tubs
of coal oil, benzine, turpentine and like combus
tibles placed inside and all set on tire, and when
the entire inside has become aliving mass of tire
a box of the compound has b en thrown in. and
in a very few seconds the fire has been totally
extinguished, leaving considerable quantities of
on unconsumeu. oonieof its advantages are as
follows : Its portability, twenty pounds beintr
sufficient to totally extinguish a fire confined in
a room of 0O0O cubic net, and smaller or larger
luantitits in the same proportion. It will ex
tinguish fires which water will not. such as burn
ing coal oil, turpentine, spirits, ttc. It is abso
lutely harmless in its action, the gases generated
in its combustion injuring not even the most
delicate fabric. It does not explode, burns
gradually, is thoroughly clean in its action, will
preserve its efficiency for many years in anv cli-
mate, is seii-igumug, ana is lnvaiuauio lor use
. r: .
in mines. It was introduced in this country in
December last, and since the 1st of January
00,000 pounds have been sold, and although it
was only introduced nere aDout tturty days ago.
it is rapidly growing m public favor. Several
successf-l tests have been made in this citv. and
durins the coming week another will lie made.
f which due notice will be given. Newton A
Jenk-t, 109 Montgomery street, this city, are the
sole agents for the Pacific coast. ;S F . Chronicle.
From lion. W. II. Jonri, of West Dover.
" I have been troubled from niy boy
hood with chronic or hereditary lungoomplainC
Borne ye irs smc , tarlyin the winter, 1 took oold.
which as usual settled into a severe cough, which
continued to increase as the season advanced, al
though I made use of all the cough remedies I
had knowledge of. My family physician alno
rescnbed for me. but I experienced no relief.
urin all this time I was" gradually running
down, losing flesh and strength, until my friends
as well as myself became very much alarmed,
thinking I should waste away in consumption.
While in Boston, during the Spring following, I
was induced to try Wistas's Baujax of Wilp
Chebrt. Alter one day's trial I was sensible
that it was relieving me; in ten days time my
cough had entirely ceased, and I was soon res
tored to health and strength. I have ever since
kept the Balsam in my house, and whenever any
number of my family has a cough or cold, it is
immediately resorted to. So family should be
without it." Bold by all druggists.
The Machine Worn Out.
Why? Not because it was not well
built, but it was wrongly run. Thousands of
men who havo run down long before their three
score and ten years are accomplished, might
have been renewed into aprightliness and vim
if they had tried the v ell-known Pebcviak Sy
rup, which contains among its compounds the
Protoxide of iron, so combined that it assimi
lates with the blood and invigorates tho whole
system. This Syrup has proved tfficacious in
thousands of cases, and wdl do everybody good
who uses it. All druggists keep it.
Practicing Aoaix. Dr. L. J. Czapkay. the
well and favorably known physician of San Fran
cisco, who long ago retired, ard ha3 since filled
important positions in the diplomatic service of
the United States, has again entered upon the
p- actice of his profession, as will be seen by his
announcement in the Be. His office is at No.
209 Kearny street, San Francisco, where he may
be consulted or addressed. Sacramento Bee,
August 21, 1877.
So unanimous is the opinion of all vis
itors at the Fair that the superb colored crayon
portraits and oilier photographs included in I.
W. Tabor & Jo. s magmheent display are ot
more artistio value to say nothing of their
many striking beauties than tho collections of
paintings in the art gallery proper, that the pho
tographic department of the Pavilion is now the
center ol attraction, labor s present collection
of portraits is without doubt the linest ever
made on mis coast, me uinereni siyies oi imu-
tography being better represented than ever be
fore. No person should visit tho Fair without
seeing the display, and tho next thing to do is to
get likenesses taken attiie losemita Art iiier,
20 Montgomery street. S. F. J'ost.
Rheumatism tuickly Cured.
' Durang's Rheumatic Remedy," the great Inter
nal Medicine, will positively cure any case of rheu
matism on the face of the earth. Trice $1 a bottle,
six bottles, $5. Hold by all Druggists. Send for
circular to Helphenstuio & Bentley. Druggists.
Washington, D. O. Hold wholesale by H. C. Kibk
k Co., Sacramento, Cul.
Tit USS. '1 his treat in ven-
liou is bet iK adopted by the lead
ing Pb vsician.s and Surueons all
over the land. We would
respectfully caution the Public
against certain fraudulent and
worthless imitations uicn are
iifiw in ihn murkpt. nf
them, uil-enrt for Illustrated Book and Price List.
Bt60! Sacramento St.. Upstairs, San Francisco.
A. DAV TO AGENTS. Outfit free.. Send .tamp.
REVOLVER FREE wltrVorcaTrh.:
Address J. liowu tv. aou, loo anu i- v oou niiccv.
Pittsburg. P.
Anil make :t to 4 a day. Send tor Circulars to J.
J. PFIsTKK fe CO.. General Agents, iao sl'TTKK
Strkkt. Itoom 4 San r ranclsco.
AdviRer and Private Med
ical Ciiiifie. Sufferers from
physical uj-ouuv. in.iisc retlons and excesses, snl
25c. to Ir. Jnnn Co-vinr. P. O. lt-tx .14H. Pliila.. Ret a
cony, cure yourself, amd v fx n and xpoanrp.
Information to Country Residents.
THe ST. GEORGE HOTEL, 812 Kearny St.,
SAN FRAcr-CO. New four-story b-1 k, con
tainlng IOW bfumiful heht sunny rooms, newly
furnished, to rent !' th lay, '. ek or Month, in
HUlte or hiiigle. at nnp-hnlf the usukI rutes. untbUnff
one to live in the citv iu fine stvlu for the small sum
of One p.illar per day. THV IT.
Introduced in America as
Is u French f urtifyintr iron preparation which closely
mixfs up with the verv economy mid renews in
mechanism by itivimj to the bloid that neces-Bary
qtiaiuity of red gloMHes which const ittes th heal
thy vlta'ity 01 the iiuiivmuki; under us innuence
the appeiile will he icvived. the cheeks will gradu
ally redden, the energies, moral and physical, will
be strengthened, and cousrquenlly life in:i:le enjoy
able. EED BX-OOB!
In the case of children whose sickly and impover
ished constitution sepni to point them cut fur an
enr!y grave or a r.sels". niisei Bb e H:e, it wi-1 prove
the greet constitutional renovator.
IUer In life, when the adu.t and oi l aged are.
from so many d tlerenl causes, so much exposed
to oyspepsia and general d(' idty, every delicate
person should have recourse to it.
PKiCK i ask your cnemisi 10.- 11, sum n ne
has not got it yet, apply direct to the agent for the
I'nited .states. MCl tM lM,
115 SaskomkSt., cor. Commercial, tian Francisco.
Irlvate Im11u1 lnwtltitto,
!i9 Kerny St., San Franci-seo. F.stxblished in
ls.4, for the J't rmanf'it Cure of all Sincitil atut
f'h onir IHsrasr. ax alis all t'trmnle Complaints an-.t
Hisrascsuf the Xt rvoux System.
J- life annua. I v fiom necret aud chronic diseases.
caused tins old and r-liable institution to be etat-
li-hed liret In Thilade phia, Penn.. in 1.0, and after
wards in San Krancl-co, Cul., in ISVI, as a private d s
pensary, iu order to atf'-rd the nfllicted the best med
ical and surgical treatment, for the above and all
other affections and com plain ts. C'on.iuitatious at
ttie institute or by letter, bltfc.i.
Physical niil Mental Debililj.
Vital weakness, nervousness, low s-plrits. lassitude.
weakness of the limbs and back, loss of muscular
power, indisposition and incapability for labor and
study, a weak, ex housted feeling, no energy or cour
age, pal pit -tion of the heart, dullness of apprehen
sion, loss of memory, aversion to society, love of
solitude, timidity, seif-distrust. toss of manhood, diz
ziness, headactie. pa'tis la the side, artections or the
eye, pimp.es on the face, sexual or other infirmities
in man or woman, ''lire" bv t'-e Justly elebrnted
physician. lJ.tl-KAV,M. 1.
His method of curing disease is peculiarly hi own
(unknown to otht-rs) and hence the great success.
Rheumatic atfuctions, chronic catarrh, diseases of
the stomach and kidneys, liver complaints, etc..
successful y treated.
i)K. CAPKA Y, oneof the most successful medi
cal practitioners on the I'lictfi..; const, may be coti
sulte'l conrlilent ally in reference to the above and
all other complaints at the institute.
Xo. 2u UKtlt.VV HT., Kan I'rnncliieo, 'al.
B-The P.vtor offer Free Consultations, and asks
no remuneration unless he effects a cure. Charges
n' derate. Communicatinns 'trictly cot fiielial.
Medicines sent by Kxpress. Address Ij. J. Czapkay,
M. !., IVstollice 15ox 61, .San Francisco.
Dlsrount ltrolirr, Real Fatnfe Agent, and
Denier in Vniled State. State. City and
County BondH. (.m, Water, Bank,
Itailro.nl and Oilier .Seeii-i t leu.
4IS2 Montgomery Street.
To Loan on CITY and COUNTRY
To Loan on Gas, Water, Bank, Rail
road and Other Securities.
Discounted, and Money Loaned non
all kinds of Collaterals.
4 IS Montgomery Street,
Save Your Money
35 Third Stkkkt First-class Phtoifrl'hs f-ir half
the price rnarepd at other Wal'enei. l.ue-lze Por
traits in Oil or Water folors, only Ten DnllMra.
Old Pictures enlarged to any size and Beautifully
Colored. Best Enameled Cabinets and Cards very
Please call and see our work and get our prices be
fore sitting elsewhere, and he pure and remember
the number, 3.1 T!ilrl Sre, corner of Jessie.
It. F. MOW LAN l. ArliM,
Sam Francisco, Pal
SItoiaey to ILoan
laree sums, at low rates, lands bought and
Fold. Parties having money to loan cau always find
gO-d securities, by applylnir to
No. IS Stevenson'8 Huilding. S. W. for. Montgom
ery and California streets. San Francisco.
J. PAIJVir. 3T.
IK bat removed
:vj tO
Oai Clay ulreet. Hl-
easesof the Eyk and Eab
receive especial attention
Metlical ami ehirniral treatt
went given In till diseases.
Much experience In Throat
and Lung diseases. Klectro
MaxrnetiMm 1 1 n . i r..
pl fd in diseases of the nervous system. To Genito
urinary diseases much attei Mon Is given, ilav be
consulted by letter. Addresn vV. J. PAUOn.M D
(?1 Clair Klra.l U.. -.- r ' Xl'
Ban k . Rfwni I. 2 and 3.'
J--GO AND SEE or write to Dr. Cohen, the
ollIy living Astrologer. Jle has practised
eiRhteen years in Ran Francisco; he ran tell cor
rectly the past, present and future ; gives reliable
Information and -dvice. of benefit to those consult
ing him. Consultation Fee, 2 by letter X ftj.lt
is not necessary to give the age. UDr. Cohen's
medicine Is a positive cure for liver and kidney
complaints, impurity of the blood, nervous debility
heart disease, rheumatism, catarrh, lung diseases
fever, diseases of the stomach and female diseases.'
Chaiges very moderate. Medicine will be sent to
all parts of the coast Office, No. 405 Kearny St.
corner of Pine, San Francisco.
"TGTVJ&J&r TCT "TFrg-grr ess
ssnawy, gafLns' :Cr ml r n H K
;.fSSVr, -Vfs
i '
The Price of this well known article in 5 lb. Tins has been MATERI
ALLY REDUCED. See that the above trade mark i.3 on each package.
The Best Medium for the Destruction of GOPHERS.
Importers oT 3XITJ&S xtxci C23EMICAI.S,
ISaJsi California
Great Invigorator !
Restorer I
and Laxative !
I'ositlvp Cure for IlseaP of tlie IiU
neya nud Bladder..
Depot : 12 Montgomery Avenue,
Sax Fkancisco, Cal.
iu vain, USK
And a tlioronsrh. Npeetly and I'rrmmirnt
rurr will be jour Iteuard.
It is the only great r medy. immediate relief, and
positive cure for 'eaknr.t )ceuliar tn mm; nucli us
Nervous, Mental and Physical Debility, Premature
Det-line. and Rroken-1'-wn Constitution, f rm what
ever cause, ft iviil restore JC.rhauste.il Vitality id
Manhooil whsn all other remedies hme failed. 1 1 will
purify the blood ami supply it with the neoessary
Iife-Rlvlng principle, and thereby eradicate all mor
bid eruptions of the skin. It is an immetiinte relief
and sur cure for all KIDNEY AND BLADDER
Price, SI 50 per bottle, or five bottles in rase (which
in most every instance hasefferted acomidetecure
for $10 00 Sent to any address upni receipt of
orlce, or P. O. D Procurable only direct of lU. i
NALKIELD. 31 HPHrni Mrert, !ian hranoisoo,
Cal , where you shoultt call or address your letters.
All communications stri' lly coiinden tial. I
Okkick JIol'ks : 9 a. M. till 4 r. M. and B till t P.
M. Sundays from 10 till 1 only. Consultation by
letter or personally Free. ,
TTSE the Hierapicra or Fig Ritters. Cures Fever
alio Ague, j.uiousness. LoustipHiion, impure
RIimhI, Kidney Weakness, Worms. Uiinary Disor
ders, Kemale'C'implMnts, etc. Druggists have it.
Agents. ItKWNHTOs & Co, Wholesale Diuggists,
San Francisco, Cal.
San Francisco M.a.y 30, 177. j
Wo. th iinderiilgned Wholenale Ore- j
, lake plranurr In remarking Ihe in 1
rrruurd demand for Bavrn'i Premium
Ve:il Powder, and of text IT? I tic to I tie
iceneral antifaetlou cKen tliiM braml :
San rrtAKcisco WELLMAN. PF.CK & CO..
J. M. PIKE & CO..
W. W. DODGE fc CO.
Sacramento ADAMS. McNEILL k CO.,
Ask your Grocer for
See that you get
And do not be deceived with that which is not
The Only Direct Line to Portland.
Cabin rnnacr, 8IO I Kteerngro Panagr, $5
POKTL.ND leaving Kan Francisco ev-
eiy rlVK DAYS until further notice Steanmhips
City of Chester, George W.
Elder and Ajax,
Connecting with Steamers to SI I'KA and PUGET
SOUND, and O. and U. R. R. C.. and Oregon and C.
R. H. Co. through Willamette, Umpqua aud Rogue
River Valleys, Oregon.
K. VAN OT ERE N DO R P, Agent.
JtIO Battery street, San Frai.clsro.
Carrying tlie IT. N. Mall and the Eiprru.
f-3e The Elegant Steamer of lliia
i Company leave Broad way Wharf, San
iau iscu, Ktkrt V ekk for
And for Santa Cruz. Kan Luis Obispo, Santa Bar
bara, Ventura. Los Angeles, and khu Diego and
other ports .about EVERY THIRD DAY.
Tickets sold to all the principal places on the Pa
cific Slope at
In't Rnr XlekelM any other Line
nntll yon eall at our Tlrkel Ofliee.
Nan Franelneo Ticket Ofliee 214 9Iont
comery Ntreet.
General Agents, No. 10 Market Street,
San Francisco.
TO Till.
lty, and restores exhausted vitality In four
weeks as sure as water quenches thirst. Price 13
Ser Bottle, or 4 Bottles (In case) ia Senttoanyad
ress upon receipt of price, or C O. D
To be had only at 4 Kearny St. Han Francisco
Oal., where all letters should be addressed. Office
Hoars from 9 a. m. to 4 p. n.. and S to 8 v. ii.
IDIfc. tS 1 1 IS 1ST 12 Y ,
There are manv of the aire of tliirtv in v wh
are troubled with t.io freqnent evaluation lit.i e
bladder, often accompanied by a slight smarting or
burning sensation, and a weakening of the system
in a manner the patient cannot account for. onex
amining the urinary deposits a ropv sediment will
often be found, and sometimett small ptMk-le of al
bumen will appear, or the color be of a tliln ant!
milicish hue, again changing to a dark and torpid
appearance. Tht-re are many men wbo tile of this
ditliculty ignorant of the cause, which Is the second
stage of seminal weakness. Dr. Spinney will guar
antee a perfect cure In all such cases, and a healthy
restoration of the genlto-urlnary organs.
Office Hours 10 to 4 and 6 to 8. Sundays from
to 11 a.m. Consultation free. . .
Call or address DR. A. B. 8PINNE . ,
No. II Kearny Street, Sao Francisco.
TXE " HSJ -t7"'
Tltrce-qusirf era Ir Friction Ihnu hhj
oilier JIneliiiio.
Self -Tlnendinc
Self - TIi rend iu"
3 SUHe-t
. . u a h v
Mnililrkt !
TT-TbU ,fhlr.
m f;ist becoming
known as tlie
See It ! Try It ! Buy It !
J. It. WOOIK MaiiKr,
12-1 FIFTH STRIifr.T. - - - SAN r RANCI-tO
t)tlooil Asenla Wautrd la unoern-
llns all Hie Ooorl IoinlH:
&iierior ."Median ism !
5Inlr-iles .siimlle!
l"iiexnaletl Working- Capacity!
SADLER & BARROWS. Genera: Agent..
1212 Markkt Stkickt. Sail Francisco,
and 4GH Twe:f:h Stre et, Oakland.
Pacific Coast Agents for the Celehr-.tl Fx-Iiif
Cold Swaged Sewing Machine Neodie, hu,1 J .i
bers of Oil, 1 bread, SUk, and all kinds of .Altrh
120 Nutter St..
OFFERS the nest facilities f .r a first class Bus)
npss Kduc-tioii. You mayaitenrt twoilnys Ire
of charge to see how von like it. No more student
are admitted than Professor Itaru.-ini can persniiaHy
instruct. Kach student rereiv.-K personal inslror
tion. Over one hundred references to graduates ir.
San Franrisro.
I toots ami &hocs.
JOHN .SI" I.I.I VA X, N. K. cor. Bat
tery and Jitr-kson sts , San Francisco,
offers to make to order the best Frenrn
Caif Leather BOO I S at from to
California Leather Hoots, - - - 6
Fret-ch 'nlf Oxford Ties. - -fit"
California - - .
Boys' and Children's Boots and Shoes made to ord-r.
Persons in the country ordering Coots and Shoes to
the amount of i 12 or more will be all- ed a reduc
tion of four percent., to make the express charRes
ighu I sell Roots and Shoes of MY OWN M A N l
FACTCRK1N LY. Roots and Shoes sent C O. !
Positively one price.
International Hotel.
824 and 826 KEARNY ST.,
81.n0 and 92.00 Fcr lay, soil Icm bj
I lie Week.
VCcaches with the name of the Hotel on bring
Guest to the Hotel Free. Heware of other Coacbej
and Rnnnera.
has for the last twentv-four years extended 'u
the traveling public a roroiul welcome ami ronifor
of a home, and so f avorabl y known to old Califo?
niana aad the traveling public, that it require no
comment on my part further than to say that ThohP
Bryan, who is an old Cali(oriian,and knows huw to
cater to the wants of the traveling public, has t!f "
the full proprietorship of the above hotel, and
leave nothing undone to make this hotel second to
none in San Francisco for
Comfort. Good Xdvixig; and CleanlineM-
My sole aim shall be to the comfort and welfare ft
my guests. The table is furnished with the best tlie
market affords; the bouse has been thoroughly ren
ovated and newly furnished throughout; two boo
dred rooms well ventilated.
Gentlemanly and obliging clerks, and lean and at
tentive waiters will always be found In my Hotel.
The Hotel Is the most centrally locP'ed of any I"
the city, being in the centre of the hi sin. portijn
of the city; the Street Cars paas tb" di or every two
minutes to all parts ef the city. The iotel Cuarh
with red lights, will be at the railroad depots and
wharfs to convey passengers to the house free of
charge; my Runners wear Silver Radges en left
breast with the name of the house on.
BSr- Rrtuare. r,f nlKer ;,nirwri. Hotel Pri.-es rj
from 91. to S'i.OO per Dnv. Give me a call an"
lodge for yourselves, T""S'. BKVAS.
Having just received a Large Invoice ot
Therefore informs his patrons that he will mat
PRICE forth next Sixty Days:
Business Suits to Order, - S25
Pants to Order, - - - 56
Dress Suits to Order, $35 to S5D
Commercial St., cor. Leidesdorff.
3XJ-. O Koniny Street-
Sheep Wash?
Tiro 2WEW
d s
ft A Fl-----r-" 1