o in- 3i)c ntcv:ptjsc. OREGON C1TV. THIKSBAY. JIXE 7. 177. " -UIIEVITIES. Mr. Klbon IVindall is still oangerously ill. Silverton celebrates the lt!i of July with a barbecue. The population of Clackamas county is estimate.! at i,t). Mr. I. A. Maeriim of Portland visited our city lat Sunday. Mr. W. Fish is repairing the building in the rear ot his store. Thfl Imperial Mills will be sold at Sher- fl"s sa'e next Monday. The ISell ItinRers will play at Tope's ll.ill next Monday uveiiiiiy;. Mr A. J. Stubbfi, postmaster at Molalla, died on Sunday, the 27th ult. Nearlv ld.ObO immigrants have arrived in thc Statu since January 1st. The Chinese population is rapidly in creasing throughout the State. Union meeting will bo held at the M. K. Church next Sunday evening. There is but little hope of the recovery of Mr. F. O. McCowns little daughter. The Ohio has been withdrawn from the upper river on account of light lreights. Mumps still prevail, and the amount of ' 'check'' seen on tin streets is immense. The Accidental P. II. Club got a hand some leating at M t. Pleasant last Saturday. Jennie Winston's Foolish Oj.era Troupe will probably visit this city about t lie Wi instart. The CI i over investigating committee si if'-d from Indianapolis ia.-t Tiles Jay for this Stale. Jinlgc O. C. 1'ratt was married to Miss Lizzie K. .bines, of California, in New York last week. .lames O'Meara is cng:;gel on the edit orial stall' of the Sail Franeisco Chronicle, a 1 leiiioeralic sheet. "Constant dropping will wear away stone." Our bibulous friend Hilly hail belter take warning. Misses Nettie and Caddie Switr.er leave sho.tlv fur Washington, Illinois, where their grandparents reside. Mrs. Jus. M. Welch, who has been visit ing relatives in this city, left yesterday for her home in Walla Walla. A friend of ours will soon preach a ser mon from the text : "Kiles hiiuipeth a man even as a camel is humped." The Watchman says that Mr. John II. Moore, of this city, was looking for a site for a foundry at VVulla Walla. Til pic-nii' to Vancouver las' week, un der the auspices of the ladies of SI. Paul's Cjuiltl, netted the handsome sum of S-0. A survivor of the CJeo. S. Wright has turned up and he reports that survivors of the wreck were murdered by Indians. P.aptist Sunday School convention bli the State will convene at Albany on Mon day the -"ii h inst., and cont inne three days. The Caital cards, of Salni, have e!i gant new uniforms, manufactured from gray cloth made at the factory in this city. Mr. S. Iluclst oilers several g'od bar gains to those wishing to buy laud. (Jive him a call at ids ol'.icc over Ciiarman's stoie. ,tn Owens, whose name often njpc:rs in t he police com t iVms at Portland us 'il. d." has been visiting our city for the li-t week or two. '. "(ri!niti f 1 ' o oftniiii'V o f 1 I " T .- e -r di ti ('a hi we " by a friend, received ; bo -ti-n this week ; w ill appear - for John 11 iu j. 1 '.v-eut-'-i '.:: i Jy and fat ioh i ' !y o; t h; s ctly, d wii'.i s me's.-; ' md Ta unas plop. tit- ! i. 1'iQia ve some sa I la. A eorr.'spoiul.iif oT li-j that Mount J b-od is a sue',:e was :..- 'ending ! h c jonian asserts volcano, a'ni tun from the summit 1 :i Friday -vc::ing. T'le man wiioem't eat m re cuii now than when il ir v.: :.irlv !!.. must be sou: warm b. S -ili'lg ' man v. ! a ; io ! I cau l ;ret 'cm t e it. Mr. Wiilard batoi.ri :te fdb-d the at the bapti ;'i 'liuic'u la.-t !!t'i;;V irig. il 'V. Mr. Hull' J ring ubseut conference at Kugeue 'ity. pujp i. tot ion:- ' al the To!oilor" Tiltoti, of Pioeeli-'r i ; e peetol to give a course o! I'ortlaml about the l",l'n inst. i S'nao.r Morton (Ken., I ml M.-M'.'la.n ( Th',., M inn.' ,a .a Sau !sbu ry. -; ! -io .. 1 iiJ . ) compos- lh" ci iotoijii e whi -!i Will inves tigate Senator tlrover's case. C irvallis celcbral es t tie gloi i n;s Fourt h iu grand style, and an invitatiou has b- cu e x tended to the Ii re men of t his city to pa r licipiite. What will thev do ah ut it? o A down-town man who wenr to church list Sunday remaiked a I'terward t hat he I jirid'erred th organ t the prua--hcr. He, said lucre seemed to be a stop to theorgan. ! A granger troin Mil waukie got too much of ti'.e "ardent" aboard last Sunday, and! the minion of the law jerked him, and the horny-handed granger got f 1 30 worth of justice. Th Seattle base ball club g.-t awav with the Victoria club on the 21th ult. James Warren, formerly of this city, pbived in the Seattle club. ' The Johnny Pulls were now here. Ivlwtird Caufield, the obliging and effi cient clerk at Ward A" Harding's drug store, left yesterd iv for Ast ria where he will .mgage in the same line with Ids brother Hubert, lvl has bushels of friends in this city, and they all w ish him success. The Oretronian of the (ilh has the follow ing: Miss' Dolly Wineset, former! v of t Ids city, has been "selected to preside at the organ in the Congregational Church at Oregon City. In the excellent choir at this church we observe M Ns Kmiiia Mil ler, the well known soprano. Our friend "Tom," of the Standard, would intimate that we had leen "bend ing" tiie Sabbath by catching speckled iron:. Now, Thomas, you ouht to h-ive a he -1 er est imue of our early training than to imagine that we would be guilty of the likC Don't do it again. A conger was seen by some children who were straw berryimr'on the hill above town one day last 'week. They say that the animal 'grabbed an umbrella f; oni a little girl and tore it in pieces and then re treated up a tree. A party of hunters were looking for th "varmint" on Saturday, but failed to find any trace of it. Chief Fngineer Hiiikle, in behalf of the Corvailis delegation of firemen, who ntlended the fuifral of the late liangdon Caldwell in this city last Monday, desires is to return Ids 'sincere and " heart ft It thanks to the Oregon City firemen for the courtesy and favors shown to their vi-.it-ing brothers. Thr lire-boys of our city are always ready to extend their hospitality to brother firemen, and would have done better by their visitois had they been ap prised of their coming at an earlier hour. Entkht.vinm i:n r. The world-renowned Alleghanians vocalists, Swiss I tell ling ers. Penjamin'.s Crystal Chimes, Silver Helicon P.and. and the humorous trouba dours, the Wvmans. will give an enter tainment at Poie's Hall next Monday evtutjug. I he Portland press speak very Jiighiy of this troupe, and they have met wnti crowdett houses wherever tliey nave appeared. The New York Tribune says : "p can conscientiously commend t lie 'Al leghanians to all lovers of good music and rational moral amusement. Go to their concerts and take our ehi.dren. W'e w ish everyone to enjoy the pleasure of hearing tlieni. The price of a-1 mission has ln?en place.l at firte. and 73c. Tickets for sale at the f.ostoffiee. Acc ipfnt. We are sorrv to bear that "Willie, oldest son of Mr. A Weathermen, has in' r7, "c-Minersu.il, !;"yrl?"l hl ar s'.-.-.. , A, , V V tn .rraet,e. on t.!-a.. OSITVAKY. Died In Corvallid, June 2d, 1S77, of in iuries received from the falling of a horse, Dr. bangdon Caldweil, aged 23 years, 3 months and 21 days. Tiie sudden death of our young friend has cast a shadow of deepest gloom over this community and ever that in which his death occurred. Liangdon Caldwell spent his bovhood days in Oregon City, and was always spoken of as a boy of gentlemanly in stincts, and of gre."t promise. With the profane, the vulgar and the rowdy, he was never seen. lie kept himself aloof from all society that was low anil debasing, anil always sought that which was relineda..d good. His education he acquired in our com mon schools. At the age of I'J he legan the study of dentistry with Drs. Welch and Thompson, and remained with them about a year. Shortly after this he went I to Corvailis and entered upon the practice of his pr.-fession, in which he continued until the day of his death. In that length of lime, not quite three years, he had ac quired an excellent reputation in his pro fession, and established a gi-od and grow ing practice. In view of his success as a dtntist, of his genial manners nd of his hapny disposi tion, he liecame u general favoritethrouh out the community , and won the respect of all clas-es ot men. This was shown in the fact that no sooner was his death an nounced in Corvailis than all houses of business, and even the drinking saloons, were closed ; and on Sunday his remains were followed all the way to Albany, a distance of ten miles, bv a train of 2(1 've hicles tilled with mourning friends. Sel dom indeed does it fall to a young man to meet with such marks of respect from :m entire community, and niuiii y iloes it pro claim the sterling qualities of character which he possessed. A delegation from the lire department to which he belonged and a few other friends accompanied his l emains to this city. He was Iaui.-d from t he residence of ids father in liis city I'M Monday fist, this Kev. M r. Sell wood oxi dating, llequiescat in pace. I'roai Sipriagwatcr. Ffiiron EsTKispmsr: : I notice that you invite correspendence from different parts of the county. I :.m not in the habit of "pushing the pen," so have waited for some one o to give you a few items from our lu-ighhot hood. Ve are a law ai.idiug, pt aceable old -fashioned lot, consequent 1 v nothing ever transpires of a sensational nature. I notice that L. A. Lucey, one of our eldest settlers, has just completed a line frame barn. It .vould be a credit to any part of the State. Lafayette Mars is building a nice resi dence, so you see, we study comfort and elegance at one and the same time. There is luore land sowed in wheat this year than ever before, and from -.: ppear ances we all expect an abundant harvest. The fruit crop is also expected to ! ea very large one. This is quite an item to us, as you must remember that the orchards of Lewellvii, b. A. baccy, J. W. 1. :e y, ('. Howell. I'oo. Howell, (' 'arut.'iei s. l;u(oise, and. in fact, those of a dozen ot h; also produce the best frti if, cspecia ! !y a ; iples. in t he State. This may be new s to some of the inhabitants of (Oregon Cil v, hut tiie old residents tin ::- that can r i!i"Mi! cr when we !:d onr trading at our county seat will tell you that what 1 say is true. Vou may query why v. e don't go then' any more. The r ::soi is that it is easier ai.d cheaper to go ten or twelve miles far ther over a rood read and pay two ferri ages to Portland t;;:;n to travel over the b id road to Oregon Cite. If you had any tro! up to you, .ii v. o! dd stir :i p t tie iin-s-tion and assist'lhe s; arcs' .-.'tUemc-.ds he tueei; hero and lo-.vn i:i buildiirg good roads. That i lea is worth coin to vou. and if -ou :ue only wining to cast the sprat to catch the mackeiel ; I ;.;ive it to (;ur store keepers gratis. I am -orry to s-v thai death has visited us t ice of Iat-. Mr. Jicmcs IIo-.vcll. after ; l:ng J .ini'id illness, has l.c i ;: at I t-;t re- I level n..j.i .'lissntli-rJus. His !itil neiee. r of Mr. Carrol Jbo.w 11, has er epa: lute from this vale of re y.-ur n:'.t cotniu'ii.icaiion ill coiit ait! more ne s. I,. u .n Interesting Letter I'iern "Mi'ooi lirl." At I Tom i-:, Clai-kamas Co., June :;. '77. TV U ! ot: i-s" I Kiil'Uis" : I have noticed in vo;:r verv :te sting paper items which i suppeso liiauateil frf.m the prolific j i 'rains of some of our rural repo ubt ?::vrn (oitir" rs ), a t i-1 na e i:o i;i ii istae- i i :.... . t : . . . . . . ii r . . ' 1 newspaper woi ei, i roh-r io I oiiiuiuiiicati 'ti, iy "i.di.N-i!" s. stint I ii!bers t'vnm Sncc'fr " ( it it- 1 1 i-i li 1 1. o-T i . u 1 is inf'ested with item-hunters and hooil n -toriety, j luins .who make it a business to chatter lcctiiris in i about other people, get up country frolics. woicu i n a i i:. i ! v terminate in a general i'1-v. ; nl Pun comes the reporter, and aw ivtle. v go i'.pj jirinf. I sunpse it is all well enough, hut jt appears Jo me, we "Ug.u to furni-.ii items of greater inter -st to ihe tiubli". Of coe.rse jt cannot b ex pected !!:.;: a -ohool girl like me coub? :io .-t-y many, but. will venture on oi f or f.vo any way. Oar school.' di-ri i- t No. ol. i-; taught ov M r. V. i v. ;o P. I, hm, a trradu:it" o Cor- :..- i'i.W c-c, w ho ii giving cut ire sat i--l'e-li,.u. .Ve are doing the' best we can, :iit!. pardon me if I add, advancing ra.pi-i-1 v m tii r ' !i.ii 's. We are just beginning to realize that we have only just reached the foot of the loll of knowledge, and found the tirst round of the ladder. Al though we have not yet been able to get a lirm looting, our determination is fixed, ami we hope to chroniol" t he fact that the second round is reached e'er the next quarter isended. Though our school house is constructed of hewn logs, a ml does not present an appearance grand or imposing, it is to me a sa -i t'i I soo', nest I iug as it does on the green hillside, iu the midst of a o'.auiiiui grove ot little trcs, tin vprv piet nre of peace and quietude. D -arohl SCillHI 1 h-uise ! when we have done wit yon. and go forth into the world, prepared It i la ; inch ob r boats u pon t lie my si ical seas of science, or literature, we w ill turn to thee with a last fond loo!:, and sav Pithy hallowed wal Is, Fat eweli. Seiiooi. Girl. Apvick to Yiit'Mi Mr.N. We find the follow iug sound and truthful advice in an exchange, and hopMh it some of our young men will take it to heart and profit by it: Young men often fail to get cn in the world been use they neglect small oppor tunities. Not being faithful in liltie things they are not promoted to the charge ot greater hings. A young man who gets a subordinate situation s met sines thinks it is not necessary for him to give it much altei lion. He will wait till he gets a place of r sponsibiiity, and then he will show people what he can do. This is a very great mistak Whatever his situation may be, lie should master it in all its de Jails, ami prform all his duties faithfully. The habit of doing his work thoroughly and conscientiously is what is most likely tt" enable a young man to make his way. With this habit, a person of only ordinary abilities would outstrip one of greater tal ents who is in the habit of slighting sn'o ordmate matters. Put, after nil. the mere adoption by a voung man, of this great, essential rule of success, shows him to be possessed of superior abilities. Sap Accident. From the .Mercury we dip the follow ing account of the death of bangr Ion M. Caldwell : On last Fritlav oven-no- tum 1 sad accident .near Corvailis. which, mi the ! ovening following, resulted in the death ..' . M rv esumable young man. It seems i.iat a party of young men were going on 1, , , - "i- "'i ii vi c -going iu horseback to a party, when the horse that Ji. .M. Caldwell was riding stumbled and tell, throwing young Caldwell upon the gronn.l with such force as to render him insensn.le. j fompanions procnretl a conveyance and brought him back to Cor- vaills as soon as rmssiblo n. t summoned an.! everything within human power was done to reliove tie sufierpr but without avail. He lingered until s it urrtay evening, when death ensued V, rovs M kktino. There will be a ffrnv meeting held by the Spiritualists on their grounds at New Era, Clackamas conn v "v. ''- Oregon, commencing .Tune 22d 177 'A ending over Sunday, i'l, are expected to be in attendance a d the put-He te s.ttend. L.KTTKU List. Letters remaining in the Pcsioffice, at Oregon City, Clackamas Co., Oregon, June 7th, 1877: I'eeson. Win Macklebam.Mrs.E.i; Mav, Miss Emma. Miller, Oscar. (2) Phillips, S. K. Potter, Homer. . Philips, Samuel. Powell, Geo. P.rand, Ilev. C. A. Herniing, 1). . Farris, (ieo. It. (2) Karris, Oeo. Giilhonsen, Win. II Johnson, John. Mitts, Jene. If called for please sav when "advertis ed. J. M. IJacox, P.M. Caxchr Cl-kkd. Ir. II. T. Pond, of Philadelphia, has discovered a perfect an tidote for the terrible scourge of cancer. Dr. Pond's treatment cures without pain, and absolutely without plasters, caustic or knife, but simply by acting on the cancer cell while forming, thus stopping the sup ply to the local disease or tumor, w hicli is broken down and carried awav bv the ab sorbents of the .system. Dr. iCond's reme dies can be sent to any part of the country. Fi ll particulars sent free. All interested should address Dr. II. T. Pond, Philadel phia, Pa. Fike at Astoria.- -Astoria was visited by a destructive conflagration last Satur day. Kvery building on Concomley street from Kinney's cannery to Sibson, Hamilton it ( 'o.'s store on the west side of the Parker House block was consumed by the devouring flames. The principal losers are Peter Ibiney, Isaac Bergman, Sessirns tfc St. bonis, II. 15. Parker and Geo. I!. McFwen. The loss is estimated at 820000. lARiti-:iTE and Cklkr Ration. The citi zens of Molalla and vicinity propose to celebrate the lorthcoming 4th of July with a grand old-fashioned barbecue and a good time generally. The site for the proposed celebration is at the spring near the Mol alla bridge, where it was held last year. At a meeting held hist week it was decided to celebrate, and next Saturday was aj pointed for a meeting to complete arrange ments and elect oliicers of the day. IIkmovino Sanh Deposit. The Gov. Groverwasin the b;;sin last Monday en gaged in removing the sand bar which has accumulated in front of the Imperial Mills, making it ditiicult for the boats to come up to ihf warehouse. The modus operandi was by dashtugthe wiieel against the sand and tin current would carry it oil. About four feet were removed in this manner. Taymihtmi: Wizard. Taylor, the wiz ard, gave two entertainments last week to very meagre audiences. His tricks were presented in a very creitable manner, and a forded cons id era Die gral iiicat ton to t hose who attended. Tiie only cause, of com plaint was the length. The presents were all of a substantial nature, and greatly ex ceeded the ex p etai ions of tiie audience. Ciiini: and lbD Tax. -Chino.-e are being made t- work out their road tax or put up 1 he"bullion"in various parts of the Stab'. Our city i-; cursed, with a goodly number of these heat hens, an 1 t he. street commissioner would do well to e.ive them an opportunity for a little muscular exer cise I v working on the streets. Accident. ba-t we?'-- ?.Ir. N. Hieliard ftoii, who lives on the lower Tualatin, was struck in the face wit h the iron lever of his sulkey plow, which he was running, and his nose was cut dean through on a level with his face. A physician was sent f.-r and bis nasal pro! ub." Ii ;ed up so t hat it will probably recover its usual hand some proportions. Wi-;st Pointi:;:. Abvk Thomas, of Van couver, formerly of this city, started last we-, k for West Point, to undergo examin ation for the ?dil:tary Academy as a cadet. Aleck is u bright and promising young man, and wo predict a successful examin ation and n brilliant career in tiie service of ids country. V.--r. P.vi.f. Match. The Mt. Pleasant P. lh Club will meet the Oiackaui:: P.. P.. "Jnb for the first game of a series next Saturday afternoon, at the grounds on the !:'o!f,if the We;i! her is agreeable. Tilt" two clubs are equally map-hed, a n I a spir ited contest may be expected. -.&- Crops. Mr. W. If. Vaugh.m, who has just returned from a trip tip the valley as fir its Ivtgene Cily,and litis seen the grain ii'dtls in those par's, says that Molalla crops, as a w hole, will compare favorably with thos of i'.iiv section of the upper valley. 'Jt.ih for Molalla. Telegraphic News. Jaislcr:;. ?roii!it Carntel, Ills., war: visited" by n terrific tornado on the 1th, killing about b" persons, wotin i irig a I trge nn ruber, nta! de-dioving r'AH),0CH) worth of piop eirv. ('inv-innati, .Tune 5. Jlonnt Cartne'., Iils., winch was struck by tiie tornado last evc.vng, is a thriving town of about o.bOO inhabitants on the Cairo and Vin cenneK railroad. The most prominent buildings destroyed by the hurricane were the court house, two newspaper offices, three churches (one the finest in Southern Illinois), and two school houses. About 2!) business honses and about 10 residences were destroyed or damaged, either by wind or lire". The loss is estimated at $300:000 to 500,000. The same storm damaged a number of buildings in other towns lying iti its pat h way. Mot-nt Dmirx, Til., May 5. The direction of the cyclone yesterday, was from southwest to a little north of east, and its line of destruction embraced all of Fov.t th street and a large part of the territory between Third and Fifth streets. The duration of the wind did tint exceed two minutes, but, the rain continued to fall for soma time after the cyclone passed. The velocity of the wind was estimated at 150 miles per hour. During it prevalence the air was filled with living roofs, win dows, doors, lumber, rails, clothing. See. Much debris was carried ra.re than a mile away. Thirteen persons were killed outright and many others will undoubtedly die. Several are missing probably buried in the ruins. It being a rainy day, many farmers were here. The county court was also in session, which brought many people to the city. Men, women and children were blown a distance of four hundred feet as if they were feathers. The best part of the town is destroyed. Some seventy families are houseless and much distress is anticipated. Search for bodies still continues. The war in Europe has already begun to aid this country.. In long voyage charters give American ships a decided preference. Vast amounts of petroleum and dried fruits are being shipped. A gang of railroad wreckers threw a train off the track ou the St. Louis and San Francisco lice, about 50 miles from St. Louis, on the 3d. They shot pistols at the engineer and conductor. Three men were killed but the robbers suc ceeded iu cetting no booty. Hayes is opposed to Federal officers becoming candidates for elective oruces Such action will be sufficient cause for removal. Pacific Csast. Victoria, June 3. A survivor of the wreck of the lost steamship George S. Wright lias at last been discovered. He is an Indian named Cma, and was a coal h.i.ver on board. He was rccog- stivet nt Saaaiaio on ra I I ti ay, arrested and brought to Victoria yesterday. The Colonist of to-day says: Since the disaster Coma has constantly evaded the police, and until quite re cently it was not known that there ex isted a single survivor of the wreck. About a fortnight ago he ventured into Nanaimo, where Le was arrested by Constable Stewart on Friday, and arriv ed here yesterday. Coma confessed to the superintendent of police, after being duly cautioned, that at night the boilers of the steamship exploded and she be gan to sink at once. Capt. Ainsley,with four U. S. oliicers and a passenger, got into a boat, and told Coma, who was on deck, to get in too. The rest of the people were in bed, or tried to escape by means of auother boat. The captain's party, seven in all, pulled ashore, near Cape Caution. The party were nearly naked and the Indians gave them blan kets to keep them warm. A day or two afterward three canoe leads of Indians came to the spot and Capt. Ainsley of fered the leader five hundred dollars to convey the shipwrecked men to Fort Rupert. Four of the Indians were arm ed with muskets with which they killed all the whites, tied stones to the bodies and sank them in deep water. They robbed the bodies of all valuables, in cluding the captaiu's gold watch and chain. They upared Coma, but tofd him that if he ever dared to narrate the circumstances they would kill his father. Coma thii.ks that all the people on board who were in bed at the time of the ex plosion were drowned, as the boat went down rapidly. The prisoner was to-day confronted by the four prisoners who were brought by the Rocket and have since been in goal here, and identified two ns belonging to the party of murderers. l''orci:ri!. A London dispatch of the 3d says the present high fctate of the Danube leads to the belief that it cannot be crossed for four weeks yet. The Sultan, having given up all hope of aid from England, has determined to light to the bitter end. There is much sickness among the Turks, and they are miserably fed and have lew hospitable stores. Loxdox, June 5. A dispatch from St. Pe'ersburg says Prince Gotchakoff's note to Lord Derby, of which Count Sehouvalolf is bearer, states that the Czar does not want any territorial in crease in Europe, but only desires an tonoiny for Bulgaria and the independ ence of Iionmania and Servia. lie also demands the cession of Armenia, from Raya.id to the coast, but not including Fzeroiiin. The iin?arr.i Vienna correspondent asserts that the following is undoubted ly true, being from an unimpeachable source: Grand Duke Nicholas recently y.iid to a foreign consul, "neither Prince Bismarck nor Lord Derby will prevent ns from entering Constantinople as the Germans entered Paris, only to leave it again." Sheriffs Sale. f Y VIUTUE OF AX EXECPTiOX AND or.ier for sale issued nut ot" the Circuit 'ourt of the st.-iteof op-.tron for the County of Clackamas, based upon and accompanied by copy of a J ecree made and entered .if record on t lie 'Shi day of April A. l. 1K77, and to in" tiir '-te:l as sheriff, under the k ii! of s;iid Court, on the With day of April A. 1. 1S77, in a vuil eelitied: H. W. I.urnside in his own riicbt, 1. W. r.urrisi ! as ivPninistrator of the estate of tie linn of ba Kociue, S.ivi-r it Co., and l. W. !:iirn-i,! i estnl-of Wavier .fc I'n, plaintiffs, vs. Mary A. is adminl'-itralor of the arid (ii'tiri-1 I.aKoeque, s .vi'-riii ie-r o'vn ri-ht. .Mary A. Saviera adm inlsf rat ri. of the esnitf of Thomas A Savh r, deceased. Laura Ii. Sa-vit-r, Mary Iouisa S;ijei, Florence a. Savler and Lydht !i. Savl'-r, by ieo. II. Williams, t ie ir git.i)-i!i.tii, e.tl litem, defendants, I will sell at public nuet inn to the highest bidder for rash to me in hand paid in V. M.jrold coin, on :is;d:iy, the 1 llhilny nfjiino, A. I.1S77, el ill o'clock A.M. of saitl diy, at the door of tli" mill house mentioned in said decree, the same lj"in-r the loor ol tie' Imperial Mills at ( r 'uoa l ity, CiaeUa mas county, Oregon, the foil-.win-; d--serio"d real property lo-wit : ! ri o u i nr at. a i-oint lour feet south of thn sout h-east corn'T oi t he ( ;rist Mill erect"d by Haniel Hiirviy in orejron City, Clackamas county, state of Oregon, t henco north ninety (!!!) f"et ; thence west eighty-si x (S(i feet in a iinc parallel with saitl mill; thence south ninety (:))) feet ;theece east eighty-six (l) feet to t he start tug po'nt, including th" grist mill t hereon standing, toge I her wit h f he right of way in the tail race on the west side of said hind and all th" water necessary to drive six run of stones and the necessary machinery of s.iitl mi I when required; also all that part of I x t numbered l- ur (!) in l:lo?! nuniberr-d two -) in the village of Putteyibe, .Marion county. State ot Oregon, bounded and de scribed as follows: j'.egjnriing at. the north eorii'-r of t he store of K. W. ieer, thence up ih" river sixty (!!)) f.'et ; Ihenee on a line dividing I,ois three (:i) and lour (I) to the SVillam -ft" River; thence down siid river sixty (( i) feet -, thenc" up i'.utta avenue to the place of beginning, together with the old ware'no'ise building I hereon situate; also the undiviiled one-half of t he fol owing real rop--rty and of the wan house standing thereon at. the town of Dayton, in Yair hill county. State of Oregon, to-wit : Ixitsone (1), two (-j), three :!) and four (I), levy lots, iu said town of layton ; which real property is of the ap praised value of Fifty Thousand Six Hun dred and Ktghty-t hree and as-un Hollars. j lie iiuove real property win he sold in ac cordance with tli- following terms as set forth and directed in said decree and order f'vwit : That "(he whole of saitl real estate bf off-Ted nd exiosed to sale in separate parcels, and that said real estate at liuttevillo, Marion county, and said real estate at Hayton, in Yamhill county, be so'd at saitl time and p'ace to t lie highest bidder for cash in hand in gold coin. That saitl real property and mill at Oregon City be exposed and 'offer ed for sale ns a whole; but that, unless there shall be bitl and o ire red therefor a sum in cash in goltl coin not less than Fort-six Thousand Hollars, that then theone-half only of s:-,id mill and real property tit Ore;on City shall be sold, to tije highrst bidder for cash in hand in gold coin of the United States.and saitl .eorge LaKocque shall be allowed and entitled to" keep and retain the other half in terest not sold at. t he same price and rate of value which the half interest sold shall bring a"d realize in payment of so much of said sum of ?7S,12t 7.i decreed to lie paid to him. J. T. .-M'l'KHSO.X, Sheriff of Clackamas county, Oregon. Oregon City, May Ith, 1877-rnyll5t. -c herifTs Sale. Y VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF FORE closureand writ of execution issued out. of the lircuit Court of the Stat oof Oregon forthe county of Clackamas, made and entered of record on the 2-ltl day of April, A. I. 1S77, antl to mc directed as sheriff under the seal of said Court on t he out h day ot April, 1S77, in favor of the Oregon Iron Company, plaintiff, and against Joseph Kellogg, Este'la Kellogg, W. F. Highlield and John Catlin, assignee of Joseph Kellogg, bankrupt, defendants,' forthe sum of Fifteen Hundred and Fifty Dollars U. S. goltl coin, with lawful inter -st thereon from the ;:id day of April, li77, also costs and dis bursements in this suit. Now therefore I have on this the 4!h day of Mav, A. D. 1S77, levied upon the following de scribed real estate, to-wit, : "Described as fol lows, namely, situate in the county of Clack amas and state of Oregon, more particularly known ami described as follows, namely, the south half of the south-west quarter of section 17, iind the north half of the north-west quarter of section 20, in township 2 south of range I east of the Willamette Meridian ;" and on Monday, .Tune 1Mb, at 1 o'clock P. M. of said day, at 1 he Court House door in Oregon City, Clackamas coun ty, Oregon, I will sell all the right, title and interest of the above named defendants to the above described lands to satisfy the abve named judgments, interest, costs and accruing costs, at public auction to the high est bidder for United States gold coin to me in hand paid. J. T. APPERSOX, Sheriff of Clackfmas County, Oregon. Oregon City, May 5, 1S77 ;myl7-ot. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE VOTICE 13 HEREBY" GIVEN THAT there are funds now in my hands appli cable to the payment of all orders endorsed on or hforc Sept em lx-r 1.1. 1"7C. Interest will not be allowed after this date. J. P. WARD. i r-r. surer ot lackam.TS Cr-nntv Ctr r-n City. May 3!, !: COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, TpMTVERSITY CF CALIFORNIA, ! Summons. ! In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Clackamas. Thomas Charman. plaintiff, vs Z. C. Norton and Chas. M. Norton, defendants. ToChas. M. Norton, one of the above-named defendants : IN TIIE NAME OF THE STATE OP ORK gon, vou are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in t he above entitled suit by tic 24th day of .Septem ber, 1S77, which will ba the first day of the next term of said Court after the expiration ot the time precribed in the order for l he publication of this summons. And if you fail so to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will move the Court for a decree against you for the relief demanded in the complaint, to wit : that a certain conveyance from Z. C. Norton to II. T. liockwood, and a conveyance Irom said bickwood to tiie defendant, Chas. M. Norton, of a certain real property specified in t he com plaint be ordered fraudulent and void as against the plaintiff. This su in mons is published by an order of Hon H. I. roise. Dated this 27th day of April, 1ST7. It. 1'. liOlsE, Judge. S. A. Ckonix A J. B. Wa r.no, AttV lor pl'iT. May 3d, l577-0t. ATTENTION! ATTENTION ! I ATTENTION ! ! I WE ARE SELL triCS OFF Entire Stoc! AT SAN FRANCISCO COST ! In order to CLOSE BUSINESS. ACIvEUM.VN Hi:OS. Also all persons indebted to us will please call immediately and settle up before we plac accounts in an officer's hands and make expenses, as settlement must be made. WOOL! WOOL! WOOLIsWOGL! We wi'l buy Wool during ; the season while wo are closing out, and pay the highest market price. ACKKUMAN IUtOS. Oreiron City, April 5th, 1877. THOMAS CH A REV! AH. ESTABLISHED 1S53. DiESIUES TO INFORM TI? ECITIZKNS OF ' Oregon City and of the Willamette Val ley, that lie is still on hand and doing busi ness on t ho old motto, t hat. A Ximhlc Six J'cncfix r,ct'crt!aii a S.'.ow S;iimt I have just returned frmi Siii Francisco, where I purchased one of the L.'.iiviwol il.tjiJ ur.i.--l ::Aos STOCK OF ;iGJ)S cy-r Ik -fore off. red In this city ; and consists in part, as iol lows : Roots and shoes, Clothing, Dry Ooods, Hats a ml Caps, Hosiery of Every Inscription, Hardware, Groceries, Oils, Paints and Sash and Doors, Cb in awn re, Queenswp.rc, Stt.n-u Crockery, Plated ware. Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities ' Ami Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy .No- Rope, Farming Hons of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Taper, etc. Of the above list, I can say my stock is the A' o ht c o m ! i t : t re ever offered in this market, arrcl was scleted wit h especial care for t lie l iregon City tradc.All of which I now offer for sale at t he Lowest Market Rates. No use forthe ladles, or any one else, to think of going to Port land to buy goods for I am Jteterminetl to Sell Cheap and not to allow myself to bu L'NDEKSOLD IX TIIE STATE OF OBEGOX. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay jrrents, believing as I do that Twenty Yo:rs Experience in Oregon City enables nieto know the re quirements of lli' trade. Come one and all and see lor yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CIIAIttiAN cannot be beaten in quality or price. H would lie useless for me to tell you all the advantages I can offer you in the sale of goods, as every store that advertises does that, an.l probably yon have been disappointed. All 1 wish to say is Com?, and Srr, and Examine for Vonrsrivps, for Ido not. wish to make any mistakes. My object is to tell all my old friends now that I a m still alive, and desirous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or upon such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liberal patronage hereto fore bestowed. T1IOS. CHARM AN, Main Street, Oregon City. Igal Tenders and County Scrip taken at market rates. THOS. CHARMAN. y50.noo lbs wool wanted bv nov. 1, 75-tf THOS. CHARMAN. NOTICE. u. s. Ivxn Office, Ohkwn City Oregon. May 10, 1S77. f "lOMPDATNT HAVING P.EEN ENTERED V. at this office by August Scheiibergagainst (ieo. Rukwied for abandoning his hoi nest end entry. No. 2! 15, dated Januarys, ISTii, uno'n the west of the S. E. H Se, Jon ), township f) so'ith, rang" 2 east, in Marion eountv, Oregon with a view to thf cancllation of snid entry -the said parties are hereby summoned to ap pear at this OffW on the l!th dav of June I'TT. at 10 o'clock A. M., to respond' and fur nish testimony concerning snid alb-'ed nhan doment. OWEN W DE p;i,fer myl7-. T. R. HARRISON. Jtco-ivrr. NOTICE. S. LuVXD Office. Onrnnv Oregon, Mav !, !77. J M lu.iirL.Al.M- HAVING P.EEN ENTERED at this office by Henrv Getss against Dud wig Arnd for abandoning his homestead en try, No. '.m, dated April 5. lS7rt, mum the S W H of N. E. H. the E. H of N. W h and S v' ofN W of sect Ion 6, township 9 south' range 2 east, in Marion county, Oregon with a viewto the cancellation of said entry - the said parties arc herehy summoned to a-"n-ir a. tiiiofTico on the Ui' 1, tlav oi June ih77 at 11 o'clock A. M., to respond and fum'ih testi mony conc rning sain a 1 g.M nbi ndor,monf OWEN WADE. myt , T. Tl. HARRISON, X'iW. ATTENTION i ETHiNC JEW !! GOODS AT REDUCED PKICES ONACCOUNT OF REMOVAL!!! Ottr Sew Pi'ie Xiisfs Prints - - 13 yda rr SI Pleated Munlin - lOe per y'tf I.utlif' Hose - - lrj l-5ic Men's IS one - 154 Gooil 'l ulile Linen - - Oc Good Xliirts and Drawers - T5o" Men's Suits - - $10 tiU Hors' Suits - - 910 OO t'uilliiiedress goods at - 25c Coi'cl and black Mpaca - 3So Embroidery - - 130 White Bed t in-euils - 93 5 '.Ml lie Sliii ts - - SI SO O'uraeta - - iOm" Clolijii'7, Dress (ioods, Boots, Shoes and all other Woods in rroportion, at I. SELLING'S. 50,000 Lbs. Wool Wanted Oregon City, April 12, is,,. miuiwnii" 1 iiinmi Ij a n s fom ILE. HAVE THE FOLLOWING REAL. VI Estate lor sale. No.l. Desirable building block In Oreson City. No. Z. 1BO Acres, frood house, mid bam full of hay; 6' acres' in cultivation, orchard, rood water: 15 mites lrom Orison Lily, l'riee $.1l!l, b;:lt down. No. S. i'r.) acres of N. . White's dmifi.ion cinim, 'Zy- miles from Oregon City ; f.-'.H. No. 4. Utti ai res, S miles s E of Oregon City, 10 aeres in 011 lti va! ion, open brush Jp.nd. run ning water, jood v. bei.t land ; p.-lce. SU.'o. No. -fi acres, 2 miles from (.iraliam 's lt-rrs' on the Willamette river,Wacres in cultiva t ion, 12 acres in an orchard of choice varie ties of fruit, .iii acres in wheat, 100 acres until r fence, w oti house, barn and rim niiiir water, 12 miles lrom Oregon City, l'riee Sl,i"K, part down balance on time. No. ti. iVil) acres ; 75 improved, a lnrjre, new, well finished frame dwelling, iiuni and aplle orchards, living water, IS aeres of fall wheat, t; miles from Oregon City, on Molalla road, church and school house adjoining; can be had for $-1,250, one-third down, balance on time. No. 7. -J-il acres 1! mile east of Oregon City, Ihi miles lrom Viola grist and saw mill anil j.ost Jiiie : ;i acres in cultivation, Itii) acres under fence, good frame hou se 12x31 "I." Iiix-'J, 3 acres in lruit trees. Price Sl.tKW, ball' down. No. H. 4a acres at M ilwa nkic ; part beaver dam. Price, $1,000. No. V. -'(! acres ten miles east of Oregon City, 7 miieslrom Murshtieid slat ion ; 7.'i ifcres in cu It ivat ion, Si.10 acres of level bottom land, good box liousand frame barn, good run ning water tortoek, good stoelv ranch, 7i0 bearing fruit, trees. Price Sjl,".1.!. Will sell stock and eroj s !c purehaser if lie lieeires. No. li. lti'l acres miles ast of Dregon City ; Iv.i acres in cultivation, 5 acres in o-rehani, good house anil barn, r.-uiairiing land c itly cleared. Price $2,501!, Jui.l iiii, No. 11. l.V.l acres, more or less, !1 miles from tiregon Cily, l'X'i miles to Portland, 2.1 at r.-s in cult ivat ion, iUO more easily c!ear-.'d, all unti. r fence, good house, good land ami plenty of water, schoo' house and church 1 mile away, ! month liool in year. Terms easy, $1,250. No. 12. l 'tl or lis) acres oif of the north of the I-T.u.i's claim, 1 miles lrom Oregon City, op -n irush lain!, all easily eiearetl, living wait r, gi-)tl 111 ill powi r, at $10 per aero ; terms easy. No. i:. 22ti aires; 75 acres in cultivation, 35 acres in fall wheat, ' acres in orcharii.gooj house, barn ami out-ha:s-'S, si ring wat'T ') lei t irom house, 1 miles lrom school hous : C-2,2 'i). No. II. i M acres; :V in cult i vol ion, 10 ready to sow, in aires beaver dam, 7 acres in grass, ivi acr- s lenc-d ; house and barn, good wad r close to house. No. 15. Jacob Jo'e.i. son's -homestead, near Or gon City: 120 acres. No. li. l'razer"s iivery stable antl house, with on" i,,t ,,ti Water street ; f2,c,.. No. 17. The tornit-r residence of W. V. Duck antl six lot s : $2,5m. No. is. Uervey May's block, ail in cultivation, v.itb iiotise and barn; si'l. ot her iles. rablt bargains in Clackamas, tiie best county m the Slate. Any one having money to lend can have our s rviees, tree of charge, in managing tlio seme nii'l s ebet ing securit it s. Persons wanting to borrow money can grt favorable terms by calling on us. J;i;XStX .W 3IiC tVX, an:l .70UNSOX, ?U (. ov.-.- & MA( rh:. OfJiees m Oregon City and Portlar.d. Nov. 12. 1S75 :t 1 AND SALE 1 Ca. 3c u ) L2 rpiir: UN'DEKSKiNEI) PROPU1F.TOK OP X the livery Stable on Fifth street, Oregon Cily, Oregon, keeps constantly on hand IlMjrtfiPS, Carriages and IlatUs. Saddle anil llujrjry Horses. Prices Xvca:?onal)lo B. CLEMEKT r?, Oregon City, Nov. ", 1S75. Pmr-rh tor. S. A. BHGUOHTON "trOT'I.Ii INFORM THE CITIZENS OF Oreiron City ami vicinity that he is pre pared to turn is!i Fsr & Ccdsi' Lumber, Of every description, at low rates. APPLEAoXES. ALSO, DrJ" Flooring Ceilings Hustle, .Spriirp, (for shelvinpr), 1 illSre, Pickets, til tViice-l'oslK, Cedar, Constantly on I and. Street and Sidewalk lumber furnished on the shortest, notice, at as low rates as it can be purchased in the State. . Give me a eall at the ouimox city sa ir mills. Oregon City. June 10, 1875 :tf IVLillinei'v Crioocls! ?..IS3 ROSA F'JCHS HAS JVST UKCK1VK1) A FINK STOCK of Hats, I tor. nets, Velvets.Ribbons, Flow ers, I ,iio"s, He, wbien sue will sell cheap. C ill n nd e.xri m me her stock. Oregon City, March 13, lS77-tf. HEW BLACKSMITH SHOP, AT John Lewis' Old Stand- C, AV. tJATiONG HAM OPEXEIJ AT this old st a nil, where he is prepared to do anything in his line. Bllorse shoeing a speciaiy. Oregon City, MavUtwim IT J SJ n 0 R E G ON CI T Y, O R EGO JT. T. V. RHODES, I'ropi'ictoi'. Traasirnt Iloartl, gl to S'J per r. . Sil?e-lc .TlflllK 50 "'IJ.. Ilntuil Vpr V eek S-5 f Koiirdanil Lod-rfjijj, jht ci k - CO The Ta?.!e will be supplied with the best the nifirlvct a ffords. Mnll Suppers furnished on short notice, and at reasonable terms. Nov. pl. It7.5 :f m a m ARRiVED! The Celebrated Premium Stallion 52 O 33 22 it T 5J?K staxd rori MAUHS the vnv.v. y T ent season at Clement's stable in Oregon Ci'y, on Tu.-sday antl Wed ti -sday 01 each wek, Vancouver Sunday, and Portland tie- balance of time. Terms as follows Leaps, $':, pnvable when service is rendered ; Seaso?i, if "paid within the season: Insurance, 4H, to be paid when the mare is known to be in foal or has changed owners. PED T?o?Ji"rt. Pruce is a dappled sorrel, 7 years old, 17 hands hiirh, weighs 17.VI -ounls," sired bv imp. Clydesdale, stallion Hlack Prince, Cali fornia, dam. t he imported mare Nelly from Normandy ; is of creat bone and muscl" and fine prop .riioned in every resixcl. Horse men ar-' invited to call and see htm. ;?.. IVhifiAN. ''reee.n f jrv, April 1!'.. 1S77C';.., at Highest JIarkef Frice. CHANGE OF BASE! REMOVED TO 000 FELLOWS' BUILDING t T- A, BACON t (Successor to BAHLOIV & rrULKR); Dealer i-r GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, SELECTED TEAS COFFEE, and SPICESf, BUTTER AND CHEESE, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS,- And a full variety of Goods usually fcepl in " lirst-class Grocery Store. Come one, come all, and examine our stock. I can scH as cheap and furnish as good a article as anv house in town. T. A. B.VCOX. Oregon City, August 2a, 1870 If. WARREN FJ. DAVIS, M. D., I?i3'.siciaii and Surgeon, Graduate of th Vniverslfy of Pennsylvaniav Orlic-.s at Clitf House. CANCER Can lt- Cured Dr. Bond's Sfetem. No Ivr. i'e. Positively No Caustic. Absolutely No Pain. Remedies sent to any part of the world.--Pamphlets and particulori tree. Call on or address Lm. II. T. BOND, 859 N . Troad St.. Philadelphia, la. April 12, Ib77-ly. Adniinistratrix Notice. OTiCK IS IIKRKP.Y GIVEN THAT THE undersigned hascljecn aniointerl admin. Iratrix of the cf.r.ate of C. W. Poie. deceased. by the County court, of Clackamas County ( Ir.r-,,. All i...rc(iiic lnvinn. i ... n t t. . .... ,.v. .... .... . . . . l . . . 1 .- tt(ltl0 QMlfl eetilt. lire rertiiir.l 1 1- .rcn i r tKAr ; I. . . . .... . . M . .. . v. 1 .... i iirjn, n 11 11 proper vouchers, at the store of C. W. Pope fc Co., or at I.. T. Burin's otliee, in Orejron City, in said county, within six months from this date of this notice. IIAKlEl E. POPE, I.. T. 15AK1X, att'y for adm'x. Adni'x. Ore-ron ity. May 11, 1S77--U. N. N. X. kev; goods, Af NEW ERA. ''"" 'IS !"".-?. ries. Roots and Shoes Je;i ar . orugs and Medici ries.chcap for or : r iuce. a. CANTO. hew FiMm FALLOWS HARDING, -At The LINCOLN BAKERY, Dealers in- FIRST CLASS GROCERIES t PROHSIOAX PRODUCE TAKEN FROM FARMERS IX exchange for Groceries. SELECT tTEAS, CGFFEF AND SPICES. A splendid assortment of Fresh Crackers and Cheese. FCREICX & MESTIC FRUITS. And a full variety of goods usually kept In a tirst -class Grocery store. V.c invite the citizens of Oregon Citv, Cane mah and vicinity to give us a call, and if Ed. don't give you as many and as good a quality of toods for your money as you can obtain elsewhere, he will leave town. ?Vc deliver Goods to all parts of the City and Canemah lree of charge. Oregon City, March 1, lS77-tf. J. F. WARD. GEORGE A. HASIK. WARD & HARDING, DR'iaOiSTS AND APOTHECARIES, Keep constantly on hand a gest iCral assortment of IDi-iiLTrt find. Cliemicals, PerfiiiKi-rv, Soaps, Comb and Brashes,, Trusses, Supporters, ttliMild?r I5racc Fancy aind Xoilf-t Artfelec, ..AIO.... Kerosene OH, Lamp ClitmRyav blass, Pnlty, IIn. Oil. VarnMirsnnt! Dye Slnffi, FI RE VLES AND LIQFORS FOR MEDICOlt Fl' EPOSES. PATENT 2IEDIGIXES, ETC., ETC l?"Physicians' Pnscriptions cafuMy com pounded, ami all orders correctly answered. tf"Open at all hours of the night. All accounts must. le paid monthlv. novl,lS75tf VAKI& IIARIliNG Sheriff's Sale. T)Y VIRTUE OP A IiF.CREE AND WRIT 1 of execution issued out of tlvc Circuit Court or the state of Oregon for" fhe county or Clackamas made and ent-ered of record on tbe2tth day of Arril A. 1. 1876, and to me as Sheriff directt d und- r seal of said Co'-.rt o the 12th of Apri:, IS77. in a suit entit led Jot him Tompkins and Minora- Tompkins vs. S. L. Campbell, a Judgment having been had against the plaiiuitrs ami In favor of S. I,. Campbell for the jmm of TMrty-.ne ai0O Do'lars. Now therefore for want of personal property to satisfy said judgment, I haveon this I he8t hi day of May A. I). 1877, levied upon the fol low Ing d'scrib"d real estate to satisfy said judg ment, to-wit, .- Rejrinnin'r at. a ?iint on the light batik of the Clackamas River 13 5-KW cli-.n'iis N. .71 K. of the southern corner of Claim N'n. ill, antl running th"nce N. W o W, 2? chains to t h county road Feadfnir from llreirtin City to Posters; th"nee N.tl1 K. 1 c' ains alone; Kaitl road; thence S fl E. C chains to rirbt. bank of Clackamas River; thence 8. Y. H chains down the bank of said river to th 1 lace of beginning, all sito-afr-d in I l:if;nniiis county, Staf of Oregon, and known by th" govrm-nt surveys as townsiiip2S., R. 2 E., and In section 1 or snit claim No. !!, con'aining 3t acres more or less ; and on ?Ioii(lay tiie Ittl rt.-y of.lanr ,.t. l"?TT, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M. of siid dav at th court I Ious door in Oregon ' 'it-, i nekn mas county, I will offer lor sal" at public auc tion to the iiiirhcst bidder for cash to me in hand paid all the r!rht. titl" and Interest of the above nam"d Jothim and Elinor Ton. p kins to the above dcscritied real estate or so much thereof as mtiv le n"cessary to satisfy the abovp namd Judgment, costs and accru ing costs upon this writ. J. T. APPERSON. Sh"rif7or ciiin r,i eoiTtv, Orjrn. :tnv s 1 -7;-r- eij "t . O