Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, May 31, 1877, Image 4

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    The Waterloo Dog.
On a w et day in the autumn of 1811,
an oflicer of the regiment then quartered
at Chatham, while studying a plan which
had been brought for his inspection,
had his attention attracted by the pite
ous cries of an animal in distress. On
going to the window to ascertain the
cause, ho saw a man cruelly kicking a
half starved dog. Speaking to the man
having no effect, he gave him a half
crown to release the poor animal, and
the officer, returning to his occupation,
thought no more of the matter. But as
the evening drew oh, he heard a low
whine at the door, and thinking it
might bo the dog of a brother officer,
he opened the door, when, to his sur
prise, he beheld the wretched dog he
had befriended. He jumped on his ben
efactor, and expressed his gratitude in
every way he could. Food was offered
him" which he refused, but was satisfied
to be allowed to remain all night' on
the door-mat near his friend. In the
morning, the servant, seeing a strange
dog, turned him out, but he remained
in the street till the oflicer coming at
night found the poor animal lying on
the steps, and all attempts to drive him
away proving useless, he allowed him to
enter the house, and gave him the namo
of Shag. from that time Shag never
willingly left his master. The regiment,
in 1815, embarked for Belgium, and the
dog was forgotten till the oflicer, when
in the boat going on board the ship, dis
covered Shag snugly hid under his
cloak. He gave orders that the dog
should return with the boat. As the
boat left the ship's side, poor Shag's
howls fell ipon hi3 master's ears. In
the middlo of the night, however, he
was roused by something junking on
him, and he was nearly smothered by
the caresses ' of his dog, which had
found his way into the ship. On land
ing, and the march of the regiment, the
dog was lost sight of, and was not seen
again until the 18th of June, when just
before the battle the dauntless Shag
was at his master's feet. He seemed to
understand that hi3 master could not
attend to him, and only showed his sat
isfaction by a brisk wagging of the tail.
During that terriblebut glorious day
the officer was dangerously wounded.
lie was carried to a farm-house, where
he was nursed until he was well enough
to be moved to Brussels. On the even
ing of his leaving, the farmer heard a low
whining under the window. On open
ing the door, in rushed the dog, who,
after visiting every room in the house
for what he sought, stretched kimself
with a piteous howl on the bed tho ofli
cer had occupied. Feeling sure that
the faithful animal must belong to their
guest, the good farmer and his wife de
termined to take Shag (for it was he) to
Brussels. At first he was unwilling to
leave, but an idea seemed at length to
strike him, and ho trotted on before
them. At the entrance of a narrow
street in the town, he showed evident
signs of uneasiness, till, laying hold of
a woman's dress, he I'ulled her to the
door of a house. Tho door was opened
by a soldier, and immediate- Shag
rushed between his legs up stairs, and
to his unspeakable joy, onco more in
tho presence of lm beloved master.
They returned together to England,
and Shag for many years was the faith
ful companion and friend of the Water
loo hero.
A Boston Love Scene. There was a
scene at Music Hall one morning dur
ing the Her. Mr Murray's services.
During tho early part of the exercises a
handsomely attired lady, with a prepos
sessing face and a pretty figure, was ob
served to be carefully scanning the vast
congregation from different parts of tho
uouse. After having apparently in
spected the jieoplo on the iioor of the
hall, sho hurrried up to the first bal
cony, and opening one door after ano
ther, and had nearly comjileted her re
view of the people here, when her
piercing gaze alighted upon a man who
was comfortably seated by the side of a
temale of attractive aprearance. The
lady, who had 3pent nearly half an hour
in gazing into the faces of the congre
gation, had now apparently found whom
she sought, for, with a "tiger's fierce
bound, she sprang upon the man, and,
seizing him "by the arm and wildly
glaring in tho face, sho screamed:
"I've caught you, sir; Ive caught
you at last! Did you think you could
deceive mo thus ?"
Then, turning tho darts of her pierc
ing eye3 on his female companion, she
was about to give her a piece of her
mind, when the man, who was apparent
ly a wayward husband, Beized tho en
gaged Amazon by tho arm and they left
the hall followed by the gaze of the as
tonished spectors of the scene, who ev
idently understood the meaning of the
Conversation at Home. No man
should allow the cares of life to rob him
of mirth and elacticity. Business life
should bo liko an elastic sponge, to re
ceive all the experiences of dailv life
the little stories of tho street, the
nudges of fun that you poke into peo
ples's ribs all these"things, gentlemen,
you should take home with you. The
day's work should be as fuel to the
evening's entertainment. Your temper
ought to be a fire which cheers, like the
open fires which give light, warmth and
ventilation. It is as bad to have a close
social atmosphere in tho house as a
room full of noxious gas, for, when the
explosion comes, it is enough to teach
your children to take the roof off. Can
you not teach your children to talk by
furnishing them happy themes? Chil
dren are very quick-witted. You can't
make every boy an orator, but vo don't
think there is a boy who cannot bo made
a very agreeable and ready talker if fur
nished with agreeable themes.
Domesticated Buffaloes. James
McKay has six buffaloes on his grazing
farm at Long Lake in Manitoba; two of
these are calves brought in from the
West last fall; the others are older,
some of them full grown. They feed
with cattle during the winter, accomjm
ny them to the river for water every
day, and are the first among the herd to
enter the warm stables for shelter at
night. The buffaloes, from natural
iustinct, are conscious of an approach
ing storm sometime before felt, and re
tire to comfortable quarters sometimes
an hour or two before the storm, arises.
Toronto Globe.
A swett little boy only eight years
old bless his little heart walked into
the scene of a teachers' examination at
Oswego, and bawled out, "Annie, your
"3 low is down to the house!"
In most places "a stone's throw," "five
minutes' walk," etc., are used for meas
ures for short distances. In Dubuque,
however, they speak of a place as being
"within the bawl of a mule."
The. Spring Appetite.
About this time of year a large pro
portion of the people in our northern
climate even those of pretty vigorous
health begin to lose their relish for
food. The breakfast bell has no music
in it. Lunch is a bore, and it takes
them some time to make up their minds
what they can eat for dinner. The man
charges it to the "muggy spring
weather," or else concludes that he is
"getting bilious." Whatever the cause,
he feels, as the old fashioned folks
would say, "kinder gin eout." And so,
in the American fashion, he goes on
dosing. He eats rhubarb, or takes salts,
or drinks alo or "root and yarb" tea.
Or, if he be poor and gullible, hb swal
lows two or three kinds of patent medi
cine anything to disturb and punch
up, as it were, poor mother nature.
Now this is all a very bad kind of
nonsense. Even the physicians have
made wonderful jrogress within the
past ten years toward a practical recog
nition of the fact that nature rarely
needs inedicine to help her children
out of trouble. There was a pound
given twenty years ago, where an ouneo
suffices now. Intelligent people have
learned that a wise regulation of diet,
with physical warmth and cleanliness,
and plenty of either rest or exercise
will 2revent or cure all ordinary disar
rangements of the systen. No one who
has put thought into his eating, and ob
served the effects of food or drink upon
himself, as every sensible man should
do, need ever do violence to his system
with physic. But there are men who
will iudulge heartily in meats and heat
and fat-making food all winter make
no change when spring comes, and then
wonder what is the matter with their
appetite. The air, the skies, the face
of the earth, all chauge, and all the con
ditions of living are altered; but they
stick to their beef and ham and mutton
and hearty food just the same in April
or May as in December or January. Na
turo brings them xip with a round turn,
and says: "Give mo a fair show if
you won't treat mo right I'll be reveng
ed." And so the man has a "spring ap
petite," and drenches himself with bit
ters or peppers himself with rnlls.
at is a great pity tuat common sense
in these matters should be so uncom
mon. If a man isn't hungry, why should
he eat? If ho can eat breakfast and rel
ish it at 11 or 12 o'clock, but can only
force down a. few morsels at 7, why
shouldn't ho conform to the situation?
Not a fifth part of the civilized worJd
breakfasts in the arbitrary and senseless
fashion in vogue in this country. Many
a man and woman would find their ap
petite equal to a jilate of oranges, or a
dish of oatmeal and cream, or a plate of
hominy and sugar in tho morning, who
cau't eat clicks, fried potatoes and grid
dle cakes. A head of lettuce and a slice
of bread and butter will often be relish
ed for lunch where hot soups or cold
meat would go untouched. Fish and
eggs are plenty and cheap, aud they af
ford a great variety and combination of
dishes, especially adajited to tho season.
Another point is too often forgotten:
Spring means renewed activity. If the
city men who have huddled in ill-ventilated
cars all winter, will walk to and
from their business, or far enough to
get up a good glow every day, they
would soon notice a change in their rel
ish for food. If the women would get
out into tho air spy around tho mar
kets for nice things to get the home ta
ble out of the old familiar ruts visit
their children's schools walk for the
fun of it, or evea to see the spring open
ingsthe change from the nerve-rasping
perplexities aud stifling air of the
house would revive their interest in the
tho bill of fare.
We are all too prone to sit still and
"se9 the wheels go round" in the same
old fashion in matters religious, polit
ical, social, industrial and gastronomi
cal. If some of the pretty pious mot
toes that adorn our homes could be
traded off for the "golden text" "Va
riety is tho Spice of Life" and the use
ful trutn it embodies could bo applied
as it ought to be, there would be a good
deal more fun in the world, and more
good digestion, and therefore, it would
be less of "a dog kennel of a place,"
than the dyspeptic philosopher declares
it to be. Golden Hide.
A Stheet-Cak Mysteky. There were
five passengers on a Woodward avenue
car going north yesterday four women
and a man. The man was long-bodied
and his eyes had a squint, but yet no
one suspected him of beinjy a fiend. It
so hapjened that one of the women
sneezed, and the man made a dive un
der a paper parcel on tho seat and held
up a glass eye between his thumb and
"Who sneezed her glass eye out?" he
blandly inquired as he looked from one
to the other.
There was an awful silence. The
women turned red or pale, and cast sly
glances at each other, and then at the
false eye.
"Which of you sneezed?" softly in
quired the man while ho held tho eye
half way across the aisle.
"I didn't," replied one and in a min
ute all denied the act.
"Well, I have two natural eyes, as
you can all see," continued the man,
"and of course I have no use for this.
It seems to mo that the owner should
claim it, as she may find it very difficult
to procuro another as good. I will leave
it on the cushion and turn my back to
all of you."
"And I will leave the car!" exclaimed
one of tho women as sho pulled tho
strap. They were all of the same mind,
and as they walked away from each
other, each one looked back and mused:
"I wonder why on earth she didn't
claim it?" Detroit Free Press.
Mystery Solved. Two vears ao
a man by the name of John Ofedheimer,
a German, was suddenly and mysteri
ously missing from the Washington
Village division of tho Heights. He
left a family, consisting of a wife and
six children, the youngest child but a
few weeks old, and the oldest a girl
scarcely thirteen years. Tired of wait
ing, they soon mourned for their pro
tector as dead, and the mother set about
the real problem of providing for the
family. They had been left quite des
titute. Recently, as this little family
were seated at their frugal breakfast of
p-rvidget the postman left a letter al
dressed to the widow of John O'eJ
heimer. It boro the stamp of the Uni
ted States Treasurer, aad was sealed
with wax. It contained an official no
tice from the Treasury Department in
W ashmgton that a United States Con
sul in Australia had forwarded to the
Department a trunk filled with tho ef
fects of her late husband, who died in
that country. Along.with this proper
ty was also 84,000 in gold. Letters of
administration were taken out and the
proper papers, signed and sealed, were
forwarded to Washington.
The Bine Umbrella.
In the language of commerce, blue,
as a color, is looking up. Strange as it
may appear, it has taken mankind over
4,000 years to discover the merits the
true blue, as it were of tho azure ray.
This is the more strange as Nature has
set him an example of her love for blue
a blue sky is overhead and three
fourths of the earth's surface, "tho sea,
the blue, lone sea," is of that color;
acd a3 an example of the eternal fitness
of things, the prospect of the whole na-
tion looks jiarticularly blue at present. ,
Blue eyes denote a peaceful tempera-'
ment; a blue light ahead signifies that
all is safety and serenity (on a railroad) ;
the famous Blue Laws were solid, sober
and sombre, and a nose of blue shows a
frigidity of temperament that pertains
to a dweller in the North, as the poet
says, to the Laplander:
"With blue, cold nose and wrinkled brow
Traveller, whence comest thou?''
And, lastly ,.a man with an habitual
blue cotton umbrella overhead is cer
tain to be a man of calm and unruffled
demeanor, a man whose deportment is
as far above censure as his blue um
brella is above his head.
No man with a blue umbrella is ever
seen in a hurry. He never figures in a
divorce case. He rarely has a lawsuit,
and feverish-speculation enters not into
his thoughts. His walk and conversation
are alike slow and circumspect, and no
visionary railroad schemes or joint stock
companies emanate from the head on
which descends the subdued light of a
blue cotton umbrella. The umbrella
that i3 wildly waved after a retreating
street Car is not blue. No respectable
blue umbrella serves as a prop to a man
who is vainly searching for a koy-hole
at two a. m. It is always tho nice,
modern silk umbrella that is taken by
surprise. It is the silk umbrella that
keeps the rain alike from the just and
the unjust. It is the model umbrella
that shields the insurance agent, tho
lightning-rod man and the sewing-ma-chino
peddler, and to sum up the evi
dence, what this country wants is to re
turn to the honest and trustworthy shade
of the blue cotton umbrella. Detroit
Free Press.
Tuu Faumek and the Counselor.
A counselor in the Common Pleas, who
was esteemed a mighty wit upon the
strength of a chance hit, amid a thou
sand flippancies, and his occasional bad
jokes in bullying, bantering, brow-beating;
ridiculing and maltreating women
and other folks, in a late cause, resolved
to hoax a clownish Yorkshire farmer
one who, by his uncouth look and gait,
appeared expressly meant by Fate for
being quizzed and played upon; so, hav
ing tipped the wink to those in tho back
rows, who kept their laughter bottled
down until our wag should draw the
cork, he smiled jocosely on the clown,
and went to work.
"Well, Farmer Numskull, how go
calves at York?"
"Why, not, sir, as they dowi'you,
but on four legs instead of two."
"Officer," cried the legal elf, piqued
at the laugh agaiust himself, "do, pray,
keep silence down below there. Now
look at me, clown, and attend. Have I
not seen you somewhere, friend?"
"Yes, very like; I of ten go there."
"Our rustic's waggish, quite lacon
ic," tho counsel cried, with grin sar
donic. "I wish I'd known this prodigy
this genius of the clods when" I on
circuit was at Y'ork residing. Now,
farmer, do for once speak true mind,
you're on oath; so tell me, you who
doubtless think yourself so clever, are
there as many fools as ever in the West
4'Vliy, no, sir, no; we've got our
share, but not so many as w hen yon
were there."
A Scotch Story'. A certain minister
having become much addicted to drink,
his presbytery had to interfere, and get
the minister to sign the pledge. The
result was that the sudden reaction was
too much for him, and he became so ill
that the doctor was sent for. The doc
tor said he must begin to take his toddy
again. This the minister said he could
not do, as he had taken the pledge. The
doctor replied that he might get a bot
tle or two quietly, and nobody but their
own selves and the housekeer would
know it. "Man," said the minister,
"my housekeeper is worse than all the
presbytery put together, so that would
not do.
However, it was arranged that the
doctor should bring in the whisky and
sugar, and that the minister was to
make up tho toddy in the bed-room
with the hot water he got for shaving
iiurposes in the morning. The result
was the minister got speedily well, and
one day, on going out, tho doctor said
to the ministers housekeeper, " ell,
Margaret, your minister is quite him
self again. " Ihere snae doubt of that,
sir," she replied, "he's quite well in the
body, but there is something gane wrong
wi his upper story. "Whats there,
Margaret?" asked the doctor. "Weel,
sir, I dinna ken, but ho asks for shavin
water six or seven times a day."
An Old Family Indeed. A very
searching investigation was carried on
a few years ago in tho north of England
by two families who were searching up
their respective ancestry. The strife
M as great between them, each determin
ing to look into antiquity further than
the other. One of the families, whose
name was Spencer, employed an artist
to paint an historic scene, representing
the building of the ark and the loading
up of the ship by Noah and his sons
with a multifarious and various cargo.
On the gang-plank leading to the deck of
the ark two men were seen rolling up a
large box, on one side of which was
painted in large letters, "Relics, in
signia and papers belonging to the Spen
cer family." This was considered a
cov'p d'etat hard to beat; but the other
family, determined not to be outdone
m the antediluvian pretences of their
name, prepared, at great cost and re
search, n record of their antiquity. In
describing the exploits of one of their
ancestors" at a very early day, who was
represented as a man of some authority,
this remarkable passage occurred.
"During thi3 year Adam and Eve were
driven out of Paradise." Xewark
Weekly Courier.
A Question of Eight. Lady So
you wish to leave, cook. May I ask
why? Cook Certainly, Mum". You
see, there's only one p'liceman'this 'ole
of a place beggin' the parish's par
ding and he's took up with the hupper
"ousemaid. Which it's no concern of
mine who takes up with who; but it's
well beknown as the p'liceman is the
cook's parkisite. Fanny Folks.
A parrot is said to live to be 200 years
old. A barber does not live so long,
but he talks more. 1
.Verves That Quiver,
Heads that ache, stomachs that inflict
dyspeptic torments, muscles and joints racked
with the rheumatism, are infallibly restored to
health by the celebrated elixir, Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters, a medicine prescribed by phy
sicians, possessing infinite purity, and which no
one takes in vain who is afflicted with any of the
numerous complaints to which it is adapted. It
frequently happens that so-called remedies fail
to produce a permanent effect. This is because
they are merelv palliatives, and therefore do not
remove the cause of the maladies, whose symp
toms thev after a time cease to ameliorate. This
is notably the case with opiates and sedative
drugs. It is not so, however, with Mostetter s
letters, which are a searching specific that con
quers the disease as well as banishes it indicia.
Elegant Itiiojrrijls
Will be taken for you at reasonable rates
by calling on Taylor -A Co., 415 Montgomery
street, San .Francisco. All work guaranteed.
Caxceu can be Cured. Da. J3om, of Phil
adelphia, announces his discovery for the radi
cal cure of Canoer. JVo Knife! Jo J'aint
Ad Caustic! ItemeJies with full directions
sent anywhere, rainphleta and particulars sent
free. Address with stamp, Dr. IT. T. lioND, 859
North Kroad st., Philadelphia, I'a.
Dime Savins ItanK.
This is one of the most successful
money dejxjsi lories of San Francisco. It has.
nearly twelve thousand depositors, and increfs
ing at the rato of about one hundred per week,
which is the best test of its popularity and use
fulness. Term deposits bear ten per cent per
annum interest. Hso advertisement.
We Guabantez Dr. Heisley'8 Headache
Powdebs to cure tho most distressing cases in
ten minutes. All druggists sell 10 cent trial
packs regular size 50 cts., or mailed from Sa
lem, N. J. Also Powder in Kulk for Physicians'
use. Crano &, Brigham, Wholesale Agents, cor
ner Front and Clay streets, San i'rancisco.
Kemarkable Ilecord.
The oldest- and best, the strongest,
most reliable, and at the same time the most
economically managed Insurance Company in
the United States, is tho Mutu.il Life Insurance
Company of New York. During its existence it
has paid over thirty-four millions of dollars for
death claims and matured policies, and still has
assets amounting to nearly tightv-two and a
half million dollars : this, added to the fact that
its rato of expense is but a little over six per
cent, per annum, justify the above ptrong com
mendation. See advertisement.
Notice to l'liriiiork.
D. M. Osborno fc Co., of Auburn, N.
Y., manufacturers of Whet ler, Kirby A- liurdick
Mowers and ltoapers, and whose Pacific Coast
branch is at 254 and 250 Market street, San
I'rancisco, wish us to say to all owners of old
Kirby Machines that if they want extras for
their machiues the surest way to get them is to
send direct to tho manufacturers, box 1818. San
Francisco. There is no certainty of getting
thorn in any other way. Sending orders to other
parties may cause a delay and parties may not
get what they want. Farmers had better ns.te
this, as the Company wish to know where the
old machines are and who owns them, in order
to be ready with extras. Again they say, pay no
attention to false reports sent out by " sole
aqents." You can reach tho manufacturer bv
addressing D. M. OSBOKNE A CO., box 1818",
San Francisco. Parties who report that there
are no Kirby extras in California and send let
ters into tlio interior to that ellVct, stato that
which is false.
Cough and Colds.
From .Samuel A. Walker, Ksq., the well-known
l'.eal Kstate Auctioneer, of Huston.
" Having experienced results of a satisfactory
character from tho use of Wistau's Ualsam of
Wild Cheukv, in cases of 6evere colds, during
the j'lst two years, I have full faith iu its reno
vati'i -r power. I was first induced to Jry this
meilioiiio bv the strong recommendation of a
friend, who was well-nigh gone with consump-
1 1 , I e t 1 . 1' -
1 iui 1 , uuu miiusu iciiui lrom tuo use 01 it satis
fied mo of its great value in cases of colds and
decline, and most clearly demonstrated to my
mind its great value as a restorative, that only
needs a fair trial to insure a grateful recognition
from the public." Sold by all druggists.
Important to all Invalid". Iron in t lie
The Peruvian Syrup, a protected so
lution of the protoxide of iron, ptrikt-s at the
root of disease by supplying tho blood with its
vital principle, or life tlemeut Iron. This is
tlie secret of tho wonderful success of t!iis rem
edy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver CompLiint,
Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhoea, Boils, .Nerv-us Af
fections, Chills and Fevers, Humors, Loss of
Constitutional Yigor, Diseases of the Kidneys
aud Bladder, Female Complaints, and all dis
eases originating in a bad state of the blood, or
accompanied by debility or a low stato of the
system. Sold by all druggists.
, tiarlaud's lros;resi.
The rapidly increasing business of M.
II. Garland, and the unprecedented demand for his
celebrated Vege table Cough Drops, has forced him
to remove into new and more Fpacious quarters.
His new factory and wholesale and retail depot for
his renowned candies is now located at 7G3 Mission
street, in the Hancock building, San Francisco.
Tho new factory is the largest on this coast. With
his additional facilities, Mr. Oarland is enabled to
offer to the trade superior qualities of candies at
low cash prices. He has also supplied a want long
felt in this city, in fitting np his old stand at 823
Market street, in first-class style as a ladies' dining,
oyster and ice-cream saloon, where ladies and gen
tlemen can enjoy the luxuries of home cooking, as
well as all the delicacies of the season, and where
families can obtain pure, fresh ice cream at prices
which defy competition. In the oyster department
he employs one of the best cooks in the city, and is
enabled to serve his cus-tomers with choice Eastern
or California in every style. 5. F. fort.
Ir. 1m Jlr' Ncmlnal 11 1 Is, for Neminal
Weakness, Loss of Vigor, Sexual and General .De
bility. Physical and Mental Prostration, and the
many ailments arising from indiscretion, self-abuse,
over-work and over-anxiety. To those In need of a
speedy and reliable remedy for the above com
plaints, UK. LA MARVS SEMIN AL PILLS are rec
ommended. Thousands testify to their merits.
Price, 2 50 per bottle. Sent by express, C O. I)., to
any address, secure from observation. A. McBoyle
fc Co.. DruKsists, Kan Francisco. ( P. O. box 1,!2, sole
agents, to whom all orders should be addressed.
A .
Sl CO.,
f U Bancroft's Buildinsf u J
Will always guarantee the Finest As
sortment, Latest Designs, and Lowest
If parties about purchasing wiJl call
and examine our Stock, they -will find
prices much lower than those who ad
vertise, " Selling Off Below Cost." nr
any other way for humbugging people.
Cceed for Four Bits. "After spend
ing hundreds of dollars for doctors' fees, I was
cured at list of Rheumatism bv investing four
bite in a flask of Trappers' Indian Oil."
TRTTSSKSf n more suffering
iA from iron hoops or steel springs)
Cjd-IThe Patent Magnetic .Elastic
Truss is worn with ea" and
comfort NIOIITand DA V and
will perform radical cures when
. all others fail. Reader, if rup
v tured. trv one )f our comfort" -
ble Klastic Appliances. You will never refrret it
r-Seiid for Illustrated Book and Price I.l-t.
GO! Sacramento Street, San Frnncisco.
Dividend Notice, No. 9.
Hank, corner Post and Kea'ny Streets, Han
Francisco. The usual Monthly Dividend for April
is declared, payable May 5th, to stockholders of rec
ord A pril 27th, 1877.
F. 8. CARTER, Secretary.
QrjTI CDQ I'ublic I.aml cun get
OL I I LI. HO Patksts direct on entering.
Address O. F. GUAIIAM, Washington, L). C.
K. 11. V. Valkntine fc Co., Proprietors, 7S and
W) Murray street. New York, dealers In all kinds of
Printing Material, new and second band. Wend 10
cents for specimen book and 6 large sheets of j'oster
cu tn.
' EMTCAL STRENGTH" cures seminal
V weakness and all forms of debility resulting
from error or excess $3 per bottle. Hold at all drug
stores. . Crank fc Bkioiiam. Agents. San Francisco.
TAL ROOMS. 230 Kearny SL.
,tiear P.ush, Han Franci?o. Kthf.k or
Jchi.okokokm administered. A lady
assistant in attendance. kaiuatk
only employed to operate.
DIE. mmiitrM ItF.nKUY Is harmless and
will remove the worm, with Its head, in 24
hours' treatment. No charge till that Is done. Ad
dress H KN K Y I.OSO, iBox 222) West Oakland, Cal.
Directors and Secretary's Office,
410 Califoiiiia Strcot,
IUoiiii II and IK. Nan Fiiaxcisi o.
OLIVER HtXKLKV, - - Superintendent
(r'ormerly with Wells, Fargo & Co.).
JOHN C. REA It DON, Assistant Superintendent
ration, and is prepared to furnish at all hours of
day and niKht, elegant Hacks. Carriages. Co'ipees,
Counelets. Cats and other outfit at lowest rates.
Orders left at any of the following stands will re
ceive prompt attention:
Northwest corner of California r.nd Montgoniery
streets (l.'nion Club).
Nucleus 11 otel, corner of Market and Third sts.
Morton House, Post street.
Central Cab Ntatid, northwest corner of Kea'ny
and Hotter streets,
stables. No. ISO Jessie street.
Within the district bounded by Twelfth andOough
streets on the west the following lates will be
charged :
Ilnrl.pi, t'arrlsgra untl CotijK'letf.
Around the Roach
To and from the Cliff House
To and from the Park
To nd from the Theater
To and from Ralls, ttc
One person t Boat, Cars, or other part of the
Two or more persons to Boat, CarF, or other
part of the city
Shopping. Calling, et.. ty the hour
(Delays charge .1 by the hour).
(Drawn by Single Horse).
To and from the Cliff House
To and from the Park
To and from the Theater
To and from Balls, etc
One person to Bout, Cars, or other parts of
the city
Two pernons to Boat, Cars, or other parts of
the city
Shopping and Callini;, by the hour
(Dtlays charged by the hour).
$a 00
G 00
4 00
3 00
a oo
1 00
it oo
3 01)
2 00
2 00
All Orders by Tnstnrt Telegraph at the Expense of
the Company.
Tli in Company lirrn or;aniird for
txnem or iiillic. ;iv It s oar
C IS narket Street, Nnn Kriinrhco.
InroriMirated iu ISti'J. II, -ISO Depositor.
Term Z3cioosits
lO Per Cent Per Aiiiniiii.
Deposits received In gold, siiveror currency, and
in sums of ten conn and upwards.
Deposits may be made by mall or through Wells,
Fargo fe Co., when BhiiIc Rook or Certiilcate of De
posit will be returned free of charge.
Physician, and highly recommended by the
medical fraternity as an art). If of diet to parties
suffering from Indigestion or Dyspepsia.
-a gicai institute nave expended more than $.100 -OHO
in the construction and perfection of apparatus
for the treatment of cripples, and this institution
has succeeded in the cure of more cases of Spinal
Curvature. Hip and Kneeloint Disease, Club Feet.
Paralys-H. Piles. Fistula, and every species of bodily
u-,w iiiij i4uni wy nuiiuar mniiiution in me world.
j iei uiaiieiii iirauen la now located in Han Fran
Cisco, 311) Bush street. Send for Circular.
Bay Your Sewing lacMies
At Heailcinaitrm, 19 Srir Montgomery
Grand Hotel Buildinc. San Francisco, nf
OAMUEL HILL, the last of the old-time Pacific
' v""" """-s i'lmiiuic flK"nui remaining In the
business. Call and see the best machines In the
machine on the Pacific Coast, and the new straieht
needle White machine-both known to be the mot
perfect machines ever invented: If you wish to nav
In Instalments or buy for cash. If yon have an eld
machine to exchange for new. call on HILL; he
.. ... j V , , ""- nueruj iraae man anyone, and
guarantee full satisfaction. ,
most valuable discoveries of the aice. Full In.
vestiffation invited. Parties meanimr business win
address EO. W. WAIiK, care of Hibskll, Gib
son fc Co., San Francisco.
No. 24 Post Street
San FranciKV, Cal.
V-Mtabllahert In ISfJ.t. Impnrta a TIioi-
ouich and practical Education in all Corr.merclal and
Enir.ish Branches, French, (Jerman. Spanish Oratv-
. miuruiaiion, can at Col
lege, or address, tor Circulars,
E. P. HE ALP, San Francisco.
Franciscl, ffmefy Dd w"Wtnn Streets; San
BSpecial attention (riven to Bankruptcy and
general practice in the United HtAurtaT
IP O. P.ox 1919.
iiolt's m:w map
9f California and Nevada,
O a hectlons, with all the Spanish Grants Rn
Frid- doP;ed by 'be Public schools Tof Ha
Francisco, send for one. Vir A KRFA lioixf
, 417 Montgomery Street, Kan Francisco!
T . Ii. TiAISJG- fts OO.,
Or Hausmann's German Bitters,
Diseases ; purines the Blaod and regula?ei uie sy
Between Bansomeand Battery. Ban Frauclsco, CaL
t2C NN
K. 11. HUBKEE & CO'S
(Of New York)
With trade-mark of the " Gauntlet."
"I"MIESE fSpices are rot only iramni(l ahxrdutely
-I nitre, nut are ground from tlie best arid choictst
staples; they therefore exceed in llavor and
sfeneth. Thev are packed in , M and 1 & square
tins, (lunrnntctd full writlit tut. These Spices are
slowly but surely working tnemselves into favor,
as they are exactly as represented, and well worth
their extra cost over those that are reduced in
price by adulterations and short weight. Ask your
Orocer tor them.
403 Front fitreot. San Francisco.
ASSETS, $82,360,188 59.
AM. ASll-So premium notes or ni h-r qnes
tiomible securities
Receipts. - - - S20.014.9ti3 70
Paid Policy Holders. $14,505,555 5S
Surplus for Dividend, 3,568161 57
Notk If the New York Standard of four and a
half per cent Interest be used, the Surplus it $10.
2C2.S7 44.
From the Surplus for Division, a dividend will be
apportioned to each Policy whi.h shall be i i force
at its annlversaiy in IS77.
Katio of Kxpeuses 1376, 6 7-10 percent.
The receipts for Interest alone exceed by $4I3.8.)1
the amount of death claims and matured endow
ment in 1S76.
Iuriic ! (hirt.r-funr jfarti'f il(fnc
f (Ilia Company it lins paid in !ail
Clalmi and Matnrrd Policies over Tlilr
t,T-four millions of lolwr. nnd it ha
returned (o it I'oliej -holder, in livi
dentin nnd elaiiiiH, over aixfy-one per eon
of all premium received, and it now
holds over eishty-two million of loI
Ian atf.rU. foearel.r invented, (o mee
all it liabilitie.
This Is an unparalleled history of successful man
Those persons wishing to insure their lives cannot
go astray in selecting tho MutHal Life, a compan
that is financially strong and honestly managed.
The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New-
York has no connection whatever with Savings
Banks or Trust Fund institutions.
For furtbrr Information apply to
Agent for the Policy Owners In California, and fien
eral Ageut of the Company f&r the remainder of
the Facific Coast.
Office, No. 204 Montgomery St.,
Maize Flour Toilet Soap !
Maize Flour Toilet Soap ! -
Maize Flour Toilet Soap!-
A grent discovery! a new soap compound ! I
soomes. Rftftetm. unl nrtntpna tha 1...0 ......
ful healing and superior washing properties, and is
-uunjr Ior ln Dain. nursery, and general
kii-u 1 1 is iiensntiuiiy periumed. and sold everv.
where at a moderate price. Registered in Patent
Ofiice. 1876. bv the matiiif!u-tiirr
McKKONK, VAN 1I.VAUK.N fc CO., Philadelphia.
N'o. 33 Third Street. Sax Francisco, Cal
ttaJ-The Best and Cheapest Photo
Krapfan in the City : at No. S3 Thikd Strkkt
corner ot Jessie.
B. T- TTOYS7T a Tim
For m a n - vonr, - i . i. - - . . '
fjRllerv ui ure uni e w orK
j. rAitai, yi.
eanesof theKvK and Ka
receive especial attention.
Metlical and ditrvical treatt
niPtlt trlxrat in nil HiaauB
Much experience In Throat
nilPfl 111 fltOOOao rV,n ;n. '.. rr.. , .
Urinary dLseaseB much attention in fciven. May bft
consulted by letter. Address W. J. PAVOJT, M. JX,
fill Clay Street, Han Francisco, (over Clay street
O" Akwiuq 1, uu O.
Wakelee's Bath for Sheep.
If. I. WAKEI.EE CO.. Importing and Man
ufacturing OrngKlsU, for. Jlonltumrrr
and iiufcli Street. Sau Francisco.
Wholesale and Retail Pealer In
wsm mis.
packa irom 6 lonTnp" oVderh h'rofJS
301 California Street. San Francisco.
320 Post Street,
( oIIpp-o n h. ' complete commercial
thnnmih?,,.,?.? 0.St- k"" 'lls: new furniture:
inoroug-b instruction; praet cal teacher- hih.tarvri.
kl ; ' bcsnioii s. urcuiara mar
be had free on application
AN improved method of roveriitar Hollers. Kteara
and lIOtrRlaftt Pin-fl Thn hokt v,.,- v.
of heat known; will save from 10 to 20 per cent over
any other coverlug, combined with Kteallte and
Soap Ntone,
Fire-Proof Rooting and Paint.
Orders for Rooflnn and Felting Boilers and Steam
x-ipea promptly, attenuea to. neater in hmk
Office and Factory 314Towuseud Su, ban Francisco
Groceries ! !
Successors to B. SBAEBOP.O & BP.O
Wholesale and Retail Grocers
JHUiy Tz?v Cstsli!
And are therefore enabled to sell cheaner "i .t,
other House. ' "OB1
. The Finest Assortment always on hanl.
Goods carefully packed and shipped to a:i j,a,,
of the Pacific Coast free of charge to tunoiiiprs '
CCSend for Price List and see for yourst! VVi
All remittances through Wells, Farijn 4 ( 0 ,
be guaranteed by
lPlraxeState whrre you me this AitrcrtUrmri.'
31. SHORT,
Having just received a I-arge Invoice i.f
Therefore informs bis patrons that he will nu-.,
CTjOTKINO TO ORDKft at the Lowest M
PJSIC'K for the next Sixty Days:
Business Suits to Order, $25
Pants to Order, - - - SE
Dress Suits to Order, S35 to S50
Commercial St., cor. Leidesdorf,
TSJ"o. O Kearny Street,
international Hotel,
S24 and S26 KEARNY ST.,
til. HO Hii.l g-.Oi Per Hay, unci le
I lie Week.
-Coache8 with the name of the Hotel on t i
Guests to the Hotel Free. Beware of otherC -t
nd Runners.
has for the last twenty-four years extended to
the traveling public a cordial welcome and eotnfcin
of a home, and so favorably known to old fiiiif i
nians and the traveling public, that it require n!
comment on my part further than taay that Thix
Bryan, who is an old Califomian.and knows bow &
cater to the wants of the traveling public, has ule-s
the full proprietorship of the above hotel, and w::)
leave nothing undone to make this hotel swodJ to
none In San Francisco for
Comfort. Good Xtivins and Cleanliaesi.
My sole aim shall be to the comfort and welfare o
my guests. The table is furuiHhed with the twst tht
market aifords; the house has been thoroughly rec
ovated and newly furnished throughout; two hsa
dred rooms well ventilated.
Gentlemanly and obliging clerks, and clean and a:
tentive waiters will always be found in my HuteL
The Hotel is the most centrally located of any it
the city, being in the centre of the business port;::
of the city; the Street Cars pass the door every two
minutes to all parts nf the city. The Hotel Ooact
with red lights, will he at the railroad depots
wharfs to convey passengers ta the house frre n(
charge: my Runners wear Silver Badges on Wi
breast with the name of the house on.
Jtrirare nf othrr Rminr.rt. Hotel Prlcf-s
from $l..10 to a. per rav. Oive me a rail mi
Judge for yourselves) Til'. l!UV t,
ISools :s:iei &!ioes.
JUII.X SII.UVAX, N. E. cor. Hal
terv and Jackson Sts, San Francisco,
offers to make to order the bet Frewi
Caif Leather BOOT S at from $5 to f
Calif. rnia Leather Boors, - - - f )
1-rei ch f 'alf Oxford Ties, - - i-4 t
Cnliforni;i - - . it 5u
Boys' and Children's Beds and Shoes made tnord-r.
Persons in the cuntry ordering Hoots and Shoes to
the amount of i 12 or more will be allowed a reduc
tion of four percent., to make the express charees
light. I sell Boots Mild Shoes of 5tV OWN .MAN'l
KACrCRK ONLY. Boots and Shoes sent C. O. I
Positively one price.
"Tliere I no member of kuelety ?
nliom li! book nill not be round line
ful, wliellier le lie Iar-it. lreeejlor ;r
Clergyman. I.WX !." T1M1.V
22511a EDITION, BY
E. Be F. Curtis, M.
"fVJeciical Essays on fVJarriage"
"Nervous Force," etc
A Medical Essay on the Causes of
MATURE DECLINE, and all kin
dred ailments, addressed to those
suffering from the destructive ef
fects of ABUSE, EXCESS or IN
DULGENCE. 520 butter cStievt, Sua Francisco.
Hit. Cl'ltTIS ran be eontilted Iailj.
from lO A. 91. Co 3 I. !!., or from G to S P
yt. ; on Sunday from II (o 3 on 1 v. jif lii
office nnd rebidenee. 520 Sutler Street, be
tween Iovell and JIaion.
T Till;
CCUE.S XEBViirS AND physical PF.BU.
Hy, and restores exhausted viialitv in fr
WPfkB ft Rtlra na . . " n-.-u
per Hottle, or 4 Unities flu case)$!0. Sent to any '
"4,". rt-i-f -ipi i pn.-e, or l'. o. J.
" ha'1 only t 42 Kearnv !St.. an Franci.-
tiltl u hi. r- ii 1 1 ,.,, . ... i i i ,
' " . . m i .1 nuuuiu lie llii I t-tc. -
Hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. n.. and 6 lo 8 p. m.
There Are manv nf the p-e r.f liirt v rrt nixtv tvll
are troubled with too frequent eva--na!ion of th"
bladder, often accompanied bv a slight sivartine or
burning sensatiiin, and a weakening nf the system
In a maimer the patient cannot account for. On e
mntnlne the urinary deposits a ropy s"d nipnt
often be found, and sometirupn Kiunil panicle of nl
bnmen will appear, or the color be if a thi'i
mtlkish hue, attain chaiinhur to a dark and torpid
appearance. There are many men who die M ""
diflicully isrnornm of the cause, which is the serona
stage of fseminal weakness. lr. Spinney w:!I eufr;
antee a perfect cure In all such eaes. and a ce""J
restoration of the srenito-uriiiHrv oraans.
Office Honrs 10 to 4 and 6 to 3. Sundays from l
to 11 A.M. Consultation fret.
Call or address UR. A. R. sPINNKi ,
No. 11 Kearny Street, San Ftancii-.
- T
SJieep "Wa,sli
9 -,