3l)c (JHntcrprjsc. OREGON CITY, THLRSDAi , JAX. 25, 1S77. BKEVIT1ES. St. Valentine's Day will s-on be here. I'uchs has fresh oysters always on hand. Cardinal red noses maj' be seen in this city. County Court convenes on the 15th of February. Ask your neighbors to subscribe for the county paper. The mills in this city are still paying tl 10 tor wheat. Union meeting at the M. E. Church next Sunday evening. Strangers are cordially invited to the Y. M. C A. rooms. A larer number of immigrants arrived on the last steamer. The Liberals of Portland celebrate Tom Purine's birthday next Sunday. Canby has been changed from a flag station'to a regular stopping place. Skatists have been enjoying themselves on the lake befow town since last Sunday. Tip Williams, of the Dalles, formerly a resident of this city was in town last week. Short and pithy cornnon deuce frou all parts of the county will be .thankfully received. It has been noticed that nothing makes a woman laugh so much as a new set of teeth. XV. Kav Neil will be hanged at Albany to-morrow, unless executive clemency is interKsed. A force of fifteen or twentv men are em ployed at the- dry-dock, rebuilding the old Jionanza. Kev. Mr. Knrton will preach in St. Paul's church Friday evening. Subject, i'lloly Scriptures." The Oregon State Woman Suffrage As sociation will meet at Albany about the middle of February. There will lo six eclipses in 1S77: Three of the sun, two of the moon, and one of the Democratic party. The machinery for the new steamer McMinnville has leen completed, and Yamhillians are happy. A large numlier were present at the dance at Canemah last Saturday night, and a splendid time was had. They all like to hug anil kws him be cause he don't use tobacco or drink whis ky. This don't mean ye local. Every business house in the county should lie represented in the advertising columns of the county paper. Go to Oeore Thomas shop, one door north of Haas saloon, fr vour lxxts and tthoes. See ad. in another column. Two of the little boys, belonging to the German family, living over the furniture shop, are down with the small-pox. One gets mad because yon stop his pa per when t lie time is up'for which he paid, and the other is mad because you didn't stop it. Our young friend T. A. Haenn was pre sented with a handsome boy baby last Thursday, and he is the happiest "papa" in town." Moody and Sankey are corning to San Francisco, and it is' probable that thev mar be induced to extend their trip to Portland. The new boat contracted for hv J. W. Cochran At (V. will draw orilv 9 inches of water, anil will be lt feet in length by SO feet beam. Stocks are coins: un in Sin Francisco, and several of nr young men are con gratulating themselves on having made lucky investments. That which tend to build up O'aek-jm-i" County, benefits every citizen t'er f. Thfo- IwMient yourself bv subseril) ing for the Kxtkhprisk. Mat Uledso va killed at S mi Diego.Cal., on the yth inst. Tins is only the third time that he has hcn sent to tlie oilier world in a short time. Mr. Wrn. M illin-5, of this city, has re ceived tho contract for buildii::; a li-jrlit draught steamer for .1. W. Cocl-ran tV. Co. She is intended .for the summer trade. We are alwavs clever with those who imagine we think as they do. T. hp shal low yon must differ with people: to be profound you must agree villi them. liulwer. Messrs. Henry Meld rum. li. T. IVu in and Joseph Paonrt returiiet from a duck bunt down the Columbia last Wednesday. They brought one hundred and eighty three birds back with them. The Grangers gave a dance at Canby Inst Saturday night. Three ladie.s and twenty-two gentlemen were in attendance, I -tit notwithstanding tlie want of fair ones they kept it up till 12 o'clock. Our young friend Isaac Colin rd was united in the matrimonial bonds to Miss Jane A. Rogers at McMinnville, last week. Jle has our best wishes for happiness and any amount of "small troubles." Hugh I'arr, who was charged with pass " rg counterfeit money at Itoseburg, was examined liefore U. S. Commissioner Gaddes, and discharged for want of suf licient evidence to bind him over. An exchange gives the following euro for tlie earache : "Put some live coals on a tin plate, snriukle some brown sugar on them, set a funnel over it, and then place tlie ear so that the smoke will go into it." It is said to stop the pain instantly. The Standard says: In Clackamas county on the 1st of last Octob r many fields of otatoes were still green and growing notwithstanding the fact that frosts of unprecedented severity greatly damaged the crop in Utah and several of the Eastern States. Litigants will make a note of the fact that the statutes of Oregon require that affidavits must le tiled with the county clerk within sx months after the last day of publication; and the statutes of this -a-per require that the fee lie forthcoming before the proof of publication is given. The Eugene Journal in a criticism of an amateur performance of tha charming drama. "Uread on the Waters," last week gives Jake the following notice : "Mr. J. Ij. YY'ortman, as Harry Harlem, does re markable well in sonie parts; but fails to enter into the feeling of the play when driven trom home, and as lover, is rather tame, and toward Dillv acts more as h brother than a lover. As an old man, in act second, he is a perfect success. Tie plays all through act second to the satisfac tion of the audience, deserving praise." Off for Pastpufs New.-We learn that Mr. T. IT. Crawford, of Springwater, has left our county for Dayton, NY. T. Mr. C. was one of our most successful school teachers about three vears ago. but thought he would pursue his studies a little farther. ho enterea the Agricultural College at norvallis. YY'hile there, in addition to the usual course, he took ur the study of law, and was admitted to the bar a few months since. Mr. C. has not been with lis much during the past tew vears, but we have- always lcn proud to number him as one of our citizens. YVe, as well as his numerous triends, are sorry that lie finds it neeessa v to seek fresh fields and pastures new, but hope that wherever he may sojourn he will meet wit! all the suc cess he so richly deserves. Hon voyage Tom. ' IjKTTkr List. Letters remaining in Die Postoffiee. at Oregon City, Jan. 2"th, 1S76: Reeson, J. Tt. Itrown. M. Tt. ltennett. Miss F. Tinker. Jas. Jf'assedv, Wm. Cutting. Mrs. A. Howell, Wm. Jordan. John. I.ind, F. liind, Frederick. Landers. J. R. Palmateer, Wesley. Raymond. Madam. Oale, Chas. Hess, Miss Minnie. YY aiie, Ij. Hillery, G. W. White. Mrs. Kate. If called for please sav when "advertis ed." J. M. Dacon, P. M. Borrowers of the Scnooi. Fixd! The State Treasurer gives notice that all persons who have borrowed money from the School Fund must pay the interest due Jan. 1, 1877. or suit will be brought to forclose the mortage. The money must I had immediately for distribution to the common schools' of the State. Real Cstate Tiansfers. The following are the transfers of real estate which have taken place since our issue of Jan. ISth, compiled by Mr. Wm. Whitlock, deputy county clerk : John W. Meldrum and wife to Ilenrv Meldrum, part of section 21, T'2 S Ii 1 li, and sections 13 ami 19, T 2 S It 2 E, contain ing 315.S5 acres ; consideration $1. J ferny Meldrum to Jeoririe Meldrum. same description ; consideration si. W. XV. Ihick and wife to llothilda E. Campbell, lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in block 41, Oregon City ; consideration $75. S. E. Miller and wife to Itachel S. Ford, fractional part of section 3. T 3 S It. 1 E containing 7U.SS acres. NY m. lilunt to NN . II. Dobvns, the XV ?i of the X E U of section 2.T4S 11 1 E; con sideration S.S0O. John Noyer and wife to Peter Noyer, fractional part of section 20. T 4 S It 2 E. containing m acres; consideration $1. Peter 2s over and wife to John Nover. fractional part of section 20. T4SR2E. containing 1' acres; consideration SI. John Nover and wite to J. II. Miller, fractional part of section 20. T 4 S It 2 E. containing 120 acres; consideration S'.MH). John Noyer and wife to J. II. Miller, fractional part of section 20. T4SR2E. containing m acres; consideration?!. U.S. Patent to Marion Eppersons, the S 4 of the S NY i of section 17, and tho N NV of the 2s XV ? of section 20, T 2 S It 4 E, containing 120 acres. The Red Flag. Immigrant family, did you say? Krom what State, who and what are they? Iowa? Of Teutonic decent. Yes, well, and so those buck rooms they rent. Father gone, eh? for how long and where? To take a homestead, or a farm on share? Yes.and but that i.-.him with headcast down , Coming this way with anxious step through town. What! the watchman won't let him pass? Just so; he says halt, not go fast. Son, mine ( Jot ! dis der familee, I gomes to go mit deiu, you sae. Impossible, sir, your youngest, child Is at t he point of death, and wild. And the other ones will soon be down. So precaution is the word in town. Oh, mine gracious! our little Kattee. Und d'.T is Lizzie, u n d den comes Mary, My tree pig poys, und mine frou. Vat 1 did gome here for unyhew. Yes. it Is hard on the old man, A poor stranger in a strange land ; Rut hearts there are cn every side. And God to prompt them to provide. From dauby. Canby, Jan. 21, l-77. Editor Enterprisk : At a regular meeting of Mountain Pine (irango. -No. 142. the following ollieers for the ensuing year were installed: Master, James NV. Otlield ; Overseer, NV. V. Higgs; Lecturer, A. Carmiehae. ; Steward, Jfarvey Pope; Assistant Steward, A. I .anxmr; Chapl.tiu, David Williams : Treasurer, I'olk ( 'ribble ; Patuona, Mrs. Ann (Sribble; Flora, Mrs. Alice Poje ; Lady Assistant, Mrs. Caroline Oilield. A. Ij. Mack. Secretary. New Dotm.K Eaui.ks. New dies for tlie production of $20 pieces, says the Stan dard, different from the o ones it) many respects, have recetstly lcen received at ti'ie mint in San Fraiu-isco. Unless these facts were generally known the issue of 1.ST7 might caii.i; 'some trouble among bankers, brokers and others who handle much coin, and look out for counterfeits. In ihe new dies the head of Liberty, which in old ones was leaning to the right, is now peifvendieular. The outlines of the face ami the hair are brought out more promptly, giving to the coin the appear ance of being much la ger. On the reverse side three important changes have been made. On tjie old issues there were ti-e words at the bottom "TWENTY 1).." but now tlie deiioinin;it ion is expressed plain ly, "TWENTY DOLLARS.' In the scroll underneath the coat of arms, the words "K Pluribus U num." are engraved much larger; they could be made out with diiti cisity on the old opes, but can easily be read now. Above the coat of arms' the upper row of .stars is thrown up in tlie ii;tl-and the oval disposition of the stars widened. The engraving is much better than in old issues and tlie whole coin looks more handsome and attractive to the eye. There -is no tlillVreuce in the weight, fineness or size ot the coin. The mint commenced coining the new double eagles a few days ago. Lock Ci.oskp. On Thursday evening of l ist week the W. H. T. ec L.Co. placed the dismantled hull of the llonanza in the upper lock for the purpose of taking the mud out of her. Owing to the depth to which the hull was sunk into the water, it was impossible to float her into the drv dock. It was tlie intention of the company to have the work completd while the op position boats were up the river. The S. 1 Church failed to make her regular time and was caught below the loc ks and had to wait until Saturday evening before the hull was removed from the lock. Senate Will No. 10 provides that it the owners or agent of the locks receives a tender of the amount required for the passage of a Ixiat through said locks, unless closed under the sanction of the Locks Commissioners or under the provisions of said bill, the owners or agent shall forfeit sfiMl to the owner of the ho it sutlering detention. In accordance with these provisions the clerk of the S. T. Church tendered the required fee four or live times, and of course l 1,1 not get through the locks. I f the Supremo Court decides that said Senate bill is con stitutional, and the owners of the S. T. Church hold out for the payment of the forfeiture, they will receive a fair compen sation for the detention. ARTiKicAr. Stone. The Victoria CoIon ist of the 17th inst. has the following con cerning the artificial stone men: "It is known that Colonel Thorp and Ij. L. Leathers, who lately visited this city to dcoit of a patent 'for making arlij"icial stone, liaving succeeded in selling it to an association for part cash and part notes, have disposed of the notes in this city to a large amount, at a disjoin t of about forty eight per cent. Yesterday other of the notes were ottered at a discount of 51 per cent. These facts, taken in connection with the llight of Leathers and Thorp, without fulfilling their agreement with the association, have caused certain of the drawers to issue a notice in this morning's Colonist, cautioning all parties from nego tating their paper. Injunctions were issued last night enjoining holders from negotiating the pa-ier held by them." Cculs. We clipthe following item from an exchange, which will no doubt be very interesting to the 3 oung ladies: "To keep hair in curl, take a few quince seeds, boil them in water, ami add jterfumery if you l.ke; wet the hair witii this, anil it will keep in curl longer than from the use of any other preparation of which we know. It is also good to keep the hair in place on the foreheid if you are going out in the wind. The seeds can be bought at the drugstore for a few cents an ounce; or, w hen you make vour quinces into jelly, you can save thelsecds yourself." P. of H. The Clackamas county council meets on the fourth Friday of each month at 11 o'clock A. M. Place of moetimr at J G. Trullinirer mill near tlio iw.n tor nf the county. 'The officers of the Council are : Nicl N. YY T?..ik.i.,ii .,.ni.i.it . 4 - - . . -- I'll -sii.-Jl, .."k, -Nichols, vice nresi. lent vv w II s;,,,,, son, w.- .- ' """" rung, in-asnrer; rrank Y autrlmn Ul -.1 . v-... i: "icwrv Joiin uinar. treasurer: areeiPer. """t'en in good standing are in ited to meet with them. Flao STATiox.-The Taper Mill, sidin on the O. C. It. R., on the south si.le of the river, was made a flag station last Mon day. The ground rio.ht for fvii,ti, , Sr." iVi? w'!?.nv hy MrtraiJht: . straight. .... .no uuiiuin.g will bo diately. erected imtne- Arcir.BNT.-Mr. K. C. Hadaway, moth er of Mrs. A. C. Railey, of this place, and of the foreman of this office, Wa8 thrown from a hack, last Thursday, near Davton amhiU county, and received internal' injuries, which caused her do th the same Scraps Irom Mt. Pleasant. Farmers busy. Work on the corduroy is suspended on accou nt of the freeze-up. i,Mr; Warner ha! bought another blooded goat. Dr. Hurt is suffering with a broken leg. Messrs. Newell & liriggs arc cutting wood by tho wholesale. Keep your dogs at homo or they will receive the benediction in tho shape of a lead pill. 1 There will be a large kiln of brick burn ed near Mr. Leland's during the coming summer. Messrs. Williams tfe Lawton are enlarg ing their held by felling more evergreens. Mr. McCord it erecting a large wood and wagon bhed necessary articles for this climate. VA F?w of U" "'inks that Oregon Citv is too close to Mt.Pleasant to ever amount to much. Mr. Holmes 5u o !. : r t ' iiMi; ill.- ijt-iii if JIOIII, ot the school house cleared of both root auu oraucil. Don't gossip about those who write up home news to make you happy in your fireside circle. ' J J Capt. Apperson is burning the grubs which he has had removed from their firm foundation. fieantiful weather, but cold, starlight nights and honeycomb frosts are very deliterious to fall sown wheat. Mr. Carter is making wav with timlier, and quite a large field has changed its appeal ance for the better. Messrs. livers and Partlow have con structed a side-walk over the swale le tween the school house and their place of abode. "A Few of Us will keep you posted i nenector'ii. Put don t 'ell any body, ami 1 will see that justice is done Occasionally. Territorial News. Tlie fare on the boats from Albany to to Corvallis is only 50 cents. N. Olsen, an esteemed citizen of Pa cific county. W. T. was drowned in Gray's river last week. During the year lS7b' Utah shipped to the adjacent Territories and the Eastern States 51S tons of dried peaches. Tlie President has signed the bill authorizing the Vancouver Water Co. to lay pipes across the Military tescrva tion. Mrs. Rand's little boy, when at Seat tle, a few days ago, in playing with other hoys, had one of his eyes put ont with a stick. litirglars went t hrough several houses, stores, offices, etc., at Silver City, last week, and succeeded in getting away with considerable plunder. There is a worn -in on the Fonnt Jef ferson Pass who has cleared 80 acres of land for herself and children, and has almost finished her log cabin. The Governor of Idaho has appointed, and the council has confirmed John lTnntoon, Territorial treasurer, and Joseph Porrault. controller. The TIouso of Representatives, at Boise City, had a young lady for en crossing clerk. She engrossed the at-, tention of many of tlie members. The Walla Walla WittcJawui says one fifth of its subscribers "never missed a paper, or paid a cent," and henceforth it will adopt the rule, "no pay, no paper." The first mann.fietn.re ' f tobacco in Washington Territory has just begun at F.lhi, Pierce county .'hy Mr. T F. Pal ton. The weed was grown by Mr. Pat ton and i.-s being put up by him in the shape of Black Strap tobacco. The telegraph operator at LaConner, Mr. Gilliland. lost both of his children on Sunday night the lith inst. They died of spotted fever, or cerebro-spinal meningitis, a generally fatal complaint, which has not been previously known in that section. Some time ago Olympia entered pact, the terms neither of them. two yonng men of into a solemn cam whereof wltere that the one until Hayes the other nntil Tihlen should he declar ed elected, should suffer his hair to be cut. Already their tangled locks are begining to give to their determined physiognomy an unmistakable siwashy appearance. A man named Drew, who left Seat tle sis weeks or two months ago has not been heard from since, and his wife is anxious for information concerning him. He was recently from Minnesott, and left Seattle intending to go toSteil aeoom. IVIr. Drew is about 5 feet 5 inches tall, light hazel eyes, medium stout, and when last seen had on a gray suit, and light gray hat. Tiie Boise S'resmrrt. says: "Mr. L.cgh. II. Freeman, editor of O'j'lcn Kreeni'in , will visit this city in a few days for tho purpose of interesting tho people in the building of the Portland, Dalles, Salt Lake anil South Pass rail road. The prospects for this ro -dare more flaUeringJtban they ever have been, and we are glad to ktiow that Mr. T'reo ir.an's coining to visit this section of the Territory on this important sub ject." Au-just Flower. The most miserable beincs in the world are those suffering from Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. More than seventy-five percent, of the peo-pl- in th 1'ni'ed States are afflicted with t hese two dis as-'s and their effects: such as Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Cos tiveness. Palpitat ion of the Heart Heart-burn, Y'ater-Irah, gnav in-r and burning i ninsat the pit of the Stomach, Yellow Skin, Coat--d Tongue and disagreeable taste in the mouth, cnminir up of food after entincr, low spirits, AC (in to YY'ARTi A: HAKOINO'S and get a 75 cent fiottle of ArnrsT Flower or a Sample Pottle for l'J cents. Try it Two ilos will relieve you. Ae;"nts,Prane A'Pinfrham, Whole sale Druggists, San Francisco. Cal. Vacant Places In the dental ranks will never occur if you ore particular with your teeth, and cleansa them every day with that famous tooth -wash, .cOZ'DOXT. From youth to old age it will keep the enamel spotless and unimpaired j The teeth of persons who use SOZODONT ! have a pearl-like whiteness, and t he gums a i roseate hue, while the breath is purified, and rendered sweet and frasrant. It is composed I of rare antiseptic herbs and is entirely free from the objectionable and injurious ingreiii ents of Tooth Tastes, Ac. Hotmewlve, Attention. For 75 cnts I will snd you a receipt for making a superior article or honey, at a cost of 8 cents per pound, unexcelled for table use. Also for 75 cents a reeel' for making a better qua'itvof soap, at a cost of one and a ha'f ent per iound for soft, and three cents per pound for hnrd. Either the soan or honey can be made within fifteen minutes by aehild. The saving made bv a househo d in one year's time is incalculable. p,oth reeeints for $1 and three font pos'Tre stamp. Address, J. R. Robinson, 7C7, Market st., San Francisco, Cal. A CATD. To all who are suff-ring from the errors an.l indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness. earH- d'-env. los of manhood. Ac. T win s-nd a recip-thnt. will cure you. FREEOFdlAHGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in South America. Sen-la seii-address-ed (nvloro to the Rfv. T. JosePHT Issax, Station D. Bibl Howf. yew York. novl"-ly. Happy Influence of a Great Specific. For the preservation or recovery of health and strength, the diet should be wholesome and nutritious. When it happens"that the ali mentary processes are disturbed by improper or half masticated food, the best remedy for evel results of abusing the digestive organs is Hostetter's Stomach bitters, most agreeable, prompt and gentle remedy for dyspeDsia.and for the bilious and evacuative irregularities) which resuJt from it. The liver and bowls, in ! common with the stomach, experience its -beneficent influences. The refuse of the sys- I teni is carried o!T through its natural outlet a ' healthy flow and secretion ot the bile is pro moted, and a powerful impetus is giver, to assimilation in consequence of its use. It healthfully stimulates the bladder aiiu kid neys when they are inactive, and by its touic and regulating action fortifies the system against malaria. A Seiike of YVeuriness is often felt by iersons who cannot locate any particular disease. If they work, it be comes labor; if they walk, they soon tire; mental eJTorts become a burdmi, and even Joys are dimmed by the shadow of this wnafc ness which is east over their lives. Kecourse. is had sometimes f to imulants of a danger ous character. The' advice of physicians to abstain from active la txr produces no happy results. YY'hy? The s3' stem is debilitated and needs to be built up properly. 1'ercviax Kyrcp will dothis very thing. Like the el ctric current, it permeates the entire sys tem.and harmonizing with t he corporeal func tions. it raises upthe enfeebled and bringsthe coW.r to the cheek again, and hope to the de spondent. It. does its work promptly and well. Sold by all druggists. - Do it nt Once!! If a t it lie of the testimonials now on hand of tlie value of 1k. YVistar' Ralsax of YVito C'llERKY should be published, no one would stop to read the bulky volume. Ask any druggist and he will f.elf you that this Rai. sam is a real blessing to ;ill afT-cted with throat or lung dis--asV; All kindred atfee t ions, includiiigllroneh rtis, sit ircThnial.f'riip, Hoarseness, I'ains in I he Chest, and Itleeding of the Lungs, yield to its wonderful power. Ve advise any one tired of experimenting with Physicians' ( rescript ions or quack med icines to drop them at once and use this Hal sasi of Wild cii kkry. Sold bv all drujruisits. t-r I he NatlonaKiold Medal was awarded o Pradley fc Ktilol'son for tlie best Photographs 111 me u n ueu jsiaics. anu me V ienna -Medal for the best in the world. 429 Montgomery Street. San Francisco. 211 IKKIKD. At the residence of J. J. Collard, McMinn ville. rejron. Jan. li. lSw. by lie v. K. Kuss Mr. Isaac X. Collard and Miss Jane A. llogers. alt 01 1 amniii county. lJIKI). At her residence 5 miles south-west of Pa;, ton. Yamhill Co., O 'n., Jan. IS, .S77, Mrs. Kliza- heth Jane Hadaway.agcd 4'J years, 2 months and days. Mrs. Hadaway was born near Greensburn, Ind.. Oct. 27. 1SJ7. In Ilti she was married to K. C. Iladtiwav. and in l"'52 she and her lius band removed to Oregon, locating near I 'ay- ton, Yamhill county, where shu lived to the time of herdeath. Sin was a devout member of the M. K. Church Mace early childhood, a kind neighbor, a diititnl wite and a devoted and affectionate mot tier, ever striving; to lead Jut children in the path herown tool steps had trodden. In tlie d-.-cvas;.' of Mrs Hadaway the com in unity has lost one of its most estimable citizens. one knew her but to love and re sin ct. The funeral services were held at th M. I'. Cl-.nrch in liavton on Saturday, Jan. 20 and was attended bv a la rue procession ot mourn insr friends. She leaves a husband anil s--veii children, six sons and one daughter, b'-sides a host ot relatives and lricnds, to mourn her untimely loss. Mother, O, sainted mother! 'I hy sulT.'riiit;s all are o'er. We know thy spirit is Joyful On tin britr-it, immortal shore; Tli-)uy:!i we weepo'ert he hopes death blighted, Weep lor the tond love flown, Kurth can ne'er restore to us Tenderness like thine own. (one, nut not lost, will we call thee, Xor yet will we say farewell; For deep in the hearts that love thee ll 'iicetorth shall thine imae d .veil ; While there in the holiest chamber. Afflict inn ever may claim. There shall thy gentle memory Sacred for aye remain. And treasured shall be That, thou hast taught As we walk the paths Ciit.il we hear death's the lessons us all, 1 Hot ted call ; While Knit h the Heaven-voiced anjrel- Sirijis over a Joyful strain, f thy horn" of li;;ht; dear mother. Y hell we shall meet thee again A SON. yj-JW TO-DAY DISSOLUTION KOTICE. OTICK IS II EllF.UY OIY'F.X THAT TIIF. co-partnership between the undersigned in the Lincoln r.akerv has been dissolved by tie withdrawal of C. O. T. Williams, and all accounts must. lv settled without delay Kitlicr one 01 'the firm or Johnson A- Mcl.'mvn are authorized to receipt tor money due the firm. WILLIAMS & IIaHOING Oregon City, Jan, 2"), 1877-lt. GEOP.GE TH9F3A3, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, 0SEGGM CITY, One door nort h of Haas Saloon 4 Lb KINDS OF HOOTS AND SHOES made to order on the shortest notice. A K-mkI lit or no sale. Terms cash. Hi-pairing neatly done, jan2-J roi CHANGE OF BASE! REMOVED TO ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING T- A. BACON, (Sin-censor to BARLOW & Kl'LLEU), Deals- in GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, SELECTED TEAS COFFEE, and SPICES, BUTTER AND CHEESE, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS, And a full variety of Goods usually kept in a first -class Grocery Store. Come one. come all. and examine our stock I can sell as cheap and furnish as good an article as any housj in town. T. A. BACON. Oregon City, August 25, lsG .If. SINGER SEWiNG MACHINES C?OLD ONTHE MOST FA VOUARI.K TERMS H Small MONTHLY DIVIIJEXDW. Great reduction for cash down. Inquire of C. W. MOORE, at Oasedy's store, Oregon city, or send to the subscriber for terms. E. F. Herov Canvassing Agent. Box :fS, Portland, Oregon Ailaiinislriilor's Notice. In the matter of the estute or Jesse Bradley deceased. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT have been appointed Administrator of the estate of Jesse P.radley. deceased, by the Hon. County Court of Clackamas County Or"gon ; therefore all persons having claims against said estate are required to present them to me on or before the expiration of six months from ttio aar.e 01 this notice, with proper vouchers. J. W. PALMATEER. L. T. Barix, Adm'r. Atfy for Adm'r. Oregon City. Jan. 11. IC7. IMPOKTAXT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN! BEING DESIBOrS OF ADOPTING A new rule of business, I would request thoss indebted to me to come and Pay Up Immediately, And save inconvenience and expense, as I have determined to collect what is due me. I have reduced the prices on Goods greatly, and can assure all that I can give Bargains to Cash Buyers. Come and see for"rour own satisfaction. A. LEVY. THOMAS G HARM AN. ESTABLISHED 1853. DESIRES TO INFORM THECITIZEXS OF Oregon City and of the Willamette Val ley, that he is still on hand and doing busi ness on the old motto, that A Nimble Six Penceis Better than a Slow Shilling I have lust returned from Sau Francisco, where I purchased one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS ever before offered in this city ; and consists in part, as follows : Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery or Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors, Cbinaware, Queensware, Stoneware, Crockery, riatedwar!, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Indies and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy No- Rope, Farming tions of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc. Of the above list, I can say my stock is the MOST COMPLETE er offered in this market, and was seletd with especial care for the Oregon City trade.AU of which I now offer for sale at tho Lowest Market Rates. No use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of going to Portland to buy goods for I un Drtrrmini-tl to Sell Vieap and not to allow myself to bo UNDERSOLD IN THE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Teal's Experience in Oregon Citv enables me to know the re ouirements of the trade. Come one and all and ste for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CIIAIIMAX cannot be beaten in duality or price. It. would he useless lor me to tell you all the advantages I can offer you in the sale ot goods, as every store that advertises does that, a ml probably von have been disappointed. All I wish to say is Come, and Sep, ami Examine for Yourselves, for Ido not wish to make any mistakes. My obieet is to tell all m void friends now that am still alive, ana desirous 10 st-u goous cut-up, for cash, nriinnn such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liberal patronage hereto fore bestowed. THOS. CHARMAN, Main Street, Oregon City. TiCrral Tenders and County Scrip taken at market rates. THOS. CHARMAN. iTTittJKKl lbs wool wanted by nov. 1 , '75-tf til IUS. CII A RM AN. BED-BOCK PRICES! Now Is your time to buy goods at lowpilcc BEOTHEES are now receiving a large stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, all of the Latest Styles, which will sell AT LESS THAN PORTLAND PRICES. i Our stock has been bought for cash, and we will sell it at a small advances above SAN FRANCISCO COST. "11TE WILT, SAV TO EVERY ROD Y BEFORE t you purchase r go to Port land, come and price our goods and convince yourself that we do what we say. Our stock consists in part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Cloth ins. Hats, Roots and Shoes, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods. Notions, Grocer i c s. Hard ware and a great many other articles too numerous to mention ; ALSO DOORS, WINDOWS, PAINTS AND OILS, ETC., ETC We will also pay the Highest Market Price for Country Produce. ACKERMAN BROS. 1S75 tf. Oregon City. Nov. 1 "W. CASEDY, Dealer in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, AK1 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Main Street, Oregon City, One door aoutn of Ward tfc Harding's Drug Store. OVU STOCK CONSISTS OP FAERY thing usually kept in a well stocked Fam ily firocery Store. Keep only first class goods "Orders delivered to any part of Oreiron City.or Canemah. " Oregon City June 9, 1876 If. Sale of Real Estate. -V"OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Til T BT y virtue of an order of the County Court of C.lackani as county duly made and entered of record on the 7th day of Februarv, i878 in the matter of the estate of W. W. Cook, di-ceas-d' we will proceed to s.-H, on Monday th 22nd day of January, lj77, the following described real estate, sttuate in the county of Clacka mas, State of Oregon, to-wit : th V M of the H V of section 7 In T 2 S R 3 E. ccntaTn ng 80 acres : also the t Hj,T the 8 XV H of section in said township. Terms of sale U. S gold coin, one-fourth of purchase price payable down and the remainder in sixty days with interest atone per cent, per month. ' William H. Cook, . j. A . Frank W. Foster. wl AdmTs estate of W.W.Cook, deceased. LAND FOH S A I 13. "VE HAVE TIIE FOLLOWING REAL T ? Estate lor sale. J No.l. Desirable building block in Oregon City. No. 2. ICO Acres, good house, and barn full of hay; 8 acres in cultivation, orchard, good water: 15 miles Irom Oregon City. Price $5tH, half down. No. 3. 100 acres of s. S. White's donation claim. 2)4 miles from Oregon Citv ; $5tW. No. 4. 10 acres. 8 miles S E of Oregon City, 11) acres in cultivation, ojeri brush land, run ning waier, goou wheat land ; price, ft75. No. 5. acres, 2 miles from Graham's ferrr on the Willamette river, SOacres in cultiva tion, 12 acres in an orchard of choice varie ties of fruit, 36 acres in wheat, 150 acres under fence, grod house, barn and run ning water, 12 miles from Oregon City. Price $4,250. part down balance on time. No. 6. Sl'ii acres; 75 Improved, a large, new. well finished frame dwelling, plum and apple orchards, living water, IS acres of fall wheat, tt miles from Oregon City, on Molalla road, church and school house adjoining; can be had for $1,250, one-third down, balance on time. No. 7. 201 acres 10 miles, east of Oregon City, 14 miles from iola grist and saw mill and iostofric; 33 acres in cultivation, KM) acres under fence, good frame house I 13x34 i "L" 10x22, 3 acres In fruit trees. Price fl.tiOO, Lalf down. No. 8. 4( acres at Milwaukie; part beaver dam. Price, $1,000. No. 9. 356 acres tea miles cast of Oregon City, 7 miles from Marsh neid station ; 7a acres in cultivation. 3iK) acres of level bottom land, good box house and frame barn, pood run ning water for stock, good stock ranch, 700 bearingf ruit trees. Price 4,2K). Will sell stock and crops to purchaser if he desires. No. 10. ItiO acres 6 miles cast of Oregon Cil y; CO acres in cultivation, o acres in orchard, good house and barn, remaining land easily cleared. Price $2,500, ha'.f down, No. 11. 150 acres, -iinr- or less, 11 miles from Oregon City, I3 miles to Portland, 1 20 acres in cultivation, KM) more easily j cleared, all under fence, good house, got d land nd plenty of water, schoolhonse and ' church 1 mile away,!) months school in year. Terms ensv. $1,250. No. 12. 100 or K'-O acres off of the north of the Fram's claim, 4 miles from Oregon City, open brush land, all easily cVared, living . water, good mill power, at $10 per acre ; terms easy. No. 13. 220 acres; 73 acres in cultivation, 35 acres in fall wheat, 3 acres in orehard.good house, barn and out-houses, spring water CO feet from house, Da miles from school house ; $2,200. No. U. 140 acres ; S3 In cultivation, 16 ready to sow, 40 acres beaver dam, 7 acres in grass, 80 acres fenced ; house and barn, good water close to house. No. 15. Jacob Johnson's homestead, near Oregon City: 120 acres. No. lfi. Frazer's livery stable and house, with one lot on Water street; $2,ooo. No. 17. The former residence of W. XV. Buck and six lots; $2,5(Mi. No. 18. Harvey May's block, ail in cultivation, ? ith house anil barn ; $Sto. Other desirable bargains in Clackamas, the best county in the State. Any one having money to lend can haveour services, free of charge, in managing the same and selecting securities. Persons wanting to borrow money can get favorable terms by calling on us. JOHNSON & MrCOWX, atl JOHNSON, MrCOWX & MACKrM. Offices in Oregon City and Portland. 12. 1875 .-tf Nov LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE o rpiIE UNDERSHiNED PROPRIETOR OF L the Livery .Stable on Fifth street, Oregon City, Oregon, keeps constantly on hand. Buggien, Carriages and Harks. Sadtllo jtntl liujfsrj- Hores. Ibices Reasonable. E. B. CLEMENS, Oregon City, Nov. 5, 1875. Proprietor. WOODEUHN NURSERY, J. II. KETTLE3IIER, Proprietor. 150,000 FRVIT, SHADE, OUXAMEXTAL AXI) Xt'T BEARIXG TREES, VINES AXD SiliUBBERV 1 CHEAP TO SUIT TIIE Hard Times. Apple Trees from $5 to .? per hundred. All other Trees from $10 to SIS per hundred. Send for Catalogue and Price List. Address J. II. SETTLED I ER. Wootiburn, Marion Co.,Ogn. 7"Vm. Casedy, Agent at Oregon City. novia-4m. S. A. BRGUGHTGN, rotTLI) INFORM THE CITIZENS OF Oregon city and vicinity that he is pre pared to furnish Fir & Cedar Lumber, Of every description, at low rates. A P P L E ANB0 X E S . ALSO, Dry Flooring, Ceiliiy. Rustic, Sprtice. (for shelving), Lattice, Pickets, nml I-'e 11 ce-Posts, Cedar, Constantly on hand. Street and Sidewalk lumber furnished on the shortest notice, at as low rates as it can be purchased in the State. Give me a cal 1 at t he ORKGOX CITY SA M" MILLS. Oregon City, June 10, 1875 :tf AT TIIE LINCOLN BAKERY, mi IE BEST JL Fancy STOCK OF STAPLE AND GROCERIES AftD PROVISOES. The most complete stiK-k of CHINA, GLASS & CHOC KEHY WARE. Agents for: Wells Fargo A Co. ; Liverjool, Ixindon & ilobe Insurance Co. ; New 'iork Mutual Life Insurance -o. WILLIAMS &. HARDING. JOHN S CHRAM, Main St., Oregon City. MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF Saddled, Harness, etc., etc. TTHICH HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS T T can be had In the State, at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. V3T warrant my goods as reprcsf nted. JOIIN SCHRAM, o.iddie and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 1, 1375-tf. NEIMEYER & UTTER, Merchant Tailors, FURNISHING GOODS AND HATTERS, 31 First Street. Portland. Oct. 6, 1876 if. HARDWARE, IRON AND S i-eeei Hubs, Spokes, Rims, OAK, ASH AND HICKORY PLANK. NORTlinUP March 31, 1876-tf THOMPSON", Portland, Oregon. A. C. WALLfNC'S PIONEER BOOK BINDERY. Plttock'a Haildiner Com tt of Stark and j Front Streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. ! II IANIC POOKS RULED AND ROUND TO 1 1 anydesired pattern. Music books, Maga- rines. Newspapers, etc, bound in every va-! riety or style known to the trrade. orders ; from the .untry promptly attended to. norlTotf. ' 251 MARK THESE FAGTS ! THE TESTIMONY OF THE WHOLE WORLD. HOLLOW AY'S PILLS. tWLet the Suffering and diseased read tho following. BJItt all who have been given up cy Doctors, and spoken of as incurable, read the following. t7"Lei all who can believe facts, andean have faith in evidence, read the folio wing. Know all men l' these prcxentx. That, on this , the Twentieth da ofj une, in t he year of Our lord, One Thousand Eijiht Hundred and ffixty-six, ersonally came Joseph Haydock tu me known as sucti, and bei' g duly isworrt d 'jiosed as follows : "That he s the sole gen eral agent lor the United states and depend encies tht reof for preparat ions or medicines known as lir. Hollov ay's Pills and Ointment, ai.dth.it the following certificater arevcrbatim copies to the best of his knowledge and belief. JAMES SJIKiThE, Not ry Public. I-. 9. 14 Wall street . Nei iork. rY. H01.1.OWAT-1 take my pen ' jrriteyou of my great relief and that the avf.il t ain in my tide Las lelt me at last thanks to your I ills. Oh, Doctor, how thankful I am that I can get some sleep. I can never write it enough. I thank you again and again, and am sure that you are renlly tlie friend of all Mifferers. I could not. heip writing to vou, and htDe you will not take it amiss. JAMKS MYERS. 116 Avenue D. This is to certify that I was discharged from the army with chronic Diarrhoea, and have been cured by Dr. Holiowav s Pill. WIION HARVEY. New Ycrk, Arril 7. lt6. 21 iitt St. The following is an interesting case of a man emi loyed in an Iron Foundry, who, in pouring m. Itt d iron into a flask that was damp s-jid wet, caused an explosion. The melted iron was thrown around and on him in a i-erlect s Kftwer. and he was burned ! dreadtully. The follow inn certificate was iriven to me. by him, about eight weeks alter th accident : - , , New York, Jan. 11, 1m . "? My name is Jacob Hardy; 1 am an Iron Founder. I wns badly burnt by hot iron in NovemtK-r last ; my burns healed, but 1 had a running sore on my leg that would not heal. I tried Holloway's Ointment and it cured me in a lew weeks. This is all true and anybody cansee moat Jackson's Iron Works, 2d Avenue. 3. HARDY, 11 Goerch tftrett. EXTHACTS mOM VAIUOCS LETTERS. "I had no appetite; Holloway's Pills gave nie a hearty olie." "Vour Pills are marvelous." "I send tor another box, and keep them in the house." "Dr. Holloway has cured my headache that was chronic." "I gave one of your Pills to my babe for cholera morbus. The dear little thing got well in a day." "My nausea of a morning is row cured." "Vour box of Holloway's Ointment cured me of noises in the head. 1 rubpob some of your Ointment behind the ears, and the noise has left." "Send me two boxes, I want one for a roor family." "I enclose a dollar, your price Is 25 cents, but the medicine to me is worth a dollar." ".send me five boxes ot your Pills." "Ix-t ir.c have three boxes of your Tills by return mail, tor Chills and Fever." I have over 200 such testimonials as these tut want of space compels me to conclude. FCR CUTANEOUS DISCKCERS. And all eruptions or the skin, this Ointment Is mi. st invaluable. It docs not heal externally alone, but icnetrateswith the most searching e ffects to the very root of the evil. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. Invariably cure the following diseases : Disorders of tlie Kidneys. In all diseases affectins these organs, whether they secrete too much or too little water; or whether they be afflicted with stone or (Travel, or with aches and pains set tled in the loins over the regions of the kid neys, these Pills should be taken according to the printed directions, and the Ointment should be well rubbed into the small of the back at bed time. This tFeatment will give almost immtdiaterelief when all other means have failed. For St mat lis out of Older. No medicine Mill so effectually Improve the tone of t lie stomach as t hese Pills -. t hey remove all acidity, occasioned either by intemperance or improper dkt. They reach the liver undre duce it to a healthy action ; they are vomit r fully efficacious in cases of s asm in faetthey nevl-r fail in curing all disorders of the liver and stomach. Holloway's Pillsare the best remedy known in t ne m orid lor t he lolliiving diseases : Ague, Asthma, falious Complaints, Blotches on the Skin, Colics, Constipation of the Dowels, Con sumption, Debiiity, Droj sy, Dysentery, Ery sipeais, Female Irregularities, Fevers of all kinds, I- ils, Gout, Headache, Indigestion, In flammation. Jaundice, Diver Complaints, I.um tiiir. Piles, Rheumatism, Retention of Urine, scrofu.a, or King's Kvii, Sore Throats, Stone and Grave', Secondary Symptoms, Tic Douioureux, 'tumors, cest, Yenerai Afhc tions, Worms ;f all kinds, Weakness Irom any cause,-Ac. Important Caution. None are genuine unless the signaturccf J IIaydock, as agent for the UnitedStrites surrounds each box ol Pills and'Alint mcnt. A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering such Information as may lead to the detettion of any party or parties coun terfeiting t he nietlicint s or vending the., same, knowing them to he sj urious. "so d at the Ma nu factor of Professor Hol i.oway &. Co., New York, and b all respect a b e I ruggistsand lvalers in Mcdicinef h rough nut t he civilized wnr d, in boxt s at 13 cents, and til cents, and SI each. ICjThere is considerable saving bytaking the jiirger sizes. N. If. Directions for the guidanceof atcnfsp in every disorder are affixed to each box. so Jo. ly. rpiIE ".VEST SHORE, OREGON'S 1T ANDSOME ILLUSTRATED PATER, Jt 1 should If in jVERY HOUSEHOLD. TE FURNISH 210 PAGES OF HIE ? choicest rendinc-, l.VKHY N I'M IKK CONTAINS EEAUTI- J'V fll f 11 1 i 1 1 11 st rat ion s of M-K.NKKY AND OF FUBL.IC RUILD- in lis in T MIF. PACIFIC NORTHWEST OVER 150 of them in a year. SHALT. Irom OUR MONEY" GO AWAY" H U.MK WHEN WE HAVE TALENT and Artists () F MERIT AMONG US? THE TESOITRCES OF THE PACIFIC I Northwest, is something IT! VERY RESIDENT OF THIS SECTION Jj is interested in, and TheWestShork pays particular attention to thatder artment. It is a Kost Exfclltnt Family Journal, And just the kind of a Paper to seo-i abroad. Now is the time to' SUBSCRIBE FOR THE WEST SHOIiE- So as to obtain OUR HOLIDAY' NUMP.ER. Mhich will te a Mammoth 4 age Paper. M-ith over 5 Engravings. It M-ill besent to every subscriber u if hot; t extra charge, or for 50 cents to non-subscribers. Money can be paid to any Postmaster, or sent direct to this office in a registered letter, at onr risk. Subscription, ier annum, $1 50. Specimen cpy, 2o cents. I S A MI' EI Publisher, declo Portland, Oregon. CLIFF HOUSE. OREGON CITV, OR EG OX, T. W. RHODES, lJi,opiietoi Transient Board, $1 to $2 per Bary. ..SO ct-iil a. S5 CO "96 OO Mingle Mal Hon rd per Wrt-k Board and Iodging-, prr week. The Table will be supplied with the best the market affords. Ball Supers furnished n short notice, and at reasonable terms. Nov. 19. 1875 if :nt. k tf. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. Af NEW ERA. Dry Goods-, Groceries. Boots and Shoes Wooden Ware, Drugs and Mediclnes.chean for 1 casn or proouce. J. CANTO. J. R. GOLDSMITH, GENERAL NEWSPAPER COLLECTOR Af SOLICITOR rOKTLAIiP. OREGON. ?"Best of referce.es given. tcc.It76tt