S ' irii ' 1 1 'i in i "I 'ifi 'Hi o w r o o o o o o o o o c o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o G o o o o OH EC OX' tITV, OREGON, DEC. 1, IS76. o News Col mini. Albany, is in want of a theatre. &ir John Bell, G. 6. B., ifrdeaJ. Press trials in Germany will here after bo before juries. There are 40) children of school age in the city of Walla Walla. Mark Dobrin has assnmed edi torial control of the daily Olympian. Field Marshal Saldhane, Portu guese Minister at London, is dead. The Russian Government has ex pended 100,000,000 roubles for war supplies. Ofhcial vote of Jsew Hampshire Hayes, 41,532; Tilden, iiS.ii'J; scat tering, i4. The editor of the East Oregonian has received the suggestive present eI a box ot soap. The Madrid Imparcial states that Marshal Serrano hasdetermined to re tire into private life. All the merchants at La., closed their places Sbreveport, of business from Nov. 4 to the Sth. The P. M. S. S. Co. will start a monthlv lino of steamers between Honolulu and San Francisco. If Hayes is elected he will be &ugu rated on the 4th of March, in al though it is Sunday. Wm. C. Carleton, of Boise City, has lately obtained a patent for a new description of bolt cultivators. It now announced that Tilden will marry Miss Carrie Gwiu, JJ." years of age, daughter of Duke (J win. The Strand London is to be pav ed with wood, at a cost of 30,800, in place of the present granite pave ment. Prominent San Francisco mer chants recommend that the Govern ment grant a subsidy to the P. M. S. S. Co. It is reported that Pacheco is elected to Congress over Wigging ton, in Southern California, by three majority. Dennis Lynch is held in 500 bonds at Dayton, W. T., to answer a charge of rape upon the person of a girl 12 years old. 1 Ducks are plentiful in tho neigh borhood of Vancouver, and gunners think nothing of killing 15 or 20 be fore breakfast. Suspected Cubans arc arrested daily in Havana. Campros has re solved upon a severe campaign against the insurgents. Tweed is once more in Ludlow street jail. On meeting the warden he said: "I thought I would come aud see you again." W. S. Woodward who failed in Rock Island for 83,000,000 in 1871 -was discharged in bankruptcy in New York on the 23d. Joe Dion beat M. Daly, Daly beat Gamier, and Rudolph defeated C. Dtou in the billiard tournament in New York on the 22d ult. A two and half year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Tnos. II. Brents, of Walla Walla, got hold of some carbolic acid recently and scalded himself pretty badly, but will get well. The long projected marriage be tween King Alfonso and the daugh ter of Duke do Montpensier, is now reported definitely arranged. Jack Morelock, of Union, will probably have to have his foot am putated for getting it crushed in a threshing machine. Rev. H. Vail, a Presbyterian min ister from Humboldt, fell down stairs, in San Francisco, on the 23d, while intoxicated, killing himself , almost instantly. Bismarck has assured the Marquis of Salisbury of the pacific intentions of Germany. He considers the state of affair as menacing. The newly appointed Chinese Am bassador to England is afraid to go, pleads sickness, and petitions to be relieved. The committee of the French Sen ate rejected the bill recently passed by the Deputies providing for a cessation of the prosecution acrainst Communists. It is said that there are 50,000 Hebrews in New York, and that of the number one hundred have es tates valued at 100,000 or upwards. John Kellv. the Grand Sachem of Tammany Hall, married Teresa Mul len, neice of Cardinal McClosky, in New York on the 21st ult. The Cardinal performed tho ceremony. The new hats and belts for the new Engine Co. No. 1 of Seattle arrived on the Dakota, and have been divid ed anions the boys "who run with tho raasheen." Mr. Norwood, the new United States Senator from Georgia, is the son of a tanner, and forty-six years old. Tie is one of the most inveter ate jokers in the State. In General Sherman's army report, lie complains of the condition of af fairs on the Texan border, and says thnt if successful in the war with the Sioux, another big Indian war will never occur. Ti. C, of Prine ville, Wasco county ndvertises in the Albany Democrat for a wife. He says he is not very particular, and has evidently grown tire.l of waiting for girls to take ad vantage of their leap year preroga tive. The Paris Tenws states that the husbands of the Princesses of the Imperial house of Turkey are known ty ''thp generic name of Daraats." A Damat is generally a young Bey of good family, to whoso appearance a Princess takes a fancy, for theso la dies have the agreeable privilege of o choosing their lords, and it is one O which not unfrequently is exeroised greatly to the mortification of the latter. "I could cite an instance," sa3's the writer, "where a very hand o some voting man was frightfully dis- ! pnsted at ljeing pitched upon by a 5S.2S9;. over Hayes and Cooper 54 -Princess of thirty summers, whose j 701. 1 ' ' blear eyes had quite a diabolical as- ! pect. useless lint appeal or resistance was H - a id to surrender. Hie compensation lies in and allawances. appointments The Crime of a French Cadet. Saint Cyr (says a Paris letter to the New York Herald) is the West Point of France, and the honor of its cadets is dear to every soldier and civilian in the country. It is, there fore with nothing less than a feeling of pain that society hears of the con vocation of a court-martial for the trial of a "Saint Cyrien" for theft. A few nights ago a cadet who may be designated as B., tossing haplessly on his bed, saw a figure in white passing by him (it should bo observ ed that the pupils of the military college sleep together in a largo dor mitory), and cried out, "Who's that?" "It is I," said a voice which he rec ognized as that of X. "What are you doing?" X. informed his com rade, and the latter, merely taking advantage of the situation to make a joke, thought no more of the matter. Next morning a cad't missed his purse, containing lOOOf. 20c. Who had taken it? It was soon discovered that the thief must have been one of the pupils, and yet there was no cne who could be fairly suspected. It was then that B. called to mind his nocturnal interview with X., though he shrank from the idea of uttering his thoughts aloud. Still he men tioned the circumstance to an inti mate friend or two, and one of theso presently suggested that every cadet should submit to be searched. The proposal was agreed to. X. never moved a muscle while his comrades were thrusting their hands into his pockets. Nothing was found on him but 25 francs, to which his title could not be disputed. It was now 11 o'clock in the morn ing. At two o'clock the promotion list was to be published, and it was known that X. would appear among the number of Sub-lieutenants. Once a commissioned officer, and he would have been safe from further inquiries, lie was jdaying a desperate game for the coveted epaulette or a pair of handcuffs. Still his every movement was jealously watched. In a few minutes he was observed to be pac ing uneasily between the dormitory and the court-yard, as though he were watching for an opportunity of being alone. B.. whose suspicions were far from being laid at rest, de manded another search, each cadet to strip. X. smiled when it came to his turn, anil continued to smile while the lining of his coat was con scientiously cross-examined. Nothing was found, and now popular opinion veered round to his side. He stood honorably acquitted in the eyes of his comrades. It was half-past 1. In another half hour he would be a French ollicer. An old chum of his came forward and heartily shook him by the hand. "Now its over," he said, "I don't mind telling you, old ellow, that vou were suspected;". and he explained why. X. made no answer. His gaze was fixed almost stonily on a voung cadet who had just stretched out his hand toward a packet of Maryland cigarettes which had been turned out of X. s pocket. Then B.. who had never ceased to watch him, darted forward and snatched tho packet himself, tore the paper from a cigarette and found it contained, instead of tobacco, a 000 franc note, neatlv rolled up. Every one stood confounded. Dress! said one of his comrades sternly to X., who was now observed while taking up ins socks, to make a rapid, almost imperceptible move ment. Four cadets sprung on him and seized the socks. One contained 4 sous, which tho unhappy vouth had had the courage to hold conceal ed in his left hand during the two previous investigations. Of course they exactly made up the l,00f. 20c contained in the missing purse. X. was left for a few minutes quite alone. Then several of his mess mates returned. One bore a loaded Chassepot, another a six-shooter, also loaded; a third a vial containing poison, a fourth a short cord, evi dently capable of sustaining a con siderable weight. Then one of the seniors said: "We shall leave you alone once more. Do your duty! Your suicide shall be attributed to a disappointment in love, or whatever you like. If 3-011 wish we will tako a letter from you to the General." X. merely replied, "I'll be damned if I do!" His last chance was gone. The General was immediately informed of the circumstance and the offender arrested. What makes the whole business inexpressibly sad is that the culprit is the son of a bravo old Major, now on half-pay, who had both his arms carried away by a canon ball while charging at "the head of his battalion before Sabasto pol. There seems every reason to suspect that this is another case of kleptomania. On examining the trunks of the prisoner, there were found concealed in mem Docks belonging to the Pub lic Library and stamped with its seal. During the two years of his residence X. is supposed to have stolen about 1.200 in money from his comrades. We may smile if we will at the tnougnttul consideration displayed by those boys in providing their comrade with so varied an assortment in 1 ue means 01 self-destruction, but U recalls an incident in the life of another soldier, in which nn ;,. 1 ' vwuiiu ement was blended with the tragic. A famous Prussian General, affec tionately called "Papa" by the whole army, once had a son who disgraced his name. The father first "paid hnn out of the scrape so well that ,e.,WOr wou11 st!1)1b- have heard of the affair. Bat the father was not satisfied He called the son into his room and pointed to a pistol that lav on the table. "There is but one course before you," he said. The young man, who had not yet fallen into the lowest depths, took up the pistol and blew out his brains His lamer never mentioned his name again. Iling Lee, tbe wealthiest China man in northern country, was mur dered at German Gulch Montana on the 27th ult. His murderers are supposed to have got 650,000. It ia believed they are Chinese. The official vote ofi Missour for President is as follows: TiMor, iJo; laden s maiontv mcr it The oflieial vote of Tennsvlvania : Hayes, 384,143; Tilden. 001. is: . Cooper, 7,201; Smith (prohibition),' c ER3TAUR L The Quickest, Surest and Cheapest F2emedies- Physicians reconrmend, and Farriers de clare that no such remedies have ever be fore loen in use. Words are cheap, but the proprietors of these articles will pre sent trial bottles to medical men, gratis, and will guarantee more rapid and satis factory results than have ever before been obtained. Tike CentJiiir IjiiiimeiiT, White Wrap per, will cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lumbago, .Sciatica, Caked P.reasts, Sore Nippb-s, Frosted Feet, Chillblains, Swell ings. Sprains, and any ordinary FLESH, BONE OK MUSCLE AILMENT. It will extract the poison of bites and stings, and heal burns or scalds wit hout a scar. Iclc-jaw, J'alsy, 'eak Hack, Caked Rreasts, Earache, Toothache, Itch and Cu taneous Eruptions readily yield to its treatment. Henry Hlack, of Ada, Hardin county, Ohio, says: "My wife lias had rheuma tism for five years no rest, no sleep could scarcely walk across the floor. She is now completely cured by the use of Cen taur Liniment. We all feel thankful to you, and recommend your medicine to all our friends." James Hurd, of Zanesville, O., says: "The Centaur Liniment cured my Neural gia." Alfred Tush, of Newark, writes : "Send me one dozen bottles by express. The Liniment has suved my leg. I want to distribute, Ac." The sale of this Liniment is Increasing rapidly. 'l'lie C'enfnnr Liniment, Yellow Wrapper, is for the tough skin, flesh and muscles of HORSES, MCLES AND ANIMALS. We have never yet seen a case of Spavin, Sweeny, Hing-bone, Wind-gall, Scratches or Poll-evil, which this Liniment would not speedily benefit, and we never saw but a few cases which it would not cure. It will cure when anything can. It is folly to spend $20 for a Farrier, when one dollar's worth of Centaur Liniment will do better. The following is a sample of the testimony produced .- Jefferson, Mo., Nov. 10, 1S73. "Some time ngo I was shipping horses to St. Louis. I got one badly crippled in the car. With great difficulty I got him to the stable on Fourth Avenue. The stable keeper gave me a bottle of your Centaur Liniment, which I used wit h such success that in two days the horse was active and nearly well. 1 have been a vetinary sur geon for thirty years, but your Liniment heads anvthing I ever used. "A. J. M'L'AKTY, Veterinary Surgeon." For a postage stamp we will mail a Cen taur Almanac, containing hundreds of certificates, from every state in the Union. These Liniments are now sold by all deal ers in the country. Laboratory of J. I?. Rose A- Co., 4 Dey St., New York. J0THERS. C'astoria is the result of 20 years experi ments, by lr. Samuet Pitcher, of Massa chusetts. It is a vegetable preparation as effective as Castor Oil, but perfectly pleas ant to t he taste, It can be taken by the youngest infant, and neither gags nor gripes. Dr. A.. I Green, of Koyston, Ind., says of it : Sirs : I have tried the Castoria nnrt can speak highly of its merits. It will, I think, do away entirely with Castor Oil: it. is plasant and harmless, and is wonderfully efficacious as an aperient and laxative. It is the very thing. The Castoria destroys worms, regulates th" stomach, cures Wind Colic, and per mits of natural healt hy slei'p. If is very efficacious in Croup, and for Teething Children. Honey is not. pleasanter to the fasi.". and 'ast-ril is not so certain in itsefT-ct. It costs but 2- cents, in large bott 1"S. J.B. Rose A Co., 10 Dey St., New York PcTEa'3 f!U3!CAL sil AGA1IME3 Are recommended "n account of their great cheapness, variety, and quality of the Music furnished, every subscriber re ceiving from six to t-n times as much Music as the same money would buy in sheet form. ThesH 3Iai;:iiiin' are issued Monthly, price ' rts. -:el; pr a 11 11 tim : or Hie .six Majgit.iiies for fi. A sample copy of each Magazine sent for f 1. Peters7 Household Melodies. A collection of Vocal Mnic. containing all the latest, songs by llnv.s, Danes, Thomas, Stewart, etc. Peters' Octavo Choruses. Containing Four or Five Choice Choruses by such aut hors as TIarnhy, Sulli van, Hatton, Smart, etc. -o Peters' Snored Selections. Containing Sacred Quartets and Chususes by I.ARNiiv, Sullivan, etc., for the use of Choirs and Singing Societies. Peters'1 Organ Selections. A collection of Sacred and Secular Music, selected from the best masters, suit able for Heed or Pipe Organ. -O Peters' Pa rl or Music. Containing all the Infest and best Dance and Salon Mude by Kink el, Carl Wagner, Wilson, 7'aciier, etc., etc. etc La Crenic de la Crane. Difficult Piano Music by such authors as . Tualbkro, Stattkk, Liszt, Hel ler, Smith, Wilson, etc. Sample copies of either of the above Magazines will be sent, post paid, on re ceipt of 125 cents, or a copy of each Maga zine will be. sent for $1. Send 'Jocents for a sample copy, and we will refund your money if you are not satisfied. -O- Our New Descniptivn C'alalojjue of NlitM't Music antl Music Hooks sent, post-paid, to any address. Add J. L. PETERS S43 IJroadwav, Xew York. J. P. WARD. GEORGE A. HARDING. WABD& HARDING, DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A general assortment of Di'iigs and Chemicals, Pei-fncjpry, Soaps, Comlts a ml Hruslies, , trusses, Siipportrri, Slioul.ler Hi-ate l iniryund Toilt Articles, AISO Heroine Lamp Chimney, ClaKH, Putty, Paintx, Oil. arniklir s ami liye Stuffs, TIRE WINES AND LIOTORS FOR ME DICINAL TIRPOSES. I PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. ""Physioinns Prescriptions carefully compounded, and all orders correctly an swered. rtVOpen at all hours of the night. I BVA11 accounts must Ik? paid monthly, novHtf WARD & HARDING. FALL 1875 Is your time to buy goods at low pilces. BEOTHEES are now receiving a large stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, all of the Latest Styles, which will sell AT LESS THAN PORTLAND PRICES. Our stock has been bought for cash, and we will sell it at a small advance above SAN FRANCISCO COST. WEWIIXSAY TO EVERYBODY RE M fore you purchase or go to Port land, come and price our goods and convince yourself that we do what we say. Our stock consists in part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Roots and Shoes, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Notions, Grot. ies, Hard ware and a great many other articles too numer ours to mention ; ALSO DOORS, WINDOWS, PAINTS AND OILS, ETC., ETC We will also pay the Highest Market Price for Country Produce. ACKERMAN RROS. Oregon City. Sept. 23, IS75 tf CLEAR CREEK, CLACKAMAS COUNTY. T DESIRE TO INFORM MY OLD CUS 1 tomers, and the public at large, that I have just received a new supply of FAMILY GROCERIES, CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, CUTLERY, HARDWARE, And Other Miscellaneous Goods. All of which I now offer for sale at the LOVEST MARKET RATES. My object is to tell all my old friends and customers that I am still alive, and desir ous to S'-ll goods t 'heap, KtK CASH, or uion such terms as agreed upon. I shall also have In my employ a thorough COOT AND SHOE fcAKER, and constantly keep stock on hand for the Man ufactiiri & Repair of Boots & Slio.-s. and all orders in that lino will be promptly attended to. AU.KX M TTOOX. Near tlie Viola Mills. OCtl :tf I. S ELLINGr II AS J ITST RECEIV ED TI I E LA RG EST stock of FALL AND VIHTER GOCDS ever imported to Oregon City, which he offers at greatly reduced prices. My stock '" CLOTHING Has been larirely increased arid I can show as handsome a line of ready-made goods in Men and Hoys' lousiness ami Dress Suits, Coats, etc., as can be found in the country, and at prices that cannot fall to sat isfy. My DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Is filled wit h a splendid assort ment of all the leading styles and fashionable shades of goods Empress Cloth, Mohair, Frfiich and American Dress Good Itlurk A 1 !: !,, Ill illia ti linen, Cuslimereii, tVc. V Hi A IsfN K Xj B , Plaid, Plain and Opera Flannels, of all col ors. P.leached and Unbleached Cotton Flannels. Lutlie' anil Gents' T'nderwn r Slmivls mid vfs, Wool Ulankftx, Trunks and Traveling Satcliels, Hatantwl Caps, Oil ClotH for Floor a ml Table. BOOTS and SHOES, I would call special attention to my stock of Men's and Roys' San Francisco Roots, which I have sold for a number of years past, with treneral satisfaction. Ev ery pair warranted. A complete stock of HARDWARES FARMING UTENSILSt Choice Teas, Canned Goods, and all choic Family Groceries, All at Low Prices. Also. LIVERPOOL. AXD CARMAX ISLAND SALT. Highest Price aid for all kinds of Coiinlrv Produce. 200,000 lbs. of WOOL Wanted, for which I shall pay the highest cash Price. I. SELLING. Oregon City, Sept. 30 1875. tf HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, OAK, ASn AND HICKORY FLANK. XORTIIUUPt THOMPSON, Dec. 31, 1875 :m3 Portland, Oregon. N. N. N. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS, Af NEW ERA. Dry Goods, Groceries, Roots and Shoes, Wooden Ware, Drugs and Mediclnes.cheap for cash or produce. Jt. CAKTO. MARK THESE FACTS! THE TESTIMONY OF THE WHOLE WORLD. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. ..'f1 th buffering and diseased read the following. -7"l-et all who have been given up bv Doctors, and spoken of as incurable, read the following. "L.et all who can believe facts, and can have faith in evidence, read the fol lowing. Know all men hy these presents. That, on this, the Twentieth dav of June, in the year of Our Lord. One Thousand Kight Hundred and Sixty-six. personally came Joseph llaydock to me known as such, and leing duly sworn deposed as follows: "That he is tlie sole general agent for the United States and dependencies thereof for preparations or medicines known as Dr. Holloway's Pills and Ointment, ami that the following cert ilieates are verbatim copies to the bent, of his knowledge and be lief. JAMF.S SMKITKK, Notary Public. L. S. 1 1 Wall street, New York. 1)Y. IIolloway : I take my ieri to write you of my great relii f ami that the awful pain in my side has lelt me at last t ban ks to your pills. Oh, Doctor, how t hankful 1 am that I can get some sleep. I can m-ver write it enough. I thank you again and again, and am sure that you are really the friend of all sutferers. 1 could not. help writing to you, and hope yon will not take it amiss. JAM KS MY Kits, 110 Avenue D. This is to certify that I was discharged from the army with Chronic Diarrlnea, and have been cured by Dr. IIolloway s Pills. WILSON HARVKY, New York, April 7, lstiO. 21 i'itt St. The following is an interesting case of a man employed in an Iron Foundry, who, in pouring melted iron into a llask that was damp and wet, caused an explosion. The melted iron was thrown around and on him in a jn-rfect shower, and he was burned dreadfully. The following certifi cate was given to me, by him, about eight weeks alter the accident : New York, Jan. 11, 18(i0. My name is Jacob Hardy ; I am an Iron F'mnder. I was badly burnt by hot iron in November last ; my burns healed, but I had a running sore on my leg that would not heal. I tried Holloway's Ointment and it cured me in a few weeks. This is all true and anybody can see me at Jack son's Iron Works, 2d Avenue. J. HARDY, ll'J Goerch Street. EXTRACTS FROM VARIOUS LETTERS. "I had no appetite; Holloway's Pills gave me a hearty one." "Your Pills are marvelous." "I send for another box, and keep them in the house." "Dr. IIolloway has cured my headache that was chronic." "I gave one of your Pills to my babe for cholera morbus. The dear little thing got well in a day." "My nausea of a morning is row cured.' "Your box of Holloway's Oint ment cured me of noises in the head. I rubbed some of your Ointment behind the ears, and the noise has left." "Send me two boxes, I want one for a loor family." "I enclose a dollar, your price Is 25 cents, but the medicine to me is worth a dollar." "Send me five lxxes ot your Pills." "Let n-.e have three boxes of your Pills by return mail, for Chills and Fever." I have over 2imi such test ii Hernials as t hese but want of space comx Is me to conclude. FOR CUTANEOUS DISORDERS. And all erupt ions of th skin, this Oint ment is nu.st invaluable. It Io-'s not h-al externally alone, but penetrates with the most searching elfects to the verv root of the evil. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. Invariably cure the following diseases: Disorders of Hie Kidneys. In all diseases afT'Cling these organs, whether t hey secret e too much or t 00 lit I le wafer; or whether th".v be alllieted with stone or gravel, or with aches and pains settled in the loins over t he regi'ius of the kidneys, these Pills should be taken ac cording to t he printed direct ions, and the ointment should be well rubbed into the small of the back tit bedtime. This treat ment, will give almost immediate relief when all other means have failed. For Stomach out f Order. No"medieine will so effectually improve the tone of t lie stomach as these Pills ; t hey remove all acidity, occasioned either by intemperance or improper diet. They reach the liver and reduce it to a healthy action; they are wonderfully efficacious in cases of spasm in fact they never fail in curing all disorders of the liver and stomach. Holloway's Pills are the best, remedy known in t he world for the following dis eases: Ague, Asthma, llilious Complaints, lilotches on the Skin, Colics, Constipation of the P.owels, Consumption, Debility, Dropsy, Dysentery, Krysipelas, Female Ir regularities. Fevers of till kinds. Fits, Gout, Headache, Indigestion, Inflammation, Jaundice, Liver Complaints, Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Retention of Urine, Scrofula, or King's Kvil, Sore Throats Stone and Grave), Secondary Symptoms, Tic-Douloureux, Tumors, 1,'lcest, Yeneral AfTeetions, Worms of all kinds, Weakness from any cause, Ac. Important Caution. None are genuine unless the signature of .1. Hayoock, as agent for the United States, surrounds each box of Pills and Ointment. A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering such informa tion as may lead to the defection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medi cines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. SoKl at the Manufactor of Professor IIolloway A- Co., New York, and bv all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Med icine throughout the civilized work!, in boxes at 25 cents, and (12 cents, and $1 each. "HThere Is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes, N. IS. Directions for the guidance of patents in every disorder are affixed to each liox. Tiofd.ly. A. G. WALLBNG'S PIONEER BOOK BINDERY. Plttock.' Itiiibliii g Corner of Starlc mid Front Streets. PORTLAND, - OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED AND ROUND to any desired pattern. Music books, Magazines, Newspapers, etc., bound in ev ery variety of style known to the trrade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. V 1C ICS Flower and Vegetable iSeeclr? are the best the world produces. They are planted bv a million people in America, and the result is, beautiful Flowers and splendid Vegetables. A Priced Catalogue sent free to all who enclose the postage a 2 cent stamp, vicrs Flower and Vegetable Garden is the most beautiful work of the kind in the world. It contains nearly 150 pages, hundreds of fine illustrations, and four Chramo PUitcs of Flowers, beautifully drawn and colored from nature. Price 35 cts. in paper covers; 65 cts. ound in ele gant cloth. Vielc.- Floral Collide. This is a beautiful Quarterly Journal, finely illustrated, and containing an ele gant colored Frontispiece with the first mimltfr. Price only 25 cts. for the year. The first number for 1K76 just issued. Ad dress JA?ins VIC K, Itoeliester, N. V. FINE POULTRY. Bred by Rfl. EYRE, Jr. NAPA, California, Bronz Turl-:evs. weighing 40 lr-s, each. Em den Geese,' weighing from 40 to 50 tts. per pair. lirahmas, leghorns, Games, etc. Pekin Ducks, aver aging IS to 0 lts., and best of all Ducks as layers. Also A fine assortment of Tigeons, Rabbits, Guinea Fowls and Ferrets. Anv varietv of fowls desired imported. F.oo.s, true to name, fresh and well packed, for stile at moderate prices. Send for Illustrated Circular, and Price List, to M. EYRE, Xapu, Cal. On receipt of 10 cents in stamps, I will furnish specimen copv of the Poultry I'.uj.lktin. an illustrated 32 page monthly, the recognized authority in poultry matters in the U. S. ; and decidedly the best. Poul try Journal published. Subscription only $1 '25 a year. Please state where vou saw this adver tisement Orders may also be left at this oltice. YOUNG MEW Who are suffering from the effect of owt hlul follies or indiscretion, will do well to avail themselves of this, the greatest boon laid at t he altarof suffering humanity. Dlt. SI'IXXEY will guar antee to forfeit $500 for every case of se minal weakness, or private disease of any kind or character which he under takes and fails to cure. He would, there fore, say lothe unfortunate sufferer who may read this notice, that youaretread ingupon dangerous ground when you longer delay in seeking the proper rem edy for your complaint. You may be in the first, stage; remember you are ap proaching the last. If you are lxrdering uMn the last, and are suffering some or all of its illelfeets, rememberthat if you persist in procrastination, thetime must come when the most skillful physician can render you no assistance: when the door of hoie will be closed against you : when no angel of mercy can bring you relief. In no case has the Doctor failed of success. Then let not despair work upon your imagination, but avail your self of the beneficial results of his treat ment before your case is beyond the reach of medical skill, or before grim death hurries yon to a premature grave. Full course of treatment $25 00. Semi money by Postoflice order or Express with I'll 1 1 description of case. Call or address, 111 A. II. SPIXXEY, No. 11 Kearny street, San Francisco septltirly j o h ra s c h r a m , 3Iain St., Oregon City. MAXlTACTrRER AM) IMPORTER OF ". SlIle. Harness. r"-.-vi5.. .. Sall terv-Uar!- wure, etc., etc. 71IICII HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS can ue nau 111 me .-taie, at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. 87" warrant my goods as represented. JOHN sen RAM, Paddle and Harness ?.Iaker. Oregon City, iregon, July 11, lS73-m3. The sfnndard remedy j,,r "n;Iis. In flueiiz.. Sore Th.roat, WJtooj-intf (Umt)h, Croup, I.irf r Cr-..iciinf, HroncMtix, ?W i7 of the I.miiis, and every n tree! ion of the Throat, Lungs and Chest, including Con sumption. Wistir"s Italsam of IViltl Cherry does not dry up a cough, but loosens it, cleanses the Lungs, and allays irritation, thus re vunina the enuxe of the complaint. None genuine unless signed I. I'.TTTS. Prepared by skth W. FoWi.kuA- Sons, Roston. Sold by Reppixotox, I losTKTTKit & Co., San Francisco, and by dealers generally. LWebly THE WEEKLY SUN. M'.W YORK. ina;. Eighteen hundred and seventy-six Is the Centennial year. It is also the year in which an Opposition House of Represen tatives, the first since the war, will be in power at Washington : and the year of the twenty-third election of a President of the United States. Allot" these events are sure to te of great, interest, and importance, especially t lie two latter; and all of them and everything connected with them, will be fully and freshly reported and expound ed in The Scn. The Opposition House of Representa tives, taking up the line of inquiry opened years ago by Tiik srx, will sternly and diligently investigate the corruptions and misdeeds of Grant's administration: and, will, it is to be hoped, lay the foundation for a new and better period in our nation al history. Of all this Tin: Sex will con tain complete and accurate accounts, fur nishing its readers with early ami trust worthy information upon these absorbing topics. '1 lie twenty-third Presidential election, with the preparations for it, will be mem orable as deciding upon Jra nt's aspira tions for a t bird term of power and plun der, and still more as deciding who shall be the candidate of the party of Reform, and as electing that candidate. Concern ing all these subjects, those who read THE Sux will have the constant means of be ing thoroughly well informed. The Weekly Sun, which has attained a circulation of overeighty thousand copies, already lias its readers in every State ami Territory, and we trust that the year ISTti will see their numbers doubled. It will continue to be a t borough newspaiKT. All the general news of the day will be found in it, condensed hen nnim port ant, at full length when of moment; and always, we trust, treated in a clear, interesting and in structive manner. It is our aim to make The Weekly Sun the best family newspaper in the world, and we shall continue to give in its col umns a large amount of miscellaneous reading, such as stories, tales, ioems, scientific intelligence and agricultural in formation, for which we are not able to make room in fair daily edition. The agri cultural department especially is one of its prominent features. The fashions are also regularly reported in its columns: and so are the markets of everv kind. The Weekly Sun, eight pages with lift v six broad columns is only $1 20 a year,, postage prepaid. As this pr ice hare ly re pays the cost of the paper, no discount" can be made from this rate to clubs, agents, postmasters, or anyone. Tho Daily Sun, a large four page news paper of twenty-eight columns, gives all t he news for two cents a copy. Subscrip tion, postage prepaid, 55o. a month or $6 50 a year. Sunday edition extra, $1 10 per year. We have no traveling agents. Ad dress, THE SUN, New York City. BIBLES FOR SALE. TVST KEOEIVKIJ-, ANT FOR SALE, at my Store in Oregon City, a supply of P.iblen and Testaments. These books "are the property of the American P.ible Society, ami are offered for sale as low as t hey can be bought at any similar Depository in the State. Thos" wishing to ourehase are Invited to call and examine t. r stock. Wai.tis Fish. Agent for Clackam&u County. HOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCltlltE FOR THE ENTERPRISE. S3 50 IMli YEAR. PAYABLE IX ADVANCE. Each number contains the LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, From all Parts of the World : A Carefully Selected Summary of STATE, TERRITORIAL AND NEWS ITEMS; A Corrected Lint of the Markets ia Portland, San Francisco and Oregon City LOCAL NEWS, EDITORIALS, On all Subjects of Interest to the FARMER, MERCHANT OR MEC1M1C Also, Carefully Selocted MISCELLANEOUS READING. In Short , it is in Every Respect a LIVE NEWSPAPER. TH K JSX THIS PIS IS K Having a large and constantly increasing Circulation in the most populous part of the State, offers sucrior inducements to those who wish to Advertise. Advertisements inserted on REAS0XARLE TERMS. and it is therefore a good time to Subscribe in order that you may be posted on current events Send in your subscription at once ENTERPRISE BOOK & JOB OFFICE OREGOXCITY, : OREGON K AKF. PKF.PAHK1I TO KXKn'TE V all kinds of JOB riJJKTIKG, such as lilLL-llJiADS, PAMI'III.Kl S, DKKDS, MO It'in Ailtfi, I.AItliLS, I. KTTKR-HHA DS in fact all kinds of work done a in Printing Oiliee, at PORTLAND PRICES. ALL KI. D S O P LEGAL BLANKS constantly on hand, and for sale at as low a priee as can be had in the State. Work IiclcI AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Oregon City, March 21. LS73-tf. AGENTS FOR THE ENTERPRISE. The following persons are authorized to act as agents for the Enterprise : Geo. P. Howell V Co., 40 Park P.ow. New York. Coe, Wetlierill Co., 07 Chestnut street Philadelphia. Abbott A Co., Xo. S2 and SI Nassau street New York. Portland.Oregon L. Samuel San rrancisco j j p Fisner St. Helens, Columbia county S. A. Miles Astoria, Clatsop count v A. Van lusen Salem I.. Williams Harrisburg J. H. Smith Iafayette.Yam hill county J.L.Frguson Dallas, Polk county... ...Dave Holmes J-Joia Jacksonville Ronton county Corvallis Canj-on City.Grant co, It. lKty H. K. Hanna W.A.Wells Hon. John Pumett W. P.. I-iswell . N. Arnold "". X. H. Hate Albany Dalles, Wasco county...... IiCirande, I'nion county A. C. Craiff S. V. Knox Pendleton, Umatilla county. Eugene City. I J. M. Thompson IE. L.Fristow Roseburg Hon. I- F. Lan T . IC. T.Montague Lebanon j 1 jaston Jacksonville Hon. E. P. Foudrr Long Tom H. C. Huston CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Reaver Creek , Rutteville Cascades Can by Cutting's Eagle Creek . Harding's I-ower 'Molalla.... Mil wau kle OSWCRO Upper Molalla... C. F. Beatie John Zuniwalt Henrv MeGufrin J W. Strawser ' Wripht '.."....Frank v. oster Capt. Z.C.Norton W. MorcUnd ".'John Hngenborper J.John Eoolw V. H. VauRhan OREGON CITY BREWERY Henry Humljel, WAVING PURCHAS- ery wishes to inform the public that he 1 now prepared to manuiaciurc- u ity Of X AO lilt JilfJtlt. as good as can be obtained anywhere in the State. Orders solicited and prompts filled. K 1 o 8 1 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA,