o o O o oo o o o o O o t! o o o o CO o o G O O o O o o o o o o o o o o o O o, O O O O O o Q O O o o 1r d GSka Lata b jaSiU Siirtae OREGON CITY, OREGON, JULY 21, 1S7G. rMLw. .j.v.u... , Curing Dried Fruit for Market. The preparation of dried frnit.s for market tie penus mosuv upon ineiar- Oners who ilrv them, and it is notice- able that when there ii a large crop j of the green fruit, esieeiullv of apples ami aches, the supply of the dried article is also larger, notwithstanding many claim that such is not the case. ?lost of the fruit is sun dried, though tire heat from the stove is also em ployed, and some fruit is also dried by the Alden process. A carefully dried anil piepared fruit always sells for enough more to pay for the trou ble. There avo no regular rules gov erning the curing and selecting, but the following directions will be found useful by all who wish to obtain the lest prices: Dried blaekbervies.vlieu I -1 Til t , .' ripe, snouiu ue nicely clriod., (not burned) before packing. If packed before thoroughly dried, they breed worms, and becomo moldy and un salable. Dried raspberries alwaj's sell better than blackberries, and should receive the samo care and handling. Tor dried apples, select sound fruit, not too ripe. Bo sure to have them thoroughly cleaned; let no specks of skin appear on any part, and above all, be sure they are well cured. Dried apples coming to market with specks of skin, or cores and seeds still on, never meet with read' sale at market prices. IVum eily when there was a comparatively .small quantity of "sliced" apples prepared, they were .-old at better figures than quarters and halves, but this difierence in value at once led to an increase of the supply, so that now we are overstocked with ''sliced, .m.l onr ml vice is to have a less quan tity of sliced apples and more cleanly preserved quarters and halves. About the same rules are equally applicable in drying ieacney. Dried cherries V.'lLll SiCUS 1U mn.i.i oi-n. mi should be carefully picked when ripe, thoroughly dried, and kept as clean as possible 'ScVili.s.-"' clierries be long to the most fancy of domestic dried fruit, and always sell readily at good prices. They require to be carefully dried, without being burn ed, andp'l0'i0'-l iu their natural state. Si mixed with mohtsses, or "doctor ed." in any way, it is certain to be detected, and they have to be sold at very reduced prices. Dried plums should be handled in the same man p.cAis cherries. Qninces ami pears cut fine, thoroughly peeled and cored ricely, bring fair values. Never mix dtiVer'eut qualities in the same pack :ige, as it is always discovered, and the price will be bued on the poorest qualities in the lot. 1 irrels are pre ferable for shipping; and place a dis tinguishing mark on each package of the different, grades. Have them cor- etly bored on the side a- well as t'ie he.nl. If the above rules are car ried out the fruit will class among the best grab s, and sell at a differ ence in price that will amply rep ly the trouble. Mark plain directions on every package, name of article, v. eight, tare, ami forward invoice of what, how i-nd v. hen, s hipments are mailt1. Anr:r'i'":i (rVoe r. The Salr Me of .;::h! Aziz. A correspondent of the Ijondon 'i'lities gives a romantm account of i'Sh suicide of Abdul Aziz. Early on Sunday morning he parted with his women at the harem and shut him self up all ahme in his apartment, locking and bolting the two doors which separate tho harem from the selamliek the women from the men's apartment. All was .' i:ei:ee till about 10 a.m., when the women, who could see their lord from their windows at his toilet, saw him fall on a sofa, and raising an alarm, succeeded, by the O aid, of the persons summoned by their cries, in breaking op.cn the doors, when the Sultan was found l.ving h.if ,across the sofa, with his feet on tlie lloor, in a great pool of blood, and with the traces of recent death. Uo had, it seems, secreted a small but sharp pointed pair of embroidery scis sors with which he was wont to trim his beard, or which he had borrowed from Valide, his mother, for that avowed purpose; he bad with them very diligently cut oil his beard close to the skin, leaving only the thick mustache on the upper lip, probably j to disarm any suspicion, of those who were watching the operation from the harem windows, or possibly to ... . i. . . express by ti:at outward sign the sense of hi:-, degradation and disposi tion, and then had deliberately gone to work, endeavoring to cut the veins of both his arms at the elbow, jab bing the scissors with great determ ination at both arms till he succeeded in severing the ulnar artery of the left arm, in'licting a wound or cut that must needs put an end to his life in ten or fifteen minutes. He then allowed himself to bleed to death like an old Homan hero, till he s ink exhausted in the post ure in which he was found. His face and bodv were utterly bloodless, hi skin white and scrupulously clean, and no bruises or swcllu-no trace of a struggle or violence could tin v where d. ,lisenvere,1 A Tkve "Max. Show us the vonng . . . .1 ...1 - . .l 1 ing-giri as ine millionaire; who val ues virtue, not clothes; who shuns the comp.mv rati icr at man v, iio never forgets for a single instant the delicacy due woman, as woman, in any condition "or class and you show us a true gentleman. , , r 11 i A house m Holhure, Ohio, has this legTuul on the gate-post: "Nineteen igents have called here this mornintr We ahrays shoot the twentieth." No agent has touched the bell-knob since the placard was posted. AClachamas county farmer is ob liged to chalk his nose every time he takes a walk round tlie farm, to save himself from an old bull w h ch has a Hii-owj antipathy to red. www who t'.ui i ni t the sooictv of thu i young an-A thko pieasnro in listomn I a t.-.,,., rsr.- r .4. to the kindly voice of the aged; show i ,vi'!i i 1, 1-,.,- tit i e ,J us. i man who i; ever ready to pii v I , ' fZ" VT f" and help the deformed; shmv us the i u ' I b " '.i-ount and wnen , r i - ,1 Ult' "anivei asserted it was"lniiness man who covers the faults ei others i r,,p0,i tj;;,1,,.. n- -t ., ii r i i .i lepnt-u i lMness ! l'lssimss? Ion sit with a mantle of chantv; show us the j in 1cre a,, d,v a ; man wuo bows as poll e and gives , f;lcPll boforo his h Is at the street as freely to tho poor sew- i)isisies'" - T ' " .1 1 ill i' i"-lV. , '"u , l!,eVi v' ! co u tlrJK 111 half a tumbler of wafer . or make unkind icmaius of the pass- j AV:11 often give reli.f to the sick 1,1 Mill SF'V fiflOOS f in!? girl; shmv us a man who abhors ! a,ho whcn' C;ltlS0(lf ;i. I e S iMLUl&a i IZUVUO . of m Tb st"",("u,mu "w!u 13 u' a l-er-abundance of ucid irw nErntVKn, at MRS. k. s. of uis mother s sex, and the exposure , Dn the stomach. 99 Warr-n's Millin -rv storc,-n nv and of vo;n inly reputation; show us a ' el -ant stock of latest styb-s of Millinery The 3Iinuet. The CJcnf ftnm';-l nolirnfinn li?is ; brought many olJ-fashioned things j nto vogue again, among others, the I nuuuet but it is as much out of iJiucu iu a mouern uaii-room as a mail-coach would be on a modern i 7 7 v ! 1 . " wiiongeu 10 mat penuu when it was tho fashion to make, haste slnwir TV,,,, ; it. nnn- ! vwv- - . . i sidered the most trving dance tliat could be attempted, and those who succeeded in it were regarded as hav ing won their right to tigure among the hapjy ones upon whom the fair ies had bestowed the wonderful gift of grace. It required, too, a thorough knowledge of dancing, that was quite another thing from the languid, lazy shu filing that passes current for it in our elegant saloons. Every motion of the hand, of the head, of the arm, of the body, was subjugated to the laws of grace, and a courtly dignity swayed the whole person. The breed ing and education of ladies and gen tlemen were gauged by proficien cy in the minuet de la cour. "When a. belle of the period "came out," great was the anxiety of her friends and relatives concerning the sv.cecss with which she would pass through the ordeal of the minuet. The critical and jealous eye of society was upon her. If she failed, feminine society's nose was turned up at her; if she succeeded, masculine society's heart was laid delightedly at her feet. As nowadays novelists mention horse manship) and kindred accomplish ments among the perfections of their heroines, so, in the past, every hero ine of fiction was lauded for her skill and grace in the minuet. It was a trying performance, not to be lightly underrated. Xow every tyro learns to dance the famous minuet, and dances it on all occasions, without fear of conse quences. As for grace well, awk wardness is the rule, grace bein.tr left to some happy combination of chan ces. But elbows pinned to the sides, body held stiilly upright, feet scrap ing the lloor. and the head remaining immovable, though characteristic of the modern minuet, would not have been tolerated in the olden time. The dress of our day is, however, fatal to a complete revival of the dance in its stately beauty. The pin back effectually prevents the lady from stepping out, and from using her feet with any ease of motion. An ample hoop and skirts of uo scanty width are necessary, and, after this, a knowledge of how to raise the feet and put them down again, may be learned, if the learner be ambitious and enthusiastic. lew Prc-icsi-iii. Spelling bees, which went o'lt of fashion here a couple o: years ago, have been for several months past the subject of a furore in Hngland. OnrKnglish cousins have vanquished us fairly in turning the.se meetings into money-getting affairs. The most we ever made was admission money at the door, ami the victors in the match usually proudly bore away a copy of Webster's Dictionary. In England, however, halls are hired, and large money prizes are offered to the best spellers, the contestants be ing charged an entry fee similar to that put up by the backers of horses in a race. The managers, of course, find their profits in these deposits. The most curious part of the whole is that the fact of tho money awards being offered has given rise to a new business; that of "champion speller." Several people, who have a fair knowledge of orthography to begin with, have literally crammed them selves with dictionary lore, so that they are proof against the pitfalls of ordinary catch words. Thus men tally equipped, they reverse Dr. Wy att's hymn, and gather money every day from every opening bee. Their attainments render them easy victors; and one individual who has reached the pinnacle of the new profession, says that lie makes over a hundred dollars a week by his winnings. OiFEXsiVK Bkkatii. For this pur pose, almost the only substance that should be admitted at the toilet is the concentrated solution of chloride of soda. From six to ten drops in a wine-glass full of pure spring water, to be taken immediately after the operations of tho morning are com pleted. In sorao cases the odor aris ing from carious teeth is combined with that of the stomach. If the mouth bo well rinsed with a tea spoonful of the chloride in a tumbler of water, the bad odor of the teeth will be removed. -o- o- The Norwich J! idled a says: "A medical authority says that a man loses one per cent, of vitality every j time ho is waked suddenly from sleep, j This is what makes a druggist look j so pleasant when ho is rung up at j two o'clock in the morning bv a fel low-citizen who wants to know if he keeps postage stamps." How would von like to be one of j V, 3aSos nt tho Centennial ! ''on? 1S "ttend- ; uns aro, l,nn?,u? 1,1 '-iS'ts of wine I u',a 1 KS l.'IU, liawu. Around nd corks are being drawn. Arouud j tlie table sets the half dozen judges, : not under the table, and solemnly peiiorm Iheu- diflicult tasl - - - --. a - r- ;x j T To r.LUAT: Sick 1 1 E A T A c I r :' 'V w o I teaspoon tn Is of finely jiowderrd char Twpnir limns ifmii'n.'. ..i Mtun- vesiPruay a riatbnsh girl threatened" to kick "a ! young man for spilling strawberry ! 1 n mix rlt linr .li-rtn . . 1 i . . . , j"" ""eui iweniv times SMO iomembere.1 her old-fas!iiom."i ! pfockin-s -Mid didn't l ie1 ',10,,t-d : Xnl --LrooMyn yns -o- A hemlock sweat is a sure cure for the cerebrospinal meningitis ac cording to a Michigan party who has tested it often. oundust Pills have proved a speci- lie lor many diseases, but it is in- dispensable that tlie patient make his own sawdu" t THOMAS CHARMANi ESTABLISHED 1853. DESIKES TO IN FOKM THE CITIZENS of Oregon City and of the Willamette Valley, t hat he is still on hand and doing business on ine oia mono, that A Xinxble Six JPence is Better than a Slow Shilling. I have Just returned from Sau Francfsco, where I purchased one of the LARGEST AfJD EE3T SELECTED STOCK Or GOODS ever before offered in this city ; anefconsists in part, as follows : Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Dry tioods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Ever' Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors, Chinaware, Queenswaro, Stoneware, Crockery, I'latedware, Classwarc, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy N Hope, Faming tionsof Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Taper, etc Of tho above list, I cati say my stock is the 31 O S T C O 1 I I 12 T K ever offered in this m rivet, and was sfdetfd wit h esp -cial care lor tin' (r.'on City trade. All of which I no w oir r for sale at tho Loveot Market Ra'eo. No nsf for tho belies, or any one els?, to think of truincr to Portland to buy soods for I am ltrtcrntitutl to Sell. Ch':a and not to allow myself to L.i UNDERSOLD IS THE STATE OF OSECOX. AH I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oivgon City enables me to know the re quirements oi tin trad". Come o:ie and all and s.'s; for yourselves that the old fcland of THOMAS CIIAiniAX cannot be beaten i:i quality or price. It would b: u-i -p'ss for me to tell you all the advantages I can oiler you in the sale of srood. aV every stoiv t':at advert ises does tli.'.t, and probably you have been disap pointed. All I wish to pay is Com?, aa ! S v,:n!:! Exuniii; for Voursrhvs for I do not wir.Ii to make r.ny mistakes. ?Iy obj eet is to t"!! all my old friends now t!ct. I am still alive, ami desirous to sell goods c!i";! for earh, or upon such terms asair - 'd upon. Th-mking all for the liber al patronagj m-ivto!or-' besfowi-d. TJhS. CHAUMAN". Main Street, Oregon City, TV-ga J Tenders and Count v Serip tfik-n at market rat-s. THOS. ('IIAKMAN'. C'J"r:),fti.-:) lbs wool want' d l v I I OS. (HARM AN. 1 I 0?" ISSUED iootii lonrnox. M A N M O B, KEVISED AX1 CORRECTED 11Y THE AUTHOR, 10. le P. (TIZ'MS, M. v;c, t'-. A Medical Kssay on the causes and cure of j r miature decline of man, showing how health is lost, and how regained. It gives a clear synopsis of the impediments to marriage, the treatment of ii'-rvons and physical debility, exliaust-'d vitality, and all other diseases appertaining th'Tto; the results of twenty ear.5 successful prac tice. OPINIONS OF TIIF. rilKSS. CI7IITIS ON "MANHOOD." There is no lm-mb t of soeiet y by whom this book will not, b found us Tv, 'whet hf r be Ik- parent iir.voiitoror el-Trvman. T.ntirtoit Tintrs. CITKTIS ON "MANHOOD." This book should be read byllr young for instruc tion, and by the ataiefed tor relief; it will injure no one. Mftfiwil Timr.t nil (Irtzrttc. i'rie:1 One Dollar, bv mail or express. Address f lie author. Hit. f'FUTIS, r '0 Sut ter street, or 1. O. Dox :7, San Kraneiseo, Cal. aug. 7 ayisu sui mmi, FEED, Af!D SALE r3 7 Zt Ti7 A -o- r ri 1 1 K T T N ! ) K It TO N V. D V R O PTJ I KTO R O I tliT.ivervStalileon Fifth si reef. Oregon City, Oregon," keeps .constantly hand U:irs"ips. C'nrriaesi amlHiuks. Saddle ami liugixyltorava. 1 cos 1 eapoiuiblo. ANDY WILMS, Oregon City, Nov. 5, 1S75. Proprietor. S. A. BROOOHTOfl, iTrOT'f.D INTOHM TIIR CITIZKNS OF Oregon City and vicinity that lie is prepared to furnish Fir ei CecSar Lumber, Of every description, at low rates. a n n APPLE BOXES. ALSO, Diy rinnristjr, Cei'for-, flnstic, Srucf, (for shelving), Lattice, IMcUets, atuUViic-Posts Cedar, Coiisfniill' on hand. Str-et and Slde-.valk lumber furnished on the shortest, notice at as low rates as it can be purchased in the State. Give me a call at or Kdo x err sa ur mil ls. Oregon City. June !, iV-i.tf SP3IKG TRADE, Which will be sold at reasonable Juices. I.-idirs living in the eountrv.tavoring me with th-ir orders, will find them prompt.y atte nded to. . MRS. K. f?. VAKIiU, One door south of Dr. Welch's office. Oregon C'ity, March 17. 17K. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP, AT 1 av. g wovg opexed at this old stand, where he is prepared to d, nn-vthin in his ; CHorse shoeing a spei.ill ty. j Oregon City, May 2$ :tn3 COURTESY OF UlilVERSITY on.. I ..li.-.c' .'nrnis l nLMinilu.iW "iv I 11.114 M Ji' . t - J v.. . J - . FALL 1875 Is your time to buy goods at low pitces. BEOTHEES are now receiving a large stock of FALL AND WIHTER GOODS, all of the Latest Styles, which will .sell AT LESS THAN PORTLAND PRICES. o.ir etr.fir b.-is been bousht for cash, and wo will sell it at a small advance above SATJ FRAWCBSCO COST. irEWII.LSAY TO EVERYBODY BE fore vou purchase or go to Portland, come and i-rice our coods and convince yourself that we do what we say. Our stock consists in part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods. Notions, Grotte i e s, Hard ware and a great many other articles too numer ours to mention ; ALSO DOORS, WIEDCWS, PAIHT3 AMD GILS, ETC., ETC We will also pay tho Highest Market Price for Country Produce. ACICKIt MAX BROS. ( ) rc-on City .Sept. 21), 1 r?7. ' t f CLEAU CREEK, (LACKllIAS COE.MV. r DESIRE TO INFORM MY OLD CCS toim rs, and the public at large, that I have just received a new supply ot" FA MIL V GROCERIES, CLOTHING, ROOTS and SHOES, CUTLER V, UARDWA RL, Ami Oilier Jt'scellancnns ('oath. AH of whi'-h I nowolfi r tor sal" at the LOWEST MARKET RATES. My objeof is to fell t myold friends and customers tlutt I am still :tliv and desir ous to sell goods 'heap, FO! CASH, or upon such terms as agreed upon. I shall also have in mv employ f thorough BwL-T Afa'D SHOE rV;iKP, and constantly keep stock on hand for the .11,! nr. Tic tu re S. Rrpiiir of Eoots & Sho.s, and all onlrs in that line will le promtly attended to. A LI-EX M 1TTOOX, Near tin- Viola Mill. Oct 1 :t f "7 B AS J IT ST RECEIVED THE L ARC JEST M EL stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS ever imported to Oregon City, which lie olfers at greatly reduced prices. My slock " CLOTHING- Has ben largely increased and I can show as handsome -i Iin, of ready-made goods in Men and Roys P.usiness and Dress Suits, Coats, ofc," as can be found in tb." countrv, and at prices that cannot fail to satisfv. Mv DSESSCaODS nE?A??TMcKT Is filled with a snienili l assort inent of all the b-nding styles and tashiouable shades of goods Empress f'lojli, Hloliairs, Frenoli snirt Aitieriran lrs iootls IllJick A 1 ;.-! !!, Ilrill ia nt ines, C.'H.sImiere, "c. 1 JLi A TTsT k T, S , Plaid, Plain andOpeia Flannels, of all col ors. Pleached and Unbleached Cotton Flannels. Ladies' mfl Cieti.s' ViH'onvarc Sli.iivls am) Scarfs, Wool IH.i!di(t, Tin it Us :i nd Ti-ji vet i ii -r Ssttr.elj, Hal a ftr C':ip, Oil Clofll f.r Floir:iiit Tabic BOOTS and S'-jOSS, I would call special attention to my stock of Men's anil Povs San Francisco Roots, which I have sold for a number of years tnst with general satisfaction. Ev ery pair warranted. A complete stock of JIAaDWAP.E k FAIMSiiCi UTENSILS, Choice Teas, Canned Goods, and all choic Family Groceries, All at Low Prices. Also, LIVERPOOL AND CAR3IA ISLAND SALT. Highest Price aid for all kinds of 200,00) lbs. of WOOL Wanted, for which I shall pay the highest, cash price. I. SELLING. Oregon City, Sept. 30 1S75. tf HARDWARE, I3QM AMD STEEL, Hubs, Spokes, Rim S, OAK, ASH AND HICKORY FLANK. Pc. "1. ITT") :m.3 Portland, Oregon. KEW STGHE AND NEW GGCDS, Af NEW ERA. Dry Goods. Groceries, Hoots and Shoes Wooden Ware, Drugs and Medicines.eheaii for cash or produce. ' J. CASTO. BANCROFT LIBRARY, OF CALIFORNIA. M2SR CllA 2TD I S S. JOHN MYEES. OREGON CSTY. DEALER IM DRY GOODS, GHOCEJilES, J300TS and shoes, IlARDAYAliE, CKOCKE11Y AND GENERAL &1ER0HANGSSE, Books and Stationery. I will pay the highest prices for and all kinds of GOOD COUNTRY PRODUCi 1 will sell as low as any house la Oregon for r.-i sir on its j:q vi 'a i.ext nGood Mercliantable Produce. I am selling very low for nsii paid Fci; cnr.MV orders Give m a call and sat isfy yourse! ves. JOHN .MYERS. Oregon City, March 21, 1S7.5. I A- C VALLSfC5'B PIOMEER 009K BIUDERV I'iltot- il.t t :i s Cnrnfr f fstarU jin.t front filrofls. POTLASD, fLANK ROOKS Itn.F.D AXD POX'N'D t to any desired pattern. Music books, Magazines, Newspapers, etc., hound in ev erv"vrietv of stvle known to the trn.de. Orders from the e. uutry promptly at tended to. VIC ICS Flower jiihI "Tcjret;il.lo are the b"st the world produces. They are planted bv a million people in America, and the result is, beaut inil Flo-.ver and fpl-ndid Vegetables. A Prieed Catalogue sent lr-o to all who enclose the postage a 2 cent stamp- VICK'S Flower mid Vcg( table Ciai'dcm t the most beautiful work of the kind in the worlil. It eontains nearly l."0 pns, hundreds of tine illustrations, and our Cliromo f'ntrs of Flowrrs, beautifully drawn and colored from nature. Price 3.1 cts. iu paper covers; C3 cts. 'lound in ele gant cloth. VielcV Floril Qui do. This is a beautiful Quarterly Journal, finely illustrated, and containing an ele gant colored Frontispiece with the first number. Price on ly 2-1 cts. for the year. The first number for 1870 just issued. Ad dress JAMES VK'K, Rorliestrr, N. V. ,ISST 11. MOOSE'S MACMSrE SHOPS, VIlKV.O?i CITY, ORtiCOX. 6TE.1M ENGINES, S AIVOIILLS, FIjOVUIXG 3IILLS, SHAFTING, Pulleys, IfaiifTer's Hydraulic Pinups, GEARING, EOXES, matlc toonler. Reapers, Threshing Machines, and all kinds of Farming Machinery repaired in the best manner. Farmers' Rla'eksmith ing done M ith neatness and dispatch. Wheat Cleaners, Jackets. Iron and Zinc Shaker Screens and Perforated Plates, made to order. Agent for the HO'JSTOK PATENT VATEP. WHEEL, The Kcst Wheel in Use. Orders Solicited. Dee. 31, 1S75 .-tf Summons. Tn t::k ciucx'it corivr of the State of Oregon for Clackamas county. Karl Selig, plaintiff, vs. Charles Derom", defendant; Action at law, to recover money. To CHARLES DEROME, said de fendant : In. tltc iiamr of thr Statcof Orcrou, You are hereby summoned and. 'required to appear in the Court above named on or before the first day of the next term there of which shall happen more than six weeks after the first publication of this summons, to-wit : on or before th1 4th Monday in September, A. D. I.STti, and an swer the com plaint of plaint iff filed against you in the above entitled action or the plaintiff will take Judgment against you for the sum of -?713 27, and interest thereon since Nov. 4, 1S75, and sell your property attached to pay the same. This summons is published in pursuance of an order of said Oourl. made in term time, the 20th day of April, A. D. 1X7. JOHNSON MrCOlV.V, 7'laintitrs Att'ys, Oregon City, June 10, 1S70 :w0. POULTRY. km Bred by .EVJ- EYRE, Jr. ZSTAl'A, Ciililoniia, Bronz Turkeys, weighing 40 lbs, each. Em den Geese, weighing from -10 to 50 lbs. per pair. Prahmas, Ix-ghorns, Ga'iies, etc. Pekin lucks, avcr agin; IS to 120 lbs., and best of ail Ducks as layers. Also A fine assortment of Pigeons, Rabbits, Guinea Fowls and Ferrets. Any variety of fowls desired imported. Eggs, true to name, fresh and well packed, for sale at moderate prices. Send for Illustrated Circular, and Price List, to M. UTRK, Xapa, Col. On receipt of 10 cents in stamps, I will furnish specimen copy of the Port. try Bulletin, an illustrated page monthly, the recojriiizedatithority in poultry m-uo rs in the V'. S. ; and decidedly the b-st Foul try Journal published. Sr. inscription only $1 2- a year. Please state where you saw this adver tisement Orders may also be lelt at this olfiee. YGTJITG MEET Who are sufTering from the effect of youl hiul follies or indiscretion, will do well to avail themselves of this, tlie greatest boon laidat tlie aifarof suffering humanity. I. SWXXKY will guar antee to lorfeit i'Mlt for every case of se minal weakness, or private disease of any kind or character which lie under takes and lails to cure. He would, there lore, say to the unfortunate sulferer who ma.v read t his notice, that you a re tread ing upon dangerous ground when you longer delay in seeking the proper rem edy for your complaint. You maybe in tlx' first, stag.-: remember you ;'tr ap proaching the last. If you are bordering upon the last, and are suffering some or all of its ill elf. ts, remember that if you I ( rsist in proerast inal ion. the time must come when tho most sUiillul physician can render you no assiM a nee ; when the door of hope will be closed against you : when no angel of mercy can" bring'you relief. In no cas" has tlie 1 oetor 1 a"i le of success. Then let not despair work upon your imaginat ion, but avail your self of I lie herieiicial results of his treat ment before your ense is beyond I he reach of medical skill, or before grim death hurries ou to a premature grave. I-'ii i 1 course of'lreatment 00. Send money by I'ostot!iee order or Express with full descrn tion of ease. Call or address, li .. j. SM.VXKY, No. 11 Kearnv street, San Francisco s ptlti -lv llvAn St., Orogcn City. 3!.MTACn'!!ER AM) EimiiTEll nF -f a :I :H e s, I!anse:, . ; t..;j.- fin ildle i"3 -Tr.-i i ;T -" ' waiv, etc., cir. TIIICII HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS V Can Le had in tbe State, t CvI warrant my go;:il as r"pr -"ented. .JOHN S'H RAM, f 'adtiJ"' an. Harac-v .Xfaker. Oregon City, Or--go!, .lr.:y if, b.7:;-m:. VA vy a . ,-v - The standard r- 1 1 i o Soft- T.rMit, iiV.t oj i.'i fotifth, f'fit), I.ircr Compft.i :it , J'.rt,n r'i.'i r, lllrcil iiiiTfif thr- T.itnys, and evi r. a t'--t-t i.-n of the Thro'ut. I.ungsand Chcs!," i:.cluui:ig Cos- SI; .11 !'T1 o.'. V'it iti 's of Wib.J !tri'i'y does not dry up a coujrh, but bis--ns if. ei ans- s the I.uims, and allays irritation, thus )nm tn tic cirt;.r of th" c-implaint. None g"iiuine unless signed I. 1 n'rs. I'rej a red by SKTH W. biWLKl! A H,i:c:,, j o.--.ton. Sold l y liKHDiN-fiTiiN, 1 los'i r.i 'ri:n A- Co., San FraiK-iseo, and Ijv deab rs generally. 20febly THE WEEKLY SUN. i7c; N!-:V" YOilii. ItC. 1 i,rhteen hundred and seventy-six is the Centein.dal year, it i ais; the t. r lU which an opposition House of It:; r s -u-tatives, th liryf si.ieMhe Mar, v iill.- i'i power at Washington; and t he y ar of the twenty-third clctl.ioii oi a President of the United States. Allot these events are sure to be of ur at interest and importance, especially the two latter; and ali of them and everything connected with them, will be lully and Iicshly reported and exi ou tid ed i:i 'i II K SL'X. The O)poition llotis-; of Representa tives, taking up the jii,e of inquiry opened years ago by Tjir snxwjil sternly and diligently investigate the corruj tions and misd'usof Grant's aciministration : and will, it is to le ho;.ed. lay the loundation tor a new and better I eriod in o;jr na'ion al histia-y. of all tliis 1 in: srx will crm taiii complete and accurate accounts, fur nishing its rentiers with early a.:ui trust worthy information upon these absorbing topics. " 'i 'he twenty-third Presidential election with the preparations lor it. will be mem orable as liectdin.'- upon Grunt's aspira tions for a t bird term of jower and plu'i der, and still more as deciding who .shall be the candidate of the partv of Reiorm and as elect ing that candidate. Concern" ins all t hese subjects, those who road Tirrc scn-will have the constant means of be ing t horoughly well informed. Tiik 'i:i;ki,y sun, which has attained a circulation ot over eighty thousand copies already has its read-rs in every State ami Territory, and we trust that the year ls7 ill se(! their numbers doubled. It will continue to be a thorough newspaper Ml the general news of the day will he f'.und in it, condensed when unimportant, nt lull length when of moment; and always we trust, treated in a clear, interesting ami ln.1 st ruct ive manner. It. is our aim to make Tiik Wkkki y Srs the best family newspaper in the world and we shall continue to give in its col umns a large amount of miscellaneous reading, such as stories, tales poems scientific intelligence and agricv liural in formation, for which we are i,0. able to make room in our daily edition. Tlie a-ri-cultural department especially is one"of its prominent features. The fashions are also regularly reported in its columns, and so are the markets of every kind The Wkeki y Sr.v, eight pages with riflv six broad columns is only fl 20 a via'r postage prepaid. As this priee ban-iv re pays t he cost of the paper, no discount' can be made from this rate to clubs, agents postmasters, or anyone. " ' The Daily Sux, a large four r age news paper of twenty-eight columns gives all the news for two cents a copy. Subserin tion postage prepaid, .Lie. a month or jli 50 vo$?aVSYSDAV cdition oxtra- ?1 10 Pr e.lr. Ne have no traveling agents Ad dress, THE SUN, New York City. BI0LE8 FOR SALE. JUST nKCEiVKI), AM) poll SALE, '? '"5' IS" Oregon City, a supply ot I lbb s and 1 estam. nit.- n,ni' .v the proper!. vol the American Pible Societ v, and are oirered tor sale ns low as they Can be (.ought at any similar Depository in the State. Those wishing to purchase are invited to call and examine our .stock. Wai.tku Fish, Agent for Clackamas County. NOW IS THE TIFfiEfo SUBSCltlBE FOR THE ENTERPRISE, 82 50 PER YEAH,' PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Each number contaiu tht LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEVS, From all Parts of tho World; A Carefully Selected Summary 0f STATE, TERRITORIAL AIND I NEWS ITEMS; I A Corrected Lzst of the Market iw t rorlland, San Francisco and Orcjea City LOCAL NEWS, EDITORIALS, t On all Subjects of Interest t . t:;s FAR3IER, MERlilAM 0!t Also, Carsfully ,-v. '.ectoi InShort.it is in Every Itc.pcc. a LIVE NEWSPAPER. Having a large and constantly inereasicj Circulation in the most populous partof the State, olfers sujiorior inducement! ; those who wish to Advertise. Advertisements inserted on REASONABLE TERMS. and it is therefore a good time to Subsoil in order that you may be posted on current events Send in your subscription at ont EP3 flTERFBISE BOOK & JOB Lm OFFICE .'(.' OX CITY, : OREGON. ri-: ai:i: f::kpai:i:d to exkcute t V all kinds of TAD DDIYT'Yr' ts i lit: , i i vi. siicli as CAR US. RITA.-Hi: A US, VAMI'IU.I.IS, j ts, 3iorti;a;i:s, I.ARKI.S, rlttj:j:-iii:als in faet all kinds of wr r'-: done a in Frintiaj DlVice, til PORTLAND PRICES. A 1. 1, KINDS OH constantly on hand, and for sale at a Iw a price as can be hail in the State. A n d Oregon City, March 21, 1S72--: f. duL.Mo l lik Hit 1 .H : -.-:h- The following persons :!" .tr.th.e act as agents lor the KTia;i ; : CJeo. V. Itowell Co.. 40 l'ark lie- York. Coe, Wetb.crill vt Co., G07 Chestnut nu-i rhil.idelphia. Abbott A Co., No. S-2 and Si Nassau street New York. Portland, Oregon T,. Samuel San I- rancisco j j, j. jsher St. Helens, Columbia county S. A. Miles Astoria, Clatsop county . Van Iucn Salem I.. William Harnsburjr I. H. .sniiin I a fa yet te.Yamliill cou n t y I.L. KiTiruson Dallas, Polk county Kola Jacksonville P.enton eonntv .. Dave Holmes H. I'otr ...1. K. Hanna V.A.ei:i CorvaMis ." Hon.John Hurnett Canyon City.Cirant co W. R I.nswcll Albany A. N.Arnold Dalles, Wasco county N. H. "'' I.aGrande, Fnion count v A. C. ( raiS Pendleton, Umatilla county S. V.Knox Eunc City K. I. Tristow Koseburcr lioii. I.. F. l a" T . ( C. T. Montnfu Lebanon jj K. lialston Jacksonville IIon.'K. i. FoiulraT Lon-Tom II. C. Huston CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Heaver Creek.... lUitteville Cascades Can by Cutt iftji's F.ae;io Yeek Harding's Ixiwer Molalla.. Milwnukle tswrjo Upper Molalla. r F. Ttertti' John Zumwn.t HenrvMcthipi" J W. Strawy :;:iipnk Capt.Z. Oertrn W. Merelai"1 .""john'lIa?cnlei-frf'r ..J.John Eoeie W. II. Yaugbn OREGON CITY BREWERY Henry HiimfccI, TTAVINd I'URCHAS- A jB. cu hip aotve ;rew- L. T.-r,,e is ery wishes to inform the public t h at " . now prepared to manufacture a o. i i ity of I. A OUR BRER. as pood as can be obtained ""wnyj'tlS' the State. Orders solicited and rron'1 Oiled. Iflll