o o o o o o o O o o O O o o o o o o - 0 0 o O O THE EHTEBPB1SE, i?MonTVaREGON, APRIL 23, 1576. News Column. Jacksonville is going to have anew .otel. Lord Lyttleton BuiciJeJ in London on the 20th. Montenegro ha3 declared war againstTurkey. ,1 Chinaman committed suicide at Tortland last week. Scliaeffer has been confirmed &s chief jnttice of Utah. Mrs. David Dudley Field died at Baltimore on the 20th. .Prospects for the grain crop in California were never better. Indians are murdering emigrants O iu the vicinity of Fort Laramie. 0 Henry C. Bowen" has withdrawn from the Congregational Union. Portland has women who get in toxicated and disturb public gather ing Dolan, the murderer of Jas. II. Noe, was hanged in New York on the 21st. R. C. Duncan, formerly chief tele graph operator at Chicago, died on the 20th. The prospects for the wheat crop in the Eastern and "Western States are good. Gen. Rufus Ingalls is likely to be a candidate for court martial at an early day, The racer Katie Pease was sold at auction last week in San Francisco for 83,850. Geo. Belt carried off the medal at the skating contest in Salem last Thursday. Subscriptions to the Seattle and Walla Walla railrSad project amount O to 21,700. John Ladd, of Grand Heinle, has 222 head of fat hogs en route for Idaho City. Grant says he will favor no candi date for the presidency, either by deed or word. o The New York World says 8220,- 000 were raised at the Moody and rum key meetit-gs. Preakness, an American horse sent over to clean out England, was badly beaten on tlio 18th. Prof. Watson, of Ann Harbor, has disoovered a new planet in the con stellation of A'irgo. Montana delegates to tho National Rejmblicnn Convention were in structed for Blaine. A Chinese cigar dealer was arrest ed last week for defrauding the revenue nfo Portland. Bristow demands to be heard in regard to his corruption while dis trict attorney of Kentucy. Steve Henderson was convicted of trying to tarn pur with the Grand Jury at Boise City recently. The treasury at Washington dis bursed 833,000 in return for frac tional currency on the 20th. The Oregon CuUicator came to hand last week with an illustrated Lead and an entire new dress. 0 - Delegates to the National Demo cratic Convention from 'Nebraska favor Tilden for tho presidency. Tho postDfuce appropriation bill is completed. It appropriates $33,- 4&i,0UUca reduction of 4,000,000. J. R. Brown, a medical student of the Willamette University, at Salem. ! died suddenly on the 20th of npo- I plexy. j The Secretary of War, Taft, will cut down the estimates for the War Department some rive or six million dollars. o ( . Ben. Ilolladay has. resigned as president of tho Oregon Central R. II., and T. It? Cornelius was elected in his stead. The coal and stores of the Pacific Mail Company have been attached at San Francisco by the Panama Rail road Company. Jeff Davis sails for Europe on the 1st of May. He goe.3 there for the purpose of promoting a direct trade with cities of the South. The Portland 7e? has received in formation of a terrrible abortion case at Astyria. A prominent gentleman X)f Portland is implicated. . A man named Lamb, employed on Lamley's scow, boating wood for the bar tugs, fell overboard one recently and wasdrowned. night Miniver Seward is instructed to call tho attention of the Chinese gov ernment to the evils of the Barlin game treaty, with a view to its moai lication. Wia. McCoob late of Walla Walla, was tlrowned while attempting to crofca a slough near the town of Mid . dleton, Ada couuty, Idaho, on the oth inst.- Six hundred workmen in the stone quarries at Lemont, Illinois, .struck .on the 20th. They became so bois terous that the police were summon ed and lift of tliem arrested. The, naval appropriat ion -bill is a complete. It approximates 811,000, -000. The estimates by the depart ment wore 821,000,000. Last "year the appropriations were 817,000,000. A. T. Stewart's will has been ad mitted to probate in New York. The bulk of his immense estate is left to his wife, a cool million to Judge nil- ton, and lor charitable objects nothing. The last dispatches between Eng land ami America show extradition as a dead letter. The treaty may be considered abrogated. England's position is regarded as singular as it is untenable. Tho Democrats of Wasco county nave nominaieti ,me louowing ticket Senator, G. W. Thompson; Repre pentatives, J. II. Moshier and D. W Butler; County Judge, O. S. Savage County Commissioners, S. M. Bald win and Chastine; Sheriff. Jas. B Crossin; County Clerk. M. M. Cush iog; TreasurerE. Win gate; Super- tjjemiem oi chpols, AI 11. Abbott There is the authority of the Presi dent for denying the statement that he had requested the dismissal from the public service of the employes who were appointed at the instiga tion of Babcock. It is rumored "that English heirs have been found for the Rippon es tate; that an agent is on the way out to claim it, and that the lato govern ment of British Columbia converted it into cash and cpent it. The President sent in the follow ing nominations to the Senate on the 20th: Michael Schaseffer, chief Jus tice of the supreme court of Utah; W. V. Rinehardt, Indian agent at Malheur agency, Oregon. About 1,000 head of ponies have been corraled at How-lish-wampo-'s ranch: on the Umatilla reservation ! last week, in order to pick out about f - i -i r t- 200 head purcliaseu oy Aiessrs. Xjina say fc Bunker, of Grand Ronde valley. L. B. Sucker, route agent on the O. C. Stago Co.'s line, who was driv ing stage, met with a serious acci dent last week near Rock Point, Jackson county, hy the overturning of his coach, and breaking one of his arms. About six hundred dollars have been secured for a church house and reading room at the Seattle coal mines. The superintendent, Mr. Shattuck. takes an interest in the en terprise in person, and in behalf of the company, and is doing a liberal part. The new foundry at Seattle under the management of Mr. Nation, late of Portland has commenced tho manufacture of useful household articles, stopping a large leak for imported articles of that discription. It is to suclrmen as Mr. Nation the county owes it progress and pros perity. Tho following are the nominations made by the Marion County Repub lican Convention on the 21st: Sheriff, Joseph Biker; Clerk, Geo. A. Eades. Treasurer; A. F. Wheeler; Assessor, V. G. Porter; School Superinten dent, II. P. Crook; Surveyor, John Newsome; Coroner, Dr. E. R. Fiske; County Commissioners, John Geisey and John B. Looney; Representa tives, Stephen Smith, F. R. Smith, A. N. Gilbert, Dr. D. Pay ton, II. K. IIunsaker,Wm. Aorrer. m Sunshine. Did you ever notice what a different aspect every thing wears in tho sunshine to what it does in the shadow? And did you ever think what an analogy there was between the sunlight of the cloudless skies and the sunshinethat gleams into the darkened chambers of the human soul! How bright and beautiful are the golden beams that break through the riven clouds to light up the work again after a suc cession of dark and stormy days! How peaceful and happy are the blessed words of hope and cheer that touch the heart aud till the soul with emotions of pea?e and joy after a long period of sorrow! There are none living who do not, in a greater or less degree, have au influence over the earthey happinessof others. The sense of contributing to th pleasure of others augments our own haipiness. Unselfishness, Christian charity and loving kind ness are sunbeams of the soul. Philadelphia was greatly exejted recently by the announcement that a North Carolina gentleman had sud denly discovered that ho was the owner of the tract of land upon which the buildings and grounds of the Centennial Exposition are situ ated. His deed is dated December 4, 179-1, and calls for over -100 acres of laud. The happy holder of this property is on his way to claim his own, having apparently delayed his descent on Philadelphia until valu able improvements were completed. In the meantime, a Philadelphia law yer of credit and renown states that the North Carolinian's acres are sev- enty miles "up cruel irony this the creek-" With eminent authority adds that his land, which originally cost one dollar an acre, is worth just about what it was in 1791. The New York Mail says that many of the brown stockings worn by ladies are so poisonous as to endanger life. Those who wear them assume an un lovely yelloy color. You've got your cue now, dear reader. When you r.ee a lady friend assume an unlovely color, you should pull her stockings right off, and light out for a stomach pump. I hud jury ye w . Do you know how a church fair works? The principle is a very in genious one. Some ladies borrow money from their husbands, buy materials and make up fancy articles which they give to the fair. Then they change places, borrow inoro money, and buy tho articles back ngaiu. What a girl should be, alphabet ically: Amiable, Bland, Charitable, Domestic, Economical, Forgiving, Generous. Honest, ludustrions. Ju dicious, Kind, Loviug, Modest, Neat, Obedient, Pleasant, Quiet, Reflecting, Sober, Tender, Urbane, .Virtuous, Watchful, 'Xemplary, Y's, and Zeal ous. "When," he said violently, "when are you going to pay me that little bill? I ve dunned vou tilll'am tired ami maa. .uv - 1 want a positive answer Jove?" when will you pay it? " "Bv was the reply, j-ou must How can I take me for a prophet. tell? A youne: lady dressed in mnMi false hair was warbling at the piano, and when the mother summoned her to assist in some household duties her rosy lips opened pouting! v and snapped one. "O, do it yourself?" And then went on singing, "Kind woids can never die." ' Church Prim v DoVxas.-"Who is now the prima donna nf vnnr el, i. o- nciL-Pil n ViHU ' n i .,T , . tu uie other uav. 1 -Ion t remeni bpr t ho v. was the answer, "but she sings Mme l'Arehitluc in opera bouffe admira bly." "Waists of evenincr dresses are now laced at the back. This is important for in case a yonng lady is taken with shortness of breath a man ouo-ht to know where to striko for 1,- j lief the very first pop. GEORGE A. HARDING. WAED &HAKDING-, DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES KEEP CONSTANTLY OX HAND A general assorlment of Drugs and Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps, Coiuix and ' iiruslies,, Trusses, Supporters, Skoalder Braces Fancy nnd Toilet Articles, AX. SO. Kerosene Oil, Lamp Chimneys, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Vuinisliena.ua Dye Stults, PURE VINES AND LIQUORS 8 FOR ME DICINAL PURPOSES. PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. 7"Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded, aud all orders correctly an swered. e-7"Open at all hours of the night. ftjAU accounts must be paid monthly. novCtf WARD & IIAKMNU. THOMAS CHAR f,1 A H ESTABLISHED 1853. SESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS J of Oregon City and of the Willamette Valley, that he is still on hand and doing business on the old motto, that A Si-c Pence is Better thctn'ct Sfiilling. Slow I have just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased one of tho LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK Or GOODS ever bofore offered in this city ; and consists in part, as follows : Hoots and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors, China ware, Queens ware, Stoneware, Crockery, Platedware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladjes and Gents' Furnishing Patrnt Medicines, Goods, Fancy N Hope, Fa m in g I ions of Every Implement s of Description All Kinds, Carpets, iattin;4S, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, cte Of the above list, I can say my stock is the i o s t c; o 3t i j. i-: t k ever offered in this market, and was seletcd with especial care for the Oregon City trade. All of which I now offer for sale at tho Lowest fiftarkct Raics- No use for t he ladies, or any one else, to think of going to Portland to buy goods for I am Ditrrtninctl to Sell Cinxip and not to allow myself to be UNDERSOLD IN THE STATE OT OREGON. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay. monts, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables me to know the re (uirene nts of the trade. Come one and all and see for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CIIATIMAX cannot ly befit.cn in qualify or price. It would be useless fo me to tell you all the advantages I can olfer you in the sale of goods, as every store that, advertises does that, and probably you have been disap pointed. All I wish to say is Co:n!,) and .S?.n,!intl Examiiu for Yourselves fori do not wish to make any mistakes. Mv object is to tell all my old friends now that. Iain still alive, and desirous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or upon such Terms isagreeit upon. Than king a 1 1 tor tne lioer- al patronage heretofore bestowed. JUGS, t IIAii.M A, Main Street, Oregon City, Tfsral Tenders and Count v Scrip taken at market, rates. TUGS. CIIAK.MAN. &yfii,0f lbs wool wanted by Til OS. CHARMAN. LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE :4 -o- rnilEUXDEUSKlXKDl'ROTO FW K O F 1. the r.ivery Stable on Fifth street.Oregon City, Oregon, keeps constantly on hand UKAries, Csirriajges aix;l Harks, ftafltlle anil Bnggy Horses. Ibices Iieas?onal)le. ANDY WILMS, , 5, 1S75. Proprietor. Oregon City, Nov STATE BSA3D GF IMMIGRATION. tend Emigrants to Oregon, now in foreign countries arid sister States, and for circu lating such information abroad by this Hoard, ail persons in this State having Farms and Lands for Sal" or Kent, or de sirous of forming Colonies, will please for ward tothis Hoard a soon as possible de tailed descrh tions of their Farms and Lands, Tvoeation. Price and Terms of Sale, or conditions of rentinsr: ami all persons desirous of obtaining Agricultural or other L a borers, will please communicate direct with this Hoard. I'.y 'instructions of the Commissioners of Immigration. WILLIAM KFID, feb-jlm A State Com'r of Immigration. JJOOUi KIMTION. MANHOOD, REVISKD AND CORRECTED BY TIIE AUTHOR E. le F. CVIiTIS, M. I., &e., .fee. A Medical Essay on the causes and cure of premature decline of man, showing how health Is lost, and how regained. It gives a clear synopsis of the impediments to I marriage, the treatment of nervous and marriage, the treatment ot 1 physical debility, exhausted vitality, and all other diseases appertaining thereto i ne results oi twenty years successiui prac tice. " OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. CURTIS ON "MANHOOD." There is no member of society by whom this book will not De found usetvl, wlietner ne no parent precentor or clerirvma n. fonrlon Timrx. CURTIS OX "MANHOOD." This book should be read bvth young for instruc tion, and bvthe afflicted for relief; It will injure no one. Medical Times anil uturtte, Price One Dollar, by mnil or express, Address the author, DR. CURTIS, 520 Sut ter street, or P. O. Box 337, San Erancisco, Cat. aug. 27 :lyisd3m 3. P. WARD. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY UNIVERSITI OF CALIFORNIA. ' FALL 1875- Is your time to buy goods at low piices. BROT HEES now receiving: a large stock of FALL AND WIHTER GOODS, all of the Latest Styles, which will sell AT LESS THAN PORTLAND PRICES. Our stock has been bought for'cash, and we will sell it at a small advance above SAN FRANCISCO COST. "T ITE WILL SAY TO EVERYBODY BE M fore you purchase or go to Portland, come and price our goods and convince yourself that we do what we say. Our stock consists in part of Fancy'and Staple Dry Goods, Clothing, . Hats, Boots and Shoes, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Notions, Groe 1 e s, Hard ware and a great many other articles too numer ours to mention ; ALSO DC0RS, WINDOWS, PAINTS AND GILS, ETC., ETC We will also pay the Highest Market Price for Country Produce. ACKERMAN BROS. Oregon City. Sept. Si, 17.3 tf AIL 3. j 13 A' jSIATTOOjV, (LEAR CREEK, CLACKAMAS CUL'MV. T DESIRE TO INFORM MV OLD Cl'S JL turners, ami t he public :it. large, that I have just received a new supply of FAMILY GROCERIES, CLOTIIEXa, ROOTS aud SHOES, CUTLERY, HARD WA HE, And Oilier ?l!v':-lltt neons Goods. All of which I now olTi-r for sale at tho LOWEST FslAHKET RATES. My obj-'ct is to tell all my old friends and customers t h;it I ;mi st ill ;i live, and desir ous to sell goods Cheap, I'OK CASH, or upon such terms as agreed upon. I shall also have in my emp'oy a t borough BGGTAuDSKGEfeAKER, and constantly keep stock on hand for the Miinufurlisrc & Krpair oilioois. & Slio., and all orders in that line will be promptly attended to. ALLEN MATTOOX, Near the Viola Mills.. oetl :tf I. SELLING AS JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST stocic of FALL AND WINTER GOODS ever im ported to ' ro,ron City, which lie otTers at greatly reduced prices. My stock CLOTI-IIjSTG- ILis b'en largely increased and I can show as handsome a line of ready-made goods in Men niul Boys' Business and Dress Suits, Coats, etc., as can be found in the country, and at prices that cannot, fail to satisfy. My DRESS GC0DS DEPARTMENT Is filled with a splendid assortment of all the leading styles aud fashionable shades of goods KmpTpMClath, Moil airs, KreiM Ii uiirl American Dress Goods ISluek A I pa rca, Itrillia ntiiies, (iistutirri'x, vr. IT L A sfSr S , Plaid, Plain and Opera Flannels, of all col ors. Bleached and Unbleached Cotton Flannels. Ladies' ami Gents' T'mlorwsire Sluvl juifl Scarf, Wool i (, 'I'ruiiU nnti Xraveliny Kach"Is, 11a t s it ml t'a h, Oil CIolli for 1'loorund Taldc BOOTS and SHOES, I would call special attention to my stock of Men's and Boys' San Francisco Boots, which I have sold for a number of years past with general satisfaction. Ev ery pair warranted. A complete stock of HARDWARE & FARMING UTENSILS, Choice Teas, Canned Goods, and all choic Family Groceries, All at Low Prices. Also, LIVERPOOL AXD CAR31AX1SLAXD SALT. llighest Price aid for all kinds of Country Prod ssce. 200,000 lbs. of WOOL Wauled, for which I shall pav the highest cash price. I. SELLING. Oregon City, Sept. 30 1ST5. tf HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, OAK, ASH AXD HICKORY PLAXK. XORTIIKUP fc THOMPSON, Dec. 31, 1875 :m? Portland, Oregon. 1ST. N. N. NEW STORE AND NEW G0DS, Af NEW ERA. Dry Goods, Groceries, Roofs and Shoes, V ooden are. Drugs and Medicines.chean for cash or produce. T. CA8TO. MBR I S S. JOHN MYEKS, OREGON CBTY, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Books and Stationery. I will pay the highest prices for and all kinds of nnnn nnns.iTnv DDor.fc I will sell as low as any house In Oregon for CA SI ) Zt ITS i:q VIVA 1. 11 XT nGood Merchantable Produce. I am selling very low for CAN?! O HA'I. CASH PAID FOR COl'XTV CliDERS (Jive n.? a call and sat isfy yourselves. JOHN MYEKS. Oregon City, Mnrch 21, PIONEER BOOK BINDERY. I'ltloclt'! Building Cirr!-r f Wtarl; nw.X Front SI rot-Is. PORTLAND, - Uu'.Oirt fIiANK LOOKS RULKD AND POUND I to any desired pattern. Music hooks. Magazines, Newspapers, etc.. hound in ev erv varietv of style known to the trrade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. VIC ICS Plower nucl Voire table :iro the best, the world produces. They nre pla-ifed hy a million people in .nterica, ami the result is, beaut iful Flowers and spl 'iulid Vegetables, A Triced Catalogue sent free to all who enclose the postage a cent stump. viTTk's 1P1 oa voi and Vegetable Grill-clou is the most beautiful work of t he kind in the world. It contains nearly 150 pages, hundreds of fine illustrations, and four Chromo Plate of Flowers, beautifully drawn and colored from nature. Trice .,3 cts. in paper covers; 6-j cts. 'jound in ele gant cloth. Violet lloial Griiicle. This Is a beautiful Quarterly Journal, finely illustrated, and containing an ele gant colored Frontispiece with the first number. Price on ly" 25 cts. for the year. The first number for 1S76 just issued. Ad dress .TAMES VIC'K, Rochester, X. Y. JOEIR If. xlIOOBE'S MACHINE SHOPS, ori:c;ox citv, orecox. gTKAM EXGIXES, SAW-M1LLS, FLOURING MILLS, SHAFTING, Pulloys, HmifTer's llydimilic Pumps, GEARING, KOXIS, made to order. Reapers, Threshing Machines, and all kinds of Farming Machinery repaired in the best manner. Farmers' Rlaeksmith ing done with neatness and dispatch. Wheat Cleaners, Jackets, Iron and Zinc Shaker Screens and Perforated Plates, made to order. Agent for the HOUSTON PATENT WATER WHEEL, The Ilest Wheel in Use. Orders Solicited. Dec. 31, 1875 jtT . WM. imOtUOHTON roiTLD INFORM THE CITIZENS OF Oregon City and vicinity that he is prepared to furnish FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, Of every description, at low rates. ALSO, Dry Flooring, CeillMfr, Rustic, Spruce, (for shelving), Lattice, Picket a, and Fence-Posts, Cedar, Constantly on hand.'. Street and Sidewalk lumber furnished on the snortest notice, at as low a rates as it can be purchased in the State Give me a call at the OHEGOX CITY SAW MILLS Oregon City. June 10, 1875 .-tf Si to Sfii rr Da afc home. Terms T; f ' i- I free. Address lfrtlj- G.STINSO.NACo'KS,,,,,,,,,. FINE POULTRY. Bred by m. EYRE, Jr. NAPA, California, Pronz Turkevs. weighing 40 Vis, each. Em den Geese, weighing trom 40 to 51) lbs. per pair. Lrahmas, Leghorns, Games, etc. Pekin Ducks, aver aging is to 20 lbs., and best of all Ducks as layers. Also A fine assortment of Tigcons, Rabbits, Ouinea Fowls and Ferrets. Any variety of fowls desired imported. Eggs, true to name, lresh and well packed, for sale at moderate prices. Send for Illustrated Circular, and Price List, to M. EYRE, Napa, Cul. On receipt of 10 cents in stamps, I will furnish specimen copy of the Poci.tky P.Ullf.tix. an illustrated page monthly, the recognized authority in poultry matters in the U. S. ; and decidedly the best 1 oul try Journal published. .Si oscription only 4 1 '25 a yenr. . . 1 'lease state where you saw this adver tisement. Orders may also be lelt at this ollice. YOUNG MEI'T Who are suffering from the effect of vouthful follies or indiscretion, will do well to avail themselves of this, tho greatest boon laidat the altarof suffering humanity. 1K. SWXXKY will guar antee to forfeit S5IH) for every case of se minal weakness, or private disease of any kind or character which he under takes and fails to cure, lie would, there fore, say to the unfortunate sufferer who may read this notice, that you are tread ing upon dangerous ground when you longer delay in seeking the proper rem edy for your complaint. Vou may be in the first stage; remember you art ap proaching the last. It you are lordering upon the last, and are suffering some or allot its liicirects, remember t hat it you persist in procrastination, t he t ime must come when the most skillful physician can render you no assistance : when the door of hope will be closed against you -. when no angel ul mercy can bring you relief. In no case has t he Doctor failed of success. Then let not despair work upon your nnaginat ion, but avail your self of the benclici ;t I results if his treat ment before your casa is beyond tin reach of medical skill, or beiore grim death hurries vou to a premature grave Full -course of treatment 5-5 00. .Sent rnonev bv PostofHee order or Kxpres.' with full description of case. Call oi address, 1K . f. SWWKV, No. 11 Kearny Mr. t, Sun Francisco. septli:I.V v5 ,aJ' ci E jlnin St., Oregon Oiy. MAM'L'ACTLUER AND niFORTLK Oi Xailoli', harness, r-: v .. tuidiln- TV-. :!- elf. V- " l.S CHEAP to, ;lt. "V5THICJI HE OFl'h'.:, V V can be had in the Kf warrant tnv i ne sraniia r.l )!, i, -. mv t '.tj.;?-r;. i,t. flH'l!, ;S'V T,': .-(.((,'. il'.'i m ;'.-r f V,,'f f-'roiiji, Li ret' Co:uilw'itt. P-ronvl. Hi . Jlle'at i'hl of the Liui;, and i vi-. a :r j, ,'n of the rhroat. Lungs and Cii'M," intiui'iing CoN sirjUTiox. U'islav's Ii:.ls:'.n of -.";id t i.evrv lines not dry up a cough, but loosens it, chanses tha-Lungs, and alleys irritation, thus ;v '.tioi ;ii(riJr cause of tli complaint. None U nuinimless sijrned . lir-rrs. Prepared by skj h W. l 'owj.in: ,t sons, on ' So' l I y Hi-wiixcTox, HosTKTTi-.n t Co' San I-ran eiseo, and by dealers g -iu raliv '' THE WEEKLY SUN. SVAV YOIiK. I ignteen hundred and sevont v-six is the len:.-nni:il year. It i also the vear in which an Opposition Hons.; of Rei res"n taties, tlvlirsf since the war, will ! in power at. V ashintf on ; and the vear ol the twenty-: bird election ot a President of the Dinted stntes. Allof these events are sure to be of gnat interest and import a nee especially the two latter; and all of them and everything connected with them, will od in ffiy?11'? r1,,,riCd "1Ul t,xllnd- The opposition lions? of Representa tives, taking up the line of inquiry opened years ago by The Sr.v, witl sternly and diligently investigate the corruptions and misdeeds of (.' rant's administration ; and. will, it is to be hoped, lay the foundation lor a new and better period in our nation al history. Of all this The Sun will con tain complete and accurate account: fur nishing its readers v illi erlv and trust worthy information upon these absorbing topics. fe The twenty-third Presidential election wit h the preparat ions for it, will be mem orable as deciding upon (J rant's aspira tions for a t bird t-rm of power and plun der, and still more as deciding who shall be the candidate of the parfv of Reform and as electing that candidate. Concern ing all these subjects, those who reed Tiif Srx will have the constant means of be ing thoroughly well informed. The Weekly sscn, which has attained a circulation of overeighty thousand copies already has Us readers in everv State and territory, and we trust that the vear 1S7 ill see their numbers doubled'. It will continue to be a thorough newspaper Ml the general news of the , lav will be found n it, condensed when unimportant, at full length when of moment; and alw.Vvs. we trust treated in a clear, interesting and in structive manner. It is our aim to make The Weekly Su th best family newspaper in the worhf and we shall continue to give n its coN umns a large amount, of miscellaneous reading, such as stories, tales i, em, scientific intelligence and agricultural in formation, for which we are not able to m a ke roo in i n on r d a i 1 y ed it ion . The ass?. cultural .department espeeiallv is one of its prominent features. The fashions w also regularly reported in its cohnnns -Hn'Lrvnth0 markets of every k 2 ' six bVoVfEeKVY v'rP natf-s wilh fiftv si. bioad columns is only $i e0 a vea' postage prepaid. As this "price bare lv re KnadeTrom' C 1 he Dati.y Sr.v, a large four nae new... paper of twenty-eight colum Tns ives al t he news for two cents a copy Snhscrnv nJ0vear;0S,ar-vrnipnU1' month or 50 vear WeVNDAY oditi"" extra, $1 10 per dress CharTno"nff?prent" urcss, iiil bU.New York City. BIBLES FOR SALE. TIST nECEU'ED, AXD FOR SALE, f at my .Ston in Oregon Citv, a supplv of Hibles and Testaments. These bfxks are the property of the American lUblo Society, and are offered for sale as low as thev can be bought at nny similar Depository in the State. Those w ishing to purchase are invited to call and examine our stock. Walter Fish, Agent for Clackamas County. , j : r'-presTted. J .: Sf'lIRAM, S::ddl- :,t:d ilanv-s.-s Maker. 0;eg,:i City, Ur -n, .!;!' II, lS7'-u::;. until i o tup t iiip nun io i nc I lint iu SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ENTERPRISE SO PER YEAR, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Each number contains tho LATEST TELEGRAPHS NEWS, e From all Parts of tha World : A Carefully Slected Summary of t STATE, TERRITORIAL AND ISTEWS ITEMS; o A Corrected Lit of the Markl in rorlland, San Fraceisco and Oregon fily o LOCAL SEWS, EDITORIALS, On all Subjects of Interest to the FARMER, MERCHANT OR MECHANIC Also, Carefully Selected MISCKJLI.ANEOUS RKADIMS In Short.it is in Every Respect a LIVE NEWSPAPER, the Erisitpitssfc: t Having a large and constantly increasing Circulation in the most populous partof the State, offers suiK'rior inducements to those who wish to Advertise. Advertisements inserted on REASONABLE TERMS. and it is therefore a good time to SubscriU iu order that you may be posted on current events Send in your subscrii tion at once ENTEOPOiSE BOCK & JOB OFFICII OREGON CITY, : ORECJON. 17E A HE I It EPA 11 ED TO EXECPTE X i alt kinds ol 4 Ol). PRINTING, such ' 'A lilS, I2It.i.-iu:ais, TAMJ-H T.J.i S, m 'ir. .A(.j;y, i.aj;;ls, LLTTKii-lllCAI $ n !:ie ail kinds ol wcrkdoneain Printjijt 'iiic.', at PORTLAND' PRICES. A EE KIN DS OF LEGAL BLAPjSs constantly on hand, and for sale at as low a price as can be had in the State. "Wob'Ic Solicited AX D SATISFACTION GUARANTEED f Oregon City, March 21, lS73-tf. AGENTS FOR TIIE ENTERPRISE. The following persons are authorizedto act as agents lor the Enterprise 7 York' P" Ilowe11 & Co- 40 park Row, New T,.:-f?e,.horin Co.,'007 Chestnut street Philadelphia. Abbott & Co., No. S2 and 84 Nassau street New ork. I'ort land, Oregon E. Samuel San Francisco iThos. Poyce r.. Tr , 1L. I Fisber St. Helens, Columbia countv S. A. Miles Astoria, Clatsop county A. Van luscii iiUl-III Harrisburg I .afayett e.Va m hill count y Dallas, Polk countv Eola Jackson vi lie .V.1V."."."."V.""..! T. Willianrl J. II. Smith , J.Ii.Fprgusoii Dave JIolnie K. Pot It. K. Ilanna -. . .. UIJ . j ' Corvallis Ilon.John P.urnett Canyon City.Grant co .W. 15. IasweU A 1 bans- A. X. Arnold Dalles, Wasco countv N. II. CJatei EaOrande, I'nion countv A. C. Crai l'cndleton, Umatilla count v, S. V. Knoi .....W. A. welii Eugene City Koseburg Iebanon Jacksonville Long Tom , l.T. .1. M. inompsTO IP T . lirictnir Hon. E. K.I.ane S C. T. Montague I J. Ii. Ualston Hon. E. D. Knudra.v II. C. Huston CLACKAMAS Peavor Creek Putteville , Cascades Canbv Cutting's Eagle Creek Harding's Eower Molalla Mjlwaukie Oswego Upper Molalla COUNTY. C. F. Beflti John Zumwalt Henry Mciiupn J. W. Strawser p. vntht ."".Frank W. Foster ...Capt.Z.C. Norton W. Morcland !j"ohn Hagcnhercer J.John Fool ....W. H. Vauehatf OREGON CITY BREWERY- Henry Ilumbcl, ITAVIXU PURCIIAS- i . T- ery wishes to inform the public that n" now prepared to manufacture a No. 1 "'. ity of LAGER BBXR, as good as can be obtained anvi,'l1,'"j! the State. Orders solicited and prowr"J filled.