V o o o O OaEG-JN HIT, IIKECOX, .0V. IMsTSv ews Coin am. The Prince of Wales is at Bombay. Stock around Walla Walla is doing better than ever before. One Walla Walla firm lias already made 3,000 barrels of lard this sea son. John Hailey, ex-Congressman, made a coward of a man at the Bu;.s-3 races who wanted to fight cue of tLe judges for 100. The new census of Michigan shows that the Slate has a total population of 1.3H.031, an increase o 14UJ72 since lb70. Daring the se.ison just ended 23, 791 crates of peaches and 023 tons of grapes were shipped by railroad from Vineland, N. J. Since Li3 visit to Utah, Grant La3 j-esolvel upon a vigorous policy for the Mormons. Tho Portland correspondent of the San l'ranciseo Chronicle says that it Las been legally decided that the way to spell Oregon's favorite river is W-i-l-i-a-Di-e-t-t-e. Bennett's net income from the lUratdis about $1,700 a day (al most equal to that of tho Untos rRISIi) . Tho small-pox is - raging in Syra cuse, Xr 1. The sheriff attached sJ!) on the table, during a poker gam j at Walla Walla. The woman suffrage bill was de feated in the Washington Territory Legislature by a vote of 13 to 11. Tho Owyheo Avalanche says tho Central Pacific Kailroad Company refuse to come down on their unjust and exorbitant freight charges from San Francisco to Winnemucca, tl-iiuk-ing that they have the people of this 2ortion of Idaho completely in their power. Speaking of the Black Hills, . Pro fessor Jeuuey is reported as saying: "The diggings prospected are not extraordinarily rich, but will pay good wages, and are what California miners designate as poor man's dig gings, and will pay from tfl a day ujward. The richest gold deposits were found in Lodge district. The gold found was of a very fine quality, assaying U'J3 lino, and worth 19 -13 aq ounce in coin." o Twenty thousand sheep now feed on the Laramiu plains. The ship ment of wool from Laramio during the past season amounted to nearly 50.0UO pounds. The various herds of horses on the plains number about 8,000 head. ' 0 Vice President Wilson was stricken with apoplexy last week, but is rap idly recovering. '- Thomas A. Doyle has been elected lor the tenth time, Mayor of Provi dence, It. I. - Jefferson Davis lias accepted the presidency of the American Depart ment of the Mississippi Valley Socie ty of London, tendered him by the parent organization. The object of the movement is to direct attention to the development of the commer cial, agricultural aud mineral re sources of tho valley of tL" Missis sippi. Sir Edward Thornton, the umpire in the United States and Mexican Claims Commission, hi awarded that the Mexican government pay the Catholic Church the sum of 994,000 7'J in Mexiean gold dollars, on account of the "Pious fund" be longing to the Society of Jesus of California, which was appropriated by Santa Anna, when provisional president of Mexico. This is the most important award ever made. The National Kiilo Association has adopted resolutions providing for a series of rifii? matches during the summer and fall of 1S70, on occasion of the centennial, and extending in Titations to r:llemen of all couutries to participate. A Mexican woman named Oarrassa is in jail at Prescot, Arizona, for tho murder of her lover, Francisco Trigillo. Two men living near Helena. Mon tinna. named Hatpin Davis and Jas. Anddlcton, had an altercation recent ly", in which Davis shot tho latter, killing him instantly. Tho Boston Herald announces the failure of Geodo.vsky. an extensive, furniture maker, and places lcs liv biiitius atU4od,000; asset-, $150 ,009. Tho official vote for Delegate to Congress in New Mexico was: K'kins, Kep., 8.CS1; Valdoz. Pem., 7,109. Tie p u bl i c a n in a j o r i t y f 1 , 58 1 . o Snow fell to the tlopCi of throe inches at Silver City, Iduhj, on the - 5th"inst. Sleirh riding had begun, but tho weather was comparatively mild. o A schooner i on tho way from Shoal water Bay loaded with two thousand bushels of oysters to bo planted in Coos Bay for propagation. So says the A'euv. Forged railway tickets on lines to Chicago and St. Louis have been, offered for sale in New York. Tho Washicton Territory Legis lature Lis tikeu the printing cf panithletd relating ti the immigra tion interests of the Territory from Mr. IX. II. Hewitt, ami given it to Ir. John 31. Murphy, of the Demo CratiQ, Standard. Carl Sehnrz is saiil to be Hie author Ol a very hold anl stroncr artiele m i the Westliehe I'osf. in which the I President and General E.ibeoek arofsonal obarged with complicity in tha St. Loais whisky f. r iudn. It calls on the grand jury to examine into the facts. George Adair, Jr., was arrested at Beaver, Utah, on tho 2d in-st., charg ed witii being one of the principal instigators aud a leader in the Moun tain Meadow massacre. It is said that Adair has boasted of kuooking infants' brains out on waoa wheels at Mountain Meadow. German merohants of New York City liave started to raise 850,0d0 to defray the expenses of the visit of .the German Crojvu Prinoe to this country next year. Among the losers by the steamship Pacific were Messrs. Calhoun Bfos. and J. S. Conner, of La Conner, W. T. Messrs. Calhoun Bros, shipped 1,700 bushals of grain, consigned to J. Lverding & Co., San .Francisco, on which there was no insurance. J. S. Conner shipped 4300 bushels of grain, consigned to Corbitt & .Macleay and J. Everdiug, San Fran cisco. Conner was partially insured. The Lacenter Hall and Store Com pany, of the Patrons of Husbandry, have erected a grangej'.hall at Tim mon's Landing, on Lewis river, Clarke county, W. T., which they will dedicate "with a grand ball on the evening of the 3d of December, next. c Attorney-General Pierrepont has decided tliat the act of Congress of April 27th, 1810, confirmed to Hush and John Maxwell the grant of 9,000 acres at the forks of Black river, "Missouri, made to Priest Maxwell in 1799, by the Spanish government. Tiiis large tract of land, situated in lioynohls and Iron counties, Missou ri, is therefore declared to belong to tho claimants represented by "War wick Tnnsell. & The Turkish Grand,, Visier is seri ously ill. - ' A deputation of brewers have laid before the Commissioner cf Internal Revenue a memorial against the in justice of assessments on the malt they use. Prominent citizens of Portland have formed an organization and incorporated under the name 6f the Oregon Shipbuilding Company, with i headquarters at Albiibfe Capital stock ?o0,000, in shares of ?100 each. An amendment passed by the Leg islature of Washington Territory, in regard to liquor licenses, provides that the party applying for a license must first procure the signatures of a majority of the legal voters of the precinct to a petition in his behalf, and present it to the Board of Coun ty Commissioners for action. The abandonment at son of the Nicaraguan ship Liguria 800 miles from Callao is reported. Wo have been told that tho rain fall during the past t-wo weeks has been about seven inches. The highest peaks pf theBIueMoun iins have been white with snow for .several days. Some of our most reli able weather prophets siy that we will have at least two months yet of splendid weather. Daniel Weh.ster on Legal Tender. Nearly forty years ago, Daniel Webster, the greatest constitutional lawyer and one of the greatest, if not the greatest statesmen our country has produced, tit tared the following memorable language in the United States Senate. Most unquestionably there is no legal tender in this country, under the authority of this Government or any other, but gold and silver, either the coinage of our own mints Or for eign coins at rates regulated by Con gress. This is a constitutional prin ciple, perfectly plain and of the highest importance. The States are expressly prohibited from making anything but gold aud silver a legal tender in payment of debts, and al though no such express prohibition is applied to Congress" yet as Congress has no power granted to it in this respect, but to coin money anil regu late the value of foreign coins, it clearly has no power to substitute paper or anything else for coin as a tender in payment of debts and in discharge of contracts. Congress has exercised this power fully in both its brandies. It has coined money and still coins it; it has regulated the value of foreign coins, and still regu lates their value. The legal tender, therefore, the constitutioal standard of valuo, is established and cannot bo overthrown. To overthrow it would be to shako the whole system. Of all the contrivances for cheating the laboring classes of mankind none has been more effectual than that which deluded them with paper money-. Ordinary tyranny, oppres sion, excessive taxation these bear lightly on the happiness of the mass of the community, compared with a fraudulent currency and the robber ies committed by depreciated paper. Our own history has recorded for or.L instruction, enough of the de moralizing tendency, the injustice and the intolerable oppression on the virtuous and well disposed, of a de graded paper currency authorized or in any vay countenanced by the Government. "Fighting Joe Hooker," as his ad mirers were wont to call him durincr the war, cthinks it time that the ani mosities engendered by the rebellion were allayed. He says': "It seems to me that our people should have learn ed long since that prosperity cannot return to us so long as the bad feel ing and disseusion created by the the war of the rebellion continue to divide us. I iiimly believe that the true and honest soldiers of the repup lic have never lent their inlluence to the encouragement and continuance of the bad blood engendered by the war, ana tliat thev never will." Ax Accommodating Tows innocent-loo up Wash in uravman no. want a lra Mister?" "n o T guess not," replied the old man, "I'm S too iur ironi home. an. I n-m't h.t f reight on it. Much oblceged, though". A ft-llow back there asked me if I didn't want a coat, another inquired n i wanted a hack, and now voi on me a dray. I wish Vlcfcsburj It-raid. lived here ! ValCE OF Sax Fit wciseo PKOPFrTv ! The assessed vibio nf ,r ,i r , , ine stssea alue of real estate in ; ban 1 ran Cisco is Slo0.9o .oil): per- propertv. iS.o o.5t): tnt.-.I value of taxable property, 8208,532,- i ojj. xiim iiti oi taxauon is si uU1 j on each 8100; amount of taxes 81- 800.9.--2. Funded de't of tho city i .? ).uji',.ai; lioaung aobt, .s;j j l Tiio public 7roporty owned by the city is valued at 8'..'.-J7,00a. The an ntMl rest GftuG citv government is 81,30:,0j2. Advertise. Don't let your anjrry passions rfse, liecause your nei j;h'lxrs alvertise Aitel draw awav the dimes, Pnt boldly do as they have done. Pursue the course they have berun. And drive away dull times. Stcaut. kini uUl man was noinrr : .jrr7TSWZ Ston street vesterilav I MmrlS diieil at In' m and asked: I AUCTION A XD COMMISSION. A. B. R3CHARDSOSl, Auctioneer, Cornier of Front it OmU sts., Portlaiitl o Auction gseics Of Ileal Estate, Groceries, General Mer chandise and Horses. SALE DAYS- -Vednesdav and Saturday A. B. RICIIARDSOX, Auctioneer. J. P. DA VIES. JOSHUA DA VIES. J. P. DAV3ES & CO., AUCTIONEERS a x r COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FIKE-PROOP STOXE JJCILIJIXCf, WHARF STREET, VICTORIA. B. G. Lilml Ailvancrs )lmlc o:i Consignments. July 21, 171 :Iy I.SE HAS JUST RECEIVED TOE LARGEST stock of FALL AND WHITER GOODS ever imported to Orep-on City, -which he offers at, greatly reduced prices. My stock ' CLOTI-IZN& Hns been largely increased and I can show as handsome a line of ready-made troods in Men and Roys' Business and Dress Suits, Coats, etc., as can be found in tho country, and at prices that .cannot fail to satisfy. My a D3ESSGCGDS DEFARTfEST Is filled with a splendid assortment of all the lending At vies and fashionable shades of goods iimpve C'lotli, Mohair-, l''rinrh iirwt America ti Dress C.cod Iliac k A Ipsirra, Brilliii nl int-H, c C;t!tlinu'iTs, Kr, FLANNELS, s Plaid, Plain andOpeia Flannels, of all col ors. Isle-ached and Unbleached Cotton Flannels. e Iadies ami C.enls' I'ndrnrarr, Hlus wl.4 airl Wfarf, Wool iila it liet, 'i' I'll lltiS mid Travel in 5f S:i I Iluti.vnd ( iijw, Oil Io:!i f.ir Flooraml Table. OO' 13 and r-'3 fs ?r ?. W St U W' Horn l I I would call special attention to my stock of Mori's and Roys' San Francisco Roots, which I have sold for a number of years past, with general satisfaction. Ev ery pair warranted. A complete stock of , HA3DYAHE& FARMING UTEfiSJLS Choice Teas, Canned Goods, and all choic Family Groceries, All at low Prices. Also, LIVERPOOL AM) f ARM AN ISLAND SALT. Highest Pries aid for all kinds of 200,000 lbs. of WOOL Wanted, for which I shall pay pric". the fiJirh-esf-- cash I. SKLI.1NO. Oregon City, Sr-j t. 30 1875. tf fc- o a O 1 I r3 CD P2 o ft '? r. f i J 0 'a 9 o H i t O o o 02 H5 C o o P ui o Co to w o o H 3 01- yi Si i i Hi i H "Ji o H O O e ted 9 X- in "ItroULR INFORM THE CITIZ F.N S OF IT Oregon City and vicinity that he is prepared to furnish F13, SP.TJGS AUD CEDAR LUu'SEH, Of every description, at low rates. ALSO, a Dry Flooring, Ceiling, Hustle, Sjirtn-e, (for shelving), lattice, VicUeis, amirfiu r-Posts, Cedar, Constantly oil and. S'reet and Sidewalk luTiiber furnished on the shortest not ice, at as low a rates as it can be purchased in the ."State. Ciive me :v call at t he oni:aoy citv sa ir mills. Oregon e ity, June 10, ls73:tf u YOU CAN'T AFFOliD TO J5E AVITII0UT IT ! MONTHLY ii.i.rrn.M ei paper I V. I ublisiied at Portland. Some of the ablest urit"rs in the states contribute to its colums. The Wrst sitoue is THE OflLY ILLUSTRATED PAPEH in Orepron. and contains in eacii issue b"siil's articbs of il -n-ral Literature a d --sprint ion of somn rortionor the State or Was ilnton Territorv. A full lisr ol" farm ins lands to let or lor s Ue. Has an Illustrate! Jrorlirul.'nral Dcp.irlninif, ,nr valuable information not to be f"l'ntl in any oth'-r par' r on the ooast. A copy of it s-nt to friend abroad, will ; friv' t,K-m a b-tter id -a of the Paeitic -Northwest than anvof'i r rnlilin:itirn j of i KSiinti v. nT postal" paid for on" vear on receipt cents. .Aiur"ss, septlo.wo Portland, Orepon. NOTICE. r. Laxd Off i . " OSEHOX CITY.) pOMPLATXT FIAVi" Nov. 8. 1ST1. ( i 1 1 I. I-' X" I.-V-Tfl cd at thl ofne b. v. .v-...V- t:,,.,'' " ?l,lf "V1 3iIcV,,'- f"r :vbandonin- ship 5 north, ran"- i county Or-iron. with v lation of said enrry hiby summoned to , on th ltth dav of o'clock a. m.. to" respond . section i, town-v-st, in flat sop w to the cancc-1-said part ies are 'ar at this of Ho iber, 1S7.". at H) ' nd tiirnlsh teitt, Sent. WnW7t, fI-ndcn- Nov. U K- "ARHISOX. Rrivrr. lSTj :wl mnn n jiil .u.i uj l . iimiiii . As an I Kxk' r.-?U-yd5t-t----.vf sl THOMAS CHAR MAN ESTABLISHED 1853. DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS of Oregon City and of the Willamette Valley, that he is still on band and doing business on the old motto, that A JVimblc Six Pence is Better than a Slow Shilling. I have just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS ever before offered in this city ; and consists in part, as follows : Coots and Shoes, Clothing, Pry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, c Sash and Doors, Chlnaware, Quecnswarc, Stoneware, Crockery, Platedware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and AVatches, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy N" Rope, Faming tions of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Taper, etc Of the above list, I can say my stock is the M O T C O 31 P L K T K ever offered in this market, and was seletd wit li especial care for t he Oregon City t rade. All of which I now olfer for sale at tho Lowest Filarket Rates. No use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of goinjr to Portland to buy goods for I am Determined to Sell. Cheap and not to allow myself to bu UNDERSOLD IN THE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, belifcvingas I do that s Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables nif to know the re quirements of the trade. Come one and all and see for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CHAIIMAX cannot be beaten in quality or price. It wonhl bft useless for me to tell you all the advantages I can offer you in the sale of goods, as every store that advertises dow?s that, and probably yon have Wen disap pointed. All I "w'ts-h to saj is t'omp, aiid Sco.aiid Examine for loiirselTi-s for I do no wish to nratee 'any mistakes. My object is iotcll all my old friends now that I a.n still alive, flnd ib-s-irous to s?ll goods cheap, for cash, or -upon such t-nruis as agrpeil upon. ;Thanking all tor the liber al patronage hetc-tot.re Iw-sf iwd. TUOS. CltAKMAN. Main Struct, Oregon City, Tje-rtJ Tenders and Count r Scri n ta-fc..n : aarU.it nites. . T1IOS. f -lIARTtl AN. at fij?"5i),0(J0 lbs wnol wanted bv Tl IOS. CXIA RM AN. j. i. Winn. WARD & HARDING, D30fST3 AMD APOTEJEGAIIIES, YZ EBP CONSTANTLY ON 1IASD A M.!. general assortment of Drugs and Chemicals, l omij an l JJvrish;.N,, Trusses, Sopportert, Toilet Article At-SO Kerosene Oil, X.a-mp Cliljti , Ulass, rutty, fiiintfs Oil, Varnishej ana ly &ixir$, PL'SE WINES AND LIQUORS FOU ME DICLW4L PURPOSES. PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. fiTPThysicians Prescriptions Carefully compoundf.-d, and all orders correctly &n swtred. B7jpcn at. all hours of the night. fiaTAll account must ho paid monthlv. novGLf WARD & HARDING." SI ATE OOAHD CF IMMIGRATION. 10 R THE PURPOSE OF AFFORDING J' irjformaiion to Immigrants and in tTid Emigrants to Oregon, now in foreign countries and sister .States, and for circu lating such information abroad by this PoHi-d, ail persons in this .State having Farms and IsmuIs for iSaJeor Rent, or de sirous of forming Colonies, will please for ward tothis Hoard aj soon as possible de tailed descriptions of their Farms and Lands, location, Priep and Terms of .Sale, or conditions of renting; and all persons desirous of obtaining Agricult ural or of her I,aiorers, wi'l please communicate direct with tins Hoard. I'.y Instructions of tho Commissioners of Immigration. WILLIAM RKID, 5feblm A State Com'r of Immigration. JAMES M'KINNOX, JOHN jr. MILLEK. niciuraraQra & miller. WAGOrlMID CARRIAGE rpiIE UXD ER S I i K E D jn-m TJ 1 liaviri'r loncrwl flir. a-eJ!l KJ ciw rc.nJ 1 r uvn iir.rl l. tlm ri -1 late Ivid Smith, corner of Main and Third street, Jregon City, take this method of inlorming the public in general, that we are now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the very b'st of Mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, jtaint, iron and turn out all complete, any sort of a vehicle from a. common cart to a Concord Coach. Hl.'icUsmi tiling, Ilorse-Shof liir and UeneralJubhin, Nently, (Illicitly and Cheaply lione. miRK-.siioKixf; a pi:ciai.tv. Come and trv us. McKINXO.V & MILLER. Aug. 13, 1S75 :m:i . A. C. VALLBgSGfS PIONEER BOOK BINDERY. PittocU's nnlldlnff Corner of Stark and Front Street. PORTLAND, OREGON. B LANK DOOTCS RULED AND POUND to anv desired pattern. Music books. Mazazinrs, Newspapers, etc., bound in ev ery variety of style known to the trrade. Orders from the ei.untry promptly at tended to. EfelPERSAL MILLS, LaRocquo, Sayler & Co, Oregon City. Keep constantly on hand for sale Flour, Middlings, Bran and Chicken Feed. Parties purchasing feed must furnish the sack. OHAS. EE. OXJJTIELID, DEALER IN 16 DRY-GOODS, s SJ FANCY GOODS e GROCERIES, Cro elver y, c., Sce. CORNER OF SEVENTH AND MAIN STREETS, OREGON CITY. ALSO, . A .LARGE LOT OF DRESSED CEDAR AND FINISHING LUilDER, Of various kinds, for sale in quantities to snit? at reasonable rates. M K It C II A N D I S li. JOIIK MYERS, OREGON GSTY. DIALER IN DRY GOODS, -GROCERIES, ROOTS and e shoes, II All DAV'ARE, CROCKERY, AND GENERAL , MERCHANDISE, ' Books and Stationery. Irillpay the highest prices for IRli.tt-01,"En and I1 Xinclsof GOOD COUNTRY PRODUCE I will sell as low as any house In Oregon fpr CASH OR ITS JVQ.VIVAL1ZXT n Good Merchantable Produce. I selling rcry low for CASH IN CASn PAID FOR COUNTY ORDERS. Give me- a call and satisfy yourselves. JOHN MYERS. Oregon City, March 21. 1ST3. E WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION of Teachers, and others Interested in music, to the following works, as being the best of their class : MUSICAL GHIftlES. A new Class-Cook for . Female Voices. Price S9 Per Dozen. Sample copies, mail ed, post-paid, on receipt of f 1. FA!RY ECHOES. A Class-Book for Children. Used In all the principal Public Schools. Price SG PerDown. Sample copies mailed, post paid, on receipt of CO cer ts. SONG ECHO. The Most Popular School Slnglng-Rook ever published. Price ST 30 Per Dozen. Sample copies mailed, post-paid, on re ceipt of 75 cents. Address, J. L. PETERS, S43 BROADWAY, X. Y, Aug. 6:w8 $5 to ?er Dar.ai home- Tes w rf T y' free- Address Ifebly G, STLNSON & Co., Portland, Me Singing looks JUST BSSOED. SOUtli EDITION. M A H II O REVISED AND CORRECTED I5Y Ttl K jil'TIIOK, E. dc V. CVIITIS, -II. D., ifcc., Ac. A Medical Essay on the cause and cure of premature decline Qf man, showing how health Is lost, and how regained. It gives a clear synopsis of the impediments to marriage-, the treatment ot' nervous anfl physical debility, exhausted vitality, and all other diseases appf-rtHinirvg thereto; the results of twenty years successful prac tice. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS CURTIS ON "MANHOOD." There is no mem ber of society by whom this book will not be, found uselvl," whether he be parent pre-eeptor or clergvman. I.mtni Times. CURTIS ON ' M AN HOOI ."-'i his book should be read by the young for instruc tion, and by tbe an"lift.ei (,r relief; it will injure no one. Mtilicil 'J'i,,ies unrt iios' tte. lric One Dollar, by ina.il or express. Address the author, DR. (.'CUTIS, 5'u Sut-t-er street, or I. O. box a3TT, san Eranciseo, Call aug. -7 :ly isd:im m Xt fa Who are suffering from the cls-et of ynutlitul follies or iudiscivtioti, will do well to avail t henislvts ol this, the greatest boon laid at. t he alta r of stitrering humanity. iit. swrvxt-V will guar- minal weakJu SS, or privat disease ol any kind or chara,ct'r wfiich he under takes and tails to cure. He won Id, there tore, say tothe unfort unate sutf.'rer who may read t his noi iee, t bat you art read ing upon dangerous groiimt wheijvoir longer delay in seeking t he ropei1 rem t dy for your complaint. You may be in the first stag: ; re mem beg you .-m ap proaching the lasf. If you are bordering upon the last, and sir.'"snifering somcor All of Us 111 effect s. rem i -m ber I hat if you 'persjt in pnv-rasiima! ion. t hei me niust come when th- most, skillful physician can render you no ussistuncc ; wle-n the !(3oor o! 'iiOic will be cIoktmI against j mi : when no angel of mercy can bring'you relief. In no case has t he Dot-tor 'tailed of success. Then let not despair work upon your imagination, but avail. vonr '8?.lf of the bem fu-ial rviUts of his treat ;m0nt befftre onr case i beyond tin reach of -medical skill, or b -lore grim death burrU-s ou to a premature grafe. Eull course tr; atmi-nt $2 in. Semi :moncy by Postofrlca order or? Express ;with full dcserii t!in of efts.'. ('alter Address, IHi. A, It, SHI.WVIOV, No. 11 Kearny .street, San Francisco. RepUtidy JOHN S O H R A m , Hain Oregon City, IIANI'FACTKRER AVJ UirGSTEli F .SlHery-IIarI- wurc, (-., -(c. i: t li 7"ITICH HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS t T can b, had in the State, at WHOLESALE CH "E7AIL. t7 warrant my goods as represented. JOHN SC'H RAM, Saddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, lST3-ma. The standard remedy fir Corls. In fluent, Sore Throat, Whr.ojiini (itnnh Croup, I Aver Complaint, J!roiiei,iti, T!! red itu of the Lurirx, and everv alfection of the Throat, Lungs and Chest, including Cox srJii'Tiox. AVistar'ji K;lam fVil,l Clicrry does nnt dry up a cough, but loosens it, 1 "anses the Lungs, and a 1 lays irritat ion. thus re Morina the cause of t he complaint. None genuine unless signed I. I.T'tis. Prepared by SETIf ". FoWi.Kii Si Snxs, Loston. Sold byllEii)iN(iTix, Hostkttkk A Co., San Francisco, ami by dealers generallv. '.'tilebly bethesda srairlGsT" 0a the KcKinzie River. Lane Co., Oregon. A CHIMING SO.UEU RESORT. rglHESE SPRINGS ARE LOCATE!) Ji aout fiity-live miles east of Eugene City, and within four miles of t he celebrat ed Hig Prairie of the MeKinzie. Thev are wit bin a few hundred ya rds of I lorse ( 'reek oneofth most fatuous tri;t streams in Oregon. Iiecr and elkare verv plentv ni'ir these Springs, having been the resort for ages of these animals. The grandest, and most icturesque seenerv of the North Pa cine. I have tho best buildings and the best accommodations of anv .-sr rinirs in this part, of the State. My b'alh'hou is new, and is constructed Wjtn referenco to the wants nf those visiting me from the val ey. I also have an excellent vapor bath room constructed near the hea- of he Spring, and in all things, I repose to uoZifu 3. de,nand A"tlu! oMe4Xprio,T,"1 r'O-Plelan in attendance ?tVMV,nJr8- I5oard an '"xl'-rln in good style for.tl-.ose who r refer if. Anhnaisan mar0f -Aoprletor. Town Lots for Sale. NOTICE IS GIVEN TO ALL PERSONS the County addition to Oregon Citv Claek- .h ,nas eoonty. that application for the purchase w ill t,e wwivr-d l,v the Clerk in vacation th County Court, and acted upon by the Court in term time, and value placed on the lots to be sold. t ,,,0 - J. M. FRAZER, Jan. 12 187j. County Clerk. A. NOLTNER NOTARY P UK LIC. ENTERPRISE OFFICE. OREGON CIT.Y, G WW !S THE TlfsE TO SUBSC1UEE FOU 82 oO PEJi YEAIi, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Each number contains the LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, From all Tarts of the World ;' , ST A CaTcfully Selected Summary of STATE AM) TEIUJIT0KIAL A Corrected List or tlie Markets in Portland, San Francisco and Crccon nij LOCAL NE1'S, EDITORIALS, o On all Subjects of Interest to tbe 9 IMOEE, .TIERCIMM OR 31 ECU A MC Also, Carefully Selected MISCILLAXEOUS RKADIXC. In Short, it is in Every Respect a - LIVE NEWSPAPER. o Having a large g.nd constantly increasing Circulation in the most populous part of the State, ofTersvsuperior inducements to thosft who wish to Advertise. G Advertisements inserted on o and it is therefore a good time to Subscribe in order that you may be posted on. current events Send in your subscription at once :f!TER?aiSE BOOK & JOB OFFICE OREGON CITY, : OliEGOX. T?E ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE ? f all kiiIs of JOB 1KINTIjStG, such as CH RDS, HILL-HEADS, 1'AMPJILEIS, 2 DEEDS, mortg ac es, L. A II EES, LETTER-HEADS, in fact alf kinds of work done a in Printing Office, at - e ' PORTLAND PRICES. A EE K.I2S I)S O P LEGAL BLAPJKS constantly on hand, and for sale at as low a pricj as can be had in tho State. A X D 5 ATI F I SF ACTION GUARANTEED. Oregon City. March 21, lS73-tf. A GEMS FOR TliE ENTERPRISE. The following persons are authorized to aet. as agents lor the Extlri-iuse : Oeo. 1'. Rowell & Co., 40 Park Row, 2er York. Coe, Wetb.erill A Co., GOT Chestnut street Philadelphia. Abbott &. Co., Xo. S2 and SI assau street New York. Portland )rejron T. Samuel Francisco IfriK St. Helens, Columbia county S. A. Miles Astoria, Clatsop count v A. Van Iusen Sali-m .. I,. WiHianm 1 Iarrisburir ."5 T. II. smith I ji f a yet te.Yajn hill county I . E. I erjru sen Dallas, Poik County Iave Holmes Eola R. I'cty Jacksonville .". R. K. Hanna P.enton count v V. A. Wells Corvallis Hon.. John Purnett Canyon City.Orant co W. ! Easwell Albany A. X. Arnojd Dalles', UVseoTount'y,"'."!. X. H. Oatea Eatirande, t'nion count v AfC rais- lVndleton, Umatilla county . - Knox i.U M. Thompson Eugene City E. I.. P.ristow Roseburir H'n- r- 1 an r , I C. T. Mnntapiie lifbanon J. R. Ralston Jacksonville Hon. E. P. Koudray IngTom H.C.Huston CLACKAMAS COfXTV. P.eaver Creek Putteville ( 'ascades Ca nby Cutting's Eaprle Creek Harding's liwi-r Molalla... Mil wau kie Oswpjto Upper Molalla.. C. F. reatio ".John Zuinwal HenrvMKJuirm J. V. Strnwscr .). Wright Kraiik Foster .".Xapt. 7.. C.Xorton W. Mnrcliitid ""John Hafrenbcrpor .J.John Eoole .V'. H. Vaughn n OREGON CITY BREWERY Henry llumbel, TTTAVlXd PURCIIAS- lE ed the above Prew- .T ed the above Prcw- .. -T --T . s y wishes to inform the -u blic t hat lie i w prepared to manufacture a Xo. 1 qu.n- ery now I. A OUR RUHR, 0 as pood as can bo obtained anywhere In the State. Orders solicited and promr1? filled. THE QnHKBHL mi 'Jr. 4 O C0URT3SY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF C. L T.TfTinPMT a