Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, November 05, 1875, Image 3

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, eat p r- pi 5T3 H (Tj J! "
",;,V7iTf" flREEOX. SOX 5. h7J
i ii i. i.ii iiit - .
. . T1 -l 1 II 1
Oil 1!1 t-VCIJ ---
i r. ..... T.i' 1
v-rlia- never in- - -le-"1-'
,.,.n select audience.
. , i 1 ir'.T .or I"
inUfil tlicro on the oeca-
was asse
rt it aid of the Lou-
. ie ooiKv
:Vli(lial(-lnncIonSuturUa.y even-
The niusio was l'hiii v.i-
. : ..,1 lw.
work of amateurs
eacli ot wnoin, we
belongs to this city.
iul to say,
ure ;.. - .reiitleiiien ?ar-
.,;. acquitted themselves, not
' u ith credit, but with unequivocal,
kiU' a,Ul th"USh
' . .-.nl cuiluisiasni were grea
Jave rcd.ail led such manifestations f
nWl'-the deserts of this
-ie-ile. i,i order to do justice to the
1UU"r d li ''iii;llltt s il u ul bo "t't-'cssary
T,lis through the programme, brielly
i.-in" eavli singer, that those of our
1 .is who w i re not o wuiumiu iu
ii irtt i)'l.tiii-e may ionu some imm-
j of this very enjoyable cutdrtain-
. i I'li riisi! adaptation of "The Con
,'initor's .March" from the opera bouile J
r i l ine ue .Maa.unu .vnoi,
Sweet Dawn Awakes," was sung by
fuur very line voices, and was received
vit!i rounds of applause. Miss Xettie
p(t, .Miss Pi t Miller, V. C Johnson,
j;,,;., and Mr. K. T. Hatch composed
Jliis ipi:irtctte.
Miss .ettie Post followed with the
(liai mifigTlitLlc ballad "Ply forth Gentle
luvr," wlioch was executed most de
lightfully. 'J'lit: next was a duet by Miss Caulield
ami -Miss 1 l Miller, entitled '"Go
W here the M ists Are Sleeping." This
was a most enjoyable morceau. The
sweet voice of Miss Caulield and the
clear notes from Miss "-Miller blending
in the completed harmony.
Mr. V.. T. Hatch followed this duet
with the l'.lue. Si'a," a song most
ju.liciiffi.sly -hosen and most admirably
lcn li-red. Tiiis gentleman is possessed
of a ilccp basso, well under control, and
a vocal range apparently running the
gamut beyond wjftit is known as the
dxuitone. His hearty ajmlauso was well
Decidedly the gem of the evening was
that dear old song of Tom Moore's,
and the favorite of Parciia itosa, "The
J- ist Kose l .summer. J bis was ren
dered by Miss lamina M'ilLer. It has
o . . .
ticen our good lorlune to nave been
present at many soirees musieales, and
to li.ive lieard many prominent ama
tenr soj.ranos, and as far as reaches our
limited knowledge of the "art divine,
,-, and o'.u j'tu'haits not ovr-educafed
t:ite, we most un lu'sitatii;glysay tha
fr.: n a non-professional, we have never
heir. Is wet ter straiis.or witnessed more
liiUiit eviihnces of cvoc-ul cidlivatie.n
than exhil.iled bv ?diss Koimu Miller
e:i S::tiu.'.av evening last. This voung
U i v's viee is Pieh wilhsilver, swelling
lerlh at times with a cadence truly
g: j.::'i. possessing what many a puh
1.,: c iiita'.riee would envy volunup,
hi'.'u nv and tenderness is it anv
1; it .
1 r:.v
. r that her audience of home
Is entranced? Applause, if
ivat, at &east as hearty as the
s id l.aSeala, brought Misg Miller
! . !(: tin; footlights, and thu-i,
Id ie"
t idle
.u o'y
elided t.'ic lirst
ei !:eei t.
t vii'.g tliO spii
life, the
. . 1
rait of the entert.
.i'.uuent began
selected and
1 a i.i".d creditably
i liei! d reciiation, hy Miss Kate
th" subject being the well
w :; "SI, p'mg Si-ntincl."
O S.Vee
then in
Km sua
e.t ;;i i is from "Li-naiii were
i--t li illiant U- eveeutel by Miss
.Miller. Ue'r trills were very
t.iK.-n and 1
and tne hiuih noies well
riolv held, sliowing a, con-
li'l'-m-e in her
am 'ii am t , u::-
powers rarely found
At the elos.. of this
1 ; el".i
de e i ,iiin,i, tho encoia-.s
were so
in, 'that
t, a a I bin' persisted
I : f 1 1 . .
-us- ..uner V.as compelled to
compelled to come
a-Miu - el re l.cr an lienee. Siie sang
dl -nie, S.ve.'t Home" than which no
m ie
'ii.de oallad could have
he, n
Ir.en C
live id
1 leeted. Having lieen away
i city at the Musical Coiiservil
ISostoii for several years, she
seem '1 t
throw pathos into Havne's
po -ni, of which even he, poor fellow,
could scarcely hive considered the
words s!ieeptihle. The demonstra
tions of delight at the close of this simg
wore of .such a nature as to show the
t''."injh appi-eei itiion of the audience,
an 1 tde hij,h estini ite which it natural
ly f i ni -d t' tin; institution from which
this young lady has lust departed.
Tne du, 1 of "Tne Forest ;irds" was
sweetly sung by .Miss Nettie Post and
Miss Pet Miller.
Following this came the "Tempest,"
a good song for a good voice which
was not wanting in Mr. Hatch.
Tne climax was reached when the
M isses M iller and Messrs. Johnson and
J iat :i su:ig .! o ill i lglll Oil 111C laKt-
H nl wo not already av
to the "List Res';! of
aided the palm
Sumjner, we
snoui.i ifii constrained to announce
this quartette as the mastcr-ellort of the
evening. suttiee it to say it was a lilting
close toll delightful entertainment.
To Mis Loveiov. of this nlace. and
I'el'rans, of Portland, especial
are due. and praise should be
given, for their VVrv aide accompani
ments at the piano. 0
W o have but one fault tr find, and
that complimentary iu its nature the
programme was too short.
o o-
swimu.ei: C.woht. Dejaity District
Attorney Chamberlain has petitioned
Gov. ; rover for a requisition to bring
John Kisterluook back to this State for
trial for obtaining money under false
pretences. The circumstances were as
ivjlows : When in Oregon 'it v, not long
since, he drew an orderon Lewis Pros.",
of Sin Francisco, in favor of a mercan
tile firm in this city, on which he ol
tiiiie 1 $K)d, representing to the pur
chasers that he had a deposit with the
San Francisco firm named. He de
puted for San Francisco, where the
fraudulent order procedeel him, and lie
was immediately arrested on his ar
rival and lodged in jail, w here he awaits
the action of our authorities for his re
turn to this S:ate. We tni nk before he
gets through with the alfair he will
agree that "the way otthe trans
is hard."
Tm: Sr. Nicholas Maoazine for No
vember, like its namesake, the patron
of boys and girls, comes loaded down
with goodies. As Franklin says, "we
"re all children of an older growth;"
s" those parents who subscribe for the
f.'it rtainment of the little folks, will
h'i;l themselves becoming incontinent
ly interested in this w inter companion,
a'id discover themselves looking for
ward to the next number almost as
t:rerly as the children.
To 15 K IlKr-AiiiED. The steamer Wil
liinctte Chief, of the W. II. T. Co.'s
lnu. will take a berth iu the dry dock
-oi!;ls l'1;u'ft 0,11 Monday. After uiulor
"Hii: r,.,v.;.... ..1.., ...in 1 . 1 . .1- .
ll!.i-..i -l "ill oe kpjii 011 iub :
c.-J, f ,'1lvt r llI1t'- the present wheat I
---'l' is disposed of. )
izMI'iITKUAnY S(K IETV -s being organ
'y seme of our young people.
A Model. Garden. As evidence of
the fruitfulnesscf our soil, we have
beenrequested by Mr. Henry Soules
to publish a list of the variovs products
raised by him, and prnw,ls of fruit
sold, bi-sides what was used In-the fai-i-lly,
at the Green Point plaee-tlie tract
cultivated not being over one-half acre
in area: '20 bushels of oats, X) of potu-
lTsr Vil ,('?rn' 1 of 1 of beets, 1
ot shelled beans and 100 hearts of cab-la-e.
He sold, S70 worth of peaches,
iV-J7en- aIPle. 525 of dried apples
V" C vln1V":,r and S1.5 of cherries.
-tui naa emllessquantities of radishes,
lettuce , pea? peaches, plums and black
berries besides. Mr. Soules is a model
gardener and the Green Point farm
capable of extraordinary development
'as the above will attest.
r.EAn Killed. A bear had for some
time past been making himself quite at
home in the orchard of Mr. Ilowland,
who lives about three miles east of this
city. Mr. II., believing from his "sp-ii"
that he was rather a middleman than a
I ranger.set a n ordinary beaver-tra p for
bruin, thinking in this war to !unv-
liend him ; bid his bearship laughed at
the idea of such a scare-crow, and w-ilL-.
cd otf, taking the trap with him. Ho
was soon overnauieu, However, by Mr?
in iiounes, wno, w un a pack of
nounus, iraceu aim captured the forag
er. When dressed, he was found t, i7o
very fat, and weighed about 4J0 Rs.
Narrow Escape. A bold mountaineer
who had iuhaled too voluminously the
gentle dews ot Kentucky, and the sym-
etry of whose nasal oriran lenl
sadly interfered with by one of our
"boys, was found by a gentleman, on
the. blurt, on Friday niarht, out in the
ram, moamntr in a ditch, win lii
horse was lyit across one of his l.r
After great dillieultv t!
tricated and remounted, and it is to lie
n; e-a uijii uie seventy of the lesson
iu nee.il no repetition
IjETTEu Idsr. Trotters remaining in
the IWofliee, at Oregon City, Novem
ber .jth, lbt-i :
r.urket, Win.: Davis. Wm 1'vnns
Felix: iuilev. Jacob: Hmvuou
1. P.: Kllbler. Ab:lIoni.L '') K'..llv
1-. m:ii... i .' . . . '
A i.onv, .iiiiiirts, eison; .Meservev
J5. ; i urien, Jolm ; Kail, Geo. : ltob
person, nennett :Siuith, Alfred : Stran
Kobt.; Swain. Will
it called lor please say when "adver
used. J . M. II.M'on. P. M
A II rested. DetVn t v "NTm-si'i-d Wn rrinv
r. , . . . I
1 ........ .....
iounei a uesperate case ot itead drunk
on the street Saturday night, and in
escorting him to the calaboose found
him svtpiewhat refractory. He succeed
ed in lodging him safely in iail, how
ever, though with tlie'd. d.s toilet a
little disarranged. Warren, says, "what
that fellow don't know about swea ing
ain't worth knowing." People along
the north part of Main st.ect seem to
agree with him on that point.
New Steamer. The O. S. X. Co.'s
new light draft steamer Orient, built at
Portland, Captain Pratt in charge, has
taken the place of the E. N. Cooke on
the route bet ween this place and Port
land. The Cooke has gone to Skippen
11011 to take Mr. Pen Holladav and
suite on a pleasure excursion, (in her
return, we understand she will lay up
for repairs in Portland before taking
her place in the line again.
Retuknkp. Mr. N. O. Walden re
turned last week from Malheur Reser
vation, where he has been engaged in
surveying for the past eiht months.
Nick looks well and hearty and as good
natured as ever. We see hid smile re
tlected in the faces of ".sweet sixteei.s,"
and predict that when he a Ma in takes
the held he will leave behind the "light
in the window" to await his return."'
An Important Movement. At the
regular meeting of the City .Council,
held last Monday evening, Mr. GeiS. A.
Harding, Chief Kngineer of the Fire
Department, filed his report and recom
mended t he purchase of -l-)i) feet of car
bolized hose. The matter was referred
to the Committee on Fire and Water.
This measure should be adopted, as it
is the only hose that can be relied upon.
Livery Starle. In another column
appears the advertisement rf Mr. A.
Will is, who lately purchased the Li very
and Feed Stables of this pface from Mr.
Frazer. 1 le proposes to make additions
tfjjthe stock and equipments, and make
the stables in every respect a tirst c lass
establishment. Andy has been in the
"biz" before and knows how te "run
the machine." Give him a call.
The Steamer Alice, which has been
undergoing repairs at the warehouse
dock during the time of low water 011
the river, has been fitted up with two
new cylinders of enlarged pattern, be
sides 'having had all her machinery
polished and painted. She is now ready,
and will soon show how deserving is
the reputation she bears for speed and
Store. Mr. Sheppard, who
keeps the shoe store on Main street,
next door north of Ackerman's has a
lirst-closs stock of boots and shoes.
He will tit you out in lirst-class style,
if you want anything in his line. "He
is "also prepared to do" repairing and
makes old shoes look almosg ay good as
new. Give him a call.
Oregon Citv L.vsn District Re
port. The following is the work of the
Land Oilice, at Oregon Cit3r, during the
month of October, ls 3: 7 donation cer
tificates. 2.:?s-j.f,) acres ; -l'J homestead en
tries, 4,j"J).7ii acres; 15 homesteads
proved up, 2,ib IS attics ; 5 cash entries,
lo's.l.i acres; 10 pre-emption filings,
1,1s1).jS acres.
Fresh OvsTEKs.-Arrangetncnts have
been made by Mr. C. F. May hew, of
the "Plough Inn," to furnish fresh
Shoal water Pay oysters to his custom
ers, by the single plate, or in larger
quantities if desired. See his noticoin
another column.
PuF.rAiEi. ly reference to our ad
vertising: columns it will be seen that
our City Treasurer is ready to pay al'
outstanding orders on the general 'fund
in coin. We believe this is the tirst in
stance in twenty years.
Called. Mr. J. II. Drury, of West
port, trave us a pleasant call on Tues
day. He contemplates returning to
this valley sooif, and should he do so,
will be welcomed bv all of his former
Couuectiox. The Mutual Idfe In
surance Company ofXew York lias ap
pointed Mr. C. o. T. Williams its
aent, instead of Messrs. Ward fc Hard
ing as stated in last week's issue.
The receipts of the concert for the
benefit of the Congregational Church
amounted tn , $74. We hope the enter
tainment will be repeated at no distant
Mk.IIexkv Hedges, of Wood burn,
was in town one day tins week and fa
vored our sanctum with theli-ht of his
smiling countenance. 1
Hum tl.0 ,...n li,u Buuu
TEKrsu-uoREAx. There were forty
five couple at the Canemah dance on
Saturday ni-lit . "On with the dance,
let joy be unconfined."
Arrived.-Mr. John Meldrum and
wife came home on Saturday. Mrs.
Meldrum had been to meet her lice at
the Dalles..
Painting. The artistic brush of
Guido Steam has been used with good
ell'ect ou the Enterprise building.
The Markets. Legal tenders, buy
ing ; selling, gti'i. Wheat in Ore
gon City has advanced to 93 ets per bus.
Oats are worth 50 cents per bushel ;
butter 33 to 37 cents per pound : c o-,r
lo 4U cents jkt dozen ; chickens, spring
$2 60 per dozen; grown, $3 0; dried
ajjiles, 5tf?3!e cents per pound; plums
dried, cents per pound
toes, 50j- cents per bushel ; bacon
sides, 1 c. K'V pound ; li.ims, 14 cents
per pounu; wooi is worth. cents per
Gone from Our Gaze. Mr. G. W.
Church, for the sum cf S455, has pur
chased the Willamette Squaw. Hewill
iaKe tier 10 i-oruani to engage in un
loading vessels. oung ladies, don't
w iuu . o. is oniy mo name
of a boat.
Library Hall. We notice that the
young ladies of our city are busily en
gaged in decorating Library Hall ; and
we hear that they are perfectly willing
that their gentlemen frieiuis should
lend assistance.
To Leave Us. Mr. J. Wort man has
sold Ins store to Mr. L. J.irirers ani
proposes moving to Junction City in
tne .'spring. e part with reuret with
so enterprising a citizen.
Baptist ChURCir. It is expected that
several persons will be immersed by
i'astor liutt next Sunday, atter morn
ing service.
Mr. II. C. Stevens has been depu
tized to bring back Kasterbrook from
San Francisco. He left by steamer yes-
Mr. Martin Angel, of Albaai', for
merly a citfzen of this burg, gavo us a
pleasant call last Wednesday.
"The Hermit." Mr. Levi Leland is
lecturing with his usual success in
Pritisii Columbia.
At a Revival. Rev. Mr. Huff, of
this citr, has been assisting at a revival
in Kugene City.
Gone to School Master George La
Rocque has left us to attend school at
Uinon service Sunday evening
the Congregational Church.
In the "Washington Territory Leg
islature on Saturday lat a petition
was presented from Cowlitz county
asking for :?10,000 to Jro4u Silver
Lake and Tuttle river.
Mr. Reeves, of the Skykomish, a
branch of the Snohomish, reports
progress in those parts in settle
aneuts and cultivation, and thinks
they are near him favorable oppor
tunities for the settlement of a few
There were shipped on board the
Zephyr, at Seattle, last week, some
57 knees for shipbuilding purposes.
They are to be discharged at Tacoma
and to go from there to Portland by
rail and by steamer on the Colum
bia river. o
At the meeting of the town trus
tees of Olympia JastAvcek, the resig
nation of Mayor Ellis was presented
and accepted, and T. F. McKlroy
appointed to till the vacancy. J. II.
Houghton was appointed trusateo to
lill tho vacancy caused by the pro
motion of Mr. McElroy.
There is a good deal of typhoid
fever in Olympia and vicinity.
The Homo 3'esort mine, whieli is
owned by the Oro I'ino Company, is
3'ielding large quantities of rish ore
now being hauleddo the mill.
The extension of the Seattle and
Walla Walla railroad to deep water
on Duamisli river is proceeding as
fast as the weather will permit, and
will soon be accomplished.
The Port Townsend , Argus pro
tests most vigorously against th
passage of the pilot law now before
the Legislature. Its objection is
that it requires pilots to go outside
the sti'aits.
Last Saturday Gen. Milroy took
possession of the books, records, etc.
of the Indian agency of Washington
Territory, and he is now installed
as Indian agent in that part of the
The heavy rains last week seriously
interfered with the success of the
Walla "Walla fair.
. Crops near Lcwiston, Idaho, yield
very large.
Jiulgo Yv hitson, of Idaho, has gone
East for medical treatment.
Mules sell for $G0 a head in Boiso
Walfa Walla farmers find it pays
to ship their wheat to Portland.
The burnt district iu Walla Walla
is already being rebuilt.
A bill has been introduced in the
Washington Territory Legislature to
encourage the representation of the
material wealth of Washington Ter
ritory at the Centennial.
-0 -CV
E:isicri Elections.
On the 2il of this month, elections
were held in eleven different States.
The "rag-baby" Las been deservedly
strangled in Pennsylvania, while
the heretofore victorious Democrats
of New York State, with a hard
money ptlaform, to say the least, are
in doubt as to a triumph. The re
ports thus far received are very mea
gre; being based chiefly on rumor,
time not being had in which to niahe
official returns. At the time of go
ing to press we make up from the
embarrassing telegrams and incom
plete returns the following list of
New York, doubtful; Pennsyl
vania, Massachusetts, Minnesota,
Kansas and New Jersey, republican;
Wisconsin, Virginia, Maryland, Mis
sissippi and Tennessee, Democratic.
By the above it will be seen that
five States are claimed by each party,
and one State claimed by both.
The new Secretary of the Interior,
Zack Chandler, is reported to be
rich, so we need not fear his dab
bling in petty peculations, We do
not know of his possessing any other
qualifications for the oilice. lie is
said to be a "jolly boy."
J. WT. Watson, of Hood River, on
Uie 14th inst., took from a swarm
of bees 74 pounds of clean honey.
The bees swarmed in June, and were
hived in a sugar barrel.
For the following poetical outburst,
handed in by Mr. A. Non, wo do not
hold ourselves responsible:
John Miller Murphy, in a clammy
o sweat
Awoke from pi-c-ssure Cf the things ho
And to the several vesse.s in the room
lie gave a ghastly and a kashy bloom.
I!esi,le him was a trusty servant bold,
With bucket, for the which lie could
not hold
And to the presenco in the room he
"What doest thou? the servant raised
his head
To say, "attend dear sir unto your sev
eral aches,
I boss the remains of those who love
"And am I dead?" said Miller, "nay
not so," u
Replied the servant. John M. speke
more low.
Put cheerly still, and said, "i pray tho
Bring in enough to justify ten men.
The servant heard and vanisued w;th
salams , , ,
And ordered in one hundred dozen
Of all the men who uoto on clams, "I m
If Miller Murphy dont beat all the
G eograpiiy. Tho ignoranco of
foreigners concerning tha geography
of tho United States is too well
knov'n among us, both by hearsay
and individual experiences, to make
it necessary to tell of the Britisher
who inquired if Pennsylvania were
th-3 capital of 'Boston; but what are
we to think of an American journal,
the Chd'atro Itkr-Ocan, with a goo
gvciihical niinq, as it were, when it
says that Henry Wurucr, of Oregon
City, is running as the Republican
candidate for Congress in California?
Verily, fires ami St. Louis must be
troubling0 Chicago to a terrible ex
tent I
Uian't vfi raise n. unliserinf ion
to buy a little geography for tho
Liter-Ocean, or better still, Bhoulel
we not invite the editor of that paper
to spend a winter in Webfootdcm,
and then steal his umbrella?
r- - o
The Secretary of the Treasury ad
dressed a circular to collectors of
customs, announcing that no im
portation of neat cattle or hides will
be allowed from England m conse
quence of the prevalence of the
mouth disease in that country.
New Yokx. Nov. 3. Tho case
against Wm. M. Tweed, for the re
ceiving of 000,000, has been struck
from the calendar for this term, on
the ground that an amended answer
had been served v.itliiu '!') days after
the eaie was noticed for trial, which
raises a nev issue.
The Brooklyn Jryehas an idea.
" Why not let all the States unite
and choose a national burial ground
on which might be erected a modern
Westminster Abbey?" it asks. Then
as it glows with the brilliant thought
it makes the further suggestion, that
Mount Vernon be chosen as the place
and that the women of America make
this work a Centennial
What do vcu think of it, ladies?
Dickens and Thackeray were walk
ing in Convent Market one day, when
they came to a place where there
were two piles of oysters in a win
dow, one pile being marked nine
pence a doen and lie other sixpence
a dozen. Thackeray stood with his
hands behiud bini and said to Dick
ens: "How they must halo each
The Pendleton llourmg mill is
complete, or rather is so far complet
ed that Imndreds cof families have
been supplied with flour of home
A Train of Kvils.
If weaknes of the stomach is allowed
to become chronic, the following evils
supervene Digestion is pcrinancnlly
iuijiaired, the system is very inijierfect-
ly nourished, the blood becomes thin
and watery, and the Lilo beinsr uneiii-
ploycJ for digestive and cvacuative
purposes, enters the circulation through
tho thoracic duet, and injects itself into
the superficial vessels, giving to the
skin and whites of the eyes the sallron
thuic indicative of billiousncss. Head
ache, nausea, constipation, pains iu the
side, palpitations, heartburn, dizziness,
and many other harassing y niptoins
which accompany the internal derange
ment above described, which, if un
checked is as sure to ho followed by
serious disease, as the rising of the sun
bv its .settinjr. It is manifest, therefore,
that an inability ot the stomach to act
upon Hie tood should be overcome wnn-
oiit delay. Tlie invi-'oratimr irilluenee
upon that organ of 1 lostetter's .Stomach
Ihtters is speedily felt iu the disappear
ance ot all tne disagreeable symptoms
alluded to. The 'prescribed mineral
remedies for general debility usually
iait to aemeve anv lastintr result, be
cause they do not invigorate the stom
ach; Ho'stetter's Hitlers always .suc
ceed because that is their primal cllect.
The very fact that they are such an ex
cellent stomachic constitutes them one
of the best general tonics in existence.
To restore digestion is the final step to
wards the recovery of health, when im
paired by any of the multifarious com
plaints which spring iroiii uyspepsiu,
and that steo will bo found to have
been taken by tho invalid who has
availed himself cf this famous ar.ti-dys-
peptic remedy.
SELLING OFF at reduced prices, for CO
days, the entire Ktock (which is larger and
better selected than ever), of Dry Goods,
Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Crockery,
Hardware, etc. Now is your time to buy
the largest amount of goods for thasmallest
amount of money, at I. Selling's.
Von c.-tiitiot p.ffor.l to neglect a cold. It
will lasten its iron hand upon the strong
est constitution, unless attended to in
time. Dn. Wistaks Balsam of Wild
( HERRV will cure it in every change, from
the early cough to consumption itself.
Mothers, Sav the laves of your daugh
ters when alT'eted with consumptive
cough or violent colds, by administering
to t hem w it hout delay, th Standard Spe
Pike's Toothache Drops cure in one minute.
BjP"The National (Sold Medal was award
ed o Bradley t Hulofson for the bst
Ihotogrnv)hs in the United States, and the
Vienna M-dal for the best in the world.
429 Montgomery Street, San Francisco.
Rev. George .11. Atkinson will hold
regular services in the Coiirree;ationaT
Church, in this city, on the tirst ami
second Sabbaths of each month. Morn
inpr services at 10'S o'clock. On the
tirst Sabbath at Holmes' School House
at 3 o'clock, r. m.
Important. Endorsed bv the Mdicnl
prol'-ssion. DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM
FOR THE IATNGScur.s toughs. Colds and
Consmt-tion, and all disorders of th
Throat" and Chest. Dll. TOWLEY'S
MINUTE. feb!6
The TTord "Sozodout,"
Which has already become a household
word, is derived from the Greek, and
composed of two words, Sozo and
Odontes. "fckzo" translated, means to
preserve, and "Odontes" tho teeth
"iSOZODONT" a preserver of the teeth.
And it is true to its name. It beautifies
and preserves tho teeth, h inlens at d
invigorates the gums, and corrects all
impurities of the breath. The oelor of
tlii pure preparation is so delightful
that it is a luxury to apply it. It is-as
harmless as water. Sold by druggists
and perfumers.
I3oot and Slioo Store,
One door nori.ii of Ackerraan r.ros.
lioots and shoos mauc and repaired as
cheap as the cheapest.
.Nov. 1, lb.J :tt
Orijcm City.
1875 :tf
Office In Kntkiu'iuse Rooms.
JL urounUs, lately occupied by Mr. It.
.Souls, is lor liKXV, for one or more years.
Any one dtjs:nu a rctnva resiaeiice, vuu
splendid garden tract and Fruits in abund-
uucu, will pieaso appij m r T,ITVt.v
NdV. 1, 1S75 ;tt 0
H0ALV;A7lR eav oysters.
JL' ciiMrti'ii;: ioj. serve
ii.iw or fct.'wcd at ten minutes
Nov,4, 1S75 :tf P1.0CGU ls.v,
To HoUlts or lily Orders.
XN then" is now numey in tho U.ty Treas
ury lor the payment ol all city uni'-rs is-
sue.l to t His date, lntcr -.st on all City
orders endorsed prior to! his (iat 4 will cease.
C. 11. i. WIM.IAJIS,
City Treasurer.
Or:on Gity, Nov. 4, 1S73 :vi
" r-,
rrmrc uxdcrsio.nep rnorRiKTOirDF
I the I. ivory .Stable 011 l-'ilth street .Ore no n
City, Oregon, keeps constantly on hand
Buirrtos, Carriages
and Hacks. Saddle
nnd Hnggy Horses.
X?riccs IRcas-ioiialjle.
Oregon City, Isov. 5, lbT5. Proprietor.
Xotliinjr lilie il in medicine. A luxury
to the palate, a painless evacuant, a boh
tie stiu iilant to the circuIat:oi). a perspi
ratory; an anti-bilious, nip.ieino. a stoui
jtctiic. a diuretic una an admirable rencrai
alterative. .Such are the acliiioA ledired
and daily proved properties of
Tarrant's EfifTvcs
Seltzer Aperient,
a salo made, by the Comity Court of tho
state of Oregon, fnM laekamas county, on
the .th day ot April, i.w, directing t lie un
dersiirned .S. W. Moss, as guardian of Vol
ney C. Moss, to sell the hauls hereinafter
described, the same being part of the estate
of said Yolney C. Moss. The undersigned,
as said guardian, will, on t lie 4fh day of
December, A. D., 1S75, at tho hour of 11
o'clock A. M. of said day, at the Court
House door in. taid county, sell at public
auction, to the' highest bidder upon the
terms that said bid oe paid one-half in cash
at thoj time of the sale, and tho other half
twelve months therealU r, to bo secured by
a promissory note and mortgage on said
land, the following property, to-wit : The
undivided one-third of 4SJ acres of land,
being the east half, and the south half of
tiie west half of the tract of land embraced
in Notification No. Bit.!, and being part of
Sections .', I'l, i!5 and 2ti, in township 3,
south of range 1 east of tho Willamette
meridian, and bounded as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a point 5 and 30-llll) chains
west of the southwest comer of suction !.",
T. a, s. K., 1 E., running thence south 40
chains; thence cast 74 and 5)-100 chains;
thence north 80 chains; thence west"! anil
5'1-luO chains; thence south 40 chains to
the place of beginning, the said one-third
cont aining KiJ acres of land, all situate iu
said county and State.
Guardian of Volney C. Moss.
Nov. 3, 1ST5 ;v4 o
Administratrix's SotiK.
JL appointed by the Hon. County Court
I 'Clackamas county, in the State of Ore
gon, Administratrix of the estate of Henry
Sprague, deceased, late of said county, all
persons having claims against said estate
are required to present them to me with
the proper vouchers wit hin six months
from the date of this notice, at the oI2ice of
Johnson & Mcl'own, lawyers, in Oregon
.City, in said county.
Oregon City, Oct. 23, 1S73. 4vy
3 of execution issued out of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon, for the come
tv of Clackamas, dated October lth, 1ST"),
.md to me as SheriU directed, in favor of
William Broughton, plaintitr, and against
John W. Newman, defendant, for the sum
of one hundred and four 70-100 dollars.
United St ates gold coin, and for the further
sum of titty dollars in U.S. gold coin, for
instituting and conducting this suit, and
for his costs and disbursements, taxed at
fourteen 4.5-1-JO dollars. Now, therefore, I
have on this, the 11th day of October, A.
D., 167.3, levied upon the lollowing describ
ed real estate, to-wit : Block nns hundred
and nity-four.containingsix lots, as shown
on the'maos and plats of Oregon Citv,
county of '"iackamas, and State of Oregon,
and on
Saturd tlie 13t!i day of November,
1S73, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said
(lav, at the Court House door, in Oregon
City, Clackamas county, Oregon, I will sell
at public auciion, all the right, title and
interest of the above named defendant to
the above described real property, to the
highest bidder for cash to me in hand paid'
in gold coin, to satisfy the writ of execu
tion above described, costs, accruing costs
and disbursements.
f-1 of. CIacka'-as Co., Oregon.
Oct. lb. o :w4
Town Lots for Sale.
k rdes,r;ois,1r.purc.hHS,n-'' Town Ij0ts ln
the County addition to Oregon Citv Clack
amas county Oregon, that are now'ownrd
by Clackamas county, that application for
the purenase will be received by the Clerk
in vacation of the County Court, and acted
unon by the Court in term time, and value
placed on the lots to be sold.
Tor, ioii J. M. FRAZER,
J an. 12 ls,o. County Clerk.
1131 ATI o
jrara Falls, Pittsburjr, Philadelphia,
Montreal, Quebec, New York, Koston, or
any point East, should buy their 0
Via the Pioneer Route,
Its track is of STEF.I. ItAIES, ami on it has
been made the fastest time that has ever
been MADE in this country, ry this route
passengers for points east of Chicago have
choice of the follow ing lines from Chicajjo :
Ilv tle Iitlsliir-, Fort Wayne iiikI
r t'li icujjo unil I'ousssylvniiia ltailwnys:
ed man Palace Cars through to Philadel
phia and New ork on 'ach train.
aTiiKOLUii liuiJ, mn luiimnn
Palace Cars to Uultimore aud Wush-
liy llie Ialie K2iora nnd ItXIcJiinn
Honlh'ri ilallivay aticl toniieriiou'4
(New YojtU C'eiit-iil uiid IZria Ituii
roails) : o
p j l'aluce J raving Room and Silver i'al-
ice Sleeping Cars through to .New ior..
Ily the lielii-rnn Central, C-.:i 21 :l
Trunk, CJreat V.'seni and Erieanii
Xew York Central! ll:iilv;i's:
Palace Prawinf Room and Sliei in
l ars through to New York, to Niagara
Falls, l'.utralo, Uochoster or New York city.
By Baltimore unci Oliio Railroads
-ii Pullman Palace Cars for Newark,
Zanesville, Wheeling, M'ashington and
Baltimore without change.
This is the SHORTEST. BEST and only
line runningPullman celebrated PALACE
necting slth Union Pacihc Railroad at
OMAHA and from the WKsT, via Grand
Janet ion, Marshall, Cedar Rapids,! linton.
Sterling and Dixon, for CHICAGO AMI
This popular route is unsurpassed for
Speed, Comfort and Safety, 'ihe smooth,
well-ballasted and perieci iracit 01 sieei
rails, the celebrated Pullman Palace Sleep
ing Cars, the perlect Telegraph System of
moving fains, the regularity with which
they run, .the admirable arrangement of
running through cars to Chicago lrom all
points West, secure to passengers all the
com torts in modern Railway Traveling.
No change of Cars and no tedious delays
at Ferries. o
Passengers will find Tickets via this Fa
vorite Route at the tieneral Ticket. Office
of the Central l'aci'ie Railroad, Sacramen
to. Tickets for sale in all tho Ticket Offices
of the Central l'acitie Railroad.
Hen. Pas. Agent.
MARTIN IirGiriTT, (Jen. Sup.
If. P. STAN WOOD, tieneral Agency, 121
Montgomery street, ban Francisco.
Aug. 13:1 y o
Str.cE. 1ST. COOKE,
every day Except Sunday, atM o'clock,
A. M. Returning, will leave Portland for
Oregon City at 2i o'clock, P. M.
rStr. ALICE,
every Monday and TLcr ay of each week.
Vill leave ORKGON CITV for MoMINN
all points between, every Monday, Wed
nesday ami Friday of each week. Leaves
the Ilasin at 8 o'clock, A. M., and connect
with the train at Canemah at S), A. 31.
and EUGENE and all intermediate points
every week.
Stx ErATiiiie I?atton,
Loaves OREGON CITY for ALP.ANY and
all intermediate points bet ween twice ev
ery week. . J. L. PILES, Agent,
Oregon City,"February, 11. Is71.
SasJi, IJ'ind, Doors, o
1Viiido-"T Frames ?Iouldiiigrs,
Eiii.ij-?liiiig 3LiLimlei,
I'loovinf, Ceiling, Sindiiif t IZustic.
Will Build all classes of Buildings.
Designs, Specifications, Bill of Material
E. .1. OOLUA.TH.
Oregon City, May 11, 1S75 :tf
?t)ltl(?, Clackamas Co., Orcjrou.
nounce that ho has Just received a
splendid stock or
Iljots and Slioes,
o Dry-Coods,
o Hardware,
, . . Cutlery,
direct rrom New York. The stock is the
best and largest ever brought to a store in
Clackamas county, and having purchased
11 at greatly reduced prices, is able to sell
11. i neiiper mau goods nave ever been sold
bet ore.
I am under obligations to my former
Mio..)m.i men nuiT.11 patronage and
beingoable now to accommodate t'hem
better at less prices than ever before I ask
a continuation of their patronage, and so
licit t he trade of all new-comers and t hose
who have not heretofore traded with me
, uMi 1 can nive mem as
good bargains as can be had in the Stale
All kinds ot Produce taken in exchange
for goods. Give me a call and I will guar-
uiiLeu 10 give you satlslact ion.
, . V. NORTON.
Clackamas Co.. Oregon, Mar. 12, 1S75.
In Justice's Court for Oregon City Precinct ,
inain.ic'min.t 'Oregon.
Yilllam Kee, Plaintiff,
John II. Conley, Defendant.
To John II. Conley. the almvo named de
fendant :
cgon, yon are herebv required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled action, on the
day lollowing the expiration of six weeks
lrom the lirst publication of this sum
mons, to-wit : on Saturday, the 11th day of
Decern ler, 1875, at 10 o ol'ick A. M. ; thefirst
publication of this summons beingon Fri
day, October .inn, lfTo. If vou fall so to
answer, the plaintiff will take Judgment
against you for t lie sn rn of f 1S2 50, together
with interest thereon at ten per cent, per
annum since April 7th, 1S71, and costs and
This summons is published by order of
the above named Court, entered October
2ith, W75.
oct29w6 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Ilcnr, for I will itpeak of excellent,
tb in jr."
."-ONO'S EXTRACT The great Vcjcotable PaJ
Destroyer. Has been in use over thirty,
years, aiid for cleanliness and prompt cura
tive virtues cannot be excelled. i
CHILDREW. No family can afford to be without
l'oud's Extract. Accidents, Bruises.'
Contusions, Cutis Sprains are relieved
almost instantly by external application.;
Promptly relieves pains or Bum, Scald,'
. l.xooriation, Cliafings, Oltl fSores,
Itoil, Felons, Corns, etc. Arrests ln
flamation, reduces 6wellinp, stops bleeding,
removes discoloration? ami lieala i.'ipiillv. 1
FEMALE WEAKNESSES. -It always relieves pain
in tlie buct auciloius,fullne3 aid pressing pain
in the lienrt. nausea, vertigo."
(3 LEUSQ3P.KGA it lias no equal. All kinds of nl.
ccration-t lo which ladies are subject are
promptly cured. Fuller details in book accom
panying each bottle.
PILES blind or blcodins meet prompt relief
aiid ready cure. No case, however cluonic or
ohst-.nate. cm locr resist its regular use.
VASIOaS E VclHS. It i- the only ture cure for
this. Cistressiuir and dangerous condition.
EIISInEY DISEASES. ft baa nu equal forpcrma-
CLELDI.ij from any canse. For this U a
cine. 1 1 h-ia saved hundreds of lives when all
other remedies failed lo arre. t bleeding from
nose, ann:a!i, fimv. and elsewhere.
Karaciic ure uil ubke rcl.cvcd, mad often per
manentlv cr.rcd.
FHYSlClAuS of nlieehools rhoaro acqra!&l(t
wuti I'oiifl's IiXtrnet of Witrb Ilazt-1 reo
omraenditia tiieir practice. NVehavolr;ttersot
commendaii.ai from hundreds of Physicians
raany of whom order it lor use in their own,
Iraetice. la addition to iho Iure;;.inf, they
order its use for swellinea of ell kinds,'
t'uinsy, Sere Throat, Inltained Ton-tils,
Simple and chronic IJiarrlio-a, CntarrU
for which it is a specific,) Chilblain-., Frost
ed IVet, StingM of lasorts, losQuitocs.
etc.. Chapped Hands, 1'ace, and indeed
r.U manner of skin diseases.
rCILET USE. Kemoves fSorcitcsH, Ifonfibness,
imd Miiartins; heals Cuts, Irruptions,
rudPi;uidcs. It mirrs, iuii:fini.cs, and r.
freehex, whila wonderfully improving the
TO FARSrJH3S.l,o--' Extract. No Stock
lJi eeder,i;o LivcrvMan can allord to be without
JUlti- used bv ell the Leading Livery Stables
Street RailroaYls and first Horsemen in New
York City. It has no equal for Sprain, Har
ness or Saddle Cliafins, Stillness,
Scratches, SwcIlinjr.i,C-ite Lacerations,
Illecdins, Pneumonia, Colic, Dinrrhcrn,
Chills, t'old?, etc. Its ran ire of action is wids
and the relief it affords is so prompt that it is
invaluable in every Farm-vard as well as in
every Farm -house. Let it be tried once, and
von will' never be without it,
CAUTIOH. Pond's Extract has been imitated.
Tne gennine article has the words Psnd's Ex
tract blown in each bottle. It is prepaid by
the only persons Iivinjr who ever knew tow
to prepare it properly. Refuse all other pre
parations of Witch Hazel. This is the onlp
article used by Physieinns, ana in the hospi
tals of this coiintrv'abd Europe.
in pamphlet form, sent free ou application to
Lane, New ork.
FALL "2 875'
Is your time to buj- goods at low prices.
are now receiving a large stock of
all of the Latest Styles, w hich will sell
Our st ock has been bought for cash, and
we will sell it at a small advance above
IT fore you purchase or go to Portland,
come and price our goods and convince
yourself t hat we do what we sayi Our stock
consists in part of
Fancy and Staple
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Hats, Boots and Shoes,
Ladies and Gents
Furnishing Goods,
Notions, Groet,
i c s, Hard
ware and a great many othoj articles too numer
ours to mention :
Ve will also pay tho Highest Market
Price for
Country Produce-
Oregon City. Sept. 23, 1573 tf
tomers, and the public at large, that I
have Just received a new supply of
And OOter Miscellaneous J00ds.
All of which I now offer for sale at tho
My object is to tell all mj-old friends and
customers that I am still alive, and desir
ous to sell goods Cheap, FOK CASH, or
uion such terms as agreed upon.
Ihall also have in my employ a thorough
and constantly keep stock on hand for the
Manufacture & Repair of Boots k Shoes,
and all orders in that line will be promptly
attended to.
Near the Viola Mills.
octl rtf
INTonev! ZSTone!
and upwards.
Ore;ron'City, March 10, 1874.
nial3tf JOHNSON & McCOX.
1 (
. i ;
i '
.. 1
r.nTTOT'pc'v nir nMP.pnicT t.tur&pv