JliiH-!i!illH III l,rn Dibbs: A Love Story. There was no .lonbt about it; John -r,- ,,..iVetlv wretched that ni-'ht. He (ln;iire"" " . . i . IT . .1 I nie JJeJI an.l he wasn t going to mane h the slol,f wt ! only one eye, bow it up. The fact was she gave herself e turneiPin its direction, but not nianv airs, ann nu unm 1 uie.w. 1 .l.M.Jt ... .... stand it any longer. He didn t care if she was pretty; that was no reason why she should let half a dozen fel lows at a time hang about the shop or stroll in oneat a time and, leaning on their elbows, chatter and smirk and sinue over the counter, cadets and officers, wild young fellows, who i : 1 t ... l.r.ii nn n i.llo flnlllSC- OI11V U1U M " 1 - - nt, and would no more dream of mel marrying ner man mej " vitiir' her to the hall that was com ing i ill next month. To be sure be was only a common cavalry soldier, but then be had been in the service a pood nianv years now, had an ex cellent character and a good trade at bis back, and, morover, bis father bad died not long since, and there was the cottage all ready for Jennie to walk into, and they might settle down at once if she'd only be sensi ble. Jennie acted as shop-woman for her M.ster, Airs. Evans. A very poor little shop it was, very small and badly stocked, for Airs. Evans had onlV managed to get a few 0 jiouiidV worth of tilings with what had been subscribed for her in the garrison after the fever had carried oil her husband. The speculation answered pretty well at lirst, for many of the ollicers' wives, knowing what an indutri-us woman "Airs. Evans was, made a point of buying 1 .1 . 1 . ii-rml.l ff in their tapes and cottons ana sticks 01 sealing-wax of her. Then Jennie's pretty face was seen behind' the coun ter, aud the shop was filled from morning to night with ofUcers and frisky young cadets, and the original customers took flight though Tdrs. Evans did not know it, for she. be lieving the I ! -ir.ess to be safe in the keeping of Jennie, worked hard at the dressmaking (she had three chil dren to support, and the shop alone would not do it.) 0 The ollicer.s" were not profitable customers, for they only went tollilt with Jennie under the excuse of buying a penny paper, or perhaps asking for a time-table. Jennie made the most trim and pretty and oblig ing of s'lop-woinen, and the place it self was always a pattern of neatness: but the oiiicers' wives did not care to go and buy their thread where they were c identl v intei TUpthii? a flirta tion, and so the business continued to fall oif', and Mrs. Evans begin to get quite uniia-Mpy about it. Jennie pretty, khul-hearted, thoughtless Jennie had no idea that she bad ny thing to do with it. or she would have sent every one of her admirers off at a pace, tint would have aston ished tin ra. She had been only too delighted, after her brother-in-law died, to come from Dovenshire and live with sister at Woolwich not only because she was ve y fond of her sister, but also because she had wished many times to see John AVeare again. She had made his ac quaintance when her brother and he for they had been ir the same reg imentwere stationed at l'lymontlT, atir'i she hal paid them allying visit with her father. John hud ttdd her ) then that he was tired of the service and wanted to settle down, and she inwardly cthought that he could do no better than ask her to settle with him. lie had been very, attentive when site came to Woolwich, and gradually established l.iin-elf onothe fooling of u lover till he found the shop always tilled with the oiiicers and cadets. At lirst he was shy of appearing before his superiors, then lie got jealous and at last angry, for he felt and knew that they meant her no good, and besides it was doing real injury to thej business of the shop. .t last he spoke in his mind and told the coquettish Jennie what he thought, ami was snubbed for his pains, o o " If yon thiuk I don't know how to take euro of myself, Mr. "Weare, ' you are much mistaken., and I don't want any o ic to tell 111 j what's right or wrong. I know for myself," " Well, Miss Jennie, I didn't mean to giv" oli'ence. ol only told you what I thought." o "Then yon might have "kept your thoughts to yourself," she said with i little toss of her head " unless they had been nice ones," she added. He heard the aside, and picked up his courage. ' It's nu fully hard, too, when cue that cares for you really can't get near you," he pleaded. Just then Jennie caught sight of Captain Mo Gee, a t.ill and handsome man, with long whiskers an.l a red nose, coin ing in the direction of the shop, witli a big buivli of lloy,ers in his hand. She had heard John Weare's last words, Imt she was secretly of the opinion that he ought to have come up to the scratch before, so she thought a little jealousy would do him frood. "Oh! here comes Captain McGeo, she said in a delighted tone. " Well, he's just the biggest black leg in the s m v.c ', Jennie, and if yon take my advice you'll send him off sharp." I bel'evo von are jealous, Mr. Weare, a: d telling stories about the captain; he is always very polite to me, an.l she smootnetl her pretty hair and tu ranged the triilcs on the con liter. ' t ) h . h e's p 1 i t e e n o u gh , n o d on b t . " " And be is bringing me some llower.T.'" " Now look here. Jennie, are you going to t die them?" " Of course I am." ' Well, then, good-by." "Guol-by." she laughed. Of cjurse she knew he wonldu't go. "Jennie, he'll be in directly, and I shall be od', but you must choose between ldm and me. If you are going to ket-p on talking to him I shall never come in the place again, so which is it to be?' " The captain." "Ibit I am not joking. I'll never see you again." " No more am I joking, so gooo bv." " Good-bv" and he went. II. He kept resolutely away for a whole mouth never once went near the ! If Jennie wanted him she " ig'it send f ; im or vret ! ei t- ...ic iv.i :i te., a s'le had ister ,lone c .ire was not - , . -....m..! MraB 7 sent for, neither was be invited to tea, and bis spirits began to wax low. If sbeYl cared about me she'd have got in my way somehow before this trust a woman," be thought. The idea of not being cared for was not cheerful. That night he strolled carelessly by the shop, but on the opposite side of the way. Nothing was to be seen of Jennie. lie walked on in a brow study, then - .,,.. i i crossed over , nntl went deliberately 1 He went back dejected frame to of bis barracks in a mind. " It's an awful pity such a nice girl; and there's the cottage all ready for her to step into, and me ready to retire from the service and a good trade at mv back: it's too bad, all along of timt Captain McGeo too nd "the fruit in the garden of the lit lilts 11 lilt lii i-t- ' - cott.lffe au ri1eand no one topick it Tue very next morning jwuu Weare walked deliberately into the shop and asked for a penny newspa per, and be had the felicity of being Served bv Mrs. Evans. " Quite a stranger, Mr. Weare," she said, but that was the only re mark she made, and for the life of him he could not screw up the cour age to ask for tier sister. That night John W&ire was mis erable. nit " She can't care a rush for me, he thought, and marched all over town, and nearly to Qrtenwieh and beck, in his excitement. The next day was a lucky on? for John, lie came acj oss 13ibbs. Eibbs was Mrs. Evans' eldest boy. No one knew what his real name was, or why lie was called liibbs; but he was nev er called anything else. "lbbbs," said John Weare, "come and have some fruit," and he carried him oil' in triumph to the cottage, and stuffed him with gooseberries till he couldn't move, and with black currants till his mouth was as black as' a- crow. Then he carried him in side and stood him on the table, and sat down before him. " How old are yon, UibbsV" He though it better to begin the conversation with a question. " l'ive .uid a half. Is that your sword up there?" " Yes. Who gaveyou those bronze sho":i, UibbsV" " o Now be knew Jennie sad given them to him, but he wanted to hear her name. "Auntie. She's going away soon f' he added. " liot me look at your sword now." ot " Where's she going?" he :d in consternation. " 1) voivshire. your sword." " Whv is she "Do let 1110 trv on going?" he asked with a sick feeling at his heart. " She's ill, I thinly and she wavs crying now : one day s!u s al- was crving over her silver thing von gave her, and kissing it like anything." The "silver thing" was a little heart of about the size of a shilling, which he had bought at Charleston Fair last October, and timidly re quested her to accept. John Weare jumped up and show ed Ibbbs his sword, ami carried him on bis back all over the place, and entreated him to have more black currants in his delight. Uut Bibbs declined. " Aunt Jennie's going to bring me some from Eltliam to-night," he said. So Jennie was iroing to Latham, was she! John Weare took liibbs home, and on his way presented h,im with a woolly lamb that moved on wheels an.l squeaked, and a monkey that went up a stick on being gently ashed. "Crying over her silver tiling!" said John Weare. "I'll go and hang around the Kit ham road till I see her rind lrr liAr n-n-ilon " ...... 0 ..v.. ...... D And lie went, and Jennie met him, and pouted, and declared she hadn't once thought of him, and then broke down and cried. And John begged her pardon, and declared that he had been a heartless brute; and then Jen nie contradicted him and said it was all her fault, aud told him how Mrs. Dnnlop, the colonel's wife had one day walked in aud told her, in the kindest possible manner, that" she was spoiling her sister's business, for the ladies who had been interested in her welfare kept away because of Jennie's ilirting propensi ies, which tilled up the shop with idle o'lictrs, who were always in the way; and how she had been so ashamed and wretched, aud so cut up at the deser tion of John Weare, that she had de termined to go back to Devonshire. "lint you won't now?" he said, as thev lean. ed cner the style leading to the'Eltl am fields. "You'll get nady at once, and we'll bo married as soon as possible, before the fruit in the garden is .SJK.il t?" o It t ok a long time to talk her into it (aU)ut three quarters of an hour), but then she w as very happy at heart and chattered like a "young magpie, and told John hww she bad snubbed Captain McGeo, and had thrown all his llowers out of tlie window. " And it reallv was all through that dear liibbs that vou way laved mi to-night !" she asked. " Certainly." " Whv, but for him I might never have seen yon again!" " Perhaps not." " I'll givr6 liibbs a regular hug when I get home,' she thought. And she IM ; and the day oetore ylie was niiriied she bought him a rocking- horse, which he delights in to this day. Casseir J'tmih I'jitzine. r.xtrno-uitiarv Opportunity lor the liclicl' of the Aillictt-il. The surgeons of the National Surgi m. In-itittito, buMtL-d in In lianapolTs, Indiana, Paeiiic I irancii. .".1J 1 lush street. S.in Francis-o. have linallv 'vi.ddeil ti. the many urgent aopeals to' vi!-.ii;t ,)regn j and Washington Territory. Three or ' more t the-surgeons will be at the CosmoiM.liian llott-l, I'oi Hand. Oregon on the lt,-J l. 1, Uli, ,jth and Ulh, of 'i'iicy will have with theni a great amount of surgical apparatus, appli ances, etc., and competent assistants anil w orknu n to i-hange, tit, and make sneli apparatus as m.iv l,t required. TUey will coin expeci illy i.;-ii;iie(l l' treat all surgical casc-t;' lr ilvi ul! kinds of I f.K i!iii"' s of the l'.i -e, S:,inc 5 and Limes, i'lvavii J; ?,:ts, Dis.ased i Kves. Cat h i h, Piivate 1 lipases. P. I s, ! l'i-tula, etc. On account of tl.v grr-.t e. ;ense a:tciiding su.-ii a trip, thev n ill ii'it ntukf ai:-d her ; there lore, all wh ' wish t avail tlu'iiisi lvos of t he a.i va i.- ; lazes of the Institute, without the long j journey toS tit Francisco or Indiana p- ! us. must im so ai i:ns nine. .o case will !e unt'.ertaken without a fair hope of relief. It is needless to say that the institution is entirely responsible, ami the 1 irgest and most popular of the kind in America, curing thousands an- nuillv. It -iiii'iiiberjhe time and place, , and eoiii- early. Qjeiid to the Insti i tute for circular. A. B. RICHARDSON, Auctioneer, of Front Oak ts., Portland Cornier o Acic Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Mer chandise and Horses. ?vrr D VYS Wednesday and Saturday Auctioneer. J. r. DAVIES. JOSHUA DA VIES. J. P. DAVIDS & CO., ;TJCTft)NEEKS A X I co3i3iissiox Merchants, Qfike-puoop stcjjxi: bvildixo, WHARF STREET, VICTORIA. B. C. Lib-ral Advans )Lnl? 0:1 fonsigaai?iits. July 2i, lS7i:ly I. SELLING H AS JUST RECEIVED i'HE EARCJEST stock of FALL AND IVIMTER GGGDS cvf r imported to Oivjjon City, which he olfVrs at jrreatly roduc-.-d i. rices, ill' stock CLOTHW Has fbocn lartxolj' increased, arid I can show as ha ndsomo a lin of ready-made jroods in Men and i'.Hys' I'.usiuess and Dress Suits, Coats, etc., as can be found in t lie count ry, and at prices that cannot fail to sal tsfy. My 4 Is filled with a splendid assortment of all the leading styles and fashionable shades of goods ICm jjress f'lr , o P. I (; J ii's, FiTJK-Ii and O Amriraii l)ttss Gooil lili-clt lj:n-j;, IJvili ta i: l i !, C2iiiu-res, cSC V I j A ISTN" k . s , Plaid, Plain and()pe:a I'lannels, ofall col ors. 1,1'avhed and Unbleached, Cotton Flannels. .... , ...... ..... . ...... ...... , . o..l lil.iuk. ), TnuiUs uinl 0 Tin vi-liiif Srilrljelx, I'ut s : 7i' C'n js, Of! C'lolli fr Flooi uml Table. BOOTS and SHOES, I would call special attention to my stock of Men's and l!o s' San Francisco Pools, which I have sold for :i number of years past with general satislaction. Ev ery pair warranted. C complete stocic of HARBWAHSi FAafJSMQ UTEfoSILS Choiet Teas, Canned floods, and all choic Family Groceries,0 All at Low Prices. Also, LIVE 9,01 .'..D CAEMAX ISLAM) SALT. Highest Price aid for all Jynds of 7f fZ'amzW. 2()),0()() lbs. cf AVOOL Wantcil, for which shall pay the highest jpash pric-' 1. KLl.lXi. lregon City, Sept. ) 5ST5. tf o o H I f test ma U2 fx. : tt ti Ml 17. 3E 6 L! cc rS 6 Co ! 7, o H i o -i 5 H o H in 0 C 11 O m 5 L3 T70ITLD IN'KOUM Tf I K CITIZEN'S OF Or gon City and vicinity that he is prepareil to furnish FlI?, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, Of cv;ry description, at low rates. A LSO, IJi j- riaovIsi.g, Ceiling, Kusitc, Mpruce, (for shelving), Lattice, lic5ies, ami I't nce-Posts, Cedar, Constmitti on hand. Street and Sidewalk lumber furnished on the shortest, notice, at as low a rates as it. can be purchased in the State. Give me a call at the 0 OliKdOy CITY SA If MILLS. Oregon t ity, June ID, iy?d :tf VOU CAN'T AFFORD TO I5E "WITHOUT IT! 1 MOXTIILY ILLTTSTUA1ED PAPEU I ublished at Portland. Some of the ablest writers in the Si ire contribute to its colums. The West Shoke i? THE GfiLY ILLUS SEATED PAPEil in Oregon, and contains in each issue b-sid"s articb s of (j n.-ral Literature a i -S'-ription fl some .or! ion or the State or NVas-iington T.-rritory. A lull lis!, of farm ing lands to let or (or nale. lias an lllnstnL'tl Iorii;,ii.i:f!iI Depart i-init, And other valuable information n t to be lound in any otiicr ta r on the ooast. A copy of it s -nt to lriends abroad, will give them a b-tter id -a of the Pacific -Northwest than any othT publication. Snt posta:r- paid for on- vear on receipt ofJl o); single coj.ios. cents. Address, s ot p. : .( SAMIEU Portland, Or.?gon. -OTK K 14 H -HP '-v.!! i-: be r -s o coi.rr i.-i .1 ;,v in .- U i !u daf. sh li;,vi Ixwtrd u it., nt jusL t- Y Clackamas Count t; IV F.N THAT I '! b.r any d.-b's .rail Kliy.a. lr;m 1 it my l--d and r ' mvw t ;oti . "AM K. WALK. :. 11, ls7..4 FOR S '.E. IVNE SECOND-HAND STEAM EX AT. r..m(U 8 1.nch" b01"" 21 inch. Price w vj iriciuire lit J. H. MrOUE'R Sept. 5, 1?75 irChiae t?:Vr r-n Uty- i jr. . nrit' i i "r -- . J'.jj ESTABLISHED 1853. DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS of Oregon Citv and of the V illamette Valley, that lie is still on hand and doing business oa the old mono, iiiau A Kimble Six fence is Better than a Slow Shilling. rfturnorl from San Francisco, where I purchased one of the LARGEST APiD BEST SELECTED STOCK OF CfOODS ever before offered in this city ; and consists in part, as follows : o Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, IIardwarc, Groeerfes, o c o Taints and Oils, Sash and Poors, Chinaware, Quoensware, Stoneware, Crockery, Plated ware, Glassware, O Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, ClocksQind Watches, Iidies and O Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy N Rope, Faming tions of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Jiattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc. Of the above list, I can say my stock is the MOST COJIPLET E ever otriyed iathis market, and was seleted witt esxcial care for the Oregon City trade. All of which Ijiow oiler for sale at the Low Market Ziaa No use for the Indies, or any one else, to think of going to Portland to buy goods for I am Determimvl to Sell Chvitp and not to allow myself to ba QDLSOLD IN THE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that o Twenty Years Exr.crieuce in Oregon City enables me to know the re quirements ol the t rade. i 'ome one and all and see for yours Ives that the old stand of tiiomas ciiAinLvx cannot be. batn in quality or price. It would be useless for me to tell you all the advantages I can offer you in th -sale of goods, a. -i every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disap pointed. All I wish to say is fowr, nnd Suiiil Exami!!." for Yourselves f f I do not wish to make any mistakes. My object is to tell all my old friends now that I am still alive, arid desirous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or upon such terms as agreed upon. ThanUimr all for the liber al patronage heretofore bestowed. Til OS. CHAKMAN, Main Street, Oregon City, I.eiral Tenders and Coiitdv Scrip taken at market rates. TIK )S. CII AKMAX. CT-oO.OOOblbs wool wanted bv THOS. CIIAUMAN. .T. y. WAR!). CEOUOK.A. HARDING. WARD & HARDING, DJ32!3TS ifiD APOTHECAHIZSf Trr-F.KPCONSTANTLY (JN HAND A ic. general assortment of Driij and Cliomicals, Perftimery, Soji (omlnaii.l lirusTieri, , 'i'l-usses, Sii)ioitern, fSH-Mibter Urat es k'u tu y :i nd Tilet ArtifleA, ALSO Kerosene Oil, I,anip ( Iiiinnry, Glass, I'utty, l'aiutx, il.H, VariiisSun uinl lye SIsjUs, plkl; wixes axd lliuoss for me Dirix.lL ri poses. PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. n-Physicians' Prescriptions careful! v com pounded, and all orders correctly an- swer'-u. c ityopn at all hoars of the night. BAIl accounts must ivi paid monthly. novGtf WAUD & IIAKDING. STATE BOARD OF IKKIGRATfGr. PORTIIE PURPOSE OF AFFORDING .1. intormaiion to Immigrants and in tend Emigrants to Oregon, now in foreign countries and sist'-r States, and for circu lating such information abroad by this Hoard, ail jersons in this State having Farms and Lands tor Sale or Il-nt. or de sirous of forming Colonies, will please for ward tothis Hoard as Sfxn as possible de tailed descrirtions of their Farms and Lands, Location. Price and Terms of Sale, or condit ions of renting: and all persons desirous of obtaining Agricultural or other Laborers, wi'l please communicate direct with this Hoard. liy Instructions of th Commissioners of Immigration. WILLIAM RE1D, Sfcblm A State Com 'r of Immigration. JAMES M'KIXXO.V, JOHN It. M tLLF.Il. ricKirorj a miller. WAGOH AND CARRIAGE HAUFl CTOK Y ! L. navinjr loasa the ev,V late David smith, corner of ""'1' MU, T V 11 JH. . I. 1 i ' Main and Third street, Oregon City, take this method of informing the public in general, that wearo now prepared, with amile room, good materials, and the very best of Mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and t urn out all complete, any sort of a vehicle from a common cart to a Concord Coach. Hlmliirtil liliig, Iliirse-Shoflns and (iviieral Jnhiii iiir, tlj-, (luickly ami Clieuply Uoiic. i u m s k-s : io i : i n a s i i a ir y. Come and try us. MrKINNON A MILLER. Aug. 13, ISTo :fna A. G. VVALLIKC'8 PIONEER BOOK BINDERY. Plttoclt'' Uiiildintr Corner or Stark nndi I-'rojit Streets. POaTLAWD, - OREGON. fLANK nOOKS RULED AXD ROUND to any desired pattern. Music books. Magazines, Newspapers, etc., bound in ev ery variety of style known to the tirade. Orders from the c.untry promptly at teivled to. ir.TFSRiAL SV1 ILLS, LaRocque, Savier &: Co. Oregon City. MidUlinirs, 3rpn and Chicken Feed. Partiei purchasing ieea rrust iurnisn tue sack. CHAS. H. CAUFIELD, DEALER IK DRY-GOODS, FANCY GOODS GROCERIES, o Croclcery, fcc, fce. o CORNER OF SEVENTH AND MAIN STREETS, OREGON CITY. AL.SO, o o A LARGE 0 DRESSED CEDAR AXD FINISHING LUMBER, Of various kiiuls,cfor sale in quantities suit, at reasonable rates. MJi R CJI A N D ISJi. JOHN MYERS. OREGON CSTY DRY GQODS, GROCERIES, ROOTS and o SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY o AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Books andoStationerv. I will pay the highest prices for and all kinds of GOOD CQUHTRY PHOD'JCi J will sell as low as any house in Oregon for o. o CASH OR ITS EQ VIVA LENT n Good Merchantable Produce. I am selling very low for cash as HAivi. CASH PAID FOR COOTV ORDERS. o Give me a call and satisfy yourselves. JOHN MYERS. Oregon City, March 21. 1S73. Singing looks 'WE WULD CAUIj THE ATTENTION of Teachers, and others interested In music, to the following works, as being the best of their class : MUSICAL CHIMES. A new Class-Rook for Female Voices. Price 99 Per Dozen. Sample copies, mail ed, postpaid, on receipt of $1, FAIRY ECHOES. A Class-Rook for Children. Used in all the principal PubHo Schools. Price SO Per Dozen. Sample copies mailed, post, paid, on receipt of CO certs. SONG ECHO. The Most Popular School Singing-Pok ever published. Price 87 50 Per Dozen. Sample copies mailed, post-paid, on re ceipt of 75 cents. Address, J. L. PETEItS, 843 BROADWAY, IV. Y. Aug. 6 iw6 $5 to$20 fcfld'irST6- Terms Uebly G. STINSON Co., Portland, Me LOT OF o JUST ISSUED, jjooiii khiTion. MAN II OP, RKVISKD AND COIHtECTED KY THE AUTHOH, K. le F. C URTIS, M. I)., ic, itc. o A Medical Essay on the causes and cure of premature decline of man, showing how health is lost, and how regained. It gives ?a cloar synopsis of the impediments to marriage", the treatment of nervous and physical debility, exhausted vitality, and all other diseases appertaining thereto; the results of twenty years successful prac tice. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. CURTIS ON ".MANHOOD." Ther" is no member of society by whom t his book will not be found usefvl, whether ho b" parent preceptor or elergx man. Lointon Timet. CURTIS ON "MANHOOD." This book should be read by the young for instruc tion, and by the afi'lieted lor relief; it will injure no one. J.lrOictil Tim-a antt. (irrzrtte. Pric One Dollar, by me.il or express Address the author, DR. CURTIS, ;H Sut ter street, or 1. O. 1 Six San Kraneisco, Cal. aug. 27 dyisdJm OUifG M T h-l) Kj Who UT'-' sufT.'rlng from the effect of! j out hiii! foi lies or 'indiscretion, will do! well to avail themselves of this, the greatest boon la id'at t !ie a Itar ol sn fK-ri ng ; liumanitv. l:i. tsl'iN.Nfciik will guar aiite to forfeit .?(( lor every case ol se minal v.eekie s.i, or private disease of any lcind or ehnracter wbicli he under takes and lails tocure. He v. ould, IJeTc lore, sa-cto t he un lor! una' ruffe r.-i who max read litis no!ic", tin:i yu aretreatl injr uim: dang- rous ground wlien you long, r delay in see&ingct lie proper r.-in-etiy for your co'.ni-laiii!. You may be in the lirst stg-: rememb- r you ar-? ap I roaeliing the Inst. If you are bordering upon the last, and ari suffering someor ail of its ill e:r -ets, rem- u: ber t hat if you persist in proeras! ma! ion, the time must come when t lie inn ;t st:i!liiil physician can r.'H'1'T.voii ru assistance ; when the ioor of hope will be closed against j on i when no angel i-t mercy can bring "you r lief. Ia no ease has the Doctor tailed of success. Then 1-t no: desyiair work upon your imagination, but avail you r S'dl of til" Icvnetkiiil r '.suits of his treat ment, before uu;r ease is beyond t he reach of ;n -dieal skill, or b- iore grim d-afh liurVies on to a pr 'mature grave. Full cours of treatment $St oa. Send money by I'osrofJtee one r or Expr-'ss with iu'.l d'scrntion oi ease. Calltr aldress, l.'li , J3, M'l.WKV, No. Id Kar:iy street, San Francisco. sept jii.l v O 3Iai:i St., Oregcn City, 'HMTALTlTtES AXD DIFCuTER flF h H-'J'i'v .''f Saddles, llnrno K:i(l:!!r ry-II a rl - I JT-JTi ware, rtr., etc. s- yiIICir HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS V T can be had in the State, at WHOLESALE GH HETAIL. o t"l warrant my goods as represented. 1.000 DEE 0 SKI MS W A 1ST T 3 IS, AN' I) ALSO, A 1A In.nR KINDS OF HIDES. FOR j. which I will pay the highes market price in cash Dring on your hides and get your com iorthem. b o JOHN SrilRAM, o Saddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City. Oregon, July 11. lS73-m3. The standard r my -r i'nSU. In iet,z Sore Thn,f. Vl,oj,i,, Vowh, C,op . Lu-rr Complaint, JlroncHfi, Ttlvcd r'!r?f , , ',"e"'. "n very ntreetion of the rV I'u"s unJ Chest, including Cos- Wistj.rN lialam oriVH.l Clierry does not dry up a cough, but loosens it, cleanses !,T.J'l"l7S'a"d .alJ:ivs Jrrltntlon. thus re inorinr, t,e dux, of th cmplaint. None genume unless signed I. P.ctts. Prepared by SKTH W. Fowi.kr sons, l;osfon. Sol by RKnmxGTox, Hostkttku & Co., San "r f biC' a"d ljy dea,ors generally. 0ETHES0A GPamGS! On the McKinzie Iliver. LanS Co., Oregon. A CIIARMIXG SDI3IER RESORT. milERK SPUfNOS ARE EOP TED X about filtv-tive miles e.-w. f r,,4ne oi 1 Pi " p'r; , 'or ;:"r i? h- . . 1 rsiirn oi the MeKinie ti,,. wit h i n a fe h u nd red yards of I Iorse Creek one ol the most famous trout ms new'amMs1''0 M t h 'ho fse 'is the w "nfi n';-,r'(S,mct;H -with reference to vallex- f 3 .J vising m from the i ..IT- alr ave an excellent vanor bath room constructed no;,r the heuHf tIo?olf?hUUktn!lf demar,d ,0r an inSti,,- nA"irnrino d Pvs'nn in attendance Jmi firn ' w"1 an1 I'Hlglng in pood be nni ?T W ho rre,V'r il- Animals can lvfJVu"dforlnaUcost.n b rerfect ij sale. For FV maj o.tf I'roirietor. A. NOLTNEE NOTARY PUBLIC. ENTERPRISE OFFICE. OREGON CITY. MOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR THE IKTEHPFilSS. S3 50 3?EXt YEAH, PAYABLE IX ADVANCE. Each number contains the LATEST TELEGRAPHIC KEVS From all Parts of the World ; A Carefully Selected Seminary of o STATE AND TEKIUTOKIAL NEWS ITEM S;- A Corrected List of the Markets in Portland, San Francisco end Oregon niy LOCAL NEWS, EDITORIALS, o On all .Subjects of Interest to the FARMER, MERCHANT OR MECIIAMC Also, Carefully Selected" 31 1 S C ELLA X EOUS It HAD I NO. In Short, it is in Every Respect a LIVE NEWSPAPER. Having a large and constantly Increasing Circulation In the most populous part of the .State, offers suier:or Inducements tq those who wish to Advertise? Advertisements inserted on REASONABLE TER3IS. The Campaign of 1ST5 will soon begin. -anl u it is merciore a good time to Subscribe order that vou mav he oitrii onrn In . .... " . V- 1 J events Send in your subscription at onco ENTERPRISE BOOK & JOB OFFICE OIiEGO:: CITY, : .OREGON. ARK r'T:rAiiKi to exkckte V all kinds oi JOB j'lUKTIKG, o 7 such as CARDS, RILL-HEADS, o PAMPHLETS, o o DEEDS, mortgages:, LABELS, o I ETTER-IIEA DS, in fact nil kinds of work done a in Printing o Oilice, at PORTLAND PRICES. o A L, 1 K INDS OP LEGAL BLATt KS constantly on Iiand. and for sale at as low a price as can be luiU in the tale. AND o SATISFACT.'CN GUARANTEED Oregon City, March 21, lS73-tf. O O AGEMS FOR THE ENTER PRISE. The following persona arp authorized to act as agents lor the Kstebprie: Geo. 1. Howell 4 Co., 40 Park I!ow, Nc York. Coe, Wetherill & Co., OUT Chestnut street Philadelphia. , Abbott & Co., No. 82 and 81 Nassau street New York. . Portland iregon L.Pnmuel c- iThos. Povce fan trancisco ld i- islier St. Helens, Columbia counfy...-i. A. I,ilP Astoria, Clatsop county ..A. Vnn rusi n Salem Wil!im Ha rr isburg;.;r..:"."::'.".;:::;.::: j . 1 1 . i 'aiayet tf. Yam hill county I . i -r f'- ' ;.. Dallas, Polk county Pave " Kola I"- 1 oty t i I... .... . ilnnliik Jacksonville , Inton county.. W.A. Weils Kugenc City K. I..'1'ristfiw Rosebu rg I Ion. I Lebanon IJnlstrn Jacksonville "on-Vi5S Ing Tom - 1I- '- CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Ct- nntl" ... ..... . i nlt Hutteville John C-iseades ..Henry .Mci.u? " .ascaaes t;fri,ws r Can by J- vrii:ht i t A I I ntiiii Hanling's Caivyio Ixiwer Molalla )) JI"v, 'r"er Milwaukie t Icifonifi John Ilnsren'- ' J-J": on ITppr VloTalla W. H OREGON CITY BSEVERY Henry Ilumbel, IT A VI NO PURCHAS ed the aliove Isrew- I ery wishes to Inform the public tn a . now nrpnarpd In mAnufiieture a 0. 1 ity Of LAGER BEZR, as good as can be obtained at15"M'h!fltlv the State. Orders solicited and promr1" 1'orvallis IlomJonn ' Ullt An"?'ny CU 'Cirant -jlv IValW, Vvaseo'county, " - V-'i" Latirande, I'nion county i-nr IW,llt,.n T',;n.. ,..nlr S. N . IVIl" . ..ni.tt filled. V 'I i 1 'uuuitxrax OF LibitAKi. r UNIVHRSITT OF CALIFORNTA.