iSi if it' Ay Ay JjJJj 9K VOTED TO POLITICS, HEWS, LITERATURE, AftD THE BEST INTERESTS OF OREGON. fgWMMWaWlBMaMWW"IMI!llMWWMMMB v, vxx X, VxVJVTVx , JL inxyil X , VJL)XLilV -ii, loi. NO. 1. 'BE EHTEHPHil T LOCAL DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAP F O K T II K Farmer, Basils .Han, & Family Circle. ISSUED EVEUY FRIDAY. A. OLTjSTISR, hBlTOll A XD P UB L IS HE R. OfflCIAL pape fos clacxamas CO. OFFICE In E.vtkrpkhk Btiiltlln?, one door soutrt of Masonic r.uildins. Main St. Terms of Subscription t Sinsle Copy One Year, In Advance... " " Six Months " " Tt:si of Atlvirtlit Transiontp advertisements. Including ,.M I.. r:.l notices. SOIUMM Of tWC-lYJ :?2.50 1.50 Jin one vek Y? ertrh subs-quent insertion On'- Cohuuu, o;iu year.. ii ur " " " Q.nrter" " '- Business ZtT, 1 sQuar-, one year... $: 2.50 U0.1H) :l-uo SOVIET!' XO TICES. OKIOGON LO!GK NO. 3, I. I. Oi Meets evcrv Thursday iv, evuiiinat 7 d'do;-k, in the $?ix- Odd lMhws llall, Main Hv;y street. Members of the Or- dor are invito 1 to attend. IVy order 2s . J . Rioiv.otJCA o: :k iakk; iN'o. I. O. O. V., Meets on the .Souon. I and Fourth Tues day evening- each nioiith, '7 'j 'i-li in the Odd l-Vllow.s ; 1 .til. Membersof the iK'jrrec art! invited to attend. j NL'L TA'OJIAH I.ODGIO MO. J, 4. 1'. tV. A. M., Holds its regular com- L- iiiunicatioiis on the First and V T.iird Saturdays in eaeii month, at 7 o'clock from the2iHh ofSep. ; tenibiT to tha -Oili of March ; and! 7' o'clock from the tilth of Mareh tultlie IMuh f Sfjtcuiher. Uretlirea in t,',o l Kl.itiiling are invited tu attend. I'.y order ot W. yi . KAM.S MXCAMPJli'lNT XO. i.slo. (). F., Mi'cN at O Id Fellows 0 H dl onthii First and Third Tues d.iy of each month. P itri ftehs Si wyt standing are invited to attejiu. n t ; .v a A' .v s v a ji n s. A.J. U VK.l. M. D. J. W. NO Krt IS, Mi V). I'JIS.'i JAX.'j AXI snJKE.'KVS: rr') Vv r;-s;:iir In C'liarraan s jjricK, M .. i : s:r - t. !.-. !! v r'- r sid fo it in clitT s: air . :iv nc Thir.l sfrf't. :nt street, tf DR. JOHN VELCl i: 5 OrKIOiC I.N tt.UJ o:i:::j!)N city, isko.v. j Ii ;-..t Cis'.i irica f v Co:;:i? y Cf.lfl-. i HUSLAT &. EASTS 3. ATTORN E YS-AT-L AVV POltTI VX1 I.i Opitz's new brick, Fir-it sir.-. t. 30 on::; sirers. ON CITY Charm an's brie! s-itiitf sVL C AT HEY- : AT i. LIMA AM) C HI N-L L ii-T-L V, Ci-t'goii CLtv, OiH'gou; S ..-.-.j ii iitt-'ntion iv.Mi to loanin.-r Mon'-y. :lijj l-'r ni ro : i in Kntkufkisk buiUi- ATiOXNSYS AND COtXSELOSS AT-LAW. Oragon Gity, Oregon. nJWill pru-tic in all the Courts of thfi Stat?. Sp.-i-ial attention Riven to casc"S in the U. S. baud Oi!e- at On-jjon City. 5airlS7'-tf. JL,. rl 13 A Ti IN A T T O R : I E Y A T - L A W , UllE'iOX CITY Oil EG ON. OFFICE Over Btr't. Pope's Tin Store, Main 21iiiar7.J-tf. AV. II. HUJHFIEU). FNtuMished since 'll. at tli old tmid. Main Strvct, Orvion City, Oregon. An assortment of Wathos,.Tewl- vv rv.and S -th Ttiomas' Wt'ijilit Clicks 'r4 : all of which are warranted to bo as w'2 r prf nt"d. -t:urlm; iliu on short notice, th.inkful for past patronage. J0UX 31. 15AC0N, IMPORTER AN'P PEAI.ER in Ft,r.L-c l!itiAntin IVrfum- pfr ..t - Orrun City, Oregon. P-VAttho Tost Omet", sia-. Main street, east STILL IS THE FIELD! REMOVED SECOND DOOR SO'JTH OF IIAA!' SALO). WILLIAMS & HARDING, AT THE LINCOLN BAKERY, T7T.F.PTIIE MICT COMPLETE STOCK V of Family (irocries to be found in t ne Wv. All 11 i:oou warranted, (foods delivered In the city fre of charge. The highest cash uricopl,! forco'intrv proluee. "roaon City. March 2S. 187:i. TnUlT-GROWERS. i rp:JR AI.T,-.X F'UUIT PUEERVIXG v ouipaiiy of Oregon Citj will pay the f HIGHEST MARKET PRICE cV.I Lno-Charman Is authorized to pur--i.ise f(rtho Company. I-. I. C." LATOURETTE, : TH0S chxpatav u . President,; firPrvA n rA" Secret arv. r Ron City, July 28, 175 a f SUMMARV OK STATE MOW!. Wanted, to know tlie whereabouts of John U. Ilolniiin, who emigrated I from t lie State of Virginia in the year of 1355, anil was last heard ot in Vancouver, W. T., in 1SG8. Any in- ioimauon concernms; mm will bei,i Mf:- - thankfully received by S. W. Ho!- ! by man, Maxie, Texas. Limestone county, Henry Hedges, of Woodburn, has succeeded in capturing James Whit ney, the Lluttevilltj incendiary. Well done, Mr. Lane. The war of races was the fight be tween a German and colored woman, in a Portland school house, last week. Suit has been commenced by the Wilson heirs against the city of Sa lem for the possession of the parcel of land known as Marion Squ3e J. W. Kedington, of Salem, wants to know ho whereabout, of ianl A. Sijeiinan, v,'uu started for Southern Oregon two months ago, juid das not been heard of since. o The horse Mark Tvin has been sold for Sil.000. The rainy weather appears to be waking up the Portland "cracks men." It is said the new steamboat, City of Salem, "will be able to navigate dry land, providing there is a heavy dew on the grass.' o Jameso Logan escaped from the Albany jail last Tuesday. The Sher iff don't know what he escaped for, as he was well treated and winter is s-.-tting i:i. o Tbe bazar and fair held by the Sisters of Charity on the fair grounds hist week, for the benefit of theAcad emy of the Sacred Heart, of Salem, was very successful, proceeds being Cr2,;U52 15. A meeting of the stockholders of the. Corvallis and Ya(u;na IviilroaJ Company was held in Corvallis on last Saturday. .Directors were elect ed for the follow inc; year, as follows: J. C. Averv, Cha-.'P. Ilogne, Ji. W. Wilson, J. M. Currier, J. 11. liayley, . Ilartless, Jo: e;h Hamilton, Hiram i-'licliiiiger aim M. Jacobs. The contract for finishing up the inside work on the new c.ipitol build ing, consisting of plumbing, plaster ing, painting and carpenter work, was awarded by the board of Capi tol eomiiii-sioic'i s on Tuesday to Mr. W. S. Ham, f Portland, for the sum of ;J,1:J5, .hc ? furnish all mater ial, except lumber, which is to be furnished by the commissioners. The bids were :-iteen in number, ranging from .V2-1,1'.)5 to 828,400. Mr. Hum's being tlie lowest, Avas awarded the contract. Mr. Il'ickwell, tV.e horse-trainer, r, onus the JU:yriiy:i that one ot his men start from Salem early Monday morning for tin purpose of co:n ey ing his tent and aparatns to Amity, where an exhibition was to be given and a school of instruction opened, when jw-ar Spong's ferry, he was stoppe.l by a party of half-breeds, who drew tneir instols noon him. md swore they would not allow him to proceed further. After a short parley he found it impossible to go inv further without causing blood shed, so he returned to Salem. A dozen families of immigrants have settled in the vicinity of Ellens- b'.irpr. Currv Co.. this fall, and still there is roem for more. o The New York Tribune informs ns that J. A. Cheek, a prominent citizen of Durham, N. C, committed suicide recently by hanging himself with a mosquito net. "Cheek!" The Indianapolis Journal says: "A Pike county, Ind., boy killed himself drinking 'colored lemonade' at the county fair." Boys, bear this in mind, and let every father of an econ omical turn, cut this out and keep it in his pocket-book for reference. The X. Y. Sun says: "Uismark is cultivating a sycatnore in his garden, back of the Foreign Oh'ice, sent him by American Germans in 1S72, for a birthday present. His gardner thinks him a great man, chiellv because he occasionally asks him, 'Well, Franz, how is the sycamore getting along?" " The gardner ought to tell him it is sirAer more frequently, and perhaps he'd get a Christmas present for be ing a smarty. From the X. Y. Post we learn that in a bale of the new crop of cotton received at Providence the other day. there were found fifteen pounds and three ounces of old iron. This must have been intended for the manufac ture of gun cotton. The Orange Gazette says: "Xot only is it a fact, according to an ex change, that no bald headed man was ever known to have the con sumption, but no case of the bald headed ever becoming insane is re corded. This has just been discov ered." This report was started bv a newly-married Oregon citizen whesi hair is rapidly disappearing. The Atlantic Times says "there is a pig with the hoofs of a mule on ex hibition at Butler, Ga." Whew! A pig-headed mule! Can you imagine anything more obstinate? ir.e papers say there are forty thousand marriageable girls in Cali fornia. Boys, what's the matter with you! From the Wilmington Weekly we learn that the brandy from Delaware peaches is not sis good as usual this year. The charaetor of the Wilming ton Weekly for veracity was never of , t ie best, and we are constrained to i sav that we cannot believe this dis tressing news until we have had several chances of testing for ourself. Ames' Election Methods. Chicago Times' Washington Letter Senator Alcorn of Mississippi, who has been in town several days plac ing his two little girls in the convent school at Georgetown, relates no end 7 ,7 rZ 'PP' pianta- tiou life plantation where he employs 1,000 " uvea )on a negroes, ana ue says he never had any trouble with them. In among these 1,000 men, there are no end of secret societies, an. I every night there are marchings and counter-marching all over his place. Still, any of these commotions have never caused him or any of his family to fear an insur rection. Illustrative of how the ne groes are led about by the nose by unprincipled nen, the Senator relates an umusijg story: During his last C'lnvass against Ames for the Gover- fill . . . iiorsnip oi the otate, there was a very eager contest. As Alcorn employed upward of 1,000 men on his planta tion, it was feared by the Ames men that they would all vote for their employer. Upon the plantation is one old patriarch by the name of "Shep," who was the property of Alcorn before the war, and who had the most of his life seen service on the Alcorn plantation. One day a small-sized, dapper-mannered carpet bagger came up to Alcorn's planta tion, and went around secretly elec tioneering among the negroes. He discovered that Shep was a leader among them all, and unless he gained him over it would be useless to look b votes for Ames on the plantation. He fell into conversation with Shep, and gathered from him the scanty details of his pat life. He then went away without sij-ing a word to Shep about the election. Several weeks after that, and a short time before the election, a large letter postmarked Washington, and resplendent with red seals and ollicial stamps, came to the Alcorn plantation, addressed to Shep. It was an event in the old man's life. A meeting of his favorite secret soci ety was at once called, and some one of the presiding officers who could read was detailed to open and read the awe-inspiring document. It was as follows: " E.cerxtire Jfrusioa. Wtr.7iijiyt.)t, D. C, llewhjtmrlers of lite Ar.jtj awl Xari and (i lorioti.i Common wen'th. Mr Dk.u: Shep: Although you live at a great distance from me, and al though you are only one of my many colored children, yet I know all about you, and often have my eye upon you. You were born on a plantation near Lynchburg, in Vir ginia. You were owned there by a man by the name of Charles Somers. Some vears before the. war you were sold toMr. Alcorn in Mississippi. I know Julius, Ilobert and James Hen ry Augustus, your boys, as well as Susan Ann, Jane and lloxanna Vir ginia, your daughters. You seo,c Shep, that although I am a very great man, I know all about my children. I have a watchful care over you all, and have a plan to make you fill happy. I want you to vote for General Ames for Governor this fall, and my dear Shep, I will give you my reasons for so wishing. In the lirst place. General Ames is my officer in your State, and I want you to obey him. Mr. Alcorn is an old slave-holder; you must not vote for him. If General Ames is elected, I propose to cut up Mr. Alcorn's plantation and give it to the slaves, who so many years worked for him for nothing. I will give you, my dear Shep, your choice out of the lots when it is cut up. Do not for pret to do all you can to get votes for Ames. Good-bye, my dear Shep. Your friend and" benefactor, U. S. Ghant, The great General of the Amy and Navy, and Commander of the Common wealth." The letter carried Sher completely by storm. ' An angel from heaven could not have convinced him that the letter was not from the President. He voted for Ames, and carried up ward of 500 votes with him. The above related incident is only one of the many ways used by un scrupulous politicians to hood-wink the simple-niinded aud gullible ne- Axgoka Goats. Messis. Carey & Myres have been engaged for several years in raiding goats iu this and the adjoiningcounty of Calaveras. Myres' range is about four miles from Sutter Creek, and that of Carey is in Salt Springs Valley, in Calaveras, some thirty-five miles distant. Lately their goats have increased to such an extent that the range became over stocked, and they were compelled to reduce their herds. On Saturday last they drove a band through Sutter Creek consisting of 1,000 head, which thev intend taking into Southern Orecron to sell. Thev are of the An gora kind, suitable for breeding, and among them are many tine bucks. The owners informed us that they had found the business of go it br HMl- in" a very profitable one. lhey find a ready market for the mohair in San Francisco at one dollar per pound From San Francisco the mohair is shipped direct to the alpaca works at .Jamestown, A., ana mere con vertp.l into fabrics. As much as fifty thousand pounds of mohair has ioon thbn.pd from this stata this season. Sutter Creek (Cal.) hnsijn. A m odium w ho arrived in Dnbu nn a short time aero, has performed the remarkable feat of rendering himself invisible, much to the regret of his landlord and his washerwo m in. Fkcak of Natcke. An Oregon City smarty says he had three hands the other day, his right, left, and ! running for the train he got a little behind hand, TliititlTOUI All XEH'S ITEMS. Judge Kelly, editor of the Idaho St'ifismnn, is canvassing Boise county for subscribers. We wish him good luck. Three hundred emigrants. Swedes, Scandinavians, Dutch, Scotch, Eng lish hud Irish, arrived at Salt Lake, Thursday, iu charge of a Mormon missionary. Lieutenant Colonel Grover, in spector of the department of the Platte, has just finished an inspection of all the forts ia Utah, Wyoming and Montana, ' " It is estimated that the yield of gold and silver from the mines of Colorado for the first six months of the present vear foots up in gold, .1,052,70".), and in silver, $1,101,000. It ii rumored that a company of Eastern and Western men, with a capital of $1,000,000, to operate the cattle trade between Colorado and vr.... : i firi Y J UllllUg foiined. and Chicago, has been The report of the committee of the Northern Pacific llailroad, made to the meeting of the stockholders on the 2.1, shows that the patented and certified lands of the company re m.tiuing unsold synount to about 000,000 acres, all in Minnesota and Dakota. Their sale is postponed to such a day as the court may hereafter order. Bonds to the amount of 20, 000,000 have been deposited with the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company to carry ou the plan of reorganiza tion. The powers of attorney receiv ed by the committee make a total of about $20,000,000, or more than live sixths of tlie whole, and large addi tions art? being made daily. In con clusion, the committee say that a mortgage of 20,000,000 has been substantially foreclosed, and a reor ganisation effected in less than six mouths; 550 miles of the road are now in paying operation, and tlie property includes a domain of nearly 10,000,000 acres of laud, and 25,000 woru for every mile of new road built,-as a basis for future operation. So many outrages have been com mitted lately On the road between Forts Laramie and Fetterman that General Crook has ordered a com pany of cavalry to do constant patrol duty on that route. The newly elected legislators of Xew Mexico are scheming to get the territorial eapitol away from Sa9ita Fe, where it has been located for as many decades as there art fingers and thumbs on your hands. A Montana paper says that Mr. M. Stot. e, livings near Gaifney, cut this season 100 acres of wheat, some of which kdded 50 bushels to the acre. nia, simply to raise wheat. From the Idaho 11 "urhl we learn that Hooten it Flhott, the owners ot the Sub Koza quartz mine, in Boise county, have realized from a crush ing of thirteen days in Plowman's mill, something between eignt and nine thor.3.ui. dollars. The Seattle TKapatch savs that within the past few days eight In dians have appeared before the clerk of the United States district court, in at city, and made oath of their in tention to become citizens of the United Slates and the severance of their tribal relations. Mr. Steve Henderson informs the Statesman that he has discovered a t very rich ledge of silver about five anles Irom Boise city, and that Air. J. Piukham had an assay made of the rock, which went $o20 to the ton. Mr. Henderson has also found a mine of alum near town, and it is well known that there is a coal mine of excellent quality near Fort Boise. The northern end of San Juan is land, W. T., must be very near His Satanic Majesty's dominions. They have found a sulphur mine there of great extent. A farmer from Lake Washington informs the Seattle Tribune of the 19th that he raised onions this season on his place at the rate of 1,150 bush els to the acre. Xine and ten hun dred bushels are claimed every year for various parts of the Territory. Two veins of coal have been dis covered in and adjacent to Steila cooni. A Panic-Maker. General Butler cannot forego his demagogism, whether in office or out of office. If any w ay exists whereby mischievions doctrines can be incul cated this prophet of evil is sure to find it, and to avail of it. The most recent demonstration of this fact is the letter to the United States Legal Tender Club of Xew York. General Butler has no power of exciting the community at present. His influence is broken with all classes of society. And the latest missive emanating from him should destroy all faith in his ability to counsel for any good purpose whatever. His hobby to-day happens to be inflation, which he constantly holds up as the panacea for the prostration of busines. He avows his enmity to sound prin ciples of finance, and sustains his propositions by appealing to the ex perience of those overtaken by finan cial distresses. Xo schoolboy but knows that the depression in manufactures princi pally comes from over production. The facilities and power of manufac turing have increased out of propor tion to the absorbing capacity of the community. So far as the currency affects this? part of business, return ing confidence, based on a sound, stable circulating medium, would doubtless tend to reduce the excess of fabrics, and distribute larger quantities of them among solvent p u r c h asers. Boston Traiiscrij t . BY I... B. CAKE. Well, wife, we're here at home again. J ust you and I alone ; How strangely still the old house seems With all tlie children gone! All, inel how often I nave thought, When worried with their noise, What joy we'd see when they grew up, Those shouting girls and boys. They've done as other children do, Done just as we did, wife; Their children will do so by them, So runs the warp of life; But could I change one single thread, In life's full woof, to-day, IM bring the children home to wait, Till we should go away. I've thought so much of that new game We helped the children play ; The one with mallets, bails and wires, With that queer name Croquet. 'Tisn't much like the games we played, More like the game of life, That you and I have learned to plaj', Since you became my wife. They chooso their partners, make their stand. All for position aim ; Strive to lie first from archto arch, And winner in the tintue, O Cn quet "positioned folks" away, Drive others from the ground Some fall behind, some rove, some win ; Thus runs the game around. Together through the wickets, wife, .Since partners we became, We've run tlie weary score of Iifj And soon we'll close the game. The sun dips low, the friends that look Drop one by one away ; Few will be left upon the ground, When we shall cease to play. The night conies creeping darkly on, The shadows round us blend ; But I can see tlie arches plain, Between us aud the cud ; The curfew call lroni'ar Away, Will soon come o'er the heather; The arches won, I only pray We may go out together. Origin ofilie Term Itrothcr Jonathan. The story of the origin of the above termtCas related many years ago, to the editor of the IZortcich Courier, by a gentleman over eighty years of age, who was an active participator in the scenes of the Involution, is as fol lows. When General Washington, after being appointed commander of the army of the llevoluticnary war, came to Massachusetts to organize it and make preparations for the defense of the country, ho found a great want of amunition and other means neces sary to the powerful foe he had to contend with, and great difficulty to obtain them. If attacked in such condition, the cause at once might be hopeless. On one occasion, at that anxious jieriod, a copsultation of the officers and others was held, when it seemed no way could be de vised to make such preparation as was necessary. His Excellency, Jon athan Trumbull, the elder, was then Governor of the State of Connecticut, o9i whose judgment and aid the Gen eral placed the greatest reliance, and remarked, "We must consult Brother Jonathan on the subject." The Gen eral did so, and tiie Governor was successful in supplying many of the wants of the army. When difficulties afterward arose, and the army was spread over the country, it became a by-word, "We must consult Brother Jonathan." The term Yankee is still applied to a portion, but "Brother Jonathan" has now become a desig nation for the whole country, as John Bull has for England. Watei'spotjts. Mr. Charles II. Allen, F. R. G. S., writes to the London Times: "Being in Calais, in August, 18i0, 1 noticed while walking on the beach a very black cloud, which hung like a thick curtain over ti.o SPH and stood out in sincular contrast to the brightness of the sur rounding sky. Presently a flash of lighting came from the cloud, and it ns immediately followed nv a tun nel-shaped projection, which was continued as a thin ueit to tne sur face of the sea. Its apparent height was about a mile. The water on the sea was boiling in fierce commotion as though vast masses of rain water were being poured upon it in a sin gle stream. This continued for about ten minutes, during which time the long streamer waved about iu the wind; the cloud gradually be came less black, and at last the wav in" belt broke asunder. The spout moved along the sea at a rapid pace, and had it met with a large vessel, or had its course been over the land, your pages would have had some dis aster to chronicle. I believe this spout had its originin the black cloud and was not water raised in a whirl wind. I have seen dust columns carried to a great height in Australia but their motion was upward, and not downward, as in the case of this great waterspout." -- Judge Miller is a very successful politician, and at one time knew every voter in his district. Time, however, has faded theJndge's mem ory a little, although he will not ad mit it. He shakes hands with, and pretends to know everybody. He was holding court in Miller county a short time ago, and was ap proached by a long lubberly speci men of the Osage hills, who held out his paw and: " How d'ye do, Judge; you odon't know me, do you?" " Oh, yes," said the Judge. "How is your father?" Osager. "Oh, he's been dead eleven years!" Judge. "Sire enough, but how i vonr mother?" Osager. " Why she's been dead eighteen years!" Judge. AVell, hotf the devil are yon? iou ain t dead, 1 know!" Tlii lirnnndifc down bt oi-nn-.l which soon adjourned to the nearest grocery, to irinK to the live man s health, Sedaiiae Bazoo. m p. Night in Oregon Citt. Oh, you ought to come out here and see how dark it is!" "How could I see if it's as dark as you say ?" Cabinet Changes and their Rea-sons. Since General Grant became Pres ident the following members of the Cabinet have resigned: Elihu Washburne Secretary of State Adolph 10. iioi ie SSoc. of Navy i. T. Boutwell Secretary ofTteas. Win. Richardson . . .S"cretarv of Tresis. J. D. Cresswell Postmaster-Gen 'rl E. Rock wood Hoar Attorney Gen'rl Amos Akennsii " " George II. Williams... " ' J. 1). Cox Secretary of Inferior Columbus Delano. Gen. Rawlins, Secretary of War, died in office. There is, therefore, now no member of the Cabinet in office who went in with the President. Adding to those who have resigned and the one who died, the persons who have taken their places, we find that 21 different persons in six years have sat around the Executive Conn-, cil board. Look at the causes briefly slated for the removal of some of these men: OJicc. Sect. JMcn. Caitse of Itctirement. Navy.. A. 10. liorie Incompe tency. Sect.Trcas. Post.-Gen.. Att'y-Gen. Att'y-fjbm. Sect. I nte. . . W. Richardson . .C o r r u p tion. . . J. D. Cresswell . .Co r r u p tion. . .Amos Akcrman. Incompe tency. . G. II. Williams. .Incompe tency and Corruption. Columbus' Delano. Cor r u p- tion. Mr. E. Rock wood Hoar left the Attorney-Generalship because he would not let rogues and robbers be made Marshals in Southern Dist ricts. Mr. J. D. Cox left the Interior De partment because he was expected lo sanction the swindles which have at last tripped up Delano. The recent retirement of Williams and the pres ent retirement of. Delano are attrib uted in great part to the flat demand of Secretaries Fish and Bristow. Attorney- General Pit -rrepont, and Post in as te r - G en er a 1 J e w ell. A Restaur ant on the Centennial, Grounds. Mr. Joseph Heilbrun, of the firm of Tobias Sz Heilbrun, of Philadelphia, has closed a coutract for a restaurant to be known as the American Restaurant, and which will be conducted by the firm on the Cen tennial grounds. The building, de signed by II. T. Schwarman, the architect on the Centennial Board of Finance, will be situated in a grove of cedaii on the bant of the stream running between tlie Horticultural and Agricultural buildings. It will cover one and a quarter acres, with a length of 273 feet and a width of 1SS feet enclosing a garden 125 long by 11G feet wide, handsomely orna mented with fountains, plants and statuary. The entire space occupied by the building and garden will be three and a quarter acres. There will be private dining and smoking rooms, a large banqueting hall with room for 500 guests, and arrangements for meals in tlie gar den. Mr. Charles Vossler, former ly of the Grand Hotel, of Paris, and recently of Xew York, will be the superintendent. The total capacity of the restaurant will be to seat five thousand guests. The building will be completed by the 1st of Jannar-, aud the restaurant will, it is said, be on a larger scale than any in this country, and the arrangements will be of a superior character. Phila delphia Ledger. An Old Gike. Minerva Isidore Manchester was pretty nearly all the name belonging to a woman with gray hair, cracked voice and shuf iling gait, who slided out at the toll iag of the bell. "This is a case of drunkenness," remarked the Court as he held up the warrant. "Oh. well, don't be too hard on us gins," sue replied, giggling hkc a parrot, and trying to look attrac tive. How old are you?" quietly asked His Honor. IM be twenty-seven next week!" she replied promptly. " Twenty-seven 3'es um. Iou 11 never see fifty-live again." 'Oh, now, darling! she giggled pushing back her hair. " Don t fool around this Court, Mrs. Manchester, but tell how you plead to this charge." " I was a little tipsy, my love, she said, "but I am going to be steady after tnis. Let me go this morning, old sweetness, and you shall have a slice of the bridal cake." " I'll bridle vou for ninety days old girl," replied the Court, "and if I didn't think'd you'd die of old age in that time I'd make it six months. Go back and sit down." Free Press. Git ant's Visit to His Fakm. President Grant's visit to his Mis souri farm appears to have been un satisfactory. Addressing the farm hands in his usual strain of fiery elo quence, he gave them to understand 4-U.-.4- ...... tSAl. . 1 i. nia ue as in unueringiy disap pointed in the-looks of things." We have not received the full text of his speech, but the peroration reads as follows: rtI appear among you as the representative of agricultural reform, and when I order a patch of cronnd to be planted with rye, I don't want any back-jaw in favor of winter cab bage. Brooklyn A rg us.' American Peaches Abroad. It is creditable to American enter- piise that the second attempt to send peaches to England has I ejn attend ed with complete success. The fruit being in good condition on ai rival and having readily found purchasers in London, peach-growers are now assured a larger market for tneir fruit, which will doubtless be pro duced in greater quantity to meet the foreign demand. If all perish able fruit and vegetables can be sent cheaply in the same way to Europe, the success of the experiment will prove of incalculable value to this productive land. Tiie Homestead cflhmiel Web ster. Correspondence of the Boston Globe. 1 he secluded country home and ocean-boai-dered farm of Webster at Marshheid presents to the wayfarer along the South Shore not the least attractions of the Old Colonv. The beauty andquietude of the place and it s natural features are elements in its character, apart from its asso ciation w ith the great statesman, that may well tempt the pilgrim to turn his steps and wander through the grounds. The estate, as is generally known, under its former possession extended to the ocean and comprised about 1,500 acres of land, including the present little sea-shore hamlets of Green Harbor and Brant Rock. But it is now reduced to about its original limits of three or four hun dred acres, as at the time of purchase by Mr. Webster. The house is situ ated about two miies from the sea, and not in sight of it. The mansion house is a typical American homestead very extensive, with an air of comfort and conven ience, and in some way impresses one as the abode of jast greatness. Sufficiently ornate to satisfy good taste, it has an unpretentious grand eur that occords well with the spot. Though occupied as a private resi dence and not "open for public in spection, still the writer and friend were most )olitely received and shown the principal rooms by the excellent lady of the house. The first room visited was the library, which is the finest and naturally the most interesting apartment. It is situated in one of the wings of the house, and was designed by Julia,, the daughter of Webster, especially for her father's use, and in its plan and arrangements does great credit to her taste and skill. It is left as nearly asQ possible as it Mas at Mr. Webster's death the great massive writing table, the favorite chair, the pictures and ornaments remain me mentoes of other days, and vividly recall the great life with which they were so intim itely associated. Most of the books have been removed from the cases for sale, but their places "are supplied with articles of vertu and ornaments of great variety and value, the collection of a lifetime. The high vaulted walls are adorned with pictures aud busts, many of the for mer being family portraits, the most conspicuous being one of Mr. Web ster, by Healy, painted at the time of the signing of the Ashbuiton Treaty, and another of Major Edward Webster in the uniform of the Mas sachusetts Mexican volunteers. The staff and white felt hat are suspend ed in their accustomed place over the picture of their former possessor. Other rooms the music room, the dining and morn in r rooms, the star chamber, and Mr. Webster's room in which he died, were shown us, and tlie particular features and souvenirs pointed out. Thej' are all preserved in appearance as when the household lost its master and the nation its greatest intellect. In the dining room many pictures of favorite cattle drawn from life hang on the walls, while in others miniatures of grandchildren and sketches of Webster in rude home garb and white hat attract the eye. From the window of the morn ing room, looking out upon the great elm, the final farewell was taken two or three days before his death of the herd of 150 cattle, driver, up for their owner's last view. Mr. Webster had a strong attachment for his cattle,, and talked to them and fondled them as though they were intellectual be ings. The looais have that homelike aspect in kf eping with the character of one "to the manor born," who here sought relief from the cares of state and life, and ever yearned for the peace and pleasures of a Xew England home in which be was reared. Xotiiino Mean About Him. A Western paper tells the following: " A man went into Slight's confec tionery store a few days ago,cin an excited manner, and rushing up to the proprietor said: "Do vou make wedding cakes?' " Yes, sir," said Slight. " Well," said the other, " I'm goin" ter git married ter-day, an I want a cake. I'm no slouch, an' I'm goin' ter dew things up to the handle. I don't intend ter git married but once, and yon bet I'll make things howl." Slight smiled blandly, and com menced lifting out ten and twenty dollar wedding cakes, gorgeous in beautiful frosting and artificial flow ers. Among the rest was a small plain cake. "How much is that?" asked the excited purchaser. " Four bits," said Slight. "That's the one for me; here's your money, old pard; wrap her up. Thar's nothin' mean about rne; I wouldn't care if it was six bits." Slight gazed after the purchaser as hewent out about five minutes,, the picture of amazement, and then he sat down and fanned himself for half an hour, and then got up and consumed half an hour or more in stowing away the piles of fancy cakes and talking to himself softly, but his bland smile had passed away for the time being. -v PiiiLOsopiucAn Resignation. Mrs. Klipress, who lives' near Cane mah, shook her husband out of a sound sleep a few nights since, whis pering excitedly, "What's that? John, there's a man out in the woodshed! I know there is!" Valiant John reach ed for his trusty rifle, and commenc ed to reconnoiter. "Bang!" went the "tin, and John Klipress now says he '"intended to kill that cow any i r.- milking was getting wearisome and the milk was fattening the chil dren too fast."