o o 0 o A Ji 'i- . n U ?e it- ro n :i T J i- ?t jr ?t r. 10 ii )f (1 h r r r if - ! 5 d THE ENTERPRISE. QBECOX CITY, OREGON, JULY 9, 1575. Base Ball Game. Some of our citizens made up a purse for the champion base ball club of the State and extended an invitation to Salem and Portland to contest for the prize which was accepted. The Portland nine were made up from the Arcadi ans and two from the Pioneers, and the Salem nine from the various clubs at that place. The Portland boys chartered the Vancouver, but owing to the large number of people who desired to come the boat was not larere enough and they obliged to tow a barge to accommo Ata the people. At least six dred came up. They arriv about 1:30, and at 2:10 the game commenced. There was at least fif teen hundred people on the ground to 'witness the game. The Salem club was first to the bat, and when the game commenced, the bovs were the favorites cranio was regarded by many as set tied before it commenced in their favor, and hence but little betting was done on the ground. But the Salem boys soon gained the confi dence of' the crowd on tho first in ning, and made five runs, while the Portland boys made but two. On tho third inning they stood twelve to four arid kept ahead to the end, winning the game by 31 to 1G runs. The result surprised all present, but in our opinion, the Salem boys can get away with the nine played last Monday every time. The feeling between the two clubs seemed as good as could bo expected, and the umpire gave his decisions promptly and to the general satisfac tion of the players, llie game was an excellent one, and while our Port land friends got beat, they need not feel ashamed of it, for the Salem nine will be hard to beat by any club in the State, as they are in good trim ana liavo no disposition to lose a point that can bo made in the game This leaves Salem the champions of the htate; lhe amount of money raised for tho successful club was f xx WsoDiNo.-Tho residence of nature ordains, equal in force and cp.eUJy CLU, ? f List Monday evening, being the ocua- ! m cfntuiT to produce a perma sion of the celebration of their tenth Dent Solil correciou in the minds of anniversary. They were the recipients j thinking men and women bv work of a larire. amount of exn-iient " ware, and the people showed in their ; ing uesire UP to a fever heat that hearty PXprcssioilS of cnncratnUfinna ! nmnnnU tn .1 i , , ----e,- .... u ucuu lur me i me. they may both live to clebrate many vvuii..6 uuiut;ranes or lueir happy Lf.tter L.ist. The followintr is a list Of tho Ijftttera remaining in thu Post-offlce at Oregon City, July 2, 1875 : fisher, jzra Rev Foulin Sarah arlpw, V. n- Fisher. Old manent revolutions of thought are oniy to do produced by appeals to common sense and judgment of the thinking part of community; never by appeals to the uneducated and to children. A On.Bvrp Mrs. "- .Man. iuercnant : liavi ir0,,.,r it" . - Harvey YV C ; Herring. R. C: Ken nun- j ., z. roi.: teasel. Henry; ed here t ineV" V,i0inas; Wilcox, Win.; War- letters held for nostafr. t.. t n Smith, Salem. Oresron: S.mfcnl' v' Sprague, Oysterville, W. T Miss Mary A oung, Oak Point. W. T. : Dr. 1j. J. Wardlow. St. T.o.iiv tn ana wnen Miss I.ottio Howard, Tekaesho.'Mich.; t u i Portland Geo. r lemming, Springwater, Oregon, to M , and the . If called for, plea.sesav when "adver- north J. M. "Hacox, P.M. northern Ckleotiatioxs. Celebrations were held at Damascus, Nortons and near Parrott's camp ground in this county, the first on Saturday and tho rest on Monday. Mr. Ij. T. Iiarrin. of this eitv delivered the orations at Damascus and Norton s, and Mrs. Duniway at Par rott's. In all the places they had a very pleasant time. . Fine Ball. A grand ball was given at Pope's Hall last Monday evening. which was well attended. The music was excellent, and the hall well filled wun me beauty ana fashion or our ce, with a number of visitors from lem and Portland. Geo. Hardine was the manager of the affair, and his reputation tor niakinz such thintcs a success is beyond question. All Right. Mr. Ben. F. Wardwell called at this olfice last Monday, and left a card for publication, to inform his friends that himself and family are all right and that he was not on the steamer Senator, conseouentlv not i - mown up. lie proposes, in future, to keep his friends posted as to his where abouts, sp as to avoid unnecessary fears aim aiiR-iy. DisoKArEFiri.. It is a matter of regret that wo are compelled to say that the cionduct of certain individ uals who accompanied tho base ball players from Portland last Mondav, was such as to stamp them anything but gentlemen. It seems that some of them came up to "take the town and cominenced their work at the hotel, by: kicking up a fuss in order to get ndj of pa-ing for their din ner. We.are also informed that their conduct iti tho dining room was most disgraceful and unbecoming, and on the base ?)all grounds it was any t ung but'decent. e do not excuse those of oiir own citizens, no matter what the causes were, in using inde cent and boisterous language in the prosenc? of ladies and children; but from what we can learn, tlie hood lums fram Portland sought and ag gravated the case. It looked as though hud thero been a particlo of show, these chaps, us soon as they found the' L'ortlanders wero getting bally boiiten, would havo broken up the rr.imo in a row, but tho prompt action of the officials put a stop to it, and caused a couple of them to be put under arrest. To show the utter lawlessness of snmo of these hoodlums, when tho Sheriff male the iirrcit, and all knew that he was an1 oflicer, they made an at etompt to tjike . the fellow from him, and had l;hoy not found out that the people of 'this place would sustain their ofiirs, in all probability they would have made the attempt a suc cess. The whole proceeding was a disgrace to those engaged in it, and wo only rhgret that so many of the best citizens of Portland were found in such ci mipany. and who undoubt- I iukd Up. Firo was started in the iron furnace at Oswego last Friday, ana 11 was expected to commence smelting last Tuesda3'. The works have ueen piacea in gooa oruer ana it is expected that there will be a long un- lniorrupiea run mis nine. Oswkoo. The steamer E. N. Cooke towed up the Gussie Telfair to Oswego last Monday, tho latter having 180 tons of lime on board for the Iron works. This is the largest vessel that has ever been up the river so far. and Capt. Miller informs us that she came up without the least trouble. Just So. Wo don't care because its none of our business but we would like to know how it is that hoarv headed old christians can hug and kiss pretty rii Is in churches, while we poor, de generate sinnors are not permitted to muuiiio in a similar luxury without invidious comment. IIkakpFkom. lly private letter from Y . Y . Moreland, Ksq., formerly of this citv, we learn that lie has located at Healdsburg, California. His many fri'iids here will bo ulad to hoar of his prosperity and success in his new home. SUMMARY OF STATE N'EU'S. The Oregon Granaer Burkhart left in our sanetnm last Tuesday, a sheaf of red clover grown on his farm near this city, the aver- wuicu was nve feet ten inches, many single stalks being fully oijl ice i, lung. On last Fridav. a lr, 1 nnffinrr r. "William Ri'Iph liiMnn inih part of Benton ronntv. caught fire from the burning of some brush, and was entirely consumed, together with a header, mower, gang plow, walking plow, and other farm ing utensils. ai. The farmers have made uu a pool of 70,000 pounds of wool to be stored at the farmers' warehouse in Albany. A large share of it is already delivered. George S. Johns, of Hillsboro, has sent 130 kinds of insects to Wash ington by order of tho bureau of bugology. The Salem Record of June 20th says: lwo men on the steamer Ciov. Grover, Jo Dougherty, mate, and Kelly, deck hand, were arrested yes terday on complaint of Indian Agent Brown, examined before U. S. Com missioner, P. Li. "Willis, and held in one hundred dollars each to answer to the U. S. District Court the charge of giving liquor to a couple of Indian women who were employed as ser vants in good families in Salem. T. "W. Davenport, of Silverton, writes to - the Salem Record as f ol lows: A complete list of all the men, women and children immigrating to Oregon to the close of tho year 18G0 is desired for future reierence, am in order to add to the interest which would attach to such a compilation some other facts accompany them the whole being in tho following or der: 1st name; 2d time and place of birth: 3d place from which emi grated to Oregon; 4th tho year and minor dates, and tho time of amva in Oregon. Two Burleigh drills, air compres sors, and two boilers and engines, are to be added to the machinery at the Virtue mine in Baker county. Ilev. J. II. lloork has been ap pointed financial agent for the Uni versity for the coming year, C. W. Shaw having resigned that position. Last Friday, while Mr. R. Figg and family, who live near Eola, were at the campmeeting at Dixie, their house was broken open and ransack ed. The thief took $0 in coin, be longing to a hired man on tht place, that w us iu m tmnk, but did not dis turb anvthing else. The AldiS'E. The Aldino for June, (No. 13 of the current series) has come to hand, and it may be called one of the most substantial numlers of the publication which has yet appeared appealing, uirouB""i. "e most re fined and elevated sentiments. This fact is especally notable in several of the illustrations, ''Mother's Darling," the first, beins; a periect apothesis of that holiest and most seu-sacrihcing of affections conveyed by the name: while in two companion-pictures. "The Helping Hand," and "Saved and Liost, tne story ui man s spiritual peril and his only abiding refuge is told most strikingly, lhree fine pic- ures open the promisea aeries of "Pic turesque urope, in -a aterfall in the Pyrenees, "a gem of Albert Rieger, the orieinal of which formed one of he leading art-attractions at ienna in 1IS73 and two charming ovals, "Sur mont on the Bonze," and "The Heron's Iiock," both from picturesque Au vergne. The other full-paged pic ture of the number is a graphic "Battle of Bunker Hill, following out the patriotic Centennial series commenced three months ago making up a whole of quite the avearge Aldine excellence, which is all that need be said. The Aldine Oompony publishers, 58 Maiden L.ane, New York City. 7"The National Gold Medal was award ed o Bradley fc Rulofson for the best Photographs In the United States, and the ienna Medal ionne dl-si in me world. 429 Montgomery Street, Ban Francisco. l MARRIED. Proposals for Wing Dams, . Willamette River. U. S. EXGIN'EER OFFICE. ) Portland, Oregon, June 24, 1S75.J SEALED PROPOSALS VILL EE RE ceived at this office until 12 o'clock M. of Jul-23, 1875, (when they will be opened In the presence of bidders), for building 8,XK)feet (more or less) of wins damson the upper Willamette Kivcr, and removal of rocks Bidders will state the amount in United States currencv lor which they will con struct the dams per lineal foot, and remov al of rocks per cubic yard. Detailed speci fications, with blank forms for proposals, can be obtained at this oflice. The dams are to be built at such locali ties on the river as the United States En gineer in charge shall direct. The dams will consist of logs laid on the river bed tho entire length of the dam, fas tened by drift bolts to small piles driven to a depth of five or six feet, the piles being fifteen feet apart. This is to be covered by a one foot layer ol brush tied into bundles and covered with a cubic yard of gravel to every ten feet of dam. Bids must be in triplicate, on forms furn ished from this office, and endorsed "Pro posals for Wing Dams, Willamette River." The right'is reserved to reject any and an bias. X. MICHLEIt, Mo jor of x ngincers. July 2, 1S75 2v UNITED STATES HOTEL, Front Strct-t, Corner Ii, PORTLAND, OG'W JAMES DOL AIM, PROPRIETOR. SPRING 1857 Is your time to bny goods at low prices. ACKERMAN BROTHERS are now receiving a large stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, all of the Latest Styles, wh i. will soli AT LESS THAN PORLAND PRICES. Our stock has been bought for cash, and we will sell it at a small advance above SAN FRANCISCO COST. MBR C HA 2T2 IBB. JOHN MYEES, OREGON CETY. Xear Boone's Ferr'. Julv 3iI.bvJ. V. tirahain. J. I Mr. Absolom li. Stwup and Missf Noma Ueavert, all of Clackamas county . The Public Confidence Well Placed. Although the world has been seeking specifics for disease many centuries, few indeed have been found. Prominent Lunong these feV is Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters, which years ago received the endorsement of the medical profession, and was hailed by press and public as the great renovant and preventive of the age. And with good reason, since to the weakened stomach it gives strength, to the torpid liver activity, to the disordered bowels recularitv. and to the shaken nervous system firmness and tone. Under its benignant influ ence healthful vigor returns to the de bilitated and wasted frame, the llaccid muscles become compact, the wan as pect of ill health is replaced by a look of cheerfulness, the mind ceases to des pond, and flesh is developed upon the attenuated frame. There is no exag geration in this statement. It is as fcrue as that the system is subject to disease Were proofs required to substantiate the reality of the comprehensive effects of the Hitters, there is probably not in existence a medicine in favor of which such a mass of concurrent testimony, from the most respectable sources. could be adduced. But the ellicaejr of the nation s alterative aim invigorant has been a matter of universal knowl edge too long to need anv such corrob oration. The fact that it has its largest sales in those portions of the North and South American Continents, Mexico, and tho West Indies, in which atmos pheric limueiices preiudicial to health exists, proves what confidence is felt in its remedial and protective virtues. In localities where levers of an intermit tent type prevail, especially, it has eomo to be regarded as an indispensa ble necessity. Board and Lodging per week $5 00 Hoard 00 Single Meals : 25 IxKlglng 25 ft'onveyarico to the house tree of charge. May 2t, lS7o XI JOHN SCHRAR3, Main St., Oregon City. MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF Kntldleg, IIarn-Hi, etc., etc. WHICH HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS can be had in the atate, at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. "l warrant my goods as represented. WEWILLSAT TO EVERYBODY BE t t fore you purchase or go to Portland, come and price our goods and convince yourself that we do what we say. Our stock consists in part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats. Boots and Shoes, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Xotions, Grot, les, Hard ware- and a great many other articles too numer ours to mention ; ALSO DOORS, WINDOWS. PAINTS AND OILS, ETC., ETC. DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, tA J D GENERAL MERCHANDISE; Books and Stationery. We will Price for also pay the Highest Market 1.000 DEER SKINS W ANTE D, A1 AND ALSO, I.T, OTHER KINDS OK HIDES. FOP. which I will pav the niches market price in cash Brinii on your hides and get your coin forthem. JtJII.N SO'llllA.M, Saddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, lS73-m3. Country Produce. ACKERMAN BROS. Oregon City. April 9, 1875 tf OREGON STEAMSHIP GO.'S STEAMBOAT NOTICE! edly felt iieartily ashamed of their coniluct.ATho.se yonnr men who played I the jame acted tho part of eiitleuil 1 and had no connection with thiiJisturhers. Wo trust the next turn, that Portland people are Skiiksadku. The Oregon City String Band were out serenading several of our citizens last Wednesday night. W'c return thanks to the band for the compliment paid, us on the occasion. Tho music was beautiful, and showed that the hand has made remarkable progress. In Tows. Mr. 1. 1$. I lanna, formerly a citizen of this place, has been in town this week. "Rev." E. P. Hammond. iuvited to this place they will be able to le.ivo their hoodlums at home. 1f..tu of I vii Smith. Mr. David Smith, an old citizen of this place, died at his residence on last Friday evening, after a short illness. Mr. Smith had iK'en a resident of this place since 1S33, was one of our most enterprising and nergetic mechanics, ami possessed of those characteristics which go to make up a useful and valued citizen in anv community, lie was thoroughly de voted to the advancement of Oregon in manufacturing, and to this end cm ployed all his means, and had just ulKMit begun to realize the object for vhich ho had devoted his many years' residence here. lint death has put an end to his earthly labor?, and Oregon City has lost a valuable, good, honest and enterprising citizen, one whose place will not bo easily tilled. He was about 4-y rears of age. lie was buried last Sunday by Fountain Hose Com pany Xo. 1, of which he was an active and" worthy member, assisted hy the entire tire" department. The funeral was largely attended, showing the re spect and esteem entertained for him by our people. Peace bo to his ashes. AsxivEiwART.-Xext Sunday will be the tenth anniversary since the Rev. J. W. Sell wood commenced his labors in this parish as Rector of St. Paul's Church, and he proposes to preach a sermon on that day appropriate to the occasion. This shows the high appreci ation held for Rev. M. Sell wood in this place. We doubt whether there is an other instance on record in Oregon where tho people have been satisfied with the same Rector for that length of time, in the Episcopal or anv other Church, and we are satisfied that our whole community has become thor oughly attached to him. He is a gen tleman of excellent abilities, an honest and sincere Christian, and devoted solelv to the interest and spiritual wel fare of the people among whom he has so long resided. We trust there will be a large congregation in attendance t next Sunday morning. Attkmttkd Captuke. Bro. E. P. Hammond came up to this place last Saturday with a lot of followers and believers in his barbarous way of mak ing Christians, and renewed his visit on Wednesday. The view generally entertained bv our citizens is, that the show and display made resembles a show and is a burlesque on what these zelots profess. To us, it iooks line blasphemy and will do more harm than eonrk "An Observer" in this issue ex presses our views in this matter as well as wa could, iind we will dismiss the subject with the hope, for the cause of religion, that the thing is enaea ai least so far as Oregon City is conceruea. County Court. As sve go to press, the County Court is in session. We shall give their proceedings next week Editoii Entekpkise: For the ben efit of those who were not present at 1 tho religious services which were held at the Baptist church, of this city, on Saturday, allow mo through your columns to give a brief sketch of Bro. Hammond and his work. Now, I do not propose to go into detail or discuss the merits or demer its of any othor person, who came here with the "religious excursion," excepting Bro. Hammond himself. While very many would think tho man crack-brained, or monomaniac on tho subject of religion, by watch ing him carefully the delusion is soon dissipated; nnd one comes to see him as he is, a shrudo contriver, a stndent of human nature, a man quick to tako advantage of circum stances, and with enough of inventive genius to tarn them, generally, to his own account. For it seems that bo has discovered in this matter of revival?, the mainspring of action; and, by a systematic concentration of psychological force, is able to produce results nearly, if not quite, as astonishing as the famous Daven port brothers, or the wonderful Kato King, and a host of others who em ploy their various and almost marac ulous psychological powers, not to convert, reform and christianize the the world, bnt solely for the purpose of filling their coffers by merely con tributing to the amusement of a cur ious and fickle public. Contrary to the old-stylo evangel ists, Bro. Hammond does not allow the "revival spirit" to "run wild among harmeless children," but 'by reducing his modus operandi, in manner to a science, is able to so marshal his forces and arrange 1 campaign as to at once reach the most vulnerable and appreciative part of his audience, and turn out converts by tho score, as an enter prising Yankee would turn out shoe pegs or wooden nutmegs. What may be the result of this emotional (so called) religion, I do not Know. When men become sc fanatical as these we may expect any thing, but no disinterested looker- on can doubt the actual result. Paroxymus of pain or fear or 6mi religions enthusiasm -will ordinarily pass away, leaving the reaction that Mr. George Hammond, of Middle bury, Vermont, says the Record, the gentleman who has earned so envia ble a reputation in this country as a breeder of fine wooled sheep, and who in connection with Hon. J. Li. Orcutt, of Massachusetts, has been doing so much to increase the value of California wools by the introduc tion of Merino blood, has for the past few days been looking over this val lev with a view of establishing an agencv where reliable breeding ani mals, direct from Vermont and the East, may bo had; and also to see what arrangements may be made for the future 11urcha.se of wool in our miust. OREGON CITY SAW AND PLA1HINQ MILL 4 M .! KINDS ()!' Saeii, :iiiil, Doors, Window Frames Ui-. WUtar'ii Itulsnm of Wild Cherrv is "a combination and a form indeed" for healing; and curing diseases of the throat, lungs and chest. It cures a cough by loos- entng and cleansing the lungs, and aiiay- lB!r irritation: tnus rcmovxnu ine etitsr. in- steud of drying up the cough and leaving the disas'j behind. Iteligiou. llcv. Oaorgo 1 1. Atkinson will hoKl regular services in the Congregational Church, in this citv. on the tirst and second Sabbaths of each month. Morn ing services at 10 'i o'clock. On the first Sabbath at Holmes' School House at 3 o'clock, p. M. Mouldings, jTiriis-sliiniJj Tuiiibei, Flooring, Celling, Sludlng tV KiiMfo. Will fJuild all classes of Buildings. Designs, Specifications, Bill of Material Made. .. COliB VTH. Oregon City, May 11, 1S75 :tf Stx 111. 1ST. COOKE, Will leave OREGON CITY for PORTLAND evervdav Except Sunday, at 7J o'clock, A. M. Returning, will leave Portland for Oregon City at 24 o'clock, P. M. Str. ALICE, Will leave OREGON CITY forCORVALLIS every Monday and Thursday of each weeK. I will pay the highest prices for and all kinds of GOOD COUNTRY PRODUCE Sti DAYTON, Will leave OREGON CITY for McMINN- VILLK. I iA FAYETTE and DaYTON, and nil noints between, every Monday. Wed nesday and Friday of each week. leaves the Basin at 8 o'clock. A. sr., and connect with the train at Oanemah at 9, A. m. I will sell as low as any house in Orcgm for CASH OR ITS EQ VIVALBJS'T n Good Merchantable Produce.; Sti ALBANY, leaves OREGON CITY for IIARRISBURG nnd EUGENE and all intermediate points every week. I am selling very low for CASH 1ST HANDi NEW GOODS incnraitiri i(etoret. Iht not despair oecause your physician shakes his liead. Professional opinions are not Infallible ; and they are never wider of the mark than when they pronounce Chronic Disjcpsia an incurable inn lad v. To mitigate its pangs, the faculty usually prescribe nir, ex ercise, and brantlt. The lirst two are God's medicines ; the last is a satanic poison. The only medicine needed in Dyspepsia and its concomitants is Dr. J. Walker's California Vi.vkoak Hitters, the great vegetable tonic of the age. Now Sistkk! She's got her back up again, wo mean mstor .uuniway, becauso we said something about her wo weeks ago. She says she can't make a man of a monkey. "V e see that nature succeeded in her case of making a monkey of what was in tended to be a woman; again she says she can't make a "whistle oat of a pig's tail." We'll tako her word for that, and would gently suggest that she try heads for an experiment; but ours is not at her disposal. Its yours next. Died. Arnold Fuller, an old pio neer of Oregon, died at his residence in Corvallis on Sunday, tho 28th ult. lie leaves a large family and many friends throughout the State to mourn his death. He was about 70 years of age, and came to Oregon in 1845. It is seldom that we notice anything in ine medical line, nor would wc now unless we could bo convinced that we are not doing our duty as a iournalist in recommending to tho puhfie. the cel- e orated, ootanical preparation ot Dr. Henry. Whoever induces the victim of scrofula or any other disease of tho blood, to use Dr. Henry's Kxtract of Sarsparilla, has begun a good work. There is no question as to tho result of this medicine it persevered in. It is a Jturc euro for scrofula, rheumatism, .Salt Rheum, and indeed all complaints arising from vitiated or impure blood. It is iust what a crood nhvsieian would preseribo for these complaints, and we confidently recommend it as being tho lest article now in use. Dr. Henry's Cough Balsam is the most affective remedy for aifection of tho throat or lungs that we have ever known. It contains no deleterious drugs, and can bo taken with impunity and certainty of relief. For the cure' of coughs colds, sore throat, etc., it stands without a ri val. Dr. Henry s Liniment as an alle viator of pain, is unrivaled by any preparation before tho public; the most skeptical will be convinced by a single trial. It will prove itself a friend in need which no family should bo without.. at CAPT. Z. C NORTON'S STORF, XOUTOX, Clackamas Co., Oregon. rpiIE l;MERSHifc.i -rv-I nou nee that ho has Just received a splendid stock of Clothing, IVjots and Shoes, Dry-tJoods, Groceries, " Hardware, Cutlcrj-, Crockery, Ktc. i:tc. direct from New York. The stock is the best and lamest ever brought to a store in Clackamas county, and having purchased it at greatly reduced prices. Is able to sail it cheaper than goods have ever been sold before. I am und-r obligations to my former customers lor their liberal patronage, and being ble now to accommodate them bettor :t less prices than ever before, I ask a continuation of their patronage, and so licit the tradu of all new-comers and those v-ho have not heretofore traded with me, assuring them th:it I can give them as o-ood bargains as can be had in the State. " All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for -oods. tiive me a call and I will guar antee to give you satisfaction. NfKTOX ' Clackamas Co., Oregon, Mar. 12, 18To. Sti laimie Patton, Leaves OREGON CITY for ALBANY and all intermediate points bet ween twice ev er v week. J. D. BILES, Agent, Oregon City.February, 111. S74. J. P. WARD. GEORGE A. HARDING. WARD & HARDING, DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, HAND A Card of Thanks. Sheuiff's Office, Oiikoo.n Citt, July 6, 1875, Editor Enteuprisk Dear Sir: Permit nio to publicly acknowledge through your paper my appreciation, and tender to the good citizens of Oregon City my sincere thanks for their aid and assistance in supporting me in tho discharge of my official duty while at tempting to prevent a disturbance that at one time seemed probable in Oregon City, on the 5th inst. With my thanks to one and all for their cheerful sup port, I remain your obedient servant, J. T. Appkrsos, .Sheriff. . In Memory of David Smith. The following resolutions we re adopt ed by Fountain Hose Company, Jfo. 1, at a meeting held at their hall on .Sat urday, July 3d, 1375 : Resolved, That this Company feels with a profound sense its severe" loss in the death ot our esteemed and beloved brother David Smith. Resolved, That the house of this Company be draped in mourning for thirty days. Resolved, That this Company extend to the bereaved widow and fatherless children of our deceased brother our sympathies in this their hour of afflic tion, who are thus bereft of husband and father, and we shall ever cherish feelings of regard toward them. Resolved, That a copy of these reso lutions be sent to the widow and orph ans, and that a copy be furnished the weekly Enterprise, with a request of their puDiication, ana mat uiey fce spread in fall upon the minutes. J. M. Frazer, W. II. High field. Geo. A. Haas, ' " " Committee. The "Ilonanza" for all. Invalids, by nervous debility, desirous of again feeling the vigor of health and vim of svstem, should take a few bottles of Dr. Henley's Celebrated I. X. Ij. Bittf.iis. Iiefore one bottle is taken they will feel the dawn of restoration, of returning health. No case of dyspepsia, indigestion, loss of appetite, rheumatism, kidney or liver disease, has ever resisted its restora tive power. Every part of the human system requires and should receive suste nance and support from the stomach, reg ularly by the liver. If the stomach can not supply the aliment required, the whole system languishes. Fortify your organs of life wit h these bitters, and in a few days you will feci your whole system invigorat ed ; for every disease arising from disor dered liver, stomach or bowels, it is Inval uable; it will revive your shattered sys tem. Dyspeptics and persons of billious habit should keep it within rrach, if they value health and ease. 23raar3m Important. Endorsed by the Medical profession. DR. YVM. HALL'S P.AIAM FOR THE LUNGS cures Coughs. Colds and Consmption, and all disorders pf the Throat and fhMt, DR. TOWLEVS TOOTHACHE ANODYNE eurrs in one MINUTE. feb16 Will. BKOUGIITON TTOULD INFORM THE CITIZENS OF Greg"" City and vicinity that ho Is prepared to furnish FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, Of every description, at low rates. ALSO, Dry Flooring, Celling, Rustic, hpruce, (for shelving), Lattice, Pickets, and Fence-Posts, Cedar, Constantly on hand. Ptrcct and Sidewalk lumber furnished on the shortest not ice, at as low a rates as it can be purchased in the State. Give me a call at the OREGON CITY SA II' MILLS. Oregon City. June 10, ISTo :tf T.rEEr CONSTANTLY ON 6, general assortment of Druids unci Chemicals, Perfumery, SonpK, Combs nnd Ilruxlies, , Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Ilrnccs Fancy a nd Toilet Articles, ALSO Kerosene Oil, Lamp Chimneys, UIuhs, Putty, Paints, Oil. VarnUhrsand Dye Stuffs, PIKE MINES AND WOKS FOR ME DICINAL PURPOSES. PATENT XEDICIXES, ETC. ?PhysIcians' Prescriptions carefully compounded, and all orders correctly an swered. tropin at all hours of the night. tyAll accounts must be paid monthly. novGtf WARD & II AHDLNO. BETHESDA SPRINGS! On the BTcKinzie River. Lane Co., Oregon. CHARMING SIMMER RESORT. .1 NEW TO-DAY. Strayed or Stolen. JTUtOM BEAVER CRERK PRECINCT. 1 one light-sorrel Rifleman mare, hands high, of slim build, white strip in forehead, plates on fore-feet, one white hind foot, half way from the knee to the hoof, was raised near Wheatland, am hill county, and is six years old. Any one see- u,inirnf a m n re of the above des- Ki- in-inp-fnfT and leaving her at hi. nmt.lhe residence of m. Sing er or by addressing me at this place, will be' liberally rewarded. ft ,VILLIAMS. Oregon City, July 5, 1375. Dissolution Notice. THE PA.RTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between R. W. Worsham and James K. Graham, doing business as butchers, has this day been dissolved, by mutualconent. Either of the parties are authorized to collect outstanding accounts. Persons indebted to the firm are requested to settle their accounts on or before July tOBetue R. W. WORSHAM, 1SU J. K, GRAHAM. Oregon City, June 22, 1375 rwi CASCADE ROAD AND BRIDGE COIPAjNTY. THIS COMPANY DESIRES TO INFORM the traveling public that their road across the Cascade Mountains, formerly known as the "Old Emigrant Road," is now open for the accommodation of Slock Drovers, and will be in good condition for wagons July 1st. The bridges and road are being thoroughly repaired, and travelers will lind no diuleultj- in crossing the moun tains bv this route. Them is plenty of watpr and grass all t hroughthe mountains and the distance across is only 50 miles, being the shortest, as well asth best, road over the Cascade Mountains. Stock Drov ers will find it to their advantage to travel over this route. Toles reasonable. S. D. COALMAN, President. Clackamas Co.. June 21. 1875 .-tf LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE STABLE. rriHE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIETOR OF JL the Livery tetabie on b nth street.Oregon City, Oregon, keeps constantly on hand Saddle and Ingn Horses, Buggies, Carriages and Hacks. Prices Reasonable. Ho will also run a hack to and from the WILHOIT SODA SPRINGS during tneucamer season, with good no9s,coair-eiesi ana gentlemanly drivers FARE AT LIVING EATES. J. M. FRAZER, Proprietor. Oregon City, May 27, 1873. THESE SPRINGS ARE LOCATED about hity-nve miles east ot r.ugene Citv, and within four miles of thecolebrat ed iiig Prairie of the McKinzle. They are within a few hundred yards of Horse Creek one of tho most famous trout streams in Oregon. Deer and elk are very plenty near these Springs, having been the resort for ages of these animals. The grandest and most picturesque scenery of the North Pa cific. I have the bent buildings and the best accommodations of any Sprinirs in this part of the State. My bath house is new, and is constructed with reference to the wants of those visiting me from the vaney. i aiso nave an excellent vanor bath room constructed near the head of the Spring, and in all things, I propose to Keep up wirntne aemana lor an lnstilu tion of this kind. An experienced physician in attendance at all times. Board and Ixxlging in good style for those who prefer it. Animals can oe pastured lor small cost, and be perfect ly safe. A. N. FOLEY, may 6 :tf Proprietor. I-IAIIi JEWELRY. MRS. A. M. BRAYTQN, HAS LOCATED IN OREGON CITY and is prepared to do all kinds of HAIR JEWELRY, Just as good, and cheaper, than can be done in San I-rancisco. She also manu iactures hair, straight or tangled, into SWITCHES, CTJULS, AND FSIZZETT8 Nice, Fine Hair Kwitclien for sale, at from S3 to $15. A full line of Imitation Goods at San Francisco prices. Those wishing work done, or to purchase will do well to give her a call before going to Portland. All communications by mail promptly answered. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Instructions given In fancy work. Sliver card-board for sale. December 13, 1374-em CASH PAID FOR COLNTi ORDERS. o Give me a call and satisfy yourselves. JOHN MYERS. Oregon City, March 21, 1873. A. NOLTNER NOTARY PUBLIC. ENTERPRISE OFFICE. OREGON CITY. The best way to KEEP COOL during the hot weather is to go to TOIJIS SAIL'S CONE ECTIONERY. Main Street, Oregon City, and partake of some of his DELICIOUS T.OJS - CEEAM AND q ARCTIC SODA. Ice-Creara delivered to any part of tha city FREE OF CHARGE and made to order. 3 apr22tf Administrator's Notice. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT J the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of David Lall, deceased, by the Hon. County Court , of Clackamas county. State of Oregon. There fore, all persons having claims against said estate, will present the same to me. properly verified, within six months .rom the date hereof, at the offloe of Johnson & McCown, at Oregon City. Clackamas ooun ty. Staff Oregon. pAVTD F. MAT. " Juc 17,1875. Administrator. 0 SHERIFFS SALE. o BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE AND v'RIT of execution, issued out of the Circuit Court of the ytate of Oregon, for the coun ty of Clackamas, to me, as Sheriff direct ed. In lavor of E. r. Kearney and against Isaac Laswell and Itacheal rJ. Laswell, for the sum of two t housand. one hundred and fifty-four 11-100 dollars in gold coin. with interest thereon at one per cent, per month; and for the further sum of two hundred dollars, in gold coin, for Institut ing and conducting this suit, and for his costs and disburscments,taied at fiity-four 70-100 dollars. Now, therefore, I have on this, the 27th day of May, A. D., 1S75, levied upon the following real estate, to-wit : Donation No. 4H, Xotification No. 6,917, being parts of sec tions 2fi, 27, 34, and 39, T. 2, S. R., 3 E., In Oregon City I.and District ; said claim be ginning at a point 5.85 chains south and 7.90 chains west of the northeast corner of section 31 ; thence north 80 chains ; thenco east 55.00 chains ; thence north 1.90 chains ; thence east 25.00 chains ; thence south SO chains, to the west bank of the Clackamas river; thence with the meanders of said stream to a point 98 links west and 24.14 chains north of the southeast corner of sec tion 26 ; thence south 28.13 chains ; thence 79.41 chains, to the place of beginning, con taining 634 4-100 acres, in Clackamas coun ty, Oregon, and on Saturday, the 17th day of July, 1S75, at the hour of eleven o'clock A. m. of said day, at the Court House door in Oregon City, Clackamas connty, Oregon, I will sell all the right, title and interest of the above defendants to the above descrilied real pro pertv, at public auction, to the highest bid der for cash to me in hand paid, in gold coin, to satisfy the writ of execution above described, costs, accruing costs and dis bursements. J. T. APPERSON. Sheriff of Clackamas county, Jum 3, 1S75 :wl Oregon. The World is in Bloom. Nature wars her Summer smlK. But the victim of Ner vous Debility Is like a blighted branch in the sunshine. Let him re-vitalize ton and purify tils system with. Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient. and within & week he will feel like a uevj man SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA. "'-,i.(irr-,ii. t G 3 G O o O O o o O" o o i o t Hi o G O O 1 O O O g i ' 1 b 1