0 .h ''.hjiitthii mrrxr" a j, Jr-Si ... JS. o o O o 0 G o THE ENTERPRISE. :. ' I :-. ' - namNZHTY, WJEMN. J'.'NE II. 1ST; P,(II.IINS- V coinpl'lts th:lt hear occasionally i ncs are dull around. nreiron City, -oinr on. This, we appie- """'..rllv from those who ht-ncl, 1(1 "V; iov.nent n. arc TUvrr auiu "V". ' . -. irrUyVVherebee1iasnu,ehl.mld S one durini? the. entire summer as l is dreadv this spring.. 1 no ioim s 'ecion:" SnVith'sLlaeksnuth ".'irVl B finest in the State; I.ouis ""- J . . i u..:i,)iTwr .inn ii uer a ri'?- ti tit LI 113 v v. w . ,i i' l . rn" ........ -. --,-. eKtal). idenee; mu Si, r;nr l.sh.nent; a rcsu ence .... . ... . and also one ior , : --- n u,vpcrso.H in making : repairs and , nproveinentsintlieirresidence.-, e j s"enoKKKl reason to complain of the improvement of Oregon City tins sea- Hon; in fact there. aP r:.. ! " r i more none m L..nU." "" "-' neason than for many years past. Sex pay School Picnic Tho chil dren of the Episcopal Sunday School will have an excursion and picnic this .v .,? morniuT to the celebrated &'d&l,iT.?J Park. The E. N Cooke has been chartered for the occasion, and the fare for the round trip tixed at 2"Z f.r Uilts.aiul 2- cents for chil- SEn. "The boaVi "jves here at HoWook in the morning an i rem- - evcniiv. Refreshments will be served bv theTadies of the Guild, and a gener al eood time may be expected. Of course, should the weather be unfavor able the lycnic will be ostponed to some future time. The public are cor dially invited to attend and bringalong their baskets full of good things to eat. AcriDKNT. The Corvallis "Gazette," of the 4th, says: Last Friday morning, while the Fan nie Patton was discharging freight at the Messrs. Hamilton's wharf, Corval lis, a new wagon was accidentally back ed overboard, carrying with it Mr. J. Apperson, the mate, who could not swim. In consequence of being under the wagon and boat, Mr. A. had sunk and raised twice without assistance be ing able to reach him ; as he sank the third time Mr. C.issidy, the engineer, succeeded in grasping him. Navai, Caphtshic 1 he Salem pa- prtrs sa3 Mr. Juke I... Wortiiuin. a voung mau who resides in Oregon City and who is well known in this city as o ie of the foreiiiort students of our University, has applied to Senator Mitchell for the appointment ot Cadet to the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland. Jake's prospects of getting the appointment are very good, and we hope to see the title of Admiral prefixed to his name some time in the future. Pi.KAS.vjfr Pa it-ry. Mr. W. If. War rrn, of this office, gave a pleasant birth day party, last Saturday evening, at fie resideiwoof Mrs. CO. T. Williams, his sister. There were a large mini her of hi- voung friends present sonKdis aipoiiiteI. however, thinking 'twas his "'shingle wedding.'7 'nip. 1 and a very pleasant and enjable time wa.s had. J I is inanv frieiids trust that he may hve health ami prosperity, and that it in iv beth'-ir fortiinetogatheraround liiiu ;it tie- re. iu ieneo of many Muore birth-day parti-..-. I m i-KoviN .. M r. F. Wil lie has had s -verul workmen employed for a week or more pavt iniiroving his line resi d Mi'-e irop.-i tv on the corner of Fifili an 1 Main sdrVeti. He i having the huik .'ill il, ii and a hand some fence put around it, and wln'ii completed will present a view on f-'ifth st reet similar ( that on Main. T&is will make it one of the m.-t haiid.-o.itie plae;s in our t .wn. and we woulil like to see others li,'.. in- citizens tikean example from Mr. "ildii and imp ove their property. P.iKTiVt..--Wn find the following i;-iii th" rounds :of r.ur State c.- c'lillges: 1 -tier passed thtough the .Jackson rule p- s'.illiee tr Necdv.Claek- nuins countv, the ol r ilay, addressetl lluilv: Ph-asc fiirw: i this letter 1 1'i-r hill aie I .i ki the v We ihoul .1 iii-le vel vil. 't th- writer was J I'll lis nee. lv ;i ml iook tins means in i 1 n ei re a x pc 1 v an swei Pkusonai.. We had a call this week from Mr. W. A. Wheeler, late of Santa ! It is., Clif.rnia, but formerly of Ore- j go:i. Mr. W. is a m .vspapor man, and I conies back to Oregon to make it his j future home, lie was one of tho found- j of tiie Washington countv "Inde- r oii'1nt." and in Cafifornia he "rublish- nl llif s.m:.;i uosa liicss. nni mi 1 . . . .... . nit.r-.r. birth u that he likes th Stat. of his much letter thun a place he saw in i poses to make I I ' ili fornia, and ho his future home in G ki MnVK.-A r .olntion was pass el by the "ity Council last Monday, instructing the Street Committee to ex amine the stairs on Third street, lead ing up the blu If, and report the proba ble cost for necessar; '- "-c pairs, the same having been reported in an unsafe con dition. Coming. Mr. Shram, of this cit y, has handed us a letter from a gentleman igning propost Lectures leave San probably lav. IIki.kasei). John Joyce, who was convicted at tho last term of the Cir cuit Court of an assault with a danger ous weapon, paid the balance due on his fine last Friday and he was releas ed from custody. The jail is now ten antless. That is good news to the tax payers. Baptist Ciiencii. llev. Mr. JamoB, fate of Canada, is expected to preach, morning and evening next Sunday, the 13th inst. Rev. J. T. Huff, pastor elect, is oxpected to arrive next week and 11 the pulpit on and after the 2tth inst.. Information Wanted. -If this meets the eyo of any one knowing of the whereabouts of J. H. Emery, who for merly resided in this place, and who came to Oregon City in 1849, they will confer a favor by addressing Ulster, Bradford county ,"Penn., box 5.1. Called. We had a pleasant call from Mr. A. II. Fish, formerly of this place, but now a resident of Enchanted rPrairie. Coos county, last Friday. He -and his family were in on a visit to their friends and relatives who reside on Cribble's Prairie, itilthis county. Xew-Comer. Mr. Ayle has taken llP his residence in th lace, and will take charge of the A"-n fruit-drying establishment in this city. Mr. Pyle "naerstands this business, and the u-t3,P;lnv has done well in securing bis services. ice Time. The children of the ''atholic Sunday School had a picnic U-l,ie Fravo below tiwn. Tuesday. a vrro 1"fo""('d that tlie children had ery pleasant time. I CoMiNo.Senator Kel. y is on his way noT' a'Ul may h "Pccted on the w PleisrTf' Ilis maR5" friends will Mi 1S T . . " 1 "r.V .M llr rra TJ ,:n rr. - - ' -' J- ij. 1 -. will ry room tJ ol at the Libra- 115 next rWiay. ' j o 1 hims.;f Dr.lJ. I. York, who s to visit n fln to give J,iberal liithisStatfl Heexiwcted to Franoiscolst Saturday, and ' arrived iuFPortlaiul vester- Fine Cai.f. We have seen a letter from Mr. Wm. Moreland of Needy, in which Ir claims to have one of the finest calves in the State from the thor oughbred hull Lelongiivg to Capt. A pcrson of this city. Jle says that "I think you have as good a bull as there is in the State." It will he remember ed that Capt. Apperson bought tliisani mal last summer from Mr. Peter S i xe, who imported him from Kentucky. We are pleased to see that our citizens are paving some attention to improv ing their stock, and Cai.t. Apperson de serves credit for investing his monev in this direction. Aiiointmknts. The Citv Council seems to have had a time in filling va cancies in office last Monday night. tk t . - - -r 7l,"" ueeror, uitv -v """" iKmwaifiiman all re signed their pos.t.ons. The. first was imwi oy im; appointment ot J. J. Un- ton .mtl the sec.oml , J. R. Morton. Mr. J()hll Meldruni was re-apKinted strwt Commissioner. Tlie iiliee of Njghtwatehnian was left to the Mavor to Plaint, at a salary of $43 per month, anil .Mr. ojin. liarclay was appointed. Tlk.nku Over. The City Council last Monday evening authorized the Mayor and Recorder to deed the City Seminary to the Directors of this school district on condition that the district is not to lie reduced in its limits and that said property shall always be held for educational purposes. In case of a fai.ure in either of the provisions made tiie property is to revert back to tho Citv Council. Maukkts. Wo have no special changes to record in our market report this week. Greenbacks are buying at 80, and selling at 87. Butter is selling at 'Ji) cents per pound, with a good supply in market ; eggs 1.3 to 1( cents per dozen, market well supplied ; Hour 5 50 $4 .0 per barrel ; oacon, 12 ( 12 ' ; hams, 15 Ot.i; lard, 15 (i Hi; wheat 82 cents per bushel; beef 5 cents net. Good Merino wool is worth 25 cents per pound at the factory, but the quo tation is from 22 d. 2:. Ki.aink FexKRAi. Makcii. We have just received from Messrs. Sherman it Ily !e, Music Dealers of San Francisco, a copy of the "Elaine Funeral March" composed by Klumcnthal, and pul lislied by tliem. The title page is em bellished with an accurate pliotograph of Toby E. Rosenthal's niagniiicent pain'ing. "Elaine." Everv lover of good music should send fifty cents in currency or stamps to the publisher, and obtain a copy. Clackamas' A itoktionm knt. The apportionment of the irreducible school fund has been made by the State IJoard. Clackamas county gets as her portion the sum of I.4U5 71 in coin, and :?517 :'.2 in currency. The whole number of children reported of school age in the State, is 4:5.272. Clackamas has 2.N7J. IKTei:xnp. Dr. John Welch return ed from li is professional trip lastSit urday and looks as healthy as ever, lie reports having had a pleasant and profitable tour. The Doctor is one of the best dentist! in Oregon, and his ser vices are alwa s in demand wherever he goes. "kv Misu We have just received some new music from the publishing hoiiNO of M. Gray, First street, Port laud, among which is the. popular .sung op'Ileautiful Lena, "comprised by Prof. Francis, well known in this city. Gkantkp. The petition of the W. F. C. tv Lock Co., to erect telegraph polls within the city limits to connect with the tel-.grnph line on this side was granted by the City Comi'.jl last Mon day evening. Lcmiiki:. Mr. I'.roughton givO no tice this week that lie is prepared to furnish lumber. tc, at reas.inable pri.-es and on short notice. Give him a call. Pev. Mr. Starr will preach at thw M. E. Church next Sunday, both morning and evening. XoTAiiY.--The i iovcrnor has appoint ed Mr. lb Miry Villorn, of E igle Creek in this eount'v a Notarv Piil.Iie. llvincAi, Choicf.. Tho San Fran cisco llciimiiirr says that it looks as if Governor Paeheco would bo tho ehoico of the lia.lical State Conven tion for a full term in tho Executive office. In regular order of promo tion he is entitled to have his claims fllvora,)br considered. Mr. Paeheco is probably as respectable a candid ate as the Democratic nominee could have the honor of defeating. So far as tho honor of a nomination is con cerned, Don Komualdo ought to have it, for it is all the honor any cardi dato on that side will enjoy this year. A Difference. A Washington special says that the President's third term letter is the main topic in polit ical circles, and there are. no very decided opinions on the subject. Friends of the Administration say the letter sets at rest forever the third term scare, while on the other hand it is regarded by a large number-to mean that Grant is a candidate for the office. The letter has given rise to no end of discussion, and from the dissatisfaction expressed over it, it is clear that the President has not settled the question. State Central, Committee. Tho Democratic State Central Committee is to meet at Portland on the 24th inst. The following gentlemen com pose said committee: Baker, Jno. Baker; Benton, D. Garble; Columbia, S. A. Miles; Coos, Jas. Aiken; Clatsop, A. Van Dusen; Cnrry, Plummer Emerv; Clackamas, U aughn; Douglas, Aaron Hose; Grant, W. B. Lasswell; Jackson, II. Khppel; Josephine, E. F. Tolin; Linn, X. Trice; Lane, John M. Thompson; Marion, Jno. F. Miller; Multhomah, E. Semple; Tolk, D. J. Ilolmes; Union, J. II. Slater; Uma tilla, J. L. Story; Wasco, Jos. M. Paxton; Washington, E. Chinette: lamlnll, W. T. Newby; Tillamook, W. II. Faucett. The Baker City Democrat says: Powers & Co., of Bve valley, had another bar of 141.23 ounces run at the assay office of J. W. Virtue on last Monday. The bar was worth 82,219 99. We understand that min ing to the extent of some five claims is still going on at Bye valley with good results. Fkom Victoria. A dispatch from Victoria, under date of the 6th inst., savs: A nre at o clock tnis morn- ing destroyed the Colonial hotel , Mansell's shoe store and the San Francisco barber saloon and bath house. The fire originated in the botel billiard room. Loss about 530,000, partly insured. A Letter From Missouri. The following letter written by Elisha A. Moore, of Lilnuty, Clav county, Missouri, under date of May 2Sth, to a citizen in this county, has been handed to us for publication. It presents a sad aspect for the fu ture of that country: I thought I would write and let you know how the times are here. It is the worst prospect I ever saw in my life. The grasshoppers are eating everything that they come to. They are as thick as hail here now. They have eaten nearly all the wheat, oats and rye and commenced on the corn. I don't know that we will raise anything this year. Everv thing is scarce and high Corn i i v;oi il . worth $1 25 per bushel; wheat 1 40 per bushel; flour, S4 per hundred; bacon, 15 cents per pound. A man can't get work at any price. All the farmers have discharged their hands on account of the grasshoppers. I expect wo will all have to leave here this fall. We want you to write how .times am in Oregon and the prices of produce. I think we will come out there this fall if the grasshop pers dont leave soon. There are lots of people leaving Kansas now. The people in Jackson and Cass are driv ing their cattle to Iowa for grass. The hoppers have eaten all the grass here. There are lots of people suf fering for something to eat here now. Bates county has petitioned to Kan sas City for help; they were starv ing. Men there took their guns and went to the towns and told the mer chants that they were out of every thing to eat and out of money and that they had to have some provis ions. The would not sell on a credit, and so they took it by force of arms. I am afraid that this will be the case here. We may raise corn yet, if they leave soon, but that is all, for it is too late to raise anything else. Write soon and give us the prices of horses and cattle. TIvilkoad Matteks. Letters havo recently been received by Col. W. W. Chapman from the English capi talists who are interested in the pro posed construction of the Portland, Dalles and Salt Lrike railway. The company thus interested has ordered a preliminary survey to be made of the proposed route for the distance of 200 miles. The survey will com mence at a point near East Portland and extend to Umatilla. We under stand that a surveying party will soon be in the field. This will be encouraging intelligence to friends of the road. It is also stated upon good author ity that within the last day or two a change of directors have taken place in the Oregon Central Kailroad Com pany ( Winnemucca) , W. S. Ladd, II. W. Corbetl,"!). P. Thompson and Henry Failing having been elected to succeed Thco. Wygant, W. H.Wat kins, E. Quackenbush and E. G. Hughes, resigned. A Card. Saikm, June -4, 1875. The Oreyoul'Ui , of theod inst., con tains a letter from James rdeDonald, of Yoncalla, in which charges are made against my oilicial conduct. These charges are false. Mr. Mc Donald has been to me an enemy for years. Ilis animosity has grown out of circumstances developed in the discharge of professional duties on my part against him, wherein his testimony was in several civil suits impeached, ana a criminal action, where he was convicted of stealing a gun from an Indian. More recently he has been indicted for sodomy. For these reasons I can have no con troversy with him. The evidences of the truth or falsity of these charges are in this office, and whenever any respectable and responsible person wants to make any inquiry into my official acts, I stand ready to afton every facility. S. F. Chabwick, Secretary State of Oregon. Vandals. A dispatch from Sioux Cit3 (Iowa) under date of the 28th ult. says: A Journal extra this afternoon says that on last Friday morning the soldiers under Captain Walker enter ed a camp at Gordon City, Nebraska, and burned 14 wagons, rations, sup plies and arms, and destroyed every thing belonging to the lilack Hills Transportation Co., except some bag gage, which they loaded into the re maining six wagons, and started for Fort Eandall, making the men go on foot, some of them bare-footed, their boots and clothing having been de stroyed. The mules gave out on the way, and much of the baggage was thrown out. After the capture the officers ransacked the camp, helping themselves to everything thev could use, and then turned the soldiers loose at tho remainder without hin drance. -r t-i rrt iii - jjow i iitiuuis. aiio ai Daily gran ger says that the rates of freight rul ing between that city and Portland are extremely low and the facilities good. The nominal rates are one dollar a ton, up or down, by the boats of either line. Col. Joe Teal says if these rates are not low enough the people themselves may establish a schedule to suit. The Indian "king" Fhauds. Dis coursing the Indian "ring" .frauds the New York Sun offers the follow ing remedy: The new House of Rep resentatives can at least cut down the appropriations next winter, by means of which the plunderers have been enriched, and when that is done the first step to practical reform will have been taken. BORN. In Clackamas county. May .SOth a daughter to Isaac and'Sarah Prindle. died. t. . . .... r. tt": ; T GJ.llwaukie' Alice F. wife of C. J. Akron, Ohio and Rochestester X. Y. papers, please copy, I A1 Oregon City' June 4th. Willie in- i iani son oi j. v . ana ijeorccia .uei- drura, aced 5 months ' Portland papers please copy. COURTESY 3Iany SufTer raihr than take nauseous ' medicine ; and this Is not to ba wondered at, ;.s the remedy Is often worse than the ' disease. Sutr -rcrs from coiiprlis, eolds, in llueiizii, sorr throat, or tendency to Con sumption, will find in lR. VVistar's Bal sam of Wild Cheurv, a remedy as agr.-e-abl to tiie palate as eilectual in removing dis as-v Important. Endorsed by the Medical profession. lIt. WM. IIAIJVS H.Ls.M i l'UKTlIE r.UN is cur-st'oughs. Colds and ' T'onsmption, and all disorders of the I Throat sind re-t. J U. TOWI.F.V s TOOTHACHE ANODYNE euros in one MINUTE. feblO i Cast Tlie-u Out. H 1 her are any dis eases which deserve the name ot demoniac, Dvspej'Sia is one of them. It racks and tears the system like a Veritable tiend.and renders life a burden. The medicines of the Dispensary will not expel it. Cast it out with Du. Wai.kku's Vegetable Vix KfJAlt I'.ITTKRS. There is no lorm of indi gestion or liver complaint that can with stand this potent tonic and alterative. The nevvlv diseovereil California roots and herbs, from which it is prepared, are of ..,... it. i.i .. ..... more value i.o uwinttni... .in in..- oiu of the racilic States. It is seldom that we notice anything in the medical line, nor would we now. unless we could be convinced that we are not doing our duty as a journalist in recommending to the public the cel ebrated botanieiil preparation ot" Dr. Henry. Whoever induces the victim of scrofula or any other disease of tho blood, to use Dr. Henry's K. tract of Sarsparilla, has begun a good work. There is no iiestion as to the result of this medicine if persevered in. It is a sure cure for scrofula, rheumatism, .Salt Rheum, and indeed all complaints arising from vitiated or impure blood. It is just what a good.jjiysieiati -would prescribe for these 'complaints, and we confidently recommend it us being the Ix-st article now in use. Dr. Henry's Cough r.alsam is the 'most affective remedy for alleetion of the throat or lungs that we have -ever known. It contains no deleterious drugs, and can be taken with impunity and certainty of relief. For the cure of coughs colds, sore throat, etc., it stands without a ri val. Dr. Henry s Liniment as tin alle viator of pain', is unrivaled by any preparation before t he public; the most skeptical will be convinced by a single trial. It will prove itself a friend in need which no family should be without. The "Bonunia" for all. Invalids, by nervous debility, desirous of a Kain leeliny; t he vitror of health and vim of system, should take a few bottles of Dr. 1 1 K.NLKY'S CKLKIJItATEll I. X. Ij. DlTTKItS. I Si: fore one bottle is taken they will feel the dawn of restoration, of returning healt h. No ease of dyspepsia, indigestion, loss of appetite, rheumatism, kidney or liver iiisea.se, has ever resisted its restora tive power. Every part of the human system requires and should receive suste nance and support from the stomach, reg ularly by the liver. If the stomach can not supply the aliment required, t he whole system languishes. J'ortil'y your organs of life wit If these bitters, and in a few days you will feel your whole system invigorat ed ; for every disease arising from disor dered liver, stomach or bowels, it is inval uable : it will revive your shattered sys tem. )yseptic.s and M-rsons of billions habit should keep it within reaeh.ifthey value health and ease. il-'.mar.'Jm ' 0C?The National (iold Medal was award ed to I trad ley it Kulol'son for the best. Photographs in the United States, and Ihe Vienna Medal for the best in the world. T"J Montgomery Street, San l-'rancisco. It is inserted us a f ict that every c:uVii.-.ser who has turned his attention to tin: iui.ro luetion of the Xew Family ycwiiit? Machine, in his local ity, or who has been lorluratu enough to seiMire an agency, h:n outstripped tho bust eilbi t.s in making money of the old an 1 lrie.1 aii-nts of the high-priw.l la.mhine-i, which latter they no.v rcplace. The demand is eaorntoas, and sales s. rapid and i.ioney made so rj.idily with so little effort that f.ivnKT-i, tradesmen, speculators ic, are Hocking into the business as f:ist as they c.ia securo territory and .jet their gooos on the ground to supply anxious customers. It is mar velous to 'cc how these machines sell when e hiliite'l, it heiti a recognize ir fact tint- rss.ii.U will buy tliel-e.-t at the lowest price. It o.-rt.iin-ly is the machine of tho times and does the same work as oi her machines at $H0 or '.MI, aad we r.--u'tly lwlicvc it would sell just as readily at doable and then not cost halt the usual price ot' so pood un article, for it is astonishing to see the vast amount of labor it perform- at so low a cost. The inveiiteri ale daily inundated with testimo nials ot the worth of their new machines which so suddenly and successfully b c.uided into popu lar favor. 1 1 proves to he ju-t w hat is v. anted every day, by every one, everywhere, who Ins a family. It has attain"-. 1 an cuviable reparation in many tho-isands of homes and lactones, for its solid s remrth, jsiwer, rapidity, simplicity, cer tainty, and ease of opera t ion, with ext rem. h"a u ty , liu' iiess, and reliability ot its sewing; while t In; wonderful low price (twentv dollars fur a l.-ir'e and eompletf sewing maiTiine with a strong tabli-and treadle) place all idea of co:i!iet it ion eu iicly out of the (pn-st ion. It stands alone on its merits and price. . advise you to invest in one at on.-e f r your wife, dau-hter, mother, sis ter or lady friend and make u home happy, or pat them in your factory, or what is better, if you are lucky enouh, secure an aaency, if there is nono in your town, and make money yourscli. 1 he many new attachments for doini? extra tine, skilful and ditlieult work, are a surprise, in then simplicity of const ruction and far below even 'js'r.me prices" "d will lx delivered safe at your door, no matter how remote von reside, if you write for them. Address, .1." THO.U.ON, Jl.VXXA & CO., !)07 Jiro idway, N. Y. JVA'ir TO-DAY rOUI.I) INFORM TIIK C ITIZENS OF T Oregon City and vicinity that lie i prepared to furnish FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, Of every description, at low rates. A i.so, Drjr Flooring, Celling-, Itu-tlc, Spruce, (for shelving), IittIco, Piclteta, aul Funce-Posta, Cedar, CoHstunily on hand. Street and .Sidewalk lumber furnished on the shortest notice, at as low a rates as it can oe purcliaseil in the Ktatc. Give me a call at the O liliO OX CITY ft A W MILLS. Oregon City, June 1(J, 1S7-5 :tf NOTICE. IV OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT triet. No. i' ' lias been placed in the hands of the Cleric for collection, which is now- due. Persons will call on the undersigned and pay tiieir taxes and save costs. II. J. HA It DING, Clerk of School District No. 02. Oregon City, June 2, 1375 :tf STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT .1A the stockholders ot the Oregon City Manufacturinir Com pans will hold their annual meeting for the election of Direc tors lor t he ensuing year, at their olnee, in Oregon City, on Saturday, j my iu. is.o. It. JACOB, President. M. A. Stt.vtton-, Secretary. June 3, 1S75w2. The best way to IvIUKI3 COOL during t he hot weather is to go to CONF ECTIONERY, Main Street, Oregon City, and partake of some of his DELICIOUS ICE - OEEAM - AND ARCTIC SODA. Ice-Cream delivered to nnv part of the city FREE OF CHARGE find made to order. nnr22tf Administrator's Molifc. V"OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JlI the County Court of Clackamas coun ty. State of Oretron, has apjw.inted the un dersigned Administrator of the estate of Hugh Currin, deceased ; therefore, all per sons having claims against said estate will present them to the undersigned, properlv verified, at the late residence of the de ceased, situated in said county, within six months from date of this notic. GEORGE J. CURRIX, May 13, I75 :wl Administrator. 1 OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, SHERIFFS SALE.;- - 1 Y VIRTUE OF A DECKEE "AND WRIT fi 9 of execution, issued out of the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, for the coun ty of I lackanias, to me, as Slu-rilf direct ed, in favor of E. S. Kearney and against Isaac Las.vell and ltacheal E. I.aswvil, lor the .nni of two thousand, one hundr.-d and fifty-four lt-l'Xi dollars in gold coin, with int- rest th.-reon at on.: per cent, per month; and forth.? further sum of two hundred dollars, in gold coin, for inst it ut ing and conducting this suit, and for his costs and disbursements, taxed at lilty-four 70-100 dollars. Now, therefore, I have on this, the 27th day of May, A. !., 1:7", levied iijmmi the following real estate, to-wit : Donation No. lo, Notilieation No. li.ldT, being jiarts v'" sec tions -.!,. 27, 31, and o'.l, 'i'. ', S. H..3K, in Oregon City Land District; said claim be ninuirig at a point o.s- chains south and 7.f0 chains west of the northeast corner t)f section 81; thence north so chains; thence east .V.0H chaii; ; t henee nort h l.'.'O chains : thence east lio.t'O chains -. thence s;uth SO chains-, to the west bank of the Clackamas river ; f hence with I lie meanders of saiil Stream to a point VS links west and 'M.lt chains north of the sotit beast corner of sec tion I'ti ; t hence south s.l chains ; thence 70.41 chains, tot be place of beginning, con taining lilt i-ioo acres, in Clackamas coun ty, Oregon, and on S:ituril;iy, tin- :M ilny of. July, at the hour of eleven o'clock A. ji. of said day, lit tli" Court House door in orremi City, Chtckiimas county, Oregon, 1 will. sell all the right, tit le and interest of Isaac l.aswell to" the above described rral prop erty, at public auction,, to tie; highest bid der for cash to me in h.o ml pa id, in gold coin, to satisfy the writ of execution above described, costs, accruing costs and dis- ' bursements. J. T. APPERSON, Sheriff of Clackamas county, June 3, 1875 :wl . Oregon. Sheriffs Suit. : IY VIRTUE OF A DECREE AND writ 1 of execution issued out of the Circuit" Court of the State of Oregon, for t he count y of Clackamas, to me directed, in tavorof II. E. Chamberlain, and against John J. l'eiligo, for t he su m of three hundred and ninety-one M-100 dollars, in U. S. gold coin, and tlie further sum of twenty-one Ho-luo dollars costs and disbursements, Now, therefore, I have on this 25th day of May, 1375, levied upon the following real estate, to-wit; The south halt of the south half of section thirty-live, in township one, south of range, three east, in the district of lands subject to" sale at. Oregon City, containing one hundred and sixty acres, situated in Clackamas county, State o!' Oregon, and on r.IoiM!.: J", tl .tl 1ay"of .7uly, I75, at the hfur or eleven o'clock a. m. "f said dav, sit tie: Court House door in Oregon Citv, Clackamas county, I will sell all the rigid, title and interest of John J. Pedigo toith-; above described real property, at public auction, to the highest bidd- r for cash to me in hand paid, in V. S. gold coin, to satisfy this execution, costs, accruing costs and disbursements. J. T. APPERSON, Sheriff of Clackamas county, June:?, 1875 :w I Oregon. ."o! ic; ti u:i rt! ia :i ;;i I ;:. PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF sale made by the County Court of the Stat" of Oregon for Clackamas' county, on the oth day of April, lS7."i, directing the' un dersigned," S. V. Moss, asOuardian ofYol ney C. Moss, to sell the lands hereinafter described, t he same being part of t he estate of said Volney C. Moss. T he undersigned, as said (iuardian, will, on the 12th day of June, A. D., IS7, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the Court House door in said county, s ! 1 it t public auction, to tiie highest bidder, upon tlie terms that said biil.be paid one half in cash at the time of the sale, anil t he ot In r half t wel ve months th-r"att -r, to be secured by a pro missory note and mortgage on said land, tie following property, to-wit: The undi vided one-third of ISO acres f land,' beinir the east half and the south half of the west half of tie-tract of land embraced in Not i'ieation No. ('iC, ami being part, of sections 23, 21, 2") and 20 in Township 3 South of Rang" 1 East of the Willamette M- ridian,aii.l bounded as follows, o-vit :b ginning at a point and 30-t-iO chains west, of t In' south-west corner of s-ction 2, T. 3 S., It. 1 E., running t hence south -13 chains, thence east 71 and oo-pio chains, th--nee north SO chains, t h.-nce west 7 I and ."jo-jnu chains, thene' sout h 10 chains to t he place of Ix-ginnintr, t he said one-third containing 100 acres of land, all situate in said countv and State. S. W. Moss, Cuardiau f olm-y C. Moss. Mav 5, l.S7o!wl UNITED STATES HOTEL, Fro:il Str:'?. Corirr 15, f ORTL Yi), OCX. PROPRIETOR. Board and Dodging p--r week.... Board Single Meals Lmiiiin-' J.) 00 i 0' 2" 2 B"( mi ve va nee to the house ircc of charg May 20, "j.S75 :tf J H g-3 S C M R A TJ1 , Muin Si., Oregon City. MAMTACTiKER AM) HIPORTER iVv Ka(l(ll4, Hsiriiess, S a 1 ti 1- r y-II si -rc, etc., clr. V? HICH HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS can be had in the State, at WHOLESALE 03 RETAIL. warrant my goods as represented. 1.000 DEER SKINS V ANT 1?j J, -AN!) ALSO, " 4 T.Ti OTHER KINDS OF HIDES. FOR j which I will pay the highes market price in cash Bring on your hides and get vourcoin forthem. JOHN SCII RAM, Saddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, lS73-m3. OREGON CITV SAW AND PLAINING mill. EE KINDS OF ""' Sash, IJlin.ls, I.ors, AVinl"v I-'ranies r.loiildiurjs, liiiisliiii-i Liiiiibci', Flooring-, C'eiline;, Sinding Hiiti-. Will Build all classes of Buildings. Designs, Specifications, Bill of Material Made. K. -T. COL15 VTII. Oregon City, May 11, 1S7.3 rtf NEW GOODS ..AT...... Ci.PT. Z. C NORTON'S ST03E, NORTON, Clackamas Co., Oregon. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD AN L nou nee that he has just received a splendid stock of Clotliinsr, Uuols and Shoes, Dry-floods, Croreries, Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, Ktc. Ktc. direct from New York. The stock is the "st anu largest ever nroii? it n n cinm Clackamas county, and having purchased it at greatly reduced nriees is ni.ir. t it cheaper than goods have ever been sold I am under obligations to mv f..- customers for their liberal patronage, and being able now to better at less prices t han ever before, I ask a, crumiRuon oi t tieir patronage, and so licit t he trade of all new-comers and those who have not heretofore traded with me assuring thpm that I can give them as good bargains as can be had in the Stat. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for goods Give m a call and I will guar antee to give you satlsfact ion. - , Z. C. NORTON. Clackamas Co., Oxegon, Mar. 12, 175. SHERIITS SALE. -Stat eof Or. koon, ) . : ; Col'NTY OF Cl.Al'KAM.VS. fc ;"' j To Vie Slu rijT of yai t Covi-J'i: f N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OR- i SL cgon, you ar.; eoiamaieled to 1 vy upon ' ttie goods and chattels of the delinquent tax-payers nam' d in the within illin.pif-nt ! tax list, or so much thereof as will satisfy ! t he amount uu -, tog- t h. r with costs and i accruing costs : and if no personal proper- . ty be found, then iijNin lie- real properly as ! Set forth in sa id tax-list, or so much there-" of as will satisfy tlie tax so charged and 1 due, with cost and expenses. And you are . rcpiired to pay over all moneys so collect ed, on or before the tirst Mouday of July, t 1S75, to the Countv Treasurer of said coun- ' ty. ; i - 1 Witness my nfilcial sign :t tire Jskai. and seal of oillce hereto attach- ' ( - ) cd.this l 'tli day of May, 1S75. ; J. M. FRA.ER, j County i'1-Tk. j By virtue of (he above warrant, I have . levied upon the loll-.ing described 1'l'op- , erty, and on Snturdn y, t!ie :?;t day of .Inly, is;.", ; bclwei-n the hours of ti A. M., and i !. m. of I said lay, at the Court House door in Ore- ; gon City, ( "lackanias county, state of Or.- ' gon, I Mill expos" lor sale, and S.-M1 to the highest and b- st bidder for cash in hand, ; or so much of the following described real j.i op -rty.ora smlicient amount of each pi.-ee or parc-.'l thereof to sat isfy the tax of l..l, j as shown upon tii delinquent list together ! with the costs and accruing costs and ex- j penses: Alderson. C V. ; Claim 10, t 2, s r. 3 e, bound- ed as follows; Beginning at the s e cor- , ner of said claim; I hence west along the i south line thereof hi chains to Hie sw j corner; 1 hence n along the w line 25 j chains: thence e 11 chains; thence south V) 70-Iiki cha ins ; thence e 40 chains to t be east line; thence south along said line to the place of beginning, containing 158 "s acres, more or less:. tax- So 1.'t. I Akin, Frank. The n v. of E. N. Roork el., section 1 1, t 2, s r, 3 e ; ltm acres ; tax, 7 f. P.roek, Malan. The n w ?, and fraction 't ol s w ,f section 2, t 5, s r,2e ;'.;') acres ; tax. .TlxoO. Bonna, p. j,. The fractional part of A. ..Ian. it's cl, s- ction 25, t ', s r, lw; lo acres -. tax, .S7 cents, -abb, Amos. Part of E. Kelloirg el, sections ) and ti, t , s r, 1 e ; If,) acres ; tax, 17 cts. Dradbery, A. Part of n e U of Collard el, sect ion I.), t 2, s r. 1 e ; 10 acres -. tax, 1 70. I...! nd, .,. Part, of cl Not. No. f.o, s-c- t ion :ui, t 2, s r, 1 c ; It; I acres ; tax, is :;2. mam, Dayton. Ixts 5, 0 and 7, in Mock No. Ill, Oregon City-, tax, 2 10. otre, Vandero." Part ot Fordiee's claim. sections li and 1:5, t 2 and :S, s r, 3 e; 120 acres ; tax, .-?.") .V.. v Delets. Part, of Crow cl, section 2 t sr 1 e; 7-acr.-s: tax, SI 1 80. DeDashnnitt latinan. Th" ii v.ofthen e '., ot se.-tiou 2.1, t 3, s r, 3c; hi acres; tax, f7 40. l-'indley, David. Donati.:i, less I I acre; sections l'.l and 30, t 3. s r. 2 e : T.mi acres ' tax, f IS r,'i. Criridiey, J. The so of section 20, t 1, s r, 2 e ; Hi acres; tax, Sll so. Cains A. P. The s part of section IS, t 2, s r, 1 e : 20J acres : tax, f S 10. Howell, John. T he n e V, of n w 'i, and s v. of s w r4 ff section 7, and n V, of n w v; of section IS, t 1, s r, ! e; 100 acres ; tax, .-rl 00. Ha rd i tie-, Rober(. Fracsw'; of S. P. Cil liland's el, s ction 5, t 2, s r, lie; 10 acres ; tax, f 1 03. Johnson, S. S. The s e of section 10, t 2, s r, 3 e ; 100 acres : tax, i'ii -IS. Kellogg, Joseph. Claim Not. 17, cl Not. 03, part. 01, sections 1 and (!, t 2, s r, 1 and 2 e ; 7-"S .'teres; ;md .3 lots in Milwaukie; tax, $1 IS ijo. Kelly, Janu s K. I.f.ts 1, 2 and (I, in block 70, Oregon City, and lots 7 and S, in block Sr), Caneinah ; tax, 3 1"). Iiaswell, Isaac. The donation cl, sees 2H, 27 and 2S, t2,sr,3e; r. 10 acres ; fax, 533 30. Moore R.J. V.'ilhoii, Siov. rand llungate -lai ins, s -ct ions 3') :un t s r, 2 e JM neres ; tax, is Si. Moore, I.S. Part of r.irio.v cl, s'ctio 13 O and S, t 1, s r, 1 : -jn.) aei- s.; lax, 3- 23. Mei'arver, .Mrs. M. M. S w part of section 12, t 3, s r, 1 ; 2,;' ner s ; tax, Sd2 0". Mci a in morn, 'h:is. '. Block 1:7 Mc?Iul ler's addit ion to swcgo: tax, ;'2 33. Marks, J, ( 1 ".-ta.t .. of)."" Part of donation, sections 17 and JS, t I, s r, 1 e ; 100 a civs ; tax, r . Nevns, H-'-nry, (heirs of.) Thee f se !.i of sectioti e1jj ..nd w .'; of s e U of scc tion27, t l.sr, 3e; 10 ) acres ; t a x, $5 fM. Parn, Peter. The frae n w , of section t 2, s r, 3 e ; 120 acr.-s : tax, $S 32. Porter. Pct.-r R. The w 'jof s e , and lots 3 a ml I, of sect ion 27, t 2, s r, 2 e ; 13!' acr.-s : tax, SO IS. Patterson, M. The north half of the fol lowing d'-seribed premises: known as Notilieation No. f;o2, situate in Clacka mas county, Oregon, to-wit. : The Ji of sec 7, and the n e and the e hj of the n w U, and t he n u- ? of thiMi w U of sec IS, in town. .3, s r, 1 e of the Wilhrniette meridian : 3'Hl acres : tax, ?11 10. I'ope, Mrs. M. A. The n .v. of s e U of s-ction 10, t 1, s r, 1 e ; Si acres ; tax, 51 72. Sexton, i a vid and Caroline. l.o;s ."!, -1, 5, and (i, idoek 1", O.ncmnli : tax, $2 7S. Selig, Karl. Tli n v. of s H of section 10, t. 2, s, r, ") e ; 100 acres : tax, f 11 lo. Swag-r, Jacob. The n w 'i of se of Wm. I. a very el. section 17, t 2, S r, 1 c ; '0 acr s ; tax. 52 !'0. St. wart, Mrs. Sarah . I. Claim Not. CO, s. c t ions s. 0 s ml 10, t 3, s r, 1 e; 320 acres; tax, -rll 10. Shannon, J. W., The s w of section 2S, t s r, 1 e ; 10 ) acres : tax, ?0 25. S'.insoiitV Estes. The s h of -section 7, t '2, s r, 1 e : 32' acres : tax, f IS "o. Vautrn, C W. Part of sections 2,3, 12 and 13, t 2, s r, 1 e : !20 acres : tax, r?22 2. j bite, Samuel W. Not. 7,317, sections. and 31, t. 4, s r, 1 e : 100 acres ; tax, $7 40. Willitts, John B. Fractional part section 32, t l,s r, 2 e ; 00 acres ; 110 acres : tax, 3. cents. Wertherlv, W. C. The o part of section 3, t 1, s r, 2 e : tax. ? 1 00. Waltz, Abraham. D. J. B-own's donation, sections IS and 10, t. 2, s r, 1 e ; 0 10 acres ; tax, $10 25. Welch, David. The n e .1i of n e l,",of n w li of sections 20 and 30, t 1, s r, 4 e ; SO acres : tax, 52 !'(!. Yarwood, I . T. Part of J. S. tout's claim section 17, t 4, s r, 3 e : SO acres ;tax, 51 03. J, T. APPERSi N, SherilT of Claekamas county. State of Oregon. Oregon City, June 2, 1. .5 :wl SIIERIEFS SALE. Y VIRTUE F A DECREE AN D ALIAS 3 execution, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oicgon, for the coun tv of Clackamas, and to me, as SherilT, di rected, in favor of 1 1. H. Allen and P. H. Iewis, under the firm name of Allen it 1 .ewis, and against T. J. Matlock and Hop" Matlock, his wife, for the sum of 51,. '157 s 1, U. S. gold coin, togct her with costs of suit, accruing costs and disbursements. Now, therefore, I have, on this, the 22d day of May, 1S75, levied upon the following d-'scribed real estate, to-wit : Situated, ly ing a ml being in Clackamas county. State of Oregon, an undivided one-third of t he following piece of land of which T. J. Mat lock became t he owner by the last Will of W. T. Matlock, dec -ased, said land being described and said bequest in sajd Will (now on file in the Clerk's oliiee of i lacka mas county, State of Oregon) as follows, to-wit : Fifteenth, I set apart the following described portion of my donation land claim : the centre of said tract on t lie east erly line of my donation land claim shall be the middle of a small streair on which is situated my grist mill ; such tract shall be so surveyed with lines parallel with tin donation claim lines as to include the creek, mill-race, dam and" mill and appur tenances, so as to include not more than ten acres ; said land, mill and appurten ances are to be considered in three equal and undivided parts: the bequest to said T. J. Matlock being in the following words : "The. seeond undivided one-third of thn same, J gave, devise and bequcth unto mv soni heoctore J. Matlock, ;" in other word the rand hereby Intended to be conveyed is all the interest I take in th.; donation land claim -of W. T. Matlock bv reaso-i of the bequeath as above set out and on Monday, t!ie ."itli Hay of .July, 181.1, at the hour of one o'clock p. r. of said day, at the Court House door in Oregon Citv' (Mackamas county, I will sell all the right.' title and interest of T. J. Matlock to the above described real estate t..,i.ii .,,,- tion, to t he highest bidder for cash to me in hand paid, in U. S. gold coin, to satisfv this execution, costs, accruing costs and disbursements. J. T. APPERSON, SherilT of Clackamas countv, June .j, 1S75 :w4 State of Oregon. 1Vli.it nre Yo.ir Sympioiiisi Are they painirithe right side, yellowness or the eyes, nausea, debility, hregulanty of the bowels and headache? If so, your liver is wrontr: and to set- it right and give tone and visor to your system, the one thing needful is Tarant?s Seltzer Aperient. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SPTMGr 1875 Is your time to buy goods at low rite. AGKERftlMI BROTHERS are now rec-i jng ;i 1 urge ftcfk of SFRIN3 AND SUMMER GDGDS, all of the Latest Styles, v hi.-h v ill. sell AT LESS THAN PORTLAND FTiiCLS. Our stock h.-isbe.-n bought fore we will .--li it at a small sidvancc ish, a nd above FRArlCISCO COST. "lTE WIDE SAY TO EVERYBODY IiE il for.; you purchase r go to Port land, come and price our goods and convine yourself that we do what we say. Our stock consists in part of Fancy and Staple Dry Coods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Sho--s, I.adi.-s and Cents Furnishing Coods, Notions, Crocer i e s. Hard j ware and a great ma ny other arf iclcs too numer- imrs to mention ; ALSO DOORS, WINDOWS, PASiJTS AtiD GILS, ETC, ETC. We will Price for also pay the Highest Market Country Produce. Ai'KERMAN BROS. Oregon City. April "i, 17.-, u" OREGON STEAMSHiPGO.'S STEAMBOAT NOTICE I Stv. I-.i. T. C( )() K T, Will leave OREC N CITV for Pi iRTEANir everyday Excel -t Sunday,) at 71-. o'clock, A. M. R--t urninir, will 1-ave Portland for Oregon Citv at 2'i o'clock, P. M. Sti-. ALTC'I, Will leave O RECON CI TV f. .r CO R V A LEI S everv Monday and Thursday of each week. Six-. DAYTOX Will leave ORECON CITV for Ml'MINN VILLE, LAFAYETTE and DaYTON, and all ioints between, every Monday, Wed nesday and Friday of each feek. Lcav(-s the Basin at S o'clock, A. m., and connect with the train at Caneinah at a. m. . Sti ATT-JATsTV, leaves ORE( '(N CITV for HARRISBI'Rti and ECOENEand all intermediate points every week. Sti. Xiiiuiic- I ':it ion, Leaves OIIKOON' CITV for ATJ1ANY and all intermediate poims between twice ev ery week. .. J. D. BILES, Agent, Oregon ("ity, February, 1 11. 71. J.J'. WARD. C.V.OUC.i: A. HAIIDIXG. WARD&HAEDING, DRU-131STS AfsD APOTHECARIES, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A general assortment of Dimiith and O'lieiixicn r-?, l"Vrf itmei-y, Soaps, t'OMll-S :it.l i:i(tlHS,, Ti'iiskcs Supporters, Shoulder lintccs Kanry and Toilet Articles, ALSO Ki-i-txri:.' Oil, Lamp i Isiiimcvs, Clas, Iu1y. Ia in Is, Oils, Varitihes end Uye Sitilfs, FLUE .VINES AM) LKU S!I1S YMi 31E L'NI.X.IL JTUn-SES. PATENT 31EDICIXES, ETC. r?"I,h.vsici.nns Prescript ims carefuBy eomyioumled, and all ord. rs correctly an swered. K"op.-n at all hours of the nhrht. t"AII accounts must, be pain inonthlv. novotf WARD A; HARDIN.;." BETIIESOA SPRINGS! ' On the ITcKinzia Hiver. Lane Co, Oregon. A CHARjIING SIMMER RESORT. rg"HIESE SPRINGS ARE LOCATED JL about fifty-live miles east of .Eugene City, and wit hin four miles of t he eolcbrat ed P.ig Prairie f tlie McKinzie. They are wit bin a few hundred yards of Horse Creek one of tho most famous trout streams in regon. 1 eer and elk are very plenty near these springs, having been the resort for ages of I lies.- animals. The grandest ami most picturesque scenery of the North Pa cific. 1 have the best buildings and the best, accommodations of anv Springs in this part of the State. My bath house js new, and is constructed with reference to the wants of t hose visiting me from the valley. I also have an excellent vapor bath room constructed near tfte. head of the Spring, and in all things,! propose to keep up with the demand for an institu tion of this kind. An experienced physician in attendance at all times. Hoard and Lodging in good style for those w ho prefer it. Animals can be pastured for smalt cost, and be perfect ly safe. A. N. FOLEV, may(J:ff Proprietor. II AIT i JEWELI f:?RS. A. hi. DRAYTON, HAS LOCATED IN OKKf'O.V CITY and is prepared to do all kinds of HAIR JEWELRY, Just as good, and cheaper, than can be done in San Francisco. She also manu factures hair, straight or tangled, into CITELS, AND miZZETTS. Nice, Fine Hair Switches f sale, ot A fuR line of Imitation Coods at San Fra nciseo prices. Those wishing work done, or to purchase will do well to give her a call before going to Portland. All communications by mail i romptly answered. All work warranted to give satisfaction Instructions given in fancy work. Silver card-board for sale. December 1?, lS74-em REMOVAL. ALFRED KINNEY, til. "0., SIJKCrKOISr, HAS RENOVED HIS OFFICE AND Residence to the double house, X. W. Corner f Alder ami Erixt Parlt street, Portland, Oregon, where he can be found at nil hours, day and night. Mav 6, 1-75 rn3 o o 4 O o o o O 1 c o O O o o o O O G i i V