Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, May 14, 1875, Image 3

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up PMT!
osX L'lTlr. OREGON, MV 11. lS7i.
Hv letter vre learn from
Com in
Mrs. F. "h01!'"''- iniu sm I"iIosfs io
v i-.it "this city with her company and
Mcl0naldVbamt of trained Indians,
l rv ill give a nertonnance on inuay
511 hJ tho :i"t at Pope's Hall Our
and the following
TUin inc. f then, will KIve the
r ' i.ler an i 'a as to the opinions o iuu
in reirard to Urn band ot M-lns:
is to the opinions of the
' C-iptaiii McDonaia mis as.omsneu
Victoria with his trained Indians, who
. ,. Ve.l at the theater on the evening
P VM i Mi' Tlie Colonist says there
.i ll ip'o and fashionable audience,
x were nni,i"tu ... v.. , . .
a i me eiose m iiiu
i , i
t MiOIll ;LS ...... ...... .j
trihution. A second appearance was
,,"ule on the next evem.i- and the the
ft" r was literally packed, and scores
were turned away unable to et even
rt indim'ioom. Such enthusiasm has
S i, manifested here. The ap
plause, as the various evolutions pass
ed before the fcves of the audience, was
deafening So" well were the ictori
sms pleased, that tliere was to be a third
performance. ,
We trust that Mrs. Phelps may have
n crowded house, as the entertainment
will be better than anv that has visited
our citv
for 4 Ions? time.
Kni'OKT OF TAK (iRAM) juu.-ine
Grand Jury subi litted the following
reiort to the Circuit Court at its recent
term :
The undersigned, the firand Jury of
the countv of Clackamas at the April
term of the Circuit. Court, respeettully
report that we ha e examined the bu
Hiuess before us and completed our la
bors. .
We have examined the county jail
and find it kept in a manner credifa de
to the Nheriil" of the county. However,
thjail is not as safe as it should be and
we reeeommend that a small amount
of money be expended in making t he
improvements necessary to render the
jail secure ; the cells ought to be letter
ventilated, in their present condition
they are un healt hy ; out a very small
ex ion. lit ore will Veined v this evil and
we reeominend it be made.
Respectfully submitted,
l'oreman of Grand Jurv.
. . T 'T'l
(ic.ANi) l.oooii. The Grand 1-iodge
I. (.). O. P., mectjs ut 1'oitland next
Tuesday at o'clock a. m. The Grand
Kucatu oment incuts at tlie same place
M onday
x pected
vening,s at f o'clock. It is
that a firll attendance will be
i !ns"iil. e are rej nested nv iiraim
Secretary Daeon to in tunii the brcthern
tlut the prupri'-tors of the Occident:'.!
1 Intel have notified him that thev will
keep Uie mem ber.s of Uie I rand Kodire
putting u;a! their hotel for one dollar
pr day while t h ' rand I.odg. is in
M-si in. This is ii liberal reduction
mil as tie ecidtjtilal is a lirst class
hotel, many w ill tivail themselves of
this reduction. ;
Inform a i ion V. n i i-jn. If this
should m t the eye of Person Glea
M)ii. v. lio ( migrateil from Ripley coun
ty, Inli'i:i, to tin! Willamette valley
i;i nranv cue i( !is relat ives or ae-
qu.unt.v.iecs, tlieyiwiu coii;er a lav
iv ailtlri.'iiin Jail's '. Alden, We
it ope, j?vell eon fl.', Kaunas. regi
pA;-i s please copl 1 -Statesman.
Wr prelum" I M this gentleman
t'e tfrs.iii hv ii", name residing
a favor
thiseouiitv who," post-olliee adilress
i 1 1 'i !: i:i rl, Marion countv.
Iisr am 1'iirxii. Mr. II. A. Straight
mid ("ha. II. ('.ml: Id were out in the
m iiut.iiiis Iat wee prospecting. They
: los! and had n pretty narrow es
from siili"erin-'lfor fond. Thev were
t w 1 1 a vs wit itoiii a Is v l!iin to eat
VI' 1 !
no matelfs t- tght a lire with. n
Sturdav tli 'v uoflioin.'. however, all
ri!it. 1 1 was n ci f cai 1 tor t iiem.
f J ::n Kr.ofM i!iKiwIIim. J. I. I.oeev
a ..i.ieiit Captain MeIonald was billed
Ltt" re the curtain and presented by
Miss Martha Ioiijslss ami by Miss
Flora McDonald with bouMucts 1 ho
n.pihi -tated that he would take his
V-1 I'bil.idelnhia in ls70 and pre-
was a mem ber of regon Lodge No. 3,
I.O.O. P. It was his request that his
iMiiir!!1'-' money, amounting to about
8i bi given to tie Lodge. This is a
gMiierou- and ap. .-onriate gift, and
tf mIiows thAl he loved thu Order of which
he was such an honored and exempla
ry memlier.
Lr. rrwn List. '4ie following is u
list of the Lctteil remaining in the
Post-otlL-.j at Or- In City, May 14th,
1S75: V
Church Harriet Mrs. 2; House Frank
W.: Marks Martha Miss; Pearee Ma
tild.i; Perkins Philip 11 ; Steers Alson;
Skinner Henry ; Tucker 1. 15.; Walker
C.itJiai inc.
If called for, please sav when "adver
tised." J. M. "Raco.v, P. M.
Lauok !:!". --The Oregmiian recently
published the dimensions of an egg
from a full-bred lira ham hen. We can
just beat that full Iuth-iI bv Jialf-hrccd
n little. Mr. M. O. Wills 'has left at our
office an egg from a hall-breed Itraham
hen which measures 7 7S inches the long
way and (Pt the small way. This beats
your full blooded stock, "now" bring on
some ot her.
Akkkstep. John V. Smith, the en
gineer of the Seintor. was arrested last
Tuesday at Portland, charged with
manslaughter. He was brought before
Justice Riley, and waiving an examina
tion, was Ixitind ovc r to apjear lefore
the Circuit Court next June. The bond
was fixed at Sl.uuO which was given.
We shall have sonv-thitig further to
say in regard to this f. t itter next week.
M k mo ni a r. S k is v t 4 : s . A memorial
service in honor of .e lamented J. I.
Locey will be held at the M. E. Church
on next Sabbath, tho Pith inst., at 2
o'clock p. in. The exercises will con
sist principally of tributes from Mr.
Locey 's friends. Air invitation is ex
tended to all to be pntsent and partici
pate. 1 '
'SA" axi DooitM.-In to-day's paper
will be found the advertisement of Mr.
P.. .1. Col bath, who has recently engag
ed in the manufacture of blinds, doors.
?Ash c. Mr. ( '. , is prepared to do all
Kinds ot work in his .inc. Shop oppo
site the brick mill. A "
C'oRRKcrioN. We lade an error in
regard to the time foJ,io ; ranger Pic-
.Hie near V.iniPr'
hool house. It
nd inst. instead
should have been the
c-o.Y 11 as stat(, by us. The public
-nerally are invited to attend, and a
Kh1 time may be exjveeted.
In Town. Ir. S' .c-le formerly of
this city, but now ofOlympia, was in
town l ist Monday, looking as well as
o t old. Dr. J. n; Thessing, of Milwau-
" . was also in town on the same day
nd gave us a call.
.u.i.Kn.We had a call from our
nl-l and highly esteemed friend Judge
H.al; v. of Linn county last Friday. On
eilnesd iy we had a pleasant call from
ll,,n. AJ. Florence, of Umatilla.
AiMvuNTEn. Mr. Oeo. Marshall has
received the appointment as Chief Kn-
shu r,'f, M10 - s- s- C'o. Mr. Mar
.,;"l'u', fdthiH. position under the inan
"tment of the P. T. Company.
I'oiN-a Wkm.. At last accounts Orif.
'ones and Felix Evans were doing as
"at reTfh1:1 Weted owing to "the
Iteuben Smith.
Tie citizens of this place were aston
ished at the report last Tuesday even
ing that Reuben Smith, chief engineer
of the O. S. S. Company, at this place,
had been discharged from his position.
We are informed that those who per
sonally knew Mr. Smith urged his re
tention, but that Mr. Halsey regarded
it as his duty to remove him. Mr. S.
is brother to John V. Smith, who was
engineer at the time the Sonator ex
ploded, and it appears that owing to
that accident Mr. Ileuben Smith was
held responsible thus far as to cause
his removal from a position ho has held
for the past four years, and one that he
has filled with ability and faithfulness.
There is not a man in this city but
what knows that Mr. Smith is one of
the most competent men in the employ
of the Company; that he has made
them a faithful and trusty officer, and
under all emergencies he was ready to
take the burdens of labor upon him.
Not like other persons who hold the
position he held, he has worked as
though he was simply a hand in the
shop; he worked late and early, and
at any time when the hour came to go
to work, Mr. Smith was at his post.
The people throughout the State know
him to bo trustworthy in any andevery
position he is placed. During the ex
istence of the 1. T. Company, that Com
pany had her chief engineer, but to Mr.
Smith was entrusted the work of keep
ing every thing iti order; since he has
been chief, he has not only aimed to
perforin that duty (and none question
but what he has done it well), but has
worked the same as any hand in the
employ of the Company. None will
hold him in the remotest degree respon
sible for the accident to the Senator It
is true it was his brother who was en
gineer, but ho held an engineer's cer
tificate, and lor all we know, was fully
competent for the place. If he was not,
an order from the superior ollieers
would soon have discharged him.
We know that we but express the
sentiment of our entire population, and
that of every engineer employed by
the company, when we say that the re
moval of Mr. Smith is an injustice to
him. and that no man in this State is
better entitled to the confidence of the
people. Industrious, sober and care
ful, practical and a thorough machin
ist, there is no reason for laying any
censure upon him for the fatal accident.
W-are satisfied that the ireiieral pub
lic would unite to-day in a petition for
his restoration to the position. One of
the be.-t evidences we can cite as to the.
value there is placed in his skill is the
tact that iijhui his discharge, the posi
tion was otic red to tJeo. Marshall, one
of the most praetieal and eomiM'tent
emiineers in our State, but he refused
it unless Mr. Smith could retain the
position lie held under him when Mr.
M.. was Chief Kniiineer of the I'. T.
'ompany. We regard the action of
Mr. llalscy in tins case as rather hasty
and unjust towards Mr. Smith and
trust that he may reconsider his action
and reinstate him to the position he is
so amply ipialitied to till. 'I'll is action
on his part would meet with the hearty
approval of this entire community aiul
he endorsed y every engineer m our
State. Mr. Halsey is a praetieal busi
ness man, and we feel confident that
when he reJlects upon this matter in a
proper light, ho will reconsider his ac
tion in the premises.
To I mm mn ants. Persons who desire
to purchase a fine farm containing 2i
acres, situated 14 miles from this city,
eu get full particulars by calling at
this ofiice.
Oik; nizi:i. A new Lodge of the I.
O. O. !'., was organized at Cocpiil.e on
the CCu inst. bv I. 1. ti. M. Jav Tuttle.
This ni-.kes three Lodges in Co-os county-
Explanation of 3Ir. Smith.
Some persons are disposed to con
Btire tho engineer of the Senator for
tho accident, and in justice to Mr.
John V. Smith, we publish his state
ment of tho sad affair, which is as
Just before the Senator left her
moorings at the O. S. S. Co.'s dock
to start for the east side wharf
to take on wood, I examined the
pumps (which were then working).
I found them in good condition. I
next examined the steam and water
gauges, and found there was a suffi
ciency of water in the boiler. When
the Senator reached the east-side
wharf and took on a quantity of wood
I again examined the boiler and the
pumps, and found everything in
good order. I examined the pumps
and boiler just before the steamer
left the east-side to go up the river
and about live minutes before tho ex
plosion took place. We left the
wharf and steamed up a few minutes
before :$ o'clock. As the Senator
was nearing the point opposite the
foot of Stark street the" ferry boat
was crossing the river. She signaled
for us to keep to the left. The Sen
ator bore off to the eastern shore in
obedience to the signal. A few mo
ments later the steamer Vancouver
gave the signal for the Senator to
come over and get some freight. In
order to make the landing the pilot
swung the Sonator round in a larc-e
circle, the wheel never ceasing its
revolutions, but traveling under a
full head of steam. The Senator
was coming in a quartering direction
toward where the Vancouver was
moored, and had swung around
almost parallel with tho wharves.
Expecting every instant to hear' the
signal to shut off steam, I was stand
ing with my hand on the lever which
controls the movement of the throt
tle valve, for when the vessel swung
so far it was necessary to stop going
ahead, liut the bell did not tap just
when I was expecting it, and while
thus standing I heard a hissing, roar
ing sound like steam escaping. I
dhl not hear any noise for the en
gines were working, and never felt
the shock. Hearing the noise of es
caping steam, I started forward and
climbed over the piles of freight that
lay between where I was standing
and tho boiler. Iy the time I got
over I knew at a glauce what the
matter was.
Mr. Smith, states positively that
the boiler was full of water all the
time, and that the explosion was not
occasioned by that necessary ele
ment. In his oinion the explosion
took place from some unknown and
unexplainable agency, the exact na-.
turo of which will probably always
remain a mystery. An examination
of the "fire plug" on the fire box re
veals the fact that the metal has not
been melted, which engineers state
would inevitably have been the case
had there been no water in the boiler.
MMi'-1J"'i HHiHIiV.H1
Joseph I). Locey.
The saddest feeling that will arise !
in the hearts of citizens of Salem at j
reading the account we publish eke- I
wliere, taken irom the Ureyonkm, of
the disaster to the steamer Senator,
will attach to the loss of our friend
and fellow citizen, Jo. L,ocey. -who
has bo much of late years made his
home in this citj We cannot part
from him without giving some slight
tribute to his memory. It is a pleas
ure that is left to ns to remember
that he was true, sincere, kind and
honest. It was foreign to his nature
to be otherwise. lie was gentle as a
woman; and a purer and more faith
ful man could not bo found, yet he
was earnest and competent in the
discharge of life's duties. He had
the soul of a poet, and shared many
of the eccentricities of poetic nature.
"We have published a number of his
contributions, and his poetical writ-
ings have louna iavor with other
journals and a favored place in the
n. ..,.; i -
pages ui uic utcmnu ixiagazme. lie
was a true Christian and an honest
gentleman, and it is well with him
to-day in that celestial home beyond
the shores of life's stormy seas. " Mr.
Locey was at one time County Judge
of Clackamas, and represented that
county in the Legislature in 180(5.
Stefan Jiceonl.
At a special meeting of the Turn
Verein of Oregon City, May 7, 1S75,
the following resolutions were adopt
ed: Inasmuch as it has pleased Al
mighty Providence to remove from
our midst our friend and brother
George Warner,
llt-tolrc'l, That in his death we
mourn the loss of an estimable com
panion, an earnest, skillful member
of our society, one fearless and up
right in character, and a young man
of promise, betokening a useful and
honorable career as a fellow citizen.
llc.-iolccd, That we tender our most
heartfelt sympathy to his bereaved
parents and to all those most near
and dear to him, and sincerely hope
that tho same hand which has order
ed this terrible calamity will give
them comfort and strength to bear
this the overwhelming allliction.
Jiesolrcd, That our hall be dressed
in mourning for thirty days and that
the members of the society wear
crape for the same length of time.
7iWrc.7, That a copy of these res
olutions be sent to the bereaved fam
ily, be forwarded to the Turn Verein
of Portland and be inserted in the
Oregon City Kxti-:upkisi2 ami Port
land daily papers.
S 'iji.Li.vy Pakkkk, President.
N. E. Kandall, Secretary.
Or.i-,(i'j.- City, May 11th lsT'i.
At a regular meeting of Rebecca De
gree hodge No. -1, I. O. O. P., at Oregon
City May 11th, ls7.", the following reso
lutions were unanimously adopted:
Wni.iti:.vs, It has pleased Almighty
(iod to remove from our midst our
brother Joseph I). I.oeev.
Kesolved, That in our deceased bro
ther we recognize the true Odd re low,
a man of unblemished character, and
one honored ami respected by all who
knew him, for Ins sterling worth and
integrity as a man and fellow citizen.
Kesolved, That a copy f these reso
lutions 1m.; sent to the relatives of tho
deceased brother, a copy spread on the
minutes of this hodge, and one be sent
to the Oregon City JSntkupkisk for
Attest Mns. X. Jeiuimk, K. .S.
L'nuwiiKii. In order to give all the
news in regard to the steamboat acci
dent, much matter intended for this is
sue is crowded out,
A shooting affray occurred last
week at Conner Creek, in IJaker Co.,
The particulars of which have not
yet come to hand. lob Parks had
some difficulty with Matt, lieed, his
brother-in-law, who had separated
from his wife. The difficulty led to
the shooting of Keed by Parks, one
shot taking eil'ect in tho thigh.
Whether the shots will prove fatal is
not known. Parks left for parts un
B7Tho National Gold Modal was award
ed 'o I'.radley & Kulofson for the best
Photographs in the United States, and the
lenna 3feUal lor tho best in the world.
il'J Montgomery .Street, Nan Francisco.
Tli IVenr and Tear of Ci- Life.
ine wear ana tear ot city lite area
severe tax upon the strongest constitu
tions. The hurry and bustle and anxi
eties of business keep the nervous sys
tem in a state of unnatural tension dur
ing business hours, and in the end im
pair the elasticity and vigor of vital or
ganization. The penalty of all undue
excitement is subsequent exhaustion.
The best remedy for it, whatever the
cause, is llostetter's Stomach liitters,
the tonic and alterative proiierties of
which rapidly dill'use themselves thro'
the entire system, revive and reinforce
every dormant faculty, and restore a
natural condition of body and mind.
Some moral reformers insist upon the
disuse of all stimulants. This, to sav
the least of it, is irrational. All com
petent physi "ians admit that a pure,
medicated stimulant is one of the most
useful remedies known. As a tonic and
invigorant for the aged and languid,
llostetter's liitters has no equal. It is
the sheet-anchor of the feeble and de
bilitated. In all climates and in every
species of disorder which breaks down
the bodily strength, it is an absolute
specific. It is also an invaluable reme
dy for sea-sickness. The nausea and
retching caused y the rolling and
niching of a vessel at sea paralyzes the
bodily and mental energies, and those
who "sutler from it would do well to
resort to the Hitters as a means of a
sure and permanent relief. No steamer
should sail without a supply of the arti
cle. Among the botanic ingredients
of which it is composed are some of tho
most powerful blood depurents which
the vegetable kingdom alfords. Con
sequently, it not only tones and invig
orates, but also purities tho system
through the natural sluices which na
ture has provided."
Tiik Skcukt. Those who prize a
beautiful head of hair, (and we know
our lady friends all do), will thank us
for a few words on the invaluable qual
ities of A ykk's P un vigor as a dress
ing. In our own case it heals a humor,
keeps the head free from dandruff and
scurf, stops the tendency of our hair to
fall, and heightens its .canty. A slight
touching with it removes the coarse
and dry appearance which neglected
hair puts on, imparts a rich gloss, and
makes us presentable in the most fash
ionable company. Such rare qualitica
lions, presented in a single prepara
tion, create for it an enduring value ;
but adT to : . so the faculty of restoring
to gray Iocs their youthful color, and
maintaining our good looks with so
small an expenditure of time and at
tention, and you stamp it prime favor
ite with the "public, and ensure its per
manent and enduring popularity.
JIunt.sville (Ala.) Kepuhlican.
"T ,OA Per Day at. home.
Term tt
lfebly G. STINSON & Co.. Portland. Ms
maeniuaMJi'vm1 i.ffl""i'sre
A Startling Trutli! Thousands die
annually from neglected coughs and colds
which soon ri)cn into consumption, or
other cmiallv fatal diseases of the lungs ;
when bv the timelv us? of a single bottle
of Lk. WistAk's Balsam of Wild Cher
ry their lives might have been preserved
to a green old ag
Tlie limine We Live In. In other
words, our bodies are held on repairing
leases. We must prop and sustain them
when thev exhibit signs of weakness and
decay, or thev will inevitably break down.
In In:. Walker s California inegar
liiTTERS, a matchless comjwmnu ptnewly
discovered medicinal herbs, peculiar to t lie
Pacific region, the debilitated, the billious,
the rheumatic, the consumptive, will tind
the most g.-nial tonic and restorative ever
ottered to the suffering invalid. It con
tains ne alcohol, and consequently leaves
no sting behind.
Important. Endorsed by tho Medical
profession. 1K. W.M. HULL'S RAT .NAM
l'OIt THE LUNGS cures Coughs. Colds and
Consmi.tion, and all disorders or the
Throat and C hest. ntt. i- v ir., i p,
TOOTHACHE ANODE cures in one
MINUTE. leblij
It is seldom that we notice anything
in the medical line, nor would we now.
unless we could be convinced that we
ire not doing our duty as a journalist
in recommending to the public the cel
ebrated botanical preparation ot Dr.
Henry. Whoever induces the victim
of scrofula or anv other disease ot the
blood, to use Dr. Henry s Extract ot
Xarsparilla, has begun a good work.
I here is no question as to the lesuii ot
this medicine if persevered in. It is a
sure cure for scrofula, rheumatism,
Salt Ilheuin, and indeed all complaints
arising from vitiated or impure blood.
It is just what a good physician would
prescribe for these complaints, and we
confidently recommend it as being the
best article now in use. Dr. Henry's
Cough lalsam is the most alfective
remedy for allection of the throat or
lungs "that we have ever known. It
contains no deleterious drugs, and can
be taken with impunity and certainty
of relief. For thecure of coughs colds,
sore throat, etc., it stands without a ri
val. Dr. Henry s liniment as an alle
viator of pain', is unrivaled by any
preparation before the public; the
most skeptical will be. convinced by a
single trial. It will prove itself a friend
in need which no family should be
Tho t'niiz:i" for all.
Invalids, by nervous debility, desirous of
again feeling the vigor of health and vim
of system, should take a few bottles of Da.
Hi -fore one bottle is taken they will feel
the dawn of restoration, of returning
health. No case of dyspepsia, indigestion,
loss of appetite, rheumatism, kidney or
liver disease, has ever resisted its restora
tive power. Every part of the human
system requires and should receive suste
nance and support from the stomach, reg
ularly by the liver. Jt the stomach can
not supply the aliment required, the whole
system languishes. Fortify your organs
of life with these bitters, anil in a. few days
you will feel your whole system invigorat
ed ; for every disease arising from disor
dered liver, stomach or bowels, it is inval
uable ; it will revive your shattered sys
tem. Dyspeptics and persons of billions
habit should keep it within reach, if they
value health and ease. J3marom
It is asserted us a fact t!i:it every canvasser
who has turned his attention to the introduction
of the New I'aiiiily Sewiiiy Machine in his local
ity, or w ho lias luca foi turatj enough to secure
un agency, lias outstripped the best efforts in
making money of the old anil tried agents of the
hijili-jirieeil machines, which latter they now
replace. The demand is enormous, anil sales so
rapid and money made so readily with so little
effort that farmers, tradesmen, speculators, &c,
are Hocking into tho business as fat as they can
secure territory and get their irooils on the
ground to supply anxious customers. It is inar
vcl.'tis to see how these machines sell when ex
hibited, it being a Jrerognied ftct that people
will buy the best at the lowest price. It certain
ly is the machine of the times and docs the s:mie
work as other machines at sS" orj'.m, und we re
ally believe it would sell just as readily at double
and then not cunt halt the UMial prii-e of so io.i.l
UU article, for it is astonishing to see the vast
.iTiiuiint of labor it performs at. so lmv a i.iwt.
'flic inventors are daily inundated with testimo
nials ot the worth of their new machines which
so sudduuly and successfully bounded into popu
lar favor. It proves to be just what is wanted
every day. by every one, everywhere, who has a
family. It has attained an enviable reputation
in many thousands of homes and factories, for its
solid strength, power, rapidity, simplicity, cer
tainty, and ease of operation, w it b extreme beau
ty , fineness, and reliability of its sewing; while
the wonderful low price (twenty dollars for a
lin.'e and complete sewing machine with a strong
tahlK and treadle) places all idea of compel it ion
entirely out of the question. It stands alone on
its merits and priee. AVe advise you to invest in
one ut once fur your wife, daughter, mother, sis
tt r or lady friend and make a home happy, or
put them in your factory, or what is better, if
you are lucky enough, sechre an agency, if there
is none in your town, and mnke money yourself.
The many new attachments for doing extra tine,
skilful and ditlieult work, are a surprise in their
simplicity of construction and far below even
"grange prices," and will be delivered sate- at
your liour, no mat ter how remote you reside, if
you write for tln-m. Address, .1. THOMSON,
II AN N A A: CO., '.m; broad way, N. Y.
And ('apt. MCDONALD'S .Splendid band of
TIlAiyrjlD IPIAiSiB.
I'Hin.VY UVUNIXC;, MAY 21,1X7.1,
Will be presented the brilliant comedietta,
Countess, Mrs. Fanny Morgan PliclpH
After which, .Singing by MISS LIZZIE
To be followed by a tirand
Who will execute their
Liiilituiiiff Drill, ltnyonet Kxeicise
ami Acrobatic l'cifiiriiiniiic.
To conclude with the pcrcaminj; farce of
Admission, ii 0'); Children fifty Cents.
Sash, lilimls, Door,
Window Krimics Mouldings,
liiiisliiny; Liiiiibcv,
Flooring, 'eilinyT, iiinliii;g Iliistic.
Will Luild all classes of Buildings.
Designs, Specifications, Rill of Material
Oregon City, May H, 1T5 :tf
Residence to the double house,
"V. V. Corner of Alder n ml Kast Park
Street, Tort land, Oregon, whore he can be
found at all bours, day and night.
May ti, 1S73 :uiH
S. ACKEIS31AN' & liKO.,
i WA5S 300,000 lESFiS
wnicn tney win pay tho highest market
price in CASH.
Oregon City, April 20, 1?75 .tf
Oa the IcEinzie Eiver. Lane Co., Oregon.
a nnmiiNr. shimer resort.
JL about fifty-live miles east of Eugene j
City, and within four miles of t he celebrat
ed Riir Prairie of the MolCinzie. Thev are I
within a few hundred yards of Horse Creek !
one ot the most famous trout streams in i
Oregon. Deer and elk are very plenty iif-ar j
these Siirings, having been thj resort for
ages of these animals. The grandest and
must picturesque scenery of the North Pa
cific. I have the best buildings and the
best accommodations of anv Springs in
this part of the State. My bath house is
new, and is constructed with reference to
the wants of those visfFing me from the
valley. I also have an excellent vanor
bath room constructed near the head of
the Spring, and in all things. I nronoseto
keep up with the demand lor an institu
tion of this kind.
An experienced physician in attendance
at all times. I'oard and bodging in ood
style for those v. ho prefer it. Animals can
be pastured for .small cost, anil be perfect
ly safe. A. N. FOLEY,
maytl.tf Proprietor.
Xot ic? G "Y;i nlia u Salt'
I. s;ile made
by the County Court of the
istiite of Oregon for Clackamas county, on
the iith day of April, 17., directing the un
dersigned, S. W. Moss, as Ouardian of Vol
ney O. Moss, to sell the lands hereinafter
described, t he sa me being part of t he estate
of said Volney C. Mos:. The undersigned,
as said (Juardia n, will, on the lJth day of
June, A. D., 1S7, at the hour of 11 o'clock
A. m. of said day, at the Court House door
in said county, sell at public auction, to
the highest bidder, uion . the terms that
said bid be paid oiu- half in cash utthe
time of the sale, mid the other half twelve
months thereafter, to be secured by si pro
missory note a:ul mortgage on saii lane!,
t he following property, to-wit : The undi
vided one-t bird ol -l.S't acres of land, being
the east half and the south half of t he
west half of t he tract of land embraced in
Notification No. t.!C, and being part of
sections 'J'!, ''!, and in Township '
South of Kange 1 I'.ast of the Willamette
M ridian.and hounded as follows,to-wit be
ginning at a point " and 30-100 chains west
of t hi: south-west corner of section 2-5, T. 3
S., It. 1 K., running tlienci-south -Iti chains,
thence east 71 and .M0U chains, thence
north JSO chains, thence west 74 and 50-1U0
chains, thence south U) chains to the place
of beginning, the said one-third containing
KiO acres of land, all situate in said county
and State. S. W. MOSS,
Ouardian of Volney C. Moss.
May 5, 1875 !w4
OliilAT ATTIiACTiiySsr-
ever imported to Oregon City, which he
otters at great Iy :-diie.-u prices. My stock
1 C X, O r I i : I T NTG
Has gbei-n largely increased and I can
show as handsome a line of ready-made
goods in Men and Hoys' Ihisiness and
Dress Suits, Coats, etc.," as can be found
in the country, and at prices that cannot
fail to satisfy. My
0 n rs n p
Is filled wit h a sph
t he leading styles r.
of goods
ndid assort inent of all
rid fashionable shades
Mm press t'Il ri,
JIl::i i rs, KrciH-h ami
A mej-ioa n Oress ;oIs,
lll-.n li. A lpuee.i,
Jtri I lii n! i i;es,
CasJimeres, c.
it a T jnt i: ,s ,
Plaid, Plain ami Opera Flannels, of all col
ors, f.leach'-d and Unbleached Cotton
I. allies" a:n! Oent.'' Csnterware,
S!i:s ivhii ml Scurfs,
Wool Blanket,
'I' i t i n Ivm a lit)
M'ra veliiii; Satchel-,
Hats a i:! ': pj.
Oil (Tot Ji far
I'loorn nil Table.
and SHOES,
I would call
stock of Men's
Iloots, which I
special attention to my
and Hoys San Francisco
have sold for a number of
years past with general satisfaction. Kv-
ery pair warranted. A complete stock of
Choice Teas, Canned (Joods, and all choie
Family Groceries,
All at I.OVV Prices. Also,
Highest Price paid for all kinds of
200,000 l?s. of WOOL WnnttMl,
for which
shall pay
tin.' highest cash
1S75. tf
Oregon City, April
The best way to
during the hot weather is to go to
c ojS" f k rri( )Nkkv,
Main Street, Drcgon C'itj-,
and partake of some of his DF.LICIOUS
Ice-Cream delivered to any part of the
citv FHFE OF CI I A KO 10 and made to
order. aprJtf
It costs no more to keep
good Ion-Is than poor
Oakland Poultry
Cor. Sixth A Castro Sts
OA lil.AM), CA3..
Season of 1875.
From the largest and best, bred Fowls in
the World.
Carefully packed and warranted to carry
safely any distance. The varieties
Dark and Light Hrahmas, Putt and Part
ridge Cochins, White Ix?ghorns, Houdans
and Silver Spangled Ham burgs.
Hlack Spanish, White Dorkings, Oohien
l'olands, Aylesbury Ducks, and (lame.
Sebright and Hlack African Hantams.
Hron7.e Turkeys, the finest collection on
the Pacific coast.
CScnd stamp for illustrated eireular
to f;I" . I". HAVI.KV
Importer find Dealer of Choice Poultry,
Hox t"t), San Francisco.
Please state what paper you saw this ad
vertisement in. feblO-'lm
1 1 A I K - T T ELI 1 "V.
and isirepared to do all kinds of
Jut as good, and cheaper, thnn can bo
done in San Francisco. She also manu
factures hair, straight or tangled, into
Nice, Fine Hair Swilrlion for sale, at
from . to 13.
A full line of Imitation Goods at San
Francisco prices.
Those wishing work done, or to purchase
will do well to give her a call before goimr
to Portland. '
All communications by mail prompt Iv
answered. '
All work warranted to pive satisfaction
Instructions piven in fancv work.
Silver card-board for sale.
December 1?, lS7i-6m
r?y -iff?
And earn 30 or
It) per day.
sViarveJous ralechanism.
Ingenious Snvention.
Absolute Perfection.
Complete for Domestic I'se
Unparalleled in price.
With many important, superior and valuable
improvements. .
Eiiual in fi.e, and does the same work, m the
same wav as an i-SO or fhw machine,
The best
ma le.
iphjst una tlieapl mai-i-me i'ht
rantee for live years with every
Written guar
""NocrKKion no comvktition: no
lUVAL in Ul'Al.lTY and l'HICK.
V skil'ful and practical scientiiie accetnphsli
ment ot a ni'rt wonderful combination of nil the
ood tiuahties of a sewing nuichme, and luily ae
knewledgi d to be a TH-rfeetly surtwsj.fal meehnn
ir il isehievemeiit ot i-ractii-al simplicity. Uar-ou-hly
tested. Vsed in thousands ot homes.
The favorite of the family circle.
It does not take an hour to pet ready to do J
minutes work, hut is always ready in it moment
to do a days v.-nik.
ltwillsiive cost many times over m one
e-ion doing the work of Vtio f.imily, or it will
ea: u ioar or live doiiais u day for tiny Iiiaii or
woman who m.'.v wish to do sewintr tor a living.
It is so plain and easy to learn, and smooth to
run, the children and servants can use it.
.So strong and solid built, it will hist a jrcnera
t ion if proper!;.- eared lor.
Has no snpertluour! coirgs or cams to set out o
order. ,, ' ,.
Sews ei'i;l'y luie with eo::o col. on, hnon,
sill- or t wino, ...
V-.tpidiv sews a strong seam over all kinds ol
imvIs. ti. ".in iinest i-.iinbric to heaviest lnoadclotli
ami leather without stopping the machine.
Kuns taster, lighter, more easy una qiuci ui.m
any other mai-hiiie at live time.-: th' V- ice.
f ses the strong straight needle.
Marvclou-.lv true in every motion.
Sows the liiiest, tirin and lasting stitch.
Makes the only seam that caa not be ripl!l
apart without " destroying the fabric.
strenu'h, Ijeauty evenness and durable ipuditics
ot which have long been acceded.
"Will sew anything it is po.-sihle for a needle to
go through.
Will do every description of sewing t vn dent
on any o'.iier machine no matter what the price,
and with les trouble.
Will hi as, fel, tuck, quilt, brai l, cord, 1-ind,
gather, rathe, shirr, pleat, fold, scollop, roll, em
broider, run-up-breadths, iVc. io., with astou
i:diing ease, rapidity, and neatness.
lias received testimonials of its merits fioni all
section of the country, marks of distinguished
consideration seldom voluntarily accorded to an
invention ot similar domestic usefulness.
Our manv New Attachments, l'atented Aug.
!f. lsT'i; Sept. -Zii, 1871; July 7, ls72. Made to tit
all machines, are the attainment of precision in
mechanical accuracy for rendering it easy for
even those who necr saw a machine before, to
do the iiiict kind of fancy needle work, other
wise diificult and tedious, with the utmost ease
and vapidity. Simple is construction. Needs
no teachincr. Money refunded niter thorough
trial, it not satisfactory in every particular.
Cash i'rices ot Machines -.Iaclnnes Willi plain
table, iron stand ami treadle, complete with all
the necessary tixtuies for immediate use,
Machines, wi'th cover, lock and key, half cit-e
sfvie, il . Machines, with cover, drop leaf, four
side drawers, locks, keys, ire., three quarter cab
inet style, HI. Machines with enclo"d table,
side drawers, paneled folding doors, locks and
kevs, full cabinet style, 7..
Tables are of varioiM styles, materials, mount
ings, richness of design, ice., according to price.
Machines carefully selected, securely packed
and shipped aa freight to any part of the world.
Sato delivery lisurcd on receipt of pi ice without
further charge-'. Descriptive books with illus
f rated cii-'iin ings of the- diilercnt styles of ma
chines and attachments, hivire piotlts, testimoni
als, samples of sewiiar, lilit-ral inilucenients to
couvassers. Wholesile prices, &c. forwarded
free of charge niioii application. lixclusive
agency for lare territory grated gratis to re
spectable, elite; pri-inu- business lie u, clersrymen,
teacher, S.e., who w ill introduce the extraordi
nary merits of oar good-i to the people of their
loc.il.lv and stix-plv the iiicli-Mieh-.g demand.
& tiosn:
n. Manna 64 uo.
VU)7 liroi-.dwi-.y, X.
I having increased the di
mensions of his premises, at y-j
t he old stand on t he J
Corner f Main nl Tltittl Strict,
Oregon City, Oregon,
Takes this method of informing his old pa
trons, nnil as many new ones :is maybe
plec.sed to call, that he is now prepared,
wit h ample room, good materials, and the
very best of mechanics, to build anew, re
construct, make, paint, iron and turn out
all complete, any sort of a vehicle from a
common Cart to a Concord Coach. Try me.
lilacksiultliiii, liorse or Ox SHociur
and General Jobbing neatly, quickly, and
cheaply done. DAVID SMITH.
jlain St., Oregon City.
Saddles, Harness,
i'tc etc.
f T can be had in tho State, at
OjTI warrant my poods as represented.
r A :sr T K 1,
which I will pay the highes market
price in cash Bring, on your hides and get
your coin forthem.
Raddle and Harness Maker.
Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, l.S73-m.3.
J. r. WARP.
general assortment of
Di'iiss and Clieinicals,
Icifinicry, SoapK,
( oa;!s iiiai Hrtishes,,
"'niMscs Supporters,
SlioiOtler IJraccs l-'ji aicy si ml
'1'oilet Articles,
Kcvoscne Oil, Lnmp CTj iiniiej s,
G1:iks, I'lilty, I'iiinlH, il.
Vurniliesa ml IJ ye St ii ITs,
rn:c avixes and liquors for me-
RyPhysicians' Proscriptions carefnUv
compounded, and all orders correct I v an
swered. R5"(pcn at all hours of the night.
fiAll accounts must be paid' monthly,
novtitf WAIiDi HAIiDINli.'
Final Sctilnumt I
In the matter of the estate of Jacob Kngle
deceased. '
In the County Court of Clackamas Count v
tratorofsaid estate, having filed his
exhibit for final settlement thereof, it is
onh red that
Monday, tlte liOU .".th) day or July,
b" sot apart for said final settlement with
the said administrator. Bv order of said
x Administrator.
Attest :
J. M. Frazer,
County Clerk. . loapMw
Is your time to buy goods at low r"lcts
arc now receiving a large stock of
all of the Latest Styles, w hich will sell
Our stock has been bought for cash, ad
we will sell it at a small advance abovo
l lore you purchase or go to Portland,
come and pricu our goods and convince
yourself that we do what wo say. Our stoci
consists In part of
Fancy and Staple
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Hats, Boots and Shoos,
Ladies and Gents
Furnishing Goods,
Notions, Grocer
Ioj, Hard,
and a great many other articles too numer
ours to mention ;
We will also pay tho Highest Market
Price for
Country Produce.
Oregon Citj. April U, lb73 tf
Aiiiiiinislrator's Sale.
In the matter of the estate of Alonzo Wells
In the County Court of Clackamas county.
State of Oregon :
pursuance of an order and license
made and given by the Hon. County Court
of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, at
the April term, 1ST5, thereof, I will pro
ceed to sell at public auction to the highest
bidder, at the Court House door in Oregon
City, on
Saturday, May tlie A. D.
1 oVJiick, P. M.,
the following; described parcel of land, sit
uated in Clackamas County, Oregon, and
belonging to the estate of snid deceased,
to-wit: Beginning; at the hS. E. corner of
the donation land claim of Allen Mattoon
and wife, and designated on the maps and
plats in the land office in Oregon Citv as
Claim No. 4S, T. 3 S., It. .? E. and sections
li, 15, 'J2 and running thence northerly
along the east line of said claim 48, '250
rods; thence westerly t0 rods; thence
southerly 'J50 rods ; thence easterly DO rods
to the place ot" beginning, containing 140
acres more or less. O
Terms of Sale. O'old coin, to be paid at
time of sale. Deed at t he expense of pur
ltiaprlw Administrator.
in form a Hon to Immigrants and in
tend Emigrants to Oregon, now in foreign
countries and sister states, and for circu
lating uch information abroad by this
Board, ail persons in this State having
Farms and Lands for Sale or Rent, or de
sirous of forming Colonics, will please for
ward tothis Board as soon ns rossible de
tailed descriptions of their Farms and
Lands, Location, Price and Terms of Sale,
or conditions of renting; and all persons
desirous of obtaining Agricultural or other
I .aborers, will please communicate direct
with this Board.
By instructions of the Commissioners of
Immigration. WILLIAM REID
oteblm A State Com 't of Immigration.
Side Feed and Back Peed.
Always in Order and Ready for Work.
within one thousand miles of San Fran
cisco not working well, I will fix it with
out any expense to the owner.
No. 19 New Montgomery Street,
X C. ATHEY. Oregon City,
Enterprise Ituilding', Acnt.
NORTON, Clackamas Co., Oregon.
1. mwiice that Ue has just received a
splenUi.l stock of
Clothing1, e
Hoots and Shoes,
Crockery, Etc. IUc.
lirt'ctfrom New York. The stock is tho
best and largest over brought to a store in
Clackamas county, and having purchased
it at fcreatly reduced prices, is able fo sell
it cheajier than goods have ever bon sold
I am under obligations to my former
customers for their lilx-ral patronage, and
being able now to accommodate them
better at less prices than ever before, I ask
a co"t in nation of t heir pJitrnnago, and so
licit tho trade of nil nw-co mors and thoso
who have not heretofore traded with me,
assuring them that I can give them as
good bargains as can be had in the State.
All kinds ofl'rodnce taken in exchange
for goods. Give me a call and I will guar
antee to give you satlsfachon.
Clackamas Co., Oregon, 5lar. 12, iS75.tr
o .