- v 3 5 t o THE EWTEHPniS! OREGON CITT, OREGON, APRIL 9, 1S75. Sad Accident. Last Saturday Tnin a most sad .ceident occurred in this ptaoe. result ed in the drowning ofSamuel .Newman ,(l this city. Tho accident wfurreu th liasin. Itna nl Lilt) A- :SaVH&Kin!c very high and the current ooite strong, it was necessary for Ut l",e outRt f ead of the L.;n The crew, of which Mr. . was one. was wonting iu capsiao, noinethinil BVe way, knocking man in tho head and throwing . , ' a 1 when one ew- man overboard Ile was not observed 'wnT i. nt when first seen he was in the rear oi' tho boat swimming. There were a number of persons on shore, but it was impossible for them to ren der an v assistance, as the waves were two high lor any one to reach him, and besides, could any one have been able to get to hi aid, lie would either have reitchod a place of safet3' before they would have got to him, or have perish ed. II WBa v.'ithin a short distance of pile driver which lies sunk in tho basin when be was last seen, and those wn sh'or3 hoped that he might be able to reach it, but he sank and came up no nvsre Every possible ellbrt was made tolind hU body, but the water was too muddy lO IliaKO luoaauiu.. vll ouu- dav and Monday the efTorts were re newed, but without success, and up to tho present time his remains haie not been found. Mr. Newman has resided In this pla-je for a number of years, and ha a largo family relation living iiere. lie leaves a wife and three small chil dren, tho eldest nop being but little vrer three years of age. Oa Sunday, a subscription list was circulated for the benefit of the widow and her three orphan children, and there has been subscribed over S400 for their relief, of which sum the O. S. S. Co. contributed $7), and the hands on tho different boats gavo most liberally. The sym pathy of the community in behalf of the afllicteil widow and the orphan children and relatives is extended to them, but this cannot but in a very limited degree relieve the sorrows of those who "have been deprived, of their husband, tather and brother. i School Meeting. Tho school meeting last Monday evening f.r Oregon City District, was largely attended and considerable in terest was 5felt in school matters. The rosult of tie action -of tho meeting is certain' v gratifying to the friends of th public schools. Messrs. J. M. Fra zfr, John Mvers, ami J. M. Welch wvre tlei'ted" Directors, and Henry Harding, Clerk. Tlie gentlemen are alf well qualified to discharge their ilu lio to the entire satisfaction of the Dis trict. A resolution was adopted levy ing a tax jf three mills on the property of the Dis;rict to sustain the school for th preseiit yt-ar. This sum will give ample m(j.u to keep up a good school ana leave a ..mall sum over, which we (rust tho Directors will appropriate to th reijairs of tho school house, which is badly in need of paintand now seats. The district is now complete in its or ganization, and wo would suggest to the prescilt City Council to turn over lu thy Directors trie scnooi property m tlmir haii' and if the present Council does not 1 'I authorized to take such a Mtp, the litter should le made an is- uo at t lit I xt city election, and ht it hi under ld that the Council is elect- 1 on tli A rxue. I ins none, and the Directors ill be able to go on ami im prove the pnerty and take care of if, an.l the District have a good school houvf. The result of .Monday s meet ing cannot Im but of tho greatest satis faction to tli friends of our pulilic s-hools an I the best prosperity of our town. KtrciiTAiNHKN r. Tne entertainment given last Wendcsday evening by the children f the Episcopal Church was creedrd bya lar .re audience. Thechil drrn certainly did more than well, ami mowed t'At they had been under thorough I tuning and did credit not nl v to ihU selves, but to their instruc tor, Mr. Sellvod. Many of the pieces deserve special mention for their ex cellence. The recitations by some of the younger children were indeed good, and' tho q -rctta of Grand-pa's Hirth daj was IwaiUiful and most excellent ly rendi:r"d. It would be:ir repeating and is worth the entire price of adniis hmii without anything more. The . ingers in it showed good musical tal ent, whilulMaster EaF'rcst sang his prt to porJl-etion, and little Mis.sC-och-O ran won le admiration of the audi n. (Uirand-jvi, Mr. H. L.Kelly, acted and s.ng his part to perfection. Wo have not space to mention all in dotal!, hut will say that-all who took part did well, while some did most ;lu lid. Tlie entertainment was a grand success in every respect, and ve entire satisfaction. iHsto. The young man Richard E. Williams, who was so severely injured by leing caught in the machinery of tho City Mills, died in this place last Sunday night. All that kind parents, friends and medical aid could do lor htm was done, but to no avail, and af ter suffering most intensely for nearly thrrti weeks, ho passed away to tho other world. Tho funeral took place last Wednesday from tho Congrega ' tional Churt'h, where a largo and sy in pathetic audience were present, and a most lieautiuif and instructive sermom was delivenid by Uev. Dr. Atkinson. While tho plrents of this young man aro eoniparAtively strangers in our place, tho gf id and noblo qualities of their son h i long sinco endeared him olf to all! Iho knew him. and our whole eomrJiiity ileeply feel with tho bereaved narents'the aflliction that has befallen them. JritY List. Tho following persons have been drawn to serve as jurors for tho April term of tho Circut Court for Clackamas county, which convenes on the fourth Monday of this month: F. C Mack. Geo. W. Sharrock, S. I). Coleman, Chas. Cole, Ed. Crawford, Samuel White, Henrv Duboise, Nelson Andrus. H.C. Sawtetl, Robert Ratrlev, Moses Miller, J. C. Wolgamot, W. T. Tjinn. Samuel K. Itaney, das. L. Iai ley. Arthur Warner. Jas. K. Hingman, i'has. Amlerson. Robert Snodgrass, L. II. Calkins. C. W. ltrvant. Win. Mack, 'has. Mashlierger. Thos. Imckman. Wm. Sharp. I. M. Kauffinan, Peter Wilson, (J. J. Trullinger. H. C. Ringo, S. It. Franklin, J. H. IJorin. The Markkts. We have no partic ular changes to record in the markets. Gold is going down a little, and green backs aro worth S7Si buying, and 88 U selling. Latest Liverpool wheat quo tation's are ts 3ds 7d for average Ore gon, and 9s Mftttto lid for club. Tho wheat market in this place remains tho same. 775 cents per bushel. Hran has advanced, to $12 ptr ton. Flour from $4 5f"&5v 50. Fresh, butter is scarce and sells readily at 40 cents. E?gs are worth 18 cents, the market pretty well supplied. Lettku List. Tho following is a list of tho Letters remaining in the Post-offico at Oregon City, Apr. 9, 1S75: Crainer, Peter ; Deby. A. L.:Funk hauser. David; Heckman. Henry; Henderson, Mrs. Wm.; Logan. J.; Monsev. Aallewadi: Miller, John II ; Otis. Daniel; Smith. Miss Mary ; White W.S.; Williams. Wm. If called for, please sav when "adver tied." k J. M.lUtoN, P.M. Liberal. Mr. Hanson, who circu lated one of the subscription papers for tho widow of Sam. Newman, has collected on his list $2S6, and Mr. S. Prf Pope $.V5. making in all, $342 that has beenpaid, le.sidcs there is prola ly over $100 more subscribed. This shows that the people of this vicinity are ever ready to assist those deserving of their aid. . Sr. Nicholas for April has for one of its principal features an article by Mr. Joel. Stacy, entitled "John Spooncr's Great Human Menagerie." The man ager of this wonderful show with a generosity unusual amontr men of hi profession lets ns at once into the se- I cretsoi ine exhibition, and describes each animal so minutelv that anv h?lf ! dozen boys with enough ingenuity and i pasteboard can easily form a similar collection for themselves. No detail of construction is omitted, and pictures of almost all the marvels, with explana tory diagrams, are set before us. We are even furnished with a specimen hahd-bill, and are supplied with infor mation im full and clear , that, unless the show fever bo no longer contagious among boys and girls, we mav expect many a village where St. Nicholas goes to have, before long, its rival compa nies with tlaming posters and curiosi ties outdoing those of master Spooner himself. The two serials, "The roung Survev er" and, "Eight Cousins,' though doubtless equal in popularity, are un like in character, and there'is variety enough in the Ajril number. For the youthful admirers of " The Young Sur veyor" the present chapters are likely to make him an object of real sympa thy. His troubles increase, the way out of them seem involved in great dif Geulties, and the mystery of the stolen horse is not yet solved. - Tho number contains several good pocmB, by II. II Anna Ii. Averill and otliers; and the list of artist contribu tors includes, besides other mimes. those of P. O. C. Darley , Ey tinge, Sheo- jmru uiiu Auuie xeuyaru. v Scribxeu's Monthly for- ArniL.. One who seems to know, writes as fol lows about Scribner for April: Miss Mary A Ilallock, who designs in Scrib- v. r . t i , a ncr a .toinniy, anu accompanying Longfellow's last poem, " The Hanging of the Crane." have attracted so much attention, has a charming design, deli cately engraved by Marsh, on the lirst page of Norjbner's for April. It illus trates "The Proud Ladv of Stavoren," a poem by Flizabeth" Akers Allen. Prof. Wells, who writes about German Parliaments, was himself a victim of ihe famous "March llevolution," in Derlin, while a student in the Univer sity of that city. This pleasant parer has a historic as well as personal inter est, in tne same numiier ottho Month ly, Col. Waring gives us a chatty and pleasant "Farmer's Vacation" pa ner ; the subject being " Hollow-land. I like, especially, his street and canal sketches in Amsterdam. He seems to have been verv favorably impressed by the clean and thrifty Dutch people. In his next paper we are to have the lirst detailed account, in English, of draining Haarlem Irake, The lirst of tho illustrated scries of paix;rs on American cities is also given; Mr. Ed- wan 1 King writing enthusiastically about Ualtimore, which he styles the Liverpool of America.- Dr. Holland's Topics are "Our News papers," "The Over-crowded Cities," and 15y their ! ruits. Ihe Editorial Departments are usually full, and the Etchings cover more ground than ever before. We don't know, however, what the Anncko Jans roople will say about a certain historical allusion to their illustrious ancestor. Joel Stacy's verses about "Carnivorous Plants are quite up to date in their science. Nalf-kark.-The following compa nies have generously offered to carry Representatives attending tho Grand Lodge of Oregon. I. O. O. F. which meets tho third .Monday in May, by paymg full fare one way and returning upon the certificates from tho Grand Lodge: The O. S. S. Company, tho N. P. R. R. Co., and the Willamette River Transportation Company. Ci.osei. Mr. S. D. Pope closed his Grammar School which he lias been running in this city for the past three years. Mr. Pope is a good teacher and we regret that he has found it necessa ry to close his school. Ho gives notice in another part of this pajior to such of h's patrons as are indebted to him to call and settle up. Accident. The Fannie Patton, on lier way up the river Monday after noon, broke the wrist pin of one of her engines and burst out one of her cylin der heads. The accident occurred six miles below Salem. After some little delay the craft was headed for Oregon City for repairs. Oysters. Major Charman will please accept our thanks for a lot of rino fresh oysters, which were excellent. The Major returned last Saturday from San Francisco, and brought a largo stock of goons Willi mm. New. We call the attention of our readers to tho new advertisements of Ackerman Brothers. They have just received a very large stock of goods rtnn.-u nicy are oueringai low prices. Called. We had the pleasure of a call from Hon. H. G. Struvc. Secretary of Washington Territory, and Grand Master of the I. O. O. F. of this Juris diction. County Cor rt. Tho County Court is in session as wo go to press. About all the business done thus far is road matters. Sheet. The Walla Walla States man says: The production of wool is rapidly becoming one of the leading industries of Walla Walla county, as well as one of the adjoining coun ty Umatilla, in Oregon. Not only has the number of sheep largely in creased in the last few years, but their quality has greatly improved, and it now may safely be said that the counties named lead the north west coast in the line of fine sheep. Of late great care has been taken to improve the breeds, and as a conse quence future shipments will 6how a much better quality of wool than that heretofore sent to the market. We hear it estimated that the clip the coming spring will average five pounds to the head. Place the num ber of sheep in the two counties at 40,000, the wool product- will be equal to 200,000 pounds. This is wool enough to justify the erection of another woolen mill. N. P. R. K. From a late issue of the Tacoma Tribune we learn that a recent letter from C. B. Wright, vice President of the Northern Paci fic Railroad Company, and President of the Tacoma Land Company, to a gentleman in that city, states that it is the attention of the railroad company to complete the Pacific di vision of their road from Kalama to Portland; to build a section of the road out of Tacoma to the coal mines, at least; and to continue the eastern division of the road through to the beart of Montana, a distance of 400 miles or more. If this is done, or even commenced, it will be all that we can ask and more than we can ex pect, and will have abundant cause for being thankful . Mr. Wright's prom ise was no doubt based upon the an ticipated favorable action of the bondholders at their meeting iu the city of New York, on the 15th ult. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. . Chicago, April 1. A Washington special say 8 government officials have been giving very close attention to the reports of Mexican outrages and are jot opinion thev cxacrfrerated. It is toono-li ti,,. originate with speculative contract- ors who desire war. and rancl wuo num 1.0 weaie sentiment in favor of the payment nf MpTnn claims. Albany, N. Y., April 1. A bill was introduced in the Assembly to day providing for the -payment of jurors in the protracted trials in Brooklyn. Ihe bill provides that in case a trial is protracted beyond sixty days the supervisors may grant such extra compensation as they see fit. The lilton-lieecher case is already ou in luuiucum continuous weeK. Neav Yobk, April C. Among the nassencers of the stpamebi PcroJi-a arrived to-day, are Count Marefoscbi who bears the official announcement to Archbishop McGloskey of his ele vation to the cardinalate, and Mon signor Konnelli, the legate who bears from the Pope the ceretta or insignia of cardinalate. The arrival of the niado it impossible for those who had chartered steamboats to meet the distinguished visitors off Sandy Hook "as intended. Mrs. Andrew Williams, mother of Bret Ilarte, died at Morristown, N. J., Sunday. The funeral, will take place here to-morrow. . A general reduction of passenger rates has been made on all the roads running to western points. Compe tition is expected to force fares down still further. Washington, April 5. The Presi dent denies there is any truth in the rumors of the resignation or removal of Commissioner .iouglas, Commis sioner of Customs Johnson, First Comptroller Taylor or Second Comp troller Brodhead. The commission of John.C. New, to be Treasurer of the United States, takes effect from June 30, 1975. It was signed by the President to-day. Pahis, Ky., April 5. During the stallion exhibition todav Goldsmith's "Abdalla" was instantly killed by coxniug in contact with another horse while going around the ring, the shaft of the snlky striking hirrt in the breast. lie was valued at $30,000. . TECItlllTOItlAL NEWS ITEMS. A gentleman who has made a care ful computation informs tho States man that the loss of cattle in Walla Walla valley since the commence ment of the cold weather fully foots up ten thousand. A Utah man is on his way home with a valuable stock of thorough bred horses purchased in the East. Especially noticeable is the stallion " Woburu," for which it is said he paid 20,000. He has a "Volunteer" mare that can trot down in the 20's, and a G year old stallion, 1G hands high, that can trot iu 2:4.0. Most of the horses are of " Volunteer" stock. The Tacoma sawmill is now run- running every hour ol night and day, from 6 o'clock ou Sunday evening to the same hour of the next Satur day evening. The night work com pares to the day work about as '4 does to 5, and the average daily cut for the past week was 90,000 feet. The Colorado legislature has ap propriated $50,000 to enable the Ter ritory to make a presentable showing at the Centennial. It is proposed to make a collection of silver ores and other mineral products from every section, which shall be classified, cat alogued, and the history thus pre sented be furnished in printed form, translated into the French, German and Spanish languages. It is also proposed to put up a quartz mill at the Centennial and illustrate the process of crushing ores. The Walla Walla Union of last Saturday says: From all directions we hear good news concerning the prospect for stock from this cn. The grass has started up very rapidly within the last week or two, and there is no danger of further loss ex cept by accident. Tho citizens of Waitsburg, W. T., are contemplating the erection of an oil mill at that town at an early day. A company has been formed of sub stantial men of that place and neigh borhood, and 810,000 -to $11,000 stock subscribed, with a fine pros pect of raising a further sum sufli cient to complete the establishment Pbobably. Zaok Chandler's bibli cal recollections, when Christiancy defeated him in the Senatorial con test in Michigan, the Capital thinks, were probably as follows: "A man to whom God hath given riches, wealth and honor, so that he wauteth nothing for his soul of all that he desireth, yet God giveth him not power to eat thereof, but a stran ger eateth it, this is vanity, and it is an evil disease. Eccles VI, 2. Elected. W. S. Ladd, Esq., was elected a Director of the Public Schools of Portland last Monday. There were 512 votes cast, of which Mr. Ladd received 511. This shows the high appreciation in which the people of Portland hold Mr. L. as a friend to the public schools. The compliment is well deserved. Mr. G. W. Murray was elected Clerk. New Importation. ACKERMAN BROTHERS ' lave opened one ot the largest stocks of dry goods and clothing ever brought to this market, which was selocted by Mr. Li. Ackerman. All the new shades and styles of lady's dress goods; the new shades of Berlin cloth are verv stylish. They find it therefore neces sary to reduce the prices of all kinds of goods in order to reduce their large stock which was lately purchased. Tho prices are so low that everybody can afford to buy. They will sell some of their new shades of dress as low as 25 cents, other goods in proportion. As large and fine a stock of clothing and gent's furnishing goods as there is this side of San Francisco; the lienor shirt lor gentlemen is the most stylish shirt of the season. We shall be pleased to show our goods to everybody without any extra charge. Give us a call. Ackermax Brothers. Important. Endorsed by the Medical profession. DR. WM. IIALJS BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS cures Coughs. Colds and Consmptlon, and all disorders of the Throat and Cheat. PR. TOWLEY'S TOOTHACHE ANOD1NE cures In one MINUTE. febltt T For the very best Photographs, go to Bradlea fe RCLorsox's Gallery with an Elbvatok, 429 Montgomery f?treet, Sao Francisco. . COURTESY OF UNIVERSITY ftoand Uralth SXaxlin. ' Order is heaven's first law." This great maxim applies with peculiar force to the discharge of the vital func tions. Disease inevitably supervenes upon tho physical irregularity, just as calamity is sure to follow want of sys tem and punctuality in the affairs of life. But while it is next to Impossible to overcome settled mental habits of disorder, it is quite feasible to remedy i habitual irregularities, of the body. ( Discipline the unruly - organs by wise'i and timely medication, and health will i be establisneu upon a permanent basis. Although - there are many remedies prescribed for this purpose, there is not one among them can compare in di rectness and promptitude of action with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. For every disorder affecting tho bowels, liver and stomach, and for the numer ous sympathetic nervous ailments to which alimentary or billious distur bances give rise, the Bitters are a most reliable specific. Their wondrovis effi cacy is attributable to the fact that they first remove the cause of such maladies, irregularity, and then by their tonic operation "repair the loss of physical substanco produced by sickness. Con stipation, uuiiousue.y,vijsit;psia, neart burn, sleeplessness, intermittent fevers. rheumatism and nervous tremors al ways succumb to the operation of this safe and potent medicine. A" regular habit of bodv. a good appetite., sound sleep and easy digestion are among tho i : . i. ' i r... . V . - Diessmjjfs -which iu- uso . comers. i in vigorates, relieves depression of mind. and by promoting complete, assimila tion, materially assists in covering the angles ana noiiow places or an attenu ated, shrunken framewith firm healthy flesh. - .i A Suffocating Cough. Iu a letter from Mrs.'CharloUe IAsle, of Chicago, a lady well known as a contributor to the western press, -sho ascribes the cure of a dangerous cough accompanied by bleeding at tho lungs, to Hack's Honey of Houehounh and Tar. " My cough," she says, " threat ened to suffocate mo , but the Honey of Horehound and Tar, has re moved every trace of it." Tho letter was to a lady friend in this city, who has placed it at the'aisposal of C. N. Crittenton, 7 Sixth A Venue. Pike's Tootii-Acuk Drops Cure In ono minute. It is ax Established Fact, that Consumption can be cured ; but.it is far better to prevent the cruel disease from fastening itself on tho system, bv tho timely use of a remedy like Dr. Vist ar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. This standard preparation will spedily cure a cough or cold, and even Consumption, often yields to its gieat power. A correspondent.' writing from Athens, curiously contrasts tho mixt ures to be found there of ancient and modern civilizations. Railroads spin their trains amid the., temples of three thousand years; steamers dash their swells upon the Pireus,- and the scream of their whistles resound from Athos, Pentelrens and Cyt heron to Olympus and the heavens beyond ' their . gods. Dr. Ayer's world-renowned medicines, those consummations of modern sci ence, are posted on the Acropolis, tho Parthenon, the Areojnigus andThsesion while the modest cards of Cherry Pec toral, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Ague Cure and Pills look from tho shops in the streets of Athens, where they are sold. X. Y. Globe. . It is seldom that we notice anything in tho medical line, nOr would we now. unless wo could be convinced that wo are not doing our duty as a journalist in recommending to tho public tho cel ebrated botanical preparation of Dr. Henry. Whoever induces the victim of scrofula or any other disease of the blood, to use Dr. Henry's Kx tract of Sarsparilla, has lcgniia good work. There is no question us to the result of this medicine if persevered in. It is a sure cure for scrofula, rheumatism, Salt Rheum, and indeed all complaints arising from vitiated or impure blood. It is just what a good physician would prescribe for these complaints, and we confidently recommend it as being the Ixjst article now in use. Dr. Henry's Cough Balsam is the. most affective remedy for affection of tho throat or lungs that we have ever known. It contains no deleterious drugs, and can be taken with impuu-ity and certainty of relief. For thecure of coughs colds, sore throat, etc., it stands without a ri val. Dr. Henry s Liniment as an alle viator of pain, is unrivaled by any preparation leforo the .public; the most skeptical will be convinced bv a single trial. It will prove itself a friend in need which no family should be without. NEW TO-DAY. NOTICE. Alb persons indebted to me for tuition are requested to make payment with out delay. All accounts not settled within ten days will be placed In proper hands for collection. ,s. D. Popk. Is your time to buy goods at low prices. ACKERMAN BROTHERS are now receiving a large stock of v. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, all of tho Latest Stylci, which will soil AT LESS THAN PORTLAND PR1&ES. n ? Our stock has been .bought for cash, and we wjjl sell it at a sraall advanco above SAN FRANCISCO COST. WEWILLSAT TO EVERYBODY BE- T fore you purchase or go to Portland, come and price our poods and convinco yourself that we do what we say. Our stock consists In part of Fancy and Staplo Dry Goods, Clothing. Hats, Boots and Shoes, Iadies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Notions, Grocer ies. Hard ware and a groat many other articles too nu mer ours to mention ; ALSO DOORS, WINDOWS, PAINTS AND OILS, ETC., ETC. Wo Will also pay the Highest Market Price for Country Produce. ACKERMAN BROP. Oregon City. April 0, 1875 tf BANCROFT LIBRARY, OF CALIFORNIA, MARRIED. In Oregon. Citv, March' 31st, 1S75, J.R. Moreton and Ella A. Hatch, both of Oregon City. How to get STAMiNA.-Iron frames and strong nervous systems are not the lot of all. But the feeblo need not de spair. By adopting the right means, they may live as long as their more ro bust neighbors. Physical inyigora tion is, however, necessary to this end ; and while the snituous tonics and nerv ines usually administered eventually depress both bodv -and mind. Dr. J. Walkkr's California Vinegar Bit ters, will invariably supply new vigor to the frame, while they regulate every disordered function. It is asserted aa a fact that every canvasser who h.-a turned hi attention to tho introduction of the New Family Sewing Machine in his local ity, or who has been forturate enough to secure an agency, haa outstripped the best efforts in making luoney of the old and tried agents of the high-priced machines, which latter they now replace. The demand is enormous, and sales so rapid and money made so readily with so little effort that farmers, tradesmen, speculators, ic, are flocking into the business aa fast as they can secure territory and get their goods on the ground to supply anxious customers. It is mar velous to see how thuae machines sail when ex hibited, it being a reeognixed fact that people will buy the best at the lowest price. It certain ly is the machine of the times and .does the same work as other machines at $30 or $(K). and we re- aM v Ix-lieve it would sell just aa readily at double uid then not cost hall the usual price of so arood an article, or It is astonishing to see the vast amount -of la wr it performs at so-low a cost. The inventers are daily inundated with testimo-. Dials ot the worth ol' taeir new machines which so uuddenly and succeWz'Uy bounded into popu lnr favor. It nroves to be iukt-.what . is wanted every darly every one, everywhere, who has a family. . It has' attained an enviablu Dotation in many thousand of homes and factories, J? its solid strength, power, rapidity, simplicity, cer tainty, and ease of operation, with extreme beau ty , fineness, and reliability of its sewing; wlulo the wonderful low price (twenty dollars for a largo and complete sewing machine with a strong table and treadle) places all idea of competition entirely out of tho question. It stands alone on its merits aud price. "We advise you to invest in one at once for your wife, daughter, mother, sis ter or lady friend and make a home happy, or put them'in your factory, or what is better, if you are lucky enough, secure an agency, if there is hone in your town, and make money yourself. '1 he many new attachments for doing extra fine, skilful and difficult work, aro a surprise in their simplicity of construction and far below even "grange rries" and. will he delivered safe at your door, no matter how remote yod reside, if vou write for them. Address, J. THOMSON", llANNA & CO:, 007 Broadway, N. Y. , Religious. Rev. George IT. Atkinson will hold regular serviees in the Congregational Church, in this city, on tho lirst and second Sabbaths of each month. Morn ing services i:t 10'-6 o'clock. On the first .Sabbath at Holmes School House at 3 o'clock, p. m. NEW GOODS AT CAPT. Z. C NORTON'S STORE, NORTON, Clackamas Co., Oregon. rpHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD AN'. L nounce that ho has Just received a splendid stock of Clothing, Iloots and Shoes, Dry-Cioods, Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, Ktc. Ktc. direct from New York. The stock is the lest and largest ever brought to a storo in Clackamas county, and having purchased It at greatly reduced prices, is able to sell it cheaper than goods have ever been sold before. . I ain under obligations to my former customers for their liberal patronage, and being able now to accommodate them better at less prices than ever before, I ask a continuation of their patronage, and so licit the trade of all new-oomers and those who have not heretofore traded with me, assuring them that I can give them as good bargains as can be had in the State. All kinds of Hrxlce taken in exchange for goods. Give me si call and I will guar antee to give you satisfaction. Z. O. NORTON". Clackamas Co., Oregon, Mar. l , 1875. tf COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. 'V'OTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT there are now funds applicable to the payment of the following county orders, to-wit: No. of Order, ii, MI. 3f., 321, 277, 340, 323. , 377 1 410. 41 1. 4S.-1, 4K0, 4-jy, 630, 520, ., 618, 625. rm, (KM, . 700, CrJ, 650, (S, 600, 60), 5S3. 60-2, 60U, 008, 664, -70 J, 706, 631, . 701,' . 741, 700, 750, 703, 834. 756. 845, 8A5, 874. 82. 750. 903, !01, 002, 05, 06. 922. 978. 994, 913, When endorsed, January '20, 1S73.... February 3, " .... February 5, ' .... February 8, " .... February 10, " .... February 10, " .... February 12, .... February 19, " .... March 17, April 1, April 12, April 12, April 14, May 7, May 8 May 12, May 12, May 12, " .... May 14, " May 14, May 14, May 17. June 6, June 6, . " .... June 7, " Juno 10, ' .... June 10. Juno 10,' Amount. $ 8 00 ....a 10 00 1 80 ..... 223 66 ..... 6 00 6 00 ..... 8 90 14 00 4 80 60 00 181 30 12 00 68 00 17 10 4 00 27 00 18 90 ..... 239 45 15 00 50 00 22 40 10 20 41 95 136 90 50 00 28 00 2 50 50 Vi 70 7 40 1 70 10 50 1 70 32 00 97 00 150 00 11 40 11 40 110 60 84 40 21 00 6 00 2 00 5 40 11 40 104 15 9 00 3)) 00 10 00 150 00 72 91 50 00 880 00 440 00 180 10 152 75 92 17 10 00 Juno 16, June 19, June ia, June 19, June 19, . June 21, June 30, June 30, July 9, July 9, -July 12 " August 8, August 11, August 16, August IS. Sept. 3, Sept. 3, Sept. 4. Sept. 8. Sept. 11. Sept. 11, Sept. 30, Oct. 1, Oct. I, ' Oct. 10. Oct. 10, Oct. 10, Oct.. 10, Oct. 10, Oct. 10, Interest on the from this date. above orders will coaso J. I WARD, Treasurer of Clackamas County, Ogn. Oregon City, March 26, 1874. 4w DISSOLUTION NOTICE. "V"OTICE.IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the co-partnership heretofore existing l-twecn na. Hroughton and Samuel Smith, in the milling and lumbering bus iness was dissolved on the 11th of March, 1875. by mutual consent. Also, the partnership heretofore existing between A H. Willis and Wm. Bioughton in teaming and wood business was dis solved on the 15th day of March, 1875, by mutual consent. In connection with the above, I would inform the former patrons that I shall continue the milling and lumbering, and also the teaming and wood business as heretofore, and thrfhkful for past favors, I aslc a continuation of the public patronage. WMi BROUHTONt March 26, 1875 iw STATE BOARD OF IMMIGRATION. F OR THE PURPOSE OF AFFORDING Informaiion to Immigrants and in tend Emigrants to oregnn, now in foreljrn countries and sister States, and for circu lating such information abroad by this Board, ail persons in this State having Farms and Lands for Sale or Rent, or de sirous of forming: Colonies, will please for ward tothis Board as soon as possible de tailed descriptions of their Farms and Lands, Iocation, Prico and Terms of Sale, or conditions of renting; and all persons desirous of obtaining Agricultural or other Laborers, will please communicate direct with this Board. By Instructions of the Commissioners of Immigration. WILLIAM REID, 5reblm A State Com'r of Immigration. MAKE HOME HAPPY. $20 $20 $20 Aud earn $30 or $ lO per day. Marvelous Mechanism. Ingenious Invention. Absolute Perfection. AN ELEGANT, DURABLE AND FULL-SIZE SEWING MACHINE WITH TABLE AND TREADLE Complete for Domestic Use TWENTY DOLLARS. Unparalleled ia price. With many important, superior and valuable improvements. Kqual m tize, and doo the same work, in the snme way as an J SO or $1U0 machine, TH' boot, simplest aud cheapest machine ever made. , Written guarantee fur five years with every machine. NO SUTEKJOR NO COMPETITION ! NO RIVAL in QUALITY and PRICE. A skillful aud practical scientific accomplish ment of a mort wonderful combination of nil the good qualities of a sewing machine, and fully ac knowledged to be a perfectly fciuceful meehan ical achievement ot practical simplicity. Thor oughly tested. Used in thousands of homes. The favorite of the family circUj. It does not take an hour to get ready to do a minute work, but is always ready in moment to do a days work. It will save its coat many times over in on season, doing the work of the family, or it will cam four or five dollars a day for any man or woman who may wish to do sewing tor a living-. j It is so plain and easy to learn, and smooth to run, the children and servants can use it. - So strong and uulid built, it will last a geuera- Jw, 1 4 rm-YVrl V Alined for. lias no superfluous eoggs or casis to get out of order. ;. Sews equally fine with coarse cotton, linen, aillr nr tvtnn. Rapidly news a stronir seam over all kinds of gootix, rrom nuest camoric io neaviesi unwuuuui and leather without stopping the machine. Runs faster, lighter, mure easy and quiet than uCv Other machine at live times tho price. X 'serf fhC strong straight needle. Marvelou.r'v true in every motion. Sws the finest, fnn and InHting stitch. Makes the onlv noani that can not le ripped apart without destroying the labric. 'J he strength, beauty evenness and durable qualities of which have loner been acceded. Will sew anvthinij it is possible for a needle to go through. . Will do every description of sewing ever done on any other machine no matter what the price, and with less trouble. Will liem, lei, tuck, quilt, braid, cord, bind, gather, ruthe, shirr, pleat, fold, scollop, roll, em broider, run-up-breadths, &c, &c, with aston ishing case, rapidity, and neatness. H:is received testimonials of its merits from all sections of the country, marks of di-itiufruished consideration seldom voluntarily - accorded to an invention of similar domestic usefulness. Our many New Attachments, l'atented An;-, in, 1870; iept. 2li, 1871; July 7, IS72. Made to tit all machines, are the attainment of precision iu mechanical accuracy for rendering it easy for even those who never saw a machine before, to do the finest kind of fancy needle work, other wise difficult and tedious, with the utmost case and rapidity. (Simple is construction. Needs no teaching. Money refunded after thorough trial, if not satisfactory in every particular. Cash Trices of Machines Machines with plain table, iron stand and treadle, complete with all the necessary fixtures for immediate use, $20. Machines, with cover, lock and kev, half case I style, $25. Machines, with cover, drop leaf, four siae drawers, iocks. Keys, cvc., viiree i;uaricr cao inet style, -10. Machines with enclosed tabic, sido drawers, paneled folding doors, locks und keys, full cabinet style, $75. Tables are of various styles materials, mount ing richness of design, &c, uccoiilinjrto price. Machines carefully selected, securely packed and shipped as freight to any part of the world. Safe delivery nsured on receipt of price without further charyes. Descriptive books with illus trated enirravinjrs of the dillerent styles of ma chines and attachments, large profits, testimoni als, samples of sewing, liberal inducements to convassers. Wholesale prices, &c. forwarded free of charpo upon application. Exclusive agency for larpe territory prated gratia to re spectable, enterprising business men, clergymen, teachers, &c, who will introduce the extraordi nary merits of our goods to the people of their locality and supply the increasing demand. Address, J. Thomson, Hanna & Co. i07 liroaUwuy, A'. V. l'Jmarly WAGON AND CARRIAGE M A X U FACTOR Y ! THE UNDERSIGNED, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at tho old stand on the Corner or Main and Third Street, Oregon City, Oregon, Takes this method of informing his old pa trons, and as many new ones as may be pleased to call, that ho is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the very best of mechanics, to build anew, re construct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete, any sort of a vehicle from a common Cart to a Concord Coach, Try me. Blacksmithing-, Horde or Ox Shoeing and General Jobbing neatly, quicklv, and cheaply done. DAVID SMITH. HAIR JEWELRY. MRS. A. M. BRAYTON, HAS IX)CATED IN OREGON CITY, and is prepared to do all kinds of HAIR JEWELRY, Just as good, and cheaper, than can bo done in Sc;n Francisco; Sho also manu factures hair, straight or tangled, into SWITCHES, CURLS, AND FEIZZETTS. Nice, Fine ITair Switches for sale, at from S- toS15. A full line of Imitation Goods at San Francisco prices. Those wishing work done, or to purchase will do well to give her a call before going to Portland. All communications by mail promptly 'answered. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Instructions given in fancy work. Sliver card-board for sale. December 13, lS74-6m J. p. WARD. GEORGE A. HARDING. WARD & HARDING, DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A general assortment of IDitis and Clieixiicals, Perfumery, Noapn, Cuiiiba and Urnshes,, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Brace Fancy aud Toilet Articles, I ALSO.u... Kerosene Oil, Lamp Cbimneyn, Glnxft, Putty, Paints, Oil. Varnishes and Dye SlulTxj PURE TOES ASD LiqUORS FOR ME DICINAL PURPOSES. PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. ET-Physlclans Prescriptions carefully compounded, and all orders correctly an swered. "0)on at all hours of the night. "All accounts must be paid mohthlj'. nov6tf WARD & HARDING. Administrator's Notice. v "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JJ the Cou ntyCourtof Clackamas coun ty, State of Oregon, has appointed the un fiersigned Administrators of the estate of W. Y. Cooke, deceased ; therefore all per sons having claims against said estate will present them to the undersigned prop erly verified, at the office of Johnson fc Mc fown, in Oregon City, within six months from date. W. II. COOKE. FRANK V. FOSTER. 2apr4w Administrators, W. II. HIGIIFIELD. Kstahlished since '49, at the old stand. Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon. An assortment of Wathes. Jewel- ry.and Seth Thomas Weight Clocks : all of whieh are warranted to be as 'represented. - VRepairtng done on short notice, and uxkf ul for past patronage. LIVERY, FEED,; AKD SALE STABM3. THE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIETOR OF the I Jvery Stable on Fifth street.Oregon City, Oregon, ker p constantly on hand Saddle and I5ay Horses, Buggies, Carriagfsond Hack. Prices I?enoTLatle. He will also run a hack to and from tho WILH0IT SODA SPRINGS during the summer season, with good horses.coiripetent and gentlemanly drivers. FAKE AT LIVIHG KATES. J. M. FRAZF.R, Proprietor. Oregon City, May 27, 1S73. Eiccnlor's Sale of Rpal Estate. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by virtue of an order made by th County O'Hirt within andj.or the county of Linn, State of Oregon, on the 4lh day of January, 1875, in the matter of the estate of Edward .S. Altree, deceased, we, Mary A. Altree, Executrix, and Edward Walden. Executor, of the last will and testament of the said Ed ward S. Altree, deceased, will on Tuesday, the 13tH day or April, 1S7 3. at the Court House door, in Oregon Ciy, in Clackamas county. State of Oregon, be tween the hours of 9 o'clock In the morn ing and 4 o'clock in the evening of that day, to-wit : at the hour of 1 o'clock, P. M.. offer for sale at public auction the follow ing described real estate, belonging to tb said estate, and situate in said county of Clackamas, to-wit : The south half of the Donation Land Claim ol Edwards. Yiln a rut wife, being notification No. 787 antl claim No. 72, being parts or sections Nos. 15,16,21,22 and 28, in township 2 south, range 1 east, and bounded as follows, tf wlt : Beginning at a point 10 chains north and 10 and 50-100 chatns enst of the south west corner of said section 15, and running thence west 40 chains, thence south H8 chains, thence east 9 and 50-100 chains, thence north 18 and 50-100 chains, thence east 30 and 50-100 chains, thence north 9 and 37-100 chains to the place of beginning containing 188 acres. Terms. Said real estate will be sold for gold coin of the United States, one-half to be paid down on the day of sale, and the remaining-half in nine months, se cured by mortgage on the premises. J1ARV A. Ai.iKt.t., ivxecuirix, Edward W'Alhex, Executor. JouS & Jo'-s, Att'yg for Executors. 12mar4w SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas county. S. a. Campbell, plaintiff, vs. . Wm. R. Campbell, John H. Camp'.ell, Hector R. Campbell, Horace S. Campbell, Ellen M. Wait and J. K. Wait, Mary E. l.uelling and Alfred Luelling. Charles A. Campbell, Antoinette Toogood and her heirs, Sarah D. Grout and her heirs, and Oregon and California Railroad conpany defendants. To John II. Campbell, ll'-ctor R. Campbell, Antoinette Toogood, Sarah I. Grout and Horace S. Campbell of the aKvc named defendants : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you, and each of you are here by required to appear in the Circuit Court of t he State of Oregon for Clackamas coun ty, on or before the nrst day ot the nest term of said Court, to-wit : the 4th Monday in April, A. I). 1S75, and answer tho complaint of the plaintiff in the above entitled suit, r for want thereof the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the relief demanded in tho complaint, which is for a partition of renl property in Clackamas county. State of Oregon, of which the following Is a brief description: Claim No. oi), being art of section 25 in T. 1 8., R. 1. E., and claim No, 41, being parts of sections UU and 30 in T. 1. S., R. 2. E., both containing 01-1 and 81-100 acres. Also 80 acres in the North West portion of section 31 in T. 1 S., R. 2. E. Also 5 acres in section 2-5 in T. 1 S., It. 1 E., and in section 3i, T. 1 S., R. 2 E. This summons is published in accord ance with an order made by the Judge of the above named Court, which order was made at Chambers on the 21th dav of Feb ruary A. D. 1875. W. W. MUHEI-AN'I), niardwG Attorney for Plaintiff. SUrMQMS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas county. Cat herine Marchall vs Alfred Marchal ; suit for divorce. To Alfred Marchall, the above named de fendant : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon you are hereby summoned and required to be and appear in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clacka mas county, on or before the first day of the term of said Court next, happening after the expiration of six weeks from the publication of this summons, to-wit : on or before the 4th Monday in April A. D. 1S75, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff" in the above entit led suit, or for want t here of the plaintifT will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in thesaid complaint., the relief prayed for being the dissolution, of the marriage contract existing betweeik you and the plaintiff, and decree against you for the sum of hundred dollars.. This summons is published pursuant to an order made by the Judge of said Court at Chambers, dated the 20th dav of February A. D. 1675. JOHNSON & McCOWN, feb26w6 Fill's Attorneys. IMPROVE YOUR POULTRY It costs no more to keer good fowls than poor ones. Oakland Poultry YARDS, Cor. Sixth & Castro Sis. OAKLAND, CAL Season of 1875. EGGS FOR HATCHING From the largest and best bred Fowls In the World. Carefully packed and warranted to carry safely any distance. The varieties compri.se Dark and Light Rrahmas, RufT and Fart rldge Cochins, White Ix-tchorns, 1 loud a us and Silver Spangled Hamburg. Rlaclc Spanish, White Dorkings, Oolden l'olands, Aylesbury Ducks, and (iamc. Sebright and Black African Rantams. Rronae Turkeys, the finest collection on the Pacific coast, . B7"Send stamp for Illustrated circular to GEO. R. RAY LEY Importer and Dealer of Choice loultry. liox C50, San Francisco. Please state what paper you saw this ad vertisement in. febl9m3 JOHN SCHRAM, Main St., Oregon City. MUFACTCRER AXD IMPORTER OF Saddles, Harness, etc., ete. WHICH HE OFFERS AS CHEAP ASS can be had in the State, at WHOLESALE GR RETAIL warrant my goods as represented. 1,000 DEER SKINS WANTED, AXD ALSO. A LL OTHER KINDS OF HIDES. FOR JA. whieh I will pay the highes market price in cash Bring on your hides and get your coin for them. JOHN SCHRAM, Saddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, Jufy 11, l$7S-m2. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO ME for professional services rendered i-re-vioustoJan. 1st 175, are hereby notified i ..41 ont ttttf. either hv J cash or notx. Pay attention to this for I "mean business." in my iu?nco Ward A Harding, at the Drugstore, will re ceive and receipt for money duv me. lmari v J. W. N ORRIS, M P. o O o o O O o 0 o o o o o o o o o O O