"'"rti.),''xTriiriiiri-T mm "' - irT.in 0 O O o i o A s THE EUTEBPR! ORBGOS m;V. OilEGOV, OCT. Market K"lorl. liu,hH,ss in thisTiTv has L..-.-n n.o.l. r- owing to tbo low X'' ith tlrU merchants an not ; .U1j for U luvii in ""',.:'!. . In I'orthunl ? e U..Us..U'tl at lns.;a.ftflN.. : 1 ltt, r I fin-' for n on club. H1 . , i,.. letter )t'l from T.j'&il 7o in l..rtlan.l i ; l-'-Lfs are senree in our J' V. 7 .....l r....l ready sale at 23 cents m; ioV ItUtcr is also very scarce, P ,r. ,l 'v... . ' i ,.r icivimr S c.-nts t r 111 i P.,ik is brinsrinif from h tl.H city, deliver,.!. i;,e f ,..t 3'i cents. ( ..n XJ.nion SCH'H)U I Iocs k -The second Hock came to i U,rm of school or .r. , O-t. loth. Vnmlwr of silinl- ! .,.-..lt.ii. 4S: itvfm; e attendance, ri following names (as the writton examination, and r.'sini. ,rtni).nt dnriii ' the term). f r on the Roll of Honor: 'II1 fchariok. Tiik Ihi.L'i vMK.-If the Arca dians anl tKcir T'mpiro desire any evi jonre tliat the'Tiall which was declared ,' ful, was not. we will give them Uwi .Ut.-iiui.tof a number otourciti- ,,s who wtM-c standing doso to the iuro wher- tlie ball struek the ground. r adi eus were tlie favorites when the-'tine eelimieneed. hut t heir act loll Jost'tiiom t:ie sympathies of our people. LinrKii List. Tho following is a 1, t of the Letters remaining in the I'. IS' I t-onVc at Oregon iiy, '"-i. , 5.1,, Josei.'.i : Harvey, 15. A.: llar Wiii.: Ilarvev. J. M. ; .laekson. vcr ..i. li i.utraw. -i l-s .hum -v.; J'l"'.; ' ... r . Mll.,,. I.r.t M mil. -Mrs. l.;u;ii-. , .-. ....... . v Iluifb ; Siie-ies, A., Wilson lubitha j.; Woods, 'benny. I f c ilU d f r. please say when "ad ver" tis-l.' J- M. V.A.-ON, P.M. Tiik Kkason. -If tliere is anything wrong " the Km kiumuk this week l..,k under the head of "born," which will explain the m itter, we trust, to the satisfaction of any one. The only weii l'T is t H it we are able to get out t!i" i : i lt at all. iJonk. Hon. 1. r. Thompson left on the cars overland last Tuesday, for Washington, and his family propose 1. ..I ...i. tv ln..l-ir Tt 1 Hut i'.i t II I 'H'l i i'' Mil. . . v. l it i7i ion of M r. Tiioiiipsnn Wasliinirteu Iiis home for v.ir. to mike the next Ai'.r.is'KP IIomk. Miss Nora Moss, vho has been absent spending thesum in r in il-ikrr City, returned homo last M ill i IV e ii.ir.ev a - '! i i to Wfli : ! i u r . looking lino and r. Her many friends are inie her home once more. !',!:;! :i:.i-it ki. To siioplv an order f. r 7". et:-a copies of the KNTKItl'lUSK eniit iini!i our account of the base ball IT line, we are compelled to republish : i.V jieai. th. supplv of last wectv hav i i - h ii ist t . ii:i I r l.Ve call af.cnti on to tlie i seni'Mit ii .M "ssi'S. P is - A- i. t:i- 1 . . it a:el saoe uea'ers ,,r (r-goi 1 tsous can alwavs uet Ii trgain -h iv.- r--n h ill be calling on them. TUcy l to Ci-.; St. I'll irl.vs Hob 1 I.Mr:: .v:;:. 'V.i - M . tli . !iL !i i U-i'ii mi lerojnr ".etieral 1 ii .v p. -i a vcrv neat Char. ippo.tr- a: i I', i' " 1 1 ' p d ill 1. an I the old I i-t il i 1 wr.ido-.vs haw: bt-CTi re pi iced a; :l iiiore modern ones. I'.i.n r.M.i). -Mr. .1. YV. Meblruni, iio has been abs;-ut ill iiaker -ouuty l irii! x t!e iuiniuer on a surveying ex n li' ion. re" iirM;"! Iimii" last Saturdav, and heart v, and as prettv i.- The K;iccijal Church ry neat and ehnrehly a - the comi'lction of the It is uui r a cr- dit .i,lc iin- in I one tiiat has Ij ell long i . Maj .! V. V. Uinehatt, on Citv. was in town di r- in tic w ok. lie left on the steamer Tiles lay io;-California, w hich place he cxeets to tn ike his future hour-. Toys. -Iliuis .Saal aimonncc.s that he ha rcceivil a tii;-ly of toys and fanev artn-les. mid that he proposes to hnv a very tin;' s:oek this season, etion h t sniiplv the whole c.ifl. ; county. Live him a Hkckpti-.x. We acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to attend a lain! reception to he iven in honor of Uio Coll,-.r,. Mall 'lnl. champions 'i Urcjoii. at Salem on the :;nth inst. oi.n. -V V. Stricklin informs ns that he sold his tw-vear old colt to Mr. O. III! I1ISOM of the h'ill,. f. lum.lreil .lollars'. Me took " the lirst premium at the State Fair. ! wants those in- Norif i;. Ir. Norri Ichti-d to him f,,r professional services prior to Jul v lt to call and settle their a'-eouiHs-. liKr-AiuiS,!. The old u.i.ieriroi,, repairs. It would be about km well to j-cpair it with a new one. ir.--Mis Callie Davis oT tr,.-. 1-mkI, is i the city visiting her friends. . Apples lire to be had for tlie mck inK near alias-that is, von pick tWO 1ms is nn.l t,l,n 1 uiC Ullt . me Library is acrain com--ovo ,o .ome to the front and ae- re knowleilp uiuniheent donations. ihere are any quantity of grapes raised ln polk county thai are not inferior to the best California frnit. The ar.ntial nieetin- of the Chil ctreti s A,d Society will take place at , L- Church, Salem, on Thurs "v, Nov. 5th. (len. John F. liller's fine stallion W iilamette. died of cholic at Salem -a un.tay night. He cost 81.0O3 was; valued much owner. higher bv his It T CbtTord. of Kiner's Valley, int.in eouuty, is completely p;yal ?M from the waist down. Hisat- ;-"n3 physician has hopes of his i recovery. . j The tax ltevy in Yamhill conutv ! w tho current year is 22 mills. , v"9 "Mebtedness of the county is ; oetwec-n twelve and thirteen thou-j Baad dollars. j The Maihfleld Record savs during taolastfev months thero "has been : immense immigration to Coos Co. arcciv a day passes that avb do not . :r.c s menW'i111'"" . inilfv s inhClni I .wom; ;4 ioui, umu tue etaim rzl(),bur!i, A.hU LVu It seems that there was a U n. J-'"u: V n N'i'itii' 1 b vt T fV terminal ion on tlie part of the Area- h i. 1 1 1 T Weil at li .si.il. i 't.MIM.KA p.'es.-iits :i i araiH-i' W II W to.Vi'1-T provi iii -iit, n -.-I -1. , In Town Ia;e of 'in, ia . IlaJ.1. Tiif a.-ciive :ime between the Col j.. r,- Club, of Salcin, and the Arcadians ..V Portland, was played in this city Satiinlay- 'l'ae L'a'u was an in-ti-n'Stiiitr c-iiv!', aii.l vcy 1..', until the I;,t iiiniiV-? f the Colloiffi Club. it stood J- to IH on t h- eve innings. On the ninth inning of tlie College Club, then- were two men on the base, ami the man at the bat struck a most elleet ivc bull, sending it beyond the lield cateliers. The boys at tirst thought it was a 'foul' ball, and did not run, but the umpire, not having called the foul, Club told did, mak- iwr three scores. Tho pitcli a read inns culled fr the tall i iteher of the and struck the lirst base, there being already two out, aim canea ior luUgmeut. The um pire refused to render his opinion, and j the College boy .s refused to go to the . field, whi h, in our opinion, thev were ! fully justified in doing. It was the j duty of the umpire to call the foul ball loud enough for those on the bases to ; hear him, and we were seated between the fust base and the strker. and did not hear liim call i foul ball. Uesides. wt ' aiv : ."liormed dv those who were near where the ball tirst struck, that it was inside the Hag at least ten or fif teen tect, and that if it was called a foul, it was not proper. But it appears that the umpire himself had doubts as at stake, thev were readv to claim afl of tlie advantages when thev found the game was likely to go against them. The College bovs had a right to ques tion the impartiality of the umpire on his first ruling. Wo do not say that he was partial, but persons are sometimes apt to be governed bv their preferences, and hence we think the College bovs did wrong to go into the giune'with an umpire chosen from Portland. The first ruling, when he decided that the man on the tirst base was out, was not correct. We were sitting in a place where we could see all the parties, and we know that the man who was ruled out had his foot on the base before the ball was caught by the first stop. Hut the College boys submitted to his rul ing like men. Tlie next ruling was against the Arcadians, and, after some argument, the umpire went back on iiis decision and ruled in favor of tho Arcadians. Both these decisions wero regarded as partial and unjust, and when the last ruling was made, the bovs were fully justified in leaving the field and claiming the inline. We are not prepared to say which side would have proved victorious as it was very i-lose, the College Club having only four runs on the last inning, allowing the two ruled out, with twtj men out, while the Arcadians had one more in ning. Hut as the game was, the Col lege Club certainly had the best of it, and unless the Arcadians had been at tended with extraordinary luck, they would have been defeated. This, prob ably, was the in iin cause of the uitli eulty. The College Club claim that great injustice was done them at Port land, in the second game, and they were determined not to stand it this time. We h ive no interest in the mat ter, whatever, but sincerely regret that the game did not terminate more satis factorily. There was a large crowd present to witness the game, quite a number being from Port land, and tlie s v in oat hies oi those present appeared divided between the two clubs. This will probably end the game for the season, and as the friends of the re spective clubs will not submit their opinions to the decision of the umpire, the question us to which elub is the champion, will have to remain undeci ded. Both clubs will eertainlv nck nowle.lge that they were on strictly neutral grounds, and were treated hos nitablv bv our citizens. noR. In this city, 0.:t. "-'t, Kt, to tl o wif of A . Noli ncr, a son. In this city. Ojt. 1M, Kn, to the wife of A. 'J. Uaiiey, a s n. MAK1UE1). In Clackamas count v, i-t. 'J.", 174. by J. W. (Jiaham, .1." I., Mr. lb nrv iieavcrt and .Mrs. Jivina i'n avert, all ol" this count v. Tiie Sniirreof Many Illik Tf all the ailment?, hodily and mental, which torment tin- human family could be traced to their primary sources, it would ( found tliat three-fourths of them origi nated in the failure of the stomach and the nt her organs by which the food is con verted into nut riment and applied to the purposes of life, to perform the tasks aliof t"d to (Ivm by nature, vigorously and r -a-ularly. This l -in t he ease the vast, im portance of a meiliciri" which compels t li-s-organs to do th-'ir whole duty t iior ouzhly and etrieient ly, becomes at once apparent. Host'-tfer's stomach I'.itt'-r may b" truly characterised as a pn-para- , lion of t his icind, indeed it is the only one I which can be implicitly relied on as a j stomachic, an alterative and an aperient I in such proportions as to produce simul- taneolisly the desired etfect upon the dis- I ordered "stomach, liver and intestines. This conclusion is warranted by tie- celeri- j ty n.nd certainty with which the hitters af- ! ford relief in chronic cases of dyspepsia, I torpidity of the liver and constipation, j The false idea that these complaints and ; ot hers t hat "Tow out of t hem, con Id lie cur- ! ed bv tierce cathartics, has at last, it is honed, been thoroughly exploded. 1 hi; sick, during the last hundred years have swaMowcd thousands of tons of mercury, scammony. cainbo', crolon oil, jalap, Ac. and tens of thousands of craves been pre maturely rilled thereby. Hut ever sine the principle of renovation, as embodied in llostetter's Stomach Hitters, was array ed ajra'mst the principle of prostration, as represented by mineral salivanfs and furi ous purgatives, t he latter t.as steadily and surdy fallen into deserved contem pt. The outcry against stimulation by which con coct ors of depleting drenches hoped to (rive een to their disicustintc and dangerous com kiu i His has only served to increase the demand for the "wholesome stimulant. tonic ami alterative which for twenty-five years triumphed over nil opnosition and is now the most popular medicine on the Western hemisphere. j IMi ilo";iMt say tliat our Itndie are j renewed once in seven years. The matorl eoiiotv iaii i al of which thev are reconstructed is the hlooil. and unless it tie fully charged with the elements of vitality, the streiith and health of the .system decline. Of all the blood depurents. Dr. W.vi.kek's Vixeo.ui Hitters is the safest, and most iufal liable. There i no disease arising: from deprava tion of the blood, which it will not seedily cure. nctiml S A "NTT A GLAUS' i Announces to the Public that he has rc f ceived n larire assortment of Christinas Toys of all kinds, for boys and girls, which he affors for sale cheap. oct.ieti FREE VACCINATUM FOR CHILDREN DR. f frot S. PARKER HAS RETURN'EL m the East and has reopened his office at Hell A Parker's Drill Store, rain street. Or -con City. Residence at Mrs. Post's. The I Victor, while in Hoston, Mass., procured a limited supply of vaccine mat ter taken from a calf, and for a short time will vaccinate frer of rfiarre, eit her at his office or at their residence, if within the city limits or at funf-niah, iH children in C'lftckantn eounf.y vnrfer 12 yearn whoso parents are desirous ol" ha vlnir them vac cinated with pure, unadulterated virus and thus protected from tho dangers of small Pox or any scrofulous complaint iisop-tr rR. s. parker! ST1LI I. THE FIELD! REMOVED SECOND DOOR SOUTH OF HAAS' SALOOX. WILLIAMS & HARDING, AT THE LINCOLN BAKERY, KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK of Family CJroccries to 1jc found in the city. All Coods warranted, fioods delivered in the city freo of chance. Tbo b'-crect si: 1-W TO-DAY. PACIFIC i BOOT AND 8H0E HOUSE, j ! i at. CliurUn Hotel HulldIUtf. Sonthwttt Corner From and Morrison Sts. Portland, Oreiron, 1 JUST RECEIVED, 'Por Sti " OritLamrrie.' I-A. ROE INVOICE Of the LATUST STYLES of all KIm.1 of Sciiminiihli) BOOTS AND SHOES lioug-ltt of .Mint iifitrt uifr Kui ami In Suu 1'raiiclsco, FOR GASH. Anil will be Sold at UNPRECEDENTLY LOW PRICES. Our AG EXT Kant Uu.n wnt a Telegram tatliij tliat our Orders for a FCLLLINK or Boots and Shoes iluvo ljnn Filled, aoj GOODS SENT BY RAIL. i Sliall roil (I it ne to Itucelve hj-iTery meu liter ijarjri- liiroirt-) ottltvsu Good until our Stork. Is Full and Complete. A HMAI.L LOT OF DAMAGED BOOTS AND SHOES Uu hand, which must be sold for any iil:ao aiili-: oFri;it PA3SFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, St. Cliarles Hotel ICuildin. So Jthmt Co:n:r Front untl .Morrisou Sts c. ft i PEASE CO. O -tobt r ., 171. tf. Sh Tiff's Salt'. i)Y viunrr oka iikchke and ex- j 1 cent ion issued out of t he ( 'ircuit Court j of the State ofOreeon, for the count v of j Clackamas, and dut'.'d etobT -Jit h. A. I . i 1S71, in favor of .1. X. IVrlot, and airaiiist Kdward Koss, Klizabeth .1. I toss, II. M. I H.-all and tie- Fir.-t .National P.ank of l'ort j land Oregon, to me direct ed, for the sum I of one thousand one hundred and fifteen j and .MIX) dollars irlll" ') V. S. old coin, together with interest at one p"r cent, per i month, costs and disburs -m nt s ol this suit, taxed at t Ai iity-s -ven and la-UHi dol I lars (.7 pi and accruiue; costs; And als in tavorol said II. M. I -:i 1 1 , and against said Kdward Koss and Klizabeth Koss tor t Ic sum of Sl.Sil 7-Vr.)D in L. S. rold coin, and the sum ol f7"l, and cost s a ml disburse ments taxed at j?" : i-lui) with interest tlu r -on at the rate ()f on-, p -r cent h t month. Now, therefore, I have levied upon the following Ileal Kstate to wit, : IJefriiiniti"; at the south-west corner ot Lot Whitcomb' donation land claim at, a point on the Willamette river, thence east on said claim line to within one hundred and twenty rods of t he south-east corner of said donation land claim, thence north on Joseph Keflojcyr's line to the mid dle of the icrist mill pond, thence down the ! middle of said pond to the quarter ost of I sect ion thirty-six in Township one So'ith of j Harifce one Kast of the Willamette Meridi I an; thence west and parallel with the lots ! in the town of MiP.vaukie to the bank of the Willamette Kivcr, thence sout h up the J bank of said river with the meanders thereof to the place of hejrjn nine;, contain ing two hundred acres more or less. And on Sntnnlay, !V(viiiler tli USth, 174, at 10 o'clock a. r., at tho Court House door In Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, I will sell the riicht, tit Io and interest of tho above named Edward Koss and Klizabeth iioss to the alK)ve described land, or so much thereof as may be neceesary to sat -isly the above named jiidjcments. interest, costs and accruing costs, at public auction to the highest bidder, for United States gold coin to me in hnnd paid. J.T. AITERSON", Shi-rifT of Clackamas count v, Ogn. Oregon City, Oct. 1S74. tw NOTICE. 1ERSONS I N DENTED TO ME FOR Profi-ssional Services rendered previ ous to .Inly 1st, 187 1, are hereby requested to call promptly and make iiavment. oct-mf DR. J. W. NOHUIS. ArJ E. D. KELLY'S, .M UX STREET, OREGON CITV, J UST ARRIVED, DIRECT Francisco, all the FROM SAN 1 A T KST ST YLES of Fall and Winter limits & Boixnel, Trimmed and I'ntrimmcd, for Fall and Winter wear, which we offer to the ladies of Orejron City and vicinity at cxcecdinly Iow Prions. MILLINERY GOODS. MILLINERY GOODS. HATS AND BONNETS. HATS AND BONNETS. FEATHERS AND FLOWERS, FEATHERS AND FLOWERS. RIBBONS AND ORNAMENTS. RIBBONS AND ORNAMENTS. CALL AND EXAMINE. CALL AND EXAMINE. ! No trouble to show goods, nnd no one I urged to purchase. Ourdesireis to please r-'ir li'-imerr'js ccr'f rsT. f-TT HTT II Established, in I860. 13. V. IT XJ O BE E S YV TOULIJ ANXOUN K TO THE CITI ) zens of Oregon City, and vicinity. tkni hi i.oc ,.nrih Acmi nttttu u r and n 1 tho store OPPOSITE THE POSTOFFICE, on Main Rtreet.between Third and Fourth, Oregon City. My stock consists of Dry - Good, Clothlny, ftMt4 and MUces, Groceries. Patent Mpillcle, I Perfumery UuU and Capo, Plated-W'ure, I-jwlles' nd Gents ! Furulaliinj; Goods, China. Tea Sets, Table Cutlery, Hosiery,, Crockery, VIndoiv-GIa, GlatMVarr, Yankee Notions, Hardware, FARMING? EM FLEMENTS, HOPE, GRAIN SACKS, &c, .Vc. Having boen established since my lon oxptrii ncc In business enables rn to know what to buy for this luarlrct. MY STOCK Ol-' t o 1 1 o vi 1 1 To re 1 1 1 i i tii s o U Iiure uud well Assorted. TIhto Is no house In the City that Can Undersell Me. SHALL PROFITS AND OUll BliTCRXS, Is my Motto. Cull und K.iiiiii' uiy t;iuln lfore purcliasinr ebH leie, and 1 will ault you. B. A. HUGHES. Oregon City, July 17th, 1S7. Sheriffs Silk-! Y VIRTUE OF A DECREE AND Ex ecution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Uu; County of Clackamas, to me directed, in favor of 1 1. H. Allen and V. H. Iewis. under th" firm name of Allen . Lewis, and against T. .1. Matlock and lio)ie Matlock his wlf, for the sum of ?l,:i.V7 l, U. s. gold coin, to gether with costs of suit, accruing costs and disbursements. Now, therefore, 1 have levied ujkmi thu following real estate, to-wit : Situated, lying and being in Clackamas county. State of Oregon, an undivided one-third of the following piece of land, of which T. .1. Matlock became the owner by the last ..ill of W. T. Matlock, deceased, said land beinj; described and said b" quest in said will (now on file in the clerk's ofllee of Clackamas county, State of Oregon) as fol lows, to-wit : l-'ilteent h, I set apart the following de scribed portion of my donation landciaim, tlie center of said tract on the easterly lino of my donation land claim, shall be the middle of a small stream on which is situ ated my grist mill, such tract shall be so surveyed wit h lines parallel with the do nation claim lines, ns to include the creek, mill-race, dam, and mill and appurtenances so as to include no more than ten acres ;said land, mill and appurtenances are to be considered in three equal and undivided parts. The b -quest to said T. J. Matlock being in the following words : The second undivided one-l bird of t he same I give, de vise and In- ineatii unto my son Theodore .1 . Mat lock . in ot her words the land hereby i intended to be conveyed is all t he interest ! I t akc in t he donat ion land claim of W. T. Matlock by reason of the bequeath as above set out. And on Ssiturdaj", tlie tb day of X einbei', is? I, at the hour of 1 o'clock, p. m., at t he Court 1 Ions 'door in O-egon ( iiy t laeka mas coun ty, 1 will sell the above described real es tate at pu blie a net ion to the highest bidder, tor cash in hand, C. S. e,,id coin, to sattsly execution, costs, accruing costs and dis bursements. J. T. Al'l'KKSCN, Sherilf of Clackamas Co., Ogn. Oregon City, ct. i:th DS71. wl Sheriff's Siili-. V VIUTCE OF A DECREE AND EX i edition issu -dout ot the Circuit Court ol tic Stat" ,,i nreon for the county of lacicamas, to me dtreeted, in favor ol Seth Smith and airainst Charl.'s ("uttine;, Jr., mid Abigail t.'nttiii";, lirst, tor the sum of one thou sand seven hu ml red and fort v two ami iVl'Hj dollars ($1,712 S) U. S. pild coin with interest at the rat': of ten per j cent, per annum, acamst said Charles Cutting, Jr. Second, lor the sum of three thousand and eighteen dollars ($:!,ilS) U. S. e;,iid coin, with interest at the rate of twelve percent per annum, against said Charles Cuttine;, Jr., and Abigail Cutting, and for the furl her sutn of thirty-two and 7U-1IK) dollars (?:2 70) costs and disburse ments in this suit. Now, therefore, I have this the 20th day of October, A. D. 1S74. levied ujion the fol lowing property, real cstato described as follows, to-wit: Situated and being in Clackamas county. State of Oregon. Tho south half of t he donation claim of Charles Cutting, Sr., bounded as follows: Regin ning at a stake a. few rods north-west of the house of W. D. Woodcock, in the State and county aforesaid, running thence east one mile, thence north one half mile, thence west one mile, tlH-nce south one. half mile, to the place of beginning, con taining 32i acres more or less. Also a part of the donation claim of said Charles Cut ting, Sr. and wife, bounded as follows : Hc ginningat a corner stone imbedded in the ground ami about twenty feet south-west of the south-west, corner of the store last owned by the said Charles Cutting, Sr., in his life time, running thence in an east erly direct ion two and a half chains, thence in a northerly direction as near as may bo to the south-east corner of the mill lot, thence in a westerly direction along the .south line of said mill lot to the south west corner thereof, thence southerly to the place of beginning. Also another part of said claim known as the mill-lot, and bounded as follows, to-wit : Beginning nt a point three rods south-east of the south east corner of the grist mill on the lot hereby described, running thence north, 17 (leg. east, five chains; thence west, 11 deg. north, two nnd a half chains : thence southerly and parallel with the first de scribed line five chains ; thence eastcrly two and a ha If chains to the place of be ginning, conta ining one acre and a quarter together with the water-power to said mill and mill lot, and also the appurtenances and hereditaments of the three tract here inbefore described. And on tho llt day of November, 1, at the hour of one o'clock, i'. t., nt tho Court House door, in Oregon City, ClnVk amas county, Oregon, I will sell the above described real estate at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand U. f?. gold coin, to satisfy execution, costs, accru ing costs and disbursements. J. T. APPERSON. SherifT of Clackamas Co.. Ogn. Oregon City, Oct. 20, 1S71. 4 w 1 r F - AVltj- in Dyspepsia so treiierali Simply because it is neglected or maltreated. Strike direct ly at the cause. Remove the acrid humors which ensrender it, from the stomach and bowels, with Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient and indigestion, with all its painful con" comltants, is cured. Sold by all druggists- FORSALE. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS III-? premises, in Oswego, for sale at a bar gain, for cash. There is a fine dwelling and out buildings, orchard and about three acres of land. Finely situated for a board ing house for the hands employed ln the Irc "Work. .7 ""'. Cli'Tl. (View f.rr j' Ifj tr COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DRY GOODS ! CLOTHING! HATS and CAPS! It O C IJ It l K S 1 ETC., ETC, ETC. THE FIRST GRAND 0 P E MING .or rum. 1S74 FALL SEASON 1874 trill t lAaunrMtod bjr Upl-odtd Exhibition of EW COODS ! Jd the Store rf BRADLEY, MARSH & CO., OR. Nfondav, August 31sst, BRADLEY, MARSH & Co. Y KEL THEY WuL'l.l) BE WANTING in courtesv o their numerous pat rons. us well as loreiroinir a nieasure to themselves, were they to allow the "yellow leaf" of Time to pass by without some suit- able acKimwleileemeiit lor tue more t nan liberal sum -ort accorded them sine; their a'lvciit in business. The unretarded and unexampled pro gress of BRADLEY. MARSH jt ( u. in iim ularitv and business success has inspired their rivals and com iM-titors with bitter animosities, and their envious tongues misconstrue every motive with a view ol iiiiurin"; our fair fame and well earned reputation in the world's esteem. Viewing the past with contemplation's sober eye, and cheered by the generous supjMirt of this community, we shall con tinue to pursue a steady, onward course, that has no retiring ebb, regardless of our detractors, to whom we cherish no resent ments, rely in in t he future on that ener gy ability and watchful enterprise that is sure to reward every intelligent and saga cious attempt to supply gener.tlly felt want. We are desirous of building up a buslneBS that will bo a CREDIT TO THE CITY AND STATE! I.et our opponents endeavor, according to their menus and ability, to emulute us in this res(eet, and in a very short time trade will be attracted to Portland that has been, from well known causes, divested from it, and numerous teuautless houses will find occu pa ntsj BRADLEY, MARSH & CO., WIiQlfnl4 and Retail Pfalrrs la DRY GOODS, CROCERIES, .AIT. General Importers .OF.. ENGLISH, AMERICAN AND FOREIGN GOODS, Corner First & Stark Sts. PORTLAND. CASH ADVANCES MADE O.V EVERY DESCRIPTION OP PHODVCF. s--pt. i:..i.-r. FALL 1874r Is yotir time to buy goods at loV prices. S. ACKER MAN & CO. ar? now rec..lvlng a large stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS, all of tha Latest Siylos. which will sell AT LESS THAN PORTLAND PRICES. Our stock has beea bought for oash, and we will sell It l a smtdl itdTaac Ugy SAN FRANCISCO COST. V"E WILL HAY TO EVERYBODY BE T fore you purchase or go to Portland, come and price our goods and convince yourself that we do what we say. Our stock consUts ln part of Fancy and Stapla Dry Goods, Clothing, LI at s. Boots and Sho-A, Ladlus and Uentk Furnlibing Uoods, Motions, Oroor- 1 a, Ilurd- warw unilit grwt many hor krtidv4 too numer otirs to Luuntlon ; A L O OQCRS, WINDOWS, PAINTS AND OILS, ETC., ETC. Ws will Prio for py th ITlghf-st Market Country Produce. 8. ACKERMAJf A CO. Oregon City, Krtpt. 11, 1874. tf THE NEW IMPROVED Side Feed and Back Feed. THE LIGHTEST RUNNING, MOST SIM PLE, AND MOST EASILY OPERATED SEWING MACHINE IN THE MARKET. Always in Order a&illeaijforWorl If there ia a FLORENCE MACHINE withia one thousand miles of Saa Fran cisco sot working well, I will z it with out any expense to the owner SAMUEL HILL, Agent, No. 19 New Montgomery Street, GRAND HOTEL BUILDING. AX FBANCUCO. Another Chance! FIFTH AND LAST GIFT CONCERT aid or tii a PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY. NOVEMBER 30, 1874. Drawing Certain at that Date. LIST OF GIFTS, One Umnu Cash Gift Onoirand Cash Gift ine (irand fash Oilft One Grand Cash iift Onv Grand Cash Gift 5 Cash Gifts $'J0,Ot(0 each 10 Cash flifts, H.OOOeaeh 15 Cash tJift. 1i0k each art fasti CMfts, S,0K each 2.r Cash (lifts, 4,O0rt each 30 Ca sh Gifts, 3,in each Vi Cash Gifts, 2,0rtfteach IrtO Cash Gifts, J.fmOoach 210 Cash (Jifts, .M0each 510 Cash Gifts, jnrteach 10,000 Cash Gifts, 50 each .fl'iO.OOO . 100.000 . 75.000 . 60.000 . 25,000 .. 100.000 .. 110,000 .. 150,000 .. 100.000 .. 100.000 .. 90,000 .. 100.000 .. 100,000 .. 120.000 .. .V),000 .. 950,000 Grand Total 20.000 Gifts, all cosh 2.500,000 PRICK OF TICKETS. Wholo Tickets - fcoO.OO Halves 25.00 Tenth, or each Coupon . 5.00 11 Whole Tickets for 500.00 22 M Tickets for. 1.000.00 For Tickets and Information, Address, THOMAS E. BSAMLETTZ, A rent and Manager, Public Library Buildlnp, Loulsvillo, Ky. oct5w6 Improvement of the Ipprr (olambia River. Notice to Contractors. Advertisement. Vsttfd State's Engineer OmcE.) I'ortlani), Oregon, October 3d, 1871.1 SEALED PROPTSALS IX DUPLICATE will be received at this office until 12 M. on tho 4th day of November, 1874, for the imrrovement of the Upper Columbia River, at each of the following places : Umatilla Upper Rapids, 107 miles above the Dalles, about throe hundred (300) cubic yards of rock. Squally Hook Rapid, 36 milea above the Dalles, about three hundred (300) cubic j ards of rock. The work to be done consist in blasting out rock; all rock belntr under water. The amount available for the work is i twenty thousand (20.000) dollars. Printed sieciflcations. Instructions to bidders, and blank forms for proposal will be furnished on application to this ofHee, when charts of the localities above named may be examined. X. MICHLEB, ocr9w3 Major of Engineers. NOTICE ! MY WIFE. RACHAEL R. Roof HAV lng left my bed and board without lust cause or provocation, I hereby notify the public not to trust heron my account, as I will pay no bills of her cotralng after this Ja&. KOOP. Once More We Come I With a Stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS, IARGER AND MORE ATTRACTIVE j than ever before, bought from the great san Francisco Panic, and which we offer nt Greatly Reduced Prices. Our stoclr CLOTHIIsTGr Has been largely Increased and we can4 show ns handsome a Uric ol" ready-inadw foods ln Men and Boys' Business and ress Suits. Owrcoats, ic.. as can be found" ln the country, aad at prices that cannot' fall to satisfy.- Our DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Is filled with a splendid assortment of all the leading styles and fashionable shade of goods Emprrat (loth, Moliairs, Prrnch and' AinrrirBu Urw tiood, BUck A I larta, 0 Arllliat ntii.es, Cantizherea, 4ke FLANNELS, Plaid, Plain and Opera Flannels, of all ors. Bleached and Unbleached CvVtoo Flannels. Ladles and Gents Vnil.rwirc, Khswlt and Nrarfk, Wool Blankets, Trunks and' Tra lljf KatcnJ4 liats and Caps, Olllollrr Flooraud Tabled BOOTS and SHOES, o We would call special attention to our stock of Men's and Boys' San Francisco" Boots, which we have sold for a number or years past with general satisfaction. Ev-" cry pair warranted. A complete stock of- HARDWARE i FARMING UTENSILS. Choice Teas, Canned Goods, and all cLolot Family Groceries, All at Low Prices. Also," LIVERPOOL AD CARMAX ISLAND SAIL Highest Price paldVor all kinds of 1 ro d ii v e si n 1 HI'of seplStf I. SELLING. FOR SALE! G. At IWII.T. SKI.I. AT A HEASOXAELI-: KKJ urt. rny L.ivt ry IJusln-ss,- tock. Ae., and 1lus my Itarn to a jairchnsrx-for tu' years; also if rcquln-d. will louso ny liwolling IIous for sam tliho. q Oregon t 'ltv, Or.'gon August -JO," 3S74. J. M. 1 ItAZLR. Ayer's G .Sarsaparilla Is widely known, as one of the most effectual remedies ever discovered for cleanin the eys- O tern and purifying the blood. It has stood the test of years, -with ' a con stantly growing rep utation, based on its intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searchinj as to effectually purge out the great cor ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in" the system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, many of which are publicly known, of Scrofula, and all scrofulous" diseases. Ulcers, Eruptions, and eruptive dis orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotclies, 0 Boils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores, St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipe las, Tetter, Salt Kheuin, Scald O Head, Ringrworm, and internal Ul cerations of the Uterus, Stomach, and Liiver. It also cures other; com plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Iyspep-" sia, Fits, Neuralgia, Heart Disease, Female Weakness, Debility, and Lieucorrhcea, when they are manifesta tions of the scrofulous poisona It is an excellent restorer of "health and strength in the Spring. By renewing th appetite and vigor of the digestive organa, it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor of the season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system move on with renewed vigor and a new leasa of life. PREPARED B T Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass JrVoeftcot md AnatvHcal Chemist SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EfXBTWHEfflfi JTvl T.JTJS K i-rv year iiir"o.":? c t':- ' hj.-tiIv of t1ii vm1u:i1V Il.-iir !'( !-n: which i kU' to in'vil :Im'. Wt rxr' assur' our 1 1 piitropn ilinl u i i ti fullv uj to iin liith i-i nii'lnrd ; rSid it is tlif mly re!i:thIo am! j ci'Vt'a n, anitiu tor i'Unrn; iirtAT'- on I'm Jn IIaik t its youthful color, mnkinjr it soft, lustrous, :ml silken. The ?calj, by its use, becomes while c't r'n. It removes all eruptions vn .lr.iiMi nlV, and, by its tonic properties pie"iil the hiir from frillin; tui, as it 5tisn lates anvl nounlifs the ltnir-lntMis. Iv its use, the h:5r tirow.s thicker .-rd stronger. In b:ihlness it restoif mo e:i))illnrv glaiwls to tlitiv wonr.al ior, and will erente a new growth, except in extreme ace: It is ttie most economical IIair'IJkessixc overused, as it requires frwer applications and n es the hair a 1 en tiid. erlr'ssy ap pearance. A. A. Hayes M.D State Assaycr of Massaclnisetts; says "Tlie constituents are ptiro, aril carefully selected for excellent quality ; r.;il V consider it the De.-t TKEr-fttA riox fjr its intended purposes" Soli 0y nil Drtrygifts, and Vtnlrr h .Vo-f -fncA. Prico One Dollisr.- Buckingham's Dye FOR 'THE WHISKERS. As our Renew or in m'any cases re quires too lone? a time, and too much care, to restore crray or faded Whisk ers, we have'prepared this dye, in one preparation', which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a 'color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL L C& o o o o o G G o o o c o o o o o c o ;3 o o G O o o o o o O .., 1