J o O o O O O A o O -5 o 1 - THE tNTERPRIS OREGON Cn V, OREGON, AUGUST 21, lj. HOMICIDE. Son Kill hi Father. in this place U.tSa.urdijy that J- o been in dock Ma of this couw- ,mnnfid cecded to t- P U verdict that Mar- L- h!l eon"e o hi death by means irl fr-m an oak club in the hands Jf Robert Murdock. The latter was js?yr ik"M n Murdi-k had frequently threat JoU? he !?- of the members of his ?nC n ? JiVtVii Thursday, the day be 5'n U killing he sharpened a butch Ir'knifa a t'U the family that he JniM off to Silverton, get drunk Taj Se u"k and kill Uiem all. .lie turned home on Friday evening IlSlt seven 'o'clock. Hiswito prepared 1? v.p him which he refused to rSil retired to bed, in a rooin wn .V"-, in an6ther two UOJ1 7.i i ,n kent nr. room beior- 1 lie . ' x t , f I -j ml :111LTV talR- Huchatorr'j ing, that hi I kife went into the" room L.acify mm un uur ap Imim louder and tneu r.roa-h to .ent in his language, and . ftt in led with him, stat a knife and proposed l ,n her erettinir ami more v. desired h.-r ing that he to kill ner. dined, and Ho a""1"": the be.l. The two sons in the mean time hoard what was going on. and they k up and went out into the yard Mrs. "M unlock broke away from her crazed f.usnd a... 1 ran ;0. m to the yh ! iJ I i 1 1 1 kill her. J w:i blow on liit- . wi..i and tlie mai W instantly. 1 he boy, as w:is .h vn ov uiu e lut uce, ijit.I in view tlie protection of his mo'iier, and ho had no i,lt4 tint the low lie dealt would kill tiio.d man. Robert Murdock had a pnliiiiiiiarvtri.il before Justice Hums, who aemiitte-.l him, after hearing the fvidt'iicc, on;ihe ground tliat it was a juitiii ible :ici;i Tii. sympathies of the ciHiiriHinity vr ;re witfi the boy, and the n'Nult of the tVial gave general satisfac tion. The m ijn who was kilied was a vcrv notorious character, and perhaps Ivr rit'scrved 'i') better fate, for his at tfin,iting to t;.ke the life of a woman and sue ni wi;fe. Cll V K.MlNvUY. School v 1 1 1 com- iiu nee at mi; finy seminary next -ion- i.iv. The lv:4 iers engaged for the en ;lnf. Tlio. Nicholson, filing year ar Priiu'1,1.11 ; . Mam-iker am V. K-iudall.- Miss Kate d i.ss K. nil v t'henoweth. iiistints. i'.of. Nieholson'.s reput.i ti n as a sii'-sssful leaeiier is well eiia'.'li-hi'd in our city and needs no l.hii iu-n d.ti i n from us; Prof. Randall is aUo well known as a successful u-a. iur; tne two young ladies who iuve rlrirgo 'If the priniary dep.art-iit-nt have in ill had consi leraole ex pi.Tionee as te j Uers and have always given general liti.sfacaoii. There is no puWlie si-aoolBu our State that lias ethi.-d a lug. .r character than the Oil men t 'it v .Seminary under the etli ci..ii"t man iijemeiit of tho corps of t.:i ie-rs f iriu-. : ly employed, and we h.ive every teasoii to expect that the cedent teai-!n.i:-s will fully .sustain its l.iy;. i r.-putatioifi. A Cukious ("iiait. Wo have been shown a picture by Dr. Welch, of tho s.n hi J.me, of Jvluskanine, Capt. Metz. V.'hilo the ves-j 1 is not calculated to .tr.y tr.iniit iilftrcigu parts, it is quite tin " eoii.it ruetioii. !S!ie is in 1. 1.- . polls i-slened in big logy, on t.i -.; :.. t: ;:u if ;., seeurel.v j'inned to p. i'i.-r, aim riv ,c.i wi;h masts. When mil ')a.h-d slii r l.-s majestically on the l .y i-i 'the watds, and when her cargo is i:i sin- sink-? in proportion to tlie :;:ii--uiit f hcri'oad. Sne is intended as i w.n 1 boat an-i wo ai-e informed : ii.it for ii .oat of this kind can be hail: ntiich e;irrv ll cords of tons: wiueh .ut carry 11W corns i wood, or as i i;h lumber as can I jjilc.i on h 'r. 'lie .Susan Jane is qui) A era ft, and the proprietor h is cvideiltl be lite tiy Mtnii-k an iJ.'a '.or an eeonomical struc ture for tlie purpose for which she is used. I'he l.),;tur has the picture and viil i o pli-ascd to show it to his friends will t'O pivasL'. at Lis ..nice. Ai.hk-N Fuc; i I'.vcronv. Some en- terprising cit i j. t:s are taking .steps to procure tlie ri patent for tliis ial, a niaiiufK o reeled. We it to use the Alden Fruit :'.nty, and if success- rv will be immediately u-rsLina mat tins svs- ti-ni of drviiiL t'iuit, vt-getibles, Ac., lias proved a is iputi a lucr no pl.iej in tie. at success, and that it ve business. There is t:l!,4 U'liorit ciirK o n in. stitution could facilities a sii pfcts of suece; be set up with greater plies and better pros- Waukuoit'se an ii Fish kky. Our en terprising townsman. Dr. Welch, in c .inpaiiy with the Kinney brothers, of Sileni. propos. s to erect a large ware house on live y. .hunbia. about U o miles u ow.i ;'ro', f,,r storing wheat and usmir tli., bmHui- for putting up tish. lne enterprise' und energy of Pthese fw will 'mil UIWet Bnaranteo that fri..n Is li t ii "u"7ss,jf it"illiJ their mends hop,. j!,,u they may realize tiieir fullest eM,ectations. ' r-an.e t?SAUK-Am lr'ii was sounded last I rid ay evenin. which caused the en tire population , turn out to witness t.io lire. It was soon ascertained that tho alarm was only :l iU for' practice XuSS?l!rt that the' iJeparU i fin?, s : v i' om? otIier n"A to rkell. the great tern- ::::n rhatthe The b iev.ir ' y) evcninS- J'ftr. r a ml ul .i Vt''lU rPtation as a eive him -ly 'lrs south of us was f.nn,.rU- ,,n "r,1"rJ n?iv a'l is said to U verv r lUl a cir('U3 taming, besides m "i (("mc an1 enter- crowded hous,.-11 douleas have a Propose Ti, ..,.r r .i.i, . . wizens of-Lower .'"prWinol in this oonntr pose to clear c the ground, enclose with a noat fei in the llo,-k er anil plant shrubber ceincterv thi lying re nard contributions Jr Veir friends' An h..se who h;iv "tne. purpose from will be thatkf! nv rl.l,lrri1 there fully applied , a ana faith tint the 7 1 riVte ,,0te Jrn r Cfhtb- R. McLe- aJ evening! r hours of morninir morning ,!rTi"t'ipi. At th e pifirninct nation willbS 1 fc.- 1 list as the Id inaii P VV": f till" llOII-IIUlllTO , ii is ap; wire's , , ,, 1 .'. .1.. ..-Li.. Ii l.roLrM ilsnkll . KETrR.vED.pr. J. Welch, who has been absent fro;i home for the past woes, returnedihome last Monday af- Anottaer Old Cltlsen Gone. It is again onr painful duty to chron icle the" death of an old and highly esteemed citizen, Mrs. Mariam Ckxik, who was mother of the wife of our townsman, Mr. A. J. Apperson,- in whose family she had her home sin e September, 186U During her decline, no particular disease manifested itself. Old age had crept upon her, but not unnoticed. She had often during the present year expressed it as her opin ion that she would not live through this vear, and during the days imme diately preceding her death, realized that her davs were numbered, and that she was called to go home. Her last hours were peaceful, and sho passed away -on Tuesday morning, about 9 o'clock, without a struggle. Mrs. Cook was born in Washington county, New York, in 1796. She married in l15,and in ISU removed to liatavia, Michigan, and lsXil came to Oregon. Mrs. Cook was the mother of ten children, Mrs. Apperson being the youngest. Six of her children survive her. She has had twenty-four grand children, fourteen of whonvare living. When in New York Mrs. Cook was a member of the Methodist Church ; when in Michigan she joined the Church called Christians, and during the last sixteen or eighteen vears of her life she has been a believer in Spiritualism. It was her request to be buried in a cemetery in amhill county, near where her son and two laughters with their families reside. She also desired her relatives to refrain from wearing " mourning " for her, and that her funeral tie plain and with out ceremony, save to read a favorite piece of poetry, entitled, '.'There is No. ueatJi to inose wno live Arignt. Mrs. Cook was, in her life, kind and exemplary, a good mother, a fait hi ul friend, a pious woman, loved and hon ored by all who knew her. The va cancy caused bv her death is one that cannot bo filled. May her ashes rest in peace. To the atllicted friends and relatives, especiallj- the family in our midst, wo tender our kindest" sympa thies. We are requested, in behalf of -Mr. Apperson ana ins tamuv, to return their sincere thanks to their many friends for their kindness and sympa thy during their aillictioii and bereave ment Lettkr List. Tho following is list of the Letters remaining in the Post-office at Oregon City, Aug.21, : Angel, Martin; Hums, J. D. ; Hates, Judson C. ; Campbell. J. V.; Crawford M. Mrs.; Friemel, Franz; Faliart, IJernhard; Humaston, IJ. ; Kallogg, K. Mrs.; Moore, Emeline Miss ; Traylor, James; Wells, i. If called for, pleasesav when "adver tised." J. M. "Bacon, P. M. Markets. We have no material changes to record in our market report this week, There is but little wheat beini: ottered in market, which is worth at the mills, 75 cents per bushel. Eggs are worth a to Si cents ier dozen, ami butter U0 cents ier pound. Wheat at Portland is quoted at $1 4 j per cental. Si rukndkukd. Grand Secretary Uaeon recently went to Monroe and received the charter and etlects of Home Lodtre. T. O O V. which had concluded to surrender its charter, owing to the limited membership. It is to be hoped that the Lodge wiUsoon be reorganized. Home Again. Dr. Thos. Nicholson, Principal of the Oregon City Seminary, returned home with his family last Fi :- da3r, after an absence of some seven weeks. He looks as though he has en joyed h s vacation and be ready to enter upon his responsibilities with invigor ated mind and body. Personal. -We received a friendly call last Monday from our friend Judge McArthur. The Judge was on his way to Salem to attend the. session of the Supreme Court which convened at that place last Monday. No.nk in M a iwki-.. . . ii..cim has re cently advanced in the market to 1'J cts per pound, and there is none to be had in our town, even at that price. We learn that it has advanced in Portland also ami that it is very scarce. Returned. Mr. J. II. Walker, who we announced as being missing in our last issue, returned home all right last Friday. Ho did not start from Antelope valley as soon as his friends thought, which was the cause of his noil arrival. Disturbance. Two young men, named respectively Win. Marks and Truman IJoynton, had a bit of a tight it the Can by eampmeeting, and were interviewing the Justice of the Peace it Jiarlow's last Thursday for the of fence. We learn that tho Justice dis charged the parties. Ui.set, While five of the young men of Oregon City were out boat-riding last "Sunday evening, they got upset below town. They clung to the boat and called loud for assistance, which was promptly rendered by Mr. Saul, who brought"all safely on shore. Note. We publish marriages and deaths free of charge when furnished us by parties interested. Jbuat Gilt Concert Postponed. The announcement of the i-ostponement. of the Last Crift Concert of the Public Li brary of Kentucky will not surprise the public. In Governor nramlette's card, pub- ished below, he yivos reasons for it which will be accepted without le-sitatlon by ev ery one. The management in this instance, consulting the interests ot ticket holders and those d"sinlng to become ticket hold ers, have not waited until the last day to make this announcement, but Just as soon as they became satisfied of the necessity of this postponement, have promptly made the announcement. It is unnecessa ry to review the causes which have neces sitated this action, as they are fully recited in uovernor uramlette's card. The p-ompt-ness and frankness with which the public have been niacin aware of the intention of the manager will meet with the hearty commendation of every one, and excite such a new interest and confidence in the scheme and the ability of the manager to periorin whut he promises; that there can be no 1 1 . i ) .r t t . . . . . i. . . i . . i . v. rt last concert will be a full one. POSTPONEMENT last gift concert A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. nrS? nnucoment of the jostponement 1 itir-Vrt1 lVUa,,J lMS- Concert of the Public btr i I. K "lucky to the 30th oi Novem disa,,,int,.Usfl0,4?' 'U1 surprise few and would create an' 1h"r tours- cedent m a Ss,actl'm- With a pre- foil r rr siponi'mfnt of rach nl the k . . v.nn..-ll.S U.-tlaV to&tkygX ? Stately s:on for ddav -.V.t rains no further occa- cornpllsh ah that U t Vi?5f J'acity to c time which rot.L'.10-.10"6'1! short ";." 'or sale oX tickets. 1HOS. K. Bhamlette. Agent and Manager. BradK1" r, P"., go to f-r3re:?i MoDtyomery &trof-, ban t'i airp ifii v 11111 r -asoiuiblv exivc-t..7i i i, . ry naturally and largest sche.ml n, ..4lat 1,1 th's. by lar the -ll'; l 111 lit If bn..A " .J ever orr-red to thp wwm iHnJthelarr"st would be tol lowed -an, i .h' tho sanie course all over the country here are thousands for a ccrtui,inxi, T ar only waiting to this date ha been iu.m i,Sak'so?tickts and a large drawing , 7 satistactory. 31st July ruut Aelin" "s, ' V".Khad on tri postr.)neiaeot would enM d ,hat a snort the ri'innit,.).,: ";'u.,u enable us toci. nt drawing a fmi on"e Iitk?t an make the urse which has evidTnt K??'e ad'Pf'd the ed, and hich mi,V ly Ueu antici.at factorilvfor ",,must eventuate most t.u. of t he enteriVri'se VkTL ur? tne friends tickets, to Lnd 'in t,1"l''D,,f to I'urchnw tax mv oftwX ir orders, as it will Kemoved. We 1 earn lki L.. Goldsmith & Co., have removed to their new atni-A m tt " ' vh x' rum street rw- tween B. and A. It U said to tl finest store on the coast. Smash Up. Th tAi, ..- , "uvea dy young Frazer ran away last Wednes day coming down the Broughton hill and made a general smash up Qf the bucy. No other damao-ft HniT Home. Jndsre CanfiAin a . ;t ianiny and Capt. Hedges and family, who have been rustitatinsr on Salmon ri ver, returned home last Mondcy. CAT.T.Kil. Wfi 1-lft.H a noil j. i . .. von jcsieruay evening from our young friend Win. .v",.-, "t)uuer on tne Port land jiulletin. The Lafayette Courier of the 14th says: Last night, we are inform a1 Win. Hickev and David Wall hA some difficulty which resulted in Hickev stabbing Wall in th l i fin 7 - der, making a very ugly wound. San Fka-cisoo, August 13. In the race at Rochester, yesterday, where "Goldsmith Maid" trotted a mile in 2:14?i, she was pitted against "American Girl" and "Judge Fuller ton." DIKD. A the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. A. J. A; person, at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tuesda morning, at 9 o'clock, Mrs. Mariam Cook, aged 78 years and 3 days. Michigan papers please copy. An Vn wholesome Sett so o. . The closing days of wlnt-' r and the early days of spring are very trying to the feeble and sensitive and are apt to affect unpleas antly even the more robust and vigorous. Nothing can be more uncongenial to the nerves or more depressing to the spirits than damp, chilling winds, fogs and cold rains, and of such unwelcome visitors we have a superabundance at this season. Common prudence suggests, therefore, the TTopriety of fortifying the system against th -s-; insidious enemies of health and comfort, ai d the experience of more than a quarter of a century iKilnts to Ilostetter's Stomach Eitters as the all-sufficient sani tary saf 'guard under such untoward cir cumstances. As accession of vital strength and energy Is what Is required to meet and overcome the unhealthy elements now present In the atmosphere. This increase of vital power, so necessary to meet the extraordinary drafts which an inclement season makes ujKin the system and the constitution, can be readily acquired by taking lrom two to three doses ol Uost" rers Hitters daily during tho winter and spring months, the nature ol this cele brated restorative is iel knoin to th public. It is comps"d of an absolutely pure diffusive stimulant, medicated with the extracts and juices of the most effec tive tonic, alterative, anti-billious and lax ative roots and herbs known to nvdical science. To the combination of these ex cellent ingr"dients. in roiortions suitable to the exigencies ot enfeebled, languid and diseased systems, the great tonic-alterative owes its efficiency as a preventive and eur- iriv". A emir1 of it, commenced now -. ill j.reveut all dang'T of fever and agu-ri-umatis:n, or other ailm-nts arisim ro-n c -.Id -i : d damp p''cniinr fo i rinr months, and also prove a safeguard against the attacks of dyspepsia and liver com plaint which so lreauently occur at this period of the year. OlISTACLKS TO JIARKIAGK. Happy Relief for Young Men from the effects of Krrors and Abuses in early life. Manhood restored. Impediments to Mar riage removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books and circulars sent free. In sealed envelopes. Address, IIOWAUU ASSO' NATION, No. 2 South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa., an In stitution having a high reputation for hon orable conduct und professional skill. nov6 :ly Tlie Wea of n Uiiiv-'Miil Medicine is at last realized in Ir. Walker's Ciitifomut Vinegar miters. This concentrated essenc of the finest medical h-Tbs and roots in th Western hemisphere, eradicates all diseas es which have not und rminedthe ure s of vitality, and in Caronio Indigestion, Nervous Headache, Constion of The Liv er, Rheumatism, Clout, ij-n"ral Ivbilit-, and innumerable ulcerous and scabious disorders, It is ft specific absolut" and in fallible. Ju li5 :1m FOR SALE! I WILL SELL AT A REASONABLE KIG ure, my Livery Business, Stock, Ac, and lease rny Barn to a purchaser for two years; also if required, will lease my Dwelling House for same time, Oregon City, Oregon, August 20, 1S74. J. M. FItAZEU. FIFTH AND LAST CONCERT IN AID OF TUK PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY. DAY FIXED AND A FULL DItAUING ASSURED ox M0XD1Y, 30th of NOVEMBER, 1374. FOR An Eiwj Fortune! A postponement of the Fifth Concert of the Public Library of Kentucky has been so generally anticipated, and is so mani festly for the interest ef all concerned, that it must meet tlie approval of all. The day is absolutely fixed, and there will be no variation from the programme now an nounced. A sufficient number of Tickets had been soldjto have enabled us to have hud a largo drawing on the 31st of July, but. a short postponement was considered preferable to a part ial drawing. Let it be borne in mind that THE FIFTH GIFT CONCERT IS THE LAST WHICH WILL EVER BE GIVEN UNDER THIS CHARTER AND BY THE PRESENT MANAGEMENT, That it will positively and unequivocally take place as announced on MONDAY, 30th NOVEMBER That the Music will be the best the coun try affords, and that 20,000 CASH GIFTS, AGGREGATING $2,500,000 will be distributed by lot among the ticket holders. LIST OF GIFTS. One Grand One Grand One Grand One Grand One (irand Cash Cash 'ash Cash Cash Gift Gilt Gift Gitt Gift $20,'.i"0each.. 14.000 each. I'i.ihhj each. 5,000 each. 4,000 each.. 3,tn xleacr.. iNJeach. l.ifrleach. 50 each., j 00 each.. 50 each.. $250,000 loa.uno 75,0110 5U.0M0 , 35,'JW 100,000 HO,i)o0 150,i N 10),'r0 100,000 90,000 , 100,000 100,000 ..... 120,000 , 50,000 , 950.000 5 ( ash 10 Cash 15 Cash 20 Cash 25 Cash :w Cash 53 "ash loo Cash 240 Cash S:x) Cash Gifts Gifts, Gilts, Gifts, Oitts, Gitts, (ifts. Gifts, Gifts, Gifts, Gifts. 10,000 Cash Grand Total 20.000 Gifts, all cash .....2.500,000 PK1CE OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets Halves. Tenth, or each i'oupon. 11 Whole Tickets for $-50.00 25.00 5.00 500.00 1,000.00 22 H Tickets for.... Persons wishinir to Invest should order promptly, either of the home Office or our local Agents. Lib-ral commissions will bo allowed to satisfactory agents. Circulars containing full particulars fur nished on application. THOMAS E BBAMLETTE, Agent aud Mauager, F'iMf? Libber- BnlHlnp. 19 S The Parker Gcs.-We take jleas j ure in calling attention of our alley 1 friends to the wonderful merits of tho double-barreled, breech loading sho guns manufactured by Parker Broth ers. West Meriden, Conn. The highest testimonial- received from all sections, of the country, and the thorough test given it in the field by our friend Capt. Green B. Samuels, warrant us in asserting that it is the best breech-loading shot gun in the world. The simplicity of construction, the ease with which it can be loaded or unloaded, the facility with which the load can be changed from small to large shot enabling the sportsman, in an instant, to adapt his change to any sizea game mat may present nseir itie ease with which it may be kept clean its availability to a country wnere noth ing but muzzle-loading ammunition can be procured, all combine to recom mend it to every sportsman who can appreciate a perfect fowling piece. "Warren Sentinel ;" (Front Koyal, Va.) CONFESSIONS OF AN INVALID. Pcbi.ishkd as A WAK.frso and for the benefit of Young Men and others who suffer from NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOSS OF MANHOOD, etc., pointing out the meant of self-cure. Written by Nathaniel May fair, Esq., who cured himself after under going considerable quabkery, and mailed free on receiving a post-paid directed enve lope, by the publisher, DR. JOHN M. DAGNALL. 11 Clinton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. A CARD. Oregon Citt, Juno 12. 1874. W. P. Burns. Agent of Phoenix Insur ance Co., Dear Sir: On the 4th day of June my barn was destroyed by fire. On the 5th you was notined of the same, lou nrotntit lv notified the Comnanv of m v loss, ami on the 10th Inst. Mr. Dimon, the gentle manly agent and adjuster of the Com pauy, was on hand, the loss promptly and cheer fully adjusted and a draft for the amount (?.oo) in run. placed in my hand. We thank you, and through you, the Company which you represent, for the prompt and cheerful adjustment of our losses, and we Join in the general verdict of the ieople in saying. The Old Phcenlx of Hartford offers reliable indemnity. RODNEY TOMPKINS. Sheriffs Sale! BY VIRTUE OF EXECUTIONS AND orders of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the .State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah to me, directed in favor of, lirst, Ievl fiitrauss, David Stern and I-ouis Strauss, partners, doing business under the firm-name of Levi Strauss & Co., for the sum of eighteen hundred and eighty six and sixty hundreths dollars ($1886 00-100), witli interest thereon from August Cth, 171, at ten ier cent, per annum, to gether with cost of suit and disburse ments. Second, in favor of T. Murphy, Adam Grant and John Dean, partners, under the firm-name of Murphy, Grant A Co., for the sum of seven hundred and thirty-six and twentv-six hundredths dol lars HM 20-100), with interest thereon, from August 0th, 1874, at ten per cent, per annum, together with costs of suit and disbursements, all against C. S.. Silver. Now, therefore, I have, on this, the eighth day of August, A. 1., 1874, levied upon the following-described real estate.that is to say, the west half of the real estate herein after described, to wit. : that certain piece or parcel of land, known and described as, notification number seven thousand one hundred and forty-six (71 16), claim number forty-six (lb), being parts of sections ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen and fU-t-en (10, 11. 12, 13, 11, and 15), in township three ('!). S. It. three (-i) east, bounded as follows, to wit. .- beginning at a point nine (l) chains south, and six and thirty-one hundredths (6 iU-100) chains, west of the northeast corner of section fifteen (15), to.vnship three (o), south range three (y) east; thence east eighty-six (Sti) chains; thence south twenty (20) chains; thence east twenty-one and fifty hundredths (21 50-l)0) chains; thence north seventy- five (75) chains; thence west one hun and lifts- hundredths thence south fifty-live dred and seven (107 50-10(0 chains : 1 nd 50-100 (55 50-100) chatns.to the t.lace of beginning; containing six hundred thirty s"ven and sixty-two hundredths (637 62-100J acres, more or less, in Clackamas County, State of Oreogn. On Saturday, twelfth day of September, A. D., 1S74, at the hour of 1 o'clock, v. M. lli front of the Court House door, in Oregon Citj-, in said county and State, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, cash paid to me in bari, all the right, title, and interest, of the .said C S. Silv. r, in and to the above described piece or parcel of land, or enough tln re f to satisfy the above named executions and interest, costs and accruing costs. Oregon City, Aug. 11, A. D. 1S70. J. T. APPERSON, - herifT of Clackamas County. Fireman's IClection.. V-OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN election uill be held at the House of f'ataract Hose Company No. 2, in Oregon City, on Saturday, the 22d of August, 1874. for the pur-ose ot electing one Chief En gineer, to till the vacancy occurring by the resignation of Ambrose Hailey. Y. O. McCOWN, Mayor of Oregon City. A riouehli wit hout Tarrant's Selt zkr AperienT within reach, lacks an im portant safeguard of health and life. A few doses of this standard remedy for indi gestion, constipation and billiousness, re lieve every distressing symptom and Crevent dangerous consequences. For sale y the entire drug trade. FRESH RHINE WINES, Just received and for sale by george iucrrs, at $1 00 per bottle. Also Angelica, Port, Cherry, anil Sonoma AVines, in Bottle or by tiie gallon. Opposite the Railroad Depot. Oregon City, Aug. 7, 1874. 6w PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, Southwest Corner First and Morrison Sts. rORTLAXD, ORKGOX, From this date we have adopted the CASH BASIS AND HARD TIMES PRICES. Come and see us and there will be mu tual satisfaction. CUSTOMERS AT OUR LOW PRICES ,".Aij OURSELVES AT CASH. GEORGE A. PEASE, Soothweit Cor. First 6i Morrison Sts., Portland, Oregon, Ay fist , ir'i. tf COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, TrU'TTTTnO TmV ATI T-nArTT a Established, in 1860. 13. HUGHES WOULD ANNOUNCE TO THE CITI zens of Oregon City, and vicinity, that he has purchased, fitted up and filled the store OPPOSITE THE PCSTOFFICE, on Main Street,bctween Third and Fourth, Oregon Citv. My stock consists of Dry-Goods, ClothlBff, Boots and Shoti, Groceries, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Hats and Caps, Plated-Ware, Ladies' and Gents FarnlnhlngGoodi, China Tea Sets, Table Cutlery, Hosiery,, Crockery, AVlndow-Glans, Gluts-Ware, Yankee Notions, Hardware, FARMING EMPLEMENTS, ROPE, GRAIN SACKS, &c, &c. Ilavlng been established since I860, my long experience In business enables me to know what to buy for this market. MY STOCK OF Groneral Merchandise is Large and well Assorted. There is no house in the City that Can Undersell Me. SHALL PROFITS AND QL'ICK RETURN'S, Is my Motto. Call and Examine my Goods 1efore purchasing elsewhere, and I will suit you. Oregon City, fifr ft'ufllj0 14 E S ' Final Settlement! In tho matter of the estato of Hector Campbell, deceased : "VOTICE IS JIEUKBY GIVEN TO ALL Interested parties that the final account of L. L. Campbell, the administra tor of said estate, is on file in the Countv t lerk s office, and the Court has sr-t the 7th day of September, 1S71, being on Mondav. and being the first day of the September term of County Court, of Clackamas coun ty. State ol Oregon, for hearing of objec tions to said final account if any there be ... . N. V. RANDALL, A - County Judge. J. M. KRAZEU, County Clerk. JUU8' August 4th. 1874. aug7w4 RECREATION! HEALTH! Wilhoit Soda Springs ! rTHI.S ESTA II LI S H M EXT, NOCRLE. JL bratr-d for the medical qualtlea of its water, is i.g.nin open for the reception of gui-sts. They aro reached in one day from either Portland or Salem. JOHN WILHOIT, Proprietor. June 3d, 1374. Juom4. IMPERIAL MILLS, Sayier, LaRocque & Co. Oregon Cif TCfep constantly on hand for sale Flour, Middlings, Bin n and Chicken Feed. Parties purchasing feed must furnish the sack. W. II. 1IIG1IFIELD. Established since '49, at the old stand. Mala Street, Oregon City, Oregon. xno An assortment of Wathes, Jewel fyi ry.and Seth Thomas Weight Clocks Jr- ."Js all of which are warranted to be as SSii3 represented. CKepairing done on short notice, and h ankful for past patronage. JOHN SCHRAM, Main St., Oregon City. MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF Hnddles, name, Sadcllery-TInrd-ware, etc., etc. WHICH HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS can bo had in the State, at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. - r warrant my goods as represented. 1,000 DEER SKINS W ANTE D, AND ALSO, LL OTHER KINDS OF HIDES, FOR 1. which I will pay the highes market price in cash Bring on your hides and get your coin for them. JOHN SCHRAM. Saddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, 1873-m3. Monev ! Money ! MONEY TO LEND IN SUMS OF $.500, and upwards. Oregon City, March 10, 1S74. malitf JOHNSON &. McCOWN. rm, joi-in" welch, DENTIST, OFFICE IN OREGON CITY, OREGON. SOLDIERS' War Claim Agency No. 3 4 Mnotjgomery Hlock, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. WW. AIKEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, and Commander of the Cirand Army Of the Republic in California and Nevada, will give prompt attention to the collection of Additional Travel Pay, now due California and Nevada Volunteers discharged more than three hundred miles from home. Soldiers can depend on fair dealing. Information given free of charge. When writing enclose stamp for reply and state company and regiment and whether you have a discharge. Congress has ex tended the time for filing claims for addi tional Bounty under Act of July 28, I860, to January 1875, so all such claims must be made before that time. Original Bounty of $ 100 has been allowed all volunteers who enlisted before July 22d 1S61 for three years, if not paid the same when discharged. Land Warrants can bo obtalnd for services rendered before 1855, but not for services in the late war. Pensions for late war and war of 1812 obtained and increased whn allowed for less than disability warrants but no pensions are allowed to Mexican and Florida war soldiers. State of Texas hasgranted pensions to surviving veterans of Texas Revolution. New Orfenn an Mobile Prize Money is now due and hoint j raicl. W. H. Aiken also attends toGenwraj THOMAS CHARMAII ESTABLISHED 1833. DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS of Oregon City and of the Willamette Valley, that he is still on hand and doing business on the old motto, that A. Kimble Six Pence is Setter than a &7o Shilling. I have Just returned from Sau Francisco, where I purchased one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS ever before offered In this city ; and consists in part, as follows .- Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors, Chlnaware, Queensware, Stoneware, Crockery, Platedware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy No- Rope, Faming Hons of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc.. Of the above list, 1 can say my stock is the MOST COMPLETE ever offered in this market, and was scleted with especial care-for the Oregon City trade. All oi wnicn 1 now oiic-r lor sale at the Lowest Market Rates. No use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of going to Portland to buy goods for I am Determined to Sell Cheap and not to allow myself to bo UNDERSOLD IX TIIE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask Is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables me to know the re quirements of the trade. Come one and all and see for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CHARMAX cannot bo beaten In quality or price. It would be useless for me to tell you all the advantages I can offer you in the sale of goods, as every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disap pointed. All I wish to say is Come, aud Sce,and Examine for Yourselves fori do no wish to make any mistakes. My object is to tell all my old friends now that I am still alive, and desirous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or upon such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liber al patronage heretofore bestowed. THOS. CHARMAX, Main Street, Oregon City, Legal Tenders and County Scrtt" taken at market rates. THOS. C11AKMAN. KT"50,000 lbs wool wanted by THOS. CHARMAX, GREAT SLAUGHTER ! IN DEY-GOODS AND CLOTHING! PANIC PRICES! AT -A.. LEVY'S. The goods have been bought at PANIC PRICKS and will be sold in accordance. Don"t forget calling before you lay la your supplies. Oregon City, March 31. 1874 .-tf NEW OFFERS ! NEW IDEAS ! See the Grand Gifts of Our Fireside Friend to its Subsrribers. Entirely new and unprecedented, and such as will Interest every one. You mill It If you don't send for sam ples und fall particulars which are aent free t SEE TIIE GREAT "WATCH OFFER ! OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND in now In its Fifth Volume, thoroughlv established as the leading family and story Weekly In the Union, has the largest circulation, and the best appointed printing and pub lishing establishment and building i" the West. Is a large eight-page illustrated and original family Weekly, price S3.U0 per year. Every subscriber receiver a magnificent premium and a share in the distribution, Subscribe now.' WE WANT AGENTS. We want a representative in every neigh borhood. Nothing equals it for agents, male or female, young or old. Large Cash Wages and a Superb Outfit, exclusive ter ritory, which is rapidly rilling up. Must apply at once. Subscribe by sending $3,0i, and receive tho paer one year, a magnifi cent premium, a share in the distribution and receive also Free a Complete Outfit, or send for particulars. Name territory de sired in writing. Address Waters t Co., Publishers, Chicago, 111. J. P. DA VIES. JOSHUA DA VIES. J. P. DAVIES & CO., AUCTIONEERS Ays COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FIRE-PROOF STONE BCILDIXO, . WHARF STREET, VICTORIA. B. C. Libexal Advances Made on Consignments. July 21. 1874 dy JOHN M. BACON IMPORTER AND DEALER fifil in uooks, stationery. Perfum ery, etc., etc. Oregon Cltyj Oregon. At Charmsn 4 Warner's old standi zt? eytoux-t-H r-r fc. Ac-See aa an. Mstn tfr. AUCTIIOK AND COMMISSION. A. B. RICHARDSON, -Ajuo fione ex, Corner of Front & Oalt sts., Portland Auction Sales Of Real Estate Groceries? General SJer chandise and Horses. SALE DAYS Wednesday and Saturday A. B. RICHARDSON , Auctioneer. At Private Sale. English Refined Bar and Bundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast Steel, Horse Shoes, Rasps, Saws.Screws.Fry-Pans, Sheet Iron, R. G.Iron.i ALSO A large assortment of Groceries and Lia uors. A. B. RICHARDSON. Jan. 1. IS78-tf. Auctioneer. NEW GOODS GOOD NEWS! PRICES REDUCED TO SUIT THE TIMES. LOOK OUT FOR GOOD IS All GAINST o O S. ACKER WS AN & CO. H AVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE stock of O SPRING & SUMMER GOODS which they offer CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST!' O We would say come ani convince your self before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock consists in part of Fancy and Staple . Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Notions, Grocer ies. Hard ware, and a great many other articles too numer ours to mention ; also. Door., Windows,, o Glass and Putty, ete eta All kinds of Produce taken la exenango for Good' ALSO Wool Wanted For which we pay the Highest rrlces. S. ACKERMAN Ji CO. Oregon Cit y, October 31, 1873-tf. OREGON STEAMSHIP CO.'S STEAMBOAT NOTICE ! Str. E. 1ST. COOKE, Will leave OREGON CITY for PORTLAND every day Except Sunday, at o'clock, A. M. Returning, will leave Portland for Oregon City at 23 o'clock, P. M. Str. ALICE, Will leave OREGON CITY forCORVALLIS every Monday and Thursday of each week. Str. DAYTON, Will leave OREGON CITY for McMINN- ILLE, CAFAYETTE and DaYTON, and all points between, everv Mondav, Wed nesday and Friday of each week. "Leaves the Basin at 8 o'clock, a. m., and connect with the train at Canemah at , A. m. Str. AEI3AjSTY. Leaves OREGON CITY for UAKRISBURU and LLGENE and all intermediate points every week. Str. Eannie IPatton, Leaves OREGON CITY for ALBANY and all intermediaie points between twice ev ery week. J. D. BILES. Agent, Oregon City.Fe.bruary. 111. 874. WAGON AND CARRIAGE JI A IV U FACTORY ! fTlHE UNDERSIGNED. JL having increased the di mensions of bis nrpmico, ot the old stand on the ' Corner of Main and Third Street, Oregon City, Oregon, Takes this method of informing hi old pa trons, and as many new ones as mav be nlaoeA1 . ..ii a. l x J i w h", mat ne is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the very best of mechanics, to build anew re construct, make, paint, iron and turn out .i vwiuiju-h:, iiy won, oi a venicle from a common Cart to a Concord Coach. Try me. BlacVsralthlng, Dorse or Ox Shoring and General Jobbing neatly, quickly, and cheaply done. DAVID SMITH. Will. BROUQIf TOX WOULD INFORM TIIE CITIZENS OF Oregon City and vicinity that he is prepared to furnish FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER "i every acscnpiion. q DRY FLOORING, CEILING, SPRITE (for shelving.) LATTICE, PICKETS, FENCE POSTS (Cedar Constantly oil Hand. Street and Sidewalk lumber furnished on the. shortest notice, at as low rates as It can be purchased in the State. Give me a call at the OBECO.X CITV SIM' wrrra, March i$, it O 0 - O o o G O O o 0 o o o 0 o 0 1 0, O