, . ., 1 . . O o o G o o o to o O G O c o o 3 o o G G G O 5 f C 1 THE EfiTEBPRiSE, OREGOrcITyToREGOy, JULY 21, 1874. iCOMIX. Without you , without you, my darling ! Without von! what more caul say. To show you how lonely my heart is. Whenever your heart 13 away ? I wait and 1 watch for you, dearest, r. With never a doubt or a tear, lJut that somo to-morrow will bring Some day of all days in the year. I Tow many to-morrows there have been! How marry to-morrows may bo! Tii' loudest but brings me the nearer. That day ot all others to me. And often? I f:iney linear 3011, Your hand on the latch of the door, Your voioe in the hall, r.nd your foot steps Closer closer beside me once more. With tflatt eyes half shut, now I see you, A-s strong, and as brave, ami as true ; And eyes I kr-.ow, even in darkness, .Belong to no other than you. CI knowhat, at last, it is over The wearying trouble and care; And courage and comfort come back, with The touch of your hand on my hair. Ilcnrv Ward IJcechcr. From the Chicago Tribune. The result which AVas anticipated ly a recent article in this paper upon the Tilton-l!'.l?cher scandal has come to pass. Mr.'Theadore Tilton, push ed into a comer by the assaults of the lluv. Leonard Bacon, the pillar of New Englajid Congregationalism, and placed in -a position where, if he longer remains silent, he must en dure the unenviable reputation of being considered a liar and a slan derer, has at wist made public the foundation fthe charges against the ltev. II ry Ward Beecher, which liavo .Jt;tofore rested upon rumor and tu.; statements of irre sponsible parties. The nature of these charge is not given in detail, but as Mr. Tilton speaks of them as "offenses which I forbear to name or characterize," and as in the same connection he prints a letter in which Mr. Beecher egresses the most humble contrition and penitence, and even wishes that he were dead, it may be assumed that they are of the gravest character, affecting him not only as a minister but also as a man. A brief review of the case will preparo the readers for the status it has now reached. These charges lirst saw the light in the columns of of Woodhull awl ClarHiits Weekleu, a paper published by the notorious Mrs. Woodhull and her equally no torious sister, lennie (J. Clalllin The character of these women, who frou the most charitable point of view are adventuresses, and of their paper, which was not long since sup pressed by the authorities for its in decent and infamous libels, was not such as to secure any credence for the story; but -subsequently it came before the public, directly from Mr. Henry C. Bowen, a prominent mem ber of Ply moil! Ii Church, and indi rectly from Mr. Tilton, in such a manner that the public at once took shies regarding the scandal. Mean while Mr. Tilton voluntarily severed his connection with Plymouth Church, that organization neither making any protest against it nor calling him to account for it. The slander spread, and grew as it spread, and soon passed tho limits of Plym outh Church aJl the Congregational denomination, ..ml became common talk all over theecountry. Then fol lowed tho tripartite agreement be tween Messrs. Beecher, Bowen and Tilton, by which everything was to be forgiven and forgotten. Complete and promising as the partnership was, it was formed too late. The story was in every one's mouth, and had assumed dimentions which were formidable, and began to seriously injure not only Plymouth Church, but other Congregational churches. Th protest at lirst came in a friendly sp..it of advice, but it was nuheeded. Plymouth Church iirni'j- and d.-faatly refused to recognize tho charges, and virtually informed the remonstrating church es that they could mind their own business. This action superinduced the calling of the Congregational Council at the instance of the Itevs. Storrs and Budington, of New Yew. Ostensibly the object of this Council was to determine what constituted the conditions of membership in the Church, the iiioilna ojcrandl of ter minating that membership, and some minor points of discipline, but in re ality this slander w. s the impelling cause, and it colored all the proceed ings of tho Council. The finding of this Council, a.-.'our readers will re member, was that there had been technical laches on the part of Plym outh Church, which was warnednot to repeat tho oiTeiise. Although the charges did not .figure in the verdict, it is impossible i to doubt, from its general tenor, that the Council ex pected Ply morn h Church would in vestigate andftclinitely settle them. Since that time,: however, Plymouth Church has taen no steps in the matter. Meanwhile, the Bev. Mr. Leonard Bacon, who ditjw up the report of the Council, through the columns of liever in Mr. Beecher's innocence. These successive attacks at last plac ed Mr. Tilton in such a despicable position that he waived the privil eges of non-membership in Plymouth Church, and offered to appear before the examining committee for trial upon the charge of slandering Mr. Beecher. Mr. Tilton's letter was not brought before the church at all, but at a priv. 3 meeting of the lead ers they per -nptorily declined tho offer. "Thou Mr. Tilton made public the charges, and tiled a copy with the Bev. Leonard Bacon, the Moder ator of the Council. The investiga tion now must come. The charges m 1st be answered, or Mr. Beecher must suffer; and, if Plymouth Church does not investigate it, un doubtedly the Congregational Union will take action, leplorable as the case is, it is for the best interests of Mr. Beecher, of . Plymouth Church, and of morality and religion, that it should be settled at once. Grieved as all good men will be to find that Mr. B 'echtr ha been guilty of im proper conduct, and eminent as his p,isiti u is, there is no reason why :t:i . 1 1 .11 hfnl.l be m.uio in his Wiiii-c; he skouU tot fce cos- ihe Lt'J'.'peuil'Sti:kia.a male a series of lierce attacks ul'U Mr. Tilton which have been all t 1 more forcible be cause Mr. Bac has been a firm be- demried because he is a man of gen ius, neither should his offenses be extenuated because he is a man of genius. He should be treated like any other man under accusation. His offense should be neither magni fied nor condoned. If he is inno cent, tho public will rsjoie. If he is guilty, then, he must meet the con sequences. "While he cannot erase the past or undo what he has already done, he has yet a future before him, and that future will be his own mak ing. The American people have long regarded him as one of the in stitutions of the land. Their affec tions have gone out to him; their pride has been centered in him. While the pinnacle from which he falls (if fall he must) is so high, it does not follow that he will be dash ed in pieces. "While, if guilty, he can never be the same Henry Ward Beecher to the public that he was before, still friends will gather about him, not to condone a fault which morality must condemn, but to life more fitting his great endow ments and his high calling; and among them the Chicago Tribune will be found, if his course shall be frank, manly, and honorable. A quibbling or evasive policy will now complete his ruin. A Little Game. Tho following described sinful little game was in dulged in at Atlanta, Georgia: A par ty of young men dined sumptuously at a restaurant, and each one insist ed upon paying the bill. To decide the matter, it was Dronosod to blind. fold the waiter and the first one he caught should pay the bill. He has not caught any of them yet. FINANCIAL IjlXIIIBIT OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY Li for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1S71 : County Treasurer's Report. COCXTr FCSD ACCOCXT. DR. To coin on hand Aug.!), 1873..$ 8S7 73 locum on Clarion to. war rant 731 91 l -'ti 21 loO 5.8 40 50 StS 33 27 00 To int. Marion Co. warrant.. 10 coin lor currency sold...., To coin lor trial lees To coin, land redeemed '. lo coin, lerrv lieensi' To coin of Sheriff, taxes lor is. is Total coin 4508 74 (j.377 03 To currency on hand Aug. it, 1-x.J -5 35 27 To currency, forfeiture of road bonds 50 55 170 20 $ 731 91 200 00 To currency lor trial tecs Total, currency To Marion Co. warrant $ 205 02 loto. warrant on citizens near 1'mlili 111' rivi.r To Co. warrants of Sheritr! 1 axes ior isi.i .15751 9S lotal, Co. orders lWWti 8'J School fund $ siXMi 47 COUNTY FUND ACCOUNT, tit. I5y coin for redeemed Co. warrants 4lSi 70 By interest on redeemed t.'o. warrants By coin on hand to balance Total, coin By currency sold By cur. on hand to balance Total, currency By Marion Co. warrant S 555 82 J 837 42 S 0577 03 171 35 tn U7 S 2135 02 31 91 ay tit-res VDuciiers lor cancelled warrants.... 15l OS Total, Co. warrants... SltiCSU Sy STATE FUND ACCOUNT, PH. coin on hand Auur. 9, To 173 $ no 00 iocoin of Assessor, ."State poll tax, 1873 To coin of Sheriff, .State tax, 1873 To State warrant and int... To coin of Assessor, State IoIl tax 98 00 11309 CI 108 41 5-5 00 Total SU78J 02 STATE FUND ACCOUNT, UK. By State Treasurer's le- reciej.t 1172 02 By coin on hand to balance; c5 0) Total ? I 1780 02 Cunty Clerk's Iteport. EXI'KNDITUKKS : Kxnenses of Circnif Vnrt 1200 CO 2323 82 253 55 S513 00 41 00 1008 05 2752 50 751 80 423 50 Kxpenses of County Court .Miscellaneous, stationery, wood, etc Bridges, lumber lor road district, anil rcnairiii"- of bril.-i.c Drawing jury for Justice Peace 1. nun Criminal cases in Justice Peace Court Collection of taxes, including sta tionery. COliiesof assessment, roll Paupers, insane, etc Board of prisoners, repa;rs of Jail, etc Elections.including posting notices notices on judges, poll-books, re turn of jxU-looks, per diem of Judges and Clerks Ko.tils and extra pay Supervisors'. lM.striet Attorney's fees 'ouuty Commissioners Kent of Court House, salaries of County Judg Treasurer and School Superintendent 1070 38 1277 01 15K m 277 00 I'M).) 00 Total amount for which orders were drawn ?22079 10 Amount of outstanding orders at last rcort 12-320 91 . Total S 5 1100 01 By amount of cancelled and redeemed orders f 1963:) 33 By amount of outstanding orders to dale 11775 (is Total S3 J 100 01 Outstanding orders to date $11773 68 ASSETS : Certificates of lands sold for delinquent taxes 1131 01 Coin in Treasury, Co. fund 1837 42 urrency " " k (17 Judgment in State case 310 8) Total Indebtedness overandabov $3378 93 eassets1139G 75 ,, SUMMARY: Uccivcd from all sources... By amount paid State tax , on School Suj.t s orders, coin " " currencv....! By amount school fund on hand, coin By school fund m"hand" currency ' By amount count v fund on hand. : 13313 43 10772 02 95: 00 6200 37 233 31 1211 16 200 01 1837 42 90 67 55 00 174 35 19030 33 100 1 20 731 9i By amount county "fund on hand, currencv By amount state "fund ori hand, coin By amount currency "soid " By amount cancel fbd and redeemed county orders.. By amount interest paid on cancelled and redeemed county orders By amount Marion county warrant redeemed $14315 4 3 It. F. CAU FIELD, County Clerk. Attest : July Cth, 1871. If flic Stomach U wroiir, nt is wrono. Tarbast-s Kfkkrvescent- Seltzer J 2 erient. while acting as a corrective ufxn that organ, gently cx.h Is all tnorbKl mat. terfrom the alimentary canal n.l parts a healthful activiiyto the sh 4sn liver. For sale by the whole drug trade. IMPERIAL M l L L S, iNivier, LaRoetjue & Co. Oregon Cit. iv"-p constantly "u uanu ior sale Flour Mi M!in:rs. P.Ian and Chicken Keen ; purchasing f-jed must furnish the sack. 9- j-ry-fv-y-a siJsivro:isrs. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the ecunt.y of Clackamas. Suit for partition. George W. ri-osser; Plaintiff, vs. William II. Prosser. Hester A. Coolr, John P. Cjok, Aithur Warner, Adr;-.hs-tratorof the Estate of Ma ry lesser, deceabed. Defendants. To William If. I'Totser, on ; of the above Ktm f deerulftn ts : iN THE NAMK OF THE STATE CI OR cgon.you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint illed cgainis you in the above entitled suit, by the first day of the term of said Court following the expiration of six weeks f,t)m the lirst pub lication of this summons. Said Prst pub lication being on the 17th day of July, 1874, and said next term of said Court com mencing on the fourth (4th) Monday of September, 1874. And if you fail to an swer said complaint, t he plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief demanded therein, which is for the partitioning and sale of ntract of land belonging to plaintiff and defendants herein, situated in Clack amas county. State of Oregon, being parts of sections eight and nine in Township two South, Itange one East of the Willamette Meridian. By order of the Hon. W. W. Upton Judge of said Court, dated the eleventh day of July 1874. SEITIMUS IIUELAT, c Attorney for Plaintiff. July 17, 1874. 7t Administrator's Sale! In the County Court of Clackamas county, Oregon. In the matter of the estate of Jacob Kan dip, deceased : "V"OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IX iy pursuance of an order and license made and given by the Hon. County Court of Clackamas county, Oregon, at t he July term, 1871, thereof, we will proceed to sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the Court House door, in Oregon City, on Saturday, August the 7th, A. 1). 1871, at the hour of 1 o'clock p.m., the following de scribed pa-cel of land, situated in Clacka mas county, Oregon, and belonging to the estate of said deceased, to-wit : The sout h 'i of the S. E. at section 32, in T. 3, S. It. 3 E. of the Willamette meridan, contain ing 80 acres. Terms of sale Gold coin down at the time of sale. Deeds at the ex pense of purchaser. GEORGE C. KANDLE, It. X. BILLINGS, Ad mi n istrators. Oregon City. July 10th, 1871. JOHN SCHRAFV1, Main St., Oregon City. MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF Saddles, Hurnexx, ' U:,l,11ri-lflI-l ----- - j ware, etc., etc. w IIICII HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS can be had in the State, at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. K7 warrant my goods as represented. 1,000 DEER SKINS WANT 1M3, -AXD ALSO, VLL OTIIElt KINDS OK HIDES, FOR which I will pay the hihes market pr'ce in cash T.ring on your hides and get your coin for them. JOHN SCIIRAM, Saddle anil Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, 1373-m3. AlOllC V I MONEY TO LEND IN SUMS OF 5500, and upwards. Oregon City, March 10, 1871. mai:;tf JOHNSON A McCOWN. DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, COJIXEIl OF SEVENTH AND MAIN STREETS, OREGON CITY. Has Just Iloceived a New Stock of Calicoes, Dress Goods, Brown and Bleached Sheetings, House Lining, Shirtings, Table-Linen, Irish Bosom Linens, Linen Towelling, Table-Cloths, Corsets, Ladies' and Gents' Hose, Thread, Cambrics, Buttons, Ilibbons, Laces and Insertions, Embroidery, White Goods, Millinery, Fancy Goods, Ac Also, a full assortment of LADIES' AND CHILDERN'S SHOES, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Wicks and Chimneys "Wliicli Have bee selecJetl witli special rare far litis inurkrt and cannot HE StnPASSED IN (IUAUTY OH PKICE. THi: HIGHEST MAKKI1T PltlCH PAII L'OK COUNTRY PUODUCIi, March 13, 1873 :tf NEW YORK HOTEL (Deutfches Galthaus.) No. 17 Front Street, Opposite the Mail Steamship Landing, POIITLAXD, OKEMOX. ir.ROTIIFOS, J. J. WILKE.XS, Proprietors. Roard "3 Week IJoard V Week with lodging ti. Hoard lit Iay 1. Jl. 1IIGHFIEL1). Est al)li.HMl since ' !'., at the old stand. Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon. 1 An assortment of Wathes, Jewel p Vv ry.and Seth Thomas' Weight Clocks .'Ja all of which are warranted to be as S ' .UsS represented. srjRepairlng done on short notice, and h ankful for past patronage. OREGON CITY BREWERY ' Henry llumbel, H AV1NG PITRCIIAS ed tho above Brew- ery wishes to inform the public that he is now prepared to manufacture a No. 1 qual ity of IMAGER JIB IR, as good as can be obtained anywhere in the state. Orders solicited and promptly tilled. A. C. VVALLINC'S PIONEER BOOK BINDERY. Pittock's Kulldintr Corner of Stark and Front Street. PORTLAND, - OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED AND BOUND to any desired pattern. Music books. Magazines, Newspapers, etc., bound in ev ery variety of style known to the trrade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. THE PARKER GUN SEND STAMP FCR CIRCULAR PARKER BROS . WEST MERiBENCT. C0URT3SY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY" CF CXIFORNIA, MM Mustang Liniment was first known in America. Its merits are now well known throughout the habitable world. It has the oldest and best record of any liniment in the world. From the millions upon millions of bottles sold not a single complaint has ever reached us. As a Healing and Pain-Subduing liniment it has no equal. It is alike, beneficial to MAN AND BEAST. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. S. T.-1860-X Ye OLD Homestead Tonic Plantation Bitters a purely Vegttahlt Preparation, comased cf Calisaya Bark, Roots, Herts and Fruits, among which will be found Sarsaariian, Dandelion, Wild Cherry, Sassafras, Tansy, Genitan, Stveei Flagy etc.; also Tamarinds, Dates, Prunes and Juniper Berries, preserved in a sumcicnt quantity oniyj oj tic spirit oj ou gar Cane to keep in any climate. They inva riably relieve and cure the following com plaints! Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Com plaints, Loss of Appetite, Headache, Bilious Attacks, Fever and Ague, Summer Complaints, Sour Stomach, Palpitation of the Heart, Gen eral Debility, etc. They are especially adap ted as a remedy for the diseases to which VI' O MEN are subjected, and as a tonitrfor the Aged, Feeble and Debilitated, has no equal. They are strictly intended as a Temperance Tonic or Bit ters, to be used as a medicine only, and always according to directions. Sold by All First-class Druggists. LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE STABLE, rpiIE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIETOR OF L the livery Stable on Fifth street.Oregon City, Oregon, keeps constantly on hand Saddle nncl Tin i(y Horses, Ilujgg-iea, Carriages and Hacks. lrices Ueafcjoxia'ble. He will also run a hack to and from the WILHOIT SODA SPRINGS during the summer season, with good horses.com petent and gent lemanly drivers. FARE AT LIVING KATES. J. M. FRAZER, Proprietor. Orecron City, May 27, 1X7.1. MA X UFA CTO R IRS. WILLIAM SINGER FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF Furniture, Blinds, and Doors, AND MOULDINGS OK A I.I, SIZES. They will also do Turning of every de scription to order, WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH ! eyAll work warranted. Shop on the River, in Lewis' Shop Opposite Orejron City Mills. AGENTS FOR THE ENTERPRISE. The fol lowl 11 n. nnrenne .1 vi n..tt.. 1 - - - - - -1 . ui uui Jtu LO act as agents lor the Enteispkisk : ueo. l Howell & Co., 40 Park Row, New York. floe. WetheHll A- Cr lilir rM,,.t Philadelphia. .00011 s Co., rso.sz and 81 Nassau street New Yorlr. Portland.Oregon L.Samuel San Francisco J 7 J.iovco . . 'I ! Wisher St. Heler Pnliimlita iniinf i .v m:i Astoria, Clatsop county A. Van Dusen .-.aiem. 1,. jlli;lrns Harrisburp J. II. smith Lafaj-ette.Yahihill county J. L. Ferguson 1 In 1 In c I..tL- Animtr I Tr. , . .m. j .i.'i 1 101 mes F'.oln i ta jny Jacksonville R. K. Hanna iK-iitoii t-ouiity v. A. Wells Corval lis 1 Ion. John 1 iu rnet't Canyon City,irant co W. Is. I-iswell Alba n) N. Arnold Dalles, Wasco county N. II. tiates LaGrande, Union county A. c". Crai" enaieion, umauiia county s. V. Knox Eugene City J . Thompson 'i lot W Roseburg Hon. I,. F. iane Lebanon . - J- Montague Jacksonville. . .IIon. E. b. Foudrav Long Tom II. C. Huston CLACKAMAS COCXTY. Beaver Creek ......C. F. Beatie Rutteville .Toh Cascades..... ..Ilenrv Wr n Canby... - : JT. W. st rawser uutling s i). Wrijrht F.aplp Cree Ir ............. Frank V r.-. JT1 Harding's ..Capt. C. Norton Lower Molalla. .W. More-land Mil waukie. ....... ...... ...... John TTq n- v. Oswego....... Joh n Do?i Upper aioiaiia- W. H. Vauchan THE ROOM FORMERLY OCCUPiFn , , a the Council Chamber, in Dr. Thes ing's brick building. Apply at thlVoffllc A FACTORY LAST CHANCE FOR All EASY FORTUNE ! FIFTH AND LAST CONCERT IX AID OF THE PUBLIC Library of Kentucky. JXJLY"31, 187-1. List of Gifts: One Grand Cash Gift f 250,000 One Grand Cash Gift 100,000 One Grand Cash Gift 75,000 One Grand Cash Gift 50,000 One Grand Cash Gift 25,000 5 Cash Gifts, $20,000 each 100,000 10 Cash Gifts, 14,0O0each 140,000 15 Cash Gifts, 10,000 each 150,000 20 Cash Gifts, 5,000 each 100,000 25 Cash Gifts, 4,000 each 100,000 30 Cash Gifts, 3,000 each 90,000 50 Cash Gifts, 2,000 each 100,000 100 Cash Gifts. 1,000 each 100,000 210 Cash Gifts, 500 each 120.000 500 Cash Gifts, 100 each 50,000 lil.000 Cash Gifts, 50,00. - 950 000 Grand Total $2,500,000 Price of Tickets t Whole Tickets, S50; halves, $25; tenth, or each coupon, $5; 11 whole tickets for $500 ; 22 tickets for $1,000. Fcr Tickets or information, address THOS. E. BRAMLETTE, Agent and Manager, ; Public Library Building, Louisville, Ky. SPRING & SUMMER GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT I. SELLINO'S DEALER IN Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, Crockery, Notions, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods, etc., etc., etc., etc Main Street, Oregon City. Produce of all kinds bought, for which I pay the highest market price. If you e sire good Goods at Iw prices, call at I. S HI, I. I JY 7 V and examine his new stock of Sprinr goods (Jive me a call and convince yourselves My motto is, " QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS." Wool Wanted ! The highest market price paid for wool' I. SELLING. Oregon City, Oct. 31, 1873-tf. NATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. First Street between Alder nml 3Ifr riiion St., and Alder Street between First unci Front Streets. Ioi'tlaiicl, Oregon. 4 N INSTITUTION DESIGNED TO PRE XV pare ROYS, i'OLW'41 and M1DDLR AUR1 AfJA'lor Business Alfairs. II. M. Di'FK A XC K, : W. L. "WHITE, : t : President. Secretsi ry. For acquiring a l',rtclici7 DuHnrs.t Kiiuc'. tion this institution otters superior advan tages, and is acknoA ledir- d bv Ix-adiny; Business Men to be the b-.-t ' C1oi 1 11 11 1 -1 i a 1 C ) 1 1 ( u-o on the Pacific Coast, .inl second to none. Each Depanment is First l ias?, and is un der the special charge of kxi'kriknckd teachers, and the whole school is under the immediate superintendence of the President and Secretary. The school room and counting are united upon a plan that secures to the student all the practical ad vantantages of each. There is in 01 cration A ll.VNKIXG IIOVSK fully illustrating that business. The same system being observed in each department, the student buys, sells, ships, barters, con signs, discounts, insures, draws checks, notes and drafts, gives lenses, deeds, Ac, and goes through the entire routine of ACTUAL BUSINESS. In adding to the completeness of the In stitution the proprietors have instituted a SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES. The entrance to rooms of thi Department is ujwm Alder street, and access to them is had only by the teachers and lad v stu dents. Rare facilities are oHVred to ladies for acquiring a Thorough Knowledge of Business Practice ; of Telegraphy and Pen manship. The DEPARTMENT OF TELEGRAPHY is in charge of first-class cM-rators and teachers, and supplied with all the appar atus of a first-class olliee. This Institution as now conducted claims to have facilities for imparting n thorough knowledge of tho Art of Peiiniaiishin ! that not one in ton of tho UrsrxEss Cor.- partment boinfr umir tlio special suKrin tendfnee of one of the Leading Penmen of For full particulars send for National . ..... .1 . ' ..ui.i.r.ur. ouLiv.ai. eiiL 10 any part of the countrv free. Address HfFHAXCE Si WHITE, Ixjck Box 101, Portland, Oregon. WOULD INFORM THE CITIZENS OK Oregon t ity and vicinitv that he is prepared to furnish FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, Of every description. DRV FLOORING, CEILING, Sl'IUCK (for shelving,) LATTICE, PICKETS, FENCE POSTS (Cedar) Constantly on Hand. Street and Sidewalk lumber furnished on the shortest notice, at as low rates as it can be purchased in the State. dive me a call at the OUKGOX CITY SAW JHLLS. March 13, 1871 H( ' WAGON AND CARRIAGE M A N U FACTORY ! THE UNDERSIGNED, having increased t he di mensions of his premises, at t the old sin ml on the ai Corner or Main and Third Street, Oregon City, Oregon, Takes this method of informing his old pa trons, and as many new ones as maybe pleased to call, that Iip Is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the very best of mechanics, to build anew, re construct, make, paint, iron and turn out all Complete, anv sort of a vehicle from a common Cart to a Concord Coach. Try me. ISlacksniitUinfr, Horse or Ox Shoeing1 and General Jobbing neatlv, quieklv, and cheaply done. DAVID SMITH. RECREATION! HEALTH! Willioit Socla tSxings ! THIS KSTABUSHMEXT, SO CELE. brated for the medical qualties of its water, is again open for the reception of guests. They are reached In one day from either Portland or Salem. JOH WILHOIT, Proprietor. June 3d, 1371. Ju5ini. M R R CHA ND I SB. JOHN MYERS, OREGON :CBTY. DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, liOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY. A N D GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Books and' Stationery. I will pay the highest priccsfor Butter, and all kinds of GOOD COUNTRY PRODUCE, J will sell as low as any house in Oregon for CASH OR ITS EQUIVALENT n Good Merchantable Produce. I am selling very low for CAlt IS MAT I, cash hid for m m orders Give me a call and satisfy yourselves. JOHN MYERS. Oregon City, March 21. 1S73. ENTERPRISE BOOK & JOB OFFICE OREGON CITY, : OREGON. WE ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE all kinds of JOB PRINTING, such as CARDS, BILL-HEADS, PAMPHLETS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, LA EELS, I ETTER-IIEA DS, in fact all kinds of work done a in Print ine Office, at PORTLAND PRICES. ALL KINDS OP LEGAL BLANKS! constantly on hand, and for sale at as low a price as can be had in the State.j Work Solictcrt A N D SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.' Oregon City, March 21, lS73-tf. For Sfilc! About 150 pounds of long prim er, of which this is an impression. Has been in use but a short time, good work. Price 25 cents p lb, either tied up or in cases cases extra. ALSO, A small font of Konperiel of which this is an impression. Price 35 cents B. A good as new. There id enough to set about one column of this paper wlid. Address ihiM office. still 15. THETiTTTr REMOVED SECOND DOOR SOUTH HAAS SALOON "CF WILLIAMS & HARDING AT THE- S LINCOLN BAKERY EEP THE MOST COMPT t- ' ' of t amily Groceries tn i, TOri- price paid for country produce M NOW IS THE TIKE TO SUIiSCIUBE FOR THE ENTERPRISE. 82 50 PEI? YEAR, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Each number contains the LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, From all Parts of the World ; A Carefully Selected Summary tSt STATE AND TERRITORIAL NEWS ITEMS; A Corrected List f the .Markets iu Porlland, San Francisco and Omen (i!y LOCAL MnYS, EDITORIALS, e On all Subjects of Interest to the FAIUIO, .T.EIUHAM OR ME(7J.Vr. Also, Carefully Selected m i c 1:1.1. a n i :o us it r: a i) 1 In .Short.it is in Every Ilcsj-cct a LIVE NEWSPAPER, c i TUSK liTEII FISI.E: ! i Having a large and constaiitiv incn a?ii Circulation in the most 1 niulruis art of the ytate, oflTors sui)erior induccmcEts to those who wish to Advertise. Advertisements inserted on REASONABLE TERMS? 0 The Campaign of 1S71 will soon Upr, and it is therefore a good time to SubscriW in order that you may be posted on currant events. Send in your subserii t inn at f.'n S1 -v Celebrated BEST TONSG IH CSS. Thfftt. 7?;v tin tint ftnlu li$- tinguish themselves by their fla vor and aromatic odor abore (ill others generally used, but arc (i the same time an excellent torn' and an elJieacions stimulant to (xcite the appetite. They ?c prepared from the most choice (did wholesome herbs and root", mid have-given universal satis faction wherever tried. Thous ands of dyspeptics have foiia" relief through their use, ana ph isicians recommend them ' the euro of all diseases the Blood and Liver, ' irregularities of the diyestuc organs. n ,.vl. Headache, Biliousness, and Consupa Uon, General Debility and loss of aPP1 are all caused by the derangement of tn Stomach, Liver and other functionaries 01 the system. The IXL. Bitters have been successfully used and are warranted alleviate the sufferer in all the above cast. ftaThe IXL liittcrs are sold onlyX in glass; lo sell other than the genuine article out of our botUcs u Jtl znd uc u ill when delated, prosecute "c parties to the full extent of the luu: Read Plijslclan's Certificate on cacli Bottle. Every family should have them in the hovtt. Sold everywhere. i, IT. JVrSTJSIN.C cor Sole Proprietor, A'o. S18 Front St., San. Francisco, Cat. IVe are alto tl ""'atOB, Of DR. HBSLEV'S ltE-lrJi. a purgalWe mild and efl, ,i In purely Tcgetable eomponMi ?. , ererv -vrmy superior oplH- i,rmad Agcnti ror the l1r'? J?fv ftf LOSDO.V ROVAL PjfM j ilb- peelflc for the BIaADVsZR1 KEYS. March C6m3