Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, May 22, 1874, Image 2

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Does Clackamas Belong to Mult
ltomali f
rri1X r ii. .
..All nnrrnv lfir o? 1C7I lJCUrlu ul vmc.h.a.nias county
OREGON CITY, OREGON MAY 22. ISyj. 8boula remember on theflay of eJ
tion that the Radical ticket for this
Fr Congress t
GEO, A. LaDOW", of Umatilla.
" For Governor j
L. F. GltOVETt. of Marion Co.
For Secrlnry of State i
S. F. CHAD WICK, of Douglas.
For Stnte Treasurer I
A. II. BROWX, of Baker.
For Stute Printer :
M. V. BROWN, of Linn.
Superintendent of Public Instruction :
E. J. DAAVNE, of Marion.
Of Multnomah County.
For I'ronecu t i n "I Attorney,
n. y. Tiiorrsoisr.
Of Multnomah Connty.
For Prosecuting Attorney, First District.
H. K. UA.., of Jackson County.
For Judgo of Second Judicial District,
I. F. MOKIIEK, of Douglas County.
For Prosecuting Attorney,
C. AV. FITCH, of Lane County.
For Prosecuting Attorney, Third District,
JT. J. WHITXKV, of Iinn County,
ror-Prosecuting Attorney. Fifth District,
W. M. I.ltiuU'EI.U of Grunt County.
For State .Senator:
For Representatives:
Ilenrv Mc-Outrin, .T. AV.
Caiiie, lr No)-ei-,
J. ZNT. Reed,
For Count v Judo :
AV. L. W I I 1 T K.
county was mafte up and put in the
field by the wire-workers from Mult
nomah county, and if the ticket is
successful, it will be in the interest
of the same corporation which cost
this county thousands of dollars
four years ago by a remission of its
taxes. Do tiie people of this county
propose to be controlled by the Rad-
ical King of Portland in the future
as in the past ? Not o Radical ticket
for the past six years has been nom
inated in this county unless by the
consent and advise of the Portland
ring. The small politicians of this
county dare not do anything contra
ry to the Ring's dictation. Two
years ago Capt. Apperson was slaugh
tered bv them, and then because their
man Warner was left oat by the con
vention, they showed their power and
defeated Ramsby. They have ap
parently made p with the discor
dant elements this time, but they
propose to defeat such of these fel
lows jvho have dared to defy their
authority and power iu the past.
Are not the people of Clackamas
county capable of selecting their own
officers, independent of the dictation
of monopoly rings and their coin?
"We trust that they will prove that
they are by voting against every
Radical on the lung ticket. Let
Multnomah understand that Clacka
mas is able to govern herself.
Cetting Desperate.
For Count v Commissioners:
.T. A. Fields, A. J. Canon.
For Nlieriii":
o. i 13 1 a t i f:.
For Count v Clerk :
fra:st3v a fostej?.
For Countv Treasurer :
.T. J V A It IX
For Assessor :
l f: av io I
For School Superintendent :
AV. At O 11 ELAND.
For Survivor:
G Oil II AM 13 hi DC Kir
- For Coroner :
Sara. May's 15 i;!.
Judge Detuly, wo was appointed
referee in the cae of the State of
Oregon vs. Jesse pplcgate and I).
F. Dowell, sureties of Ham. May, the
late Kadical Secretary of State under
Woods, and now a Federal appointee
in Utah, has remised his findings,
. and the verdict a judgment in
favor of the State for t?lV101. This
is for money May stole while in oflice,
and covers a large number of .small
The Radicals, what few there are
left of them in this place, have be
come desperate and within the past
week have tried all kinds of expedi
ents to keep people from leaving
their rottoL ship. They have manu
factured all manner of falsehoods
and still that does them no good.
But the most positive fact that they
are gone in is, that their snarling
little-brained followers are becoming
excited and losing their temper.
One of them, known as a surveying
member of the last Legislature, so
far forgot decency that lie called an
old man, gray with the weight of
years upon him, and yvhich should
have been a protection from insult,
a liar, on a point where there is plen
ty of room for difference of opinion.
They will try to keep up their sink
ing cause until after the election on
the fame bullying principle that
their chief, Jockey Tolnian, tried in
this city.
Tolman, when asked why Demo
cratic newspapers are not allowed to
lil for the Government printing,
stated that it was put down, so low
that it was not worth going after.
This is a barefaced falsehood. The
Government printing in this State,
outside of. Multnomah county, is
worth more than the legal printing
of Oregon. The Radicals keep up
three or four papers with this kind
of patronage, that would die in one
week were it taken from them.
When the EMn;iT.isE was one of the
favored organs of the Administration
thefts. The Radicals have any j it got more from the Government
amount of check to .ask the people to j than the legal advertising amounts
r..,'nct.,fn i.,, nM,.,i .,f i to in this county.
ILIUOlIll LUV iil llllll. III.? V- 1 WX j
tJL U11II'L1UH iilllil ll'l-lll lil Jell'.
cO The present State; Administration
brought back tiiis Sjun. May for trial
on these very steals, but a packed
Ratlical jury in Marion county allow
ed that they could !not bring him in
guilty because it Ivould ri fleet on
the party, henca ..tl A let him go, and
the Radical press It up a cry that
the Democratic aijrities were foil-
(! ed in theif echarges of corruiition un- i
. der Woods. What have thev to suv worU ou the county ? These are ques-;-
now in regard to this matter? Have ! ,lons tll:lt the Vllo would like to
thev sufficient proof now that steal- IKl'c mm ;i!:swer- lle 1S proimuiy
ing was going on under Woods? Do
the people want a repetition of such
an Administration? ,What better can
they expect if they elect Tolman with
Foster, a man who wrote : letter to
Slocum to keep the poll Looks out if
. Facts for the People to Read.
The Radical press of this State has
had much to say in regard to the
extortion practiced by the passage
of the litigant act. We have always
taken the ground that instead of be-
in"- a detriment, it serves as a protec
tion to litigants. In many counties
of the State there is but one paper,
and where there is but one, it fixes
the price for litigant printing and
prevents extortion. Resides, this
matter of competition is simply a
cry to catch votes. If the bill is
repealed (and we hope it will be)
and the Radicals carry this county,
the Kadical officials . and attorneys
will give their patronage their own
organ if they have one, und no bid
from us or any other person would
receive even a respectful hearing,
now is it with the Federal printing.
A number of the Radical organs are
kept up by that patronage. Why is
that not left open for competition?
Not much. That yvould be giving
aid and comfort to the enemy, as
Tolman thought when he used to
order his little patronage to be print
ed in the Sentinel. But to show
what the litigant prices and the for
mer rates were, yve have taken the
trouble to go to the records of the
county and select three advertise
ments to take as an illustration, and
we trust that wo shall be explicit
enough to convince the most obtuse
(even James M. Moore) that the lit
igant rates are lower than was for
merly charged in this city or even in
Portland, where there was competi
tion. The first advertisement we
take from a bill on file from the
OrerjonUin office, prior to tUe estab
lishment of a paper hero, yvhich is
as follows:
In the Ciivuit Court of tin- State of Orejmn,
fm ( ;ii-k-uii:is i 'otnity. M. -M. Owen, Admin
iv.miorut tin i- sliite of 'J'liuimi J. 'hiw, de
ciMMil, plaint i!i, 4. Juiin D. l'ost mid Caroline
l'o.-t iid'ii! s I'oioi lo.-ine of inoitiTiiir''.
' o .Jo!:a It. i'ust au.l I .'ai-oline l'o-t: ion and
- eucirol you are Mimiuoiied ami required in
the liiim j of :!;u State ot t )ii'-.n, to he and aj;eur
in t i.e Ciiemt Court of the state of Oregon lor
Clackam.i -Ciii-.nt y, and an.--'.i r tin- ooinlilalutn
of I'hiiuiitl tiled in the ul-ove entitled cum a
r.jy o:' uhieh aeeomi'iiuii-s tlas summons or for
Wiint thereof the i laiiitiil w ill take judgment
afii'i-.! yon for the Mini el eti,;eeii hundred
iioMuis, a:.i mterirt thi leoi nt the rate of titteen
r cein, jf r anmmi since the third day of Sej)
lesnlier, A. 1'. Ih;d, ai.d will apply to the Court
fur the t'.o ei loMire- ot of a n;or:-ae tiven to
hi.inas .7. Cl.a.-e, no-.v deecasi;d, on tiie l-tli day
of .loiie, A. 1. ls.VJ, to secure a certain note for
$t,i;o0 with inten t at i." per cent, per ai:iium,
and f jr otiier relief lit-maii' i d in the c uiiph'.int.
dime L I hi; 1. M:?t .lUll.NXJN Ac 1.IKLV,
"c V. s. lu-v. ;-tun'-J I'lS Att'.st.
Jsow, this avlvertisement makes
two squares, and is required to be
published six weeks. The On-gouian
bill is is'o'J. The litigant rates are
two dollars and fifty cents per square
for first insertion and one dollar for
each subsequent insertion. Thus, it
will be seen that this would amount
to clo. The former was payable,
according to the bill, in U. S. coin,
and the latter could be paid in cur
rence. So much for competition
The next we take from the Enti-:k-I'lilSE,
while published by Mr.
Ireland. lie appears to have been
more moderate than the Oreyoninn,
though he had no competition:
Look at the Situation.
Peter Faqnef f the Radical candi
date and all his family are boat
builders. Mr. Holladay owns a lino
of boats, and is constantly in need
of carpeuters. Two years ago his
I candidate for the Senate was the car
penter then in his employ. This
year he has nominated a man that
will probably be in his employ as
soon as the election is over, provided
he is elected, and before the next
Senatorial election he will in all
probability have fat steamboat con
tracts. Do the people of this coun
ty propose to send this man to the
State Senate to speculate on their
rights? Let them vote against Peter
Paquet if they do not propose to be
transferred to the Hipple-Mitchell-Holladay
ring. He will be the tool
of the corporation, and yvill vote and
do as they tell him. Vote. for Mr.
Ollield, an honest farmer, who can
and does make his living without
hanging around for office to specu
late on. Two years ago the people
of this county were represented by a
surveying-contract speculator. If
they elect Paquet, they yvill be rep
resented by a steamboat builder.
Look Out for Small Leaks.
Remember that the "Smelling Com
mittee" appointed by act of Legisla
ture for 1870, of which James F.
Amis, better known as CueRill Amis,
was an honored member, cost the
tax-payers of Oregon the snug little
sum of three thousand and thirty
eight dollars, for which the State
never received a cent's benefit, while
some of the Stale's creditors lost
heavily-, and some Democratic spec
ulators made handsome profits. The
result of that investigation cast a
cloud over the value of some of the
State warrants, and the consequence
was that holders sold them at a heavv
sacrifice, to speculators who received
payment in full on their warrants
with i n t e res t . Jon rual.
Yes, and remember that the
Smelling Committee" did disallow
SI 1,000 of the stealings of Woods,
May & Co., and that a Kadical Leg
islature forced the payment of the
same by embracing the same in the !
general appropriation bill. And re-
member, also, that ne of these bills
disallowed wtis for 700 for buggy j
hirii for Geo. L. Woods. The r.sser- !
Another Clincher.
The Radical speakers and press
have been very energetic in manu
facturing lies in regard to the school
lands. Even our Surveying contract
member, Lord Barin, has been try
ing to make capital in his limited
sphere on this score. In order to
give our readers the views entertain
ed by the last Radical Legislature in
regard to this matter, we api eud a
report made to the lower House
yvhich we trust will close the mouths
of these small liars and demagogues.
This report is signed by two Radi
cals, hoi. Hirsch, the present candi
date of the ring at Portland for the
State Senate, and Lord Barin, the
ex-speculator in surveying contracts
in the last Legislature. These fel
lows will not deny having made this
report. It is as follows:
Your committee entered upon
their duty and investigated the Land
Departments of the State under the
immediate charge of the Board of
Commissioners. From a thorough
examination your committee are en
abled to state that the Board have
adopted a perfect system by which
the labor of the offices is performed
in regular order, and the rights of
applicants are guarded in every par
ticular. Books have been opened
in which all applications are'eutercd,
maps procured, upon which these
entries are noted, books of sales
showing in detail and in full tire
transactions in each case, even to the
record of the deed. All rules and
regulations, instructions to agents
and decisions of the Board are made
matters of perfect record. The
Board has performed a very large
amount of work; has rendered
several important decisions and we
find our land interest an important
and carefully gimrded department of
the State. Your committee are of
the opinion that the labors of the
Board have been faithfully done ami
for the best i't.-rest of 'the State.
Your committee find that the sales
are correctly reported and the fund
protected accerding to law, und inter
est on notes promptly collected. Also
the expenses for services in the vari
ous departments were not only nec
essary bui economically made.'
Reject fully submitted.
Son. llinscir, Chairman,
L. T. Bakik,
J. B. 0..sxj;;.
The Carpet-Baffger Vindicated.
Editor of Enterprise : As you have
taken the liberty to use my name some
what publicly, you will pleas do me
the favor to give this, together yvith the
accompanying certificate, as prominent
a place in your next issue as you havo
those of the past. Yours &o
James G. Foster
Slav 20th 1S74
Ihey Ought to Remember.
Our Radical friends who were so
badly defeated two- years ago ought
to remember that Jas. M. Frazer
N. W. Randall and Capt. J. T. Ap
person were candidates before the
convention of 1872, and because they
were defeated, they threw cold water
on the ticket and allowed Ramshy
and Paquet- to, bo most terribly
slaughtered in the contest, simply
because they had been defeated.
This same clique now kissed and
made up with Taquet by faltering
his vanity, (and they will be as ready
to swap him off this year as they
were two years ago) by patting him
on their ticket for the Senate, and
thereby make the slaughtered of two
years ago support their ticket. They
may tlo so, but it is asking a great
deal, aT'd is much more than human
nature generally grants, to expect
the men who they delighted to de
feat, then, to come to their assist-
4l-ic T- -Wit; i-i It 4-1.
. K. V li KKLoK, Clerk I "0"" "iu
of the Uistnet & Circuit courts. , zSt Monday in June will tell thera
Kossuth County. I 47
that they have been served as they
have served others in the past.
The under-slprned citizens of Kossuth
county Iowa have severally known person
ally J. Cr. l-'oster fore six to ft I teen years
His occupation here was that of a tanner
and we have always known him to be a
prompt honest upright and square dealing
man. his character and standing while
knovvn to us was above reproach
Algouadona Arril 30 1S7I
Lewis JI. jsmitii.
Cashier Kossuth Co Hank
M M 8STORIGH, con Treasurer
J. II. Wakken,
Kd. U. D. Moines
J M Pinkektox, Sheriff
T. M. Taylor,
Mayor of Algona
I. A. E. Wheelock. Clrrk of the District A
Curcuit Court ol Kossuth coun y do hereby
certily that the parties subscribing the
within certificate are citizens of this coun
ty anil the persons represented by their
Alironadona Ai ril 30 1871 "
Witness my hand and the seal of the Dis
trict Lourt at my olliee in Algona
L,. S. Kossuth County Iowa, this 4th
dav ol Mav A. D. 1871
Iol2!k'al Siieakiaq-.
J. C. Tv.Iin.m, Hon. J. V.
and 11. M. Waite of Salem,
tioll flint ll(illfiir!ltu u-nrn hniij)!((A.1
... ...V...V14.. " it .11 , 1 II i -i . i, .
, . r autiresseu ine c.tieiis oi ja.it x'ort-
is false, as lom Patton and other j :wA on it.sm. of tl,e ,,resorf
Radicals were the principal holders J campaign, at the Club-room In that
of the State warrants, and bein a ! tMt.v last evening. Notwithstanding
member of the Legislature, succeed
ed in passing the appropriation bill
as it was. Tom made the' amend
ment to the bill so as to cover thn
stealings. Sol Hirsh was also slight
ly interested in this little matter.
Sam Simpson, son of Ben Sin
son, Surveyor General of Oregon,
the fact tluvt the announcement was
rather brief, the room was filled and
great interest mani?sted.
The above is clipped from the lo
cal columns cf the linUvtin of tin's
morning. The "club-room" i:i ques
tion is a lager beer cellar belomrin'r
it was in tin:
Hon. J. ('.
The above certificate and note were
handed us for publication by the
"carpet-bag" candidate for the Leg
islature, and we do so by giving it to
the public verbatim. &c. As we
have never assailed him through
these columns, nor have wo heard of
others tloing so, there may be
something of which we have no
knowledge, as the carpct-bag candi
date seems to have deemed it essen
tial to get a certificate of his charac
ter. The certificate does not disa
vow any charge we have made against
him, and if it will convince anyone
that he is not a carpet-bagger, not
having been in the county two years
yet, we give him the benefit of it.
We have said but little of this indi
vidual, but now yvill pass him for
the present, by saying that he is not
only a carpet-bagger, but utterly
nu'it by either ability, education or
knowledge of the wants of our coun
ty for the legislature, and we feel
confident thai the people of Clacka
amas county will permit him to re
main quietly at home.
Spake Us. We are informed that
Peter Paquet has stated that his
present aspirations are only a step
ping stone for a higher position.
lhat he proposes now to go to the I
State Senate; next to Congress, and
in six years he expects to locate his
graceful form in the Scne chamber
of the Uniid States
Vt'ill They Support II Im.
It is a yvell known fact that one of
the principal reasons why Judge
Upton was defeated for re-nomination
yvas the opposition to him in
this county. This opposition was
very strong and came more directly
from tle friends of W. Carey John
son, who coveted the position him
self more than any other. Johnson
even went so far as to declare that if
Upton should receive the nomination
h' would not support him, and it is
well known that said Johnson yvas
ready and willing to accept the noni
iuation from the Independents or
any ether source. Johnson's oppo
sition to Upton, we learn7 was so
strong that Judge Bonham had to
preside oer the last term of Court
here in order to try a case for one of
his clients, as Upton was prejudiced
against Johnson's client. Will Up
ton's friends vote for it man who
holds that kind of an opinion of his
integrity as Judge? and yvho had
openly declared that if Upton got
the nomination he would not support
him? We think not.
o- -o-
to ('harlov Berti:l. on ( i street: and
i ii ..i.i
o cr ceinir mat me
Republic;;.'! and
editing the State Jo,rr,!, daily, and J ''l'crn,..-..- .-anouiato f.-r Governor, , 1;uvor to the Ol
at the same time drawing his salarv ' i,m 1 ' ." yi:"i
, , . , . i ma.ie their speeehos. I here wer
as cieric m the hurveyor s office.
That looks as though the Radicals
were opposed to Federal officials in
terferring with State politics. Oh,
is making slump speeches, we would
ask him to tell the people what he
got for his surveying contract and
how he came to get it. Also how
much he has cost the tax-payers of
this county for little petty suits he
has hunted up against Indians and
others where there was no ground of
action and he and Burns saddled the
trying to elect the -Radical members
to the Legislature so he can sell their
votes for contracts as he did his.
- -
Got Him. Tolman said .in his
speech in this place that he never bet
a cent on a horse race. We have it
Let II im Show his Hand. We
trust that the Independents of this
county will make Captain Apperson
show his hand in regard to the. opin-
Ilie iauicais nau not a majority uutu from m, l . nil, n ,t l t i
-, t , .-J ; lll-m JV-'ud nuthontv that said lolmau
the time expired for counting the
same? Will a man guilty of such j 111,1 Uot 011 -v 1,,K0 -J() (, a certain
an act not also be guilty of stealing? j race, but that he actually discharged
No sensible man would trust such a i his rider because he refused to run
creature under anv circumstances. ! T1,n,.p ;r.i-,. r,,. !,,.., ,
- j -uv mote jot iv ey or throw-oil races
for h:m. Old Tolman is known
among horse racers as being very un
scrupulous and none ever dared to
trust him, as he would throw-off
whenever he m,t a elinn. tt.,i
ion he held a few weeks ago in regard ; make ti nice Governor !
to the movement, and we trust that ,
if he attempts to go back on his!. Stii-l Boi-gim;. Tolman, the
record in this matter that thev will ! l0-1"1"';11 nMate of the Bad-
Procure some of the letters written .. 1 -temperance ticket,
by him on this subject. It is a well-
known fact that he was i ! full sym-
went until the old court house clique
found that they could get the pay
ing offices. Let him show his hand
in this matter, and if he denies that
he has been in harmony with the
Independents, let the documents,
which can easily be procured, be
.brought forward. Be should not
be allowed to ride two horses.
till evades the question as to which
element he bedongs to.
In Washing-
ithv with the Ii dependent move- ?n '.'"l iu Lis 'eech' Kcv. Mr.
ent until the old court house clique lll brought the subject to his
5Fr.AK.iNCt. Dr. Hiram Straight
will art dress the citizens of this place
on the political issues of the day, at
the Court House to-morrow (Satur-
In tli. rnnttor of t lie estate of Ko'i'Tt Mixire,
lion a.-r-d. la the County Court ;1 1 larkauiatt
county Sta"e ot Oregon, Jn the i.iniiu of tiie
state ot Uncoil: To Jane 1'niiiU r, HoV.i rt M. I
Ai :!!", Jaiaeii ii. -Moon.', l.otuTt C. Monro oovi-.-i-es
and isoiis ot r-u;d Kuheit Mo-ne ncrca.od
and iill oilier devices ol heirs of Maid liolvit
M iore iltifiiifl ;I any tl.!i.; ho. Vo.i and om-li
of you :ro hoieby oiled to he and apji ar ia i lie
! o.iuty Court of Chiekaiuas ooi:n;y State of
Ur-'i;oLi o'l
Jfvtl'ti the Uh tiny nf July
A. I;. !rS. heiii-' the first dav of the Ju!v term
Lti Him Tell. While Lord Barin I t said .'d j- ih- u and then- tohow uu.j-e u
a::y you liuve why l!a- peUOoti ol Oeoiye A.
1'e.iM; the 1 1 1 i : . i.-; rat or de holds iiou of said
ejlafe prayintr f r u?i order to si 'd leal estate to
pay ihe weht.s. ihnpi's and expenses ot adiuinis
iralion ot .-;ud estate should liot I -. grunted.
The land desci il ed in itaid petilioii l c i;ar s-itu-a'od
in eotlol: .'ij and :ii in 'iov.iiship - S.
Knt.o 2 U.; Sec.il, To nihip 2 S. hai.j;e 2 t .;
ftc. 1 and t Town.d.ip .'5 S. )l.it 1 I '..
( I Witiie-s th-.- Ih.iior.ihle W. T. Mat-
J 1. S. ! look, JilU'i: of s..id Court , uii'l ihu so il
( J of. -aH Court lioivnnto nrilod, this d
day of June, A. I). 1S!',8, J. M. it.Vt O.N'.
iJ:'it County e ietk.
liis bill for this advertisement is
$20. The law requires four weeks
publication. There are two and a
half squares, which counts the same '
as if it were three. Under the litigant i
rates this would cost $1(5 50, payable
in any currency of the United States,
and Mr. Ireland's bill was for coin.
The next advertisement is as fol
lows: KIIWilFF KAT,i:.
J'y virtue of an oxcoutioti and order of nlr,
i-.ied out "1 the Circuit 'olirt of the js;ute of
t iiej.on for the eounry of Clackamas and to inu
directed in f ivor of J. 1. Itiley and atraitist
James L. love, for the sum of 'ti4 00, and in
terests and costs, in a decree of foreclosure of a
lafrt-tiraite on real estate, l nave liiis itu nay oi j
A u'iis; . A. 1 '. 1!m;S. levied on the followin'-r ie-
si nbed hind, speci.'icd in s;iid decree and ordr of
ta.le ns f-jV.n'.v:: to-wit l'.-in.r a piece of land t
untc 1 in Clai:k:in:as entsnry, STai o of t lifutm, .ittd
li uiLT pnrt ot the r hiini known arid d.-simiated
en ll:e .-iirvovs ::n.l irl irs of the Ctuted .st.ites :i
nuiuher ZV, in toTn-hip time, 3, so-:th, of rantre j
tvo, 2, east ot tne iii.me tte rncru.ian. Jieifin
ninsr at a oint th:i t -three chains an.l sixty
links east, and twelve chains and live links seat h.
fioin the i eolith wet corner of the north v. est
qur.rtrr cf section live, ."i, in town-lii) three, 3.
so.tth, raiiii-e two, 2, east f the Widamotte nie
riliiu, thence rtuuiinir iioitli thirty-nine min
uv, west live oliaiiis ;iid fifty litrks. thence west
thirty-rive chain and evcnt y links, t hence south
thir'y minutes, oast five chains aid fifty Jink,
thence fist thirty-tire chains and seventy link,
to the phi ce ot heu'innin;.'', containing IU and
iiS-iO!) ,-res, more or lass, with all the appurten
ances, and ou
. S it unlay the V.-th drty ot September,
A. 1. IS, .8, at the hour cf 10 o'clock A. M. of
f eidday, in front of the Court llou-e door in
'liv'ijn"; iry, iasai l Clackamas county, will sell
the name to 'he highest hicklcr (hcrcrore.
JUJIN MY LdiS, Sheriff Claukamos Co.
Au?ut CO, 13C8 41:1
The bill on file for this advertise-
just twenty-live p,en present, not in
cluding the bar-keeper several of
them attaches of the Cmdom-Ilouse,
and two Democrats. A leer cellar
Oi ill v.-ll ( il itito ! lhniiililici'i r-li'li-
no, they don't even ol.ject to pay i rnom .is pretty good;' but the Tem
their editors out of Uncle Sam's I iterance candidate for (Sovernor mak
ing a-speech there is rather better.
purse. This thing is very conven
ient. But the tax-payers don't ap
preciate this kind of Federal inter-ferance.
As to Qualification. The Radi- j
cals, failing to find a single charge !
against Frank W. Foster, are circu
lating the report that lie is incompe
tent for the position. Now we know
this is false, and we further know
that he is to-day better qualified than
his opponent. We speak of what we
know. Mr. Foster is a good gram
marian, writes a good legible hand,
and is in both of these respects far
better qualified than Frara-r, notwith
standing he has been Clerk for four
Act.s of the loth
- r t -Ct
The I)iiJi,ti.-i o'erleaps itself when
it puts in its claim that all the coun
ties east of the mountains, except
Baker, and probab'y Baker will give
Republican majorities. If C. M.
r 1
Skinniid. Last Saturday Lord
Baiin, the great American statesman,
billed himself to speak at Corby's
i school house in this countv. l)r.
These are tru- j Straight, hearing of it, went to him.
ly modest expectations for great in- j to Jlml out if he was going to sid
tellects, and should they not be real- j p;l0t: to speak, and the Lord named
ized we shall be disappointed if we j some other phv-e, in order to throw
do not have an unexpected death to the Doctor oil" the track. But that
The Doctor folio -.red
the great statesman:
huwing to the great satisfaction of
the audience (eleven Republicans,
one mocr.it and a boy) how tho
Lord had .sold himself in the lst
Legislature to ilipple-Mitchell for a
-3,000 surveying contract, and how
the poil-books were " set up" by otin
virtuous aspirant for judicial honor
so as to give the great statesman the
to which
bition and loo lit
poor Rc-ter will
record, caused from the eli'oelsof two
much political :t
tie hra:ii. Wiiv
gou Senate.
-s. .
T v.-' i years ago the Radicals in this
county attempt r to place in the
Court House a new set of men, but
the regular Court House clique de
feated them and told the Republi
cans that we either j'ropose to rulft
or ruin. They ruined. This clique
was headed by Randall, 1'iar.er and
Apperson, as they have been regular
stalling candidates for the paying
oilices. Vill the Radicals now vote
to re-instate the oli hnngrv clique
was "too thin,
and replied to
of State, v, as Count v Clerk of
them, and
d th
dl of
ui he
undertook to play in loef, to
returns oa"k from precmcts wtuch
sliould give unsatisfactory majorities,
then the election might go as the
JhiUri'in says, but the. Republican
ticket will be Ik" hindmost horse in
the race east of the mountain!?. Si-
whieh has alv.
rule? We this
tys been d
k nt.t.
termir.ed to
Hon. Bun. Havdcn is c.tnvassii;
Southern C)rcgon in the interest of ;
the Democratic candidate for Con- j
gress who is contincd to his bed on :
seat in that legislature
Messrs. Kingo, Martin and Shipley
were fairly elected. Those who seen
and heard the speaking say the
statesman was unmercifully used up,
and v. hen ho attempts to sneak out
in the county again to lit: for the
Radicals we presume lie vfill cover
his tracks a little better so that no
one can follow him.
o-. :
Nor a Cafsk. The Radicals havo
much to say about the Governor rr-
lem jicofil.
Petkk on thk TitvOE. Peter
hunting votes to trade on. He
arxious to get
votes and is perfectly yvilling to let
The Democratic Convention which
met at .Jacksonville, on the loth,
was very well attended and placed
the following ticket in nomination:
it-count oi sickness. .Mr. Uavoen is : r.?ovjn ?,!".- (.imnlll . ihu litr.nt
j making it w arm for the Rads and In j organ iu Polk. Now the facts in the
J dependents. lie spoke at Eugene . ease are these: Governor Ci rover ap
j yesterday evening; and will speak at ' pointed .the JTenyer as the litigant
Oakland to-morrow at 1 o'clock; at : organ for Polk countv but Mr
Roscburg to-morrow at 7- p m.; Campbell refused to hlu 'his bond as
Albany, Mondav. Mav 'J . at 'i, p. t -.11 , , .
m.; at'Corvallis,'May 2o, at .7J.J, p. m. ! by law, and m that case it
. t - -X.
S. 'Hcrrin; Rejire-
even Democratic ! State Senator, J
se'utaiives, J. i. an Jliper, V, . ,) .
llvm,dl nml T'.o-- 'rio-!:f- Sheriff.
his friends swap oil" all the rest of the j j.'w. Manning; Clerk. E. D. Foud
ticket for him. Apcr.son, Randall j rav; Cemmissioners, John O'Brien,
and Frazer had better keen a close I truest
1 ...
1 assessor.
notice again, but ho studiously avoid
ed committing himvclf on the tem
perance question. Ho left the audi-
whether he wmX ! ,""t is Coi"' 11 waS IWi
nomination or not. " "uce j four weeks. It makes three squares.
ENPorsrn O " - i wo"l amount to just $16 -50 at
M.OLSLP.- ur gon1 sister Dun- I present rates, in greenbacks or any
lway returned homo last wed- , i i 1
, . , , "ck, and ! currency, no matter how much it
we hnd in her last isvo tl-ot 1 , . . -, A . t, .
. , i-t. it. at she has was depreciated. Yv e trust that wc
b.nu ..w tii.ioisnucnt to the; Ra."i;.
caiucKct. Hell may Tim exclaim
4- save me from mv frier,,!. "
dav) evening, at 7?.; 'o'clock Lord j J!m n,l Dick endorsed!
DaVin has leen invited to join iu de- lim lias always been a lover of
bate. Give him a good house.
w oman's suffrage Dick has not until
he got the Radical nomination
Conceded. It i? a conceded fact
amonif all in thi3 countv that unless
" .1 - . .
swapping will elect some of the Bad- 1 coining 10 say about the 810,000
jcai ring candidates, not n rzjn on : loan 10 ine
The Radicals will probably have
thing to say about the S 10 000
loan to the Baker PiK- ai
hn they -et t sk- y
have made this matter 'sufiiciently
plain for people to understand, and
that the Radical demagogues who
are trying to get a little pap for their
hungry brothers yvill see that their
eflbrts to deceive the people are un
derstood. These are facts which
cannot be gainsaid, and we defy a
successful contradiction of them.
The party in power will give the pat
ronage to their own papers, and if
the law does not regulate the price,
its x fcrrls will bs at thair rzer.
watch on him. But that is all riirht,
Peter. This clique swapped you oil
two years ago, and they are trying to
do so now; but as there is not the
slightest probability of your election,
they cannot get any takers. They
are as ready to make the swap as
Ben Hayden spoke at Salem last
Monday and made a masterly speech.
He fairly skinned Dick Williams.
He proposes to take the stump in be
half of Mr. La Dow, whoso health
is such as to make it impossible for
him to participate in the campaign.
Mr. Hayden is an effective speaker
and will do good service for the
Not So. The Radicals are circu-
Treasurer, K. Kubht;
V.'. A. Childers; School
miiig; Sur-
Siiuerinteniieiit II. C. FL
veror, 1. e.. Mason: Coronor, Ur.
In glow. There was a good deal of
enthusiasm in the Convention.
. - -----
" I would have hated o have been
beaten by that little squirt, , for
the nomination."
Tlroe were the classical words of
S. D. Pope, the Radical candidate
for School Superintendent, after the
adjournment of the Convention that
nominated him. It is to be presum
ed that l.e does net expert the sup
port of tiie gentleman who lie thus
publicly ch .racteri::ed.
It is impossible to elect Campbell.
Either Tolman or Grovcr will be
chosen. Of the two, which do they
This is the question, and
j required the Governor to designate
Piioi-osiNtt to Sw av. We hoar of ; another paper, which he did, and
frequent propositions from Radicals strange as it may seem, he appointed
to swap votes for Frazer in exchange ! ! C". Sullivan, at that time a Radi
for Apperson. Democrats should do j ca kut at present running an Inde
nothing of the kind. Apperson, as ; pendent organ for the benefit of
the Radicals well know, is a dead Campbell. He has not appointed ft
cock in tiie pit, and there is no neces- ; Democratic paper, as the Radical
sity of giving any such exchange, j attempt to make the peoplB believe.
Let Democrats support the whole j ""i'beH ought to be satisfied.
011 it
ket, and they will elect every man ;
1 ifefny'
Gainino GiioiND. The Democrats
j are gradually gaining ground in the
If you want to reinstate the Radi- ! National Congress. By the recent
cal Court House clique in this county ! Democratic victory in Connecticut
again, vote for W. P. Burns and J. j they gain a U. S. Senator to succeed
M. Frazer. They were the heads of ', W. A. Buckingham. A dispatch
that Ring in former ye rs, and tho ' from New Haven, dated May 10th
rest of the ticket is composed of ; says the ballot for U. S. Senator was
chronic omce-teekers, nearly every i taken to-day. The vote stood: Sen-
one 01 mem, wniie tne Democratic
ticket is composed of farmers and
working men. -
Democrats should remember that
ate Eaton (Dem.), 16; Buckingham
(Rep.), 1. House Eaton, 132;
Buckingham, 70; J. R. Bawley, 11;
I). A. Wells, 1. The Legislature
their ticket is composed of good sub- j meets in joint session to-morrow to
stantial farmers, and that not a man j contirm the election of Eaton.
on ine iicdet is either a chronic )
ofiiee seeker or not well nnalifio.l f,-
thu. positions for l,,vi, m. i ical-Carpet-ba
nominated. Let Democrat, ot,, Carolina has come to grief, according
Come to Giiief. The Negro-Kad-
Governor of South
honest farmers put in olliee men yvho
are iu sympathy with them.
to Tiie annexed dispatch:
Culvmp.ia. S. C May IS. Gov
ernor Moses and ex-Treasurer Ham-
there is no getting around, or dodg-
lating a report to the effect that if lu-' or ignoring it. ilie Oreyoun
T i 01 t i i.ii .,.! says "lol man JN ever! ' Wl.at say the
Judge Shattuck is elected he will . Iu,it.,)el.rU;Ut;4 mralH-Buu !
not serve. This is false. The Judge Whv they all sdv Grover. That is !
rri!l serve and he will be elected, too. j the verdict oi the people. There is I
ir..u 1. rn t ... ' !
.uuitnomau 111 yive mm a majority , uo URe w.lltin5 for tLe first Monday
and every county in the district will i in June.
do likewise. j ( - -.,-.,.-.
. . I Nor So. "We regard it as hardly
The President has at last eleeided ! worth .w bile to deny the statement
who is Governor of Arkansas. Bax- ; made by the Radical press that an ! can
ter is the happy man. A proclama- I effort has been or is being made bv 1 s?nl)llou to pay into the Treasury ! arrest have been served, and tho
tion has accordingly been issued ; tho Democracy to get Col. La Dow L , f . ! , ,1' wux?u J"g Dea.ly , Uounty ftoucitor ieeiares m
lnitih u:xi M.iy stole while in oIKce. ! t-iou of prosecuting them vigorous
Tho people of Oregon don't want to
trust another Republican Adminis- j Tne Radicals of this county ui
account is ; bccomingdesperate, and are resorting
! to all kiftds of expedients to carry
The Coos Bay Aeic.s, a paper which j through a portion of their ticket.
supports some of the tickets in the! --u U1B reauJ 10 b"aJ
Before the campaign goes any fur- ; ei'S have been indicted by a Kepub
ther the eamli.lat,. t,..,i.i: i Grand Jury for breach of trust
"'"C"""; , v;tii fratidn ent. intent ons. and lor
tate tidcet ought to raise a sub- j m-and brconv. Warrants for their
has accordingly bee n issued tho Democracy to get Col. La Dow
from Washington commandingevery- : to withdraw in favor of Col. Xesmith
body but Baxter and his friends to as we presume no one v.ili imt -mv
keep the peaee. , reliance in the
it..i 1
inaL 1 )i. I I vo rrnr, c . 1 .i r- f " ...
fJuKif tii0.iei,0rt- r T1rle is n' I trati(m' tiU at little
be Oiegon s next Congressman J
fc He Qcalified. We learn
quite a number of Radicals propose
to vote for either Col. White or Wm. j Neaklt tho entire Radical ticket
Moreland for Judge, saying that of ihiii county is made up cf old po
Kandall lacks the necessary ua!i- j litical odce hunters. I hey will find
caticrs for that rosirioa. " - tLe resyle Lar. ao use for the-. '
on any terms.
Democrats, vote your
field, beinsr iudenendenfof politics.
says ' " there's not a man on the Inde- ! entire ticket- It a SooJ one
pendent ticket that's ft for anything." I worthy cf ycur tnpport
1 s
BF.R?:f.t.f.y. niTTDitr. '
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