4 o o 4v y m o G VOL. 8. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APIRL 17, 1874. NO. 25. ffHS LI THE ENTERPRISE. A LOCAL DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER V 6 II THE. Farmer, Business San, i Family Circle. ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY. A.. NOLTNER, XDITOR AND PUBLISHER. OFFICIAL JAPES FOR CLACKAMAS CO. OFFICE Jn nr. Thossin-'s F,rick, next 4oor to John Myers store, up-stairs. Teimi of Subscription fUngla Copy jOne Year, In Advance... ' ijlx Months " Tchiu of AclvertUInjf i Transient a jvenisements. inehuiinj? all liiral t. .tic s. w1Uar ot twelve .$2.50 .. l.oO lines oii" -week For each subsequent insertion 0:in Col ii in r.; one year luu ;; , Busmeli Ca-d. 1 square, one y 2.50 l.ou l-D.OO 00.1)0 10.00 12.00 liUAjXKSS CARDS. w. isroiMiis, :vi. 13., PHYSICIAN VXD SUUOEOX, OKBfOiX CITY. OltJiUOX. j-St:tirs In Cliarman's F.rick, aiiUtf. Main Str' li V. H. WATKIMS, M. D. PORTLANC; " - OREGON. BT-OFFICtf-Od'l Fellow's Teinplo.corner First and Al.W streets. Residence corner of Main and eveiith streets. Drs. Welch V Thompson, DENTISTS, p OFFICE IN O D 1) FELLOW" TEMPLE, Corner ni First and Alder Streets, POlll'UNll - - OUKOOX. BVWiil be .a Oregon City on Saturdays. Nov. -i :li . HURL AT. CIIAS. K. WAItllKN. HUELAT & VARREM Attorneys-at-Lavv, yOFFICE-i-Charinan'fi brick, Main st. ) 5:narlS72:tr. JOHNSON & KScCOWM 1TT0RXEVS kND COL'XSELOUS AT-LAV.'. Orogon City, Ore cm n . .-V'iII nf'tiee in all the Courts of the 8? at', sp-ci-.j attention given to cases in tha L. S. l,an i t;liee at Oregon City. ; 5aprlS72-tf. I,. i I3A1U rTCf fiSY-AT- ATT LAV, OREGON ITl OREGON. OFFICE Over Tope's Tin Store, Main ttraet. 21mar7-Mt. J. T. APPERSON, OFFICE IX POSTOFFICE BUILDING. l,fgnl Tmtlf rs Clntkanun County Or der, uutl Oregon City Ortlern BOUGHT AND SOLD. NOTA 1 i V I ? U 1 5 LAC. Tenuis negotiated. Collections attended to. and a Oensral Brokeage business carried on. jantitf. A. NOLTNER N 0 T A U V P U 15 L I C. ENTERPRISE OFFICE. (UtEGOX CITY. . W. 11. HKillFIELl). Kstabli.Oirtl Inc'4t, t tle olil atnnd. Main Strict, Orrson City, Orrgon. An assortment of Wat hes, Jewel Vwjv ry.and Set h Thomas' Weiiiht Clocks J-J h all of vhieb are warranted to be as dt:2 represented. ltepairins do no on short notice, and haukful for j ast patronage. A. C. VALLING'S PIONEER BOOK BINDERY. Plttock. BuiMinsr Corner of Stark aid Front Strtfts. PORTLAND, - - - - OREGON, BLANK BOOKS HTT.ED AND BOUND to anv desired pattern, Musdc bvks, tai;a7;in' s, Newspapers, etc., txunil in ov rv varietv o." style known to the trrade. Orders fruiik tbe etoiotrv promptly at tended to. OREGON CITY BREWERY. IJHenry llumbel, T TAVING PURCHAS ta ert the above Brow- ry wishes to inform the public that he is now prepared to manufacture a No. 1 qual- LAO BR BHBR, as cood as enn bo obtained nnywherc in the' state. Orders olicited and promptly filled. HEW YORK HOTEL Deutfcb.es Gafthaus.) Xo. IT Front street. Opposite the Mall . Steamship Landing, POIll"LAXD, OREGON. H.R&THF0S, J. J. WILKENS, Proprietors. Brd ? 5 00 pZ J JSl"'1 it hLging".7. ...V.""V.".r6.'oo oard Day i.oo ON'G STEP MORE. What though before me it is dark, Too dark tor me too see ? I ask but light for one step more; 'Tis quite enough lor me. Each little humble step I take. The gloom cheers from the next; So, though 'tis vervdark beyond, I never am perplexed. And if sometimes the mist hangs close, So close I fear to stray, Patient I wait a little while, And soon it clears away. I would not see my further path, For mercy veils It so, Mv present steps might harder be t)id I the future know. It may be that my path is rough, Thorny, and ham, and steep; And, knowing tills, mv strength might fail Through fear and terror deep. It may be that it winds along A smooth and flowery wayi But seeing this 1 might despise The journey of to-day. Perhaps my path is very short, My journey nearly done, And I might tremble at the thought Of ending it so soon. Or, if I saw a weary length Of road that I must wend, Fainting, I'd think, " My feeble powers Will fail me ere the end." And so I do not wish to see My journey or its length, Assured that, though my Father's love, Kach step will bring its strength. Thus step by tep I onward go, Not looking far before; Trusting that I shall always have Light for "just one stepmore." "Hod in the Constitution." The question of amending the pre amble of the Constitution of the United States so as to recognize the Deity in the wording of the same, which lias been discussed by a cer tain class of religions enthusiasts- for some time, lias been at least tempor arily settled by the report of the House Jndciary Committee of Con gress. The committee after duly de liberating on the subject; decided adversely to the claim of the petition ers as follows: Upon examination of the meagre debates by the fathers of the republic in tne Convention which framed the Constitution, we find that the sub ioct of this memorial was most carefully and fully considered, ami that the Convention decided, after grave deliberation to which the subject was entitled, that as this country, the foundation of whose Government they were then laying, was to be the home of the oppressed of all nations of the earth, whether Christian or pagan, and fully realiz in.'; the dangers which the union be tween church and state has im posed upon so inauv nations of the Old World, with great unanimity decided that it was inexpedient to put anything into the Constitution or frame of government which might be construed to be a reference to any religic is creeds or doctrines; and we further find that this decision was accepted by our Christian fathers with such great unanimity that in the amendments which were after wards proposed in order to make the Constitution more acceptable to the nation, none has ever been proposed to ti;e .Mates oy which tuts wi.-e de termination of the fathers has been attempted to be changed; wherefore your committee report that it is in expedient to legislate upon the sub ject of the memorial, and ask that they be discharged from the further consideration thereof. Nice fok CniLDitEX. The I'rov idence Journal says: "So far as the llhode Island statutes are concerned, there is absolutely no limit of age at which parties may contract marriage. It is not uufretpuent that children of fourteen or fifteen years of age are married in this State, and for all law s to the contrary, even more tender babes than that may be united in marriage without tne knowledge or consent of their parents. In a State report or registration we find the marriages mentioned, in a single year, of couples of the following ages: Eighteen and fourteen, seven teen and fifteen, sixty -one and fif teen, seventy-six and thirteen. And yet such outrages upon common decency and public weal are strictly in accordance with the laws of this State. The defect in our marriage laws has had the efi'ect to make Prov idence a Gretna (Jreen for runaway matches of minors from all the sur rounding States. Scarcely n week elapses that applications" are not made for an examination of the rec ords by distracted parents from this and from other States to ascertain if their minor sons or daughters have been married here. Much too often they find their worst fears realized. Mr. Gough thinks that it is better lor a woman to be laughed at for not being married than to be unable to laugh because she is married. The marriage that takes all the laugh out ot a woman, like the sunshine that takes all the sweetness out of the grape, is an exceedingly suspicious commodity, and ought to give the divorce doctors something to do. lut the idea of trying to reconcile a woman to an unpaired life because another woman found it uncomforta ble, is as absurd as to trv to keep her from eating apples because of mother Eve's unfortunate poniolo"--ical ejpe. ience. Under a Penalty. A country pedagogue in Henry county, Indiana, requested all of his scholars to "write a piece" under penalty of a thrashing. A rising genius got off the folio win g; Lord of love, look from above, And pity us poor scholars, They've hired a fool to teach our school, And pay him fifty dollars. Address to the Democracy. ADOPTED BY A CONFERENCE OF LED INO DEMOCRATS ASSEMBLED AT SAC RAMENTO, MARCH 31ST, 1874. A Convention composed of Demo cratic members of the Legislature and other Democrats from different parts of the State, voluntarily assem bled at the Capital at the close of the session of the Legislature, disa vowing any ripht to speak author atively for the Democratic party, vet in view of the grave condition of' the political affairs of the country they submit THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: The history of the past twelve years has demonstrated the unfitness of the party in power to direct the administration of the public af fairs. Whatever errors may- have been committed by the various Ad ministrations previous to 1801, or by individual members of such Admin istrations, or by any party which before that period held the reins of power, it must be evident to all that such errors sink into insignificance, when compared with the melancholy picture preseuted by the record of of the party which has held the as cendency in Congress since 1SG1. Had any one asserted that such misrule would be possible, as has been experienced within that inter val, or that the people of the conn try would manifest such apathy in view of it, the assertion would have found no credence whatever. It is due, however, to candor and truth to admit that the impurity of the party now in power has been as much owing to the errors of those who have led or directed the various elements of opposition to it as to any fault on the part of the intelli gent and patriotic voters, a large majority of whom have at times been hostile to its measures and policy. We do not design to enter into any exposition of the causes which have enabled a party, whose history is an almost unbroken RECORD OF ABUSES, to retain in their hands the reins of power, or to refer to the unscrupu lous means employed at every elec tion to stififl the expression of pop ular condemnation through the bal lot box. Our object at present is to call attention to the increasing strength of the Democratic party is the States east of the mountains, as evidenced by its victorious progress east and west, to invite your renewed adhe sion to its principles, which we know to be just and benelieent ; to make a brief statement of its course and policy in tl future, as we under stand it, and to urge all good men, without regard to past party ties, to rally to the only standard which s.ieins to oiler any rational hope of the redemption of the country from the evils under which it is now suf fering. THE FISCAL AND REVENUE POLICY of the llepubliean party has been inpirious and corrupting to the last degree. It has hardly secured a majorty in the two Houses of Con gress before it adopted a so called " protective system" which, ignor ing the right of every freeman to elect his own market, has for twelve years past been plundering the mass of the people to enrich the privileg ed few, whoso agents swarm in the lobby of Congress at every session. It has Hooded the country with a vitiated paper currency, which has enhanced the price of the necessa ries of life, and crippled our mate rial interests, turned all our legiti mate business into a gambling speculation, and demoralized the people by inviting debtors to plun der their creditors in defiance of law, justice and common sense. THE FUNCTIONS OF GOVERNMENT have been virtually placed in the hands of great corporations, to be used for their own selfish purposes; the Executive Department, abdicat es legitimate otlice as the tribune of the people and the guardian of their rights, has become the unresisting instrument of monopolies; has been used in packing the Supreme Court with Judges committed to facilitate corporate plunder through an uncon stitutional paper currency; has con verted navy yards and Government offices into agencies for the purchase and manufacture of votes, and our revenue system into a means of rob bing merchants through, spies, infor mers and special agents, of whom the Jayne and Sanborn instances are the latest and most flagrant. With its occurence Congress has granted away to corporations and speculators nearly the entire public domain, which it held under a sacred trust for the people; and that body has been filled with the agents of the great railroad corporations, which have sought and are seeking nothing short of the control of the machin ery of government. THE OVEKATION OF THE REVENUE SYSTEM, which lias been converted into an agencv for enriching a few unscrupu lous adventurers by defrauding and oppressing worthy and enterprising merchants, ought alone to destroy all title on the part of the present Administration to public confidence. The contempt for law exhibited by the highest Government officers in dealing with the currency has de served and received the reprobation of the Tress of both parties, and the same inav be said of the treatment by the Administration of the people of Louisiana and other Southern States. THE INCREASE OF SALARIES of the President and back-pay mem bers of Congress, indicating con tempt alike for constitutional obliga tions and for public opinion, is but one of the many evidences of the corruption of the party in power. Tls3 same misgovernment is visible in other directions. The diplomatic service has, with some honorable exceptions, been a subject of rid icule by foreigners and of mortifica tion to Americans. To point to a few of the notorious characters who are the exponents and leaders of the present Adminis tration in Congress, would sufficient ly indicate what policy would be probably favored by those who blindly follow such guides. It is" impossible to close our eyes to the abuses which exist, nor ought we to sit down in despair of a reme dy. The people have been looking for relief for years, and would have secured it doubtless ere this, but for errors of judgment committed in the mode selected for obtaining reforms the necessity of which is admitted by all. Those who have heretofore acted with the Democratic party in tkis State DESIRE HARMONIOUS CO OPERATION with all Ilepublicans and others who are disgusted with the policy of the' - i i . j. t: i present .Aumiinsiraiioii, ami e re spectfully submit on their behalf that the Democratic party here and in the Eastern States offers the best if not the only hope for the rescue of the country from the difficulties in which it has become involved. Names, it is true, are not essential, but parties must ultimately be array ed upon principles and practical issues. The principles of the party which was known under the original name of Democratic Republican in '.'12 and 'i!f and has been called Democratic, and in some localities Liberal Repub lican in latter days, are these: ITS PERVADING SPIRIT is expressed by the maxim that the best Government is one whicli, while, it accomplishes its necessary pur poses, does so with the least possible interference with individual rights and individual liberty of action. Drawing its main strength from the workiug-men of the country, its aim is to oppose special privileges and class legislation and to prevent labor from being weighed down by need less burdens. IT ADVOCATES JEALOUS CARE of rights of local self-government reserved to the people of the several States; a strict construction of the powers delegated to the Federal Gov ernment and of all powers delegated to public servants, whether State or Federal steatlfa.it opposition to mo nopolies and to corporate agirressions upon the rights and interests of the mass, economy and retrenchment in public expenditures and uncompro mising opposition to the "protective system," so-called, and to bounties and subsidies as well as to inconvert ible paper money. It is not claimed that any magic influence resides in a name, or that personal integrity is the accompani ment of political opinions. It may be freely conceded that fidelity to public, trusts is to be secured not so much by political doctrines as by personal character. Every voter has the right to apply this test to candi dates, no matter with what indorse ment they present themselves for his suffrage, and to exercise his own judgment as to whether they do or do not possess the requisite qualifi cations for the trust which they seek. Human nature is not changed by party designations, nor is there any superiority of the individual mem bers of one party over those of the other in any respect. There are doubtless many who call themselves Democrats, who fail to act upon the principles above stated, and there are many who style themselves Republi cans, who are essentially DEMOCRATS IN CREED AND ACTION. Rut it is none the less true that there is an increasing unanimity among those who adhere to the Dem ocratic organization in reference to the principles above set forth, an increasing concord of action between all adherents to those principles, and a more rigid application of them as a test t all who avow them as a standard of political action; and it is also true that the Democratic is the only national party whose success- gives promise of the ascendency of those principles in the Federal and State governments. THE ONLY THING NEEDED to secure such ascendency is the union of all who subscribe to them, without regard to past party affilia tions, and the exclusion of all who are untrue to these principles from the confidence or support of the masses. There are few, even of the Republicans, who expect longer any redress of grievances, or any refor mation of abuses from their own or ganization, which has become hope lessly debauched and corrupted by its continuance in power, as well as by the natural tendency of its meas ures. THE DEMOCRATIC ORGANIZATION, affiliating with itself all the elements of opposition to the present Admin istration, is looked to as the only practicable instrumentality to deliver the country from the incubus which has so long crippled its energies. Snch is the unmistakable tenden cy of popular sentiment at present on both sides of the mountains, and to aid in securing a result so desir able, we recommend to the voters of this State in the several counties to unite in perfecting a thorough or ganization in every election precinct, based upon an uncompromising avowal of the principles above set forth, and that all candidates who present themselves for Democratic support be required to pledge them selves to-act upon and carry out these principles in the event of their elec tion. THE FAILURE OF THE LEGISLATURE to pass a law for the regulation of COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, fores and freights on rivllropds in this St vte is pi event to be deely deplor ed. The power of the Legislature, to regulate crd control railroads in the matter of their charges for trans portation of persons and property we most strongly assort; and the duty to exercise such power so as to secure the people of the State the transpor tation of the products of industry and labor at reasonal rates, is imper atively demanded. We also assert, as a sound political axiom which is fully embodied in the Constitution, that taxation should be equal and uniform, and that all property, as well personal as real, should be taxed in proportion to its value, and we regard the startling proposition enunciated by the Gov ernor in his last annual message, that lands should bear the exclusive burdens of taxation, as REVOLUTIONARY AND DESTRUCTIVE. We hold that, under the police pow er of the State, separate schools may be established for the education of the whites, negroes, Indians and Chinamen without in the least inter fering with the rights guaranteed to either, and we are uncompromising ly in favor of exercising this power, juid of providing such separate tchools. We are in favor of placing within the reach of every child born on our sod, or of citizens, or capable of be coming citizens themselves, a liber al common school education at the public expense, but we are utterly oppoied to all compulsory education al laws. , We dedge ourselves to exert every possihl,; power of government to the exclusion of Chinese immigration, and to so amend the Rarlinganie treaty as fo secure Chinese commerce without flic curse of their degrading hordes of immigrants. If, howev er, their trade cannot be had with out the curse, we will forego the trade. No IJetter Than Slaves. The Xew Hampshire election hav ing passed, n'early one thousand workmen have been discharged from the Portsmouth Navy- Yard, some of whom had drawn pay for only two or three weeks. Many of these men, who had been set to work in order to secure their votes, had been promised that their pay should continue at least until Mav. and it. was difficult to convince them that they were to he turned adriit. Ul course these mm having; sold their votes for place. receive little sympathy ; but the action of the Navy Department in ordering their discharge so soon after election confirms the assertions made before the election, that the extraordinary force of incompetent workmen put on the pay rolls be tween January and March was re cruited simply for the purpose of carrying New Hampshire for the Ad ministration party. The design failed of execution, but it is esti mated that a needless expenditure of at least !?2r(),00(J has been incurred in the corrupt transaction, which is nil the more it. famous in view of the fact that there is a law of the United States w hich provides that any officer or person in the service of the Unit ed States who shall order or advise, directly or indirectly, by force, threat, menace, or intimidation, any interferanco with the full exercise of the right of suffrage, or interference in any manior with any election, shall be liable to a fine of not more than 85,000 and imprisonment for not more than five years; yet in the face of thisJaw the workmen in the Portsmouth Navy Yard were driven up to the polls in gangs under the supervision of overseers, where they were compelled to vote as they were directed for fear of being discharged. Having so voted, the' were then set adrift in disregard of all the promises made to them. Under Robeson's administration of the Navy Depart ment, says the.S, American citi zens who accept employment 'on public work are regarded as no better than slaves, and they are dealt with accordingly. An ExTERrnisiNG Country Editor. The Detroit Free Press contains the following: . He was once out on a jaunt in the townsh ip of White Oak, Ingham countv. sticking to every farmer un til he got his name and money, and so it happened that he came to a house where death had just called a few hours before. The farmer's wife was laid out, and the husband man and children were grieving over her loss when the editor knocked at the door. "What's up," inquired the editor, as he saw the farmer's solemn coun tenance before him. " My wife is dead," replied the farmer. "Is that so?" mused the editor a little disappointed. "Did she die easy ?" " Dropped off like a lamb. " Did she say anything?" "Not a word, just went right to sleep like." "I didn't know," continued the editor, a sad look on his face, "but what she might have requested you to subscribe for the Cascade, which you know is the best paper in the county. If you want it I'll take your name right in, and under the circumstances I won't charge a cent for the obituary notice !" The farmer hung off for a while, but before the editor went away he had two additional dollars in his pocket, and had written an obituary notice for publication in the next is sue which the bereaved husband pronounced "a mighty smart piece." When a Western member of Con gress recently alluded so freely " to the hayseed in his hair" and the " oats in his throat," why didn't he complete the diagnosis of his case by speaking of the "rye in his stomach?" Terrible Tragedy. FEARFUL RESULT OF JEALOUSY A - GERMAN IN SMOKY VALLEY, NEVADA, KILLS HIS WIFE AND TWO CHILDREN ETC. Austin, April 1. The Reveille of this evening contains the following: From Dietrich Osterhaus, who came in this evening from Smoky Valley, we get the particulars of a dreadful tragedy which occurred in that locality on Sunday. Osterhaus nearest neighbor, a German named Chris. Eckstein, lias lived in the val ley for the past two years, occupying with his wife and two children, aged respectively two and three years, a small stone cabin on a patch of liay land. Of late ECKSTEIN AND niS WIFE HAVE QUAR RELED FREQUENTLY, owing to t! e husband's jealousy of a young man named Norton, who was herding a few cattle in the neighbor hood. The neighbors paid no at tention to the quarrels of the pair, as they had become of too frequent occur rence to be noticeable. Eckstein was known to be naturally of a quar relsome disposition, and has made frequent threats that he would kill botn Norton and his wife; but none of the people in the vicinity enter tained a suspicion that he would carrv his threats into execution ON SUNDAY LAST Osterhaus had occasion to pass Eck stein's cabin with his team. Notic ing that an unusual air of stillness hung about the place, he halted his team and knocked at the door of the cabin. His summons meeting no response, he was about to remount his wagon, thinking the family had gone to town. By an impulse for which he cannot account, he took a second thought, and pushed open the door, WHEN A llORIilULE SIGHT MET HIS GAZE, chilling the very blood in his veins. On the tloor lay the half nude body of Mrs. Ecksteincovered with blood, her features hacked beyond recognition, and the skull being cut almost m twain. At her feet lay her two little girls, with their heads nearly severed from their bodies. Across the bed lay the bodies of two men, clasped in the embrace of death. They were the bodies of Norton and Eckstein. In the hand of the latter was clutched with the vice-like grip of death a larere bowie-knife, covered with blood, and bv the side of Norton lay a lame-sized dm coon revolver, four chambers of which had been dis charged. The dreadful sight nearly paralyzed Osterhaus, who, for a short time, was almost incapable of action. As soon as he came to him self, he aroused the neighbors, among whom the wildest excitement prevailed over the affair. INQUEST. A Justice of the Peace was sum moned from Ophir Canon, but up to the time our informant left no ver dict hail been rendered. He gave his testimony at the inquest, but urgent business in this city necessi tated hi. immediate departure. He 2romises us further particulars on his return home. Eckstein was a man about 45 years of age, a native of Germany, iiis wite was aoout 23, and is represented as having been unite handsome. - Norton was a young man, aged about 25, a native of Missouri. A Lover of Liberty. 'tis sweet for one's country TO, ETC. From the Xew Orleans Picayune. Happening one day in his travels to be belated, Senator Callamer stop ped at a substantial and comfortable farm-house, and was entertained ami hospitably invited to make himself comfortable for the night. He ac cepted the invitation had a good sup per and very luxurious lodgings. The next morning Mr. Collamer made a survey of the farm of his host, and was much surprised with the comfort and substantial thrift and prosperity of everything around. He could not but congratulate him on his apparently happy lot. His fields were well fenced, his barns were filled, and his crops most prom ising. Resides, too, the farmer, had an industrious and amiable wife aud several bright and healthy children. "A farmer's life," remarked Mr. Col lamer, " is certainly the happiest of all human lots, and I must say, my friend, that you are as happily fixed as any farmer I ever knew." "Wall," remarked his host, "that's your notion, but 'tain't mine; I in tend to sell out and move next week." "Whither are you going?" inquir ed the inquisitive Yankee. "Down into Texas !" "What, into that wild and disturb ed country, menaced by the whole Mexican army and by roving bands of Comanches, and marauding Greas ers; leave this peaceful and happy home for such a savage country, where you would have to sleep every night on your arms, and carry your rifle strapped across your shoulder whilst plowing in the field !" "Yaas sir-ree," was the eagerreply, "who would give a cuss to live in a country where he couldn't fight for his liberty ?" An exchange says: " Compare the publisher of a newspaper who has to go round the country to collect his pay, to a farmer who sells his n heat on credit, and not more than a bushel to any person. If any far mer will try this experiment of dis tributing the proceeds of his labor over two or three counties, with an additional one of two or three States. for one year, we will guarantee that he will never, after that year's expe rience, ask a publisher to sunnlv him with a paper a year or two with out tfis pay for it. X) The largest moth ever known the Behemoth. A legal tender A lawyer minding his baby. A country without fair wonfin would simply be stag-nation. Very, very blonde hair is now called the " light fantastic tow." Felt slip ers Those felt by chil dren in their rude young days. Miscellaneous Items. Spain is a nice place to raise chick ens, they have so many coups there. O Miss Anthony always concludes her prayers with "Amen and wo- The hornet is beautifully definl to be the red-hot child of nature A baby was born on a street car in St. Louis. If it's a boy, it ought to be called H'oscar. " Mine Gott! vat vill the man make next?" said the Duchnian the first time he saw a monkeyi Cooing is well enough before mar riage, but the billing doesn't come till after; and then from the trades man. A wag, on being asked for an ap propriate insertion to a foundling asylum, proposed: " Thus far but no father." A female student of medicine wants $20 to buy a maC to cut up. Most women can cut up a man cheaper than that. Young married people who have their house built should have it built round so that discontent can find no corner in it. O 'Tis true that 2.000.000 bushels of peanuts are each year devoured in 0 tne united states, most ot them by o pale, heart-broken young ladies. A Mississippi paper says: Give a negro a spavined mule, a single bar rel pistol and a brass watch, and yovi Two uair of stairs ar neeessarv to every newspaper office in North Carolina: one for the editor to go down as the caller comes up the other. An editor in Michigan, talking1 of corn, professes to have a couple of ears fifteen inches long. Some folks are remarkable for the length of their ears. At a late conference session, a cler gyman gave a reason why the Baptist Church is like a beaver's hut, "There is only one entrance to it, and that under the water." To certain non-paying subscribers, who want to stop the paper, the Co- q lumbia Herald says, very pointedlv but rather rudely, " pay up and then stop and be damned." A housekeeper, writing of poor servants, says if women would study housekeeping as iheir husbands study law, medicine and book-keeping there would be less complaint of bad servants. The editor of the Fredricksburg, Ya., Xews was asked by a stranger " if it was possible that little town kept up four newspapers," and reply was " No, it takes four newspapers to keep up the town." Peter Van Dyke, an old chap, who died the in New Hampshire the other day, worth $140,000 in cash, request ed in his will that no one should "snuffle and shed crocodile tears at his funeral, but cover him over and hurry home to fight over his money. Boy Mamma, papa is getting very rich isn't he ? Mamma I don't know; why, child? Boy 'Cause he gives me so much. Almost every morning after breakfast, when Sallie is sweeping the parlor, he gives me a six pence to go out and play. Sallie receiv.ed short notice to quit. The Rev. Charles Thompson of Chicago, declined a call to Louisville with a salary of 85,000, acknowl-0 edging that the offer was a generous one, and that the feeling which in spired it was very grateful to him; but adding: " None of these things move me !" Promptly came back the telegraphic response; " We have voted $500 to move you and your furniture." How to Get Passes. There is a newspaper man in the eastern part of Michigan, who is being bantered as the champion railw ay pass beggar. Passing him bv, we want to tell a little story about an old acquaintance who once published a paper on the line of the Detroit aud Milwaukee o Road. . He w as a mighty poor com positor to begin with, and the first issue of the paper was a sight to seS. lie had borrowed oh.Buchu and Bit ters stereotypes to fill up with, and his salutoray. as he called it. con tained about two hundred typograph ical errors, and half that number of grammatical blunders. But it was a foundation, and he went to receiv ing subscriptions and sending for railroad passes. He " went for" superintendents until he had a pass over every road in the State, but these were not enough. He sent abroad, and finally he addressed the superintendent of an Ohio road. No answer. The editor wrote again. No answer. He wrote a third letter, and an answer came back: " Go to h 1!" The editor turned the letter over and wrote: " Sends rue a pass on your road, and 1 will!" The pass came, and he was made kappy. "Mark my words," said United. States Senator Wardleigh, "if Sim-" mons is confirmed the Republicans will lose New Hampshire." Pro phetic language! Simmonswas con firmed New Hampshire is lost; and upon whom but President Grant can the Republican party shoulder th chief responsibility for. it? oo o C o O o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o