Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, April 10, 1874, Image 3

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1 Bflbi EaU 3 SailS 113 9
U.12.:3N CI TV, l.ttMiH. li':i!t !fl, 1S74. !
the Enleryiie for tiie Campaign. ,
Wo will furnish the Enterprise from
juw until the 13th of .Tune next, for fifty
ot-nt. Our friends in every part of the
Jtat ami especially in this county, are re
quested to nuke upchibs for the campaign.
jcpoks or l'-LixTKiN.-Tiie following
person were appointed Judges of elec
tion at the hist term of the County
Court : .
Caneuvih-J. K. IVingman, J. P.
r.lancln'-vd JUtl Win. Chmeng.
roper Mlalla lames Otlicc-r, Ifcu-
ry Moodv ;'ua A. J. Stubs.
HiirdiiL't-s M-irk Ilattun, Peter Wil- '
hon and 11-C. Lew is. i
Pleasant 11 ill A. J. Boll, Riley Ad
:nsand Im-ins Swly.
Millwaiuie Tho. Sellwood. ("has.
Uannell aid W. A. Starkweahter.
Srin -i Water H. P.. Lieuelling,
.S.inun.1 llighes and J. N. Harrington..
Cutting. II. C. Kingo, ?X. Frulli'iger
and Mono? Larkin.
Tual itii John Kruse, X. N. Itobhins
and Win Evans.
Cascade ('has. M. St. Jo!in, P. Ilf-v-cinie
and-folm Srrowbridge. '
. Hiirle 'n'ck Ilturh FTirrin, W. F.
Linn an. W. II. H. Wad-i.
Marqimis Martin ltobhins, W. A.
Jack '.'.in Tliomas Jaiii'-s.
Lowr MolalU Win. McCown,
Jlowar Ogle anil K. S. Fi.sh.
Canb-F. C. Mack. Isaac Clouser and
U.S. (l".u-lps.
IVavf tVeek Peter Noyer, (Jeorgo
Welch mt Timothy I5i-dy.
XTn'nu M. Uracktrtt, A. Yugin
and Vn. I'.ul ..v.
Mn.h'ieil--ieo. FWer, in. Ilyan
nd X X. Matlock.
tjw" A. 11. Shiol -V, Ton!
and J M. Lihhy. ,
ICok Creek K. 15. Johnson, in.
Grim and S !!;ni 1 ;n.v.-.
Oregon ("it vT. J. MeCarver, L. U.
Kelltuud W. JI. Pope.
(Iri.n Orai.vxizD. O.i Master Mon
day tieladL-sof the K; ; I Church,
pUMiant to a call from the Keclor, met
for tie purpose f org-tm.img a s-oeiety
t,o b( called " The Women' Guild of
St. .uil's Church." The following
miters were elected, and committees
uppuuted: lt"V.Jihu W. S. 11 wood,
President, o.-oiliei: Mrs.X. V. Smith,
Vior IVe-Mont ; Mrs. J. W. S-llwood,
S.-evtary ; M; s. M. I). K. lly. Treasurer.
Coiimiite,;s )n 1 hit 'I'talnm -nta etc.,
f .rthe Church : Mrs. i I . 'cara !i, M rs.
A. Vol trior. Miss Im'-ir-.-.i. :i vi-::-iaj,
aid work fort lie. poor: Mrs. T. V.
uith, Mrs. S. Lovejov. Mrs. Chas.
"he ohiect of the S ,ci-t.v is mutual
V-s-opt-rutioii and loi;ig, wlili system
iitiPorder, ao' 1 n;elcr th ohveti.m f
fh Uector. such works iif love lor ;
Clri-t 's '!iui- li and the i
f1v fall to the lot
'hns: i in woin. :i t
te "fid. ill. Monthly meeiius for the
t HIS let H ll ot ollsmi
w ill ! .e held on
it:irst Iimrvhiv ui eaep io ;it!i.
ISkm.k J. Ski.i.wi urn. Secretary.
I'auiii M.-eTiMi. The annual ini-el-tig
of St. l'aul'.- Parisli was held last
Mon lay evening at the I'im.vli, and
called to order by the Hector, H v. J.
NY. Sel'.svood. After re iiling til" Tre.-.s-n-er's
report for the past year, the clec
t'on for seven vestrvm! n was had. an I
resulted in the .s- leetiotk of the follow
ing gentiem'-n : Messrs. .Mil! Mvt rs,
ll. M. K.-llv. R, iii.eii Smith, A . X d li icr,
l-'rau III. V'.st. K. 'au.iei! and Hiram
Cochran, i i:o:!-di o ly af.ir the ad
iouriimeut ef t ie- l'a.lsli oieetin--', the
J , , . , v - .... i ... I . I ...... I
d ( b eted '
1 !-. oo i .l...
IOC follow l.lg o.i, . o;..-.,,
. : S.-i.ior '.Vard- n, I
H. M. Kellv: Junior W ardi n. John i
M vers; Seen t:uv. A. Nokuer ; Treas- j
ni-r .ii ui ! ts. :
IU er, J
M vers.
Ii.b. -Mr. ii; cry Warren w.-,;-. t
ill last Situ.diy, ::n.-l on M.ui i
w v.-i a . p -ij-'-n t that oe n.rs t!
in a very !::! I i'-a-m. We 1
ve-!',ei i
... ,, .. :, i
i. .
il ls not been s. -vei
enough b e-oiup-d J
bi-n to r.tire to his , a--
l at this ;
-; naa; lv v 11. i nero are iinunt j
of any oth r t t.ik'm ;il.au-irs it in: a
over two v.- e'ts soi'-e Ue- lime anv !
tv-r nxii'v;e! to ('ha;l"" Warren, there I
i. 4.-in'!lv ;iiiv oroi. ai.ilif v Ji.at t!:-re "
will : an.tli-r e.ise. 'j oe atoi'-k on '
tbo elib-r Mr. Warren is ha r-ltv s-'vere ;
- i. - . ; . . . . . . r .,.,.f ,i i. !
IriVH no doaoi !,:;( w haV this w ill bet'ae
l.-.t im', T'e- a t ma- cant ! a", is exe-r-cii.-d
by the health commitl-'-.
Itoo-irKn on a Moo. Titree young
men ng iire 1 bv Capt. Mill-.-r to a
met, engage i o apuoe-,
In brinuing tie: Onward out of the
,r i .- . i . ,i . ,a.. ..
Tualatin. attemiLeil to cross tii.it river
or evening l.ist week, ati i a line
which was stretched aer'os
I :-. river
vaught their bor.t and caused it to u;
e:. They all managed to get on a log
41-1.1 rem lined there unld n--xt morning
about V o'clock. They had a good ;j
Ttite. and were ivarly frozi n when
reevmscd by ('apt. Miller.
iMiMtovi.vtf. Wo dropped in last
Monday evenisig to witness the exer
cises and were very agreeably surpris
ed to notice the improved made by the
turners. T'u -y are under good lead
ership, and will soon comaro well
with any Soeii-ty of the kind in the
Nrhte. The iic-mi ir-r in form us that
boy will be pb'tseil to n-'." ivc visi
c' ladies i-speei iP.v invit.-d. on the
second Monday in each month.
PitKi-Aisixo. In several places
throughout the State, the nn-mbers of
thti I. (). O. F., are pit paring to e. h-
. , .
brate the approaching tinnirersarv. In
Portland extensive -arrang.-m-nts at-
l)cing made, and also at Albany. The
hrihron know how to have a good
fitifeand g.t nothings in style.
T.iE"0NW.VnP.-V'a,I7rT: Miller
jxiu C.T. CUureh. hav,- bought t;K.
tnuiiiTOmviiril, which has f.'.r sonic-
time been running on the Tn-diian,
jmd brought her out in the Willamette
ail right list niesuay. we are net
Rwiro what they propose to do with
her. We understand that the price
.paid M-as $J,uoo. not the value ot her
IiKrri;n b:-ir. The following is a i
list of the Letters remaining in the
Poat-ollbv at Oregon City, April 10th,
v i iri.a, v f i t'.ti.v i;v,
ti.ia .1 ('assady.Joh,, NV. HulvnyVfj
Mason. Ch irk s Vinton.
it caiuM tor, pie ises.i.v mn aoyer
" '
a-at loi-n i.vxr.s. tapt Jieoges,
hheritf ot tins county, wisues us to in
form all who have not yet paid their!
tfi.xes, that the time of grace will l.e out I
on the t)fh inst., and that utiles pay- j
inent is made on or bebue that date, j
costs will be chargevl. T nis is thela.t
-r. -r r.i .
P oTViC'Eii. Major C barman return -
ed last Wednesday from S in Francisco,
wnere ne nas itn-n purc;ia-iug a s-iock.
of spring goods, which he is now open-
in.g and will be happy to sell to his
customers. The Major knows w -hat
the jseople want, and by going to see
hitn you will get it.
Ef-ECTED. A. J. Appcrson, Esq., was
fleeted as a delegate to the meeting
which is to take place at Portland on
the 21st inst.. to take into consideration
the -ropriety of applying for a (irand
Encampment Charter for tills jurisdic
tion. Tes O.v.vard.-This boat now in
dryilock. under coins' rer3irs.
vGooDS.-The publican, respect
fuJ invited to cull at I. Sellings' anc
examine the lame new stock of goods
Jft revived, men's clothing, etc.,
uieii win be sold at greutlv reduced
l prices, at the corner of Main and Third
streets. - - .-- (
RETrr.SED.-Mr. L. Ackerman, cif
the lirm of S. Ackerman, returned
from San Francisco last Wednesday,
where he has been buying a splendid
stock of spring goods.' which they are
now offering to the public. jive them
a call.
Li:kt Us. Mi-. I,. I,evy, who has
been in business . for .some time past
with his brother in this city, has left us
and gone to California. Mr. L. has
gained many friends during his resi
dency, here," and th-y all wish him
prosperity wherever lie may go.
Mass Convkni iov. The Independ
ents of this county hold a mass con
vention in this city to-morrow, for the
purpose of selecting delegates to t he
State Convention, which meets at Salem
next Wednesday.
Il.vr.i,. The Turn Vereiu Society pro
pose giving a grand calico bull at their
hall, on Wednesday evening, April
:i!ih. The boys "nover do anything bv
halves, and a grand gotU time may be
John Myers has jut received a new
stock of goods. H'e sells them (-heap
for cash, and if you want anything in
his line, give him a call.
Di: oi:ati:I). St. Paul's Church, in
this city, was handsomely decorated
witli flowers last Sunday, being Master.
ML-cli;! of the Oregon City 55ar.
In re.-pect to the memory of Charles
M. Warren. M-'p, who died in this city
on S.durd.iy, M ire'i 'Zih, llt a
in eting of t.'ie members of the l!ar
of this city was held in the- Countv
Court room on Monday, the b'th of
April,' being the regular term of said
It -solved. That the sudden death of
Charles M. Warren, Ms;., our youthful
associate, is a puSdi- lu..;amf to each
of us a c.iiw! of deep personal grief.
His rapidly increasing of clients,
bore deserved tc.-timony to his profes
sional growth and tail ht'olie, ss, and the
devotion of fii.m-N far::;; 1 wide in h's
List painful i'diies.-', te.- tiry tie ir a opre
ei.it ii ;.'i f h is wortiius a'mau. Tiiose
of us who wvre most eor,.-t antlv asso
ciated wiili him in t,ie practice of (he
l.e.v. were mo-.t lea ly t.i testify of tl;e
l'l'dli tnt promise-of Pis future.
ltcsolvcd. That t!iis testimonial of
of our regaiil for our fleet ;u-cd associate
and liieod, i ..
-cub-d to the Con nt y
l ourl nt v la.-u.! i o.is (.
mty, to m-.-ct
oo.'-'-r l h:.t t he
us '.normug, vu!
same Le spread i:p-n the recrds oi" list
Resolved, That the Court- be re
picslcil to can-." a duly e. rtiiied copv
of these proceed ipgs to be transndtb d
to tin- widow and ;o ti-o father of t lie
deceased friend and a-, .oeiale, in token
of our sympathy v-. ith Jhein in their
.-'id i i'l"ea v llieiit.
In eo. ui: e:i ;:i with t!ie above Hon.
''.. i. Wdiite, Cminry Judge, offered
the IV ilow ing, which was read, and by
reoue: -t of the J :.ir, ordered spread
upon the records :
" i.'ii! lemen : ! I s ing alwavs enter
tain. -d tiie highot r. gard for M r. C. M.
Warri-n.asa iawyer.-t rare ability, fc.r
s- ',a.-;;ng in bis : iroh-sion, and
iNoa mill oi tiudoubte d integrit v ami
, -. , ,.., I, .,,1 1 ,1
..:.!.',... ,.t ..,,.1 ,-.....f ,w-
r "I' ?yv "...
.L'olVher' hi
' . . . -. T
loon ,- -Ui i lo oav the i i t trioele oi re
el to him, as an attorney in this
I e. a; t. ! oo i.t see ot .-
i;, l I
t h t ise.
Ui; v - tu,-iiia:e. n i ..njy w
1 , .
wi. . i wo; i-. -i.-.i. .ciati
i - t .
i : ::i
i.ar i,. i-v. :r s :-. v. on: also
j ;i i .Oiii'v and laiiier molhei-
th,-rs a.i-d sisters in their sore atlia-
'i"0. in toe loss oi nun, wno by Ins
u tb.-.u.i le;s ea.-. ageiomot sor-
row and itsonrmng. His death is f.-lt
' a ;ioi.ii- loss, an i ins memorv
to a no!. lie loss, and 1
wiii long be eiieri.-iii.-d bvall wiioktu w
In m.-mory .C tri.--d-;--.-ased the Const
In memorv of t'-e-d
wdl stand ad;oiiriied until to-ititrrw
1 1 1 i o :. : 1 ' ." ' a . l: ..!-
-aid adioiiriied tin
ig at . o'clock.
W. U. Win i '.:, Countv Judge.
Jcsr So. The " Independents" in
Mariou iroitnty iiave placed in n(mi-
j na i,m a ticket coinp-iscd of Radicals,
! , .
! !iild oiie or t .vo sore-heao.ed Demo-
l'r-its- They havo captured Ben.
; Jlarting, ami as the inocoemlents
profess to be oppOT-d to politicians,
this will be regarded as something
Rtrange. Who lias not in times past
heard of the political tricks of slip
pery or " Subterranean" " 5en.?
Whv he is the very
"y fellow t!'at
cleaned out Fearne a ad (r. II. Wil-
hams in lstil, and what lie does not
know in politics is hardly worth
while mentioning. Thev might' as
., . ir ' T , .
well say that, Hon. J. C. Avery is
nummular wiin ttse lath ol political
trickery. Doth these gentleman are
! now working heart and hand togeth-
j yt..u fu,,,llirIv Avas the C!liof'
, , 4. . ,
of the tjutcm Kiiig. and it apears
! 1 t
t!i:lt Av,'r' aua ,,:lVt j"incd
j hands tw resurrect tlie defunct clique,
' T , , ,.kT i i i-- ? i
i J!t our D.idcpe:ident friends nom-
1 Congress and Avery
r ( .overnor. They are opposed to
j political wire-pullers, and these two
! don't know anything about such
j tilings. Not they.
Dr.M.vitiiAp.i.E. Since the adjourn
ment of the Democratic State con
vention the Ikidical and " Independ
ent" press appear to be terribly in
love with our present Congressman,
and :--eem extremely sorry that they
,-!, .,r .i . . - ., .
i 7 1 , . m u,u ot vol-
j in' lor hl11 next June, ( Hi, you hyp-
j ocnts ! Had he ,got the nomination
'. tnere would have U-en nothing too
i mean for these-
:n r. t.mi. 4.-.
- i ..p. -,,. i,; o-- ,
Ppio una so aoos
man whom vou are tryin"- to
j otrr r.nV-o,.
C 1 JcJ ..tan.l you.
. c. . t
leporied that .7. C. Tolm;
i i.t'iieai
I ...
j wlH sorul for
t.ie badical nominee for G
Ex-Governor Woods to
i-w-v ior nun to stump the
State. He will neo,! somebody
; but it ;s doubtful whethc-r he e-m
t v t , Q. tl ; f V L'in
j 1 Ut lus foet on Oregon
I ' lU
VEr.y Cold. The Badical tiefcet
13 receiving a very cold reception in
this county. We have not seen or
heard of a man that considers it
it will be elected. The ticket is rt-
crfve., as eoM if it v,-ere a l0Ep of
A Falsehood. W'e I "see it stated j At it Alkeady. We heard a Rad
br the Radicals and " Independents" ical declare that under no circuna
that the Albany Convention was' a I stances would he support a portion
packed concern in the interest of : of the ticket nominated by the Rad
Governer Grover. This is falsp I ical Countv Convention, but that he
The people all over the State de- !
manded his renomination, and it .was
but in response to this general sen
timent that the Convention renom
inated him. Gov. Grover is the
choice of the Democracv, and he o-ot
his nomination fairly and honest! y
d honestly
part, and
ace of the
wjthout any effort on his
will be elected in the face
selfish opposition made against him.
He has made a good Executive, and
the people know that he is honest.
Democi:axiu Victory. The De
mocracy of Connecticut have achiev
ed a glorious victory in the election
which came off last Tuesday. The
Democracy re-elect Gov. Ingersoll
by an increased majority, and elect
17 out of the 21 'Senators and in the
House they have 4.2 majority. This,
of course, will be laid to the oil'
year. . But we apprehend if 'Connec
ticut and Xew Hampshire are having
elections in the off year, Oregon will
be the same, and when she "follows
in the path of these States our op
ponents will attribute it to the same
cause. Y'e are not particular wheth
er it be off year or not, so long as
the Democrats aic successful.
Lane County. The Democracy of
Ijano county have placed in the field
the following ticket, which is a good
one, and we hope that the Demo
crats of that county will give it their
hearty support and elect every man
on it. For State Senator, R. Coch
ran; Representatives, R. Hays, A. J.
Doke, George Riuehart, J. T. Mat
lock ; County Judge, John M.
Thompson'; County Commisioncrs,
W. Masterson, Enoch Holt ; County
Clerk, II. S. Ward ; Sherilf, James
McClaren; Surveyor, R. Mulholland;
Treasurer, John Day ; School Super-
uitemlent, ilammoriU ; coroner,
Dr. Sharpies.
CENEiiA"LI.Y F.Noonsrj). From all
parts of Clackamas county we hear
general approval of the Democratic
State ticket, and the people heartily
endorse tlie nominations made. The
platform also meets -with their heartv
approval. Governor C3 rover's re
nomination meets with universal fa
vor, and so also does that of S. F.
Chadwick, as they all declare that
they have made honest and faithful
oflieers, and that no such charges of
corruption as were brought against
their predecessors can be made suc
cessfully against them.
Good PitospECT.s. The prospects
in Marion county for a glorious vic
tory in Ma; ion county for .the Dem-
7. . ... ... . X t . ll
oeniue uci.et arc most iavorai;ie.
learn that the feeling between
the llee-uhirs and .Independents is
very bitter, and that the 1'alieal vote
is about oqnaily divided between
them, white but few Democrats l.ile
any rtoek in the. independent move
ment. It is true they have managed
to i oil a few soreheaded ehrouie
oni-e-seekers on t:ie tielcet from
ati-ioa the D -m )"rats, but tiie-y
will carry no votes with them.
"Wasco. The following is the In
depomb nt or Ita. Ileal ticket for
Wasco county: For Senator, llenry
5.irii(-s; Ib-presentati ves, R. 15. 3n
for, Jjoliert Mays; She rill', (1. "W.
F.urford; Clerk, It. G. Gibbons;
Treasurer, F. Dehni ; Commissioners,
A. Savage, John Chipman; Assssor,
A. II. llreymtisi; School Superinten
dent, Ezra Fisher. The Convention
decided to nominate a easnlidate for
State Printer, arid W. M. Hand was
placed in nomination.
The Dalles M ru Nliin;r is inform
ed, and by good authority, that it is
1 iotetition of Hon. Z. F. Moody
contract for cari.ving l!lt, mai!s b -
tween the D ill -s and Fortland for
four years, commencing on the 1st of
I T" -v m'xt in company with several
j other gentlemen, to put on steam
i)u.u.s between the two points, for the.
purposo of carrying the mails, also
passengers and freight, that Hon. ().
llumason will take the contract for
building the portage at the Cascade,
between the upper and middle land
ing, and will then put on teams and
transport the freight over the same:
the distance over the portage being
only one and a quarter miles.
The Beaver last week made daily
trips between Corvallis and Ilarris-
burg. under cotn-iiiud of C.i'itain
J tp-rhm in. (:i Wednosdaya change
was made. Captain B lughtn.an went
below and Captain Miller took charge
of the liver, and will run be two n
Corvallis and Eugene City as long as
the "heavy dews" continue and the
" bars" keen moist.
The Albany Ji-'gWer of last Satur
day iys: "Definty Sheriil' John
Parker brouglit to this -ity on Thur.s-
i oa ami tuai-e.i in me v.uy dan a nun
l.,bert Constable, charged
with Hie crime of brgvtmy. About
! threw month since accused married
the daughter of John Faulkner, of
this county, having at the same time
a wife living in Portland.
At a meeting of Chemeketa Lod 'o
No. 1, I. O. (. P., Salem, held Wed
nesday evesiing, Aoril 1st, Cr. W.
Jordan, E. K. Miller and J. J. Mur
phy were elected delegate? to attend
the Flight ortuy drand Liodge, I.
6. 0."r., of Oregon, whicli meets at
Portland cn the third Tuesday of
The Nen; lias it that the Radicals
nominated P. Jacobs, of this city
for State Treasurer. Not much.
He had to stand asida to give Carev
' a show,
Refeesen iaitves. 01 ive Lodge,
IS. of S-ilrn. T. O. hfi
r electe i ' a3 ' representatives to tbft
O, Lodge. MeS.ra, t. if. GiUrj-
: V I: -I. uirlii
and his friends proposed to ' swap"
all day bat what they secured the
defeat of those candidates. We
have heard of other propositions to
' swap." The anti-Alitchell candi
dates, who staid away from the polls
1 - st fall will not get the Hippie vote,
ll l the Hippie candidates Will not !
. i, ,n,. Tlav o..
support the boltcis. lho ae get-
tmg up a nice iittie iuss among
themselves, and we have every reason
to believe that before the election
comes Oil" they will tind that they
have counted -without their hosts.
Curd fruiii tli l!.ard of Kcullli.
The Uoard of lleallh of Oregon City
would state, that in their judgment
there is no necessity lor the schools,
of this city to remain closed after this
week, on account of the present exist
ing ease of .iii'illio-'.
Jims Myers, Chairman ;
W. C. Johnson,
J. V. Nonius, M. D.,
S. T). IVii-i:, Si'C, board of 11- alth.
Clregua City, April f, lSTf.
THE IVALiir Htrt riuTORE.
See lu r jiallid oou:iteiiaric-e, but a sliort
tine--ago tn piwure or rutu iie:iu u, t ne
envv oi tie- school and tin-- l.riue oi the
household. She .asalvras wclconud by
tier sehoolnmw.-., lor n- r httl lorm anu
pl'-asiiig disposition curried cheeriuli.--ss
into Me ar rallies. i)i!ligetit, punctual and
exaiiielao ,oo -di -id and orae- lul at liortie,
iiie won tiu li -aris ot ait. hut, alas, we
are sorrowed. Thos- rosy c!e ei;s and rud
dy hps nr.: blaiieli-d v, a; ii i oasu mpt ion.
lie- vo:c one- so cix-'aaiit ing in laugh
and song is le- bt -, husa and supplanted
by a lioliov.- cough. Let us approach le r
couch gently and take ii r hand. Do not
shudder t caus - of tie- P-eble uiui passion
less grasp. The hand osice so h.-arty and
plump is emaciated and slio.is bony
out lines, while tne cords and tortuous veins
nr.' plainly niapp 'd upon tiiesuriace. The
pulse t nut bounded wita repletion, carry
ing vigor to tne w hole s.. stem, and impart
ing liif, beauty, vivacity, health and
strength, is delicate to t he loueii. f he I-c-ble
h art cannot propel t he t h i n, scant y
blood wil li loree. Must we los h -r while
y.d in her te-.-ns. 1,'ompanioiis and iri'-nds
ga t h -r around wit ii words of c'n rand con
solat ion, and d -part, v.itli moisfui-.-d eyes
and silent .-.t 'ps, .dust, we lose her? No!
ta r is r di a J We eau stay liiis d stroy
er of our hapjei n -ss and not su if r ! be loss
of so bright, a gem. Sontet hing more is re
quired ine.v tuan detary ami ti gieiiic ob
s rvanee, ior nature cads mr ai.l and sin
shall havi- it. laii-.-t'iis pleasant livdiclue.
It is m i.:or;it iog. Hon it alla.s tle.-irri-taol"
coti.iii, l in provi-s t!r- a, Vi'.tite aliddi
g -stiou and s aidsa le alttiy t ingie through
the li'ani . Tin.- blood is enriched, nervous
loree increased, and tic heart bounds w?h
a new i inputs . See h'-r im-.- br.gtiteh by
d"groes ; lie.- color is r turning, h r voice is
g' l.ting cii aivr, aa.i pi--a.o:l words are
s;oic ii. The. str -ngth talt. rs yet, but. is
gaming. E.-t us ta.i Ii r out in tie- warei
.suasiime. J a a sa.i"t t :mi- fie- wiH be a!"
to g Wit li out oar aid, a e!i-i real girl, 'libs
d li.vhliul m dicin - ma -t h iod-bl -ss -d.
It is restoring health to our loved one. Sh is
ein--rgir..r; irom hersi'-tin -ss, swe-ter and
nobi.T t iia n b 'lore, mid 1 sr. l'l -re :s eiold
i'ii M dieal Dls-.-overy mast hav t he credit..
ii ha s rais al ii
s. H. i:.. r.At:. drug ii-? ,of West l"n; :s, O..
says that. i;r, l'i re -'s i ioid. a .Miiiii-il Dis
covery has cif-cled a wind -mil cure of
i. 'onsui.-ipi ion in bis neighborhood.
Xew i:.i)K. 'The Gil-.u-u -ge,' Mark
Twain's last book, is the best, on the
whole, of all this h u n i a :-,t 's eftirts at
book-making. To satife, tlirottglu ut, is
very good. 'The hits at the jollies ot
tualiiiie are original and inimitable.
I'm- book is sol 1 iy subscription, and
cannot be procured other .vi-. itisa
prodigious sip-ecss, an l its sales are
.villi. -a! oi e. e.ii Mr. D. Wriglit i-:
.sgent for mis county for this popular
nook .
to oia;i:ii.v:
!l:ip-.vlt-ii f for Yiim:i-.' Men from ttio
.(T-ctsof t'.rrors und Ae i.s e, i a -;i rly 1 i
Manhoo i r tor- d. 1'iip .ii ii'-ulsto Mar-ria-t'-r
-ae v 1. -N"'-v m 't Iiod .of t r atrii"nt.
N.-V an'i reniarkabl ranches, p.., ak-asid
circulars s-an tY'-e, in s -af d ei!n;.cs,
Addr-s. 1MWAKI) ASS. 'tATi' N, No. -South
Ninth St., Piiieel -Ipiiia, Pa., an In
st it -a i io a Im vmg a h i j. !l r ; ut :it ion iV.rlinn
orabie conduct and pron ssional skill.
lio 'i :iy
PC1'.T.ISII-I) AS A WARNMNfl and for the
S.en -fit. oi' YOVNO Mrs 'A.N'T) OTIIF.RS who
sntf'-r irom MatN'ulS DEitlbll'V, b )SS
ill-' M A X i b si ) I ', et c, niuthirotit iii uns
,f xl f-i-itrr. Writt- a by N a rsiAMKi. May
i:.uit, 1 .'., who cur I hi uis ii alt.-r and r-
;im a -considera bi tpiahk' r', an.i iaail. tl
rei oa r -ci-iyine a post-paid directed enve
lope, bv the j.aiilish 'r,
11 linton Str (, I'rooklyn. v. V.
At Tvwiston, I. T. March .".nth, 1ST I, Mrs.
Annie .Monro dauglil -r of th j lata Kobt.
Newell, ag -d aiout li ears,
In this county, A .ril Sth, 1ST 1, Joseph
Tracy, :vg-d about "tye;uV
San 2'i-ncico .Idrkti itepart.
Sax Fit Ve.a-i.sco, April 0.
Wheat in Ely -rp l Av -r ig Caiit'orala,
Us (ulis. a I. ; Ur.-gon, l is S.l.
l-'lrur Sap rlin -, L'i;.i)7); extra, Sd .'J7.
W.u -at o.mt, i :thi,jni.
P.arl - t 'oast i -ed, s ,;7 r, ) ; bay feed
11 :tS : bay brewing,' I :, il 7-"i.
at wood supply in mark t; prices ara
$1 ." i vl ;V.
Wool -t, lia - to cho'.o -ctear, lCtJ).
Portland .-.EirlvOt licporl.
WimNj-.sn vr, April f. 174
"Jo!d in New Vork to-d ay, 1P! .
Port la red I, -ga I T-'-nd'-r rates, bi buying ;
S'J s'-Hing.
Wheal Demand is good at fl G't.-l 05 ?
cent.'. I, s-if !; .!. y
o its levl" li'ishel, sackc-.l and deliv
er (1.
Flour la cmis -qu tie-- of the condition
of th" wii -at mark t, r'.our iias been ad
VatlC "d to fa al'cv'i (I.). '
Putter t he- r-c -ipts ar- l.ir.;e ar.d ti-
mark t w -11 stock--l with all qualities.
Prie-e.s r.uu't! Iim:m .'!:) V!7 I'-'iiii.
Ergs dark't supply full; prices firm
at iO c ait s doen.
Wool The market, cn'inu s dull and
quota! ions are fur. lish -d at i;' jJ"c -. lb lor
a good ar; icb-.
iJacon f he supply on hand remains
abundant. .Sid ser- ptof--d at l'V-Sllc:
llaui:;, 1" il'V-, aa.i prime ShouliP-rs at '. i
Oregon City Market Kcport,
ENTKltPRISE Okki-k, A'-rii l'S, IST4.
Legal fend ts. lju.ving, " : s--bing f.!.
Countv script, as : it. scrij.', S .
T!i - foilowin r ar t h - uymg prices for
pro.-lac -, and tn s lluig price nr ot ii -r :
Wii'-at-l s -mand ".ood and s lling at 9 1
15 t bush -1.
i l jr tio.ad supply in market, and till
ing at. ) 0 S -ti 00.
.vl hid lings Are quot-d at !"r ton;
shorts, JI; and bra i with in 11 supplies
on h:ini.
Oats Supply equal to demand ; buyers
ar p iv lag A't 1 I c -nt s.
Potato -s No d 'mam!, and the maric t
oerstoekfl, t irom eeiit.- i r bush-
unions Quotntde at ! c-nts p t pound.
Egg flood supply, lo v Its doz.
C.iick -n ?-! .M i. :i a I p -r doz -n.
P.utt T Scare. i.i i-" c -nt s lor good fresh.
Woo! For clinic-' p,rs, c -nts.
Eri-d Fruits Full stocks in mar.T-t;
Appl -s an; bringing lev's c-ntss p--r isounu ;
)eaeh"s 11 cents; Currants 10 1 cents;
Plums fionts. '
su 'ar t 'rnsh -d, l.r-l c -nt s; Island 9 -5
10 v. ;"s;in Francisco r lineil, I.'IJV. c-nts.
Tea !; -i.t quaiity f 1 p -r pound, and oth
er brands ranging irom U 'v"j cents.
C'otf-e Ilest. article f,:! emts.
Sail Haiiirinir irom bifc-M.
'Syrup 5i) cents p-r gallon; best article
6) c -nts.
Ihcon-Ihm? H,1j cents; S!ioulder,
S cents; si 1 s, tS'Sl'S c -nts p'-r pound.
Lard Per pound ll.Xl cents.
Oil Devo's's Kerosene per gallon,t0.o
cents: Ians'-Pil $1 Si. .
Hepf on foot rood fat cat we una r..-iiuj
: nt. fi-m onts on foot
i sh'FewofferlnsTquote' at ?2 503 50 !
"oTOI al from M,,.,b.
j fir ; drr 15 w per pounu,
For the very best photographs, goto Rrad- 1
ley it riulolson's Ualery without STAIRS
Vaci'iiti in Uik levator, Montgomery J
Stn-c-usan Francisco, California. j T
TO J3UIJ1,J31;I1S.
Office of the Light House Engineer,
1'ORrLA.NU, Orooii, April sth, lt74.
".Proposals lor I.iht House for mouth :
of f'olaiiibia River, "Oron," will be re- '.-m
civetl at this oiiic; until 1J o'clock on t tie B
forms of contract, and nny Jesir' inlor- I
mat ion, can b'? had on application by i
IUuil or in 1)tfrsou to
Major of Engineers, L. S. A.
Eight lions EriLjui.-cr lotti District.
Dissolution ofcopastnekship.
drawn from the tirm oi Ievy liros.
ll-rt-att-. r Mr. A. Lew will oarrv'on tlm
business in his o An name. Collecting all
accounts due the firm,, and paying all lia
bilities contracted by the firm.
Oregon City, A), ril 1st, 1S73. lw.
: i
C L 0 T H 1 X G !
The goods have b-.-en bought nt P.VX1C
PitlCKS and will be sold in accordance.
Don't forg 't calling before you lay in
your sup; lies.
Oregon City, March 3i, Pi71 :tf
j;f.v3n i.oih;f. no. a, 1. 1. o. i,
Meets every Timrsdav
e -in. eg a i i o ii.iciv, in 1110 wjT.V-
0.1.1 i..u....p ii.it t.,i.i -fKfrJ?-
. -. : . . . i "i . i : . . it
street. M'-ni' ;rs of th" Or
der are invited to attend. 11 v order
X. ii.
itr.jji'.ccA ij::::?;:i: ?i'.)ifi:: no.
:i. I. o. O. 1'., Meets on the --.,-.,
Second and Fourth Te.es- f'-f;) ;
lay evcni-i'gs ;u.h l.iontii, kjK
at 7 ' (j'l-lei k, in the Odd
Fellows' ! tall. Membcrsoftho Degree
are invited to attend.
iuii .vo.'.iAii i.o:k;k x. i, a.i
A- A. M., Holds its regular com- ft
munie-itions on the First and 4vr
Third Saturdays its each m-mUi. V
at 7 o'clock from t health of Sepi '
iember to the -joih of March ; and 7' -o'clock
from tlie Otii of March to the
Jhtli of S 'ptem'ocr. Erethren in good
standing are invited to attend.
J'.y order of W. M.
i-'AM ::.NG' AMl'Mi;.T NO. 1,1. O.
o. V.. Ie -fs at O ld I'. llows' n ry
flail out lie First a udThird Tues- tCZ
day of each month. Patriarch: V-t.
in good standing ar; invited to attend.
VlAi'V I'KCAMl'Mi:?; V NO. '2, C.
l. '-. M-ets at O ..Id F !1 -is' Hall, in Or -,
si'.i 'Uy' sr--ou, on Saturday ov-aiing,
7 r.'.iook. M'mt.rs of tie- or-ler :ire in-vit.-d
o utt'-nd. M. C. ATIIKV, '.
.1. -M. Pi.vco.v, It. S. maiTlv
s i ; c; k u k col r a t ii,
A FAuTuh r
rtnci Doors,
a i) Aitii ll:ngs if aj.i- sizi:s.
They will also do Turning of every de
script ion to order,
p-All work warranted, shop on the
Kivor, in Lewis' Shop Opposite Oregon
City Mills.
i tion of laud, known as the Poise
claim.a miles from Oregon City, will b
otf -r 'd for sale f ir a xhort titw in';i. The
propri tor is not" "hard up." For terms,
etc., apply to Capt. A. V. Hedge or Isec."
barlow. Or 'gon 1 ity ; or Willamette Farm
er otlic", Saii.'in.
?Ioiiy! Money!
and upwards,
or 'go a i. it v, March 10, 1ST 1.
iiialitf " JOllSrytjS A. McCOWN.
y Oregon City and vicinity that lie is
prepared to turni.sh
tf every description.
11IY Ff.OOUlNf;, CKILEVfi,
.l'itl t i-: (lor sh lving,) L l'TICK,
Pll lilUrS, l''h.Tb I'tlSl'N (Cedar)
Ooiistaiilly on ILtnicl.
Str-et and Sid--walk lumber furnished
on tie- shortest notic -, :t. as low rates as it
can be pu rchas t m t h - St ai
.iive m a call at t he
()HK(;OXCJi'V S AAV 7-131.1..
March bi, 1ST 1 :t f
in i looks, Stationary, IVnum- : :-i"tf
cry, etc., etc.
0--gJt t i'y, O irgiiu.
tTTAl Oharmort A Warre-r's old stand
lately occupied by S. Ackcman, Main st.
losi: !
1 this cite and ."an"nrih, Weilre-sday
morning n 1 -at'a -r o?' -f -beKk eontnining
about ?J-T carrnc."; his name i ill !
found insid" of tt-e took. The finder will
b" suitably regarded by leaving t In- sn me
at this ofiice. IE PEARSON.
Is O T I OK !
friends, I take tehis m--thod of rublicly
nnnounrini m'fK a onndidat" for the
O'Hec of siir!n' rif Clackamas Count v,
subject to thf will of th" aprirra'-hing
Democratic Con vont ion. A. C. PAILEY.
x- frl"nds, I take this method of nu'mcly
Democratic Convention.
subject to the will of tha HonrorM Vn ; "'.Z r ' :VLV'"L' u-' u,,.u.s ?-vprra
-V if It C II A A' D I a IS .
H 0 FtI A S C H A R ftl A N
ulate'stm 5
business on the old motto, that
A Nimble Six Pence is Better than a Slow
of Oregon City and of tne W illamette
S7.il 'i riff.
I have Just returned from San Francisco,
where I purchased one of the
ever before offered in this city ; andconsists
in part, us lollows :
Hoots and Shoes,
Clothing, Dry Goods,
Huts and Caps,
Hosiery of Every Description,
Hardware, Groceries,
I'aints and Oils,
Sasli and Doors,
Chirm ware, Queensware,
Stoneware, Crockery,
Plated ware, G lassware,
Jewelry of Various Qualities
And Styles, Clocks and
Watches, Eadies and
Gents' Furnishing
Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy Xo-
Hope, Faming tionsof Every
Implements of Description
All Kinds, Carjxts,
Mattings, Oil
Cloth, Wall Paper, etc.,
Of the above list, I can say ray stock is the
.MOST C O ?I P I., i: T E
ever ottered in this market, and was s letcd
wilh espi-i-ial care lor t he Oregon City trade
All of which 1 now oiler lor sale at the
Lowest u"3arkct Ra cs.
No use for the ladies, or any one else, to
tliinivof going to Portland to buy goods ior
I am J) ti rnii.tiit to S'-lt CAtff and not to
allow mysell to be
All I ask is n fair chance and quick pay
ments, believing as I do that
Twenty Years Experience
in Oregon City enables me to know t he re
quirements oi the trade, (,'oiue one and all
and see lor yourselves that the old stand oi
cannot be beaten in quality or price. It
would be useless lor me to tell you all the
advantages I can oiler you in tie-sale ol
goods, as every store that advertises tioes
that, and "probably you have oeen disap
pointed. All 1 wish io say is
Come, and S'.v.s'diu ExaUiin-.' for Vonrsrivrs
fori do not. wish to make any mistakes.
My object is to tell ail my old l riemis now
that I -am srrfl alive, and desirous lo sell
goods cheap, for cash, or upon such terms
as agreed upon. Tha nkhig all lor the liber
al patronage SiereJ o'tor- bestowed.
Tlltss. CHA11MAN,
Main Street, Oregon City,
Legal Tenders and Countv Scrip taken at
market rates. THUS. OHAKMAN.
8jr-5'.V'U lbs wool wanted bv
f "Ll'
I. the Livery Stableon Filth street.Oregon
City. Oregon," keep;? constantly on hand
Saddle itl flggy ilovsos,
ISujfjfii-K, t'niriat-SHiiil Hacks.
jprices Iioaonable.
llo will also run a hack to and from the
during the summer season, with good
horses, com j et cut and gentlemanly drivers.
J. M. FEAZEIt, Proprietor.
Oregon City, May 27, 1ST-'!.
jlain St., Oregon City.
Saildlt-s, Harness,
iiaie, ':., t-tc.
J f can be had in t he State, :;t
8?"1 warrant my goods as represented.
"Vv A INT rr 11 13,
.A which I will pay the highes market
price in cash bring on your hides and get,
your coin for them.
Saddle and Harness Maker.
Oregon City, ( iregon, July 11, lS73-m3.
I'"1 11 It E S II
rrmE ENDt-iP.sroNFD annofnces
to the cit iz.-ns of Or-go7i City that he
has reopened his 0 st rr Saloon and Res-
tnurant.nnd can dish out Fresh Ovsters to
nil orders. Coir-e, Tea and chocolate
abvnjs on' hand; also a general assfrt
tiicnt of confectionary. Oysters served up
in every style desired. I.OUTS SAAL
Oregon City, Sept. -JO, lS73-tf.
pric paid for country produce.
FT" F.KP TITK MOST rmtPrrTP c-rrr-T.-
z-r- ku.'- ;i.v ix-c di cuarge. i ne nignesi cash
Cornier tf Fi out & Oak sts., Portland
Of Real EstRte, CJroceries, General Mer
chandise anu Horses.
SALE CAYS Wednesday and Saturday
A. Ii. PacUAKDSU.",
I V i-i y a i e it I c.c
English i;( fined Tar and Tiirfdle Trou.
t-iiV-osli souare and Ottagon Cast
fctool. Horse Shots. I.asps,
fcuws.tscrt w s,l rv-Fans,
Shu t Iron," li.
A large assortment of Groceries and Lio.-
ff A- -oiikllAliLsuN,
lI- Auctioneer.
Jan. 1, IS
' s
Dry Goods,
Boots and Shoes,
Hariiwa.ro, jrocorics.
Crockery, Xotions,
I.adi. s and Gents
Furnishing Goods,
cte.V-4 tc, otc, cto-
Main Street, (rii City
I rouuee of all kinds bought, for which I
pay the highest market j rice. If von de
sire good l.oods at Low pric s, call nt
bI. X K I. 7. JV t: ' ,s
and exnmine his new stock of Spring gornis
Jivc me a call and convince yourselves
My motto is,
The highest market j rice paid for wool
Oregon City, Oct. 31, S73-tf.
4 rJC 131 3! ERS.
T 1 or. hind, at o-!ock,A. M., as follows
Tor Con-tllis uibl I:it.riii;uii;t- Paints:
Alois "?;ty, V.Vdnc day ;! rri a.
For Albany jtibl liibrihtiiiutr Points:
3Ionda y, Tt e,.?:I j , V.'cd n -d a y, 'i hu i
ami Frid:ij-.
For Dayiou, LaFnyctl.. mul lc31iiiivillc3 -
Saturday iii-.sl Jlcstilay. O
1'assagc to f'orvallis je
Passage to Albany j 511
Passage to Sal 11 1 00
Passage to McMinnviii ino
li. (.ol.liSMIlll, President.
December li'th, 1;T J. tf.
Sti. ll COOKE, .
Will l-iiw ( spECo N CITY for I-OHTLAND
every day f Kxt-cj t Sunday, at 7.V. o'clock,
A. M. Iti-turniiig, will leave Portland for
Oregon City at o'clock, 1. M.
Will leave OHKt.JON Tl V lorCOKVALLIS
every Mondav aiid Thursday of cacli week.
Will P ave ohkoox CITY for McMINN
VI U.K. LA I'A YLTTK and DaY'ION. and
all points b.tucvii, ey ry Monday, Wt-d--
nesna ami 1-ridayoi each w. k. Lt-iivcs
the basin nt s o'clock, a. :., and coTi'nect .
with the train nt niieinah at A. M.
Loaves OHKOt )N CFl Y for IIAKniSEEKU
and EL";KNE and all intermediate points
every wei k.
Sti. jVaimit." lutton, q
Leaves OltKCON CITY for ALP.ANY and
all intermediate jioints brt u-en twice -v- -cry
week. .1. D. LILKS. Aircnt.
Or. gon ity, February, H, lsTJ.
First Sivcc-t licb-.ti i: Alder and Mor- G
lison Sts., and Al!er Street lcttv-t-ii
First it lot front Streets.
loi't litncl, Oieeir
pare J'.oyx, YarXU and MIDDLIi
A(Jhli MKX ior 1 usiness Alfairs.
AV. I., aviiiti:, :
: : rresiIent.
: Si-rw-tary,
For acquiring a I'mrti.-aT Jluxines Kducn
tiuti this institution oltVrs sup rior auvan-.
tag. s, an.i is acknowledged 1-v Ixadins
Uusiliess Men to lee the best
Comnicpcia 1 CollK -re
on the 1'acilic. Coast, and sreorrd to none.
Kach Dej artment is First luss, and is un
der the special charge of kxi-eriexced
teachers, and tie- wp.ole sehod is under
the imtiu dial superintendence of th"
I 'resident and Seer. lar. . '1 he school room
and counting are nnind upon a plan that.
-cures to I he student all 1 1 e practical ad-.
vantantag.s of each. There is in operation.
fully illustrating that luisiness. Th same
s stem being observed inach department,
the student buys, sells, shi; s, barters, con- .
signs, discounts, insures, drav s checks,
notes and dralts;, gives leases, deeds, Ac, '
and goes through the entire routine of
actuaj, m siNKHs.
In adding to the eninjijeteness of tl.o In- .
stitution the profrietors have instituted a
The entrance-to rKiins f t iiir. I'- part mcnt
is upon Alder street, and access to th' m
is had only by the t ach.-rs and ladystu-.
dents. Rare lacilities are otf. r -1 to ladies
lor acquiring a thorough Knowledge of
luisiness practice ; ot lel -grophy and Pen
manshie. Tie- "
is in charge 0f firt-clas o -rat.ors and
teachers, and sup, li' d witli all the ai par-,
atus of n 11 rst -class ?i!ice.
This Institution as now con duct c;t'il aims
to have facilities for ini arting a thorough,
knowledge ot the
Art of l'cinn&iishjn!
that rot. one in tr-n of the Fcs-ivts Col
LEr.Es now in existence ossf ss'-s ; the Ik--partment
being under the sj cinl su rin
tendenee ol on-- ot the leading Penmen of
the United States.
For lull larticulrs r.d for National
Business ollege Jocrnal sent to any
pait of the count r lree. Ao!rep:.
Luck Lox 101, l'ortland, Oregon.
Savier, LaRocqne & Co.
Oregon Cit-'.
Keep constantly on hand for sale Flour.
Middlings; Plan and Chicken Feed. Parties .
Troti8ElDgf?d mutt furnic-h the Eadr,
o -