Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, April 10, 1874, Image 2

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    - f
HE gri ttfffl?-
For Coiiifs:
GEO. A. La DOW, of Umatilla.
I-r Goveniori
L. F. GKOVER. of Marion Co.
For Seirtary of State:
S. F. CIIAD'WICK, of Douglas.
For Slate Treasnrer:
A. II. 15KOWX, of Baker.
For Slate Irinter
M. V. BIIOWX, of Linn.
-SapertntenUeiit of Public Instruction i
E. J. DAWXE, of Marion.
Vor Prosecuting Attorney, First District.
II. K. ll.VXX.k, of Jackson Count-.
For JuJof Si-eond Judicial District,.
I... F. MOSIIIClt, or Douglas County.
For rros-cuting Attorney,
". AV. FITCH, of I-in County.
For Prosecuting Attorney, Third District,
O .J. a. AVIIITA.KV, of Linn County.
For Fourth District, nomination not made.
For Prosecuting Attorney. Fifth District,
V. II. MSSU'KUi. of (irnnt County.
O Convention meets in this City,
At 11 o'e!oek ft. m.
The Hadical Ticket.
The Radical .Convention met at
Salem, last Wednesday, at 1 o'clock,
and ratified the ticket which had
been previously nominated by the
Federal ofneo holders. The ticket
could not have been made any
weaker, and i;ot a man on it will be
elected. We have not time to com
ment on the platform this week.
For Congress, Dick Williams, a
lawyer of Portland, was put up for
slaughter, lie is a young man of
fine abilities, will say all he knows
on the canvass, and when the election
is over will return to Portland to
think over the ingratitude of the
American people.
The nomination of J. C. Tolmr.n,
of Jackson county, for Governor, is
rather ludicrous than otherwise. lie
is a good old man, has been a one
horse politician all his life, but
never came to the surface until now.
lie is in nowise qualified for the
position and cannot write a message
to save his life. We will use the
closing opinion of the Orvjonim of
this nomination, which is as follows:
"As few itrsous outside of Jackson
county have ever heard of J". C Tol
man, or ever will hear of him again
after the election, we take this oc
casion to say that lie has been an
active politician, in a small way, for
a long time, and would make a
ri-Vionably good County Commision
er, so far as education and intelli
gence are concerned, but is no more
lit for Governor than Joe Meek is tit
for Minister to the Court of St.
James. Grover's twenty-three years'
'struggle" against' the litigant law
is a mere bagatelle compared to the
.struggle Tolnmn would have, if
-elected, to write an intelligible
message to the Legislature. Exit
Grover, enter Tolman! No, thank
3'ou ; excuse us."
C. M. Foster, .an obscure individu
al from Baker county, received the
nomination for Secretary of State.
Of course, he nor his friends have
no idea of electing him, and he will
T,be as good a subject for slaughter as
anjf other tian. j
Dave G. Clark, of Corvallis, is tho
nominee for State Treasurer. He is
a line man, and well liked by ail who
know him, buti his connection with
the ring will let him out. lie is
brother-in-law to Mr. Congle, and
Congle is the father-in-law of Dick
Williams. A little family arrange
ment it appears. Dave has always
been a Radical, and has been i
of prominance enough to get even a
nomination for constable even in his
own county. He will be done Brown
on tho first Monday in June, and
realize the fact that he is not wanted
ist nuuiiiu uiu . o.aio iimus in the i
interest of the Custom House Clique, j
L. -aAI. Wane, the nominee for
State Printer, is a Job printer at
Salem, has no 'politics unless thev
pay, never has had, and we see ho
reason why those printers who have
worked for tho Radical party should
be set aside for him. But as he will
not be elected, it makes but little
difference who is nominated.
For District Judge, the Conven
tion gave us W. C. Johnson, of
Oregon City. . If ve had not re
ceived this information from olueial
source, we should have been under
the impression that it was an attempt
to perpetrate a ?ell on us. Byt this
is an actual fact, and while we feel
flattered that the convention has thus
thrift this honor on Oregon City, we
feel also equally satisfied that his de
feat iu the county will assure the
people that they don't want to have
such honors forced upon them. The
Ore'joniaa gives Mr. Johnson this
notice, and we will stop this time by
quoting it: "At last Hon. W. Carey
Johnson has got a nomination for
Judge of tho Fourth Judicial Dis
trict. " We give him joy on the occa-
Bioa for which h? has solong prayed,
Carey is not e great lawyer. We
prsnm tlmt no friend of hi will
! X
" ,1 Vy - - . v .
; r : i ' . - m
" - " i ,m i .. ,ir-i i 'j-ik1-
m i" r, i 1 1"' I'l "I 1 1 'I1' 1 i1 'i I "n" tf I 'I'm i ' 1 lil ''
claim that lie is. "We question, in
fact, whether he is much more of a
man in respect of legal learning anil
ability, than the present incumbent,'
but we expect him to make a better
Judge, all things considered. But
what is the useof speculating on the
subject of his qualifications for an
office which he will never be called
upon to fill. Let us indulge the
pleasant fancy that he would prore a
very Marshall, since wu can do
so without the slightest danger of
having our fancies put to the test of
reality. The convention could have
selected a worse man or a better
for Judge, but it could hardly have
found a weaker candidate."
J. C. Moreland, of Portland, is
the candidate for Prosecuting At
torney. We will give him due notice
next week.
Take the ticket from head to foot,
and it does not present any elements
of strength whatever, and will be de
feated beyond a question of doubt.
The thing was cut and dried before
the convention met, and all the dele
gates did was to ratify the wish of
the lling.
From Kenton County.
We learn from Corvallis that tho
Independent movement is not as
complete a success as was hoped it
would be by the managers. The
Democrats don't go into the move
ment very readily under the lead of
Mr. Avery, and then to be presided
over by that ancient relic of Radi
calism, B. II. Diddle. They can't
stand that kind of a mixture. We
are informed that most of these
Democrats who took part in the In
dependent move in that county will
vote the Democratic State ticket.
Our letter states, "It is a remarkable
fact that all the old wire-pullers of
both parties a rein the new party."
It also states that the Radicals are
dissatisfied with their ticket, es
pecially with Gingles for Sheriff, in
troducer of the thieving fee bill in
the last Legislature, and Bash Wil
son for Clerk, the author of the bill.
It was thought for awhile that the
Democrats would have no show in
the county, but since the nominations
of the Radicals the jirospects of the
forthcoming Independent ticket,
Democrats are iu good hope, and
think that they will carry the county
Our informant
says : "The Democrats are now
rid of the men who have al
ways been a curse to them, and the
true men of the party will be put
forth." It is understood that Mr.
Burnett will withdraw his name as
an independent candidate for Circuit
Judge, and accept the nomination
for Judge of Benton county. The
nomination of Judge Mosher and Mr
Fitch meets with genenal approval,
and both Democrats and Republican,
will vole for tht m. y They will un
doubtedly be elected. It is said that
the publisher of the Dj:no;rit was
busy all day last Saturday in stop
ping papers, as the Democrats refuse
to be led by Avery into the Inde
pendent wigwam, and if he does not
gratify his spite against Governor
Grover, won hi lead them into the
Radical or any other camp. We
kn ow that the Democrats of Benton
are made of true stuff, and personal
prejudice) will not control their
Disaffection. The Ralieal ticket
placed in nomination in this county
is creating general dissatisfaction,
and it is belioved by those who are
acquainted with the sentiment of the
people, that an independent ticket
would get more Republican support
than the ticket now in the field.
The members for the Legislature
seem to be particularly obnoxious,
as two of the fonr are nothing but
carpet-baggers, and the other two so
unfavorably known that the Repub
licans are actually ashamed of the
ticket. The overwhelming defeat of
Peter Paquet two years ago, is also
regarded by tho masses as an indiea-
! tou w,at will become of him this
j time. The attempt at sandwiching
m M'b'hell-Hippel supporters with t
anti-Mitehellites, has not had the
desired effect of harmonizing the
party. If the Democrats nominate
a good ticket, composed of men who
are identified with the prosperity of
the county, and who are know for
their political and moral integrity,
there can be no doubt as to the re
sult on the first Monday in June.
District Convention. The Peo
ples' District Convention meets at
Portland to-morrow for tho purpose
of placing in nomination a district
ticket. This movement is in no wav
connected with the State Independ
ents; and we trust that every conntv
in the District will send delegates to
it. Ike oilices of Judge and Pros
ecuting Attorney are not political
m fact, they should be independent
of party iniiuences, and if this con
vention will nominate satisfactory
men, men known for t eir honesty
and ability, there is no reason why
they will not receive the support of
the entire independent and free vote
of the district. We hope that this
county will send delegates to the
Convention to be held to-morrow,
ana that good men will ,,
before the people.
Rev. L. L. Rowland was nomi
j nated for Superintendent of Public
; Instructions by the Radicals. We
j nevr hoard of him lWore.
Our Special Salem Correspondence.
SAwavApril 8th, 1874.,
Editor Entetfrisk, Dear Sir:
Salem has been on the alert for
several days past, in expectation of
the arrival, of many office seekers,
office holders and place hunters, who
compose the Radical State Conven
tion, for the purpose of ratifying the
nominees made by the Hippie part of
the Republican party, several weeks
ag-o. All the shining lights of that
element, those who carried the fa
mous Hippie endorsement resolution
through the Albany convention last
fall are here in all their power and
might, prepared for any emergency
that looks to the building up of the
Hippie portion of tho Radical party.
Custom House officers and attachees,
Postmasters, Surveror General, Sur
veying contractors and Chain-carri-ers
composed the greater part of the
convention, and are here to faithfully
serve their masters.
The Convention organized at one
o'clock P. M.,. to-day, by electing
John McCraeken of Portland, as tem
porary Chairman, and Win. M. Tur
ner of Jackson county, as tempoary
A Committee on Credentials was
then appointed, consisting of L. T.
Barin, of Surveying Contract notori
ety, Win. M. Turner, also a U. S.
Deputy Surveyor, W. H. Odell, ex
Surveyor General and "Scrap-book"
reader, S. J. McCormiek and W. P.
Lord; end the Convention took a re
cess for one hour, in order that the
committee might have time to make
a report, which, on re-assembling of
the Convention, v;ts adopted with
minor amendments, increasing the
representation of certain counties.
The temporary officers of the Convention-,
ere then elected as the per
manent officers, and W. J. Snodgrass
was chosen as Assistant Secretary. A
committee of one from each county
was appointed to draft a platform:
Benton, Jas. Chambers, Baker, A. M.
Alfred, Clackamas, L. T. Barin, Coos
and Curry, J. F. Walton, Douglas,
W. W. Skinner, Grant, Neal, Jack
son, J. M. McCall, Josephine, II.
Kelly, Lane, A. S. Patterson, Linn,
J. M. Shelley, Polk, Jess A. Apple
gate, Marion, W. P. Lord, Multno
mah, C. A. Dolph, Umatilla, J. C.
Disoway, Union, W. J. Snodgrass,
Wasco, , Washington, Thomas
H. Tongue, Clatsop, J. W. Case, Col
umbia, West, Tillamook, N. B.
Humphery, Yamhill, . The Con
vention adjourned until 7 o'clock this
evening, when the committee on
platform reported the following reso
lutions, which, on motion, were
adopted: For want of space we are
compelled to omit the platform until
next week. Ed.J
Nominations being in order, Rich
ard Williams, of Portland, was no
minated for Congress, b v acclamation,
and on being culled for, came for
ward and accepted the nomination,
and will be chief pall bearer at the
funeral of the Republican party on
the night of tie first Monday in J une.
Thomas Jeiieraon Vaughn, another
member who has been sucking gov
ernment pap in the handling of "rich
surveying contracts, then placed in
nomination for Governor, J. C. Tol
man, an obscure individual of Jack
son county, who is acknowledged bv
all to lie totally unfit for the position,
which, I am happy to say, he will not
have the privilege to disgrace during
the next lour years. He is no talker
and cannot write a message.
C. M. Foster, of Baker county, was
nominated for Secretary of State,
just for form, as I do not think he
expects himself to be elected.
J). G. Clark, of Corvallis, is con
sidered a weak nomination for State
Treasurer and he will not have trou
ble to hunt up bondsmen, for they
will not bo needed this time. Mr.
R. Jacobs was also a candidate for
this position and received on 1st bal
lot do votes and then withdrew. He
thought that his Chinamen would be
too heavy a load for him to carry
through successfully. J. G. Wright
of this city received for this position
on 1st ballot 37, 2nd 4", .'5d oG votes,
OG being necessary to a choice. Mr.
Clark was nominated on the ol bal
lot receiving GO votes.
11. M. Wait received SO votes. A.
G. Walling IS, W. B. Carter, 18.
Morgan Pi; for State Printer,
and Wait having received a majority
of all the votes cast was duly declar
ed the nominee.
1st District no nomination for
Prosecuting Attorney.
2d. John Kelsay Judge, F. A.
Chenoweth Prosecuting Attorney.
od, X. R. Humphrey Prosecuting
4th. . C. Johnsou Judge, and
J. C. Moreland for District Attorney.
These nominees strike mo as being
very weak and that the opposition to
them only need go to work with a
will to defeat them by a large major
ity. 5th. J. C. Cartwright for District
Joint Senator, Benton and Polk,
A. M. Withani. Clatsop, Tillamook
and Columbia, S. H. Smith.
Tho following persons were select
ed a State Central Committee with
L. S. Scott of this conntv as chair
man: Benton, W. H. Elliott, Baker
Jno. P. Ross, Clackamas L. T. Barin,
Coos I. Hacker, Currv M. Rilev,
Clatsop, 1). C. Morris, Columbia T.
A. MclJride, Douglas J, F. Watson,
Grant Geo. A.. Beeson, Jackson N.
La n gel I, Lane, W. H. Odell, Linn
J. II. Foster. Marion L. S. Scott,
Polk J. C. Cooper, Umatilla J. C.
Dison, Multnomah, C. DnBois,
Union D. Chaplin. Wasco Z. F.
Moody, Yamhill J. W. Watts, Wash
ington Win. McCloud, Tillamook
C. A. Bailey, and Josephine Alexan
der Watt,
Beef eating Copies of Portland
was then called for, and he came for
ward and made the same old speech
that he learned during the war, and
still talks about the trailing of flags
in the dust by rebels and traitors,
and told a great many falsehoods
about the Portland Police Bill by
saying they were being ground down
by taxation on account of the Gov
ernor vetoing the repeal of the Po-
i lic bil1- when tho truth i the bill ,
passed at the last session of the Leg
islature did not change the organi
zation, or pay, or reduction of the
police force but simply placed the
appointment of the 'three police
commissioners in the hands of Ben
Halladav's council instead of leaving
the appointing power where it was.
' Mr. Caples knew he was uttering a
charge above referred to.
The convention at 10 -o'clock P. it.
adjourned. Yours truly,
A Looker on.
lion. CJeo. A. L.a Dow.
We take the following from the
Eastern Oregon Tribune, published
at Pendleton, the home of the Dem
ocratic candidate for Congress :
Br a telegraphic dispatch received
last Friday morning, in this place,
from Umatilla Landing, tho citizens
of Pendleton learned that Col. La
Dow, our fellow townsman, had been
nominated for Congress by the Dem
ocratic State Convention then in ses
sion at Albany. Sundry of" our
citizens gave vent to their hilarious
feelings by burning considerable
powder on the banks of the Umatilla
Col. La Dow was born in Cayuga
county, New York, March IS, 1S2G,
he is, consequently, forty-eight years
of ago. In 18oJ Ids father emigrat
ed to Chicago, Illinois ; and in 1811
Col. LaDow commenced the study
of law, first with S. S. Jones, of St.
Charles, Illinois, and subsequently
with Col. Strode, of Woodstock, 111.
In IS.jO he was admitted to practice
in the Supreme Court of I bnois.
In the same year he moved to Wis
consin, and was subsequently elected
District Attorney for Waupaca coun
ty. In lSGo he moved to Waseca
county, Minnesota ; and in 18G7-S
he was elected a member of the
house of Representatives of the
State Legislature, overcoming a Re
publican majority of about live hun
dred and being pitted against a
strong and popular candidate of the
Republican party. In 1SG'.) he mov
ed to Umatilla county, Oregon, and
in 1S72 represented, this county iu
lower house of the Legislature : and
even strong Republicans admit
he was a very efficient member,
accomplished much for Umatilla
Col. La Dow, if elected, will make
an active and efficient Representative.
He is possessed of unbending integ
rity, and hence cannot be bought up
by designing and corrupt men. He
is a kind neighbor, and is universal
ly respected and beloved iu this com
munity. His private character is
above reproach. As a speaker he is
not considered brilliant and liowery;
but he makes his points distinctly
and clearly and sustains them by
facts and cogent reasoning based -on
them which is far better. He is
inclined to be a'little lazy ; but, like
all men of his build, is possessed of
great powers of endurance, 'and when
lie once becomes really wanned up
he is a very formidable antagonist
on the hustings. We predict that
every county in Eastern Oregon will
give him a good rousing majority.
loiter lroni I. ina County.
m Lebanon, April G, IS74.
Editoi: F.Nn.nrni.si: : I presume
you will not consider it an intrusion
on my part to give yon a f -w lines
m this section of our Si;
as the
people generally will be please
hear from Old Linn and what
1 to
Democrats think of tho ticket. As
far as I am aware, and I have been
traveling over the county consider
ably since tho nominations were
made at Albany. The ticket and
platform meets with universal satis
faction, and will receive the full
Democratic vote of the party. Gov
ernor Grover spoke at Scio, Harris
burg, Brownsville anil this place,
and at each of these places he had
largo audiences and the greatest in
terest was manifested. In Scio the
attendance was large, and his remarks
w ere of such a practical and sound
character that lie made the Demo
crats feel proud of him as their Ex
cutive and many whom had hereto
fore leaned towards "Independents,"
were ready to give up the delusion
which had been in their min is. I
also heard him at this place, and I
can assure you that Old Linn will
come up with her usual majority of
three to four hundred on the first
Mond ay in June for the entire Dem
ocratic ticket.
The dodge our Radical friends are
trying to play to get into office on
the Independent move will not win
in this county. Democrats know
that it is the old wolf with only an
other name and they will not touch
the deceptive animal."
The nomination of Mart Brown for
State Printer, on the State ticket, is
endorsed by Old Linu. He has
made us a good paper, worked for
the interests of the farmers and labor
ing people, and we propose to show
our appreciation of his services by
giving him a rousing vote.
A Democratic Yotek.
To II. E. C ii AMUEH l a in. Your
letter in regard to having neglected
your duty in forwarding to us a copy
of the proceedings, has been receiv
ed. Iu reply we would state that
Mr. AY. T. Linn is our informant,
and that the facts as heretofore pub
lished are true, and that wo have
nothing to tako back. You .say in
your letter that you propose to prove
our author "a renegade, a liar, and
a disgrace to the order." Our in
formant in prepared to prove you
recte.iiit loyour ciuiy ami mat YOU
are the falsifier in tho ease. We
have seen our informant, and we
speak from atxthority. ( -
WiEL Not Accept.
-y private
letter from Salem we learn that Mr,
Waldo, the Independent nominee
forjudge of that county, will probr
abjy not accept the profferred honor.
The rest of tho ticket is made up of
soreheaded played out politicians,
headed by Ben Harding. The ticket
will be gloriously defeated
Summary of State News Items.
The .temperance raid at McMinn
ville has ceased.
Work on the State Capitol has
been resumed.
Rumor says a newspaper will soon
be born at Oakland.
Oysters and fish are brought direct
from the bay to Corvallis.
A. II. Dawson, convicted of incest
at Albany, is craving a new trial.
The assessed value of property in
Umatilla County in 1873 was 'J95,
o'J'.). . . . .
Temperance Conventions are being
held in several localities through the
The Circuit Court for Josephine
county will convene on Monday, Apr.
13th, 187-1. - "
The Governor Grover and Beaver
changed crews at Corvallis, on Wed
nesday, the 1st inst.
Six steamboats were lyingat the
Corvallis wharves at one" time, one
day last week.
There are forty bridges and nine
teen gates on tue Canal between Al
bany and
The German Red Men of Jackson
ville will have a grand celebration
and ball on May 2Gth.
Yamhill Democratic primaries will
be held on the 24th inst., and the
County Convention on the 27th.
On Tuesday evening last, J. W.
Ray burn, of Corvallis, was suddenly
stricken with paralysis of the nerves.
One saloon in Corvallis closed its
doors and shut down business in con
sequence of a rousing temperance
The Episcopalians are fitting up a
place of worship at McMinnville.
They will baild there tho coining
An iron moulder by the name of
William Klumb suicided m Thu.s
day last in Portland, by cutting his
throat with a razor.
Win. B. Hill, of Maryland, has
been appointed by Governor Grover
Commissioner of Deeds for Oregon,
to reside in Baltimore.
jl ne St. Ceaut
i Hotel, at Eugene
is changed hands. Mr.. Ba
the Railroad House, being
leer, oi
the parch:
-er, for the sum of i?5:
A number of McMinnville young
folks, while returning from a party
after dark a few nights since, insisted
that they felt an earthquake. That's
tov thin.
Base-ball has broken out agafh in
its most, violent form. at Albany.
Dislocated joints, swelled heads, as
well as blistered hands, aro now in
R. Jl. A'. Yv M. C., which means
the Rogue River Yaliey Woolen Man
ufacturing Company, are going to renew-
failin:' energies.
The stock on BufLe Creek are get
ting along fine, and there is but little
danger ot any further lo
The loss
tlunug tne inter w as no
Tho loss of stock
ter in Khimath Bas
during the Win
n lias been very
heaw. In almost evt
v vallov llocks
have peri
Jos. Hendricks, of the Take coun
try, who had a band of lift v horses
before the winter set in,, lost every
one, and narrowly escaped perishing
Tho dwelling house or Wm. Wil
kinson, on Butte creek, Jackson Co.,
was burned to the ground Sunday
even'iU'jr. the 2'Uii nit. The origin of
the lire is unknown.
The Miners of Eastern Oregon are
ready for Old Sol to pour down his
beams that the water may pour down
into their ditches from tho snowy
The warm weather now prevailing
has started the snow to melting,
which causes Rogue river to be very
high. The various creeks are also
almost nnfordable.
Several Indians were drowned in
one of the lakes in the Modoc coun
try on the loth of last month, and
their red brethren are still howling
in honor of their memory.
The ladies of Hubbard Station
have taken a new departure, and in
vite the gentlemen to balls, i stead
of vice versa. . Jt works well enough
with every one, hoodlums excepted.
Farm prospects were never more
flattering than now throughout the
Yaliey. Fall sown grain looks snlen
did, while the steady plowman is fast
preparing the soil for the last Spring
O. II. (B.dly) Smith, of Salem,
having pledged himdf to do no
business on the Sabbith, cipped the
climax a fewdivs sirifo b' refusing
to buy eggs laid on that day. The
"good time is comin ," sure.
From the Sfrifmair we learn that
Mr. John Waymirc, of Dalles, owner
of the Dallas llouring mill, met with
a most painful accident last Monday,
which it is feared may yet prove fatal.
Tn the Forks of the Sautiam, on
Wednesday of last week, a man nam
ed Dickens made an assault with an
attempt to commit rape upon the per
son of Mrs. George Paul. Dickens
is in jail.
Mrs. J. G. Wilson has .assumed
charge of the Postoflie at the Dalles,
which lias ben moved to the new
building adjoining her residence on
Union street. She has everything
nicely arranged and in order.
On the 20th T March a young man
named Willis, residing a few miles
below Eugene, accidently shot him
self. Part of the jaw-bone was car
ried away. The wound was a terri
ble one, but the patient will recover.
At the election for School Director
and Clerk in Salem, last Monday, R.
II. Dearborn was re-elected Director
without opposition, and Lafayette
Williams was elected Clerk over M.
M. Miller and F. G. Schwatka.
The Benton County Independent
Convention nominated the following
ticket: Senator, E. Hartless; Repre
sentatives, Bird Wells, James Bruce
and A. Holter; County Judge. J. L.
Halter; Clerk, J. Cauthron ;' Sheriff '.
N. II. Newton; Treasurer, - Wallace
Baldwin: Commissioners. John Har
ris and B. Wood; School Superinten
dent. A. R. Brown; Assessor, Janvs
Telegraphic Xeivs.
Philadelphia, April 2. The first
saloon-keeper was convicted to-day
for violation of the Sunday Liquor
Law. A woman testified to having
obtained liquor from him, ostensibly
for her sick mother, but really in or
der to obtain .grounds for an indict-
ment against the vendor, thus pre- ( Washington and Idaho, asking Con
venting, him from selling drink to i grGss to make an appropriation to
her husband. Sentence w-as deferred, j 0,)eU the Columbia river to the
The City Council to-day passed the , commerce of the world. Referred
One Million Dollars Centennial Ap- j to the Committee on Commerce,
prooriation Bill by acclamation. j Washington," April 7. There was
New York, April 4th. District! a ijrief Cabinet meeting to-day, but
Attorney Terrys, of Brooklyn, has-j ri0 business of importance was'done.
written a letter requesting his second j Secretary Richardson said he0had
assistant. Hugh, to resign, which is
published. It is as follows: " On as
suming the duties of this office I des
ignated you as my second assistant
upon the urgent request of Attorney
General Williams, your brother-in-law.
I am now compelled from cir
cumstances, which you doubtless un
derstand, to ask of you your resig
nation. ' For many w eeks you have
been disloyal to me and the interests
of this office, and have been in close
conference and intimate relations
with John D. Sanborn and his
friends.' I have reason to believe
that for weeks you have been convey
ing to Sanborn and his friends se
crets of this office and its prosecn
tions, aud have been industriously at
work in theinterests of Mr. Sanborn,
while at the same time you have pro
fessed friendship for me, and have
been in confidential relations
with, mo in the prosecution of the
i Sanborn case. I am also well aware
I that you have all this while been
j plotting for my removal and aiding
! the Sanborn intlueuce by all the
i means in your power to secure my
removal, and have made your boasts
j that you would through the new; spa-
j oers break me down in tiiis city and
i Brooklvn, and through your rela-
! tionship with the- Attorney General
i secure my removal in thirty days.
Dirnoir, Aoril 3. Wong Ching
Foo was naturalized here to-day. lie
claims to be the first Chinaman to re
nounce allegiance to the Empire.
New Yor.K, April 3. Inspector
Murphy, of Jersey City, returns from
Matamoras without. Hamilton, the
defaulting Treasurer. He says Cor-
tin is h:
ail the stoteu boiub
offers to sell them at les than one
third their value. Hamilton is des
titute of everything. j
Euie, April' 4. Williams, cashier :
of the Connesutvillo National BJhk, j
has been arrested. An examination
of tho books shows a defalcation of
$27,000, besides $4,700 reported sto
len recently, confirms the suspicion
that the alleged robbery of the ban!:
some time ago was devised by Will
iams to cover his peculations.
Washington, Murch 5. The fol
lowing postal changes have beer, or
dered for the Pacific Coat:
Postmasters appointed; George X.
ITormmersly, at Camp Creek. Lane
County, Oregon; C E. Tracy, at
Yoncaila, Douglas County, Oregon.
Office discontinued Centreville,
Washington County, Oreeau.
New Yoiik, April G.
-Mr Steam.
one of tlie Commissioners of Chari-
I ties.- savs Tweed is in the .safest and
most stru-tly guarded portion 01 the
prison, from which he could not es
cape unless twenty-two keepers, con
stants on guard, wer e bribed . r'ur-
i thermore, he does not think it dcvolv-
i , . ! -, - .
I ed upo:i the L onimissiouers tomaicea
111. Hi ll '1 1. V'l l J - Al 4 '. L tl .
unnecessary severity toward him d ar
ing his term of imprisonment. Fos
ter S. Dewey, formerly Tweed's Pri
vate Secretary, and now his business
sicient. :ays the room occupied by
Twec1 is certainly more comfortable
tiian the cell, but its furniture was
not worth more than $"0.
New Yoy.TC, April 0. A settlement
has been completed between the
Northern Paci'ic Railroad Company
and the estate of Jay Cook i: Co..
whereby their advances to the road
are discharged by the acceptance of
tlie company's first mortgage bond.s
and other securities.
New Y;i;:k, April 7. James A.
Gamble, formerly Collector of Cus
toms at Portland, Oregon, died last
night at Newark, N. J.
IlAiiTFOTiP, April t Evening. In
gcrsoll, (Dem.) is re-elected Govern
or by an increased majority. Both
Houses of the Legislature are Dem
ocratic. Midnight Returns from 151 towns
and estimates from the remaining 15
p;ive Ingersoll a majority of 1,'JGO.
The Senate stands: Republicans, 5;
Democrats, 1G. The House will have
about 42 Democratic majority.
Haiitfoui), April 7 2 A. M. Re
turns to the Courant from all the
towns in tlie State except seven give
the following result: Ingersoll, 45,
;fG; Harrison, o0.2i2; Smith, 4.5G1.
Ingm-soll's majority in tho State
will not be less than 2,500. The
Senate stands 17 Democrats and 4
Republicans; The House, lli.J Dem
ocrats, 0G Republican. and 2 Inde
pendents. New Yoiik, April 7. Oliver T.
Searing, late Secretary of the Mon
tauk Insurance Company, of Brook
lyn, left suddenly for California the
other day.
is repot
ted to be a
.cfaulter to the amount of 10,000,
which he expended in works of art,
curiosities, etc., which have been
turned over to the company.
Boston. Aoril 8. Fourteenth bal- i
ot: Dawes 'Jb; Hoar, id, Curtis,
"SYashbume and Sanford. two each;
Whittier, Bigelow :.nd Phillips, one
each. Fifteenth ballot: Dawes, t)l;
Hoar, 05; Curtis, 72; Adams, 10;
Sanford, 11; Yashburne, 7; Colt, 2;
Whittier and Phillips, 1 each. The
Convention took a. recss of one hour.
Boston, April 0. The ISth ballot
for Senator, is as follows: Dawes, 91;
Hoar, 72; Curtis. 74; Adams, 15;
Sanford, 51; Banks, 7; Yv'ashbu'rne,
4; Whittier, 1.
Congressional News.
Washington, April 2. Nesmith
made a strong argument this morn
ing before the House Committee on
Railways and Canals upon the bill
introduced by him to aid in the con
struction of the Portland, Dalles and
Salt Lake Railroad. The Committee
agreed to a favorable report. The
bill provides that the Government
shall guarantee the interest on the
bonds of the Company to the
amount of 810,000 per mile, in Ore
gon, for which the Company is to
transport all the United State mails,
army supplies, etc., free cf charge
Washington, y April G. Senator
Mitchell made his tinal argument be
fore the Senate Committee on R iil
roads this mornintr in favor of Ids
. bil in aid of the Portland, DalW
unci ouib oHive ,ivaiiroau. jvery in
dication points to a favorable report
at an early day. The committee will
conclude its consideration at a meet
ing next Monday.
Senator Mitchell presented a me
morial signed by 1,1G3 citizens of the
State of Oregon and Territories r.f
j not resigned, and did not intend to.
Washington, April f. Efforts ara
being made for a combination in tho
Senate to defeat the inflationists, it
is uncertain, therefore, that tho
scheme will succeed for increasing
the legal teadcr aud bank circulation
ouch by four millions, unless ao
compauied by some plan looking
toward a gradual contraction.
Pacific Coast people here attribute
"Senator Mitchell's uniform voting
with the inflationists to a desiro
to conciliate Morton, 'Chair
man of the Committee on ElectioSH,,
in whose hands rest the' memorials
relative to Mitchell's case.
Chicago, April 8. Washington
dispatches say the bill of the Mili
tary Committee reducing the army
was in regular order to-day, bu w"a
crowded out of place by the Curren
cy Bill. Members of the committee
are of opinion that the House will
pass a bill more sweeping in its re
ductions. The pending bill gives to
heads of various Staff Departments
the rank and pay of Brigader Gen
erals. It is thought that the rank
j llKi pay of these officers will finally
j ,0 i'iKC, ;Xs Colonels. In many other
i respects the rank of staff officer
j wjn jje somewhat reduced.
The farmers in the southern por
tion of Benton county- are nearly
til rough seeding. An unprecedented
acreage has been iown to cereals this
Spring, and the prospects for an
abundant yield were never better, at
this season of the.vear.
Tli Hashes of excitement produced by
5c- .stimulants iu ordinary us-?, arc lolio
f.i liy :i r -aclloa that is alv.:-iys morn or
less jrijurious. .Tust as tho darkness, ilhi
minated lor a iu :)i:!fut l'v tiio lightning'
fcdaro, Ic-coai. s a;i;iar Mii)y blacker than
j ever after the flash is over, so tho muutxl
irlooui :.nd physical dbi!itv that vanish
J leiaporai dy uud-rlhr- in'hinee of a dram.
r.'uir;i wihi (i t -n-ioiil lutcnsiiy vnni th
lir.-t transient effect C!.:i.i?. Vet phyhi
eians ha'-i! uaily prescrf'o- th-. liquors of
Cunimere.' for jiati :its suffering from
bodily weak.'ii-s.s and moiilul dsj oiidf iicy.
The true ri':c.i'!y in saeh cas'-s is a j-nr
stimulant mi'dicat-'d with tie- finest tor.irw
:tnd alo-rna! iws which the v-" tabli- kiux
cJ:m sitrords, a :d llost.Mt r's stomach IJit-t-rs
is th on'.y -Pr ; :;r at -or, at pr s.-rit
kno.i!i whiTu tis i ' k: mi-; ' s tic cmc-r-jr-'jicy.
Tii- i C- o; this xipuiar r-v.orh-1
1 v i.i c- 'lil in - us. j ".:tc:; d t n ;; :! i:i v;-orat-s
t f i ViUl i iu' TJii -s ;aid its p.-ot-jtiv.!
us- will ti m;;u s: ; ni.Ojiy tar - any c:is-of
d 'bility, hy; ofhi'ti ;n.-, or m-ntai t..r (.lai
ty tnat do.s not i.ris. irom rJr.-M.!c i-.us-
b -y:.d tho r.-ach i't ni-Mi. :;;!. Jt io, in ti: .
slriCi s! s-risv ol t i; ' wont, an in vi..'i.ratmc
it n-.i r trn iat cordial, if tie ri-rvci jr
trt-icuioa siiiii r. UvO, u i r.u.-i s t!-. sy.; i:
the bo v.--j.s nr.- j.i.a i ui i-d, it r.!i-rf
; ii in- iiv- r lor; :u, it orotnol'-a
in lh.
l!.-- no:. a is
Cion.ii ; il ti.'i
if n sinv mi &
s :i r'diiih lor
to convert
r 'iivi-r, it ii
r ailments.
Ki!W'.v. :U--r -o-y-o; th.
I api etite is .-.r ii:a dice-v
1 pummi (p ;-.ui :i. 1; c- -at
iniKl H: ena l in - ::i.
V. into i: i: ; :! n 1 :iiiui.id.
a s-"oiiie :-r a i-u;'.' numl?
s'Ciiooi which ,'4; jar; n-n 1
in the damn arid chill;. v-;
so it: in ex j ri -ii'i' i n mid
t ie-s ; may ! m m itcc-u
'iliiis and fvvT and ali lh.
t ions o: t a- tier : 1 va.l -s
I r- ii i' iit
th'T hich w.
h:t r. Aimdiijj
rle -umatiMr .
tmrlat -onul-
-s--. ' ; i v or;;? tm
n c-i.iirnr s ot O n -iiv-iicics
t th- St';-.
sun-Tin ! !'.'
n-rraturc an I tii
v' ;i .
lie :
i.. I. TC KT.T.V wnil
! inf;.rtn hrr l.-i-'r
cnM'imcrs tin; inn icv; ilys sh'' v il!
v il! Tf-
c 'iv- e.-r siiuoie r stock, o,r lrom S;m
Fr.inci.-;.-, com rismjr all : !c" i.it-st styl-
o! hais, So tin -t s, c . .-rs, ri ebons, it-c, w'j.cn
sir- " id i-xtiit u i h" l-.r- m jtriu liu.'M stock
of itnMi:-ry ; .. '-vt bnmjul to thi
cdy, nil .' hk-h uii! sold r; son blfi
Vet .Titiiirv- Surj 'o:ij ovr t h- country
ar r-comm Mi.iin.r . "icri r's fytvtifry f 'on
ti!ion J'uiflrrx forth- fotiowin-j troubi- in
horses: 1 o.ss oi a p;s t :tc, rouhm ss of the
hair, stoppage of bo ' - Is or w.-if-r, fhiclr
-wat -r, cou-hs and c)'us. s-,v-Uiii of th
frlamls, worms hors? ail, thick wind and
A friend of ours who H chi"f clTk in tvim
fiovcrnmontiil 1 Mspcnsary, says thsvt n
mdicinrs chst. is no v complete without
fnhn ton's Anrxljn' Unimnt. Vc nlwsys
supposed it was riser i bed bv law: if it i
not, it 1111,'ht to for certainly ther"l
no: hi us in th" whol--? met Tit mrriim of n
nuicii nn ortance to tli sokli'T .and th
s lilor as JoJnisun's Anotitne Liniment.
A sk vsoxabt.k Wakmxo. Don't stiff-r
coid lo accunuilnte on cold until ycnr
throat and hm-s nr- in a stat of chronic
intlarn mat ion. Attack tic firt symtoms
of iu!mo:iiry irritation wit h Iftle'x Honry
of I lort liont arct J'nr, and achieve an easy
victory. ( rilt teuton's 7 it h Avenue. Sold
by nil Iirujrcists.
Iik '"s Toot ln-ehc Iirops cure in 1 minute.
Many oT our patrons are indebted to
u for" subscription and advertising.
Sonicate behind for several vcars, anc-.
for whom we have bought white paper
and worked. This we cannot aH'oi d to
do al-ways. Pay day inut come, and
unless "they come forward soon we
shall he compelled to clo.su our account
with ihi'tn i'.iul tiive the Kills to M ine
jktsou who w ill see that pavmt t t
is made. All persons in arrears Ar
stibsci iplion who will j.av het'i i c th.o
middle of next month what tlioy
and pay cue year in advance, we vil
charge at the' rate oi"?2-r0 per amuwii.
Afier ilr.t ilate we shall charircftl when
ni,t ..",,, ,. i,iU. o.,,vr rr timsc wlm
think pay day- never comes. We trust
thoo indebted will nay without further
notice. A. Noi.t.nkk. "Publisher.
Oregon Citv, March 12, 1S74.
fSl.cial XoSicc.
Why sulT -r from Dyspepsia, Indigri stien,
and loss ot nppi if. wh'-n vmioaii, I'J "f
in-; Ur. II, l, ,:i cirlmtl I X I. Uittt-rs el
feet a p'rieet cure ; tic y ar- n plensant ana
iavi-or.itin tonic, and endorsed and. rec
otn iii' i'.i) ai by our most eminent rhysi
cinns -as p-r e. rtilie;d s on eaeli bottle) ter
n 11 c -oiM plaints of t he Liver anil l: Mn
)r-.m.s. As a laniily medicine they lJi,
ho equal. See advertisement in anetiifi
TitEl'.utKKii irx. We take picas
ore in calliiur attention of our
friends to tiie wonderful merits ofteO
dou'de-barr. led breech loading f". t
itins manulacturca iy i-arner i.---crs.
West Meridcn, Conn. . ,
The hie;lt(t testimonial recede
from all sections of the country, l
the thorough test Kivfn it in the neci
by our friend dipt. reen H. Sanine . ,
varrant us in assorting that it i J '
best bree.-hdoadimr shot gun .u'e
world. Tlie simplicity of constriu
tlie ease with which it can be loaded or
unloaded, tlie facility with which i'
load can be changed from small io
large shot enabling the sportsman,!
an instant, to adapt his change to any
si.ed game that may present tsf1Irn
ease with which it may be kept c1'"!'
i ts availability to a country w here aioi n
ing but imizzle-loa.iing amimmiu"
can be procured, all combine to i;cif'ni
mend if to every sportsman w ho can
annrccnte a perfect fowling Vc- v
NVa-. ren Sentmol ;" f Front Iloyab a