O 0 G G THE ENTERPRISE. OREGON CITY, OREGON", 311 R. U, IS74. READ TLTIS 2TOTICE Many of our patrons are inJebteJ to ufor.subscription and advertising. Some aro behind for several years, and for whom we have bought white paper and worked. Thw we cannot atrbrU to do alWKvs. rav dav must come, and unless they come forward soon we m coionelled to close our account with thorn and give tiie bilk to some itorson wno win see iiiat pv iiibih : see that payment i made. All jersons in arrears lor , chief, always leading us to victory in subscription who will pay before the 1 subduing the fiery element with that niiddre of next month what they owe, calmness and decision of character and pay one year in advance, we will that makes the noble man and fireman charge at the' rate of S-ioO per annum. ; Hnd that we have always found in him After that date we shall charge 93 when j the untiring, vigilent, zealous and im not strictly paid in advance. We can- j partial chief, 1 ki'mt nrt'i wl""-" not afTor J to buy paper for those who of the whole Fire Denartment Dressing think pavdav never comes. He trust i those it iebted will pav without further notice. A. NoirxKn, Publisher. Oregon City, March 1:1, 1.374. O tiK' jos City School District. T!io following is tiie report of the Oregon Ci:v school district : Whole number of Voters, 2H females over 20 years of f a 'e 171 ; under 4, GO ; between 4 and 20, 1V males over 20, 2H; under 4. 52; le t veeh and 20, 17S. Total fern lies, 4l; nnles, 47S; population, W2. Nuin b r of persons over 4 and under 20, .Ti; p i .il attending City Seminary, 17 ; L -.'...... :itr..ii !iiicp L": teachers em ployed,-!; n lines, rvirali A they, i n- ! '' " i .... 1. II.... ,..br. i mirv Department: Kite llun-rtker. Frep iratorv ; Thomas Nicholson, Math e mtical: W. W. Mwclind. Scientific; I. Mln Maerum. Higher English and daisied, and Principal of Nominarj'. Number of months of school er year, 10. "A n tui il salary of female teachers, SIX); male. $1.0)"); principal, $1,200. lirade of school: Primary, liiterm? di Ue and Academic. Amount of Dis trict tax levied and collected, $2,701 :M. It vnivt d from State, ?2:V HI. coin, and $:ry:i enrreii"v; from county, $S71 Ifcl coin, and il 01 currency. Amount paid tj.tchers lat year, $:J,f)'; repairs; &m Ml; inci lental expenses, $.")02:U. Valu ation of school property, fl.uOO; appar atus. $1'. Private schools, 1 ; number teachers e n )l V; d,2; number nupils, so ; names of teachers, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pope. Sciunv Kit's Monthly yon March. The ma intains of western North Caro lina are the subject of Mr. I'M ward King's graphic " treat South" contri bution to S.;ribiKT's for March; which is i iconic inied by a profusion of illus tn'.ioiw troui skeethes by Cii inipney . Dr. R.ljinson discourses" in the same mi uner of the Women of Arabs; and t lero is a brif account of " The Heiress of vVashington," a very interesting little hit of history. Two articles of otwiul importance are inoiiymous n i icrs on John Smart Mill.iiuJ an un i.n i issi in ;d, Init not the b'sx startling n-e'o.int of the "Credit M !ilier." Tiie Old Cabinet is full of "Misery," and in Culture and progress" is a notice of moiiii; length ot tiie ' New P.K-t," James U vle O'K.-illv. Sl'xpknded. Tiie mail contract be tween Portland and Oswego has been Miispeiided. This will be a great ineon viMii.mco to a large number of people, and as f a it place i- now being rapidly tilled up witli people, the importance of .mail facilities are imi'li more needed than heretofore. However, the weekly rvi -e heretofore "rendered was but little better than none. The boats run daily from this place to Portland, and ihtic ought to lie a duly mail from this plie.- to Oi.vego. We know the boat co. id my will "perform tile service for a sin ill.et.iii-:ideraiion. Fatal Ai'ci.knt. From the News v4earn th:it a man named .loiin.son. who ha '..en working in Lawrence's ; 1 gi:ig eainp n ar Owego, Cl ickanias j cvinlv, wax fit ill v injured onSiiiirJ.iv j list, iiv tiie filling of a tree whieii had ! be ei for.nerly f-llcl and L Igjd in tie? j li".i:i -he of "tin s inoim ling timber, i falling at the m orient w.ien the unfor- ; til'.ut - lili'.l chiuecl t) lass III', 1 M". I brt ikin? his baek and hip bones, and j itth'irwi? severely injuring him. from ! thrt lfji":.s of which he died at 4 o'clock i Monday evening. Or,iim.e:i. --l:i th?27lh nit.. Hard itig'Cf.ange, in this county, was organ ized witli 23 charter mem'iers. (Jeorge Clir'k. M ; A C Wilbur, Se; li C i I a w-l-.y, ; J T M is on. L ; Kb Cres vell. S; T.o:n i- Fo-ter, A S; .1 M Shall, C; MrsC lliwlev, Trias; Alex Hut, !; Mi's.1 M ri ieev. li A S; Mrs AS.u Un ci's, C; Mrs L scriesilin, P; Mrs Snail, F. Aft r tli ; org mi.ation, tue fi range w is invited to supper prepared by M r. Jas.:Tra -v. Toe supofc-r was excellent, an 1 the 'irinrers proved to Mr. Tracy that thev und -rstood that part. To (in vnoi'.s. We wool I be under obligations to our friends to seud us such information as may be of interest to the Order for publication. Some of th3 o.lbvrs of the order take particular jiiirn in keeping newsam itter from us. 1 h on c ise, that of Marshiield U range, the S 'ereturv was instructed to send us a cope of the proceedings, but refus cl to do" his duty, and what informa tion wof got in regard to the matter, we had to t ike from our exchanges. Our columns are, and ever have been open for any inform ition that may be of in terest to tiie Onler. LinKhAL. A couple of ladies, having learned that there was a family in des titute circumstances, in fact actually in U 'ed of bread, visited our business men last Monday and in a very short time procured a "wagon load ot provisions and ten dollars in coin. One of the 1 a dios inform us that the donations were mid? with the greatest cheerfulness, and showed a liberal disposition on tho pari of citizens. S'kw Giianoe. On the 21th ultimo, Mount Zion Grange, in this county, was organized with"J7 charter members. The olue.n s are as follows : Samuel It UH'V, M ; W II M ittoon. See; Timo thy liou en.O; .1 W P aim ateer, L ; Clid eoti Fl-sworth, S; Daniel Palniateer, A S; W II LivVriuore. C; Mrs Itlioda Wa le, Treas; John Tracy, ; ; Mrs An nie Pa'liil iteer. L A S ; Mrs K Ina Davis. C: Ma Caroline Mattoon, P; Mrs Mar garet Folsom, F. - A Wp.etch. In our advertising col- unins will Ik' found a summons to Dr. W. IL Roberts. Our readers will re rnernber that this indivilual left his Taniilv here sometime since, and we -ire iiiformed that he has married a wo- man in Iowa, near Carlinville. The ' wretch ought to be tarred and feather ed. . Arreted. A number of our young men in town were arrested last Wed nesday on a charge of riotous conduct 'in disturbing a writing school. Two of them were tried and found guilty, and the others plead guilty and paid a small line, llather expensive amuse ment. Looks Like Hcsixess. The blast furnace at Oswego fired up last Tues day, and when proper heat will have been attained the first blast of ore will be put in, and from that time until the furnace requires new lining, it will probably be kept in constant oieration. Full. There was not a proxy in the County Convention last Saturday, and all but one precinct was represented, rd that,, had only one delegate. That shows there is an interest manifested by the people in political coatters. Complimentary Resolution. To Col. IF. L. White, Ez-Chief Engineer : At a meeting of Fountain Hose Co. No. 2, held march 11th, lS74,the follow ing resolution was otTered and unani mously adopted, to-wit: JiEsoLVED, That, whereas Col. W. 1j. White, late Chief .Engineer of the Oregon City Fire Department, on retir ing from his oflicial capacity carries with him the good willand we'll wishes of this entire company, and that we ad mire in him those manv sterling qual ities of an etlieient chief and brother fireman ; and we return our sincere thanks to him for his many kind cour tesies and for his zeal in tiie ilisclmrtrp or ins aruuous duties whilst he was our t!ie claiun m tiie , ... it unootu citizens ami city council lor comforta ble quarters, good aparatuses, etc., lor the advancement of the Department in all its branches, for which we azain re turn our thanks; and that a copy of this resolution be furnished our'late chief, an I be spread upon the minutes, in full, and that the Esteuprise be re quested to publish the same as a matter of news. Dated, Oregon City, March 11th, 1371. JOHN' SCIIRAM.Pres. A. C. Daily, .Secretary. I-etteii L.isx. The following is a list of the Letters remaining in the I'ost-oince at Oregon City, March 13ht, - . " 1371: N U Alkire, Mrs. Margarett Beeson, W L Uarclay, Leek Covin (2), Lucius M D -rlermy, II S Lo'wderbaugh (-) , Mrs Freeley Mattoon.J P Mattoon (2), Klias Moshier, James McGrew, Johnny Stormer. If called for, please say when "adver Used." J. M. Bon, P.M. llKTfuxKD. Mrs. m. Holmes, who has been absent to 'a'bbrnia, attending on her sick son, Capt. S. D. Holmes, returned on the steamer yesterday. We learn that the Captain isslowlv recovering. Miss Mollie and Frank Holmes are still in Oakland. Notick. Th? Sheriff gives notice to day to those who have not yet paid their taxes. Those whom it concerns had better take notice and be governed accordingly. For Salk. A fine farm is advertised for sale in this paper, locatedaoout uv miles from this city. It is a desirable piece of property. For particulars see Capt. Hedges. PuiKNrEi).-Mr. J. N. Durham, of j this county, presented to the Slate of Oregon a beatii'ul pair of doer's antlers. They are in the oilice of the Secretary of Suite. In Town. Dr. Steel, an old and high ly esteemed former-citizen of this place, now of Olympia, was in town last Wed nesday. Personal. Mr. A. C. Maedonald, traveling agent for the San Francisco Chronicle, gave us a call last Saturday. Or r AuAiN. The damage to the Fan nie Patton having been repaired, she is again on the river in service. Sheiill' Parker, of Linn county, who went toS.il) Francisco, recentl; , in pursuit of an escaped convict, re turned last week without his victim. Nk'.v 1 loo lis. Ml J. . Powell, agent for Clackamas, is now canvassing ttic county for .-inscriptions to the " Wild Life in the West." and the "History of the Orange Movement." " Wild Life in the Far West" is a vol ume of ass pages, quarto size, in good type, on sine white paper and hand somely hound. It contains, also, thirty-three illustrations, some of them on tinted paper, and the frontispiece ele gantly colored, the record ot lata. iloous' experience is told ill a straisrht i forward m inner and is very interesting i in reauing. In audition to' the rel ition j of hunting, trapping, and Indian tight i ing incidents, gives the writers' exper i loncc in toe Mexican War and in that j between .June, and the Imperialists I under Maxiiuilliau, in both of which i the author took an active part The : h i.-tor v of t he range movement or, the j farmers' war-ngainst monopolies ; be- ing a full and authentic account of thi j struggles of the American farmers i against the extortions of the railroad 1 companies. With a history of the rise I and progress of the Order" of Patrons of Husbandry ; its objects, present con- d ition and prospects ; to which is added 1 "Sketches of leading Orangers. This I is the best book ever sold bv subscrip tion. n!3w4 San l''raiicisco .Market ltcport. San Fkaxcisco, March 11. heat in Liverpool Average California, ls .d;(Vts. Oregon, las. Flour Sup -run-, . '"tivviTo; extra, $0 37, Wheat i oast, $1 !ia,a,l i5. Harley Coast feed, 1 .17 1 50 ; bay feed 1 as ; bay br.'wmg, il otiivvl ". ats liood supply in market ; prices are 1 1 S). Wool Quiet, fine to choice clear, ldt'). Portland Market Keport. Wednesdu', March 11, l.STJ Gold In New YorK. to-dav. HJ'a. Portland Legal Tender rates, 8U buying; V) s 'Illllg. Wii -at Demand is good at $1 t5cll 70 cental, sacked. Oals !!'$ 17 i bushel, sacked and deliv er d. Flour Inconsequence of the condition of th.' wheat mark-'t, Hour lias been ad vanced to $.j o:li4,ti 0). butter The receipts are large and the market well stocked with all qualities. Prices range from 2!it'25 cents. Kggs Market supply full; prices firm at : cnts r dozen. Wool Tiie mark"t continues dull and quotations aro furnished at l!Ki-20c s lb lor a good article. liaeon The supply on hand remains abundant. sides are quoted at 10,lle: Hams, 1-V$16c, and prime Shoulders at Oregon City Market Keport, t JERPRtsE Office, March 5, 1S74. icgai lend ts. buying, S! : s-dling !I0!4. i.'1"1" script, iti : it scrip. S3, i tie following are tiie buvmg prices for procluc ', and tho S"llin!r nnee tor ..t hers r Lti Vn,!1""l"n?il"J JKl ar,a" selling at H5 i.,1.7,Uri,'KKl suPP!y in market, and sell ing at f- 0 I'tvti ' il.orjldrSA.rV (luot"d at $23 per ton; on hand hria i2' wli full supplies ar-.'n'irin'V-C1?" ,riuaI to demand; buyers tV, V ln-cents. KSs Per Pound. it !r n5r J pr Sown. &i--oodfresh. Apples are brinin stocks in market ; p-aches 11 eemc ".n-.r pound ; AfKn A . "acnes il cents ; lums 15 c-nts. Currants lu&15 cents v-1 V ' 1 1 1 . nor rvmnH l lums lo c-nts. Sugar Crushed . I.i,l9 cents : Island 9-a eorenned. 13ril2H cntv .vfl 'T Pound, and ot li 10H ; San Francisco Tea Itic? DDotit.- or brand, ra;,.;rv"P::CPr-Un1. hd Oth . iioill V (L.a f nt t CofT'c R.st article m cnts Salt Ranging from 1'V wSsr50 c"nts pcr eall";n; 1,081 articie Bacon-Hams 1C413 c-nts; Shoulders 10 cents : sids, H-vll cnts per pound I Jird Per pound 14,413 cents. Oil Pevoe's Kerosene pcr gallon,60a75 cents ; Linsed $1 2.3. Repf on foot Good fat cattle And ready sal" at cnts on foot. Pork We quot- at ai46 cents. Sheep Few offering -, quote at $2 503 50 pcr h"d. Ilids Gre?n at from $23, owing to tho s!t9 ; dry 13 cents pr pound. DIED. In Canemah, Feb. 2Cth, 1874. Elmer E son of Capt. tieo. and -N'ancvJerome a-ed 12 years, ti months and 16 days. ' The Parker Gun. We take pleas ure in calling attention of our Valley friends to the wonderful merits of the double-barreled breech loading shot guns manufactured by Parker Broth ers, West Meriden, Conn. The highest testimonial received from all sections of the country ana the thorough test given it in the 'field bv our Iriend Capt. Green li. Samuels vvarrant us in asserting that it is the best breecli-loadimr shut gun in the world. The simplicity of construction the ease with which it can be loaded or unloaded, the facility with which the load can be changed from small to large sfiot enabling the sportsman, in an instant, to adapt his change to am s - i ? that may present itself th". ease with which it may be kept clean -iiny 10 a country w here noth ing out muzzle-loading ammunition can be procured, all combine to recom- mena it to e ery sportsman who can appreciate a periect towlinir niece "Warren Sentinel ; (Front Itoyal, Va.) The Oreat AntaonUt of 13Kea.no. What is the great natural antagonist of disease? It is the vital principle. From the moment that disease is developed In the system, this champion fights the In truder until it either conquers or is con quered. Which side should medicine sci ence csiuse in this life and death struggle? .Should it depress and cripi le the phsvTcal energies of the patient.therebv helping the disorder, or should it reiniore'e the vitality ot the patient and thereby assist in quell ing the ailment? Of course the proper answer to this question must be obvious to every one above f tie fsrade of an idiot or a lunatic, and hence it follows that the weak and broken down invalid who chooses to dose himself with depleting slops, instead of toning, invigorating and vitalizing his his enervated frame witti llostelters Stom ach P.itters, must be either feeble minded or deranged. Surely nothing short of im becility or insanity could induce a txrson laboring under bodily weakness and ner vous prostration, to take day sifter day powerful dos -s of some drastic purgative in the hop of gaining strength thereby. Although charlatans may advertise prejj aratiens of this charac as tonics, people in the full iossessioii of their reason can not, one would think, accept them as such. It they do the penalty of their credulity may be the shortening of their lives. The rheu matic, the dyspeptic, the bilious, the debil itated and nervous, all who are subject to intcrmittents, or other diseases brought o" by the inclement welter which prevails at this season, will do well to strengthen their nerves, tone their stomachs and regulate their bowels with the Hitters. The two fold operat ion of the restorative as an in vigorator and an a : ri"nt , in addit ion to its direct and s lecific effect upon th" dis ordered liver, reiel'TS it a most, efficient rem"dy for complaints of the digest ive, se cret ive and excretive organs, at present in use. This fact is conceded by eminent members of the faculty whose testimony to that etTeet is published in llostcttcr's Almanac for 1S74. lt is a rare t hing that physicians give any countenance tf a medicine, the manufiic turc of wiiicii is a s"er-."t. About the only xce; tion we know of is Johwton' Anrxljjnc Liniment. This, we believe, all endorse, and many of them us ? it in their practice vitli great suee-'ss. I'ersons requiring purgatives or pills should be careful what tl'eybuy. Some pills not. only cause griping pains, but leave the bo vejs in a torpid, costive state. V'.r xon'x J'uriintive W'.t will relievo the bowls i nd cleanse t lie blood without injury to the system. FOREWAUXINOS OF t'OXSTM V TION, Ko- aieni Oct that a cough, a cold or same ot her common atr -ction ot the throat or lungs il lays pr-'eedes Consum j tion and that all thes.' ailments ar" cur 'd with absolute c"r ainty by Hate's Jrnn of J orehouwl tin'l Tar will cur ' you. rittetif oil's, 7 th aven ii". .Sold by all Oruggists. I'ike's Toot hache 1 ro: s cure in 1 minute. For the very best photographs, goto Hrad ley fc Ilulofsor.'s tilery without. STA1US Vscotad In tfn- lOlevsif isr, tj;l Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California. SYfiUUftS G.ii A KM l ie.ll, hi'-avy h'-adache, obslruclion of na sal passages, discharge tailing into throat, sometimes profus", watery, acrid, thick and tenacious, mucous, purulent, muco urn.ient, bloody, putrid, oir.'tisive, 'tc. In fliers a dryness, dry, watery, weak or in Mani -d eyes, ringing in ears, deafness, aa '.v king and coughing to el":tr t lie throat, ulcerations, scabs lrotii ulcers, voice alter ed, nasal twang, ofTMisive breath, im; nir d smell and taste, dizziness, mental ilc r ssion, tickling cough, etc. Only a few f the above symptoms are likely to be res Tit in any case at onetime. Xo disease is more common or less understood by physicians. The proprietor of lr. Sage's atarrii Remedy will pay $'M reward for an incurable cas". HEAD M'JIAT IT WILL DO. I'.iiook vn.i.K, l'a., April L"7, 1S72. in. It. V. KlKllOK. Sir Having first apjilii d to a numb- r of !ioai physicians and tailed to get r -lief, I resolved to try your lt-medy. l-'our bottles have complet"ly cur -d me ofoneofthe vorst cases of l.'atarrh of fiich I have any nowI"dge, having sutfTed for months vit h an acute pain in t lie head, and breat h "l only wit li the "rreatost difficulty. I deem It due yon as well as suit" -ring humanity that this recognition be made of what wo deem an invaluabl- medicine. C1IAS. I). ANDF.USOX. C0P4FESSI0NS OF AN INVALID. Puni.tsiiEn as a WAitxiNO and for the ben 'fit of VorNO Men anii orifEtts who suffer from NFItVOl'S DKilll-ITV, I-JS.S l F M A N I IO )1 ), etc., i oint ing out the ninum of xftf-enre. Written by Nathaniel XIay fa IK, Ksq., who cured himself after under going cousider.'i ble quabkerc, and mailed ir 'e on receiving a post-paid directed enve loH', by the publisher, UK. JOHN XI. DAtiNAT.Tj, 11 Clinton Street, lirooklyn, N. V. Time EiIcjisIimI to 3Iarl 1, 1K74. The time forthe purchas 'of the following Text-Hooks, at nitrodie'tory rates, has been extended to March 1, 1.S74, and may be had from the undersigned : Harm's' Hri' f History of the IT. S $1 (Ml Clark's Beginner's Orammar ! 1 'lark's Normal ( ira m mar 70 Xlonteith's Introduction toUeography l'acilic oast, i-.dition 1 Steel's Fourteen Weeks in 1'hiloso'ihy. 1 IH) Sfel's Fourteen Weeks in Physiology. 1 0(1 Wood's I '.ota nist and Florist 1 70 f'rooks' Normal Mental Arithmatie 30 Pacific Coast Fifth Header M JOHN XI VERS. It will lx seen from an ad vertionient in another column, that the Agent of the Public Library, Touisville, Ken- tuck v. has ov a million Ullars in Hank, ami that he assures the public of a full ilrawiniron the .jitn .March next The list of iritis is exceed inglv a It ra ti vc ami the high personal character of the nianairer is a e-o iraiuec I'at thev will preform what they promise. Fon Sale. We will sell either a Flo rence or Li rover it Haker Sewing Ma chine at San Francisco oriees. In order that those who desire a machine, find are not able to pav t lie entire amount inn' be accommodated, we will sell them on the installment plan, payable so much per niontn until pam tor. OBSTACLES TO 31 ARK I AGE. Ilappv Relief for Young Xlcn from the cfT'cts of Krrors and Abuses in early life. Manhood rest ored. Impediments to Xlar- Ti.m removed.-New method of treatment New and remarkable remedies. Hooks and .;rinl'iN s.-nf free, in sealed envclojKiS. i.i.irocc iroVAHI ASSotTATION. No. : South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. an In stitution having a high refutation for hon orable conduct and professional skill, novti :ly TO-DAV. Ioney ! Money I MONEY TO LEND IX SUMS OF ?500, and upwards. Oregon Citv, March 10. 1S74. malStf " JOHXSON A McCOWN. SlierirT's Notice. TAX-PAYERS IN ARREARS A"RE RE-sn-ctfully notified that taws are ovcr du", and unless pavment Is made soon, costs will be added " , " A. F. HEDGES. - -&rcb 13 f Shriff of Clackamas Cr. 1 W1V. KROITGJIITOX 1H70ULD INFORM THE CITIZENS OF T Oregon City and vicinity that he is prepared to furnish FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, Of every description. DRY FLOORING, CEILING, si'HVCE (for sh-lving.) LATTICE, PICKETS, FENCE POSTS (Cedar) Constantly on Hand. Street and Sidewalk lumber furnished on the shortest notice, at as love rates as it can be purchased in the istate. tiive me a call at the OKKGON CITY SAW MILLS. March 13, 1S71 .if Summons. In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon, for the County of C ackamcu. XIary A. Roberts, Plaintiff, vs. ,Vni, II. Roberts, Defendant. To NVm. II. Roberts, said defendant : TN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF 0R X cgon : You are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed a'ainst vou in the above entitled suit on or before the first day of the term of said Court following the expirat ion ot six weeks from the public-it ion of this summons, said term of said Court will begin Xlon day, the 27th day of April, 1S7I ; and if you fail so to apix-ar and answer said com plaint, the plaintiff will apply to the Court lor the r lief prayed for in .-aid complaint, which is a dissolution of marriage contract existing between you and defendant, and for costs and disbursements of this suit. Summons published by order of Hon.W. XV. Up'on, Judge of said Court.- . , Dated March 71 h. IStit. JOHNSON 4 MCCOWN. mal3G Atty's for Plaintiff. ORiGOH STEAMSHIP GO.'S STEAMBOAT NOTICE! Sir. E. ZST. COOKE, Will leave OREGON CITY for PORTLAND everyday Except Sunday, at 7 o'clock, A. XI. Returning, will leave Portland for Oregon City at o'clock, P. XI. Sti-. ALICE. Will leave OREGON CITY lor CORVALI.IS every Monday and Thursday of each week. Str DAYTON, Will leave OREGON CITY for XicXIINN VI U.K. LAFAYETTE and DaYTON, and all points between, every Monday, Wed nesday and Friday of each week. leaves the i'.asin at i o'clock, A. m ., and connect with tin; train at Canemah at V, a. m. Sti-. ALU, Leaves OREGON CITY for HARKISBCRG and ECGENE and all intermediate points every week. fii: Fiinnie I'titton. T....-.. olll'llllV CI'I'V fur U RWYaild all intermediate points between twice ev en- week. J. H. RILES, Agent. Oregon City, 1-cbruary, 14, 1S71. bununoiis. In the CH- euit Court of the State of (treton, for the County of C'luckamds. Arthur Warner, Administra-1 tor of the estate ot ..iary j i-iainiiu. Prosser, deceased. ) vs. William Prosser, John A.) Defendants Fisher and A. XI. 1- isher. j To William Prosser, one of the above nam ed delendaiitb : IN THE NAXI EOF THE STATE OF OUE I gon.you are hereby required to appear and ans.icr the complaint lileii against, vou in the above etitiiled suit, by the tirst day of tlu- t -nil of said court following t he expiration of six weeRs lrom tic first pub lication c.i tins su m moiis ; s.-ti: i i:rr pu i 1 1- catioti b irig on t lie iit ii day ol March, 1S7I, and said next term ot Court commencing on t he 7t h day of April, 1.S71 ; and il you tail to answer sa i;l com l.i i:it , t he plaint u" will apply to tiie Court, for tie- reliei de uianiieii t lier 'in, v. Incii is (!i!it a ctriuin deed bearing dale June '.'Stli, 1SCI, mad- by def.-ndants John A. l-'islier and A. XL Fish er to you, the said William Prosser, pur iMrting to convey certain real estate in ;iacliiimas County, State of Oregon, de scribed in said deed as situated in and beimr parts of s-'ctions eight and nine in township t wo sout h, ran ire one cast , toget b rwith all the personal property oil said land claim at the date of said deed, be de clared void and of no force orelTect. i,y order ot the Hon. W. W. l.'j ton. Judge of s:i id Court, dated the second (J) day of March. Hf el.at fc Wakiikx, iiiiiii4-7w. Att'ys for Plaintiff. MinnnoiiH. In the f'ireuit Court of the State of Orcyon, jor trie uounty of T. facto. una. Edmund Wilcox, Plaintiff, vs. .Mary Francis Wilcox, J-Defendant. To Mary Francis Wilcox, said defendant. ( N THE NAX1E OF HIE STATE OF OR L cgon, you are hereby required toapjvar and ansver the complaint filed against you in the above entit led suit, by the first day of the term of said Court following the expiration of six weeks from the first pub lication of this summons; said first publi cation being on the li! h day of .March, 1S7!, and said next term of said Court commen cing on t he '27th day of April, 1S7I; ami if you fail to answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the Court Jor the r-lief demanded therein, which is for a dissolution of the marriage contract .now existing between plaintiff and defendant herein. Iiv order of Hon. W. W. Upton, Judge (,f said Court, dated the second (J) dav of .March, 17. HuklatA Wakp.kn, marti7 Att'vs for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackainax. John X. Smith and XIary Smith, plaintiff, vs. J. II. XIartin, Defendant. To J. II. XIartin, said defendant : J X THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE 1. gon.you are hereby required to aptwar and answerthecomplaint liied against you in the above entitled action by the lirst day of t he term of said C ourt following t he expiration of six weeks from the tirst pub lication of this summons; said first publi cation being on the t;th day of Xlarch. 1S71, and said next term of said "court" com men cingoti thegrth day of April, 1S7I; and if you fail to answer said complaint, the pliint ilf will take judgment, against you for the revival of a certain Judgment r-m-d -red airainst you in said Court on thei'lst day of Xlarch, lsti7, for the sum of iili2t-100 dollars with cost and disbursements. l y order of Hon. W. V. Upton, Judge of S lid Court, dated the second J) day of March. 1S74. IIukt.atA- Wakren, tmar7.v Att'y for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. John P. Gage. Plaintiff VS. Nancy Robbins, ct. a!.. Defendants. To Nancy A. Ball and I-nrkin Ball, her husband, two of Raid defendants : IN TH E NAXIE OF TH E STATE OF ORE gon, you are hereby required to apjwar and ans.vcr the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, by the first day of the next term of said Court follow ing the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons; said first publication being on the 6th day of Xlarch, 1.S74, and said next terra of said Court commencing on the 27th day of April, 1874 ; and if you fail to answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein, which is that you, the above named de fendants with the other defendants in said complaint named, execute to the said plaintiff herein a deed for certain land de scribed in complaint as th south half of the northeast quarter of section 31, to un ship 2 south, mngo 1 east, Willamette Xle ridian, in Clackamas Countv, Stat of Ore gon, in pursuance of a written agrrant to that effect made by John D. Robbins. no v deceased, in his life time with this plaintiff. P.y order of th Hon. W. W. Upton, Judge of said Court, dafd the second CZ) day of March, 1874. HrjELATi Warres, iramrrw Art's for Plaintiff. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. 'V'OTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEX THAT I -lA will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anj- other person on my ac count, from and alter this date. L. DILLER. Oregon City. March 5, 1S74. 4 FOR SALE. THE BEAUTIFUL Q CARTER SEC tion of laud, kno.vn as the Poise claim, 5 miles from Oregon City, will be offered for sale for a short time only. The proprietor is not "hard up." For terms, etc., apply to Capt. A. F. Hedges or Dec. Barlow, Oregon Litv; or Willamette Farm er office, Salem. March 5 .-tf WILLAMETTE RIVER TRANSPORTATION CO'S S TEA3IERS 3 rriLL LEAVE FLANDERS WHARF, T Port land, at 6 o'clock.A. m., as follows : For Corvallis aiid Intermediate Points : Monday, AVediiedu- and Friday. - For Albany and Intermediate Points: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Tliurtt day and Friday. For Dayton, Lu Fayette and McMinuville: Saturday and Monday. Passage to Corvallis .....$2 00 Passage o Albany 1 50 Passage to iSalem 100 Passage to XleMinnville 100 B. GOLDSMITH, President. December 12th, 1S73. tf. FINAL. SETTLEMENT. In the County Court of Clackamas county, Oregon. In the matter ot the Estate ol Elizabeth XlcGreavy, deceased. 4 LL PERSONS INTERESTED ARE I hereby notified that I have filed my final account and vouchers in the above entitled matter, and the t ourt has appoint ed Monday, the I'd day of Xlarch, A. U. lbli, at the Court House, Oregon I ity, as the time and place tor the hearing of objections thcr-to, and the examination and settle ment ot such accounts. B. G. WHITEIIOUSE, Ad m i n ist rator. Joiixsox A McCowx, Att'ys. febtivv4 FINAL. SETTLEMENT. In the County Court of Clackamas county. State ot Oregon, in the matter ol the Estate of Jesse V". Hoone, deceased. 4 LL PEItSONS INTERESTED ARE 1 V hereby notih id that I have filed mv final account and vouchers in the above entitled matter, and the Court has appoint ed Xlonday, the 2d day of Xlarch, A. !., isa.aiwi" ourt. House, Oregon l itv, as the time and place lor the examination and sett lenient of such accounts and the hearing of objections thereto. W. C. JOHNSON, Feb. Iiiri Administrator. -1-tli Ch'and Gilt Concert FOR T1IK BKXEFIT OF TUB PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY. OVER A .MILLION IN BANK !! a n r A FULL. VHAWI.XO ASSURED. On TuMdiiy, 31st flu y ofMardi, Next. Only 60,000 tickets have been issued and $1,500,000 ! ! Divided Ho 1:2,000 CAW11 CMFT8. LIST OF GIFTS: One Gr; Inn Gr; i ine (ir; I ne Gr; One Gr; 10 1 '! :i.) Ci f.) t ; SO Ci 100 ( : l.".) ( -i J."i.l Ci 3-J5 Ci 11,000 Ci 111(1 i nd i nd Hid i nd ish ish isii ish ish ish ish ish ish Cash Oilt Cash Gift Cash Gilt y ash Gift S2."0,0i)0 1 10,000 ,r0,(10 aa.OOO Cash sritts, H-iits, gills, gilts, gifts, gilts, gilts. J-'ins, gifts, Gilt ; 17,-00 100,000 Ifill.OOO 50, HO -10,0! K) 40.IHKI 45.IXX) 50,000 32.500 $10,000 each, 5,i MO cacti, l.ooo each, aiK) each, -too each, :0 each, L'OO each, 100 each, 50 cacti, 550,000 Total, 12,000 gi ft s.all cash .....$1,5!X),000 The concert and distribution of gifts will positively and unequivocally take place on tiie day now fixed, vhether all the tickets are sold or not, and the 12,000 gilts all paid in proportion to the number ot tickets sold. PlilC'E OF TICKETS s Whole tikets, f 50 ; Halves, ?25 : Tenths, or each coupn. i": Eleven whole tickets lor f5!i;t: 22.' whole tickets for $1,000; li:i whole tickets lor 5,000 ; 227 whole tickets lor $10, 000. No (liscount on less than $500 worth of tickets. TIIO. E. 15n.l3H.ETTE, Agent Public Library Kentucky, and Manager out oners, i nunc i.mrary huikling, Iiouisvilb', Ky. febUwI. SELLING OFF AT COST! ITOlt .GO DAYS"! Strictly For Cash, Only Oiir Entire Stock, ot ClofHIng, Dry fiooils, lioots anil Sliocs, Hat a, Furnishing GomI, .Jew elry nml Fancy Good, GriK'erlen, Etc. TE INTEXH HKUEAI'TER TO DO A r st-ictly lousiness ! Atul will be enabled to give everybodj" sat isiaction, compared with prices elsewhere. Oive us a call a nil examine tor yourselves. LEVY LUOS. Oregon City, Jan. 1st, lS7f. SQCIETYXO TICES. oki:c;o loikji: xo. a, 1. 1. o. Meets c-verv Thursday gc pvoningatTU o'clock, in the i&gS&laii. Odd Fellows' Hall, Mam "HSgsfiS street. Members of the Or der are invited to attend. I5y order keiii-:cca i)F.citi:n i.onc;v: I. O. O. F., Mvvts on the Aiefiii Si-fon.l and Fourth lues- tJJ& day evenings each niont h 2 at 7'i oVlocka.m tiie Odd Fellows' Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend. iiUi.TXOM.iii i.odc;i: xo. i, a.f. it A. M.. Holds its regular com- c inunications on the First and vf". Third S.iturdavs in each month, at 7 o'clock from the Lflth of .Sep. ' x tember to the 3th of March ; and 7h o'clock from the HOtli of March to the 20th of Septeniiier. IJrethren in good standing are invited to attend. Hy order of W. M. FALLS EXCAMPMCXT XO.4,1. O. O. F., Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall on the First and Third Tues day of each month. Patriarchs in good standing are invited to attend. JOHN" 31. BACON, IMPORTER AND DEALER in nrw Lr Sf nt inn tt7 Pmifnm. ery. etc., etc. I Oregon City, Oregon. "At Charraan & Warner's old stand lately occupied by B. Aekmn. Main et. sea r M B li C II A JT DISS. THOMAS CHARMAH ESTABLISHED : : 1853. DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS of Oregon City and of the Willamette Valley, that he is still on hand and doing business on the old motto, that A Nimlle Six Pence u Better than a Slow Shilling. I have lust returned from San Francisco, where I purchased one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS ever before offered in this city ; and consists in part, as follows : Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Cups, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors, Chinaware, Qtieensware, Stoneware, Crockery, Platedware, Glassware-, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy No- Rope, Faming Hons of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc.. Of the above list, I can say my stock is the MOST COMPLETE ever offered in this market, and was seleted with especial care lor t he Oregon City t rade. All of which 1 now offer lor sale at the Lowest Market Ra es. No use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of going to Portland to buy goods lor I am Determined to Sett Cheap and not to allow my sell to be LMOSOLD IS TIIE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables me to know the re quirements of the trade. Come one and all and see for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS C1IAKMAN cannot be beaten in quality or price. It would be useless lor me to tell you all the advantages I can offer you in the sale of goods, as every store that advertises docs that, and probably you have been disap pointed. All I wish to say is . Come, and Si'i'.niid Examine for Yourselves for I do not wish to make any mistakes. My object is to tell all my old friends now that I am still alive, and desirous to sell goods cheap, for cash, fir upon such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liber al patronage heretofore bestowed. . THOS. CH A H.MAN, Main tstrect, Oregon City, Legal Tenders and County Scrip taken at market rates. THOS. CIIARMAN. B50,000 lbs wool wanted by THOS. CIIARMAN. LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE -o- rpHE rXIiERsKiNEU PROPRIETOR OF 1 the Livery Stable on Fifth street.Oregon City, Oregon, keeps constantly on hand Saddle nml IJuggy Horsew, Ituggics, t arringcxainl Harks. Pi'iccs 1 ensoiKilile. He will also run a hack to and from the WILKOIT SODA SPRINGS during the summer season, with good horses, coniiK'tcnt and gentlemanly drivers FARE AT LIVING BATES. J. M. FRA7.ER, Proprietor. Oregon City, May 27, 1S73. JOHN 3CHRAM, 3lain St., Oregon City. MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF f'-fw Saldlery-Harl- warc, etc., etc. -1,7-IIICII HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS T y can be had in the State, at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. fc?"l warrant my goods as represented. 1,0 0 0 DEER SKINS W ANTED, AND ALSO, VLL OTHER KINDS OF HIDES. FOR which I will pay flic htghes market price in cash I-.ring on your hides and get your coin for t hem. JOHN SCIIRAM, Saddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, 1373-m3. F 11 II E S II SHOALWATER BAY O YST ETIS! rilHE UNDERSIONED ANNOUNCES M tO t lie Cit izens of flrr.frrn fit - V. , has reojened his Oyster Saloon and Rcs- taurant. and can dish out Fresh Ovstcrs to nil orders. Coffee, Tea and Chocolate aiwais on hand; also a general assort ment of confectionary. Ovstcrs served up in every style desired. "LOUIS SAAL. Oregon City, Sept. 26, 1873-tf. STILL IN TIIE FIELD! REMOVED SECOND DOOR SOUTH OF HAAS' SALOON. WILLIAMS & HARDINC, AT TIIE LINCOLN BAKERY, KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK of Family Groceries to be found in the cUv. All goods warranted. Goods delivered i in t he city ire of charge. The highest casn ! pric paid for country produce. I Omcoa City, .March 38. 183- AUCTIIOF AZ'D COMMISSION: A. B. RICHARDSON, Auctioneer, Corrnrr of It'iont & Oak tt(., Pottinnd. Auction a I esj Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Mer chandise and Horses. SALE DAYS Wednesday and Saturday A. li. RICHARLSON, Auctioneer. . Af FrivsKc Sale. English Refined P,ar and Fundle Trea i-nplish Square and Octngon Cast tetecl, Horse shoes, Rasps. Saws.Sorows,f rj-I'ans a fchect Iron, R. G.Iron ALSO A 'aree assortment of Grocer! and Uq- Jan 1 18-3-tr A' B' R1ClIARISON. Jan. 1, 1873-tf. Auctioneer.. M A .V U FA C TORIES. IMPERIAL ftff ILLS, : Savier, Lallocque & Co. ; . ' Oregon Cif. 5; Keep constantly on hand for sale Flour. '" ' Middlings.Plan and Chicken Peed. ParUa purchasing feed must furnlsn the sack. SELLING OFF ! SELLING OFF I XII E IMMENSE WrATEB STOCK OP BOOTS and SHOES! : AT THE : Pacfic Boot & Shoe House. Corn.T First and )loni.soa Slrcclv JOJiTLA'D, OEEGOJT, Will bo Closed Out for the Next Thirty Days At and Less Tlian Cost. P It I C E Sr Ladies Kid Foxed Ealmorals, f f 50 Misses' do do do 1-2& hildren's do Men's Heavy P.oots 1 003 2 7. 2 00 150 1 00. 50O 4 00 45 toys' do iouth's do fiildr-n's Poots, ."."..." Men's Kip Hand-made t UFlom S-sulrtf Foots Patridgc's Slaughter I iKts .". do Grain Hunt ing 1 oots Hibbard's l elcbrated Hand-made- 1-rench calf Smith, hamplin- Co. (Portland) 650 Custom French calf 6 50 Smith, Champlin fc o. (Portland). O l tistom American calf - 6S0"- r Men's bst (Quality Hunting 5 50 IJ American Hiding 6 00. do Luekle Artie Overshoes 2 00 ' do Alaska do .. 15ft do best quality Rubber do 1 00r Women's Luckle Artie Overshos ISO do ' lo do 1 25 do Self-acting Rubber do Men's Screwd Frogans ITS do Pegged do 1 0i do California l alf. tap sole 4 .V do do buff call, tap sole,. .. 3 5ft mart-tl FALL AKD WINTER CLCCS! JUST RECEIVED AT o I. SELL DEALER IN Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes,. Hardware, Groceries Crockery, Notions, Ladies and Gents- ; i Furnishing Good, etc etc., etc., etc Jlla i 11 Street, Or.'on C'lty. " Produce of -all kinds bought, for which I pay t he highest market price. If you de sire good Goods at I ow prices, call at I. S E L I .V G S and examine his new stock of Ppringgoods Give mo a call and convince yourselves. My motto is, "QOCK SALES AST SMAI.I. PROFITS."- The highest market price paid fornosl I. SELLING. Oregon City, Oct. 31, lS7.1-tf. NOTICE! VT THE SOLICITATION OF MANY friends, I take this method of j tiblicly announcintr m.' self a candidate lor the r s lierin of Clackamas f ountv, subject to the will of the ajroaching D"'"e.ertic' onventlon. A.C. UAILEY NUT1CK- VT THE. SOLICITATION OF MANY friMids. I take this method of publicly announcing m sell a candidate lor the ofliee f ount. Judge ot Clackamas Coun ty, subject, to the w in of the apiroaching Democratic Convention. W. L. WHITE. 1840. Time lists 1874. Ml IbiD's. The 3Ifrits Of THIRTY YEARSis certainly long enough time to prove the fticacy ol any medicine, and t hat the Pain-Killer is deserving ol all its pro, rietors claim lor it, is amj 1 proved by the unparalleled po( ularity it has at tained. It is a sure and cifi'ctive rem dy. It is sold in almost every country in the world, and it neeas onl tt be known to be prized, and its n-putation as a Medlcincof ir at Virtue, is lully ana jm rmanentlv cs tablished. It is the great 1-amily tediclne of tir-al Virtue, is 111II3- and rmanently establaished. It is t he gr -at J-annly Med icine ot the age. 'iak n inti rnally.lt cures Dysi-nt' ry, Cholera, Diarrl.tea, 1 ramp and Pain in the Stomach, l.owel Complaint, Painters' Colic, Liver 0111; lahit, l0"8ei sia, r Indijrest ion, Sudden I olds. Sore 1 hroat and I ouirhs. 'taken Kxt rnally, it cur' s I ruises, l.oils, F Ions, uts, I -urns, Scald, Old Sor s ano Sprains, Hw lliti:SOt th" Joints, 'loothach-. Pain in the race. Neuralgia and Rheumatism, liai ped Hands, l-rost luttcn Feet, Ac. Pain is supposed to be t h - lot of us poor mortals, as inevitable as death, and liable atanytim" come iifon us. Therefore, It is inii ortant that rem dial apents should lx at hand to be used on emerg" ncy, when we are made to feci tlv excruciatina agony of fain, or the de ressing lnfluencs of dit.r ase. Such a r medial exists in P rr Divis' "Pain-Killer," the fame of which has extended over all the earth. Amid the eternal ices of the Polar regions.or benenth the intolerable and burning suns or the tropics its virtues are known and p :re ciated. And by it suffering humanity has found relief from many ot fts ills. 1 n ef fect of the Pain-KIIler upon the patient, when taken internally in caes of ( ougn. Cold FowcI omi laint, holern .Dysentery, and other ofT.-ctions of the syst m, ha been truly wonderful, and has on lor it a name among medical preparations that cm never be forgotten. Its success In re moving pln. as on external rned.' in fa,s of l ums, I rinses. Sores and Sprains. 1 uts stings of Ins cts.Ac. and ntlirr causes of suffering has secured tor It the most nrominent position nmong the medicine of th" day. I'ewnre of cr.unfertcits and v ort hless imitations, fall for Perry Davis" Vegetable Paln-Killer, and fake no other, on, old by I vruggists and Grocers. Estray Notice ! rpAKEN UP BY THE SUBSCRIBER ONI. I and a half mil-s northvest o rauas 1 ridge, Clackamas County, one muly cow su posed to be six or seven years old ; her color is black, v ith v hit" race and white belp , and some white on back bone; no ear marks or brands. Feb. 3. 1874. JONAS C LINE, Jr. The above described cow vas a praised bv me this 11th day of Fer ruary. t twenty-five dollars. II. McGUGIN, J. P., o o 0 O o o o o G e C c o o o o o o O O o o c O o o o o o o o o o o o o o