Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, March 13, 1874, Image 2

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DsyiocnxTic state co.vvkvtiox.
D?raocratic State Convention for the
State of Oregon, is hereby called by the
Democratic State Central Committee, con
vened In Portland. Oregon, this, the 2d
day of January, A- D., 1874. to. meet at the
elty of Albany, Oregon, on
Wednesday, tHe IStU Any of March,
1J74, forth purpose of nominating candi
dates to be voted for at the general election
In June next, for Congress and the various
State and District offices then to be filled,
.and for the transaction of any other busi
ness that may properly come before it.
The apportionment of members of said
Convention among the counties is based
upon the Democratic vote cast for Hon.
John Burnett for Congress in 1872, allowing
one delegate in said Convention for each
one hundred or fraction of fifty, so cast.
The several counties of the State will be
entitled to delegates in said Convention as
follows :
Raker .......
Curry . ...
rint.".. ........
JacKaon -.
T.lnn 12
Iane !
Marion 10
Multnomah 12
Union 5
Umatilla fi
Tillamook 1
Wasco 5
It Is suggested by the Committee that the
several counties hold their 1'rimary on
ventlons on Saturday, the 2th,day of Feb
ruary, at 1 o'clock P. m., and their County
Conventions on Saturday, the 7th day of
March, at the same hour. In tho'Counti'-s
where these appointments do not meet the
oonvenience of the Democracy, it is exac
ted that ttvy will make th? necessary
changes through their County Committee.
Chairman Pern. State Central Com.
J. J.' Walton. Jit., Secretary.
The Democratic State Convention.
Next Wednesday the Democratic
State Convention meets at Albany,
for the purpose of placing in the field
a full tieket for State officers, and
Judges for the Second and Fourth
Judicial Districts, besides one candi
date for each District for Proseeu
c ting Attorney. It is scarcely worth
while to bring to the minds of the
delegates to that Convention, the fact
that the utmost harmony should pre
vail, and that a ticket should be
placed in the field that will command
not only the support of every Dem
ocrat, but which will challenge their
admiration. The delegates to that
Convention cannot be ignorant of
the fact that party discipline, at this
time, is not so strong and binding as
it has been in years past; and if inju
dicious nominations are made, the
party cannot be successful. Personal
preferences, and personal likes and
dislikes must be discarded, and the
only proper view to be taken by the
Convention is the merits of each can
didate presented for nomination.
Men whose character in both public
and private live will not bear the
closest scrutiny, have do business on
the ticket at this or any other time.
We are passing through a crisis, in
a partv view, and it will take our
best men to carry us safely over the
bridge. There are none who doubt
but what the principles of the De
mocracy are correct, and that Radi
calism has become too corrupt and
dishonest for the people longer to
sustain it. Then all that will be nec
essary is to place good and worthy
men on the ticket. There are many
voters who are c asting about for relief
from the oppressions of Radicalism.
And if the Democracy will offer that
relief in both platform and nomi
nees, we will not only gain a glorious
victory, but will unite- the best and
truest men of all parties with us in
the future. The platform should be
short and to the point, taking a bold
and fearless stand for the laboring
people of our State, and opposition
to all monopolies of whatever kind.
In the lisi, of monopolies, we do not
mean railroad or steamboat trans
portation alone. These are not the
only monopolies which curse the
nation. The protective tariff is a far
more oppressive monopoly on our
consuming population: And the ag
gregation of wealth into ,U. S. bonds,
and exemption from taxation, is also
a monopoly against the producers
and consumers. The present system
of National banking is also a ruinous
and infamous monopoly. The Gov
ernment pays interest to these banks,
safely cares for their bonds, and
gives them the currency to speculate
upon. The Convention should de
mand that when the banks get the
money for speculative purposes,
that the bonds should cease drawing
interest, or let the General Govern
ment call in these bank notes and is
sue greenbacks for them, and stop in
terest on bonds now in possession of
the Government. This would save
millions to our people. The Conven
tion should demand the strictest
economy from the candidates placed
in nomination, and pledge them
against any further appropriations
for any purpose whatever until the
State is out of debt and brought
back to within the limitation of the
Constitution. But no matter what
the platform may be, or how good,
the people want men to vote for who
are known and have been tried, and
have ever proved themselves trust
worthy in every position. That there
will be an attempt made to make the
Democracy 'swallow' certain individ
uals, whose past record is not that
of Democrats, and who, in their
time, did all in their power to destroy
the noble party, but which survived
their treachery, can be no question.
They now find the party ia the ma
jority, and, ever ready
to attach
l dmni? side they
the strong sme, tney
themselves to
r now wekuigr to not only act -witn
it, but to become its most active
leaders, and have been and wish to
be again placed in office. This class
of individuals, if put forth, will be
defeated, and we warn the Democra
cy against them. They in former
years defeated us by openly allying
r themselves with the opposition, and
they are again ready to betray their
trusts to gratify their personal in
terests. If the Convention is guided
by wisdom and sound judgment, in
stead of personalities and prejudice,
all will be well. If not, we must
again meet the doom of defeat.
Death of President Fillmore.
The telegraph announces the death
of exrPresident Fillmore. He died
at his home in Buffalo, N. Y., on the
8th inst. He was in the seventy-fifth
year of his age, being born January
7, 1S00. The history of President
Fillmore is familiar to nearly every
American citizen. He was one of
the few giants who figured promi
nently in the history of our country
in its better days. He was a noble
specimen of a true American. While
he was not brilliant, he was honest
and faithful to every trust and posi
tion he was called upon to fill. He
was elected Vice President in 1848,
General Taylor being elected Presi
dent, who died July 9, 1850, when
Mr. Fillmore acted as President un
til 18.13. During his entire public
career, which dates from 1828, until
he retired from the White House, he
maintained an unsullied character,
and has ever been regarded as one of
the purest of our statesmen. Lu, 1850
he was the candidate of the Ameri
can Party for President, but the doc
trine of that party being very un
popular, he carried but a single
State, and since that time he has
lived in retirement, beloved and hon
ored by the entire Nation. Thus one
by one the great men of our Repub
lic are passing away.
Defaulter. -Anot her Oregon Rad
ical has been found a defaulter. Mr.
O'Meara, the Washington corres
pondent of the Portland Bulletin,
gives the following publicity in his
letter to that paper under date of
February 23d :
"I suppose yon already know that
Mr. A. B. Meacham has been dropped
at last but none too soon, nor soon
enough from the worse than use
less Peace Commission. But he still
keeps up his slanders on the people
of Oregon, especially in connection
with the Modoc troubles. He does
this, of course, for effect to ingra
tiate himself with the Indian Com
mission Ring, and thus to work out
his liabilities to the Government as
it is well known he is a defaulter to
the amount of several thousands as
S iperintendent of Indian Affairs. It
is difficult to predict what the come
out will be. Vet it is a comfort to
know that he is finally stopped from J
receiving a salary which he never
earned, and upon w hich he sustained
himself while maligning and trying
to injure the good name of the peo
ple of the frontiers generally, and of
.lackson county, Oregon, and Siski
you county, California, in partieu-
lar It is now known that lie and
Steele, who was all the time Captain
Jack's agent and adviser, did more
to bring about the trouble with the
Modocs and the massacre of the Lost
River settlers, than any others, be
they whom they may.
As Usual. We had not taken any
interest in the proceedings of the
late hen convention which was held
in Portland, and consequently pre
sumed we had escaped the abuse of
the advocates of the "movement."
But we are again mistaken. The fe
male portion of the Convention let
us gloriously alone, for which we are
grateful; but a curly headed mascu
line, from Polk county, by the name
of P. C. Sullivan, who has received
notice from us in the. past, in a po
litical sense, took occasion to abuse
us in one of his speeches. Now, all
who know this kinky-headed reform
er, woman-suffragite, and would-be
Congressman, will agree with us that
whatever he may say has but little
effect, either for or against a person.
This fellow, like the female brokers
in the East, evidently has a "big
tiling," and is trying, as he did when
he was the Radical Prosecuting At
torney of the Third District, to make
something out of it. The records of
those counties in which he was at
torney will give him a pretty good
pass as a reformer.
Died. Senator Sumner died sud
denly at Washington on the 11th in
stant. He was beyond question one
of the ablest minds in the Senate.
And while we have no sympathy with
his political history, none will be so
ungenerous as not to attribute to him
honesty and integrity in all his pub
lic life. His was the giant intellect
in the past, of the Radical partv in
the Senate, but of late he became
disgusted with it for its corruption
and has since been classed as a Lib
eral. He has been Senator for 23
MrsT Decline. The editor of the
Salem Statesman published a card in
paper of last week, which he
asks all the papers in the State to
copy. We would like to oblige him
very much, but cannot do so on ac
count of having a desire to print the
truth in our columns. And as it is
pretty well established that the truth
is on the side of the Xews editor, we
would rather be excused.
The crradnatinar exerois nt
leUlCAj Department of the Willa- '
mett TJniversitv tnoV
evening of the 4th in.t. 1
The Clackamas County Convention.
By the proceedings of the Con
vention of last Saturday, it will be
seen that it Vas deemed best by that
body to postpone making county
nominations until April 25th, the last
Saturday in next month.
While we
couia see no particular necessity for
this postponement, we cheerfully ac
quiesce in the action of the Conven
tion, and trust it may have a benefi
cial result, as we presume the advo
cates of postponement had the best
interests of the party in view. We
hope that each delegate will devote
himself to the task now of ascertain
ing the most available and best men
in the county for the various offices.
It is no time to think that a "nomi
nation is equal to an election," but
men must run on their own merits
and worth, and none but the very
best citizens should be placed in the
field. We have abundant good men
who are willing to serve in the vari
ous offices, and the delegates should
select the very best. They have
ample time to perfect the ticket, and
there is no reason why we cannot get
out a set of candidates who will be
acceptable to the masses of the De
mocracy and many conservative vo
ters. Let us have a good ticket, and
we will elect it by a handsome major
ity. A bad ticket we cannot and
should not elect.
False. Some person, probably
for want of better emploj-ment, has
concocted and circulated a report to
the efi'ect that the last "Legislature
raised the salary of the School Su
perintendent of this county three
hundred dollars per year, on the
ground that the increase would ena
ble the Superintendent to visit the
various School districts." In the first
place, the Legislature has nothing to
do with the salary of School Super
intendent. And, in the next place,
the present salary paid is only tiro
ha in I red dollars per annum. It is a
fact that the Superintendent, in his
report last July, six months and
over after th-e adjournment of the
Legislature, made to the County
Commissioners, stated that the sala
ry then paid, considering the amount
of extra labor required by the new
law, (which was one hundred and
fifty per annum), was not enough to
pay the expenses of visiting the dis
tricts, and that the schools would be
benefitted by having his personal L
visits. The Court increased the sal
ary to two hundred dollars per year,
and if any person can take that
amount of money and visit over sixty
districts twice a year, and hold four
public examinations, the present Su
perintendent would like to see the
individual, and is ready at any time
to give up the position to an aecepta
ble person. The lie is fabricated out
of whole cloth, and the records of
the pay will show the fact. As the
uresent supennteiulent is iv no
means a candidate for that or any
otlier oihco, we can Fee no reason
why this lie has been circulated, un
less the author has told it for pure
affection he has for lying.
Governor G rover has recently
received from the Gancral Land Of
fice, a certified copy of clear list No.
1 of the selections made by th? State
for the benefit of colleges for agri
culture and the mechanical arts.
under Act of Congress of July 2.
18(52 said list embracing 78,079.-1-0
acres. The State is entitled to 90,-
000 acres. But the selections made
in 1809, by the Locating Commiss
ioners, embraced about 10,000 acres
of the Klammath Reservation, which
cannot be approved under the pro
visions of the Acts of Congress grant
ing these lands. New selections will
now be made to till this grant, which
will be completed before a great
while. The approved Agricultural
College Lands lie in the upper
Sprague River Valley, and other lo
calities. These lauds will now be ad
vertised for sale at the minimum
price of not less than $2,50, curren
cy, per acre, to be disposed of to ac
tual settlers, in quantities not ex
ceeding 320 acres, one-fourth of the
money paid down, the balance in
three several annual installments.
Coiikection. By private letter
from Mr. E. S. McComas, under
date of the 3d inst., he informs us
that we were iu error in charging
him witn the authorship of a certain
letter which appeared in the Salem
Statesman last Fall. Mr. McComas.
in his letter, states that "I never
wrote a letter to the Salem Statesman
in mv life, we most cneeriuiiy
make this correction, and are more
than pleased to learn that he is not
the author of that letter. Not that
we care one straw what was in it, so
far as wo are concerned, but it re
flected on others, who had ever been
friendly to McComas, in a shameful
manner. And we know that the gen
eral opinion has prevailed that Mr.
McComas was the author of the let
ter referred to.
The Polk county "Independents"
have placed the following ticket in
the field:
For Representatives W. C. Brown
T. L. Butler, and David Stump;
Judge, Warren Truit; Sheriff, J. J.
Williams; Clerk, W. S. Frink;Treas
urer, R. M. Mav; County Commis
sioners, H. C." Howell, of Grand
Ronde, and J. D. Smith of Luckia
mute; Assessor, N. Garwood; School
Superintendent, T. F. Campbell;
Coroner, G. W. Goucher.
The public schools of the Dalles
have been closed for lack of funds.
So in Salem and Corvallis. This
-it.i.; i V.. i.-Mfn
be maintained.
Proceedings of the Democratic Coun
ty Convention.
The Democratic County Convention
for Clackamas met at the Court House,
frTOregon City, on. Saturday, the 7th
inst., and was called to order by A.
Xoltncr, Chairman of the County Com-
' miuee- . "
un motion or . IHielat, W. L,. W late
was chosen temporary Chairman, and
on motion of Geo. A. Harding, A. Nolt
ner was chosen temporary Secretary.
After a few remarks from the chair
man, on- motion of S. Iluelat, a com
mittee of three was appointed on cre
dentials, consisting of S. Iluelat, F. vV.
Foster and W. Li. Barclay.
After a short absence, the committee
on credentials returned and submitted
the following report, which was adopt
ed :
Cascades II. McGugin and F. Reve
Cutting-Chas. Cutting, W. A. White
ainl James Dickey.
Beaver K. G. Noj-er, J. C. Knott and
J. Darnall.
Oregon City S. D. 1 fowcll, D. Smith,
II. Straight. J. Howell, W.L.White,
S. Iluelat, Dr. J. Welch, K. Cauticld,
Joseph Dickens and Geo. A. Harding.
Upper Molalla William I?agby, I.
Moody, Augustus Eagle and Levi Kob
bins. Harding's Geo. Clark and M. Hat
ton. Canemah Joseph Hedges.
Linn City Joseph Fields.
Canby A. Carmicheal and Isaac
Oswego J. W. Caine.
Lower Molalla Joseph Jones, Wash
OMield and Robert Irvin.
M.irquam's W. L. Barclay, Martin
'Bobbins and tieo. W.Jackson.
Tualatin -T. L. Turner.
Rock Creek W. W. Cooke and S. B.
Marsh field George Foster.
Eagle Creek V. W. Foster, W. T.
Linn and John Glover.
Union-C. M. I'.rackett.
Pleasant 1 1 ill Unrepresented.
Mil waukie Thomas Sell wood.
Springing water John Leuellcn.John
Reed and James Howell.
. We, the undersigned, fife duU' aj
pointed committee on credentials for
the Democratic County Convention
now in session, hereby report that the
foregoing named delegates are entitled
to seats in said convention from their
respective precincts named.
S. Ifl'Kl.AT, )
F. W. Fos ricn, v Committee.
V.". I,. llAltCI-AY, )
On motion it was was ordered that
any delegate presenting his credentials
le admitted to his seat from precints
On motion of S. Iluelat, W. L. White
was elected permanent chairman of
the convention, and A. Noltner was
elected permanent secretary.
After the chairman had returned Ins
thanks to the Convention in a lew ap
propriate remarks and stated the ob
jects of the Convention, on motion of
S. Iluelat took recess until 1 o'clock.
The Convention was called to order
by the chairman at 1 o'clock.
On motion of S. Huelat, the Conven
tion proceeded to the election of seven
delegates to attend th'J Slate Conven
tion. The chair appointed Messrs. Welch
and Sellwood as tellers.
On the first ballot Messrs. J. Welch,
II. Straight, l. Cauticld, Joseph Young
and .V. F. Hedges, having received a
majority of all the votes cast, were de
clared duly elected. On the second
l-allot, Messrs. S. Iliul.it and W. E.
White having received a majority of
all the votes, were declared duly elect
ed. A motion was made that the Conven
tion proceed with the nomination of
candidates for the various county offi
ces. Ey unanimous consent, S. Iluelat in
troduced a resolution while the motion
was pending, and consent for its read
ing having been given, the chair held
that it took precedent over the motion.
The resolution was as follows:
That this Convention do now adjourn
until day of April, 171, at lOoVlock
for the purpose of nominating candi
dates for county officers, and the trans
action of such other business as may
come before it.
After considerable discussion the res
olution was passed by 32 yeas to l."
nays, and the blank filled by inserting
the last Saturday in April.
The Convention then adjourned.
W. E. WHITE, Chairman.
A. Noltneu, Secretary.
Marion County Democratic Resolu
tions. The following resolutions were
adopted by the Democratic County
Convention of Marion county, held
at Salem, last Saturday :
Rksolved, 1. That all restrictions
and limitations imposed by the Con
vention on the Legislative authority
ought to be strictly obeyed and ad
hered to, without evasion or attempt
to evade.
2. We favor in legislation equal
and exact justice to all, special priv
ileges to none.
3. That we also demand the re
peal of all bills and laws of either of
tike last two sessions of the Legisla
ture increasing or enlarging the sal
aries, fees, or compensations of pub
lic offices, and that the fees and com
pensations of offices be so reduced
as to give but a fair and just equiva
lent for services performed.
4. We assert the power of the
State to regulate public transporta
tion within her own limits, and
that railroads and otlier corporations
should be amenable to law as well as
5. We are opposed to taxing the
people of this State for subsidies to
railroads, or lor snusnnes ior otuer
i . -i i i
purposes, out we uemano. much as
sistance from the General Govern
ment for the Portland, Dalles and
Salt Lake Railroad as will contribute
to place us on an equal footing with
the other States.
0. That the public burthens are
. i i i ..... .1 i
now intoierauie; uiav u ucuiaim
such economy in the transaction of
public business as prudent men prac
tice in their own affairs; that there
be no further squandering of the
public moneys on visionary schemes,
to reimburse politicians, to secure
the support of jobbers and specu
lators, or to aid corporations or pri
vate individuals, until the State in
debtedness be reduced within the
Constitutional limit.
7. We favor the repeal of all jaws
providing for fees to Clerks ana xo
Sheriffs, an t the substitution of rea
sonable salaries to these officers.
S That we will not nominate or
support any candidate for State or
and Earnestly support the foregoing
r.so1tions and work to accomplish ;
( nnntv omcers wuu mil uui, Tn.i -j !
I all therein demanded.
Congressional News.
Washington, Mar. 6.-The Presi
dent has. nominated Edward F.
Dunne to bo Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court of Arizona, and M.
P. Berry to be collector of Customs
for the District of Alaska.
Mr. Mitchell has introduced a bill
providing for the permanent location
of the Oregon Central Railroad, and
to nirtner amend the act of May Ith,
1870, granting aid towards the con
struction of the Oregon Central
Railroad, which was referred to the
Committee on Public lands. The
bill provides that the southern ter
minus of said railroad shall be locat
ed at some suitable point on the line
of the Oregon and California Rail
road, not further south than Eugene
City nor further north than Junction
City, and grants the same rights and
privileges to the railroad in its con
struction to said point as are granted
by the original act in aid of the con
struction of the Oregon Central
Railroad and Telegraph Line from
Portland to Astoriaand McMinnville.
It further provides that in case the
quantity of land of ten full sections
per mile cannot be found within the
limit prescribed by the original act,
that sections to make up such defi
ciencies may be made under direc
tion of the Secretary of Interior on
the westerly side of such road and
between it and the Pacific Ocean. j
Washington, March 7. Charges i
were formerly presented in the House
yesterday by the Speaker affecting
the official and personal character of
General Baker. Commissioner of
Pensions. They were made by Mrs.
Helen T. Barnard, who wants them
examined with a view vf Invalid
Washington, Mar. 9. The House
Committee on Railway and Canals
are quite confident of passing Mc
Crary's bill, appointing a. committee
to regulate railroad fares and freights.
Western members will propose an
amendment, depriving the commis
sioners of the absolute power of fix
in" the rates, but making them a sort
of intermediate abitrators between
the railroads and aggrieved parties,
with summary power to correct
grievances through the United States
Courts.- This will be opposed on
the ground that the remedy is too
troublesome of enforcement to have
a salutary effect over railroad extor
tioners. Chairman MeKee, of the House
Committee on Territories, says there
in no doubt whatever that his strin
gent bill relating to Utah troubles,
reported a week ago, will readily pass
both Houses. He says it is less
stringent than McCullen'sor Freling
huysen's bill, each of which had the
sanction of one or the other branches
of the preceding Congress.
Congressman Nesmith to-day in
troduced a bill to indemnify the
States and citizens of Oregon and
California for expenses incurred in
the Modoc war.
Washington, Mar. 10. The Pres
ident has nominated James Coey to
be Postmaster at San Francisco.
LKAvr.NWoiiTif, March 9. Mrs.
Carpenter shot and instantly killed
John White of the Fifth Infantry,
who entered her kitchen, locked the
door, and made improper advances
to her, and refused to go out when
ordered .
to the Slate Com cntiiu:.
The following persons have been
elected delegates to the State Con
vention, as far as we have been able
to learn:
Clackamas J. Welch, H. Straight,
W. L. White, R. Cauticld, A. F.
Hedges, Joseph Young and S. Hue
lat. Lane L. Ackerman. A. J. Crnsan,
R. B. Cochran, Alex. Sparr: George
Rinehari, Jeff. C. Vales, ('. W- Fitch,
Thomas Milliorn and Richard Hayes.
This delegation is said to be for
Whiteaker for Governor, and J. M.
Thompson for Judge of the Second
Marion J. B. McClaiu, W. II
Watkinds, J. R. Coleman, J. W
Thornburv, A. H. Starkweather, E
F. Colby, Samuel Ramp, P. Belou,
II. D. Boon, L. Wostacott.
Multnomah J. C. Files. J. B.
Lane, A. Campbell, E. J. Jeffrys, R
J. Ladd, B. L. Norden. E. Semple,
Jas. Wilson, Daniel McGiIlis, M
Seller, O. B. Bellinger ai.d J. S. M
Van Cleave.
Douglas W. Martin, S. Marks,
J. W. Weaver, S. Minard, Aaron
Rose. J. M. Wright, Lewis Darnell
and F. R. Hill.
The delegation is said to be in favor
of the present State officers, and for
L. F. Mosher for Judge of the Sec
ond Judicial District.
Baker Joseph II. Shinn, T. N.
Snow, R. B. Bunch, Jesse Jones and
Robt. McCord.
Washington U. Jackson, J. A.
Richardson andW. G. Scoggin.' The
delegotiou is instructed for Governor
Clatsop John Hobson and R. .
A Goon Ticket.-Tho Democratic
Convention of Marion county, which
met at Salem last Saturday, placed
in the field a full ticket composed of
farmers and tho most substantial cit
izens of tho county. It is regarded
as the best ticket run for many years
in that county, and sanguine hopes
of its success are entertained. The
ticket is as follows:
State Senators, L. M. Savage, E.
F. Colby and E. C. Coolev ; J'V."
sentatives, L. Pettyjohn J. C. Cap
linger F. X. Matthieu, D. h-jstaj-ton.
Michael Lagan and Dav, . . Shan
non; County Judge, F. Lid ridge;
Clerk, Dan. II. Murphy ; Sheriff, So .
Durbin; Treasurer, James J. D.ti
rymple. jrUXG. Joseph Nehana,alias "Ka
naka Joe" was hung at Port Town
send on the Gth inst., for the murder
of Dwyer, on San Juan Island. Joe
made a full confession, detailing all
the circumstance of the Dwyer mur
der, and confessed to kill Fuller in
- .
Governor Allen, of Ohio, has been
obliged, owing to the palsied condi
tion of his hands, to ask the Legis-
I,!,,.. - l n i . ,
- -xuwxng mm to
se a stamp instead of writing his
signature upon official documents.
Sumuiary of State News Items
The Methodists of Eugene City
are having a revival.
The Forest Grove Independent has
adopted a patent outside. t
Col. Geo. B. Carry and family
have moved to Canyon City, where
he will open a law office.
Water was let into the Albany and
Santiam Canal from the Santiam
river on Friday of last week.
D. M. C. Gault, Esq., has been ap
pointed Superintendent of Common
Schools for Washington county.
Mathenv's farm, three miles from
Salem, has been sold to Charles
Swegle for $10,500 31 50 per acre.
A Polli county wagon maker has
contracted to build 300 wagons for
the Farmers' Club of Lane county
The winter term of the Corvallis
CoHece closed on last Friday. The
term has been a most prosperous
one. m
The Democrat says the Independ
ent move gains ground in Benton
county, most of the wealthy farmers
joining it.
The amount of money paid out
for all purposes during the past
eight mouths, for Wasco county, was
ir 0,005 59.
Albany ladies are discussing the
project of organizing a preying band
and raiding on the saloons after the
manner of our Eastern cities.
The bridge across the Yamhill riv
er at McMinville will cost $:,000.
Half that amount has been subscrib
ed. The county furnishes one-half.
A Polk county man found a piece
of gold about the size of a pea, in a
chicken's gizzard, last week, and now
he is killing all the fowls on his
The postponed term of the Circuit
Court, Judge Prim presiding, at
Jacksonville, convened on Monday,
March 9th. There is considerable
buiness to transact.
The Corvallis Dunocrat says: Both
stock and mutton shoe) are in good
demand. We hear of a number of
sales at prices ranging from $3 to
while choice lots are held at $5.
A shooting affray occurred between
two rival restaurant keepers at the
Dalles, recently. No blood was shed.
The names of the parties engage. I
are Wm. Snyder and Henry Brinda
mour. There is a little six year old boy
at Marion station that has but one
leg born that way. In spite of the
lack of one leg, the little fellow gets
around quite lively, and is a smart,
intelligent boy.
A private letter from Alkali Lake,
Southern Oregon, of the lllst ult.,
states that stock was dying in that
and Langell Valley, and that the Ap
plegate brothers, on Clear Lake,
were losing an avorage of six head
per day.
Marriages are scarce just now in
Linn county, but we may look for a
rush on the Clerks ohieo after the
March term of the Circuit Court, a-
there are eight divorce cases to bt
ground through Judge Bonham's ju
dicial mill at that tieii'.
At the Methodist Church in Eu
gene City, on Sunday evening. Mai ch
1st, the minister reour-sted that ah
who felt that that they needed t! e
prayers of the righteous would rise
to their feet, lhe load of s:n w as ac
tually so great that the rl-or gave
way. No one was hurt.
On Saturday before last, while J.
Sa'w telle and George Williams, of
Newport, wore out sailing on Yaqni
n i Bay, they were caught in a squall
and capsized near Hinton's Point.
After remaining in ti e water over an
hour, they were rescued by Mr.
King. When taken from the water
they were almost speechless.
Farmers in Benton county, taking
advantage oi the late pleasant weath
er, have, in many cases almost com
pleted their Spring's plowing, and
are now ready to proceed with their
sowing. A greater area of ground
will he sown this Spring than ever
before in the county.
For the week ending February J5d.
1871, Messrs. Alexander A: Mason.
Solicitors of patents in Washington.
D. C, announce the issue of the fol
lowing patents to person in Oregon:
Rotary winnower, T. H. Drury of
Wheatland: medical compound, or
bitters, E. C. Jurgensen, Portland;
dental aparatus for obtaining the
bite, E. O. Smith, Albany.
The Astorlan says: Judging from
the number of steamers built, build
ing and repairing, making this city
an?T vicinity their headquarters, the
business of Astoria is looming up.
Five or six sueh craft may now be
seen here most daily, and three new
ones are to be built immediately, in
cluding one similar to the Emma
Hay ward, for Ben Holladay.
Two Salem men have invented and
constructed a combined harrow ami
pulverizer, which, there is but little
doubt, will become one of the most
valuable of agricultural implements.
The machine has a breadth of five
feet, and rests iqion four runners
which have sharp edges upon the
under sides, allowing them, under
the weight of the driver, who rides
upon the pulverizer, to sink into the
The Roseburg Plauulealer has the
details of a most disgustim case
from Elk creek precinct, in Douglas
county. One Hancock was arrested
last week cm a charge of incest, pre
ferred against him by his sons. He
was brought toRoselmrg, but w aived
an examination, and his bail was
fixed at S2.000, in default of w Inch
he lingeretti in jail. It is stated that
he has had criminal intercourse with
four of his own daughters, three of
whom have had children by him.
From the Albany Democrat: "An
aged couple named 'Alien, who have
for many years past resided in Hal
sey, died last week within a few
hours of each other. The old lady
departed, first, and her sorrowing
and bereft companion, who had nntii
that hour enjoyed his usual health,
gave wav under the blow and sank
speedilj- into death's cold embrace.
The mortal remains of the aged and f
devoted couple now. fill one common f
grave, and we may trust that their
frWl spirits now wanderside by side
on the. -olden shores of tho Blessed.-
Telegraphic News.
Speingfield, 111., March 4. A coq.
vention was held here to-day in the
interest of a national railroad from
the base of the Rocky Mountains to
the Eastern seaboard, along the ling
of the 40th parallel of latitude. Del.
egates were present from Ohio, Indi- i
ana, Illinois Missouri and Kansan
I and from the Territory of Colorado!
Ex-Governor Talnier, of Illinois'
presided. Resolutions declaring the
Constitutional power of Congress to
regulate inter-State commerce, and
iu so doing, to charter and aid in tho
construction and control of railroads
passing through the States, reciting
the imperative need of theGWest for
more extended transportation facili
ties at cheaper and more stable rates
and urging upon Congress the adop
tion of the 40th parallel route as the
most feasible and promising tho -greatest
good to the greatest number,
for a national railroad, was adopted,
and a committee of fifty appointed to
prepare a bill embodying the view
of the Convention, for presentation
to Congress.
Washington, March 5. At the
session of the Committee on Ways
and Means, to-day, Wm. E. Dodge,
of the firm of Phelps, Dodge & Co.,
made a statement giving the history
of a case in which the firm paid
$271,000 as a com promise,, and sho-w-ing
the manner in which the firm
was treated by Javne and other Gov
ernment officers.
Lansing, Mich., March 4. Thv
House of Representatives voted to-
Gay, 50 to 39, to strike out the word
"male from the Article in me con
stitution on the elective franchise.
Di:s Moines, Iowa, March 5. The
House of Representatives yesterday,
by a vote of 50 to 38, voted to strike
the word "male"' out of the Article
of the Constitution relative to" the
elective franchise.
Ni:w Yomc, March P. The state
ment made bv 3lr. Dodge, oi the
firm of Phelps, Dodge x Co., to the
Committee on Ways and Means, made
a deep impression on those present,
and there was scarcely any aissent
from the opinion that the treatment
of the firm was unjustifiable, and lit
tle if any better than robbery. The
committee was thoroughly satisfied
that the representations made to
the Treasury Department by Jayne
mil Ins confederates, and ' upon
which the Department acted, were
false. The fact came out that Gen.
Butler acted with Jayne, or for him,
ind that he boasted while the case
w as in progress, that he had a single
etter which would convict the firm
in any Court of competent jurisdic
tion. After Mr. Boutwell left the
Treasury the firm felt that Butler
lad too much influence for them to
face, " and were partially badgered
nto payment, and partially induced
tw make it to get rid of annoj-ance.
Dodge also said that other Congress
men besides Butler acted for Jayne
in their case. The amount paid by
the firm was $281,000, and ofthis
iayr.e received $05,000.
Phil'apklpiiia. March . The
Supreme Council of the Liquor
Vuu-rs Association request all ier-
sons connected with the Association
to close their places of business oil
Sundays. The Mayor has issued a
nroclamation stating that the police
heen caiied upon to avi m
ing violators of the liquor law
;o justice. ine uisirict .-viiorney
.-ays -that lie will treat all cases of vi
olation the same as other cases.
Washington, March 7. Merchan
dise arriving and bound for British
Columbia, via San Francisco, will bo
allowed to go under combined entry
of transportation and exportation.
Buffalo, March 8. Ex-President
Fillmore died at his residence in this
city, at ten minutes past 11 o'clock
last night. His death was painless.
Boston, March 8. A rumor is
grilling ground here that the present
Postmaster is to retire, and that
State Senator Bailey is to be made
Postmaster of T'oston. Bailey was
an earnest worker for General But
ler in both of his attempts on the
Gubernatorial chair.
Chicago, March 10. The St. Paul
hispah-h ptints some astouidirg
statements relative to the contrcts n
postal routes in the far West, held
by C. C. Hunth y. It is asserted that
Huntley, by the aid of some Wash
ington "confederates, procured from
the files several petitions from Mod
t ina, cut off the names and attached
them to a petition for a postal route
ri'i i a . a i.
- 'I Alissouia, loni.iuii, iu ujia
Walla, W. T., some -450 miles, and
through a region without settlers.
By this action he got a contract at
20.744 ?3er vear. which was subse
quently increased to $02,233 per an
num. Huntley immediately sub-contracted
at $14000, and pocketed 48,
000 a year, for six years. The mail
matter sent over the road did not ex
ceed eight letters and papers each
mail; that he also obtained the route
for $11,131 from Kelton, Utah, to
Dalles, Oregon, 750 miles, daily trips
at s 234,000 per year, and his last op
eration was getting a route from
Boise City to Winnemueca, whereon
he made a clear profit of $00,000.
Congo hd, N. II., March 11. Re
turns from 152 towns give an aggro
gate of 5(5,093. McCutchins,. Repub
lican, 27,003; Weston, Democrat, 27,
470; Blackner, Prohibition, 1,614.
There are eighty-two towns to hear
from, and Weston may not overcome
the present majority against him.
The Council will probably sta: d :
Republicans, 3; Democrats, 2. 'lhe
Senate will probably be a tie, and
the House will be very close, the po
litical coraplection depending on the
towns that hold elections to-day. o
Washington, March 11. Yester
day in the Senate Senator Sumner
had a slight attack affecting the
nerves of his heart, but when he re
turned home was sufficiently well to
entertain his friends at dinner, at the
close of which he made allusion to
the condition of his heart, and be
tween 9 and 10 p. sr., he was taken so
sick as to require the attendance of
a physician. An hour or more after
he had a second attack of his old
disease, angini pectoras. Several of
his nearest personal friends were
sent for and remained with him all
night. This morning at 9 o'clock
he was sleeping under the influence
of a subcutaneous injection of mor
phine, without any material change.
At 2 p. at., he was still sleeping, al
though at intervals he would awaken,
at which time he was in great pain.
lie was penecuy consc ous ,dh h.
was awake, and knew all his friends,
occasionally rallying to say a few
words to them
. . -i ' i i
3.?- m. Senator Sumner Has just