G 0 THEEHTEBPUgSE, OREGON- CITY, OREGON', FEB. 20, 1S71. ASriiEicii of AuTiionrrv. Wo m e informed that the autlioi iik-.s in the City Seminary have been attemptim; to collect tuition foes from a certain lady residing in town, which she ri rard.s as unjust, and proposes to leave the town in cotisc luciice, and -40 where shecan school her children. Ordinance 4"of this city, says : "That no person or persons, parent, or guardian, shall be entitled to"the privileges and bene fits of the -ity school until they shall have residod within the corporation I liuiits of said city for three consecutive months," etc. Now, this parent has been residing within the corporate Inn its of this city for near six months. It I iscliamed that because the hwsuand of: tins ladv is away in Washington Tor- ! ritorv, that sue is not ni im in tne i thjtown. I'lib-r this ordinance, we cannot s..-e liow the aiithoiiik'.s eau ex act pay from anyone after they reside in the citv the repaired length of time, and thev'have no right to require an v thing further of tiienl than the fart th.iVTi parent or guardian has ben rc ni.ling in th city for the required length of tiui . while their bomi-hde residence in iv be in China, or else where. We have al.vavs been under the impression that Cue school was kept up for the ben". it of those who ro.Mdc hen, and for all who may be willing to -nm- to to.vn f.i- the pui (ose oi' educa ting their children. If th-'-y muk; here and teuiporarily resi le, that, in our ooiuioii. i-t a l -n t to tae town, an 1 t lie liev p trsu j I is highly iiijari :is t the best'interi'sts of lie.- pi lee. If the Superinten lent h is assume. J this au thority, the Council should immediate ly correct his interpretation of the law. . C TinK Dki'auim KNr. 1-Votn the report of the Secretary of the Oregon Citv Fire Department we make the fol lowing summary of its membership, receipts, etc.: Total number of new members a ided during the past year, li); number ccHsi.-il ne-mbershi!. 110; number of m.Miihcrs : Fountain Hose I, Columbia Hook V Ladder Co. No. 1, ID; Cataract Hose Co. No. L', 17; total, til. Total number of eertih cates issic-d during the year, 1 ; re ceipts for the same, $7 on. Total amount paid out ?J Oilicei s 1'ountain Hose lo. No. 1- John Nchram. Foreman; J. M. Fraz.-r, lV;s't ; A. C. Rail -v, S.re: Columbia Hook v Ladder Co.--C. W. l'ope, Foreman; Hiram Cochran, Pres ident; L. T. llarin. S 'cretarv. Cataract Hose Co. No. H Martin Angel. Fore man; iJeorge A. 11 .-i rding. Jrc5d n t : Ilelirv J. I larding, S cret.irv. Orii -its Hoard of Delegates J. M. 1'iaa r.l'res ident ; L. T. ISariu, See'v ; J. L. al low, Tre.is; W. L. White, C'uief Engineer; J. Ij. Harlow, Assistant. Went Up tiik Uivkii. Major J. C. Iavis, Commander of this Military Department, tien. Michler, Inspector of lliver Iui'iove:ie nts, )!;i.-,se.l up the river on the Jovernor (i rover yester lay. liiii. Michb-r goes u the ri v-r on an inspet ing trio, ;ue I wii 1 e.;i : it i nt wli it ill! jiYoVelll'.'iits ought to be made in the ri r.. .Indge Dalv and Mr. I'. (oh (smith. I'l-e.-nident of the W. K. T. Co., a '"oiii : 1 1 1 iet I these- g nlleliii.-n :.s far as this t-ity. Oi-'Kii'KUi. - At :it a mee'iingof Catar ct Hose Co., No. -J, h l i at their rooms list Tuesday evening the following o!ll-eiS were clecb-d for th-.s eilMiillg v-ir: 'Scorjre A . I ! ar Ii ig. I'n -i-u in ; A ll-ii ' !. W hii c. S.-cr. f a.-v : lb-nry .1 . Hirdiii.'. Forciuin: ! '. M - Abu ,.:):.. Fii-il .V .ii-t ant ; j. l.- v y, S.--..nd As-.-.i-tant. W. I.. ';iL-' was ;(oi;.;- Ii it"d for i ' ii-:', u:i 1 J"o. V. lliro;eg AsU(ant K uiii r o:' iiie 0.--.:o.i Ciiy F.re I'.- .a:t:::cnt. Cus, i: u r. Tin- grand e .v Ii di' ioii.'v): -i-vi t t'. 11 ill d' t!i Turn -r in - .d' tliis citv takes Jilacc !JC.:t dV.es.'lcy' 'i-v-.-n'mg. S ,mc of th best gymnasts in tie S. ite will perform, ::u i s of tae be-,1 musieal t d.-nl in the S.a c will a,-Mt ia th cn -eit. We trust th it the li tl! will lie "1 to its utm .st im.i e ity. Tae Uttl mils;" is to in furnished by Li- f. i.rav, whi.-li "n sui'.i-'ient gu iran- tce that "it Will be s;i;,erb. I Km-: it list of th l.isr. The following is a Letters remaining in the I' st-iice at Oregon ! ity, id niary .l, ls74: I'rof P i: Conner; Co o C;iop, Miss Kva Coggui, Miss C Crawm.-d. Miss Dlive C.i imlici 1 ain, V M lbd, Mrsii W Fornn r, V Hanson. Cii i it p!ier Mdh-r. W !i M ittoon, .J.is Mann. Oil I'.-rrv.'E K li io.i b's. .1 1 .li n Smut, I. aura S.iujrs. Mi-is hi Wiight. It called for, please s:iv when "adver lis -d.' J. M. Uacmn, P. M. AMf"Ki 1 1 Kit. A yo,i:ig lady of this citv, who ha not passed the "gush" period, in dwelling upon the particular ! linn of a young gentleman with whom she had recently formed an sieiiuaintanee. Haul, very earnestly, "Vhy he amuses me more than our minister V Si'NK.-Wu loirn from Mr. Holme, 5ur.er on the 1. caver, that tie steam r Albany was sunk .iu-t U lcv Harri.--lujrg last $1 oii l.iv. We were unable to learn the extent of th" d tm ig -s to cit der boat or freight. The Success was sent up to her assistance. AMil'Ni'K.MKxr.-t'.l. W. I... White jtiinituuccs his name as candidate for the nomination of County Judge in to day's paper. Let other candidates for the various positions do likewise that the people inav canvass their respec tive claim and merits. In Town. Edward Tilton, Esq., who was engaged as one of the engineers on the locks, at this place, was in town this week on a viit. We learn that jic proposes going to work in the print ing oti'ice of Messrs. 1 limes it Com pany, Portland. ltAin isM. The rite of baptism by im mersion, was c-aiferred upon two ladies astKu;i Jiiy, by Itev. M r. Wirth. The j C:co selected was in the river opposite jtlie L'ongrcgatior.al Church, and was witnessed by a large crowd of people. iMruoviNO. ly private letter from Miss Mollie Holmes, we learn tint tatpt.Sam. llolnp. s was still improvh !; in health, and that his fr.ends have Ktroiig hopes that he will yet recovtr from his serious illness. Lkn'tkn SiiitvicES. Services during the 1-enten season will tie held in Sr. Paul's Episcopal Church on Wednes day ljiorning at 10 'i o'ch'ick and on Friday evcijint; tit 7 o'clock of oach Mi'tk, locM. A lady's gold breaitphi was found sometime since in the Congrega tional Church, which can be had by calling at Pojv's Must ore and proving proj-erty. Goxe to T-vcoa. Martin Angel left here last Monday for Tacoma, where he jgoes to join Capt, Isaac W. Sinith's purveying part v on the Northern I'aeh'ie Itailroad. IjOCGHT, Mr. W. W. Myers has pur chased a residence from John Myers, on the hill, and has settled down for life. That is the proper way to do it. Called. Walter Moss, tvpo on the Salem Mercury, called and left Lis lart Friday. Clackamas County for New-Comers. Xoktox, Clackamas Co., ) February 13, 1874. Euitoi: Exteki-rise: Termit me to ; y lhe ..Ain.lteilrs.. i: your cUVi"dlIr. intrude on your "valuable columns, I jnj. iay oui night's stay,! thought you bv savin ' a few words in behalf of ; would !iave no objection to the criti oc m it Mm(itv ! " ot ' anrerandone passionately , vv,...., , .... 4 . i to rank among the other counties of j our State. The great mass of the inhabitants of Oregon are uuacquaintsd. with our county, except by name, it being their candid opinion that we are merely mountaineers, living chiefly by hunting, fishing, and other sav- age pursuits, adapted to a country resembling ours. The sole cause of such radical opinions, and unfound ed apprehensions is from the fact that our section of the country is unrep resented in the lea-ling business places of our State: that is when ! emigrants arrive here from the East, they are attracted to some other part of the State more noted for its im mense crops of grain. Eut to their sad surprise all the land has long since been taken up, and their only chance is to rent from those who are more fortunate than themselves. We do not mean to express the idea that all addition to our population from either the Eastern States, or foreign countries, are poor and unable to b;iy lan. I; we don t moan that. Hwx wo do know that many come to our State who are actually in this lis, and we would ask th' qu Mlion: whether it is not b 'iter for sum p.-rsons to settle in a part of the country where they can secure homes for themselves, than to go to others in a higher state of cultivation, where they will be compelled, to a great extent, to act as slaves to the land holders? We think that it would. In the lir.-t placid, they are their own boss; and. secondlv. thev will havelandof their own alloh -that in caving alter liinge davs of when the Time has IllllKi'i 1 tl ur countenances witl wrinkles, overhung with snow-whih lock? lat the uviv : in th at home and their time of roe nee ive svrrjor' V, it, it might he issued, what are th- .I'treiaei'.ts to bring settlers into Clackamas countv? We would sav that .f ecuring ir od idice: well caleul d own1!' for his d to com j -en at' the hthors. A mat. is aot to j tdge a region of country ly w-;at he sees of if. So it is with our coun ty, persons arriving in Portland ilo sir u -i of fiisdinglaud eit'.ier take tin boat for jcdein Orci'on, o - thr cars for what is !-:no-.vn as the V"i ! lane t I e Yall 'V. ius; tiir.uigh our county, the g lined with ii";tvv 1 i: liter, ered or a; mod: diut in 1)V hills with delis-.; fore, which ale suiiic s or giiut roeks, :il to almost dis- c.etra the al'.e.d ". atld lie sivs at ore-e lli.t that in b.is. sa'i-Ii- 1 v,-; will exot 1 h ''don't want any of and he is not onlv dis li 1 1 ; e co.intrv hisrdf, but intivve in that di 15 it let ns re novi the us f-o;n the view of v. au 1 h" walks in well 1 i s reC'dotl, veil ill t' s the" land !: satis!;.- 1. i s . !Ut- f.ib i ! vc 1 to abide with us i;i the fat-ire. Ye a-buit that Cl.vka- nvvs. ."tr.tv. in st-.v par --, t s vo ry rough. a'i 1 unfit for cultivation is t hi.- snfiVient t-videte-o to .:;n it ail'.j "SYe woul em-'hi'dieallva; but 'inn o.ver no. Tt : "esf ill- f; let th b-.r cat ot the r; Ci tit t-licted. tl iai laud, tn.tf.i v.- ,nn lire pave, i in tlu rig! it r. -jv.-o.luce.s Jb;. best winter crops t it are raised in Oregon, and ; esoeeiaUv wle-at: it having the j thititicst V.ran. thebrigh d color, and j tie. vbinvsest berry, which tends to increase the dein-md when eoeioared I with other articles of an inferior i quality, atnong those who may pron- e'lv be called jndg-'S of w:..'at. "We would sav that this co mty has an abundance of the kind of land mentioned, both in cultivation and vaeant. In culiiva! ion, that persons seeking homes may b , inforitiel as to its yi"ld, an! va.'ant, so that hun dreds of families seeking homos rnav be iid.vantageonsly loea'ed. Ibit it must not be inferred that ti es chances to obtain land will continue for imv great length of time. Th" l:ir xo number of emigrants that are vearlv arriving in our State will s -ion swallow up all lands that are capabh of being cultivated, thus renderiiv. desirable situations scarce a id hard toe at the v onlv being obtained tlirong'i a great stcri.ice. of money. There are continuous applications to T. and Agent J. A. F unlet. for or in formation regarding lands Iving along tin- niountaitis from th.o rolal la to the northern waters of Smdv. atid he is out almost constantly snr veing said lands, and locating fam ilies thereon, by which means our pomlatioti is inernasing, and at no distant period our section of coun try will be in a high state of cultiva tion, and the people will be more prosperous than at any past time. IV. this 5greatinerease in the laboring and consuming class of intelligent creation, and by the aid of capital ists who lind ready recompense of reward, we will be enabled to erect factories, mills of all kinds, and also to build up our town ami furnish them, and the higlilv appreciated labors of the press, with trade, and p ttronage suflicicnt. to make them objects of profit. Yours, etc., A Vr.i?rooT. It will be seen from an advertisement in another column, that the Agent of the Public I.ibi-are 1 .01 1 U vil 1 " ICen- ; Vj'f'' ,1:,s ovor : million dollars in i . iln,V"' an1 hixt ,10 assures the public of The lUt of .'ffts n.n mg on in.) ; ir i M aic h next. s is exceedinglv attra- tivo iiiul tl-,i lii ri, .-io-J...... ,i ,.i,7i.:.... r ----- ...,. l i hi u MLlUILiri 111 the mugger is :, ur.irintco th;it thev til prctorm what they promise. Ti.t.. Mr. W. l. !!nis lias been quite ill for the past two weeks .with a severe attack of pneumonia. Mr.lI.S P.uck wacek.S ,,ei'n 'juittf sK"k fr tlu I,ast C luml ia Hook A: ""la.hi7r Co. have nominated CI. VIlUo fi:r r,.i(,r ;ui l M. C. Athey for As.ut Jhigiuccr of Oregon City Fire Hepartnu-nt I-S IT Wkk 11 r -v gentleman ofthi- city will within few days b.i a Sale,,, damsel to the hymeneal altar. Is it wright to do so? The Missouri House of Represent atives this winter is compose.1 of ."8 farmers, 32 attorneys, 13 physicians, 10 merchants, 4e.litors, 2 carpenters, and one retired merchant, capitalist, builder, grape grower, notary pub lic, binl-er, trader, raanuf u-tnrer. real estate ajest, aking a total of 1 -7 The Concert ii Opinion from a ! Visitor. ! i mi' at-, Editor Estkupuise : Ilav tlMlllfil a fOtlCfrt of VIC!ll trills!., .rii-nti i0na oi nuii It j;ivcs me great pleasure to s;eal of the musical talent ot your town -a talent that ought to be more extensive ly cultivated, as it is conducive to do mestic happiness and social harmonv. I will now pass to the programme a it was peri'ornied : Tii" -ho: us,( - Joy. joy, I-ieedi in to Dav," was well rendered and seemed to express the fe 'lings of the singers: 'Where the Little Feet are Waitnu.'," bv Miss Hedges, was very well execu ted for one who. 1 hud. made her !irs: aopearance; "The Dying MotherV EareweH" was beautifully rendered and showed a marked ta.-te in the training of the voice which is a most sweet o!ie. as was lullv proved in th. sou.'s, Waiting;" and 'Fatherot All;' the' lat being perfect in its rendition tin happv iM'S-cssor ot tbt oii-- t-.-mg ', niV"V'V. !;,.oi 1';Vr.,'i i:ie r. mi-o; i-o vii ii- o. in" iKisniui Young Man." I.V Mr. Yates, was first class, and a success in its euaraetr. It I may jud-re by his following i.-ces he seemed to entirely ovi i conic iiis fancied feelings, and was notaf;;;iil to touch a lady's hand in the duet of -Only Tn -e,' arrayed in a very tasty (.; rccian cos tume, the diet being well -no-Ted in character and harmony. "The Styrian S ng" is a happy composition ana wa.-vi.-ry well sung. "All's Well' is a choice duet and ileserves merit in its rendi tion. Tiie arrangement of the "s.-nii-in-r'anlth" s!u ; .'s-wat'-ii in tiie luick groiin I . a -isi-ted tiie piece materially, and only n-eded a fort and .s!iip-seeU"S to peri'eet it. Mr. C;i rev .loliiison's 'Consider the Lilies," was sung very Well. T.iat gent ie'iia n be-ks aniiu a! ion in ids pieevs, but his costume of 'The Forrester :is very good, 't'ome Where Mv Love rii;s Di-e .iiuuig. ' is a beauti ful piece, but could have been rendered better with some Might ciiaiire in the urrangeuii.-nt of voices. 'Tne Tempest' was v.i II Mill'.', and with a more si tidied attention to th vi.-e, which is a little rou-jh, and wants more expression, Mr. ll it"ii would becomeu good sing er, he an 1 M r. Vate.s re',-i viiig the only two encore.!. '-The Distant Chimes," with ladies' voices, isaswi .-. t piece, aial was wellsiiiir. '). Ye Tear-i." isa line .- i-iiooslti ui. :'ud was w ll sung by the "'i'asliful Young Man." 'There's a L"t:er in the Caudle." wi-; Very well sung -Mi-s Cauii.-ld has :i ni.-e voice, and it shonl 1 b" '-idtivated. ''Don't be Aii'irv "ii ii yi Dai I'm j-." was pretty er- i s-.ut'.-d well s-.uur. Mrs. Hatch has a od Vol";, but tiie niece W;!S Hot to her voi.-o. ' l-'bu-i and the Forrest'-r," was a wieeess. Flora sus taining li'-r eliaraeb'i' well, and t he "ho rns singing being line, "Thou Soft-llow-in r Avon." is a ri - h gem. and in imagi nation 1 eoul i s"e the beautiful Avon, the graceful swans on its b-jsoni. and the tomb of tie Immortal I'.ard. "Tiio' hii-,!ieil his voi e." in liis woiks he still s; leaks, a nd Xiture sings b.ii !-eiuieiii and 1 1 ! s ll':. "Sigh, ientle ( lal'.s." was well 1 1 u 1 'i-.d . It i a liea ii tit'ul composition. "The Hen Conven tion" from the sublime to the ridicu lous, how well defined the two ex tremes," 1-Vo'll the Immortal to tie- mortal was a su-v.-ss. and did much to iviiew tiie !!.iggiu'r si hits of t ho nu ,!;,.n..,.. v.hi'-h U alw.ivs i'.-lt. let the l n u-si i- so g- -ioiI. A few s.iel: s! in'-i ai-. '.":i iutro v ia-.-. -i-auim '. Tite pi"ee de'red," tti'.d ' t!i" ba-!ifid took a verv prominent iiglit :! : ! i;i ev was well r: v ) u 1 1 g n i m a ;; in its i end it i. ui . . S.uil now, M ;-. 1. litor, ho;, vo i will n it coiis'id -r tiiiscriti ig tliat im too leu gt !. v, as 1 wish to sh.ev thai ) n ( "ity i - see, !; I to j) i jdae: in t'li' S:.u, in amateur voc di -;ts. and Imping that 1 HIIV cert : ti y i i Veil Mtr eit - w I remain en an Vi HI i s con- 1 1 til v. V. o ..,o-v-..-, Washington Te r i i t o r y MAKIIIEI). In Marsh si -Id, ' o '.ninty, ' ':" g'ei, .1 : n II ii-.' Z !. S7 t. by it . A. ii. bat s, dr. '- -. iiAii.KY to .'diss 1 1. .J. 1..V..1-:, nil of Marsh li -Id. Prevail! iai.s Ag-;u'::st Tie- ability of t'c human bod v to re a? t h " c.nis 's or dis -a s - d -peiids u ;on it s vig or an J u.ina t'a regu'. ar.ty with which th" s-'v.-r.il organs .-riorui their in ae: ions, in tii" .ut r the most, prolific so, ire -s oi sickn-'ss ar dam i a n .1 c i:d, a rid it i t !e r -or - and ; iwl nt to fortify t h" system against (heia by wlad so:.i e st i m -al.it ion. il'ii.-' il i.-that Hod It r's Stomac'.i r'.it-t'-rs pr i: such aa ad m irabl-' s.ib'.giuird against th - c .n ; !: ints most common lo t ni s as..-i.- 'l'he nigr -dieiits f t his p-ov-ersul v -g tabic iti igorant. coiupr.si thr -e ss-ntial iii 'dicin . I elements which act si in u Ita n --ously u : on l h" dig -t ion, t ii" cir-cuiati-u, in s -i-r.-l inns, and th" nerves, iiiuisuig str.-iigth and regularity into all. i a this way th" nitt--rs pal the body in t n" b -st posspil ' coiidil io.i to escape an attack of rh-u mat ism, or intermittent lever, or indig si urn, or i'illiousness. or of tiilmnn ary jiiseas". Cold and dampar? very de priving; almost as much so as excessive ir-af, and a roteetiv" m -dicinc is i)iute as 1 1". an u 1 in wmt - r as in sum in "r. Th co;n-m- r-ial stimulant s. unv.is-iy tak- n in tii i.irm of drams to 'k--.' ;i out. 1 Ii" cold," have a precisely opposit " ci to I hat ) iro nic 'i i it . iiosi-'it r s i . 1 1 1 - rs. in.-ir lb first r sa it is -u'-e d -d hv a r-'aetion which f vit ; on 's and ) r, is; ral . s t ii s st m ; w 1 1 1 , ot !i r iiiiti I, t !)- tonic and vitalising opera: ion oft h gr at v 'g-tanl-' in vi rorant, is not onlv imm -dial but p 'rman -nt. '1'her is no r vii isio-i . no r--,-rs nervous a--; ion. '1 ! pii.vsi.pi is st r -ngihen-'d, t h app'tit" ine- 'as d, th. 1m ids regulated, li'i s'.oaia'-i, r -wiiore -d, and tiles' con ditions coal inn '. If livsn'ini.-i or ru-u nia tisni. or l.ii'ioiisness, or iat radrt -i.t f ever, or gereral d dill it i or in rvous weaksfss, is pr s-nt in th" syst mii, -.pe it with this pur and har:n!-ss atitidot-, which is nor on 1 v i n va lua hi" as a jc 'vntivn! sickness, hut also a rem -dy mr a large class of dis orders. A s: I 'lit -.lis .;w pu uisli m t Ii pat Jen t on ly : lut. a vocib'-rous cough or a horrible ei..! ! iiiriish -sa i ici 1 boas 'hold. Tier; can b" no pear-', no r-"d, until if is cur-il, and h ii a singl" hottl- of JJnlr'x lour-i of llorrhmtttil (in'l T'ir will banish the nui sance, is it. w ort h whil" to do wit hout it -.' Critt'nirin's, 7 lit il Avemi-x Sold by all 1 ru ggist s. l'iiiv's Toot'iach" IiM"i "nr !" 1 minute W" not if -ii in on" oi our e.v..- ..i :ig-'s t Ids w 'i-k tic st at cni "id of I lea m .bill n 1 bulg kins, :' South .Icir -r.vin, Me., w lms son as cur 'd of i nci pi m? eonsn m pt ion by t h" lis.- of J'lhn ..;!'. A -nr it" IA :ii in-rit . We rf Ttntliis :tt t h is t i m as t - - r 1 -1 i ng to cor roborate t h" statetn 'iit v e ma ! last we -k in : "lation to this l.iiiinir'nt as applied to consmapt ion. If Congr 'ss had employed as much scien tific skill in tie arrang 'm nt of its '!" construction Policy" at t h" clos", as t h" War 1 a rt m -nt did in th- b 'ginningof t h ' war, in arranging for th man;: fact are of wh i' lascall'-d S'l'-ri t i:i'-: ('.voir; fun tlifion ' ii'-.-rs- for the u-- of th"ava!ry horses, no doubt th" Cnion would ha v b -.'ii r -stored long a zn.JJrc'itni'j". CONFESSES CF AfJ INVALID. Prni.i-ut t:n as a waknino and for the benefit of Yot'Nrs Mfn anh othkks who sailer from NEKVOUS DEUILITV, LOSS oK M VNIIOOH, etc., t ointingouticir?M ofurif'-cnrc Writt n by Nathaniel Mav vni I n., ho cur d hims 'If alter und. r iroing considerable iiW;"r--, and mailed if r e on r-'c dving a post-paid directed enve lope, bv t he publisher, IU. JOHN M. D.ViNALL, 11 i. linton Street, Itrooklyn, N. . Time Eiten.led to Slarv-H 1, !7 1. Tin- titn" forth" purchas -of th" following Text-Cooks, at intro'luctory rates, has beeii extended to March 1, 1. I, anl may oc nan , fMrntli" unil -r-i.Mii'i!: ., .., Karnes" I!ri"f Historv of th" L . S. ?1 ; Clark's !'.eginn-r's cir immar f I Clark's NormalUrammar - ',J Mout -ith'.- Intrixhcf ion to (ieigraphy , Pacific oast Edition 1 stool's I-'iurt""n 'eek in Piiiloso. hy. 1 ill i st ep Fourteen We k in Pn siology. 1 oa t Vivi-ulo t'.r. .,.1 .'l,,rkl 1 7" ! '.rooks' Normal Meiu.-.l Anthmatic Pacific Coast Fifth Read-r W JOHN MYERS. For the vrj- best photograph?, go to T.rnd-l"-y A. Rulofsoa's Gab-rv without STATKS t A,ceua iii tne Oeratur, 4Ji MoUtgOCiery . r ?: - ,i i . - , .-ii.-.atu, vaii.vi.a, 1 N OUTGROWTH OF OTHER DlS- ' - EASE! i Catarrh sometimes exists atone, but is ; if,r.. ir.-niif-ntl v a svmntnm ol other dis- ! ! eas d conditions. 1 tie lol lowing letter ex- j plains it : ' V olLingw ood, Onondaga Co., X. v., , January Joth, IsTZ. ; Dr. II. V. Piewb, Euli'aio. '. V. : i Dcir sir AllOrt- nit to give you a bri- f historv of tii" cir.-ct ol y.ur ineuicuie call . i! "lii'ilU.-n Medical Discovery' in mycas". U'u iiowin my s.'Vt.'iity-i'ourth year, and naturally ol firm constitution. Within the I last lew y-ar., irom over cx.-reis., I have j beeii atllictvd with complication of Uis- ! e.-is-s almost incrcdi of; to relate. In the first piae - atarra, to a U -gree tliar, to t.te, j it s- eiieal tleit my ou-e pass -ti out at the j ears, to which was ailci.-d its natural ally t i pouchitis, to which, at no gr.'at 1. ngth of I ti-ii, w r- added Neuralgic pains m t he head and siiould-:-rs and floating ol t he lo,v r limbs, the most of which was super- imhiceil ty a toriu'l stat of the liver. II had the advice ol several eminent j.hysi- . and tried almost cvt rv known rein... ' dv for such coaiplalats without r. lief. A rapid loss of strength and waste .f llesh, r -mind. -d mo that 1 could not long with stand tie- combined force of disease which vas fast bearing me down. 1 gave up all business, mad my will, had mv grave ston" t lac d ia l ositioii and letter -d ex-e--pt date of exit, and r'-siiied myself to couch to aait events. Nft long air..-r tliis, I saw your ad vert iseiie-nt, i rocur -d yuiir r 'in-di's I am no v on th" s'coiu! h:di- doz n bottl"S oI'Oold"ll Medieal Diseov rv have a good jipp -tit", ha-so gained ti r t '"ii ; oaiids of ii -sh no more talic out of my -ars. no mor bloating oi ine miios can i wahi t.w or tliree inil'-s with eas , and I fe--l that you have given me a h-as 'o! t"H or lilt -en years subj -ct, no .vi-vi-r, to t Uo ratiticutioti of the ourt above. That you may live long to do good to sutr-ring hu manity, is tiie- shie-T.' u is!i of Vour uakiio'.i ii iri uni, l.t'Tiir.i: Coi.k. Art'oix : m mn is oftiik M. E. CntT.cn Socrii Ki:v. A. llAitiusox. pAs-roit: Pieaver Cre.-k. Marvin Cliaptl, t'ust Saturday and Sabbath in each month: Springwater, second Saturday anil Sioii.iin in each month; Cav anaugh ( 'iiapi 1. third S iturday and Sal ba.lii in eicii moiiiii : Powell's Va'dev. fourth Sat ii id ay and Sabbat h in each month. Fon S vli:. Vv'c will sell either a Flo rence or tJ rover it Haker Sewing Ma ehineutSan Fran -is.-o orii-es. In order that those who desire a machine, ami are not ai-leto pay the entire amount iiiav oc aeeiunn 1 . it-il, we will sell tieoii on the installment plan so much per 'month until pai i payable lor. OBSTACLES TO M ARKI:'. C52C. Happy H -lief for Young Mmi from the clf ctsof Krrors and Abus -s in early lite. M a n iioo 1 r-'.st or 'd. I: n ; i "d i ire-nts to Mar riage removed. X" .v ne-t hod oi i r at meiit . Xi a- and r 'tiiririiabi - remedies. Hooks ami circulars s 'nt tr -e, in s -al-'d envelo es. A tdr-ss, IIOWAKI) ASSO. I A 1 h I .V, No. 2 South Nintl; St., J'hihid -lphia, Pa., an In stitution having a high r -j utat ion for lion-oi-iible conduct and professional skill, ni.vii :1 v XJJW TO-DAV. 4 T T HE SOI.K'TI A'l ION OK MANY lri 'iuis, I talce tins un-tli'iil of laitdicty a n uoimci ng myself a carniidat-' lor th" 'iiIU of i 'ouiit.v .Iiaig-' ol ( laciiaiiias ( ajiin ty, su!ij"i't to t h" v i II of the ajiproacliitig licmocratic Convent ion. W. T,. WHITE. pins wir.r, i?e I noon Sat urday, IfE KI VKil CI' T ) l-'ct'niarv JS, 1 T 1 . for coast me t ;ng a Jir itmg I tons- according t ) l ins and sp -eiiie-it ions in my oliic -. bids will b r-'c- iv-d to do carpenter work on ly, a ml id' Is to i'urn is'i a il mat -ria I a ml do ill Mi or:; exempt brick- or.c, aint-i ng and plastering. i r.-.s rv.: la right t r j at anv and all Idas. 1'. i K Mc . ) V,'N. 3 n et , 2i jj a.- S 840. Time Tests Tib' 1 374. 'I-i-i's Oi Ml Thiii-s. TIIIKTY Yi-:.liSi n ai n iy lo .' o. a ny i li 'S.-r it ,i s a in ig enough iiie,;:r-inep '. ing ol ail 1.1 ;.i'oe(.i '.illl - l-l lilo'. u. t lie eiiiea, .i ad 1 ha t lie t a : : l- !v i i le its pro, ri -, ors .-la i j i ior ox t ,i iinji.ir.ii! -I -d ii . a: : -ra y it n.is at- .i":ii d. It is a Mir and i-:f :: ive r ;n dy. li is sold in abintsi ev -ry count ry in I ii-. vt !'id, a ii 1 it iifi'.l nril,. 1 1 Ij k n - ,vn to ti. I -iriz d, ami its r pu r at ion as a .le i lei n oi or - at V tr; u , is ; u i ly and ; rma uent ly cs la:lihed. It is t he gr at l-'amily .Medicine of tir-at Virtu , is ludy and p rui.-in 'lit 1 staldaished. It is t great l-'auiily .Med icine ot tiie ag . f a iv -n iiit.-rnaby.it cur s I iy- -ot ry , i 'no!- ra, 1 .- r.-;in-ii , i ra in ;i a nd Pain in th" S,o'iiie,'', I -tow el Com j hunt , l'aint rs' i olie, l.iv. r i oinplaint, liys. cp sia, or liid.r siio.i, Sudd n I ..ids' Sor l'!i r. a-. a no ouglis. I a k--u Kt ma! 1 v. it cur s I'.imis -s, i. oils, i'-ions.t lit s. I a; nis. Scab Is, ld Sor -s a tni S .rains, sv. llitigs o. th ' .Joints, 'fimiii.-irli.', i'ain in tn-j .ic -. Neuralgia and 1 then mat :s:n , t hoi pea Hands, -'ro-t biti -n l-Wi, Ve. Tain is sup aos ii to be tiie lot of us in. or umri a Is, as i:e il ai.l ' as d.-i.t li, and ii.od at aiiy I one -o ue upon u-. I le r -lor -, it i -; i .n porta ut i ii.a! r-m dial agents si ion hi ij at ban! to b" ti s- i on e:.e rgeiicy , lien ve ar - mad" ,o feel the cxerue'ict ing agoliy of pain, or tne il r s.d ;i g inttu-nc' s ol hit as . such a r -in-d :al exist s in Terry lnvis' "Pain-Kiii'-r," th f a m ; of which has extended over ai! t h" cart It. Amid the t -null ices o. the Polar regions, or beneath th" iutol r.ible and burning suns ot the I ropi"s its virtu -s ar i,no,n and ap, re flated. And by it siiir ri ig humanity has found r"!i"f fro. a manyo! i;.s ills. Th" el-f.-ct ol th Paia-Kill r upon the pat lent, -,'. h -ii ta lo-n i at -rna I iy in ca ses of Cough. Cold,ltvel t:.ai plaint , 'hoi -ra,l ys"iit"ry, and otiiT alf -ct ions ol tii" sssiem, has b -en truly wond -rlul, and has ".-.on tor it a nam" among m-dieal preparations that can n"v.-r be forgotten, its success in re moving pain, as an e.-d -rnal r medy, in C-is s oi Plums, Cruises, Sores and Sprains, ids, stings o! Ins -i-ts,,'vc.,a nd ot h r causes of sutr.-ring has s.-cur d for it the most prom incut j o .it Ion among the medicint-s of th" day. Ke.var-' of cou t: t Tie if s a nd wort hi ss imitations. Ca II for IVrrv Mavis' Veg tab! Piiin-lCill r, and tak" no other. fc.Sol.1 by I iruggists and ftroc-rs. ?n the cntcciT cotruT or the a Stat" oi ( lregon.Ii.rthe i onnty of ( l.ick a.nas : Jacob Wi -m-r, j l i i nt iir.'vs. Sophia Wi -ner, d "ten da nt. To Sojiina Wienef,! he d-tendant: In tic nam - of tic State ol Oregon you ar le reby remiir -d to appear and answer the comnlaiiit lil- il against on in tic above r.t jt e(j suit, on or b -tor tic lirst day of i h n -xt t rm ci t Ic a bnve entitle, i Court , wh ich u i II com men ce more than six weeks alter t h" first pii!icat ion of t his sit in : nor. s, l o-. vit .- on Monda e, t ic '7th day of Aj ril, 174, and if you taii mi to ap -ear a no ans.v: r, I n ; l.-i i mi :f w i II a p. ly to t he i ourt lor t ic r lief liemami 'd in his coin !:i i nr, to-wii. : a d -f-r re ol di vorc trolu 'in. Tliis summo:is is publisiicd in pur suance if an fird"r m id by Hon. W. ". I i ton, .Jiide of sid ourt, in chain hers, on the iHlh tiav of Januarv, s7(. CAPLES .v ".;( .KELAND. Attorne s tor Plaintiff. J0II M. iJACOX, IMPoRTETt AND HEALER in I',ooks, Stationcrv, Pcrfum- -"Z?Zr cry, etc., etc. tiSetjL. On "on C'i.y, Oreeon. Ki"At Charman it Warner's old stand, lately occupied by s. Aekeman, Main st. WILLAMETTE RIVER TRANSPORTATION CD'S rJO JLil 3X ER5 "ITILL LEAVE ELANHERS WHARF, i i I'ort land, at ti o'clock, a. M.,as follows, : For 'orvullis ami I :i I ;Tinn!i;itt? roints : MohiImj , Wciliitlay a ltd Friday. For AIb:uiy i;n l Iiit'Tinniiiite Points : .Moii(l:i-,Tiifiilaj-, Wnlncmlaj-, Thurs day and Friday. Foi- Dayton. La Fay.1t? ami .McMiaavillc: Saturday nnd Monday. Iai!ng" to Corvallis Pasag' o Albany Passng" to Saleni -. I'assngc to McMinnvilie P.. GOLDrsMIXil, ITciii ....$2 do ... 1 V) .... 1 .... 100 but. tf. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, GRAND EXHIBITION, IT and BALL! TKEDREGON CITY TURN VEKIENS ' uf"- ' ' AriLL (IVE A G HAND E: . "ncert an. I Hall, on T: 1:S. February iM, 1S71, at EXHIBITION. Tuesday own- POPE'S ZKTISW HALL. PUOGUAMME Parti. 1, Overture Cavatina, from Lucrcla Hor- cia l'y t he Orchestra ; 2, Sonjc. quartette bv P. T. sing Club ; 3, Soprano Sol3, 'Uenutiiul Islot the Sea,' Oregon i'ltv Amateur; 4. Kxorciscs Mem tiers Turn Veriens; .", Duett, "i'lie Minute Oun ar s a,"' O. C. Amateurs ; 7, Jrand Piano Solo Miss Abraham ; 7, Indian club Swinging V. C. Miller. ,r , . , . TA " , , . , 1' :.vor'ur,,. laughters ot C.)liuiibi:i...r.and ; 2, Tenor Solo, "l.ovcd Ones at Home, O. C. Amataur ; j ... Exercises on Double r.ar...Turn Veriens; j 4, Song, Quartette i. r. Singing Ciub; 5, Piano Din t Ynillanee l-'olka Milletan -Miss Abraham and Mast' r Meyer. , Double 1 rapez"..Mess. Marx A Iirenkloy. Mu.sie l- Mr. ( iuuHray's Stiny Hand The Committee pros ose to s; are neither pains nor expense to make t his the grand- ; est affair ever taken lace in Oregon City. I The public ar.: cordially invited to attend. J oors oj en at 7 : Cone, r hey Ins at 7 H. Admission to t onc.-rt and Exhibit ion. 5J ci - iits ; children under ten years, half rice. MiiMission ir oncen, i-.x mnition and l.all, ?J ii'J. i;y order ot the COMMITTEE. Oregon City, Feb. 5. IK7J :td To Who; i it 3Inv ('oucirii. ROTICE IS HKltEKY tj I YEN THAT I j. A will not b.i res; nsible hr any uebts contracted by anv otle-r j -rson on mv ac count. ISAAC Jt. IiMSIKU. Oregon City, February l ltli, iS71. 1TXAL SETTLKMEXT. In the County Court of Clackamas county, Oregon. In tin matter of tin? Estate of Elizabeth .MeOreavv, deceased. Vl.b l.L l'EiWOXS IXTKUES 1 EI ARE re by notiti d that 1 have tiled mv imal account a n, i vouchers in t!i" si hove entitled matter, andthei ourt has a.) jioint e.l Mor. lay, the M day of Marcli, A. l. 1S71, at the Court Hons", Oregon it , as t tic t mv am! place lor t he hearing ol obj.'ct ions t her to, and the examination and settle ment of .such accounts. li. O. WIIITEHOrsE, Admuiist rator. Joirxsox A- McOown", Att'ys. feLcil F1X.IL SiTTLIMCXT. In the County Court of Clackamas county, Stat" oi Oregon. In the matter of the Kstat" of .Jess:- V. l'ooil", deceas 'd. VI. I. PKKSONS IMKKKS'IT.I) AHE h reby notili.-d that 1 have hied my linal acouut and vouchers mthe above cut it l"d matt "r, a nd t he (.Hurt has a ppoint "d Monday, the -jd day oi March, A. I)., 1S71, at the i ourt Hons, upgon ity, as lhe tine and place lor I h" rxa m inat ion and settlement oi such accounts iind the iiearing of objections thereto. W. C. Ji JIIXSOX, I-'cb. ti ;5 v Administrator. -L tii Cii'and ( i iit Concert FOK TIIK KLXEFIT OF TIIK I'l-JIIIC I.I il It A It V OF KEVrt'CKY. (!VKU A 3IILLI(S. IX JiA.NR !! .V N 1 A 1-llLIs IHiAWIXU ASSURED. On Tui-sdiiy, :51t Dnj- of .March, Next. n!y Ga.OOJ tickets liavo been issued and 1,500,000!! 1 i vided into 1 :J,000 OA I L (.HFTS5. nsr of (tii Cash (Jilt T.-i : i in-- Cra n .11,000 i Ine ( Jrand ( iisii i iilt )u (iniini CasU ( iiit ( n irand l ash (Jl.t One (irand Cash Co:t l' ash guts, .) ( 'asii gi it s, Vi ( asii :s, N I Casij gii! s, 1') I t asu tints, la I ( asu gills, 'a I I 'ash L'ilt s, ;j."j I 'ash guts, 1 !,n,).l i. asii gilts. l.ie.iioa ivi.mm -J.".,'ii;i IT.aJU J ia,tl,M i ach, lo i.uoo a.i'ioeach, la.i.oai 1,00 ach, ra,o.l ) .i iO each, l-i,'00 -i i'J each, 4a,(Jil ;i HI eacii, 4.),(t.ii "0"ach, ..ihiii loa each, oJ.aaii aO ach, .V. i.U 0 Total, 1VI OOghts.all cash,. l,").HI,U.il Th" con,.- rt and dis! ri but ion of gift s wiil pos. lively and un-'ipiivocally take place on ih"day no.viix -d, -.vh-'t h -r a 11 th 'ticicts are s, .i.l or not , and the l.,n ) I gilts a 1 1 paid in proportion to the number oi tickets sold. PI'.U'E OK TICKETS : Whole tiiv -ts, ;""): Halves, JJ."; Tenths, or each conpn, r; Eleven whole t ickcts for $" ; ej'.- wool" tick -ts for l.auo ; 11'. whole tickets tor -?",' i : gJ7 whole tick-ts for $10, i) i.i. No discount on less t han "iO'.l worth of ticlfts. t:jo. e. ura'ilkttio, Ag ait Public Library Kentucky, nn,j ..:.i iiager von onc-Ti, i nunc i.iur.ir,. tnilding, Loaisvill K lcbbJw, SELLING OFF AT GOST! FOJt 00 DAYS! Strictly For Cash, Only ! Cllliiii;, lry fiaods, Uonts mid Wlioes, Hats, Ktii ii"iliii'g fcii:l, Jt'-t-Jry Jt ml t'a ncy Gootls, (Jfuceries, Etc. TvrE INTEND HEHEAFTEH TO IHJ A t V st-ictly And x i 1 1 b" enabl -d to give everybody sat isfaction, cotnpar -d witu pric -s els -wiicre. (Jive us a call and examine uor yoursdves. LEW P.UOS. Oregon City, Jan. 1st, 1S7!. SOCIETY SUTICES. oki:(;o i.oih;:: no. :j. i. i. o. i' Meets every lhurs.lav eveningat 7'i o'eb-ck. in the Old 1-Ylhv.vs' Hall, Main - street. Members ut the or der arc invited to attend. J'y order ii5:ni:cc.v i)i:(;ni:t: i.oimjk no. .!. L O. O. V., Meets on the jzf-f Second and Fourth Tucs- lZliJ& dav evening-- each month. tt'CJkl ? at 7'i o'clock, in the Odd Fellows' Hall. M embcrsof the Iiegree arc invited to attend. ..ULTXOMAII LOIKii: NO. I,. V.I'. it A. M., Holds its regular ein niuiiicutions on tiie First and Third Saturdays in each month, at 7 o'clock from theUOtli of Sep. M tcmber totlie -i't!i of March; and 7'i o'clock from the 'JKh of March to the guth of September, r.rcthren in e-rod sttinding; :nc invited to attend. Rv order of Y. M. fills i:ncamimi:nt NO. l,I.O. i O. F., Meets at Odd Fellows n ry i Hall on the First and Third Tut s- rvf dav of each month. Patriarchs VV in 'rood, standing are invited to attend. AVatcliet-! and Jewelry rp HE UNDERSIGNED i a nnounce to t he oit iz us of Oregon ity and Clackamas ( ounty that the Iiiivp jut ot ened a Jewelry Establishment in OREGON CITY, : OREGON, Main street, nxt door north of Shades Sa loon, h'-rr th"v will ket. on hand and for s al all goods pertaining to t hir line, AT TIIE LOWEST LIVING- RATES. Especial attention given to the repairing Of Fine Time Pieces. All goods sold.and work done wnrrant"d , GEO. A. HAAS k SON. Or-gc Cltr, -an. 1st, Ifrj. r MERCHANDISE. THOMAS CHARM AN ESTABLISHED 1S53. DESIRES TO INFORM TIIE CITIZENS ol Orefron City and of the Willamette Valley, that he is still on hand and doing business on the old motto, that A Ximble Six J't nee is Better than a Slow Shilling. I have just returned from San Francisco, wJa ere I purchased one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS ever before offered in this city ; and consists in part, us follows : Hoots and Shoes, Clothing, Pry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors, China ware, Qnocnsware, stoneware, Crockery, Plat cd ware, G lassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Stylos, Clocks and Watches, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy -N'o P.ope, Faming tions or Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc.. Of the above list, I can say my stock is the 51 O ti'V C O ?1 I L E t E ever offered in this market, and was scletcd with especial care ion n- (Jr. yon Citv trade. All ol whicn I now oner for sale at the Lowest ?5ark.et Ra es. No use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of going to Portland to buy goods lor I am J) tcriuiiiU lo Sill C'nttjt and not to allow myself to be QIOSflLI) IX TIIE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables me to know the re-ipiircm.-nts ot the trade. Conic one and all and see for yourselves that the old stand ol THOMAS CHAiniAX cannot be beaten in quality or price. It would b" useless lor in" to ieil you all the advantages I can otfer you in the sale of goods, as every store that advertises does that, and pro ha I dy you have been disap pointed. All I wish to say is t'oiii!', uiul o.T,;i!i;l Exaii.iiL' for Yonrsrlvrs for I do not wish to make any mistakes. My object is to tell ail my old lriends now that 1 am sttil alive, and desirous to sell goods eh"ap, lor cash, or upon such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liber al patronage hc-retotore bestowed, Tllus. CII A H.MAN, Main Street, (Oregon City, I,"gal Tenders and Count v Scrip taken at marKet rat s. TJK s. CUAliM AN. ft" ,iXM) lbs wool varit"d 1 v THOS. ("IIAItMAX. LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE 3!v ST ASSISE, ggfc rpilK CNDEHSKJNEDPHOPKIETOHOF 1 the Livery stable on V ifth street .Oregon City, Oregon, keeps constantly on hand Saddle and Buriry IIoi-m-k, JiirriPK, ( arriugt-8 and Harks. JvCtisoiiiible. He will also run u hack to and from the WILKOiT SODA SPRINGS durinjr the summer scflson, with pood hor.ses.compcient and gcntlcmaiily drivers. FARE AT LIVING BATES. J. M. FRAZER, Proprietor. Oregon City, May 'IT, 1.S73. JOHN SCHR A.M , Main St., Oregon City. MM'FAfTl'RER AM) IMPORTER OF Soddlrs, Hii nifM, d;I lrj-Hnrl-wrr. ., tc. THKTI HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS can be had in the State, at WHOLESALE CR RETAIL. Rfl warrant my joods as represented. 1,0 0 0 DEER SKINS W A :X T IJ), AND ALSO, 4 I.L OTHER KINDS OF HIDES, FOR IV which I will nay the highes market pric in cash l'ring on jvmr hides and get your com lortncni. JOHN SCHRAM. Saddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, !S73-m3. jT 11 11 J Z iS II SHOALWATER BAY OYSTE 3rt S ! S UNDERSIGNED ANNOFNf'ES JL to the citizens of Oreiron Citv th:it hn has reotiencd his Oyster SaIojn and Res- j t aurant. and can dish out Fresh Oysters to nil orders. ( offee. Tea and Chocolate alwavs on hold: also a treneral assort ment of coi fe t ion ar v. Ovsters served up in every st- e bsired. "LOUIS SAAL. Oregon Ci y, Sept. 20, lS73-tf. STILL IN TIIE FIELD! REMOVED SECOND DOOR SOUTH OF II VAS' SALOON. WILLIAMS & HARDING, AT TIIE LINCOLN BAKERY, KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE RJOCK of Family Groceries to te fpanil In the 1 citv. All iroods warranted, owkis """ "'" I In the city fr-e of charge. The highest casn i price paid for country produce. Oregon City, Marci S3, 13. AUCTIIOIT AND COMMISSION. A. B. RICHARDSON, Auctioneer, Corxuerof Front 0ls t., Portland. Auction 8alcs Of Heal Estate, Groceries, General chandise and Horses. Mer- SALE DAYS Wcdnesdav and Saturday, A.B. R1C1IAHDSON. Auctioneer. English Refined Par and Eundle Iron, English Square and Octagon Cast Steel, Horse Shoes, Hasps, Saws.Scrows.Kry-Pans, Sheet lion. It. G. Iron. A LSO A large assortment of Groceries and Liq uors, a. 15. RICHARDSON. Jan. 1, l,a-tf. Auctioneer.. MA A U FACTO R I E S. IMPERIAL K1ILLS, Suvier, LaRocque A: Co Oregon Cit. Keep constantly on hand for sale Klouf , Middlings, lilan and Chicken Feed. Parties purchasing feed must furnish the sack.. WAGON AND CARRIAGE 31 X IT FACTOKY ! O H l i i . ... i, ,i rs.ff.Jr-Ld M Ilcflrll IIIVI. II3. U I II. VI." mcnsioiis oi his premises, at the old stand on the Corner of Jlain and Tlilrtl Street. Oregon City, Oregon, Takes this method of informing his old pa trons, and as many new ones as maybe ph ased to call, that ho is now prepared, with ample room, kimiU materials, aui the very best of mechanics, to build a nev, re construct, make, paint, iron nnd turn oat till complete, any son ot aa vehicle trow a common Cart to a Concord Coaclu Try me. lilut-lvkiiiitliiiiir, Uurtc or Ox Shoeiug-, and Ooncral Jobbing ncatlv, quickly, and Cheaply done. DAVID SMITH-T) MASONIC IIAIJ. BtTII.DlNO.1 Oregon City, : : : Oregon. O O KKKs CONSTANTLY IV on hanl and lor sale, cheap lor cash. Parlor, Redroom, Office, Sittingroom, autl Kitchen Furniture, Bureaus, Lounges. Rocking Chairs. Q "Whatnots, Bedsteads, Washstnuds, Curled Hair, and Pnlu Mattresses. Pulu Iillows,. Spring Reds, Picture Frames Motildings, etc., etc. Special atrenf ion given to Upholstery w.irk in all irs I. ranches. Orders rill- d with promptness. Repairing done with ieat ness and dispatch. Furniture made order. Call and examine for yourslves. 17may72 1VILLIA3I SINGER HAS ESTABLISHED A FACTORY FOR THE MAKUFASTURf OF Furniture, Blinds, and Doors, AXD MOILDIXGS OF ALL SIZES. They will also do Turning f eve- de scription to order. WITH 'EATNESS AND DISPATCH I "A11 work warrsinted. Shnn n the River, in. Ix-wia' Shop Opposite Oregon City Mills. - PACIFIC BOOT AMD SHOE HOUSE, Southwest fomrr First nnd 3Icrmon St& o JPOR TLA ND , OR EG O N. o HAVE IrmoM this adopted I lie DATE WE CASH BASIS AND HARD TIMES TRUES. Come and sec us and there will be mutu al satisfaction. CCSTOMEItS AT OUR I0W FBICE O A X D Ol'RMELVES AT CASH. GEORGE A. PEASE, Southwest Corner First and Iffwruon Sts. Iortland, Oregon. August 22(1, lS7t-tf. FALL AND WINTER CCCCS!o JUST RECEIVED AT I. SELLIiVGS DEALER IX Dry Goods, Clothing, Dootsand Shoes, Ilardw-are, Groceriep, o o Crockery, Notions, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, . etc., etc., etc. Main Street, Orrgon City. etc Produce of nil kinds bonpht, for which I pay the highest market price. If you de sire good Goods at Low prices, call at . SELLING'S nd examine his nw stoek of Springgood. Give m a call and convince yourselve. My motto is, " QUICK SALES ASH SMALL PROFITS The highest market price paid for wool, I. SELLING.. Oregot: City, Oct-. 31, 1373-tf. o o e O o O o G e o o O o o o O o o f '