G o o O THE ENTERPRISE. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FEB. G.174. Citt Seminart. The following is tho result of the monthly review ;it the City Seminary, the averages only being given: Lt-iura 15aeon,4S ; Elmer liacon, 41; Katie IJonnett, 7J ; K I'.Mleman, 59 ; Charles liitzer, 7i; M;i'io JUell, 59; Kl iner Cross, 45 ; V Chat. man, 5J ; Inez Cochran, 57 ; Marv Curly, oTJ ; Geo Fox, 02; JuJil Fish, 5-: Mairie Frazer, tin ; 1 leriuhm Frazer, G3 ; A melia Haas, 31 ; Willie Hurst, 40; John Hurst, 5:5 : John Kellv, M ; Charles Kellv, o'J; l-uireiie baJ'rfst,a); C. MeDermott, -Jo; M iriiT Maerum, 4K; Kerlie Kuelall, 0-j ; Thomas It imlall, 1 ; Minnie lloss. 01 ; sfllie Smith, 5S; Kosa Smith, 47 ; Fan nie Fudv.ti.5; Milton Cross, .'.; rharles Athev, i't; Hmma Potter, 54 ; M iehael Qiiinn,5); S Murray, .V) ; May I'.aeon, H s.i lionnett, 51 ; Clara J Jroughton, 71; Laura Hell, Go; Ivan Chase, 70; Liura Frost, 07; Alvin Haekett, 5s ; Ks llaekett, 41 ; Lizzie Haas, 40; Win nie lluiwaker, 70 ; Maggie Johnson, 0') ; Charles Maerum, 72; (Jueeu Miller, 7U: Maria l'utrovv, 7U ; Alexander S. hram, 01- Hirdie Heatie, s; Hell Potter, U ; Charles Luee, 57 ; William Hedges, 50; llob.-rt lirown, 71; Mary I'.ro.vii, 79; Frank Dolan, 41; Lizzie Ihtzcr, M; Marv llealic, William lieatie, 04; M irv lirouhtoii, Si; S.mnu l lirown, M-- FHias I'.iowu, M ; Wm lirown, 0; Eeunue.l Charman, 71; H F Cross. 0; KMie Cauii'-l l, 7 5; Mary 1-rost ; Kate Frazer. 51 ; Wayne Howard, 00 ; Marv Haekett, O; Alice Hunsak. r 0; Luvllaek. It. 70; KC Haekett I) .-Minnie liuiiipliruv, 74; Magirie Kelly, 0; Amv Kerns, t ; Alvin MeCown, ,3; Frank MeCown, 4i); Fannie Miller, 0; Nora Koss, Ul ; Orimna lloss, 0: K a Fox, Ki; Clara Vinson, 72; Charles Joukinson, v2. Concert 1 A grand eoneert of vocal music will be given in Pope's New Hall, on Wednesday evening Febrnary 11th. A very choice selection of music will be oll'eied to the public. One of tho pieces is a composition by our i'el-low-townsmans, Mr. Chas. I5ray,whieh will be rendered for lirst time at this concert. Tickets may be had at the JVistullice. Admission, 50 cents ; clul dreti under twelve years of age, half price. Keservcil seats, 75 cents, :i dia gram of which will be at the Postolliee with programme on Saturday. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Concert begins at 7 S o'clock. The very interesting char acter of Itev. Mr. Sell wood's concerts will insure a full house. Ocr Dave Heard From. The Washington correspondent of the Eve ning News gives the following account of Hon. D. P. Thompson, in his new i role, in that city : " Among the plain sovereign5? of Or egon I frequent Iv meet Dave Thomp son. Liy plain, 1 mean the non-Con-jrres.-ionals. A young man said to me the other dav : 'I wonder "if all Western men have such irreat hearts." '1 don't know,' I said;" 'but I've met many a one whose waistcoat was too small to cover that organ. Whv do vou ask?' . He nut his hand in his Docket and handed me a paper, which, on reading, I found to be an appointment in the Treasury. 'That's good,' I said. I owe it to an Oregoni in, or rather to two or three,' he explained. 'Three months ago I come to this citv in that Belief Bill. Senator Mitchell lias introduced a bill for the relief of W. Xi. Adams, late Collector of Cns tonas at Astoria, who was robbed of Government funds while on his wav to San Francisco. condition in which the noblest intel lects of the countrv sometimes find themselves, to-wit, dead broke. I was examined for a clerkship in the Treas ury, and passed up in the eighties. Pa tiently I waited for mv appointment. At last I heard that others who had been examined with me had been aj pointcd. I went to the Treasure but received no encouragement. Who is your Senator? I was asked. I informed them that the oidv Senator from iny State who coul 1 help me h id not ar rived. 'Can'tiloanvthing for vou,' was the response. I knew' that unless I could have a friend lv word spoken in my behalf I should fail, and there was no time to lose, I left the Department very much disheartened, and walking d -wn street, chanced to meet Colonel Johnson of Portland. I told him mv trotii h-s. When we parted he said : I will see whatc inbedone. Meeting him a day or two after, he asked me to'eome to his room that evening. I did so and w is introduced to a gentleman, who. auer earning me iacisot mv case, said he would see Senator Mitchell in mv interest. I thanked hiin and went away, tiiinking. "Promises are cheap He only says it through sympathy. isut 1 was mistaken most agreeably, r. .. : i . i i t - -i in i. .-.s man wee. i received my hi - poiimiiem,, aim i snail never torget mat man ana the gentleman he inti rented in my behalf as long as I live. Do you know the gentleman's name, l asked. Dave Thompson,' he replied, 'I thought so, was my quiet rejoin. der, knowingthat D ive was in the hah. it of going about doing those disinte rested thlllg.- IL K. Hanna, Esq., Secretary of the Jiickson County Agricultural So ciety, has received from the Com missioner of the Department of Ag riculture at Washington, four quarts of Somerset oats, four quarts of yel low corn, two quarts of red clover. two quarts of Probsteir barley, and a lot of garden seeds, which he will distribute among the farmers. Sr. Nicholas. St. NiclToTas for Feli- ruary opens who a charming little poem by W. C. Uryant, and tlTen on the very first page, the stories hc'.rin with a well-told tale of the middle ages " l'.iunca and lleppo," by J. S. Stiicv New Mt'sic. We have received from Mr. M. Cray, Ul Front street, Port land, the following new pieces of ma nic: '" Pitying Savior, look with P.le.s.s i ng," soprano and tenor solos and qua r fette ; " l.oniun Est," an evenin;.; service f r tenors an I bascs ;S rcn itle, "Sleep oat Thou Slill, Mine Own ;" all posses nirig mn.-h merit as musi -al composi tions. Mr. Cray is t'a voral.lv known as the. agent of the S-.einway Piano, and P.urd.'it Organ, in use all over the eoim- In Faimno HEAi.rir. TbeSlatesman of last Tuesday says tlut J I on. I'l i jab Williams, received a teb gram Saturday, from hi wife who has been for some tinn) at Santa Clara, ChI., for her health, staling that she is not as well as when h!i left home. Mr. Williams started by the Aj ix last l'ues lay, tor the p t p"iS' of bringing his wi -e home if she well en ug!i to endure the trip. Mrs. Williams is the mother of Mrs. M.F. Ktratton of this city. Fiu irTnr.Ks. We pr cured tlirougli Ji ,..'. liarlov. of th.e well-known nur Kiiry iif Walling it Son. at Oswego, a tn lot of fruit trees this w-.ek. This tlrni is well known t'.irou hout t!:" Sl-ite. an I i!e-v are prepared to fui isi-:'! tr.-'.i in tlic l'i-t of order, and of the c'l .iecs; variety. Personsii. -siring any thing iii this liie- ,.:lM ur through D c. Marl .-.v, who will p'.mipily at tend to full of the Ilavor of youthful chivalrv' and illustrated by a most exquisite en graving by Miss Seannel. Anion" the other short stories we have "How the Heavens Fell," by Rossiter Johnson, illustrated by H. h. Stephen "How mie iiao jus own v ay " ly Miss :V'v.' N Jo':"'".?1!1 ; 'cV,1:U S;t- Valentine i.l for Milly, by Susan Collive all bEiri-it List. The following is a list of the letters -remaining in the Post-office at Oregon Citv, February 7, 1-171: W II T'.isby. Alex Coyle. Tius W Foster, Mrs Martha Cray", Miss Hattie C Hughes, Henry Heuri'zi, H llbanili, l'eler Mrt 'uliln if, Mathias Hies. Nan cv Sprowl, Jonas Smith, Wm Saves. Joseph Tucker, MissS K Wriuht, John NV. Westfall. If called for, pleas" sav when "adver tised." J. M . 1 5acoN, P.M. Jamie I lad M Di good and each one with a character of its own. i .eioi-s uiese, there are the three serials, "Fast Friends," by J. T. Trowbridg, illustrated by White; "Nimpo's Troubles," bv Olive Thorne, with a drawing by Miss Hallock ; and "hat Might Have lieen Fxpected" by Frank It. Stoeton, with an illustra tion i v . n. ."saeppard. and one bv Sol. F.vtinge. Two pages for little folks are given this month ; and, there is some camtul talk from -Jack-in-the-Pulj.it; " a lively pantomime for par lor acting, by G. H. P.artlett. well known in that connection to the rea ders of "Our "Young Folks;" and a well-tilled Kiddle Box. The Frontis piece, by W. brooks, entitled "In Sis. ter's Cu e." is a vigorous, well-drawn picture. This number of Sr. Nicholas, like the last, while it keeps its individ uality in every particular, shows a de ci led disposition to accept freely every advantage olfered by its late absorp tion of "Our Young" Folks." The old readers ot the latter magazine will recognise several of their favorite au thors in this number of Sr. Nicholas, which, by the way, abounds in illus trations, (here being no less than fifty pictures in it, all of them good, and some of them remarkably line. Take cp yottr li-e of march for Crlt- tenton's. No. 76th Avanue, all ye coughers and whoezers, and snutrlers. It Is the do-l-ot for Hale's Honey of Jorehound and Tar wblch for nil ainnems oi me lungs ana their air passages is an immediate and sov ereign remedv. All Druggists keep It. Pile's Toothache Drops cure in 1 uiinute "HOUSEKEEPE.l" OF ""HEALTH. The liver being the great depurating or blood cleansing organ of the system set this great "Uou so keeper ot our health" at work and the foul corruptions which gen der in the blood, and rot out, as it were, the machines of hie, are gradually expelled, from the'svstcm. For this purose Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets are pre eminently the articles needed. They cure everv Uindof humor irom the woret scrofu la to'thi common pimple, blotch or erup tion. Groat eating ulcers kindly heal un der their mighty curative Influence. Viru lent blood i-oisons that lurk in the system are bv them robbed of their terrors, and by their p'erservering and somewhat protract ed us- the most tainted systems may be completely renovated and built u p anew. Knlarged "glands, tumots and swellings du-indle atvay and disapjear under the in lluence oi these great resolvents. DOCl'ORS COC'LDX-T 1IJ2LP IITJtr. Meigsviller, Morgan Co., Ohio, March -J4th, ls72. Dear Dr. PlEKCE : When 1 was 11 or 15 years of age I took wh;u is called King's Evil, and by constant dsctoring it would heal in one place and break out in another. It also broke out in mv left ear. I first found your name in the Christian A-tvocute, and sent ten miles lor the first bottle, which did me more good than nil other medicines I ever used. 1 am JT vears old and doctored with nvedoetors and not one of them helped me so much as your bottle of Discovery. 1 have got well and able to do a good day's work. JOHN A. WILSON'. For the very best phot ogra phs, go to Brad ley A Ru lof son's Galery without STAIRS Ascend in tlie Elevator, 42'J Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California. Time Evtemleil to March 1, 171. The time for the purchase of the following Text-liooUs. at introductory rates, ha.Mji -en xtended to Mnreii 1, lSTl, ana may ue naa from the nnderivrned : Harnes' brief History of the 1. . S ?1 W Clark's beginner's Grammar ) l lark s Normal i.nuiiimir jU Monteitii's Introduction to Geography Paeilie l 'oast Edition 1 Steel's fourteen Weeks in Philosophy. 1 IK) Steel's Fourteen Weeks in Physiology. 1 l ond's botanist and 1- lorist 1 J P.rooks" Normal Mental Arit lunatic .'to Pacitie Coast Fifth Reader X-i JOHN MYERS, Sri riiAii!-: Mkktinu. There is to be a Womau SulIVage meeting at the Court House next Monday evening. Those who have nothing better to do may attend. Pi-re. on.yi,. We received a call from Mr. A. J. Monroe, of Salem, last Tues- V JK.-T, (It II III l fclVLH'r States and looks finely. day. to th Ib.ss is creeling a corner oppo-ute the ?.s to oi- lh:ir.riN i . I i build. ng on the i.utt hers hp, wliir li lu; p:opo. cupy as an ollice. S!i.-;v.W'c n; ict to .state that Mr. A. Levy lias been eontuied to his bed with a severe attack of rheumatism for the past ten days. Ta X ks. SherhT Hedges collected raxes to th" amount oi' sr l'l.oO:) during the month of January. Tot'.K iakkn Iiiuvs.-The attempt to Saii the .-'.turner On ward over the Tu alatin rapid, was to le made tics -k . The navigation of t'e- Tualatin rire.- hit Ijeen atl-.-n ied with s tu.niy fihil.irlr tint III-' rumj.i.inv hive- nev rr Ir-i-n aI.I- t- m k-- tin ir boat- p tv er Pmk.s; an I for years to come it i. proea'-'!" that no "other ell'ort will be jua.Io to navigate this stream. INI Okkk k IU'sinkss. The follow ing amom.t of business was transacted at the Land Office in ibis city during the month of Janu-ixv, 1-71 : Nnmfcr of Homesteads. 1 s. eoyering an area of 2. 07 J :1 acres; Finl Homesteads, 5. containing 7ti " 1 acres ; l'recm: i- lis. 1 1 , containing !, ;':) acres : 1 b m l Wan ant ontrv containing so :ieres ; l'Uiati-.n ivit t incites, covering anarea of al out 1.1,5H' acres ; land s. ld-t'or cash, l'i(. Nkw Fncamcmj-NT- Anew Encamp ment will be instituted nt Fuirene City ncxt Monday evening. We have been re.picste.l to extend a cordial invitation to all Patriarchs who can conveniently Attend, to visit Eugene on that occasion. If tiiev will, we know the mem'.ersof the Order at that village make th -in ef-el as though they wanted t stay with them. -. To School Ci.kuks. We have just received a supply of blanks f..r the an nual reports of School Clerks, differ ent from those of any prev ious year, and, according to instructions, all re ports must be made out on these (.links. Clerks can call at this office and get them, or write by mail and thev Will he forwarded. II Kami's C r.i.i:ii: Joi knai. has com menced its tenth volume. Its size has recently been doubled and it now con tains sixteen pages of varie 1 reading. T his pu I dicat ion is de v .ted to literature, to the cause of practical education, and to matters pertaining to commerce and trade. Its aim is to reach the young and to iiiMucnco them for good to teach lessons of honor, independence and enterprise. Its mission is eminent ly one ol instruction, yet it contains much that will also prove amusing to its readers. It is published monthly by IIkai.d's IJL'SINKSS Coi.i.kok of Sin Francisco the -largest and most com plete institute of i usiness training in America. Its yearly attendance num bers over one thousand pupils, young men and ladies. Among these are repres! ntatives from every State and Territory on the Pacific Coast, from i'.ritish 'Columbia, Mexico, Central America and the Sandwich Islands. lis graduates are already found among our prominent business men, and are in demand in the merehantile houses of Sin Francisco. An education at this school is of the greatest importance to young men about to enter upon the career of an active life; it i.s a guarantee of success. I-'oieigu Tclcgrapic News. The ship India, from San Francis en, has arrived at Liverpool; ship Kdith Trask, at Queenstown. Toitox ro, January 2'.). Tho elec tions in Ontario and. (Quebec to-day resulted in returning a large majori ty for the new Government. Sir J(hn A. MaeDonaM was elected, however, I.y a majority of -IG. Maikii, January J'.). 3'eports haw tea -iie l here that General Mor- ions, commanding the Army of the North, has raised the blockade at Iil boa. Z"i'.r. ;r, January 2'h Field Mar shal Ii iron Von Koblenz, of Austria, committed suicide here to-dav. Loxnox. January Informa tion from the Gold Coast states that the maiu force, tinder. Sir Garnett Woolsey, crossed the river I'ratt on the lth of January, and that an ad, vance guard had penetrate.! thirteen miles beyond. Tokonto, Ontario, January P.O. A cable dispatch announces that Vicar General Jamot, Toronto "Diocese, has been appointed bv the Pope Uishop of Sault Sr.. Marie, and llev. J. ). Criiuion, Vicar General of '.London )iocese. has been raised to the Uish opricof Hamilton. A dispatch from Newfoundland states tisat the Governer of that pro vince has resigned. Sci'.utNi-ju's for February is at hand, and we tire compelled to notice (lie per fection of its illustrations, which may safely be called the finest accomplished for any of t lie pictorial monthlies. The liiv.g-i.ine decidedly improves with age ano in every u .-; art uii-nt is wi ll main tained, besides the continuation of t h S.-rial Stories running jn the inagazini tne ori-sent nuoioer has at or.eniiig an Indian p.oeni charmingly illustrated ""! ;ei anger is the titl- ot an interest ing illustrated article- Edward King gives views of Texas in his sketches of "The Great Smih:" 10. C. St-dman writes afoiit Hood. Arnold and Proe tor:T,vmin At water takes up Dr. Illan-br-lt's new theories, md Nad-I talks about English S;ind ivs and London Churches, besides other papers too mi meroiis to ne-utio-ii. n.r. Tor's M.k.azink rm: Fmutf Aitv. The l'ebruary number of llallou's M tga.iue is remarkable for its variety, and the amount, of reading matter which it affords for the low price of 11 cents single copies ami only fl.-u pet year. Soiheofthe best stories of the season are to be. found in this really meritorious magazine. It gives so much !"ort!ie money that we do not wonder its eircula! ion now exceeds otl, K):( per nrnnth, so we have the satisfac tion of knowing that the public really appreciate good literary merit. A nie'e little Chromo is given to each subscrib er of P.allou's Magazine, and no one has to wait months for the picture, as sometimes happens. Address Thomas it Tm.Rot, :io 1 '.room field Street, bos ton, Mass. 1840. 1874. 1A1 X-KIIJL.121t ! THEGREaT FAMILY MEDICINE OF THE AGE. Taken Internally, It Cures Dysentery, Cliolcri, DUiThea, I rump una fai in tli Ntouiutli, liov. el C'ompluiiit, luiiiter Colic, Liver Complaint; Uyppiie, lndlge tion, More i lirual, Sudilvu Colli, Coulla,, Vc. Vc. L'setl Externally, It Cures BuiJs, Felons, Cuts, Zrit'., Hums, Scalds, Old Sores, Sjtruins, Toothache, Pain in the Face, AVuai .ta, Rheumatism, Frosted Feet, tic, de., S'c' PAIX-KILLER. after a thorough trial by innumerable liv ins w itnesses, nas proved itselt THE ME DICINE OK T1IK AGE. It is an internal and external remedy. One inisitive proof ot Its etlleacy is, that Us sales have con-. stantly increased, and wholly upon its own merits. The etreet ol the IPain-Ivillex UJ.KJH the patient when taken internally, la case oi Cold, Cou;h, liowel t'oui plaint, c holera. Dysentery, ahd other afflictions oi the svsteui. has been truly wouiierlul. and has won lor it a name among medical pre parations that can never be lorgotten. lis success in removing pain, as an external remedy, in case ol Uurns, Druises, Siores, "sprains, Cuts, tttins oi Insects, and other causes of suir.-ring, has secured lor it such testimony, as an iniailible remedy, that it will be handed down to posterity as one of the greatest medical discoveries ol the nineteenth century. The Paiii-Iviiler derives much of its popularity from the simplicity attending its use, which Kiv-'S it a peculiar value m a larnily. 1 he various diseases which may bo reached bv it, and in their incipient stages eradicated, are imong t hose which are peculiarly lalal ll su tiered to run ; but t he curative magic ol I his preparation at once disarms them of their terrors. In all respects it lultillsthc conditions of a popular medicine. He sure you call lor aHi gei me genuine Pain-Killer, as many wortuless nostrums are attempted to be sola on the grout repu tation ot this valuable medicine. iti)irections oecomi any each bottle. Price !' cents, 50 cents and $1 per bottle. .Sold by all Medicine Dealers. MS It CII A XD ISE. THOMAS CHARMAN ESTABLISHED 1S5S. AUCTIION AXD COMMISSION. A. B- RICHARDSON, iViietioiieor, Cornier of Front & Oat st.,PortlaixI. Auction Sssles DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS of Oregon City and of the Willamette Valley, that he is still on hand and doing business on the old motto, that Ji A"Mi6 Six Fence is Better than a Stow Shilling. Of Real Estate. Groceries. General chaudise and Horses. Mer o SALE DAYS Wednesdsv and Saturday. A. B. UlClIAKl frON, Auctioneer. A Fl'OINTM E.N'TS OI'TII K M. K. ClU'KCH Socrir liEV. A. IIauoison, Pastoii: liouver Crock, Marvin Chapel, first Saturday and Sab! rath in each month; Sprinerwnter, second Saturday ami Sabbath in each month; Cavanaue;h Chael, third Saturday and Sabbath in each month ; Powell's Valley, fourth Saturday and Sabbath in each month. WILLAMETTE RIVER TRANSPORTATION CD'S T 3.2C 15 irX LEAVE FLANDERS WHARF Fort land, at o'clock.A. m., as lollows I have lut returned from San Francisco, where I purchased out) of tho . LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS ever before offered In this city ; and consists in part, as lollows : Roots and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Faints and Oils, Sash and Doors, Cblnaware, Queensware, Stoneware, Crockery, Platedware. Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Fatent Medicines, Goods, Fancy No- Rope, Faming tions of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc.. Of the above list, 1 can say my stock is the MOST COMPLETE ever olfered in this market, and was seleted with especial care lor the Oregon City trade. All oi vnicn l now oner ior sale at the English Refined Ear and Fundle Iron, English square and Octagon Cast Steel, Horse shoes. Rasps, Saws.scFn ,Frv-Pans,a Sheet Iron." R G.Iron. ALSO K large assortment offinwrirs nH im.-i a. n. il.ilAIiJj:so.. Auctioneer. uors Jan. 1. lS73-tf. MA. A" UFA CTOR I E S. Fon S.m:. will .sell either a Flo rence or li rover it llaker Scwin-jr Ma chine at San Francisco orices. In order that those who desire a machine, and are not aide to pay the entire amount may be accommodated, we will sell them on the installment plan, payable ao much per moiiui uiiui paiei ior. ORSTACLES TO M.VIiUI AGE. Happy Relief for V"lng Men from the etreetsol l-.n-ors anil Abuses in early I ue. Man hood restored. Impediments to Mar- riaire removed. ew niethod ot treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Hooks and circulars scut tree, in scaled envelopes. Address, IIDWAKII ASSOCIATION, .No. South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa., an In st itul ion having a high reputation lor hon orable conduct and prolessional skill, novti :1 v For Corvallis and InU'rmetiiate l'oiius Honitny, AVelnofMlsiy and Friday. For Albany inul liiU-rnicdiatc Points Monday, Ttiesdiiy, AVeilncsdii y, Thurs- uay a.iii e-rittay. IMPERIAL m 1 L L S, Savier, LaKociuc & Co. Oregon Cit'. Keep constantly on hand for sale Flour. Middlings, lUan and Chicken Feed. Parties purchasing feed must lurnish the sack. WAGON AKD CARRIAGE 33 A IV V FACTOKY ! riHE UNDERSIGNED, having increased ine di mensions of his premises, at the old stand on the o Corner of Main ami TI;ird Street, Oregon Cily, Oregon, Takes this method of inform ing his old pa trons, and as many new ones as maybe pleased to call, that he is now prepared. with ample room, good nii;i riais, anu me very best ot mechanics, to build anew, re construct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete, any sort ol a vehicle ironi a common Cart to a Concord Coach. Try me. Lowest Market Ra es. liiatkmiu.inj;, n,.i. i- os Mioeii.-, For Davion, Lu Favi'lU- anil )lcMinnville: SaturJaj- and Monday. Passage to Corvallis , Passage 'o Albany Passage, to Salem Passage to Mc.M in n villi- P. OOLHSM1T1I, President December lUth, 17:J. tf. .$ 00 . 1 51 l eo l oe SELLING OFF AT COST! FOR GO DAYS! 2vL'W 70-DAV. Strictly For Cash, Only (illAXI) KXUilUTIOX, ( XJXCIOirr aiulIiALL! THSOrluSOH CITY TU.aii YHiiENS rii.L JIVK A;i.N"I FXUIH1TION', ( oneert a ml P.all.on 1 in sdav even ing, I-el.riiary -Jl,ls7!, at i()J,l"rr; xmw HALL. C'lol !ii n y, Dry tio'.uls, !ii(.t. a ud Shoes Hals, fr'urnisliinj lioods, J eiry and Fancy Good, Groci'ilc, Klc. iitt)iiitAM3ii-; 1, Ivorture I N YO I '. M A TIO N" W.VNTKi'. M i s . Ca t ! 1 - erine (Jains, of A.uguta, (Jeorgia, wants in format ion in regard to her s.ui (too. Kl;, who was l ist heard of on the 17tli of S pteinher, IsTl. at which time ho was in Chicago. If alive he is ahout 2 pears of izo. 1'ai;is. Fein- narv -In Alsace the Kxiniui ioN ami Uai.i.. -I n this issue will he foun.l the a.l vertisement of a grand exhil.it ion, eoneert ami hall, to be given by the Turn Vereins of this city, on the 'J lth inst. It is expected to le one of the grandest atfairs that has ever taken place in this city. The County Court has been in ses sion this week, has not iinihed its la Inirs as we go to press. It is the term for the annual reports of the Road Su pervisors, an.l con-U'lerahle business is before the t'oinmisionors. Part I. Cavatina, from Luergia P.or- gia liy the On-hestra ; 2, Song, piart. Ite by P. T. Sing Club oopi alio io, li.-aut it ii 1 isieot Hie S.-a, Oregon City Amateur 1, i-.x.-n-ises Mem lier.s 'J'tirn Veri.-ns , mictt, i he Minute Coin a;, s -a." O. '. Amateurs i, 'ir-inii i-iano solo M:s A'.r.i.iani ; ., liuhan Club .Swinging . C. Miller. Part II. 1. Overture, Daughters of ( 'olumbia...F.and ; i, icnor soio, "Loved Ones at. Home,".. , O. l '. Amataur ; 1, iwereises on I ton hie I'.ar... Turn Veriens l. Song, Quartette P. T. Singing Club; ... 1 ia no Solo Miss Abraham , OouO.e 1 raiiez, ...Me ss. Mars P.renklev. Music l,y .Ur. l Uas Uniy'a String Ilaiid Tin? Committee proj-ose to spare neither pains nor expense to make this the grand est airair ever ta ken place in Oregon Citv. Ihe public are cordiallv iiivit -d to attend. Admission to Concert and Kxbibit ion. o) cents ; t hildren under P-n vears, hull pric". Admission toConc-rt, Kxhibition and Hall, 12 oi). liy order of the COMMITTEE. Oregon City, Feb. 5, 174 :td WK INTF.XD lIKUKAFTFIt TO DO A T f st "let ly And will he (Tiabl d to give everybody sat isfaction, compared with prices els wnere. dive us a call and examine for yourselves. LKVV l.llOs Oregon City, Jan. 1st, 1ST!. No use for the ladies, or any one -lse, to think of going to Portland lo buy goods lor I am Determined to Sell C'Ucup and not to allow inyselt to be UNDERSOLD IX THE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience In Oregon Citv enables mo to know the re quirements ol the trade. Come one and all and see for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CIIAILMAX cannot be beaten in quality or price. It would be useless lor me to tell you all the advantages I can otfer you in the sale ol goods, as everv store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disap pointed. AH 1 wish to say is f oiii?, and SiT.tiiui Examine for Yourselves for I do not wish to make any mistakes. Mv object is to tell all my old lriends now that lam still alive, and desirous to sell goods clu-ap, tor cash, or upon such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liber al patronage heretotore bestowed. THOs. CHARM AN, Main Street, Oregon City, Legal Tenders and County Scrip taken at market rates. THUS. CilAKMAN. sySO.OOO lbs wool wanted by THOS. CIIAKMAN. and General Jobbing neatlv, (luickly.and cheaply done. hAVlli SMITH. JAPJ3ES RaiLNE, MASONIC HALL P.UILD1NGJ Oregon City, : : Orccon. KEEKS CONSTANTLY on hand and tor sale. 'in-a p for cash. Parlor, Kedroom, Office, Sittingroom, and Kdtchen Furniture, Bureaus, Lounges, Kecking Chairs, Whatnots, Bedsteads, Washst amis, Curled Hair, and Pulu M at t r e s sc-s, Pulu Pillows, Q Spring Beds, Picture Frames, Mouldings, etc., etc. Special attention given to VpholsP-ry work in all its branches. irjers V. M- dv.ith promptness. Bi-pairing done with neat ness and dispatch. Furniture made order. Call and examine for yourslves. 17may72 Tliii'cl :uul Ltist Call. VLB PFliOVS KNOWING TtTT M selves indebted to the undersigned must mak-' j.,, mate p.iym. nt. i i.nt all in v accounts settled up to the close of the year. I m -an business, and those to whom this applies, win taio- nonet; anu govern themselves accordingly LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE ltETV kn kp. 1. B. C'ollard and fami ly, who have been making their home for several m mths pist at Milwaukie, have niovetl back to this city. We welermie pent l ack, as the town can hardlv gel along without him. Gamk Law. The (lame Law w'ent into effect on the 1st day of February, after which date it will cost twenty dollars to kill a fleer moose, ur elk for tho tirst otlense to Ik? doubled for each subsequent offense. fckXTAiiLEs. An agreeable surprise party was given at the resilience of Mr. C. O. T. Williams last Thursday even lug. On Mon.lav evening a verv pleas ant p-rtv was had. at the residence of Mr. Clark Greenman. Sold. Mr. Geo. Marshall recently sold tho residence for a number of years occupied by the family of the lite Dr. SatTarn Tv, on Main street, to Mr.- .TMm M. Moore. The price paid was ?2,OtO. There is no material chancre in our rearket reports from last quotations. French canidatcs to Ileischttidt were elected bv an overwhelming majority- aTaiI!II, February 2. Spain lias provisional v reeaUed lier Diplomatic Jtepresentatives from IJerlin, Vienna and several other European capitals. Uiiiti.ix, February 3. A dispatch from Posen says Archbishop Ledoch owski was arrested to-day by -order of t!io German Government, and se;:t to Frankfort, where he will be im prisoned. London. February 2. Baron Col onsay, formerly Lord Justice Gener al, died yesterday, ago 80. Arived at Liverpool Ships Daunt less from San Franeiso. and Eortaga, from Portland, Oregon, and ba'rk U indermere. I'-vrjs, February 3. The Bmlpot an appropriation of 4.(t0D.0O0 francos for the restoration of the public binUm-s in Paris damaged during tae last days of the Commune, in cluding the Tuileries and the Palais It oval. The Ore:jonuin savs three children have been sent from Wvomin-Terri-t-Ji'v to attend the .Bishop Scott Grammar School and St. Helen's Hall of Portland. llLliie OTltVGrn rortion of the State the grass lftR ,tart0(1 to prowi all that is needed to make it fine grazing for cattle. The United Brethren have been holding religious services at Philo math for some three weeks past which have been attended with en couraging results. No arrest of the man -who killed Hen "White at Linkville on the 18th ult. has yet been made. John Cor bell is supposed to be the man who fired the fatal shot. Precautions Against .Sickness. The ability of the human body to resist th" causes or d.s -as-' d vends upon its vi:- or and upon the regularity with which the several orpins perform their functions. In the winter the most prolific sources of sickness are damn and cold, and it is there fore w is-, and prudent to fortify the system airauist them by wholesome stimulation, ib nee it is that HostcttT's .Stomach bit ters prove such an admirable safeguard airainst the complaints most common to this season. The ingredients of this pow erful vegetable i: vi.'iorant comprise t hree essential medicinal elements which act simultaneously upon the digestion, the cir culation, tic s -cretions, and the nerv-s, infusing strength ami regularity into all. In t his way the I'.itt -rs put the hotly in t ue h st. possihl" condition to eseajM' an attack of rheumatism, or intermittent fever, r indigestion, f.r hiUiousness, or of pulmon ary disease, (.'old and damp are very tle pressing : almost as much so as excessive liat, and a protective medicine is quite as iveihul in winter as in Mimtin-r. Theconi rnereial stimulants so unwisely taken in the form ol tirauis to "keep out the cold," have a precisely opposite effect to that pro duced bv Uosftt.-r's Hitters. Their lirst r 'suit is succeeded by a reaction which de-vitaliz-s and prostrates the system : while, on t lie ot her hand, t h tonic and vitalizing o;mt.U ion fifth" gr -at vegetable iuvigorant, is not only immediate but permanent. Thrre is no revulsion, no reverse n-rvous action, 'lie physiqii'M strengthened, the appetite incras -d. the bowels r -gulated, tin- stomach rein forced, and these con ditions coat inn '. If dyspepsia, or rheuma tism, or billiousness, or intermittent fever, or funeral debility, or nervous weakness, is present in the system, expel it with this pur- and harmless antidote, which is not only in aluableasa preventive of sickness, but also a remedy ior a large class of dis orders. Many people, particularly children, suf fer with ear ache; and for the benefit ol" such we give a sure but sim r.le r unedy. Put in two or three drops of Johnson's Ann dun Liniment, sto the ear with undressed wool, bathe the feet in warm water betor--' COIIlg to IK-a, ailLl n.-"e .no iwiuui nigtit. Cap Charles Pager, who keeps a superb stock of hverv hors s in Portland, M., in formed ii" r-'-cntlv that he us -s Sheridan's Cnvarn Condition Powders rgularl v in his stablei, and that the exnense is more than otfs-t bv the diminished amount of grain neC ssary to keep his horses always in good order. FIN A S E TTr. IJ.V . In the County Court of Clackamas count v, V '"".IU 1,1 n' ' matt r of the Kstat ; ol Khzaljeth Mc ir -avv, iec.-as.-d A i,EltSl)-'s IXTKKKSTFP AKK X hereby no! Ui.d that I have filed mv hnal account, ami vouchers in the above entitled matter, ami the t ourt has appoint ed .Monday, t he ,.1 (ia v (f .parcll A. j,. IS7l, at ttve ( ourt House, Oregon Citv, as the time and place torthe hearing of objections thin to, and the examination and settle ment oi such accounts. h. a. winTEirorsr:, ATlministrator. JOJINSON& McC'OWN, Att'ys. febliwl F IX A L. S ETn IJI EXT. In the County Court of Clackamas county. State oi or gon. In the matter of the J-.statf.ot .Jess" V. liooiie. (..fe:is 'd. 1;L I'KKSDNS IN TEltivSTEIi AUK her-by notified that I have filed niv final account and vouchers in the above entitled matter, and the Court has appoint ed .Mon, lay, the Jd day of March, A. 1)., IsTl, at the Court lions', ( ir -gon CitT, as Hi" time and place ior the examination and s ttlement of sucti accounts and the hearing of objections t her--to. WrCIOHXSOX, l eb. 6 iv Administrator. Estal' of John Radfortl. Drt :as:'l. VOTICK TO CHKDITOKS: AI.I. PEIt- " sons having claims against the atjove name dec.-as -d.ar" notified to present them with the proiM-r vouchers, to the ti rid -rsign- ed, the duly apjiomteU Administrator oj sain estate, atth'-omce ot Uueiat & War r -n, in Or -gon citv, within six months inun this date. CHARLES It. KOOKK, Fehruary 4, 1ST 1. "j v Administrator. ART NOTICE.. The undersigned will leave Oregon City for the East, in the beginning of March nxt. Those desirous of havin? thir ror tmits painted by him, must do so without delay. JP. It ll'MORAS Artist. Btudlo In rear of the Enterprise oS. NOTICE In the County Court of Clackamas county, .-aie oi or -gon. In the matter of the: Guardianship of Ado lia Elliott, an insane iwrson : ION ES CL'TTIXU, (JUAItDLVX OF THE aiiove-named Adelia Elliott, an insnne person, having filed a jietition praying for the sale ot the real estate b'donging to said Adelia Elliott, an.l it app'-aring to the Court from th i-tition.t hat it is nwssarv to s -11 the interest of said ward in the fol lowing described real estate, to-wit: Th north half of the donation land claim of Charles Cuttintj and Abigail Cutting, his wife, designate! on the maps and plats of th" i mt -.'d states surveys as Iaim o. vi," in 1 . o, n. ll., i K., of the Willamette in -re.lian, situat-'d in Clackamas county, Or'gon. It is. therefor", ordered by th Court that th" n"xt of kin of said ward and all ot her persons interest ed is said estate, appear b'"fora this Court, on Monday, the s'ooml dav of March, ISTt, at the Court Hous" in Oregon ' ity, and show cause why a lie ns should not be granted for the sale of such estate. It is further ordered that a copy of this order be t-ublish-d in the Oregon City En terprise, the litigant organ for Clackamas county. W. L.. WHITE, County Judge, Attest : It. F. Caueiexd, Clerk. JOHXSOS A Mcf'OWN, Ar.t'vR for Cruardlan. Jaauaryh, 1374. &v t)regon City, .Tan. 1st JOHN MYERS. 1STI. JOHN M. I5AC0X, IMl'OHTEli ANI IiEAT.EK in ilooks. Stationery, IVrlum- erv. etc.. eic. OrrK"i City, OreeM. 7At Charman t Warner's old stand lately occupied by Ackeman, Main st. S 0CIK TV XU 7 'ICES. os;i;c:ox I.OIHiK XO. 3, I. I. O. !'., Meets every Thursday eveninurat7li o'clock, in the 5i O.l.l Fellows' Hall, Mam vts-eet. Members of tlie Or der are invited to attend, liy order N. J. HEUiacA i)!:ca;i:i: i.onr.i: xo. I. O. O. V., Meets on the Second and Fourth Tues day evenings each month, at 7 ' o'clock, in t he Odd Fellows' Hall. Member.sof the Degree are invited to attend. iUI-TXOMAII LODGE NO. I, A. it A. M., Holds its regular com-- A inunicat ions on the First and -Av Third Saturdays in each month, at 7 o'clock from theU'ith of Sep. teniber to the -Oth of March : and 7'4 o'clock from the '-Oth of March to the lidth r.f September. Hrethren in good standinsr are invited to attend. I'.y order of W. M. FALLS IVNCA.MPJIi:T XO. -1,1. O. O. F., Meets at (tl! I-el lows Hall on the First and Third Tues day of each month. Patriarchs in good standing are invited to attend. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY, A X D SEED STORE ! Factory Block, :::::: Oregon City 6"Afrency for the Pan Juan Lime Co. Lime sold in quantities to suit, augl-tf. Watches and Jewelry, THE FXPEKSTGXED announce to the cit izens ol' Oregon City and ' lacKarnas ouniy mar. the have just ot-ened a V Jewelry Establishment in OREGON CITY", , , ORECOX, Main street, nxt door north of Shades Sa loon, whre thv will ken on hand and for sal, all poods pertaining to their line AT THE LOWEST LIVING RATES. Especial attention given to the repairing Of Fine Time Pieces. All goods sold, and work done warranted r. , GEO- A- HAAS t SO". " Oregon City, Jan. let. ir. rn HE UNDERSIGNED mnrRl ETO R OF 1 t he El verv st a ble on Ki I t h st r-et .Oregon City, Oregon, keeps constantly on hand Saddle ami Uiifrjry Ilore, ljL;"t;cs, tarrlafs and Hacks. Prices Iieasonall(?. He will also run a hack to and from the WILHOIT SODA SPRINGS durinpr the summer season, with pood horsi-s.com pet ent and rent lema n ly drivers. FAEE AT LIVING RATES. J. M. FRAZER, Proprietor. Orcpron City, May 27, 1.S73. j o n SCHRAM, ?tlain St., Oregon City. MANUFACTURER AND 131 PORTER OF Saddles, Harness, Saddlery-IIard-wnrc, etc., etc. THICK HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS can he had in the State, at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. B ri warrant my froods as represented. " 1,0 GO DEER SKINS WANTED, ' AND ALSO, i I.Ij other kinds OF HIDES. FOR J.Y. which I will pay the hiirhca market lrice in cash P.ringon your hides and get lll CUIU lOJ llll'IU. JOHN SCHRAM. Saddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, 1873-m3. v F R R E S II SHOALWATER BAY OYSTERS! rpilrj UNDERSIGNED ANNOUNCES X. to the citizens of Orepron City that he has reopened his Oyster Saloon and Res- Diurant.and can dish out. Fresh Ovstersto nil orders. Coffee, Tea and Chocolate alwas on hand; also a pencral assort ment of confeot ionnry. Ovstrs served up i...-v-r Mieaesiren. I.OLIS SAAL, Oregon City, Sept. 26, 1373-tf. STILL n THE FIELD! REMOVED SECOND DOOR SOUTH OF HAAS' SALOON. WILLIAMS & HARDING, AT THE LINCOLN BAKERY, KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK of Family Grocris to be found in the citv. All goods warranted. Goods delivered In the city free of chanr". The highest cash prio paid for countrv produce. Oregon City, Msroft H 1?3. WILLI A 31 SI N E R n wan r r w r Si b II I. I I! K V kftt fS I l J I U El I trt'a FC R TH E MAK U FACTU R E C F c Furniture, Blinds, and Dcors, AND MOULDINGS OF A I.L SUES. They will also do Turiiins of every de scription to order, WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH I nyAll work warranted. Shop on the River, in lA-wis' Shop Opjiosite Oregon City Mills. PACIFIC BOOT AHD SHOE HOUSE, Sout Invest Fonur First ami 3IorihonMs for tl a xn , on i:ao x. IltOM THIS JiATK WE HAVE adopted the CASH BASIS AM! HIED TIMES TCICES. Come and see al satihlaei ion. 0 ns and there will he nuitu- CUSTOilEKS AT OL'E LOW PRICES A N H OCRSELV i: S A T C A S II. ttEOKGE A. PEASE, SouthweEt Corner First and Korrison Ets. Port 1 xi cl, Oi'cjroxi. August 22d, 18TS-tf. I. FALL AND WIKTER GCCCS! JCST RECEIVED AT sX:iLiiivc ?s JJEALEK IN o Dry Goods, Clothing-, .Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Orocerif s, O' Crocker-, Notions, r Ladies and Gents' FnrnishinR Goods, etc., etc., etc., etc Main Street, Orrf on City. Produce of all kinds boucht, for which I pay the highest market price. If you de sire good Goods at Low prices, call at I. S EL L I X G ' s and examine his new stock of Spring troods. Give m a call and convince yourselves. My motto is, "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS." The highest market price paid for wool. I. SELLING. Oregon City, Oct. 81, lST3-tf. 1 COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, T-ni'-nrr?r)C? -rrp-v rT oat TfrtDHT A o O O o Oo O o o o O O - r.r