". ---st i : 4,.... i 0 O ' G o o o o o O IS o OREGON CITY, OREGON, MJ.i 15 it I At e ikknt. The Salem States- Fatal count of a fatal accMent which occur rod this county, to the son ot Mr. J. II. living near Glad Tilling: James aarSodaSi-rin ,n ( taoka -M; cciilen'tally shot while Y,r li'tintins with some ronipamon .i SvU S Thursday, from the ef i . , ofvvhi.-hhehas since- died. I he f.t ?. r of the accident was extremely i . it ceniv that me i;m w a . . t i.i ........ .. 1..M ni olt on Ids trim in r that his head was ..ne i a ni ri"' .1,. IV i e V .,.r'it in range oi iuunm.i - standin ' lllts iii-j" -fi ; i " . v . . " .. . . 1.7. 1 ..v.. ,lai ('d his lore hri on me o in-' in'. went down one in ui lli-ll r, . .- of till. .mil. tviws strueK i ne r j ,i. F-iNhi" it fr enoii-h to explode the r 11 'Tl ,. whi.-h carried an ounce bni wasTiileiiar-d, the hall tak.n 't j i-t forward of the ear. in the i ,,f the hair. The nnfortnnate v' it' was two mil. s from home when ih- fatal accident ore.irreu, whither he wVs eirricd in an unconscious state. n , this state he linjrerM seven days when he did. not nuviiur recognized ny one in that time, nor seen a con ations moment. How i okkoonjws I. ikk It? A private letter from Wisconsin, under diteof the P.th inst. has this in regard tlt!lo weitlier: "We have had very t.0M weat.'ieiyince you lett. We had hl)ow' storms for three days in the last we. k of O. toher. and it was all jrone n-'aiii hv the 3 1 of November. Since tTeiiwehave had juite fair weather, U'ltil the 11th of .,veinlier when it c iiiniieiiced sno. villi again, n n ly all i lay ot t!i lltli ami i-in. ami tins will not go on muu aoout .u.v . During this entire lime we have had most be uit i ful weather here, and the prosnects are favor i lle of .laviliir no win'er li itever. At least there is no l.tii-:er .:' h;tving snow on the ground un'il M" i.v. Ilowwoiil l :m Oieonuii iko Wisconsin for a home? I'KKSoNAr.. I-ast Monday we had the pleasure of meet i n in our town lion. A.J. Dufur? Mr. li.ilur is i.ne of the Centenial Commission" irni t'lis state, ami takes epi tl int r st ia 1 1 1 saeeess of the pro-jv,s-d e -1 lr.it i n. II - inlormed us that h-.-x; -.-is n ! v;s;: oar city ajrain for tur.s ot s.iMiiiii.: to our peiiiii on th- niiijj -et and b s.iii'-it Mibscript ions to t lie ra a! il Mr. 1 ti!;ir ill io liis sli.iri t Vv'ipN Miaiioi-r tiii.-s national imd'-rtakirisr a sii'i -s. H is als- i-;iura- l in lxiiin af'.-rth i.'i'er -sis oi tie- .,Tieulturnl Socli- ty. I'i til. n niiic'n ot Mis Society presMit .. IO. r . I . ia encr.r-tic man. an. I '. I -v-. s t tcit Iiat IniUid ti? Well done. vor is worth doinir. t'AM.r.5.--We w r1 nrieli pl-ased last Mm;il;i v t' reef ive ;i u 'I ir :n our old arid highly est -'lie'. I iri-iid 1 r. V. K. Alexiin" d T. of I.ir::i eo'infy. Til ? loe!or is just r ii'ict.ii,' ironi a s -v. r araekol siekie-ss. aiel ar l f' stat- trial he is last re : f..rm T .:'.! li'-alth. Jleiu- lorin1 u t hat all is uvi lv in olii l,i:i!i, and that tiune ss iir.iects i r..' exeell -nt. He hasr-nr ' i men Hi" .rae:iceof his profes mo i and ii'i.v r sides on liis beatitif.il farm ali.i'it eient miles eat of Albany, where he n..s ii j rouoses to enjoy the rest of his d-ivs in n'i; t and in the luxury of a farm tr ' hie.-lb- is a iiie ph sieian and has (1 m iij- s';:ir to reli-vf siiireritir hum a ti ll., and w ar - lad lie i able to retire to a roi'uI'i.-.aMe and 'ae -ful home. The I'.ai.i.. As we anticipated, the ball Civ'-n by the Turn Ver -ins last Wednesday rvniri-C was a jrraml j'.T.iir. At about 9 oVloe;; t !i crow I corn iineed to arrive, aa ! s-ioa tie- beauty and fashion of t he city w. r eon:;r -iriit -ii i;i Myt-rs' Hall, and tli- m -rry il me c mm "V-cd ami was kept, uiimitb ioVi-ioit next iii'orninir. The muni- n -- ;i -:it, tiie cciipay icay and In -ipy, t;i ir '.'it I 'in-n ;;;r cable and the 1 1 les or t ; y u.id h masomely dr-ss'-d. T.t sy ' r u'lveii ly .Mi. I.. Saal w- lie;ir h.al;. , .i a o:. It aij -rtai nly I li- lial I oi in i s is ei.a'i-i will lo ai be r ui'Tii ueri d Hi!.! V r p! ia " l r lil -z l Z ci 'it . j r s 1 1 1 1 r of tue Tiirn i'i 1 a wisii ent.-j-aa.it it may soon i I.V- I Voi: til- M l.. i us s be 'fl '.Tito. An orir mization ly tie " I'irst; Spiritual of I 'l.irkmu is County, "litis il" Itctl :.a oi. yiih John II. i'hs. H. Jfanson M . k:, I I. i I;o.-..L,,-. t.a -t on iii t i !i l 1 (jU-S e i . U as l.U';tees and nicor- iv .; s, . r Iihs jmrefiased a iiiit a .r . r. I'arrot's idtieo, i t ie- !ir.;os; lo erect a house r.-r,;i.ir ni'-ctin jts. We are rc to st.,!e thiit the first ineetinir o: t.i or ' t::i. it will lie h- ld at that, place on tiio s-.-coii.l .S.itnru.'.y of Ue cember. A ri:rni ;'i. Ounamknt. While in Portland last w cii, wo were shown nvyf t! e ii iieisoim s;t ornaments in the way oj icwiTv. v.e. hive seen inr s imetiii; .. It is ."oi exhibition at the Htore of Mr. II. L. Ston , and is a new Myh tiecklaee, in-,iiut' ictured out of h.ur-e;..bl. beatitifull v t . i-t iicr, w ith a bow ,,f ). suite matcritil at the throat. i.esi.i-'s t!:ts. n il b i-.i'iful win-L- m iv lie s.-en. ev, inonds, ru; i i jewelrv of cverv o.ittern. ilia- .. pearls, etc. IK!li! KIl AN!) All ti it , ). C ipt. Hatn. Holmes it ft I,,-re last Friday for t'ali:"..) iii i, w.i. -re he hopes to regain !'is. -r A t,,!'-'r. u from him last I tesday bi-ou-iu the intelligence that ;n- in 1 saf. lv reac;u-.l San i-'itm-eis.-orjuid In I stood his iri; verv w 11. Mis in. my In, n, !s here h .;: li- may reirn i t,s - health and soon re turn t ids ( in 4iei home. I'oon AKiisi.irof. ijalgra5 a portrait painter of W; shin-ton City, has U en in our tow n for the past two iiioi.tlis enira TP d in his profession. e has paint, ii the picturt s of Mr. and -;1i-n. A. .1. At. person. Mr. and Mrs. i.aroe.;!!", nini one of ti ne late lr. l.ar- iay. i;, execution f t he work is of and shows the a supi-rior eiiaraeter, At t it I., i ... .... ie j-ericct oi li is profession. CoMt: li u-K.-Mr. Wm. I i iskill, a eit U"ii for many years of this place, hut r 'btly of Tillamook, .-.turned lure 1 ist week with the int-Miti n of makiii" cay l)s future home. He taints in -,n l 'itv a pn ttv ;ood place I.iat is tne opinion of dl after 'hey have U-.-u absent for a while. tiKANoK Or.cAM.KK. 1 euty Mar- 'ial HI. Korbes nrsaiiieil Molalla firatiLre No. :, in this county, aliout t.ie lt of NovemlM'r. I. S. Nover was th-cted Master and I. J. Howard Sec retary. The liian-e now has itl mein b -rs. with a ool prospect for a lare itierease. r,K('Tt r.K. We are re p. ested to irive notice that Mr. Ievi Iceland, of this e.mnty. will lecture in this city, on Tuesday eveiiintr, the -Jd of lcceinher. Mr. Inland's reputation as a irood J-i-eakiT and interestine; one, will le siiiJi i-ient irutinintee that l.e w ill have a Cfowdcd hollso. Ho mi-:. Rodney Tompkins, who has W n looking atter his stock in Ivistem (be-oU, 11 tiirned httne last Wednes d ay . (.;..,), Newman, who was out with Mr. h.n-i 's survevimr partv in I" tah r-iurne.l home last Satnrdav. The s all seeni jrlail to -j-et hack to Cre R"h('itv. F"u, Fai t V man named Nolan fell . the railroad bridtxe near Port hst uice of 41) feet, from the ef- :"' ts of u !l lived ,u.,r :- h he died. It ;s stated he Milwaukie, in this county. At,. ,1. "oi- r report states that his name "s .M-W IU n. A 1.1. (1 ' 'r-iTiKn. Everv dwellins: l.M, ltl i.nr t.iu-n :.. : .,1 1 j'111' a r,;V lntJte wouM bei jf we had : Pni- I Removed. Messrs. Williams A Harding of the Lincoln Bakery, have removed from their old stand to the building formerly south ef Mr. Haas' saloon, when? they ar.j better prepared than ever to supply the wants of their old customers and solicit new ones. They now have a very hand some place, Give them a call. Second Crops. Since we made a note of the matter that certain parties raised sec ond crops of pear3 this year, we hear of a larire numler of ersons who have had trees bear this year two full rro.ns. We are also informed that Mr. Wm. Holmes, livinsr on the hill near this city, has raised two crops oi raspberries this season. This a wonderful country. Thanks. We acknowledge the receipt of McOormick's Almanlc for the year 1ST4. It is put up in neat pamphlet form and has seventy-two rajres. Its contents comprise much valuable statistical information r t ative to Oregon, Washinirtori and Maho Territories, tims of holding the iliifer-nt courts, the state, Territoritorial and judical olticers, etc., etc. Mover Mrs. M. M. riiaiinan has mov ed into her new residence. It is one of the finest in the city, and the work reflects credit on the builders, Messrs. Hedges A Bintrman, and the paintinz and finishing is done in a superior manner by Mr. Geo. Iark. Tjtanicsoivino Snnviri:. Appropri ate Thanks;i vintr services were- held in this city in the Episcopal and Method ist Churches and the dav very trener ally ol isorved. some of our business houses beino; losed the entire dav. Tricks Reduced. Messrs. S. Aekerman A Co. uive notice in to-day's paper that they have reduced the prices of t heir zoods for SO days.and offer to rurchasers superior inducements. !ive them a cull. They have a large stock and will sell cheap. County Court. The County Court meets next Monday for probate business and the Commissioners, Jud-res Wait, Sawtell and Sbarn, meet on Wednesday for general count v business. llETruNKD-( has. liarelay, who has been absent for nearlv a year attending school at lieneeia, returned home last Sunday evening. Cam.ed. We had a eall from Mr. Samuel llobinson, aeent for Painter it Co., typo dealers, Sin Francisco, last Tuesday. liAM ixfj School. We are informed that Prof. Cardinell will orzanizea dancing class in Miis city next week. The Professor understands his business. 1ikv. (.'apt. Alexander Dodae, an old citizen of Portland, died in that citv last Wednesday. Wn.L Sj'Kak. Mrs. A. J. Iuniwav, wp see by posters, will speak at the Court Hons : this evening. Nkahlv Un viiy. The nv brick of C. v. Pope A Pros, is nearly complete and ready for occupancy. The lionrd of Delegates of the Oregon City 1 "ir lep:irtment meet next Wednes day evening. lingular monthly meeting of the City Council next Monday evening. Speaking of the former country of tiie Moilocs, the Vreka Journal says: Messrs. (lood.vyn iv Cameron, with a larete band of sheep and a band of about twenty head o" thoroughbred rams, had haj".i lunioer and intended to locaU- nettr il )o i v Point, but owintr to the far-t of t lien.- b ing thr e or f ur Modoc liin'!;s and some siti:iws still in the Iiva I'fds, they -oiiclui.el to move to Iost river, opposite ilall's I'.inch. Tii" wlin'i" country i'. being spccdil y ibl led tip by s ttb rs. and it Will not be b-ii-r lM-fore the Ijost river and Ij iva I'od vi -inity will become a prosperous and wealthy country. The TIawk-Fyo of iast S.iturday says : " We w.tc shown al 'tter, by Mr. Crain fi-om a brother in Minnesota, written Nov. thid, which stated that they had been en i' yinu: line slayitir for two weeks. 'Oli the sh.hip d.iy t h it we sa w this letter. Cnele Jimmy ioodehild hron-jrht i:it our olliee some line spe cimens of ripe strawberries, which he h id just icked from tiie vines in his trardeu. Who hs the advantage in climate, now, think yo-.i? John Frodmore hits iwon arrested in Union count v for stealing cattle be longing to A. Kvnoarson. He waived an oxaminf iaon and his binds were placed at S.VV) which lie has not yet given. This is the second arrest for t he same kind of an off use, he having been indicted by the (Jrand Jury and given bonds for his appear ance, at the next term of court. The Otegonim says: Our Oakland correspondent wrifes under date of the tT. J, and says: "Sunday to-day and Sunday in reality most beautiful day fougy in the morning and cleared off by l A. M. What do Fistein people think of good roads and llowcrs in bloom at this time of the year?" Mr. A. S. Watt, formerly of Yamhill county, but now residing in Forest (irove, disposed of his farm, lying some three and a half miles northwest of Fifavette, to Mrs. L. F. Hannah and Mr. A. Flack iiurn, of (iervais, for $11.0-;j. The farm contains l.T-3 acres of land. Washington, Nov. 'l'he Com missioner of the General Fand Olliee has informed Delegate McFaddon, of Washington Territory, that the public surveys will next spring be extended over San Juan and other islands in the line of Northwest boundary, recentlv in dispute bet ween (beat Fritain and the United States. Washington. Nov. 2rt. The Annual lie port of the Commissioner of Inter nal Revenue shows that the a-rgregate receipts for the fiscal vear will bo t?100 -000. 000. The Pacific Oii Fellow. We are in receipt of the first number of a paper with the above title, publish ed in San Francisco by Joseph AVin terburn & Co., and edited by Samuel York At Lee. The paper, as its name indicates, is devoted to the interests of Odd Fellowship, and the specimen copy certainly indicates that it will be a useful as well as interesting ac cession to the literature of our Order. It is sustained by the most active and energetic Odd Fellows of California. The suosciption for a single copy is S3, and to clubs of ten or more $2 50. We wish it abundant success, and can confidently reeoramcni it to the Order. The Patrons of Husbandry pronose to celebrate the anniversary of the order at Junction City, Lane county, on the 1th of next month. Hon. J. H. Smith, of Linn county (not Hi) ia to. deliver an address. It will be a goo, one. as our friend John Henry ' is a first class speaker. I Territorial News Items. Mr. J. N. Gale has purchased tiie Olvmpia Echo. The track of the Utah Southern railroad will be connected to Provo this week. Tacoma is making her sidewalks of sawdust. It will he a softer bed for dread drunks than asphaltuin. Five hundred and forty-seven Mor mon immigrants arrived at Salt Lake City on the 11th. They are mostly from England. A Lodge of the Knights of Tvthi- as was organized was organized in Salt Lake City i Sundaj", Nov. 17th, by I,, p. Pie on Catty, Deputy Grand Chancellor of the State of t amorniji. In the last issue of the Idaho Sig nal J. M. Dormer, who Ins for sonie time been the editor and proprietor of that paper, announces that he has withdrawn from its management. Peter Matte, a half breed and James Gath, whom we stated a few weeks ago were suspected of murder iug "NV. W. Goodwin, of Pendleton, have been arrested an 1 confessed their crime. The stage driver. Pencil, who was hurt by the up netting of a stage near Boise City a fe v days ago, is likely to lose his leg if not his life, as the result of the accident and bad agement of his wounds. man - The Sheriff of Walla Walla county offers a reward of t-i3(X), for the arrest of the Indian who murdered James Corrigle. Many citizens of Walla Walla know the Indian by sight, and with the reward as a stimulant his capture is almost certain. A Washington Territory paper strikes a note of the times in this fashion; "Farmers selling their wheat for 10 cents a bushel and coun ty officers iai J at the rate of :$,000 a year. Our Legislative Solons should have a vote of thanks." The Walla Walla Statesman says: ' Within tlis last week a large num ber of immigrants have come in from Montana tiie majority of them with the intention of making permanent homes in this valley. The low price of produce in Montana wheat '20 cents a bushel and the general de pression in all branches of trade, is fast driving people out of that coun try. m Massachusetts Re.lceuicd. The San Franciaco JC.amincr thinks that the returns of the late election in Massachusetts deserve to be care fully studied. They show more pow erfully than those of any other State to how great a depth has penetrated the disgust of the peopl with the Radical party. We believe that the neit Governor of Massachusetts will be a Democrat, aud that thenceforth the Old Bjly State will be as hard to turn baek to hr evil courses as she has been to turn from them. Revo lutions never go backwards, and the revolt of the Massachusetts people against the Radical party is perma nent. Let the following figures tes tify to the truth of what we have said: Massachusetts, which gave Grant 74, 000 majority, now elects Washburn Governor by a scanty lii,000 or 13,000 majority. All the large cities show heavy Democratic gains. Boston and for a wonder Worcester have been carried by the Democrats. The Democrats have tleclcd eleven Sena tors to one last year, and seventy Representatives to twenty-three last vear. On: ItusKiivns. In these times of financial panic and monetary disas ter it is quite gratifying to know that our reserve forces crops on hand are still our friends who aio good for the direst emergency and can help tts if they are allowed the chance. The cotton crop may be put down at. 4.000.000 bales. This at a fair estimate, will vield the enor mous sum of .?2o(:,0(M),U()0. As this entire sum goes into the avenues of trades during the next three months and passes through the banks there is no danger of business diilienlty. The crops of the West and North west, though not susceptible of so close an estimate a", the cotton crop, may be set down at $:00,000,000. There is immense satisfaction and certain confidence to be drawn from these figures. Our crops are sure, reliable help ers in time of need and with their certain aids we can bid defiance to panic and disaster. Monitor. Wants Moke Pkotection. A dif- patch from Philadelphia, under date of the 20th, says that the American Iron and Steel Association met here to-day. The Secretary submitted a sttit istical report showing the condi tion of the iron trade in the United States. The report says that by the end of this month fully one-half of the furnaces in this country will be blown out. and suggests an increase of duty on imported pig iron from $6 HO to ?3 per ton as a measure of relief. , Two men arrived at the Dalles from the new gold mines on Friday of last week, from we learn that a number of pockats ol coarse gold had been found. The miners seem to have got new confidence and will proceed with the opening of their claims. - Boss Tweed has been sentenced to twelve years' imprisonment in the county jail of New York. He was found guilty on 191 accounts in which he had combined with others to defraud the city. Will Sliv Up. Baltimore is mak ing brandy out of peach-skins. Those who drink it will slip up prob able. Congress. The 43d Congress of the United States will convene at Washington City on Monday next. M.VKRIKI). Tn this citv, Nov. 21, IST?, bv IV-v. J. A. Wirth, Mr. John w. Hi,ACKWELLand Miss ROSAMOND I Sl'OOXF.B. Olympic pa.)rs pleas' copy. Compliments received. We hope their journey through life may be sunshine and happinews. Tiik Parkkh G i'X.-Ve take pleas ure in calling attention of our Valley friends to the wonderful merits of the double-barreled breech loading shot guns manufactured by Parker Broth ers. West Meriden, Conn. The highest testimonial received from all sections of the country, and the thorough test given it in the field by our friend Capt. Jreen B. Samuels, w arrant us in asst rung mat ii is me lx?st breech-luadimr shot gun in the world. Tiie simplicity of construction, t ho ease with which it can be loaded or unloaded, the facility with which the load can le changed from small to large shot enabling the sportsman, in an instant, to adapt his change to any sized game that may present itself the ease with which it ihay be kept clean, its availability to a country where noth ing but muzzle-loading ammunition can le procured, all combine to recom mend it to every sportsman who can appreciate a iteffect fowling piece. "Warren Sentinel ;" (Front Royal, Ya.) TJiXT-r.OOKS. The undersiirncil having been appointed aent tor Clackamas county will sell t'ortKl days, whnn ordered by school or district, for introduction at the following rates : Hcttiil Price" Intro. Itutes Pacific Coast first Header '2o " Second It-ad T oe ' Third Header 75 " Fourth Head T 1 11 filth Header 1 25 Hopkins' Manuel of Amer ican Ideas, in lieu of tith licadT 1 50 Hi 3.!', 5t MS 100 J. M. HACOX Oregon City, Oct. 1st, ISTo. Text Books. The following textbooks can be had at my store until January 1st, ls71: Clark's Beginner's (Irammar Clark's Normal Grammar , 7e 50 1 :v Montieth's introduction to Cieojrrapliy I'aeilic ( oast Kdition Mont let h' I'livslcal and Intermediate Geography I'aeilic Coast Kdition Steele's fourteen Weeks In 'liemistrv 1 00 in Pliilosopbv l mi " in Physiology I (: Wood's Botanist and Florist ".. 1 70 Paeitlc Coast I'irst Header Hi-'a Second H -adi-r .ti1, " Third Header 50 " " Fourth Header Filth Header Kil, " S;ieler 1': Hopkins' Manual in lieu tith Leader 1 00 Others will be added as soon as f hev an received. JOHN MYF.HS. Irving- Advertisement. A medicine that has done mors than all the proscriptions of the parmaeopicia to protect the human system against the bodily ills sujKrindueed by unhealthy surroundings, is certainly worthy of uni versal coiili.Jence. It is mainly on account of its extraordinary preventive properties that Hostcttcr's Stomach Bitters is so ex coediligly jopular In localities subject to the visitation of miasmatic fevers and other diseases produced by emjioisoned ;iir. A family that litis escaped sickness during a sickly season in coneequeiiee of usin the iiilO-rs as a safeguard, is a living advertisement of the virtues of the prepar ation. The whole neighborhood realize the ffct. "I couldn't have believe it," says one, "I scarcely credited the advertise ments; but one must believe wlia one sees," says another. "It is the very thing we need in this unwholesome section m country," remarks a tnird. And the re sult is that t lv instinct of self-defence, the tirst law of nature, indues three-iourt lis ol that .community to obtain a supply of the gre;.t vegetable antidote bi-iore' the tifit sickly season sets in. In winter when t he sysl em requires extra vigor and elasticity to enable iL to halite the eirects of damp ami cold, the Bitters will be found particularly serviceable. Klietim.it isni will not be apt to lasti-n upon muscles and n.-rves t hat ha ve lx.cn braced up by this excellent invigorant and nervine ; nor will the severities of the s-'ason, which have such a disastrous dfect on the pulmonary organs of t he feeble and delicate, l.e iikel to exercise the same untoward Influences in cas s u here t lie stom ach u mi I lie exter nal surface of the body (which always sympatlii.es with the digestive organs) have been toned and stimulated by a course of the restorative. The first of in-oigc-t ion and irregularities of the bowels which pr'K-cecl irom sudd-n changes of weather may always be averted by a time ly use ol the Hiit.-rs. Butter and cheese are almost indispensa ble articles of loo!. Properly used, they are nut ri. ions and healthy; hut an inordi nate use of eit hT causes indigestion and dyspepsia. J'firvon.' j'uriir J'i', judici ously used, will remove hot h ol these troub les. Have you ague in I he face ; and is it bad ly swollen ; i la vi: you severe pain ;n the clu st , bade, or side? Have you cramps or pains in I lie stomach or bowels? Have you bilious colic or severe griping pains? If so, use. Juinsoii.t' Anodyne lAniiwut in ternally. Cottoii-woun victims whose lungs arc racked and torn with paroxysms that I lir. a en to choke you, all that you have to i.o is to take J(i(h''s llnufjf of J Itirrhmintl am J'nr. A rapid euro is certain. Crilten ton's, VI h Avenue. Sold by all Hruggists. 1'iko's Toothache I'ropscure in 1 minute. OUSTAC'I-ISS TO JI.VIUHAUE. Happy 11 -lief for Young Men from the elfectsof Krrors and Abuses in inrl.i inc. M a n hood rest or- d. Impediments to Mar riage removed. .New method ot ' treatment.. N"w and remarkable remedies. Books and ciiculars sent tree( in sealed envelopes. Address, IIOWAHb ASSi u IATK N, No. -1 South Ninth St., Philadelphia, l'a., an In stitution having a Ii igh re put at ion for hon orable conduct and professional skill. iiovO :ly For the very best photographs, go to Brad ley A. Itulofson'stbilery without STAIBS A tit-cud in tiie Klevalor, I2'.l Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California. KIND WaSDS. The Associated Informed Vrrsbjtrrian says: For years Perry I avis' Pain-Kil er has been known as a most useful family medicine. For pains and aches wu know not hing so good as the Pain-Killer. l or many internal diseas- s it is equally go d. Wu speak Irom experience, and testify to what we know. No tamily ought to be without a bottle of I:ivis' I 'ain-Ki ller. MKssns. PrrtRY Davis & Son, Prov., R. I. limit: Although a stranger to you I am not. to your in va luabp- medicine, J 'ain-Ki t-h-r. I "formed its acquaintance in 1S-17 and I am on most intimate terms wit h it still ; my experience in its use confirms my be-li-f t hat t here is no medicine equal to Pain Killer for the quick and sure cure (f Sum mer i"omplainls,Sore Throat,! roup.Bruises and Cuts. 1 have us-'d it in all and tound a speedy cure in everv case. Yours Truly, T. J."UAKl)IXER, M. D. Judging by our own cxjierienre whoever once makes a trial of Perry I a vis' Fain Killer, will not tail to recommend it id dy as an unequalled liniment, and valuable internal remedy tor colds and various ot her complaints. livery M'tnlh. The efnltiov of I Trv Davis world-re-nmvn.'il l'ain-Killrr tn ill! diseases of t he bowels, even m that terrible scourg", the Asiatic cholera, has been amply attested by the most convincing nuthority. -Missionaries in China and India have written home in commendation of this remedy in terms that should carry convict ion to t he most sk-pticil, while its 'popularity in com munities nearr home is h tuple pr.xf that tte virtu -s claimed for it are real and tan gible. Among familv medicines it stands u n ri valed. Hilton Couriir. The S'ifiir'ai Kvrn'g Ciazfttc of Boston, says: It is impossible to find a place on this broad land where I'crry Davis' I'aiv Kii.lf.r is not known as a" most valuable reuiedv lor physical pain. In the country, miles from physician or apothecary, the ruin-Killer is cherished as the exclusive panacen, and it never deceives. "Perry Davis' Pain-Kit.ler is really a valuable medicament, and, unlik most of the articles or th" dav, is usd bv manv physicians. It is particularly desirable in locations wher physicians are not near; and, bv keeping it at hand, families will often save the necessity of sending out at midnight for a doctor. A bottle should be kept in every house." Uoxton Traveller. We have tested the Pain-Kii.i.er, and assur" our readers that it not onlv possess es all the virtues claimed for it, but in many instances surpasses any other rem edy v have ever known," Hemlrt of Goa ri. L.ihrtj. novlPml i DR. PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION is very strongly recommended by the Medi cal Faculty and is largely prescribed among their female patients. It Is worthy of all confidence as may be seen from the following testimonial : Atlanta, III., July 14th, 1S73. Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buiralo, N. Y. .- Dmr Sir I have not words to express my cmtitudeto you for your advice and assistance in my cas,'. There is not one no nas not used your medicines since they have been brought here but that can say with me they have been greatly bene fited. Since I have been so helcd"its use six or seven around me leit ofT all doctors and other medicines, and now use it in their families, after being cured of the same discus" as mine. You do not know what a wonder it created in our city, by its restoring m-sister I write you alxut, for she hud b -en under the care of three of our Ix'St doctors but could not sit up but for a few minutes at one time. I begged of her to try your medicines, and before she had" used half of the bottles she could go all around the yard, and has just come home from a visit live mil s awav. Mrs. THUS. McFARBAND. 2s KW TO-DAY. PRICES REDUCED! Groat I3ariraiii.s ! IP O Ii 3 O 13 A Y S! rpiIE rNDERSICSNKD WILB SEBt, ALL J. kinds of merchandise at GREATLY REDUCED RATES UBTIL T II E 1st OF JANUARY, 1S74. ?ive us a call and examine our (ioods and Prices. N. At KelltriAN t!t CO. Oregon City, Nov. -'s-td. Referee's Sale of Reil Estate 0:1 Partition. In the Circuit Court of tho S'o'.f of Oregon, for the County of Clue kit nuts. Thomas Charman, Plaintiff. v.s KIiikt V.. Charman ' l'iinaril l.t iiarmau. Defendants. Mary M. i barman. TJ Y VIIITCE OK A CERTAIN JUDG I incut and decree of partition and sale made in the above entitled action, in said Court, on the twenty-third (iird) day ol Sej tember, lS7;f, the subscriber, a referee for that ptirpos duly apiMihit'd, Mill sell at public auction to the highest, bidder on .Holiday, lle T we til y-Ni is t li (f-jytb.) lnj of Dricnilirr, li7:, at t ho 1; our of one ( 1 ) o'clock, p. m., of said day, at the 'otirt House door in Oregon City, Clackamas County, state ot Or 'gon, c -rtain real estate directed by said judg ment mid d cree to he sold, and t 'ler.-in described as follows : The sout h half of lot iiiuii ! t t hree (.i),in block number t wo CJ), in said Oregon city, lackamas County, stale of I iregon. Terms of Sate : One-half of the purclia.se money I o be paid on t lie day ol t lie sale, in United States gold coin : remaining halt to be paid on or le-lore t wo years irom day of sale, in gold coin, at o;tion of purchaser; the unpaid irtion of the purchase money to dra w interest at ten per cent . per n nu m from day of sale, and to b" secured by ruortgage on said r al estate ; said interest to be paid seiiii-.-mniiallv. AIM lll'It WARNER, Referee. IIUKl.AT.V W.MtltKN, Atfys for Plaintiff in Partition. Novemb r 2S, l.sT.i. ov SALS Y VIIlTl'i; OK A DECREE AND ICXE I cut ion issued out of I lie Circuit. ourt of I ii" st at" of ur 'gon, for the lountyof Cliickamas, to m ' iiir.-ct 'd, in favor 1st of Jacob Wort man for the sum of Jiiiil JO-Mi), gold coin, wii h int rest and cost of uisburs ments:nd in favor of s. Aekerman lor fll-Jsii-liM, gold coin, with interest and cost ol disbursements: ."rd in favor of Thomas Charman for f'i Ki Sii-Ii'O, gold coin, with in terest, a nd cost s of disbursements, and all aginst Rebecca K. Barlow; now, therefore, I have levied nou the enst half of I he northeast "-j of sect ion eight , a i:d the east hall of tie- west half of tic nortlvast. i of section S, and the southeast quarter of sec tion 8, and I he east half ol" the east 3tf of the southwest ! of section . all in town ship 1 sout h, ra nge 1 east of l he Willamette Meridian, containing "-': acres, more or less, situated in t 'lackamas County, Oregon ; ami m Mo ml ay, the 'Z'Mi I.:v t IJccer.iber, A. !., ls.;;i, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., at the Court 1 louse door in regon City, Oregon, I will sell at public auction for cash paid to me in hand, all of R"lecca K. Barlow's in terest in ihe above described r 'al estate, or enough thereof to satisfy execution, costs and accruing cost s. A. IIEPOES Sheriff of lackamas County. November 2Sth, 1ST.'?. vl" HOT3CS- rgiHEHF. Wild. BE A MEETING OF THE JL Stockholders of the I iregon itv Hack and Dray Comrnny, at their ofMce, in Ore gon City, Oregon.on Saturday, the L!th day of December next, for the jmrpos of dis solving the cor i -oration, i n accordance wit h a resolution of a majority of the stock holders this dav mad " and entered of re c ord. C. N. (J RE EN MAN, Attest : President. J. M. Fn.AZEit, Secretary. Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 10, 1S73. i.fJS: ..n) i-AtJIl a v 1.M..S., nun C)LOJn:i IM..VTK. Published Uuar lerly, at Onlsa Year. First, No. for 1X71 just issued. A German edition at same price. Address, .IAMKS VK'li. NovlIw2 Iio-lehf er, N. Y. Notice to (mlitors. In the tnalter of the Estaf? of Mary I'ros- s -r, d ec 'ased. VHTli'K IS HEREBY GIVEN BY TIIE x i undersigned, that he has been a; pointed by t he County Court of Clackamas count y. State of Oreeon, Administrator ol the Estate of Mary Pross -r, deceased, and all persons having claims against said Estate, are required to present the same, with the proper vouchers, within six months from the date of this notice, to me at my residence, near Oregon City, lack amas county, state of Oregon, or at Huelat it Warren's otticc. In Oregon City, in said county and State. ARTHUR WARNER, Administrator of the Estate of Mary Prosser, deceased. Oregon City, November 12. lsT.'t. 5w .Notice of Final Nettleiimit. IN THE COI7NTY COCJIT OF CtAI SAMAS COUNTY, STATK F OKKCJON. Intfipvinttroflhr estate of If try Han-ion, tlrcr'tsiil ; 1 RSON CLKASOX, ADMINISTRATOR I of tbe above entitled estate, having filed his final report, accompanied with proper vouchers, in the aliove entitled Court, with prayer for final settlement ; it was ordered and adjudged by t he Court that Monday, the 1st day of December, A. J .. 1ST:!, be and the same is hereby set ai art tor settlement of said estat- at which time all parties interested can appear and tile their objections to such settlement, if any they h ive .1. K. WAIT, County Judge. Attest: R. F. CAC FIELD, Countv Clerk. JOHNSON A McCOWN, Attorneys for Administator. STILL IN T II E FIELD! VILLIA(VJ5 & HANDING, AT TIIE LINCOLN BAKERY, KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK of Family Groceries to be found in the citv Ml goods warranted, oooas aenerea In the citv free of charge. The highest cash price pa id for count ry produce. Oregon City, March -S, 1S73 TO LET. m-r, nrvAM i-niniFHI.V orrrPiFD I ast he Council Chamber, in Dr. Thes uinz' hrlck truildinff. Apply this ffl. CEES. H. CTJJTIELX), DEALER 7A' GENERAL MEECIIANDISE, - COEXER OF SEYEXTU AND STREETS, OR EG 02? CITY, lias Just Received a New Stock of Calicoes, Dress Goods, Crown and lileached Sheetings, House Lining, Shirtings, Table-Linen, Irish Bosom Linens, Linen Towelling, Table-Cloths, Corsets, Ladies' and Gents Hose, Thread, Cambrics, Buttons, Ribbons, Laces and Insertions, Embroidery, White Goods, Millinery, Fancy Goods, &e. Also, a full assortment of q LADIES' AND CHILDERN'S SHOES, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, "Wicks and Chimnejs, AVliich Have bee el ted with special tare for tikis niurkrt unit unuot BE Sl ItPASSED IN tit'ALITY OK rRIC'K. THE IIXt;iIIT SI A UK KIT I'UICKPAII) H)li COUNTHY PROIJUCE, March IX lb73:tf ' TO THE CITIZENS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY: GREAT KEDUCTIOX 1 DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, ETC. o Wl.vG TO TIIK FAILING HEALTH OF A. LEVY, IT IS OUU PURPOSE TO OFFER our entire .Stock of Goods at Greatly Keilut eil liitfs, in order to close out our mJlMEXSE FALL STOCK! LEVY J Six OS., Socontl door uortli if tiie PostoIIic-, 3Iin street, Oregon City. ItM h tf J . J. S. Coleman's Com- SgfPA f f BTI g OvWLiUsiLVfdi'ril fj) pound Extract oi cuc;il.vj)-La Kg&Z&m i I Jl tiisisiiprtparaii.iiiootiiiiinintcall t lie valuable iiudieal i.uaiti.s 01 t he Eucalvpt us. which is cuinvat. d in m-arly . very t aliiorma jrani.-r, K.r it ni. oical utility havuiK be-com- tli' housilieild nniedy Mr all diseas.-s ol t he KlDSHYs III '. n.l rif I ' V CKN Vl o 'OKU'VNS SS;mfm ,U 'ohaVe a dmKS-Srfh , . i OAh'' utl'-'irsurniumlmssanacuros tin ni hv its ult. rativt- healinc and balsamic pniperties more . lror-tually t ban any othor knoun n imdv ' C It is an invaliial.l. r. ni dy tor all disvasi s oi Mw to. . nsMKK-UrriS, HAVH.XU VOLUJl. XALXJiA 1) I Ji I AY ''.'' v j vi i- i . i-T-1 i.-x ,SIA. LliUCt)i:i:llEA, tc. i nui, )ti Harmless, niuoue, unu is a sp. - treatment ol I he malarious levers of our int. ranteU to eure any ciisi; oi i- i: . f,u l llns preparation is tie-r.-sult of Dr. Colo man's exKri,nents with t ho ncdicinal iiroc crti. soi the tree in the I . s. .Msr.ne Hospital in Sa , 1 -ram- seo " it nft Ts". Vbefe he had unusual lacihties tor test ,n I in; various methods oi rr-ps,nK th " int'ttv and ,ts us -s. it can be r.-hed upon as certain to Rive the , romi.d rWnltr , ,d I unorVds of testimonials ot its efiicacy can he seen at his olliee n , ic.-irr . v it. , t 'w 'l,10., os OI VnLJiAMX'S DOUBLE KXTIi ACT (' 7?c'( ll A 1 eV"'s- it .. , . !1 an Irancisco. nit; to in reel ions, wniie i lie uuiiiiiii resu u s oi i ne usna i I i uin ;n: an arsenical remedie for those diseases are. entirely avoided FOR PHYSICIANS, Coleman's Fluid Extract of Eucalvntus in l-n. JSv, bottles, lh-ware ol imitat ions, and take af53 f M V 7r.K ? sale everywhere, and bv HixlL-M'si-f LU.-A U iy H E-fi Co- WholeaUe Uruggists, Portland, Sole Agents fa ijpfc-fi Li a ti sW iejiuu. THOMAS CHAR Ttl A U ESTABLISHED 1S53. ESIKES TO IXI ORM THE CITIZENS of Oreiron Citv and of the Willamette Vallev. that he' is still on hand and doing business on the old motto, that A Ximlle Six Pence it Better than a Sloir SJiilliny. 1 have just returned from Sau Francisco, where I purchased one of the LARGEST A?3 uEST SELECTED STOCK Or GOODS pver before ottered in this city ; and consists in part, as follows : Hoots and Shoes, Clothing, lry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Taints and Oils, Sash and Doors, Chinaware, Qucensware, Stoneware, Crockery, Platedware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing TAtcnt Medicines, Goods, Fancy No- Rope, Fuming Hons of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc., Of the above li&t. I can say my stock is the MOST C O 11 P L. K T E ever ottered in this market, and was seletcd with especial care lor t he Oregon City trade. All ol which I now olfer lor sale at the Lowest Market Ra es. No use for the ladies, or any one else, to t hink of going to Port land to buy goods lor I am D' termtnul to Sell Cheap and not to allow mj sell to he 13DEHS0LD IX THE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables me to know the re quirements oi the trade. Come one anil all and see lor yourselves that the old stand ol THOMAS CIIAKMAN cannot be beaten in quality or price. It would be useless lor me to tell you all the advantages I can otter you in the sale of goons, sis every store that advertises does that, and prooably you have been disap pointed. All I wish to say is Coiiir, and SlT.iihiI Examine for Yoursrlvrs fori do not wish to make any mistakes. My object is to tell all my old lriends now that 1 am still .alive, arid desirous to sell goods ehen p, tor cash, or upon such terms us agreed uj-on. Thanking all lor tire liber al patronage heretofore bestowed. THUS. CHAUMAN, Main Street, Oregon City, Legal Tenders and Countv Scrip taken at market rates. Tiles. CHAItM AN. y0i.00 lbs wool wanted by THUS. CHAUMAN. JOHN 8CKRAM, Main St., Oregon City. MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF SailtllpiL Ilarnrm. iir- sn.llerr.llartl- uarr, etc etc. 7HICII HE OFFEKH AS CHEAP AS can be had in the State, at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. warrant my goods ai represented. Oregon City, April 17, P?72-rf. r's -r. I ciai pr.-jural ion lor t lie - rior vn lleys, a no is war- - i i; t r.-at.-d wit Ii it aee-.i-.i- sc none but 'ohmin's. 1 ''S-W i oOmay ISTSyl. V. 11. liK.IIFIELl). EK(Hllis:teI since '-19, at (lie old ttnnd. Slain Slrt't't, Or.jroii City, Oregon. 2 An assortment of Wat lies. Jewel 7 ry.and Seth '1 hoinas' Weight Clocks J- .'ft all oi which are warranted to be as i-rf reprcseiitel. B-" Repairing done on short notice, and thankiul for past patronage. WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL GRCCERY, A N D SIKD STORE ! Factory Elock, :::::: Oregon City t?Ag ney for the San Juan Lime Co. Lime sold in quantities to suit, augj-tf. Shei-iJlV Sale! EY YIKTUE OF AN EXECUTION is sued out of the t ircuit Court of the Mate ot Oregon lor the t ounty ot . lackn mas. to me directed, in favor ol J. M. 1 reck, I laintitr, and against 1 arret Paitiiatier.de leiniant, lor I he sum o! one hundred and sixty-seven dollars and eighty-six onc-hun-uretiths, (?l(.7..s.), gold coin, together with eosts ami disbursements : now, t in relore, I have levied uj on the real estate, described as follows, to-wit : I.eginningat a point Id and 7tM(H chains south andtwentj chains est ot the northeast corner it section number u.i, in township a south, range 4 east, in Clackamas County, Oregon, thence west 20 chains; thence south 40 chains ; thence east L'o chains; tin nee north -10 chains, to the j lace ot beginning; contain ing eighty i.) acres, more or less; and on Saturday, 29th Day of November, A. D.,1873, at the Court House door, in Oregon Cit3', Clackamas (.ounty, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., 1 m ill sell at public auc tion, to the highest bidder, lor cash paid to nu- in hand, all oi said defendant's interest in I he above described real est at e,or enough thereof to satisly execution, costs and ac cruing costs. A. F. HFDGES, Sheriff. ly iiK.Mtv Hepges, Deputy, ictobcr "!H h , 1S7S. wl. FALL AND WIKTER GCGDS! JUST RECEIVED AT HALING DEALER IN Dry Goods, Clothing, Dootsand Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, Crockery, Notions, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods, O etc., etc., etc., etc Main Street, Oregon C'i(y. Produce of all kinds bought, for which I pay the highest market price. It you de sire good Goods at Low prices, call at I. S Ji I. I. I A (7 and examine his new stock of Spring ods. Give me a call and convince yourselves. My motto is, "QriCK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS." The highest market price paid for wool, I. SELLING. Oregon City, Oct. 31, 187:l-tf. WANTED AGENTS For our great pictorial work, just Issued, en lied A LA CALIFORHfA, O R SJvflflirs of Lift' in llic Coldrn Statr. p. Y THE I.ATK CO I.. ALBERT EVAN'S. A Beautiful Octavo. Splendidly Illustrated. Vivid Pen Pietu-es of Life in California, ect., etc. Agents also wanted for the "RMKUAL CF AMERICAN IDEAS." A most invaluable vr-rfc for every Ameri can citizen, octavo, ii-Vt ages. Also Just issu d, Farmers' Journal anrl Account Book, Send lor terms ujion these raj id selling: books. A. L. 1!AN( POFT A CO. ii.j2-7w San Francisco, Cal. 1,000 DEER SKINS W ANTED, AXD ALSO, 4 LL OTHER KINDS OF HIDES, FOR which I will pay the highes market price in cash Pring on your hides and get yourcoin forthem. JOHN SCHRAM. Saddle and HarnessWaker. Oregon City, Crrgon, Julj- 11, lS"S-mS. Stoclcliolder.s' ZMceting. rpiIE ANNUAL MEETING OF TIIE I Stockholders of the V. F. CAL. Co. for t he purpose of electing Directors, will be hold'-n at the ofnee of Ihe romrnrt ! Linn itv. on Mondav. December 1st. 1S73. at 10 o'clock, a. m. . P. GOLDSMITH, PriWU o o o O o o t o o o o 0 o (' G o o o I O o o o e o o u 1 ' o -