O o O o o o o o o o o o THE EHTEBFHIB OIiEGb.CITV, OREGOX.Ot'TOBER IUS73. The Kesult. The election for Congressman last Monday passed off very quietly and the result so far we can learn is entirely satisfactory to all concerned. The canvass has been conducted, with out excitement. Xesrnith having two days the start was never overtaken by his opponent who on the start got sand in his eyes. At the Repub lican Convention held in All any on the 11th ult., by the platform adopt ed andlthe nomination made, many of the best Republicans were irre sistibly invited Cto stop away from the polls of which invitation they pjadly availed themselves ar.d from all appearances enjoyed it hugely; ' 'Rejoice with those that rejoice and weep with those that weep." The election with one exception Tvas"condueted fairly. That excep tion is the city of Portland; wo hope from the recommendation of the Or ejiuim, found in another column that the parties guilty of this indis cretion, not "early indiscretions" will 1x3 promjtly dealt with and that the whole of the affairs connected with the election will be disposed of in such a manner as to afford no op portunity for fault finding. Results brought about by calm reflection are likely to bedurable and of great bent-tit to the whole0 people. The won derful potency cf silence is exempli fied iu the case of 11 irum Smith, the Republican candidate for Congress who made no boisterous harangue during the entire canvass. It really seems that the condition of things is improir.g. The exception to the rule of'fair ness in conducting the election which occurred in Portland may perhaps be owing to the fact that at times during the canvas the editors of the Portland llullitin became irate; men are liable to err and we think the said editors should be excused. One thing they publis!a?d we cannot un derstand : that is Col. Nesmith's let ter reeonjTCiu ndiTjg the suppression I - -ix av- 1 , of Democratic newspapers. We re-1 member that at the time the letter was written one o the editors was a Democrat condemning the measure. The other a Republican approving itV we do not know which ti admire most the candor of the former in ad mitting that he was in the v.rong, or the frankness of the latter iu admit- ting the measure was wrong. On the evening after the election cwhen n(s had been received show ing who had bceii elected, v.e called at the post office building and found that the office had been closed at au early hour; anotliorO good efi'ect pro duced by the election' inducing reg ular habits conducive to health and happiness. 'Karly to bed tind early to rise makes a man health;', wealthy and wise.' The news of the election comes in tardily but sufficient is known to warrant the belief that this county has gien about 10 majority for INor-mith and that the State has gone Democratic by more than 2,000. The full strength of neither party has been given in this election. This re sult may be accounted for in another wav if we are only indulged in mak ing a comparison and we certainly do not intend thereby any disrespect to any body. Allow us to call the canvass a, race and the candidates racers; well then Ncsmith run with out a rider and w ent bucking and spiling alP over the State being scarcely bridlevvise. The rider for the other party tried to mount sev eral noble racers but they blood from under; at leugth ho succeeded in jnouuting Hi but owing to the bur den thchoble courser broke down in the mud flats on Long Tom. In Col. Xesmith, this State has an able energetic and efficient represent ative, who will industriously and promptly clook after the interests of Oregon at the X at i anal Capitol. "We are awrre that some Democrats w ill find fault with this notice of the elec tion because there is no vinegar in it, yet when we consider the result of the calm philosophy that has char acterized the canvass we can but ad mire and cherish it hoping that sim ilar resutls will follow in the future. O The returns from Penn are very jueagre, but we have the en couraging news that tiie Democrats have carried eight counties that have heretofore given Republican major ities. Iowa sends us greetings that a majority of the counties have been carried against the Radicals; the Democrats made us nominations in T -l,,f imi ft-.. 1 i-ttli hr T-rn--il.'ic ' jLOil, lni. 11 in ...... j - w . - movement against the Radical mon opolists. Ilrr.R.vn for Ohio! The telegraph reports of, yesterday announce the j O probable election of Hon. Wm. Al len, Democratic candidate for Gov- ernor. jnio usually gave u,oou Republican majority. Truly the signs of the times are improving, and in 1S7G we will elect Wm. S. Grosbeck, Thos. A. Hendricks or some other sound Democrat to the q Presidency. Hurrah for Ohio! 1 We are in favrir of the next war. Salem. Statesman. Very well: we,are certain that we J.Z 'JL. c -,i.u caalick v-ou sgain; so up and et T Political Purification. Unmistakable evidence exists of a determination on the part of the peo ple" of the United States to effect a reform in the administration of gov ernment National State and munici pal. The gigantic monopolies that have grown up iu the railroad, man- ufacturing and banking system in ' vogue in this country are the chief : agencies employed in the corruption ' so rife in the land. These monopo- j lies are entrenched behind corporate j rights and are setking to fortify themselves still more strongly by placing our judicial, legislative and executive officers under obligation to them.thereby paving the way for the extension of other exclusive privi leges and evading the application and execution of those laws designed for the' protection of individual rights without which government is a fail ure. It is a custom with the railroad companies to furnish free passes over their lines to Judges and Leg islators. If this is done as a mark of courtesy as we suppose in some very rare and exceptional cases may be, then there is no objection; but when the motive is what we think it is, in a large majority of cases, then we object alike, to the giving and receiving of these free pusses. The iusjured writer says 44 neither take a gift, for a gift doth blind the eyes of the wise." Our officers should be, as far as possible, free and untram melled in the discharge of their offi cial duties. A hint to the wise is sufficient. More anon. A CJooJ Itcport for Orcjrou. The Government Commissioner of Agriculture, Hon. F. "Watts, thus reports for Oregon: ruriT. Af-jiles. Rut one State, Oregon, reports an average crop of apples. The condition of the crop ranges from 28 in Rhode Island to 102 in Oregon. Of the New England States the highest average, 61, is presented by S'ermout. The Middle States range from 75 in New York to DO in Pennsylvania; the South At lantic coast States from -40 in Soutu Carolina to b4 States from 7 T . . ,, in Virginia; the Gulf 1 in Texas to &8 iu Louisiana; the interior Southern States from 30 in Tennessee to b0 iu Arkansas; the States north of the Ohio from 40 in Illinois to 78 in Michigan; the States west of the Mississippi, from 07 in Kansas to 87 in Nebraska; California reaches SS. Many counties, in different parts of the country report au entire failure of the crop. I' cut hex. This crop is, if possible in a worse condition than the apples, Here, again, Oregon is the only State, in which an average crop is re ported. The State averages range from IS in South Carolina, to 122 in Oregon; in the former 11 counties, and in the latter six counties re ported. Maine, Vermont, "Wiscon sin, Minnesota, Iov.aand Missonri, make no reports from any of their counties, the crop being too incon siderable to attract attention. Two counties in New Hampshire average 02, 2 in Rhode Island 87, and R in California, bo. Of the remaining States only 11 are above f0, viz: Connecticut, 00; Delaware, (1 coun ty.) 7f. Virginia, 77: Mississippi, Louisiana, 0i; Arkansas, 01; rsebraska. also, many counties re- port tiie entire destruction of the cro. There is also a general com plaint of imperfect fruitage. Corn. general average, Ore gon, 102; West Virginia, 10o; Iowa, 81. I'7(j. Oregon, 107; Minnessota, 10;J; Georgia, 7o; general average, J2. '?. Oregon, 103; general aver age, yt. Oute. Oregon, 110, the highest; general, average, 91 VmrUy. Oregon. 10G, the highest; general average, i'oJ. Potnloe. Oregon, 100; general average, 7ti. Haif. Oregon, 119, tho highest; general average, Oti.-;. lemi.i. Oregon, 113, the highest; general average, 91V; Hoy. Oregon, 102 ; average, 9.1 ' . Wool. Oregon, 107, the highest; average, 101. Wi'eat. Oregon, 107; average, Street Potatoes. Oregon above av erage. ! -- This is an outrage on the people of Oregon. Our citizens have been murdered by savages, and we have a r g it to expect that they will receive the same punisnment that white men would for the same crime. We hope for the sako of decency and common sense that these murderers will yet be turned over to the proper authorities for trial. Eugene Jour nal . We very rc.ectfully ask the Jour nal if this is the first outrage of the present Administration? The four r . 1 it uouoc that were hung, would have been pardoned by the President, had they not murdered two of the Peace Commissioners. Is not the life of our citizens as valuable to t!,m thc life of a Teace Commissi j Lot the Journal denounce the Admin- issioner ; istration for pardoning the two Texas Lhieis n-ho made the country fairlv quiver at the news of their barbar ous outrages. An election was held in this coun ty on Monday last. Jwj, Register. Is it possible that the Router has found it out? It says the Republi cans didn't generally know it was election day. We know of one Re publican in Linn, Hi. Smith, that will certainly think that the Rads didn't know it was election day. Election. We are unable to tri the election returns this week. Col. emith's majority in the State will oe between one and two thousand.! Hi Smith p.irrioo 1 .ti f i- . tts fftr nc 7 , ' nues - . AUC 4WBJm "ere appear to lAa'a8heardfrom.Mnltnomahandbe all in good circumstances, but it. Curr LIditorlal Correspondence. Speingfield Corkers, . .Wis. Oct. 3, 1873. Leaving Baltimore on the New York train, we reached that, city on the following morning without any n.rnnpi wnrthv of note. As we anticipated, we found the metropolis of the nation a busy, bustling city, Remaining only two days in the city, we were unable to note any of its particular attractions. The mor.ey panic was the great theme of convcr- sation and "Wall street was a scene that we could hardly describe The street was literally crammed with people, and it was almost impossible to get passage w ay through it. The btock exchanges were closed, which had tendency to quiet public fears, and it was believed that the worst of the financial crisis was over. But it is our opinion, that the extraordina ry exertions of the mercantile com munity to maintain their credit has only been accomplished at great sac rifice, and that eventually when the demand3 on the stock gamblers must be met, a crisis more disastrous will come. This thing may be put off for a time, but the reckless extravagance and demoralized financial currency, must eventually come to an end. Supposing that you. have already received later news than we have on this subject, we will leave New York and her troubles for our trip to Chi cago. On the evening of Sept. 23d, we left New York for Chicago by way of the Niagara Falls and over the sus pension bridge. Nothing worthy of note occurred on our way, with the exception that on the following even ing, after we had had no dinner, we were also deprived of ge tting supper, and had to fast for twenty -four hours. "We would advise our friends travel ing on this route to either take their board with them, or go by way of the Pennsylvania Central, which is not only the fastest, but has good eating stations on the entire route. We failed to reach Chicago in time to make the connections by this route for the morning trains which leave that place, hence many were f jrced to lay oer until the following day. While the Niagara Falls are an at traction to the traveler, the route leading to them has more objections than the attractions are worth. Wc would advise our friends never to r ly on making through connections on it, or getting anything to eat, and especially at a town called London, in Canada. We got enough of this j route, and should we ever have oc- casion to go to New- Yorl we will try some other line. Wo remained in Chicago until the evening of the tth. when we took the irain for Madison, Wisconsin, where we arrived on the following morning at 4:30. This was the first time we had Feen the place of our early boyhood for near twenty-live years, and were greatly pleased to note the improvements made during that time. The old log and frame houses which then constituted the little village, have disappeared, ar.d in their stead, we now find beautiful brick structures in their places. The town is located on one of the most beautiful sites in the Union, being on an elevated spot, surrounded al most entirely with what are termed the Four Rakes. We still found a few old landmarks which we could recognize, and their sight brought us back to the days of our childhood. We only found one man who It ft with us in 1849 for California, and that was our old friend Iiassdall. It was a great pleasure to meet him and talk over the adventures of our trip "cross the plains" and of old friends who are now numbered among the departed. On the follow ing day we left Madison for this place, to meet our relatives, and hoped to see. once more our aged father; but we were disappointed in this expectation, and found on reach ing here that he had died on the fJth of September, at the advanced age of seventy-five. We find quite a number of towns have grown up since we left here, and the country has been cleared and brought irto cultivation. Where once stood a forest of oak trees, now are tine cleared farms, which must have cost tho farmers much hard work and great expense. The land here is no such soil as we have in Oregon, and when a farmer raises from 15 to 20 bushels wheat per acre on well cultivated ground, he con siders, himself in good fortune. We have thousands of acres of land in the most thickly timbered portions of our State which are no harder to clear than have been made into farms here, and after they would be clear ed would produce thirty to fifty bushels per acre. Corn grows well here, and if it was worth anything in the market, would probably be the most profitable crop the farmer could raise. Hut he cannot raise it for 15 to 20 cents per bushel and that is what he generally gets for it. Wheat is worth here 80 cents in cur rency, while we notice it is worth SI in Oregon. The freight charges on railroads have latelv been i and conseouentlv lif -u.litnf l.o.i ! come down, besides the unsettled ! state of the financial market has had tendency to reduce the price of wlioot Ti, r they all work henl and are of a verv industrious class. W e learn man . last three years' has been very severe on them on account of dry. weather, and an almost complete failure in crops, they hardly realizing sufficient of their crops to pav expenses. This year they have been somewhat more , fortunate, and consider that tney have good caops. We have inquired as to what they regard good crops, and we learned that the highest is twenty-four bushels to the acre, and as low down as twelve. While the first figures would be regarded as fair in Oregon, we hardly suppose the latter figures would justify them in cutting it at all. And this is the product of farms after they have been manured end thoroughly culti vated. We think the Oregon farm ers ought to be satisfied with their condition, and we feel assured if they could only see what labor these people put upon their farms and how poorly they are paid for it, they would be contented with their situa tion. We shall have something to say on this and other subjects after we return. Cold weather has al ready commenced here. For the past three nights we have had it cold enough to freeze, and to-day we have a cold rain. We can stand the rain very well, being used to it, but cold is something out of our line, and we prefer to be excused from experien cing even one of Wisconsin's mildest winters. A country where it freezes all the year round has no charms for an Oregonian. We have always re garded Oregon as the garden -of our first parents, and now we are satisfi ed that the Willamette Valley is the identical spot. Politics are beginning to liven up a little in this State. Roth parties have held their conventions, ar.d placed full tickets in the field. The iladicals have noinitated an adminis tration or Senator Carpenter ticket, in favor of the back-pa ystcai and the railroad corporations, while the Democrats have joined with th Lib- erals and Reformers in making up a l ' .1. i. . . a- ? a - - ticket irrespective of .t politic! afliliations. It is regarded us a strong ticket, and will be heaieily snpported by all classes opjmf-ed to monopolies and true to the interests of the farmers. The candidate for Governor on the Democratic ticket is a farmer hinisi If, and has resided in this part of the State for thirty years, is a man of undoubted ability aud integrity. While the Radical.-; have heretofore carried the St.te by from twenty to twenty-live thousand majority, it is bvlie-vc-d by tu.uy thut the Democratic-Reform ticket will be electud thb fall. .Wisconsin; iihd wo may sav the entire v.e.-d, is its I thoronghlv at the mercy of the mo nopolists as our own Stale, and if we mistake not the foelirg of the masses i they are determined this fall to throw off the yoke. The course of the KsTK!:i'i:i-.:r. iu accepting the vtrdict of our State Convention meets oi.r hearty a;iro val. The platform is good, and the candidate will be elected v. it lioat a doubt. No man can run in Oregon on a Hij-tdo-Miieliell platform and find an endorsement from our pco- pie. We shall leave here for home on the hth inst. and ho;c to rea-.-h there by ; the HOlh. S'roclatnatlon of Tha;i?i-"-iv in ! Wasiiixo'ton, Octidier 11. The President issued tho following proo- himation to-dav: ' the. Pi e.idf 'nt of L'tiUd State;; of Amerirti The approaching cbse of another year brings with it th" occasion for renewed thanksgiving and acknowledgment to the Al mightp Ruler of the Universe for the unnumbered mercies which he has bestowed upon us. Abundant har vests have been among the rewards of industry. With local exceptions, health has been among th blessings enjoyed. Tranquility at horn" and peace with other nations have pre vailed. Frugal industry is regain ing it merited recognition and its merited rewards. C.raer.ally, but, under the providence of God surely, rs we trust, the nation is recovering from the lingering results of a dread ful civil strife. For these and all other mercies vouchsafed, it becomes us as a people to return heartfelt and grateful acknowledgments, and with our thanksgiving we mav unite prayers tor tiie cessation ot local and temporary suffering. I. therefore recommend -that on Thursday, the 27th of November next, the people moot in their re- spective laces of worship to make their acknowledgments to Almighty God for His bounties and His iiro- . .- , . . . Ti- ' tection, and to OiJor to Him pravers , ,. 1 " for their continuance. T -, , ,,ti i In witness whereof 1 have hereun- 1 1 -i i w, 1 i 41 1 to set mv hand and caused the seal i , tt, 4 1C(woi 1 of the United States to be afnxed. Done at the City of ashingron I r r . this 14ih dav of October, in the vear J" J- Recorder- A. of our Lord'one thousand eight hun- ' fone Jbirshal-L C Roden dred and seventy-three, and of the ! tTi"' r,1',lrt;,rer-C,O"o-0y' independence of the United States T')tri1 nm?,K;r of votes cast, IS--a 1,0 , ;l,ntr.c,.nil, 1 gain over last. year of 2. iit nun 1? t t 11111, Signed, . U. S. Gkant, Ry Hamilton Fish, President. Sccretarv of State. One side of the " Willamette Ei inn er' is now printed in San Francisco, and of course it will set forth the ad vantages of California to the detri ment of Oregon. ' It did seem tli.it the farmers of Oregon had suffered enough, from sucking California's hind teat, but it seems now that tliev have got to hang to the tail awhile. Eugene Journal. That's our sentiments. We hope the readers of tho Farmer will repu diate it by having it stopped and take an Oregon paper, that prints both sides in Oregon. New Paper. We have received the initial number of the Raker City Herald. One -half of the paper is printed in San Francisco, and the other in Raker City. It deserves the demise that certainly awaits all pat ent outsides. If you cannot get out both sidesof a paper you had better do? shop. COUHTSSr OF BANCROFT LIBRARY Summary of State News Items. Farmers are . putting in their Fall crops. Linn ceunty is investing in Arte sian wells. ; The Chinese population of Astoria numbers 200. The Portland Evening Xeirsi out in a new dress. Laborers get S50 per month Ba ker and are scarce at that. llie Alhany College is reported in j a liounsniug condition. ' Odd Fellows have started a Lodge at Lebanon, Linn county. There are 05,000 bushels of wheat in the w arehouse at Cornelius. Workmen are employed in cordu roying the Coos Juy W agou Road. A Raker county farmer has thresh ed 2,0)0 bushels of grain this year. The threshing season was jusi over in Eastern Oregon last Satur day. An Odd Fellows Lodge is to be in stituted at Lebanon next Friday night. From -10 to 50 bushels per acre is the average crop in Powder River Valley. The Circuit Court for Douglas county will convene at Roseburg next Monday. The Agricultural Colhge is rapid ly filling up, over 100 stndnrs now Wing in attendance. The salmon fishery at the Dalles is attracting considrritbla urt-nfcion in the Eastern States. Thirteen ocean vessels and steam ers, nTid four river steamboats, were at Astoria last Saturday. Courtney Mek, tried at Hills boro the past week for the murder of Jake Smith, vrn anqmttrd. The O. S. N. Co. have hen allow ed a reduction of 95.000 on their assessment in Wasco County. The lumber tr.xl of Coo? county, is becoming a mutter of imporhvsee and a source oc mneh revenue. The College Clnb received irs pre mium, $70, yesterday, for the btst base ball club at the State Fair. Mr. Tho. McF. Patton and Mr. S. F. Chad wick have gone to Raker Citv to dedicate? a M.eonie Hall. S. Conner the ?on of Jacob Conr. had one of his hands badly crushed ..... - " . at .Jetrerson late Saturday evening. The storage capacity of the seven warehouses in Albany is fil0,(Kl bushels, and they are nearly all full. Colonel Kimball. Inspector of In dian Affairs- for California and Ore gon, visited the Umatilla Reserva tion last week. Mrs. Erown, the mother of Mart. V. Rrown, Emj., of the Democrat, is Ring dangerously ill at hfer resi dence in Albany. Ko'seburg collected fines, tuxes and licenses durin? the jst vear to ie amount luirsed S'J.707 14. A Portland ladv attemle! church t - in Sahi.i Sunday evening. u?d in I going home stepped in s hole in toe sidewalk, and brc ke i.e-r liMib. Albert, a little sou of Rev. C. H. Wal!a.-e, of Cst Fork, fell from ? horse last Tuesday sv.id hiwl his left thigh bro n r.e ; the hh joint. ! Mr. .1. L. fl.ulett, Die well known ! railroad contraetor, w o vvai injure 1 i near lloseloo-ir. somo time ago-, by a ; railroad accident is aV-l3 to ret out i again. I Rev. S. G. Trvine lias resigned the j pastorate of Willamelte Church, nine i miles south of Albany, anil will here after devote his min ministeiral labors h in that Citv. to the U. P. Chnro J r.e following 1 ostmasters have been fiT-)oir;ted : ( lackamas. ( recon. I II. K. C);arn; Silverton. Marion county. Oivgon, Jismea M. Rrown; Summit, Ren ton county, Oregon, lls.vft Dixon. Artesian viells are r.o longer a doubt or an uncertainty in Oregon. La-d winter one was drilled at Pe terson's Rutte, fourteen miles from Albanv, and flowing water struck at the depth of loO feet. The County Court of Jackson county awarded the contract of keep ing the County Hospital for the year following the 17th of this month, to Dr. L. Danforth. paying the sum of $2,000 per annum therefor. Arnst Ticnning. li ing on Willow Creeh, had I 1 ni'rr f oaf. last vear which yielded I.IOM bn dicls. He had h0 ncres of grjiiti w lavit. barley and o.ds -and nlim the rop was thr'shed he realized ov-r t.tH) bush els. Sonio time since IT. S. Commis fiou r f AfriiMiltnre sent a request to Mr. J. Th-nrv Brown, of Salem, to forward him specimens of the j frits of the rruifs of this State. , 3Jr. Brown undertook the task of collecting ths. best specimens ob- I tainable, and has forwarded him a j tiaSfl nf atvples and jears, the finest, j 10 thinks,' ever sent out of the State, I m . 1 t .- -r The annual citv election in Rose- 1 . , , -i . , .,i .1 burg took 7 dace last week with the , . 1 . t, following result: for Trustees O. i TT r, . .. , Ilavnes. 100; (ioo. A. v agner, 4; . t T,. . ' T. ,11 1 A. A. Jink, 4i: I reelander, irji tr ' . The Oregonian says that Monday! afternoon Mr. Fred Do rev a well I known resident of Fast Portland, fell j backward from, a buggy, and was j verv scrionslv liiinrad. lie strnc-ic on the back of his neck with great violence. The blow nearly dislocat ed the neck, and paralied Mr. Dorey. Since the accident he has been un able to move, and has been uncons cious. The following is the assessed val ue of agricultural lands per acre, for 1S73, in the different counties as found bv the State Roard: Baker, 5 SO; Ciirrv. S4 5-: Columbia, S3 13; Clatsop, 53 01; Douglas, So 48; Jackson, $2 27; Josephine, 84 83; Lane, S3 83; Marion, SO 32; Mult nomah, Sll 2S; Tolk, So 42; Tilla mook, S4 OS: Umatilla. 87 4S: Wash ington, So 20; Yamhill, S5 43. We do not see much sense in whin ing after a defeat. We have made the best fight we could, and have come out of it licked and battered. Statesman. . You acknowledge, then, that the sins of Hippie, and the iniquity of the Radical Administration was a load heavier than you oould carry. "The Way It Vas Dane." Squarely and fearlessly does the Oregonian mamtain its dosition in regard to the corruption practiced in the inception and completion of the Hippie-Mitchell endorsement resolu tion. The Oregonian issued on the morning of the election said the Ilip- I ple-Mitchellits would perpetrate a i fraud in Multnomah county by brib ery and repeaters. The following, under the above heading, we clip thalfrom paper issued the day after the election, showing how the fraud was curried out : Iu yesterday's Oregonian we warned the people of "Multnomah county that the Ciisiom-tlouse ring was making extensive preiaratkss to carry this citv and county tor the Albany - nomi nee lv the liberal use of a corruption l'u ml, and the suplort ol a gang ot hired rutlans ami repeaters. It may not l-e sNirv ...it '. u't!r 1 121 :inii-(i . one . at. J - 1 J !. umiiif resting u m peopie ui w-Sui. mandetl w. f . x (Jo. s treasure bnT fe.tS' ! -f -in u,7 1,-J. w! caught in their-infamous schemes, j 1-. k Co. s box contained 1,992, and Four men were sirre.steU yesterday, all about 2,000 iu the hands of the pas cliarged with illegal voting. On being sengers. One Chinaman had -51 OOrt MullTev.'C'ity Attorney for Poitlaud, j London, October 11. Five hun and several members of the Custom- , tiretl thousand dollars in specie were storv. He savs thai when lie was an- ! x xo-uav . bed by the .Senator Mitchells .TMsiMir. he was told thit if be would vote i'or Hiram Smith he should receive live dollars, lie took the ticket fuin- Lsti-d him. went to the polls, voted for j N.'smiili ;iiul returned to tiie scituzidiel i who atteiuptrd to t.ii'e him, with a de mand for ill fee. lie vv;s iu u furnish land for hi. fee. lie was th. u furnish- t .1 with a card ami was told that on ; resenling this to a certain parly he j ed orese would receive live dollars thereiwr. Instead of going direct to tfcu; culiW-r of Se nator Mitchell's bank of coiruptiot, uo went sin:way a oro,, citizens, and showing Uie cam, ct riiu- : . -, . 7 . eate of iudel. tediums, or whatever you j etl orLeiai eLispa-cnes conhi miug tLi uriv choose to call it, t;hl him of thv pr.SH disatch.es concerning the ro vvli;le tntu.sivcfuu. Afterward !. eu'd- ! i.v tf SaaU.ta and Rig Tree, ed on the e:wsiiier and received las live j v..n v,a - .. . 1 1 vr i dollars. s.u-retuleri:-.g ttcrd. . 1, 11 -Ak- There is auotht-r feature in this trans- mgton dispatch says, on the author action illustrative of the vrtise patriot- j itv of Semttor Cvutero-.i, that Senator iMii which chuKK-tesi.e.s the Ca'itostt- ! Ccnkling will not accept the office of II.... ... ....... ... ... . r . . - ! - A m'U i u il e v i.i ii i.a i j' ."-v . es. The ard to w i.iwi we have ref'r rence was ivlomrd ilti a ielur.i o: President (Irani j, laced in tue center. On onu of thu UjMer and on ouj lower orncr wa-s uririte-.l the mystical word "Coht." V hen tbe pai-ty".siipp.w-t to have Le.-n i.iK-d de nian.ied Ms l av Uie bi ibor vviele uvtr HnraitoJ Pre.-idtnt irant. ths iiy.uiis J aiinoucciu;? that T. Scott succeeded "6." flv.- vva.i then iiilncui u that a eei - , i - : tirf.- r . i tarn member of tha i i' vvov.l I pay j a:rt a ui iegotuttaUf. tit tv -lour luil iuai live- dollars for the picture. Wis j Jlw Iu01t4.-r.ge bonus of tl. are furth.-r iiuoi -uied '.hat tho re aro u-.vv ! TexiUi and Pacitic Railroitd. iu custody foar mtu u:rei-d .or 1 - Cincinnati, October I.". TLe !k liuvs ai; i t all ot w n- the 111 i'or redeni 'lion. Ii: every in the prL-i paid for Mr. Gtat jj-..e-i corresponded exactly to th;; sti. ah ti d sum i'or vv hich tiiev h.ul a,rrr.ed to vote. Tliis I Hi: V "av iai vvhlh Mul: couutv w:is carrii d tor JLiram ."ai:Ji. Mi That fioue.it gci:ticma:i w uid u t like to have his name coiiu-'eted wi'li iui'.iiaous frauds, nor do we -1 dl-p' s ed to rtgard him as au at.-ws.sor to the cicie. The Circuit t.'u.:t fur M tdinu- iiiaa eoiiiicy is now hi n.-i-u. It bo- ) eoiuvs the du:.y o: fi..:i i.t .-ti. t n-.-v Dura. on to Lrit;tv.tc- a li-.-id ia-i.il.rv ; Iiito tic. tt u' o:' lio.- fat ts here st-.-t.-d, ami brng tLe gudvv pa:v to jitiiiee. j Let it ii Ui!)i-:-:i)oa i.y L-Lo vaual j tool of Senator M . t. :.r 1 i, tli.'.i iLnv is j no shield or !, Iter lor su.-rj isd.i'.-it - j auts le'!ir:d the cloak of ;ut v. 1 : . V-y Alt" rtv : v Mulr-v can Jiti: hill."" L from the :;-ivc cliilrii'-. iw .;j-reit.v.-.- .-ih-ill : glad to have tii.n da s... I,' iio ; i-;..!iu. 't. h -- toav iv vv-. U Ut-dt i'stai.-j ' that the pvo; i,--rO " -ir.i :.;. iu 2-.U- iir l ivxctim .".u.-li if :r"-! i:t crittn-s a i these .n tho 'Vail '-kin. -'i.ertur! ation" i also hi : tlu ell .--.i.vl John .!: s 1 v." " i'her- s 1 (us!.' ml Hou--e en if oc et;;u i. T.'i- jrau'i their eases lw. til- hi fa ;." ltc.a . '."1 u 1 a v I II; , OJO lvao:;e. into P. r- hait-i thi g d ,ii::h o; t'i il S rvi-e Kcfovmcan be hi.-t :v.-co,y li.-hed l.v incarcc ratiiiLi: t h individuals nauied, in IU..' jc!iit:.4jtiviv. i-aiiwhile we i shall expect tho O 1 lector of l'e.-ti ins, i !;;:i Almost s.,id must shudder at the hatv li t. 1t.1l of t'.'j ni'aiuoiis Kcliemo : to in.-ai; ate a ri-id ia-'ourv nu the scum oi such rang as "card" of the 'usi.i.m Ib'us' chair.- mav be iin r licated in this i limine it! ici News tl-eiu The Pir.all popujation t is pretty well preached to. I acorn a The Colorado M-dieal Asso a h:ul a 1-ig De:v.-;a-hv A slight shock of arti.on felt at Oiyrepia, on Friday nigt of last week. Tho District Court will convene in Yakima couutv at Yakima City, on Monday the 27 inst. Old Jackson, a colored man, aged 111 years, died iu Victoria on the 2d. lie was born in Virginia in 1762. A party of three or four hunters went to NisquaUy lotfcni on Thurs day, and returned with about ninety ducks. Ira Cutting, arrested at Walla Walla for passing a counterfeit $TA) greenback, was held to answer but not endieted. Prof. C. R. Plnmmer had a crowd ed house at one of his usual clever entertainments given in Olvmpia on the 10th inst. The Walla Walla Statesman tells of an attempt to blow up a school house in which a meeting of Oood Temp lars T.s being held. Mr. Charles Saiu-ho, of Yakima City, will donate a block of building lots to any person who v. ill build and locate at said city. Two steam colliers are being buiis at San Francisco to ply be tween that port and Seattle, carrying coal and merchandise. A Oitlir.g gun was hauled through the streets of Salt Lake City by six horses last week, the first of sixteen intended f ir Camp Douglas. Corinne is going to resume work on the abandoned Astesian well, iu hopes of obtaining fresh water snfli cient to supply its abandoned In dians. The old military quarters erected by Gen. Conner, in 1802, at Camp Douglas, Utah, are being torn down to make room for more substantial and handsomer buildings. The troops sent up to Gray's Har bor last vear about the time of threat ened troubles in that region among eneii iroiioies in mat region among the Indians, have returned to Capo Disappeintmcnt. A bill now before the Legislature fixes the salary of the Treasurer -of Walla Walla countv Walla county at 1 ooo per , ir nt of England, 92, -and the And tor at , I Romn (00: other annum and fees for recording deeds, etc. The bull Central Pacific, sold last year by's. O. Reed, of Oregon to Hon. Wr. F. Tolmie, tooR me 11.00 at the Provincial Lxlntn tion held at Victoria last week, over til pompetitors. Telegraphic News. Sheevetoet, Oct. 9. Br Era says the backbone of the epidemic broken that onlice willdestrovit The fever is more mal ignant than any he has met. There wro deaths to-day. . Coel-mbia. Oct. 10. The colored Secretary of State, Hahn, has been admitted as a student of the Soutl Carolina University, and three of tho principal professors have resigned in consequence. Ri:iimno, Oct. 10. The overl ind mail stage, driven by Charles Mc Connell, was attacked near Buekeve this morning by four masked men armed with shotguns and revolvers TLey- sprang from the ambush, 0r;o man taking the lead horses by the bits, and one the wheelers, while another covered Mr. McConuell with a double barrelled gun, while the fourth man mviteu the passengers to step out from the coach and de- jsosroN, October If. The large stanles ot jUartin iiav", corner Rerke lev and Appltton (streets, South End -w t 1 . was Dnrueti tins morning, with eishty-six homes. New Orleans, October 11. A toh from Captain Pie v f w,-, rut, J&aan, October oth, le 'lerson.iiated reports that the steamer Missouri was wrecked October ls't oil the Ridiama Islands. vr :uMie., wctooer n. i i.e . , T,t,.-,'r W Chief Jmtico. Augutus K. Phiiiios, ei-Ur;ittvl f.i i . i it . -. . . I states LDUhut at ::.anuago, de Cuba ei:t his tir...t at the Criltendca House this morning. To-d:iy"s 'i rll in, i: f ays a piivate ca ble dispatch was received vesterdav Couimoii (.'.m uci i $i;,!y0 f,.r the reilef of Si Roxiio:;, October Io.TLe uniotiht of brjiir-ii vviihdruw ii from the Lrik of u;-.;gla.;l tc-tluy vvai t:'0o,0s u uil for America. Over halt-a-millitn dollars in specie were jki-peu for New York c:: Safurtu-.y. - City ozr Mirijco, viv Havana, Oct. 1'2. Tvo priests of the Church cf St. Loral tt. have been excon.iuuui catctl. t.vc-tfier with cjl ! o ru'os t.izo tho Cou:-titi!ti-.n and reforms in stituted by the GoveraiutL'i. '!' Jo-suits have Leon onicfed to lcav the COlJiii-rv attia-tilht )pi:Oi-tU!ilvV. ns X'iioo. oviiiiAr u-.- tl.'!iVUl who arrived fiOla Car.. Xc f-'O v. e ; i, s.,ys, l-Uiuors Col-Cei L.i;g I.'ti'..' 1ik::.u:s icav;ng their lestrva t:o;; i.- trr.o. lie refers to the J'rts- di .-.-. the ias-i t.si:e of vi,...h .i.ij.s: " 1 a. ".iu. Lai-Lit ."'.ch'aj, ier, ci t.-i'ur'J.:-!';;' at Vtruf-. trieti 10 t. riv.it tjhe.i. v. h. ivs:.i;t u ami left the roooers cut iit.-tc.L.-.iH d h-t ik 11- i - "-rvaon uu a,uu ca et:, loli-. w-tu-.tu-r e" ' 1 Li e) v. ' ers. The -. Lie utoi:ar. t i-aviag hut j few sioiJiers vv.is o i 1' .itep t l.-CtU. t;el..-r;d Lic.jK fib ;ol.e IU per.-c-ii to that -.i.mp. L-.s A.n(.iu s, (ct. 14. A gentle rn a u who left Proeott on the fluck- it:ird on tl.e ives the follow ir.g ir.fo. i-.a.io!:: i.'i.':s ar.u -lra.n.n the commutut of Lieut. Schuvler, j returDod to crde on the Dth, sdier u I ten days' scout ir Deichea ai.d his ! bar.d, w ho de-eited the re&ervaticu ! about ieti oa s s?iuce. The. encoua- J tcrea pail oi ti e bar.u at the mouih I ct the t at l oik of the Vcre, and iiL.-.;ti foiirie ti vvairiors. 1 Acr..v.ui-.M.i. Oct. 11. Articles of i ii.eoi ; oi'otioii of the C rro Riuito h ! Onid-nii". or Mining- Conioanv, to i.;-t n.ie m 1 re:-i.o countv, capital J-tAH.y, tiled t.)-day. W.-.s.iLvoTON, Oct." 1L Conway, who shot Senator Pomcroy last Sat uitlav, was urruiiriicd to-dav. Ho wai on i cd an t xamm.ition, giving bail charge of assault with intent to kill. Rkklin, Oct. 13. The Minister of Coirmerce and Interior has issued instructions to district authorities to expel all emigration agents w ho are domiciled in Germany. MaN .11KS1K3, X. H.,Oct. 14. Tho dwelling and stables of David son Taggart, of G oil town, were burned last night. Seven bloooed horses were consumed, including Ned Hastings and an Abdallah stal lion valued at 812,000. Abdallah. himself was the only horse saved. Chicaoo, Oct. 15. Additional re turns from Iowa confirm the drlv advices of the probable re-election of Carpenter (liep.) for Governor, and the success of the Anti-Monopoly county tickets in a majority of the counties. Cleveland, Oct. 15. Later re turns from the State indicate a close vote for Governor, with probabilities in favor of the Democrats. The majority will not run over 1,000 either way. Democrats claim the State Legislature bevond a doubt. Newakk, Oct. 11. The Charter election resulted in the election Perry, Democratic and Reform can didate by 170 majority. Shout Wheat Cnors in ErnorE.- Later and more accurate reports of the actual condition of the European harvests, and of the probable re quirement for home consumption, have been received, and there is no longer anv doubt that there will be n serious deficiency in Continental Furore; even in those paris which heretofore have been regarded as self-sustaining, and in whicli ev j seii-o"1- ' j tjlt production of small crops i,e small. According to the best will au of thorities the wheat deficiencies -t i-T r 4 ptl" j n roun rmmbers a3 follows. j cou ntries, "50,000,000. To- ; taif 224,000,000 bushels, j. . . 7. tlli9 ; iue evening c-" not of - ... Kllf t.v1- ,veeis. It is - wnawiUenc. h i muoh consequence, however. O o 0 c It o o 53 rb