Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, October 10, 1873, Image 3

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Cosokkt. The concert at the Haptist
Church last Friday evening was very
-toorly attended, owing doubtless to
l.revitv of the notice jriven. The exer
ts were very pleasant, ami tlio.se
i.n sciit seemed to enjoy them finely.
,,t being present when the concert
- '.IU.,1 we are not prejwiired to give a
1 . .Mot of the entire programme. The
.'ieees we heard ere all well sung, the
iiUlx'i" "I'-eautifiil in Zion" deserves
!.-chl mention, also a solo by Miss
il ,,'iall entitled "Guard Her liright
,i '. Is " There were .several otlter
i s u e would like to mention speci
1 1 J v ,ut have forgotten them. We must
t, ,t the i .laving on the organ by
Mi siirader and Kev. Mr. Wirth was'
L ciianniivjr. M isss Fannie M iller
Vn 1 Viol;i Aiihev, as alto smirers. e.-.n-n
t be beaten. M isses Jennie J,:tForest
MTi.l Pida Slira.ter sang their parts well.
V 11 1''F; ;,'- 'aloii sang
i,a-. Messrs. 11. and W. Carey Johnson
v.Vie' t'ior. The singers were Misses
KomIiII Miller, Shrader, A they, I.u
K.in-t an. I Messrs. Pope, II. Johnson,
Yitt-s'W. Johnson, Watson, and
K.'-v Mr. U'irth, and they all did well.
n"t!i'-r concert will lie given on next
Tluir-dav evening week, when we trust
i large audience w ill be in attendance.
Tii'e "irognmmie will be new and new
.ngstcrs will appear.
Ai'ci ikn Last Monday morning
as Mr. S-.muel llamsdon of Clear Creek
was K-aving this city for his home he
in. -t with a very severe accident. He
waited until the regular train had pass-i-d
; nd as he wa.- crossing the road
iK-.ir the AUriiathy Creek, just outside
t, it- limits of this city, he came in coii
i.c t with an extra train which frighten
ed his horses, causing them to run
:u.iv, throwing Mr. Runsdon out and
ffvercly injuiing him, and breaking
one horse's h-g, and tearing the wagon
t.i pieces. Tin- tr.tck is hio from view
I v the slaughter house, and as the
train did not whistle, as it i:ght to
liaednc iii crossing the road, .Mr. 1J.
was not appris;-d of its approach until
he had drove upon the track a few feet
I in advance of the locomotive. Mr.lt.
wa unconscious for some time after
wards, and did not come to until he
w :is being conveyed to town. 1'liis is a
case which the railroad eoiupany
h!i .al l U-m ide to pay heavily for, a
can l.-ss trick of theirs in not giving
s.iiiie si 'nal of their whereabouts as
tlie traiiTw as hid from view. Tins is
u'ot tic lirst time - hey have caused ac
cidents by n t giving a signal of tlicir
:,i.pio ich, and they should he made to
Know thatour citizens have riglits that
they must respect.
We had a call fr. m a gentleifian from
S;.riug'ii! i' Preeint t last Monday,
w mo mvs i 1'ostiiMster Cole thinks he
will S eep anyone from going to the
i,,.;ian.l voi'ing for Col. -Ne.-.jnith by.
i".-; using to forw ard the ils i i;iaitis; t
Ui'.i. -ii.i.an.n, lie reckons without his
li -t. lie will ulnd mat Iherv: are men
ju CI ickaiu.i.-i county u ho liever were
lei It.'s in a niol , or w ;n never violated
;l inht ;". j iilitieal cheet, w h'j even
ti r to be freemen though he acts the
j ...et of a tyrant.
Ci.osk nK Tki:m. Last Friday the
toMam ir S.-iiool of Prof. S. I). Pope of
t. . is i 'it v closed it.s lirst .session for the
orcs.-ni vcar. The attend nice has been
.oi l ,u lgii:g troiu what we have
..-u i:' i..e school i tiring two sliort
i-n-i we .Miu bide Ui.il toe ju . .il.s have
C la id- iair progress. Here, w ne re Prof,
p , ins been teaching most of the
I I i'. .r a n un l.'er i' years, lie is po;.u
1 ir ..s i i.-a.-h- r. The'seeotid term coin-li.'l-'cil
uielei fa v. ai -le ausj lees.
i iin;i:.-Mr. L. Ddl.ir reluaned
h ..ii-lv. Friday morning from a three
iii .nt'.is ..jouni at the great city of the
V, cs!--T.l"Ollia. He is highly t 1 ase.i
Willi t : I
pi ice. a:. i says it has th" ap-
;' a b"ehive com pared to the
o . .i -il . :
t 111 UregMii. ne wot return in
a; out tltree weeks. He says i;r towris
1.1 -i: T. J. Mci'arver, lavi l ( au.iel i,
.1. U. l: .lt.m. I. N. I. radish ami John
A! ue are in line
1 .1. 1 ..11 do.
irivs and have all
Ve learn from Prof.
Pope that the smi .u.l (juarter of his
G ram :u. tr and Norm.d S -hool ojH-ued
last Moil lay morning w it Ii scholars.
Hie p. of. re.p.ests us lo state licit any
patron of t iie s.-ho, 1 w ho : .-, n. .t .il ;.-; 1
rtiiii liu- in.-.ti uctioii given tin ir chil
dren will not be required to pay for
iMuwN (UK. The O. C. II. K. '..
;a ir.l'A n oil' t!eS.ilelii express train
The regular mail train has ei-cn run
ning on a new schedule this we k. on
a.-, oiiiil of the Slat-- Pair. It arrives at
s a. lo.. bound , south and at 7 p. m.,
1 oiiiid lloi lh.
i'oon jIrx'TiN(;.--T!:ose' ne .onshiny
r.igiits of last w eek were not vry heal
thy for Mr. ltteeoon. 1. 1st S.-'.t urday
night T. J. SjM.on -r, K. X. Kandall and
!li. ( iitneiits, a;';.-.-" a most desperate
tr uii'i and strugule, succeeded in -ap-t
: ;r; n g cue of theahove ii. tnied animals.
Dr.i'c-iy. Hani! 1 ; Clark. Master of
M-i'.e Grange of Patrons of llu.-hand-
rv, of ( h egoii. has commisioiied Mr.
V.. Fori is, of Kaglc Cieek, Ids deputy
i. .r ( Li.-Manias count to organize i ;u'i-
K 'biey Tompkins, our handsome
Pi;!'k vender, left last Wednesday for
F..L-t' i n Oregon, whence he g. .es to as
si: in a surveying "contract in which
lie is interested. He'll be ab.scht about
a Month. G
ltiiAP. in the firi-d page will be
f .tui.l the piocecdwigs of the It. NY.
Gi tnd Lodge, I, O. O. F., of the United !
-tat. s. eoini lied specially for the Fn
. i. i -... .... - i i : - ...
1 J.Kl'Ulsl-:. lh t in 111.
Skuvh ms. Tin' Iiev. J. K. W. Sell-I
wed of Milwauk'u will hold divine j
services in the Rpiscopal ( 'hurch of this j
l ily next Sunday nioi ningand evening. '
Sonos iKivs. The MeGibcnv family I
held forth in thi"rcity la.-d Tuesday
evening to a very sii'm house. The lit
tle hoys did well, playing on the violin.
The ordinance uf baptism was ad
ministered to two candidates at the
I'ongregatieiial Church last Sunday
morning, by Jt.v. 1,1-. Atkinson.
Goon An kx hAXt'K. The Oregon City
Seminary has 1 pupils in attendance,
lhe Seminary is ir good hands, and
O deserves to be patronized.-
ihco. I '.aeon of Portland, son of Post
Master bacon of thjs citv, has been
in the city iMting iclativ Js and friends
t.iis week.
Hon. li. Williams, of Portland, was
gallanting an Oregon City lady around
last Sunday. jie ,:;tVe us ;l qu
ltKrcnxKit, Hon. I. P.Phompson
has returned from l.js surveying par
y m Idaho Tcritory, The bovs wjU
' in before long.
At Womc,Mr. Levi Leland is now
d"wn on the Sound lecturing on Tepi-l"-r.in,'e.
IxTowx.-Mr. Abel Eudy and wife
ari'ovi-r from Victoria, and stooping
' this citv.
3 .
( Smkv. The air is full of smoke
, a'. "r'-'U the Clackamas bottom.
Resolutions of Thanks.
Oregon City, Oct. 1st, 1S73.
At a regular meeting held this day
by the Hoard of Delegates of the Oregon
City Fire Detriment, the following
preainableaii.t resolution was introduc
ed by t hiet Engineer White, and unan
imously adopted, viz:
WiiKitKAs The Oregon Steam Ship
Company did on the n7ght of theinh
ot September last present to the Fire
Department of this city through their
agent, Hon. J. 1). JJik-s, two tine gold
mounted trumpets as a souverner of
their regards and token of their restect
lor the services of said Department in
rescuing Horn total wreck, by lire, the
twos earners, Alice ami Shoo Fly, in
May last; therelore be it
Hksoi vki,, That this Department do
hereby tender to the said Oi-conSvim
ShipCoimiany their heartfelt thanks,
ana will ever cherish with gratitude
the memory of the donors in so liberal
a recognition of the Firemen of our
city; and lie it further
Kksoj.vko, That we-w ill ever cher
ish a kindly feeling towards the
President of said the company at whose
instance so msrked a favor was bestow
ed. llKsoLVKn, That a copy of the fore
going resolutions be furnished to the
editor of the Oregon Citv Hntkiu'Iiisk
for publication, by the Secretary of the
Hoard, and also a copy of said" resolu
tion be so to Ken llolladay, Esq.,
President of the Oregon Steamship
D. T. IJarix, Sec'v of Hoard.
Text Fooks. The following text books
can be hau at my store until January 1st
( lark's Iginner's Grammar $040
( lark's Normal Grammar 70
Moiiti:-th's Introduction to Geography
Pacific oast Kditiori 50
Mont n t u's Plij sical ana Intermediate
Geography Pncilio oast Kdition I 3T,
Steele's 1-ourteen W eeks in i'liemistrv 1 (HI
in Philosophy 1 (m
" " in I'hysiologV 1 00
(mhI's Hot a 11 1st and Florist 1 70
l'aciilc t oast first U.ader .".. iti-j
Keeoml Kjadcr ..." ;;'.
" Third K. ad. r 5a
" l otmh K-ad:r m-i
" l ilt ti Header s;'.
" Speller ;
Hopkins' Manual in Ji. u (.ill Jteader 1 00
Others will h-i added as soon as thv aro
receiveil. Jul IN MYEitftj.
IIaix. Perhaps our readers are not
aware that it has been raining unceas
ingly for the last two days and nights;
those outside of Oregon are not at anv
rate. From appearances the rainy sea
son has set in in earnest. From our
California exchanges we b arn it has
been raining verv hard in that
Slate, and that another Hood is feareij.
They all predict a hard winter. The
only serious damage the rain in Ore
gon will cause, will be to injure grain
that is not yet in the grainarles which
is a very snu.ll proportion, and to stop
the horse rat ing at the State Fair this
week. It will be a good thing for
steamboats, ::s the water was very low.
Information Dksikko. We would
say to our correspondent from Kit win,
Kansas, that the market value f lands
vary in price, as they are improved or
unimproved. We bi lieve that from
S3 to HU) per acre for unimj roved, and
from flu lo per acre lor improved
lands owing to the location. The
prices of our farm products are about
as follows : wheat, 'JO (. ?1 per bushel ;
oat-:, -13 f, i3U cts; harley, $1 40(71 :i3 per
cental; h.ix seed, $i 7t) per busin-l ; aj
ples 6(1 cents; potatoes, 2-3-"0 cents;
oni.ms, -1 i ts per lt ; bacon, 'J(1 ;ts ;
butter, -3':'0 cts ; eggs, 'JxtfgSt cts.
SfitvKViso 1'auty. Toniikin's A
Wa! hm's surveying party .started last
Wednesday to survey a. tract of coun
try near Table Rock, in the Cascade
Mountains. They left in good spirits,
I ut we think they will have to take
bad "spirits'' or something else in or
der to keep from freezing to death, if
it eoiuiuiies to rain as it is now doing.
The party eon-;:.ts of Tompkins, Wal
doii, ("has. I'.ui 11s, John Coi iiah:m, and
two others whose names we did not
Mfsn-Ai. Month r. v. The October
No. of Peters' Musical Monthly is
upon our tal le. This publication is
tilled with choice music, both sacred
and secular. The October No. contains
several lieautiful pieces, as " Take this
letter to my Mother," "Jennie, the
Flower of Ivildare," "Spring, Gentle
Spring," "To Please the Girls," " Men
are su, h Deceivers," " Wedding Uclls
are in the Air," and waltzes, polkas,
seholtisches. etc. The monthly is sol. 1
for :yi cts a No., or .'5 per amiuiii. Ad
dress J, li. I'c-ters, o'SJ lroalway, New
Woi)'s JIot'sKiiot.n Maoazink, for
October, has thrust its cheery littl self
into our presence. It brings to us the
treasures it has been gathering the past
luoiith, and all are deserving of notice.
Tnere is a pretty engraving of the chro
i:io Vosemite, whiidi the publisher
oilers as a ort uiiuin which it would be
well for all our readers to examine as
it gives a very accurate idea, save in
sj.e and coloring, of what the chronio
Yoseniite is. Pi ice of the Magazine,
One Dollar a year, with chronio, One
Dollar ami a" Half. ' Addrvss, Wood's
Household Magazine, Newburgh, N. Y
lh-nuuNKD.-Mr. T. J. McCarver ex
county treasurer returned yesterday
f n in Tacoma. He looks better than
we have ever seen him, and he says he
feels ten years younger than he did be
fore he went "to Tacoma. He is still
very sanguine about the prospects of
the 'terminus town, lie will return in
a few davs.
Piau-KssioNAhTot'K. Hangdon Cald
well, de ntist, will make a professional
tour through Seio, Lebanon, Hrow ns
ville and other places in that neighbor
hood in a w eek or so. He has a thor
ough know ledge of his profession and
will give entire satisfaction. We wish
him success.
Cam.kii.-Wo had a call from iTr.
Stearns, postmaster at Oakland, yester
day, lie came up on the Grovcr for
the purpose of seeing the Canal and
Locks, and intended taking the cars sit
Caneniah for home, but they did not
stop at that place as hey usually do.
Kr.Mon. We hear that an ex-County
Judge is soon to leave the lonely life of
baehelordom for that of double I liss,
now that the vveddin' fever prevails.
Go it while your'e young, Judge.
County Counr.-We are unable to
get the county court proceedings for
this issue, as tho court was still in ses
sion last evening when we " went for "
tlveui. Will give them next week.
Auction. We call attention to the
notice of auction sale published else
where. The sale occurs next Saturday
week, Oct ; lsth.
At'CJil'TKn, The County Court yes
terday accepted the Clackamas bridge.
It is one of tho finest bridges in the
State, and is a credit to the county.
GoriiKiuxo. Hi. Smith continu
ally refuses to meet Xesmitli on the
stump or even to be caught iu the
same town with him. He devotes
his time to gophering after " Nes.
He appeared in Eugene the day after
Xesmitli spoke there; also in this
citv the day after the speaking here,
and went up to Corvallis a day be
hind tho Democratic champaion.
He didn't dare to peddle his Opth
almic Slave traets on the
(ironnds nnt.il after " Nes " had lett
the county. dittany Democrat.
The Slie-Iffof Jackson County Makes
Application for the Indicted Indians
Ilui. is lUTused.
Si-cial Dispatch to the Oregoniau
Jacksoxvillk. Oct. 4. V Iter a h-.r.l
day's ride of Vs miles I reX'd this
place to send you the following, in sev
en hours the time of leaving Fort Klaiii-
This Friday morning was a beautful
day and nothing indicated this as ha"
man s day except the scafold-a stron
and heavy Irampyork of pine tmbers"
which stood with us six roiiesdan-lin-r
loosly in the fresh morning air ft is "i
structure of 30 feet in length "0 iii
height, and the drop on which the vic
tims stood is U feet clear from the
ZnuA r J? " tl,e ,H'n Prai"e. north
ot the I-ort, lacing north, and is braceil
and bolted together very stron dy
All the arrangements'tbr the execu
tion had been admirably made by l)St
Adjoint Kingsbury, and precisely at
J A. M. the troops were formed on" tho
panu to. ground, the artillery and cav
a ry being mounted, whe.thev U ok
up their hue of inarch to the 'guard
house, where a wagon drawn bv four
horses, and containing the prisoners,
took its portion in the column, Arriyl
ing at the gallows, the military took
- - - ' . . . 1 ......nui.iu-iv ill
tiont of the scaiiohl ; about tw enty"" feet
uistant on his left the Interpreter li
lectly m the rear of the Adjutant, about
twenty paces distant, was the Com
manding Oilicer, Oeneral Frank Whea
ton, ana oiu: pace on his left, Lieut.
Ailams, A. A. (.;., of the District of the
Lake, the Medical olhcers of the Post
and the Post Chaplain. On the right
and rear of the Commanding Oilicer,
were several olhcers casualty at the
Post, and a number of citizciis. The
reporters occupied a desk to the ex
treme left of the Medical stall". Six
mounted patrols passed up and down
the rear of the line on each side to keep
the overeurious in position of the raised
platform. In the rear of the drop were
stationed the three enlisted men charg
ed with the execution of the Modoc
prisoners, under the direction of the
Oilicer of the Day, w ho stood directly
iu the center of the platform.
Captain Jack stood on the extreme
right end of the scaf fold, w ithScoiichin
next to him, while Jioston Charley oc
cupied the extreme left with black
Jim next to him. This left two places in
the center vacant Ihancho and Slolux
having been ordered returned to the
stockade a short time before the execu
tion, an order having been received by
the Commanding Oilicer from the
President commuting their sentence to
imprisonment for life, and designating
Aleatraz.California, a.s th.j place of their
future conlinement. boston Charley
and Hlack Jim were led on the scalVold.
lirst, and Seonchiii next. Thev took
their places with apparent indill'erence,
evidently resolving to die as brave as
they had lived. Jack went easily up
the stairway, but looked wicked and
miserable. Their manacles had beed
removed, but their arms were secured
lv pinioned.
At D: 4 the interpreters, Cant. O. C,
App legate and 1). Hill, explained to
the culprits the nature of the order to
be read to them by the Adjutant, and
at 10 A. M. that ohicor read" the order
promulgating the sentence of the Com
mission an.i the President's order
therein, with the orders of the Secre
tary of War and the Department Com
mander in the j remises. The two re
prieved piisoiiers, Jh ancho and 'ilolux
were standing on the ground in front
of the si ali' 1.1, and unuer guard. The
reading occupied ten minutes. The
order of ciniiiututioii etvidedtly pleased
Slolux and Hraucho when explained
to them, and they stepped lightly on
their return to the stockade. 'J tie Chap
lain then ollered a fervid and earnest
prayer, when at 10: 1,3 the fatal nooses
were placed around the necks of the
victims. It was found necessary in
in this part of the ceremony to cut 'oil' a
little-m Jack's b.ng hair," it being in
way of the rope. ("apt. Hayes' thi n
bride farewell to t lie pi isoiicrs and the
black caps v. ere drawn over the heads
of all toe culprits. At Hi: 13 tl.ey stood
on the drop, when the rope was cut at
a signal made by ("apt. Hayes' hand
kerchief. The bodies swung round
and round several times. Jack and
Jim apparently dying easiy, while
Hoston Charley and Sconehin under
went terrible convulsions. The two
former seemed to die almost iusuutlv
while, the latter drew up their legs and
let them fall repeatedly. At 10: lis
their pulses were ft It by Ha pi. Hayes
and as 1 write this they were swinging
lifeless in mid air. As the drop fell
with a terrible, deadly thug, four poor
and write bed human beings fell into
eternity, and a half smothered cry of
horror" went up from the crowd of over
.jOi) Klamath Indians w ho were wit
nesses of the scene. Wails of deep and
bitter anguish issued from the direc
tion of the stockade, from which the
wives and children of tint oor fellows
had a fair view of the shocking scene.
The collins, six in number, had been
placed directly in front of the gallows
two or three destined to be unocctipi
a.s the order commuting sentence of tlu,'
two returned to the stockade had only
been received at 10 o'clock last evening
and provisions had also been made
for their burial.
Application was made this morn
ningbv the Sherill" of Jackson coun
ty for the ens tody of the Indians
iiidicted bv the Orand Jury of that
county, but the order was refused by
Oen. Wheatoii.
The dead Indians were buried just
west of the stockade An examination
showed that only the necks of Jack and
black Jim w ere broken. Hooka Jim
and the rest of the Modoc triUi are to
go to Wyoming within ten days, in
charge of government troops. SherilF
McKenzv's demand for Hooka Jim
and bund was refused, as also the writ
of habeas corpus of Judge Prim.
Ki. Matthews rode from Fort Klam
ath to Jacksonville in six hours lifty
live minutes, u.-ing three horses, a dis
tance of J2 miles. He beat all competi
tors 1.3 to A) minutes. There w ere thir
teen horses against him.
. -o-
MritDEK of A. H. WntTi.KY. The
Statesman gives the follow ing account
of the atrocious murder of A. H.
Whitley at Dallas last Monday by
Til. Glaze, a saloon keeper of that
-V II Whitley was shot and in
stantly killed by Til. Glaze, yester
day, between 3 and -1 o'clock i. m.
It seems that Whitley and the Gla
z'oa and Holms'slKV.1 ai i altercation m
the afternoon in front of the old ho
tel, and weapons were draw n on both
sides but friends interposed and
matters were quieted. Whitley was
persuaded ! Uncle Jake I Sears to
leave town to avoid bloodshed. He
weVitoutto his farm, but being an
and somewhat in liquor, drove
s.7reekles.sly as to break something
,'t i is Imv and he returned to
'town to have"' it repaired. While
town lo bu""gv m front of
T-on and blacksmith shop
r- iSctions to Charley leal
g, V,1f remiring the buggy, Till
about repai rm a him vitha
? U'es n"v4 revolve" and shot him
Colts nav i effect in the
;l0T ' ? the heU doming out at the
back of the heod, striking the left
chin and .he other
i feminine devil at that.
YeS, a knoT how Hill-or any
e dcn i?ouW bel getting vexed
with" vouHntolerable squeaking-'Reporter.
..mio-s position on tnree sules of the
gallow s leaving an open space, dispos
ed ot as tollows : Lieut. O. W. Kin-s-burv.
Post Adiiif.-iiif in.i;.,i..i..c:..
Their Hisrh Mission.
Mr. Alexander H. Stevens, of
Georgia said in a recent interview
that he had no doubt whatever that
a large portion of the leaders of the
present party in power have for years
been striving for the establishment
of principles which will if successful
in their efforts, inevitably lead to an
entire subversion of our whole frame
work of government. They are
striving for consolidation, which is
but another word for empire, the
end of which will be but despotism
in some form or other. But, said
Mr. Stephens, to prevent the accom
plishment of this object, their prin
ciples and measures must be assailed
before a liberty-loving people and
brought into reprobation and con
demnation at the polls, just as the
like measures and policy of like
leaders were assailed, exposed, and
condemned by the popular yote un
der the lead of Mr. Jefferson in 1800.
The leaders of the party now in pow
er can never be arrested in their
mischievous purposes by assailing
them upon false or incorrect issues.
The issue that the election of a Pres
ident for a third term is Caisarism
and dangerous to the country is just
such an issue. They may some of
them be relying on the popularity
of General Grant; but as long as he
violates no law the assaults of those
who would preserve the liberties of
this country should be aimed at the
authors of bad laws and wicked
measures; as well as the principles
and policies on which they are based;
and not against the officers, high or
low, who executed them. The sal
vation and preservation of the free
institutions of his country depends
upon the Democracy. This is their
high mission, and they will fulfill it
only ly strictly adhering to persist
ently maintaining the principles of
the Constitution, and not in the fol
lowing the lead of malcontent lie
publieans who have fallen out with
General Grant.
A Gkeat Speech. The Radical
nominee appeared, in Corvallis last
Friday, and disgusted himself us fol
lows: Without openiug with prayer
Hi. began, something in this wise:
Gentlemen: I have come here to tell
you that I have been nominated for
Congress. I won't promise to do all
jou want done, when I am elected;
but will Jo all I can. I will endeavor
to get the Yaquina Railroad, and do
all 1 can for farmers. A good deal
has been said about a resolution
which the Convention thought it
wise to pass. I think it unwise. In
my address to the voters you will
find my views. Mr. Odell will now
address you.
We understand a Radical politi
cian from the Willamette Valley is
soon to visit Umatilla count' for the
purpose of circulating the report
that "Hi" Smith is a Granger. This
report is false. "Hi" is nothing
more or less than a speculator one
of these fellows known as middle
men and cannot therefore be a
Granger. His friends are trying to
build up his popularity on false pre
tences. IF. W. S'attWMUri.
3X WtlMKD.
At the residence of the bride's mother, in
tine city, Oct. 7th, 1S7M. by Key. J.A. Wirth.
Mi:. W.m. K. 1'ikmkxt and Miss Iona av
KARAXS all of this city.
At the residence of the bride's fat hiT.Oct.
Ctli, 1ST, by the Hey. J. '. 1 . Ix-nison, Mr.
Hichard K. .Stewart and MKs Martha Jack
son all of Clackamas county, Or. 'iron.
in i:u.
Near Waterloo, IJnn county, Orejron,
Sej t. 17th, 1S7:, Kim-lino, wills ot James 1 .
Wood, uxed -JS years,
.San Francisco Market Keport.
Sax Francisco, Oct. 8.
Wheat in biyerpool Average ( lalilornia,
12s lid'12s 1M ; Orejron, l:Ss:l:l 2ds.
Flour .Supcrtiiie, Jtii; extra, f 7 25.
Wheat I oast, f 2 i"K'2 ).
barley Coast teed, f 1 'Ksd50; bay feed
SI WiT, 15 ; bay brewing, il 6o.
Oats tiood supply in market ; prices are
$1 4fxj,l 70.
Wool Quiet, fine to choice clear, 1920.
Iortlaiid Market Itcport.
Wkonksday, Oct. 8. 1S7X
Gold in New York to-day, HO1.
Portland U'iTal Tender rales, Si) buying ;
!n sellinjr.
Wheat Demand is tfood at $1 801 !)
cental, sacked.
Oats olvJ V bushel, sacked and deliv
ered. I-'Iour Inconsequence of tho condition
of the wheat market. Hour has been ad
vanced 5 cents per barrel in this city, on
best brands.
I Sutter The receipts are lare and the
market well stocked with all qualities,
l'rices raiijre lrom 1'K'VS cents.
K-rjrs Market supply short ; prices firm
at 2o cents si dozen.
Wool The market continues dull and
quotations arc furnished ml-.ihc V lb lor
a pood article.
isacon ihe supply on hand remains
abundant. Sides are quoted at HhivUe;
Hams, ll'l-jc, and prime Shoulders at sr
Oregon City Market Ilenort,
K NTK n I'll IS E OFFIOK, Oct. 9, 1873.
The following are thO'buyinjr prices for
produce, and the sellitisr price lor others :
Wheat Ix iiuind good and selling at 5'J
bushel. . . i
flour Oood supply m market, and sell
ing at 00,tHH.
Middlings Are quoted, at fii per ton;
shorts, iM; and bran $15, with lull supplies
on hand. , ,
Oats Supply equal to demand ; buyers
arc paying i cents. , .
Potatoes No demand, and the market
overstocked, at from -J,rt&M) cents per bush
el. Onions Quotable at IH cents per pound.
j.rjrscdrce, ju.'2'l dozen.
Chickens $2 50 cv 00 per dozen.
Hutter Scarce, 20('ii5 cents lor good Iresh.
Wool Kor choice lots, 2t cents.
Dried Fruits Full stocks in market;
pples are bringing 4v cents per pound ;
peaches It cents; Currants 10(15 cents;
l'lii i ns 15 cents. ... T, ,
Sswar Crushed, lllo cents; Island 9rt
lVj "san Francisco retined, 12!vl2!$ cents.
IVa itest quality $1 per pound, and oth
er brands ranging trom ur75 cents.
Coffee ISest article 25 cents.
Salt Hanging lrom lV2Si.
Syrup 50 cents per gallon; best article
CO cents.
Bacon Hams 12vl3 cents; Shoulders,
8 cents ; sides, 10 cents per pound.
Iird Per pound 11 cents.
Oil Kevoe s Krosene per gallon.MKqTo
cents ; Linseed $1 25.
Beef on foot Good fat cattle And ready
sale at 5 cents on foot.
Fork We quote at ti cents.
Sheep Few offering; quote at ft 72 25
per head. , ...
Hides Green at from 23. owing to the
size ; dry 15 cents icr pound,
Manv valuable horses die from the ef
fects of colic. The best thing to do in a
case or this kind is to pour a bottle of John
ton's Anoiiinc Liniment into a long-necked
Junk lKittle, add half pint of molasses
and water, then pour the whole down in
horse's throat. In ten minutes the horse
will begin to eat.
The undersigned having been appointed
agent lor Clackamas county will sell for 90
aays. when ordered by school or district,
ior Introduction at the following rates :
D Jietail. lricrIntro.Ratea
Pacific Const First Header $ 25 $ 10S
" Second Header 50 Xl.'j
" Third Header 75 50
" Fourth Header 1 00 W.i
. , . " Filth Header 125
iiypKins- .Manuel of Amer
ican Ideas, in lieu of tith .
lteuder 1 50 1 00
Oregon City, Oct. 1st, 1S73.
Natural lJei-aj Protect tke System.
The human body is a machiue, and
therefore cannot endure forever; but like a
watch or a sewing machine, it will last
much longer if properly regulated and du
ly repaired, than if no pains were taken
to keep it in order. The great object of
every one who desires a long and healthy
life should be to put his body in a condition
to resist the life threatening influences by
which we are all more or less surrounded ;
aud no invigorunt and corrective at pres
ent known so effective answers this pur
pose as the vitalizing elixir which, under
the unpretending name of Hoscttcr's Stom
ach Bitters, has been for more than twenty
years the standard tonic of America. In
crowded cities, whore the atmosphere is
contaminated with the effluvia inseparable
lrom large imputations; in marshy regions
where the soggy soil recks with miasma;
on the prairies and in the forests, where
every tall the air is tainted with exhala
tions from rotting weeds and grasses, or
decomposing leaves in short, iu every lo
cality where malaria exists, this powerful
vegetable antidote is urgently needed. Fe
ver and ague, bilious levers, dysentery,
congestion of the liver, jaundice, rheuma
tism, and all diseases wnicli are generated
by infected air, impure water, or sudden
ol temi-r.iture may be averted by s'rength
ening and regulaingthe sjstem in advance
with Ilostetter's Bitters. Autumn is al
ways a season of peril, especially to weak,
susceptible organizations. KventUe more
vigorous are apt lo be in some measure
depressed by the humid atmosphere, load
ed with deleterious gases produced by vege
table decay. The iall is a period of the
year when t he renovation and regulation
of the living machine is'ix-culiarty iin)ior
tanL ,and tin: Bitters should therefore be
taii'-n daily at this critical season.
I'arxoiix' 1'urtjative l'VIs will greatly re-
neve, ii not entirely cure, uisepsia when
everything else fails. They huve been
tried in some desperate cases, and having,
more relief than any other medicine.
Almost Every Cue Cured Willi
PAIS -Kl L L E R !
I'.eau Sius : lairing a residence of some
ten years in Siain and China, as a nnssioi.
arv.'l tound your Pain-Killer a most valu
able remedy lor that learlul scourge, the
In administering the medicine I found it
most effect ual to give a teaspoon!" u 1 ol Pain-
Killer in a gill ot hot water sweetened with
sugar-, then, alter about titteen minutes,
begin tu give about a tablespooiilul ol the
same mixture every lew minutes until re-
liei is obtained. Apply hot applications to
the extremities. lithe the stomach wit ii
the Pain-Killer, clear, aud rub the limbs
briskly. Ol those who had the Cholera.and
tooktnc medicine laithiully, in the way
stated above, eight out ol ten recovered.
He v. H. '1 KLfuKU, Missionary in China.
liEAtt Slits : Iiuring a long residence in
China 1 have used your valuable Pain-Kil-ler.
both in my own lamily aud among thr
Chinese, and have lound it a most excel
lent medicine, in the Summers of lSoii and
lxhi, while residing in Shanghai, 1 lound
it an almost c-rtain cure lor cholera, it us
cd in time, lnueed, using it in a great
many instances, I do not remember tailing
ma single case, l-or three years 1 nave
been residing in this place, more than titty
miles lrom a physician, and have been
obliged oiten toiall upon my on resources
in cases of sickness. The Chinese come to
us in great numbers lor. medicine and ad
vice. Though without medical knowledge
ourselves, tnv lew simple remedies ve can
command are so much in advance even of
their ph sieians.t liat we have almost daily
apt heat ions. We allow them to come, be
cause it brings us in contact with them and
opens a door ol usetulness. In diarrhea.
colic, vomiting, cholera, coughs, etc., your
1 ain-Ivila r has been my chu t medicine.
Yours, very truly,
Hkv. T. p. Crawford,
Tungcliow, China.
Those using Pain-Killer should strictly
obs.-rvc the lollowiug directions :
At. the commencement of the disease,
take a teaspoouful of Pain-Killer, in sugar
and water, anil then bathe lreely across
the stomach and bowels with the Pain
Killer clear. Should t he dirrhea and cramp
continue, repeat the dose every fifteen min
utes, in this way t he dreadful scourge may
be checked and the patient relieved in the
course of a few hours.
N. B. Be sure and get the genuine article ;
and it is recommended by t nose who have
used the Pain-Killer for the cholera, that
iu extreme cases the patient take two (or
more) teaspoontuls instead of one.
The PA1N-KI1J.KH is sold by all the
Iriiggisls and Dealers in Family Medi
cines. sy Price, 25 and 50 -ents, and il.
Manuf's a l'rop s.l iti High St.,Prov.,K. I.
sept lil :ml
For the very best photographs, go to Brad
ley it Huloison's Galery wit hout STAIHS
Vsceii.l in ti lOlevittor, 42!) Montgomery
Street, San Francisco, California.
Klixir Da in I h mi.
Among the new and successful remedies,
none have excited so much wonder as this
great restorer of the vital energies. To Ir.
Jos'' Zuniga belongs the credit of producing
the reliable extract of the great remedy,
which is now producing grand and sur
prising r 'suits imparting in a wonderful
d"gree, fresh and youthful vigor to all who
have used it. Agents, Chas. Bangley & Co.,
San Francisco. auglm.'i.
Will attend to calls night or day. Office on
Main street, opposite -Masonic Hall. Resi
dence on the hill, where he will be please
to receive night calls.
Oregon City, Or., Sept. 30, 1873. oc3m3,
Auction Sale!
Saturday, Oct. ISth, 1S7;5, tiie following
named articles, for cost: bbls pickled
pork ; 2 cases coffee ; 1 case iea ; 1 box corn
starch; 13 window sash a-U glass. 9x13; 2
force pumps; i0 feet of led pipe ; 1 lot of
empty bbls; molasses, dishes, lamps, bake
pans boilers, kettles, l-ots """1 other arti
too numerous to mention.
B-Sale to take i.1cj Myer s store.
K 11 Yl J fc I I
JL to the citizens of Oregon City that he
has reopened his Oyster Saloon and Res-
taurant, and can dish out Fresh Oysters to
fill orders. Coffee, Tea and Chocolate
always on hand; also a general assort
ment of confectionary. Oysters served up
in every style desired. LOUIS SAAL.
Oregon City, Sept. 20, 1873-tf.
M I fifCJi L. L -4 -V H O US.
Established since ' at tke old stand.
Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon.
jf.no An assortment of Wathes, Jewel
Vryx ry.and Seth Thomas' Weight Clocks
Jt all of which are warranted to be as
UfcrfB represented.
ay lirnnirinf flnnp on k h frt nntt
thankful for iast patronage. '
in Broks, Stationery, I'erfum
ery, etc., etc.
Oregon City, Oregon.
GTAt Charman fc Warner's old stand.
lately occupied by S. Aokeman, Main st.
lias Just Received a New Stock of
Calicoes, Dress Goods, Brown and Bleached Sheetiii"s,
House Lining, Shirtings, Table-Linen, Irish Bosom Linens,
Linen Towelling, Table-Cloths, Corsets, Ladies' and Gents'
Hose, Thread, Cambrics. Buttons, Ribbons, Laces and Insertions,
Embroidery, White Goods, Millinery, Fancy Goods, Ac.
Also, a full assortment of
Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Wicks and Chimneys,
AVliich huve. bee selected ItU special cure for this markft unci t uuuot
-run iik;iii.st m arki:t price paid for coumkyproduch,
March 13, lh73:tf "
X 1-oots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, lloscHi-s No
tions, Cutlery, Baskets and Toys : also, Groceries and Provisions, and a
Toojiumerous to describe, which we propose to sell at the Lowest Possible Rates, for
MR. L. LEVY, being a Prwctit-nl Jew eler of long experience, we will also di al In
and manufacture and repair Jewelry. e guarantee allour goods and wirk or no li-iy
Give us a call and examine our goods, and save twenty i r cent. '
LEVY 3320.,
Second door north of the Postoilice, Main street, Uiriiii City.
Dr. J. S. Coleman's Coin-
pound Extract
tus is a preparation combining all me vaiuauie medical quaities of t he Fucalvnt us,
which is cultivated in nearly every California garden tor its medical utility h-ivim' be
come the household remedy for all diseases of t he KIDXJiYS, 11 1. A DDF li .n!i i-p; v
IA' Y CANAL, and SKMIXAL WliAKXKSS. It seems to have a direct JUhnit v for t he
GENITO-ORGANS and their surroundings, and cures them by its alterative'healing
and balsamic properties more effectually than any other known remedy. '
It is an invaluable remedy for all diseases of t he mucous and serous membranes ncl
.SI A, LliUCVlUtHUCA, Ltc. '
This preparation is the result of Ir. Coleman's experiments with tho medicinal prop
erties ol the tree in the U. S. Msrine Hospital in San Francisco, in 1.S71 ni l.s7- wiw-r
ne nau uuusuai lacimies ior t-estiiig me various methods of preparing t he remedy and
its uses, it can be relied upon as certain to give the promised results, and hundre'ds or
?l,,yVi1J!,"Vt,wwwi.l,Cv'.0iin -i'sry,at J,lis "mc0- Am Kearney stect, San Francisco.
COLHAMJi 'fi DUhliLIi HXTltACT OF HtH'A I. Yl' r-x ic ,. ,,.-
enui, yei narmiess, icuriiuge, anu is a special preparation for the
treatment ol the malarious levers of our interior valleys and is war
ranted to cure any ease of FEVERAN1) AG L'K treated with it accord
ing to directions, while the banelul results of the usual Ouinine and
arsenical rcmedie for those diseases are entirely avoided.
FOR PHYSICIANS, Coleman's Fluid Extract of Eucalyptus in 1-lb
bott les. Beware of imitations, and take none "but Coleman's, fnr
ililrt n n firTB:'sarMsat(i'vemvlH'rp..'ind In- llmi.r,. c.,i,.f
I F of Ori'gou t'ity and of the illamette
alley, that he is still on hand and doing
business on the old motto, tnat
A Xitnble Six Pence in Hitter than a Slow
I have just returned from San Francisco,
where I purchased one of the
ever before otTered in this city ; and consists
in part, as follows :
Boots and Shoes,
Clothing, Dry Goods,
Hats and Caps,
Hosiery of Every Description,
Hardware, Groceries,
Paints and Oils,
Sash and Doors,
Chlnaware, Queensware,
Stoneware, Crockery,
Platedware, Glassware,
Jewelry of Various Qualities
And Styles, Clocks and
Watches, Ladies and
Gents' Furnishing
Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy No-
Rope, Faming tions of Every
Implements of Description
. All Kinds, Carpets,
Mattings, Oil
Cloth, Wall Taper, etc..
Of the above list, I can say my stock is the
ever offered in this market , and was seleted
with especial care for t he Oregon City trade
All of which I now oiler for sale at the
Lowest Market Rates.
No use for the ladies, or any one else, to
think of going to Portland to buy goods for
l am Hflermxnttl to esell Cheap and not to
aiiow mysen iu oe
All I ask Is a fair chance aud quick pay
ments, believing as I do that
Twenty Years Experience
in Oregon City enables me to know the re-
i. ii i i 1 1 ti.ntc nl IKo tivule t V,m o nun nml nil
1 . . . . . . - - - -' - - ------
and see for yourselves that the old stand of
cannot be beaten in quality or price. It
would be useless for me to tell you all the
advantages I can ofTcr you in the sale of
goods, as every store that advertises docs
that, and probably you have been disap
pointed. All I wish to say is
Come, and Spp.and Examine for Yourselves
fori do not wish to make any mistakes.
My object is to tell all my old friends now
that I am still alive, and desirous to sell
goods cheap, for cash, or upon such terms
as agreed uion. Thanking all for the liber
al rmtronaire heretofore bestowed.
Main Street, Oregon City,
Legal Tenders and County Scrip taken at
market rates. THOS. CHARMAN.
T"50.000 lbs wool wanted by
Factory Block, :::::: Oregon City.
"Agency for the San Juan Lime Co.
Lime sold In quantities to suit, augl-tf.
LOGt S fe ALBRIGHT have just re
ceived a fine lot of beef cattle from the
John Day country. They are the fatest
ever brought to this valley before, and will
be butchered for this market. They pro
pose to sell cheap. Give them a call, and
get the choicest of meats.
Oregon City, May 33d, 1873. t f .
Have Just oiened, iu
ew Liriiiaiiii, Oregon Cit','
of eucalyp-5
r,yx& Co., Wholesale Druggists. Portland. Sole Ae-entsfo
ot r ainily Groceries to be found in the
city. All goods warranted. Goods delivered
in the city tree of charge. The highest cash
price paid lor country produce.
Oregon City, March S, 173.
iSiivier, Laliocqiic. & Co.
Oregon Ctty.
Keen constant 1
Middlings. Plan and Chicken I-W.i l'rti,.Z
purchasing feed must lurnish the sack.
rp II E U N I) E R S I G N E I) AN-
JL nounee to the citizens of Oregon v 7
City and Clackamas county that they lmve
just ojM-ned a
Oregon City,
Main street, next door north of Shades Sa
loon, where t hey w ill keep on hand and for
sale all goods pertaining to t heir line, at the
i.owkxt i.ivino katk.s. Especial attent ion
given tothe repairingof EineTi mf Pikcks.
All goods sold and work done warranted"
Oregon City, Eeb. ti, 173-tf.
Dry Goods,
Boots and Shoes,
Hardware, Groceries,
Crockery, Notions, .
Ladies and Gents'
Furnishing Goods,
etc., etc., etc., etc.
Main Street, Oregon City.
Produce of all kinds bought, for which I
pay the highest market price. If you de
sire good Goods at I-ow prices, call at
I. S ELL I X G ' S
and examine his new stock of Springgoods.
Give me a call and convince yourselves.
My motto is,
The highest market price paid for wool.
Oregon City, March 21, 1573-tf.
w a rr e i :,
i LL OTHER KINDS OK 11 II i-JS, 1-till
f u-hih I M ill ?av the highes market
nrice in CASK Pring on your hides and get
your coin lortheiii- t.,Tr
li'ii- ri. jiii.A.-i,
Saddle and Harness Maker.
Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, lt72-m3.
Sout Invest Corner First ami )Icrrison Sts.
I adoiiled tlie
Come and see us and there will be mutu
al satisfaction.
Southwest Corner First and Morrison Sts.,
Portland, Oregon.
August 22d, 1878-tf.
J Sl.o per acre. t--tv
For part iculars inrjuire of R. iitv i.
Needy, Clackama county, Oregon.