Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, October 10, 1873, Image 2

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cDomocratic State Ticket !
The vast amount of the surplus
2roducts of this cotratry and the
vast area of unoccupied interior land
adajted to farming and grazing pur
poses taken iu connection "with the
increased anS increasing foreign de
mand forQthe suridus gives to the
transporting business very great im
portance. And that we may be
able to compete with other produc
ing countries and at the same time
secure to the producer a remunera
tive price for his products the de
mand for cheap transportation is ini
2orutiv?. Recently tLe demand is
eliciting the earnest fad thoughtful
attention of a large class of the busi
ness men of the nation ; we give as
instances the organization of Farm
ers Granges throughout the "Western
States one of their leading objects
being to devise a vav to secure more
speedy and cheap means of transpor
tation. The recent assemblage at
Cooper Institute, in New York, of
business men having in view devis
ing means to cheapen transportation.
Water transportation cither along
the channels formed by natvire or iri
artificial channels is the cheapest.
So that the improvement of our
rivers and harbors is a pressing ne
cessity. Even here past legislation
is.at fault in many instances. "Where
obstructions exist in the natural
channels legislative franchises have
placed the rivers in the hands of
monopolists when they should have
been as free as the air we breathe.
Some extensive and productive tracts
of country destitute of navigable
rivers can only have trrnsportation
cby means of rail roads. The liber
ality of the government, in affording
aidto build these roads has been
abused. The companies having in
some instances received the peoples
land and money more lhan sufficient
to. build the roads claim by virtue 'of
corporate rights exemption from leg
islative control and hare turned that
which was constructed by the peo
ples money, and professedly for the
peoples benefit, into an engine of ex.-
tortiou and exactions. Another in
stance of the baneful influence of
monopolist.-: The New York Journa
f Comiwrce states as the conclusion
reached bv the business men at the
cheap transportation meeting heh
at Cooper Institute recently that th
people through their legislatures
must control the railroad policy o
the State and to this end that the
first thing to be done is to elect an
honest legislature. 1 1 is not strange
thatlthe men of the city of New York
should thus earnestly take hold u:
this suoject when statistics prove
that the city of New York is loosing
her-high position as the commerci
queen of the American continent,
which will appear from the follow
ing exhibit: "While the quantity of
grain produced and shipped to tide
water from the west increased over
3(5 2er cent, iu the ton years ending
with 1872; there was an actual de
crease of nearly 50 per cent, in the
quantity shipped by New Y'ork ca
nals during the same period; yet the
trade of Montreal, Canada, increased
during the same period nearly 85
er cent.
The proposition for the restoration
of New York to her relative commer
cial importance is not to build more
rail roads but to widen and deepen
the Erie canal by :m increase of
j the water transportation facilities.
oThe New York Journal of Com
O ?tvcv further says of railroads: "Thev
are creatures of the State; they have
received enormous sums of money J
or immensely valuable grants and
concessions from the State. Thev
have been coddled and petted bv the
State and in return for this bound-
i . . av i ,
icss gpufruMij iney nave neeomc
i r .,,: . i-i . ,
conupifia ox juauw, miners oi leg
islatures and tyrants over the people.
They are public enemies in all these
things. "0 When the rates of trans
portation here are so high that the
Qpeople of another nationality by
cheapening transportation have in a
measure diverted the transportation
of the surplus products within our
own borders through their country
to them the benefits of the trade it is
time something should be done to
correct the abuses practiced by the
companies owning the lines of trans
portation. What has been the position of the
two political parties on the railrord
question. Because democrats have
been unwilling that the government
should give to the companies pro
posing to build these roads all that
was required for their construction
and, to use them when constructed
without let or hindrance, they have
been' aeeussd by the republicans
with opposing railroads and thereby
hindering the development of the
Now throughout the country peo
ploire rallying to the Democratic
view of the question as shown by
the recent and general opposition to
' !
While the Republicans may claim
the doubtful credit of being the
friends, par excellence, of railroads
the Democrats may justly claim the
honor of being the fast friends of
the rights of the masses of the peo
ple as against any and all monopolies.
This was exemplified in the recent
California election.
Another exemplification is found
in the election now in this State. It
is a well known fact that the Rail
Road Company has a controlling in
fluence in the Republican party and
we are glad to say that it is felt and
deprecated by many of the best men
of that party.
Before another issue of the Entek
prise the election will have taken
place and the people will have given
expression by their Totes to their
opinions on these questions vitally
affecting the interests of the entire
State and people. If the cool inde
pendent judgment is exercised in de
ciding in reference to votes given,
then we have no fear as to the result.
Monopoly has been given one stun
ning blow in the recent election in
California, let us repeat the blow on
the 13th inst.
Let the friends of labor, as against
the aggressions of accumulated capi
tal, present in the ides of October an
unbroken phalanx.
ivauicai N iccascms lor no
t Voting
lor Hi Smith.
These are a few of the reasons of a
Radical friend for not voting for Hi
1st. To vote for him would be. a
virtual endorsement of the black
crimes Senator Mitchell stands con
victed of.
2nd. It would be endorsing the
right of Federal officers and the rail
road company to pack conventions of
the party.
ord. It would bo helping to send
a man to Congress who is the agent
of the railroad company at Harris-
burg, and who has amassed a large
ortuue from speculating olV the hard
toilers of Oregon by forcing the farm
ers to sell lum their wheat at a mere
nominal figure, and being in with
the ring was enabled to sell it at an
advanced price.
-1th. It would be endorsing the
man who tried to tamper with the
undisputed right of our citizens to
go the polls, in the election of 1870,
and exercise the right of voting for the
man and principles of their choice,
by hiring them to go into an adjoin
ing county and vote for the candi
dates of the railroad ring.
5th. It would helping to send a
man to Congress who is an ignoram
us, and who cannot appear before an
audience and repeat two sentences of
the Lmghsh language correctly.
oth. It would be endorsing free
love, woman suffrage and spiritual
ism, as taught and practied by Mad
ams oodhull, Anthony, Duniway
aud Chamberlain, for Hiram Smith
unreservedly endorses them, and has
hired the two latter ladies to advocate
his cause.
7th. It would be giving the ring
two votes in the 4:Jd Congress for an
additional subsidy to Mr. Holladay's
Pacific Mail Steamships to carry
Chinese immigrants to our shores to
work on railroads, in the harvest
lields, in the wash houses, in the
workshops, and in every place where
they can find an honestVhite laborer
toiling for the sujiport of his family.
Low Down. The Radical party
of this State is getting as low down
in this campaign as is possible for
men to get. Last Satuaday they were
seen with about two thousand coyies
of the 3Tetc 2iort7urest, which were
not regular issues of that japer, but
were extras gotten up specially for
campaign documents, by the Custom
House and Railroad ring, and filled
with libelous articles- which the ring
was not willing to expose to public
criticism. They, doubtless, think
the voters of this county are to
be caught by such a bait, but
they will find the voters of Clacka
mas county to be freemen ! A party
claiming to be worthy the respect
of the people, is low down when it
dodges behind a woman for protec
tion. The Radical press Mas consoling
itself the other day by telling its
readers that Hi Smith hadn't time to
canvass the State with Col. Nesmith.
What have they now to say of his
having time to follow in the tracks of
Mr. Nesmith, at a respectable dis
tance, and distribute his tracts. He
attempted to make a speech at Cor
vallis last Friday and disgusted his
friends by Lis stupity. Thii of Hi
Smith appearing in Congress ! The
reason that Smith didn't meet Mr.
Nesmith was that he hadn't sense
enough to get up before an audience
and tell them that he was a candidate
for Congress.
Democrats, do you want to carry
the county by a large majority and
therein- make victory certain next
next June? If so, see that every
Democratic vote is polled. The Rad
ical party is divided, crest-fallen and
hopeless, and by defeating it in this
election by an overwhelming victory
we will not be misrepresented in the
legislature next fall by a speculator
in surveying contracts, as we were
last. Vote against the party who
endorsed bigamy, adultery.embezzle
ment, and other hienous crimes.
"Alone in nis Gloky."' The only
person so far who, say sthe Jackson
ville Tunes, fearing to lose his office,
has taken the stump for Hi Smith, is
W. H. Odell, Hippie's Surveyor Gen
eral. This gives our Republican
friends but little consolation, for
Odell, the prince of nincompoops
but of little force, and liable to'
more injury than benefit.
Editorial Correspondence,
Raltimore, Sept. 21, 1873.
In commencing this letter we hard
ly know how and where to begin, or
on what subject. To attempt
to give Vl complete and pefect
description of this city vouw tate
more space than we are willing to
occupy in the Enterprise with one
letter, and we shall therefore only
mention a few most important points
and speak of the city in general.
Baltimore contains about 300,000 in
habitants, whites and blacks, and the
people appear to be social, generous
and liberal minded. The town is
built up with brick and marble
buildings, from four to six stories,
some of which are very fine struc
tures; yet we have seen few, if any,
stores or residences which excel
those found in our own State. One
of the principal features of Balti
more is its beautiful monuments,
which are located all over the city.
The town boasts of having also the
cleanest and handsomest parks in
the Union, and for all we know, this
boast is well founded. Last Sun
day, in company with a whole-souled
printer, Mr. John Cox, we took a
ride over the city and visited Drnid
Park. This is said to be the most
beautiful xark in the United States.
The grounds are as nature created
them, but handsome and level roads
and paths have been made, which
makes it a very desirable place to
drive or walk. A number of donios
ticated deer and other animals wan
der over its wooded grounds and
seem to be perfectly at home. This
park is kept in order by the revenue
received from the earnings of the
the street cars, which pay twenty
per cent, of their receipts into the
city treasury for the right of way
through the' various streets in the
city. There are also a number of
artificial lakes on the park, which
add greatly to its beauty. To speak
of the various other squares would
be an almost inexhaustible subject,
and we will leave the subject by say
ing that they sire all beautiful and a
credit to the city of Baltimore, being
kept up in an unscrupulous clean
and tasteful manner. '
The business of the city appears
to be on the increase, and we learn
that Chicago finds in this city a most
formidable rival for the trade of the
great Northwest. Packing and man
ufacturing is carried Ton here in an
extensive manner, and is the re;d
source of its great wealth. If the
people of Oregon could ouly realize
the importance of manufactories,
and our capitalists would go into the
businees, we would soon see a change
in our State, and prosperity would
attend us oa every side. Instead of
sending off annually millions of dol
lars to build up and enrich other
communities, our own State would
be receiving her growth. One thing
we noticed in our walks around town,
and that is, about every other lady
you meet is dressed in mourning.
We could not believe that it was an
unhealthy place, and upon enquiry
we learned that a great number of
her citizens had friends killed
in the late war. The place was vir-
j tually a refuge Jor the oppressed of
the South during the war, and many
of them still reside here.
The Grand Lodge of the United
States met here last Monday. It
was as fine a body of men as we have
ever seen assembled, and coming as
they did from every State in the Un
ion, were a fair representation of the
Order, and we have no hesitancy in
saying that they were an honor to
the Order. The Grand Sire being
absent, Deputy Grand Sire Dnrham,
of Kentucky, member elect to Con
gress, presided over the delibera
tions of the body. The proceedings
were harmonious throughout, and
much legislation was had. There
was no change made in the work,
and the new books were adopted to
go into effect on the 1st of next Jan
uary. Washington and Idaho Ter
ritories, who are under the jurisdic
tion of the Grand Lodge of Oregon,
were granted charters for Territorrial
Grand Lodges. This was deemed
best by us, as the rulings of the
Grand Lodge are that those two
Territories " must make their re
turns to the Grand Lodge of the
United States, and that they are not
entitled to representation in the
Grand Lodge of Oregon." Finding
that this w as the opinion of the lead
ing members of the order, including
all the Past Grand Sires and the
Grand Secretary, we concluded that
if we could get a charter for them,
they could set up house keeping on
their own hook. In this we were
successful. British Columbia was
also granted a charter for a Grand
Lodge. The Degree of Kebecca was
so amended that the wife's standing
in the Lodge is not dependent on the
husband. During the session Grand
Secretary Ridgely was presented
with a solid silver brick and a most
beautiful silver mounted cane
former by White of Nevada, and the
latter by the representative from
Tennessee. Appropriate presenta
tion speeches were made by Repre
sentative Herman and the Represent
tive from Tennessee, and replied to
by the recipient. The Lodge ad
journed yesterday afternoon, and
most of the members have left for
their homes.
There has been as great an excit-
ment in financial circles during the
past week as that on the memoriable
Black Friday, caused by tbe suspen
sion of Jay Cooke & Co. Of all the
great banting houses of the country,
not one was regarded more substan
tial and opulent than that of Jay
Cooke & Co. They Lave been the
financial favorites of the Federal
Government from the first issue of
the national debt, and had a monop
oly of the business until recently,
when Grant found new pets to re
ward in the firm of Clews & Co.
Each individual of the firm had
amassed a colossal fortune, and the
public outside believed they did only
a safe business, which could in no
wise be injured by the wild and des
perate devices of gold rings and
stock gamblers. It . was, therefore,
an occasion of astonishment and dis
may when the news came. It was
regarded as the dropping out of the
financial corner stone and the top
pling over of the great store at the
head of the line, which was expected
to be followed by a long roar as each
tumbled against the other to the end
of the string. It cannot be wonder
ed at, that the wildest and most ex
aggerated rumors sprang to life, and
a panic ensued in Wall street.
A financial judgment day seemed
eminent, and stock speculators called
for the rocks to cover them. It is
stated that the suspension is only
temporary. There is a report in cir
culation that this suspension is only
a ruse in the interest of huge specu
lators. There has been a combina
tion formed for the purpose of de
pressing stocks, and it is stated that
this suspension is in the interest of
the speculators. If that be so, they
have certainly succeeded in pushing
stock down and they can quietly
purchase before they resume. In
our opinion, this is but a forerunner
of a great financial crisis which must
sooner or later overtake the stock
rr i 1 vl am?
We have not been so fortunate as
to learn who the Democrats nomina
ted for Congress, but see that the
Radicals have placed in nomination
Hiram Smith, of Harrisburg, on a
platform endorsing Mitchell. If the
Radicals had any show of carrying
the State before the nomination was
made and the adoption of this plat
form, they certainly surrendered it
when they met in Convention. It
was our opinion that the Democrats
might be imprudent enough to nom
inate a man who the Radicals could
defeat, but that man is not Hiram
Smith, loaded down with a Mitchell
Hippie platform. It is now our
opinion, no matter who is nominated
by the Democracy, that he will Ins
elected by at least 2,500 majority.
We urge upon every Democrat, as
well as upon every man who is op
posed to a bigmist, to cast their votes
for the man who is opposed to him
and thus seal the impudence of a
party which has dared to insult the
pumic sentiment of our State, lhe
Radicals have indeed fallen below
the dignity of a party, and the soon
er it is buried, the better it will be
for the representation oi our State.
While we had our choice among
Democrats, and would as soon ha-ve
seen an honest Itadieal elected as a
certain individual who was an aspi
rant, that feeling has entirely van
ished, aud should this individual
we mean J. W. Nesmith have re
ceived the nomination on a sound
platform, we urge every Democrat
to come up to the polls and vote for
him. This is no time to stand back.
The members of the party cau call
to accouut at some future time the
men who placed Lim in nomination.
Let us come up to a man to put our
seal of condemnation ou such de
fiance and insults as offered by the
Radical couventiou. It is our high
hope that we shall be home before
the election. Anything is better
than Hiram Smith and a John Hiram
Mitchell platform.
We leave here to-night for New
York. A. N
Democrats, you are not only called
upon to vote for the Democratic can
didate and Democratic principles on
next Monday, but you are called on
to vote against a Custom House offi
cer who receives $f,(H0 a year, of
your taxes, for the performance of a
duty that he neglects to meddle in
the affairs of the railroad monopoly
against the honest toilers of our
State, and to vote against an U. S.
Senator who neglects his duty, as a
member of a Senate Committee on
Transportion, to try to carry the elec
tion in the interest of his client Ben
Holladay and monopoly.
Fai,se. The Bulletin has been par
ading a libel in its columns for the
past week, to the effect that Col.
Nesmith was pledged to the support
of the monster nionoioly that con
trols the Columbia river. It is
needless to say that this is false.
Col. Xesmith is pledged to use his
influence to have the Columbia river
thrown open to free navigation, as
he helped to have the Willamette.
The Bulletin would like to make up
some story to attract the attention
of the voters from Holladay's agent
at Harrisburg Hi Smith.
Holladay's return to the State has
given fresh courage to the Radical
leaders. He immediately started J.
F. Caples, Superintendent of the
China Sunday School at Portland, to
Salem to speak in the interest of Hi;
he also started Madames Duniway
& Chamberlain out through the cow
counties to defend his bigamous Sen
ator, and to help the cause of his
; agent at Harrisburg. Thev find it a
o- uiaft, to worK in
the harness of Hippie-Mitchell, Scott
The Bulletin says that Hi Smith is
ine owner ot several farms.
the editor of the
'special deiuirf.
of the paper:tell us how
of these farms he obtained bv fore
closing mortgages and turning some
poor uewi out to "root ho
S or die!"
Territorial News Items.
The Salt Lake Theater opened on
1st inst.
Helena is rejoicing in spring chick
ens at $6 per dozen.
The public schools of Walla Walla
have S00 registered pupils.
The Washington Territory Legis
lature convened last Monday morning-
The fruit trees at Bripliam City
are reported as being loaded to tue
II. Wing & Co. have instituted an
Independent Oyster Company at V) &
A lodge of Good Templars was or
ganized at Tacoma on the eveamg oi
the 20th ult.
Star Line packets will be placed
on the line between San 1 rancisco
and the Sound.
A report comes from Montana iaat
the beautiful snow covers the ground
to the depth of eight inches.
Immense rich discoveries are re
ported to have been recently made
in Missoula county, Montana.
Three Jurors last week at Walla
Walla were fined the amount of their
pay for the term because of tardiness.
A party has just outfitted at Helena
for Puget Sound, where they be
lieve they can better their condition.
The Medical Society of Washing
ton Territory will hold its regular
session at Olyinpia on the loth inst.
Nearly all the Indians belonging
to the Umatilla Rerervatiou are now
reported to be loafing around Walla
Six elk and six deer were killed on
the upper Skookum Chuck last week
one of the former weighing 000
The farmers of Lewis county find
a ready market at the Newaiikum
station, for their wheat at one dollar
per bushel.
This year Whitman county, has
raised a large amount of grain, prob
ably 75,000 bushels in excess of the
home demand.
Two molars of the American ele
phaut, found in the vicinity of Alta,
Utah, have been placed in the Salt
Lake Museum.
Vv alia Walla conniy has a school
fund this year of about 20,000, of
of which 8,000 comes from licens
ing whisky selling.
The stone work of the Territory
Penitentiary, on McNeil's Island, in
Pierce county, W. T., is entirely
done, and the brick work is rapidly
following suit.
During the latter part of last week
the horizon in a northerly direction
from Walla Walla was brilliantly
lighted up at night, and had the ap
pearance of northern lights.
A letter from Kititos savs: "The
earthquake which was felt over this
country a little less than a yewr ago
has its echo still in the neighbor-
hood of Lake Chelan. There is al
most a daily repetition of light
The Company now constructing
the railroad from Walla Walla to
Wallula, propose to the pi op le of
tliat locality to complete their road
immediately if th citizens vill pur
chase freight bonds and subscribe
stock to the amount of 5fl'),tj-0.
Articles have been tiled iu the Sec
retary's office at Olympia, incorpo
rating the McCarver Street Wharf
Company. bvD. B. Hauua, John S.
Hill and M. M. McCarver. The ob
ject is to construct a wharf at the
foot of McCarver street, iu Tacoma.
The capital stock is $10,000, divided
into 100 shares of $100 each. Also
articles of incorporation of the Ta
coma Water Company, by the saine
parties, with a capital" stock of o0,
000, divided into 1,000 shares of $50
each, the purpose being to bring
pure fresli water into Tacoma.
WoclintCome. Ex-Gov. Gibhs,
who is a very line man, was announ
ced by a Radical -paper to speak
here in the interest of Hi and Hip
pie, but that gentlemau, though U.
S. Attorney for Oregon, refuses to
to obey the command, and will
doubtless be decapitated
as the Senator gets to
ton. The Radicals have
as soon
failed to
find any one to speak here for Hi
and Hippie The former leaders of
the party in this place can't go
the disagreeable task of supporting
or defending the two " worthies."
How's this for Hi.
Dr. Geary assaulted the editor of
an Albany paper on the public street
because said editor had the audacity
to speak of him in his true light.
He is endeavoring to crush the pub
lic scrutiny of his official acts. It
won't do, Dr., the public will let
you alone if you will allow them; but
if you continue to tail onto political
parties you cannot expect the polit
cal press to tail onto vou.
Cowakdly. It is stated bv an e-x-Cl
iange that Scott, Mrs. Duni way's
brother, has boen contributing libel
ous articles to her paper that he
was afraid to insert in his own. He
supposed that no notice would be
given her on account of sex.
Democrats of Oregon now is your
time to work for success at this Fall's
election. Don't put off until the last
day, but go among vour neighbors
and friends and get tlieir assurances
that they will come to the polls on
the second Monday of October.
T 1. 1 V. Statesman .
Holladay's Agent. In conversa
tion with Hi Smith, the other even
ing, that gentleman admitted to us
that he was now Bun Holladafs ayutt!
Those who have had any doubts of
this before, may set them at rest.
Comment is unnecessary. He has
said it all. Corvallis Exchange.
The Capitol corner stone was laid
last Wednesday by the Grand Lodge
ot Masons, we wiu give an ex -
tended notice of the event next
We have received a long commun
ication from our Democratic friend
H. C. nuston, of Lane county, which
B-ill receive attention next week.
Summary of State News Items.
qtate election next Monday,
"Davis is vismug
LUC? '
Crov. Grover
eats at Hillsboro
t0The 'tax levy in Baker county is
three cents.
rriie Union county
fair will open
next Tuesday. .
Totatoes retail in Astoria at ninety
cents a bushel.
Gov. Grover will speak at MeMmn
ville to-morrow.
The Baker county jail now has
eleven inmates.
There are 182 students at vue "
lamette University.
Horse stealing is reported, in m
Spokane country.
Portland is to have a nre aiai
that will cost $2,200.
A. B. Meacbam is lecturing on
Modoeology in Frisco.
farmers' excursion is talked of
from Albany to Astoria.
n effort is being made to erect an
ac!ulemv at Empire City.
lvceum and literary club has
been organized in Eugene.
The Coos Bay Netcs has adopted
the patent outside swindle.
- -V. Gar rest on, organizer of
Granges, has gone to California.
Cob Peter Saxe delivered the ad
dress at the Jackson County Fair.
There is 150.00) bushels of wheat
stored at Corvallisawaitingshipment.
Oregon has four organized compa
nies of infantry and one of artillery.
Religious services were held on the
Fair Ground during every evening of
the Fair.
Eastern Oregon is still sending
down large quantities of hides an J
The corner stone of an Episcopal
Church edifice at Baker City will be
laid soon.
Rev. Dr. Geary has resiged past'or
ial charge of the Presbyterian church
at Albany.
Archbishop Blachet took his de
parture from Portland last week for
Eastern Oregon. !
Nearly all of Polk county crossed
the river at Salem on Monday .visiting
the State Fair.
"Rev. Wm. MePheeters, the new
Methodist pastor at Sai em, pi cases his
people muchly.
In Powder River Yalley, Baker
connty, some of the grain is not .yet
ripe enough for the sickle.
A b ridge company has been organ
ized at Eugene for the purpose of
bridging the Willamette.
The penitentiary saw mill at Salem
was completed last week. It will cut
timber for the State House.
Th? gross vlue of the property of
Baker county is $W2,020; indebted
ness and exemption, $vW2,t91.
Kphriam Cranston, an old resident
of Marion county, died at his home
in the Waldo Hills on Monday.
The gold and silver medals to le
awarded at the Srate Fair haveairiv
ed they are eighteen in number.
Col. Saxe has furnished the Agri
cultural College with a couple of line
colswobl sheep a buck and ewe.
A m'.uiWr of tbe citizens of Jack
sonville went out to Fort Klamath
last Friday to see the Modoes hung.
Mrs. N. L. Butler, of Dallas, gave
birth to twin sons on the 1st instant.
weighing in the aggregate eighteen
Gross value of all property in Mult
nomah county, $14,353,-105; indebt
ness within State, $3,290,739; exemp
tions, $25H,0t;-4.
The Eugene Journal says the en
gineers on the railroad seem to de
light in killing and crippling cattle
and other stock.
The K -'lister claims for Linn coun
ty l,5O0.obO bushels of w heat, 3(X),(M)0
flaxseed and 500, 0M) bushels of oats
for the recent harvest.
The Insane Assy lum has increased
its list of inmates with two for the
last couple of months. It contains
1S2 persons at present.
E. T. Coleman, of Portland, some
what noted as an explorer of the
mountain tops, and as an artist, is
shortly going to Europe.
One hundred immigrants came up
iu the steerage of the last steamer.
They hail principally from Iowa,
Wisconsin and Minnesota.
J. N. T. Miller's horse Brick Pome
roy, of Jacksonville-, won the trotting
race at Yreka in three straight heats,
making the fast time of 2:45.
The headquarters of the Depart
ment of the Columbia has received
official notification of the resignation
of Col. Taggart, Paymaster.
The Governor has appointed the
following Notaries Public: David
Drew, Coquelle City, Coos county,
and F. M. Carter, Newton, Yaquina.
T. L. Newport, of Corvallis, is try
ing to organize a Post of the Grand
Army of the Repubfio at that place
with flattering indications of success.
great living curiosity.
Wrestling Joe." has Won besi-ino-
through the streets of Kugene for
the last few days, on account of. tho
Mitchell resolution. '
Last fall Mr. Snelling, of Lane
county, obtained of Rristow t Co.
flax seed to sow forty acres. Ho has
jnst linished harvesting and deliver
ing his crop, which amounted to
1,000 bushels, machine measure, for
which he receives '$1 70 per bushel.
The annual election of officers of
the State Agricultural Society took
7 dace Tuesday, resulting as follows:
President, C. P. Rurkhart; Vice
Prestdents, James Tatom and A.
Luelling; Secretary, E. M. Waite;
Treasurer. J. H. Mores; Roard of
Managers, J. Downing, Wm. Flliot,
M. Wilkins, J. G. Basket, J. F. Ry
bee, D. C. Stewart, J. Hamilton, S.
G. Reed, A. R. Shiydev, W. P. Wat
son, W. A. Myers, W. A. Mills, Jos.
Celsey and D. Guthrie.
The following is a list of apjioint
ments of the Oregon Annual Confer
ence of the United Brethren Churoh.
j held at Rock Point, Marion oountv,
! Sept. 20th: Presiding Elder. A. Ben. L
, nett; Hogue River Mission, W. F. 1
. uonebrake; Coos Circuit, C. E. Phil-
j brook; Umpqua Circuit, A. Larkin;
j Philomath Circuit, E. Godfrey; Cal-
apooia Mission, J. Harritt; Marion
Mission, N. W. Allen; Y'amhill Cir
' cuit, W. II. Palmer; Clackamas Mis-
j sion, J.S. Osborn: Columbia Circuit,
ID. Eno.
, -. Telegaphic News.
Washington, October ti,
I public debt statement shows the to
tal debt to be ,'221,100,101 total
interest, 34,083,523. Cash in treas
ury, coin, $S0, 21G,T5G; curreucv
S3,289,032. Special deposits gif'
250,000. Total in treasury, $&,75'"
789. Debt less cash in treasury '
1G8,793 "j,v
London, October 2. Dispatches
from St. Petersburg report that a
rupture has occurred in the Govern
ments of Russia and Japan, growing
out of the question of the proprie
torship of a portion of Sagliallea
UricA, October 2. The
cratie State Convention
met tliia
morning, lhe following ticket was
nominated: Deidrich Willers Jr
Secretary of State; Ascher H. Nich
ols, Controller; Daniel Pratt, Attor
ney General; Thomas Raines', Treas
ures. City of Mexico, September 23.
A farewell banquet was given to ex
United States Minister Nelson on
the 13th inst. President Lerdo
made a speech complimenting
Messrs Nelson and Foster and prais
ing the Government and the people
of the United States.
BnrssELs, Oct. 3. The Kd,o du
Parleineut says it has private infor
mation from Paris that a monarchv
will certainly be proclaimed on tLe
proposition of a majority of the As
sembly. Memi-his, Oct. 4. There were
deaths from yellow fever to-day.
Shkevepokt, Oct. 4. There v ore
7 deaths from vellow fever to-dav.
Cairo, (111.)", Oct. 4. The Mayor
has issued a proclamation quaran
tining all steamers from the lower
Mississippi river.
jitti.k IIofK, (Ark.), Oct. 4.
The city and county authorities to
day quarantined the Memphis and
Little Rock railroad, the southern
division of the Cairo and AsLton
road, and the river below, owing to
the reported spread of fever alona
the river and in Memphis.
Washington. October G. -Of the few
Senators and Representatives wLo
have not drawn their l ack pav ail
(with one single exception j Lae
taken their increesed compensation
from the 4th of March last.
New Yokk, Oct. 4. Tne steamship
City of Antwerp, with (.'apt. liud
dington and his associates of the
Polaris aboard, has arrived.
London, Oct. 4. It is reported
that crops have failed in Hnng;u v
and famine is predicted in seme sec
tions. New Y'oiik, Octoler 0. Edward
S. Stokes, owing to sickness, ws
unable to appear when his case was
called this morning.
San Fkymisi'O, Oct. C Tl.e
steamer Montana, from l'ai.ania.
yesterday, brought t;3.(-t)l in tr-a-ure
from Spanish and American
The worst surviving meinhers ef
tne iciioe trioe, ;ric:Ut;ng ijranei.o
and Slolnx, will be brought to Ai-a-
traz. the rest will 1-
-e sent to vu-
ming Territory.
jjerlin. Uetooer u. tmieral
leniei win replace l ouni v n an...ia
as German Ambassador to France.
New Yokk. October fi. fr.-.f.
Donaldson made a balloon ace:.t
this morning from th- Cavitlii.
Grounds. Brooklyn. A dispa;i-ii
from Bethel, Connecticut, says at 11
o'clock the balloon v. as rapidl v
moving oceanward.
New Havxn, Oct. (. Donaldson's
balloon reached Canaan, in the north
east corner of this Str.te, at 2::0 P.
M.jwherc it was caught in a vit-lent
storm. For a few minutes ltfo:e
that it v.;n rear the earth, and Dou
aldson and Ford jumped out.
Washington, Oct. ". The Treas
ury Department is now payics per
sons who were employed in tkirig
the United States census in the
Southern States in 1N, just pre
vious to the breaking out of the re
bellion, and who were deprived of
their money on that account.
New Orleans. October G. Ferty
two cases more of yellow fever at
Calvert. Sixteen deaths from yel
low fever at Shreveport to-day.
Philadelphia, October 7. A dis
patch from Pottsville says the first
snow of the season fell this morning
and it is quite severe. Snow also
fell at Fondaivv.
New Y arte, October 7. In com
mercial circles the feature of busi
ness is the gratifying activity in
grain and grain freights. The
port movement in w heat is on a liberal
Lorisvii.L.p, Oct. th The
of Trade worked up a subscription
for the Memphis and Shreveport
sufferers, in forty-eight hours,
amounting to ?r.(M'(C The churches
contributed 8.000 vestordav. Louis
ville will raise 812,000 or ?15.( at
once. The
are working en
held ii r.H-ctKit?
this morning and appointed a com
mittee to canvass the city. The Ma
sons raised Sl.OO to-night.
Cnic.Uio, Oct. G. The Episcopal
churches raised yesterday Sl,5t'(l for
the Memphis sufferers.
Memphis, Oct. G. There were 37
interments to-day from yellow fever.
Rev. Mr. Bowman, pastor of tho
First Presbyterian Church, died to
day. New Orleans, Oct. 6. There are
forty-two more ouses 0f yellow fever
at Calvert. There were 1 deaths
from vellow fever at Shreveport to
day. m Kingston-, N. Y, October 7. The
weather lias been very cold to-tUy-About
eight inches of snow has hw
len. Boston, October 7. Memorial
services were held to-day in b
Paul's Church over the remains ol
Bishop Randall, of Colorado. D'O
attendance was large. He was in
terred by the Grand Lodge of l rt0
Masons of which the deceased w3S
a Past Grand Master.
Memphis, October 7. There was
a he-.iw frost last night, and there
are indications of another to-nu-'"1;
No new cases of vellow fever
developed to-day."" There are a',oUl
(500 under treatment in the aftccte'i
district. To-day there wero !- .
low fever interments ami 12 ir0i
other diseases. ,
Matamokas. October T,-1'',
crranhie communication V'lt
Citv of Mexico has been restore
til let iiii iiilui riijiuuii oi im"
Halifax, October 7. The diver
at work on the wreck of the stpanK
Atlantic report that several l'en
of well dressed women can l3 set
r i , a r 4 wee-
entangled in the wreck.
- t-
Night Lights Glow worws,