Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, October 03, 1873, Image 1

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VOL. 7.
NO! 49.
J t
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' Pi
. 1 . - B
();1t tin : I-.,.- ,V((.llinir
, ah lil-oa r(vul ninMcn,
? ',T -i- ud-ruilt thrr.no,
' -r 5 , .i'.rtiH- dainty tulips
AV-'.-. h tlH u-ni-thisMown;
r ..Vrll.f l! ' n'v-issus
U a..-.. ;h- wintl'-s light nv:i ?s.
Vv r ! '' '' , ; ;t1f'1lf
'.v,., r. I hid .-lit. ntr still,
:t hi!'- ! ' -lit 1-itticc
Till '-!'' h:ui I cm the window-sill
.-! ! ili'- d:tint v rose l.'-avcs
"'pVt I inl;4-lust r there.
Si till s lili 1 ; xlv culls tlif in
0 ''. . t . i 1 1 in ,mur dr.rk liiown hair.
)lv ..wii. niv 1. :n:tifnl Anna,
t ...in.-, till niv love I J ui
,.i:n-. till I t' 1! th" i;;i.v.-i.'n
rMv ii-.-trt ' i'.n l:i.i" no 5iH.ro
Till 1 sit in tii rich, swt J luster
'( )i t !i'v ::irk : lue e es divine.
And h ill a I lissiul r:i.tur(;
T! o i i -iir t! : t li:dl niakt' thoo mine.
Shine -lit, hiinii!eif!iir nhilH t !
(..tilting s!t:.i"'. ' li ' still ;
M- tniiiks lis liie i ini T h. r rainu nt
i , e by tin- iu.i" w-sil 1 :
1 j - !-h, I ad ii d IHld-r the rii.ys!
nil, i:: j'turc '. ih.- hour di aw s near !
S.h s.ie, tin. u P'-t!' ."1 .i phyr!
TiS i'.. r le', 'tis h( r "oire 1 he;ir!
1 .. y. n think v. ; ' e :d! -one nrul.sir ?
1m truil:. 1 w i- h ou'd I i ell" ;
I'm dvin i ;.i-nijht -. ith a I'.olliaeho,
An.i v.iiir ln . ! ini? won't euro my
c ! rch :
"I'i-i n all;.' - tr.i ! .'''. ;'s :--r.stroUK,
ll..v iii'.le oTrpi iise remains.
). st u-,"f ' 'Ti.ii ii n j lii. nss,
h- n Jol'xs trt-t li'Vi'iiii their I n; ins."
Car Sfhool ;..-. ks.
(): r!f. i. i,'T r'. iu.ic r::sri:r( r:ox, )
Si.!.m. )K:y;N. S-;-t. 2, lh7:J.
I'nimty School Suv.'riiit lid-
1 :,!-;, Sc'ioo! Directors and Tctidicrs.
a: :ui o'. 'I'-f-; w"1mi:i it tnav coTicern:
1 have ihe h..nor to aT.i.nince th:it
th ii:-t li.e ve.l"rs and th ' .sjivller I
.! th i' l.htic (.'oast l-.eries, with Hop- I
!,;..-" .'.! i :.t:ai of Aiuevi-:in L leas in J
!;.-; i-.i' a S:tli Hre.i.U i-. iiave lieen
a- - ly a vote of tiie Coiin
t v S:: . :;t;-:i.h-:: s. for u -n in the
j-:;i. lie :.:-l;oo's (f O.'eL."')!! for l::c
i" ..i;- year- in ( ),-toher 1st. 3S77.
The vi -I s of .h" S '.jovi:. Undents
:: ca fa-; i'o ' ! -.vs:
i' .r :i:st live na.levs of JVc-i'.'.o
f .i-t S-rh's: Si-i-t. ?.r-.Mi!s, of laker;
iko v::, i f Deiiioa; Noltn-'.- of ('h'.elc
a:a i : 3 1 t ; : i i i t l ' o. ( ' uiu! ia; Hack
, of ('ii-;; ('aPi''vd. of (hirry;
'! i. hi. ot l.n;-.l;is; I .ii:,!"s. of ( Irani ;
A hiii s 'of .loej.iiine; i'eii.Li '.!'..-,
;' i.i'i": i"nic!i'. of Maron ; (iiT."o!'s,
..: 'ih i;:. of ihlh. mo. .k; tn de.
' I'm-tilla; Whi'.-. of L'nior; sitt.l
j I ii.o. : f 1 1 i : 1 : io.
' 1 ! i - ::rd :. .' readers of Ilai'j.crV
I'. . S ri -: Sap't th-nna v, of
(hr. '.'i: "; .':ey. of .f:'ek.-ott; Stiles,
o' i .ilia i ihl: 'it. i:i Miut:iin::li
,. :',o r'"iih'vs of V. ilsnn's
.: :.l V Series. S'li'ds !
S'.".h :: :i. of W.i
an.i Anderson, ,
l ; l . . . I , ?' : il 1.
;'. W.i-.n's JVieller: Srrt'ts Feti
..; Cintsop; Elliot, of'Mu'itno
: i ih :!.! An. e rson. of Wasldugtoii
I 'or Si 'riders' Xe-.v Speller: Supt.
Linn 1.
V. h- :e.--s Sp.elTer: Snot. Ste
ps":' !. of .s 1
1 or i I' ll- ers" ! .; lest V or.is. ,
Ss- t. St.ir.l--y. of Ja -kson 1 .
I' .11 inn' Manual of American
! V cp. ii .. ..f Sixth llea.h-r: Sni.'ts
?1 a i a. oi' p,..k"r; !.. wu, of P nion;
. st; of 'i.i.-k.iinas; Hamilton, of
' ;V l'a'i -ia: Ca.i!:. hi of Curry; Todd,
5) sig' : Holmes, ot Gr:int:j
A 1 i s oi" Joseph;:! Stanley, f j
: ': ' : rvlite. of Linn: Knight, of I
M :-;cs; Thiist. of lI:ii'i:o!:i!i; j
of Polk; Trip1, of Tillamook ; j
' i ;!. of Um.it i il.i ; vVhiie, ofUnion
1 Sr. o!i. ii -on, of Wa . 17.
r : Hopkins' "Man Ml, but not in
1;.-; .;' Sixth Header: Supt. I lacker,
i i Co- I .
A;:,h rson's IT. S. Historical
it i h r. as Sixth Keader: Siipt. Ib n-
I r.VM
1. r Il .rper's F. S. Sixth Headier:
San I'eioiav nf hatsoo 1.
l "i- Wd-o'n's Sixlh Header: Supt.
Ash-i ".. of Wa-hington 1.
o i'ei- no Sixth 11 'a'h r: Supt. Hobb,
of Yamhill 1.
A- soon as a supply el bexiks can
o ' ii.-o.- i'-,'d it is e pec ted the schools
whi begin to introduce them, and
Un:t thev will continue until all are
fully introduced, id'ter which the use
of other books in their stead will be;
positively f. rbidden. Introduction
O i be' ouiph ted by the 1st of
Mir.-h. ls7l; rules in spe'eial cases
;;'i l for special re tsons upon dire-e-t
application f() tiie Hoard ed Edueai
t:oi further time is granted.
i he customary introductory rates
w.ll be given by the jiuldishe'rs on
tic bo,.ks being a'.optcij.
'I hough Hopkins' Manual of
Aiaerie-an Ideas 1 as been adopted in
liu .f the Sixth Header, it is ex
j.ected that it will be used net mere
ly as a reader but as a book for the
I- '-g-.uar instruction ef pupils ou the
i'aportant study ef the sciem-e of
i.'"". eminent. It is receMinnendeil
th.it it be studie d in ail the public
s-'hools, if iossible', whether thev
nhl use a sixth reader er mt.
Newspapers througlnnit the State
v il uin-r a favor upen the patrons
"t the public schools as well as upon
t'; Hoard of Edu. ation by publish-h'-r
at least the subsiance e.f this an-
II- 'aiu-euient. Svl C. SlMl'SOX.
Supt. of Public Instruction.
" Mr. Stem, an English traveler
y-'-i f.rrivcd from Central Afrie-a, re-
1 ' '- tliat he 7llef Hi- T ivimrctrtTld
ill. i -
, r i "s of voiir snow-white iil-
yr,v 'I"; 1,1
V V' niv Vcuutifv rise,
' V.'to ho ( isoincnt window,
A,V'"-v'l.- wiii'l through the cedars
2 ti"1 , sn,,I paited from him on
i .," 1l f Julv. The Doctor was
H n 1:1 pei-rt.ot henlth.
i I
A 3
''I- -s
"""'"'l "p
1 1 -
:. r
I'.xtracts 1'roni IZx-Scjiator Xcsnrth's
On the 18th of January, 1SCA), ex
Senator Nesmitli mnd.e a spee-h in
the Senate of the United States, in
opposition to the "reconstruction"
urged and adopted J,y the llepuhli
can party. It is curious and in
structive to note how nianv of the
evils Mr. Nesmith predicted as the
result of the adoption of that mista
ken policy, have since letn realized
Contrasting the wise policy of Presi
dent Johnson as compared villi that
of tl e - i"zau lh-puhlicans, yrr.
Nesmith said:
3ut this oliey for restoring loval
State governments has been equally
iniportiiiit. lie did not chose to
continue military occupation of the
South, with the enormous expense
and oilier attendant evils, any longer
than was necessary. Troops were
thertfore radnrdly withdrawn and
disbanded and now the number re
maining in that section is compara
tively inconsiderable. 1'or military
rule ci il rule has been substituted,
and that is the only way in which it
could l.e properly done by the ac
tion of the people themselves. They
en- invited to reorganize their
State governments, and they have
done so fully and completely. To
this end delegates to Constitutional
convention were chosen, Constitu
tions formed, and subsequent elec
tions fo- members of the Legisla
tures, for Governors, and other offi
ces have 1 (
en held. Perfect Statt
governments have been re-establish
ed by the action of the peoplo them
selves in nearly all the States in ;
question, which are republican in ,
ioi iu, aim cieariv onusioii to tiie pro
tection of the United States under
the guarantee clause of the Constitu
tion. I denv all power in Congress, or
the President, or in both combined,
to l!l;ll;i :l StsttM ( ii 1 ti ill rf ,i I
. - ..wwi., ... , muicu, nam wneii we snail nave. tie
dictate any provisions which shall be come a more united people than be
oontained in it. A Constitution i fore, with limn1i'v,.n...,n ii,t tiv.
must be wholly made by the people bound together by a common senti- ; f'tory, for which it it is understood
oer whom it is established, and can j ment of love and admiration for free i Captain Kellogg, the chief proprie
he made or amen. led by no other j government ami Constitutional lib- I tor of tlie town, has given them laud
persons wnati'ver. Inns have been
made the new Constitutions of the
Southern Stab--, are! their validitv
immovable, fixed upon the ground
that they are thus popular ia origin,
while 3oy;J in object ui-d rep::; icati
m if.nn.
It is true that the pr. .edin;
forming the re-w t 'oiistituiion .
initiated lv Ih ()visii,:,:d ( io . ernors
appointed by the President and. a -l-ing
uii:!e-- Iris diree::on. Il'it this
cannot aii'ect the vr.ii.lity or merit of
the Uonstituti :s i i i h. The Pro
visionaH iovernors simply invited the
people, to act in un ir sovereign ca
pacity in reorganizing govern !iie.nt
f r themselves, which was both nee-la-ci'ssa:-;."
and roper un-.ler the cir-
nasia:i".-.s whicli thosi exh-ted.
L !:e!.- were no local j.iit!.oiitie or of-th-ers
-o::ip -teiit to call conventions,
or gho tlie.ia protection wliile in ses
sion. al.1 hough ;i clear necessity for
c. 'ii en i e.g existe I, it eivii rule was
to supplant military rnh' in that sec
tion of the country. Therefore the
Prov isi snal G
overuors, w!i.o r.-pre-
seiiteu Ihe lJ:i:it.ry power in I HQ !
United t?tates for tiie time' being, in j
order to the withdrawal ef that po-v- I
er and to the restoration of valid and
loyal State governments, we-re an- ;
thorized to invite the pe'ople to se- I
lecf. delegiite-s to Constitutional con- I
entions in their respective; States, j
The .-. conventions met an.t formed j
Constitutieuis whii'h are unquestion
ably good and lav.-ful, n-i because
the making of them was instigated
en- invited by Provisional love-rneirs,
but lns-. use (as before slated) they
were' in tact made by the people over
whom they are established, and
made in accord with the Government
.f the Unitcl St.des.
'p;i!;.s the Union cm
be re-sfored in its integrity, and all
questions cemnee-te'd with its res to m
tiem deposed of fore'ver.
V.'hv. ttien, should, not the Senate
and House. res;
tivsly, proc
consider the ;-ae -tions of meino. r-
s'.io v.-lo'eli linii'-ciit bfUeire tllCUl.
and eh'cid.e the'.n upon the same
princioh s of wisdom and, magna-
mmitv. and oat riot is.u. wnica nave
characteri.e'd the President s cou-d.ue-t
and poiizy with refe-rem-e io
the Southern States? What good
object is to be subserved by keteping
open the question ef rev-rt oration, and
dtdaying to the e-onntry the eiijoy
men't of the fruits e.f victory and
peaoe? These questions tie) net con
cern the people; of the South ahum.
They are interesting and important
te the people of the whole country.
It is elesirable in the' judgment of
intelligent and patriotic men every -where-
thrrmghont the land, that all
the relations between the sections
which were; interrupted by the war
should be restored at the earliest
oeissible meunent.
Let (oiiiiueri'c revive; let trade re- j
... . . . . i i.e. r . !
sume us i-e-ast-ii'ss .u in u. , n-i r..e
intercourse sue-ceeel te estiangeunerit
and division, and let the political
boiuls ef uniem be renewed in all the
streuigth and brightness ef former
times. Hy immediate
recognition we will premiote and in
sure the prosperity eu beth sections.
Capital Avill go more; promptly into
the'Semth fer investment; prexiuetion
the will be incited; trade, and com
merce will revive', ami sources ef
revenue te the public Treasury will
be opened ami enlarged.
Kecognithm ami ropresentathm in
Congress establish ami maintain a
Republican principle vital to our
system anel sanctified to us by the
struggles of our fathers. We tax
the South, and we shall tax it heavily
hereaftor! The public necessities
anel the principle of eepial taxation
make this a necessity. Hut it will be
unjust, eulious, ami anti-republican
.....iwu-., utill tl-I CI - U Wile, illj
i . . ... n ..i i
io lax mem iviuiom aeimitling mem
ie i ei u eseni.tiion in mai viovei uilieui
bv which the taxes are imposed.
ii. a.
Finally, by recognition ami re-
newed representation in Congress
we restore all the great interns of
the country, and thev will aain
have a due voice in that Government
by which the taxes are imposed.
Finally, by recognition and renew
ed representation in Cmigvcss, we
restore all the great interests of the
country, and they will aoain have a
due voice in the Government and
participate m the debates by which
its policy is shaped and determined
And it will be particular! v useful as
well as just, that upon questions 'af
fecting the Southern people their
Representatives shall be heard before
the laws by which they are to be
bound shall be enacted.
It.is equally clear and certain that
Congress has no rightful power to
determine a question of sutiYage in
any State; that an attempt to do so
would be a usurpation, and di recti v
opposed to the fundamental division
of powers between the States and
the Federal Government:
These quotations sufficiently indi
cate the soundness of Mr. Nesmith's
views on 'the great question of di-
vision vt powers in our complicated
system oi government. lie closed
tiiis able speech witli the following
peroration :
Look at this great question -as yon
will, and from any stand-point, "the
conviction is forced upon your mind
that we are to constitute" in the fu
ture one great nation, and must live
together as one people, professing
the same religion, speaking the same
language, and bound together by the
traditions of the past and the hopes
of the future. If this be true is it
m,t better for us to forget and forgive
the mst than to revive nnd L.,,
alive ilie Jiateiul' animosities which
. . . . ... . . i
have come so near causing our mu
tual destruction? I trust and be
lieve that the time will come when till
the tierce passions and hatred en
gendered by tiie war will have sub-
..: 1 1 1 ' .1 . ' l ii i ,
erty. 1'ostenty will view, through I IVIUI " :irei powe r enough, liieir
the medium of impartial historv, j eniplo. nient .f yf,-. Dotsford, a skilb
the acts au l achievements of the j et "'m in.inufact nrer, w ho arrived
public men of the present age, and ou he last steamer from Massach li
the time in wliicli we uow a:id i fett.s "s their foreman and manager,
act our pari v. ill be referred to as indicat-vs a purpose to do all that
the. most potentious of any lieriod of . deniandis of business will retpiire
the ast. The terrible crisis through ! al1' justify. Their location is ad
which we have just tiassed will 'be ! nih'; steamboats pass their works
ivl erred to as demonstral in -- the i
... ?
- .
jiouei oi a repiiojicau lorni ot gov
lower or a republican lorni ot "ov-
ernment, and as conclusive proof
that the people have capacity to ad
minister and preserve it. Let r.s
then, in the language of the Presi
dent "cast the disorders of the pa-t
into oblivion." Let the children of
those who have met upon the hel l
of carnage imitate the generosity of
their fatin rs, who cord.1, shake hand
and ; hare thermic comforts of the
bivouic with those so lately their
mortal enemies; and let us hope
that both s 'ctious may cultivate and
fister that spirit of concord which
siiail make our Union in reality '"one
and iusepei able."
3!jer., Xarrulive er the Mutiny on the
Nuw Yo:nc, Sept. Hh Sergeant
Tdyers supplements the announce-
lnt-nt of the safety of tiie remaining
nie-moeis it t;u? J !ifts exoe n rion
iiv tla fodeMving statement maele to
a W.ishingtem corresiondent: "Ot
what has been hearel about almost a
mutiny created by Dr. Brissets, I can
only say that I was the lunoce-nt
cause. Hall enjoineil us to elrop all
matters m re-lerence? to mv position
as me-te-oredogist, astrememior and
general member of the scie-utiiic kiv-
.r .,,,.1 ... a. .!- e. , e i .. .. . ....
I. U1K. II' ll.ll.l .T.lv . l .... I. '11 WII...1II
e'al part ed the I'ot.tri.i navigation,
especially to keeping Capt. Hall's
nal. Dr. Hissets, an his part.
edaime'd my services and 'nj.inf;el me
to dej tiie' princijal s -ientille v.eii k.
t!a.t. Hall and Dr. His-ets. with my
kneiw led.L'e, consulted ahemt the mat-
; ter not m tne mo.it frienmy manner,
and the I'.'.'IS'-illlCllC.! was tl'ht 1V.
I Hissets informed Capt. Hall that he
could be- returned to the Lniteei
Statess it lie (t "a)t. ilall J v oum semi
me back there, as lie had hinted.
The Chief Engineer hearing of this,
declare-d that he, too, would leave if
. 1
Dr. Hissets re-turne'd, and the crew
generally wen; so disposed. As so on
as I hearel ef the intended breaking
up eif ihe expe'dition, I went to the
Captain and told him I would not
eeono.se his comma-id. but was rea.lv
i- l . . . , .
the; presence of the crew nt
vessel was beyon.l civilization
Tnr. PeiLiTi. A Aspect in WiintooT.
The Oregon Congressional election
takes place on 3Ion.lay, the lhth e.f
next mouth. Hcpublicans may ex
pect to see their eandielate defeated
by merre or less theusands of votes,
no exlds who the " Copj.erheMds
may pnt acrainst him! The party
leaders ami Hepublican journals try
inn. to shiver over and excuse the
einbodiment of: Se.luctiou, elesertion,
adulterv, embezzlement, bigamy,
and strong pmnnds of suspicion for
a still greater crime, will not be en
dorsed by the Republican rank and
file! Vf'ttcon.
The Pkksipext's Gr.u;. TheMas
sachusetts Hepublican Convention,
savs the Walla Walla $t,ttetna, con
demned the President's action in tne
rr-t , - 11,
I n f inroiisf,! nav. lhisisthe
; maieei ji i .
l" A
i mm i ii'mii i-muic""-'" ........ -
j ...-j- , r..; 1
ventured to question the I resident
tirst He.nblican coumi
, -Tstiir.l to otiestion th
honesty in gobbling up 6100 ,000.
to fulfill his elesires ratiier than Pe ........, ....... .j.,
the cause e.f dissension. He at .nice costs our woolen nulls t0 per ,ay
agreeel, and said, I only would keep oi 12 hours for pow er aeone; s.,0 tor
Ins journal. I might attend to as i for engnicer and tire-
7 t-c . it..- nivn.il.hiiVc,. man. It e-osts von hardlv .JO ler
mue-li scientdic mattei as v. ouni einei " . T . , A, .
itself to me So ended what has the same power. It costs Us .he m-
beeu cons r md vs a mutiny. Capt. terest on $W worth of real es-
HaU .lid not refer to the matter in t"te for our W erks TJ ct von
Oswego Iron Vorks.
The remark has been made that
iron is worth more than gold, Us- i
timated by its numberless uses, the j
comparison is true, and an iron mine i
will enrich a people more surely and i
more largely than a gold mine. The j
iron mines of great Jlritain have j
drawn to that kingdom the riches of i
other countries for centuries past, !
and the fear of their exhaustion !
al.'irms iron mongers and statesmen j
alike. The fact that one of the lar- i
gest iron manufacturing establish- j
ments of that realm worth millions i
is reported as about to be trans- j
ferred to the hank of the Delaware
river, contiguous to the vast iron j
and coal beds of Pennsylvania, as an '
omen that the United States are to be
among the greatest, if not the fore- j
most producers of iron manufactur
ers in the world, as England and i
Scotland have been. It is a. pleasing 1
that this metal is so widely and pro- i
fusely distributed as to prevent any ;
fvieai monopoly in its production. !
I-i!iis;, lvania gains immense wealth '
annually because their enterprise 1
has been foremost to develop their'
iron mines. The Iron Mountain of !
Miissouri only waits the hand of la- i
bor and capital to enrich that State. :
AVe are not obliged to send to the '
East or the West, to England or to
Sweeden for our iron, as we have
done for twenty-rive years past. The :
hills about Oswego, seven miles up
the river, and near its hanks, abound :
with iron ore of the richest and most
highly carbonized kind. The pro
ducts of the furnace, two years ago, :
in ' pigs" and in the castings, espe- :
cially the xow .equalled any brought
to this market. 1 1 was a calamnity ;
to tnis city and to the State when
the fires were allowed to die out in
the stack. It is a corresponding
gratification that the company now'
resume the business of mailing v.jg j
iron, with the prospect of perma- i
neuce. It will be a gj-eater gain if !
4-1. . i. 11'.. - i
nie fan ronnig miiis ana a naii
',... 1 Jltl
h- nines 5. ,!Uy sotnat siuj:ments
... i . i ii . , .
1,111 i: ioe ar smallest cost in all
directions into tl
settlements, or outward upon
tee ocean. A w
feet fall, with a
er power of lt!H
ake reserve three
miles long by a half a mile broad, I
fed by the Tualatin river, give.-: an
ample supply for all their purpo.-es,
and for a great variai v of other man-
uhicture.-. it is t spial to a river ten :
tine s as large with a ton foot fall '
such as any great corporation, in
Ili-tm, like that which built no:
Lowell ; lid L
awl ence
cho.-te-r, N. 11., and .'vistn, Maine, I
would eaj erly urclia- and use to '
the utmost for all kinds ef mauufac- j
tures. i
' l nHi!Uin Y-'dicy. lor fifty mihs, 1
i "as the largest amount and thctinc.-t i
i kinds and varie ties of limber, such !
as "k, alder, naq.lc, ash, pine, e-e- j
' cFxr and lir for wagems auel e-arriags !
; anel agricultural machinery, and for j
""""ii-- oio ouuiuug, eu any re- i
triOU et eoua sr in (;...; i
- x ' v - ill V7 i. i-ll J.
Vrashinglon. It is lh; most 'acces
sible and the nu)st easily transport
ed em the Tualatin river ami its
branciies, which
through this whole
winds abeuit i
region, and ef
I which the; pass at Oswego is the best
j outh t lor cemmerc:al urj)oses.
I -1 l!ds lake' aiul river e;f water is
; he'ld and contvoi led l.i- o .1.,, .
- - - - ' - t. V-..
' tend.ing from the; rock hanks across
j tlo stream hardly men-- than 200 fe-et
i hmg and twenty feet high.
j The opportunities for either man-
ufacturing enterpnY.es e,r for milling
as the abundant v, heat of the'
Tualatin Plains can e a -ily and cheap
i ly float by this route p, market-
are very oovious te the mest casual
i observes
A lea. ling maun fact urer from San
F ranch c last fail examined these
ore heels and iron works, anel took a
map ef the whede regieui, draineel
. i . .1 . i i - -t ...
"A auaisiin, anu expressed Jus
0. ......... 1-. .... '-.x.e-1,
and the one at Oregon City, wen?
not ' used by our capitalists to le
velop our great l-esources, which lie
so near and so abundant. He; re
marked: "You can make mein-ev
the interest of hardly Sf20,00!l. Your
workmen can live as cheap as ours,
the raw material costs you but little,
if any. mere than it does us. You
gain coO, at least; per day in power,
and where- a mill is run 24 hours,
you gain 00 per el ay and the inter
est of SoO.onO constantly. So
you sea' that you have ilm
advantage e.f us in manufacturing,
ami yem can ship almost as easily to
any part of the world. If your mer
chants and rich men w ill spend a
part ef the money which they are
putting into tine houses anil stores,
in establishing manufactures so near
their homes, and se uueler their con
trol, as Hoston merchants elo, they
will have a ce.nstant and growing
business prosperity; your city will
increase, and your pee.ple will all
find work enough, anel you w ill have
home ami foreign markets for your
predictions. Your State needs this
kind of enterprise. It takes but lit
tle capital to start any manufactory.
Hegin small, but with the latest and
best machinery, and a good foreman.
The labor question will adjust itself.
i .flw..-. H-1 ... i . . . r Till-, n cl.ini M t !f I
ifi t ... IiT ine s.ime; amount "i ie.ii i-m-iu-, i
All w ho are willing to work will find
enough to do. We, of this coast,
have the advantage of England in
this respect, and before 2 years,
perhaps in 1, we will lay down our
woolens in Liverpool, cheaper and
better than they can make and sell
them at homo. We produce the raw
material and we can make the goods."
- Upon further inquiry we find that
the water power, which this gentle
man estimated to cost $10 per mill,
per day of twelve hours, actually
costs the manufactory at Oregon
City not more than .- or 4 per
twenty-four hours. The Oswego
power can be procured equally cheap
we presume.
Capt. J. Kellogg informs us that
the Tualatin liiver Navigation Com
pany will soon sell lots in Oswego.
As an earnest of their intentions,
the new Iron Company have employ
ed lot) Chinamen who are .engaged
in cutting wood, which is being' rap
inly converted into coal. About oO
men are employed in hauling wood,
burning coal and gftting out the
ore. A considerable quantity of the
ore has already been dug out and
delivered. The new company pro
pose commencing active? operation
about the first of November. The
services of two experienced colliers
have been secured by the new com
pany. Jn addition a third collier
arrived on the last steamer in com
pany with Air. Potsford. Tiie next
steamer will bring still another.
The new company evidently mean
business if appearances are to be
taken as eidenee of that fact.
The following gentlemen consti
tute the Board of I directors of the
new Companv: Ifenrv Failing, W. S.
Ludd, C. II. Lewis, T. A. Davis,
and ?.L S. Lurrell; Vice President,
T. A. Davis; Secretary. P. (J. Schuy
ler; Superintendent. Chas. E. liots-
(Jr. int'.tt.
. -s. m
Hie working man gets his share? of
newspaper sympathy, t;ays the San
J: raneasco J:.ruaim:r. It is due To
the wen-king women that to say, oc
casionally, a word in behalf of her
claims to popular favor and equal
human rights. The conditiem of the
single woman, whose' lot it is to la
hor for a living, supporting herself
and very f re-.p.iently de-pemient rela
tives, is a hard one-, and eh-serve-s
the r.e-rie'us and thoughtful consider
ation of all who may j o isess the will
and ihe lue ans to do aught" towards
its melioration. It re-mains to be
proved w hether or not the masses of
singh' weme-n e-an snjiport them
.t !cs lo- holiest work. In all our
great e-itiess it is an undispute'd fact
that many of them cannot ami ele
list live en the- average wages the-y
le c.-ive. In New York the Smi savs
six (h-Iiars a week would preb.dly be;
a hi
estimate of the a e-rage prie'e
i;iiei for w.euneai's labor, ami six eloi
lars e'annot j.ossibiy be made' to give
a l e-spee-t a! tie siij.pe.rt to a woman
under t!i; existing comht ions e.f so-cie-ty
in this i-ountry. It cannot
furnish her with food, lodging, and
e-Iothing, ne.t te) spe ak ef car fare's,
eloctors' bills, and either nee-e'ss.-.ry
iuciele.it.ils. Tl e eliihc. It es sui
l'ounding the'1 single; woman worker
in the way of obtaining res-pe'e-table;
lodging anel board increase every
ye ar, and every -eH'ort te l'.irm eir
gaidzatieuis among them for mutual
benefit fails entirely, or falls so far
short of the e xigencies of the case as
te be- equivalent to a failure.
This state of things certainly can
not tcml te the; development of a
high type of weunanhejod among the
working classes. Though this may
be but one of the e-auses, it is 1111
e.oul.tedly one te which we; may
trace a givat ileal e.f that low stand
ard of morals among the masses of
single women whie-h renders the rule
e.f eie barring Hie; whole eif them from
the pri viliees S gm-sts at re s .c e-ta-bh;
watering daces and city hotels
absolutely ne-eossary. Hut doe's not
the nece ssity for such a rule, togeth
er with the actual wants of working
women, point to another great neeul,
that ot having heite.-ls and bearding
house's of all grades for ivspeetahl?
single w ome n only? Is not the pre
serxation of geioii morals among the
we.rkingweijne-n of Amerie'a sulliedent
ly eh-ar to -American men tei imluee
tli-m to buihl and establish such
he.ttd ami lunises; or to ahl the work
ing women not only with their money
but also with their inimlsV
Zacii.M'.y T.wi.on's Tom it. I'-ctwcen
fi e-:: mi si m il-es from the e-ity. on an
olisrure ih ighl.orhood road, quarter eif a
mile from the' brownshero' road, rest
the remains of the 1'Jth Prevalent of the
I'niU d States- Zaciirv Taylor. The
grave1 is sit uate-d in the ioi the;ist corner
oi'tl'.e Taylor farm, and it is mortify
ing to re late' t hat it is in a sadly liocle-e-l-e.
1 euiidii ion. unei'TPrush. wccils and
ailiantus trees re-ndering it ve ry eiiili
cult of access. Xo monument has
ever been e-ree'ted to ieiieral Taylor's
memoiy. The remains lie the-r" in a
plain vault Imilt in tUo side' of a hill,
wiih a marble sla'o over the- eloor bear
ing the iiu-rini ion :
'.. Tayi-oj: :
Pe.P.N NoVK.Ml'.KK '24. 17S1,
1IKI Jri.Y !. ls-i'l.
The 'lace doe-s inde-e'd apiear forcrot
te n. .V stone- wail enclose'S the little
grave'yard. and a rusty and unusual
irui gate; frown upon the; visitor. It
evidently has not been opeaied for years
Colonel lirichard Taylor is buried to
the right ef Cene-ral Taylor. An obe
lisk e ighteen feet high is erected eive-r
his grave. beM ring the inscript ion : '-( 'ol.
Kie-hard Taylor, a soldier of the Rexe
lutionary var, aiul a native of Orange?
county, Virginia, born April.-', 1711. die-d
January lf'.'l-,'."
'!. Tayleir came into this State? while
his son .ae-hary was an infant and se-t-tlejd
on the plantation where' lie is now
burieel. Louisvill Ceiurier-Journal.
Lixr.risTtc Talent. The Post
master General of Maelras, India,
has a very mean estimation of lin
guistic talent. He advertises for a
clerk who can real, write ami speak
-I.- .! ,-l, TTin.linrenr.,' 1 : Til
nii-'i'. iiiiiuii.-i.uii .viiiuie. juora.
Gazerati anil Mahratti,
i "I",", ... '
and all for
811 a month.
Interviewing the Jeiarted.
In the Uniteel States civil liberty j
is understood to be the right to vote 1
and to hold cilice, anel republicanism .
to consist in the election of a Presi- !
elent every four ami a 'Congressman i
every twe years. If there are any '
other conceptions ef liberty ami re?- '
pubiicanism than' these, they Fehlom '
make their appearance in the sayings '
of public men or the literature of i
political parties. We boast that we j
enjoy only the inestimable advantage '
of living under a free government;
the freest of any upon the face of the j
earth; and yet when called upon to !
enumerate the benefits we elerive !
from this government, we find them j
amounting to this, that we are emti
tied to vete as often as theopportun- i
ity is ailbrded, to hedd otiiee if we
can secure an election or appoint- j
ment, and collectively to choose a
President every four and a Congress !
every t wo years. i
The living American patriot who j
is supposed to have been educated at j
the expense of the State ami to be, !
therefore, endoweel with all the polit- ''
ical virtues anil christian graces !
would gladly make the catale.gue of I
the bh'ssigs whie-Ji we receive from
this free government e.f ours consiel
erablv larger. At lea-.t such was the ;
epinion with which we commence-d '
our search after said patriot, with
the intent te "interview" him upon '
the subject e.f free government in :
general and upem that of Auierie-an I
free government in particular.
The; history of the labors under- '
peine; anel the perils e-ncemntoreei by a
reporter in epicstif the living Amer
ican patriot we.nld rival in interest
that of Livingstone in his pursuit of
the Nile en- of Stanley ia his e-hase
after Livingston. The details, how
ever, must be, for the present, omit
teel; especially as the seaire-h was un
productive. This not because we
have not an abundance of patriots
fen- indeed th supply ef these, is fully
Uj to tiie elemanel but bcnuse tliey
were, one and all, too fully occupied
to give tiie matter the ir" attention.
One was found absorbed in lheeiue s
tion whether it wouhl be safe for him
to keiep his back-. ay, or whether, all
things e-ousidere'el, it wouhl not be
advisable to retai n it to the, Treasury.
Another 'was preparing his -papers
with a view to a possible? innpertinent
inquiry inte his private affairs by a
cennmitte'e sit the coming session eif
Congress. Another was framing a
bill having relation to a few hundivd
millions e.f acres ef public lands
through whie-h a railway was to pass
of which lie is prospeetiely the pres
ident. Se'veral were looking after
the e'xeemtion ejf cenirae-ts awa riled to
tluaa in cemsi.Teration of their jiublie
virtue: especially that art of the
execution which in making requisi
tions upon the- Tre asury; and se ve ral
others calculating the e-ih-ct ef future
legislation upon the productiveness
of their stoe-k in tin; banks oi' whie-h
they eire iiiree-teus. They whose
tonus were about to expire? we're?
found to have their atle-ntion fixe'd
upon the iiie-ans to secure another
eh-e-tion ; and they whose terms were;
beginning were equally absorbeel in
plans to re-mhr thedr tolitical e.f as
much benefit as possible te) the party
most immeeliately concerneel, to-wit,
In sheu t all were too busy to be
willing to elevote time io the subject,
and hence the ivporter was about te
give uj the enterprise in elispair,
wlien, by a lue-ky the.ught, it occur
reel to him that perhaps in the other
world the inhabitants are not se uni
formly en'cnpie el. Having 2'asseelont
e.f the region of rings and contracts,
these denizens of the spheres, he
guessed, might have hael the liesure
to generalize their experiences ami
digest their information; and, having
neither their eonve-nlions imr elec
tions U'fe.re them, to e-ommunicato
w ith a fre-e'dom which wouhl hardly
be safe- for sue-h as are nejt fortunate--ly
situated. To )reicure; a proper
me-diuni Avas a work of some eliiiie-ul-ty,
but was at last r.e-complished ;
and after the necessarily preliminar
ies the process of interviewing the
spirits commenced.
The me'dium having ineiuired if
there were any spirits e?f the Ameri
can sat riots present, a sound was
he'ani like the planting of a large feot
heavily upeui the lloor. This was
une"!ersteoel te) indurate the approach
of the; late martyred Preside-nt.
Maliiim. Is it Mr. Iune-enn?
Sjn'fit. The same;, Ohl Abe, rafts
man, rail-splitter, lawyer, Pre'sietent
you know the rest.
M. Do you spend any time look
ing at affairs in the? Unheal State-s?
S. A good ele-al we have an abun
dance of time. They elon't hurry in
this region as the-y lo in yours.
Ge-orge, you have heard of him,
Washingttm and I have been exam
ining matters and comparing notes a
ge.od ileal. I alme)st wish he was
here; but the ohl fellow is so passion
ate, takes things so seriously and
swears such complicates! oaths at the
way the world is going, that his
speeches wouhl be hardly presentable
in se deceirous a shee't as yours. He
and old Andrew from the Hermit
age. you know agree together amaz
ingly, and I wish von cemhl hear
them talk of the degeneracy of the
times anel the rascality of modern
politici ans. They reael over the? Po
land report toge tlier, anel is hard to
tell w hich they anatheniatize-el, -the
roguery of the Crealit Mobihers or
the cenvardice of the committee.
d. Well, Mr. Lincoln, will you
be gooel enough to state what, in yejur
opinion, is political liberty.
S'. Political liberty is the holding
oft of the hands of the Governmt'iit
from the people letting them alone.
-V. Is there any way of enacting
liberty ?
S. None. Every statute is bond.
If it eloes not bind in .one direction
it eloes in another.
M. Then vou do not consider that
the sum of civil liberty is in x-oting"
ami holding office?
Xo. Yoting and holding office
are symbols that may remain after
the liberty has disappeared. The
worst despotism of the wortd ik per
fectly compatible with both. A peo
ple taxed as the people of the United
States are taxed can only imagine
themselves free while thev'are drunk
with the poison distilled "from party
d. Hut is not the elective fran
chise self-government ? Are not they
whe vete the rulers e.f the State?
No; unless the holders of the
franchise have the sense and virtue
to govern themselves. Self-government
begins with the individual citi
zen. When he is reael v to submit to
be lee! to the pedis like a mule or
e! riven to them like an ox; when he
lays down his free-agency at the
com mam! of a caucus anel subordin
ates his reason to the dictates of ;.v
party, he is as apt an instrument as
the worhl atlbrtls for putting a yoke
upon his own net: anil pinning him?
self to the earth umler the exactions
of a eouf -cfeuceless anel spendthrift
poiitie-a! establishment. Let theorists
who have no eyes to see w hat is going
on before; their faces, anel whose no
tions ed politie'al tilings are eleriveel
from the' remiancf's they call history,
rat? as they may e-f the trespasses eif
kings and the impcrionsness ol auto
crats, there is nothing that can beat
an e-lee-teil Congress in the auelacity
of encroachment, anel no elespotism
at once so humiliating and so inexor
able as the despotism of the tax
gatherer. Jf. Still, Mr. Lincedn, are we not
increasing in our knowh-elge of the
spirit of Republicanism iUid cemiing
to a hotter understanding of the
princiole;s of e-ivil liberty?
S. N . It is no sign of wisdom
or prudeuie-e in a people to go back
upem their own traditions ami aban
don the lessons taught by their an
cestral experiences. The fathers e.f
the republic may neit have perfectly
understood what they were1 eleung
when the-y laid its foundations, but
where they had precedents they fol
lowed them. ami w ere h-d in the right
elirectioii. Perhaps they buildeel
wiser than they knew, but their suc
cessors of this period are construct
ing more foolishly than they have
the capacity, even if they were in
formeil, to ceunpreheml.
JIT. Hut, Mr. Lim-oln, if we are
not growing more wise, are we not
becoming more uirtuous? Senator
Morton says we are.
Here the foot of the spirit played
up ami elown sei fast and heavily that
his words were for a time inaudible;
anel, after this hael snbsidc-el, his ut
terance were interjectional anel inco
herent. He was uiielerstood to say
se.mething like the following: "A
pretty example eif Republican virtue.
It was well for him that the times elie!
not admit of an investigation into his
deungs ami accounts." This wasfol-lowe-el
by obscure but vehement al
inssions te Harlan. Pomcrevy, Wilson,
Colfax, llowurel, and Patterson. An
an attempt was made to innuirc some
thing upon the subject of Ciesarism.
but the spirit refused to answer for
ihe present, and hwk his departure
with exprcssiejms that soumleel like
the following: This is civil liberty.
to inaugurate a elvnasty of scoumlrels
te) hug the chains because vou have
helpeVl to put them on yejurselves
to ghrv over the symbols of freoelom .
after thev have" become the baelges of
misrule anel abomination. What a
people this was! What a people this
is becoming !
On Friday, Sept. lh'th, the Reiu-e-
sentatives of the Granges in the
counties of Douglas, Lane, Ren ton,
Polk, Clae-kamas, Marieni anel Linn,
me t m Albany lor ihe purpose of
organizing a Central Grand Associ
ation. X. W. Garreson, Deputy of
the National Grange, was i.resent
anel elirected the procueelings of the
meeting. Fifty-nine delegates were
in aitenelance, embracing twenty-nine
(ranges. Dr. W. F. Alexaander, of
Linn, was elected te-nq.e.iary Presi
dent, and a Constitution ami By
Laws were adopted, after which the
Association a.ljournoel to meet in the
same place on the seconel Tuesday
in October, w hen a permanent erga
nization will be oilec-teel. The Con
stitution preiviilcs that the meetings,
eif the Association shall be hehl at
Albany oai the seconel Tuesday of
each mouth. The object ef this As
sociation, as we are informeel, is to
inaugurate anil carry into effect active
measures for the protection of its
members against inquisition from
transportation companies ami grain
eleahrs, ami to advance; the interests
ejf agriculture generally.
MiTe iiklt. Emoi:skt. The -Republican
Convention o Oregon, by
a vete of 03 te) 2!s, passeel a resolu
tion te) sustain Senator Mitchell, in
conseejuence eif which Judge Reu
ben Roise withdrew his name as a
canelidate for Congress. The Con
vention then nominated Edwin R.
Geary, who declined fe.r the same
reason. After an adjournment anil
consultation, Hiram Smith, a store
keeper in the village of Harrisburg,
was nominated for Congress witL
small probabilities of an election.
It was a most reunarkable proceed
ing, not at all ere-ditable to the party.
Seattle JUsjifttrJt.
Gen. John'C. Hreckinrielge called
upon President Grant, as a matter
of courtesy, at Long Branch one
day last week. They had not met
since the Mexican war, where they
were fellow officers ami very inti
mate. Xo allusion was made to the
late war, and the part taken in it by
either of the -two gentlemen. The
last time thev met was when Grant
was .slightly wounded in one of the
Mexican battles. They talked of
ohl times an.l old friends. Georg.a
ITernbJ. s
, : ;,,Yts.-
. 1 J- - '
O o
n. AT TTeYlWlMT A .