. : ' v t 'o ' o l JljfcV, ORIGINAL O O o EFEOWE O O 3 O O i' I o 'o o ! i . o O c r--x S-4 ' V THE ENTERPRISE. 7 ! as e oTecos riTT, precox, sept. 5, 157?. 1 .w...o ..F tht ! DiH)WSED.-ine V death of Chester 1- . anv ...w....... in (ItitK'itv Hood river was rt"n'r" j l .st Kridav evening, At ap-i. .... he i dor nation we have .;ceived that I . l.-i-e-ised who was teaching sehool 1 1 ; 1 At... ! r. ", tu-.t pare, siaro-o o- frie nds rUidii. across the rive.-, 111 a snrt l l aU I tout ; the boat w?- picked up . r .V l .vsafier but the occupant had "T i -en e . since his departure. " ...r,:.i.-lv nia.le without in iV.k "v " lue tohis ? te His father, only relative on i V.-o'.st. was iiuui-dia.ely .cle.a.-apl-,", I W-1. on ilie same evciiiu-;. Ti,,. (f,.-,-as.-d came to this rsly f.om New York al-out a ye;.r asro. an.t while 1 reoided ho c he inale a tiost ot w arm ; t hiends bvhis -ent!cinanlv ej-.i .mem sjiralca from ho.nc a,.d ku.!re.l de naratca iroin. o.. t.i' Cn.lihw li the liereaved faiher, ! vyriiliai lili'.e i,,wM ,,i . who is thus len aiom- nnn." . . miles from his Kimimt. I - ., iiir.NFK's KDlt SkI'TEM HKR - ci n - : Tier's forSeptemU-r has a fair propor- ... , . i , w, .in(i i tint i of light ati-1 Muminer, and solid ana Snbt:ntial fare IJret V -torv. "An Kji:ode of r Kldll tow e, l j coiitimied, with his usual strengt h ; there is a story aooiu iauiii, me i i .liver all lllUStrateil I i use i ;;;;:;V.e aU V-rr-iv ; tared and vei; stis-tne article n t,H; 'Tmnr.ted on 'lu V.i ds ' ,,tth. i is I..;,,. curious --.-miiu , - i v j v...'. I'.rooks: niieiaw lie a s t oni- i - . .,.... i i rnciicf. cut A hlrcss on "The Scholar j l;- m. tcit tnat tnev bad e l" . lilies'" the second of I'.biuvelt s T'v-d i.iore b. i.eht Iron, ? s ,n l.iiiins ; .... i,... than he had Ui.ni iliesunill lumen lee illllM.I lam i"!"- - r.. 4 . .. ...... .. . . . . . . . ........ I...... cislii; a l'ej'l.v i me in t iii iiiiu ir mi Hi,- I.iU'itvoi i-roiesiaiiiisin ; a p-n-tr;iit and-biography of Kdxxarit E-Jih-v.t..n author 'of "The Iloosier Scneol "iii:istcr;" s the usual piam:iy ot pi ictiy. lM:cxi:i"i"T e. Mi londay last on verv -Imrt lKiiice Mr. A. N'. iter editor i.i'Mii paper left this place by Iheoxei 1 uid ionic f..r t he Atlantic Sia.e. Mr. Noltner irix'" as one of I he lebz i;'tes in tlieXXortiv i.j-aini i.i.ri'. i.x. r., - . the rni.ed Stales, which meets in j he bed loit r-it.,, I l-nt of I In liieciivor' l.:iuim.re, M tl., on t he 1 lh j eiy, I'lisie. .he il: fction of I'rof. l!e int. Mi. N. ha Ik'cii on this Coa-l tan. a g ;d u oe or i he New Yoi k I nsl : .vinee he xxas .piite a youth ami gladly utel'or ( ce Uliin. , will In given pext itvils himself of the tirst oppiluuitylo v'cdnesiay (vciiin.'. i he place wi'l he x iit liisa-4'ed f her. xvho still fiirx"ivc, aonouiteeo ov posters, 'i li" pr. u:rf'n,iie H'siiliiir in Wisconsin. Tin- absence of i -oin;ii ( n.i (ie . tjiiai ioites. '1 1 ios, O tin editor, xvhich may continu' for six i Ihiens.S, is. ei-. We hone. ho pni'lic wei-ks, willaii'ount fo'r any ileiicit-ncies, ! w, litN-rally patMni.e itis euteitaie f lilnres. inii'.lilles or oilier unforimiaie j jn -n. ,hcv xx ii' le 'o eto et i'n ex ent 1 1 : i bl ies I hat max' occur in t he edi- j nii'my's wonii, iesii'e-- eneotir-iLii'u; to' i.d deiiiirlmviit of the paper ad MitCi- ; e .e:l iniidt i' la'ent. Admission, jn,. e' wish Mr. N. a pleasant . ip I ,'n ceois: liaoict four ;iv" Children an. I a safe euirn to his family and I k; ' I a dollc . home. j : " V.. . ,. .. , I A I I ' I '. I os l Y . -X I r. jjCKaoeii ot , . . . . i- 1 : . . I I- i .....!- .w.i.iii.it 1 J IH I'l UI'IKl 111 leicrv n rv 'muni. w. ;.. Hear. XX ll lion .s oon.l 'i iii,.s. j .. ... i - j -.. ... - since, about ou-half of a toolli nieasu-in-4 full ; in-hes in U nutli and th'ee lliclii.siiixviii.il. Till" st I net me of liie looi.h in.li-ates that it In longed In a i-m-nioi ous animal The net x e cax ilies .s.iow that llieuerxi's mi riit have ietn li uiiih'.l ith croxx oars more : npropi i- . : I. f'..... .... in.. . 1 . . I ii i t i 1 1 l I 1 1 . k 1 1 1 1 1 s I ilM'l tl.ll'l ' ... V'.. ..- r.. of our inoiieiu dentists. We are not n ei in ii iiihal historx and leaxe 'n n t nose srf! I ! d in lliat science loo mine xv ii.it spi . i s of animals me .ooiii Ik 1 milts. eie shoxvn liie tooih by M :. .1. M. l.u on, imsiiiias cr at-th's pi ice. xx here ihe fossil may i seen an. I ..v thoe i niei -let1. I.' . i i i S . I . . I I : I' i ; s . T. I Chureii x. i. ' .n.: I" on - i I .. i.i. III. at 1 1 m I at . I v 1 1 . S in la v-, .I.4X- S 11 f - al .no 1 i .' ;i -' F -..ri: : ! , im ic.-ii I ii.'i fi.ne- s in !h" .- I .ii iii- llie past .ver k 1 1 1 'ii e si II n ill I 'is' ol" I ne X iei.i V of I !)! ii xvhe.it stnd we.-e :" n : 1 1 1 illier c ! I - 1 . lilts yes 1 1 a . .1: ! iiii ii:' m -s i x numer.i. iv-" p: ice . ui iixx tl. tints eai ly -.of I he pri s. lit re for tin ii siii plus ji.u.i. I i'-iu i.n- n 1. -grants in s.iuir- 0 1 v " dai! i. s x e cnnlit'li- the i'ldiea- 1 i n i a ! I h iL 1 in present prices ill Im kept up. in xvliicii t vent xxe look for 'ii'ire bxeiy Jime.. t'onie ".Tills S1 1 1t I li '.s siiiixx luat l.-iet;:iiu;is fai mers have ill en res! eim '-ii liie list tf prod Heel s ol sti r -iUs 1; ' Skill. ." voi 11 r.i; Im i:sni c v ;?i 1 1 KM. - We le. ;Tilat some U 'ki-osxil pe'onh:-s iiceii cie;.-eed in the not cry lauiiio e I h I'li.-iin s.s ot sat iirsiititr a hou-e xx 1 neoai 1 oik for the pu- pose Lie s.anie. We. i I i Hi-l.ingu.i-e of Marshal Kelly. Hunk I. lit "too li.i:i" to l-e In liex'ed. -We ieipi', howexer. that Hie thing may oe let reieil on' , and tie- pi-rsons engaged in gk'tiin-j up these srnai ionsil '.o. its i"ceie liie rcx-.sk id they deserxe. srr'ni;;i T' ek lKi).--T.iough search has been made by Mr. Maxxvell Ituiisl.y si nd others, no tidings King ii'c'ived of the old man John W. Jack sou whom ue mentioned in the issue ol' the liM nil. is liaxin-g iik.vsierioiisl y 'li.iiM an il. 1 !;c conclusion is reached that he is cerlahdy dead. Wall.i Walla p.lJH-l s plest.se copy. The Tuabilin lliver -r.irn.spoita'.iou Company hsive thrown their warehouse ! o en t i the fainieis t if llill.slioro and Soiit !i Tu dat in. Twenty thousand bsish- Is of wheat sire cotitrsicieo to be klelix ereiltlieie. N ehsi! ties will be made except freight. IM i 1:1, x i i.s. l'he Itepublieans of 'l u kiiiuas, in their couiiiy Com ention l'-M at t his cny on Saitntlsty, ekt lcd O tin I'ol , inilelensnes i. itiie S.ate Con O eiiiion sii AJmmy ': W. J. Hums. 1". F.l- lioitrJ. T. A ppert.iii, J. 1. Iktiloxv stnd J:-'';e W ail. Too 'I 11 1 . -Mai shal Kelly jmb- lisnes si card in ti-day's Nue denying thetnuhof oar robU-ry item of hist xx eek. We ii.i it just as received from i U" ad.piai h i s. Fi n S t' t It M ill O X. 1 is! ii i . Mn "is pre I, "led in ion F.pdcopal Chn eh in i .s c h- t Cii'iii,'- and siduk'niiste, -, ttie Ible of F, date. oi"u i.i;rdon to one cane'.- Tlo1 I . iio.-rad.' srt l'orthin.l ' . c Con nd .t t iipmI.- v an n - Fe t 'l !! ul can t'l'.to li-l Alb. s.lX . O Tkv r r.oin;s. .fnlin -ivt d si supply ef the I v. books -,n -i'ied hx- tin State lioaitl of School s'i,"i iii.endents. si ( .. . . i .' ! c -c:,oi i. ii t-h.tt M-. J..;. O'mea .iIk smu li-efji i.- i ju the cJitorial id.-. let vi o!'i'k 1. i'. Forxii.. oft !iesi . J' i- icp' i, -U c learn that i-'O ix I' 1 ''sn-c have Icc.t f int.1.. s i V ,;- '-act i,,-.. 0. ,nret : l t " 'Msll(.Xl ll(..vp,v t kl;l,--iv la . Ht nnlde mcdin.:. Foun ;,; !.,se , N ..Th in '-"gulii- tne-dd. mciaitg n-; Wwl- o County Court Proceedings. The Court established the roail know n tle Sconce road. In tlie maliCi- of Hie road etUionct i for lv John V. Pe-'ilew and others ami i-eimm'. raliii a'aiost bv .1. V. Cu-li- ! - . bv J. V ran and other-V. The Court or.lere.1 lh;it t ,-p,,,,,,, u,f roa(- of Mllii(.;ent . t.l:.. ..::.. 4..' - 4. 1. . . . . jiuime uum io nuiium 111c ii 1 1 1 y 10 - ii i. I i .. I I! 1. .. . . 1 I win 1101 tie e.siai'i iMieu uuie.-iS inu iei.;- ioners pay the damages. In the niatler of the k. U5nn to cover tiie bridjse iii.-riw.j the Tualatin river near Jon. A. F'eUls ; the Com t a'l'ioi.Hed Jos. A. Fields Siqicriiilendent with au thiui.y to reeehe bids for iloiini the work and report at the next te; iti of four! . 1 11 the matter of the coiit ucioii of a biidu,"' across PiuM-iiir river on the road Ironi Hubl-anl station to Needy l'o.t Otlicc, tlw Court annroved the ue eorresjooit iM-e trom M anon coun- i tyn.Kl Oci ioe.i 10 iit tiav halt l-.ie c - J.. 'V. ..; N .) . J. Oulpshv for ndi;t w lim to pliv- 5....1 ,lnr.ilii.,tl... i i .,ii..., .,1 l s ... ..... , ... ,.n,.. i ue o iiinuei t. I he ( ourt decided todefer making the Jew tor eouiitv pi'-iKiye uiilil tliuav ei nc-iit loll lia.l Jm ci. oried upon , the Male Loaid ol K(i.:a:i..ition. . McMrAl... n0f. P. li,nu I.: . . ..)- .ed a ela., , , ,i cal .iiu-ie at t h is h.. e av i js 'erne u 1 1'!' i ng To l s "cin 'l ana . ... . . , . , .rilJwiillre'lnlU!;;.'; Sl;,.il);, ; e..iK, ,n sav that when at '"-allN the l'r. f. niae mauv ot eighty ue n.,t know ot one -ut . r.,Vv .mi,,!,,! ;ti pact dim). We leso .) 'hat !'. '. Nev.fil will open a :-ging sciHM.i :j ire iapiisi 'tii'..en t ii'-i ex cuing. A ici'si.-al v,ii .. by the Psp. isf Silii.i:ie S'.-liiiol in .ike lihiee i.l llie i ! s" cot'.se' of txxo i , hae xveek-. This ci..(. i m l;: in-- si im' of the best siiiii Cis in ihe ! v. and a musical kreat mav ! expec. ed oy .ho-e who may aiieiu'. Co m' : ov .i 'J'iie Mus- I C-'X- lion ! i . oiiio . d of some of! for.-. 'l"ie I'oiliin :. a 1 't if II r .' ' I'"" tlor ' u-l.amis.-ou. x". iii -u ei, li X cues is;;: II. s Fo i".. on Mondax-. i!i"".'M dav of Sen; .. l.: .'ayehe .I ,. I . l:,a."'-.i. iiiite. .lames l-yi.on. lvlivan! -. xx.. I. I'.'b.ui!' Win. siiij.e.. .X..l.. on. .bones i i is ( . , , i . Mn.es M 1 1 .'ei . I'aioeii K i i X i il..locph .b m nsi .n i.. . Iluli -s. , . . ids. '. l. Uilic; i sen. S. II. .Ji,iis ill .1. 4 -. II "kill.. I. lb Ibiu' I I . .1 teol is.. I i ...h i 'e.. I i ii I . i ' .if. . Wuiiiinii .. I.. lie--. S-mu- l ah on. .1. II. Ibu lev. I. M. 1 il XVS' .1 i.i i.v. i-:. lb .llp A. I' I se . X n. I . K A. I" l'e I. I 1 . in iSi - . j-. i ! : :: v t 1-' . I "h ..-. . A w v e i.i ,e t.v 1. I : . !;. I . A o ic, s.,.. - M . X 1 . I . A i !'-. le-. I. I' l.-ieex-. . M . M : o. i A. .No, . . n,.' j" i c - v, a s( vei' i i i'oio; H ni... ! ". i h i . I c ei i i i " Oni'es ha x i . v- : i in - same i n e i . : . e ' oe.-.; ' . i . i. ft III' ai'i. xx 'I : ie ' e- i II I.i u i.''." I ' .' . ' . Fx . nr ii I'll? 1 ':( - ' o a '.! M '1 e !o- W. 1 ". . I'- i - . :ie man- I v f.ed. j n-ij Jii he j mv l. F- j ft tf.pi in i ei j ' ..eai :oi).:l 1 . . 1 il M-e- ; t;i ma". 1 1 i- 10 r i' 'in e. -e.i Toe ( ; 1 I - . " I 1 I t X I I I . V : 1 '. I . is W 1)3' J 'I 'on'; 1 1 I. i .j'-t -1' b X - - s lo an lo :! 1 SI I Ii. X I a 1 1 "ii ! 11 v : j win" 01 'lie W.'- 11 1 in-i r w or k . sea ,. u 1 he I ;o s : e i 1 I i n i 1 la -i of I I". ;. 1 1 s' o xx :l -. I 1 1 1 .1 n ' 1 . 1 ie in ; m.i' .n . x I I. a l F , ein-.i lieu '. '.'e- l.e. .:' HI i -xxe e e..- 1 hroe .'i ot I i' OH l-'.V. a lid s.i ii , sellout V. tin.;'- : 1 -et d'f I 1 i.:l" 1) b .! ties-ei si I- ' Ot Ol !' !.e . ii. e i 1 .;. X 1 e s,nivv' is lie 'itex s x one. a x e v. e O.U I . e. .nm x.. o.-.. .,'iief of ': pi et. t'l a v ex. F. rata :'. J. l M ' e . , - B .) i' ii'i'c ! 1 i'ie; y r S i - ' , e 1 1 . .. : c fi . in sin' 'or .0 eo 1' -n ie .' . -. W e xx i - .1 . 1. Ma -s. r - ' Co ,1 iic' i v s;-iii 1 1 l-'u". . s . X V. lie. n. i' ; ' i'. ni'.x fi jui Yi .0 ' ex v.-M O I - W i'- i e ) .V ' t l .'. '." - .n ' . !;: .xe io- a y for s i CabiVu .i'.'. We jit co. i' mo ii manx I e a 's xv. i : !.ni a I. a I ',. : .o a x ,i h i ei i I' " "'l Jo'' itex . Too I..-. '. - 't !.':' 1..-C-111 I. ,hf f ' - Ii n e in..- c . "o st . i c ei'-'i d i : pud j.-ad'.;ii in I ds papi. 'e di'-s .list' uofthe i:. s. Ma - slial t o ! is e.. . if is to bsni. F- 'I S is Fi:.x m i sc. i. -Maior Thom J Ch;'. a'S'ii leaves mt the John L. S.c veiisibr.S i l'i i'iii 'm-d to-day. wee e he jioe.5 .ii pii elsise hi t..ock offsdl 'J,' M H.IS, At ma .xiri v. lb.v. Mi . Judy of the "Nt. F. I. tiureh of this ciiy has ;v" ie . ti yiii- ia. to attend the A ? nial Con.ei- t-iiee i.il' , hilt t 'tl' ell xx ll! . h co'.lilil'. need J.lsl N talsit.-dii.X . A C ,v...r,s.- I.W.May F . ' dds col j y h:n .'.ona tn Cn t tk ' o ihe pn rpe, -e of en .e in . he Svdt A. i cul U'Sk' 'e;:,' stt ilia, '.n e. Anoiii . .. We a' e in fo. med I'.'.' 1 1 1'!? 'U 'g l.u"'c. w'H id u be'ibi Hie ; ub: -' :"ii ."si pit per io beca"td the Yciti" j l-i .die- Joe nsd, to-day. C x VYt lec i ved a csd I ve.sle.- . j 'v fium Ib.bt. Wi vi's. of IL'c i'acdii' Foot S,o e of looLin al ..-J. l'o dsi.r.I. F.ob is no i H'.cna. dOl SlToXVi.NU. Tin. l,..l a i nl' l . i.i.. . . . - v i"""iy i-mii't-pii lav the A-e,oroi i hiei.amas Coumv f01' Hds year is 2.0-.:d'-'dollais. A hanks -The typoa of this otliee ic tu .i their i banks .u Miss Miii-l e .;Uu fot a ba ,ket of fme rppU left here I? si ! TlK s,.J;i iy. ' Ti r.x Ya iKNs.--t,is -.-.x-kiy b '..I ! ns jiist le-nlsT meciWig ini:u'i, nx j p':i: icrs la I Mmn-ay eveni. re. Tae vxalis of C. V. Pope A Cos I 'c!c a ei 'si jr up finely. Weather cold v, ilh foggy morniugs. Address of Mrs. M. C. Athey. I OEMVEKED AlTiUsTaS, THE 4TH ANNI- ' VF.KHAKY OF KKBEKAK DK(; RKK ?;,,., ! X0 2.I.O.O.K. Noble firand brothers, Sisters and - .. 1 not command the lan miagu ioe; x press the emotions of olwui- au Kiaimcauon I feel, on this, to me, (and doubtless to all present,) pe culiarly interesting occasion. The for mation, lise, and almost miraculous process of Odd Fellowship, has been oflen a. id ably presented to you, and )CMero e, needs no exemplification from me. Indeed our principles, and tho.se of Odd Ftllowship in general a.e so simple, and so w-ll known, thai I almost de:spa"- of finding a new idea. j -. . l.et, on the other hand, they are so ex ' r v 1 " 'r ooi nave too much ot so good a thinji. In our own oran- izai on we a-e an vised, nav .iiw..un.i. live peaet-abiy with all men, to l.. la ull .rU I u i.t u,,u, opporiiiinlv, -!ec.allv '.o observe Hie golden rule, -as ye w oe hi that ot nc s suould do nolo you, do ye even so unto them," and, in Cue b. oaoer pi inciples of our order, we :i e i ii';;ht to ica d our Ijodge, as a la. irer family willi the si'inc unity of feeling that binds the members of that close a ul sac icd relation. While on- .vuhiuh. unen. J -;; --v. -n.ahr wo Id. Jlce, gather i.ilhe be.Mlsof Jove and charily, the memo.- - .. ... . ..... ..... . .... . xxu-ch. the leaehi-.'g, of Oi-i t'e bv.- ship, aiiu .he hap(y, social inM.tciiee xx hich sh'nu j mc(''isi'ciiiiiis1v i ievevy xx(ll c i-'.!ee ed lode of Ke:e!-.a 's me even moC widt Iv so cad abroad. jo i iri. - a wnisne , toe ... me oul s-io- ;.-. yo Ot' '' pe fee 'din. I.i oi ho , (. we do To. cm in !o reach ihe exal.ed suite of perfec- "'on, yet we tlo claim, hat if we but oovv t he , e:' I" i Jiv .: U'N . ..' . tOi. j. x- .M be IV. . : w i ec;-A(, ' "we xo."o ;. ,1. ' . , s j . n leso'o.ir o. .! !i s a e Ik 'd iut ."or out eint". -i i' .'r spec" nens of luiin.in . . ins'. 'iooO, can noxx he: e u pa -t -i j, !a i aie i)i .ned I) V n t'"' I ;ok of Looks. S.n-h as X " of t .IS 'IK. . I ;).ii ! l.i-'i, :l'ec;''i(i ;r p'eiy i he " J ;,.aiv . o. . ' l 11 k .. I. .1! loxe o" K .' e IN i-e ? . evii ev J O III s . of Nao ii . Ii'j i'i . US ('('. I, 'XI l . t-e '.e.ii siie iv..- co-'o-'-i lchor.. ' . 'j -1 sic .' x on'l'. rx me.i, l.iy w :io n wa ii . !(' i"ii i.. ie nine .' ' lie .caiii'a i i.ij ' n i tv a;iii !' (Ve 'ini of K.1 '. . . ' .I-,. . ie xx -fe ii" i e " o i hi', s n . m- noil,,,r o." o. a -s ox, i i o V a ' s. ml M ay. . o ne i o men xx no vsi.c.ei. xx ie.i :e dis- . lleil o to. -. who caret be" the po.i . mi' Ip - o y 1. I0X.-.S and i-t ;s xv v nun' lis v. e .ii ;i-ii. bivel'ne . .-. ! s io.-'i- 1 im do s 1 'e to iiii.ii "e ! '..hi: o." ! iio .e w im "e ill 01 i- i v ;i . 11 . I ..i .I'.xveo "tMiuie .ie and ii,:! '; v'v I ni prove .iiei.i xvn .I'm : 'oeee. Wc I so e , .. ju .lial iii' nr " -ion s not si I .' ' o V .'. i oee of ns 1 i v e' : I o o,' -! en' , x : e civa.eo ?tn p-aeetl I .ICiO ..) h'iioj- (i..- .If iV'oX'. illt',i. 10 Sl('- I vane o.- s ,'. 1 1 si,.-n-'r country. :i a. 1 'i'.iovc ' ;. N'oii K'.i'ii . nen !i:ai .. d l' I 'iws'i'p is a linn v tif I iie.o. so'i pi' po e - o ; es! t he hea ' . -j h s.te seliishne of ne worN, jsoo. m i'.. T i.'i o.' j;"eale't du y , s'.io. 1 'e i : ti'. " i'ie p. 0111.1I ioi tif ! a 1- a.- 1 , 1 - v i"rs.e::i X' of ma 1 ! .Mi X IV!'." ' i.!o. Wii,! sl'eii -.ae'l'llg x;-n 1 oi- - Tein lie, ' :i'" u eoi : . 1. .in ,1 x i t ice w '. 'out. f xve 1 ' 1 1, o n X' In-Ill, Oil,- (ii.'ei- XX i 1 cwo ksoj IJ I. m isi , ii l , si "d e ' it'' p. ' ii'" op'-ni'in. ; nd e.- smu loo rpf 'II iis n'oral ! w. ek of mail cr soul i. -i .ni ne '.i.-i'; '.iiH i i . 11 1 .'c, . O 1 ie ei i'-a i if wo. V s e'la f.-i.r t:es. e of sc.- 0.1 .'" 1 epo-e. on labor 1 o e: r. ' ie e s si ' mp'o wor'l of our 1 ' 'l'r.i nee s some coiisii!- ,. '. ' -e wot t ". Not to ioue,! . ' e; ?'. ..i't iJii.n ! O pi-ocee. ; t oeee . t ei: Imi-c :" Ii II of ; cO .'a. ! ii ...mil 'nact'isi!. xv ha. is oe 1 ' v 1 s' 1 1 1 J- el low s in ' 1 a e -1 ! 1 : . o ' K 11 '.st'-.' To be I'.ine l in ,in t -' s .". r.io." hi' . in. To sin ox e x 1 1 1 at . o" iw . ,i'.mi, . - oe r i:a v e '. ed : . ! ee "i-e 1 ir ;:mn ' r. hi. it's. 7". 1 1 1 . :'. 1 ,1 iiii hfplly x. .' sd -ec ;s 11 e i'd o us. 1 1 , lie mat K-i . -t o sic. ' . 'I.i la. or h-iii im;' i ey ) i ;.-o 1 -. ;() x e ok' i ed ix i ' 11: . .1 id ..'. : X " oe . I'-iU of i , s j p p- ,. i,-e a in I 1 i e To 1 ie i xvoi ker not ;' (!.ni. . We ,'e... a li.'C o.'oi r Fro hers ! n S s. . s . e . ho a e.k hsi t . o leso ii si few en. h. ' I .' w offices, ;i,t( 'ie h-v;i;ed lo lank, ninke-j s .i o d IV',, ,v. T iat h'.. done liie e !' c do ae is ei.mple.l'. If i '. i yi mi reei : . ie : ii- 1 we v.onli ss' - 10 1 ne 11 e '!. 1 : - I " 1 ot in-. oi" Sis.er is ii 1 1 oe l.o. e lloe-ii. (d,J Fel i 1 '.-ae'ies ns disit v.e s ' I lsive on -. id: ' -. pe o'iii cot 1 nee ed. xviih ihe l.o..,e ;. inn m.i pent we emcr iiti- j ! we . xe t .tU- ""ty. . elheie t.'oe i.'io SI -e d' tii net piM; beesiust ! i .icv di n,-.t d.'lX t eo ' ; ;e in disetiss si 1. il'"- ! nio.-e tee .t e) icel ihsll li.ey im' ,t neeia-di li so, you are inis a i.e.' y. pi e.si nee is ail cin-oii -si- 1 -ni'i't o i ; i- !':( is; Floy feel thiit ',e- sriii ; . s".. ,.i tlien. anl .ey; , ;. I f . e; V i . per fot 1 1 1 e ; d ' . -i i . ..'X .f X : IIH' I . i-C' i. d'. o ,11 . ni,;;i'i'''i I ,' We.is'kc:' emlileo a-xoit a " A .! ie li I s wc'i si v. . . .... " in 'J i s o.' he at xcar ha :kv i I'si'..1 . o .i, ,- ii n : we baxe ed t'.ir In i.-'i s s'nee la . A.' ."-. o e ii.' ! imI ;: s. 'I'nps x on . e oe cll'n ; mi ;r he si.'v a ii l '--. , es et' est x e deeu id.. ( eti xx ' '.liri :- cons.n av ;t i ' seece .s. i, ed' at. Ml oe- ha f of ihe s: s o!' , i' 's ) .11: .'-e oe k t IiH' io l";ii'l; viiii .- nji'i' ll lo- - to so' si i' t- e i i i'exvo:!; o.' r el- ' s lie. tee. i,,eis .es e en e ' e, , t mi.i st-ioi'ie' xt. ,cv ns si eodcstvo o meet 1 1.. . I , 1 1.' 1 1 r ooii es;e i siii'cc 1 1 : ie; I-, ino-e t. ; ve 0 e ve . i ).- i n 1 ill' ..'..' . :s O. in' ' i!0 xxe m..y - i i. ,.(- ' o-.i . : . . s . st lid " :'(. ice e Oa i i- mat A al .-.- i V e . W e ..lio. - a .. Wa . -!,- . A "i foe - . Wue- a : i . Yx .: i .' We" ' Miifii'.li i he A u -i .' .- i i" o . Yi ii 11' o, l I! I ll. . f.X :l! j;. ...' - s i w i is ii'. i '.: c O- .1 .! . .)M, . - t" oni . tie i . i '.i.V - he; t ll !.(. .. ; x 1 1 o .v. r.- I il l l's V.-?fp ' '' o , f i e, :. i i e pi: ) e e W ' I l tie ,-i ' .!-- mi r a - I .'.-. ; no' Kni1" . : , 1 .to,'l' re- '. ..,')ti ,,ia y e . . :u v'. -i o'er eve yns'.ioi. V.r scopai. FuNVOc.x i ion. The Ixven ( v-tii'st An u:d Couvoca ion of the Fj-is-cop I Ch.i.cti met io Triniiy Clnirco. I'm Hand, on T iiiisday, the di of u- ust, ee ' ieuiog its serviee - over the folbixv'.'i-r Suiidso. 'lit attendance, iM lh of cleruv and laity, -was p:ne .rood. The bishop's ath'ress, t'elivered Hu I'liursil v evening, shoxved an en- oiira-iie' slate of the Church work in I the i.-i isdiednm. On Stindav morning Ti-hiin-i' iiivi' i xvas conseciaieo to me service's of AMnighiy tiod in (he pres ence of a vcj-v Jame cotvi' ega.ioii. 1 he ser vices were very solemn and im pressive. We noticed, xvi.lt nleaure, in the cn" legation the lion. Feniami.i stark, ami in i lie Cancel the veiieabe lo McCan c, lKth of xvhom were close lv connected with the very lirst ser vices of the Church in that eit . At must have i-etii a happy day ro them to have lieen sp;oel to x liness this e i th uceof pro- .. riix in the Church ot their love. On und:V afternoon a service wsis hei.i for the -b'"dreii of . ho Sundav School, at xxtiich address, xx ere delivered t -. the lie v. Messrs. J. H. F.al:ock, J. . . ScllxxotKl. and Fou nd!. The evening -service was mission ary in it ciia.acu-i . at which atbbe.'sst.s were deli vered by "the Itishop, lr. vius and the Ilev. Mes.sis. lounell ami Wells. COURTESY The Aldink. Nothing finer has yet 1 1 .1 S .. Ik; nn,.n. i At.. I OftCIl JIIUUUI.TU III UIW tWUIlllJI in U( form of a magazine than the Septemler Aldine. Kurope and America have lieen laid under contribution to furnish the most marvellously beautiful pic tures which the bestartists can produce. Mr. A. F. Itunner has a series of three niairniticent views in the Roeky Moun tains, made exprt's-jly for The Aldine. In these davs of Yellowstone exi-edi- tions and excursions to this famious region, these pictures possess unusual interest. A fiiil-jKige view ofClearCreek Canyon, Roeky Mountains, opens up the woiiderfu' grantleur of those hid den solitudes in a way to make them seem real ; a large picture of theSnoxvy llanje tif the Siera Msidre i.s wild, gloomy, and grand, while a sketch of the inferior of the Kocky Mountains, gives one the impression that all the world is made of mountains. A charm ing full-jKkffe picture sifter I.ejeune. a French artist, called "The Jilue JJirtl," shows a liexvitehinj; young woman con lined in a strong toxver to keen her from her lover. Mr. John Hows, a Nexv York artist, has a full-jwige sludv of "I'.rookside Willows," remarkable for its faithful interpretation of nature ami minute detail. A liner picture is seldom i-een. The departments of M us ie. Art. ami Literature, sire each xvell tilled with jroo.1 soliil reading matter, fully maintaining the high reputation The Aldine long since earned. Snl seriptioii price sv.!n. ini'ludinjjFhronios "Yilage lUlle" and frossiiiii the Moor." James Snttou & Fo. publihers, 5!S Maiden lstne, N. Y. S.-ii l'lant isfn Market lteport. Sax Kram iso). Sept. 3. I.iv rjool Wheal, Flub, 12s. 10d. Ms. td. Flour SiiHTfine, ; ex. rsi, ?0 oft. Wheat oast, i . I'.arlcy I "oast feet I, ? 1 iV,l 10; bay feed ?1 ;Wq,l "i73-j ; bay hrexvtng, rrl oV'ail jo. at; ;mk! sunnl v In nisirket : nriees sire $1 TVad (. Wool uiet, fine to choice clestr, "i30. l'urtland .Vlarket Itepui-t. Wkonksiiav, Sept. 4, 187'J. I'oid in N'exv York to-tlay, I h. l'orl Istmt I'sil Teniii-r i :Hc, S j.V: ticvi ! ; Sti 'v set linn. Wheat 1 ictna mi i.s in creased at f 1 TOiiJ 1 S i "jk cental. i tskts ilotfi'i 1 bushel, ssitketl r. tul tJelix ered. Flour In consequence of the condi.inn of the wheat marKet, Hour hns ixeii nt! vaneeil 50 cents jK-r bsuail hi this city, on best brands. Hatter The rceeijils are Isirge and the market well stocked xviih all qualities. lric's rsinne trom SCkii-'S cents. Kggs .Market supply fehort ; jirices firm at :i cents "fl dozen. Wool The instrket coat in lies dud and quotations sire 1'iiriii.shed si.J3.'-.c tl lt lur a -rood iirt icle. itsicon '1 he supply on hand remains sihtiiidskii't. Sides are quoted at Jt'mllc; Ilsims, 1 tf'il.K.', sind prime Shoulders ttt 8(a i'c. Oregon C'itj larkct Hcjior!, E.NTEKI'I'.ISK KICK, Sept. 1, 1873. Tin following are tin buy dr. pi .;ea for produce, st nd t he sel I in; price lor oi he. s ; Wheat iH'iuaud -jood and S'Mi ng at !K) r,?I r bush' l. Flour l.ood supidy in market, nnd sell in -s at f I a '" Hi. .xliildliti'rs Are quoted at J per ton: shorts. -'); and brsm Willi Ic "I su ies on hand. Oil is Supply equal to demand; buyers sire laving ; cent s. Fl aloes ; demand, and 1 lie market oerslooU"d, al lroiu Ui' iO cents per bu.sh el. Onions N'.me in market ; quotable at 2 c'-nl s jH-r pound. F-'i's Si.tarce. Jf0i,'2'i : ilo.eii. I'll iekens ?'! j't fo.1 ) per iloen. I.ut ter Scarce, JKni'i cents lor i;ijotl fresh. Wool l-Vir clioic; lol s, Zl ein s. Hried Kruil Full sioek- in iniiket; Appj' S sire brintrin-r "xiati eeni . r ail ; pi-sifhes 11 cents; t'lmii nis 10et !5 i-'iii. Su i.-i r lYtlslied, 1 '.:, It (Till-: Islsimt !''li l't'j ;' San I'rstneiseo relined. 1 -J-.t I j ' j cents. 'lea le; qaality 1 Ji'T poll nd. a nd ol It er lira mis r.-in.n'inr Iroin "t 75 tv in . foir-i l!esl' sirtifle J" eeni;,; i a fe: ar, J cell, S ilt Kateiin'4 from I '-.-';. Syriiji .0 c-nis ji . j;al a.n ; tie t article (i't iits. r.aeon llams lJi.tM fi'iili; Sioulders, S c nit s ; sides. 1 1 emu s per hi.i e... 1 .aril l'er pound 1 1 ecu. . o.l Ik-xo' s Ivi'iiw.'iii' p r jj-al'o'i iO;.fcT5 c-nis: I. in seed I i'l. IVrf nil I'm it ( i ood f a t Code lilld r.'ildy sa I at 5 tv til s oi foot. l'i irk We quo, e id li C'lli . stiecp Few uii'eri tij ; qiio.e sit :" l7oi'i2 '2'y per liesti I. llitle.s lir. i'ti at frotii OkX'il'- to the si.f ; dry l"c us jkt jMiund, V title v1omm1 Vlfor. The fia tile and debilitated usually fancy they sire in a more hopeless condition 1 loin t hey r -st lly so". The resources of nature sir not easy cst listed. Even xxhen sirenglh soul sii jieiite fsiil, when -the eyes sire hesivy and lust r-li-ss, tin: coin plection pallid, t lie ni-rx es t renin Ions, t he liody at tenusd ed si nd tin mind deprfssod, thin' is .enerail.v a reserve of latent jioxvcr behind such psiljisk bl" cvid'-ncesof weakness. Various iikhIcs of treat inent sitj ri-sorted to by phxitians in tin hope of developing stnd rendering a vaihible this store of sleejiing vitat'ty, tint t lie suri'St. siitd indeed the only t horoujrhly ssife and r diable nnsins of awakening the dormant energies of the system is a course of Host titter's stomach r.itters. F'lectricity, sin over bid lis, t he tlesh lit'ktsh, sea tlat ll i ti jr. Ac., in.-iy lie well enon-ih in liieir way, as auxtliiiries but they do tint reach t he. source of the evil. All physical debility proceeds eit her trom :i derangement of t he fund ions of t lie ji.ssim ilsit inr, secret tve stnd vital or irsi ns, or ironi a slutsisii const ii ut ion. Jn eit her case, .and also in cases where tiotti esiuscs exist , t lie Hitters x ill in varlsilily rw duee sin immediate stnd salk'tstry change in t he condit ion oft lie pal ient, and eveni u a lly effect a complete cure. .Nunc of the danirerous alkaloids, too often administer ed as tonics, csm be ol In-rwise t ban tlelele rious und'-r such circuinslanees, and to trive mercury is imsitively critninal. The direct etrect of t he ureal, vejetsible sjieciic will tie manifested m skn improved apie t ite, a more cheerltil frame of mind, si rrsulusil return of strength, an increase of llesh, and a hesklt hier complect ion. Mean x bile, liowever, the constitution, if inert and feeble, will havf lieen roused and re noxsiled by t he subt il elements of inx ijio- ratiott coiit:kiii-d in tin Hitters. Wi' I'li'il'uiir r-'putatiou on the asser tion 1 hsii siiiy ed uea led physician, sitter a esireftil examination ofihe recip, will say thsil .'. ' J'cri'itire J'i tmssi ss more merit I ban a ay o: her ill now olfered lor sale. Io nol wrmit tin Ixidy to wast away in nseli ss sntn -rin-r. IK. 'lsri: s H.xlsam ok W ii.ri t'lirisisr lias etfeeted iliousands of si I in osi miraculous cures of coughs, colds bronchitis and consumption. It is a safe and reliable cuiv. V.hiiird l'.:ivci-. E.-H.. Il'irion, Kin-js Co. N. S. writes t hat sin asionisluiij; cure has Im-ou effecied on hisdattziuer ny i ne use .f Jh,i.tioi's A,linr Liiiimail. The whole S.ine became tlis.-ased. stie lost tlie Use if her limbs, and lier nat-K iis roenu.-u up like si Im..-, in consequence of lakit'jj: cold after having oeen nmocutakeu ior me Kiue Iock. She 'is now well. TO-DA V, TmoT. 11. ;. l li t T' K .e.:isK is . ,i r JL I:m i - ot I looii':'! . b-. be. ".1 : -- KFI I.V. Ni'. in w?tclini;. i o.'Oi - ' iy. Talvx.- jSTot it-e! IJfAVK AtHIXTKh ri;tK. v.. w. Mo eland r I .!' sc. to.. e .mi u'il tor Clackatn:' corttiy .li.''...vJ: u. oig mv aijjpuce tiuni U'; St;o..-. A. NOLTsKfT,. Supci itncndcnt of Ouckani.taj ty. Final SclLli.'iiieiit. IN THE MATTEKOF'I UK -TATE OF Wil'iam Da) on. tb t- ntiieCoua-tx- I'ottrt ot I'lackainns co i. , Oie-.on. "Tie-adui'misi raior of ssi u . at- iox ..g li ' d Ids tl na 1 aeon MH fo-si i 'i-iiirii. . of. ;; isoiU'ieit t.y . n l'o '.d t li.il Mini" y, I tie Mb dax- of i K- oner, 'sr., hi 1 o'tlot .. ". i... t. . , ... rl t..r sni.i Ir ii s--; t a-liienl jxvtii J'din K. IH' "., the ad iiiiiisl.ai.or luercof. r'-lloSm3mKmXrMT. Couiuy Jiuli'?. P.. F.CAU FIELD. ' County. Clerk. HUELAT WARREN. Attorney for Administrator. OF BANCROFT LIBRARY A mBMmen ta, TheOrrnt Pano-iimn of the Modoc war, scenes oi Ireland, Yo-Semite iews, -irand and wonderful, find ihe Franco-Iiiissian war was exliibiiett t tin? Court House on Wednesdsiy evening to j, large number of t he (rood people oi lmlias, xx ho seemed t appreciate the wonderful works of rt to a decree which no doubt xvas very satisfacto ry and gratifyina: to tlie ;entlemanly pro-l-rietors. As the scenes of t he Modne mass acre and mui-ders were jiresTi'ted, t he very blood of the lookers-on coursed rapidly.and made its appesirance in the a kready anx ious faces ol the audience, who imagined for the moment, they xvere actually razing upon tlie real ir-airedy. This is no humbug, but is xx'or. h seeing. " We 1 hink it deserves, and feel assured it xxill receive a liberal si'pjKirt. Dal I tut lirfmbliciit. ' This pa comma will tie cxhibit'-d at the Court ilnnse in tiii.s city ti-uiht. Our cx-chati-ies sp ak in very flattering term of merits of tins panorama. Admission oOcts ; children. -5 ets ; six or more in one family, i!0 ets. each. llurgrrn a Shindler have rcoiened in their former warehouse, the Lutheran Church, Fifth street near the IT. S. Custom House, where they will operate till a per manent business place Is ready. They arc prepared to fill orders for lurniture and all kinds of heddinsr, includint; first class hair matt rerses and the celebrated woven wire msittress, children's H'rsimbulators,&c, Klixir Damiatia. Among the new and successful remedies, none have excited so much wonder as this gresit restorer of the vital energies, To Dr. Jose Zunitra belongs t he cretlit of producing the relhibk extrsict of the great remedy, which is now producing grand and sur prising results imparting In a wonderful deirree, Ir.-sh and yotithlul viortoall who nave useu it. A-rents, t has. ljin-fley ft Co., San Francisco. Slllllll.J. Professional and Amateur Musicians should examine the combination So!., stops found only in U El . WOODS A CO'S URliANS. TIIE .F.OI. IN K. A most delicate, soft or bre.at hinjr stop. THE VOX ItCMAXA. A bariione solo, not a fan or tremolo. THE 1'IANO. A beautifully toned piano, which will never require tuning. See ad vert isment in another column. ljunlomi For the very best photographs, goto P.rstd leyA Rulofson's tialery without STAIRS Ascend lit (he Klrvulur, 425.1 Montgomery Street, Ssin Frsmciseo, California. SOCIETY SO TJCES. oixi:c;o i.oix;i : . 3, 1. 1. . f., "vrktu .-..-.. Ti.....i - . . . . XII11I.1II,1 . I.. .i.-i,iii,rrl TL ....! 1. i...l.',. JS.. ' . .....i.. a r I llfl l, 111 liie Odd 1-Vlloxvs' Hall, Main street. Members of the Or der are invited lo attend. T.v order S.tl. "lallTCA DLGRin: I.OIXJ li .5, I. t. O. V., Meets on the Second and Fourth Tues dsiy evenings each month, sit 7 'a o'clock, in tin iiil.l Fellows' Hall. MendK'isof the licree are invited to attend. IUI,T.OHAII I.OIMJi; o. I, A.l". it A. M.. 1 FohN its regular com munications tu. First and Third Satiirdsivs inosieh month, sit 7 o'clock fro'ni theiloth of Sen. tenilK-r totho-JntJ, of March : and 7 lo o'clock from the Jttth of March to the JUth of September. Krcthren in good standing are nix ilel to attend. i'.y order of y. jl. i:ca iimi:nt o. i.i.o. (). F., Meets at .!d Fellows' Hall on t he First and Third Tnes dsiy of each uionth. I'in.iareiis in good standing are invited lo attend. M I SCJ1L . A A" JS O IS. Via. im:i:s( ixs i.i)i:n'ii:ii to the II nil. -rsi rued :i r, r.-i 1 m-s. I to e:i II 11 ml settle up. In order to instke n easy, 1 will tsike on sieeonnts Wir-sit, Woo! sunl Osiis. .JolIX MYERS. r.';oii City, Aug. '.;i. lsT t. Sw Foi- :a 1 rpilE RAKNI'M R EST A l " ft A X T ll'KM L lure will be sold al Pit tit ic Auci ion for Cash, on N.tlm-day llti (ilh tlay el Sep- irmiH'r, isi.l. S;:e io coin mene- si t t en o'cl-ick, a. in. Any ier-on xvisiiiuu to buy t he whole ot said turn 11 tire .-a n :i pply to I be Ilo ..rietur b' lore -Slid d;tx of sale, sis I will give a bskrgain to si ny one wisiiing to pur I'hsise si complel'? onlfr foi the It, st aura nt 1 in s i ness. I t-:t 1 X D K t .0 1' K Y. JACI1IC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, Soul Invest Conirr First and 31 on ir on St s. j'oji tla xn, o i: nt; x. J.MlorU THIS DATE WK HAVE adopted tlie CASH BASIS AND HARD TIMES PRICES. Come and see us and tle iv will be mttnt al sat ifaciin. CUSTOMEES AT OTJB, LOW PRICES A N D O t" K S K L. V E S AT CAS H. U K 0 It G E A. PEASE, Southwest Corner First and Morrison Sts., lorllaiicl, Oregon. August 2AI, 1S78-I f. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY-, A N D SEED STOKE ! Factory Block, :::::: Oregon City- tiAcncy for the San Juan Lime Co. Lime sold tn quantil ies tout it. augl-tf. J. T. APPERSON, OFFICE IN POSTOFFICE BUILDING. BROKli:il. I--a 1 Tenders, Clackamaa County Or ders, and Oregon City Ortlers BOUGHT AND SOLD. NOTARY PUBLIC. Iyoans negotiated. Collections attended to, and a General Urokea-ge busiiifss carried on. in n tit f. JOHN M. IJACON, IMPORTER AND DEALER In Books, Stationery, Ferfum ry, etc., etc. Oregon City, Oregon. 7"At Charman A Warner's old stand, lately occupied by S. Ackeman, Main st. CHOICE M EATS! LOGEM& ALHKIGHT have Just re ceived a fine lot of beef cattle iroin the John Day country. They are the fatest ever brought to this valley before, and will be butchered for this market. They pro pose to sell cheap. Give them a call, and get the choicest of meats. Oregon City, May 23d. 1873. t f. LAND FOR SALE! Q.IA ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE AT 03U f L50 per acre. For particulars Inquire of R.IRVIN. Needy, Clackamaa county, Oregon. OHAS. TI. CAUFIEL'D, DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CORNER OF SEVENTH AND MAIN STREETS, OREGON CltT. Has Just Received a New Stock of Calicoes, Dress Goods, Crown and Bleached Sheetings, House Lining, Shirtings, Table-Linen, Irish Bosom Linens, Linen Towelling, Table-Clot lis, Corsets, Ladies' and Gents' Hose, Thread, Cambrics, Buttons, Ribbons, Laces and Insertions, Embroidery, White Goods, Millinery, Fancy Goods, fce. Also, a full assortment of . LADIES' AND CHILD ERIN'S SHOES. Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Wicks and Chimneys, Which hT Ixem ttelectccl It It aperial taie for this market and caaaatt BKSI HPASSED I HVALITY OR PRICE. TIIE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. March 13, lS73:tf NEW STORE! HEW GOODS! HEW FIRM! LEVY BEOTHEES Have Just opened, in Mar-liairs New liuiltlintr, Oregon Citv. rilllK FINEST AXI) MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF CI.OTHINU AND 1'RY-GOOL'S, X Itootsand Shin's, Hats and Caps, eJentlenien's Kuruifshinjr Goods, Iloserles, No tions, Cutlery, Baskets and Toys : also, Groceries and I'rovisions, and a GENERAL. ASSORTMENT OF OTHER GOODS, Too numerous to describe, xxhich we propose to sell at the Lowest Possible Rates, Tor CASH.. JIK. 1 LEW, beini, a Practical atvler of lonpr experience, we will also deal in and manufacture and repair Jewelry. We truarantee all our poods and work, or no pay. Give us a call and examine our goods, and save twenty per cent. LEVY 131? OS., Sfcond door north of the Postoftlce, Main street, Oregon City. COLEfvWS Dr. J. S. Coleman's Com pound Extract of eucalyp- tus is a preparation eomblnm; all tlie valuable medical quaities ol the Eucalvptus, which Is cultivated in nearly every California parden lor its medical utllitv, haviii" be come tlie household remedy for all diseases of t he KJDXJjy'S; BLADDB1! and UKIt- Ali Y I'AXAL, and NKMl.AI, 1 c.ia.i JCfiifiS. It seems to have a GEN ITO-OKGANS and their surroundin-is, and cures them by its alterative'healing and balsamic proierties more eirectually t nan any other known remedy. ' It is an invaluable remedy for all diseases of the mucotisand serous nienihrane-s nrh as liJtorjlTIS, If A CJIIXO COUO'JI, XAU.SJiA DUliJ XU 1'JiJia XA CV DYS1J1. SI A, LKCL'iUtRlHEA, etc. ' This jireparation is the result of Dr. Coleman's experiments with the medicinal prop erties ot the tree In the V. ts. Msrine Hospital in tSan Francisco, in 171 and 1S72 where he had unusual facilities for test inn the various methods of preparing the remedv and its uses. It can be relied upon as certain to give t he nromised revnttc nn.i i..,,..i;.'.tc 1,. I. a . 1... t ......... I, lt?ki,ll.lj ..... ...... .v. v.... OF VtU.KAMX'S DOVHLK EXTRACT erful. vi t harmless, febrifuge, and is a special nrenaration tv.r t he treittment ol the malarious levers of our interior valleys, and is war ranted to cure any case of FEVEK AND AGl'Ktreat.eii with itaccord ing to directions, while the baneful results of the usual Quinine and arsenical remedie for those diseases are entirely avoided. F )K PHYSICIANS, Coleman's Fluid Extract of Eucalyptus In l-5b Ixtttles. lieware of imitations, and take none but Coleman's. For -agmi. d :?Pr,TI2lsa,eeverywhere,and by Hodge.Cakf A Co., w Oregon. GEO. YOODS & CO S ORGAtS The most remarkable instrument ever per fected ; capable of the most beaut iful mus ical eirects, and in the most elegant eases. All Lover: of Music should see them, and hear their COMBINATION SOLO STOPS. ' Win. Oi. BADGEE, Of 7 tit San some St. .Sun Francisco, has them. junelJm3. THOMAS CHAR MAN ESTABLISHED 1853. DESMIF.S TO INFOKM TIIE CITIZENS i.l oii .m Ci.y i nil of the Willamette : i ley, i n.ii ne i-. .:ill mi hnnd and doing Lum ness on i lie old mot to, that -t Xiiiioe Six J'cnce is Hitter than a Slow SliUiiiy. 1 Lave just returned from San Francisco, whi-rt' I purchased one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK Of GOODS ever 'if-iYnooiT -rod in this city; and consists in pan, as follows : Boots. ind slioi". Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Grf-eeries. Paints aud Oils, Sash and Doors, Chinawaro, Queensware, Stoneware, Crockery, Platedware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Indies and Gents Furnishing Patent Medicines, " Goods, Fancy No Rope, Faming tions of Every Implement s of Descript ion All Kinds, Can ts, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc.. Of the atove list, I can say my stock is the JIOST I' O )I P I. K T K ever offered in this market, and was seleted wit h especial care forthe Oregon City trade. All of which 1 now offer for sale at the Lowest Market Rates. No us for the ladies, or any one else, to think of srointr to Portland to buy goods for I am Dft rniitint to Sell. Cheap and not to allow myself to be UNDERSOLD IX THE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask Is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables me to know the re quirements of the trade. Come one and all and see lor yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CHAIRMAN cannot be leaten In quality or price. It would lie useless for me to tell you all the advantages! can offer you in the sale of goous, as every store inai auvemses um- that, and probably you have been disap pointed. All I wish to say is Comr, and Scf.and Examine for Yonrselvf s fori do not wish to make any mistakes. My object is to tell all my old friends now that I am still alive, and desirous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or upon such terms as agreed uion. Thanking all for the liber al patronage heretoforU.s.owcjd. Main Street, Oregon City, mYrl raetelerS THOCTrMAN. 50.000 lbs wool wanted bg alWniil B O 'O EUCALYPTUS direct affinltx- fnr t h ;., . . "'-" vv.o v 'S.','.?)0.''; I'j Kf,arney steet, san Francisco HL VA 1. YVTIT.S is a pow- holesale Itruggists, I'ortland, Sole Agents for mayIS73yl. STILL IN r-IIE FIELD! WILLIAMS & HARDING, AT THE LINCOLN BAKERY, : KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK of Family Groceries to be found in tbe city. All goods warranted. Goods delivered in the city free of charge. The highest cash price paid for country produce. n Oregon City, March iS, 1S73. IMPERIAL M ILLS, Saier, LaKocqiie k Co. Oregon City. Keep constantly on hand for sale Flour. Middlings, P.Ian and Chicken Feed. Parties purchasing feed must furnish the sack. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. fi') II E U N D E It S I G N E D AX- JL nounce to the cit izens or Oregon City and Clackamas county that thev huvc just ened a JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT I N Oregon City, Main street, next door north of Shades Sa loon, where they will keen on hand and for sale all goods pertainingtotheir line, at the lowest living ratfs. Especial attention given to the repairingof Fixe Timf Pieces. All goods sold and work done warranted. GEO. A. HAAS & SOX. Oregon City, Feb. . 1873-tf. SPHIXG AND SUMMER GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT I. ELLIj0'S DEALER IN Dry Goods, Clothing, Eootsand Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, q Crockery, Notions, Indies and Gents Furnishing'Goods. etc., etc., etc., etc. Main Street, Oregon City. Iroduce of all kinds liought, for which I pay the highest market priee. If you de sire good tioods at I ov prices, call at i. s h i, 1. 1 x a ' s and examine his new stock of Spring goods. Give me a call and convince yourselves. My motto is, " QVICK SALES AND SMALL PKOFITS." The highest market price paid for wool. I. SELLING. Oregon City, March 21. 1873-tf. 1,0 0 0D E E R 'SKINS v A IS' t f, n. AND ALSO, VLL OTHER KINDS OF HIDES. FOR which 1 will pay the highes market price in cash Bring on your hides and get your coin for them. Tottv sr'iiTt r. Saddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, l73-m3. s it :msi o s. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas. Frank Schlunt, Paint iff. vs. William Knopf and J. S. Gunbierner.dfts. To the Defendants alxive nametl : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE gon, von are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within ten davs from the date of the service of this summons upon you, if served within this countv, or if served In any other county or this State, then within twenty days from the date of the service of this summons upon you, and if served urn you by publi cation then by the first day of the the next term of said Court following the time pre scribed in the order of publication, Mz : The 4th Monday In September, 1ST3, and if von fail soto answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for t he relief demanded in the complaint, which consists among other things as P,nf said defendant, Knopf. In causing him Jo execute a deed !n fee simpletothe plaintiff of the propertv described in the complaint, and as against said defendant Gunbieruer In excluding him from any interest In a lien on the property described in said coni r.lalnt; and von are further notified that I.v an order of the Hon. W. Vk . L 1 1 on. Judge of said Court, service is to hJ upon you in said suit by publication of the summons once a week for six weeks In it ho Oreoov City Enterprise. anesjapr numished In Oregon City, Clekms coun ty, Oregon. . r Piatnt Iff. August 9th, 1873 auglob-. TO LKT. rwTIF ROOM FOR.MKK1.1 V'S ,fte"bek bunding. APTlr.t fhi.e.. i 1 o I IS e O O 0 O O 0 o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c i