Q E3GSS332 SBS3S o THE EHTEgrTO iiRESOX "nTVrORECOArGisT 1, b73. IX MEMORIAM. At lilO Sllge-diem 4.f a numl.t r of printers, we have is-ucl tllL. Jolluwin- circular tu the varmu inters uf Oregon an-l Vn--hi:igtoii i , ii.Vrv an.l would eurncstlv re'u 1 , t e'vho have n,civul it, w.U U:.,' i iPtlv in the matter, an.l remit int s.U.srriU-.l at once Ue r in- jH.-tiuhy ';llU , ..wiH.seof .small 'j', .'Vnoimint lit over the j -r.-eiiig - ' ' , im Kl. niii'-. "the ; ft::-1 nter' of .o" , Dis i'.- ; f,!Vins nw lie i t!n- Ma-.M.i.- ' ''. but there is no r..,Y,'em,it' mmeces- e s.ioi. imoiis iii expiosu.ns '. ! rh- roinidi-nce. He wai , ..,nl ful Craftsman, . honored citi. n, and ;ll,v. dco.n,.;-m..i . Suo-ii-t""' ulU r ,, i , for- full-wiUK' n at.- d nte n ei .. n I i i ... l,o nii.!i rl Mll'lb ill "i' "r'tii Vnarrenirns be "'''"C; are re- wiirii'ii"""- , .riv.-n l'a-i wnn, ana was iinuii.illv apr.-ed 4-,tv .U ,ll,V r,,',llt "j;';"",! to.-etweenthetwo elul.s, andanTine taroiuh t..e H.;.mis oi lac Ui.i.oon ni.ms U r t)u. ,,.;uii(, U.,.M m;ull. . 4 I I V I'- 'V j t y,.;,rr I 'lit, to tiie (-!l-l 111 t t lif -II- :i,l,;i!i all.! tieo. 11. Dlill'tV '' .j iiul I'l' our. lui,, they failed to meet their en- p..,-tl.m.l: C. V. Vm ' v ;"oin 1- f-'a-emeiit. Wiuther thev knew ti,ut j j, .,ni.s, n, al. in :.,i(s. p' t a majority of the players ot tlilscluh t.an.v; . u' ai'.T Mc- U("dd leave in a few a s, and n. t i-e- SulliviUi. Dallas Y ; ' ' . turn until tall, is pi.-sti.in we will not Miiinville; J- H; I , . ' i, ' i) tvj ' slop to ai-ue. as the Cioneers refused - itn.wii. i-,r'stlot;. 1. li. l.il ',. -, -, ...... '.. in. -hus; ". n..n r.,. i- b. r ,'ja'",; " i i -,, i T'l!- 1) dies so.iviH-; W m.M.land, I.k D.dles. " . K X( iTKM KN !". ' )ll. id ra ole exelle- 11- wis -tvaeil in town l..l Saturday ' ,n tin- .iiMoverv of gM in ;t. telle) 11 nil . r- (i,e vhi.-; ! ..es I.-; 1 to run oh tlietiitt 1 -..n ti c ee:iva:ioii for M-ssrs. Pope A ''"'s-, hil ii-1- I-t it soon -..oh-d ti n t ii- 1 i 1 was made know n that it-uiV Vly d.tt- mc ve iyloionv.iii. il tlie liaii'tii;-' is t in.ii erected, was at an r,, i ' fo'r tie" coinage of wlrd wis klio'. 11 ti e " lieaVer -Moli'.y." ll'is u...'S.-d tl.-- ' Id d ix-ovcr.'d y. as 1 .1; 1 .1 :i I Oil'-- A 11.1 t ii us t :H- V iiol.s 1 1 i '! ike j, i -d fn.,m the gaze of 11 1 ill . ! 'our citizens. ot-FKou P:.i:.wai:.-A large num!.-r ii h mi. .f.:i:i.'.n-arego!.el.,the v;trltis vtiit- j, r resoi-t-. V terdav, M;ivi.r Mc- :.ovi, s.:.c.,:.,:.a.i-d 1 v hi- family and " , .- 1, on riv.-r VI.- ;:;rr;i '!'.i!1.''',:rf;:;.iiv u-.t h.t . , i s. -T-.- I v 1 ! , 1 1. ' w .11: to Astori;; last w.-ck ; p.-. W. leli I it ve'-H.l;.y forth- S.oi.iv 1 ou.r.i v. to i,.!i' aed lick 1 :i k s. e ; hop-.- tu -v -nay all nae a picas am time, j Critic A 1 .1 i1::;mn NVK.-At theme, t- Some p'eei ieMvdings elo occa- 1., ,,f !ic A:iti-i nine;.- Alliance list siotialU ta.-.: pi.ice 1:1 a C mrt e.I law , Sauoi iv . v. lllnr. il was voteo to p- tl- ;'i)d U.v.ui, ia I-ol without oev share ,!;,,' c;:v V..n:-ii h, a-m :c ul Ao , mtKiaie: iieo is i: . '.i.i! 01 . -son il.. r lo ; ii ' Vifiit h.ij p-ie.i ill tl.'e-t U'Clilt CUlrt 1.1, v .1 -.; :,- tac '. a a 1 ! Portland, oi im- :m.h" ol Oregon, lor ti:C -iiin-i' si - w.ii-t ;..".v.- .i t. r.ocn.'y toe: ,M;., 1 . v oi- 3il:U.,.;uah,' ai term ie-i tee i i ci " :e ii.-ll.-i w ho oeeii .v , , .. ...... "1 . one o; ; .i o :uai! t.- iu .u u: e u , t-, .,,.,,. . , 1 i-.-iil a more - ii .tui an t i.e j.rei- i. Oi liaod JJalie-s iti:i .""salt ijike lUill- i'i ' i v.-o: 1 u . ! I ii . : i'.'.i. .. Company had ail a.-i ioi: pt.-ediug ," .. 1 t'.-mniiJ t toe Oreuoii Slt-iini Aaig.t- I'l KN! 1 "!:K. cad te.e ;.'teini !ii . ' , , , . , 1 , ti ui i.. ... iitje , to cc.imeijin luv- Jasio r. . Mil l i .l e. . - Hi M .t.-i "i 110 on 00 10 rk-,:! ..:' Mcss;-. ii.;,-;.,en 'c ,11,!-, .,. Petloekte-- lu-.-st Miinuu.c : -e ... n - S;.,.e-. 1 .t.-v nave i--en i p. , d. i.e. :er ... mm...r of Ve ,i . ;l .o. .1 .'. i :. a 1 : ". oU .t.l sie.'. i iC ot t!e i. '.ii--..! ' -"ai fh' m ;,:!.- .-.-.i-a.s. l -n a 1 1 I w.i 11I 1 a a c.iii. Di;o.vsK. . '.-..' p-iv ;t: I'-t'e r from 1 i '. v alhs w :-. til..'. m. il. 'liMj'- ) luTii. a vo--mu ! '" .-Uef-n o ; .-..Iii--. w ur... n-. o iu i. a- c'.ii :; ! e.t iiul elace l.is' Sun-i.e- Hi' i 11 . - m- .-.. 1 . SI 1 '. 1 i !-!.. . rc tie- ...! .V is 11. ..1 1-1. i ! 1 el lives l.v 11 ; in lid-, ei; y ..1 , ms. i.t, e.n-i ills p u-.-n. s i-.-i-.-e iu .l.-s-.-l...ini- c.-Uii'V. '!".. M I'll' V. Its fee . Itai. ai: ii: iS. ! ', 01. il. Jen s, a ji ia. . ei ' liiis c .!, ! ; ue! io o'M' oile-e .-a v. r.d st.dl.s t, Norway Us, r:,i---d i v him. 1 'C- st-.ds v.cie ui- w.'-.isol si i. t iil.:o w i.n exso-mt 1 , ., , m 1 , 'O s vn 11 aih a o. ..ds. ........ s e.-.n ...... s , 1. ,, . ae o , - w ill le l-i i-el We ell o iiud V . ' . a-, . . ,- ; Si) lis,,- )s lo In. acre. 1 il.' Is x.-.y las 1, in-.u tie- bub at b-.-i a is.di in. h tni. k. . , ir , . m ,." wM, n -'ok d. lis-' ei i-i .1 I. t e a. 1 .ie . i 1 1 . ,is. , o. . ,. - his s'li ': , , - ., ... ,.!.;!.. ... i- r 110 .1:11 ! ti7e v.oi PI We were l' t lit .01 t a :u.-n'.l v cannot trr. -.- a detailed-.,:', -eotiiit the lectin e . , . ...,'e a l.Ulee W is r.i, ie I .Minn. , , . . - 1 Tw ti".-.-i:b. -The vote f..r or ! b.d-d: " JI"p-rls of ca-vs .lecide.: a.r.ons, a tax ,.. purcha: e hose, was ! :m t he Su psvme ( 'on rt of t he State of v.-rvlidu l..st M.,.d.y, and but little ; Oregon.' V, e had hoped toattle , ' , , . r ,. : next one ot these volumes oerpotra- m:e,e..t iu M.llest.- I. It r. stll.e.l m fa 1 . j, .' , .;T-win.::!i 't:ix dv a vote ..f l-i-' m 1 . . t' d upo.i n- State smh haw t..e We mi!, r-' in i that tiie h are al- 1 one merit, ot containing wmf is eon- re 11 .- ia l '.is .-si v, oil wiii pi-. ! ai a "" . turn l e , .- t., tic c IU' lt' V is e. ,Pe . t , (! . ty as soon as the j I'oii Mom lh on. A party f iren- I of the case of lite 3'orliar.d. Dalle's t'e iie n 1V..111 ttiis city jii-diM's.. to I.;!," ii ; Salt H ike Kailroad Company vs. trip next week to Mount H..1. and as- ! the O. S. X. Co.. takes down his 00 .--u I t. ,. t.e.oft iat litth' hill, i'' p : Oregon, smd readiuir from -hiu-e si'Je. II -v. Mr. V. irtii and M :. M .! Upton's decision, i" the ca-e of t ': K6i.tnt!'ii..i,.n.r the oaity wh. pr.- j ()lv.g0:i (Rented Edlro-td Comoa:i' 1'o-e to pi .,n this ph-;.-nri-ini j Vs. Aaron E. Wstit, iiml that tlsovatn.- I.K-ri:ni-:.Mr. li. I-k X'u lerwoe.d, ; Conrt. on a similar application, en tile ;rr. -at Fi-. e Th;nlo.'r" of Uo-ton, : lered jr.dgm.-nt appro; i in i eg tb'- :! vu.ivdtliree ev.-niuLTs in t his cit v d u r- ; hind of .h fendaid, s.nd taxed the ia. the p-si week, . lo-ie.' H-t nirht. ! v;aiust him lor iv: sling the ao Mr. rmierwoe.d is aekiiowle.lzed t.. be : plication, an,l tuat )., ..Kfi r iill.U'le s M'uksT, and presents ms iile-:s j ,(, y.y) o-e.d to l,lt!, it liiirfnl e, ,.', i'l a u'e idle. 11 mly and courteous man- (,( ,-,. ,,..,, ,'., Tf Tin: l,u:i-.-T;.!' 1 idi -s of this city were by a vote of the Alli in v. re.pie t- ! to -o!npel e'ons,s- el to sir, the antid'hinese pledge, and ; i tuetr e-utents. And if in a committee was , npa.ohm-1 f..r the ; - ; s,,a,l be d.sappotidee p.ir'e-e of soPieiuii-r their tnjrn-.tuies ! let us t.ien ?no.ilge- t!e nope t!ia' an l'c. -"operation '!l thise'ffort t-.tidour j these judicial e'Ceent rieii i.--s. for stp Stale 01 the cursed heathens' pea ranee's sake, if llothincr else wil! Xccm-Nr -From ih-O-oni ,n we i ?'Uy lound.in the I , iu t learn th it the wife of Wm. Motvl ind, ""r i!:lVt - . . , , , i Bellas t.sose wno iiave. ot" Nee.lv, was thro wn trom a lioi s. last I week. Her foot caught in the stirup and she was dr.ig.jed s jine dit.ince, reci iv ing severe' hut not j'atal injuries. SriVl.sM-l'U 1 Il'MKl'e. I'l". Wele'.l and Wm. Holmes. Jr.. went out hunt- j o:Ai, the old and middle-aged from ing on the foot of the mountains in this j spii) to V.O. Then e:e"stl! eon ."uuy 1 1st week and captured two fat : signed to erne of the six Chinese elk, and one de-er. Knnon. lr. W Ich informs us that '.!' do. s n. t prop -so to U absent a c.Vi-nth n the iii.ni'it.iins, but will be I'.i'-k and rea Iv for business in a week or ten days. ''"Miumation. On Sunday nern i'ig next. Peshop Morris will j. reach in sb Paul's Fajseopap (Vnin-h, and ad minister the Kite ot Contirm ition. KK.on.Mt Minn lvo.The next regu bvr iiu-ed,. of th,. Antid'!iiii"se Alli-aneowiUb..ii-on tJlc s.0iind r..UUv cve-iungof August. -1 In 3n.ir.pr the ton on- O ; ',' - i; : . County Court. The August term of the Probate Court will convene next Moii'Jav, ami the County Commission ers' Court on Wednesday. Inournotici'iasi weeK oi me accident to I. R-U-rts' child, we should have ! stat.,l:hatlr.W. II. Koss was called ; instt ad of Dr. Xorris. i In Town.-(J. W. Snyder, -.ublisher of the Yamhill Reporter, and the Lest hase fall j itcher in tlie .State, was in Town Last Sunday. j In our notice last week of the accident Regular "monthly n,,, of the ' 'oard or D. l.-uMtes jf the Fin: Depart-: uviit next Wednesday eve -mug. j Dn.i-.-The new arrival market has Leen Uite dull this wi.vk. None to record. Hev. Dr. Atkinson will preach in the Congregational church next Sunday. ! Columbia Hook and Ladder Co., meets this evening at their rooms. to play on liie -1th of Julv: thev U inn miaole to i'-t away on tiiat tlaV, tie ir ,:li,t;lin, u h) Vas stopping i this city at the time, n quested the (l.rkai.us l'ihtochaimet!ie,!avaud ilav.-ntii.- , xv:.u.h lu.t was .1-1-.. ; that our lust nine were away. Hoes he (),e-onian man sauv.-v ? When .( lhli ;.iU.s ur 1'ior.cers want to mre t tL ni ,i the hall U1, ilu.y ujH J,av' a U : j . .1 1 1:1 iii y . N,ti--e vvsis ui.lv idve tlui't tliistp.il, """' I. lll-'' another match name UUt i I ept ei ti : nr. Cl.A( KAMAS. --- Se iti n. nit's for Arci.vr. P.n-t naiU.-s iK-vvstorv,-An i::.is.ie ofFid- ,, . ' . .. ohtown, is begun 111 Sent .ne-r's U.r August. Tin strciiLC oits of chai ae-le 1 - i.al 1011, and q ui .-k, mast.-l ly touches .,1' pati.o.-, wld. il We unt ill t.ie-se opening p .cs, siiow that tit- hand of the poei- romances lias not lor got its eumiiu-x. J r. ii. ILoni's ' i'oiiuicastle " is e-oiit 111- lit .1. I lie a ( -i.mpan 1 1 i l .1. lui e, 1 . ll il.dloek, iilu.-ualinu in. s.- iu'ot ine- desuueli. n ofihe v. lib Tt:.-re is in the same ii.itnU r a i-ri.nl ski t.-ii iit!:lco l-'iV,, 'r.oxe.'s, Liille Jtoi. Cl.t.i," oy J. i". 'i"i.w..i i.ie. i'.ie iHii-tfale.i pa- V;;-;1"'"" N.UU !..!,'' Nozna.uuy U.--sq:ii-, .M . -II 1 1 1 S.!l.e-t.l. aoo o:!1o,u. su,, The ot m-r a,- pa: line ius are as at a-ti us u!ial. A (itieer Pi occc.liisg. I nlii 1 he K elli ii;;' N .-ws. ier a ri'.eie-oi-w a siioumi ti,' inct- Sl. tlie Cas.-a..es, ou the C-ilnm- n.t. Tiul , , ,. J!,:-. - vtew.-n-: tue p..-ei:.--.-s, lo.u..- tee iiilld :.'.! ojee t to a; ij ).' , . ii j.i i :.,'f.i i J! ; i n s, ;..id .'-..'.-se' L ti:.; the de.Y.r. aid at , cri-'. ine usual ire.'-eeoieg lor ! a. iiev tr;ai, Dill ol ev.eeplioiis, Ac., w...-. lin- a .opte'et by tta: j.i.oi i.ii. ine .In wiio tli-at. the ea-e, tia-ii e'eterimia-u j! r i '. c lime in whici the p.-um:.:' -ito.tld pa;, ti.e- eav-a' ; . w. im Jd, sit ol." v.H'i k, or about Ihai l I: n:t Cpoti the? expiration to.- .N -:iia.e.i ti?ue. and toe lad ti iv of the piaiuldf 10 comply wiih the i ei:a .-.,i nary ov.ier, the Court i misse.t tiie Wiio:.' p: .ci'eO l!);. ! -iiis. t:.-e pl:!..ti:t .sinnitd .i.ive :ai . 1 ... ;.. . ..n:. ' 1.,, 1; i" u1 .'..Jj ui 1... ot ..... o. . 1 1 1 1 : v 1 ;. i,i.,'!. a.it:'w:.i;u- -lie approoria- a. . ( 1 ...... t ti ! . o. ill L ee-jll t o I 1 e- m ior t '. o e 'i ..- , . , , 10, ;s se.xUit It. ii.ll -i til" ret .l.-ial to 1 ... ... 1 . 1 Jo. Miil 1 1! ( ! : lie'.. 1 to 1 1- eiii-'fi' ' a,,i th). Mi;): , ,iU..:;l orei-di-mi, , in- t.i' v. iso'e ma'.t r, his t!ie aooear- an.-e of be i 1.4: an tin usual and 'even v 01 v a: ai v-s asr-.-.s-o . in-ja: ; 1 .,. . d ot It. 1 o'S hi. be:" ;e-.U;iV ciii-i.!f.Miih' 1:11 1 lo.-'allie.. to t!H, i'.e- - can-e i;i toe interest we ta . 11 tie- Jn-Les new en'.e: oi"i' ine his ile-.-.e; o.is, made at Circuit, I,:,.,e..- !.,.!.. in :. vo'ui.i.- i.i- sistent with t hat v. ii li-ti lals ;,.,.!. 1 1; f(;v I;.,,l;riiH the Lev ilermetd of ! a s'mleiit v.lio. r i -1 t ,'g" from jx-rusal i we can't prevent tlie publication f 'eii's- volumes, let us see 11 some- San i'raNi'is 'o. July I!:). Tve:dv- two Chinese; women, brotleht IIV steamier, were send at unction to-dav. Yourg girls brought as hi--h as .-ihi) com j .antes. Why do we not hear of our 11 1 li - cal friends interposing their obj tions to this kind of selling? If these were negroes, there would be What iis Hz:o:.iz of it. "W have not reeeivrub tlgj Cordon 1,;- r,-,- t tbir-r. the first of last month ' 0...I? since t.ie Hist e.I ia.,c inont.1. Wh-if is the reason? Have we been , cut off the oxchanye list? I a terrible crv about the inhumanity I town orH-rtv m the nui. s ana 1.1 - a , ;u ..,ls).,i xv ...,, u.-.- u -ai is . xap .ratin . , - . - , , ' ! 1 -m, xxhi -h brimr-i lit:'..' or no income . ) . i( .m ..llsol s:r -nta iroai .-v ry ior- 01 slavery. xet in tae fre and en- ' i Wil-u will 1- iv here to-.! iv or 1 mv,-..raiit is asoiut.-iy .'ssemiai to lightened city of San Francisco, we X ' Sl lind that the -heathen" women are 1 hl r.Vuaina s!,,.in,l ihe,, j l' sold at auction. .... - O:; li, VimctUs Ceticral News Items. Lar-re numbers of surveyors are now at work laying off the Tacoma townsite. Wells Fimn t- Pn rv, -i ((f .u' t' Por Xc.u iits Over two hmnlretnl New England spinsters went to Utah List month in s--aich of fractional matrinioi:v. Jesse II. C5 rant and John Adams were the only Americans who ever 'pSr" T , T, lr 7 . ,J Vlil? li;4Uli s -i''ons tl-om il advir-alde to situ-nipt to set his hip and cunsi.h r it ehmh.ful if he can recover. He sutlers ixtivi.U' pain. Hr "I-.--.- T1 W-.11... n aiuer, ri;e woman 1 who wore trousers during the war has just been apjiointedto a S'.XH) clerkship in the oUieo of the Treas- 1 mv ' 1 Governor Austin, of Minnesota, ' declines a gubernatorial third t' rir. ; ot. ti,, i a 4 i 'niiu Kin,, on the f;iound that his annual expeu- - ses amount to more tlia.u his I oliieiul salary. i 'I he important ar.nour.cement is Jll:i" ihat the Spanish. Government i hasordered the immediate resor-it ion of all property seid for , it I 'J of eues in Cuba 1 '""W''1"'" - - At a meeting of railroad m in i-ers i ' niaiia' i, , at St. Louis, repr.!--.enting twenty-one roads, it was ivsi lved to issue n ; more 1V; p;,ss.s or half-fare tickets j alter Aii'4'ut 1st. . I i i ue i s .1 t si-ai ce in rMiver v liv. The siipermteneients 0f tH. Miune- j so!a itnd (tolden Chariot have issued ,1 . , , , -, . i a call for one hunoivd nnre men to 1 weirk in the ir mine's. 'pi . i. i .-iri. 11 it. ... . jneie-jsa pronaoiti.y in:!. 1 oiur- roy will be a e-andid;de for the Sen- j ate. next winter, and what is worse-, 1 there is a probability oi his election, i This is lead on Kansas. (b ii. JeiV. ('. Davis was tondVrod" a 1 reception as h, passed tliroin-h 'ull.i ! Walhihi.-t wee k, which was Matte-ring j to the th neral and g-tve a good opin- i.ii oi' t'le- city's hopitali. y. 1 Ti-.ebodv i,t AngusMel.,nal,l,wh. ! . as drow i; d near Scab.-ck. si- r-ial weeks uge, wa- fottn.l a few das si::ce o:i the b.-aeh .f Hood's canal, nine; mile's nboe that place. Hon. Edward Kitlridge. Pr-sid-nt ot' tiio V.'lui .tfoin cor.ntv .'-o-rieulinial Soeiety, ha-; accepted the invitation j to deliver the anur.ai address befor t in- Western Wadiingt.m industrial 1'air. Oiie of he survivors of tlie wrecked steamer Ahaneie has broii-rht suit r.'srainst tiie owners for -t 100,000, claiming tiiat he has been disabled for life by rc a.'.oii of having his legs froen. At the time the frei.eht i rain h-ft C. o:e i:ii;'!:t not loi:.' ago b-isUiodV uneoupi-d the emi.Vr..i.t ! 1 1 . .:. 1... 1- 1 a . s. a .1 . . I I i- .--!.- l.ii -.ii 111 ii. 1. j tmtil the loii.h.er,,,. missed tl.cni, I aflv.r g ii!;;' live m;h westward. Tie- Attorney Cem-i-a'. has refused lo :-co!an:e!a ardou in tlu- ca; ..f James 1'h-ke tt. oi' i d a ! . ( -.sol 1 1 ' -nee. t to haet.-.-il 1:1 that ieiTdorv, next; r. . .. , ,. , , , , . i ilUi"! ,.:;y. lor tie; murtier ol all I u .lian jsl Angr-st, by a blow with a miner's pick. J ho re'groes ol tiie iii-triet ol Col- 1 r.iiio.a !,,:ve ji.-t ho.t jinoi!.er me.-t- l: T i;i J.ivoc oi li'lVed s.-; e :s, at v;;: !i it. sc ,.f tl.. ;r ieah-rs were jTi-y-iit, and "have revo.ve l ne'c-r io .v:tM-v;lt: :i:;g nutil they i.ae accom- pilsh. d t'tleir obje-et. The Cincinnati In-, 'r r is of opin ion oat tin- 1 o:nocrai it- party will b,J in exr-o'",!-,. and votin-f iis tickets !.n.e; alter t'lis i;e,-.ii i- in has parsed .'.'v.-iv. it is one-ot the h.ir.h.-st o.irties i ..... ,,f ..,,.! :;:,(S;. uho miU1 a n.-w party will iiud u iv.en f.ome of the lt.idieal jemrnabs id poiiiieiaas are 1 iee. mi 1 , . , . . - , . j. 'V"": . V 1 ; ' 1 '. ! term oi n. -e an.l are li-'mii'tiii t oih-r tnihi prct -ts. 1 ne .ew lori. . . I . . , ll :"!. I en .l:;t it would be . . . , ,- ruinous to tue K-pubiiean party . 1 1 ,' : " " " ":l"t s ;u" ' ,; ! um U" Tiie New V-mic (lri;, oi' reend ;'f'' '- 'i,:s i-'fti'aits of Smiat-r !i i. 'liie a'e' h- -;! led wife, Sr.di'. 1 iiooii. li:e former is ai aecu.ii lliieliess; t;!e la'-e ot tue latter is eX- r.svja. of g..-at sji-e:! 't:i f charac-t- r and a .f-reb'ant woni-Ui'io. d ,i:i-'h the 1 i'epos -ess. s tiie be'ioi lev in iie'r b; .half al once;. There fair prospect of a hmh ohl r w be. .vei-n tia -i.y ati' iiorit ies of rittsleu'gii. l'sl., sold t:ie .!ii;l!l Cat'ioiies f tiiat e:t v. The ormor h -v-' declared that t!n retmiVal of a large athe.li.il is l.ee'CssarV . the e xtension of certain streets, while the hittei a".ov the ir iuteiilion to proba-i the satK-J r.ary with powder suid ball. No casitiilit ies as far a -, he ard from. An attempt was made to rob the on tic; nit., in Ihrt Nenf Canvon, T.hi'io. le-:,r the place known as ' V.-ih'"-Ilo. . " The at';;.-;: made' from, both shies of th-' road at once, tiie id -.'uv. aynien .li-.-harging their ;ni!i - ai the coach. ihe 'i i-e large o::lv wo;,' ding tin drive.. Charles l'iielj'S, in the body. This brave man. iiol a iihsbin.iing his iiijurie-.. piie.i his wiiip to Ihe horses and es .a;ed with pa' e ?i gers and treasure-, b it he sub-, apicidiy ilie.l of liis in juries. Tin' W .lla W.dla S;:n say ;: "The r.i.i'ia rers of tue railroad from this cite to Wall u 1. ai-e carrying o it tie .. hin of t!ie operation merdi "te 1 b !ts 1 isi week. ' Tiie mill at Walhihi is ruunioir. (Ira. ling and tv.-e-k hiv iti ' are 1-eing rapidly done. Tiie coTupanv has md' witii notiiing t.. .cl iv tliem. A few elaya siiu-e sever al hnndivd. b'.gs were set adrift bv the in-eakiuu' f a boom iit the motttu of the Yakima. About one hundred of thei.l v.ere rc-oveie-d. Tliere is every rea--n fr cougratuhit ion 111 tlie "progress which the r.iilroad is now making." The Washington ...rr.-pondent of the En ':n e Journal speaking of the ! i-uuilr of our l-.t" .n-re-niat. says: Vle' .x.or eis-cumst in s. T.,-"-v,):,,(1 ! i,. i' l M-.t re turn to us - - j .;-.-.- f w o, i ty ! -"- Cbv. Woods is on his way to Or- v tn h(t "5'-u. He is prooabH iojm, to ue the Kadical candidate for Congress. I I COURTESY ltadiral Oppression. The St. Louis Republican lays the blame of tlie desperate linancial con dition of the South upon Ilepnblican oppression. It says: The llepuhli ean party cannot rid itself of the responsibility for this miserable bus iness, nor can it evade the duty of having to answer for it, sooner or Liter. It is not the work of the re bellion, for when the Southern States come out of the rebellion they had, j with the exception o Virginia, very j limited debts: but thev were seized i by the governing power at Washing ton and violently given into the hands uri'lu,t" at will- The very power at Washington which did not scruple to take the government from tlie ma- joritv and give it to the minority, - i ii pioiesseu to liave no authority over l, ... , . , tlie iillilollty. UUl1 the unrestrained carpet-baggers and negroes, having nothing but what they could manage to steal, and possessing no interest t , whi.i.,, .i .t n , i the State but that ol lobbersand plunderers, robbed and plundered 1 . . Wltlr,ut mit the l.cpubiicau party .. . u Wa.shingto'.i looking approvingly on tlie wieiciied spectacle, anil never interfering except to pre. cut the , , . . . .x people iiom bringing it to an cud. rAVUK.u;i.Y Ir.xxioNKD. Ti3 Al- , . , . ,. o.ioj JJciuuvi-tU has this to say ol J Ilon. Cieo. 11. lleliti, t j all of which v e echoeil u hearty anien: We frequently hear the name of our eiistiu-i'uishtjd ledow townsman. lion. Cieo. 11. Helm, favorably mei;- tioiied in eoniiection with the Jjeiuo- viatic nomination for Congress. Mr. Helm hsis sered Linu county in maiiy honorsd.ie odimal positions and has always acpntnM hiim,eU' with e-.e-dit ano abiiny. We eo not know ......... ... .... : i - . . , w""'uw"'u' llollljilation, but should lie; bei .seh'ct- i ed ii; toe; e.iiivoutloll We are e-e-itaill tiiai our party wemid bo aily j-ere-seuied upon tiie 'anass in tiie coin in political tourn.nueiit, and if elect eu our estate would hao no reasen to b.; asiia.me.1 of its vomer 1 o : o-. scii- taiive. The Jf.;rct'r says: The Secretary of ".siate, Mr. Cua.iw'ick, hasaddel much to the conv e'liie-iice of tin. Supreme' Court and bar by rearranging Ihe iibrar.v rooms, v. here the' Supreme Coiii't is lu'li!. Tlie pariiiion lias been removed anil the rooms, where tiie Supreme Court is held. Toe ji.irtiiioi has In e n removed and the room enlarged quite one-third re- palled and lilted iq, in a very neat aim o's teiUl MV1C. KJil iii e same r 'lor' ulul aojooiig the S-pro ne Court, rooms, he- has iitlc.l up a con sultation room, wincing tlie same? re yard tor tiie. comfort and convenience of the Ju.i''. s sis manifested iii all 1 .11' i-.e-eri'tarv lias dot e about tlie.si- . . . -i--.. . . .0 i . in.-1 1 ls. 1.11.- .To.i-iuei .s ji,o:iis ilae;lis, keen tiite'd Up i U ad m i ral )le; slyli; by the Secretary, who uppreei- ies Ii;..' 1 In . loila lice i;I navilii; tlK'se apartments not o:ilv neat and eom- hutaiiie for th occu oants. but.cred- itabJo t iho '!a;. Noiliiitg str.mg-.-r tu.iii this: that Wm. .M. ti.in, i).ik;o. Sonora and iu ur,! ; ..' lltxl- rlck, to-day is a can didate for the United States Se'iiaio. to succeed Eugene Casserly . Ore- 'JOll iiJt . Will ti,e Or ijoni.tii tell its reada'rs what pant Ex-Senator Gv.in jierform e:d in the miinler of HioderickV We think the eililor oi that osiper is about sts much in e'rror in that res pect as he- is about Mr. Gwin being s. can. Ii, late for the Senate, if he; was, and slior.hl be ole-eteal, he is far su-P'-rior, widi sill his faults, to any 11 uiics'.l aspirant in every thing that goes to make up a true and good man. Ine Tomand .'. '', tin having pnb- Ushe.l se-vera: ar.i-leson the Chinese ipie.stion, in wnicii it takes groiuuls bud. jii.'dtions to Congress and Aiii-tiic- organizations will accomplish nothing, and that Congress "ill not amend or repeal the treaty," the Portland Alliances have passed a resoie.tion that it Is tiie duty of the members of the organization to with draw tiu-ir support from the paper. Korou o Tin: Paim-ik. The San Fiaii. is.-o Post very truthfully and p r Liii. n'.lv dis.-oursi'.s of partisan organs as i'oIIiais: 1 .' tue pape-r is to support the- party .v uy s.ioald not tiie party support Use I -a per? "fue 1 leliiocralie i, lea ot'ali organ Is all on on,- .-!!.-. Tin; i:iT mast su p port i'.si. if a in l the poly, loo. This is 101, ,ii on the- paper. IVllMll ili: AND I'iMoi.iNo. If you want a Pab.r or bedroom Suit, a pure' e ure d it .ir Mattress, a .Sph.,1 Spring l' o, or a ov.!i Wire I led, go to ilelli.i'.MN .V SillMiLHIl'.S.i-i'l llvl-oi S,il- 10. hi ano Ftist-reels, Porilaii.i. Jm 't in i'.-.i r siit .l i'.';ti-.f Life. i ii--car- s, anxi 1 1 -s ami misi. rl u in-s of hie nave as iiiucil to do wit ii sn. rt en 1 ti j; it as ais as . 1 n y ;r,' in li'.ct tin- MHirc; ol m.'.ny a.iim.rits and i!iyie.il tlisa biiit ies. -Nervous v .;uil 'ss, elysi,.psia, it IT -et ions i tu.' Iiv.-r, ih-aur jane s ol tin; bo.xe ls, a atiacae, lij juicaoiuina ami nioim .a.ooa ar anion.; ta -s .- el i sl r -.ssi ng iriiits. a is, iii.r -i.ir-, in sr- i" iiiiina!ie"' that 1 -1-son.s x 110s minus arc !'i r .vs -il with h .ay uusin ss r. sponsinilit i"s, or Ikurass-.-.t ,,y lainily troiudes, or -.e-it,M.i by -illation, e,r p Tuf-xcet hy a inn It lpheit y 01 cut rens s, or 111 any way overta.v-el or iv r.x.riv u, slioulu liecp up tliesr fetai.iiaa oy tin- Uaiiy 11.se l it xviiolesome ionic. 1 umsaii..s o. i -rsons thus cireiiui-taiie'eu ar -. na'a d to near up asainsi tne duii-euiti-s i:i xvliie-Ii 111 ' are- uixolv.d, and j t r .tain t tuur str -iiJit ii, iiealtU auei 111 .-ntal er. arnass, uy lie- r y.uiar use ol Hosittt r's .sioaiae-n il.ll rs. H.S as -s .vhicii e.re prone- 10 allael tie- l.'ouy xvieii d oiiitateu a ct i-roii 11 down uy ov r-nitie-ii or.ua xx'.it'tv or .-xiiansi 111- i.nXMC.ii laijor, sir 11 -pt at Lav i.,v tin- resistant im-r xvitn .viue.i iiiis"iuco:npar.iol t.iu eiidoxx s t u.- ll- rvolis sx stem and Hie xie.n . . . . . . ani:U ln :, sultry atmospn r r. e ... . ... .;t ,.r .:il "ill nr V-'ntlV.1 Ml 'li' i.-m s, and 10. ail complaints xv-mcii air ct , u,. stoaiaen, n..- liver and tic; bow is, and iat r: r witii tlv ivrt-ct d.g-tion and a,si.linafioI1 fjS IWlJ, it is the stanaard remir , OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, MAKRXED. On the 2ythult., at St. John's Church, Victoria, by the lhv. F. ('ribbe 11, Dan iel F. Leahy and Mary Anireline, only daughter of the lite Daniel Harvey, l-'j., and grand daughter of tlie late lr. McEaughlin, lluason Hay Co. 1 .No cards. The Kut cruris e fur the Campaign. We will furnish tlie Knterprisk from the 1st of August until after the Octo ber election for the sum of iifiy cents. We hunr iiiir I'riiTils will s.ee that the jper is in the hands of every voter in tlie county. It is our puriose to light 'O wm. GOOD WORDS I'OlfillE PAIM-KJLLER. We -:in confident tally r-coiiiiueuj the I'aitt-Killcr. Toronto ll'n.tit. It is tin- most eliectual n-medy xx"e know ot lor Aches, rains, lU-ah ivuuiiils, ic. St. Johns A-if., J'. il. We :ul vise that every family should have so etrecttiul and speedy a Psou-ivdier. -diiii;-.d '. .S'. IwUZrttv. Our own experience is that a bottle of I'am-ICiller is the liest I'iiysieian sitr.tveier can have. JJniuiUo.i &jit-titur. Fer both internal and external applica tion have lemnd it ol .great value.. (Jlirii. lint. A medicine no family should bo without. Jlijitlmil l'funxrrij't. t ould hardly keep In. use without it. H I. J 'oicf. Should be k"; t in every house, in read iness lor sueiu.-n attacks ol sickness. C'i I'ix. .v.v. No art ich-evT (.htained such unbound 'd popularity. vih.,n i ibxrrvt r. One l the most reliable specifics of the age. Old Sorth Stat:: its power is wonderful and unequalled in r -li-x l ! t lie luust s.-x.re p.iin. liuriinj- lun ( utiiiri. An indispensable article in the meelicine Ch'-st. .V. 1' iisttmim'r. It will recommend itself to sill who use it. titii-:t lint: i-jirise. Jt is extensively us d and soiiiit at!, ras ;i r.-allx- i.seiul medicine. Juurnul, SI. joint, .v. j:. No me.ticino lias juipiired sach a repu tation ; it. has real merit. Xnrj,,-t lkn'y JWi-'.v. One nt t he nr-st useful medicines s have ns.-d it and disp -ns d it lor t h" pastlxventy years. Ji . Wm. H ';, ,-l.vi. '1 h. most valuable ineelie-ine now ia use. nn., l,'t;an. It is really a valuahle medicine, and used ly many physicians. Huston l'iav eln: We always keep it where we can put our haraisoii it in the dark, if need he. lit-v. ( '. J iibtii.itt, Jinrino.fi.. One t t le - few art iclcs t hat are j'it where th'-y pretend to he. Jlriutxn : T t ' -j rtr.h . In iny mountain travels no nn dicine is ot so universal application as I'ain-Kiber. AVr. JI. II. I.i., Lij, Jluriniih. PEKiiY DAViS cc SOIJ, MA.X'K'S AM) l'i:oI'"S, bill 1 1 h i 1 1 s r., l'i K ) V 1 1 KN l K, It. I. Ill sYi.'A.MaKF.si'., l.'INl.'INXATI, O. ITT SI'. p. l I .ST., MONTU1 :Ab, ( ANA I A. 17 SO." i IJ AMI 'TON , KO W, I .ON i ON , K.Vli. Axvarifh.ishei.n f' lt send expressed y p'aysicia ns lor safe and reliahle pur-a! ix e. sueii a xvsoit is lu' supplied iii JUr.svu' J'urii ilirr 1'i't. Henry K. l'md, of .Jet! r;on, Maine, xias cured oi .sitiiii-c o.ood, soreii.-ss and week n ss ol t le- stomach, hy t le- us.- oi Jolin.so.i's Aifulyne l.ini,:i-it interim 1 1 v. A IbirsKiioi.n ltKMKriY. No family s'aof.ld he wil Is. nit some elJieacious r emedy l.ir tlie (Ur - (t air-CUOIlS SO liuiv i-s liV pr -x al at as -oiias, .-olds snr '-t i ,r .ai i x h.:oiiiiez-o iiih and croup some remedy', too, xelneli cm i.e r li.-il ujion, sure alio CTolitl. 1 r. WlslAU'S I l.V I.SAM OK Wll.U OlKUUV coulhilles ti;e (.si,l, rattl.j K.iir Damiatia. Among tlie i e x.-and successful remedies, rioae have e.eit '! r.o tuufgi xvoader as t h is -r.-at reslor -rof the x ital enei-i To Dr. Jos' .ui:;ea h lons til' esedit ol" prodlietllg iher liahle extract, of the great remedy, which is now producing grand and sur I ii .oi g resuils imparting iu a wosulerful d m- . , ir sh and youl h: ul viuor to a II xx ho have us ,( it. Agents, Chas. l.iind.'.v,v Co., .-sa:. J raucis.-o. .'uijAlni.l. I or ! la- very li -t pluiio-ia o rrau i.'V A. Ibilolson'f. eja 'ery xvnhooi .STAIRS Vs.cn.l in Uie- M.'vi.l.i.-, .Moaig.niiery Sire.-t, San Francisco, Caihoriiia. Profi-sEional and Amateur Musicians should examin" th" cor.i hinat ion Solo slops lonnd only in (J F. ). V O' 1.S A bo's em. sans. I HK . K T . ! N 1 ".. A most d' licab', soft er hr- :'t hin s'e.;.. lili:)X il I'M ANA. A bariione solo, not a i -i n ir 1 reiiiol" . 1 III-; i'l A. NO. A e a i.t ifully toned piano, whi.-h will never r'inre tuning, s'-e jal-x- rl iMii. nt in a not in --caln m n. j jun l-im:; XL ir 'jo-hAV. TOTI( Ml. t y vi: ;:. kosanna, havim; i.kft my h .l am! ho od xvithout just cause or j-rox oeal n.n , I her ! -iive not ice t h ;i t 1 wiilrn't li.- respousiiil.- lor any .l- iils e-.ai-I ract cif I'V l.er irnni and all r t his date. Kb.VAUb KOeKKlsu.V. Clackamas county, July 11, lsT-'k aulwl. riX ) TKACJ I i ! OitlKioN CITY, Juiy 'S, 1ST !. Teachers e! -s. ring lo apply lor places in tin' Oregon City :.;eiuinary, xciil h.;e;ouu-in- dmi Sat nrday, August !, IsT::, h. gmning sir U o'cioek, a. in., at i ae Seminary. W. '. .Ii i1.nso, e'i! y School Su j.l . x, 1-z rr t i: i i s n.-maining in the 1-ostofiiee at r,'gon City August l-t, iST;i : i.rown, Miss .Mary bong, Wm. . I.ultard. .nrs. K. A. bua n, Jaue-s -i- gg, dairies t.. (-) .Mail, i.enj. l. r ary, J.uui . .x Kngiisii, ..;rs. c. t I arraii, h .-rg. iis!, J. II. lunrn", J a m'S May, John D. Moor , Marcus V. Mel 'ar! v, Win. rnelj.s, b. lb iila. v , V. F. (J) li n-iiiM.l in. m, eo. Ke. s, Mr, H.ilk.wcll. John liotx rts. Miss F.l'.a I lollll.-S, i ilOS. K u Im, .Ion n ' 1 horn I...-.OH, AlexadeT Tins II, i Hoi (j) K l ly, Ja Hies K. V ilsoli, .losia tl K l.im. Jos pii Wo.Klhri.igc, Wm. If call d ieir pl 'ase say advert is -el. J. M. bACeiN, l'ost master. riMlK ItOO.xi FOUMKKbY UCCITIKD X as tie-Council Cnamuer, in Dr.ines .siug's urick budding. Apply at t ins olhce. Al)?llMS l liAT(!li'S .OTlt li. IN Til K .MATTFIl OF TH K KSTATF. OF FOK11K JiAKCI.AY, Di.l K.llO. 'OTICF. 1 IIKKKilY tilViON THAT th-- mid' rsigie-d ha v'i -en npMiiited ov th.- e'ouniv Court ol .'mckamas county, administrators i Hi'' e-siat-- ol Forh.-s oar clay d --. as d; all .-Tsons ind- hted to s.od'e-tat" are ropiest d to ma ke im me diate pavineiit ; sill p rsons having claims against 'the sane- are r .quired to pres. nt th.ui with tie- ie c -ssary voucle rs it hm six moiit lisinim t he ualeoi this not ice to us at tlie-oiiie-e ot Messrs. Joll n son A McCowil, Oregon City, Ore'gon. MAKIA T'Al't'bA , JOHN MO I1AKK.V, Administrators. JOHNSON A McCOWN, Att'vs. lor Aelm'rs Notice of l'iibil SctlU-ia'-nt. In the County Court of Clackamas county, Oregon. IN- TIIE MATTER OF T1IF. ESTATE OF J. G. I..IM1'BK1.L, IlKCEASEI). AT" W. EC K, AHMINISTKATOK OF the aljov cntitt d estate, having til -d linal r -port and vouchers with prayer lor linal s.-tttem -nt, it xvas ord -r-d hy the ourtthat Monday, the 4th day of August, be s t lor th" h earing of said report, sit xviiich tinv all p. rsons Inter-steel can af p ar and tile tl. ir obj-ctioiis, if any the y have, to said linal sett i-un-nt. J. K. WAll', County Judge. Johnson & v.c own, Atorneys lor Adminlotrator. Juir llUi, I CI-IS. II. CAUFIELD, 0 DEALER IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CORXER OF SEVEXTH AXl JUAIX STREETS, OREGON CITY. lla.s Ju.st Received a New Stock ot" Calicoes, Dress (Joodo, Brown and Uleaehcd Shootings, O House I.ining, Sidrtings, Tablc-l.ine u, Irish Ilosom Idn ns, Linen Te,weHing, Table-Cloths, Corsets, Ladies' and lient.s' Hose, Thread, Cambrics, Buttons, Ribbons, Laces and Insertions-, Kmbroi-.lory, White Goods, Millinery, Fancy Uood,$e. Also, a lull as.soi imoi.t of LADIES' AfiD CHILQERH'3 SHOES Grocc-rie, Crockery, tJlassware, Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lam- s, Wk-ks and Chiygneya, WUic-li have 1-e-e selected itli aipt't ial mm for tills m.ii lv. t ami cunnot lit: .stiiPASi:u ix Qf.vi.irv it s'ltitK. Tin-: iiic;iirT MAHKi-yr iuici: ivvjd fok cm x ritv producl, March 13, lT3:tf HEW STORE! HEVif GOODS! NEW FIRM! LEVY BEOTPIEES llavt; Just openeel, in Slai'.liall'.s Xcw J3uildiii.tr, Oi-o-on Oit3 rCTIIli FIX F.ST AND MOST COMl'bF.TK STOCK OF CI.nHIINij AND DRY-GOODS, JL Ijots and Siio.-t-, liats anel Caps, e.h-m I, men's Furuishiag eJooels, Ilose rics, No tions, Cutlery, bstSKels arid t oys : slso, t.iroceries and l'rox isioij, si net a LUi.xiittAi. assouimi:t r oii.ui: duoos, Too ntmnro.is ti elescribe, which we j.ropos.' to sell at the lKvt PomSU Kales, for CAMi.. ilk. Jt I.liVY, being a I'l aclic.-il Jexn-lcr of long xpr:eMee, we- xvill nlsyi deal in and nianulacture and repair J exvelry. SVe' guaraiitu- all ourg.xxis and work, or no pay. oivc us a call and examine our goods, jiiie; save twenty 'h i ce-nt. Q LKVY1JKOS., Si'vonel door unrvli of Hie roSotlice, "Iain hi ret, Oregon t il-. UwiLL.LwUMU'ej iund Kxtract of -ucsilyty e si Uu i us is a -re p.-ra i ion combining all the vajuahle nieeiicai qiiaiii.s oi t.'io Eucalyptus, xx hich is ciiitivi.ted in nearly every 'alitornia ga.rden lor Its m- ileal utilitx-, having be come th- hoiis. hold remedv lor ail tus- as-sol th- A'lKXJiYs; ..-! 1lKi! and U It UT AH V '.! A.-l ., a nd SUM I A'.t. H'KAhWHSS. Jt Seems to have :i elm ct salinity for the e. K.N M ' m MILAN s a nei t In-ir siirroimdings, ami cur. s tln'm hy i: s sdu rat ive healing si mi balsa in ie- prop, rt ies inor e:f. --t ua I ly than any ot her Isnoxx n remedy. it is an in v.-. i uahie remcix- lor si 1 1 .'as.as. s .t the m u ous a nd s.-rous inemhra lies. such as Hltot'll IT IS, HAi'illXU tULUIl, XU'.Sid IH'Jtl.XLi I'liKlj A'-l AX'F, I) YSl'JiP SIA, I.I-:t.(: t II It III K A, . tc. 'Ihispr t.aration is the result e.f Dr. '! ina n's cxperi jnent s xe '.x t he riie-elie-.irial jrop-erti-s ol the tr.-e in t he V. S. Msrine llosj.iial in .San I ranciseo, in IsTl anei w hero h- had iiims'iiil laciln ies tor t est i ng i he va s a. us in. t ho. is ot in pari rig t he rem. ety, and its ns-s. it can he r-lied upon as , i.ehi to give the promised results, and hundreds of test iinoii ia Is il it s llieaey a n in-seen r h s oiJici , la". K a ria-v s: . i t San Francisco. CoI.KAMys IJOI J'.I.IC KXI i'.A T oi' 'A L YI'TVs is a" p. xv- . 'rtiil,yet harmless. 1,-hrii tig and i a sp-i-ia! j.r-.j -. rat ion forth" A tr -at ii'ient ol t lie malarious I "vrs o! our i nt- rior valleys, and is xvs:r- e M runted to cure anv case ot FI-: Fit AN 1 A . I K t r sir-el wit h it accord- V---g sf ing te tPr.-ct ions, wl ;, while the naii' iul r- salts ot the usual eiuiainc and V iT '--'Z-. ie for those discs' ses nr.; entirely sex aided. uXrrK"' arsenical remcdie fe FOIi TH YSICIANS. Coleman's Fluid Extract of Fuc ilvntus in .V-.T hottl -s. Iii-war-- of imitations, and take n fj r .Hvn sale.'veryxvh-re.and hy 1 o.lg-.Calef J j id J M I gVX A Co., Wliolc-sale Druggists, Portland, S-cl Agents for -LUi: -x4.il ll tl U KJiZj Oregon. o'-JmaylsTiix 1. J. T. APPERSOK, OFFlCF. IN I-OSTOFFICF. BribDIXO. Temlers CtiiiksiTiias C osinf y dr- ili-i-H, ami r.-e lityOriais EOUGIIT AND SOLD. ROTARY PU' I IC. Ixxans iiegoi iate.l, Colb-ct ions atb'ndo.l to. and atie-neral brokeage business carried on. janOtf. GEO. WG0D3 6 GO'S The most remarkable instrument over per fect' el : capable of tlie nmst beautiful mus ical ctrects, and in the most elegant cases. All Loven of Music should see thom. .".nd hear their COEiriATlGN CL0 STGFG. V m. O . Tl A 1) O K 17, tf 4 111 Ssinsomp St., Hntt I lane ie , has them. junel.irn.'J. VfOrLD liFSPFCTFFI.LY INFOPM ? f the citizens ot Oregon City and vicin ity that he is prepared to luraif-h Fir, Kiiiiet' atml t'.ibir XJ TV! 111 of e very description. Pry Flooring, Ce-iling.spracc (for Shelving), Latt ice, l'hkcts, Fe nce I'osts (Cedar). Constc.r.tly cn Mand. Street mid Sidewalk Lumber furnish-d on the shortest notice, at as loxvrat.sas can he purchased elsewhere in the Slate. eiive me st call, sit the OKKOON t 1TV, SA1V M!M March 21. lsv-tf. ICC-CREAr. GALOOT, LOUIS S.UL, : T : IT.aiT.IETfiH. T WOULD ItESPFi TFULLV AN I iiounce to tl.o citie, s of Oregon City and vicinity, taat I h"v- opened an k i:- i:i:am and om i:ctiom:hv est ahli-h cent in the building formcrly occupi' d by L. Dill-r, on the Carw-r of Fourth awl Main Streets. Tli" rlic Si?:i 1'ojinlain will l in cvra'ion to supply the !' ;i:nl of tlie; thirsfx I nianut:ict lire all my own stock, conseo'a. ntlv they are J'urr ii"l I'nxh. A share of public palronag ' is resp. ctlully so licited. , , .. , Oregon City. September it. i, Is. 2 tf. BABHUM RESTAiinAHT Li:0X IeL0Ui:V, Proprietor, (Late of the ClilT House.) MAIX STRXET. OKEOOX CITY, OU X. fT- iT) respectfully anneun- s y r oe stf) IUS irienus .v i ue -Lr - r u A t iilig Public, that h- has re-op? -ne el the above named AO niOESE IMS OrLOYED ! The Proprietor knows how to serve his custoni-rs wit h Oyatrm, ri-g'' I'l, A Good Cuj. of Coffee, Or u (in-iil Siirnire M-nI. LE N DeLOUEY. Oregon City, March 2.", l-STa-tf. A Branliful Fnrm Tor Sale ! "10 -iCBES OI'i:XTH.I.tRI.K T. VN'D, y I.ar' Orchrd, Spp-ndid Spring, and iool Hons. wit hin three miles of Aurora, at less t han S l- PKTi ACRE! This otT-r is only trood for twenty days. Enquire at the Kxteuimiise ofile. Oregon City, June C, ISli. tf. 1.AXI FO't sale: Q O A a r land ron pale at jjZJ ? 1.5a p"r acre. For part icu bars inquir" of R. IRVEN. y&tiy, C'laetatnaa ccuaty , Or-ya . - -;tro . o Vf,XfcY,-0. A - i none hut Coleman's. For '? W STILL IS T II E FIELD! 7!LL! P.1S & M A R D I K C , AT THE LINCOLN BAKERY, 77 FI 1-THi: Mi'iST COMPLETE STOCK S. of Fa miix' ;n.c. ri s to he found in the 'citv. All g.-ods x'.sirrant.'d. ;:oeis elelivered r jn ,;) v .ri (i of ,.h.ir;ri. TllJ highest cash j j-.rie" ps: iet ! T en nt rxe produce. price pa id lor ernintrxj p tregoii City, March -s, is".:. Vjl 0 D E E H SKIHS AND ALSO, LI. OTHI'.R KINDS OF HlIiES, FOR which 1 xviil pay the highes market price in e .xsir F.ring on your bides send get vourcoiii lor them. .lOlIN frCIIIlAM, .Saddle anel Ibirn-ss Maker. OrcfTon City, Oreson, July 11, ls73-m"J. a . KXtfl TOll'S NOTICE. V-OTICE IS lIEItEIlV C:iVEX TIIAT the undersigiK el has been jipoilitf-d e.M-ciitor a tlie .state of Isaac i upps, dc e'. as. ei: all persons liax ing clsdsns sigainst the said estate, sire hereby re.juired to present t la in to me at the office of Johnson .t McCoxxn in Oregon City with pro r xouch. rs nithiu six niemths trom date ol this m t ice. Dated Julv Mh, IsT.. .S. L. CAMrr.ELL, Enccutor. Jiistit't's Court for th? Fricinct of Ore ecu Citv. STATE OF OREGON, 1 bounty of Claclvitmas. j -b Ib nry Ilumbel, Pltr., 1 Civil action vs. J lor J. Lingoru, Left., ) Money. To ",. I.h:girn, the nl.-ovc named defend ant : IM '111 E name eif t b.c State of Ore-con. you i are hereby reipnr.-d lo appear b..tre1llio niHierslia it, a .1 ustice fl the l' ae-e' ler the I'l-' .-in.-i aiosesaid, on t he la! h day ol Au gust, l.sTii, at ten o'clock in t he lnrtuiooii of sa id day, at t he otliee ot saiil Just ieiri said I'recim t . t o ansxver i he above- named l'lsiiu l i!f in a eix il .-u-i ion. 'J he l'.-t.ndaiit will take not ice, that if he tails to sinsxver the cosu pbdnt lierein, 1 1? Plaint il" xviil take judgment ntzainst him tor t he su in of one hundre d and rilty nine dollars and nin iy-s ycn cent s(Slai.iJ7) and lor tosts and elasburs'-mcnts of this ;it ion. dx en under my lianel this ad eiay of July, tT.i. W. P. libRNS, Justice ot the Peace. JOHNSON A U CoVN. Atte.mcys lor Plaintiff. Iw6. i:K rnars xothi:. IN 7 UK MATTKH OK Til V. ESTATE OF ANDRKW M'iion , sa., lia tAbi.D. V( TICE IS II FEEL Y GIVEN TIIAT the undersi-an-el has be-n appointed by tb" Coi.nty Court ot Clacksnns county, Oregon, extent or of the e-state tit An drew Sprouls, Sr., etecease'd ; nil jH-rsons mil. l t.d to .-aid estate are reei u.-ste'el to make ire mediate payments sill rsoii having claims ag.-iinst the same arereeiuir- d to pr. s-nt tie m with the neci-ssary vouchers within six moid lis trom the'eiato ot this notice, to me at t he ollice of L. T. i arin. Ore-gen City, r-gon. AN L'REW SPROULS, Jr., Executor. L. T. PAR IN.. Attorney for Executor. . Clackamas county, July 11, 1&73. AU-M.-.MS 1 ATOK'S XOTK K. I CTIIK MAITKSI OF J-STATK OF J. 1. ROB UINS, HKCKAE1. V"(TICE IS HF.REbY GIVEN TIIAT I N have been appointed administrator of t it- est site ot J. I . 1 'obbinsle-cesise-d ; there lore all persons having claims against tho said estate xviil present theni .o iuej;roier ly vcrilie.l at the otJiee ol Johnson 4 Mc- 'own in Oregon 'ity, Oregon, within six months from the elate- ot this notice. N. N. liOUiUNS, Adm'r. Johnson A-McCowy, Attorneys ior Administrator. Oregon City, July Jlth, ls73. tXIXl'TOR'S NOTICE. IN THE MATTm OF TIIK ESTATE OF JOSE l'llI.x'K MACSONF, D K." EAS E D. "VOTICE IS IIERERY GlVEX TIIAT .l tie- undersigned has been appointed iy the Ceainty Court of Clackamas county, Oregon, executor of the estate of Josephine Magone, deceased; nil persons indebted to said estate sir.? requested to mak- immediate payment; all persona liaxihg claims against the same are re-e-uired to pr.-seiit them with the necessary xoue h'-rs within six months Irom the elate ol this notice, to rne at the ollice of L. T, i';strin, Oregon City, Oregon. J, D. TOMPKINS, Executor. L. T. PARIX. - Attorney for Executor. Clackamas county, July 11, 1S73. NOTICE TO TEAfUEKS: 0 .""OTP E IS IIEREF.Y GIVEN THAT Ap plies ions for the position of Female T-ach-rs in the Primary Department of tho Or-'gon City Seminary for the ensuing year xviil be rcc ive el hy th ; ity Council until the evening of th" -4th of Autrust, next. F. O. McCOWN, Mayor. Attest : w?t. p. EURNS, Recorder. July 11th, 1S73. e. s