J 1 0 C SBZB o O O o O V o O THE ENTERPRISE. .vVrr i m.V'imtv iinrniv in v il KM ! thev had been to enjoy the ocean air. l)HLIU-N llll, UtttbUN, JILl II, IN ). Tht:v speak very hi-hly of the aee-oni- it iti hi nfr 1 '"- jviul W1y ... . , , ' tli.it it is tlie place to o to for enjov- Coiiinanv have tiled their bonds fr the . - - . '.. . i-. i,ril"-i ' R.vi.r.. Io-iiiorrov the Clackamas iiii.trietion oi the Clackamas uriu,r , . , . ,.w,.,.tl,ou,,rk plav the sec-olid Xante, with the 1'lon-a.ulM.iiexp.ettoeonimeiK-etiiew. iK. I I,tr(1.lul T!lree of tlu, rl:u.k. There, sip-M-ars to le some linsuii'ier- ; .uuas jne i0p(., Cross and Ievis,v ill .stanvlinj; about tin - matter. A man ( un;l,ie to attend on aeeount of husi the name of Hcllc, t-il ? Ia '" j ness ena-remenls and as the hovs want the same kind of a ... d-e, but I'1 141 ; lo got through witli I he match havede- lav of lctling the eon: a.;t, e la.n o , cilU.,- to p-;,v without them. bi' here, anu ue v - reu'arut. d tliat he nao a""""" ' ' i l ii!i. "i , tli- e. i " t.lti(. oinpanv Eoldes, liu ' . iraroea re.o. ,,... Lidievcil : r.,iu..aiiy the lw'7t-'..V r a- 1 thilt V'take lnladVloa U-uM' ioVhan Mr!llMter eouM do j";' tuiiijr on th" '"n,: ,,fl.t;. .i '1' lintin" i 1 II.' e VL 11" v - i .....f IHMM1 -. Il llt'i I .11 in' - t Kivi. Hill ell .1 1 " i.. .il' rai l, ne i.w-." . l ...l.l.f .'..,...t ..ii.i tli'.. ; i oi' . i - - . . ' i. '.. l.,i:n. s lew (.1 till' malter ' ,S. 'v' 1 Lev thoi.-h! was best IV; t - "mtl . and we think they did light and proj vr. ... m v. v iiiift i nr AsrM niNt -.- -. - - , . , i ot the citizens of this ).l tee wi.l l- aeii j at the i ..on ....... Court House, next -aimo.i .venin- at n -'ht ..el -K. ne, , i.ose ot licariii'T .Mr. ... "' ,K" 1 . T . .'i... lrote:-tlV( Alliance ion. w.iieh arc 1. in.-' or-r:.:.i.e.i , o.i and also to organize an Alliance. Tliis";s au i-iioort.n.t matt-r to our t...v.. -nid -v ho that all who are o - ,.,-..,1 to the influx f the heathen l innee "' w.ll turn out and give their aid lo this movement. Let the oiirt C "I Inline be full next .s.4inday evening. i)v irK Woi c. A young couple -.ro-euUvl themsi Ives before Judire Wait l ist Monday, desiring to be made one. CThe Lrirl was i nlv site n, and eonse j .Miemlv the coax iit of the parents w;is t',. c -ss'trv U re they could get a eer thu att . The j arcnts reside in a remote part 'of the State, and there beimr good ie is .ll whv t:ie oung lady could get another pareo-. :io. .lieatioii was made f t i g i if iiaii. the'gu.irdi.in appointed, and he g ive L.s consent rtinl t!ne two 1 ving li. -arts .ere m.ide one. Ci:r.i::.i: v i ion at S.vi.km. The cele bration at Salem was a very creditable atl'air. Tin l clarati. n of In.lep.u; d nee '"Was read in a masterly style 1 y Mr.'. M. i.e 1 . ; ami a most excellent 'iJMtloa vv.is l - liV'-rcd . v t lie 11 -V . Vv . I:. S;.v. " rt. l ac I urn eri"n .-sociery .vas l!ie in un I'-auirewi un-ei inn V' i . 1 . -. I ..." ....... .1 . . ii-. i . 1 1 i a i-1 a l u ci o i o i" 'i ...... I i-ir pcrf..rniaii-cs at the Park in tlie a .I- ni"u:i, w'nere they p-rf .ri.n d some (Vcrv ere lit iblf- feats. I'm i initN-V km. - An ctitcrtainnH nt for the benefit of the Sunday S -lux 1 in Mr. Il'ime.s M'ighberhood, was given list Vi cli.e.1 ,y evening, which we l. :irn w is a very pleasant al'air. We r.-iZret I liat it w a,s ijn p. ssj 1 lc for us to 1m- pres. 1,5, a;e: return i;r thanks to t he couimittcc ;V.r a ciupliiia ntary in vit.iti.it. ')':." voiimr ladies wh had the matter hi charge coold it.it fail to make :l a -ii - ss. AcoriTTKP.- We are "m formed that four voting men were arrested at ( 'anby 'mi au eiing gror.n Is for dit nri anee. T.i.-v had tli.-ir trial l ist Wednesilay ...r.'.ie a Justi-e t tile J'ea.-' oi t hat j. cinct a:m w ei e ae. j ml le. i. Ve learn f.-.ai ' rs .us w !io hv it!". tiie evil:ie-e, t hat t'.e arrest was cut irely groundless. We regret thi'.t any pe'soii should .iis t m o I pio'i.e gatherings !' any kind. I'.lt we .il-o .ief..!ii tie- arrest for no cause, r.-.ih are .in'-iea hiabii . .S iioo'..-- I'v reft re p.. e to our adver tising claim., it " th:lt i,.,.' s. 1. P. proposes to oi n the i : i-iiciiiar s -b.. 1 in ui builiiiiii-'" forin- . I y " iiii-ri. w. U tli 'e i it '.. ! ce'.r-ieti b" bmi tor sciiooi pui- ti.e -Jsili :ii-t. M r. Pope :s too u w ti t i:i il.i in as a si.ee. ss- i t ; to need any leeoia.Mn 1!- ! m i s, and f.- are s.uisiie 1 1 O 1 ha dl who 1 iio:i!e ..mi v. ill lie we.l r.'p.uo. CI. (. . 1". i'h" I' ll wing person-! Wi i'.u-t ailed the. isot'lheg. n Lodg N. :;. I. .(. t'"'" th" presnt tt r a it,..- :. 1 iiisi. : .1. l. I ey N ' : C. I ' V" . r .-..11 ' . .loll il . .i . jorii'ii. V M .1 itorson, i : - - .110 n.'U 'V: W. il. P 'l-e, C: -T. V.. Howell 1 - ' w P 1'. i.s. 1..S. N.i: D tvid M,.t!im".'l..:-.S: ' I. Slovcr. I.. S. V i;.;.ud V. J.'.d twell. 1)0-1. 1 ' . r V.'. .). Cal l- W. W. Ihiek Cac if now :!". Hon. . . ..e.l .. 1 TlHVft ..n ill" table a catuitio" 1 1 ...1 ,v him in his gardens w hich we re- - t- 1 eomil in '''" ' ;,;1V VV(' ll;ivr ' v, r .' .' ' ... 'T'ir. hea.l. is a ! I .- inf. 1 white ami as soli. 1 as a rock. M r. Co" U has taken great pains to rais , i l vcg-'tai 1 s.an.l heileserves credit , :,nd success for his eneruv in this line. . lD'.rruvi.T.. ll..p.. 1. 1. Thompson returned houi 1 .-t Sunday, looking as young an I In ;- -t" as could he desiretl. U s ivs th ! l.c is a candidate for ('01 - r,'es; 1. it as 1) IVC t sll.-tl a jokest. MP ii-.u't' 'now w a 'th -r t hclieve him r 1.. II , .-ever l:i-t hmng mav siriue . . 1 . 1 ... ii. i .. 1 :illVW:t 'Ve. aU I inn li. a i.-eine i.al c in li. -ate for slaughter. Wim. r.t: Hkkk. !!-. O. S. Fowler, theirreat plireii. 1 :it. wilL he in oi'.r city in xt week aid Jecture at Myers' Hall NVe-hi' sdavTluusd av. au.l l'rid IV e t I'hof l'ai ).ctor has a national reotiTa! ion. and we led assure.! utai all who will lie. a- him will he grati.ie.l -ind inslnu'tttl. Fi oK Vb i:v:. We have received the - ami -numbers of '" N'iek's lToral Cuide " I'. r 17:'.. The '" C. uide " is iu d on ntt rlv nt U x hester. New York, at th l-"v i .rice of "2". cents 1 vear. i' is he in' if ill',- ill istrated iii-evn-al'le t il,e ih.rist. and is in- la.lv " of this eitv lost the : i.osr. tlie e- i, . t.,,Ut, l...l ; ,"l :,s -tt-r to dr.;. of a t ar-rm : h twee.i here and 1T1 ' hv j!1"' the corporations Portland. It is of 110 oai ieul ir value Ot tliO btate. ...... iA , , , ,, cci, We submit to direct tax- to tho t.nder. but ot coiisidtMable worth . 1 1 , tt tniv---.iiu.-v to tii. own- r. its i; ..eiui-rs to as, t. atiou ami nuties to meet the necessi- Tlie 'ui b-r w ill he so-t : ,y rewarthtl ties of the (lo eminent, but de l y leaving it at this olliee. i n ounce as ui jut and oppressive all "l ii' ... if . .. ; 1 . ... .. 1 1 ' i". mi out that Judge b. b. McArthur was in this vhin:ty l is; week, and he faued to enter an appearance at Cos onn-. ow XZTV forgive vou this time. An lh.Kerio:.. The City Council have or. lerclga sjHH'ial election to take pl ice on tlu "ist!; inst., for the purpose of receiving authority to levy a special 1 1 t two mills on the dollar for the purpos. .f pun basing hose. i'i:i.v.nr. rioNs. We learn that the people in the vieinitv of Tracv's store. in this county, celebrated the glorious !" cirth in a beeomin manner. The cicorai ton :lt .,. s inurs was also a very crj'.lit 1" Nnw Aitiuvvi.s. Prof. M.icrum is the father of a b y. Prof. Joseph Sell wood, of Milwaukie. is the father of a son. 'apt. Sam. lb.lnies, of a daugh ter. Any more? 0 Makimaok I.icKNSKs.There were issued liy the ( ountv Clerk of this r.iiiiiti'J'lmirH.rroi;',. 1 tvV 1 V-'..; lnarnac-e licenses during the rMryt.u. .a. I l'KTi'ftNKD. t. oi. . i'- nice ami ! wire returned lust week from a three "71 - V"-," " .. . . ii-.u o.i.. v e nai a eall yesterdav from Jinn. 'Win. (.'uniairves. of Polk cotintv. llc-trivcs us ".;! mrmmts "oiu ioik, ami sjushuic Heliioeracv I'llt UI tlu' riKht . I'olk will do handsomelyjurhiuu Nkw Wauos.-.Messrs. Williams tv Hardiiifr have stai teI out a new deliv- . i,. 11. .... 1 ; i . . . ery wajron, wiiieh looks :-.s though business was mereasiinr. Thev deserve the litM'ial swiiort they receive hciiijr Loth clever ullow.s. Tce (TinA.M. We are re'-uested to state to those who go to Camp-meeting at Caiibv, that Mr. Win. Mmeison is prepared with ice-cream for all who mav sivc him a eall. MooN-T.Kiirr I.xctMiioN.--The Sho- slioiie is advertised to make an excur- sion to this i b.ee next .Sat md.iv lu;, ;ma ss (hnnigh the locks'. iv eveii- l1 IIki-i-i-xkI). The .survevin' oartv of ; - . , L!llll-l.t'l.lir 111 X 11. ...ill .....inT.- I'.. Illll. Telegaiihic News. New Yoiik, Juiy 2. In the Wal worth murder ease to-day at 8:" tin jury returned into court, tlie. roll was eailed, and the jury were ml asked if they had agreed. The fore man answered: "We have. V"e find the prisoner guilty of murder in the .sec. .lid degree. Jostox, July 0. A small quantity of domestic wool held in this market limits the transactions, and with bet ter assortment to select from, sales would be much larger. All good lots of California, wool are' sold as fast as received, as manufacturers are short of wool at present. 1'ulleel wool is in light supply, and although some new fleece has ar:ive-tl, still the stuck lu re is to small for very ex tensive business, but, tlie market will somi be fully su j .plied. Spring California wool i--. selling at 2o to 27 cents. Si'iiiNoi-'iKLii, lUass., July 4. Phineas Allen, editor of the l'itts- lield S from IrM.i till IS. o, died to-day of paralysis. Aged (. Y.as;ii.n;ton, July b. The Cim missiouer (leia-ral of tlie I.an 1 OlTit e ih'cide. I that in the ease:; of War wick and J. A. );iis, doination claimants in Oregon, that donations cannot be purchased under th- acts of l-'vbriiary 14. lo.5, and July 17, lSo-1. alter one year's residence ami e-ultiviition, nrdess .such resi.lence and cr.ltivatioii had been on lan. Is surveyed prior to such purchase. ( ieucral Drumme'inl, Ce-mmissioner the Land Oii'we has th'ci.te.l that lands valuable 0:1 aeeount of depos its' of eai boiiat.' ef sodn. litrate td' j soda, sulphur, alum and salt; may j be patented under the mining a -t of I Ma v 7. 1S72, as well as other valna- b.e mineral deposits, exc.pt those sjiecialiy ie-erved by act of Con gress. ("hj 'aoo, July. S. - A hurricane passed over Odin. Illinois, list night unrooting many houses. The Meth odist Church was wrecked. The Methodist Church and engine house at S.deni were wrecked. Orchards and Utiles of fence and thousans of acres of corn were blown down. At ll:irri.iburg 111., the storm blew the International Circus tent down while full of people. The lamps fired the canva ; but the flumes were' seam ex tinguished. Kv'ax.svili.k, Ind., July S. A le-stu.-tive storm and tornado passed over this city a. d vicinity about S o'clock last evening. A number of shade t : ee were blown down. The Front of a hoiM1 was partly blow-11 out. Considerable damage was done to Trinity (Catholic) Cnurch, which was being rebuilt. At Henderson, Kv roofs were blown em", freight 1.1 . , l... ..,..1 c.iis wt. i. hiimwi uoiii ,ut; i..u n, dim. hi much tilnher ost rove b t inlii-r ilistrnvc. m the sill'- in 'oim'5:io country. A Sound Iia lel'.'lS. The farmers of Livingston county, Illinois, have a jirotty eorroet appre ciation of the manner in which the Federal (lovernmeiU has heen ml- ministered hy the lladieal jiart." tluring tiie .tst ten years, and have concluded that a change a new de parture on import, nt questions, ma terially affect in"; tin agricultural, lahor and husine s interests of the whole country is of vital eonse qip'iice to our pro ress an.l liajpi ness as a petiole. T..eir itleas are ex- 1 uainetl I v the follow ing resolutions ado)tt d at a recent eonventitin held to consider the political situation and promulgated a Farmers' Flat form: This organization is oppo?ed to rr.il road steals, tariff steals, and every other form of thieving by which tlie fanning and laboring classes are roli bed of the legitimate fruits of their labor. . '.. We are in favor of controll- I taxation for the benefit of special !..'.,..-. , 1 Tf lr'd Vv'e ', n ve are in tavor of the present banking svstein. bein so charged that alt men. bv giviim the Vrovr security, shairhSve equal privileges, so that suoplv and de mand shall regulate our money mar ket. Fourth Ye are opposed to all further grants of land to railroads or other corporations, ami believe that tlie public domain should be held sacred to actual settlers. Ye are in favor of a true svstem of Civil Service Reform, making lion- 1 cj : f iiil ioi.w.iK l.v . . -. l 1; 1 ; , J i;"- ?"' . " v ....i.i I... I'ueiit; -ciiipii'v uieiii ; ami ve belive that the ollice should seek the man, and not the man the oluce. The cathartics us-(l and approved by thff physicians comprising the various medical associations 01 tins .state are now com pounded and sold under the name of J'ar- We copy the following from an exchange, which is imjiortant, il true : Chronic diar rh.ea oi' lomr sfaiidin'T. also ti vssenterv. ' 1,nt Sl' similar complaints common at .this S"ason of the year, can l cur.'d by the Se (internallv) of John-ton's Ano.1nt I x,,,,-,,,,,, o, kno-.r whnf we artlrm. The Career of a C;reat Ileineuy. Twenty summers have elapsed since it was briefly announced that a new vegetable tonic and alternative, bewar ing the name of IToste-tter's stomach Hitters, had been added to the list of preventative and restorative medicines. The modest advertisement which in vited attention to the preparation stat ed that it had. been used with great! .success in private practice as a cure for i dvsnensia. bilious .1..;... . . I - v"....iuul ceuisn- pation and intermittent fever. It was soon discovered that the article pos sessed extraordinary properties. The People, of everv class, tested its merits as a tonic, stimulant, corrective and restorative, and found that its effects more than fulfilled their hopes and ex pectations. From that time to the present its course has been upward and onward, and it stands to-day at the head of all medicines of this eias.s, American or imported, in tlie magni tude of its sales and its reported repu tation as a safe, agreeable and potent invigorant and restorative. For lan guor and debility, lack of appetite itim jiiisiiic ii'.. i.auees so common during the summer months it is ab solutely infallible. I ndigotion. bil ious disorders, constipation, nervous ness, periodical fevers, ami all the 01- ttinarv complaints, generated bv vni.ue.i ana numiu ainu; .here, van ish under its renovating ami regulating inline li'-e. This is its record, avouched by volumes of intelligent testimony, extending over a perio.i ,fa fifth cen tury, ami comprehending the names of thousands of well-knvvon citize'iis leloiigiiig to every class and calling. In K u rope it is thought a great thing to out. 1111 me patronage of royalty for a "patent medicine," but 1 lostctter's Putters has been spontane'ouslv approv ed by millions of independent stiver- eigns, aie t its patent consists 111 tneir e-ndorsenient. It IH HO li. tioll. Pit. Wl STAR'S n.VI.SAM OF Wild Cnr.KKV has cureii and is now curing thou.sai.tls ol sutrer rs lrom that 1 terrihf disease, consumption. 1 o not li--sifiit" a moment, but provitle yours If wit h this cure, which has bad an en via hie rcputarie.il lor nearly half a century. Spe-cial Notice. It is a well known fact that Dyspep sia and ii'uigestioii are the causes of nearly all the oiseasi's that the human body' is lu ir to; then why pay enor mous doctors' biil"? I'v using Dr. iienley's celebrate. I 1X1. I titters they can l.c tiiorougly eradieatetl from the system and new li It iniartetl lo the s'utferer. Kead physii-Lins eertiticates in another column. c 6 o b W ORD s . I'tUlTHH PAITI-ICILLES? We can contid'ait ially recommend tlie l'a in-Kit l.r. 'l'ufjitt Ibjiti. It is th' most eiTectual T 'lie-dy we know of lor .Veh.'s, I'aiiis, lfs2i woantis, Af.-.SV. .;. iti AYir.x, 7'. (J. W'e iulvise that "very family should have so eb'-etuitl ani soe'dv a i'.itn-Kill. r. .Inihrrst .X. S. :-lZi!,. 1 tir own xp : -ri 1 is that a bottle of Pi.in-Kiiler is 1 :c I. -.-T Pnysa'ian a traveler call have. i luiiiiitnii Sin rl.itor. I-'or both iat real itii'l exfrnal appliea- jtion have toimd it ,i greal value. t Vi.iv. lira. I A medicine no fa 111; ly sin. 11 Id be wit hot it . I M'ltilrni! Trtiixrriiit. ' CoaKl hardly k -eji house without it. !!!. j I '"iV' . I ShouUl be kept in ev.-ry house, in read- iie-.-s ;-r sudd. -il attacks of s.caness. ; e'.o't .. I'rcxs. j No art ic! ever obtain...! such unbound I .-d ;.opiilariiy. Sii'ct.i !j' rrrr. I One of the most n-liable speeilbs t)f t he j age. 1)1,1 Soilii S(ut: I Its power is vi-ori ierful an! 11 iiotpio 1 !! in i rii' vi"ir the most sever" pain. Iiuriimi- j ' S niilt:l . ; An indNneiie i? b' articl. i;i tic lii'-Jtciin j chest. .V. 1". Jl -i i,i in r. It will ree:n ni'-nd itself to all who us it. iu:in J'n'rrjiri :, . It is ''Xten-ively us-'d a'ld sought after as a r-aliv i:s-i:.i m. dicitie. Juurmil, St. John, A I'.. N ni' di'-in - )ct acqiiir su'h repu tation ; it has r-ai ne rit. ,XtijHrt Ihiit.u .Xrv,-. ):ie of t h'-ni'-st us'-ful medicines : have used it a lid dispells --d it lor t he past t went y years. A'"". II",. M'ur l, A ;tim. Tic most valuable medicine now in use. 7V., riau. It is really a vabribi-' medicine, ami life. I hv manv ih v-iian s. H'jstvii. Ti'uv rir. We a'.'.vnvs k-"'p it wher- we can put our hnmNori i; i-ittie itarl; ( ". J libtiirit. Jiui-n)u!i.. if need be. JZt r. j t lie- ol t In l'.-w art icl s t hat. or-- just where they pretend to h ". Ilrunxti ick 7'rfiriiiti. In my mountain travels no niediein" is otM. universal application cs l'ain-Killcr. Jirr. M. 11. Jiixhi, Hannah. PEZ r V D A V 1S& SO K , MAXt a ANI 1'irOf'p, leiiHK.HST., ITtoVlDKNCF:. K. I. Ill SYCAMORE ST., CINCINNATI, O. ."77 S T. I'Al'l.S ; ., yp INTI1EAI 1 ' A NADA. 17 St.LTT' I AM I'' ON, UOW.I.ONIiON.KNG. For t he very best photogra phs, go to Brad ley Si Rulof son's lialery without STAI Its Ascend in tli Elevnlor, Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California. Professional and Amateur Musicians should examine the com l.inat ion Solo Stops found only in t'KO. Wooli.-s A; CO'S OaoANS. 1 HE -EOI-INE. A most d licat , soft or lr at h inir stop. THE VOX ill"" I ANA. A baritone solo, not a tan or tremolo. TIIE PIANO. A beautifully toned piano, which will never r-tpiire tuning. Se ad vert isnierit in anot liercoluinn. junl-'lm't XFAV TO-DAY. Ii.-VXO FOIt SALE! 0.")AAHU'.SOK UVND FOIt SAT AT ) V7 -fl.atl per acre. For particulars inquire of R. IUVIN". N'eetiv . Clackamas county, Oregon. KXIX I TUR'S XC)TIC i:. -70TICE IS IIEHEP.Y (ilVEN THAT the undersign-d has been appointed executor of th" est-it" of Isaac Capps, de ceaseil ; all persons having claims against the said e.-tate, are hereby requir-d to present tlcni to me at the olliee of Johnson .v .McCown in Oregon City with proper vouchers within six months from da to of tliis notie . Dated Julv st !i, ls7:?. S. I.. CAM PHELI ., F.xecufor. 1,000 deeh Skins W A X T K U, AND AI-SO, 4 Lb OTHER KINDS OF I II PES, FOR V which I will pay the higlies market prie" in cash hring 011 your hides and get your coin lor them. sCHRAM, Saddle ami Harness Maker. Or gon City, Oregon, July H, ls73-m: Oreff(ii City (irammar School! nHE COVE SCHOOL WILL RE OPEN X edon Monday, th" Ulst inst., lor the reception of pupils in cither the PRIMARY OR ADVANCED GRADES. The course of study will embrace those branches genera My comprised in a thor ough En-lish, Classical, Mathematical or Commercial Education. For particulars inquire m s. 1. Pt IE, Principal. Oregon City, July 11th, lsT-i-tf. AOMIXISTHATOR'S XOTKK. IVTTIR. MATTKR OF ESTATE OF J. D. KOB- j BINS, PKCFA&ED. V"OTICE IS HEItEUY GIVEN THAT I have been aijointcd administrator ot the estate of J. 1. Kobbiiis,d"eeas-d ; there fore all persons having claims against the said estate will present them to meproper Iv verified at the ollice of Johnson .V .Mc Cown in Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. N. X. KOliBINS, Adm'r. Johnson & McCown, Attorneys tor Administrator. Orcnn Citv, lutv lith, ls7 ". .OTICE TO TKACUEUS! "VOTK E IS IIEItKHV OIVEX THAT A? il plications for the jn-jsit ion oi" Keinali Teachers in the I'rimary l.epiirt merit of the Oregon City "Seminary for tne ensuing yvar will Ih? rt ceiwil by the -ity Council until the evenint; of the 4th of August, next. K. U. Me Ci) U N, Mavor Attest : W.M. V. BL'IINS, llecorder. July 11th, 1S7X 3v. ADMIXISTK.ITHK'S XOTICE. IN THE MATTKR OK THE ESTATE OK JOS E 111 INK MACioNE, DECEASED. tiTiCK is iiFntr.nY (iivnx that the iiud'-rstmieu has been appointed l.y the County Court 01 e lacKainas county, o'regon, administrator of the estate 01 Josephine Miiiione, deceased ; all persons indebted to said estate an requested to make immediate payment : all jx-rsons having claims against the same are re quired to present them with the neeessarv vonch'-rs within six months iroia tli date of this notice, to me at the office of I,. T. Harm, Oregon City, Oregon. J, 11. TOMPKINS, Administrator. I,. T. HA KIN, Att'y for Adm'r. Clackamas county, July 11, 1ST.?. ADMIMSTK.VTOll'S XOTICE. IN THE MAT'l F.K OF TH Y. ESTATE OK KOKI5ES H A 1 (.' I . A Y , P E ' K A S F. D. i ")Ticr: is HKuicr.v oivkn that i tlie unti. rsiiied havebeen appointed 1 by tlie Con nly Court of Clacioi uuis county, ' administrittor.s oi t he estate ol 1'ori.es llar- clay, deceased : all persons indebted to ! said estate are requested to ma ke i ui nie- t j diate payment ; all p-rsims hai ing claims : iigamsi ine same are" required 1.0 present them with the m-eessary vouchers wit hin j six mont hs from t he date 01 1 his not lee to us i at the ol'iee of Messrs. Johnson A McCown, I Oregon Cit v, Oregon, i MA It I A n.K(T.V. JelllN McCKAKKX, Atlmii.istriitor.s. JOHNSON A McCUWN, Att'vs. lor Atlm'rs .otict' of Huul Sftllt'ini'iit. In the County Court of Clackamas county, Oregon. IX THE MATT El l OF THE ESTATE OF J. O CAM I'HEl.I., PECEASEI). y v. v.v k, : !t t lie above CI MiMINISTHATOR OK filed Iinal report ;ind vouchers with pra er lor linal sett lenient , it was ord red by t he ourt that .Mondji.v, the -It li day ot August, be set lor the heating ot said repori, at which time aU persons interested can ap pear anil tile t mar objections, if any they nave, to Siiid linal s-'itl 'luent. .1. K. WAIT, 1 canity Judge. Johnson tt Mi:, own, Aitorii. vs lor Administrator. July 11th, l.sT.J. A HM I X 1ST II A I t if S X OT 1 C E. I N Til E M ATTEK OF THE ESTATE OF AN DKKW Sl'IloEES, BI(., DECEASEl). NOTICE is IlKItlM'.V tMVEN THAT tin umi.TM''i...l Iihs been appoint"d bv the Count v Court ol Clackamas county. Oregon, ad;ninistr;itor ol the estate ol An drew sprouts. Sr., deceaseil ; all persons int.'btit to saiil estate are requested to make immediate payment: all prsons having claims against t lie sa me are requir ed to present Hen. witli the necessary vouchers within six months iron, thedat 01 mis notice, to un at t he ollic of 1... T . P.arin, r.gon l 'it v, 1 re.;oa. AM Ki;S sl'Ko'iT.S, Jr., Administriitor. b. T. r.AIUN., Att'y for A1 m 'r. Clackamas county, July 11, IST'i. tkof. 0. s. i'owli:k, OF NEW VOKK. F:1YSRS' HALL, OIECiOX CITY, WEDXKSOAY EVE., J IT.V l' h, at S o'clock, on 2 IFF ASD 8HLF-GULTURE, As taught by Phrenology. rii'i KsuAV i.vi:xi(;, ox LOYt, COURTSHIP AND CARRIAGE. KltlOAY AT i O'CLOCK, T LADIES, O N Female Eealtli and Beauty, II.LI'.STKATKIJ I!V I-'I'.KNCII .MODELS. FI1ID.VY EYE, TO (iKXTLEJlKX, O N liiii!i!)0;!. WomanliOii'J, a o!1it Rt'lalions. A hsi 1 1 J,l 'STKATKI ). Scats, il c'-nts; course tickets, ail cents. Can b eonsult-d as to your own anil chil dren's Phrenology best business, health, 1 mprovement , Ac. Ac, at t lie I'leen ix I lot 1 t ill Saturday, 1'. il., only. Call early, if JuMire's Court for th rr.i'iiu-1 of Ow gon t'ity. STATE OF OTJEOt IN. ) County of Clackamas, j SK" Henry Huiiibel, I'ltf., 1 Civil action vs. J tor J. I.ingorm, Deft., ) Money. To ( '. Iangorni, the alxive named defend ant : IX 1 HE XAME OF OUEtiOX, YOtT ARE her-'by ri-quirctl to appear bclore the undersigned, a Justice ot the Peace for the Precinct aloresaid, on t h" l'.t h day of Au gust, ls7:i, at ten o'clock in the torenoon of said lay, at the ollice of said Just ice, in said Pr 'cinct, to answer the above named Plain tin" in a civ il action. The I i.'fen.lant. will take not ice, that if he fails to answer the complaint herein, the Plaint itf will take judgment against hi. n tor t In sum of one hundred and litiy 11 i it dollars ami ninety-seven cents(rl.)!'.!7) and lor costs and disbursements ol this act ion. oven under my hand this 3d da v of July, 1S7;J. V. P. P.U'RNS, Just ice of the l'eacc. JOHNSON A McCUWN, Attorneys lor Plaintiff, wfi. SHERIFF'S SALE I "VOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEX THAT T?Y virtu" of a certain decree and execu tion issued emt of the Circuit Court of the state ot Oregon lor the county of Clacka mas, to tne directed in pursuance of a cer tain decree and judgment entered in said Court on the 21th day of May, A. !., Is73, to enforce certain mechanics' liens anil other liens in said th ere. mentioned and ilescribed.J'.gainst Win. X. Holmes, S.J.Hen slev ami s. li. Holmes, doing business un der the firm name of Holmes, IP'iisley.t Holmes, and atrainst Win. X. Holmes and S. II. Holmes individually, and in tavor oi R. F. Cauti -ld, John H utton,M"at hew Rich ardson, William Mullms and C. 11. Fair childs, upon mechanics' lien judgments as aforesaid, lor the sum of U'.iu, dollars, with costs and accruing owls together with inter st lrom the date of said judgment at the rate of ten per cent. pT annum ; and whereas in the same decree and judgiiicm, an order was noole loreclosing a crtain mortgage held bv I . B. Hannah in t he land hereinafter described, and rendering judgment in favor of said 1). B. Hannah, ami against Win. X. Holmes lor the sum ol l.ii!.g.." i, dollars, gold coin, with interest at t ne rate of one per cent, per month lrom dateot judgment together with costs and accruing costs. , Xow, to satisfy said execution and the mechanics lien judgment in execution first recited, I have levied u.n a certain saw mill (in SiliJ judgment and decree mentioned and described) together with its machinerv, fixtures and appurtenances, together witii one-half acre ot land on which said saw mill is erected and situated : said half acre of land being described as follows : The saw mill being tho centre and the land to be a parallelogram ot four equal sid-sof sufficient length to include one half acre of land, the centre of which shall be the exact cent, r of said saw mill : said land being a jortion of the northeast of section IS. in township 3 south, range 2 cast, of Willamette meridian, in ClatKa mas count v, State of Oregon; and to fur ther sat isfv said execution, and said last mentioned judgment and decree in tavor ofl. B. Hannaii, I have levied upon the remainder of said northeast, of said s c tionl3. in township 3 south, range 2 east ; and also the east v of the nort hwest i ol said section Vi: and on Saturday, the 2d Day of August, A. D., 1873, at the Court House door in Oregon City, Clackamas count v, Oregon, at t he hour ot one o'clock, p. m., I will s -11 all the above described propertv at public auction to the highest bidd'-r for cash, paid to me, to sat isly said execution, costs and accruing costs. A. F. II EH PES, sh.ritr. Bv HEXKY HELHiEs.Heputy. Julv 3d. 17 n wl. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. SOCIETY NOTICES. OREGON" LOUGH XO. 3, I. I. O. IV Meets everv Thursthiv v- - evening at 7 o'clock, in the &j0L-&i Odd Fellows' Hall, Main street. Meinhers of the Or- uti ait- un iu-u 10 auenii. j .vomer 1 n. Ki:i$i:cc-v ii::iu:s: i.oiii xo. .'I. I. O. O. V., Meets on the 7f.,., Second and Fourth Tut s- ( jLxL day evenings e ach month, f"E:.n: V at 7' o 'clock, in the Odd '' 'y l ellows' Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend. ML'LTXOMAII LODOi: XO. I, A. 1 it A. M., Holds its regular coin- a iiuuiicatioi.s on the i-'i.-t ..,,.1 A Third Saturdavs in each month. at 7 o'clock from the X'th of Sen. temher to tiie -JHh f March "and 7' o'clock from the "gnth of March to the liuth of .Septciuher. lhcthren in good standing are invited to attend. liy order of vy. M. I'' A L. I.S 11 X C A 1 1 M I : X TXO.M.O. O. I'., Meets at Odd Fellows n ry 1 lall 011 the First and Third Tues day of each month, l'ati iarclis VV in gootl standing are invited to attend. AO.MIXISTIiATOU'S XOTICr.. IN TIIK MATTKIi OF T1IR KSTATK OF 1IF.CTOK l'A.Mlltl:l,I I) KC K A S 1 a. "V'OTICE IS HEREP.Y (HVEX THAT .1 tin iin.iersigticd has been appointed by the County Court, of Clackamas county, iregon, administrator of t he estate r.f H"c tor Campbell, deceased : all persons indebt ed to saitl estate are requested to make im mediate payment ; all persons having claims against, the snine an required to present, them with the necessary vouch ers wit hin six mont hs lrom t he date 01 1 11 is not ice to me at my residence near Marh-ti-ld, Clackamas Postollic Clackamas e-ountv, Oregon. S. I,. CAMPBELL, Atlminist rat or. Clackamas county, June -J7, ls7:'. A Ucn utiful Farm Tor Salt! Large Orchrd, Splendid Spring, and Oo'.tl Hons. within three miles of Aurora, at less t ban .S 1 - PER ACT? K! This otr r is only god for twenty days. Enquire at the Em KKHitisK ollic. Oregon City, JuneY., 1S7.5. tf. Sri.IXU AM) SU3I3IKK(200I)S JEST RECEIVED AT HEALER IX I iry e'oods, Clothing, l'ool s ami Shoes, Hardware, CJroeeries, Crockery, Xotions, Ladies and Oents Furnishing ioods, etc., etc., etc., etc. ."Inin St reef, Oregon ity. Produce of all kinds bought, f--r which I pay the highest market price. If you do sire good Cioous at I,ow pricey, call at . ,S' K L L I X H ' ,S' and examine hi - n v stock of Sjirinir goods. iive me a call and convince yours lves. My motto is, " lit'It. K SALIS AND SUA I.I. I-ROFITS." The highest market price paid lor ivml. I. SELLING. Oregon City, March 21, 1873-tf. VATCMES JEWELRY. r J H E V X I E r. S I ( J X K I A x- V-. .a. noiinc" to t he cit izensot Oregon V ,v" 'ity and Clackamas county that they have just opcri"d a JEWELRY ESTAELSSHMErJT 1 x Oregon City, Main street, text door north of Shad's Sa loon, where t hey will keep on hand and tor s.t le all goods pertaining to t heir line, at t he I.oWKST MVI.Nt; UATKS. Especial attention given t o t iie r ja iri ng of 1' iN k 1 1 m K I'l w. ks. All goods sold and work don. warranted. iE ). A. HAAS i SDN. Oregon City, Feb. 0, ls7:'-tf. HEW YORK HOTEL. (Deutfches C.afthaus.) Xo. 17 Front Str.t, Opposite tho Mail Steamship Landing, POItTLAM), tHi:tilX. U. ROTIIL OS. J. J. W1LKL.NS, Projiriilors. Hoard -a Week P.oard Week with Lotl Poar.l Lay ?).(KI , Ii.0.1 l.l w GUAHQ AGAINST FIRE! DELAYS ARE DAXGEKOUS. ri-nE XU ME HO US SEVEHE FIHES J. which ha ve- occurred in our State the past year, and the late disastrous confla grations in Portland, .Springville, Halles, Oregon City, anil Jacksonville, should ad monish property owners to S"ek indemnity against loss and damage by tire without delay. --' THE PHOENIX INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONN., Represented on the Pacific coast for over fifteen vears, (during which period it has paid hiu,oou tor 1-ire Losses in the Pa cific Department), is one of the leading American Fire Insurance Companies, and live only Hartford Company represented in 1 he StaU nf Oregon. 1 11 the prompt adjust ment and payment of its loss- s,t tie Plm nix has no superior, t he Company has never had a suit ;n the State, and in the prompt cash payment of nearly $i,IOO,OGO CO in the Chicago and Hoston, proves that the old 1'h.cnix is equal to its cv -ry engage ment. The Agents of the Phonix are authorized by commission from the company to issue and renew Policies direct, ami without ref erence to Portland, San Francisco, or else where, thus enabling the applicant to se cure iimtfilintc and bitttlimi protection. Kates as low as solvency and lair profit will admit of. w. p. uritxs, Resilient. Agent, Oregon City. April is. is73.-m-l GEO. YOODS CO S The most remarkable instrument ever per fected ; capable of the most beautiful mus ical effects, and in the most elegant cases. All Lover; of Music should see them, and hear their COMBINATION SOLO STOPS. Wm. BADGER, Of ?tl Sansome St., San Francisco, has them. June Mm 3. CHOICE PJ5EATS! TOOlS ALKKIGHT mve jnnt re j.eeived a fine lot of beef cattle from the. John Day country. They are the latest ever brought to this valley before, and will be butchered for this market. Thy pro pose to sell cheap. Give them a call, and get the choicest of meati. Orsrnn Citv, Mfjv 23d, 173, tf. CHAS. II. C-A-'UITIEIjiD, DEALER IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CORNER OF SEVENTH AND JfAIN STREETS, OREGON CITY. lias Just Keeeivetl a New Stock of Calicoes, Dress i iooJs, Crown and IUcacheil Slice! in-'s House Lining, Shirtings, Tahle-I.incn. Irish lioso'm Linens l.inen Towelling. Tahle-Cloths. Corstts. Ladies' a.i.l Gents Hose, Thread, Camhries, P.utttuis. Ribbons. Laces ami Insert ionP Knihroidery, White t'ootls, Millinery, Fancy Uooels, Ac. Also, a full assortment of LADIES' AN0 CHILGERU'S SHOES, (iroeeries, Crockery, (ilassware. Coal Oil, Coal (hi Lamps, Wicks and Chimneys. Which have l.ce selee ted with special car,, ft.r 1,U .....rkel and c-annot ke si kpas'.;ed ix ur.tLiTY ok iui k. Titi:ni(;iir:sTMARuiri iRici:iAii ior coumry vvom cr March l:,lc73:tf ' ' NEW STORE! KEV GOODS! NEW FIRM! LEVY BEOTHEES Have Just openetl, in rilK FINEST AXI) MOST COMI'LETE STdCK OK CLOTHING AND I R Y- ;0OI s i. lw.ts and slu.es, JIats and Caps, 1 ient leinens Kunii.hing e;f...ls il.ceri.-s "v. ttons. Cutlery, P.askets and Toys : also, Groceries and l'rr.vision", and. li "OM-ms' 'No' gi:.i;kal. assoktmkxt ok othek ooons, T.miumcmus to describe, which we proiK.se to sell at the I.,,,-t Possible Kates, tt,r MU. 1 MOW, b-htga Ira,li,:il .T,--ielerof long experif nco, we will also deal in and i.iai.ulactiire ami r.j.air .1, wclry. We guarantee all ourgoods and ! w"rk or 1 pay Give us a call and exalt. ine ourgoods, and save twenty Pent. J ' LEV'liliiO.S.. Sc oinl Ioor 1101-I It of 111, PoslolK,'.-, Main slieel, Ort-ffon City. CuaUwMbyU J IM.UIHI Kxtnict tus is a preparation combining all the valuable .. .t ... . which is cultivated in nearlv A C liio n ,t r,' i'1! ,t' '"'' Kucalt pl u. come th- hous.-hold rem. -.It- 1..,-., I .li...... ... A '.V.' -1 -v-1 7- "d KJM I S I ii-y, A-vAv Gi:M rt)-t iHtiANs and their siirr.mi.itiig and balsamic properties nior . ire.-uialiv t h- ,n v C , ' H's i!:" ivc, healing It is an invaluable r.em. av lor all L i, 1 ra, 1 , V ""r k""w" r-m.-dy. as llUmJinis. ll.vmSt; ;n Us - o'iV T'-'l ,r"1;-; ran-s.sueh .S'.l. I.ICl l -OllRlliEA, . le. S"1 C 7 J (. ''A'A;.V,.Ycy, 7 Y.sl'J- '- 1 bis prej.aratioii is the crti'-s ot t he tree in t he I" he had u unseal lacilities lor test inir t he its uses. It can be relied upon as certain t.. l. . o.ion i;i is oi i.stiucac, can oeS'-en -u .. I ,-.. .... 1. ,t c i real liieni oi I lie malarious iev.-rs ol our int o' -tl.- ...... ...r . I 1'. -. I'.I'. -.M . ir..r t,. .lir... ...t i.l , i 1 .. t 1... I .......... ! ... . ....... ,Ui ii-miiis ... I II' tlslill l;iiliir. arsenical reiuedie lor those diseases are entirelv a v. .i.e..!' KOR I'llV.SH IAXS, Coieman s Fluid Extract of Eue-, v,,t , , If t t S , '.. U-!I P . .1 i !. . if :l t i. .. ...1 f ., 1-,, . ... . . . " ' ' U' '' '"' lHO F il ? iT'TT-V-f- laieev-rvwhere, :i -. ..... ..,,.... .ii... i.ii,. .ui..- in. JOHN MYERS,;3007 SHOE house. ORECOPJ CETY. DEALER IN miY (iOODS. (;jiocEi;ii-:s, DOOTS and shoes, IIAKDAYAEE. CKOCKEKY AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Books and Stationery. I will pay the highest prices for and all kinds of GOOD CCUNTRY PRODUCE. I will sell as low as any house In Oregon for CASH OR ITS KQUIVALKXT in Good Merchantable Produce. I am selling very low for CASH IIAJ. Give me a call and satisfy yourselves. JOHN MYERS. Oregon City, March 21. 1X73. A GREAT DISCOVERY! V'MORE GRAY HAIR OR WIIIS kors it you M ill us J, LiI'MaN'S IlAIIi RESTORER. This is noi a vile compound, made of Suarar of Iiead, Eac "-'nlhur, and other poisonous minerals, which will induce headache, paralysis or insanity, but a harmless pre paration, free lrom sediment, asily ap plied, and in a brief spac of time restorinir the hair or whiskers to their natural color. No preparation is necess.iry to use with it, but simply to apply according; to directions accompanying each bottle. This is the cheapest, safest and best Hair Restorer ever otr.. red to the public. J. ETPMAX. Proprietor. General Agents, CHARLES EANGEEY & CO., Wholesale Druggists, corner Battery and Clay streets, San Francisco, to whom all orders must b" addressed. Testimonials of prominent cit izens who have used it ac comppny cooh HortI. apriMsom O ZSTow IjJuilcliiiLr, Option Citv, ofeucalvn- SJS&tt 5 V IT h$2h .. 7 ',.." i. ui nil v, haviuu: be- It Seems to h.-i v.- a direct alilnitv lor tfie iihi cun s them bv !sVinV'iTo's,.,:';,,:.,;'.n.:s::.xJMr!i u,o ni ,,k.5nai 5,r,R. - .,ri..,,L . . ni'IS!'". ,:" l-s"l and 1T2. t h. r trioiis ne t! ..o'.. , 1 I'rep-.ring the r-m. iiv, and -. ine promix-ti resiilis h: ..!',, ad litiiH.r. ds tji" an 1 ran.'isco. " Keai'Ilev . J I S" is a i .- t - I r par.it t .n lor I 1... - - - . ...... , ... . . ..r ....... ... . - . tre;it,.,l ,, i. . , ' ' . " " 11 .11- in l oC'lnaii s md bv Hod". I'nu iisrs, Kortlan.t, S..,- Agents for l"mayl7'iy 1. PACIFIC OPPOSITE Ot tlBEXTAi. HOTEL. Ian ikkekse stock as usual? GE0IUJE A. PEASE, si'ccKssfii: to rK0Tz..;.i, minus & iiu o Corner First .-, rf 3Ioi , iso tr, , t,. J-onri.A xd, oj;j:oo.x. November '22, iJCiMf. o BARKUfti RESTfiLKKT IEOX ReLGEEY, riojiicfor, (I-ate of tlie ci iff House.) MAI.X STliKKT , OHiy.ox CITY, O'.V. TiiR CNiERsi;rn n"sl "- announ L :Mo his -Ti. no's k th. that he has re-oj., ned the abo've named The 1'rr.r.rirfr.p 1.-.,,. 1. . customers' with serve his Oysters, Pies' F.-et, A Good Cm,, of ofT, e, Or u Good Sininrr Menl. ChgonCit-v, March "i-tt ELOUEY- Wm. JJ ROUGH TO X- W7?hF!, .K'F-CTI-EIEY INFORM ", Spruce and ( ,iar LUMBER of every description. Dry Flooring. Ceihng,Srrucp(for.Shelvl Ij!troV. I...... aim. , iiwis, i-ence l'osts (Cedar). Constar.tty on Hand. on the Z Z'.;?.-1- -umuep farnishr c-.V. ... . . " " ;t as low rat. s as can be purchased elsewhere in the State Give me a c:i 1 1 ..t.i,,. mc ..iuh.. OREGON CITY, SAW MILL. March 21. lsT3-tf. LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE SSI STAIJJ.E. T" T'NI .ERSIGXEP PROPRIETOR OI" t he Eivery stable r.n Eiith Mr t. ;r gon e-i-y, Oregon, keeps constantly on hand Saddle mi I Itupgy Hoi scs, Ri'tfias Carriu;rsnnil Hacks. I'rices Reasonable. lie will also run a hack to and from the WJLKOIT SODA SPRINGS during the summer season, with pood horses, competent and gentlemanly driers. FASE AT LIVING KATES. G J. M. FRAZER, Proprietor. Oregon City, May 27, 1S73. SODA SPRIKGS! THE FJYOKITE SIJIViER RESORT ! J4 3IILES SOI TH OF OREGON CITY. IN CLA CKA MA S C O i'NTl '. TOSEPII WRIGHT having leased the Wilhoit Soda Springs, desires to inlonn those wishing to sjM-nd a few daj s in th mountains that this is t he most t.elighlul place in the Willamette Valley. A good Hotel, Stable and bath-house lor the ac com modat ion of visitors. Thfiw Springs have been rerom mcr clert bv Phvsiei.ms as ling the hf n Uhl'st a rid best piac for invalids or per?ons .-.ft it d with any complaint to spend the heated season. . .,. Parties desiring to visit the Springs will find a hack in readiness for t b. lr accomo. dation.upon applying to J. M. Fryer at nrcfon itv. ni-iyC.'n-.i. i.',!s':'. p . lis 1 ord- t K and Vi-irr:-i;V I or ' " ',; ' C.tl-i' I 5 1 O o o o o o o o o o o o o o G o o c o o o O o o G o G. r. O o o O C i o o o o o o O o i.'t i: o o o