iMi i rrmrtn Hi ' -' -' --n IT ''' ' o o o o O f o o see: tee c o c O o o G O o O THEEHTHPBISL WIIIIN I Mill?. TO MAR11Y. T!Y MISS IIUVA. When shiill 1 marry? Well, really, That is a M.-aie-re question to ask, 15 nt I '1 1 answer your query with candor, Nor deem 1 'in perl' riuin.r a task. Yen see I'm waiting for changes l'. rhaj.s I shall have to wait loiii;? Well, never rov wv.irv well iloin, Js ever my burden ot'son. I'e iatiiit! a time is vet coining Mow otien I say to my. self When a man will be 'judged by his merits, And not by his pocket of pelf. When the duv.s of cr.t ns shall have vanished ; And chain pa erne parties be o'er, When faro will lose its attraction, And billiards be voted a bore. When saloons shall suffer for patrons, And raees be ranked In-low par, When man shall bo drawn like the magnet To home the attracting pole-star. When meerschaums are not manufac tured. And tobacco poll mow not our shore. When late hours are !. lotted from mem ory, And cigars are a relic of vore. Then, provided I retain my attractions, A proposal I think I'll not parry, lint hasten to order my trousseau, And i kki. that I'm readv to marrv. A ot-I Hecii";c. o IIOW A J-OSK WAS XDT AS SWEET WHEN Q CALLtD CAYK-V XE VKWlll. o . g : . A curious action is about to be tried at Allahabad by 2Ir. Il-twliiis, the distriet sub-judge. A young "man of ' "gentle-manly exterior" as the einiy-a-iiiers say is the de fendant in thej case, and the allega tions levelled at his li cad are of an h!iiio:t unpn e.-dentd character. It is affirmed that this ingenious, rath er than ingenuous, vonlh did a short time since craftily approach a mar ried lady resilient at Allahabad, and with inaliciims gra; e oiier for her aceej itrtiice a rose of surpassing beau ty. The unsuspecting lady was gra ciously pleased to take the llower, and apply it tj the tip of her aris tocratic nose. ,"o sooner had she done so, however, than horror of horrors! her line features became convul ed with all the sad prelimin aries of; a su:-eze. She sneezed, she sneezed again; she continued, to sneeze, until her heart and llesh fail CD ed under the exhai l ing process, and she l.eeame seriously ill, so ill, in- teed, that the constant attendance f two or three medical men. was for a time rendered necessary. When tie rose, the exciting cause of all this ternutatory eoinplieatioii, eann to be examined, Cayenne eji;er in rn-h abuiluaiiee was discovered be tween its petals, ur.d tlu plaintiffs :; :' i- that this apparent botanical e;,,-.. i:t: teit y on the part of the llower i. really attributed i:othe defendant's maliee. Tlie exasperated liusband ehiiins it!( nijri-.s as daniaees for ex i:m's ineurred in tho shape .f med vi . I tie:anent and of air for in-. irKtw.MUMiM.-. mill iir' iiciini:- of tlie ease is looked forward with y .!:: inti rest by th, residents of Al- I.. III.. I - . . ...... ... I 1 . 1 - . lii.-iiml Tf th-. riKivo n!!.-.;,w ii ions are correct it is to be hoped that tho defendant will, in his turn, get well ppetvil in jiiegal sense, and learn I th:-t, thoimh 'a rose bv ain" other I l:a v.oul.l sm. il us sweet." a rose ! l'''111 -CavenTie pepper not to be! Wilson and Savage. two well-known .'.ed at Wit! impunity. A Terrible i' liiisJiment. .kiiiu'i ( ! reenw ood has published a, frightful account of t!u silent sys tem whieli is in operation at tli Hol low ay Moil el Prison, in London: It is an opi-nsc for a prisoner tf) se;uc.( ne word, and h,J is never ad d reused exee)t in i. hispers, so that he may b in prison two years with out hearing tho natural sound of the h u man vdia-. The t l) .et of all this is so terrible on the min i that prisoners v. ill speak out in desperation, at the :;sk)f any punishment, rather than Cndure that horrible silence. The prisoners never we one an other, but remain in perpetual si lence. One poor wretch driven to desperation bv nine months solitude jilvl silence, recKiesslv oroke out, m , ,1.1. ... ZUr (Jri-eiiwood'spn-sein-e: j Tor iods sake, (bvernor, put; 5 lie in auoinei eeii. r.i me some where else. I've counted the bricks in the cell I am in till my eyes ache." The request of tho tortured wn tch wa-i re tu sot i There is a line hole in each cell and ns the wardens wear shoes of India:1"'1'11 1mn'1 i "he Lmpqna river, rubber soles the prisoners -ai never i x is "PP01:0 t':d she attempted to be sure of being alo::e. j ford the river and w as carried into Those condemned oS the treadmill ! ,lofT water aud tlrowned. liave to ascend 1,2' '0 stejis every al ternate twenty minutes for six hours. And this in a place so hot and close that t.'i prisoners often lose in per--tpiratjou three stone in as nninv Shionth-i. Every day the prisoners are taken to a chapel so iirranged that they can see no one save the chaplain, and hir.i only3tl rough an iron graflng. And t!m is the oi-der of devotion !ervod. AYardeits are constantly on thoAvatcii. lest br :t slight instant tliey, through thewhole of the ser vice, depart from the rigi.l rule of "eyes right." Tin y must look stead-0fa-lly at the preacher; must raise and lower their prayer-book witli the el bows sipiamd. and all at once, like soldiers at drill. Thev may not s.-rae tieir feet without having af- ' 1 l." !.','I-V' as Wt'l as the large toi-wards to explain the mtvement. I 1111 intelligent audience. The anni Thev scarcely wink an eve or si" h j ? t,r!VuT a.loress, by W. II. (filbert. without da-.rger of rebuke or punish-Jiit-nt. God help them poor wretches? Tf we cannot cure tlie evils of so ciety to-day, we can lay the founda tion for a better. society to-morrow. To do this we must begin our indi vidual efforts to germinate characters of something more than passive good noss and piety.- Cvery one of us suffers contamination from the igno rance, the sinfulness, the wickedness of those around. They may be hud dled together in one corner, but the air is free antl circulates through all space, gathering up pestilences, and carrvmg them to tue purer retreats, catheriug up purity an.l Jrunpins it . - 1 ., ,.V I 1 iimi.ussiiiiu-iMiiiuM.wi, ami wu-u we acxcnov.ieuge otirsotves wise enough to jutlge witli coililemnation, ourftt to be willing to sacrifice tliose luxuries of lite which we know v. illleaa others into temptation. riM.raei.L.'W.LT Summary of State News Items. Farmers all over the Slate are elated over their splendid Avheat crop prospects. The Brownsville woolen factory is in full blast, turning out work in good shape. The Oregon Dental Association met last week at Salem. Dr. Hatch, of Portland, is President. Charles Hoggs, keeper of the toll gate and bridge on the Wallowa, was drowned on Monday the lth. Mr. John Yantis, of Little Elk, IJenton county, had a leg broken last Thursday by a horse falling with him. From the claim of George YV. Lake, on Burnt Paver, a short time airo, a gold nuget was taken, valued at SI, 100. Thomas Swift, of Lane county, ex hibits Kentucky blue grass the stalks of which measure six feet three in ches in length. General Allen Itutherford, of Washington, D. C, Third Auditor, United States Treasury Department, is at Portland. Sam. Simxson, Oregon's poet, lias gone to San Francisco to fulfill a literarv engagement in that city with A. L. Bancroft & Co. The Washington County Agricul tural Society will hold its fair this year, commencing September 30th, and holding four days. Mr. Campbell, Deputy for Oregon, has organized ten or twelve Granges of the Patrons of Husbandry. Five of them are in Linn county. Mr. Henry Failing, Mayor elect of Portland, has been chosen President of the day, and Al. Zieber, Grand Marshal for the -1th of July celebra tion. The Albany Democrat says: "The American buzzard won't soar aloft in this bailiwick on the glorious fourth. We have loaned our bird to Corval lis." The Lafayette Courier says that the new wagon road will be open for travel by the HOtli of July, while all who passed over it pronounce it a good road. Young Peter Bilyeu, of Scio, tried to kill Miss Beard, whom he loved, because he found her walking with a rival. A magistrate held him to bail in the sum of s:2,000. Theodore Burmester, formerly of Scio, Albany, 5"aiein, Boise City, Portland, and "all along shore," has recently gone to Salt Lake City to practice law among the saints. The contract for building the bridge across the Yamhill, at Dayton, has been let to Gen. Collin for sj,o(H. Mr. Brothers has the contract for furnishing the piles at o1 cents per foot. Tin Trustees of the Willamette University have chosen the following ollieer: President, Kev. J. L. Par ri.h; Vice 1'iesident, J. It. Moores; Secrt tarv, C. X. Terrv; Treasurer, J. II. Albert. The f dhuving are the oflieers of Allison bhicampiuent of Portland: U. i:. Hicks, C. 1'.; E. II. Stolte, II. 1.;J. AV. Whalley,S. AV. ; J. II. Ly- i mi. r-H-rme; ciias. Jiegeie, Jireas.; I D-niel Kieman, J. Yv. rT., T, 7 .1T " .. -1 TT , Pt n sni J., i w ai a ajues? oeioim- to alter Jioiiett, oi l'oitiaini, arriv ed in San Franeiseo on the 14th ult. in Co days from Hong Kong. She brought a eargo and 222 Chinese thieves, pleaded guilty to the robbery of the Hast Chance Saloon, near Sa lem, ami w ere sentenced to live years imprisonment in the penitentiary by Judo IJoniiam last wt-ek. This is what 3Iart Brow n says hap pened to Pro. Carter of the (inzrll: 'AA'hiie manipulating a camp-meeting last Sunday, he was run away with by a rantankerous horse, and this week wears a patch over his right eye. The Siloam Association of Regular Baptists will be held in the Bethel Church, near the farm of John Fenn, ou the southwest of what is known as Alphin's Butte, Syracuse Precinct, Linn Conntv, commencing I'ridav, July 4th. The following are the oflieers of A lilamette Bncampmont, No. 1,1. ! (). (). V for t he ensninir term : John I 7 (j. Yritrht, 0. P.; J. H. loores II p.; ('. X. Terrv, Scribe: (. AV. .Tor- dan, Treasurer; William England, S. W .; li. .Javens, .). Miss Helen Huntlv. who mysteri ously disappeared from her home I s,lm, w eeks since, at Boseburg, has ('.ilapooia Lodge, Xo. Pd, I. O. 0. P., was instituted bv C. X'. Terrv. Ciiand Secretary, at Brownsville, Or egon, June 171N73, with nine char ter members. The followin'' were duly installed oflieers: A. C. Hans- man, X. (b; John Carol in, A. G.; J. S. (Jilbert, Secretary; J. li. Gross, lreasurer. According to the T,'ntn Demount! the State Agricultural College closed its labors for the school vearof l.s7 7:5 n the isth ult. The bacealar reate sermon was preached on Sun day by Dr. E. J. Dawne. (,f Salem The annual literary address, deliver ed by General Mart. A". Brown, of Aloany, was a complete snnv .er.,1 ! hi-:Idy api.reeiatetl by the members is highly mentioned. Let Us Be JrsT. A disrespectful journal says that John 4 ,i the Credit MobdievUf i. . ' graobist, has one qualitieation for tlie Japanese mission, namely, blather skite 1 his does injustice to Grant's IateL choice. Iiiugll:im lms other qualifications, and among them is a capacity to drink more Bourbon whiskey without getting absolutely .trunk tnan any other citizen, not ex cepting Gen. Grant himself. Let us be just to all our foreign ministers A farmer lost a .gimlet in the woo.Is near MnnHeello Afir,,, i , i years a-o. ami tlie other 'i, i 1 . "-V " - "I- i uuwn an ironwooil tree, fast in the j torks of which he found not his j gimlet, hut i tliree-nn-irtr i-r,-.i. ; auger! He is sorr heliSft I year or two longer as a two-ireh I a iger v. as just what'h wantc.l. AUCTIIOX AXD COMMISSION'. A. B. RICHARDSON, Aiietioiieer, Cornier of Front fc Oak sts., Portland. Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Mer chandise ami Horses. S YLE DAYS Wednesday and Saturday. A. B. KICHAItDiSOX, Auctioneer. At Xriv:itU? Ssilc. English Refined Dar and Bundle Iron, Enjrlish Square and Oct a iron Cast Steel, Horse SliO'-s, Rasps, yaws, Screws, Fry-Puns, Sheet Iron, R. (J. Iron. A I.SO V lare assortment of Groceries and T.Iq uors. A. B. RICHARDSON, Jan. 1, l73-tf. Auctioneer. About 150 pounds ol'lonp; prim er, of which this is an impression. Has been in use but a short time, rood work. Price 25 cents p lb, either tied up or in eases eases extra. ALS O, A small font of Nunperiel of which this is an impression. Price 3 cents V As (rood as new. There is euourh to set about one column of this paper solid. Address this olliee. EXTRA OFFER. MSTRIISUTIOIV. The Ciiromo 'Tute" El-jrantly Framed and a share in the distribution of 87:50 pre miums amounting to $11,000. GIVEN AAVAY TO Every subscriber to that Popular Weekly, GUP FIRESIDE FRIEND. f'hromos are delivered at once. The dis tribution will posit ively take place on the riOtiL cl:iv of Anoint, 17:3 Our ciiromo "Cut"" is ltix'JO inches in size, acknowledged to ue tne me-.m anu handsomest picture ever given with any paper. Our FIresiile FriencI is an eight page illustrated family and story weekly in its t bird volume, has now over St-vt iity-l ivi' iliimvinil Niilc-il-i-ji. antl rapidly in er"asi:ig, which insures the suec-ss of the pres -lit tlisi ri'ii ul ion. The publishers of Our Fircsitl:' l'ri nil have to iis subscriber-; this yeji r ovi r : iy TIiuush il copies ot' i iie'c. i i-omo "CiUe" mid are snip ping lui nti.eiis every tlay. Subscription pric -, i iii' -e tioO;i:-s per yee.r, whieii gives the v.. b-crib' Ft.'i y-nv numbers of the 1"S1 l'eise y Wc'u.v-, lie ciiromo "('iite" tiie-ly li-amet', and a numbereti cerlilicate enth'ling i ,ie nold.-f m one share in thetiis tribm ion of premiums ierlsT.;. Subscribe now wi. h i he ;ertil or semi direct .to the I'ublisiier. Sn.-ci.iiea copies, particulars, etc.. s -m i i. e. 4'i r 'tf M "VK In eve- c town, at home or Mtlib I bi;vvc .. Large oasli pay 2f ;1 fJVrrj ;l u " pivniiions fori l?Klt 3 &U -o ex c. chilis. The best ouMit. S -re.i at once lor 1 erms and )art.ic ulars. Atldress, WATKKSA CO., June l."5-marJS-mjJ l'ubs., Chicago. Four Splendid Clirnmos to livery Sabst riher. Arrangements have been made ly which we can oiler a year's sulscriji lion to Tlie New York "n kistiax at Wm-.iv ami "t !.i: no Wkkki.y, with their four ma j.iiiiieent Chromos: Jood Morninu," " t'ai lo in Mischief," "Soring Flowers." togeti!er with our own journal lor s ."t. As'the 'hi'imiiis alone are worth from Slooo to sh (Hi, and as the New York publication is every way lirst-class,it presents an uuusuai opportunity to our subscribers. The Chromos are made bv Prang an I other celebrated artists, and will be forwarded promptly by mail ;ireiaid. Should any subscriber desire only the two !ir.-t 'named (.'Jiroinos, tliey wiil Ik: sent with the two publications lor i .-(. Kemit tt the publisher of this paper. Chrr j CtlOn P'r oay! Agents wanted ! 0J L0 i$AJ All elasss ol working i -ple, fit' either sex, young or old, make mon ey at work for us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anythingelse. Par ticulars free. Address C. Stinson fc Co., Portland, Maine. 27sepis7Jyl A. C. WALLINC'S PIONEER BOOK BINDERY. PiKorkN IJfllinr Corner of Stark ml Front Streets. PORTLAND OREGON. BLANK HOOKS lU'LEP AXI POUXI) to any desired pattern. Music books, Magazines, Newspapers, etc., hound in ev ery' variety of style known tothe trrade. Ord"rs irom the country promptly at tended to. ICZ-CREAM SALOON, LOUS SAAL, : : PROPRIETOR. WOULD ItFSP KCTI-'ITLLY AX nounce to the citizens of Oregon City and vicinity, that 1 have opened an ICi:-CIti:.VM mrt COXFEt'TIOXEKY establishment in the building formerly occupied by L. I tiller, on the Corner of Fourth and Main Streets. The Artie Sotln Koimtaiii will be In operation to supply the demands of the thirsty. I manufacture nil my own stock, consequently they are pure and Fresh. A shan of publie pal ronage is respectfully so licit f-d. ctrcgon City, September Oth, lS72-tf. SHERIFF'S SALE. Y VIRTUE OK A WRIT OF EXFCU I) t ion issued out of t lie Circuit Court of the state of t iregon for the county of Mult nomah, and to me directed, whereas on the !th day of June, A. D., JSTO, judgment was recover-d in Invnr ff .1. P. Smith antl niraist Daniel Harvey lor the sum of three hundred and seventy-five dollars and forty three cents (.i7.-.4:), with interest at the rate of one per cent, per month fromth" S'th day of .bine, A. I ., 1S7., together with costs of suit and disbursements. Now, therefore, by virtue of the altove natnetl execution, for want of personal property, I have levie,i upon the following described real estate, property of defendant, to-wit : All of blocks numbered PM, 107, 112 and 114, and all of lots numbered 1, 2. 7 and 8 in block number M: and all of lots numbered 1, 2, a and 4 An block number 30 : and all of Iractional lots numbered 7 and K in block number 1; all in Oregon Citv, Clackamas county. Or -iron, s shown bv the maps and plats t hereof. Xow on Saturday, .July 1M K, A. D., ISIS, at th.e hour of 1 o'clock, p. m., at the court house Ooor in Ore-jon City. Clackamas to th county,, iregon, I will sell at public auction tn han. of I'anloi HarveVs interest in fL1P a,M7vf 'inscribed real estate, or enough cru7n?USfy Jud'ment' Costs anU A. F. hedoks, sheritr. June j 'n.f i"a SnY IIEI,JF'S. IUtr- - ni.,ii'-M ukkut, ior casn pnui to mo S B WI A' O MAC II I XB S. FLORENCE. Special attention ia ciilleil to tin great improvements made recently in this excellent Maehine.aml to the new and elegant styles of Cases added to our list. ITtor tHose ivIio prefer u ?Ia-liie reed- inirthe work away from the operator, we now have one of t hat description, quiet, easy running and having all the other pe culiar excellencies of the ot her style. FLORENCE Is sure to please, If there one vitti In a thousand miles of San Francisco not working well, I will attend to it with out anv expense to t he owner. SAMIKL I11LX,, Agi-nt. FLORENCE 18 tlie only Machine that can sew in more than one direction having a re versible feed a great advantage in fasten ing ends of seams, in quilting, etc. FLORENCE. "T.xnmliie tlie Florence, or senil rr A J Circular or samples of Work before von purchase a Sewing Machine. BUY THE REST! Machines sold on liberal terms. FLORENCE SE1VIXG JIAl'IIirVES. SAMUEL HILL, Agent, o. H New Montgomery Street, Grand Hotel Kui'itino, Smi ''mictvco. 2iiia.vlST.iniS. VERY BEST SO sV?t - -5-. -Sk 'cS'j w''SAr; Francisco. ;-'vsj March 21, 1S73 :KHn HOME SHUTTLE IMPROVED LOCK-STITCH The Most Simple, Frartical nml HCOXOMICAL MACJIIXI1 IX USIi. Sales Exceed all Oihrrs on the .orth Pittifie Co-ist. riIIEY SEW MOTtE RAPIDLY AND JL with less noise than any other ma chine. The only practical low priced ma chine that gives entire satisfarion. What other Agents don't tell about the Tli I nirveI Home Sltiitlte 3I.-K liine : They don't tell jioit that they are the sim plest, having less number of pieces, aud .more easily understood than any other. That they are the lightest running; more easily learned and 'operated. That more HOME SHUTTLES are sv,it out from the General Agency at I'ortland.than all others com bined. Theft tlon't, tell iou t h at t hey s"w equally as well on heavy and light goods. The) tion't. tell ' iou t hat they use the pat nets of tie high priced machines. Thej d-m't t' II .iou that it. lias the straight needle and self-adjusting tension. What people say who have used t hern and compared them to other Machines will tell you : That they are rnor" easily learned and operated : Simplest antl best, for all kinds of work, antl wiil use linen antl all other kinds ot threads and silks. A few of the names are given br-low who are using the Improvkd Home SiruTTLLE : It K F K 11 li X C K S. fieneral Hell, I'ort land. C. 8. Silvers. Wm. Mast'-rs, C. W. I'rindle, bookkeeper for Leverage, liss L. Vaughn, I'ortland. Mrs. J. D. C).ton, Last Portland. Mrs. S. A. Moreland, Portland. Mrs. J. s. Church, rgou City. Maciiines ft.rwarded to any address, with full directions for using, on receipt of price. NO. 1, $3000; NO. 2, 45 00. O. W. TKAVKK, Gray's Music Store, Odd Fellows' Temple, General Agent, First st., Portland. declJmii. OREGON CITY BREWERY Henry Jlnmbcl, tfgsjp HAVING PURCHAS- J S VKiC ed the alxive P.rew- AwJjr3 ery wishes to inform the public that he is now prepared to manufacture a Xo 1 qual ity of LAO BR BKBR, as good as can be obtained anvwhere in the staref orders solicited and" promptly tilled. ii. S2ES2S2SES MBR CllA XD ISI1. THOMAS CHARMAN ESTABLISHED 1853. DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS of Oregon City and of the Willamette alley, that he is stilt on hand and doing business on the old motto, that A Ximble Six Pence t". Better than a Slow Shilling. I have just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS ever before offered In this city ; and consists in part, as follows : Hoots and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors, Chinaw.ire, Queensware, Stoneware, Crockery, I'latedware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ijidies and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy Xo- Hoiie, Faming tlonsof Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc.. Of the above list, I can say my stock is the MOST COMPLETK ever olreretl in this market, and was s-Meted wit h especial cart; lorthe Oregon City trade. All of which I now oirer for sale at the Lowest IVlarket Ra'es. Xo use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of going to Portland to buy goods for I am Ieterminel to Sell Cheap and not to allow myself to be L.DE KSOLD IN THE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables me to know the re quirements of t he trade. Come one and all and see lor yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CI I ARM AX cannot be beaten in quality or price. It would be useless for ne- to teli you all the advantages I can otr-r you in the sale of goods, as every srore that advertises docs that, and probably you have been disap pointed. All I wish to say is Come, ami Sit, and Exiimini for Voursrlvcs for I do not wish to make any mistakes. My object is to tell all my old friends now that I .on still alive, and desirous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or upon such terms as nzreed UMn. Thanking all for the liber al psit ronage heretofore bestowed. TilitS. CIIAKMAN. Main str -et, On-gon City, Lciral Tenders and Conntv Serip taken at market rates. THUS. CIIAKMAN. C?3t,(M0 1 1 is wool wanted bv TilltS. CIIAKMAN. GREAT EXCITEMENT!! GOOD XEWS! PRICES RENTED TO SUIT THE TWES. LOOK OUT FOR GOOD S.ACKERPilAN&CO. lr.VE JUST RECEIVED A IVRCIE X A stock of SPRIXG AXD SUMMER GOODS, which they otter CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! We would say come and convince your self before purchasing elsewhere. Oipr stock consists in part of Fancy nnd Staple Dry floods, Clothing, Hats, Roots and Sho"s, Ladies and tJents Furnishing Goods, Notions, Grocer ies. Hard ware. and a great many other articles too numer- ours to mention ; also, Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty, etc., etc. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Goods A li S O Wool AJinted For which we pay the Highest Prices. S. ACKERMAN & CO. Oregon City, March 21, lS73-tf. MA y UFA CTO It IKS. WAGON AMD CARRIAGE ni X IV "U FACTOISY ! THE UNDERSIGNED, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand on the Corner of Mniu antl Tliirtl Street, Oregon City, Oregon, Takes this method of informing his old pa trons, and as many new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and t he very best of mechanics, to build anew, re construct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete, any sort, of a vehicle from a common Cart to a Concord Coach. Try me. BlacUumitUinjr, Horse or Ox Slioriiiir, and General Jobbing neatly, qniekly, and cheaply done. DAVID SMITH. WILLIA2I SINGER HAS BSTABLISITBD A FACTORY FOR THE MANUFACTURE CF Furniture, Blinds, and Doors, AXD MOl'LDIXGS OF ALL SIZKS. They will also do Turning of every de scription to order. WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH! E?"A11 work warranted. Shop on the River, in Ixwis' .Shoi Opposite Oregon City Mills. J O H N SCHRA!, Main St., Oregon City. .MANTFACTLUER AXD IMPORTER OF r i Sailtlles, Ha r news, feS Siiilrtlfry-IInrd- waie, etc., etc. "6T57'IIICII UK OFFERS AS CHEAP AS t V can be hail in the State, at WHOLESALE 03 RETAIL warrant mv goods as represented. regon City, April 17, ls72-tf. MASONIC HALL RUILDINf.;, Oregon City, : : : Oregon. KEEKS C( INSTANTLY . on hum! and for sale, cheaptorcash, Parlor, Red room. Ottiee, Siitingroom, and Kitchen Furniture, Rur-aus, Lounges, Rocking Chairs, Whatnots, Rcdstesids, Wash st a ntis, Curb-d Hair, nntl Pulu M a t t res ses, Pulu Pillows, Spring Reds, Picture Frames, Mouldings, etc., etc. Special attention given to l"iho!st-ry work in all its branches, orders fi 11. -d wit ii promptness. Repairing done Wji.'i ie at ness and dispatch. Furniture made order. Call and examine for yourslves. 17may72 ENTERPRISE BOOK & JOS OFFICE OltEGOX CITY, : OKEGOX, WE ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE all kinds of job Printing. such as CARDS, JIILI-JIBADS, l'AMVHT.liTS, DKBDS, MORTGAGES, I. An HIS, I.BTTBR-1IUADS, in fact all kinds of work done a in Prlntiiv Office, nt n PORTLAND PRICES. ALL KINDS OF LEGAL BLATJKS constantly on hand, and for sale at as low a price as can be had in the State. "Wo if It SoEiclccl A N D SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Oregon City, March 21, lS7.f. SHADES SALOON, C.A.HAAS, - - Prop. Main Street, Oregon City. I EST RILIJARD TAPT.F.S IX ORF.fJON j have been int roflnccd. and the propri- tor invites the nt tent ion of the lovers of tills Iopopular amusement to them. T II B BAR IS SUPTLIED with all the choicest qualities of Liquors and Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Fourbon already famous Whishies and Punch ; also a No. 1 SHOOTING GAI.LEUY is eonnerfed with the Saloon. Oregon City, Jan. 1, lsT-'-tf. M I S C 1'. I. I A X K O V S. o o The standard remedy for Conei,, i,,e eii7.:i, Sore Throat, U Ve.e; i,m ( ',."., ( -(.,' ,' I.irer Coir.jilciid, DronehUU J:i, i.f I,titirs, and every alfecthm i,i the Th'r.r ' Lungs antl Ch- st, including 't.Nst-M i tio'' ' Wistar'n ealsiiin Wiui t berry ,;, , not dry up a Cough, hut I.iosens'-ans. s the lungs, and alh-ys, thus ,,',, eartxeoi the cimdaint. Ntne g n-.iiiii' ij. . less Pignefl I. P.I'TTS. Pr p:ir d t'V K".H " FOWT.K SONS. Postori. Soltl l.y UKMM.inx Hostf.TTKK it Co., San Fruhci5-tt., and 1 v dealers generally. f 5i ?- r y Just Published! STRAUSS'WALTZES ai;i;an;ed as VIOLIN Sm.OH. Ak ior ri:Ti:fis" Kim-icx. I'aper copy s nt. post-paid, t'.r ? r,ii; j;- boards, Andress. I.. Tl M.iis, -r'. '.I yjv.etb." if, .V( if Y',, l. (The Singing Fetirl.l A C"lIvtiiJ f .lc , I'ul t-Siui . Horo-e, tic. I A L E V 0 I C E S. Sample copies tne:!' d. pos-t-i aid, f r;l :-. Atltiri s. .-. L. n. i y, .j7re !, Aie 1 r ai r y vVi ; e s.- A Xi'W ?InIc-J."a7i fcr J);: J -- 3. il,. Senti till cents, .'.ed ve t ; ;l re. nil a s : i : i : ; . -cm v. Ai'i'il li- AU.r . April is. nil fiOfl !, .'ii-.'.v. .". . v IV ,-.-. Read PliYeiciaii CertiScat tete ; X.. ... .-,. c. v. -. ?l .:; v;-- o o r - o T- o o O t rr ' N .1 h fcrl4.-'-..: mast and F.tascr.t Tosl:. Thfe Tiitt r-; :ir t-i e;-:ir--:l fn.'ii ttj w -. hoiuj aad w n..! .--'.! .. le i vi d t : :! S;ivo gi.' -u uiii-.- T.-al s-e i-t'u-! ii. r"v : ;ri d. Tho.t.-'iintls f lys; -i --J.uv. i t. olijf through tie-ir e-e. r.rl i i. i.;:,r - r- :.. ai'.n,l tl -rii f r t!io c-r- i f i!-.-. : - - f ttl'ietl sal !''i!r, aiitl irregalaiities tlie ti jtive organs. Ilealicne, Ui'.i m.-aw, artl C '.! i; a'v r. itener'il Dc'eiiii v and t" . v t j ct.te. ri- n. laasjtl bv th-j ticrniei.-fcr.t f the Meii.:i.-i-'jiver and etlu-r f u.c-! f tae .Hfin. I'liu IX L bitters have be-ii s;;ecesf::llv .- ;el arc t a;l--vi:i.;j t:u iJie.icr;ij 1.11 the above c-a-es. TJv IXL Bitters are sr"J, Or.', I ::l .''?.- to A'. 1 ',lh'-r Ih'i'i th". t'itnuif nrl-:e c.. tj i oltlc i felon', ttiid lea lei.l. irhi 11 ( ;'' vroeculc auc.'i jmrtii s to tf.c,,ll ..-1' nt i Messrs. II. Kr-Ti iN A- ('. entl-inea: I t t-!e:i-)re i-i jfattr? t i :- gr a!i!y t. y-.i!r wi-.'i I l--ve e:;n :''::i.v ' i ul pxaauiii-il t ;ie s.i r. 1 1 e et '.;'.'. r i 1 . i I. tv inc!i veil si 'ii t m i u lint e:i! ;. v.j , .'.ile I'.UtiTS. Iiii: a!s: tii:i' ::: ..t l'..'iti.i.: jcuclicial :ts u le.'i.e a-.-.d pr.'WutiT :" i :ir. . .. J i i-.V-N Li, ....i'. City an i CnrxTv It - i ; . :.. S-i l 'r:cr. i- -e. .1 te-e 2 V7t. I have car. fully n tne;r 1 lr. ilet.'. i XT. Bitters, and liave f.ti'i-.l te li -f.-i ; :n. ; lur.i; l : a i-oiiM injure even t ii -r.i. el u. i; c.-it;:-.!::--.!. Krom the c.i:n.i.;i.)!i nf the !'';!. us I Am able to tlctt rmiiie it. I siieiil'lj ,.ul-- lii.ii '.!:. I X I. Bitters m-tst b. a vi rv elUcieat rer.ieiy in Dyspepsia. In er.-stinM. .f Ape-Ti o aiiJ il mihir eomp!a!!i ts. ii. ; .il; ci i-.ii t" - : 'la muiawr tf veiretiilil. drugs v ui.-.i i.-r ,- ..::i i ia disrt:i-'S ef that ii.tfire. and I'.re n' tie- i;.-f;.tct flliciu-y in their cure. F. IT. F.NCr.r.S. M.P . .'i lies. Physician Aptithcei.ry c cv . irTATK ss ei; s t in I: K. sail K:-a.-tc s J.;iv r- I-TT. Messrs. TI. Ki'stk:x ,v l'n - t; : I ii.-.v. ma-le a careful ex-eni'iat'-in ef 1 X i. ! -ters. ami litve fetui.t tliciu ".'; .- i'ri "t ocl. terious iiiiui'ra! mi's;....:i. , , ; ... . I .DC Is I' i..VA I- s;-' r. Beware of Yiieiteri' "its. X..:ie c--ie:i-:e w out Ur. Henley's slgiiaiuro .i.-ros.; ih tej vi a ' bottle. l'vry F:itiiiv t-i;l !i:n( n 71tt'' In Hit- houst-. Noltl nfi-,i :.t'i'i-. II. KI'STKfS V ?.. : I i'- o. T.IS Front Street, S.iu l'ra;n .v. t Narch 21, m3 VVCiv:- ..-,..::, . -sr ; - ?v.v r : : ---ii- - tT riv: '-.- J.'-'l-STf 6 oHsaoEsos r i" SPRING FLOWERS." "SUMMER FLOWEI'-V " AWAlvfc. " and ",-- V.With the ECLECTIC WEEKLY an.l A EKKI V f IinlS-l TIA A I HOUR (Consolidated', for f 4.W. LTwo of tlie Chrnm on nre the size of 4V. iii' Awake and Fapt Asltr-: tlie others somewhat smaller. Subscribers famished AT ONCE with their Cnrotnt.3. AGENTS cn make bettr tnns with tisthnn wrthauv other pal. lLolicra. Jj Address. iH.W .ADAMS . T! Beekman . Street, J.l. a gems kci: Tin; LAiT:i:ii:i. The following jx r-ons sire nut leriz. 1 '" act as ujrents l'r the Esti i:i -i:i? k : iei. 1. Hov.e!i v Co., Jn l'iirli i:""Q -Nlir York. t On-, V tle rill Jt Ct..t 7 Chestnut sir-tt, Pbil-iiii-leh,;!. , , Abbotl V. Co., Xu.-rJ ami Hi ". flr'"' New York. ..i rortlami.Oiv.on I- ;i5!' ',.,! San I-'r; ;i. see jj I 'i.-Si r A. Mi'- ji' icn, n:tiiii .-i v - , ( Astoria, I . ori.i;. - ; 'let.l V It UUi 1. llarrisinn . l- ' .n I-alavett. .lamlwil enni :'-1"1' , s 1 l:l 1 :l s ill. ;ii .v.a.W'-;-: I '.i nt on eotir:! ' Corva 1 !i- 1 il.!.. .loll II 1 " -.' , . - I ...-Il I I Can von ( n j , rn nt ' "'.''' , Albany N.y",;t lialb s. Was. o county 1 ' :.. l.airanie, l i.ien cminy A"v"k eex I'entU. ton, I'matiKa -ou:-.: Eun'ene C'fy "r "j ri-T -v IT " 1 1 ' I P. Pi' Ilosebtir.' 1 : , u- iL.eeamni ( j j;;iiien Vi Jacksonville I!w. K. 1. 1 ,',l 1; n "2 ionsloiii ll.C.iii'--11 Lebanon . j i; i 1st. -n CLACKAMAS Cdl'-VTY. .C. T. I-''-1'! Peivcr Creel;.. Iiutfeville ."""""".".".""!!..'.l(.hn Zim"J. ::i Cascades y.-t-ia-i fnnby '- 1 W-V. H Cu'tin-'s , ;-,r K;rle Cre-k vrank.l' I ower Moialla "', ' . r MilwauUie John 1 l.i Cpper Moialla v n- "" o o G o G O G l: i t. 'V'. in 4 DIVERS I TI OF CALIFORNIA.