-I O r O O i f f "i f ' :4 t THE EfJT ERPBISE. REGoiTciTV, OREGON, JULY 4, 1S7S. Nk Invention. Messrs. T. J. fi-Carver, James Athey and B. Jen- iiau f thiH '"y have receivcd u ,vrJnt for an iron telegraph ioll, the franchise lastinff lor seventeen years. -The merits of this invention are many. 'riw nole is made of cast or rolled iron, hollow, and iu three sections, with an ::.nious contrivance for attaching insulators. It is claimed that considei insui.iioi ...... .t ..U(:,ixr than ,v wooilen pole, Among the cl net any ."Kims of the iitenu-es are V' V Sv.T i lnr-Lhilitv " The p;irts lx-mg hol ninl duraoiin . "'Vl, . ,,, .,nn l,v are v.;r.v f" ' r, j , , ,f 5K?.a-ri. is..; l"in,!;11a..trtiS iuawav . . f;ir moro in a wooden polls !rVr-irtln the addition- few year ul et. ("i.osk of school. The school year . . - . . - L..fnni.ir closed of tiw twetron i-iiy ,--iiiiii j - much last Friday. He regret er mr inability, ot lieni present, u iu . .tii.n nf the classes; nut the ex , ; learn from those wno were ireeni., !V:, it was most satisfactory to the pu 11 i.i.rhlv creditable to the teaeh- pil .lie i H.jj inutitlltlltn mm... tfiwliers efs. .-i i .1 iirtmr t lif vcar. III - 1 . I . ' ....... ii ive lalMirea whiuj " i:V. -iml H' s..-hKl has become a credit to r c.tv, and to themselves We are L'l.lJ to anuoun-i- i. " ------ ihe present corp the maie jKriion, i I I ei f I T )lovcl for another aircaoj - ,lllt wi,..t vear ana we uae w v . -- the next term uill hnv much greater improveioec.t thai, the one just closed. Tiik Factokv. The factory building is fast approaching completion and the new machinery is being put in its place as fast as workmen can do so. The buihiimr is much improved from what it was formerly, there being added a row of wii'lows and a full story, where was Ix'fore the attic. The machinery i also of t..e late.st impr vel, a ul when readv foe work, will be probably the n.osJ complete establishment in the Mate Workmen are now- engaged m niiishing the ctq ilo, which is nearly coin plet'ed. It is expected that opera tions will be commenced within the next three weeks. CoMisfi. Ti r reference to our adver tising columns, it will le seen that Prof. O. S. Fowler, of New York, r..o wcll-knovvn phernologist, whose repu tation in his line is far ahead ot any man in the United States, will lecture in Mvors' Hall in this city, on the evenings of Julv loth 17th and lstlu The Professor his a great reputation, and his works on phernology are well known to our readers. His lectures in this State have drawn full houses, and lii.alv- siMiken of bvtheiress. W'u have i?o doubt but whijt the hall lie crowded. will HKfovEiiKi).-The body of Xorinin "Warner who vra drowned two weeks :igo last Welnesday, near Chamioeg, w:i found lloating in the river below llutteville, alMut live miles Ix'low where he was drowiiel, on l.ist Mim lav, bv the steamer Fannie I'atton. It was talkoii as.ioif, an I imeol'tlielr.inil.s left with it, and when the l.iy ton canie down w as brought on her to this city, rind-, interred on last Tuesday. The body- was much swoILVh ad decom position had taken place. Si iUTK iir Eichtxixo. During the thunder and lightning of last Fri day, the line residence of Hon. H. A. Straight, near the Clackamas river, was -struck bv a flash, which passed lown -through' the bath-room, struck a ri lie which was loaded. tearing oil' the stock, but did not discharge the gun. There was no damage done besiaes tearing a hole in the house. The family were all -nut in the yard at the time. The flash of lightnihig apparently pissed into the ground. Cai.i.kp. We had isd's this week r i n Judge Aaron E. Wait, a former f -iti.eii of this place. lus. Schwatka, foreman of the Salem Statesman, gave s a call last Saturday. Rev. Mr. Rax ster of Corvallis, and ilv. E. J. Dawne of Salem, also g.ive us a call. The two hitter gentlemen were dwn attending rf anipmeeting at Eagle Creek, where we Jearu they had a very interesting time. Hiitsfc X.Arin. Our Inwn has pri son tod an apjx'araiwe of an Indian agency for the ast u-'ok. Nearly the 'utirc squad of red-skins from the "Yamhill reservation are here, running .horse races, and. we I K.lievo, are gen erally successftd. If the agent can't keep these Indians, he had lxtter re sign anJ save the overnnient tho s;il arv In? get-. Rrsnt'ATiso. Profs. Na-holson and TMorelaml have left on a rusticating tour, arid propose to spend the vacation by visiting tlicir friends. The former left last Tuesday with his wife for Vic toria, where thl-'r relatives reside, the 1 iter for CorvalUs. We hope thev may Imth have a ph-asaut time, and come back to their HUrs with improved health and spirits. IjARuk PriLriNo. An exchange says that the talternacie for wmp meeting purjHvses, now leing erected on the Conference' Camp ground on the bank of the Molalla ad joining Can by, is an immense affair. leing Fin feet long by lixi feet wide, probably covering more ground than any other two buildings m the Suite. C PriiLio ExAMixATiox. At the Pub lic Examination of teachers for cert ili oitos last Saturday, there were nine applicants present, of which fourmss .ea a satisfactory examination. Those who were entitled to certificates are, Miss Nora Ross. A. R. Cyrus, Miss Mary Frost ami Samuel Drown. Ix may Vpvaxck. In order that our loys onjviy the 4th of July as other American citizens we publish the pa- .p -r one day iu advance ur ollioe will bo closi'd up to-ilay and no busi ness will lie transacted, as all. from ed iter to the principal devil, exjHHt to leave town to celebrate the glorious an niversarv of national birth. Still Tiiky Comk. A family named Ray, consisting of three men and their wives, with ten children arrived here vesterdry from Franklin, Missouri. Thev propose to locate in the RIngo .settlement. They are welcome among us. Thanks. Mr. John Schrani dealres us in lehalf of Fountain Hose Co., of wiiich he is foreman, u return the ili:mt tf ttio Coiiinanv t tlie citizens for favors, and also to the other com panies of the Reiartnient. o Ixjur.F.n, While the Hook t Iad dor Conipmy was engaged in tearing down the old shop of Messrs Pope, one of the hooks slipped, striking As sistant Rngineer Rarlow on the thigh, inflicting a very painful wound. Messrs. Hedges tfc Ringtnan have completed their job of moving Topes' tin shop. Lt was a big move. For fireworks to display your patri otism with, go to Louis Saal's confec tionary establishment. o o A Report From Prof. Macruni. Editok En-tkkprise : Tlie City Sem inary closed on Friday last, -Tth ult., for summer vacation. The last three davsof the session were sjnt in the examination of the dillerent grades. The orilcr of examination you have published already, tiuitc an interest was manifested by the students ; each seeming deeplv interested in the result of his or her examination. The Citv Nuperiiiteinlent, W. C. John son, Ks"j., favored us with his presence during the entire examination. Revs. Wirtli, Looey and Judy were also in attendenee. 'Several la'dies were also present telling us by their presence as well as by their words that we were not entirely forgotten, even if not frequent ly visited. The City Council was rc rc.senb'd by His Honor, Mayor Mc-Cown-a very good selection "to repre sent that body and we enjoyed his visits very mucn ; out we Simula nave lteen much !ctter pleased to have seen e members ot the Council with us. all the Iart of the time at least. We also reirret that vou, Mr. Editor, on account of sickness in your family, were unable to be present with us. As to how the students acquitted themselves, we have nothing to say. Those desirous of knowing may ask some one who was present and witness ed the examination. At the close of the examination on Friday interesting and instructive addresses were made by Revs. Wirth.Judy, Eocey. Eastham, McCown and Nuyt. Johnson. The school-year just closed has been pleas- lta,,ie to tho students. Wo lioie the next scnooi-year wni commence wiui increased interest and continue to in crease throughout the year. I, Allks Macuum. Poll. Raisino. East Saturday even ing was a joyous time for onr firemen. In . accordance with the invitation, ex tended to the other companies bv Fountain Hose Co., they turned out to assist in raising their llag-poll. About li'i o'clock the companies were formed under the sujervision of Chief Engineer V. E. White, and in their handsome new uniforms, led bv the lirass IJaiid, marched down Alain street, and counter-marched hack to the engine-house, when the poll was rais ed, and loud and enthusiastic cheering. After the ceremonies were through. the department marched in a lody to ine resiliences oi several oi our ciiv and ex-citv oilieials, where short ad dresses were made. After thisspeeches were made bv Messrs. .Scliram, Coch ran, White and others. The occasion was a most joyous one, and will long bo rem.Miibered by our liremen. 1 he music by the Rand wan excellent, and gave evidence that the boys have been under good training lately. Rask lUr.i. Notks. This National game seem sj to Ikj gaining ground in public opinion, and each town, county and school in the State has its base ball ciub. For the beutit of the lovers of this rame we give a lew notes oi its workings in this .State: Ed&t Saturday the I 'ioneers were de feated lv tiie t'oliege Club of Salem by a score or to 1. On account of the Pioneers taking two placers out of the l'acilics h Salem with them that Club failed to meet the Clackamas as was previouly arranged, ami game was decided iu favor or the latter club. fin Wednesday the second game was Dlaved iH'tvveeti' the Pioneers and Col lege Club: but owing to two of their best plavois Using away, the College Club we're beaten bv a score of 24 to 1.7. The next game between the Pioneers and this Club has not vet U en arranged. The Clackamas Club so far is the chaoipiou club of the State. Clonk of School. The Canemah school closed for a short recess last Fndav. Mr. Randall lias been very successful as a teacher in thisplaec.aud has one of the best schools in the coun ty. The pupils anil Ttatrons all like him, and his abilities as a teacher are verv apparent in the progress ot nis scholar. Comim.ktkp. The road up the blurt has lecii completed and is now ready for travel. It is a great improvement on the old one. and teams can now a end and descend with eae. Mr Moore lias m ide a good job of the work TiiKin lU' rv. It is the duty of the School Directors to see that persons who teach theirsehool have certificates. If ai y one should teach w th ut it, the Histii. t is not entitled t the school lllolleV, Thanks. At a meeting of the Ore gon Citv lirass Rand, a motion was unanimously pas.-od, tendering the thanks of the Rand to C. W. Pope. F.s, i.. fur valuable iavors extended to them. Tkahixh Rown. Workmen have coiiimenced tearing down the old res idence of Mrs. M. M. Charman, pre paratory to tli) erection of her line new residence. (!amk Law. Tlie effects of the expir ation of the game law is very visible. A large nutnlvr of itrople have been out hunting, and many more aro pre paring to go. On the Tkak. Columbia Hook A Ladder Co. was out last Tuesday even ing, demolishing the rear building oi C. W. Pope's (in shop. The bovs made puck work of it, and enjoyed tlie fun. Installation-. 1. 1). (i. I'., A. J. Marshall came up last Tuesday and in stalled the officers of Falls Encamp ment, No. 4, I.O. O. V., on that evenintr. Paintin. Jinliro Cautield is paint ing up his rcisdenees on Mam stroet. It is quite an improvement. Cataract Hose Co. has its reirular monthly meeting next Tuesday even ing. rountam How Company meets next V ednesday evening. Kegular monthly meeting of theCity Council next Monday evening. Columbia Hook iv Ladder Co. meets next Wednesday evening. Haskkt Meetino. A basket meeting will be held at the Clear Creek camp ground, commencing on Satnrdav, tho PU h of July, and continuintr over the Sabbath. Christian friends of our own ami omer denominations f neighbor ing cnarges are invited to attend and uiKB parr in our meeting. Brethren, urn c jiemoie,iei us nave one pur pose in view to get irood and do good. i-ei us expect a full measure of the grace of God. The unconverted are es-jK-cially invited to attend and rive their hearts to the Lord. The time'has come that whoever will call of the Lord shall Ik? saved." The friends are requested to brincr their baskets with provisions in them so as to remain on the ground as lonsrasiNts sible during the meeting. M. Jcdy. Evening News. The Ereninrj Xews now reaches us by express on the same day of publication. -- To Cure a Couijh, to relievo all Irrita tions of the throat, restore perfect sound ness and health to the most delicate or ganizations of the human frame the fames use Ir. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, which is still prepared with the same care in the selection and compounding of its various ingredients as whn it was introduced to the public by Dr. Wistar, over fortv years since. Telegaphic News. Chicaoo, June 26. -A "Washinc- ton special says that it is stated that the Secretary of War, under the advice of the Attorney Gen eral, has decided to commence a suit against General O. O. Howard for a certain amount of money for wlnVl. he failed to account as Commi of the Freedmen's Bureau. .Nfw Iotk, Jnne 20. A Bermuda letter in the Ecjress savs that a fam- liy uamca jvnowies, consisting of father, mother and two daughters were murdeerd in Hamilt OH .Tuna 10th, and the house robbed of all the valuables. Washington, June 27. Lieuten ant Colonel Carter, with the North ern I acme surveying expedition re- ports a second attack by Sioux, June 19th, on Beaver Dam' Creek with the loss of one scout wounded. The Sioux loss was two killed, and it is stated that several were carried ofl' woanded. It is stated that a company of Americans has been organized who propose to purchase from the Gov ernment of Mexico two or three of the Mexican States with a view to developing their mineral resources. The States alleged to be held in view nora and Tamalipas. rrl, nmm:ua;- rni , -r, The Commissioner of Internal Rev enue received a telegram announcing that Collector J as. Mullms. late mem ber of Congress from the Fourth Tennessee District, died vesteruay at Shclbyville, lennessee of cholera. Ihe Secretary of the Interior has made the following importaut ruling: V hen a homestead is canceled, and the homestead claimant has found land at the date of such cancellation. with others who design taking lands under tho pre-eniiition laws, the homesteader being legally upon the land, his settlement right vests in stantly on such cancellation; while claimants have gone on the land while it was covered by said home steads were tresspassers, and the homestead claimant is the proferre;d party under the pre-emption laws. Ihe secretary of War has not yet completed his investigation concern ing the alleged abstraction of docu ments from his Department. Thus far he has made no discovery in that direction. New YeKK, June 27. An address has been sent to President Grant and Governor Dix, by Italian-born citizens, expressing a belief that some prompt and effectual remedy is absolutely necessary to put elown the infamous traric m Italian Chil dren, carried on between Italy and America, and asking that certain laws mav be framed to that end. New Yokk, June 2H. The Brook lyn Eayle says the Examining Com mittee of Plymouth Church received from' 1 West specific charges of slander against Henry C. Uowen. It is charged that he has circulated slanders against Henry Ward Ieech er which are false, and his (Bowen's) expulsion is called for. An investi gation is to bo made immediately, and Beecher is desirous that the in vestigation should be made at once. Co.Ncoiii). X. II., June 27. The House to-day passed a resolution re ported by the Committee on Federal Relations, censuring the last Con gress tor passing tne mil raising their own salaries. Cincinnati, June 20. Jesse B. Grant, father of tlie President, died of general debility at his residence in Covington Kentucky, last night. The President, though expected in a special train, had not arrived at the time of his death, which had been hourly expected for several day New Yokk, June 21). Eighty-five hundred emigrants arrived at this port last week. New Yokk, June 30. Woodhull, Clafiin and Blood have been reindict ed under the obscene 2,nulicatin p.ct of lSao. Cincinnati, June 30. Thirteen deaths from cholera were repjiteel at the health olhee to-dav. Haktfokd. Julv 1. The House to day 2assed a resolution declaring tho increased pay ot Congressmen un necessary, and requesting Senators and Representatives to labor for the repeal of the law. The retroactive salary provision is specially condemn c-d, and the Senators and Represen tatives of the State are condemned for upholding the measure. The Career of a Great Remedy. Twenty summers have elapsed since it was briejly announced that a new vegetable tonic and alternative, bear ing the name of I lostettcr's Stomach IJitters. had been added to the list of preventative and restorative medicines The modest advertisement which in vited attention to the preparation stat ed that it. had beon used with great success in private practice as a cure for dyspepsia, bilious complaints, consti nation and intermittent fever. Jt was soon discovered that the article po sessod extraordinary properties. The People, of every class, tested its merits as a tonic, stimulant, corrective and resterative and found that its effects more than fulfilled their hopes and ex pectations. From that time to the present its course has been upward and onward, and it stands to-dav at the head of all medicines of this class American or imjorted, in the magni tude of its sales and its reported repu tation as a safe, agreeable and potent invigorant and restorative. For lai guor and debility, lack of appetite and irastric disturbances so common durihj: the summer months it is al- solutelv infallible. Indigestion, bil ions disorders, constitution, nervous nes-s. peii idioal f.'Vers, t,n 1 all the or dinary complaints, generated by v-iti ited ami liumid atmosniiere. van ish under its renovating ami regulating influence. Tlu is its rec rd, avouche by volumes of intelligent testimony, extending over a period of n fifth cen tury, and comprehending the names of thousands of well-knwon citizens belomring to every class and calling. In EuroiK it is thought a great thing to obtain the patronaire of royalty for a " patent medicine," but Hostetter's IJitters has ieen spontaneously approv ed bv millions of indeiendent sover eign's, and its patent consists in their endorsement. ; Ifahorshas a good constitution, and has one- been a good hors", no matter how old or how much run down he may he, he can be greatly improved, and in manv respects made tis gxl as n'w, by a Iiixril use of Wfrtn' Vanatrj Corulition 1'rnrrteri. Special Notice. It is a veil known fact that Dyspep sia ami indigestion are the eauses of nearly all the diseases that the human bod v" is heir to; then why pay eimr mems doctors' bills? Rv usin Dr. Henlev's celebrated 1XL Hitters they ran te"thorou:rly eradieateel from the system an ! new life inipartetl to the siitlcrt'r. Read phj-ssioLms certificates in another column. 1 COURTESY A a gentlemen afflicted with the chronic j .1. U lilflllQlil .MJ Ut-lll'lUIII Ul III J case cuu convey the vast amount of bene fit I reef i ved from the use of John-ton' An oitune JAiiiment. I believe it is the best article in the world for rheumatism. GOOD WORDS FOR. TIIE PASIM-K2LLER. We can confidentially recommend the Pain-Killer. Toronto Hnjytvtt. It is the most effectual remedy we know of lor Aches, l'ains, tlesti wounds, &c.8t. Johns A'etr., J'. Q. We advise that every family should have so effectual ami speedy a Pain-lviller. Amhcrxt JV. iS'. Lritzctte. Our own experience is that a bottle of Pain-Killer is tne b"st Physician a traveler can have. Jlu.nitton Sjtrctutor. For both internal and external applica tion have found it of yreat value. Chris. Hra. A tnedicin no family should be without. Jontrtdl Trincrijt. Could hardly keep house without it. Kd. Voice. Should be kept in every house, in read iness for sudden attacks of sickness. Vhrvs. Press. No article ever obtained such unbound ed popularity. Salon Observer. One of the most reliable specifics of the at;e. Old SS'orth State. Its power is wonderful and unequall-d in r-'llevi"ir the most, severe pain. Buiiiit;; toH Sentinel. An indispensable article in the medicine chest. A", y. lirmniner. It will recommend itself to all who use it. Oeoriiu lint "rjtrise. It is extensively used and sought after as a really usoful medicine. Journal, St. John, A", Iit . No medicine has acquired such a repu tation ; it has real merit. Jetcjjrt luiiy S'eivs. One of the m"st useful medicines; have used it and disnensfd it. for the pasttwenty years. ltev. Wni. Ward, Assam. Thr most valuable medicine now in use. 'J'enn., hya,t. It is really a valuable medicine, and used by many physicians. Huston, Trav tier. We always keep it where w-' can nut our nana on it in me aarK, n need ue. A'er. V. Jlibbard, Iturmah.. One oft lie few articles that are Just where tney pretcna to oe. Jjrnnsteick J eie(jraii. In my mountain travels no medicine is of so universal application as Pain-Killer. Jiev. -. 11. lhjr.uy, Jiunnah. PERRY DAVIS & SON, MASK'S AND PROF'S, 1-16 HIGH ST., I'llO VIDKNCE, R.T. ill SYCAMi IRE ST., CINCINNATI, O. 377 ST. PACLST., MONTREAL, CANADA. 17 SOUTHAMPTON, KOW.I.ONlx IN, ENG. For th" very best photographs, ko to Prad- y Jt Rulofson's (Jalery without STAIR!- s-ei;l in tne cieruiur, -fii lontgome-ry Street, San Francisco, California. Professional and Amateur Musicians should examine the combination Solo Stops found only in GEO. Wool S & CO'S OROANS. THE.EOLINE. A most delicate, soft or breathing stop. THE VOX HUMANA. A baritone solo, not a fan or tremolo.- THE PIANO. A beautifully toned piano. which will never require tuning. See ad vert ismciit in a not h.-rcolumn. (junlmS XEW TO-ltAY rKOF. 0. S. 1WLEK, OF NEW VORK. WILL LKCTUKIil IIsT MYERS' HALL, OREGON CITV, WEUXESD.IY EVE JirLY Kith, at 8 o'clock, on LIFE AND SELF-CULTURE, As taught by 'Phrenology. TIlt'KSD.VT EVENXNG, ON LOVE, CGUSTSKIPAND MARRIAGE. FRIDAY AT Z O'CLOCK, TO LADIES, ( I N Female Health and Beauty, ILLUSTRATED RY FRENCH MODELS. FRIDAY EVE, TO GENTLEMEN, ( ) N Manhood, AVonianhoo;!, & oth r Ri'ktions, ALS(J ILLUSTRATED. Seats, 25 cents; course tickets, 50 cents. Can be consulted us to your own and chil dren's Phrenology best business, health. Improvement, &e.,&c., at the l'hu-nix Hotel till Saturday, 1. M., only. Call early, tf Justice's Court for the Frmuct of Ore gon City. STATE OF OREGON, ) County or Clackamas.) ss. Henry Humbel, PltL, . vs. G. Lingorm, Deft., Civil action for Money. To G. Lingorm, the above named defend ant : I N THE NAME OF OREGON, YOU ARE 1. hereby required to appear before the undersigned, a Justiee of the Peace for the Precinct aforesaid, on the loth day of Au gust, ls73, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the ollice oi said Justice.in said ITecme-t, to answer the above named Plain tiff in a civil action. The Defendant will take notice, t hat if ne lails to answer the complaint he-rein, tne i'laintur win taii? judgment against him for the sum of one hundred' and li ft v- nine dollars and ninetv-seven cents(Jl")il.!7) and tor costs and disbursements of this act ion. Given under my hand t his -l day of July, lSei. W . 1'. BL-R.NS, Justiee of the Peace, JOHNSON & McCOWN, Attorneys for Plaintiff, wb. SHERIFF'S SALE I 'OTICK IS HEREI5V (JIVF.X THAT RY 11 virtue of a certain decree ami execu t ion issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for tlie county of Clacka mas, to me directed in pursuance oi a cer tain decree and judgment entered in said Court on the 21th day of May. A. 1 ., l-sT-'S, to enforce certain mechanics' liens and other liens in said decr-.-e mentioned and described.ngainst Wm. N. Holmes, S.J.IIen slev and S. D. Holmes, doing business un der the firm name of Holmes, Hcnsley fc Holmes, and fiirainst Win. N. Holmes and S. D. Holmes individuaJIy, and in favor of R. F. CaufiMd, John Hutton,.Mat new men ardson, William Mullins and C. II. Fair- childs, ujion mechanics' lien judgments as afor. said, tor the sum of 01'Ua, dollars, wit h costs and accruing costs together wit h interest from the date ot said judgment at the rate of ten per cent, per annum ; and whereas in the same decree and Judgment, an order was made foreclosing a certain mortgage held bv D. I J. Hannah in the land hereinafter described, and rendering judgment in lavor of said D. P. Hannah, and against Wm. N. Holmes, for the sum of l,!.2.-", dollars, gold coin, with interest at t he rate of one per cent. it month from date of judgment together with costs and accruing costs. , Now, to satisfv said execution and the mechanics' lien judgment in execution first recited, I have levied upon a certain saw mill (in said judgment and decree mentioned and descriUd) together with its machinerv, fixtures and appurtenances, together with one-half acre of land on which said saw mill is erected and situated ; said half acre ef land being described as follows : The saw mill being the centre and the land to be a parallelogram of four equal sides of sufficient length to include one half acre of land, the e.entr of which shall be the exact center of said saw mill; said land being a portion of the northeast h ol section Vi, in township 3 south, range east of Willamette meridian, iu Clacka mas county. State of Oregon ; and to fur ther satisfy said execution, and said last mentioned judgment and decree in favor of D. R. Han nan, I have levied upon the remainder of said northeast of said sec tion 13, in township 3 south, range 2 east : and also the east h of the northwest ii of said section 13; and on Saturday, the 2d Day of August, A. D., 1873, at the Court House door in Iregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., I will sell all the above described projerty at publie auction to the highest bidder for cash, paid to me, to sat islv said execution, costs and accruing costs. A. F. HEGDES, Sheriff. Ry HENRY HE DG ES,De pu t y. July 3d, 173. wl. OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, SOCIETY XOTICES. OHEGOX LODGE XO. 3, 1. I. ). Meets everv Thursday eveningat 7 o'clock, in the Odd l.-llows Hall, Main -SS street. Members of the Or der are invited to attend, liy order N. a KEIJECCA DEGREE LODGE XO. 3, I. O. O. F., Meets on the i?T5 Second and Fourth Tnes- day evenings each month, Smfl at o clock, m the Odd rellows Hall. Members of the Deirree are invited to attend. AiULTXO.UAU LODGE XO. I,A.' .v .. m., Holds its regular com- a muinoatioirs on the First and A Third Saturdays in each month, 7J it T ..'..1.... I- ..... . !.., , - .v , V,,. IX 11 will LllU.tllll V)L r-cu. tember to the L0th of March; and 7 o clock from the :.1th of March to the 'JOth of September, lirethren in good standing are invited to attend. Ry order of W. M. FALLS EXCAMPMEXT XO.4,1. O. O. V.. Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall onthe First an J Third Tues day of each month. Patriarchs in good staudimr are invited to attend. ADMIXISTRATOK'S NOTICE. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HECTOK t'AJIPBKLL, DEC EASE I). OTICK IS 1 1 EKE MY GIVEN THAT by the County Court of e'lackamas county. Oregon, administrator of the estate or Hec tor e'ampbcll.deeeased ; all persons indebt ed to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment ; all persons having claims against the same are required to present them with the necessary vouch ers within six months from the date of this notice to me at my residence near Marsh- field, Clackamas Postoltiee. Clackamas county, Oregon. S. L. CAMPBELL, Administrator. Clackamas county, June 1T7, 1S73. wl. A Beautiful Farm For Sale ! ..n icRKti npr Tii.r. iki.k t. -vr e ) Iarge Orchrd, Splendid Spring, and - - - - - - , Good House within three miles of Aureira, at less than S-L lKI. ACT IK! This offer is only good f)r twenty days Enquire at the Enterprise olhee. Oregon City, June (, 1S7J. tr. SPUING AND SU3CIEU GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT DEALER IN Pry e!oods. Clot hing. Roots and Shoes, Hardware, Ciroe ries, Crockery, Notions, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods, etc., etc., etc., etc. Main Street, Oregon City. Produce of all kinds bought, for which I pay the highest market price. Jt you de- .sire good Goods at Iaw prices, call at I . S H L L I A li ' S and examine his new stock of Spring goods. Give nie a call and convince yourselves. My motto is. "QtriCK SALES AND SMAI.I, PROFITS." The highest market price paid for wool. I. SELLING. Oregon City, March 21, lST.-tf. WATCHES AflD JEWELRY. rS H E r N D E R S I G N E D AN- B nounce to the cit i.ensof iregon City and Clackamas county that they have JUSt OJenetl iv JEWELRY ESTAELISHMEN I N Oregon City, Main street next door north of Shades Sa loon, where they will keep on hand and for sale all goous pertaining totlieir line, at the i.owkst i.lviNr. ratks. Kspecial attention liven to tlie repairing ot HXE 1 IMF I r kc KS. AH goods sold and work done warranted. GEO. A. II A AS A SON. Oregon City, Feb. , ls73-tf. HEW VORK HOTEL (Deutfches Ciafthaus.) No. IT Front Street, Opposite the Mail Steamship Landing, PORTLAND, OREGON. H.ROTIIFOS, J. J. MILKENS, Proprietors. Hoard v AVeek Koani V NV'eek with Ixdgiiig Roard "t Day S3.00 1.00 GUARD AGAINST FIRE ! DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. rniE NUMEROUS SEVERE FIRES WI11CU liJl- ' KTU 1 111 111 tl lilir ing last vear, and the late !isastrous confla grations In Portland, Sprinirville, Hades, Oregon Citv. and Jacksonville, should ad monish nroperty owners to seek indemnity against loss and damage by tiro without delay. THE PHGENIX INSURANCE COMPANY, Cr HAP.TFOnO, CONN.," Repr-sented onthe I'aciflc coast for over tilteeii ears, (during which Tiod it has r:iil uiiou. oun tor I-ire I hisses in the Pa cific liepartment), is one of the leading American Fire Insurance ( ompanies, and thee10 Hartford Company represented in th-Sl ate of Oregon. In t he prompt adjust ment. ml na vine nt of its losses.t he l'ho-nix has no superior, t he Company has never had a suit in tlie Mate, unu in ine j)romji cash payment ol nearly $2,400,000 OO in thf Chicaco and Roston, proves that the old Plm-nix is eoual to its every engage ment. The Agents rf the Pleenix are authorized bv commissifin from tie company to issue and renew Policies direct, and without ref erence to Portland, San Francisco, or else where, thus enablnnr the applicant to se cure intmetlvtte and tnivhmt protection. Rat's as low as solvency und fair profit will admit of. XV. P. Bl'KXS Resident Ajrent, Oregon City. April IS, ls73.-m:J GEO. WOODS & GO'S ORGANS The most remarkable instrument ever per fected ; capable of the most beautiful mus ical effects, and in the. most elegant cases. All Lover: of Music should see them, and hear their COMBINATION SOLO STOPS. Wm. Cr. BADCxEK, OI Jill anome St., Sun Francisco, has them. -Junel3in3. CHOICE MEATS! J tMilStV VLRKIGHT Have Just r. ueiveu a une mi 01 ix-er cattle frfun the j on n nay country. 1 hey Hre the latest ever orougnt 10 tnis valley before, and will oe nutcnerert ror this market. They pro- ; l . "'"r- "a'1 mem a call, and Oregon City, May 23d. 173. tf. r CELA.S. EL TTFIELI), DEALER IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE, COEXEIi OF SEVEXT1I AXD JIAIX STREETS, 0REG0X CITY . 1 las J ust Received Calicoes, Dress Goods, Brown and Pleached House Lining, Shirtings. Table-Imien, Irish Bosom Linens, Linen Towelling, Table-Cloths, Corsets, Ladies' and Gents' Hose, Thread, Cambrics, Buttons, Ribbons, Laces and Insertions, Embroidery, White Goods, Millinery, Fancy Goods, Ac. Also, a full assortment of LADIES' AND CHILDERN'S SHOES, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Coal Oil, Which have hee elected with Kp-ciul care Tor this market and cannot BE SURPASSED IN Q.UAHTY OR PRICE. TIH-: llllillll MAKULl i'KIUUPAIU FOR COUVTBV March 13, lb73:tf KEY STORE ! HEW GOODS! NEW FIRM! LEVY BROTHERS Have Just openeel, in raisliair.s !N"ow X3iiilcliiiir, Oregon Citv, milE FINEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF CLOTHING AND DRY-GOODS JL Hoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Hoseries-Notions, Cutlery, Baskets and Toys : also. Groceries and I'rovisionsrand a GENKKAL. ASSOKTMKXT Too numerous to describe, which we propose 4 W II Mil. La. LEW, being a Prae lie al Jeweler and manufacture and repair Jewelry. We Give us a call and examine our goods, and save twenty per cent. LEVYB l?OS., Second door nortli of tlie Postofliee, Muiii street, Orejron City. KfvA hA F"V 'Rl'r. J. s. Coleman's Coni- , H u Sflrtibi vii y ixund Extract tus is a preparation combining nil the valuable medical quaities oi the Fucalvnfiis. which is cultivated in nearly every e alltornia come the household rein'-ily for all diseases AH Y C-UV.-l,, and SI!MI.AL WJiAKXKSS. vir.. inK'iii.i.i.n anu tn.'ir surrounuings, and balsamic properties inor. effectually than lt is an invaluable remedy for all diseases of si'i YjiLx'ojauiXtc. v-"tuu' Ji'01-1 'i' j j cr, lyw't 1 his preparation is the result of Dr. Coleman's experiments with the medicinal prop it ies ol the tree in the C. S. Msrine Hosnital he its testimoni: 4 'fit i'' 1 if w naiT it r it it "rt? A"r 1 1, had unusual facilities for testing the various methods ot nrm'.urin'.rth., .,U.7.'i.- uses, it can be relied upon as certain to give the nromise.t r.nitT .,.i i,.,.i.'.tc -r lis of its efficacy can be seen at his office. -Ni k'e: ermi, yet Harmless, ieuruuge, ana is a special preparation forthe t reat im-nt ot t he malarious fevers of our interior vallevs ami i w.r ranted to cure any case ot th r. 11 AND At l' E I reated wit h it accord ing to dir -ctions. while t he baneful results of the usual Ouiuinc ai d arsenical remedie lor those diseases are entirely avoided ' FOR PHYSICIANS, Coleman's Fluid Extract of Euilvntn i i fe bottles. 15 ware of imitations, and take none JOHN MTEES, OREGON CBTY. DEALER IP! DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ROOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY. AND t GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Books and Stationery. I will pay the highest prices for Butter, HI tsrsrss. and all kinds of GOOD CCUNTRY PRODUCE, I will sell as low as any house in Oregon for CASH OR ITS EQ UI VALE XT In Good Merchantable Produce. I am selling very low for CASH IN HAX1. Give me a call and satisfy yourselves, JOHN MYERS. Oregon City, March 21, 1S73. A GREAT DISCOVERY! X"0 MORE GRAY HAIR OR WIIIS. 1 kers it you will use. J. RiPMaN'S HAIR RESTORER. This is not a N ile COUl Dound. Iiimle r.f Smror r.f I'ad, Rae Sulphur, and other poisonous minerals, which will produce headache, paralysis or insanity, but a harmless pre p.witiion, iree rrom sediment, easily ap- pneu, anu in a brief space f,f time restoring i ne nair or whiskers to their natural color. No preparation is neeessarv to use with it. but simply to apply according to directions accompanying each bottle. This is the cheajxst, safest and best Hair Restorcrever offered to the public. .1. ETPMAN, Proprietor. General Agents, CHAKIXS ivNfdJA & CO., Wholesale Druggists, corner Battery and Clav streets, San Francisco, to whom all orders must be addressed. Testimonials nr prominent citizens who have used it ac m pa ny each bottle. apr2ois3rn a New Stock of Sheetings Coal Oil Lamps, Wicks and Chimneys, PRODUCE. OP OTHER GOODS, to sell at the Lotvest Possible Rates. 'fbr of long experience, we will also deal in guarantee all ourgoods and work, or no pay. UCALVPTUS of eucalyp-J garden lor its medie:il ntilirv- i,..n',r iu of the KII.'J1'S Ii IA I I t F ft rA UKI V- It seems to ha ve : anu e-ures them hv i I C u 1 1 tCV'i ti-o 'lwioHmv any other known remedv. the mucous jind serous membranes Mich ur . i ,.,,. . but Colcminrc u.- ents for PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE. Q OPPOSITE OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. 0 AN IMMENSE STOCK AS USUAL. GEORGE A. PEASE, SUC'CKSSOK TO NiOTZm, GILLIIMX i CO. Corner First und Mori ison st rec tP rORTLAXD, OREGON. Xovember22, lS72-tf. o 8ARNUM RESTAURANT LE0X DeLOUEY, Propriclor, (Iite of the Cliff House.) JfATjr STRKET, OREGOJX CITY, OCT. THE UXDERSIGED resiK ctful Travel! ctiully announ- iriends the eliner ulIic. that he has re-opened the above named ITS ONtaii x-si nt. cuTnmn'rTwair hW l 6WO h, Oysters, Pitrs' Feet, A Ciowl Cup or Co JTee, q Or a Rood Square Mtnl. T TT"1V- J -rT AT'TTf C Oregon City, March 2.s, i.s73-tf. " IV in. KR0UG1IT0X WSLD RESPECTFULIA- INFORM T T the citizens of iree-on I'iti-o-i . lty that he is prepared to lurnis'h Fir, Spruce und Cedar of every description. Dry Flooring, Ceiling,Spruce(for Shelving. Lattice, Pickets, Fence Posts (CeJar). Constantly on Hand. Street and Sidewalk Lumber furnished onthe shortest notice, at as low rates as can be purchased elsewhere in the State Give me a call, at the OKEGOX CITV, SAW MILL. March 21. 1873-tf. UVERY, FEED, AND SALE i STAIiLE, rpiIE FNDERSIG NED PROPRIETOR OF JL he Livery stable on Fifth stret-t.Oregon City, Oregon, keeps constantly on hand Saddle and Itujrjrj' Horne, H";e;iei, lariiagra and Hackn. jprices Reasonable. He will also run a hack to and from tho. WILKOIT SODA SPRINGS during the summer season, with good horses.com petent and gentlemanly drivers. FARE AT LIVING RATES. J. M. FRAZER, lYoprietor. Oregon City, May 27, 1S73. m SODA SPRINGS! THE FAVORITE SDMER RESORT I Z Z MILES SOCTII OF OREGOX CITY IX C VA CKAMAS C0UXTY. TOSKPII AVUItllX having leased tho VVilhoit Soiia Sjirings, desires to inform those wishing to sjeid a few days in the mountains that this is the most deUghlul place in the Willamette Valley. A good Hotel. Stable and bath-house for the ae? com modat ion of visitors. q These Springs have been recommended bv Phvsieians as being the healthiest and b-st piace for invalids or persons afflicted with any complaint to spend the heated season. ,, . .,, Parties tlesiring to visit the Springs will find a hack in readiness for their accomo dation, upon- arFl3'i"S to J. LFrazera Oregon City. mayoml. I O O O o o o o O o 0 o o G 0 0 o 0 o O O 0 0 o o O o o o o o O o o O O o o o o o o o o i . o o ' 1 . o