:' ' . .v o o o o o sen zsoc 7 o O i o f . 3 t o c- O 9 V- N .t l y - o i r s f' SlirailC. ' OREGON CITY, OREGON, JI'NE 20, I 7J. A Water Project. We have been shown a jtetition to the City Council praying that 1-ody to ex tend the water pipes to the lower part of the town. This project we presume u in .accordance with the issue made at tiiol ist f lection of which our citizens were kent in ignorance We have no objections to the water pijx-s betn;g ex tended to the lower part of the city, hutweaiv opposed to giving any tnr ther subsidies to the water company for this purp..se. The lirst contract is in outran ui-onthe tax-payers oftlie citv Tie' works shoult nave oecu put i down hv the city and owned by her. H provides for a subsidy of ?l,OOOin i gold coin !K-r year for fifteen years, ex cepts tie work from taxation for ten ve'irs It is a well known fact that these 'works did not cost the owner $4 in all, and he is receiving interest from tlie city .alone on an investment ,f 1i,iiim besides the rent he receives from private parties. This contract also provided that he should sllppl.V tle city v itlt good and healthy water. This part of the contract has never been tilled', as the water supplied is taken from the mill-race, ami is the dregs and hltli oftlie basin. Yet thecity has reg ularlv paid its subsidy in coin. The extension of the 'W ater pipes to the lovv ; c- end of the city would probably cost four hundred dollars. For this, we are informed, the owner wants two hun dred doll: .s per year additional subsi dy. Tli ft would be a good investment f.j;- him as in two years he would get back all that the work cost him, besides lie could s ifi ly caleulate (,n collecting from private individuals at least ten dollars per month or interest on one 'thousand dollars, additional. The ciii- :.. !...- ......f . .1' ! .ii-ii M-j.iihl lie Z 'I S III Ul". I ..1II.W, i.,,... ....... . .-. j ... . . ,i, . in-very go d interest on tin cost of I cxb nding the worr:s, and we sec no rood reason why the city should give auv additional subsi-ly for this pur-jio.-e. It argued that there are a large number of tax-payers in the bottom who are exposed to lire, an 1 demand this exten-ioii. The same might be said of ti:-; ta-;ayi-rs on the blutl'. The conlr;..-tor should be required to take the water down Main street to the cm), but without any additional pay from the ell v. If !ie does not see tit to do this, let t lie Council demand ot him t.i viii.t.lv- ":! and lure water md not the id! n of ttu river. i i . . W e a;ie- n.l Ho t sooner than test the contract he nil readily take the water iovn in the bottom. It was promised by the leaders of the ring that this subsidy should U 'riven but we warn the 'otui cil against anvsueli move. It the own er of th u ..;. "! will not take it down t here, let the citv do it. and the revenue n eeived from the jx ople who will use the water . ill pay more than interest and tho ex pense 'of putting ,lw n the pi:es in less titan live years. Tuis at teinpl to force tie-citv to contribute to this all-reefy too highly subsidized coin nuii v, is sim pi v an oii'.rage on t!u ta-paycrs. The ordinance giving the iirst'siii.sidv is an outrage, and now it is sought t- increase it. Let tho Coun cil sav to the water owner, "if you do let t.ik the water down to the end of ?I lin .- t reel we will pay you hereafter in the currency of tin city, and no longer nia.k: yi'mu preferred creditor. ' We hope the Council will consider this subject" well before they burden the city with an additional subsidy to en rich a sing1.'- individual at tho expense of the tax-payers. ? -Tin: Ai.i'ini;.- This journal shows what tite l:iii'i.-.e:'.pe puinU rs of Anier i -u can do. when they have a mind to work in black and white. Thcv paint pi. -lures wai.-h ai- seen tor a slmrt t i ine Ill I I I . I i-W . id sos, and then are se.-n ce;t by their jiiircia-ers : I, it.-, much removed from no uiof". iu-iiig m l e the actual world of art a if t ln-v i! id Hot exist. oil oici lire Mr. Kriiscnian 'un lib.n's .ire well lnovn t conmH- sji-u.-s ot art: nis "views ot draniiv. Conn." iiMk.-.s Ids t.d.nt known i nroiighotit Use Fniiod Spates. It is a ileli.i us drawing -as piel lire- one as nitiiie !iei--.d :', when site tries to be jfull of life and light and beauty "a song with i it words." .Mr. K. V. 1 1 tieliaiM's Hisiant view of Mount -MtlHlid.l." "The Signal," .-'ft or i II 11- w i'r. ami The Sisters." a Koman in terior, after Cooiuans. "A Njimnede o! ;lt 1! ir-es. w hich is a s;r;kmg! and vigorou i i o;n position. Alloftht iUiistratioits contained in the Jinn 1 1 ui n ocr are O' riect 1. :ti.t .' ii,., re plll'l l ni o t Pel 11 g the tinest illustrated paper in tho Uni ted Slates. Woop's I lorsKnoi.p Mauazixk. Tho J une mi ml n-r is just the book for tin family circle !. Just the dear old Household tuuguyine we used to greet so gladly, flic articles are not so heavy; titer. are more stories; not trusay. sensational compositions, but -such as bear throughout a strong inilu cm e for all thai is good, pure and true. A noticeable feature is that then is som. tmiig helplul, enooura f -rling upon almost everv ing. com- page. A right I.ic, like lais m eded 11! every hoUSehold. lie cii ililren s depart me! it is fully up to its standard, and printed m miicij better type. As to make-up of magazine, we notice a great improve ment. A Temperance story is announ ced hereafter, for every number II. . (tsU.rne iTi-noroon) has U-eii n--euiled us ed.;.or, and assumes the en tire management. Subscription price only one d 11 tr a your. Address Woods Hons, ii,, 1,1 Magazine. Nevv-b-.ti-g:i, New York. Mas. Dixiway's Lkcituk. Mi Ihmiway de'.:vered a lecture in this j city, lust Saturday evening to a large i ne.dienee. on Mormonisni. We w.-i-e ' n. it pros -nt t- ar her. but learn that ! it was rather i i iterest inj: until. she reaeh- eo her itoPey on i.inan s nghtsi and that the uudieiieo were will pleased with if. There was some disturbance by soni" "fti'iryt.uiiu' liii.llnin, which -insed the la ly to show her temper stjd administer a strong rebuke. We are not aware what the nature of the disturbance was, hut we regret very mueii titat auv should occur. Kverv speaker should be treated with proper resin et. and ro one should be guilty of s-e-u ondm-t .vhet!.er they approve of -,i!te sentim mts uttered by a sreakeror jtot. 'i hop. such disturbance may ;ot again take place in our city at any pui5!e meeting, and titat tiu- ollieers ita iv be prompt in arrestingany person who may be guilty of such conduct hereafter. ion of iKKicKtis Ki.kctkh. The Falls Kneamptnent No. 4. I. O. O. P., 'hehl lust Tuestluy evening, the follow- j ing persons were elected otlieers for i the :,ext term: 1'. P.urns. C. P.: J. : T. ApiKi-son. H. p.; W. H.Pojm-,S. A. Lew. S,rilH; J. M. I'.aeon. : Treasurer: J.'W. Moldruni.J. W. The mstalh'.ti ut will take placed 1 ues, lay evening in Julv. ou the tirst ! In Tovvn.Wc had the pleasure of M. ciiur our o t triend and former cit- ei'"i,)f A1."" 1;u''' vestenlav, Mr. O harloM U alk r. He rein-ts everv iuu t eas; ,f the mountains. Tun r.r.t-FF Ito.vn. Mr. Moore is tnaklip- raiii.l progsesswith hio o.i "P the Plutr, .md it is expecteil that he 'miir''v!,k,,i'h With U tlurinSthe O The school ! y - arat tho Oregon City Seminary will dose -!' 1 ri'-av in iic.m vvecK, me .1111 iust. The last three days of the term will he sjH-nt in the examination of the classes of the different grades. Tho mciiilxTs of the Citv Council and tho parents anu mentis 01 ine senooi are ' r...i ....:..;. i l. .11....:... l - - I - . . - i Ill V I id I in i-iiinc seie i I ; 1. 1 II ig c.xa ill- j inatioii. J'elow we give l.'ie older of i examination. VHIINKHAY, 9:1 to 10 -rut irade S (Primary) Heading, Sjk llimr, Tables. 10:1. to l:i Grade 7 (Higher do.) ore. 1 to - Grades ; and Arithmetic. - to ' " " lieading, Spelling, Writing. 3to3:r0 " ' Kng. Gnuiimar. TIH'KSDAY, D:l." to 10 ::',0 J rades 4 and 3, Arith metie. 10 :4" to 11 :!." " " U. S. Historv. 11 :1 " 11' ' Hug. Grammar. 1 to 1 ::,o " ' Geography. I ::;o " :' " -J and 1, A.-dronomv. J.:Vi ":5" " " Knir. (Jraminar. :i :i -.:',0 " 1, Al-ebrn." ' KIlIhAY. 9:1.1 to 10:1.1 Crude 1. Arithmetic. lo:.U)" 11 :1" Natural Pliilosoohy. 11 :1 11 ( 'onnK)sjtioii and lihetorie. l)novvNi:r. Norman, son of Alexan der and Maria A. Warner, of this city, was drowned near Champoeg on Inst Wednesday. He was employed on the steamer Fannie Patton, and was in the act of drawing a bucket of water from the river, when tin? bucket pulled him in. lie swam some dis tance but before the lat could be stop ped or assistance rendered him, he went down and did not come to the top again. Hie inciy was noi it. una. es teruay morning a number of relatives and friends went up to the la.ee of the accident for the purpose of dragging the river for the body. This sad alilie tion is a severe blow on the father and mother of the boy, and on his relatives. He was a boy highly esteemed by all who knew him, and the pet oftlie fam ily, having been allli-led when ;uite young with seven sickness, which had caused him to become deformed. He was about sixteen years of age. The sympathies of the ent in community are extended to the family in this sad alllction. 1-ASK P.AI.h C.VMK. L;'.st S:turday t'li' first game between the Clackamas Club of this citv and Pioneers of Port- , laud w as plaved m this pi ice. ;j vej.v ; , . t J. rt t i . i - and ehU lv c It was intest- ed game, both sides doing some hand some i laving. The game lusted three hours and tin ore till sbiod Pioneers former training ."." : ( 'lackamas 31 tin game by I wo runs. Tin Clackamas bovs had the lead in the game nearly all' the way thro igo. and the large crowd of spectators a!! : ntieicati d tliat t!iey wiul I come u'A' v i'-toi i-ms, bv.t by soiue unfortunate nluy, tliey laih'il. The boys ought to ha vi won, and we predii t that Uldess the l'i. liel rs can do oettcrthe next tina-. our boys will get away v ith them. Tin next g i ni" is to be pTtyed in Poitlin l one week from to-morrow, when wo have no doubt our bovs v ill come oil' v h to; ions. I in in Okk. We win shown tlii week a speciinen of iron ore found ou the farm ofThouias 1'iehls, en the Tual atin, which wo 1 Iieve to be t";U.il in richness to any ledge worked in the I 'idled States." We are informed by a gellllemell wiio lias hud a great deal of expel ieiioe ill iron works, that the ledge is far richer to any woi ked in Pennsylvania. Tin lodge is exten.-ive, surrounded by plenty u iimberand on the Tualatin "river, which would sup ply ample water-power. There is groat wealth in this mine and we hope the time is not far distant when il will be brought into use. Capital can find good in vestment in this enterprise in our Stall', as ine ro ex isls in a bun lance in this lit b: h borhoed. cjiial if not su perior to any in the Union. I m it.oykm Exrs. Not with si. Hiding" the cry of hard times, we notice con siderable improvement going on in town. Among those who have inprov ed and painted up their houses, we notice tho residence of Mr. A. .1. A pci soii b. is been raised an I !i tno-;om -ly painted ; the residence ofM :-. iei,:ue Luofjue Irn been materially i:n;r v-.-d. and other ivsidi n rs are being i liri'i l and m proved. C iai 1-s 'a u,,. 1. i h is ii.id Ids store newly ) ia intcd and Mrs. ( 'hurnf.n is over!ia:;!ip.g and in-iking new the store for morly occu pied by I'arl iw A' b'.il ! -r. Pkk-cn.vi.s. The ha Saturday drew hither of the typographical ball game last e.iie a number lateinity, and reporters. mong the latter wove I'.al- tii. tore, of th. timer M urj hy On goiiian. and J. Mor of tin ihdl tin. (:' the lornior, Mc( 'ab, pounds was our ilcli -ate friend. .James tin will soon rci'-h , 10 1. It ibinsou. James Mc- Cowu, and W. V. 1'o.irdmuu. Conk in Wor.ic Tlie ( iovern ur C ro ver lowed the ( tovernmenl sirur puller up the river lust Mt vallis, where it is ui'.l ay :is tar us ( ; proposed to go to Examination. "-cms 1 no V 1 . 1 1 no I u jv "un in-i e. 1 1 .ici j i iu iiii-ii'-uui-- . ' . ' . i :......:.......:.. ... 'i :n i. . ; ! e'i is 1 1 1 i , e- i i i-i . .oi o i oi i-. t io 1 1 the river unit! the appropriation is o. hs'.usted ami do as much work as she can. At a regular meeting of the Clucku mus 15. 15. Club lust Wednesday even ing. Hie Secretary was reij nested to send a challenge to the Pacifies of p. .rt luml to play a match game of ballon the grounds of the former on the Court h of J ulv. I'kiminai.. V( received a call ves- ! p rd ay from Mr. It. W Conover f North- it. Id. Minnessota. .Mr. ('. is a printer and puhhsher, and has coat" to Dr-g"n with hi laiiilly to make his hone h.-r'. W'r w. ! out Ibui. .-iikJ Itoii- he may soon feel at hone iinong th - lieople oi 'r.-gon. Annivixr. The niacliinery for the woohut factory at this plae, is arriving by every steamer to Portland. The building is fast Hearing completion, and we may expect the fi.-toiy will be in full operation by the 1st of August. lMtKSKNTATIoN. Mr. J. M . "a CO II presented to Oregon Lodge No. '?. I. O. O. V., last evening, a very handsome set of jewels for the appointed otlieers. Tin present was ivceiv ed with thanks bv the Lodge. Thanks. Hon. Jus. K. Kelly will base accept our thanks for full tiles of bound copies of the Congressional Clobe for tin session of 172ds7:t. L nder the head of "Ott'fnr Oregon" ' the Holt County, (Mo.) 'e,.W of j May :UUlx says: '-The steamboat St. Luke, which landed at Drownlee mill landing on Monday, took on ' boiird sixteen citizens of Holt county as follows: Mrs. Anna E. Erownlee. i ! jr., Mr. an Mrs. John Hollis with j i "ne children, also a ladv, who had I ! " on stopping at Mr. tiny s. and two ! other persons, whose names we failed ! to learn. They were to go up the river to where they could connect per rail with the U. P. Uiilroad. Destination of these friends is. Eu gene City, Lane county, Oregon. We are sorry to have them leave t t , . , i -r it . xioii, inu ii tnev cant stav auv j longer, ve wish them a safe jou'rnev The Salem St'tfe-wii learns that 3Tonk Sawyer, one of the wealthiest citizens livincr in the vicinity of "Wheatland, Yamhill County, was thrown from his wacron by tue rnn- ' awdv of Ilis tefim' ani1 llis arm I broken and left eye seriously injur- Hector Cani-dtell, an old Pioneer ami highly respected citizen of Milvvaukie, ! m tins county, died last Sunday night. at his residence Am-oiN-ii.:i,.;,and Master A. J. Marshall lei: l.o., :. . . , -. ...... uv wi ,i i nil IU 111' i, f o; ,. -v- .. 1. 11 District No ! ,.-1, :. .1. l .. . -'i "una iiiuui ic.i Oregon. SiiiUTUALisis.The Spiritualists of Clackamas county hold a irrove meet ing July 1-Jth and l:ith, at the grove near Parrots. liKn. The youngest daughter of Mr. I. Selling, of this citv, died vester ouy, aiter a severe sjiellof sieknl-ss. Markets. There is no change to record in any nf our marlct r.-pf,rt.. I -gal ten ders are buying at MV. and selling at Sii Vj. Denies It. (.;n liOSs who lias been in command of the Oregon Vol unteers, denies the late charge made that the Volunteers massacred the Modoes. A dispatch from Jackson ville, under date of the lltli inst., says: General Tloss, of the Oregon Vol unteers, who has just returned from the front, denies that the murder of the four Indian prisoners was com mitted by his troops. He says the nearest cam) of the Volunteers was not less than ten miles distant from the place where the murders were committed, and says that if his troops wanted to murder the Indian captives they had a much better opportunity at the time they captured twelve prisoners and had sole custody of them for three days before turning them over to General Davis. The Volunteers are expected to return here to-morrow, and will be muster ed out as soon as thev arrive. Meuliciual Poisons on the AVane. The patriarchs took no mercury, no bismuth, n iodine, no bromide of po tassium, no strychoria, no fptinine. IIupy old gentlemen! they did not even know of the existence of those 'specifics," ami yet they lived until it seemed as if Heath had forgotten them. Their medicines wore herbs and roofs. They have left this fact on record, and the world seems to be now taking note of it ami n turning to tho first princi ples of medication, llostetter's Stom ach letters, the purest and most effica cious vegetable restorative of the day, is also the most popular. Thousands of persons w ho only a few years ago believed implicitly in all the poisons which l':gure in the pharmuciepiu, now pronounce this palatable tonic and al terative an all-sufficient remedy for dvspcpsiu, nervous debility', constipa tion, billions conipluints, headache, in termittent fevers, and all the ordinary disturbances of the stomach, the liver, the discharging organs and the brain. The time is not far distant when most I oftlie powerful ami venomous drugs now so leehios.si-.- atimnusicrctl ly pruclitionors of ihe "heroic" school, in eases tbut might easily be controlled by milder t'-'.-itment.will be utterly dis carded by ail'philosophioal physicians. As it is. the t!iin';ing public, who are generally ale-ad of the professionals, have already put the dangerous prepa ration aside and adopted Josh-tier'; Hitters in their stead as a safe and ex cellent household medicine, adapted to almost every ailment e.xoept the organ ic an.! deadly contagious diseases. l-.r m ire than twenty -.-ears this famous restorative and preventive has been I miuu.dly strengthening its hold upon tue Public eon;'nl-. lie , and it now takes i the h a I of every advertised medicine ! manufactured in thi ; eountrv. If Jul'ii oii'x .Itfi I ;i ii" I.i'tinitat i half as val;t-ie .as p opi - say it i-s, no family s xi'i ul i wii 1 1 out i: . f ' rt a in ly no j rson, l h.-la wy r, doctor, mhuP-r, or of any oil! -r proe ssioii, should st;irt on a journey without it. 'o sailor, tisie reiau, woo.'.s-lii-ui shot:! 1 he wiihoiit it. In tact, ir is n .! .! A h r 'V'-r t he r -' is an ache, sprain, cat; hruis , foa-li or fold. I-'ar.ie rs .-ohI ' llors: M ,, are font in iiaUy hepprimg wli.it we know or the utili ty ! S7i .)'. .' id's I'ii ''it! rti ( 'omliti'iii 7 'em '.;, and in r ply. we would say, Ihroieali the Cohlil.ns ol'lhe IlKKlMX I 'lTV KNTKHI'KISU we have heard 1 rom lill n. lr -il who ha" i!e(i f ,i-m with gratifying results; t hat is also our experience. Ii v ic tii- iny. 'Tis tiiailnes; to neg-l.-t-t cough or cold, however slight. Oui s'lin pi io't may fodow and though In. WlSTAK'S l'.A I.S.A M OK Wl F.T) ( ' 11 I-'. I. It V 11 a S lro(,u -nt ly cured t h is in itch dreaded disease it a ! .nos! i n va ria lily cures t he pr unary ilis e i s" : ol t he t hro.-i! , lungs and chest, wh ro o'. le r remedies tail. Tib' 3Iom l'opiiI;ir M"t!i('iiif ExSant. 1840. Over 30 Years 1873. Since tlie In t roiJ n- ion of J l"A DAVIS' PA 3 T"', 2 6 il .1? 1 LLS g?. -- is eijnall.v upplicalile and i flicacious to you ng or old. j V!!-: IWI.V-Jiir .r,i-:K I is hotn an internal and J-.xternal rein cdy. i rniiK i T.v-KiT.r.T:n j wid cur. I-'ever and Ague when other i remedies have' fail "d. I rrphc I'ain-KilJiT should he e.se,i at. the first manifesta ; I ions of cold or cough, j ''lii- Iniii-!ill'r ! - is the (ir-at 1'amilv Medicine of tho j Age. j rrphi a!i-KiMer j - Will cure Painter's Colic. T'lie fa 5 n-r iHr Is good for Scalds ami r.urns. raih,. Isiiu-KiHir -J- has the Verdict of the People in its favor. rJii l;iir-AitV-r idves I'liiv rsal Satisfaction, rr-tlie Ia iii-Killer ! l'.ewareof lun't'tfioni and Conufrrfrit. ! rijlhe ai:i-Kil!i r I -A Is almost a c rtain cur for CIPH.KHA, j and has. without dottl t. been more success- till in curing this terrible disease than any I ot le r known remedy, or even tie most em inent arm siiiiuui i u v sicia ns. in inula, .vfrica, China, wte-r- this dreadful dise.,;;,:. "is ever mor- or less prevalent, tie PAIN KII.bXK is consid. r -d ly the natives, as w.-ll as Kurop-an r-'sid'-nts in those cli mates, a SfiiK Kkmkdy. r?piii P:iii-rCiIlr K-ich I.offl e is wrajipej with full direc tions for use. r!T,i P:iM-KiU-r J Is sold by a!l 1 iruggists anil Heah rs in family .Medicines. juite-Im. Special Notice. It is a well known fact that Pyspep siu and indigesti an the causes of arlv all the diseases titat the hninan lv" is In. ir to: then why pay enor- us doctors on is: i v using nr. llenh-v's cilehrate.l 1XL Uitters thev .. i ,H. ,. ,.r.li..-,i,..l fVi.T.i tl.V. can be thoi otiglv ciudi-a.e.l front the system and new lite imparted to the sutierer. Kea.1 hy.-iicians ciriKieates in another column A Beautiful Farm for Sale ! I A CI5KS OPKXTIMdBI.E LAXD, Ijirgp Orchrd. Splendid spring, and iovl House wit hin t hree mih's of Aurora, at less than .-4 rK"r? actje: This offer Is only good for twenty days. Enquire at the F.NTKReuisK office. Oregon City, June (, Wo. tf. COURTESY SOCIETY y OTIC ES. OKKtiOX LOUGK NO. 3, I. I. (). F., Meets everv Thursdav eveningat 7 o'clock, in the "-iP-S?'- O.hl 1-el lows Hull, ilam street. Members of the Or y? der are invited to attend. Uv order N. C ki;ijijccv ii:oit:i; i.oikjh no. 3, I. O. O. V., Meets on the Second and Fourth Tues- T- t -.iti i 1 1 ri tff.i'h llliilltll r wm at 7 a o'cloi-k, in the Odd' Fellows' Hall. Membersof the Degree are invited to attend. MUJ.TXOMAJI LODOi; X). I,A. 1 A: A. M., Holds its regular com munications on the First and A. Third Saturdays in each month, 7 at 7 o'clock from the2Uh of Sen. ' v N tentber to the Li Hit of March; and 7j o'clock from the 20th of March to the "it ith of September. Hrethren in good standing are invited to attend. L!.v'!h' 'L'l1' lv A 1 FALLS i:XCVMI'Mi:XT XO. !,!.. O. V., Meets at Odd Fellows' TP. 11 on tl,.. Ch-t !ind 'I'hird Tik.u. dav of each month. Patriarchs V'S' in good standing are invited to attend EXTRA. OFFER. The C'hromo "Cute" Fl -gantly Framed and a share in the distribution of t7:0 pre miums, amounting to ? 11kiu. GIVEN AWAY T( Every subscriber to that Popular Weekly, OUR FiRESSOE FRIEND. Chroinos are delivered at once. The dis tribution will positively take place on the Otlt clay oL'Au-'iiest,lS7:J Our eliromo "Cute" is KlxiO inches in si,e, acknowledged to be the finest and handsomest picture ever given with any paper. i Our Fires Me Friend is an eight page illustrated family ami story wceklv in its t bird volume, has now over Sevintj--Kivi Tlifiiisind Sijli.s-rilnrs, ami rapidly in creasing, which insures the success of tin present dist rihf ut ion. The publishers of Our Firmitlf J'ri'inl have sent to its sul seri bers t Ii is yea r over Si-vi'iily Tlinuxii ii'.l copies of t he eliromo "('lite" ami are slop ping huuuretis every day. -uiiscript ion price, three dollars p.r year, which gives I he subscribers rutty-two numbers of tin. best l-'ani i ly Weekly, tin eliromo "CuP" lin. ly iramed, and a nu m bi red cert ilicat. ent il ling I In- imld'T to one si i a re in t he dis triliut ion of premiums lor ls73. Subscribt now wit h t he ag'-nt. or send direct to tin' Publisher. Specimen copies, particulars, etc., sent. Iree. '& C M "C3 In every town, at home or 4 2b M B 2 traveling, barge cash pay ) sj f-!'W"r f and lib ral pr uniums for F.f.l? I Uil getting up clubs. The best out lit. Send at. once lor Terms and partic ular.;. Address, WATKKS A- ( ' ., June l.'!-maris-m) Pubs., Chicago. rflliK IIIGHKST MARKET I'KK K JL price paid lor wool. JOHN MYKKS. Professional and Amateur Musicians should examine tie combination Solo Stops found only in CK . H I)S tv CO S bltfiASS. 'i J 1 10 d'OblN'K. A most delicate, soft or br-'ut bin s st op. TJIK VOX JII'MAXA. A baritone solo, not a Ian or tremolo. T11K PIANO. A beautifully toned piano, which wilt never require tuning. Sec ad verl isiiieiit in anotiiercolumn. junb'iu.'i fiililir x::;i:in;itioa of TfiiclhTs! ""oTlCI-: is HKUKI1V (IIVKN THAT IN" . i compliance with the law, there will be a Public Kxaminat ion of Teachers, at the Oregon City Seminary, on Satiudiiy, .lum "istlj, ls'ja, coetm- neing at !V, o'clock, a. m. It is de sired t hat all wlu ex pi ct- to t ach in this countv should attend public examinitia tlons as there is i.o charge lor cert iiic.it -s issu. il, and it s-'ctires a uniformity in ex aminations. Prols. Macrum, Mon-land, ami N icholson ar" appointed to aiil in the examination. The same rules applied ut public ex a m inat ions are strictly enforced at all private exam illations. A. XObTN'F.It, Siijit.fif I'uhlic Sellouts fur Vtack't.iKis Co. .1 unc t; h, 1ST.!. ' w I GEO. WOODS & C0'8 The most remarkable instrument ever per fected ; capable of the most beautiful mus ical cirects, and in the most elegant cases. All Lover: of Music should sec them, and hear their CG?,!B!HAT:e?J sclo stcfs. AV in. Ci. Ii A 1 ) Ci Kll, Of Kit Saiisorm St., San I'i aiirioi, has them. junel3m:i. LiVERY, FEED, AflO SALE 5- STABLE. Sifc r p 1 1 f t N" r r. i ts r; x f n pu ) i n i fto n ) v 1 tin bivery Stal.Ieon Fifth street, i trcgon ( 'ity, t rego n," keeps constantly on hand SiiildSt iind Hiig.TJ' llrsis, liHiries, t rriarcs ami Hacks. 3Vicror-s J Jeasoiial)le. He will also run a, hack to and from the V;!LI!01T GDA SPPilF-JCS during the summer s-ason, with goiwl hors "s.eom petent and gentlemanly drivers. FAHE AT LIVING RATES. J. M. FI tA.FIt, Projri( tor. )ri gon City, May g7, l-ek SHERIFTS SAL. BY VIKTUK OF A WHIT OF KXF.CI' tion issued out oftlie Circuit Court of the state of Oregon fortlte county of .Mult nomah, and to me direct d, whereas on the !'t h dav of June, A. !., judgment was recovered in favor of J. P. Smith and ngais? 1 aniel I larvcy for t In sunt of three lmiiilr -il and seventy-five dollars and forty three cents (?iT5.!:), with interest at the rate of orc-perc-nt. per month trnintin fthday of June, A. I... IST'1, together wit h costs of suit and disbursements. Now. t herefore, by virtue of the above named execution, iorwarit of personal property, I have levied upon the following described real estate. proicrtv of defendant, to-wit : All of blocks numbered 1' W. hi7, 112 and 114, J !ui,Hl1 o1' !",,,.m'ml7"'1 . f 7 i,n,J H ' " block number ii: and all of lots numbered j ., ., ;iiul 4 ,n Uo(.k nutnU.r an(l aI1 ot- , lr:u.tion.,i lot5 nmi,ered 7 and S in b!Kk number h: all in Oregon City, Clackamas county, ( r gon, as siiown by the maps and plats thereof. Now on Saturday, Julj l'-Hh, A. I., 173, at the hour of 1 o'clock, p. rn., at the court house door in Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon. I will sell at public auction tothe highest bidder, for cash paid tome in hand, all of Iianiel Harvey's interest in the above described real estate, or enough then-of to satisfy judgment, costs and ac cruing costs. A. F. HETw;E, slWifT. P.y IIKNIiY HEIMjE-S, Depute. June loth, 1S73. wi." OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, AU(7TIIOX AXD COMMISSION?. A. B. RICHARDSOW, A.1 ictioiieer, Cornier of Front i Oak cits., Portland. Auction f3;a!o Of Ileal Estate, Groceries, Central Mer chandise and Horses. SAFE DAYS AVerlnesdav and Saturday. A. 15. 1UCHAK1 'SUN, Auctioneer. Private SsiSe. English Hefined P.ar and P.undle Iron, English .Sipiare and Octagon Cast Steel, Horse Shoes, Hasps, S. i w s . sc r e w s , F ry -1 a n s , Sheet Iron, H. Ci.Iron. . A I.SU A large assortment of Groceries and Taq uors. A. P.. H1CHAKDSON, Jan. 1, ls7:J-tf. Auctioneer. SPI1INU AM) SUMMER GOODS Jl'ST RECEIVED AT DEALER IX Dry CifMKls, Clot hing, Hoots and Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, Crockery, Notions, Ladies ami Gents' Furnishing Goods, etc., etc., etc., etc. Main Street, Oregon City. Produce of all kinds bought, for which I pay the highest market price. If you de sire good Goods at Low price:, call at . S Ii I. I. I A' (i ' S and examine his new stock of Spring goods. Oiveme a call and convince yourselves. M y mot to is, " QITCK SAI.KS AXI1 SMALL l'KOKITS." The highest market price paid for ivool. I. SELLING. Oregon City, March 21, 1S73-U. WATCHES AKD JEWELRY. 3 r"1IIE rXIUvItSKiXED AX- e nouneetotlu'citizensof Oregon ;.r-.-? City and Clackamas county that they have just opened a JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT i x Oregon City, Main street, next door north of shades Sa loon, where t hey will keep on band and lor sa le a 11 goods perta ining to t heir line, at t he I.ovvkst i.i vino katks. Especial attention given to the repairing of Fink Tim f Pi i.cf.s. All gootls sold and work done warranted. J Fi . A. 1 1 A AS & S( )N . Oregon City, Feb. t;, iS7.'tf. HEX YORK HOTEL (Deutfches Gafthaus.) No. 17 Front Street, Opposite the Mail Steams hi i Lauding, POKTbAM), OiiFGOX. iMIOTliniS, J. J. WILKE.XS, Proprietors. Hoard t W-ek .M.00 Hoard r Week with Lodging ti.ut) Hoard V 1 lay l.uO GUARD AGAINST FiBE ! DELAYS AliE DAXGEK0US. rrH F N V M E ROCS SEVERE FIRES 1 which l.ave occurr -d in our Stab the past year, and the late disastrous confla grations in Portland, Springville, Dalles, 1 reeon City, and Jacksonville, should ad monish property owners to seek indemnity against loss and damage bv lire without delay. THE PIICENIX i : s u k a n c e c o :i r a x y, CF HARTFORD, G0?i., R pr i'SCTited on t he Pacific coast for over titf eeit years, (during which perkxl it has pa id oo. ooo ir Fin bosses in the Pa cific Depart ment), is one of the leading American h ire Insurance Companies, unit the onlii Hartford Company represented in the State of Oregon. a t lie prom pt adjust ment and payment of its losses.t he Plnenix has no superior, t lie Company has never had a suit in tin State, and in the prompt cash payment of nearly in the Chicago and Host on, proves that the old Plucnix is equal to its every engage ment. The Agent s of t he Phrcriix are a ut horized by commission trom the company to issue and renew Policies direct, and without ref erence to Port land, San Francisco, or else where, thus enabling the applicant to se cure iniiii"iiiit" ami t,iiulimi protection. Rates as low as solvency and fair profit will admit of. V. r. Til iSXS, R-'sidenf Agent, Oregon City. April IS, lS7.i.-iu: Four Splendid Chromes to Subs- riltcr. livery A rrnngements have been made hv which we can oiler :i year's snhscrija- tion to Tlie New York Christian at Work and Ix i.Kcric Wkkki.v, with their four magnificent 'liroinos : iood Morning," " 'ai lo in Mischicd'," "Sjiriit": Flowers." together with our own journal lor S"i "id. As'tin ( 'hronios alone are worth from 610 mi to "rl") no, and as the New York publication is everv way tirst-class. it presents an nimstial oiioi tnnity to our subscribers. The Chiomos are made bv Prang ami other celebrated artists, ainl will be forwarded promptly ly mail prepaiil. - Should any subscriber desire only t!u two tirst named ( 'hronios. they will Ik sent with the two publications for 64 oh. llemit to tlie publisher of this paper. ICE-CREAe'Vl SALOON, LOUS SAIL, : : : PROPRIETOR. T WOT LD RESPECTFULLY AX- and vicinity, that I have otKUU'd an ICE-CKEAJI Mini CON'FKCTIOXEKV establishment in the building formerly occupied by L. Diller, on the Corner of Fourth find Mtiin Strcctx. The Artie Soda Fountain will be in njnTufion to supply the demands of the thirsty. I manuiacture all my own stock, consequently they are 1'urr unl Frexh. A share of public patronage is respectfully sij licited. 3 Oregon City, September Ctli, Is72-tf. A. C. WALLIWG'S PIONEER BOOK BINDERY. Pillock's ISnildiiirr Corner or niul Front NO eel. Stark PORTLAND, ' 2Zm ' OREGON. BLAXK LOOKS RI'LED AXD P.OFXD to ny d. sired pattern. Music books -Magazines, ewspapers, etc.. Umnd in ev ery variety of style known to the tirade. ---" ""in im ciumtry promntlv at tended to. TO LKT. THE ROOM FORM FR I A' rtCCUPIED as the Council Chamber, in Dr. Tln-s-sing s brick building. Apply at this office. CEES. I-I. CA.TJJTIELD, DEALER GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CO EXE It OE SEVEXTII AXD JIAIX STREETS, OREGOX CITY. lias Jnst Received a New Stock of Calicoes, Dress ( IcmuIs, Rrown and Bleached Sheetings, House Inning, Shirtings, Table-I.inen, Irish Roso'm Linens, Linen Towelling, Table-Cloths, Corsets. Ladies' and Cents' Hose, Thread, Cambrics, Buttons, ltibltoiis. Laces and Insertions. Kmbroidery, White Uoods, Millinery, Fancy Good, JLc Also, ;i full assortment of LADIES' AND CHILDERN'-S SHCES, C Jrocories, Crockery, Glassware, Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Wicks and Chiniheys. AVhii U have Im c selected sxltU special care for llls market unil cannot ME Sl'ItPASSED IX Q.VAUTY Oil PKICE. tiii: hk;iii:st mahkiit prici: paid for country produce, March 13, lS73:tf O KEW STORE! HEW GOODS! NEW FIRM! LEVY BEOTHEES Have Just opened, in Arni-sliallV ISTeAV J3uilcliiiir, Oi'C.on City, r3"IIE FINEST AXD MOST Ct)MPLETE STOCK OF CLOTHING AXD DRY-tJOoDS JL Roots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, ( ientleinen's Furnishing fJoixls, Hoscrics, No tions, Cutlery, I'askets and Toys : also, Groceries ami Provisions, and a GENERAL, ASSORTMENT OF OTHER GOODS, Too numerous to describe, which we propose to sell at the Lowest Possible Rates, for CASH.. c Jillt. I. LKVY, b'ing a Prm-tieal Jeweler of long experience, we will also deal in and manufacture and repair Jewelry. We guarantee all ourgoods and work, or no pa v. Give us a call and examine our goods, and save twenty per cent. Second door north oftlie IostolHce, Main street, Oregon City. tns is a preparation combining all the valuable medical ijuailies of the Eucalvpt us which is cultivated in nearly every California garden tor its medical utilitv bavin" be come the household remedy for all diseases ot t he KID.XHY.s. lUAIHtlili and in I V FxnV, 3 I AT. WKAh-XKSS. It seems to haVe a dir. ct allinlt v forlhe . KM iO-OKGANs and their surroundings, and cures them by its a Iterative healin" and balsamic properties more eir.dually than any other known remedv ' tD 7.!AVW)v-Vv,1)V"ir;:V'r'lVv wT a,1.1 ';;,'s's of mucous and serous mV'mbranes.such siA!ki!kuc?nnu'A i ,K ul(JJI-A'4 USJiA mrjti.xa iitntixA.xvr, iysiji- tins preparation istlte result of Dr Coleman's experiments with the medicinal prop erttes ot the tree in tlie I . S. Msrine Hospital in San Francisco, in lsTl and 1ST vvhere he had unusual facilities lor testing t he various m.thods of prepariie- the remedv and i!!.';" Vl:Z!'"nVQ, nnXVVXilx,w promised results", and hundfi'ds erf i in. mi i.i i. ,.i iisfim-.n.-.i v.-iii in- seen at n is oilice -ill.) Vi'il rilev slei 1 S-iti l-'r-i tieic -o COt.KAMX'S DOUllLli K XT 11 ACT OF RVCA1. XVTixl V? . .! '' tea" 1 rancls-- erlul, yet harmless, lebriluge, and is a special preparat ion for t he ireatmenioi ine ma larious i-crs oi our interior vallevs, and is war ranted to cure any case of FEVER AN D A( i CE t reated with if accord ing to directions, while the baneful results of the usual Otiicine and arsenical rcmedie for those diseases are entirely avoided FOR PHYSICIANS, Coleman's Fluid Extract of Eucalyptus in I-lh bottles. Iiewar-' of imitations, and take none lmt Coleman's For sale everywhere, and by Hodge, Calef & Co., W holesale Dni"--ists ISUi'A 3 A .gT 8J l''rtlnd, Sole Ag.-nts for Oregon JOHN MYEES, OREGON CJTY- DZZALER IT1 DRY GOODS, GIIOCEIIIES, 1JOOTS and shoes. HARDWARE, CROCKERY AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Books and Stationerv. I will pay the highest prices for and all kinds of GCCD COUNTRY PRCCUCE. I will sell as low as any house in Oregon for CASH. OR ITS HQ UI VAL EXT in Good Merchantable Produce. I am selling very low for CASH HAaI). Give me a call and satisfy yourselves. JOHN MYERS. Oregon City, March 21. 1873. A GREAT DISCOVERY! VO M RE GRAY HAIR OR WHIS--ijT kers it you will use J. EiPMaN'S HAIR RESTORER. This is not a Vile Contlound. madi r.f Suc.-ir rf Ii'ad, Iac Sulphur, and other jxiisonous minerals, which will produce headache, paralysis or insanity, but a harmless pre paration, free front sediment, easily ap plied, and in a brief space of time restoring the hair or whiskers to their natural color. No preparation is necessary to use with it, but simply to apply according to directions accompanying each bottle. This is the cheapest, safest and best Hair Restorer ever offered to the public. . . J r.IPMAN, Proprietor. General Agents," CHARLES I.ANGI.EY it CO., Wholesale I irnggist s, corner Rattcry and Clav streets. San Francisco, to whom all orders must be addressed. Testimonials of prominent citizens who have usd it ac company each bottle. aproisJm IX O o SOmaybSTSyl. PACIFIC BOOT AfD SHOE HOUSE. OPPOSITE OC C IDENTAL. HOTEL. AN IMMENSE STOCK AS USUAL. GEOKGE A, PEASE, SCOCESSOR TO PK0TZH.1., CILLIJU.V & CO. o Corner First ami Morrison streets. 1'OHTLA.XO, OliliGO.Y, Noyem her -?2, lS72-t f. BARHUH RESTAURANT LEOX DeLOUEY, Proprietor, c (Late of the Cliff House.) G MAIJT STIllUiT, OXXG'OX CITV, OGX. THE FNDERSIGED 9 J respectlully announ- ft; tU f j ces to ins iriends A tho TriiTflin.r Iu 11 ir. that he has re-opened the above named The Pronrietrr L-nr.uc li,.- -.. x.t customers with Oysters I'iwrs Feet, A Gooil C i of Coffee, Or ii Gooil Squarr ?IeaI. I.EON Df.EOUEY. Oregon City, March js, 18T-tf. Win. 1JK0UGHT0X T70UED RESPECTFrEIA INFORM T T t he cit izetis r!" I lr it that ho is prt pared to lurnish J-ir, Spriue nnl tVIar LUMBER of every description. Dry Flooring, Ceiling,Spruce(for Shelving) , J-altice, Pickets, Fence Posts (Cedar). Constantly on Hand. Street and Sidewalk Lumber furnished on the shortest notice, at as low rates as can bo purchased elsewhere in the State. Give nto a call, at the OKKC'OX CITY, SAW MILL.. March 21. lS73-tf. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF EXECU tion and a decree of Ton-closure and an order of sale issued out of tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of lackamas, and to ine directed, in favor of Philancy Otis and Daniel Otis, her htis haml, and against E. A. GibM.n, lor the sum of one thousand and seventy-nine andSi-ino (.?l,()7'.i.S) dollars, gold coin, with interest at the rate of one per cent, per month trom the 2!th day of October, A. D., 1.V72, together with costs of suit and dis bursements. Therefore by virtue of tho above mentioned execution, I have levied upon the south half of section eleven (11) , in township three (')) south, range one west, containing t hree hundred and twenty acres, more or less, all in Clackamas coun ty, Oregon, and now the projurty of K. A. Gibson, defendant, and on Tuesda-, tlie-ltli day or. Tune, 173, at the Court. House door in Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock, p. in.," I will sell at public auc tion the above descriU d real estate, to the highest bidder.for cash paid to rue in hand, o satisfy execution, interest, costs, and accruing costs. May I,th,PS7.. p HEDGES, Sheriff. P,y HENRY HEDGES, Deputy. w4 SODA SPRINGS! THE F.1V0KITE S DDI Eli RESORT! 3i MILES SOUTH OK OREGON CITY, IX CLACKAMAS COUXTY. JOSEPH AVRKillT having leased th Wilhoit Soda Springs, desires to inform those wishing to spend a few days in the mountains that this is tho most dclighful place in the Willamette Valley. A good Hotel, Stable and bath-house for the ac commodation (X visitors. These springs have Ijeon recommended by Physicians as (K ing tho healthiest and best place for invalids or persons a fflicted with anj- complaint to spend tho heated sea son. Part ies desiring to visit t ho Springs will find a hack in readiness for thiar accomo dation, upon applying to J. M'. Frazcr at Oregon City. niay'J3m4. O 3: 122 O o o o o 0 O o O c O o o o o o 0 e o o i-;. 0 I. O 4 .-