Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, June 13, 1873, Image 1

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VOL. 7.
NO. 33.
t i
( fill m
Firnsr, Bn.sinrss Man. i Family firrle.
official papeH toe clackamas co.
OKFICE-In lr. Th-ssins's Trick, next
-door to John Mye rs' store, up-stairs.
Trrin of Sulwrrlptlont
O . . ....x v....r Tn Advance J2..V)
Six Mom lis '
Ternn of Advertising:
Transl-nt a.lvprti.s.-m. nts. Inrimllni!
all l-i-'al ntic-. V square ot twolw
Vor'.'SK'h subs-ti.-nt ins rtion
tn- Column, on- yar
naif :: ::
J. W. MORRIS, M- D.,
rinsiniN and siugeox,
u it i: a o -v c it r, o n 1: a o .v.
,-ViH r -sporul promptly to calls during
rit VT dav or niirliti
o ne - at W'.irJ-s Um-stor.. Canlyfnund
; tuCliir House at iiiK'ht. mallmS
J3 1 1 1 JLX" O 0 1 1
F."r,t aii.J Al.l- r str -ts. R'siUenec corner
o. Maui au. 1 Seventh streets.
1 Drs. Welch k Thompson,
; Ol-KU'K IN"
O Corner of First ami Al.Ur Strei ts.
tr Will be in r v-jmu City on Saturdays.
.Nov. S :tl
Att o rn eye-at- Law ,
C7"-H-riv':E t'harman's t rick. Main st.
;iii:irlsTJ :tl.
JOH i! 3 DM & McCOWN
G Oroson City, Oregon.
-VilI i.raetioe in all th Court of t ho
s:.;e. sp -eial att-ntion Kivcii to cases in
tin I . S. Uind 'iiioe ai t. oii v-n ...
oiukjox cm'.
OKI-MCE nvr Pope's Tin St or". Main
trvt. ilmarT;-tl.
Lincoln b k e r y ,
V. ol l-'mii-.ly iiroe rn s to he touiul in th
civ. warranted. ' ommIs d'"liv-rel
i.i t lie city ir -e ot char-. The highest cash
pru pan! lor country product-.
on City, Mareli Z 1S73.
i-Tierc in i".stoki'ick p.i'ir.iiN;.
15 2 OXiZlST;.
Jr:il Tpiiiler, (rlinniin('ounl)- Or
dr. itiiil Or-.ir t'ily Ortli'ra
I.oxri n-1 iat'-d. CoiPiions attended
t. ainl a Cieii -ral llrokeae liiiness carried
O o:i. jantitf.
i:ta1liOi.l since ' l'., nt the old stand.
Main Slrjt-t, Oron lity, flripdM.
0 An s.irtm-rl of Watties, .lew.-l-
ry.atid S"i it Thouia' Weight CI.M'ks
all of whieh are warranted to be us
Ck 5 r-pr 'snied.
uyil-pairiiii done rt short notice, and
k hii kl'u 1 for jast patronage.
S Tvl P Z R I AL fVl ILLS,
Savior, Lalloeqiio & Co.
Oregon City.
Kf.-p constantly on hand for sale Klour,
M;d-!iiiiy:s, Ulan aiul Chicken Feed. Partus
Piirelijisiii feed must furnish the sack.
tv Miitwni'ry, I'trluni- - V-f
'!. etc.
Orfifwn City, Orrgon.
j.?"Af harman A Warner's old stand,
ocvtira.-q by s. Ackenian. Main st.
-v n 77y bC,t Photot-'rarhs. po to Prad
4c. 't'lofson-s(;alery without STAIRS-
rrent. Cvrrrr.n,
We were young and foolish, she and I,
As we roamed the .summer woods,
Where the llowers grow and the breezes
And the pine tree gravely nods ;
And I told her of a promised home,
lleyond a wide, troubled .sea,
Where she and I together might roam
Into eternity.
And I held her own in my burnimr
As we stood 'neath the nodding pine.
While I spoke of that far-oil" golden
Whieh Hows with oil and wine.
And I saw her faee, like an angel's face,
and her blue eye turned on me
"I would follow you, love, from place
to place,
Into eternity."
We were young and foolish, she and I,
As we roamed those summer woods,
And I think, with a weary, bitter nigh,
Or' the place where the nine tree nods.
For the distant home that I told her of,
Across a wide, troll Lieu sea.
Is the land where angels dwell in love,
Into eternity.
In inv dreams alone I am with her
And I hold her patient hand;
But I still keep looking lor mv share
Of that long promised land
Where once again on her angel face
1 hat glad liyht I mav see.
And by her side 1 shall take niy place
lhrough all etermtv.
Tribute to C;c:.eral I.ec.
Tho London Stanlartl, in tho
course of an article upon the crit
ique of the Edinlmrg Rer!eir, of the
lite and character of deneral .Lee,
pays the following truthful and elo
quent tribute to the great captain.
It says:
lie h.i.l lost fortune and home in
the war, by 2ilklne an wanton de
struction; he was prescribed; he de
clined to draw vengeance on his
State by talcing open part in her pol
ities, the commander-in-chief of a
national army condescended to the
control of a military school, and to a
life of silence and obscurity. Uutall
Southern eyes were fixed upon him,
and his influence was used to keep
them calm and patient, and to re
tach them to the Union which had
conquered ami was crushing them,
liven while their wrongs and mis
eries w ere wearing out his Hie he
cheeked every utterance of resent
ment, every expression of hope for a
future deliverance. ' We are all
Americans now." He would allow
no toasts to the Lost Cause, no hon
ors to the fallen banner. He bore
his burden with simple, unailected,
patient heroism.
Other men may have approached
him in war and achievement: none
capable of deeds like his ever rival
led him in endurance and submis
sion under hopeless defeat. A Cato
would have fallen on his sword, a
IJrutus might have conspired; Han
nibal endured only in the hope of
re venge and retrieval. nt (Jeneral
Lee not only endured, but submit
ted, and that without suffering his
country to entertain even the wish
to renew the struggle. He had to
endure for some weary years, and
then the release. The overwrought
nerves suddenly gave wav: he sank
at once from perfect selfpossession
and apparent health into collapse
and speechlessness, and died as lit
erally "of a broken heart " as ever
despairing patriot or defeated sol
dier more truly far than most "bro
ken hearted" victims of private grief.
So he passed away from the coun
try he could neither save by his
sword nor restore to happiness by
his counsels, but which he had
crowned in war, and rescued in de
feat from useless struggles and
tleeper misery.
He has left behind him no rival of
her love, no object of equal pride
anil reverence. Nor is his fame con
fined to the South. Wherever the
English tongue is spoken his name
is revered and honored a name to
which history furnishes few equals
in military renown, none in moral
grandeur; the name of one who real
ized in actual life the dreams of
ideal chivalry so great in victory
that none ever surpassed, so much
greater in defeat that none ever ap
roached him; the patriot without a
thought of self, the hero without a
shade of affectation or display; the
man who would neither despair of
his country nor conspire against her
conquerors; ideal soldier and per
fect citizen, a Christian without pre
tensions and a gentlemen without
Will Conoceiis Tovkhty. I have
leen far oftener surprised to see how
the will triumphs over obstacles
than I have to see the obstacles tri
umph over the' will to work. ltirht
and left are Avonien with infant chil
dren, and incapable, invalid, or dis
sipated husbands, surmounting hin
drances, and earning not only a liv
ing, hut a competence, by sheer
pluck, or if that is not an admissible
word, will. I see men with indiffer
ent health, but sturdy self reliance
and creditable pride, by steady in
d'; -try, buying and building houses,
lifting mortgages, growing grad
ually and surely into prominent
and permanent respeetihihty ; while
others, who started with apparentlv
equal or superior advantages, falter
and fail simply from indolence or
feebleness of purpose. We pitv
them. Every healthy mind must
despise them. Every healthy mind
must despise that trait which per
mits a man or a woman to prefer ig
noble ease to a. dignified though
hardly -earned independence; which
permits the day-laborer to live boun
tifully on to-day's wages, without
laying by and store for the morrow,
on which he cannot work. Gail
A rhrenologist told a man that he
had combativeness largely developed ;
"No," said the other, "I have not,
and if you say that again I'll knock
yon doTn."
Probable Fate of Captain Jack.
General Davis' Policy.
The Modccs do not I'ear Death.
The Ilcgiiiiiing of the did
General Davis Hanging Arrange
ments Interrupted.
Personal of the Modoc Chiefs.
Interview with Captain Jack.
Boyle's ('amp, June 5. The cap
ture of Captain Jack all save a few
of the adherents to his cause, con
tinues to engross the attention of the
officers and men in this camp. The
excellent results of the last three
w eeks of the campaign are attributed
to the strategy and diplomacy of
(.teneral Duvis, as well as the zeal
and ability of .Major llasbrook, Col.
Green, Colonel 1'erry and other offi
cers who have figured creditably in
the scouts. The General planned
the scouts and directed .each com
mander how to act. His orders
have been brief and to the point, and
generally in eH'oct:
" Eind anil fight or capture the
Indians, and stav bv them if possi
ble. Do not return to camp without
a brush with the foe. I will forward
rations to the front."
This policy closed the Modoc war
in about one month.
The campaign under the auspices
of Davis dated from about the 1st of
May, and is simply a series of suc
cesses. The
ciiAiuiE of iiAsr.r.orcx's TROOPS.
At Drv Lake achieved the initial vic
tory over the redskins in the lava
bed, and was the turning j)oint in
the contest that had lasted for
months. Defeat caused the disaffec
tion among the Modocs that led to a
division of the numereial strength of
the band. The second time Major
Hasbrouek came across the Modocs
he pursued them until his horses
could neither walk nor run any fur
ther, killed a warrior or two, anu
killed and captured squaws and com
pelled the Cottonwood branch of the
tribe, numbering seventy souls to
surrender through fear of exterm
ination. This delegation came into
Eairchild's ranch. Since the Eair
child surrender Cols. Green and
Perry, and Majs. Hasbrouek, Jack
son, Cresson and Trimble, have had
leading commands in scouts, and
each has worke I long and well. The
captives wen? fairly earned. The
Modocs hal little authority in
the matter. Jack told young Apple
gate yesterday that he yielded be
cause he could not help himself.
Officers are looking carefully among
the baggage of the Modocs in hopes
of discovering mementoes of com
rades slain during the struggle in
the lava bed. Nothing worthy of
note, save the
conn to oi:x. caxisy's hat,
lias been discovered. The opinion
prevails that Gen Davis will hang or
shoot Capt. .lack, lioston Charley
and Sconchin, without awaiting any
suggestions from the civil author
ities; whereat great joy prevails in
I hail another interview with Bos
ton Charley this morning on the
Modoc question. He says that the'
Modocs believe that the majority of
the tribe will- be shot. They arc
prepared to die like men. Answer
ing a question as to whether Jack is
concerned about his fate, he said:
"No; Capt. Jack does not care for
anything. He will not speak to any
person save his sister Mary. Capt.
Jack is a brave man. Women care
for dentil, warriors never."
Young Applegate, one of the
guides with Perry's party, to-day re
lated to me the exact manner in
which Jack was taken. The Warm
Springs and the troops suddenly dis
covered that they had been following
a blind trail, and of course felt deep
ly chagrined. Tne command halted
at once. The scouts dismounted
and crawled about on hands and
knees. Tracks, rocks, bushes,
grasses, and every other object in
the immediate neighborhood were
closely inspected. The scene was a
curious and interesting one. In the
front, the ground was covered with
Now and then they paused to
munch wild celery, and again they
wiggled rapidly forward. A scout
on the extreme right called Apple
gate's attention to the print of a moc
casin on a small mesa of pulverized
lava. The discovery was signalled to
Col. Perry, who, with his cavalry,
deployed out over a vast tract of
ground. A force posted as skirm
ishers, was on the alert, and ready
to order a forward movement.
Quickly and quitly the troops and
the scouts formed a semi-circle,
the two ends of the line resting on
the right and left of a rocky ridge
near the canyon through which Wil
low creek runs. When the arrange
ments for the advance had been per
fected, several of the scouts and Ap
plegate began work on the trail.
This little party saw, from the char
acter of the prints, that the Indians
had been running. They saw where
they had leaped from rock to rock
to avoid leaving any tracks. In the
rear of this trail, distant twenty or
thirtv vards. was another, where
several Indians hail passed along,
each stepping in one track.
With difficulty the Warm Springs
were prevented from ringing out a
w ar hoop. Terry reached the .bank
of the creek with his end of the line,
and halted. It was evident that the
Indians had taken refuge in the can
yon within a short time. Here the
command was divided, Perry taking
one side of the creek, and Major
Trimble the other. The scouts
passed on ahead of Trimble, but in
sight of Perry. Carbines were held
ready for immediate use, and pre
cautions against surprise were taken.
On went the scouts, and the troops
in the rear. One of them said he knew
Modocs were around, and then he
raised his head and snuffed the air,
as if to gain news from the passing
wind. Up to this time not a Modoc
hail been seen. A moment later,
an Indian (probably one of Jack's
pickets) leaped from behind a huge
boulder on the rim of the canyon
and ran below and out of sight. The
act was observed by both Perry and
Trimble. Perry had Trimble halt,
while he advanced his command
near enough to bring the canyon
within shooting range. Again a
Modoc appeared in view. This time
i he glanced hurriedly about him. and
i saw the situation. He ran below,
j and in three minutes nppearad a sec-
ond time. He h;ul flung his gun
aside, and was undecided how to act.
: One of the Warm Springs cried out
in Chinook jargon, "Come here; Ave
won't hurt you." The Modoc came
to the scout, and the latter, laying
down his gun, grasped him cordially
by the hand. The Modoc said Jack
would come in if they would let him.
Colonel Perry was informed how
matters stood, and through Major
Trimble sent three men to visit Jack.
In less than five minutes
and shook hands with the interview
ing party. Mean while the Troop
had been gradually closing in on all
sides and were ready to lire at the
word. Five squaws and seven chil
dren appeared on the scene with
the baggage of the Modocs. Jack
was dirty and dejected. His shirt
was ragged and his knee breeches,
made of cavalry pantaloons, suggest
ed many a slide down old Grimes'
cellar door. His bundles were un
packed by Lizzie (his favorite
squaw) and his clothes taken out
by permission of Col. Perry. He
was allowed to don clean clothes
from head to foot. Here we have
the explanation of his arrival at Ap
plogate's in that calico shirt. Lizzie
did not change her clothes, but
placed a new delaine dress over the
tattered rags she was wearing. The
other squaws and children came to
the camp rags and all. Jack and
Lizzie rode in together on a spotted
Boyle's Camp, Tcle Lake Pexix
st'la, June 3 Evening. The sol
diers are engaged in building a
strong tent, long and low, for the re
ception of the Modoc captives, and
a cloth court house for the purpose
of holding a trial.
Col. Green's command is still
scouting for missing Modocs. Bo
gus Charley says there are twelve
Modocs at large.
Boyle's Camp, Tcle Lake Pkxix
svla, June -i Afternoon. The In
fantry under Col-. Mason will arrive
from Eairchild's ranch this afternoon
and become a part of the permanent
camp at this point.
With the Infantry are the Modoc
captives who surrendered to Gen.
Davis on Cottonwood creek. Gen.
Davis and all the soldiers and
Modocs at Applegate's house start
for our camp to-day. There are nine
warriors missing, according to the
latest account. Among them is
Black Jim, the scoundrel who caught
Gen. Can by after he had been shot
and held him while Jack used his
knife; also Miller's Charley, another
desperado. The captive Modocs will
reach here, in about half an hour.
Hooka Jim and Steamboat Prank are
hunting after two warriors and three
squaws who are supposed to lie trav
eling toward the Yainax Beservation.
Eaiim hild's Hanch, Juno 4, 4 P. M.
Sheepy Tom has just come in from
the island in Little Klamath Lake,
and brought with him Tee-Hee Jack,
Bony, one squaw and three children.
Lieut. Grier has ordered their arms
to be taken from them, and h:v as
signed them a tent in which to re
main until they can be removed to
Boyle's camp on the Peninsula. Bur
gess and Bogus Charley are expected
back from Klamath Lake with other
Modoc prisoners to-night. In addi
tion to the Indians above mentioned
there are also here the following
named squaws, who have figured
somewhat extensively since the com
mencement of the Modoe trouble:
Artena Chokus, One-Eyed Dixie, Old
Kitty, llosy and three others who
have, not yet gained as much notorie
ty as their older sisters. McKay.
Boyle's Camp, Tcle Lake Penin
sula, June I, 10 A. M. About half
past three o'clock this afternoon
clouds of dust arising from the wind
ing road east of the Peninsula and
in the direction of Clear Lake, an
nounced the
From the Applegate Mansion, and
created an excitement that, as I write
has not subsided. Soldiers and citi
zens, every one who could spare a
few moments, gathered near the bar
ricade and watched the procession
a., it entered camp and passed up the
sandy stretch to the base of the bluff,
where the canvas prison is located.
Lieut. Chapin, of Company G,
Fourth Artillery, was in the advance.
Next came three large wagons loaded
with Modocs and two with baggage.
Bank and file of Battery G marched
beside the wagons and forty mounted
Warm Springs Indians held the
flanks. The Warm Springs supplied
the lack of music with song and war
hoop and gave the scene a tone of
terrible sadness.
"where iscaft. Jack?"
Where is Capt. Jack?" was the cry
among the spectators. None had the
gratification of seeing the warrior's
face. He had anticipated the excite
ment his advent would create, and
was crouched in a corner of the wag
on and completely enveloped him
self in a blanket, whether through a
senso of fear or sIirtti. T know not.
Near him were the leading braves of
his tribe. Arriving at the prison the
wagons were relieved of their con
tents. Jack was chained to Scon
chin, and Boston Charley to One
Eved Mose, and Sam was manacled
by himself. The men were placed '
one side of the prison and the women
opposite, with the exception that
Jack's Lizzie was allowed to sit be
side him and lay her head upon his
breast, and his girl of three years
had the freedom of the tent.
By permission of the officer of the
Through the medium of an interpre
ter. At first he was reticent in fact
he did not deign to notice me. His
sister. Mary, who was captured by
one of the scouting parties that I
accompanied, and who is inclined to
be affable to young men, interceded
in my behalf and persuaded Jack to
talk. His first remark was in rela
tion to the shackles. He said it
made him feel mean to be hobbled
like a horse; he was not afraid to die
and he had no idea of running away.
As he spoke his eyes fairly snapped
and he looked a very lion in rage.
All questions pertaining to his fight
he declined to answer. When asked
his age he gave ine to understand
that he was thirty-six. Then he vol
untarily entered upon a state of his
grievances against the whites. He
dated his antipathy to the race to
the time of the Ben. Wright massa
cre. He said the white man murder
ed the Indians years ago, and that
what he had done was only paying
old debts, lie did not enter into de
tails, but left the interpreter, Scar
faced Charley, to patch up the story.
A critical study of Jack's face cor
roborates the impression received at
first sight. He is thoroughly Indian.
His head is large, quite square, and
for the present rests firmly on his
shoulders. His eyes are black and
bright, his face broad, and his cheek
bones prominent. His nose is sym
metrical and slightly aquiline, his
lips thin and clean cut, and, combin
ed with his chin, indicate that reso
lution of purpose that has won for
him sucli a remarkable notoriety.
His complexion is dark. His face
has an unpleasant look, and his coun
tenance is not an agreeable one to
look upon. Take him all in all, he
is a striking man. Place him among
a thousand Indians, and he would
be thought the Chief by an observing
stranger. Those who have seen him
marvel not that he is the leader of
the Modocs. Though in chains and
on the brink of eternity, he is feared
and respected by the Indians about
His nearest companion in chains,
Sconchin, reminds me of Victor Hu
go's famous "Criminal," the man
who climbed the angle in the walls
by main strength. He is fifty years
of a'-fe, is wrinkled, and has the vil
lain depicted in every line of his face.
He wears his hair short and stands
5 feet inches in his moccasins.
Is about '-.'" years old. His face is
expressionless. Did I not know to
the contrary, I should take him for
a half-witted fellow. He. and Mose,
and Sam, are v ry ordinary looking
Indians. It should be remarked that
all of these Indians have hairless
Jack would attempt to esca)e if he
had a chance, even at the risk of
being shot down. Probably he never
realized that death was inevitable
until the irons were placed upon his
feet. Scarfaced Charley says that
Jack told him he could get clear
while the white men were asleep.
This was before the irons were
brought into use. Gen. Davis and
others are satisfied that Jack did try
to escape last night, and through the
aid of confederates on the outside,
for upon examining his shackles this
morning one of the rivets of his
shackles was filed nearly, in two. His
legs onlv are confined.
At 4 o'clock this afternoon, Col.
Mason arrived here from Eairchild's
ranch with the infantry of the expedi
tion and the seventy Modocs who
came in there a few days since. The
Indians w ere escorted hither by Capt.
Camp and Company G, of the
Twelth Infantry. Thus we have 128
captives. The guard is a large one,
and has orders that are extemely vig
ilant. Any Indian attempting to es
cape will be shot dead.
Boyle's Camp, June 4, Midnight.
News has reached here that Hooka
Jim and Steamboat Frank made a
successful scout yesterday. Co
operating with the Oregon Volun
teers they trailed three warriors and
five squaws to the timber mountain
northeast of here, and assisted in
making a capture. One of the cap
tives is Black Jim. He is the Modoe
who has bullied the settlers in this
region for two or three years and
committed cruel murders. The
Oregonians regard him with special
hatred. Only live' or six Modoc
warriors are now missing. The
Warm Springs held a war dance this
evening which was witnessed by a
large audience of officers and men
The howls of the scouts annoyed the
Boyle's Camp, June 5, 9 a. m.
Late yesterday afternoon a detail of
men belonging to the artillery arriv
ed in camp from the timber mountain
near the Peninsula, with twenty jun
iper logs, clean and straight, and
evidently not intended for use in
the erection of tents or prisons. Many
marveled for what purpose the tim
ber has been obtained. This morn
ing the secret is out. Gen. Davis
gives me private- information to the
effect that he. intends to erect a scaf
fold and
Of the worst murderers in the tribe
nt sunset tomorrow. He feels that
there is no need of delay. No doubt
of the guilt of the chosen victims can
exist. Justice demands speedy and
certain action. Even at this time he
is writing out a statement of offenses
that will be read to the condemned
murderers this evening. Many of
the men in camp have already sur
mised his intentions, and a kind of
quiet excitement is brewing. The
Modoc warriors have no friends.
When it is remembered how they
Who were left upon the battle field,
committed hellish outrages that can
not be mentioned, and how they shot
down settlers without a moment's
warning, there are few, I ween, who
can ask to have them spared. I have
seen tears in the eyes of the sternest
men in the army as they gazed upon
the Modocs and thought of Can by,
Thomas, Wright, Cranston, Howe
and other friends sacrificed by these
fiends. " I will close this business
at once, and move to different scenes."
says General Davis. "I have more
w ork to do."
Boyle's Camp, June 5, 10 a. m.
The regular courier from Yreka has
just reached camp with a large mail.
Among other official papers is one
from Washington directing General
Davis to hold the Modocs until the
authorities about the White House
can investigate the charges against
our late foes. This order disarranges
the entire plans of the General and
dampens the spirits of the camp.
There will not be any executions at
present. The troops will not be dis
patched "to localities where other In
dians are getting too bold and sauey
for comfort. Tedious delays mnst
occur. The feeling in camp is one
of profound disgust.
Boye's Camp, Tule Lake Peninsu
la, June f, G ii. m. The document
from Washington, in reference to the
disposition of the Modocs. contains
suggestions from (Jen. Sherman as
"The Modocs who murdered Gen.
Can by and the Peace Commissioners
might be tried by court-martial. those
who killed the settlers by the Courts,
and the remainder ought to be tried
that the tribe may be extinct."
Should those ideas be carried out,
California will claim some of the
Modocs and Oregon others. As mat
ters now stand, however, none of the
murderers will be turned over to the
civil authorites. The interference of
the Government with the military
authorities is regarded here as an ac
tual calamity. The few hundred
soldiers in camp have performed
work under the most trying circum
stances. They have been taught to
believe the Indians would be hanged,
by the terrible deeds of the latter.
Every soldier has known that to fall
into the hands of the enemy meant
torture, and when dead disfigurement.
Every soldier knows that the Modocs
were merciless. Ollicers and men
have been impelled to the perform
ance of the brave and reckless deeds
by a sense of duty to the dead as well
as the living, and now that the enemy
has been defeated, they are eager to
see justice meted out. They would
not consent to
Of men women and children. They
actually sympathize with the little
Modocs, who toddle about the canvas
prison, but as a matter of right and
as a necessity, the army without an
exception, so far as I can learn, favor
a speedy execution of the murderers.
Most of the settlers would favor death
by inches.
I have given you the sentiment of
the army. The Modocs in chains
(with the exception of Sconchin)
expect death. Sconchin thinks he
will escape because Meacham lives.
The scoundrel would not come into
camp with the other Modocs until
he was assured that Meacham lived.
Bogus Charley, Shacknasty Jim,
Hooka Jim and Steamboat Frank
will escape the halter, though the
two latter were engaged in murder
ing settlers for several weeks.
These four surrendered without re
ceiving any promises, and of their
own volition trailed the Modocs and
paved the way for the late captures.
Without these warriors in our inter
est, the war must have lasted for
months to come. The last fight, by
the by, occurred during Colonel
Green's scout in the Langell vallev
and Willow creek country, which I
have previously described exactly
six months from the date of the first
fight of the war.
Among the items of news, it should
be mentioned that General Davis
(who is really Colonel of theTweity
third Infantry) has received, an or
der from Washington assigning him
to duty as Brevet Major General
which simply means that he can
hereafter be officially addressed as
Major (Jeneral. There is no money
in it.
Colonel Geeen's cavalry remains at
Clear Lake. Colonel Perry has gone
to Klamath on leave of absence.
Boyle's Camp, June 5 Evening.
One of the Oregon volunteers visit
ed the camp a half an hour since
anl reported to Gen. Davis that the
company had five warriors, four
squaws and five children at Linkville,
being the result of their late scout.
Among these are Black Jim and
Dave. These two are notorious vil
lains, and will be swung as soon as
opportunity offers. When the Mo
docs were made prisoners some of
the Oregonians were in favor of ex
ecuting them at once. Lieut. Lind
say, who was in command at the
time, succeeded in subduing the
passions of his men and bringing
the Modocs safe and sound to town.
Gen. Davis sent for the captives and
expects them here to-night.
The motto at the head of the note
sheets of the Amboy, 111., Journal
reads: "That which is worth doing
is worth advertising; print and prosper."
lielicve in Yourself.
It is said that when John C. Cal
houn was in Yale College he wa
ridiculed by his fellow students for
his intense application to study.
"Why, sir," said he, "I am forced
to make the most of mv time that I
may acquit myself cred'itablv, when
in Congress." A laugh followed,
when he exclaimed, "Do you doubt
it? I assure you if I were not con
vinced of my ability to reach tho
national capital as a" Iiepresentativo
within the next three years, I would
leave college this very day." Let
every young man thus have faith in
himself and earnestly take hold of
life, scorning all props and buttresses,
all crutches and life preservers. Ltt
him believe, with Pestalozzi, that no
man on Ginl's earth is either willing
or able to help any other man. Let
him strive to be a creater.rather than
to borrow. Instead of wielding tho
rusted sword of valorous forefathers,
let him forge his own weapons', and
conscious of a God in him and tho
providence over him, let him fight
his own battle with his own good
lance. Instead of sighing for an ed
ucation, capital or friends.and declar
ing that "if he only had these ho
would lie somebody,"' let him remem
ber that, as Horace Greeley said, ho
is looking in the wrong end of tho
telescope, that if he were only some
body he would speedily have all tho
boons whose absence he is bew ailing.
Instead of being one of the f liled
potentialities of which the world is
so full one of the subjunctive heroes,
who always might, could, would, or
should do great things, but whose
nt doing greater things is what no
body can understand let him be in
the imperative mood, and do that of
which his talents are indicative. Thi
lesson of self reliance once learned
and acted upon, and every man will
discover within himself, under God,
the elements and capacities of useful
ness and honor A Getting ou in th
Where t:i e Burden Presses. Men
will draw comparisons between tha
corruptions of the Republican party
and Tammany, notwithstanding tho
endeavors to pooh-pooh the latest
developments. The St. Paul Des
jtntvli counsels its Republican com
rades that the burden of the Credit
Mobilier sin presses on the party
because the party" nourished and at
tempted to conceal it. The Despatch
says: o
When the proof of Tweed's infamy
was made public the whole Demo
cratic party felt the effects thereof,
although by much the greater por
tion of the party reprehended such
acts as those of Tweed as severely as
did the Republicans. Indeed,
Tweed's overthrow and the subse
quent endeavors to punish him are
mainly due to the efforts of honest
Democrats, notwitstanding which
the Democratic party w as justly held
responsible in large measure for his
sins. In the case of the Credit Mo
bilier corruption, more outrageous,
if possible, than Tweed's, the Re
publican party not only fought
against the strongest proof until fur
ther resistance was futile, but now,
when a majority of the party ac
knowledge the crime of the leaders,
it is found impossible to punish tho
criminals, and impossible because
the party so wills it. The cases of
the Republicans who purchased
seats in the Senate are after the same,
fashion in respect to the bearing
upon the Republican party. Let it
not lie forgotten, then, that the party
which created, nursed and elevated,
to high place the Credit Mobilier
Congressmen and corrupt Senators
must be held to a strict responsibil
ity for the misconduct ot these ita
Good-bye to the cows and churn,
the milkmaid who has so often and
so long furnished themes for the
romances and poet ; good-bye to tho
old-fashioned dairy, with its nice,
clean earthen pan, and more modern
tin ones. Ria farewell to Crumpled
Horn and her well-filled udder, the
milk-pan and the churn, and the
richly acid buttermilk. The hog,
kin to those fallows in the fable that
swallowed the devil and then com
mitted suicide that they might stran
gle him, or them for there were
many devils that sought shelter in
those grunting recipients the hog is
to supercede the cow, and his mid
riff's fat replace the rich juices of
her milky fountain. Some one has
found or discovered the way to make
butter from the parings of pork. from
really the refuse of the butchers'
shops. A company, with a capital of
half a million dollars, has been form
ed to carry this new discovery or in
vention into practice, and the repre
sentatives of Ayershire, Durham and
Devonshire have cause to fear that
their races have about outlived their
usefulness. "Consider, cow, consid
er." After this butter-making from
pork scraps and clippings, what
next? Are we to have some fellow
come forward with an invention for
making Goshen cheese from the ruta
baga (brassira cnnipefti'is) , and roast
ribs of beef from the hoops of a beer
barrel ?
The Indian who was arrested in
Umatilla county, a short time ago
for trying to commit rape, was bound
over to appear at the next session of
the Circuit Court in that county.
When first captured a large number
of the settlers Vero in favor of hang
ing him but better counsel prevailed,
and he was turned over to the civil
Katv, aged three years, was trying
to think of a pleasant surprise for her
father on his birthday. At last she
cried. "I know mamma, I know
"What, my dear?"' "Get mo a little
sister without saying anythinff to
papa "
i-- '!
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