Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, May 30, 1873, Image 3

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OREGON 11TV, f!HKGG, )I.Y 01, 173.
liK VD Ropy rorND.-Tliy b(,i!;,-of ;i
marrwas fount! l:tst Friday Fy J,. ('.
S tiiiulors, Uvo iiiil.-s cast of this hce,
unable to to ilet'-rniiiie who t fie deceas-
I I n i:iiii:. lilt; 1
i d was or by v. hat means he came to
his denth. From all ajvpearanci.-s, the
man must have been dead some four or
five weeks, i! is eh t h imr coii-dxteil of a
Llue-Macl; iK-awr coat, nearly new,
lined with while and 1.1. ic!; checked
I'.rtT'.nel ; a brown (vrshirt, cloth or
tweetl, a stri;ecd or cheeked shirt un
derneath; a pair of white canvas panls
an 1 a heavy pair of stogy hoots, grain
ed leather ; had no hat. and in his puck
e ts were found a pair of spectacles, one
red-cotton haiei r-hief. From apjx-ar-anees,
lie was b:-twcin 4. and 50 years
of a'jee. The verdict of tie jury was
rendered ill ?'.' irdanei with tiie alove
facts. We learn since the i in j nest was
held, tliat thed ce is.- l was a (icriirm;
t!i it his name was Micheal Knu'eii, and
that he h-.td taken up a homestead ahout
live miles from t his city, and h;isa fam
ilv living in J.-rnrin y, -o!iist:.iurof a
wife ate I nine en 1 p ren r I :uir m is.:: no
rmfy. on til.- litnii.'. i.eriiian pai-cr ,
:-.re reouesled to co-.v this notie--.
1 L" I
PsK IIm.t. ! ami:. The thir! .name
Letween tiie P.ieiiics of Portland and
the Hustlers of th.is city, took place on
the grounds of tl:e latter l.-isf Saturday,
l!l u hie!l t he fof!;e r en me oil" ie irio us,
i'v 11 rims. were not present !
-.vit ness t iie IT:' lie-, i leliee we k If W not i i
i:r' of the merits if i he plavin.'j. but are
i ii.i :ii' 1 that the Pacifies had decided
lOthe ad vantage, and that injustice
.vas done to our boys. The clririre is
m i 1" oneid v tii it the Umpire had a
i uni irv iuterc-t in the result of the
i-nc an id that his rulings were unfair.
'Pf-.e Imivs s.iy tbat they are ready to
j.inv at;a:n at any time n fair terms.
Ii:caius. Mr. Myers, the father of
oiir.l''iii!, leaves !icro for his home in
Missouri on the uext steamer. We are
iufbrmed that the old gentleman has
firmed a sut'ti lent favorable opinion of
Or-..m to iiei'jee him to return home,
s.-ll out and com-- hack to Oi-"in for a
perm iM' i.t honi". Thi s sj -e-aks well for
0 ron, and we have no doubt but the
01 I ' ir-'ii! b i m will be well pleased
wiMi iiis choice. Or.'on needs just
.si--h men as M i Myers.
Hmi.ii. en's No i p k. The font thfpiar
terlv iiceliu-r of the Oregon City
c-h irtre, M. E. Church, will be held on
Nttardiv and Silbath nvxt, (Mav
;bi ai.l .Iti!ie 1st i i:i the M. I', (,'hureh
o.' tiiis pi e-e. H -v. Wm. Kotierts, .
E.. will be present. Ij ve tV-ast V MO
tin-1 pren-Ii'm at ! :-'10 a. m., after
wiii -h the S n'l-.iiiieiit of the lord's
S::-:-r will be ad miuist ered. Also
p:-i :ie!)in at 7 ::) p. m. All are invited
to attend.
Ai'ciPKX r. Tin.- l-'aimie l'aiton, while
On !i- r trip Iovn last Saturday run on
a rock near Line, In, knot-hin a hole
hi her so tii. ;t s!. had to be beached.
T-i I-ivernor tirover comin:r down
shortly afterwa.r is, took on board her
;p -liters, and ;iie r.iiiiiy was repair-
X and came down on tie following
die. The li.im.tLCc done to her was slight
a i I she wa- ready to resume lu-r regu
lar t; io.s on Mom iav.
M !sk in---. W li.ive no eh-tnrres to
r-'e ird tai-week in our m irke-t reports.
Wheat in l.ivei pool is iict d at 12s,
:;l (J 1 : -,,1 in New York lis1; ;
'.', il ieii 1 ts at Hvril-iud. are hiiyinj
a! i an 1 selling it -j cents. The wool
in irkct is iii.flive an-1 few sales are
b.li- rri ide; tpioeO-b- ft 1 -rio cents.
l$ii:t.T and e;r;s ure the same astpioted
last week.
Ir:: nn. Wo Ii'tVe heard ;it!i."i-.-.
or iii-iri rui.i-e-s lining tiie pa-,t w(-e
about, t.ie s'. -it i r .ov.-rn
or i-'li 111.' out. .c.V we
iQ-v.-l anfe. rite tn u th-s-. i
have ,i f.-o
SJtVlSLJtXl ?.! ."M. ! rs:.;",V",V"- " 1;li:.s:"::;1 :,Vri oW. Stoi now rnn through from
ftfi-VS i Thn- is so muit of a stirring I Iioseburg to Kedding in 52 hours. 'J'JV1 n.cehca, S
!;;lu;o.S.vv!;;y,Xte:a I Jf S!r o-r'VeniSelci Tho oiznoty has stored nearly J .Illy iVa"
.....t,, .t" ilccom i-,v:tii.. fl,.. ww !iul is tor sale at all the periodical ail tiie express wagons in Portland, its warlar with the causs of sickn.ss.
rumors are all iai cm-', -d, an-, t h.al et, irreiieel iv( of partv. The ll-r-th
er.- i-s n . t rut h in any of tli.-m. S -ni" . l .
I..,.le would l-:.e to ii ive the Crov-r ''. befon; its death, advocated a
itrawn i
IY. ii' d- u' it , and this
Wl-.il is
prohal.-ly tiie fat ' ier of t lie rum. irs.
S-'le.i-l Ch-rks are rejU'"-ted to call
at this t;hee as so. w as p s-i! 1" and g-: .
th: ir ie-il. i-s for the irreducible seho d
i;i ipev. Th
r 1 .;" t !ie m-
Tf 'ixsut'i-r wants to .-i
i-- and we d"-d'e to l:i t
t ne or' icrs
r Iiands. i'li iom-met
.' t.,vijv to t he s.-'i dir is i cents in
coin and L'T in curreiiey.
1 it. 1. 1:!.- lane Montg- mn-ry an In
dian womtn fell off the 1 luff I.t Fi i
iliy r.ig!t and was killed. No one saw
h.-r fill, and hen it is not known how
i cane- t fali "il'. It is supM-s.-d that i
-he was dnmk at ih- tine , and did not
iv where sti-
"was. 1 1 is evident.
iowever, that si.,
hurl in r.
did not know what
l'.sr. I;ai.i.. There are to lie two
i iiat eli gamt s of base ball played in
this ei'.y b-ii'.o:rw, one i -t ween t i le
C. .11 Chib ot Sd.-m pl;v with tb.o
lt'i-i 1 : oft'.";-! i-ity. and the Olymt-ies
ol'.hiH city with ttie Spartan - ! P.ut
'l'lll 1. We' .hope tilt t'l" li'-st of fct-liug
mav i:ist betvien the clubs.
A Coop 1 bu si.. While at The Dalles
la--t week we hid an op.portmiity of
stopping it!i e-.ir old frit ml Tims.
eY-that hVi-aiovs !mwo!,Ser.1;:
h"l''i ;, nd aect im nod at e Ii is truest s. His
h--n se a credit to The- 1 allcs, or any
other liiwu.
r.Ai.i.. A bill was given at Myers
Hall last T:c -1 1 ,- evening for the hen
cti: of the Rise Hill Club. While it
was n t as largely at! n.l d as we
vh ul 1 like to have seen, all present
had a ixood time, and enjoyed them
selves very agreeably.
Mtssiii ui. H.-n. John Mvers
this week lipped a "lot of buckskin
gloves, made in this county, to Mis
souri. This seems to us a rat her novel
idea. y t h" expects to make it a profit
able Venturis;,
Fn.r.iNi; IT p. We are informed that
four families have recently moved into
the neighl mrhood of Joseph Hingo.and
more arc expected. Clackamas countv
is reccivim
iu-r snare
of the emigration
this season.
1 1. 1.. We regret to announce that
Mrs. Paine.ediughter of Mr. W. H.
Fauectt, of Tillamook county, one of
our old citizens, is lv'mjr ill in this city
ut the residence of Mr. Moss.
Ijriu:p. Mr. lVsiow, while on
gied in working about the factory,
had a piece of w:n d fall on his head,
F.i'.'.i"tine: jviinful injuries. He was im
proving at last accounts.
r t i -
Tir.Mt-.iors. K v. Mr. Ilosonburg, of
St. Stephen's Chapel, Portland, will
pre-ieh at the Eoiseopal church, in this
city, on Sunday next, lioth morning
'ui 1 eve-dug.
'i'tvK.-lVn-. lTv. Sellwood left here
yesterday for H v but-', where he ex
I"-'s to remain d annz the next ten or ' Captain G. R. R?ers; First Lieu
tweiv.,plvs:uvl hrthl rc.lhSlMi;iSr.ryhw i tenant, Creorge Hod-kiss.
J'i that placo an-1 OiUlan I
-p. -,, ,
i ue ., ,rt of I) 1;..- ues f)f tne Oregon
v.'.,.v.i.-v'ii.iliA-''i..Ai1 i.-. a V' . . . . - - , vi
C l! V FI.-,. T , ...... . . . ! it. . o i i. . i
r,,.- ,:,: --l"i.u.uu nv'ti next.Vv etl-
i IV
JJam-oc's Magazink for Jcnk.
Uallou's Magazine i.s one of the best
pu! lieations in this country of its class.
It is full of just such rradinir matter as
the luihlic "delight to 'c-t hol-1 of. ami
that ..Kvavs h,- A sea torv. HuM or j
ten love stories an historical article, a
hit ofe'.iiK.nsiiiatters.r.sce illustrations.
picture, ami po try of the h'st ,
d.eiK.ts in the countrv. '1 lie -rreat 111 c
does not seem to hn ve' in hired the pros-
Lkavks To-D vy. Mr. Charles 1jrus
aii'l family, one of our most respected
and wealthy citizens, leaves to-day for
Europe, w'neie he j;oos to visit his rela
tives an 1 friends, Rnd also enter an ap
pearanee at the Vienna Kxhil'ition.
Mr. I-iOiTiis exp'ctto makea pn.tracted
vi-it. and is not determined how soon
he will return. We wish him a pleas
ant and jovoiis journey and an early
return to his adopted home.
Picnic. The picnic of the Episcopal
Stindav School scholars Iia.s been post-
(il H vtH.k frn npxt Wt,lncs-
' .... ., ... -t
.inv, when, it the weather will permit,
it will take place.
CufxiY Cor nr. Tiie County Court
for probate business meets next Mon
day, and for general county business
on Wediu-sdav.
The Cit- Council holds its regular
motithly meeting next Monday even-iic-r.
Comiu.imkntap.Y. At u meeting of
Fountain J lose Company No. 1. the
followitir resolution was adopted by
the Company :
Uksoi.vkp, that this Coninnnv ex
tend to 1). J. Shver their thanksi well
wishes ami esteem on behalf of the
able manner and faithful duty per
formed ae a fireman, on the me;ht of
M ay 2d, and that the same be spread
upon the records.
Mr. Slover desires us to return his
sincere thanks to the company for this
m irk of their esteem, and to assure
tle-m that iie shall always be found
faiihful for the confidence reposed in
him. and shall ever endeavor to merit
their resoect.
On the last day of the session of the
Urand Jiodire, at the Dalles, the tirand
Master appointed the following stand
ing Comtnittees :
fn Cvdenti.d -s D. E. P.utdianan. C.
M. Ive V er, Wm. Wells, James Oarden
an-1 C. E. Wright.
On Finance A. i. Walli'.icr, Ti. X.
Stantield. Wm. M. Hand, W. C. Twee
d.ile and E. 2. 15.. Iter.
On Co;-res:i..ndenee Tames A. Orr,
John C. U'iiil', S. E. Chat. in, J. M. Cay
woid and M. Fitzgerald.
On Appeals Henry Kl'mpel, Julius
KiMtner. C. C. liewcif, K. Ij. Simpson
and E. M. Philbrook.
On Eaws of Suo irdinates J. II
Moores, C. M. P.irmenter, Wm. lhig-
l.md.J I . J or 1 a n and A . N . !il'.ert I
On 1 eliiions-JoonM.l.ac.m. 1 . K 1- v
ly, E. C. Hall, 11. O. Hyde and K. .
Oi'i S'ate of the Order J. T. Anper
son, l. i:. Hicks, W.S. Ayers, Jot Liv
ermore and O. W. Starr.
On T.cL-i.-l it i.m A. E. Stinsnn. J. W'.
Wh ally. E. E. Hrislosv, (ico. Tillotson
and Willi i:u James.
F.ri:TioN. The city election takes
place at Portland next Monday. The
I'.u!i, tin and Oi-'-'iouhtn arc hav- i
itig a bitter fight, the former sup
porting the corrupt elione which
has controlled the city in the past,
whil- the latter advocates the selec-
. , , .. ,
tii of a people s or tax-payers tie.
straight Democratic nomination, and
we suppose there will be three tick
ets in the held, one to represent each
T3vi:nin( Ni.v. s. Wiiliavo received
the first number of a paper with the
above title, published at Portland
by Messrs. jlellinger. Curry Sc Co.
Mr. iBellinger was the late editor of
the 11 r ihl. The paper is neat in its
appearance, edited with ability, and
politically "Independent Democrat -
ic"'. Wo wish, the new candidate for
public favor success.
Chinese firms in San Francisco are
notifying their houses in China not
to ship any more heathens to Cali
fornia, as there i.f trouble there. "We
hope they will obey the instruction;
and send back to their homes the lot
now here.
Gen. Wheat on has again been
placed in command of the Moiloc
j ft' It will be remembered he
was removed because he lost the
first tight with the savages.
The New York Situ says it feels
authorized to announce that Major
General U. F. Butler is not only a
candidate for Governor of Massachu
settes in 1X7:1, but for President of
the United States in ISTb.
Witiidkawn. Ilev. A. S. Nichol
son has withdrawn from the editor
ial chair of the Vancouver J!fisfrr,
Mr. Nicholson made the ljlstcr a
good paper.
A letter from Baker City dated May
14th says: "The body of John Horn
er was found yesterday at the head of
Washington Gulch a few miles from
Pocahontas. The body was in a tol
erably fair condition considering the
length of time it had lain ouTand
was found lying in the open pine tim
ber, partially dressed, the vest being
partly o?T and two coats lying by the
side of the remains. The bodv was
brought to town and this morning an
impiest was held. Various opinions
exist as to whether deceased was mur
dered or not. The man Geo. Day
was remanuod to jail to await further
From the Rose-burg Plaindealer of
Saturday General Barker succeeded
in raising a company of forty volun
teers for service in the Modoc war.
They left yesterday for the front.
They chose the following officers:
Capt. G. A. Miller is in this State
I . , ,
! looking for locations for a lot of
ionncssecans no am to coiae xo
p.eritv of Uallou's Matrazine 111 tuoiea-M, t'oicbniUon at 1'ortiaml me in pro- "'!';'": ''' 1 icr-a... n-n-w,
V 1 1 . - .,,,1 l,i-;..h!er than of the hodv wh -n menaced hy dis ';,s..
tor it looks iK-ttcr and y,1, f ,l : gress. Thov un,i..rs,.md that when the atmos
ever. A 1 dress liK.mes iV. i.uimh, phehc comiii ions are a.tverse to health, it
lh-omtield Street, ISostoii. tor a ' ar . Grain in lartre quantities has lite- is j.s- to rintorce the sy-t-m with a
t;u! .-.'! iptioii, ana you will never re- i,,,,.,, u.h.nod f,.,.,,. TT 1 whoh some tonic and stimulant, and thus
irrettt. 1, ,,':l1sl,1llPCll Liujxjua to ,.nab,.. if. t combat and r-r'l the depr-ss-
Portland. in inlhienoe of an inclement teni1t.rH.
Summary of State News Items.
1P.C Jlivonic .LiCuge -w ill meet at
Portland June Oth.
V Konic hall at IL-MnviV !
h" 3at kt-n comli-tcd
vrilIiam IWnf.llat-a pritr is
. . ... ..- ' ..I"1"-1 13
missing irom -uejunnville
t , . T-
Preparations for a fourth of .Julv
The Pbttwlenlttr thinks Jud;'e I
Mosher p;oes to work, on the bench
... liii Ulutu'
like an oid hand.
. -ill,,.
I :ourteen hundred bushels of onts
x : our i ecu. nimnirii DUSlielS Ot oats I
were sent from llosebur" to Yleka domatf -et aIr-ia- and active vital sys
. . . , iulut fern: and of all vitalizing preparations,
la.it ftalUltiav, Hstett'r's Litters has proved the most
r, , T, 7- r. I
j.iie ji-n jiiAd. j'umurrm reports
300 Indians camped on Farewell I
B,1.1 I-rt- 7-1-1- I
en;t, rlke nur.
, . , Tin i
viet fij. iriuiuniuii miliars nave
been subserilied to the Albany
Farmers' "Warehouse.
It is expected that the Tillamook
and Valley wa5onroa.l will be eom-
pu'ieci nv me in st m .juiy.
3frs. Anna S., wife of Rev I. T).
Driver, died at Salem on the "1st
inst.. at the aire of 31 vears.
There will be, at a safe calculation,
000.000 bushels of "rain raised in
the Umpciua Valley this year
The Masonic fraternity of Baker
ty will celebrate the anniversary
of St. John on the 21th of June.
Three persons were fined in the
Circuit Court, Douglas county, last
week for the violation of the S inula v
Two men, named Johnson and
Casey, were caved upon and killed
bv a bank, in a mine in Jackson
. t.ef
count List et-..
The Governor has appointed Chas.
W. Wardwell. a Commissioner ;f
Deeds for Oregon, to reside at the
. " I
Clt' of NOW loik.
-i i . i I
1-tve hundred shares at one hun-
dred dollars per sin; re, is to be the
-. i . -i .r . -i
caiutal stoctv of tiie piopooed agn-
cultural works at Albany
A lump of gold and quartz found
tn the claim of (leorge W. Lake, on
jiurni river, is vaiuen at noiu six 10 I
c,-nn hndcod ddl-Tv
TV.foi- Tl.n.nimi -l,nii-ocl,nv,l:.,rf
- - w..0
sheep for Ihompso-i at Kellogg in
Powder river valley. 1 rot sned dead
on Alonday the 17th inst.
, . , .
v asmngton countv, Ave learn, is
not to eseane the epi.ootv, and sev-
oral farmers out there are bewailing
;ts .iri)f..mint.e nmon,r their horses..
In digging for the foundation of
a building in Kaker City last week,
some mad sacks Which had been miss-
ing for eiguteen months were tin- I
eii-fhed I
- - - i
x rank daqtiet-te. a native of I ranee,
about 2S years of age, v,as killed by
a caving bank, while mining on tim-
b.oretl Gulch, near Jacksonville, on
Monday evening, May 12th.
Some seventy convicts are at work
oti the Capitol grounds at Salem
with tue nick, shovel and whoelbar- I
row. maldmr the excavation for the
- j .
Passengers over the Oregon rail
roads to the Annual Grand Lodge
of Masons which meets at Portland
next month, will be taken free on
certificate of the Grand Secretary
At a meeting of the stockholders
of the excelsior Lime Company,
the following officers were elected:
President, Asher Marks; Secretary,
Phm Cooper; Treasurer Jesse, a.
The Di-wo'j-'tt of the 21st says:
"About .$-Jt,!0: of gold dust an.l
bullion were run into gohl bars at
the Assav office of J. W. Vir
tue, in thi city, on Monday and
yesterday. The bars range
irO.OtK) down.
Tliemir.es surrounding Baker City
have, for several years, been worked
with tolerable success, but there ha?
never been a season that ooened
with as fair prospects as does the
present, both for placer and ip.iar.
Eev. Mr. Bussell Dawne, r,f Sah-m
has just received advices from Mis-
sissiopi announcili" tli -t fortv f imi-
Mssippi, aiiiiouiKin u ioiiv i.i.ni
lies would start May tii.'th, for Ore-
trim from a nei hhorhood wiili
, , i , , - -,
men ne i,a.i necu in uuu esp-uuueuce. its use, male- it imp r if ive uptn every p r
, .. . , . son to sapply ihems -Ives witfi this valua-
A letter Ol date the 14t!l Hist.,
from Canvon ( ltv, savs: .o news,
except everybody scared out of their
1 . .i" . , . ..
amis (iier me repon mat tue oiiawi
Intlians have lelt Harney. Signal
1. .,-.-. !.,....-. ...-..,1
pasi on me oi.i xuaiau iookuuis.
i. n i i t i:
A r,.,,, n; -i. It,..
.lE.mv. i.o.
lveire. oi me m. Xj. tjuurcii rtouni
to Dr. Dawne, of Salem, states that
the Columbia Conference will be
held in Brownsville. Oregon, com
mencing Sep. :d, lSTo. The Mission-
,rP i,nrn!,r,'ii,vi is eothe. hnr,.. ol.
- "i-i"' -r" - -i ""o-
most double any tormer one.
At a meeting of the Jackson C-oun-
ty Agricultural Society, l.eht May
10th, J. S. Herran was re-elected
1'resident: James McDaniels and
Conrad Mingus Vice Presidents;
II. K. Ilanna, Secretary; Henry
Pape, Treasurer; D. S. K. Buiek,
Fred Heber, K. F. Walker and Wil-
liam Bybee, Trustees.
In this county, at the residence of
Thos. P.. Jones, May 21st, 173. by elder
John Darnell. Zachary Guard and Miss
Susan J. Jones, all of this county.
At the the residence of his father,
Solomon Wheeler, in Clackamas conn-
tv, Mav 17. l7:. Jacob Wheeler, aged
'21 vears, '2 months and 'Jo d.ivs.
" , , ' .
In Clackamas cemnty, May 14. 1.,,
of conirestive chill, J. A., wife of K.
Wiltfong, aged 4'i years, 1 month and 1
da v.
For loss of cud. horn ail. r-d w.it"r in
! cows, loss oi apo-i'.T", mi or murrain in
i shcp ; thick wind, broken wind, and ro-ir
cows, loss of app'tit", rot or murrain in
- p, un.:u nuiu, ui'-rv- u .;:..., ..i.-.
! Iti. anrf f.w-ill .,l.c'rii.tinncr,f tho tirln-.vc
Sht &v ctmWion
Jleriit-nl IJluiitler.
From tlio jrioj whou surons applied
tli' - 'r salves to weapons iastiad of woumls I
to the present wid.-awakea;c, the medical
roUion lluS on ix unw"V.ns?, tak(n
human system. Even yet. in spite of the
t.-ai-hinirs'of e nturi -s of cxpTi-iicc. som.
phVftiei ins Lc li' ve in d- ph tin their ,a
tients. alreadv s. riously exhausted hy sick- '
ne.ss. with rail cvaeuaiits, cm.-tics, .
1 salivants, cautharidal plasters, or the lan-
Host-tt r's stomach r.itt. r. 11 as opened
the eyes of the masses to the i-aramount
H1;T lnlluence 01 an mciemeiiL u'lii
inr If th. iii?itn! tonal enl :niri-i:i!
xw rs were always t hus r"cruit. a in the
!'r,'S!'"''",'11 da.1
consumption, I
mat ism, a-c.. w
now is. 't'he can
colds, ouin.w.
nresenc." 01 uan'-r, im- ii:ii;iiii' irom
)ronchitis chronic rheu-
itild 1h much l.-ss t han it
colds, quiii.vy, Ul t heria, a n.i cai arrh si-1-
efficient, it is not ciaimeu iiiai ims Ktaiid-
nrd ton ic is a specific tor inns and throat
maladies, as it is lor dyspepsia, liver com-
I" - OIIl I .1 I III II I- lit II- IIIIIII'M-
tatin-'lv assert.-.l I hat it is the best known
safeiruard against all the atmospheric cle-
tucm s ot disease.
An Irishman called at a druir store to -ret
bottle of JnhiifOii't Aiuxi'lif l.iniioi'til lor
the Khumatism ; th" druirist aslced him
in what pint of the iody it trouhi -d him
ffi hUVeiti"
It )i:is sfiiiid the test of half a C"titurv,
and has not been found want imr. iJit. Wis-
r a it's I '.A I.SAM ok Wii.n Cnr.KKV is the
aekiiowldjre cure of all Iiiicj: troubles, from
the incipient cold to confirm -d cotisumji-
t 1 -k iidt f -in in kt i r until t . I i . ..i
iS expr iied from the system.
111 1 1
There are several kinds of worros which
trouhi" horses; tiie pin-worms (pointed at.
both ends) are the most common and most
vttrv will in a few days eject the wc.rms.
and the horsj will bcjrin to thrive
The following persons arc authorized to
act as agents for the Kntkiii'kise :
(i.-o. I. Howc-U & Co., 10 l'ark liow. New
Cop, Wethr-rUl A Co., 07 Chestnut street,
Ablxitt A Co., No. S2 and 81 Nassau street,
l-ort-hyuhrircon .Samuel
- " 1 ' U l Fisher
'IIel",, V,,Un,,,,i:e,,,in,yT- vr-A-,-?Iil, s
Astoria, Clatsop county A. anlusen
ssi -in I.. W illiams
ilaiTishurr I. II. Smith
i,af iv tte.Yamtiiil coanty I. b. Ferguson
labas, l'oiu county Dave l mimes
lSerifon county W.A.Wells
ij.,rva!!lS lion. John i.urnett
ball s. W asco comity N. it. (hues
t J. m. i noinpeon
i.ucn. u.j 1 K. Ii. P.ristow
I Hoseburz Hon. I.. F. Lin?
r ,.i . I C. T. Mollt anile
K K:llst,n
.Tar-k-onville Hon. K. l. Foudray
bonir Tom II. C. Huston
ci.ack.vmas county.
navrCr-ek C. F. F.eatio
limt-ville loim Zumwalt
Casc ides 11-nry Mc hiu'in
K.-erie Cn-k Frank W. Foster
Harding's Capt. ..(?. Norton
bower Moiaiia . Mon-iaiui
Cpper MolaUa W. II. Vauhan
rs"!ii-: ii ic ii t:vt i a i; k i:t ji:tci;
m . . . . ..... .
a pric" paia lor wool. Ji.ui. y.
tL 6 Eta Ifca Izsm i 'tL
J 1 "K
P."' FjlllilV yii'Jiti'.ia of lib" A?.' !
.-1;. lrhy it nhoulil bv ; j.t rt'ii'ctif acrir (it hciixl.
1st. I'ain-Killrr is tic moft certain
Ciio!"ra cure that medical science
lias produced.
2nd. J'jiiii-Killcr. as a Iiarrhca and
liys' iitery remt:d5', s' l'iom if ever
3rd. I'ulii-Kltlcr will cure Cramps or
1'ams in any part ol tic system. A
single tlo.se usually ctr-cts a cure.
Ji.li. I'.-i in-K iller will cur - Iysp"psia
an.l 1 ii.ii ;j st ion, if used, according
to tbr- ct ions,
5th. ITrt:u-li illcr is an almost, never
tailing cure lor Sudden Colds,
Coughs, vc
Gfh. Iiin-Kiilcr lias jirovd a Sover
eign K 'ineily tor Fever ami A-U ',
anl( hill I'.-vcr; it. has cured th
most obstinate cases.
7th. Ia i u-K il lor as a liniment is an-
cl'.ialed for Frost, Fates, Chilblains,
Burns, Itruises, Cuts, Sprains, Ac.
8th. I;ln-K Itlcr has curetl cases of
Itheiimatism and Neuralgia alter
years siamiing.
9th. Puiii-K illcr will tl-'stroy P.oils.Fel
on, iii! lo-.i-s ( )K1 Sor-'.s. riving r
lief from rain niter the lirst uppli-
c.tt ion
10th. I'si'ji-Killor car -s Headache, and
11th. V.iin-Killer will save von da vs of
and many a Dollar in time and
Doctor's I Jills.
12th. Pal :i-rii:ir is a purely Vegt ihl
preparation, saf" to keep and to us - b
'.'v"rv bimily. Tii" simplicity att-ml u;
lts u u,.h ,r wi;(l tn,; -r. at vari-ty e
ths vis -sthar may b entir -Iy era. heat a
'y if, and th" r-at a.nou nt of pa in a ;
suir-ririir that can be a U-vrat- d t hrotih
1,1,. rancJy, and to keep it always nearal
, J 1,0 rain-lolt. r is now known
and appr ciat- il m every quarter ot the
(li 1'hysicians r -comm- nd it in t h ir
practice, whil all class -s of society have
toii'itl in it, relict and ccaiiort.. (iive.it a
P.e se.r-an 1 btiv the ir-nnin". Kv
Drugirist. and n-ariy eV. ry Country
(Jrocr throughout the land keep it lorsaie
Special ?Vttice.
It is a well known fact that Dyspeiv
M'l and indigestion are the causes ot
i lea rlv a 1 1 I he d isases t hat the htlllllll
liodv is lieir to: then why pay enor
mous . doctors' bilb? l'.y using
Henlev's celebrated 1XE Hitters thev
can be thoromrly eradicated lrom th
system ami new lit imparted to tht
sulferer. Bead pii-sicians certnicate
1;i another n.iunm.
oki-(;o i.oic;n X(). 3, I. I.
Meets everv Thursdav
evenimrat 71- o'clock, in the zr'Sk
(I.I.I I.-..1 l..-t. II. .11 :i-im -s - -
streit. .Members ot the or
der are invited to attend. J'.y order
N. i
!li:Sii:cCA DEttltnE I-OliGE XO
a, I. O. O. F., Meets on the
Second and Fourth Tues- Li'J'J
(lav eveinmrs each month.
at 7'i o'clock, in the Odd
Fellows' Hall. Mc mbeisof the Degree
are invited to attend
tt j Holds its resrular com- A
jouiiieations on the ' First ami yV
Third Saturdays in each niontli,
at 7 o'clock from thc:?th of Sep.
temU r to the UOtli of March; and 7'i
o'clock from the 'Jttth of March to the
ot 1 1 of ScptfiiiU'i-. I.retliren in getd
stanvlina: are invited to attend.
F.y order of YijL.?.r.-
O. F., Meets at Odd Fellows'
. ' --- . .. J
-It'll! Oil t lie 1" lrst Jind I IllTtt 1 UCS- -
-i rv
. rtay of each month. Patriarchs V?
in good standing are invited to attend.
l 1 Oregon City, June 1st. 1S73 :
Andrew, John Miller, C. C.
AI".arn..T,.Ts -ph C. Miller, Christopher
Arm priest, .lames Morris, Win.
F-aii-y, Dani-1 McCormick, Marian
Frock. Mahloa O'i rian. Jonn
1 Ti.'tiKtn, John Robison, I. T. (2)
Crawford. Miss V,. C. Kei 'hard, C,
hamh.-riin.IIarvey Hay, Mill y
1 'ni son. 1 H-nis Sunt h, James I-.
Evens, J. V". Smith, J. C.
r orss-le, .1 . a. siiiitii, James
oultT, i. I. A. Smith, Ciiurles
tlroshoii-r, lani"l ThytT" rs-m, Jos. Peter
Howell, James H. Walan, James
Mora 11, Thos. Wyland, Cieo.
If called for sav advert is'-d.
J M. 15ACO.N", Tost master.
l'our Splentihl ("hnmios to t-Ivery
Subsi riher.
Arrangements have been made by
which we can oiler a year's subscrip
tion to The New York Chiustiax at
Woc.k AND F.ei.KCTir Wkkki.t, with
thi-ir four mauniticeiit Cliromos:
'( Jood Morning," " Carlo in Mischief. '
.Sprimr Flowers, together with our
own journal for $5 5).
As the ( hromos alone are worth troin
if Id no to Sl.i no. and as the New York
nibbcat ion is everv wav hrst-class.it
ireseiits an unusual opportunity to our
suiiseri tiers, ine c hromos are maue
v l'ran'' and other ci-lebrated artists.
md will be lorwarued promptly bv
mail prepaid.
siioiil.l anv suiiscritier desire mi v
the two first named Chronios, they will
be sent with the two publications for
f 1 5o.
Remit to the publisher of this paper.
JS'E V 70-1) AY.
1. the I.ivery stabc on Fifth street, Oregon
City, Oregon, Keeps constantly on liana
Siidtll.' ! I5nrry Horses,
liniCSft, l;irr::i,'Miiiia liarus,
Prices J iea.-iOiial)lo.
Ila will also run a hack to and from the
dnrln-r the snmmnr season, with good
horses.com petent iiiidt"'ntl.'iiiiiniy drivers.
J. M. FKAZF.R, l'roi.rictor.
Oregon City, May '7, 1S7J.
A Rood Xn. 1 s"cond-ha nt' wairon.in thor
ough repair, for sale clea,); 115 aer-'S of
land, s miles southeast ot Oregon i.ity, ltr
sale cheap. may.-;ni f.
T OKI'S & AIJ'JIIGHT have just re
J ceived a line lot of heef cattle I mm the
John Day country. They are the latest
ever hroivht to this valley uetore, and win
he butch' retl for this market. They pro
pose to s'-ll cheap, (jive them a call, and
iret the choicest of m-ats.
Oregon City, May L':td, LS7.1. tf.
TOSEPII ViTdGIIT haviner leased i
Wihioit Soila Springs, desires to inlVi
I nose wisiiiiie. to M-uu a i-w uays in I lie
mtiut. tains that this is t he most deliixhlul
place in the Wiilaiiett'? Valley. A fotxi
llot'l, St a hie and hath-lmuse lor the lie-
com mrithit itin of visitors.
'I h"K springs have Iwii rcnmmoiiiM
!y I'ii ysii-iii ns as Iviii'' the Icaltlii. st and
hest place lor in va litis 'sr XTsiins afnicted
with any cumplaint to si iid the heated
l'art ics desiring to visit the Sprimrs will
find a hack in readiness fur their accomo-
lat ion, upon up plying to J. M.l-'raz rat
Oregon City. miiviind.
A (JliKAT I)ISC0Vi:itY!
. ! kers II Vflll will use J. I.iPMa.N'S
11AIK llF.sKdlKi:. Tins is not a
vi'.e omiiound. mat'e of Su-iar of
I.ead, Lac Suljihur, :ntl other isonous
mim ra Is, which will prtv.ic.ee headache,
paralysis or insa niiy, but. a harmless pre
pa rat ion, lr-e lrom s"tlimeiit, easily aj
pliel, and in : brief space f time rest firing
the hair or whiskers to their natural color.
No preparation is necessary to u.-iewith it,
but simply to apply accorninir lo direct ioms
a ceo m pa imr each bottle. This is th-i
ch'-a pest , sat .st a "d best Hair Restorer ever
olf.Ti il lo the public.
J. 1.1 F.MAN, Proprietor.
General Agents, CHAKI..ES LANG I. FY
A Co., Wholesale Flutists, corm r P.atti-ry
and Clay streets, San l-'iancisco, to whom
I'll ord'-rs must be atllre ..';ed. Testimonials
of prominent citizens who have used it ac
company each bottle. apriVsSm
J. which hav occurred in our State the
past year, arm in" iai uisasirous coniia
rratioiis in For! bind, Spr'mirville, lialies,
Oregon City, ami Jacksonville, should ad
meiiiish property owners tosek intlemnay
tiainst loss and damage by lire wituout
d -lay.
Represented on the Tacitle coast for over
lilt '.'ii years, (durinir which period it has
paid w(ho, lor l ire Loss s in the I'a
cilic Department), is one of the leading
American l-'ir Irusurance Compaiii'-s, and
llu oii'ii Hartford Company r- pr-'sent -tl in
the state of orejron. in the prompt adjust
ment and payment of its loss 's.the Fincnix
has no sup"rior, t he Company lias never
had a suit in tie- State, and m the prompt
cash payment of nearly
$292GO,000 OO
in th" Chicago antl Foston, proves that the
eiltl FlKCiiix is equal to its evt ry engage
ment. The Agents of the Plurnix nr' authorized
by commission lrom the company to issu
and r-iiew Policies direct, ami without ref
er -nc" to Fort land, San Fra ncisco, or else-wlK-r-',
thus cnablimr the applicant to s?
cur." i-mnrti'itr and liinr'inrj protect ion.
R.nt"s as low as solvency and fair profit
will admit of.
Resj.lr.nt Agent, Or-'gon Citv.
April IS, lS7...-m'i
-i" o 1 in licreliy triven flint theiin.
IN el- rsigneri, appoiut"d Snp"rintmlent
by th" County Cemrt of Clackamas county,
( r.'gon, will l"t a e'tntract for the construc
tion of a bridg" across t he Clackamas river,
!onth" road Falimr from ir -con Citv to
Portlanel. Such contract will h" let to "the
leiw-sf r '.-iensii)io bi(eri nt, public outcry,
at th" Court Il'ms'? !i)or, etn Monday, tiie
s-ctini! t!:iy r)f Jim", A. 1 1., IsTH, at the" hour
of on" o'clock p. in., subject to the right eif
the County Cemrt of said countv to 'reject
such bid if tiie Sam" slioulil exceed the sum
such Cemrt is willing to appropriate toward
the construction thereof. Such bridge will
l 21ii fe't long, if buiit according t! Smith
Patent Truss, with aprons; or two spans of
H' fet each, with a (irons, if built accord,
ing to the plans of the old Cason brid-e at
th" sam" point. Fids will be received ac
cording to each plan.
Particular plans and specifications for
ench proposed style may be S"en ni-on nn
plication to me a!ter thisdate. and t he suc
cessful bieider may eXpeCt to .f, bonds for
th" duo ox cuMon eif iiis contract
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, Mav R, 1S73
Jxao?w Superintendent,
conxEi: ok sevextit axd maix streets, oregox citt.
Has J ust Received
Calicoes, Dress Goods, Brown and Bleached Sheetings,
House Lining, Shirtings, Table-Lamm, Irish Bosom Linens,
Binen Towelling, Table-Cloths, Comets, Ladies' and Uent'
Hose, Threat!, Cambrics, Buttons, Ribbons, L:u-es and Insertion.
Kmbrt littery, White Ooods, Millinery, Fancy Uood. Jkm.
Also, a full assortment of
Groceries. Crockery, Glassware, Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps. Wick and Chinmey.
Which liuv W M-lvrtt-d with fl cr for llih market MBiiot
March 13, lb73:tf
Have Just opened, in
iMiii'psliair.s ISTew CiiilcliiiLr, Oi-ogon Oity.
JL Hoots and Shoes, Hats ami Caps, Gentlemen's Furuishhifr Goods, Hoscrics No
titns, Cutlery, litis kets and Toys : also, Gnx-cries ami I'mvisions, and a '
Too numerous to describe, which we proiose to sell at the Lowest Possible Rates, tor
MR. I. LEVY, bcinjr a Practical Jeweler of lonp cxperiiuice, we will also deal in
and manufacture and repair Jewelry. We fmaraiitee all ouriroods and work, or no pay.
Give us a call and examine our goods, and save twenty per cent.
LFAT 131 OS., o
Second door nor 111 of tiie Postoflice, Main street, Oregon City.
fCb B" 4 II . TV Dr- J- s- Coleman's Com- Xr 7 D V t'f l"Ta
B U hi.laa l. ,w,untl Extract of Eucalyj- t'lAlil 1 i J
tus i.s a preparation combininir all the valuable medical cjuaitics of the Eucalyptus
wliicli is cultivated in nearly every California jranlen hr its medical utilitv havin"- lx
come the household remedy for all dis-'as -s of the K 1 1) y HI'S, Ji LAItDHR and UJtJ V
Alt rc.t.VJ L, and SUM IX A L U'JCAh'XJiSS. It, seems to have a direct artinit v lor tht
GE.NTTO-OKGANS and their surroumhnfrs, ami cures them by its a Iterative," healinj
.inn .... i uuu .iiii' iii'- in..!.- ru -riuiiii.i in.iii .tiii in im r Known remedy.
It is an invaluable r-m- dy tor all tlis.-ascs of th- mucous and s -rous nie'tn brands such
SI A, I.KLVOliltlHKA, etc.
This preparation is the result of Dr. Coleman's experiments with the medicinal prop
erties of the tree in the L S. Msrine Hospital in San Francisco, in 1-STt and 1872. where
he had unusual facilities tor test inj; tiie various met hods of preparing the remedv and
its uses, it can be relied ujion as certain to five the prom is d results and hundreds ut
testimonials ef its i ITieacy can be seen at his ollic. Jiso Kearnev sleet s,,n i r.ii.i.ki
-ijy..-i.i- .1 ijui.iiiiiz. ii.i j ii.ivj tor vi t i.-i x VI US is a imw
crful. yet harmless, febritucre, and is a special nr -narat ion t.ir t n
. r ' . . r . ' . t , ,.-r.r . j. , . .... ....
treatment of the malarious fevers of our interior vail. v ami is war
ranted to euro any case of EEVEH AN1 AGUE treated w'it h it accord
inr to directions, while the baneful results of t he usual tpiinine and
arsenical rcmedie for those diseases arc entirely avoided.
FOR rilYSICIAXS, Coleman's Fluid Extract of Euealvptus in 1-m
bottles. lie ware ef imitat ieins. and tflke none but Coleinan's For
sale everywhere, a ntl by Hode, Calef A Co., 'hrlesal 1 iru "-.'isf c
U V A 1 V 1' 8J S. I1ortIand' oK' . As-nts lor Cr! Jon.
Bocks acd Stations! v.
I will pay the highest prices for
and all kinds of
I will sell as low as any house hi Oregon for
in Good Merchantable Pro-luce
I am soiling very low for
CASH 13 ia:v2.
Give mc a call and satisfy yourse lves.
Oregon City, March 21. 1873.
fount jr Trpasurrr's holier.
TREAsritKR-s Offipf, Clackamas Co )
Ohf.gox City, May Mh. 1S73. 1
Jl. there are funds now em hnmi
county warrants endorsed for intcrcs, prior
SeptemlKT 5.11th, 1S72.
Interest will c ase from this elate
T. J. McCARVEU. Treasurer
-il ai -L JlJ 1J encrge tic men
and wome-n
Ihisincss that atiII Pay
from $4 to. f S per dav, can be pursued in
your ewn nejhborheiod, and is strictly
honorable. I'art iculars Ir', or sample that
will enable yeai to go to work at once, will
be sent, en receipt of two three cent stamps.
Address, J. LATHAM & CO.
61 arrtS 202 Washington st., Bo-ton, Mass.
a New Stock of
...... . . - - .... . .......w..
Corner First and Morriaon streets.
J'Oltn.AXI), OltJiGOX.
November 22, lS72-tf.
LE0X DcLOUEY, Proprietor,
(Late of the Cliff House.)
O J rescct fully announ
ces lo his friends a the
iravcliiig Publir,
that he has re-oiK iicd the above named
The Proprietor knows how to servo r1a
customers with
0 .(tus, rij' Feet
A Uood Cup or CoflTetf, O
Or GcmmI Sqoar Xr.L
Oregon City. March tia. l!73-tl.
70FU) RF.srr:cTFUi.r.Y inform
' t llC Citl.ens ol Ortfot ( -it nn.I i-ir. n
ity that he is prepared to furnish
Pr Spruce mid Cedar
of every description.
Pry Flooring, Cciling,Spruce(fer Shelving).
t-iuiv , l-u-k.-ts, hence Pef,t
Constantly on Hand.
Street anil Sidewalk Lumber fnrnishctt
on the slmrti st notici, at as low rati s as
can o" purciiaseti elsewhere in the Statu.
vjic ine ;i can, ai me
March 21. l.S73-tf.
tion ami a decree of foreclosure and an
onlcrof sale issued out of t he Circuit Court
ol the State tit Oregon, for the county of
Clackamas, ami to me elirecti-d, in lavorof
Fhilamy Otis and Daniel Otis, her hus
band, and against E. A. Gibse.n, lor th
sum of erne theiusaml anil sevent v-nin
and Sl-ltKi (?l,ir;!i.K4) dollars, pold coin, with
interest at the rate of one r cent. p-r
moiitli lrom the -"Ah day of Octolier. A. P.,
Is7, together with costs of suit and dis
bursements. Therefore by virtue ef the
above mentioned execution, 1 have levied
Uiem the south hair of sce-tion cleve-n (II) ,
in township three (.) south, range one
west, contain ing three hundred and twenty
acres, more or less, all in Clackamas coun
ty, Oregon, antl now the property of E. A,
Gibson, deiendant, and 011
Tiit-wluj-, leri lll day or June, JS7t
at the Cemrt Hemse door in Oregon City.
Clackamas county, Oregon, at the hour er
one ei'ciook, p. m., I will sell at public auc
tiein the above descriled real estate', to thtf
highest bidder.foreash paid to me In hand,
o satisfy execution, interest, costs, and
accruing costs.
May luth, IST3,
A. F. HEPGEP. Sheriff,
Py HENRY HEDGES, I leputy. w4
PittocK' Corner of Stark
nntl Fro nt Streets.
to eny desird pattern. Music books.
Magazines, Newspa pers, etc., bound In ev
erv'viirietv of style known, to the trmde.
Ortlers irom the country promptly at
tend' t! to.
j!C C'On preiav! Agents wanted!
&0 TO WjU All classes of work incix-o-pie,
ef either s"x, young or old, make mon-v
ey nt weirk for us 'in their spare moments,
or nil the time, than at anythimr else. Par
ticulars free. Aeldress G. Stinson A Co.,
Portland, Maine. 27sTl"2.rl