o o o f : : i y s j O o o O c O THE EHTERPRI OREGON' CITY, OREGON, HAY 16, 1573. l'uncral of Dr. ha -clay. The Funeral of Dr. Forbes Bar clay took place yesterday morning at 10 o'clock, under the charge of the Multnomah. Lodge Xo. 1, A. F. & A. M.t accompanied ly the County, ex City and City officers, and the Fire Department and a large concourse of O people. At precisely the hour set for the olisoqnios, the procession halteu at the late residence of the deceased, and after a few moments delay all that was left of Dr. Forbes Barclay was brought out of the Louse which he had so often and fre quently entered, by six pall bearers, of his Masonic brethren. The pro cession then proceeded to the Bap tist Church, which was soon crowd ed with sympathizing friends to its utmost capacity, and hundreds were unable to gain an entrance. The beautiful and impressive services of the Episcopal Church were used by the Bev. John V. Sollwood, with a selection of some appropriate hymns. The sermon, which we shall try to publish in our next, is pronounced to Lo one of the iinest ever delivered ia this city, and was very pathetica! ly and feelingly delivered by the O speaker, who felt as though he, in common with our entire community, had lost a true friend and father. After the services were through at the church, Hie procession was form rd in t!ie following order by Messrs. J. Ij. Barlow, S. D. Pope and Chief Engineer "White, who acted as Mar shal. Masons; the Corpse, mourn ers, County officers; Ex-City officers; City Officers; Fire Department; Cil izensgjn carriages. There were not near enough carriages to accommo date over one-half those who were anxious to see the remains of him who was dvar to them entered in their final 'resting place: yet it was by far the largest procession ever witnessed inoour city. There were twenty -eight carriages in the proces sion, liiled to their full capacity; the Mas.-m numbered almt :-ixty mni b rs, and the Fire Department about the sam ', and about twenty ex-citv a iM city, an 1 county officers. Ye should estimate that at least ()() per oni followed the rcmnins to tlio f; rave. At the gravt the Iluv. M". Seilwood conclndfd the Episcopal burial nervi.:es, w!ien Fast (5 rand Mtr Bl -h.irdsT.i, of Portion 1, pt-r-fjrm.vl tho b.autifal rites of the Mnonio Order. I lis delivery was rlear, impiv.-.sive and t lo pieut. Af tir th" servieis were concluded, the profession turned sadly away from the s.-cn.- and iv -turned to their n OO srwetive homes. Oar cits- wore t! appearance of mourning fn jn an earlv hour of last Tuesday morning, when the news that the Doctor was Vad spread lil.e a flash, and many a sad heart heat in true sympathy for his bereaved ai d n.ilictcd fa-nily. The Hags in tl e city were all placed at half-mast, ai il the engine houses were all draped in m mrning, and the Court House ai d l ouneu t iianioer had the sad m lilenis of th sad event phu-?d o'l the doors. On ycderday every p'a -e of business was closed from 0 o'clock until :, as a token of respect for the honored deceased, and every evidence which a grateful aiul sorrowing com munity could express was shown by our citizens who loved and respected the dec!4i;;ed and his family. We also noticed a large number of Port land Masons in tho procession, among rhoro.were Messrs. A. Ii. liichard hou, U. Ih 1 licks, G. $. Whitf house, Joseph lluehtel, A. J. Marshall, J. D. l.iles and others, whose names we do not remember. Tho entire fmiily, with the exception of the youngest son, Charles, who is at tending school at Uenicia, California, were present at the sad event. A good and generous mau has been taken from among us, ;md a vaeaney has been created which never can be tilled. The bereaved family have t'.ie sympathies of our entire commun ity, and the general attendance at his obsetpiies is but a feeble expres sion of the esteem and respect in which lr. Forbes Rarclay was held in this city. Since our residence here we have been very intimate with the deceased and we have not the power to express the deen sorrow we feel .on havingliad to part with one who has been0 such a true and faithful on navinsr inul to part with one who -' eoun -u, ior a hiimiVt of vears has boon0 such a trne and faithful I he ellieicnt and p-.iins t ikin- fs-.iperin-friend to ns and ours May timl j Vr IU. Jipaven watch over and protect the de voted physician in our midst as well ividow and the loved children who :ls . bojn ysjH.ci.jiy prominent as the are leit to mourn his death. Dr. liaclay will never bo forgotten so ion as the present generation lives n this city. .Second Gamk. The Jtustlers, W. K, Iratt, Captain, will go to Portland to- morrow on the lioat to play the second game of Ilase Rail with the Paeitii-s if that i-itv. We have no doubt hut C ut tain Pratt wUl Lring Ixick the Pacific's I -all. StrketOimmissionkk. At the meet ing of the new Council last Monday evening. John Metdrum, Sr.. was clock- edStreet Commissioner ami John KoL ly Night-V itchman. Mr. Kelly will j maKe an eilicient otneer as he uiiocr stands his business. Picnic The Congregational, Metl., oilist and Priiptist Sunday Schixds are j to have a pieniu next Friday on tho erounds whe re the Red Men had theirs ! last Monday, alK.ve the Palls.. j Sick. IV?V. Mr. Wirth has lieen con- ' hneil to his roonj for the past week l.v illness. '' j I ; 'V County Court Proceeding. MAY TERM 3. K. WAIT, JL'IKiK. Ferry license to IJ, Carter renewed for one 3-ear. In the matter of covering the Tuala tin 1 rid ire A. II. Shipley, superinten dent, given until next term of court to j make report. f In the matter of lmildinir a oridire across Molalla river, reinirt of J. Iv. Ihiigmaii, commissioner, nieii ami Petition of Eafavette Mav and others, forehamrein cou'ntv road near How ard's mill ; II. Moody, II. Dibble ami Asa Saunders appointed viewers. In the matter of a jK-tition hied oy W. II. VamrhHii and others, lor a coun ty road; in consideration of remon strance tiled, the prayer of petitioners not granted. In the matter of a petition tiled by . J. Ilowictt and others praying the court to purchase a brMge and ! mn-s o: road belonging to t lie Cascade Bead and Bridge Co., Not leMaUock,H. JO. Hayes and "Nathan Trul linger upptiintnl a committee ti examine and report coa lition and iirohal.le value to county. In the matter ot buildinir a jail for Clackamas county; J. K. Wait given until next term to report probaLle cost. In the mutter of the ik titi. .11 riled by T. V. fkniMias and others for the divis ion of mad district No. uianii d. Wiley F. l')iilas was appomt'd su- lervisorot Jloai uisti 1 -t No. ., oeing that iortion of District No. 1:1 set oil'. In the matter of J. M. Oirh'shy pray ing the court for aid ; allowed .f.jOO per week until last of June, l7:5. Jrand and trial jurors' bills audited mil ordered jaid. Iiuiuest of J. !.- ItobLins, deceased ; report of Coroner tiled, and bills order ed paid. in the matter ot the uidirement ren dered in the. Circuit Court. April term. ls7-', in favor of John and Henry Nach- and, and against Clackamas county. Balance ot judgment and costs ordered paid. The delinquent tax list fer amounting to :rl )2!(.7 tiled ; ordered thi.t the same be placed in the hands of the Sheriff for col lection. PIIOHATK court. In the matter of the guardianship of the minor .iwtells ; 11. c. J-viwtcll ap lointed guardian, bond tiled and a- pn vei Fstate of John Fleming, deceased; jM-tition to sell personal property grant- (ll. Instate of Lorenzo Ste.vart, di cons il annual ivooit and vou.hers tiled and aporovcil iuardians'iip of the liriinr heirs of liarri.Min w ritrht : annual reioiti.ml vouchers tiled and anorovtd Instate of John (Srav; semi-annual report tiled and approved Halt, of Multnomah bonoi:, ) No. 1, A. F. A: A. M., -.lay 1-ait, W:'. ) At a specia.l meeting of Multnomah bodge, Nt. I, A. F. A: A. M.,the follow ing was atloj.-ted: Since it has pleased the Divine Archi tect of the universe to remove from us our beloved friend and brother, Forbes Barclay, M. D.. therefore be it Kksoi.v ei. That in this our sad hour of grief, we deire to express our loving sympathy to those nearer frieiuls of his iiome and heart w ho have been called so bitterly to mourn, being assured lh:it nothing loss sacred tiian love i j worthy to enter ami whlsoer eon.xdalion ill tui i;ars of sorrow. He was to us a father, a bn t her and a friend. In the brot her tiod f Free anl Accepted Mas ms, he was a Master and a guide w hose su-ps we could safely f.!!ov; w hose strong hand w e eould'sal'ely trut. Ilis sym pathies w ere broad, as his heart w a noble and true. In bis honest manly council there was comfort and safety. Swift to relieve the- wants 01 the t'",;' and distressed, and ever deli;: do g iod . Years of intimacy have hoi he;. rts to his in lies of closer a it: u to I our ctinii. ever finding in him t !v " skilled i'.iy-.i-cian, the 'faithful F.i nd, lh-; t". ut Brother. While his 1:1. m n y and eam ple are enshi im-d in t ur hcirt., we de sire to remember tin; widow in her be reavement, and the children in their atilietiou, '.earing them ill the strong arms of our love to tie- throne of out I real Supreme (irand Master in whom alon" c- . to fort can 1 e found in such an hour of need. And expressive of our feelings it is directed that a copy of this memorial be sent to the widow an. I family of our departed brother, ami that copies oe furnished to the Oregon Citv Knieu- I'KIsk. Bulletin, Oreg. uiian and Herald of Portland, for publication; and that a opv be forwarded under seal t;j the Lod 'e where he w as a M is. 11. T. .1. Mc('ai:V:-:v, '1'IIOMAS ( '11.: KM IN, J. M. FitA.KIt, wi:v Wapi:, W. II. II. Fours, ( 'om. At at meeting of the Oregon City Fire Department, held at the house of Catar act I hs Co., No.'J, on Tuesday evening, tho following resolutions were adopted : Wiieke.vs, It has pleased Almighty (Iod to remove lrom our midst r orix s Barclay, M. D. vV F. K. C. S. L.,:mdob: Pioneer and resident of over twenty three years standing in our city, and thirtv-lour years on tins coast; ana WiiEitEAs, Bv his deatli, tiie Fire Department of this city has lost a valu able trieim; tnereiore l o it JiI-:olvei, 1 hat m his cleat 11 we dcei Iv deplore his loss, as bis many and valuable services as an Honmarv Member of the Fire Department will ever stand as a living monument of his devotion, not only to the interest of our cause, but to humanity ; and bo it fur ther Resolvep, That as a last tribute of respect to his memory, the tire compan ies of this department cause; to be dru ed in ne Mii ning t heir several rooms of meeting for the space of thirty days; and, that a copy of these resolutions Ik. furnished his bereaved widow and fam ily, with whom we deeply sympathize; also a copy to the Okkuo'x City F.ntek rnisE for publication. W. Ij. White. 1 S. D. Pope, Com 11. C. Stevens f mittee. J. L. Baklow, J At a sjweial meeting of the City Coun cil, held on Tuesday evening. May ,13 the following preamble and resolutions were adopted. Wuniuvvs, Dr. Forbes Barclay, who was for several terms Mavor'of our city, at other times a member of the City Couivil, tor a number of vears iaitlitul triend. the cohiootk .'-ith- m in, and honest, noble. hc:rtcd true man and citizen has been called awav by death: tlicretoie, Rk ir ItKsor.vKn nv the City Corx cii.of()!!K(;ox City: That sorrowing most d.i'i'lv in our common alllietion in tlie death of Dr. Itin-l iv -(.;m..r- !t.i.li...v..H l. I . un: '" " 1 T'l, , ' ..... iioi.iv Ull.lllllt emtrolling him in all his relations in li; That we sluill not forget his wise counsi Is and efficient I.iImus in i-mleav-oring to secure the .rosi'rit v of our city, and the genere.l ucood of the foia nninity in which he lived. That we most deeply' sympathize with his afflicted family, and assure tlieni id our strong desire for their true h li"1!-l,;"r.ra "Ji"J ioT1- 1 nat as one shirht token ofour regard for our deceased frii-nd we will attend his funeral as a ImhI v. That insignia of mourning 1h kept in the Council Chamlior for thirty days in rcs:KH-t to his memory. That these resolutions and preamble bo spread upon tho Journal of our proceedings, and a copy thereof sent under the corjorato seal to the widow of tlie deceased ; anil also to the I'.ulle tin. Oreironian.and Ileraldof Portland, and tho'KxTEnrmsK of Oreiron Citv. F. O. MtCOwN, M"avor, Attest : W. I Uur.ys, Recorder, Mayor McCohh's -Message to the Council. Gknti.emkx ok the City Council of Oregon City : In compliance w ith the law, I have herewith the honor to submit for vour consideration sueh mutters as I deem necessary. Tho first thing for von to consider is the business unfinished by the last Council. Bids for the construction ofurn,! twenty feet w ide from Ninth street at the foot ot the bluff to Seventh street at the summit have been received nn.i opened but 110 l ids have been acted I Die OU.-iroinr Council r flio lowest bid for the construction of the i.ronosetl roail is fl rim coin I v. .... mend that said bid of 51,2(10, U acept ed, and a contract at once entered into tor ine periormanee or the work. 1010 a-iin I'eparinient is m want of new nose., ami other lire :.?.Mato t. ena'ole it to continue its uscfidnes if will be in vain that vour irallaut fire man peril their livt s us thev have dene heretofore in subduinr tu" dotrovintr element unless they be furnished, with necessary hose to make use of dio water we have in such abundance. Alreaov they have twice prevented a treneral conflagration and have deserved vour warmest thanks. As to tlie detail ot the wants of the Department, I have the honor to herewith submit the re port of Chief Fmrincer W. Ij. While. and I recommend that you give his .sULrircdioiis a careful consideration. file progressive condition of vour City school is a matter of ci mmon notoriety, but the inside of the school building is very much in need of repair, and 1 recommend that vi.u take the necessary steps to have it repaired. Sexvers in use bv hotels and private residences have 110 connection with the river and as a conseuuenee their contents being left on the ground with in the city limits are dangerous to the health of our citizens. I recommend that you cause the necessary repairs to be made. I also suggest that at the earliest op portunity you rent a suitable room for a Council Chamber for the next year. Very respectfully submitted, F. O. MeCowv, Mayor of Oregon Citv. May 12th. l.7:t. The Alkine for May is the mcst brilliant nuinbir of the supurb mag azine ever issued. It opens with a magnificent picture, "The bee Shore," bv M. F. II. ue Haas, who stands, bv generii consent, at tiie head of tht marine painters of America, and who lias never done anything so line as tins drawing. The furv of the winds and waters that have driven the good ship from her course on the terrible lee shore is rendered with wonderful breadth and vigor, and vividly recall. the destruction which so lately over took the ill-fated Atlantic. We turn from the dreadful struggle of the ele ments to a deli; l-nis draw ing alter tin original ot ALongmat. 11 is cmiu.n; Unbidden Quests," and represents a group ot kittens on the tal-Ie ot an epi cure, and making havoc among tlu dishes. We have next "A lroul Bioek." bv Casilear a glimpse of roaring torrent, that goes winding and dashing on its way turough the ireez woods, which the angler will be r.n- wilhnr to Leave ashing as toe trout rise, as liny mu-.t there. There art besides six son-tied ub.i.-;ral;onst New Chicago. There is also an admirabb view of "The Druscnfall," a noted fab in Thuringia ; and a charming illustra tion bv J'ore, mibucd with mat graci which he- knows. so well i.ow to iiu'ust into his :.:-.-tiiiis win 11 lite v euo.ect (H - maims. 1 he.-e of t he mash-r ici-is, I. r such le V ill this m-ail li- lv gallerv of the 10ild s Ait. Music. Art. and Literature :. re disclosed with .;. -if in! . 1 1 i tt-r :ittl i : : f ! c i -f O' b -l . Sid sci i i ii i: iii price Z- in-.-l uii ing ( '1 in - mos Village Belle" and Cn.ssm- ie ..l-.r. .lames i:ii.toji tv i o., puu- . r , , -. .... 1 1 . . i .MIll'S, 1: me New York. r.A! owe.-:; bii-:: May. -:".ed, Thi nd .- . ie .r l.i ii:ii!os-,:;io nu:;i. er t is, willi :- eoliie.l'i.j su.-!l as no ot!-.Ci" country can boast of. ri-1 i be in the best stories, the lest l.i.--torieai matter, and the best poetry can dwav.s be Uu:u-1 in its iist of i-outents. and to I -rove, that such is tlie ca.-e just glance your eye iver what the May n::m!.er affords: "An A u--ent Light iltm.se;" "An African Musical ln.-aru-ment ;" " I'.iil-ir AniiivMiiem ;" "T'iie l-:!evi!-th Hour;" "A F.uewcll; lie I so pressed Seaman ;" " A Bitlle f-t; ;" "The Biitle Stranger:" " The Belle e th Ball;', "To be S-.ll for Debt:" "Tiie Dai ien Ship Cuial ;" "The Paint er Friar:" "Three -Evenings ;" "Mar riage ii, China ;' "At Last ;" " A Yer Suspicious Letter;" " Toiu and I;" " My w n lliv al :" " An August Aftei nitoiri ;" " ( o n Yocno I'moim.k's Stokv TKbi.Ki!. Mckv tlie Waif;" "Fishing for Pickerel:' "Ibithven's Puzzle Pag;" "Curious Matters:" "Tin Housekeeper;" "Fads and Faneie--;" VSeniusos of the Present Age. Hu morous Illustrations." Only l,"j cents siiiide copies and : 1 .V.) per year. Atl dress Tliomcs & Talbot, lii Bronitield s :rc vi, Host on. Cntcurr Coi r.r. Tlie following pro ceedings were lnd last Saturday, at whicJi time the court adjourned: K. r.taufield vs. Tinmen. Ilenslv & Co. ; suit to foreclose mechanics lien ; : . . 1 .. if .. i -..i.-.Y. juiiLmeiii ior piaimin. V. Mull ens sum C. II. Fairchihl vs. Holmes, Hen-Iy iT Co., Jim llutton vs. Holmes, llensly i'c (.'o., suits to tore- close mechanic .-. lien : taken under ad visement. In the case of C. P. Church and J. I. Miller vs. George W. Caver, for tres pass, the verdict was for defendant in stead of plaintiff, as stated in our lust issue. SrANDiNo Committees. The follow ing arc the standing Committees ap pointed by Mayor MeCown, at the la.-t meeting of the Council: Finance. J. M. Fra.er, Win. Prougli- ton aiui -. .j. .xopersoii. Schools. A. J . Appcrson, J.D.Mil ler and il. Cochran. Fire and Water. II. Cochran, J. G. lioniK tt anil It. Jacobs. Streets and Public Property. Wm. P.roiighlon, A. J. Appc-rsoii undJ.ti. R.lllllett. Health and Police. It. Jacob, J. D. -Miller and .1 . M. 1 razer. Ov a Visit. Mr. Ii. M.. Myers, father of Hon. John Myers, arrived in this city last .Saturday, on a visit to hi children. The old gentleman look ouue voumr ami neanv ir a man ol his years. llc is spending liis time in visiting ins ciuiari n ana viewing our .S.-ate, and ji j. leased with the country return home and sell out and make Oregon his future home.. We hone h- may lind sudieient inducements in out- State . to mduee linn to reside here among ins children. Conuiact Ii:t. At the meeting of the City Council last Monday evening, the contract for constructing a road no the IMutrin accordance with the survev ot Justin C Iicnov. etli. v.-as let to Mr, Moore for the sum (if fl.-Vi, This we regard as a good move by the Council and we trust that we shall soon have a road m that direction which can be traveled with some degree ot ease. Come to Stay. Wo had a call last Saturday from Mr. Rrush, who lias just arrived with his family from Mich igan. Mr. Rrush seems to lo a thor ough business man, and has come here to stay, Vc oxtend to him a hearty welcome, and trust that he may le wtil pleased with our tate ana climate. urunKcn imnans are oeconning a nuisance when shall we have an or der ox terminating mem' irom our midst. Hiding on hand-cars by moonlight is & ?i . tm uieiavorue amusement oi our voun" people nyw-a-lrys. Representatives at Half Fare. We are authorized to slate that ar rangements have been mr.de with the Railroad comjwmies and the Oregon Steam Navigation Company, bv which representatives of the I. O. 0 F. and their wives will be carried to and from tho meeting at half the reg ular fare. "Full tare will be charged, going, and the Representatives return ing, uivm presenting -ertiiieates of memljcrship in the Orand Todge, from the Orand Secretary, will be carried free. I lie terms are liberal enough. Drowneu. We are informed that a man named John Ztller was drown ed in the Clackamas yesterday. lie was in company with the picnic excur sionists from Portland. We have no particulars. Grand Lodge. The fJrand bodge of the I. O. O. F., meets at the Dalles next Tuesday. Having been honored bv our Lodge bv an election as Repre sentative to that body, v.-c shall Le ab sent next week. Captain Jack received one vote for City Attorney at the election in Uiis citv Mav 5th. It was not known that he could qualify in time prescribed l)v the charter, or ne migtit have re ceived a much larger vote. Timely Notice. Si.eritr Hedges gives timely notice to all persons who have not paid their taxi s for ls',2. If you wish to .save costs, you had better attend to the m dter at once. i'osti'omco. me calico r.ait ana Festival for the benefit of the Rustler Base Ball Club, has been postponed until nest Thursday evening. RninoE Builders. Bridge builders w ill find someting of interest to them in our advertising columns under the ot Jo Contractors. Moke Music. There has been some more sheet music received at John My ers store. ?Icdicitl Blunders. From the period when surgeons applied their salves to vi-a joris instead of wounds to the present wide-awake a.';e, the medical profession lias otten unwittingly taken side with Discnst-t in its contlicts with t he human system. Kvcn yet, in spite of t he teachings of cent uries of experience, some physicians believe in depp-ting their pa tients, already seriously exhausted by sick ness. wit.li power! u I evacuants, cue-ties. salivants, cautharid.il plasters, or the la n- o -t. But, providentially, public intelli gence is ahead ot tlics-j medical lossils. vlio lelong, ot riglit, f the ra oi tin ( 'rusailes ! That po.veriul ally of nature in its warlare witli tlie causes ot sickness. i listener's Stomach bitters, has opened the eyes of the masses to the paramount importance of increasing the vital si rengt h of the body when menaced by disea.v l'hey understand that when tin atmos pheric conditions arc advers? to heall Ii, it is wise to reinforce the system with a wholesome tor. ie and si i:mi lant , and t bus .liable it to combat and repel the depress ing inlluence of an inclement tempera- lure. If the constitutional and animal iMjwi-rs were always t hus recruited in t In ,'r.-s-noi; of iiang r, tin; mortality lrom eo.a u in l t ion, bronciiitis,, el iron ie riieu- luatisui, Ac, would le much less than it aow is. The cause:; which produce1 croups, olds, euins. y, dipt heria, and catarrh sel iom alf -et a sii-ong ami active vital sys- fiii: and of ail it a lizing j-r 'parat ions. Host Iter's birt rs has proved the most liieie:,!. !t is not claimed t hat t h Is st and- mi ton ie i-i : sp eilie lor lung antl throat .!i:tia-.";ies, ta it is lor dyspepsia, liver com- biint and i i t erui .1 1 cut s, but it isunhes- ita' i'l-rlv a-s rfed 1 bat it is the best Known safeguard against all the atmospheric ele ments ot disease. on" le'-ting which people somc k i", is cans d by want of proper ie liver and heart, ibese may I, arid tiie bowels r gul:it-d, by (f.'ire j'i'.'.i in small tHiS'-s. Com an. I Hoi;, ar- siapi" articles; inn 11 no; iiioi-- s t ha u .(iJmon'x A tiiMiinc I.ttt- tiifi.r. wier- :.!iovvii. il is l;.joo ioi eioc v;-!i or adults, lor any internal sor -nessot th chest or ' i.i e s. ami th" b.-t l.mimetit prepared und'-r whatever name. Tnn-i'iiivclfcf cmiif f lis nse is i' o dv n -if -ct .cure. WisTAits lUtvUi ok Wii.n CiiKiiUV gi( s vigor and healthy :ctio:i to lh" lungs, cleanses t hf-ni of iill impurit i"s, and, as sliijwn by t housa nils ol witnesses, perlorms a nallcal care in ,-onglis, colds, bronctiitis, tc. REASONS WHY THE f. n r.r n n t MAKF'I) liY ERRY DAVIS & SON IS THE il.st Tainilv li'tiii-iii? of Hit .Uc .-bi why it should bi krpt always nearut hand: 1st. !; iii-Killcr is the most, certain Choli-ra cure that medical science has produced. 2nd. Iain-!v Slier, as a Diarrhoea and Dysentery reined v. seldom if ever fails. Srd. I'aiu-Xillpr will cure Cramps or 1 a:ns in any part, ol the svst.em. . single dose usually el' cts a cure, 4th. Iaii-liil!ev will cure Dyspepsia and ludigestiDii, if usea according to directions. oth. IJan-KiiIcr is an almost novr failing euro lor Sudden Colds, Coughs, Ac. 6th. Pa iii-Kiiler has proved a Sover eign Ueiiiedy lor l-'ever and Agu and Chill Fever; it has cured the most obstinate cases. ith. I'iini-h i;ir as a liniment is un-e(jual--d Ior Frost P.ites, Cl.ilblains, l.urns, t.Tuises, Cuts, Sprains, Ac 8th. Iiiin-Killer has cur-'d cases ol llhetimatism and Neuralgia alter years' standing. 9th. Iaiii-KiM r will destroy Foils, Fel ons, Whitlows 1 )Id .Sor.-s, iri ing re- liei irom 1 am alter the lirst appn- cat ion. 10th. I'aio-tiiller cures Headache, and toothache. 11th. Pain-Killer will save yon days of and maiiv a Dollar in time and 1 loetor's bills. 12th. ln iii-Killer is a purely VegeiaVde nrff-uMlinn, sale lo Keen arm io use in very ianiiiv. ine simplicity anenooi it-i us - toLT -'lier with Hi" tr -at. van- I y diseases that, mav be entirely eradioateu n it Mil. I the vreat amount ot pain and sutr-ring that can he all -viated through its use, make it imperative himhi every per son to sunnlv themselves Mini mis vaiu.i ble r -nieilv, ana IO Keep il iiiw.ii m hand. The Iin-liiller Is now known and .mnreciafed in every quarter ot the tilobe. l'hvsicians r ecominena it in t neir ir:ieti.-o while all classes ol society nave lound in it relief and ccniiort. Uive it a trial. I sure and buy the genuine. I-.v erv I'ru,r"ist. and nearly every l oiiiitrj i;r.."T throughout the land keep it Ior sale MayJ.-ml '"SO CIETl ' SO TICES, OHIX.OX I.ODGf. Nt. 3, I. I. O. F., Meets i-vc-rv Timrsdav ..- evening at 7 'it o'clock, in the Odd FelhAvs' Hall, Main 'Z-s- street. Meinl t i s ot the Or der are invited to attend. By order Hi;m:CCA DIXKIX I.ODCili M. I. O. O. V., Meets on the rstrs Secoml find Fourth lues- jf-LZLZfi dav evcniiurs each inontli, tr at 7k- o'clock, in tlie Odd Fellows' Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend. v.ui.txomasj i,oic;s: NO. I,A.1'. it A. M., Iltdds its regular com- A munii-ations on the First and Third Saturdays in each month, at 7 o'clock from theith of Sep. temljor tothet.ith of Man-h : and lli o'clock from the 'th of March to the LDth of Sejttcniber. JJret hren in good standing are invited to attend. Ily order of W. M. FALLS i:XCAJIP3IET XO. f ,I.O. O. P., Meets at O Id Fellows' a G Hall onthe First and Third Tues day of each month. Patriarchs Vf jn good standing are invited to attend. Th all-g t illics ; : act ion ; t ! be as-iisiet COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOPJilA, iSnccial Notice. It is a well known fact that Dyspep sia and indigestion are the causes of nearly all the diseases that the human bodv'is heir to; then why pay enor mous doctors' bills? Bv using Dr. Henley's celebrated IXL Bitters they can be'thorougly eradicated from the system and new life imparted to tho siill'ercr. Read physicians certificates in another column. TO CONTRACTORS. JJI Uersigned, apiioiiitcd Superintendent by the County Court of Clackamas county. Oivgnn, will t.-t a contract tor the construc tion of a bridge across t he Clackamas river, on the ro.id leading lrom Oregon City to 1'ortland. Sueli contract will ue lei 10 ine lowest responsible bidder, at public outcry, ut the Court House door, on Monday, the second dav of June. A. !.. 1S7-1. at the hour of one o'clock p. in., subject to the right of me iouniy i.ouri 01 saio county 10 n-ji-vi. such bid ii the same should exceed the sum such Court is willing to appropriate toward the construction thereof. Such bridge will be 'J10 feet long, if built, according to Smith Patent Truss, with aprons ; or two spans of 1 HI feet each, with aprons, if built accord ing to the plans of the old Oison bridge, at tho same point. Bids will be received ac cording to each plan. Particular plans and specifications for ouch projosed style may be seen upon, ap plication to me alter this date, and the suc cessful bidder may expect to give bonds for the due execution of his contract. Dated Oregon City, Oregon, May 8, 1S73. A. J. i:Afio. Mao9v4 Superintendent. NOTICE TO TAX-PM'ESS! i pkksoxs oavxixo .sn ix J.. Cle.cka.mas county. Statu of Oregon. upon which the taxes have not. been paid for the year 1S7J, ara hereby notified that the lands will be advertised on the i'Jd day of M;'.y,l.S7j',unless the taxes are paid before said dav. A. V. II Kin iKs, Sltcfiff of Olfickania.t L'ouittu. Orcaon. By V. 1 1! KATIE, Deputy. innayjw "aGIJEAT DISCOVERY! "V'O MORE CJILVY IIAIlt OKWIIIS i kers if you will us" J. Lll'.MAN'Sj HAIR HKSTOHKK. This is not a vile compound, made of Sugar of Iead, bac Sulphur, and other ikhsoiious minerals, which will produce headache. paralysis or insanity, but a harmless pre paration, free lrom seiument, easily ap plied, and in a brief space of time restoring the hair or whiskers to their natural color. Xo preparation is necessary to use with it. but simply to apply according to directions accompanying each bottle, 'ibis is ine cheapest, safest and best Hair Restorer ever ohcrcd to the public. J. l.il'.MA.N. I'ropnetor. Cem-rat Agents, CllARbKS BAXtibEY A CO., Wholesale Druggists, corner Battery and Clay streets, San 1-rancisco, to whom all ord'-rs must be addressed. Testimonials of prominent citizens who have used it ac company each bottle. aprJois3in r t Vrn;Ti WE YVTLB l!IVE J. V .J. i J i J cnerge tic men and women IJushicss that will Pay from ?1 to $ S per day, can be pursued in your own ie-ighboriinnd, and is strictlv honora ble. I'art iculars free, or sample that will enable yon to go to work at once, will Le sent on r-.-ceiit of two t hree cent stamps. AliiiP SS. J . LATHAM tfc I 1. Ct apriS Washington St., Boston, Mass. Aclniiiiitvatoi'V Notice r HEREBY C:iYEXOTICETIT.vT I Pave Iieen appointed by the Hon. County i.ourt. ot laekamas county, Execut r nl the bast. Will and Testament of Elizabeth McOreavy, ileceased. All persons having claims against the Estate ol said deecas--d. will pres-'iit th"in to me, duly verili.-d. wiunn six niontlis lrom this date, at the olliee of t he Portland Water Co.. in Port land, Multnomah county, 'rcgon. r.. ii. y. iiiiEinjusK, Johnson & Mct'ow.v, Executor. Atty's. April "5, 1S73. wl LIVE AHD LET LIVE! TIIE OREGCX CITV HACK AND DRAY CO XJf AVIXr, rFKCIIASF.D TIIK LIVERY it y Mock anil l.usiness ot Messrs. illis .t Proiighton, and the Drays, Horses and taisiti'-ss of C. N . t reenman, are now pre pared to carry on the. LIYEItY Ul'SIXESS, Vi:iZD WTA1II.E, 1 AND DR VVIIXG. We will also deliverslab wood to alH hose persons to whom Willis A- Proiighton have ngaged and as many more as will engage slab wood Irom us, so far as we can get a supply. Orders leit at the I .ivory stable for Wood, Draying or Hauling, will be at tended to with dispatch. Patronage in our several branches ol business solicited. Our Charges Shall lie Jloderate. The highest cash price paid for Oats delivered at the Stable. C. X. GP.EENMAN, J. M. F RAZE It, President. Secretary. Oregon City, August 23, 1872-tf. SrillXG AND SUJDIEK GOODS JL'ST RECEIVED AT I. SELLING'S DEALER IS Dry Goods, , Clothing, Foots and Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, Crockery, Notions, Ladies and Gents" Furnishing Goods, etc., etc., etc., et. Main Street, Orejn City. rrodiico of all kinds bought, for which I pay the highest market price. If you de sire, good Goods at Ixw prices, call at . ,S EI, I. I A a S and examine his now strwk of Springgoods. Give m-' a call and convince yourselves. 31y motto is, " QfICK SALES AD KMAlt rilOFITS." The highest market price paid for wool. I. SELLING. Oregon City, March 21, IST.i-tf. BARNUftl RESTAURANT LEON DeLOUEY, Proprietor, (Late of the ClifT House.) Jlfd.V STREET, OREGOX CITY, OGX. THE UNDERSdGED h(o) respectfully vJT7 ce.s to his lrier L Tra vdiii announ- : friends the lii l lie, that he has re-opened the above- named The Proprietor knows bow to serve his customers witn Oysters, Pig-n Feet, A Good Cup of Coffee, Or a. (inrnl Square ?IenI TJON DeLOUEY. On-pon City, March 'M, J7.Wf. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. rm ii n rxDEiisi c J-VED AX- PO nsoi Oregon Ssjjf a nounce to the citizens of City and Clackamas county that they have JEWELRY ESTASLISHL1ENT Oregon Oity, Main street, next door north of Shades Sa ....einej wiii Keepon handandfor .... j..--,-, i roumngtotneirline.atthe ...... Bit, r.sriecial attention given to the repairing of Vrv r.Z.L tV."" All gixKls sold and work don warranted! Oregon City, Feb!? ltL " U' tn 5v! OH P?rIay. Agents wante nf;,.vfc,v A" cltlss"s of working peo r at work lor us in thn . or all the time, than at anyt h V ng r Tse Par tTlr:,Add O. St In son & Co' .vmmi,..,,,!, J7spl872yl CEES. EC. CAUFIELD, DEALER GENERAL MERCHANDISE. COKXER OF SEVEXTII AXD MAIX STREETS, OREGOX CITr. Has Just Received Calicoes, Dress Goods, Brown and Bleached Sheetings House Idning, Shirtings, Table-Linen, Irish Bosom Linens. Linen Towelling. Tuble-Cloths. Corsets, Ladies' and Gents - o Hose, Thread, Cambrics, Buttons, ltibbons. Laces and Insertion. Kmbroidcry. White Goods, Millinery, I ancv Good,Qto " s Also, a full assortment of LADIES' AND CHILDERN'S SHOES, 0 Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Coal Oil, AVlxicU liav leo .-lcctol with social core for this marUet ud ruuuut ME SURPASSED IX Q,VAL.ITV OZi PItlCE, TIIE HIGHEST JIA11KET PHICE March 13, lS73:tf JOHN MYERS, OREGON C3TY- DEALER IH DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ROOTS and SHOES, IIAKDAVARE, CROCKERY. GENERAL KiERCKAHDISE, Eocks and Stationery. J will pay the highest prices for and all kinds of GOOD COUNTRY PRODUCE. I will sell as low as anjr house In Oregon for CASH OH ITS EQ VI YA LEXT In Good Merchantable Produc. I am selling very low for CASH 13 I3A3!. Glva rn a call and satisfy yourselves. JOIIX MY ESS. Oregon City, March 21. 1873. u e O - s. e a. O 1 CD - p5 C & - c 7Z o UJ G o H CO C e. S M 01 5 Si! c - z -is r c oo c c M c u X . CO 2 y. -i h . f z V. i- C c Z hi hw 5 A. C. WALLIiMC'S PIONEER BOOK BINDERY v niorK. iiullillnjg Corner of Stark ami trunt Streets. PORTLAND OREGON BTANIi r.ooics nui.ED AND HOUND to any desired pattern. Music books. .Magazines, Newspapers, etc., bound in ev ery variety of stvle known to h. irrn de- Orders from the country promptly at NEV YORK HOTEL. (Dcutfches Gafthaus,) Xo. 17 Front Street, Opposite, the Mall Steamship landing, PORTLAND, OREGON, H.ROTUFOS, J. J. VILKEXS, Proprietors. Pard tI Week.. , f 5 X) P.oard $ Week with Lodging - 6.00 Board 4 Day !.' IX o a New Stock of o o Coal Oil Lamps, Wicks and Chimney,, PAID l-'OIt COUXTUV I'HODUCE O GUARD AGAINST FIRE L DELAYS ABE DANGEROUS, c rpiIE NUMEROUS SEVERE FIRESfc X which have occurred in our stat ih past year, and the late disastrous eontla-. trrations in I'ortland, SSjirinivill'. Dalles, Oretcon City, and Jacksonville, should ad- monisn irieriy owners to seK liiileninity asair.st loss and Uaniaire Lv firowithont delay. THE PHCENIX INSURANCE COMPANY,0 OF HARTFORD, COKK., Represented on the Pacific coast for over nTteen years, (during which inriod it hai aid sOOO.oou lor t ire lxss s in the l'n cilic liepart nient ), is one of the leading American l-'ire Jnsuranci' Comjianies, and the only Hartford Company represented in the Slate of Oregon. In the prompt adjust ment and payment of its losses.the l'ho-nix has no superior, the Company has mv r hail a suit in the telale, and in" the prompt cash payment of nearly $!9IGO,0OO GO in th Chicajro and Fostoa, proves t lint tho old Phoenix is equal to its every cngajj :nent. The A-jentsof thoPhamix ar-authorized y commission lrom the comj any to issu nri r -n-- i-oii-i -s nr--ct. ar.o without rf frence to Portland, San Francisco, or else where, thus enabling the atinlicant to se cure immnliate and I'indinrj protection. ioit"s as low as solvencv and lair profit will admit of. iv. i'. Bi nss, Resident Agent, On gon City. April IS, 1S73.-H13 PACIFIC " BOOT AKD SHOE HOUSE. OPPOSITE OCCIUKT.Vl. ISOlJil AN IMMENSE STOCK AS USUAL. o GEORGE A. PEASE, srecrsson to rUOTZ.UA.Y, GILLIILIX to. u Corner First and Morriuou streaU. PORTE AXD, OREGOX. O Xovemhcr22, 1872-tf. SONGS fob the PIANO. Mulled, Post-paid, oil Iteoeipt ofPrlc. Harling, I am lonclv now. .Sonc ami chorus .sstewart 30 Sweetest. Somr and chorus I):ini:s HQ Mattie .May. Song and chorus Dauks 3 lxst and Saved. Dalhtd .Imnikrr 3u 1-arcwcll, Darling.till we meet...Jtoscwig 30 ininK oi me, Uarling. Song and cho-- . r,u 3Uers 33 Vsking a blessing lrom mother. Stmir and chorus stewnrt 3 Recollections of childhood. Daritone sonc: ic.i.l. sa Thou art no longer mine. liallad...Danks 3tt near me say my little prayer. Kong and Chorus Pratt 5ft Close the shutters, Willie's dead. 8ong aim cnorus Stewart 55 Ethel Dree me. Sons and chorus. PrrOcv Si Quit dat ticklin me. Song t dance...IIays fc ion 11 always rind me 'true. Song and chorus iiav tx Dead but not lorgottcn. Song and cho- " .llays 49 Meet me Meggie.Song and chorus. Hays .l.i, jiiu wnerc my .Mothers Sleeping. Sonir and chorus st..unt-t 4h Father of All. Sacred Sontr Pa use roil Sa INSTRUMENTAL P.1USIC. Autumn leaves. S-cond IVnsee Melo- dioue. t' T ln. S Belisario. Fantasie Kinkt 3' Kinkel 3 Skaats .1 Kinkel 3 Kinkel Kinklc Kinkel ....Kinkel : i Pacher S" ......Young '.t Young Kinked : Kustic Deaut v March.... Suntxam March Johnnie's March llert ic's Schott ische .I i m m ie's Schot t ische... Ilattie's Waltz Sweet Sixteen Waltz Kvenmg Zephyrs Waltz Dirdof lieauty Waltz.... Switch-olf tJalop. Kittie's I'olka IJay of Sunshine Polka.. Pacher S .listening Stars I'olka de Salon Keine Eddie's Polka Kinkrl t Harry's I'olka Kinkel 4- Smile of lieauty I'olka Young iO Pieces marked thus have picture titles. Any piece mailed post-paid, on reccijA oC marked pricce. Address, .1. I PKTKHM, 500 Hroailwar, .NewYork, March 2S, lS73-m . r Just Published ! STRAUSS' WALTZES AKIIAXGED AS VIOLIN SOLOS. Ask for PETERS' EDITIOX. Paper copy sf-nt, post-paid, for $1 50; lit boards, 1. Address, I- 1 PKTKRS ii!9 Eryatlway, Xew York. (The Singing Fcstivrl.) Collection of Clee Part-Sonfr, CJioruscs, etc. n FOR VOICES. 31 A L E Xamjile copies mailed, post-paid, for tl 5; fid lT dozen. Address, G. It. PKTEItS, SfK) liroatiway, Xew York, FAIRY VOICES: A New Music-KooU for Daj-Schl. Send t0 cents, and we will mall srtplo copy. April 1st. Address. pf,nH April Rml 599 Rrosclu-ay, Xeie York. Coimly Treasurer's Xo!icr. Treasurfb's Office. Clackamas Co. Obeoox Crry, .May sth. 1ST. I "VOTICR IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT there are funds now on hand topay county warrants endorsed for intcres, prior .September LUth. 1872. Interest will cease from this dato. T. J. McCAKVEK, Treasurer w o o c